962.Image: furnace or forge of a smith; a goldsmith's smelting pot; torch: ukka_ (Vedic ulka_ and ulkus.i_; Latin volcanus; Old Irish olca_n to be fiery) firebrand, glow of fire, torch; tin.-ukka_ firebrand of dry grass; ukka_ a furnace or forge of a smith; a meteor; ukka_-dha_ra a torch-bearer; ukka_-pa_ta falling of a firebrand, a meteor; ukka_-mukha the opening or receiver of a furnace, a goldsmith's smelting pot = kamma_r'uddhana (Pali); ukka_cana_ enlightening, clearing up, instruction; ukka_cita enlightened, made bright; (fig.) or cleaned, cleared up; ukka_ceti to bale out water, to empty by means of buckets (Pali)(Pali.lex.) Image: fireplace: cf. cu_l.ai kiln, furnace, funeral pile (Ta.); culli_, ulli_ fireplace (Pkt.)(DEDR 2709)(CDIAL 4879).

963.Image: smoking apparatus: ukka_, hukka_ a smoking apparatus, a hooka (Ka.M.H.)(Ka.lex.) ukka_ hookah, Turkish tobacco pipe and its apparatus by which smoke is drawn through water (Ta.); huqqa (U.)(Ta.lex.) hukka_, hukki_ < huqqah (Arabic) an earthen, leather or metallic pipe, a tobacco pipe (P.lex.)

964.Image: hare: ukkul.a_n- a hare which is supposed to live on dried leaves (Ta.)(Ta.lex.) kulai hare; sphon kulai hare (Santali.lex.)

965.Image: to sit on knees: uka_d.ya_ bos to squat, sit on the knees (Kon.lex.)

966.A small boat: ukkud.o a small boat (Tu.lex.) To float: cf. ge to float, swim (Malt.); o_gna_ (u_gyas) to float, swim (Kur.)(DEDR 1031). cf. ukai to move as a boat (Ta.)(DEDR 563). upe float, swim (Kon.lex.)

967.To move a boat: ukai (-v-, -nt-) to move as a boat, go as a vehicle, walk as an animal (Kalla_. 19)(Ta.); (-pp-, -tt-) to drive as a carriage, ride as a horse, row as a boat, discharge as an arrow (Tiruva_ca. 30,4)(Ta.); ukayuka to go, reach, walk; ukaykkuka to drive (Ma.)(DEDR 563). Effort: cf. u_kkam effort (Ta.)(DEDR 729).

968.Image: watchhouse: ugha_r.i a raised thatched platform in the fields for watching the crops from (Or.); udgha_t.a watchhouse (Skt.)(CDIAL 1972). ukkal.am night watch, advance guard, entrenchment around a camp (Ta.); advanced guard, night patrol (Ma.); ukkad.a entrenchment about a camp, advanced guard, watch, guardhouse, end or outermost post of a town or village (Ka.); ukkad.a, ukkud.a lookout place between the bounds of two towns (Tu.); ukkal.amu vanguard, pickets round a camp (Te.)(DEDR 565). ukkud.o a watching station between the bounds of two towns (Tu.lex.) ukkad.a the end or outermost part of a town or village; an entrenchmet about a camp, an advanced guard, pickets round a camp, a watch; a guard-house (Ka.); ukkal.a (Te.); ukkal.am, ur-kal.am (Ta.); ukkad.a ba_galu the outer-most gate of a town or village; ukkad.a mane the last house of a town etc.; ukkad.a hola a field on the outskirt etc. (Ka.)(Ka.lex.)

969.Advance guard: ukkiram < ugra advance guard; blaze, glow, fierceness (Tiruvil.ai. Ya_n-aiyey. 20)(Ta.); ukkira-p--eru-var..uti a Pa_n.d.ya who was the last king who reigned during the period of the Third Tamil Sangam in Madura and under whose patronage the Akana_n-u_r-u was compiled (Ir-ai. 1, Urai, Pak. 11)(Ta.lex.) Mighty person: ugga (Vedic ugra, from uks.ati, vaks.) mighty, huge, strong, fierce, grave; a mighty or great person, noble lord; ugga-putta a nobleman, mighty lord; high born warrior (Pali)(Pali.lex.) cf. ukkal.am night watch, advance guard (Ta.)(DEDR 565).

970.Image: to leap: ukal.i to jump, leap (Ta.)(DEDR 589). ukal.ittal to leap, jump (Pa_rata. Patin-a_r-a_m. 51); to delight, exult (Tiv. Tiruva_y. 10,8,7)(Ta.)(Ta.lex.) ukai-ttal to leap, jump up (Pa_rata. Niraimi_. 41)(Ta.); ukal.u-tal to leap, bound, frisk, gambol, jump over (Kur-un. 65); to run about (Maturaik. 74)(Ta.lex.) khat.la to jump (Santali.lex.)

971.Ploughing: ukke, ur..ke ploughing (Ka.lex.)

972.Image: to spring up: udaga_t subj. of aor. has arisen (of sun)(RV.); ugge_i, uggai rises (Pkt.); uga_t pret. he went away (Tor.); ugan.u to spring up, shoot up (S.); uggn.a_ to spring up, grow (P.); uga_na to spring up (B.); ugeiba_ (Or.); u_gab to rise, appear (Mth.); u_gai rises, appears (OMarw.); ugvu~ to rise, come out (as the fruit of), grow (G.); uga_un.a_ to cause to spring up (P.); uga_na_ (H.)(CDIAL 1954). cf. uka (-pp-, -nt-) to ascend, rise, soar upward (Ta.); ukal.u (ukal.i-) to leap, bound, frisk, gambol (Ta.); ukkuka to leap, spring upward or forward (Ma.); ubaru high; above (Tu.)(DEDR 559). cf. u_par above (H.lex.) udgalati trickles out, oozes out, drips (BhP.); uglanu to drip off, die off, become covered with verdigris (N.)(CDIAL 1953). cf. cilumpu, cel.impu verdigris (Ta.); kiluvu, kilubu, kilabu, kilibu, kilumbu verdigris, rust (Ka.)(DEDR 1586). uggharati oozes (Pali); ughra_l.o, oghra_l.o lines of a liquid poured out; oghri_ loose threads at the end of a garment (G.); u_ghalvu~ to start in procession for bride's father's house, go in procession (G.); ughal.n.e~ to clear the stale remains of a feed out of a handmill (M.)(CDIAL 1970). ogre to boil (Dm.); ughar. (Phal.); ughir.an., ughar.an. to be collected; uga_hr.an. to collect (L.)(CDIAL 1971). paggharati oozes out (Skt.); oozes, trickles, drips (Pali); pagharan. to melt, liquefy; paghrun. (L.); paghuri_ chewing the cud; paghura_eb to chew the cud (Bi.); pa_ghal.n.e~, paghal.n.e~ to ooze, trickle, drip, melt, dissolve (M.)(CDIAL 8482). pagharu sweat (S.); pagghur, pagghar (L.); pa_ghal. ooze, trickling (M.)(CDIAL 8481). pagha_ra_ sweat (L.); paha_l. mountain stream (M.); paha_l.i_ shower (M.)(CDIAL 8484). pagha_ran.u to melt, dissolve (S.); pagha_ran. (L.); pagha_riba_ to flavour curry with condiments and ghee or oil (A.); pagha_rn.a_ to melt by heating (P.); paghal.n.e~ to spread out, widen, enlarge (M.); pa_ghal.n.e~ to let fall in drops, let run (M.); pigha_lna_ to melt, dissolve, fuse (H.)(CDIAL 8485). paghiran.u to be melted; paghirjan.u to be melted, sweat (S.); pighalna_ (older paghilna_, caus. paghila_na_) to be dissolved, be melted, be fused (H.); pighalna_ (P.); pighal.n.e~ (M.)(CDIAL 8486). cf. ukkad. sweat (Go.); ukkaram sultriness (Ta.)(DEDR 568).

973.Image: overflowing: uggu to spurt out; nettaru ugguni the blood spurting out (Tu.lex.) ukku, urku that rises or has risen; spume, froth; rising as that of the flood-tide (Ka.); pride (Ka.Te.)(Ka.lex.) ukkanda swell: overflowing fullness, abundance (Ka.); ukku, urku to rise, to swell (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) uku (ukuv-, ukk-) to be shed as feathers or hair (Ci.Ci. 1,15); be spilled (Kur-al., 720); gush forth; fall down, die (Te_va_. 641,4); set; (-pp-, -tt-) to let fall, spill, scatter, cast, shed as leaves or feathers, shed (tear), pour out; ukuvu spilling (Maturaik. 415)(Ta.); u_kka to spill, shed (Ma.); u.c- to be spilt; spill, pour (water, grain), pour off (water from grain)(Ko.); u.c- to throw away (dirty water); ux- (uk-) to leak, dribble; uf- (uf0-) to fall down (of flowers or fruit); uft- to shake off (water, from head, dust, mud), empty (bag of grain), throw (spear), shout (words of song)(To.); ugu (okk-) to become loose, burst forth, flow, run, trickle, be shed or spilt; let loose etc.; vomit; ugisu to spill, shed etc.; ogu, ogisu = ugu, ugisu (Ka.); guppuni to pour, shed, spill; ugipu id. (Tu.); ogi to pour (Kor.); u_cu to fall off as hair from sickness; guppu to throw, fling, sprinkle (as something contained in the closed hand), discharge (as an arrow)(Te.); uy-, uv- (hair) falls out (Pa.); ogor.e to tumble down, be rolled down; ogor.tre to roll down (Malt.)(DEDR 562).

974.Image: sewing together two pieces: okkal sewing together two pieces of any material (W.)(Ta.)(Ta.lex.)

975.Image: lifts up; raises fists: ubra_i raise (the hand to threaten)(Kon.lex.) udgurate_ lifts up, raises a weapon, raises the voice threateningly (VS.); ugrun. to wield (L.); uggurn.a_ to raise threateningly (e.g. fists)(P.); uggarna_ (EP.); ugura_iba_ to cause a new thing to be used (Or.); ugra_vin.e~ to hold or point menacingly (M.); uggirati lifts up, carries (Pali); uguri vaunting (Or.)(CDIAL 1961). udgrhan.a act of taking out (S'Br.); udgrabhan.a act of raising (Ka_tyS'r.); uggahan.a taking up (Pali); ughen the string round a vessel for lifting it (Mth.)(CDIAL 1965). udgra_bh taking up (TS.); udgra_ha (Pa_n..)(CDIAL 1966). o.k (o.yk-) to raise (hand to strike, corpse on to fire)(Ko.); o_n.n.uka to lift up (as hand), prepare to strike, aim at; o_n.n.al threat; o_ccuka to raise; o_ppuka to raise, lift (Ma.); o_n.ku (o_n.ki-) lift up, raise (as arm, weapon, pestle); o_kku (o_kki-) to raise, lift up, cause to rise; o_ccu (o_cci-) to raise in order to strike (Ta.); o_ga pride (Ka.)(DEDR 1033).

