The New World Order
To: alt-hindu@uunet.uu.net
Subject: The New World Order
From: gsmith@polyhymnia.iwr.uni-heidelberg.de (Gene W. Smith)
Date: 9 May 1995 02:58:27 GMT
Distribution: world
Followup-To: talk.religion.misc,talk.politics.misc,alt.atheism,alt.politics.homosexuality
From news@sun0.urz.uni-heidelberg.de Mon May 8 22: 49:32 1995
Newsgroups: talk.religion.misc, talk.politics.misc, alt.atheism, alt.religion.christian, alt.hindu, alt.religion.islam, alt.politics.homosexuality, alt.politics.usa.republican, alt.conspiracy, alt.usenet.kooks
Organization: IWR, University of Heidelberg, Germany
There has been a recent flap about anti-Semitism in Pat Robertson's
book, "The New World Order." It turns out it is not so much
anti-Semitic as anti-everybody. In particular, he loathes Moslems and
Hindus. Besides being an extremist bigot, he is a paranoid kook.
I think Republican politicians should be held accountable for sucking
up to this man, and granting to him a status he does not deserve.
When you read this, recall he was treated as a serious presidential
candidate by the Republicans, and given a big spot for his speech at
the convention. But that is no more acceptable than doing the same
for David Duke would have been.
Page numbers references are to the hardbound first edition, Word
Publishing, 1991. Followups have been set out of most of the groups.
The end of World War I brought another world vision more terrible than
a mere League of Nations. It brought the triumph of the Bolsheviks in
Russia and the rapid growth of international communism. But where did
Russian communism get its vision of a new world order?
On May 1, 1776 (May Day is still considered to be the key annual
holiday for communists), a Bavarian professor launched a small secret
society called the Order of the Illuminati. Weishaupt's aims were to
establish a new world order based on the overthrow of civil
governments, the church, and private property and the election to
world leadership of a group of hand-picked "adepts" or "illuminated
Weishaupt chose as his vehicle for infiltration and takeover the
established Continental Order of Free Masons...
--pg 67
Americans are appropriately shocked when they find that the
one-worlders of the early twentieth-century American Money Trust have
financed the one-worlders of the Kremlin, not realizing that both hold
larger goals and aims for the world which apparently compliment one
another. Until we understand this commonality of interest between
left-wing Bolsheviks and right-wing monopolistic capitalists, we
cannot fully comprehend the last seventy years of world history nor
the ongoing movement toward world government.
--pg 71
There are some who say that the events since 1989 in Eastern Europe
and the Soviet Union were all carefully orchestrated by the KGB.
--pg 83
Obviously the Establishment was not lowered down from heaven, nor did
it rise full blown from hell. The best available records show it
sprang from the minds of an amazing man named John Ruskin and of his
most apt pupil, Cecil Rhodes.
--pg 110
Again, Quigley tells us that Rhodes and other of Ruskin's pupils
formed a secret society. Rhodes was the leader; Lord Esher, Lord
Milner, and a man named Stead were the executive committee. Lord
Balfour, Sir Henry Johnson, Lord Rothschild, and others were listed as
a circle of initiates. Then an outer circle of initiates was later
organized by Lord Milner and called the Round Table.
--pg 111
Earlier I had mentioned the hypocrisy of John Lennon calling for the
abolition of private property for the human race, then leaving an
estate of $250 million to his Japanese-born widow. But consider also
David Rockefeller, enjoying a personal fortune in excess of $1
billion, living in a gracious estate and his elegant residences in the
capitals of the world, driving in chauffeured limousines, flying
private jets, dining on the finest food, yet giving massive financial
for decades to demonic tyrants to enable them to crush the poor into
the earth.
--pg 114 [Robertson also lives well, and brags of his friendship with
Jorge Serrano of Guatemala, etc.]
The stream of world order flowing from the Illuminati is clearly
occultic and satanic. The carnage they have brought about is also
understandable, given its ultimate source.
--pg 115
The summary finding of the Reece Committee was shockingly simple:
tax-exempt foundations were deliberately using their wealth and
privilege to attack the basic structure of the U.S. Constitution and
the Judeo-Christian American culture.
--pg 141 [Robertson himself has been accused, with good reason, of
tax-exempt excesses]
Again, the terms and ideologies of the think tanks are synonymous
throughout all the various educational programs. But over and over,
the models and heros being elevated by these groups are such forward
thinkers as Lenin, Marx, and Trotsky, along with Mao Tse Tung, Mahatma
Gandhi, and even Hitler.
Inspiration for the models and turns of mind required by these
disciplines comes most often from Zen and Hinduism, from New Age
clones such as est and Unity, or from science fiction--in such works
as Ursula LeGuin's _The Dispossessed_. Is this really the new order
that awaits us?
