
The Lord's three energies

Krishna's Three Energies

visnu saktih para prokta
  kstetre-jnakhya titha para
avidya-karma samjnaya
  tritiya saktir isyate

	The Supreme Lord has diverse and innumerable energies which are
beyond our conception; however, great learned sages or liberated souls
have studied these energies and have analyzed them into three parts. All
of the energies are of visnu-sakti, that is to say they are different
potencies of Lord Visnu. The first energy is para, transcendental. Living
entities also belong to the superior energy. The other energies, or
material energies, are in the mode of ignorance. 
			Visnu Purana 6.7.61 quoted in Bg. page 26

1) Antaranga sakti - internal potency (yoga-maya)

	sat		- samvit	- external potency
	cit		- sandhini	- knowledge potency
	ananda		- hladini	- pleasure potency

2) Bahiranga sakti - external energy (maha-maya)

	a) bhumir	- earth
	b) apah		- water	
	c) analah	- fire
	d) vayuh	- air
	e) kham		- ether
	f) manah	- mind
	g) buddhi	- intelligence
	h) ahankara	- false ego

					(Bg. 7.4)

3) Tatastha sakti - marginal potency (living entities)

					(Bg. 7.5, 15.7)

	Krsna is the saktimana, or the source of all energy.

					(Bg. 7.6)

a) The spiritual energy is eternal, full of knowledge and bliss. It is
transcendental and beyond all changes of material nature. 

b) The external energy is the exact opposite and is therefore temporary,
full of ignorance and misery. It is mundane and always changing. 

c) The marginal energy (jiva) also belongs to the spiritual energy, but
because he has the independence to be either in the spiritual world or the
material world, he is called marginal. 

	The whole manifestation is the Lord Himself by difffusion of His
different energies only, namely the internal, external and marginal. Such
energy is simultaneously one with and different from the Lord

					(Bhag. 2.10.46, 2.9.19 purport)

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