976.To collect; to take up: ughrun. to raise (L.); uggharn.a_ to be collected (P.); uga_hr.an. to collect (L.); ugharva_un.a_ to cause to be collected (P.); ughra_vvu~ to collect money promised (G.); ugha_rn.e~ to collect (M.); ughir.an., ughar.an. to be collected (L.); uga_hr.an. to collect (L.)(CDIAL 1971). uggha_a collection (Pkt.)(CDIAL 1974). udgra_hayati causes to take up, causes to pay (Ya_j.); udgra_hita pp. (Skt.); uggaha_yati takes up (Pali); ugga_he_i seizes (Pkt.); o_ga_ to lift up, wish, buy (Ash.); ugra_han., ugra~_vun. to collect (revenue, debts, etc.)(L.); ugra_hun.a_, agra_hun.a_ to collect, press a demand for payment (P.); uga_hna_ to accumulate; ughna_ to be accumulated (H.)(CDIAL 1967). ughon.o to collect (Ku.); ugha_i_ collection (Ku.); ugha_unu to take up a collection (N.); ugha_na_ to accumulate; ughna_ to be accumulated (H.)(CDIAL 1976). Storehouse: ukkira_n.am storehouse for provisions, granary (Ta.Ma.); ugra_n.i_ (M.); ugra_n.amu (Te.); ugra_n.a (Ka.Tu.); ukkira_n.i steward in charge of provisions, storekeeper (Ta.); ugra_n.i (Ka.Tu.); ukkira_n.akka_ran- id. (Ta.lex.) udgu_rn.a act of raising (Ya_j.); ugir.an.u to be collected (S.); ugiran. (L.); ugur.a_iba_ to turn upside down (Or.); ugula to rise aloft, fly upwards (Si.); uga_r.an.u to collect (S.); uga_r.an. (L.); ugul.anava_ to pluck up, eradicate (Si.)(CDIAL 1963). ugra_n.a a storehouse; a granary; a magazine; a treasury (Ka.); ugara_n.i_, uga_rani_, ugra_n.i_ gathering in of moneys due; moneys gathered (M.); ugra_n.ate the state of being greatly risen (Ka.); ugra_n.a loftiness, pride (M.); ugra_n.i a store-keeper; a store-keeper's servant; a village peon; ugra_n.isu to be amassed, to become excessive (Ka.lex.) ugra_n.i peon of the village officer; store-keeper; ugra_n.o store-room (Tu.lex.) ugra_n.i dispenser; a kind of peon (Kon.lex.) 

977.Image: to block with outstretched arms; collect monies: uga_rn.e~ to raise threateningly, collect (monies)(M.); wugara_wun to recover a debt (K.); uga_l.iba_, oga_l.iba_ to block the way with outstretched arms, intercept, detain (K.)(CDIAL 1958). udgra_yati causes to take up, causes to pay (Ya_j.); pp. udgra_hita (Skt.); uggaha_yati takes up (Pali); ugga_he_i seizes (Pkt.); o~ga_ to lift up, wish, buy (Ash.); ugra_han., ugra_vun. to collect (revenue, debts etc.)(L.); ugra_hun.a_, agra_hun.a_ to collect, press a demand for payment (P.); uga_hna_ to accumulate (H.); ughna_ to be accumulated (H.); oga_hi_ money collected; oga_hyo debt-collector (S.); uga_hi_ proceeds (H.)(CDIAL 1967). udgra_bha taking up (TS.); udgra_ha (Pa_n..); ugga_haka one who is eager to learn (Pali); ugra_ha_ tax-collector (P.)(CDIAL 1966). Image: string round a vessel for lifting: udgrabhan.a act of raising (Ka_tyS'r.); uggahan.a taking up (Pali); udgrahan.a act of taking out (S'Br.)(CDIAL 1965). udgu_rn.a act of raising (Ya_j.); ugir.an.u to be collected (S.); ugiran. (L.); ugur.a_iba_ to turn upside down (Or.); ugula to rise aloft, fly upwards (Si.); uga_r.an.u to collect (S.); uga_r.an. (L.); ugul.anava_ to pluck up, eradicate (Si.)(CDIAL 1963). udgr.hn.a_ti lifts up (TS.); uggan.ha_ti takes up, acquires, learns (Pali); ugananava_ to learn (Si.); uggan.ha_pe_ti (Pali); uganvanava_ to teach (Si.)(CDIAL 1964). udgurate_ lifts up, raises a weapon, raises the voice threateningly (VS.); udgu_rn.a threatening (Ya_j.); ugrun. to wield (L.); uggurn.a_ to raise threateningly (e.g. fists)(P.); uggarna_ (EP.); ugura_iba_ to cause a new thing to be used (Or.); ugra_vin.e~ to hold or point menacicngly (M.); uggirati lifts up, carries (Pali); uguri vaunting (Or.)(CDIAL 1961). wugara_wun to recover a debt (K.); uga_l.iba_, oga_l.iba_ to block the way with outstretched arms, intercept, detain (Or.) uga_rn.e~ to raise threateningly, collect (monies)(M.)(CDIAL 1958). udgamayati causes to issue (Skt.); uggamiya produced (Pkt.); u_ga_mai wields (a weapon)(OG.); uga_mvu~ to raise towards, lift up against (G.); ugavin.e~ to gather in monies due, disentangle (M.); uga_va_ monies gathered in; uga_n.a_ gathering in; uga_n.n.e~ to gather in (M.)(CDIAL 1956). urin.i out of debt (Ku.); urin (H.); urn.iyu~ (G.)(CDIAL 1943).

978.To learn: ugga_haka one who is eager to learn (Pali)(CDIAL 1966). ugat learned (Si.); gute, geti_, pp. of o_ga_ seized (Ash.)(CDIAL 1979). udgr.hn.a_ti lifts up (TS.); uggan.ha_ti takes up, acquires, learns (Pali); ugananava_ to learn (Si.); uggan.ha_pe_ti caus. (Pali); uganvanava_ to teach (Si.)(CDIAL 1964). cf. gan.yati tells one's number (of troop of flock)(Ka_s'.)(CDIAL 3988).

979.Image: trap: udgha_t.aka leather bucket for drawing water (Skt.); udgha_t.aka key (Skt.); ugula, ugul.a snare, trap (Si.)(CDIAL 1973). cf. oggu to lay a trap (Te.)(DEDR 934).

980.To scratch; to dig out; to engrave: kha_naka digging up (Mn.); absol. utkha_nam (Skt.); ukha_n. act of rooting up (a plant or tree)(Ku.)(CDIAL 1754). u_hanati lifts up, takes away (Pali); uddhanati turns up the earth (TS.)(CDIAL 2007). ukir finger-nail (Ta.Ma.); ugur nail (Ka.); ugi to hurt, tear, rend with the nails; ugurisu to scratch asunder (Ka.); uguru nail (Tu.); go_ru (Te.Kond.a.Kuwi); go_r (Nk.Go.); gu_r (Mand..); orox (Kur.); orgu (Malt.); ho_r finger (Br.)(DEDR 561). cf. ko_r-ai a scratch (Ta.); ko_r-e cutting, sharpness (Ka.); ko.re tusk of elephant or boar (Kod..); ko_runi, go_runi to dig out or up (Tu.); ko_r-a tusk, fang, tooth; ko_ru to scrape with a grater, scratch (Te.)(DEDR 2257). utkirati digs out or up (VS.); piles up, engraves (Skt.); ukkirai, ukki_rai digs, engraves on stone (Pkt.); ukiran.u to engrave (S.); ukkarai digs up (Pkt.); ukrun. to inscribe (L.); ukkarn.a_ to dig, engrave (P.); ukarn.u~ to collect (Garh.); ukarn.e~ to scrape up, rake out (a fire), scratch, mark (M.); ukkin.n.a dug up (Pali.Pkt.); ukern.o to dig out earth (Ku.)(CDIAL 1723). wokhur overturning (K.); ukhri_ scale, scab (M.); ukhla_ revealing family secrets (Or.)(CDIAL 1893). ukharn.u~ disclosing the secrets of others (G.)(CDIAL 1894). wokharun to turn upside down (e.g. in poking coals in a brazier)(K.); ukhuriba_ to poke, stir up (Or.); ukharn.e~ to scratch up, loosen or detach from (M.); ukkhaliya rooted up (Pkt.); wakhaln.o to be rooted up (Ku.); ukha_riba to poke, stir up (Or.); ukha_lnu to uproot (N.); ukkhar.an. to be torn up (L.); ukkhar.na_ to be plucked out (P.); ukhar.n.o to be uprooted (Ku.); ukhr.a_ to get loose (B.); ukhar.iba_ to be uprooted (Or.); ukhar.ab to be pulled out (Mth.); ukharal to pull (Bhoj.); ukhar.na_ to be rooted up (H.); ukhar.vu~ (G.); ukha_r.an. to tear up (L.); ukha_r.na_ to pluck out (P.); ukha_r.n.o to uproot (Ku.); ukha_r.n.u (N.); ukha_r.iba_ (Or.); ukha_r.ab (Mth.); ukha_rab (Aw.); ukha_r.na_ (H.); ukha_r.vu~ to uproot (G.); ukhad.n.e~ (M.); ukhir.an.u to be torn up (S.); ukkhe_t.ita spat out, thrown off (Pali); ukher.an.u to loosen, disjoin (S.); ukher.n.a_ to pluck out (P.); ukher.na_ to root up (H.); ukher.vu~ (G.); ukkhud.ai breaks (Pkt.); ukkhur.na_ to be plucked out (P.); ukhur.iba_ to be uprooted (Or.); ukkho_d.ia rooted up (Pkt.)(CDIAL 1895). ukhat.an.u to engrave, issue out (S.); ukkhutta cut (Pkt.)(CDIAL 1896). gu_r-u to turn or uproot the earth with horns or tusks (Ka.); gut.i a hog (Te.)(DEDR 1922). 

981.Rotten: uga_l, uga_lo verdigris (N.); uga_la_ ooze, slime (H.); uga_l.a_ a levigated mass (M.)(CDIAL 1959). ukkal rottenness, that which is rotten or decayed; ukku (ukki-) to rot, decay, moulder, pine away, waste away (Ta.); ukkuka to rot in water (as wood)(Ma.)(DEDR 567). uglan.o, waglan.o to become bitter through being left in a brass dish (Ku.); udgalati trickles out, oozes out, drips (BhP.); uglanu to drip off, fade away, become covered with verdigris (N.)(CDIAL 1953). u_r.. to decay (as flesh, fruits), become putrid, be spoiled, rot, stink (Ta.); u_l.ai offensive smell; u_cu to decay, become rotten, become stale; u_cal that which is fetid, that which has become stale; ur..u to decay, rot, putrefy; u_ttai dirt, impurity (Ta.); u_r..al dirt as of a plate; u_l.a rottenness, mucus; u_tta dirt, filthy object (Ma.); ubbali, ummali, u_bi mud, mire (Te.)(DEDR 756). 

