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Dear editor,

I am a co-ordinator of the World Hindu Conference for South Africa. After
the Democratization of South Africa, South African Histrory has taken a New
facet. In this same light we the Hindus of South Africa decided to host the
Hindu World Conference. This would be a grand premier as the WHC has never 
been hosted on the African continent.

Being a netter, I was asked to see if we could get the message accross the
realm of conventionality. Instituting a new newsgroup to that effect will
take some time, as you are well aware of the proceedures, and the WHC stands 
on our doorway scheduled for the 7-10 July 1995.

Our humble request would be to be able to use the alt.hindu as an informational
platform and transpose our ideals forward. What I am personnaly looking at is 
as a matter of fact very simple. I am personaly addresing the conference on
the topic of Hinduism and electronic media. I have been reading through the
present newsgroup and many a times I have found my self baffled with the 
amount of knowledge and inspiration that appears on this group.Hence the 
idea of using it as an operational platform, with your blessings of course.

I, on behalf of the WHC working committee would like you to forward this 
message to all your affiliates and other hindu related newsgroup on the net.
I would like to receive your airs and views about the implementation of 
electronic media  for the cause of hinduism. If we look at it Islam has 
come out with the windows version of the Kuran, Yet we don't even have a 
dos version of any of our scriptures. We have the people who can do it but 
we also have the lack of motivation. We can do it. There is nothing that
we hindus can't do, so lets put our efforts together and get it done with.

Hope that this message will be given your due attention and that it will be 
passed on as well.

Thanking you

Pundit Yogaysh

Y      YOGIRAJ#       Swast Shri
O      O              Vedic Priest & Astrologer
G      G              P.O.Box 2731
IRAJYOGIRAJYOGI       Lenasia 1820
       R      R       R.S.Africa
       A      A       27 11 852 1576
#YOGIRAJ      J       yogiraj@iaccess.za

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