To: editor@rbhatnagar.ececs.uc.edu
Subject: REQUEST
From: rashmikant.fulchand@bggrc.co.uk
Date: Thu, 18 May 1995 10:14:00 +0000 (GMT)
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From rashmikant.fulchand@bggrc.co.uk Thu May 18 06: 54:37 1995
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Posting-Date: Thu, 18 May 1995 10:54:00 +0000 (GMT)
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Dear All
I am a editor for a Hindu newsletter in the UK which has
just been established. We write articles concerning all
Hindus. I would very much welcome articles on health and
spritual text.
We hold the view that all great masters famous or not spoke
on the same Divine personality and expressed the divine in
their own unique way. The knowledge that was given is the
timeless wisdom that was based on great experience.
The newsleter aims to promote harmony aand integration of all
people. Each human person has in him the unique ability to
to move to a higher level and attain divinity.
I also teach ART OF LIVING courses in UK. This is a 3 day
workshop and is world famous. Below is some info on the
The aim of the foundation is to bring peace and harmomy to
all people in the world - real peace comes from within when
the mind is calm and therefore able to experience the bliss
that lies within us all.
The ART OF LIVING is worldwide - the course has been done in
over 80 countries. It is very effective and has brought a lot
of clarity and peace of mind to thousands. In America there
are over 50 centres and I run one here in the UK. The course
brings a simple way to all people to experience the calmness
and clarity that comes from meditation and yoga. The actual
course is very interactive and not just talks -it is very
much experiencial and the benefits are enormous.
The Quality of our life is determined by the state of our
mind. When we explore how the mind functions we observe that
it is either caught up in the past or anxious about the
future. The more the mind vacillates between past and future
the more stress is accumulated in the nervous system.
The Art of Living course allows the mind to function fully in
the present moment - not just as a concept, but as a
conscious reality. When this experience dawns, we are then
free to develop to our full human potential. The Three day
programme provides the essential tools and techniques
necessary for individuals to live with a positive state of
mind and become more effective and efficient throughout the
The course is an unforgettable experience that helps resolve
complexities and leaves you smiling. The content of the
course is interactive and practical with simple guided
processes and breathing techniques which restores the natural
rhythmic cycles that harmonize body, mind and emotions.
The address for future reference is;
THE ART OF LIVING FOUNDATION, 'The Fairways' off Hazel Road,
58 Laurel Road, Loughborough LE11 2NL,UK.
tele:01509-236131 or 0956-455128.
In the course simple Asanas(exercise) are done,various
processes to become aware of vital points pertaining to our
existence-mind,body -this whole complex.Sudarshan Kriya or
healing breath-this is a technique whereby after doing it one
feels calm and collective and serene-it is a beautiful
technique and thousands practice it.
Patanjali give nine obstacles to achieve real peace and nine
ways to overcome them - Sudarshan Kriya is one of them.
Forth coming courses planned for are in Norwich, Derby,
Birmingham, Leicester,london,birmingham and manchester.
The founder of these courses is Sri Sri Ravi Shankar who
hails from South India. His message is simply "To be
successful in the world is to be in unconditional love"
His aim is to awaken the divinity within so that one can live
a life in celebration.