Rigveda files can be accessed from here as ITRANSliterated text (ITX),
devanagari postscript files (PS) and devanagari web pages in Sanskrit 1.2 fonts
(created using Itranslator from Omkarananda Ashram).
The ITX files are linked from Avinash
Sathaye's Sanskrit Goodies Page. Even though the files are large, you will be able to
start browsing ITX and HTML versions without delay. You will need a postscript viewer such
as GSview to view and print the
postscript files or you can print them by directly copying them to a postscript printer.
Please address all questions related to the rigveda texts to Avinash Sathaye at sohum@ms.uky.edu. Any problems
relating to the web-page should be sent to shree@usa.net.