982.To breathe hard: ugarisu to gasp, breathe hard, respire with difficulty (Ka.); ukkisa a dry cough; ogar(u)cu to gasp, breathe hard; ogar(u)pu gasping, panting; vagar(u)cu to sigh; vagar(u)pu sigh, asthma (Te.); ukkisa (Te.)(DEDR 569). utka_sate_ hawks, expectorates (Car.); ukka_sati coughs, hawks (Pali); ukasa having coughed (Si.); ukka_sita having coughed (Pali); ukasi cough (Si.)(CDIAL 1722). ukas-mukas feeling of suffocation (Ku.); ukus-mukus, -pukus feeling of the stomach being uncomfortably full (N.); uk-muk sound expressing suffocation from extreme heat (A.); ukas-mukas suffocation (H.)(CDIAL 1625). Sigh: ucchvasiti takes a deep breath (Skt.); ussasai sighs (Pkt.); usasn.e~ (M.); u_sa_sia freed from distress (Pkt.); us'a_siba_ to lessen; us'a_sia_ lighter (Or.); usa_sna_ to breathe (H.); usa_sn.e~ to sigh, swell and heave, rise and look full (of breasts)(M.)(CDIAL 1866). us, u_s, hus, ho_s sound used in sighing when tired (Ka.); usu, ussane a deep sigh (Tu.); us interj. expresses tiredness, pain, dejection, etc. (Te.)(DEDR 573). ucchva_sa froth (RV.); deep breath (Ka_tyS'r.); nirussa_sa breathless (Pali); ussa_sa, u_sa_sa, uccha_sa deep breath (Pkt.); wa_h palpitation or throbbing (of heart, etc. and marked by panting)(K.); usis-nisis breathlessness (N.); uh, uxa_h breath (A.); ucha_sa sigh (MB.); usa_sa relief from disease, ease (Or.); usa_s comfort (Mth.); usa_sa sigh (OAw.); usa_s, usa~_s breath, sigh (H.); usa_s id. (L.); usa_sa sigh (OMarw.); u_sa_sa inhaling (OG.); us'va_s deep breath (G.); usa_s, usa_ sigh, deep breath (M.)(CDIAL 1868). ka_rs'e to gasp; ka_ra_s, ka_rsi gasp (Kon.lex.) 

983.Pleasure: o_kai delight, joy (Pa_rata. Kurukula. 93); uvakai joy, gladness, delight (Kur-al., 304); love, fondness (Tol. Po. 91)(Ta.); uvva_yi joy, gladness, delight (Te.); uvakai-k-kan.n.i_r tears of joy (Tol. Po. 253, Urai.); uvattal to be glad, to rejoice, to be delighted (Tirumuru. 1); uva (Ma.); uva-ttal to be pleased with, to approve of, like (Na_lat.i, 74)(Ta.lex.) o_kas pleasure, gratification (Skt.); oikos (Greek); o_kyam gratification, pleasure (Skt.)(Skt.lex.) uvappu joy, delight, rapture (Tol. Col. 306); id. (Ma.); prosperity, luxuriance, fertility (Tiva_.)(Ta.)(Ta.lex.) cf. uka to be glad (Ta.)(DEDR 558). 

984.Image: black monkey: u_kam black monkey (Cir-upa_n.. 221); female monkey (Ta.lex.) 

985.Image: comb: ugai comb (Kon.lex.) u.k- to comb (Kod..); uran.e a kind of comb (Tu.); du_bina a comb (Tu.); ug a.t.- (a.c-) to clean hair by untangling snarls, removing lice, etc. (Ko.); uyyali to comb (Kor.); duvvu to comb (Te.); duvvena a comb (Te.); u_- to comb (Nk.)(DEDR 689).  

986.Image: large; ox: uks.a-, uks.an large; uks.ita fully grown, strong (RV.); u_s., u_x long (Pas'.)(CDIAL 1627). Ox: ukkha_ ox (Pkt.); vaccha_n.a ox (Pkt.); uks.an bull (RV.)(CDIAL 1628). maho_ks.a a large bull (S'Br.); mahoch great ox, blockhead (H.)(CDIAL 9978). uks.aga who rides on an ox: S'iva; uks.atara a large ox or bull; uks.a dhvaja whose ensign is an ox: S'iva (Ka.lex.) 

987.Support for wheel: ugat. support placed behind or before the wheel of a carriage to prevent it moving (G.)(CDIAL 1951). 

988.To become wet: cf. oge to wash (Ka.Kor.)(DEDR 933). wanun to become wet (K.)(CDIAL 2290). upa_kta smeared (TS.); upatta (Pali)(CDIAL 2285). vakanava_ to smear (Si.)(CDIAL 2286). cf. aj to anoint; akta smeared (Skt.lex.) a_kta anointed ; sva_kta good ointment (AV.)(CDIAL 18). akotu unmoistened (K.)(CDIAL 20). ajayati anointed (A_s'vS'r.); ajita smeared (Pali); am.jiya oiled (Pkt.); andi painted, marked (Si.)(CDIAL 173). ajana anointing, ointment (A_s'vS'r.); ajan. collyrium (P.); andana_ anointing, painting, putting on (clothes)(Si.)(CDIAL 170). anda, anu, anavu, anuvu fitness, propriety; nicety, loveliness, that is pleasing, charming or beautiful (Ka.); anuvu (Te.); anutana fitness; ane to touch (Tu.)(Ka.lex.) anda fitness; beauty, pleasantness (Ka.); antam (Ta.Ma.); anda (Te.Tu.); anta = ramya (Skt.); andakatte a handsome woman (Te.); anda-ga_rti (Ka.); avananta bandanu such a powerful, or virtuous, or rich man as he came; aval.anta bandal.u such a worthy as she came; na_nanta bandenu such a worthy as I came (Ka.); anta braggingly: such a worthy (as he, she, it)(Ka.)(Ka.lex.) ajas ointment, mixture (RV.); a~_za_ curry, pottage (A.); vyajana condiment (MBh.)(CDIAL 172). abhyan.ga anointing with oil (Mn.); ointment (Sus'r.); abbham.ga anointing; abbham.gai anoints; abbhim.ga, abbhim.gai (Pkt.); a_bha_n. smearing the body with oil (B.)(CDIAL 542). a_jya clarified butter (RV.); ajja (Pkt.); a_j (B.)(CDIAL 1097). Collyrium; collyrium pot: a_jana fat (RV.); ointment (esp. for the eyes)(AV.); a_jani_ ointment (VS.); collyrium for the eyes, box therefor (R.); ajana collyrium; ajani_ pot therefor (Pali); am.jan.a, am.jan.aga collyrium (Pkt.); ana ghee (Ash.); anro~_ (Wg.); a_nir.o collyrium pot (S.); a_nr.i_ collyrium pot; a_ndar ghee (L.); a_nn.o, a_nr.o sty in eye (Ku.); a_nu (N.); a~_jan collyrium (B.); a~_jan (H.); a~_an. (G.); ajan collyrium (B.); a~_jan (H.); a~_jan. (G.); ajan.a (Konkan.i); andana, anduna (Si.)(CDIAL 1100). a_janiya, a_janya (with eyes) having to be anointed with collyrium (TBr.); a_nir.i_ sty in the eye (S.); a_nr.i_ (L.); a_nn.o, a_nr.o (Ku.); a_nu (N.); a_zina_i (A.); a_jna_i, a_jina_ (B.); ajani_ (H.); a~_jn.i_ (G.); a~_jn.i_, a~_jin.i_ (M.)(CDIAL 1101). ajana anointing; making clear (Ka.); night; fire (Ka.); ajanakriye smearing, anointing; ajana_dri the collyrium-mountain of the west, one of the hills at Tirupati; ajanake_s'i name of a vegetable perfume (Ka.); cf. ajya clarified butter (Skt.Ka.); ajya-gat.t.i thickness of ghee (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) Synonym: bayake-gappu a black collyrium applied to the eye-lashes; bayake, bayke, oyke a deposit, a trust; a treasure, a hoard; bayake, bayike, bayke, bavake longing, wish, desire; hope, a desired object; bayake-gappu the desired black pigment or collyrium, ajana (Ka.lex.) For -gappu cf. kar-uppu blackness, spot (Ta.)(Ta.lex.) Congealed: ganja (ganji-) to solidify, coagulate, become solid (Kui); kajali to be congealed (Kuwi)(DEDR 1102). Collyrium: kajjala lamp-black (Sus'r.)lampblack (used as collyrium for the eyes)(Pali.Pkt.); kazul, kazalas lamp-black (K.); kajalu (S.); kajhal, kajla_ antimony for the eyes (L.); kajjal, kajla_ lamp-black for the eyes (P.); kajjal collyrium (WPah.); ka_jal, ka_jaw (Ku.); ga_jal (N.); ka_zal lamp-black, a kind of bluish earth for marking the foreheads of women (A.); ka_jal, ka_jara collyrium; kajjal., kajal.a lamp-black (Or.); ka_jar collyrium (Bi.Mth.Bhoj.); ka_jal, kajjal, kajla_, kajli_ lamp-black, collyrium (H.); ka_jal. lamp-black (G.); ka_jl.i_ soot (G.); ka_jal., ka_jl.i_ (M.); ka_jjal.a lam-black (Konkan.i); kajjalia blackened (Pkt.); ka_zali dark red, purple (A.); ka_jl.i_ made of soot (M.)(CDIAL 2622). Semant. 'darkness' cf. kattal, kattale, kattala, kartale, kar..tale darkness; kattala kat.t.u to stand in the light (Ka.); kattala bid.u to stand out of the light; kattalisu to become or be dark (Ka.); kattal (Tu.); kar..tale-vageya the enemy of darkness: the moon; kar..gu, kargu to turn black (Ka.); ka_rs.n.ya blackness, black colour; darkness (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) cf. ka_rs.ya the tree shorea robusta = vatica robusta (Skt.Ka.)(Ka.lex.) karu-maram shorea robusta; ebony, diospyros (Ma.); kar-maru vatica laccifera (Tu.)(DEDR 1282). ja_la_ri shorea talura, shorea laccifera (Ka.); vatica laccifera = shorea laccifera = shorea talura (Tu.)(DEDR 2473). cf. -jal in ka_jal collyrium (Ku.)(CDIAL 2622). For semant. ja_la_ri ~~ s'a_la shorea cf. s'a_la the resin of shorea robusta (Skt.lex.) karpu, kappu blackness; the colour black or dark-blue; black; collyrium (Ka.); kr.s.n.a, ka_la (Ka.); karpu (Te.Ma.Tu.)(Ka.lex.) Soot; smoke: cf. kacama_la smoke (Ka.lex.) cf. kosso, kosoy, kosoyi soot (Go.)(DEDR 2226). kajlo_t.hi_ pot in which lam-black is kept (P.)(CDIAL 2623); Collyrium pot; sty in the eye: gajraut.o small pot for collyrium (N.); kajraut.o id. (N.); kajraut.a_, kajraut.i_ (Bi.); kajlaut.i_ (H.)(CDIAL 2624). ka~jiya_ sty in the eye (H.); kacika_ small boil (Skt.)(CDIAL 2625). ka_ca, ka_caka alkaline ashes (Skt.lex.) ka_ce black (Wg.); xace (Shum.)(CDIAL 3008). karpari_ collyrium (Skt.); kar-uppu blackness, darkness, spot (Ta.); kaje stain on the teeth (Tu.); kar-iya black colour (Te.); kahra_, kahra a_- to be black; kahra_ti black (Pe.)(DEDR 1395). ka_d.ige collyrium prepared from lampblack; lampblack (Ka.); ka_d.ig collyrium of lampblack and oil (Tu.); ka_t.uka lampblack, collyrium (Te.); ka_d. (-it-) to be burnt, charred (Kond.a); to be burnt (rice in cooking (Kuwi); ka_d.- id. (Mand..); kadali to be burnt, as food (Kuwi)(DEDR 1437). ka_d.u, ka_r.. blackness, black; ka_r, ka_r-u darkness, a cloud (Ma.)(Ka.lex.)

