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Re: Any reference for creation of world?

Mukund T Narasimhan (M1N@ECL.PSU.EDU) wrote:

: Bertrand russell in one of his essays consistently questions the reason for
: God to create the world?  Further he suggests that even if God did create the
: world and everything in the world is according to the Divine Plan, how can one 
: justify a five year old child dying of meningitis?  Is there any argument for
: this available in Gita or upanishads?

According to the acintya-bhedAbheda-tattva-vAda, the reason for the 
creation of the material world is to accomodate the desires of the living 
entities. The living entities are part and parcel of Krishna and are 
eternally individuals. Their constitutional position, as part, is to 
engage in the service of the whole. But because they are of the same 
quality of God, they also possess the Lording tendency, the controlling 
tendency. But whereas the Lord has unlimited controlling capacity, the 
living entities (being only a small part) do not have the capacity to 
control. Therefore the Lord creates the material world to give those 
living entities the opportunity to control, which they otherwise would 
not have been able to do. Since God is al merciful, and since the jiva 
wants to control, so the Lord allows for the jivas to execute their free 
will by interacting with and controlling matter. When the living entity 
comes in contact with the prakriti (the three modes of material nature), 
He interacts with the time factor, creating past, present, and future 
(and hence activities). As one performs an activity, the time gradually 
clicks forward, and that activity which is in the present is shifted back 
to the past in the form of a seed reaction. As the time clicks again, 
another reaction is shifted back into the position of the past (in the 
form of a seed reaction), and that see reaction that was previously 
present in the past is shifted back again cycling to the future. As the 
time continues to click, that reaction which was moved to the future, is 
again brought to the position of present, and comes out in the form of a 
full blossomed reaction. In this way if one performs good or bad, the 
reaction to it is cycled around due to the influence of the time factor, 
and it eventually returns to present, and causes further activities. 
While the living entity is engaging the result of his previous 
activities, the time factor continues to click, sending more activities 
into the past as seed reactions. So just to get one's reaction (good or 
bad) one has to perform more activity, which means even more reactions. 
So in this way one is bound by his actions and reactions, this is 
samsara. THerefore a five year old child having some disease is due to 
the activities it engaged in in a previous life. The primary point we 
must understand (which is not being understood by Bertrandt Russell) is 
that we are not these bodies, we are the eternal spirit soul. When the 
body dies, we do not die, and when the body is born, we are not born. So 
it is not that the living entity came into existence only when the five 
year old child was born. That living entity has engaged in unlimited 
activities, and unlimited lives previously (unlimited indicating a number 
that we can not know). So based on all those previous activities, the 
living entity is put into the body of a child and forced to suffer or 
enjoy accordingly. It is only when the living entity becomes free from 
the material bondage, the association with matter, that his true nature 
will again be exhibited. The jivas are eternally servants of Krishna, 
therefore their constitutional position is to engage in the service of 
Krishna. THis is confirmed in the Bhagavad-gita, and this is known as 

man-manA bhava mad-bhakto
 mad-yAjI mAm` namaskuru
mAm evaiShyasi satyam` te
 pratijAne priyo 'si me

"Always think of Me, become My devotee, worship Me and offer your homage 
unto Me. Thus you will come to Me without fail. I promise you this 
because you are My very dear friend."

sarva-dharmAn parityajya
 mAm ekam` sharaNam` vraja
aham` tvAm` sarva pApebhyo
 mokShayiShyAmi mA shucaH

"Abandon all varieties of religion and just surrender unto Me. I will 
deliver you from all sinful reactions. Do not fear."

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