Re: Non-duality
To: ALT-HINDU@cis.ohio-state.edu
Subject: Re: Non-duality
From: Parag Gupta <PXG111@PSUVM.PSU.EDU>
Date: Tue, 14 Mar 1995 08:34:48 -0500 (EST)
Distribution: world
From PXG111@PSUVM.PSU.EDU Tue Mar 14 09: 10:02 1995
Newsgroups: alt.hindu
Organization: Penn State University
References: <3jr1k2$3h1@ucunix.san.uc.edu>
A very wise person told me once that there are three things you shouldn't
discuss in public: Philosophy, Religion, and Politics! But, here we are
discussing two of the three!
Number one before I start my argumentation, I want to say that I have all
the respect in the world for dualists, for everyone must pass through that
stage before even becoming advaita(nondualist). ISKON is a very honorable and
humbling society. I have read many of Prabhupuda's books which are a treasure
of their own, and a few years ago was a strict vegetarian. And of all the
supreme personalities I have definitely meditated and prayed to Sri Krishna!
But, to tell every Hindu he/she must do the same is blasphemy!! To tell
every Hindu that he/she must not eat meat/fish/eggs and must leave their deitie
s for Krishna is even more absurd.
My brethren, Hinduism is the only religion in the world that is not based o
n one individual great soul. It is a philosophy and a state of mind. I have
all the blessings in the world for the vegetarians since I was one myself befor
e. Vegetariansim is not a Hindu trait, before Buddhism such a philosophy did
not really exist. After Buddhism spread, Vaishnavism became a sect of Hinduism
. Surely meat does arouse earthly desires, but the key to life is moderation,
If one thinks of God and eats meat does it make him sinful it is the mind that
must be purified, and the man's actions in society.
It all depends on personal development, if someone is stimulated into earth
ly desires by eating meat and wants to advance spiritually then it is better
not to take meat. But, if one's not stimulated then why bother!!
What's good for you might not be good for me. The same sun that is giving
me peace may give someone else sunstroke! If you find standing on one leg
praying to God for eternity as your vehicle use it, but do not dare tell anyone
else to do the same!!
Extremists at heart are one of the most kindhearted, and determined people
around but at the same time they want others to adapt to their way of thinking.
If not they are not going to sit in the clouds for eternity, but the ext will!
I have gone through my dualist stage and a while back I saw the openess of
nondualism!! And I found dualism to be a stage before advaitism.
Which by the way, does not criticize any attempt the human soul makes to
realize our existence. We are freethinkers and decide our own fate by what we
do today.
ISKON followers once again, I have the utmost respect for you, I have the
utmost respect any human takes to realize his soul!!
But, one thing I don't like is criticism of other paths, Hinduism is the
most tolerant religion in the world, The Mother of Religions, and definitely
Vivekananda's speech in Chicago in 1893 showed the world that advaita is the
popular belief of most Hindus.
This is a Hindu net, so I assume most who read it are Hindus or are inters
eted in Hinduism!! One thing I will tell you is that in our modern age no othe
r two souls but Sri Ramakrishna and Vivekanada have opened the doors of Hinduis
m. They are enlightened souls who struggled their whole life so every Hindu
can be shown the way!! And 100 years later it disgusts me for Hindus to
criticize these souls, Utterly Shameful!!!!!!
-Parag Gupta