989.Riddle: ugad. reveal e.g. supernatural truth; ugd.a_po open, revealed; ugd.a_po ka_rn sa_ng reveal; ugd.a_s remembrance (Kon.lex.) udga_tha_ a variety of A_rya_ metre (Skt.); udgi_tha (AV.); ugga_ha (Pkt. ugga_ha_ (Pkt.H.)(CDIAL 955). ogat.u, ogat.e, o_gat.e riddle (Ka.); ogat.u riddle, mystic language (Tu.)(DEDR 932). umen.i, umeni, umene enigma, riddle (Kon.lex.) kudum a riddle (Santali.lex.) uggu repeatedly to utter unmeaning sounds, stammer; n. unmeaning sounds (such as one uses to amuse a baby), stammering; uggad.isu to utter repeatedly, cry out, repeat certain meaningless sounds so as to harmonize with dance or music; uggad.a, uggad.ane repeated sounds, noise, clamour, repetition of certion meaningless sounds uttered to harmonize with dance or music (Ka.); ugguni to stammer (Tu.); uggad.incu, uggal.incu to utter; sound, produce sound (Te.)(DEDR 571). ukta spoken (RV.); utta, vutta spoken; uttaka a saying (Pali); vattum., vakkhati, vadati (Skt.); utta, vutta (Pkt.); vutam., vute (As'.); uta was said (KharI.); utan.u to say, tell (S.); vataka pp. (utu spoken, described)(OSi.); uta_n.n.e~ to describe, declare (M.); ukha_n.a_ saying, riddle (M.)(CDIAL 1626). upa_khya_na subordinate story, episode (MBh.); uvakkha_n.a story (Pkt.); okha_n.i example (S.); ukha_n story, riddle (N.); ukhana_-ukhani altercation (A.); ukha_n., ukha_n.o, okha_n.u~ riddle (G.); ukha_n.a_ (M.); okha_n.an.u to recognize (S.); wakhonu, wokhonu (K.)(CDIAL 2289). cf. osage speech, report, news (Ka.)(DEDR 937). 

990.Image: naked: ugha_r.o naked (S.); ugha_r.a_ naked, open (P.); open (H.); ugha_ro open (N.); ugha_r.o (OMarw.); ugha_r.u~ (G.); ughd.a_ (M.); ugha_r. fine weather (G.); ugha_d. (M.)(CDIAL 1972). cf. d.umd.a naked (Kond.a.Pe.Kuwi)(DEDR 2966). cf. na_n.u, na_n.a nakedness, nudity, the buttocks (Tu.)(DEDR 3639). cf. ver-u empty (Ta.); void, empty, bare (Ma.); ver, verd, vet-. ver mere, vain (Ko.)(DEDR 5513). cf. ve_nga (ve_ngi-) to be opened out, open out (Kui)(DEDR 5519). udghat.ita unfastened (Skt.); udgha_t.ayati opens (MBh.); caus. ugghat.e_ti opens, reveals (Pali); ugghad.ia open; ugghad.ai opens (Pkt.); ughir.an.u to be open, be laid bare (S.); ugghar.n.a_ to be opened, be spread out; caus. ughur.va_un.a_, ugher.na_ (P.); ughar.n.o to be open (Ku.); ughranu to be open, be fair (of weather), look well on (N.); ughr.a_ to be open (B.); ugharab to get uncovered (Aw.); ughar.na_ (H.); ughar.vu~ to open, bloom, be free from rain (G.); ughad.n.e~ to open, be fair (of weather)(M.); uggha_t.e_ti unfastens, removes (Pali); uggha_d.e_i, uggha_d.ai opens (Pkt.); ugha_r.an.u lays bare, draws (a sword)(S.); ugha_r.n.a_ to open (P.); ugha_r.nu_ (WPah.); ugha_r.n.o (Ku.); ugha_rnu (N.); ughar.a_na (B.); ugha_rab (Mth.); ugha_rai (OAw.); ugha_r.na_ (H.); ugha_r.vu~ (G.); ughad.n.e~ (M.); ugul.anava_, pret. igil.uva_ to root up (Si.); igil.enava_ to be uprooted (Si.); ughar.an to be collected (L.); uga_hr.an. to collect (L.); uddhanti raises (RV.); thows open (TS.)(CDIAL 1968). uggha_ famous, clear, open (P.)(CDIAL 1969). 

991.Sand: usuku, usaku, usige, usabu, usubu, usuvu sand (Ka.); usuka, isuka, isumu id. (Te.); isaka, isike, iseka, iska, usike, useka, uske id. (Te.); uska_, uska id. (Kol.); uska_, uske id. (Go.); iska id. (Kond.a)(DEDR 575). s'arkare, saikata sand (Ka.); esalu (Te.)(Ka.lex.) sikata_ sand (Pali.lex.) 

992.Garden: udya_na going or walking about; a garden, a park (Skt.Ka.); name of a country to the north of India; udya_navana, upanandana, ke_da_ra a beautiful garden (Ka.lex.) udya_na up-going, going out (AV. viii.1.6)(Vedic.lex.) nandana Indra's pleasure ground (Skt.); a garden, a grove; a garden frequented by the gods (Ka.); ta_la-nandana a grove of palmyras (Ka.lex.) Garden; upstream: udya_na park, garden (Ya_j.); udya_naka id. (R.); uzani upper part of a stream (A.); uja_n flowing tide, upstream (B.); uja_n.a tidal (Or.); uja_n.i upstream; uja_n.iba_ to raise (Or.); uja_n adv. upstream (H.); uyya_na park, garden (Pali); uyana, uya_na (As'.); ujja_n.a (Pkt.); uja_na (OMth.); uja_n.i_ feast (G.); uyana garden (Si.)(CDIAL 2052). cf. uyar to rise (as water) (Ta.)(DEDR 646). 

993.Image: shoal of fish coming out: udya_na going out (AV.); uja_n. postp. towards (Ku.); uza_n shoal of fish coming out in flood water (A.)(CDIAL 2052). cf. kur..u heap, flock, herd, assembly (Ta.)(DEDR 1821). zomo shoal of fish (Kon.lex.) 

994.Image: swift: Öju_ hasten (Skt.); java swift (Pa_n.. AV.); speed (RV.); quick, speed (Pali.Pkt.); dava speed, quickly (Si.)(CDIAL 5167). ju_ti flowing without interruption (AV.); juha_ro high tide (S.); juwa_r flood-tide in a river (N.); zowa_r (A.); joya_r high tide (B.); jua_ra (Or.); juwa_r, jawa_r, jwa_r flood-tide (H.); jua_l. tide (G.)(CDIAL 5167). javate_ hastens (RV.Pali); javai_ (Pkt.); javayi hastens (OSi.); davanava_, duvanava_ to run (Si.)(CDIAL 5168). Image: to run away; retire; jump; squirrel: ur-ukku (ur-ukki-) to jump, leap over; ur-uttai squirrel (Ta.); ur-u to retreat, retire, withdraw; ur-uku to jump, run away; ur-uta squirrel (Te.); uRk- to run away (Kond.a); urk- (-it-) to dance (Kuwi)(DEDR 713). cf. ud.ute squirrel (Ka.); ud.uta id. (Te.)(DEDR 590). Haste, impetuosity: uravan.i, uravan.ige, uruvan.i crying out, crying out loud; uravan.isu, uruvan.isu to act hastily, with impetuosity, overbearingly or presumptuously (Ka.); uruvad.incu, uruvan.incu (Te.); uravan.e haste, rashness; impetuosity, impulse, urgency; passionate, overbearing behaviour (Ka.); uramat.a rude, overbearing; uramat.an.e_m. to become rude (M.)(Ka.lex.) uru-vakra walking with the face upturned (Ka.lex.) Image: river: uravu-tal to be in constant motion, as the sea, a river (Perumpa_n.. 350); ura-kat.al boisterous sea, sea generally rough (W.); uravu-ni_r sea, being water in motion (Cilap. 4,79); river, torrent (Na_lat.i, 175)(Ta.lex.) Image: running: ura_l running, as a horse (Maturaik. 387); ura_vu-tal to move from its place, to be dislodged (Ci_vaka. 37); to go, pass (Maturaik. 125)(Ta.lex.) Set out on a journey: urkhna_ to set out on a journey, to come or go out, germinate, break forth (eruption), evolve (Kur.); urqe to come out, come forth (Malt.); ur.to_r (they) came out (Go.)(DEDR 668). 

