
Re: Swastika

In <3tuje9$7j8@babbage.ece.uc.edu> raj vardhan singh
<singh-rv@cis.ohio-state.edu> writes: 

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:The swastikas are where the two asterisks are.
:The 6-pointed star is made of two triangles - one triangle pointing
:upwards and another pointing downwards. THe triangle pointing upwards
:represents a nara attemptin to reach upward, and the triangle
:pointing downward represents narayana reaching down to meet this
:person. When the twain meet, yoga is attained.
:Now the relationship to the Swastika:
:At the base of the triangle poiniting upward, are 2 swastikas, one at
:each corner, rotating in opposite directions.
:What is the significance of this?
:A point to ponder: In our tradition, the six pointed star and the
:swastika reside in harmony, whereas in the West (Germany during WWII
:in particular) the Swastika and David's Star were at war. What is
:important is to educate people around us as to what these symbols
:mean to us from a Sanatana Dharma background. It pains me not to be
:able to wear a Swastika locket or paint a swastika in a rangoli in
:front of my house.
:Jai Ramji ki.

I just wanted to add that they also represent Shiva and Shakti,  God
Bless, Sat Nam.
Humbly Yours,

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