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2nd RFD : soc.culture.indian.delhi

                        REQUEST FOR DISCUSSION (v1.2)

Proposed Group: soc.culture.indian.delhi
Status:         unmoderated
Distribution:   world-wide

Proposers:      Suvrit Varshney <xsvarshney@ccvax.fullerton.edu>
                Rohan Oberoi <ro11@crux2.cit.cornell.edu>
This RFD is being issued in concordance with the guidelines set in
the "How to create a new usenet newsgroup" FAQ regularly posted to
news.announce.newgroups. Please refer to this article if you have any
questions about the newsgroup creation.

*This is not a call for votes.  Please do not vote now.*


soc.culture.indian.delhi is an unmoderated newsgroup for the discussion of
the culture and history of the beautiful capital of the Republic of India,
New Delhi. 

Posting of advertisements by private individuals are not permitted.
Product annoucements will be allowed provided they are related to topics
discussed in the newsgroup and included in followup articles.


New Delhi is one of the most modern states of India, and over the course
of centuries, has attracted people from all over the world, thereby
transforming it into a fascinating cosmopolitan city. Considering the
large number of posts made in the indian group 'soc.culture.indian,' it is
hard to filter out useful posts related specifically to Delhi. A separate
group, would only enhance the quality of discussions within the group, and
would add to the quality groups on the Usenet.

Being the capital of India, it is only natural that people from all over
the world would like to acquire accurate and useful information about
Delhi, and the soc.culture.indian.delhi newsgroup would go a long way in
meeting these needs.


Please post any responses to this message to news.groups. If you use
the followup feature on your newsreader, this should happen automatically.
All discussion about the merits of this proposal should occur on

Unless the discussion indicates a need to resubmit a new RFD, a call
for votes (CFV) will be posted approximately four weeks after
the posting of this RFD. Please do not post any votes - when the CFV
is posted, instructions will be given on how to mail your votes to the
independent vote counter.


This RFD was cross-posted to the following groups:

        soc.culture.indian, news.groups

        soc.culture.bengali, soc.culture.punjab, alt.culture.kerala,

        alt.culture.karnataka, soc.culture.indian.info,

        soc.culture.indian.kerala, soc.culture.indian.marathi,

        soc.culture.indian.telegu, alt.india.progressive
        news.announce.newsgroups, alt.hindu

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