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Swatantrya Veer Savarkar (fwd)

Re: Swatantrya Veer Savarkar: The Eternal Hero [Part 1/5]

Newsgroups: soc.culture.indian,soc.culture.indian.marathi

Here is brief summary of just Savarkar's 'firsts'. These excerpts are from
'Veer Savarkar' by Dhananjay Keer. Incidentally Mr. Keer was conferred
Padma Bhushan in 1971 for this and other biographies. Mr. Keer himself of
a former 'untouchable harijan' caste, worked with Savarkar on the first
Pan-Hindu temple in Ratnagiri.

Veer Savarkar By Dhananjay Keer, Sangam Books Ltd, London,
2nd Ed, 1988, 569 pages
ISBN 086132 182 0

Please note the real title is Swatantrya Veer -Hero of the freedom
struggle and not just Veer.

Savarkar - The crown prince of revolutionaries, has many firsts
to his credit, here is the list:

He was the first Indian political leader to call for Swadeshi,
and the first Indian leader who publicly performed a bonfire
of foreign clothes (1906).  (MANY YEARS BEFORE GANDHIJI)

He was the first Indian student who was rusticated from a hostel
of an institution aided by British Govt (reason was the bonfire).

He was the first Indian leader of India to daringly proclaim
absolute political independence of India as her goal (EVEN BEFORE
LOKMANYA TILAK called Swaraj a birth right)

Savarkar was the first barrister who was refused the degree on
account of his political line of thought by the British Government.

He was the first graduate to lose the degree from an Indian University
(Bombay University) for his love of independence.

(The same University rescinded its 1911 decision after 49 years
in April 1960 and reconferred the degree. Meanwhile Pune and Nagpur
had conferred honorary Doctorates on Savarkar).

Savarkar was again the first Indian leader to invest the problem
of Indian independence with international importance.

Savarkar was the first Indian leader who cleared the myth British
historians propagated and showed that 1857 war of independence was not
a mutiny of sepoys in few regiments but a revolt of Indian population
against the British sustained over for 2 years. He also highlighted
the cruelty of British Generals during that period who slaughterd
outright ordinary Indians on flimsiest pretexts. He was the first
Indian leader to celebrate 50 th anniversary of 1857.

Savarkar was the first Indian leader to organize revolutionary
movement in the 'enemy's camp' right in the heart of London.

He was the first author whose work was proscribed by the governments
of two countries (India & UK) even before it was printed or published.
(his book 'War of Independence of 1857' which was published
clandestinely in US and India Thanks to Dr.Kurien, an Indian christian)

Savarkar was the first rebel leader of India who refused to recognize
the authority of the British Court of Law.

He was the first political prisoner in the history of world the issue
of whose arrest was fought out in the International Court at the Hague.

Savarkar was the first political prisoner in the political history
who was sentenced to 50 year's transportation.

Savarkar was the first poet in the world, who deprived of pen and
paper, composed and wrote his poems on the prison walls with thorns
and pebbles, learnt with Vedic tenacity more than ten thousand lines
of his poetry for years till they reached his country thru the mouth
of others, and showed how since dawn of humanity sacred Vedas were
kept circulating from generation to generation.

Savarkar also designed the first Indian flag to be unfurled
overseas (by Madam Cama, in Stuttgart Germany, on August 22, 1907 at
the International Socialist Congress, where  Britsh and French
socilaists moved a resolution to call India an oppressed country).

He was the first Indian political leader to build a pan-Hindu temple
where former 'untouchable' was a priest.

He was the first president of Marathi Sahitya Parishad (Council of
all Marathi writers and poets)

He was the only Hindu leader honored by SGPC (Sikh religious body)

End of part 1 of 5

Part 2 - Some interating facts about Savarkar


Veer Savarkar - The Eternal Hero   Part 2 of 5:

Some inetersting facts you should know :
1. Savarkar at the age of 15 took a vow in front of Goddess Durga
   to drive out British from his Motherland to make her free and
   great once again.

2. At age 14 he wrote ballads of Tanaji Malusare and Shivaji.

3. At the age 17 he started a Mitra mela which in four years
   sprouted into Abhinav Bharat Society, the foremost revolutionary
   gruop, which later led to a web of revolutionaries in Bengal, Punjab
   and other states.

