
Re: Dishonesty (was Re: The Bhagavad-Geeta - Chapter 12)

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I shall ever try to keep all untruths out from my thoughts, knowing
that thou art that truth which has kindled the light of reason in my
Keeping the mind open to His Presence as Truth requires more than a
little reasoning, in that one must be open-minded, yet not gullible.
He may come in any Form He wishes, but that does not mean that one
treats every form as Him.
I suppose that is why one asks Ganesha to clear the way- to permit the
purified intellect to discern fact from fantasy. With Him as harbinger,
the bhaktha may notice assumptions as they manifest, and stop them at
the doorstep.  To let assumption pass unnoticed, or prompt to action,
could mean much much friction later on.  Better to keep the flame
tended, steady.
Helping all readers in that endeavour, an alert devotee expressed
concern regarding the Prasad translation of Gita.
"One wonders why he finds it so difficult to present the text honestly,
without inserting his own opinions. As far as I am concerned, I think
it is a basic belief in ANY religion (including Advaita) that one
should be honest at all times, and not try to misrepresent oneself or
others. But this Gita scholar seems to have deliberately misrepresented
the scripture in order to sell us his own opinions."
I consider what that alert bhaktha said, and agree that due concern
over `translation' is worthwhile.  With that in mind, please look now
at Geetaa 4:24, as it is.
brahma havir
brahmAgnau brahmaNA hutam
brahmaivatena gantavyam
That is so rich in insight. Brahma is the offering...
If one considers BRAHMAN as the Supreme Absolute, one might say the
verse translates as
                           God is the offering-
                           God, the oblation.
                           By GOD is the oblation
                           poured into the Fire that is GOD-
                           God truly shall be reached
                           by the one who ever sees GOD IN ACTION.
But that translation is only one of many. Note then please this
TRANSLATION (sic),  which one sect suggests in place of the one I
offered, and in place of Dr.  Prasad's- well, in place of every
translation I suppose:
"A person who is fully absorbed in Krsna consciousness is sure to
attain the spiritual kingdom because of his full contribution to
spiritual activities, in which the consummation is absolute and that
which is offered is of the same spiritual nature."
Nary a mention of Brahman, or God, or fire, in the whole thing. Looking
very closely at that, I could say, "Whoever this translator is...  he
is clearly inserting his own opinions, and not remaining faithful to
the original Sanskrit."
But then what is gained by saying that?  I could show that there is
almost nary a phrase in that `translation' which reflects the actual
Sanskrit meaning of the text, as it is, and I could even imply the
translator `seems to have deliberately misrepresented the scripture in
order to sell us his own opinions'
but why do that? All that would do is ignite passions, not steadiness.
The simple fact is folks choose their translation as best they can. I
choose to say no more than that, for now.
So, I will but echo a humble devotee:
"I hope this will serve as a reminder that alt.hindu netters must be
more discriminating before they choose a Gita translation in which to

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