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--BBBB------------nn--------------------------- O Gods, there indeed is
-BB--BB---------------------------------------- emancipation from sin.
-BB------oooo----nnn---SS-SSS---aaaa----ii-ii-- When this happens the
--BBBB------oo----nn----SSS-SS-----aa--iiiiiii- person freed from sins
-----BB--ooooo----nn----SS------aaaaa--ii-i-ii- obtains pleasant wealth.
-BB--BB-oo--oo----nn----SS-----aa--aa--ii---ii- May the Adityas, freed from
--BBBB---ooa-oo--nnnn--SSSS-----aaa-aa-ii---ii- sin, be kind to us.
-----------------------------------------------   -Rig Veda 8.56.7

                        the BABA we adore
                       by S. Ramakrishnan
                       in Bhavan's Journal,
                       Nov 9,1975 pp 20--29

Reverential homage to Poojjyapada Sri Sathya Sai Baba on his fiftieth
jayanthi. He was born on November 23, 1926. It was a Monday, Somavar. 
The month was Kartik, specially sacred for the worship of Lord Siva. 
The ascending star on that day was Ardra. The combination of Karthik 
Somavar and Ardra Nakshatra is rare and is exceptionally auspicious.

To see him is a feast for the eyes. To listen to his spell-binding 
oratory is an education for purposeful living. To hear his 
soul-stirring bhajans is to go into ecstacy. Once we meet him, he 
simply haunts us and we cannot but give him a permanent lodgement in 
our heart.

Majestic and winsome, simple yet sophisticate, steeped in our ancient 
lore yet well-versed in current affairs, agile yet imperturbable, wise 
and witty, with a bewitching smile and a visage that exudes sneha and 
karuna, with the shock of curly hair that forms a natual crown on his 
head and the flame-red one-piece robe that stretches from neck to
feet, Sri Sathya Sai Baba is a magnificient personality.

Baba is virtually deified by lakhs of devotees the world over. In 
their homes and offices, his photograph finds a pride of place among
the family deities. I have seen his picture adorning the tables
and office-rooms of many of our distinguished leaders, editors, 
literateurs, scientists, administrators, senior officials in the 
Secretariat in New Delhi and State capitals and even in the Indian 
High Commision in London.

One of the most arresting and revered personalities of the century, 
Baba spontaneously commands the respect and reverence of millions of 
people, in India and abroad. He has his own unique way of transforming 
people in all walks of life. Their number is legion. It is indeed true 
that Baba's devotees include a sizeable number of those who are drawn 
to him because of his superhuman power or siddhi and are proud of 
venerating one endowed with such a rare gift.

And it is equally true that down the ages Mankind has always viewed 
the mysterious and the miraculous with awe and reverence associated 
with godliness.

But then not all of Baba's devotees belong to the class of mysetery 
worshippers. His followers include many people noted for their 
intellectual attainments, rational outlook and scientific research.

What is the secret of this magnet in human form that goes on 
irrestibly drawing devotees whose ranks are ever swelling?

Is it his power for materializing out of thin air with a mere wave of 
his hand an amazing array of objects that holds the key to his 
irrestible pull and commands the spontaneous adoration of the 

==================End part One: to be continued
at soc.culture.indian



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