995.Images: to spring forth; to filter: ujjavati goes upstream (Pali); uza_iba to go upstream, move towards the head of a bed, come out in a shoal (of fish)(A.); uzani upper part of a stream (A.); uja_y goes upstream (B.); ujjavanika_ya adv. upstream (Pali); uza_n shoal of fish coming out in a flood of water (A.); uja_n.a tidal (Or.); uja_n.i adv. upstream (Or.); uja_n flowing tide, upstream (B.); adv. upstream (H.)(CDIAL 1664). For semant. 'stream' cf.: yavya_ stream (Naigh.); yavya_vati_ a place-name (RV.); yo streamlet (Ash.); yu_ (Kt.); zas' irrigation channel (Dm.); yab (Tor.); ya_b (Phal.); yap, yabai, yab (Sh.); zai irrigation channel (Kal.); zoi (Kho.); j small stream in a torrent bed (L.)(CDIAL 10442). za_n stream, ravine (A.); ya_ni_ path (TS.)(CDIAL 10460). uyya_ti goes out or away (Pali); u_ja_i runs (OG.); uja_vu~, ujvu~ to run away (G.); uja_iba_ to rise up (Or.)(CDIAL 2051). udya_na going out (AV.); uja_n. postp. towards (Ku.); uja_n.iba_ to raise (Or.)(CDIAL 2052). u_juni, u_suni to ooze (Tu.); u_selu oozing, filthy; u_t.i a spring, fountain; uja fountain, spring; uje-pattuni to ooze, percolate, trickle; ugguni to spirt; uggelu a well; oraka a watery place; vorat source, spring, fountain; osaruni to ooze, leak; osaru spring, fountain (Tu.); u_r-u (u_r-i-) to spring, flow (as water in a well), issue, ooze, percolate, soak, be steeped, gather (as milk in the breast, toddy in palm flowers), water (as the mouth); u_r-al small spring, spring-water, oozing, percolation, juice extracted by squeezing; u_r-r-u (u_r-r-i-) to pour out, cause to flow, spill, pour out, cast away as useless, empty or clear (as a vessel of its contents), extract (as oil from castor seeds by boiling them); n. flowing, gushing forth (blood from an artery, milk from the udder, pouring of rut from a must elephant), spring, fountain, moisture oozing from the ground; u_t.t.i rain; ur-ai (-pp-, -tt-) to drop (as rain), form (as dew); n. leaking, drop of water, rain; ur-avi spring, fountain; uvar-u (uvar-i-) to spring up, well up; uvar-r-u (uvar-r-i-) to cause to swell up; to flow; uvan-r-i fountain, head of water (Ta.); u_r-uka to spring, ooze, (mouth) waters; u_r-al, u_r-u, u_r-r-u sediment, lees, dregs, precipitate; u_r-r-uka to pour out carefully, strain, filter; u_r-r-i et.ukka to take butter out of buttermilk, oil from the water in which oilseeds were boiled; ur-akka to spring, ooze out; ur-avu, ur-ava, ur-r-u fountain, spring; ur-ekka to pour gently; ur-r-ikka to dribble; ur-r-al a drop; ut.t.am et.ukka water to come up as in well-watered fields; or-r-uka to drip; or-r-ikkuka to dribble, let fall in drops (Ma.); u.r.- (u.r.y-) to spring forth, be filtered, ooze; u.t.- (u.t.y-) to drain, filter (To.); u_r-u to spring as water, ooze, leak out, be soaked, steeped; u_r-isu to steep, soak; or-e to ooze, ooze out, spring, drip; u_t.e a natural spring of water; or-ate a spring, hole dug in dry bed of a stream where water oozes in; or-ale oozing; or-avu a spring; ojjara, vajjara, vajjarakke a spring, fountain; osar to ooze, trickle; let ooze out; n. oozing etc. (Ka.); ubbe rain (Ka.); utt- (utti-) to ooze (Kod..); u_ru to spring, ooze, exude, leak out, be soaked, steeped, become moist with oozing water; u_rincu to make another's mouth water, tempt, tantalize; u_t.a natural spring or fountain of water, juice, sap, damp; juicy, full of sap, abounding in springs; u_t.u moisture caused by rain; u_d.u konu to become moist; ur-iyu to leak (as a roof), drop through; ur-upu leaking, leakage, leakiness; ut.t.u to ooze, trickle, flow (Te.); u.r- (u.rt-) (house) leaks (Kol.); u_r- to leak, drip (Nk.); u_r-e_r to ooze (Ga.); u_sa_ flood, spate; u_sa_na_ to drip or water (of the eyes); u_s- (milk) to overflow; u_sa_ flow of water, flood; hoogoo a spring of water (Go.); u_sa spring (Kond.a); urpa (urt-) to ooze, spring up, sweat; n. state of sweating (Kui); u_ta spring, fountain; u_tha e_yu spring water (Kuwi); orbe to fall in showers (Malt.)(DEDR 761). cf. or..uku (or..uki-) to flow, leak, trickle down (Ta.)(DEDR 1010). 

996.To come to mind: wuzun to spring forth, appear, come to mind (K.)(CDIAL 2051). un-n-u (un-n-i-) to think, consider, have words on the tip of one's tongue; un-n-al thinking, mind; un-n-am thought, contemplation, mind; un-n-i (-pp-, -tt-) to meditate, contemplate; n. that which is fit to be meditated upon; un-n-ippu acuteness of mind, discernment; intentness (Ta.); unnuka, unnikka to think, aim at, have in view; unnam mark, butt (Ma.); uny- (unc-) to think; uny, unyp thought, aim; unypga.rn thinker (Ko.); uny- (unc-) to think; unyp thought (To.); unnisu to think, consider; un.kisu to consider, observe, look at (Ka.); to consider (Te.); onpinai to intend (Kuwi); hunning (hur-, hutt-) to look at, to look, look for, wait for, consider (Br.)(DEDR 727). ur-u (ur-uv-, ur-r--) to pass in one's mind; think; ur-uttu (ur-utti-) to impress strongly upon the mind (Ta.); ur-ade without minding, not caring (Ka.); ur-u to care for, heed (only in neg.: ur-aka not minding; ur-a~d.u he does not care)(Te.)(DEDR 712).

997.Inside, to think; heart, mind: uti science, learning (Iraku. Ayan-u. 19); utittal to spring up, come into existence (Ci.Ci. 1,2); utippu wisdom (Yaco_tara. 1,65)(Ta.lex.) hudis to think, to ponder; thought, device, plan, reasoning, idea; hudis bundis to think out; hudis rakap hudis a~r.gokate having thought the matter over (Santali.lex.) hr.d heart (Skt.); hikukur, hukukur, ikukur heart (Bshk.); hiku_ courage (Tor.); hika desire (S.); hikk breast (P.); hikka_, hekka_, heka_ encouragement (N.)(CDIAL 14150). hr.tpin.d.a heart (Skt.); hiku-kur heart (Bshk.); hiku_ro heart (Chil.)(CDIAL 14151). hr.daya heart (RV.); hadaya heart (Pali); hiaa-, had.ak(k)a, halaa-, hitaa-, hitapa- (Pkt.); hiad.a, hiad.ulla-, hiaulla- (Ap.); yilo heart, spirit; hri heart, breast (Gypsy); ya heart, kidney (D..); zir.e heart; zire, zira (Kt.); jo_, zo_, jo_r-dun.ga (Wg.); zir, zer (Pr.); wur.e (Tir.); jo_ (Gmb.); hir.a (Gaw.); hira, hriya (Kal.); hui_ (tor.); hi_u, hio, hir.u (Sh.); hio (S.); ha~_ heart, mind (L.); ha_e~, e_ha~_ (L.); hi_a~_ heart (P.); hiyo, hi_ (Ku.); hiyo (N.); hiu courage (OA.); hiya_ heart, breast (A.); hiya_ heart (B.); hia_ heart, mind, breast (Or.); hiya_ heart (Bi.); hia, hia_ (Mth.); hiya_ (Bhoj.Aw.H.); hiyau, hi_yad.au (OMarw.); hi_yo, hi_r. (Marw.); hi_um. (OG.); haiyu~, hair.u~ (G.); hiye~ (M.); l.a-ya, la-ya heart, courage, breast (Si.); zidi_ heart (Ash.); id-em my heart (Shum.); ide (Nin..); hida breast (Gaw.); hida_lun.ga part near the heart (Gaw.); hia_o courage; ha~_u heart, mind (S.); hia_u~, haya_u~ heart (P.); hiya_u daring, spirit (N.); hiya_u, hiwa_u courage (H.); hiyya_ (M.)(CDIAL 14152). idayam heart (Te_va_. 619,1); chest (Ka_cika. Makal.ir. 23)(Ta.lex.) hr.daya_lu affectionate (Pa_n..va_rtt.); hiye_lu brave (Sh.); hia_l.i charming (Or.)(CDIAL 14153). hr.dya in the heart, dear (RV.); hr.dya (Pa_n..); hizu own, full (of brother, or sister)(Sh.); ha_zi friend (A.); heja affection (OG.)(CDIAL 14154). ha_rdi interior of body (RV.); heart (AV.); zdi heart (Dm.); ha_r., a_r., har. (Pas'.); ya_r. (Wot..); hardi (Kho.); ha_d. (G.)(CDIAL 14064). ha_r.trana_k midriff (Pas'.)(CDIAL 14065). For -ull in: hiad.ulla-, hiaulla- heart (Ap.)(CDIAL 14152) cf.: ul. mind, heart (Ta.); ul.l.am mind, heart, intention, thought, soul; ul.l.akam mind, heart; ul.l.al intention, thought; ul.l.u (ul.l.i-) to think, think on, remember (Ta.); ul.l.am, ul.l.akam mind (Ma.); ol.agu heart (Ka.); ol.avu the mind, secret, thought (Tu.); ust heart, mind, centre, inside, kernel (Br.); ugli heart, mind (Malt.)(DEDR 698). ul. inside, interior of a place, mind, heart; a locative ending; ul.l.am mind, heart (Ta.); ul.l.u inside, locative ending (Ma.); ul. the inside; in, into; ul.par.- (ul.pat.-) to obey (Ko.); ul. the inside; in, into; ul.por.- (ul.pot.-) to agree (To.); ul. the inside; ol. id.; in, into; ol.a, ol.avu the inside; ol.agu that is inside, the inside; in, into; ol.age in the inside, in, into (Ka.); ol.i the inside; ul.l.i inner thought (Kod..); ul.a the inside, inner part; ul.a_yi in, into; ol.a inner, internal; ol.avu the mind (Tu.); ullamu the heart, mind; lo_ in, inside; inner, internal, inside; lo~_ga within, in, inside; lo~_gad.a interior; lo~_gali, lo~_gili interior of a house, house; lo_nu the inside, heart, mind; lo_na (inscr.), ol.ana (7th cent.), l.o_na (9-10th cent.) within, inside, inwardly; lo_n-agu to come under one's control; lo_pala within, in, inside; lo~_gu, lon.gu, lo~_bad.u to yield, submit, be subdued, retreat; lo~_kuva subordination, subjection; subordinate, subject to; lo~_cu to subdue; loggu to be humbled, subdue (Te.); lo.pal the inside; in, inside (Kol.); lo_pa adv. inside; lo_pal the inside (Nk.); lopun inside (Nk.); ole(k) house (Pa.); ule, ullen id. (Ga.); ro_n (obl. ro_t-), lo_n house; lo_ta wife; lo_tad (pl. lo_tav) female member of a house; lo_tur male member of a house; ro_pa_ within; ropa_, roppa_, roppa_t.e, rappor. inside; ropa_ inside, within; ropo, lopo, lappa, lopa inside (Go.); lo'i, lo'o inside (Kond.a); olbi- (-t-) to think, ponder; feel, regret (Kond.a); lai within, inside; below; laiki to the inside of, within; towards a point below, below; lai lai within, below, in secret, secretly; lait.i from within, within, from below, below (Kui); loi below; ro_'i beneath; r.o_'i under; or.pali, onpinai to think; on.p- (-it-) to think (Kuwi); ula_ inner room; in, inside; or.ogna_, or.ga'a_na_ to believe, think, fancy, assume (Kur.); ule inside, within; ugli heart, mind; ugleye to think, wish, care for; uglare to remember; uglatre to remind (Malt.); ura_ house, wife; ust heart, mind, centre, inside, kernel (Br.)(DEDR 698). cf. ul. the inner side, inside (Ka.Ta.Ma.); lo_ (Te.)(Ka.lex.) Home town; interior of a place; secret: ul.ku-tal < ul.l.u- heart of a town (nin-r-an-aiyul.ki yul.l.amurukum perun.ka_tal : Tiruva_ca. 5,56)(Ta.); ul. inside, interior of a place; place; that which is private, secret, esoteric; ul.l.at.i that which is secret (W.); ul.l.u_r heart of a town, interior of a village (Kur-al., 216); own town, home (Na_lat.i, 286); ul.manai house site within a village, usu. with reference to the brahman quarter, opp, to pur-amanai (C.G.); ul.-vi_t.u room within a room, closet; ul.l.ar-ai inner room, closet (Ta.); ul.l.ar-a (Ma.); ul.l.itai inner space (Iraku. Tacarata. 51); private affair, secret (W.); ul.l.iruppu reserve cash; ul.l.i_t.u inherent substance (Ka_cippu. Kat.avul.. 18); bond; secret (W.)(Ta.lex.) ho_lad.a_, ho_lara_ name of a place in Kashmir (Skt.); ho_la_ name of a town; ho_la_h- pl. a country of Udi_cya (Skt.); wolur name of a paragana (K.)(CDIAL 14181). hudr.a a compartment, an apartment, a room, ceiling, upper room (Santali.lex.)  

