I am looking for the citation to two passages of Swami
Vivekananda's. I am writing a paper on Vivekananda
and have been unable to find the original source for
these words of his. Here are the two passages:
"When the body is weak germs take possession of it
and produce disease. Just so with the national life. It is
when the national body is weak that all sorts of
disease--germs, in the political state of the race or in
its social state, in its educational or intellectual
state--[these germs] crowd into the system and produce
disease. To remedy it, therefore, we must go to the
root of the disease and cleanse the blood of all
impurities. The one tendency will be to strengthen the
man, to make the blood pure, the body vigorous, so
that it will be able to resist and throw off all external
poisons. We have seen that our vigour, our strength,
nay, our national life is our religion."
And the second one is:
"You have withstood the shocks of centuries simply
because you took great care of [your religion], you
sacrificed everything for it. Your forefathers underwent
everything boldly, even death itself, but preserved their
religion. Temple after temple was broken down by
foreign conquerors, but no sooner, had the wave passed
than the spire of the temple rose again....Mark how the
temples bear the marks of a hundred attacks and a
hundred regenerations, continually destroyed and
continually springing out of the ruins, rejuvenated and
as strong as ever! That is the national life current.
Follow it and it leads to glory, give it up you die, death
will be the only effect and annihilation the only effect,
the moment you step beyond the life current."
If anyone can give me the citations for these quotes
please send them to me through e-mail:
Thanks very much!
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