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aham brahmasmi ....

replying to : alt.hindu
Subject: Re: aham brahmasmi ....
Message-ID: <3jqtil$6te@ucunix.san.uc.edu>

>The verse "yatra sarvam AtmA eva abhUt" doesn't says ONE bit about the
>existence or non-existence of paramatma, cunning advaitans would however
>like us to believe that it does.

I note that writer calls himself 'us'. However legion he be, there is nothing
cunning in translating the verse As It Is. It is clarity, not cunning, to
point out that where `atma only' is, delusion about anything above or below
atma does not arise. What does arise elsewhere is the theological demand to
make one's cunning or ego appear to be another's, and that frequently gives
individual the feeling of _us_ against them.



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