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"Islamic Manifesto for India"

		"Islamic Manifesto for India"

			Sita Ram Goel

     It  is old. It is new. It is an enduring theme on which  the 
Ulema and Sufis of Islam thrive.
     It  is a rueful of an opportunity lost in the past. It is  a 
fond dream about a future fulfillment. It is a fanatic faith  to 
fight for in the present.
Borrowing  a metaphor from the Communist Manifesto of Karl  Marx, 
the theme can be summarized as well as sloganized as follows:

    "We, the Ulema and Sufis of Islam, disdain to hide our aim.
    We stand for a full and final conquest of India by Islam.
    Muslims of India unite! you have nothing to loss but your
    minority complex. You have a whole subcontinent to gain!"

     The Ulema and Sufis grieve that Islam was a failure in India 
in  the  final round, though it monopolised political  power  for 
five  centuries  and  more.  They envy  the  history  of  Islamic 
imperialism  in  Syria, Palestine, Persia,  Central  Asia,  North 
Africa,  Malaysia  and Indonesia where it succeeded  in  a  total 
subversion of older societies and cultures in a far shorter
	span of time.
     The Ulema and Sufis hope and pray that Allah would be
	more merciful towards his favourite faith in the future and
	enable them to
establish a hukumat-i-ilahiya in India. They feel confident  that 
this  time they will not miss the opportunity of eradicating  the 
last vestiges of jahiliya from this land.
The  Ulema and Sufis leave no stone unturned to keep their  flock 
free from every "taint" of empiricism, rationalism,  universalism 
and humanism. They also go in search of fresh pastures among
	the weaker sections of Hindu society.The name of the game is mass
conversion to Islam.

     In  medieval  times, when Islam ruled the  roost,  the  most 
"upright" Ulema and the "saintliest" Sufis carried on long drawn-
out debate regarding the treatment to be meted out to the  Hindus 
conquered  by the sword of Islam. They quoted chapter  and  verse 
from the Quran, the Hadis and the "learned" commentaries to prove 
a pet proposition. The syllogism had more than the three standard 
steps. But  the  argument,  they thought,  was  unassailable.  The 
inexorable logic unfolded as follows:
   1. The four categories of unbelievers whom the Prophet came to 
      know in his own life-time were the Polytheists of Arabia,
      the Jews, the Christians and the Zoroastrians;
   2. The Prophet had no qualms about the Polytheists; they were
      to be slaughtered unless they surrendered and became 
   3. The Jews, the Christians and, later on the Zoroastrians
      were recognized by the Prophet as Ahl-i-Kitab (People of 
      the Book);
   4. The Prophet condescended to confer on them the designation 
      of zimmis who could be allowed to live in an Islamic state,   
      provided they renounced resistance and agreed to pay   
   5. Umar, the second "pious" Khalifa of Islam, spelled out in 
      so many words the numerous disabilities to be imposed on 
      the zimmis, reducing them to a status of utter servility 
      inside an Islamic state;
   6. The Prophet had not known any Hindus in his own lifetime 
      and could not, therefore, receive a revelation regarding 
      their status in an Islamic state; 
   7. The Hindus were not Ahl-i-Kitab; on the country, they were
      unashamed and outright Polytheists;
   8. The Hindus, therefore, could not be designated as zimmis
      entitled to pay jiziya and live under disabilities imposed 
      by an Islamic state;
   9. The Islamic state in India was under an inescapable 
       obligation to use all its power and resources to force the 
      Hindu to embrace Islam, failing which they were to be  sent 
      to"hell" where they "rightly" belonged
     Quod erat demonstrandum. It was difficult to find a flaw  in 
this logic without putting Islamic jurisprudence in jeopardy.
One  could  have  of course, faulted the syllogism  by  asking  a 
single  and simple question: "What happened to  the  Zoroastrians 
whom your Prophet had "honoured" as zimmis? Did Islam allow  them 
	to  live as zimmis in the beloved land of their birth? Where  are 
they  now?" But the Ulema and Sufis of Islam have never  acquired 
the  "bad"  habit  of asking or answering  questions.  They  have 
always found it far more convenient to call for a cutting off  of 
"heathen" heads.
     This, then, was the imperative of Islamic theology vis-a-vis 
the Hindus. But there were other realities such as the balance of 
power  between the Islamic state and the Hindu society. In  large 
parts  of  India.  Hindus were  never  conquered  completely.  If 
pressed  too  hard, Hindus revolted and  imperilled  the  Islamic 
empire  itself. Hindus were also needed by the Islamic  state  as 
hewers  of  wood and drawers of water so that  Muslim  swordsmen, 
Ulema and Sufis, who had become the aristocracy, could enjoy  the 
lands  and the loot which of Allah and his Prophet had  conferred 
upon them.
     Some  Sultans strived hard to carry out the commands of  the 
Ulema and Sufis. But they discovered very soon and to their great 
discomfiture that Hindus despised Islam as a species of barbarism 
and fought back fiercely when driven to the wall. The Sultans had 
to  admit  defeat and die unfulfilled.  Firoz  Tughlaq.  Sikandar 
Lodi,  Aurangzeb  and some provincial  potentates  suffered  this 
supreme frustration while attempting to forge ahead in the way of 