4. It was on Lokmanya Tilak's recommendation that got Savarkar a
   scholarship by India House (by Shri Shyamji Krishna Varma who later
   became Savarkar's follower)

5. During his stay in London, Savarkar shipped bomb recipes and pistols
   in books with hollow cavities carved out from the pages.

6. Unlike Gandhi and Nehru who were given Class A prisoner status,
   Savarkar was given Class C and was made to drive an oil mill
   He had to make mulch coir and make ropes out of it with bare hands.
   Even in prison forcible conversions of poor Hindus to Islam
   were takning place. Savarkar fought for the prison reforms and
   put a stop to these conversions. He eliminated untouchability
   among Hindu prisoners in the Andamans.

7. After the arrest of his brother, who also was given a life term
   in Andamans, and banning of his books in 1909, the British
   confiscated all his family's personal property. The utensils, clothes
   were thrown out on the street. His family's belongings were nothing
   but the clothes they were wearing at the time. All this while
   he was in Europe. This victimization of his family made him
   return to London where he was arrested.

   On this sacrifice Savarkar's poetic words are;

   We have not taken this vow to go "Sati", to jump into the burning
   fire knowing the pain it may cause, blindly. This enlightened
   sacrifice comes naturally to Hindus. (Many thousands of Hindu women
   committed Jouhar and many many Hindus have donned kesariya before).

   Many youths those days had this poem of Savarkar and the preface
   his book on Mazzini by heart, and they used to recite it every day.
   (One such then youth is Rev. Pandurang Shastry Athavale, Leader
    of Swadhayay movement, a parivar of 6 million plus Hindus).

   Now compare that to Nehru. Indira Gandhi writes in her autobigraphy
   that Nehru made her give away a "foreign made" doll Nehru had bought
   her from London. That's a BIG sacrifice, HAH ..

 8.Savarkar wrote Mazzini's biography, The history of 1857 war of
   independence, epic poems Kamla, he wrote news reports from UK,
   he wrote Hindutva - a unique contribution to Hindu philosophy
   he wrote novels, he wrote plays, he wrote a grand study of
   Indian history. He wrote songs, he wrote 'stotras'. One of his
   song " praise of Godess Liberty " is in 10 th grade texts in

 9.Unfortunately for us, Savarkar's manuscript on Sikh history was
   lost and was never found.

10.Savarkar's followers in London also worked with the Gadhar Party in
   USA mobilising American support for Indian independence movement. Theyorked
   worked with other European leaders also. The 1912 demands by Wilhem
   Kaiser's German govt from the British included that India be
   given independence.

11.In 1960 Savarkar exhorted India to make atomic bombs.

12.Savarkar is the only author who tried to put "Kundalini' and
   sapta chakra experience of a yogi in modern medical terms.
   Flag Savarkar designed for Hindus has the lotus Kundlini and
   kripan (a sword) for the defence

13.The book Savarkar worked the longest on is 'Six Gloriuos Epochs
   of Indian History'- This book has nearly thousand references.
   This is the true Indian history, not the canned 'british' version
   of history. If you are a Hindu, you should atleast read this
   book to know your side of the history.

   Judge the man by his words and his actions before you pass an
   opinion based on British/Nehru inspired rumors passed on by the
   nitwits and their followers the netwits.

End of part 2 of 5

In part 3 let us look at his 'prophecies' which came remarkably


Veer Savarkar: The Eternal Hero [Part 3 of 5]:

Savarkar's political realism and foresight has proved to be correct
and unfailing.

In 1925 Savarkar predicted that the separation of Sindh from Bombay
province for appeasing Moslems would be disastrous precedent, would
destory Sindh Hindus and would pique the appetite of Pan-islamists.

We know it snow balled into creation of Pakistan. Plight of Hindus
in Sindh keeps getting even worse.

Savarkar foretold (in his speech on Aug 2, 1942 a week before the start
of Quit India movement) that the political leadership of Gandhi
and Nehru which according to him lacked historical perspective, would
end up dividing India on the basis of religion.

It came true.

Savarkar said that if once Pakistan came into being it would raise an
army and always disturb the peace, industrialisation and the progress
of India.

It came true. 3 wars with Pakistan. We have Punjab, Kashmir terrorism
supported by Pakistan, Bombings in Bombay at sensitive strategic
locations. It is still coming true.