--pg 155
That same year, 1782, the headquarters of the Illuminated Freemasonry
moved to Frankfurt, a center controlled by the Rothschild family. It
is reported that in Frankfurt, Jews for the first time were admitted
to the order of Freemasons. If indeed members of the Rothschild
family or their close associates were polluted by the occultism of
Weishaupt's Illuminated Freemasonry, we amy have discovered the link
between the occult and the world of high finance. Remember, the
Rothschilds financed Cecil Rhodes in Africa; Lord Rothschild was a
member of the inner circle of Rhodes' English Round Tables; and Paul
Warburg, architect of the Federal Reserve System, was a Rothschild
--pg 181
Just think of this. Suppose you are an American citizen, your name is
Salman Rushdie, and you decide to write a books of poems mildly
critical of the Shi'ite branch of the Muslim religion.
--pg 209
How would you feel as one accused of a crime if you appeared before a
people's court composed of illiterate peasants, with annual incomes of
$300 to $500, to whom your income of $25,000 a year made you out to be
a greedy capitalist exploiter? What appeal would you have to justice,
reason, or shared values? None!
--pg 209
Some of the popular motion pictures of the last few years have
international and intergalactic forces all interacting. Not only do
you have different nations and races all flying together, but animals,
reptile creatures, and other alien forms, as if they were all
equal. The implication of these scenes is that man is no different or
better than other forms of life, and certainly that Americans are no
different or better than any other nation.
--pg 211
Of course, we are all sons and daughters of Adam, but nevertheless we
have centuries of cultural differences, and those cannot be ignored.
But there is every likelyhood that the coming world government would
make a declaration of equality for all people.
They would have a system of arms control. They could not have a
system that allowed people to keep arms, because that would allow
dissenters to foment revolution. So our constitutional right to keep
and bear arms would be one of the very first casualties of world order
We have already had a law against so-called hate crimes passed in the
United States Congress. The new world government would gave to have a
law against world hate crimes where the politically correct speech of
the college campuses would be magnified a thousand times. No one
could speak out against the beliefs of a Moslem, a Hindu, or an
animist, or against the beliefs of a communist or a socialist.
Christians could not speak out against the sin of homosexuality or
pedophilia. What we know as freedom of religion would be taken away,
and Christians would be muzzled.
Equality of all religions, races, sexual practices, and belief systems
would be paramount, and anyone found stepping over the line would have
to be publically penalized by the world government. Remember, a court
in the District of Colombia has already held that the right to forbid
discrimination on the basis of sexual preference overrides existing
American First Amendment rights of religious liberty.
--pg 212 [This last is a reference to a ruling stating that Georgetown
University must treat gay and lesbian student groups like other
student groups]
All over the earth, children are being indoctrinated as world
citizens, with reverence for the earth, the environment, the animals,
and for people of all ethnic, religious and sexual orientations.
--pg 215
Both John Locke and Thomas Jefferson refused to allow atheists
into their governments because atheists would not keep oaths.
Oaths have to be sworn before God, and since atheists acknowledged
no God, Locke and Jefferson maintained that they could not
be trusted. If anybody understood what Hindus really believe,
there would be no doubt that they have no business administering
government policies in a country that favors freedom and equality.
--pg 219 [Locke was a philosopher, not a politician; and Jesus was
opposed to swearing oaths and would not, one presumes, be allowed into
a government run by Robertson. Note also his open and virulent
religious bigotry]
Can you imagine having the Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini as defense
minister, or Mahatma Gandhi as minister of health, education, and
--pg 219
There will never be world peace until God's house and God's people are
given their rightful place of leadership at the top of the world. How
can there be peace when drunkards, drug dealers, secular humanists,
oppressive dictators, greedy moneychangers, revolutionary assassins,
adulterers, and homosexuals are on top? Under their leadership the
world will never, I repeat never, experience lasting peace.
--pg 227
What I am saying may jar some sensibilities, but only the teaching
which comes forth from the house of the God of Jacob will bring world
peace. The gods of the animist tree worshipers, the gods of the
ancestor worshipers, the million gods of the Hindus, and the Allah of
the Muslims is not the God of Jacob.
--pg 230
The liberal press in America has tried repeatedly to take away from
Christian people in America the right to run for office, to support
candidates, to protest government abuses, or to protect themselves in
--pg 243
Regardless of government abuse, the evangelical knows that the
government agency in question will be portrayed in a favorable light
and he will be portrayed unfavorably.
--pg 243
My wife, Dede, was born in the Midwest and raised as a Taft
Republican. Her comment on foreign affairs was very perceptive: "I
don't trust anyone running the foreign affairs of America who speaks
with a foreign accent." In fact, how can anyone who spent most of his
life in Germany or Poland fully understand the family life, the shared
values, the history of free enterprise and free speech, and the
intense patriotism of people born in Columbus, Ohio?
--pg 259 [This nativist attack on Kissinger and Brezinski involves an
outright lie, be it noted: they have *not* spent most of their lives
outside of the US]
Lincoln's plan to print interest-free currency, called "greenbacks,"
during the Civil War--instead of issuing bonds at interest in exchange
for bank loans--was so revolutionary that it would have destroyed the
monopoly that European bankers exercised over their nation's money.
There is no hard evidence to prove it, but it is my belief that John
Wilkes Booth, the man who assassinated Lincoln, was in the employ of
European bankers who wanted to nip this populist American experiment
in the bud.
--pg 265
Gene Ward Smith/Brahms Gang/IWR/Ruprecht-Karls University