Nilkantha Shastri on RSS
To: SCI <soc-culture-indian@cs.utexas.edu>
Subject: Nilkantha Shastri on RSS
From: Rajiv Varma <rvarma@ccaix.jsums.edu>
Date: Mon, 27 Mar 1995 01:51:04 -0600 (CST)
From ajay@mercury.aichem.arizona.edu Wed Mar 29 22: 04:15 1995
Resent-Date: Wed, 29 Mar 1995 20:11:29 -0700 (MST)
Resent-From: Ajay Shah <ajay@mercury.aichem.arizona.edu>
Resent-Message-Id: <Pine.ULT.3.90.950329201129.12804L@mercury.aichem.arizona.edu>
Resent-To: editor <editor@rbhatnagar.ececs.uc.edu>
SHRI NILKANTHA SHASTRI, ex-Speaker, Orissa Assembly, said:
"When muslims threatened Jagannath with desecration and destruction,
it was the Bhonslas of Nagpur who came to the rescue. Today the call to
succour has again come from Nagpur. And this time the R.S.S. call is
going to save not only Utkal but all Bharat."