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Re: Was Jesus a Pure Devotee?

--BBBB-------------nn--------------------------- Whosoever or whatever form
-BB--BB----------------------------------------- a devotee wishes to worship
-BB------oooo-----nnn---SS-SSS---aaaa----ii-ii-- with faith-  I surely make
--BBBB------oo-----nn----SSS-SS-----aa--iiiiiii- that faith steady.
--BBBB---ooa-oo---nnnn--SSSS-----aaa-aa-ii---ii-        -Bhagavad Geetaa 7:21
HK Susarla, Parker and others of that camp have on several occasions advised
that Jesus is detailed in Bhavishya Purana as Son of Surya,  as the
Messiah of the Jews, and as the Lord who was crucifixed.
Since I do not know the Sanskrit words for Messiah, Jews, or crucified, I
request the complete verses from that Purana so revealing these wondrous facts
be posted for all to see.

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