     The Hanafi school of Islamic "law" came to the rescue of the 
Sultan  who thus found themselves between the devil of the  Ulema 
and  Sufis  and  the deep sea of Hindu  resistance.  This  school 
searched  the  "scriptures" of Islam to find  support  for  their 
contention  that  Hindus could also be designated as  zimmis  and 
thus  allowed  to live in an Islamic state.  These  Sultans  also 
indulged  occasionally  in the luxury of  forced  conversion  and 
killing of Hindus en masse. But, for the rest, they were  content 
to collect jiziya and other back-breaking taxes from Hindus and 
enjoy  in  peace their imperial power  and  privilege,  including 
harems crowded with Hindu women captured in war and otherwise.

    A  notable  exception  to  these two  types  of  Sultans  was 
Akbar. He  saw through the exclusive claims of Islam and kept  the 
Ulema  and  the  Sufis  at an arm's  length.  He  was  favourably 
impressed  by  Hindu saints, sages, scholars  and  statesmen  and 
became  increasingly  attached  to  them.He  evolved  policy   of 
sulah i-kul  between the Islamic state and the Hindu society.  He 
abolished  jiziya,  banned  cow-slaughter,  permitted   questions 
regarding  the character of Islam and its Prophet, allowed  Hindu 
converts to go back to their ancestral religions, and  prohibited 
killing  of  Hindus  for marrying Muslim  women  without  getting 
	converted  to  Islam. In short, he restored self_respect  to  the 
Hindu who came forward to help him in building a splendid and
stable empire which came to be envied by the rest of the world.      

    But  there  is  a strong element of atavism  in  Islam  which 
prevents it from learning any lesson from history. Akbar's  policy 
of peace came in for an adverse review in the reign of  Shahjahan 
and  underwent a total reversal under Aurangzeb.This great  ghazi 
of  Islam declared a new jihad against the Hindus.The result  was 
the  ruin of the Mughal empire which crumbled within two  decades 
after  his death. Power now passed into the hands  of  Hindus - the 
Rajputs, the Marathas, the Jats and the Sikhs.

    Islam  is  also famous for breeding a brand of  fanatics  who 
refuse  to recognize objective reality and who love to live in  a 
world of fantasy. The Ulema and the Sufis refused to believe that 
the  imperial  power of Islam in India was gone  for  good.  Soon 
after  the  break-up  of  the Mughal  empire,  there  arose  Shah 
Waliullah  (1702-1762) followed by his son, Abdul Aziz,  followed 
by  Syed  Ahmad  Bareivi  (1786-1831).  These  "gentlemen"   were 
possessed  by the passionate idea-- which they preached with  great 
fervour-that  the  imperial power of Islam could  and  should  be 
restored in India.
    These  early  Don Quixotes of Islam were followed  by  others 
like  Shariatullah  (1790-1831), Dudu Mian (1819-60),  Titu  Mian 
(1782-1831)  and  the  Wahabis who titled  their  swords  at  the 
British  power in Bengal and the Sikh sovereignty in the  Punjab. 
They  declared  that India had once again  become  a  dar-ul-harb 
(enemy territory) and invited their brethren in faith to practise 
jihad  and hijrat. They met the fate which such lunatics  deserve 
and  disappeared into the dustbin of history. Only the Ulema  and 
the Sufis still hold them as shaheeds (martyrs).