He said in January 1954, that Mao hoodwinked Nehru over Tibet and China
would pull down the pillars of Panchsheel any moment.
(He also commented "In the very six years (after 1947) we criminally
wasted, China had equipped her whole nation with most modern and upto
date arms and without caring the least for feelings of India, had
completely overrun Tibet and destroyed the only buffer state.")
(Only oyther Indian leader to protest vehemantly against China's take
over of Tibet was Dr.Ambedkar).

It came true and China invaded India in 1962.

He warned in 1941 about Moslem infiltration to Assam from East Bengal.

It came true and is coming true even now. We have 15 to 20 million
illiegal Moslems (100,000 of them in Bombay itself is acknowledged
by the Maharashtra Govt). Thanks to Sayyad Shahbuddin and Ghani Khan
Choudhari, Kishan Ganj, Malda districts of Bihar and Bengal are
open havens for BD Moslems who are being made into voters of India
overnight. Lately Hiteshwar Saikia is after Moslem voters in Assam, ad
you know more voters for Congress can be created by importing Moslems
from across the border.

In 1910, on the way to Andamans to India Savarkar envisioned a naval
base guarding this southeastern gate of India.

Guess what Chinese are getting active at a nearby port in Burma.

In 1937 Savarkar expressed fear that Congress would one day throttle
Vande Mataram.

Within a few years Congress did sacrifice Vande Mataram to appease
Moslems (prior to Partition).

Savarkar sounded a warning about the fate of kashmir in 1938.

We have paid for ignoring his warnings in the 3 wars, 300,000 Kashmiri
who are made refugees in their own country are paying for it now.

End of part 3 of 5

Part 4 deals with comparison of Savarkar with other contemporary leaders.


Veer Savarkar The Eternal Hero - Part 4 of 5
Savarkar was a rebel and revolutionary to the last breath (Times
of India,  Feb. 27, 1966)

Savarkar was the first Indian leader to give the message of absolute
political independence and unity to the nation. But the tragedy of
Savarkar was that although he was a secularist to the backbone, a great
lover of science and a sturdy nationalist, he was cruelly represented
as an orthodox leader by those partial to Gandhi and Nehru. (Savarkar
said in June 1963 that it was rediculous and irrational to follow
astrology when Russians and Americans are striving to land on the
Moon and Mars. Earlier Savarkar refused to consider a cow as holy
and chose to call it only as a very useful animal). Savarkar was the
first India n leader to give India the message of secularism and
modernism before the advent of Nehru and MN Roy. Savarkar was more
rational than Gandhi, Cripps or Jayprakash Narayan and as rational
As Nehru and Roy. He was an epic poet and a great rationalist.
He was a great author and the Demoshenes of his age in India. His
political realism and foresight proved to be correct and unfailing
(examples given in part 3).

Great men are sometimes obsessed with one idea. Likewise Savarkar was
obsessed, his critics say, with the idea of Hindu Militarisation. He
was not an imperialist or a militarist. It was his sincere desire that
having suffered slavery often, India should not fall a prey to any
militarist and aggressive country. So many times in the history the
holy land of Hindus was devastated and sacked by hoards of barbarians
(Huns, Scythians, etc ), so inferior to them in language, religion,
culture, philosophy, mercy and all the soft attitudes of man and God;
but superior to them in strength alone- the strength that summed up
in two words - Fire and Sword! It is in this sense Savarkar wanted
Hindus to militarise so never again shall their country be devastated.

Savarkar was the foremost Indian leader to welcome the machine age
and he undertood that economic equality is the inevitable outcome
of the machine age. As regards the social equality, none of his
great contemporaries except Dr.Ambedkar, not even Jawaharlal Nehru
fought orthdoxy with such ruthlessness as did Savarkar.

Savarkar was dubbed a communalist because he said that the principle
of one man one vote should be followed (then opposed to by Muslim
leadership) and because he opposed Muslim Mauliavis and Christian
Missionaries trying to convert illiterate, ignorant and poor Hindus.

In every age the nation that had access to superior force defeated
the nations that did not have that advantage. Savarkar was the
only leader in India who openly said that India should have accession
to a superior device, weapon or force. Savarkar held that justice
would go down if not backed by a superior force. A nation, however
tolerant, just and cooperative would go down if it did not go
match (approximate) the power of surrounding nations (Lesson
taught to India by China war the hard way). India should believe
in  noble principles for the progress of humanity but keep her
superior weapon ready for her own survival. This was the message of
Savarkar to India.

