The Lord Ayyappa Temple
The Lord Ayyappa Temple: A new Ayyappa Sannidhi is under construction in the
outer Prakaram of the Sri Meenakshi Temple of Houston. It will be ready in ten
weeks. The Kumbhabhishekam is scheduled for July 16, 1995.
Lord Ayyappa is one of the most popular and benevolent dieties. He is a symbol
of religious unity and communal harmony. The Sabarimala Temple is situated in
the foothills of mountains near Pampa in Kerala, India. The annual pilgrimmage
to Sabarimala Temple is an extremely popular event.
It should be pleasing to every devotee that the Ayyappa Vigraham in Panchaloham
will be installed at the Meenakshi Temple in July of 1995 by Kantaru
Maheswararu Thantri, the supreme priest of Sabarimala. As an alternative to
going to Sabarimala, devotees have often come to the Meenakshi Temple in
Houston for their annaual pilgrimmage. With the installation of the Ayyappa
Vigraham in July by the supreme priest, an annual pilgrimmage to view Lord
Ayyappa in the temple in Houston will be even more meaningful.