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Lord Krishna joins BJP

Times of India, May 4 1995

New Delhi: In an effort to take party to victory in the next Lok Sabha polls,
the BJP to day roped in Nitesh Bharadwaj (Lord Krishna of the Mahabharat TV
serial) to its fold.

    The TV star will campaign extensively for the party in the general
election and may even contest the polls, though for the time being he
maintains that "fighting elections is not on the cards".

   Party general secretary KL Sharma told newspersons that he was sure the
TV star, considered a prize catch in BJP circles would take the party to
victory. He said the BJP was trying to project itself as a "secular, stable
and viable alternative".

   Asked why he chose to join the BJP, Mr Bharadwaj said he had "strong
political and social aims which matched with those of the party". He said
in his opinion the BJP was a secular party and the liberation of Mathura
and Kashi temples was definitely not on the party's agenda. According to
him even Ayodhya temple was no more on the agenda of the BJP.

   Mr Bhardwaj, who has been art consultant of "Ramayan" for the BBC and
has been nominated for the "best actor" award as "Ram", said currently he
'was fighting with the BBC TV for the negative portrayal of India. He said
he was also fighting with the Independent TV Commission (ITC) asking them
to withdraw an advertising film from their network in Britain which shows
India in a poor light.

   Mr Bharadwaj is the third TV star to be inducted into the BJP.

* "This life is short, the vanities of the world are transient, but they      *
*  alone live who live for others, the rest are more dead than alive"         *
*    	    	    	    	    	    	    	- Vishwa Vivek        *

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