Bhishma Project ... (A Study of Indian History and Culture)
From: Rajiv Varma <rvarma@ccaix.jsums.edu>
(*--------------------------- Forwarded Message -------------------------*
Subject: Indian History REwriting Project - BHISHMA
Following is some information about an eighteen volume Indian History
Project (whose 12 volumes have been published), which has received
blessings from many eminent scholars. If you, or any one you know is
interested in knowing more about the project, or is interested in
acquiring the volumes (either as a set or individual volumes), please let
me know. Thank you for your attention.
Prashant Joshi
We need to know our own history and culture - our own roots. Our
children need to be in a position to reply back to their friends when
asked about their heritage. We all know or believe that our heritage is
great and we want to pass it on to the next generations. While
assimilating in the American way of life, we must preserve our cultural
BHISHMA's 18 volumes on Indian History and culture is perhaps the first
comprehensive attempt to present a matter-of-fact History of India based
on the Vedas, the Puranas, the Epics and the mass of secular literature
in Sanskrit and other Indian languages. These volumes are written
keeping in mind the needs mentioned above.
Many eminent scholars are involved in this project under the guidance of
Itihas Bhushana Dr. Shripad D. Kulkarni, (B-7/8, Shreepal Apts,
Panchapakhadi, Thane, India 400602, Tel. 91-22-502641) a renowned
sanskrit scholar and the Chief Editor of BHISHMA.
* "A very timely, methodical and scholarly presentation of our History
and Culture"... Shri. R. Venkatraman, The Ex-President of India.
* "I would recommend this series to all serious scholars and to lay
readers as well"... Shri. C. Subramaniam, The Chairman of the Bharatiya
Vidya Bhavan.
* "This series is a monumental endeavor"... Dr. Karan Singh, a renowned
scholar and Ex-Ambassador to USA.
* "Most promising, comprehensive, and successful survey of the
developments on the Indian sub- continent, beginning with the Veda (and
even earlier) upto the modern age, correcting motivated distortions by
foreign scholars followed by certain Indian writers and sustaining the
presentation with adequate documentation"... The Hindu of Madras, India.
BHISHMA's 18 volume comprehensive set consists of:
* Beginnings of Life, Culture and History
This is an intensive investigation into the origin of life, the theory of
evolution and a pragmatic study of the Vedas (the heritage of mankind) as
a source of ancient world civilization.
* The Puranas: The Encyclopedia of Indian History and Culture
This volume gives a general survey of the 18 Mahapuranas covering the
history of Earth starting from 31,000 years till the present.
* The Epics: Ramayana and Mahabharata
The epics depict the biographical sketches of ideal, historical men in
action - Maryada Purushottam Rama Purna Purusha Krishna.
*Glorious Epoch: Svayambhuva Manu (The first king of mankind) to Shakari
This volume narrates the political history of the reigns of pre-flood
kings, Paurava, Prdyota, Shishunaga, Nanda, Maurya, Shunga, Kanva, Andhra
Shatavahana, the Imperial Guptas to Shakari Vikramaditya.
* Golden Age - Founders of Modern Eras to Later Dynasties (82 BC to 1327
The political history of medieval Indian dynasties like Kalchuris,
Guptas, Rashtrakutas, Kadambas, Chalukyas, Vardhans, Solankis, Chauhans
and the Rajasthan rulers is traced in this volume.
* Encounter with Islam
Modern History of India from 636 AD to 1739 AD along with analysis of
Islamic view of life is briefly discussed in this volume.
* The Struggle for Hindu Supremacy
This volume describes the event-packed 500 years of history from
harassment of the Hindus at the hands of the Muslim marauders which led
to the foundation of the Vijayanagar Hindu Empire to the Maratha Empire
led by Chatrapati Shivaji which peaked during Peshva rule until the
advent of the British.
* European interlude
The Portuguese bigotry and the British guile are the special features of
the European interlude. This volume traces the history of India from
1498 to 1857.
* Emergence of Free India: 1857 to 1947
During the 90 years of economic exploitation, modern political institutions
developed in India. This volume describes the fight for the freedom
fought by the great heroes like Dadabhoy Naoraji, Phiroz Shah Mehta,
Lokamanya Tilak, Gandhiji, Nehru, Veer Savarkar, and many more, which
freed India from the British rule.
*Sanatana Dharma and Vedic Foundations
This volume discusses scientific truths in Vedas, comparison between
Sanatana Dharma and the Semitic faiths, and various aspects of Hindu
* Adi Shankara: The Saviour of Mankind
Shankaracharya revived the Sanatana Dharma and clarified the
misconception between Bramhan and Maya. This volume illustrates his
teachings of human brotherhood through spiriitualism, a gift to mankind.
* The Bramhan: The Fount of Eternal Human Culture
This volume analyzes fundamental truths of life (i.e. tenets of Vedic
Sanatana Dharma) with its scientific rationalism.
* India: The wonderland of Perennial Culture
This volume traces the development of alienation of educated Indians
from their age-old culture continued through the efforts by saints like
Jnaneshwara, Namdeo, Tukaram, Ramdas, Nanak, Kabir, Chaitanya, Tulsidas,
Surdas and seers like Dayananda, Ramakrishna Paramhansa, Vivekananda,
Aurobindo, and so on.
* History of Arts, Sciences and Technology
History of inventive genius of Indians in the area of arts and sciences
like agriculture, metallurgy, ornament-making, military, chemistry and
many other branches forms the subject matter of this volume.
* History of Fine Arts: Dance, Drama and Music, Pictorial and Plastic Arts
The practice of these arts, Samaveda and the theoretical aspects are
studied in this volume.
*India Abroad
The Vedic civilization traversed the entire globe and left its marks from
Mexico-Peru to China and the Far East. This volume takes the reader on a
joy-ride through all the major countries of the world where Indian
Culture held its sway.
* Economic History of India: Vedic, Kautilyan and Modern
The Vedic economic models, rules and regulations to protect the consumers
and the common man from being duped by those in authority are
meticulously framed in this voulme.
* The Reconsiderations and Trends
This volume is a summary containing a critical assessment of Indian
achievements since independence.
The information pains-takingly researched, collected, and presented
through the above 18 volumes will hardly be found in such a
comprehensive manner at one place elsewhere. Each volume is produced in
English (deluxe, hardbound edition - royal size approx. 350 pages
each). In addition, a concise book called "What is Hinduism?" (88 pages)
describing the tenets of Sanatana Dharma is also available to help each
one of us maintain our identity for generations to come, anywhere in the
People donating $ 250 or more will receive the above set of 18 volumes as a
gift. For Tax-exemption and further information contact Dr. Ravindra S.
Kulkarni at (718) 268-5977 or Prashant/Manjusha Joshi at (718) 793-6427.
How to Order?
Please fill out the information in this box and mail it with the check to the
address below:
Street Address:_______________________________________________________
City:______________________ State:______________ Zip Code:_______________
Please send me (Check one or more)
____ 18 volume set for $ 250.00 (inclusive of postage and handling) + FREE
"What is Hinduism?"
____ "What is Hinduism?" for $ 5.00 (inclusive of postage and handling)
____ Individual volume(s): _______________________________ each for $ 20.00
(inclusive of postage and
handling).Enclosed is a check for $ ___________ payable to
organization in U.S.A.) 150-56 Melbourne Avenue,
Flushing, NY 11367 USA