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Re: need info on hinduism!

In the article <3nrj3t$6e8@ucunix.san.uc.edu>,
received on 28 Apr 1995 20:27:41 UTC,
jdaniel@beach.silcom.com (Josh Daniel) wrote:
> At Cate School, we are doing a major research paper on Hinduism. 
> We need someone to answer the following questions: . . .

     You will find the staff at HINDUISM TODAY to be very helpful;
write to:  hinduism@mcimail.com
     Also, you may wish to connect with HT's web site at:

 *-=Om Shanti=-*  Jai Maharaj
                jai maharaj |_|_|_|_| mantra corporation
 jyotishi, vedic astrologer |_|   |_| vedic prediction sciences
             jai@mantra.com |_|_ _|_| telex 6505614754
          mci mail 561-4754 | | | | | voicemail +1 808 948 4357

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