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Re: Suggestions for travel in India

Adrian Cox (adrian@spry.com) wrote:
: I am planning a trip to India in about a year from now, and I am seeking 
: any advice on a good loop through India and perhaps some of India's neighboring 
: countries. I have traveled substantially before and I am 23 years old
: so the places need not be especially "comfortable" or designed for 
: tourists, just interesting. I do not know a tremendous amount about India, but that 
: is why I am starting to collect information now. Experience has taught me that the 
: more one knows about the place they want to travel, the richer the experience will be.
: So any recommendations for small friendly hotels, interesting cities, and routes 
: to take me there would be greatly appreciated!
: Thanks in advance...
: adrian@spry.com

Adrian, I have always been drawn toward India too, and hope someday to 
visit.  I did see a PBS TV show a couple weeks ago, something like The 
Great India Railway.  It really got me excited and was a great 


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