998.Image: take out idol in procession: ur-cava-pe_ram < ut-sava + be_ra idol taken out in processions (Ta.lex.) be_ram < be_ra (Pkt.) form, shape (Nan-. 273, Mayilai.); body; idol, utsava-be_ram (Ta.lex.) Enterprise, festival: utsah to be able to, make effort (S'Br. i.2.6.12; TBr. i.1.6)(Vedic.lex.) utsava enterprise (RV.); festival (MBh.); ussava festival (Pali); ucchava, ucchaa, ussava, u_sava (Pkt.); wochav, wochuwu (K.); uchau, ochau, ocho feast given to brahmans (S.); ucha festival (Or.); osa_ festival, vow (Or.)(CDIAL 1876). cf. di_po_tsava festival of lights (Skt.) ussahati venture (Pali); uchahai is delighted (OG.)(CDIAL 1878). u_cha_ha interest, joy (OG.); ucha_h interest, joy (G.); usa_va exertion (Si.); utsa_ha power, firmness (Mn.); joy (Skt.); ussa_ha strength, energy, goodwill (Pali); uccha_ha, u_sa_ha strength, energy, eagerness (Pkt.); ucha_h, ucha_ha eagerness, preparation (Or.); ucha_hu festival (OAw.); ucha_h, ucha_w (H.); ucha_ha merriment, festival (OMarw.)(CDIAL 1882). usso_l.hi exertion (Pali); usol.iya (Si.)(CDIAL 1891). ur..avu bodily exertion (Ta.); ur..a to experience sorrow, fatigue; ur..appu suffering (Ta.); ur..ai to labour hard, toil, suffer, hardship; earn; ur..aippu toil, industry, effort, earnings; (inscr.) ur..appam work (Ta.); ur..akka to be wearied, despair; ur..ayuka, ur..ekka to labour; ur..appu labour (Ma.); ur..gi, uggi a kind of penance (Ka.)(DEDR 680). cf. so_d.ha endured (MBh.Pkt.); inf. so_d.hum (Skt.); sad.un to endure (K.)(CDIAL 13603). 

999.Enterprise; festival: utsava enterprise (RV.); festival (MBh.); ussava festival (Pali); ucchava, ucchaa, ussava, u_sava, o_sava (Pkt.); wochav, wochuwu (K.); ucha, ocha, ocho feast given to brahmans (S.); ucha festival; osa_ festiva, vow (Or.)(CDIAL 1876). uddhava sacrificial fire, festival (Skt.); uddhavia worshipped (Pkt.); u_dhav, u_dho festival (H.)(CDIAL 2012). cf. uddhars.a flaring upwards (of flame)(Skt.); udaha erection, flaring upwards (Si.); lom-udaha horripilation (Si.)(CDIAL 2011). ujavin.e~ to conclude any religious ceremony; ujavn.e~ to be concluded (M.); udya_pana conclusion (Skt.); udya_pita finished; vrato_dya_pana (Skt.); uyya_pe_ti takes out (Pali); ujja_viya expanded (Pkt.); ujjamiya concluded (of a vow)(Ap.); uja_iba, ujua_iba_, uja_i~ba_ to complete a vow, to finish; ujua~_, uja~_ completion (Or.); ujavvu~ to conclude a religious vow; ujjhavvu~ (G.); ujja_van.a, ujjavan.a ceremonies at the end of a vow (Pkt.); ujjaman.a (Ap.); ujamn.u~ (G.); ujavn.i_ bringing a religious rite to a conclusion (M.)(CDIAL 2053). ur-cavam < ut-sava temple festival (Caivaca. Potu. 346); public festivity; wedding (Ta.lex.) utsavah. a festival, joyous or festive occasion, jubilee; height, elevation; wish, rising of a wish; utsava-san.ke_ta_h. pl. name of a people, a wild tribe of the Himalaya (Skt.lex.) Great festival: maho_tsava great festival (MBh.); mahocchava, maho_sava, mahussava, mahu_sava (Pkt.); mahoccha_ celebration, appointment of a new mahout (P.); mahocha_ great festival (H.); mochava (OG.)(CDIAL 9979). udyacchati undertakes, is diligent (MBh.); ujjamai is diligent (Pkt.); ujma_vu~ to be delighted (G.); ujamn.i_ a feast (G.)(CDIAL 2049). udyama undertaking, striving after, zeal (R.); ujjama exertion, zeal (Pkt.); u_jama endeavour (OG.); ujam zeal, industry, occupation (G.)(CDIAL 2048). udya_sa effort, exertion (VS.); yasyati froths up (RV.); heats or exerts oneself (Car.); yasati (Pa_n..); ujhan.u to please, suit, agree with one's fancy (S.);; ujjhasa effort (Pkt.); ujjhasia best, excellent (Pkt.); Öyas strive (Skt.)(CDIAL 2050). sam.ya_sa exertion (VS.); sa_ya_sa exertion, labour (OM.)(CDIAL 12985). a_yah--s'u_lika active, diligent, indefatigable; a man who, in order to gain an object, uses forcible instead of gentle means; a_yam to grasp, possess; a_yas to exert oneself; to weary oneself, become exhausted or fatigued; a_ya_sa effort, exertion, trouble; fatigue, weariness (Skt.lex.) 

1000.Truth; lie: iji a lie; ija_r liar (Bshk.)(CDIAL 2093). uje, ujene truth, accuracy, certainty; true, etc.; truly, etc. (Kui); u_jjoje'e falsely; u_jje'e falsehood; ucee veh'nasi liar (Kuwi); ujgo_ uprightness, moral rectitude; adj. straight, upright; straight, right, true, straightforward (Kur.); ugjo true, real; truth (Malt.)(DEDR 583A). r.ju straight, honest (RV.); r.jvi_ (Skt.); uju, ujuka, ujju, ujjuka straight (Pali); uju, ujua, ua, uaa, riju, riu, ujju, ujjua, rijju, am.ju (Pkt.); uzo clean; uzar to make clean (Gypsy); u~_za straight (Dm.); u_c (Pas'.); u_juk, u_jak (Kal.); uzu easy (A.); uj, uja_ straight, honest (B.); uju_ id. (M.); ujva_ righthand (M.); udu straight (Si.); urzu_ high up (Gaw.)(CDIAL 2448). uzeme straight (Ash.); uju_me (Wg.)(CDIAL 2449). ijgo straight from here, straight forward (Kur.); igjo true (Malt.)(DEDR 427). cf. nicam certainty, assurance, ascertainment; truth, veracity (Kumare_. Cata. 36); nija id. (Ka.Tu.); nijam id. (Ma.); nijamu (Te.)(Ta.lex.) cf. nija constant (AV.); own (Pali)(CDIAL 7181). nikkuva truth, certainty; truly, certainly (Ka.); nikkamu, nikkuvamu, nikkemu truth, fact, reality, certainty; true, real, certain; nik-kala a true dream (Te.)(DEDR 3663). 

1001.Summit: ucci crown of head, head, summit, zenith; ucca_n.i highest point, top, summit; ukkam head (Ta.); ucci crown of head; ucca_n.i highest point, summit, top (Ma.); us'ky top of tree, zenith (To.); ucci top or crown of head (Ka.Tu.)(DEDR 579). ucca tall, lofty (Mn.); ucca_, uccaih. above (RV.); uccakaih. (Skt.); udac turned upwards, upper (RV.); ucca, uccaka (Pali); ucca, uccaa (Pkt.); (v)uco tall, high; ruco_ (Gypsy); u_c (Pas'.); ucat (Bshk.); ucat high (Psht.); uco excellent (S.); ucca_ high (L.); ucc, u_c high in caste or rank; i_c-ni_c high and low orders of society; ucca_ high; ucera_ a little higher (P.); ucca_, uco high (WPah.); u~_co, u~_c (Ku.); uc, u~c (B.); uca_ tall (Or.); uc (N.B.); uca_ high (Or.); u~_c (Bi.); uca (OMth.); u_c high, good (Mth.); u~_c, u~ca_ high (Bhoj.); u~_ca~_ (OAw.); u~_c, u~_ca_ (H.); uco (OMarw.); u~_cu~, u~_ceru~ (G.); u~c adv. and adj., u~ca_ higher in quality or price (M.); ucca_ve_i raises (Pkt.); uca_n.u to lift (WPah.); ucaun.o to raise, remove (Ku.); u~ca_na (B.); uceiba_, uceiba_ (Or.); uca_na_, u~ca_na_ (H.); us high; usa, uha height (Si.); u~ca_vn.e~ to grow tall (M.); ucakka_ pickpocket (L.P.); uckan.a_ to jump up (P.); ucakka_ pilferer (Mth.H.); ucakna_ to leap up (H.); u~cakvu~ to raise (G.); ucakn.e~ to raise money or credit (M.)(CDIAL 1634). uyar to rise, be high, elevated, lofty; uyarcci height, excellence; uyartti excellence; uyarttu to lift up, elevate, raise (as price); uyarnto_r persons born in the higher castes; uyarpu height, mound, greatness (Ta.); uyarvu lofty height, greatness; uyaram, ucaram height, eminence; uyari that which is tall; ocar to be raised; ocatt to lift; ocatti height; ocakke above; ocaram height (Ta.); uyaruka to rise (as birds), be high, eminent, tall; uyaram height, pride; uyarcca elevation; uyarttuka to raise, elevate (Ma.); oyande that which is high (of field in a valley); oyandadi the place higher up (Kod..); o_rige tallness, height (Tu.)(DEDR 646). usat.a raised, eminent (As'.); us'r.ta raised, high (Skt.)(CDIAL 1889). To lift up: ussa_re_ti causes to go away or receede (Pali); lifts up (Pali); osa_ran.u to cause to spring up, to raise, to build (S.)(CDIAL 1881). ussave_i raises (Pkt.)(CDIAL 1877).  