    A new type of wisdom, though within the four walls of Islamic 
fanaticism  and day-dreaming, dawned upon Khwaja Hasan Nizami  in 
the  early  years  of  the  20th  century.  He  was  no  ordinary 
pen-pusher  or  mercenary Mulla in some suburban mosque.  On  the 
contrary,  he  was a highly placed "divine" in the  hierarchy  of 
Nizamuddin  Auliya's prestigious silsila and widely  honoured  in 
the  Muslim  world.  He  published in 1920  a  big  book,  Fatami 
Dawat-i-Islam,in which he advocated all means, fair and foul,  by 
which Hindus were to be converted to Islam. He advised the Mullas 
to concentrate on Hindu "untouchables" and convert them en  masse 
so  that  Muslims  could  achieve  parity  with  the  Hindus.  He 
disclosed  in his introduction that he had consulted many  Muslim 
leaders  including the Agha Khan regarding the soundness  of  his 
	scheme  and that all of them had agreed, though with the  caution 
that the scheme should be kept a carefully guarded secret  inside 
the  Muslim community. Unfortunately for the Khwaja,  the  scheme 
came the notice of Swami Shraddhananda who exposed it, fought  it 
tooth  and  nail, and frustrated it completely by  means  of  his 
Shuddhi Movement.

    And now we have the same scheme resurrected before us by  the 
Islamic Centre in London in a still more ambitious form. The  aim 
of achieving parity with the Hindus has been abandoned in  favour 
of  full Islamisation of India. The Islamic fraternity  in  India 
has  welcomed the scheme with open arms. Jamaat-i-Islami  is  the 
most fanatic constituent of this fraternity. There are many  more 
individuals   and   organizations   operating   under   different 
disguises.  In  any  case,  the  scheme  is  being  pushed  ahead 
vigorously with the aid of petro-dollars. Many Islamic countries, 
particularly  Kuwait,  Libya and Saudi Arabia,  are  its  "pious" 

     The full contours of this conspiracy were revealed by  Javed 
Ansari in the December 1981 number of Arabia : The Islamic Review 
published  by  the Islamic Press Agency Ltd., London.  It  is  an 
expensive  outfit maintained and financed by Saudi  Arabia. Javed 
violated no oath of secrecy because the conspiracy became  widely 
known  in  India  as soon as it was hatched by  a  conference  of 
Islamic embassies in the West. He only presented it in a finished 
form   and with full self-confidence, so that no one was left  in 
any doubt about its ramifications. 
     The  article by Javed is titled India: The  World's  Largest 
Democracy'.  We  need not quarrel with his oblique  reference  to 
democracy  in  India.  The "gentlemen" has in  mind  the  Islamic 
"democracies" of Pakistan, Iran, Iraq, Libya, Saudi  Arabia, Syria 
and  the United Arab Emirates. What he writes in his  article  is 
much  more intersting. The main point made by Javed comes at  the 
end  of  the article. He says: "Such a  programme  would  require 
first of all an abandonment of the strategy which gives  priority 
to  protecting the "special status" and 'minority  rights'of  the 
Muslim community. No minority community can have any such "right" 
within  the existing Indian system. The only realistic  political 
option  is to develop an alternative vision of  India's  future-a 
vision  capable of mobilising all sections of the  Indian  people 
into making sacrifice for its realisation."

    What is the alternate vision? Javed does not mince words. His 
clarion  call  is loud and clear. He announces:  "Islam  must  be 
presented as an ideological framework capable of redefining,  the 
social  perspective  of the ordinary Indian citizen.  Islam  must 
	emerge  as  a cohesive social force challenging the  hegemony  of 
both nationalism and socialism in India. This is a difficult  and 
challenging task, calling for the building of a new political and 
social base."
    Who is going to provide that political and social base? Javed 
concludes: The movement of the Harijans towards Islam provides  a 
rare opportunity of initiating this struggle. If this opportunity 
is  missed,  India's Muslims will have lost a chance  to  play  a 
decisive role in the making of history."

