
Re: Evolution? Evolution?

As Raghu Seshadri <seshadri@hpindyo.cup.hp.com> mentioned in his post 
regarding Hindu views towards evolution, that the ten avatars of Visnu 
could be interpreted as evolutionary steps, here is something that was 
sent to me:

 	The explanation of creation in the Puranas (stories used to propogate 
knowledge) is truly astonishing. The story of Dash-Avatar's (Ten Incarnations) 
and it's subtle symbolic meanings are a tribute to the wisdom prvailing
in Vedic times.

	The Ten Forms was supposed to be a logical explanation to the mystery of
creation and one realises the scientific understanding present in Vedic times.

1> Matsya Avatar (fish): The first avatar is that of a fish which science
			 also agrees was the first advanced lifeform to
			 in habit the earth during the later part of the 
			 Ice Age.

2> Kurma Avatar (Tortoise): The tortoise survives on land as well as water
			 The amphibians, science agrees came next. This is
			 spoken of in the puranas as the second avatar.

3> Varaha Avatar (Wild Boar): A land animal requiring essentially wild and
			 requiring dense vegetation for survival.

4> Vamana Avatar (Short man/Monkey) : The monkey was an advance on the the
			 Varaha due to its intelligence and the ability to
			 perform simple tasks. The puranas called it the 
			 fourth Avatar.   

5> Narasimha Avatar (Half Man,Half Animal) : The early man (Homo Erectus)
			 able to hunt, carve and shape weapons and live
			 in caves. Narasimha is depicted with the face of
			 a lion symbolising his need to live in caves and
			 primitive dwellings.

6> Parashrama Avatar (The warrior) : Parashurama is the epitomy of early 
			 lawless society without order where the strong
			 subjugated the weak. and Parashurama is depicted
			 in the the Puranic story as one who fights for
			 order in the society and the upholding of moral law.

7> Rama Avatar (The Conlicts of Law) : In Rama Avatar, established law is
			 seen for the first time, enforced by Kings and
			 not strong enough to protect the righteous. However
			 in this story Rama when crowned King shows that law 
			 is uniform for all including himself. This shows
			 a clear order taking root in society during that

8> Krishna Avatar (Safeguarding The Law/Dharma) : Krishna Avatar is the 
			 beautiful example of the cost at which law should 
			 be upheld and a sense of duty preceding all the 
			 rights available to man. It also through the life 
			 of a simple shephard opens a persons eyes to the
			 dangers that can befall a fully developed society 
			 and a need for catharsis/revolution/struggle to
			 weed out ills of society.

9> Buddha Avatar (The Quest for Truth) : Though Buddhism is an independent
			 religion, Buddha finds a mention in the Puranas as
			 the time of a Sage where times were conducive to
			 encourage the spirit of inquiry and finding out
			 the truth for oneself without getting stuck to dogmas
			 and beliefs passed down by earlier generations.

10> Kalki Avatar ( The Age of the Unknown) : Kali is depicted by the Puranas
			 as a proud warrior on a white horse with a scale on
			 one hand and a spear with a shield on another riding
			 away into the future confident of the times ahead
			 based on the avataras of the past.

Every Avatar has a story to support it and the stories have a lot of
subtle meanings hidden all over in the Puranas. I have only pointed to the 
gist of it all. For ages we have only been scratching the surface and looking
only at superficial aspects of Hinduism. 

We are the sons of a great and majestic land which has understood and accepted
every belief and faith in its bosom. Hindus, Muslims, Buddhists, Christians,
Jains, Parsis & Sikhs have all flourished here. I hope we see India through the eyes
of Vivekananda who realised the greatness and glory of our land....

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