Also beautifully worded by National poet Ramdharisingh "Dinkar"
'Kshamaa shobhati oos Bhujang ko Jis ke paas garal ho'
 forgiveness befits only that Cobra that still carries the venom.

Savarkar on revolution (Nov.1909) -
"Whenever the natural process of national and political evolution
is violently suppressed by the forces of wrong, then revolution must
step in as a natural reaction and therfore ought to be welcomed
as the only effective instrument to reenthrone Truth and Right. You
(the British) rule by bayonets and under these circumstances it is a
mockery to talk of constitutional agitation when no constitution
exists at all. But it would be worse than a mockery, even a crime when
there is a constitution that allows the fullest and freeest developement
of a nation. Only because you (British) deny us a gun, we pick up a
pistol. Only because you deny us light, we gather in darkness to
compass means to knock out the fetters that hold out Mother down."

End of part 4 of 5

Part 5 What others said about Savarkar.


Swatantrya-Veer Savarkar - The Eternal Hero - Part 5 of 5:

Rajagopalachari -Savarkar to him was a national hero, a symbol of
courage, bravery and patriotism , an 'abhitirth' in the long battle
for freedom.

Subhash Chandra Bose wanted Savarkar to join the Congress after Savarkar'
s release in 1937.

M.N.Roy wanted Savarkar to devote his life again to the emancipation
of India on Savarkar's own line of thinking.

Dr. Rajendra Prasad, Dr.Radhakrishanan, YB Chavan felicited Savarkar
on Dec.1960

S.M.Joshi (the socialist leader) said he was inspired by Savarkar's
call for absolute political independence.

General Cariappa India's first Commander in Chief (C-in-C) in Dec. 1962
after the defeat of Indian Army in the China war said " Had India
listened to Savarkar and adopted his policy of militarization and
prepared herself she would not have been placed in this predicament.

Gyanpith award winner V.S.Khandekar said that Savarkar was great not
only the field of politics but also in the fields of poetry, courage
literature. His greatness had the colors of the rainbow. We are all
Lilliputians before Savarkar.

On Feb 3. 1966 Savarkar decided to surrender to death and simply
stopped taking any food or drink other than water. He had stopped taking
any medicine a month before that.

Congress MPs Violet and Joachim Alva (on Feb 5, 1966) wrote to Savarkar
"We humbly salute your unforgettable daring achievement - Swimming the
ocean and regaining freedom- will be long cherished in the pages of
freedom struggle"

Among the people who wrote concerned about his health were Jagjivan Ram
and then home minister Gulzarilal Nanda.

After 22 days on barely 5 to 6 teaspoonfuls of water a day, on February
26 1966, Savarkar happily surrendered to Death whom he had challenged
since his youth. He was conscious to the last hour and did not suffer
any serious complications whatsoever.

S.A.Dange (Chairman of the Communist party) said of Savarkar " He was
one of the great anti-imperialist revolutionary".

PM Indira Gandhi said " Savarkar was a great figure of contemporary
India and his name is by-word for daring and patriotism. He was cast in
a mould of a classic revolutionary and countless people drew
inspiration from him."

Defence minister YB Chavan " Savarkar displayed a unique combination
of nationalism, bravery and social unity ".

Haribhau Pataskar ex Gov. of MP and congress leader said " Savarkar
was India's bravest son, a great literary genius, an inspiring poet and a
great orator."

M.C.Chagla (the then Education minister) said " Savarkar was a great
patriot and an illustrious son of India" he added " anyone living in
in this country who loved and drew inspiration from the great heritage
of India and was loyal to India was a Hindu. Revolutionaries like
Savarkar created an atmosphere which made it possible for Mahatma
Gandhi to succeed. It would be unpatriotic if the people of India
failed to give Savarkar a prominent place in the history of India".

(By the way 'Muslim' Chagla's definition of Hindu is close to Savarkar's
definition of a Hindu).

Savarkar in his will asked that nobody should observe hartal or close
his business to mourn over his death. This to avoid inconvenience
to common people.

He was cremated in electric crematorium per his wish because he
considered it more clean, efficient (eco-friendly in modern terms).


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