1002.Disgust: uca_t. scolding (P.); dejection (Ku.); disgust, loathing (N.); disgust (H.); impatience, anxiety (G.); impatience (M.); usa_t. rising in sudden anger (A.); uca_t.an dejection (B.Or.); uca_t.n.e~ to be sick of (M.)(CDIAL 1635). ve_ca_t.ai sorrow; ve_caram, ve_car-avu, ve_car-ikkai id., weariness, fatigue; ve_car-u to be weary, fatigued, be vexed, distressed; ve_cat.al mental agitation; ve_ca_r-u to be weary, fatigued, be vexed, distressed (Ta.); ve_ca_r-al weariness, sorrow (Ta.); ve_ca_r-u anxiety (Ma.); be_ja_ru weariness (from fatigue, pain, vexation), annoyance; be_sar(u) (be_satt-) to grow weary or fatigued, get tired of, be disgusted, be vexed; weariness, fatigue, disgust, vexation, dispiritedness; be_sar-a, be_sar-ake, be_sar-ike weariness, etc.; be_sar-isu to cause to be weary (Ka.); be.ja.ra sorrow (Kod..); be_ja_ru weariness, fatigue, disgust, offence, vexation, annoyance; be_saru fatigue, weariness, vexation, disgust; fatigued, weary; be_saru a_pini to get tired, be weary (Tu.); bisirige homesickness (Kor.); ve_sat.a fatigue, weariness; ve_saramu trouble, fatigue; ve_sarincu to trouble; ve_sa_ru to be troubled or fatigued, be disgusted (Te.); be_-za_r (H. < Pers.)(DEDR 5524). ubbeja, san.vega, jiguccha_, ubbijjati, pp. ubbigga disgust; jeguccha disgusting (Pali.lex.) 

1003.Frost: o_s.ati burns (RV.); us.yate_ is burnt (Sus'r.); os.e_ to be frostbitten (Dm.); us.ak cold (Kho.)(CDIAL 2561). avas'ya_ hoar-frost, dew (Skt.); avas'ya_ya (MBh.); ussa_va (Pali); avasa_ya, o_sa_a, usa_, o_sa_, ussa, o_sa (Pkt.); os' dew (Gypsy); yuc ice (Kt.); u_zu, yu_zu (Pr.); yu_z cold, frost (Wg.); yoz ice (Kho.); yaz (Wkh.); ieg- (IE.); u_s' cold (Pas'.); ho~_s', ows'lin., wo~s' ice (Gaw.); os' ice, cold (Kal.); o_s' ice (Bshk.Tor.); ho~_s'lin. (Savi.); os dew (P.); os' (WPah.); os, wos, wo_s, wo~si~, o_s' (Ku.); os (N.); dew, frost, cold (B.); osa (OAw.); os dew (OAw.H.G.)(CDIAL 855). tuhina forst; tuhinopahata frost-bitten (Pali.lex.) ar-ciram, ar-cirai, acciram early dewy season, first half of the dewy season (Ta.); aykil cold, cold dew, frost, snow, cold season (Ka.)(DEDR 324). cf. hanisu, han.isu to pour (as water); hani, pani to drop; n. drop (of water, dew etc.)(Ka.); pan-i (-pp-, -tt-) to be bedewed, flow out; n.dew, chill, cold, mist, rain, fog, haze (Ta.); panye cold (Malt.); panna~_ id. (Kur.)(DEDR 4035). 

1004.To spring up: uphranu to leap, jump (N.); ophariba to spring off, be flung off (A.); upharn.e~ to winnow (M.)(CDIAL 1916). ucchalati flies up, springs up (Skt.); u_salia having the hair stand on end (Pkt.); ucchalai rises, flies up (Pkt.); ucchalan. to jump (L.); uchalai springs up, overflows (OMth.); uchalna_ to leap (H.); uchal.vu~ to leap (G.)(CDIAL 1843). usal.n.i_ spurting up (M.); uccha_lan.a causing to jump up (Pkt.)(CDIAL 1847). cf. kup-o.ry a standing broad jump (To.)(DEDR 373). cf. uka (-pp-, -nt-) to ascent, rise stately, soar upward (Ta.); ukal.u (ukal.i-) to leap, bound, frisk, gambol (Ta.); ubaru high; above (Tu.)(DEDR 559). cf. urki tap- to jump down (Kol.); urukp- to make to jump (Ga.)(DEDR 667). cf. ur-ukku (ur-ukki-) to jump, leap over (Ta.)(DEDR 713). 

1005.Refuse of food: eccam remains of food, spittle; remainder, residue (Kur-al.,112); eccil saliva, spittle, anything defiled by contact with the mouth; refuse of food, leavings (Na_lat. i,345); eccila_r persons defiled by contact with eccil, low-caste people, untouchables; eccu defect; ecu to remain, be left behind (Ta.); eccil, iccil remains and refuse of victuals; ecci remains of victuals; ecuka to become surplus (Ma.); ecl water that has been used to wash hand after eating, remnants of food, food eaten as part of ceremony as leavings from offering (Ko.); icil pollution of food by being left as a remnant (To.); ejal that which in eating is left on the plates (Ka.); ejalisu to defile; nejela spittle, food or drink which has come in contact with the mouth and is regarded as impure (Ka.); ecci scraps of food that fall to the floor during meal (Kod..); en.gili contamination or defilement by contact with the mouth or spittle, food defiled by touching with the mouth, leavings or remnants of food (Te.); yengul defiled; ingul sikr.in leavings of food (Go.); enz- (-it-) to remain, be left over; es- (-t-) to leave or save (food, etc.) for others, let something remain, leave over (Kond.a); en(g)- (ent-) to be left over (Pe.); engrna_ to remain over (Kur.); en-ge, en-gre to remain over (Malt.)(DEDR 780). khela, el.a_ saliva (Pali.lex.) ucchis.t.a left over, stale, spat out (TS.); leavings (AV.); us'is.t.a (MaitrS.); us'u_to foul, unclean (Sh.); ucchit.t.ha, ucchit.t.haka, uttit.t.ha left over, impure (Pali); ucchit.t.ha (Pkt.); chet.h, dat. chet.as refuse of food (K.); uchit.o sudden choking (Ku.); us.t.a_ left, rejected (of food), foul, used (M.); us.t.e~ stale food, unwashed dish; us.t.a_vin.e~ to defile by tasting (M.); ujul, indul left over from a meal, impure, leavings (Si.)(CDIAL 1850). us.t.a_val. line of leavings where a public meal has been held (M.)(CDIAL 1851). et.h refuse of food (G.)(CDIAL 140). et.hi refuse of a meal; et.hu~ left after eating (G.); a_t.ho defiled (S.); e~t.o leavings of a meal (B.); a~i~t.ha_ (Or.); ai~t.h (Mth.)(CDIAL 1067). cf. cat.t.e_i licks (Pkt.); car., car (Gypsy)(CDIAL 4573). cad.d.ai eats (Pkt.)(CDIAL 4577). eccan- one who performs a sacrifice (Te_va_. 596,9); the deity supposed to be present at a sacrifice and to accept the offerings given (Kantapu. Ya_kacan.. 38)(Ta.lex.) To spit: u_yu (u_s-) to spit (Te.); u.s- (u.st-) id. (Kol.); u_s- id. (Nk.); u_sen spittle (Nk.); ucc- to spit; uckud. spitting, spittle (Pa.); us-, u_c-, u_s- to spit (Ga.); ucc-, us- to spit; uc, u_c, uccul, usul, huccul spittle, saliva (Go.); usk- to spit, spit out (pl. action;); uskul uskle spittle (Go.)(DEDR 578). 

1006.To move horizontally: ucg- (ucgy-) to move slightly horizontally; uck- (ucky-) id. (Ko.); usx- (usxy-) id.; usk- (usky-) id. (To.)(DEDR 577). 

1007.Cuscus-grass: ukiram < us'i_ra cuscus-grass (Mu_. A.); uci_ram cucus-root (cantan-a muci_ran. ko_t.t.am : Tiruva_lava_. 43,16)(Ta.lex.) va_laka a kind of andropogon (VarBr.S.); va_ro andropogon grass (S.); va_l.o (G.); va_l.a_ (M.)(CDIAL 11574). vi_ran.a plant of us'ira (Car. Su. 4.17). us'i_ra (root, vetiveria zizanioides (Car. Su. 4.8, 20,28,41,44). Oil of Vetiver is a volatile oil distilled with steam from the roots of vetiveria zizanioides (andropogon muricatus), a perennial grass... It is a yellowish brown fluid containing an ester of vetivenol... It is used in perfumery, soaps and cosmetics. (Heber W. Youngken, Textbook of Pharmacognosy, Philadelphia, The Blakiston Co., 1950, p. 168). us'i_ra fragrant root of the grass andropogon muricatum (Sus'r.); us'i_ri_ a species of grass (Skt.); u_rs.a_ andropogon serratum (Skt.); usi_ra fragrant root of andropogon muricatum (Pali); usi_ra, o_si_ra a sweet-scented grass (Pkt.); usir fragrant root of khaskhas grass, andropogon muricatum (B.); usi_r (H.); us'i_r (M.); us'i_r a kind of fragrant root (G.); usa_r khaskhas grass, cymbopogon aromaticum, fragrant oil from its roots (P.)(CDIAL 2384). cf. vir..al darbha grass, a kind of sedge, cuscus (andropogon muricatus); vet.t.i, vet.t.i-ve_r cuscus grass (Ta.)(DEDR 5428). cf. vid.an.ga_ embelia ribes (Skt.)(CDIAL 11715). cf. mud.i-va_l.a andropogon muricatus (Tu.)(DEDR 5374). cf. mut.i-va_r..ai cuscus grass, andropogon muricatus (Ta.)(DEDR 4924). cf. iruve_ri cuscus grass (Ta.)(DEDR 488). cf. hri_vera (Skt.lex.) iruve_ri, iruve_li cuscus grass (Ta.); iruve_ri, iruve_li andropogon muricatus (Ma.); irve_ri id. (Tu.); hri_vera, hri_vela(ka)-, hirivera- a kind of andropogon (acc. to some, pavonia odorata)(Skt.)(DEDR 488). iruvi Nepal aconite (Ta.); a drug, Nepal aconite (Ma.)(DEDR 487). hri_ve_ra a kind of andropogon, a drug and perfume, kariyaba_l.a (Ka.lex.) Fragrant root: sirom andropogon muricatus (Santali.lex.) us'i_ra the fragrant root of andropogon muricatus (Ka.lex.) cippa-kasuvu the fragrant grass andropogon schoenanthus (Ka.Te.); cippa-gad.d.i id. (Te.)(DEDR 2533). us'i_rika_ trading in or selling us'i_ra; us'i_ra, us.i_ra, us'i_rakam, us.i_rakam the fragrant root of the plant andropogon muricatus; us'i_ri_ a sort of grass, a small sort of saccharum (Skt.lex.) ila_maccai, ila_miccai cuscus-grass, anatherum muricatum (Ta.); la_majja (Skt.); ila_maccam (S.I.I. ii,123)(Ta.lex.) la_maca, la_macca, la_majja, la_manca, la_vanca, la_majjaka (tadbhava of la_majja) a grass with fragrant roots used for fans etc., the cuscus-grass, andropogon muricatus (Ka.lex.) Cymbopogon schoenanthus Gingergrass (iuncus odoratus) is an ingredient of the aromatic substance kyphi (Lise Manniche, An Ancient Egyptian Herbal, British Museum Publications Ltd., p.57). Oil of palmarosa or Indian Germanium oil is a volatile oil distilled with steam from the overground parts of cymbopogon martini or motia, a grass native to India. It is a colourless or light yellow oil possessing an odour resembling germanium and rose. It contains from 65 to 95 per cent of geraniol... It is used in perfumery and as a substitute for oil of rose and oil of geranium. Oil of citronella: a volatile oil obtained by distillation from cymbopogon nardus (andropogon nardus) and cymbopogon winterianus; habitat: Asia. cymbopogon nardus or citronella grass, the chief source of the oil is cultivated extensively in Ceylon where it is known as the lenabatu. Cymbopogon winterianus or maha pangiri grass is cultivated in Malacca and Java. It yields an oil of citronella high in geraniol content... Uses: citronella oil is used as a mosquito repellent either in pure form or in a 25 per cent ointment. It is also employed as a perfume in some soaps. Lemon grass oil, known as oleum graminis citrati and Indian verbena oil, is the volatile oil distilled from the overground part of cymbopogon citratus or from cymbopogon flexuosus... odour of lemon and verbena... It is used in perfuming soap. Cymbopogon citratus is cultivated in tropical countries, especially in Ceylon, India and the West Indies... Cymbopogon flexuosus is cultivated along the Malabar coast of India and yields East Indian Lemon Grass Oil. (Heber W. Youngken, Textbook of Pharmacognosy, Philadelphia, The Blakiston Co., 1950, pp. 167-168). cf. nakhi_ (unguis odoratus)(Skt. Agnipura_n.a) cakranakha the perfume unguis odoratus (Skt.); sakniya a partic. drug (Si.)(CDIAL 4542). Cymbopogon schoenanthus = andropogon schoenanthus: gandhabena (B.); roshisha (M.); rousaghas (H.); bhutika (Skt.); shakanarupillu (Ta.Ka.Te.); plant: aromatic, stimulant; decoction of grass: febrifuge; oil: applied in rheumatism and neuralgia; essential oil; habitat: hotter parts of India, wild or cultivated, from the Punjab to Burma and southwards to Travancore (GIMP, p.87). cymbopogon citratus = andropogon citratus: gandhabena (B.); gandhatrina (H.); khawi (P.); bhustrina (Skt.); vasanappillu (Ta.); nimmagaddi (Te.); vasanappillu (Ma.); oil: carminative in cholera; essential oil; fresh lemon grass contains 0.26-0.52% essential oil containing 78-85.5% citral; grown in gardens in the Punjab, Bombay and Baroda; reported to grow wild in Mysore (GIMP, p.87). kattr.n.a cymbopogon jwarancusa (Car. Su. 2.13, 4.17). Fragrant grass: vanaja a kind of fragrant grass (Skt.lex.) ka_ci-hullu, ka_ciya-hullu, ka_maca, ka_maci, ka_vaci lemon grass, andropogon schoenanthus (Ka.); ka_vat.t.ai, ka_vat.t.am-pul citronella grass, andropogon nardus (Ta.); ka_vat.t.a, ka_vit.t.a-ppul andropogon schoenanthus (Ma.)(DEDR 1485). vana an ingredient in making a perfume with the fragrance of vakula (Br.hatsam.hita_. LXXVI. 29-30). vananam wealth (Vedic) (Skt.lex.) cf. va_laka cuscus grass (Ka.lex.) 