    We  have  suspected  for  a long time that  Islam  is  not  a 
religion as the protagonists of sarva-dharma-samabhava would have 
us  believe. We are, therefore, grateful to Javed  for  conceding 
that Islam is an ideology. A discussion about the nature of  that 
ideology  need not deter us here. At the moment we are  concerned 
with the way that ideology is being presented by the spokesmen of 

    It  is not an accident that over the past several  years  the 
emphasis  has  suddenly  shifted from  the  "scriptures"  to  the 
"social message" of Islam. Islam is still being presented as  the 
only  true  religion."  But a louder noise is  being  made  about 
Islamic  society  being  an ideal society. There  is  an  implied 
admission  that the "scripture" of Islam have failed it in  India 
over  the  long  stretch  of some  1300  years.  So  the  "social 
philosophy  of Islam" is being given a turn to try its  luck  in 
the same old game of subversion.       
    Again,  we do not want to be detained by a  discussion  about 
the  nature of Islamic "social philosophy". That discussion  will 
be  taken up in due course. Here we are concerned with  how  that 
philosophy is being presented to us at this time.

    Islam, we are told, stands for the Brotherhood of Man and  an 
equalitarian  social  order  free  from  caste  hierarchy,  class 
oppression, economic exploitation, etc. It all sounds as if Islam 
is  another   version of Communism Haven't we been  told  by  some 
observant guys that Communism is Islam minus Allah or that  Allah 
plus Communism constitutes Islam? But we shall not press home the  

    What is the social milieu in which this "ideal" social  order 
has  to  operate?  Well  it  is  the  "goddammed"  Hindu  society 
"encumbered  with gross inequality, economic exploitation,  caste 
cruelties,  oppression  of women" and so on.  The  "ideal"  social 
order has to overcome and destroy this "wicked" social order  and 
"redeem"  these 700 million human beings from a fate "worse  than 
that of the beasts and worms." The logic is irrefutable,  however 
	irritating it may be to "our brethren of the Hindu fold."

    There  was a time when the spokesmen of Islam stood alone  in 
performing  the  "painful" task of telling the  "truth"about  the 
Hindu  social  order. Recently, they have been relieved  of  that 
"burden' by a large tribe of Hindu scribes and  "scholars"serving 
in  the daily and the periodical press owned by Hindu  moneybags. 
They  have dragged out no end of "skeletons hidden in  the  Hindu 
cupboard."They  have  left  us in no doubt  about  the  "enormous 
inequalities"  handed  down by the "hoary Hindu  heritage".  Damn 
Hinduism and get publicity as a progressive| That is bait held out 
by  some notable editors. Many scribes rise to the  bait  because 
the payment they receive is better. Many politicians swallow  the 
bait, hook, line and sinker -- simply because a   periodical enjoys 
a  large  circulation. No politician worth his  salt  can  ignore 
publicity in the "prestigious" press. . 
    It is also not an accident that in recent years we have  been 
flooded  with  news about "atrocities on Harijans",  A  selective 
news-reporting  in the press leaves the  unmistakable  impression 
that Harijans are the only people who are being beaten up,  burnt 
and  killed in our countryside; that Harijan women are  the  only 
women  being  molested  by  "caste"  Hindus;  and  that   Harijan 
labourers are the only labourers getting buried under the  debris 
of  defective  constructions.  The reporters  who  collect  these 
stories and the editors who display them on the front page have a 
glow  of self-righteous satisfaction on their faces. It is  never 
news for them that a larger number of Brahmins, Thakurs and other 
"caste"  Hindus also get killed in similar fracas; that a  larger 
number  of  "caste"  Hindu girls get  molested  and  forced  into 
prostitution;  and  that  a larger number  of  non-Harijan  Hindu 
labourers  get buried in the like manner. The same Hindu  scribes 
and  "scholars" have started singing the glories of the  "Islamic 
Brotherhood of Man." 

    It  is  this spectacle of breast-beating on the part  of  the 
Hindu  "elite"  which has emboldened the spokesmen  of  Islam  to 
rewrite  Indian's  history  vis-a-vis the  swordsmen  of  Islamic 
imperialism.  According  to Javed, "Islam came to  India  at  the 
invitation  of  the  peasants of Sindh who were  the  victims  of 
colonial  central  Indian rule in the 7th century.  Muhammad  bin 
Qasim,  the  liberator of Sind, was immensely popular  among  the 

