Re: Curious Riddles in Hindu Religious Legend
In article <3kmlss$mbb@falcon.ccs.uwo.ca>, ray@sunsage.biostats.uwo.ca
>tailor@crl.com (Victor Schneider) writes:
>>I wonder how many Hindus who have been exposed to missionaries of one
>>kind or another have noticed that the Christian Bible seems to have a
>>Hindu flavor?
Actually, when Jesus said, "the father is in the son and the son is
in the father", the Hindu translation would have been that Brahma
is in Shiva, and Shiva is in Brahma. If that is acceptable as Hindu
dogma, then your thesis about a Hindu influence at the time of Jesus
is believable. However, the really ancient parts of the Old Testament,
which predate Jesus by one or two thousand years, refer to the law of
karma: "Who spills human blood shall have his blood spilled by a human"
and also that bit about visiting the sins of the `fathers' onto the `sons'
until the tenth generation. Which makes perfect sense when `sons' becomes
`future incarnations' and `generation' becomes `incarnation'.
>Then there's the legend of Jesus having travelled to India (under
>the name "Isha"). Does anyone know more of this story?
No, but someone apparently thinks that `Isha' is a name. It means
`woman' in Hebrew. Which reminds me of the story about Shiva: One
day, a delegation of elders came to visit Shiva. They found Shiva
with Shakti sitting lovingly on his lap, naked. When they began to
snicker, Shiva said something to the effect that, if the elders
wanted to continue, he would turn them all into women.
I have considerable experience at doing past-life regressions with
U. S. citizens, many of the Mensa Society variety, and I know a
few things about what happen to men who make jokes about other men
who are gay. God makes them come back as gay men (not the only
cause). And, men who are really nasty to women get to reincarnate as
women in countries where the law doesn't protect women.