     Several  Muslim historians of Sind tell us in so many  words 
that  Sindh  had been an independent kingdom for  more  than  150 
years at the time it was invaded by the Arab armies. Al-Biladhuri 
writes in Futuh-ul-Buldan that between 659 and 712 A.D. five Arab 
	expeditions  were  defeated and dispersed  and  their  commanders 
killed  at  the  borders of Sindh by the Jats  and  Meds,  before 
Muhammad bin Qasim succeeded in his mission of murder, rapine and 
loot.  Does  it at all look like a guest party of Muslims  whom  the 
peasants  of Sindh were waiting for to give a warm  welcome?  The 
Chachnama  gives a detailed account of how the Jat  peasantry  of 
Sindh fought fiercely for every inch of the motherland and how it 
died  but did not surrender. It is history a la javed  which  had 
provoked  the German philosopher, Schaupenhauer, to say that  all 
history  books were as infested with lies as a public woman  with 

     But  while lying about Hindus and their history,  Javed  has 
told  the truth about Muslim Sufis and "saints". He  writes:  "It 
was   the  sufi  saints  who  initiated  the  struggle  for   the 
establishment  of  an Islamic state in India.  Khwaja  Muinudddin 
Chisti,  Khwaja Nizamuddin Aulia and Bakhtiyar Kaki  opposed  the 
secularist policies of the kings of the slave dynasty of medieval 
India . Mujadid al-Thani organized a resistance movement  against 
the Mughal Emperor Akbar and his attempts to establish a  secular 
Indian  polity.  The Mujadid's disciples  and  devotees  included 
Akbar's great-grandson, the dervish Prince Aurangzeb Alamgeer."

     It is an interesting disclosure about the Sufis. Many Hindus 
who  have  no illusions about prophetic Islam have  a  very  soft 
corner for the Sufis who Islam has been presenting as its  saints 
for  the  past so many years. But the painful truth is  that  the 
"Mystic  Dimension  of  Islam" has always  been  the  ideological 
department of Islamic imperialism.

     Javed  has  also  informed  us  about  the  newly   acquired 
self-confidence of Islam in India. He proclaims: "The Muslims  of 
India are more committed to Islamic ideology, better  politically 
organized and exhibit greater unity to-day than at any time since 
independence.  It  is this new-found sense of destiny  which  has 
enabled them to welcome the Harijans into Islam throughout  India 
and  to  assert their right to formulate a national,  social  and 
political strategy which is distinct and uniquely  Islamic...This 
community  is  rapidly adopting the view that  their  destiny  is 
inextricably  linked  to  that of India. India  must  undergo  a 
social  and  a political transformation before the  bulk  of  its 
population can escape from social deprivation and exploitation."

     This self-confidence is symbolised by the waxing fortunes of 
Jamaat-i-Islami,  the  vanguard of the Islamic  crusade  in  this 
country,   Javed  reports:  "This  view  has  been   consistently 
expounded  by  the  Jamaat-i-Islami since 1947  when  it  was  an 
	insignificant political grouping with little or no influence.  It 
numbered its supporters in hundreds and its message of  preaching 
Islam  "daawa"  and  downgrading  the  importance  of   "minority 
interests"  evoked  almost no response.  However,  the  Jamaat-i-
Islami  Annual Convention held in Hyderabad last  July  attracted 
more  than  10,000  participants. Its  literature  has  now  been 
translated  into 17 Indian languages. Thousands of  Hindus  count 
themselves amongst its supporters."

     That  brings us to the beginning. We have to give a vote  of 
thanks to Javed. He starts his article by the following statement  
:  "Since 1947, India, a leading champion of secularism  and  the 
home of the most ancient philosophies known to man has  witnessed 
more than 20,000 incidents of serious communal rioting. Every year 
the number of Muslims who fall victim grows larger." We leave the 
statistics  in  this statement to the Government of  India.  They 
have  been  cited by a spokesman of the Arabs  whose  causes  our 
Government defends, day in and day out. But we cannot help  being 
grateful  to Javed for presenting India as the "home of the  most 
ancient philosophies known to man." We do not mind it at all that 
the compliment carries as a taunt. Truth needs telling,  whatever 
the  twist. The worst liar in the world has a right to  tell  the 
truth once in a while.

     We  wish and hope that the Ulema and the Sufis of  Islam  in 
India  will also admit this great truth and stop denouncing  this 
country as an area of darkness which "Islam has to illumine,"  We 
appeal  to the worthies of the Jamaat-i-Islami in particular  and 
our  Muslim  brethren  in general to study some  of  these  "most  
ancient philosophies" to which Javed has referred. We assure them 
that  they  will  find  the spirituality  of  Sanatana  Dharma  a 
refreshing  change  from the cock-and-bull stores on  which  they 
have been fed so far in the Quran and the Hadis.

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