1008.Acacia planifrons: ut.ai acacia planifrons; acacia latronum; acacia eburnea (Ta.); ot.a a kind of thorny tree, umbrella thorn, acacia planifrons (Ma.); od.eja_li acacia planifrons (Ka.)(DEDR 594). cf. ja_li acacia arabica, thorny babool tree (Te.Ka.)(DEDR 2474). cf. ca_likan- a caste of weavers (Ta.)(DEDR 2475). cf. ut.al texture of cloth (Ta.)(DEDR 586). 

1009.Small drum tapering in the middle: ut.ukkai (Ta.); hud.uka (Te.); ud.ukka (Ma.) small drum tapering in the middle (S.I.I.ii,254) (Ta.lex.) ut.ukka a tabor resembling an hour-glass (Ma.); ud.uku a small kind of drum (Tu.); ud.uka small drum of the shape of an hour-glass (Te.); hud.ukka- a kind of rattle or small drum; hud.ukka_ a kind of drum (Skt.)(DEDR 589). d.akka drum (Pkt.); d.akko id. (G.); d.akkiya tom-tom (Si.); d.anka_ drum (P.N.B.Or.H.M.Skt.); d.anko large kettle-drum (G.); d.a_ka_ id. (M.)(CDIAL 5525). cf. t.ama_ram kettle-drum (Ta.)(DEDR 2949). [cf. d.ugd.ugi_ drum (P.H.G.N.)(CDIAL 5559)[Onom.] d.hakke, d.akke, d.an.ka, d.an.ke a double drum, a pair of kettle-drum, a d.hak (Ka.); it.akkai, t.akkai a large drum, a drum double headed (Ta.); d.akke a small double drum, used as a rattle (Te.); d.an.ka_, d.a_n.ka_ a large kettle-drum (Te.)(Ka.lex.) 

1010.Image: network for suspending pots: ut.t.i, ot.t.i coarse network, made of rope or rattan, in which pots or other vessels are suspended from the beams of the house or from the stick thrown across the shoulder, by which they are carried about; upper framework of cradle by which it is suspended (Ka.); ut.t.i network sling in which pots, etc. are suspended; fibres inside a ripe tamarind, etc. (Te.); uttu rope for suspending articles (Nk.); ut-, ut.- to hang (rope from roof, etc.), suspend by rope (Pa.); utip- (utit-), ut.ip- (ut.it-) to make to hang (Pa.); utka, ut.ka ropes of carrying-yoke (Pa.); ut.t.i hanging loop (= ut.t.i (Te.)(Ga.); ut.p- (ut.up-) to hang (Ga.); ut.um rope network suspended in house for holding pots, etc. (Go.); ut.i, ut.u ropes of carrying yoke (Go.); uRi net suspended from roof in kitchen to keep pots (Kond.a); ur-i hoop or rope network for placing pots, and suspended by a cord from the roof of a house, from the hand, or from the end of a pole carried on the shoulder (Ta.Ka.); network for suspending pots (Ma.); ury sling for pots, litter for carrying persons (Ko.); utav a sort of arched framework hung from roof (M.)(DEDR 708). 

1011.Cordia myxa: udal a jungle tree, the bark of which yields fibres used in rope-making (Kur.); udali a tree the fibre of which is used in decorating the Chamd.a bamboos (Malt.)(DEDR App. 14). udda_la the tree cordia myxa or latifolia (Skt.)(CDIAL 1990). buc dare cordia myxa (Santali.lex.) Cordia latifolia: bahuvara, sleshmataka, selu (Skt.) yields a gum; a small deciduous tree growing nearly all over India and cultivated in Bengal; cordia angustifolia: goond, goondnee (H.); cordia myxa: chokargond (H.); naruvili (Ta.); cordia rothii gondi (H.)(Indian Materia Medica, pp. 378-381). 

1012.Image: tree: utal. a tree (Tol. Er..ut. 400, Urai)(Ta.lex.) udal a large forest tree, sterculia colorata (Santali.lex.) gudal a kind of tree (Pa.); kudal a tree the bark of which is used for making rope (Go.); kudali a forest tree from the bark of which the ancients made clothes (Kui)(DEDR 1701). kut.a, kut.i, kut.ha, kut.hi tree; kut.aka a kind of tree (Kaus'.); kud.a tree (Pkt.); kur.a_ tree; kar.ek tree, oak (Pas'.); ko_r. stick (Par.)(CDIAL 3228). kudda_la, kudala, kun.d.ala, kuda_la, kuda_ra the tree bauhinea variegata; ko_vida_ra (Skt.); kudda_la a partic. tree (Pkt.); kura_l id. (A.); kuda_l.a, kuda_ra bauhinea variegata (Or.); ko_vil.a_ra id. (Pali); koira_lo id. (N.); kuira_l a partic. wild tree (Ku.); kal.uvara ebony, diospyros ebenus (Si.)(CDIAL 3287). cf. utal.ai jungle mango, cerbera odollam (Ta.); utal., utal.am id. (Ma.)(DEDR 611). cf. udda_la the tree cordia myxa or latifolia (Skt.Pali.Pkt.); udda_laka (Sus'r.); udda_la the plant cordia myxa or cordia latifolia (Ka.lex.) ["... in the Philippines, rope is made from the bast." Medicinal Plants of the Philippines, p.770.]; ur.a_l bark of bauhinea variegata, rope made of this; u_dal a tree from the bark of which rope is made (H.); oda_r loosely twisted hemp rope (Mth.); oda_l a tree yielding fibre (N.); uda_l a wild tree from the buds and flowers of which a sauce is made (Ku.); oda_la_ a creeper yielding string (P.); oda_l cordia myxa (A.)(CDIAL 1990). gudi a rope for the feet used in climbing palm trees (Ka.); kodi_ a fetter for the feet (Skt.); gudika_lu feet to which that rope is attached; gudi to tie the feet or legs (Ta.lex.) 

1013.Lip: pedavi lip (Te.); pedave id.; pedde_l lips (Kol.); pedave, peddave id.(Nk.); pedeve, pedive id. (Ga.); pilivi, pi_lvi_ id. (Go.); bedve id. (Kond.a); bimma id. (Tu.)(DEDR 4400). ot.t.ha lip; ot.t.hehi phusati v.t..; ot.t.haphut.t.ha pp. (Pali.lex.) Image: brim: utat.u brim, lip, edge of a wound; utat.an- blubber-lipped man; f. utat.i (Ta.); utat.u lip (Ma.); u0ur gums (To.); odad.u, odud.u, odaru lip (Ka.)(DEDR 606). o_s.t.ha lip (RV.); ot.t.ha (Pali.Pkt.); ut.t.ha, hot.t.ha, hut.t.ha (Pkt.); o_s't, vus't (Gypsy); o_s.t. (Ash.); u_s.t., wu_s.t. (Wg.); yu_s.t. (Kt.); u_t.h, u_s.t. lip; us.t. bank of a river (Pas'.); u_s.t., us.t. lip (Kal.); o~_t.u upper lip; o~_t.i lower lip (Sh.); o_t.e (D..); wut.h, wut.has lip (K.); hot.h (L.); hot.h, ho_t.h (P.); ot.h, ho_t.h (WPah.); u~_t.h, o_t.h (Ku.); ot.h (N.); o~_t.h (A.); ot.ha (Or.); ot.h (Mth.Bhoj.); o~_t.h, ho~_t.h (Aw.); ot.h, o~t.h, hot.h, ho~t.h (H.); ot.h, hot.h (G.); ot.h, o~t.h, hot. (M.); ot.a (Si.)(CDIAL 2563). odad.u, odaru, odud.u the lip (Ka.); utat.u, itar.. (Ta.); pedave, pedime (Te.)(Ka.lex.) itar.. lip (Nan-. 81)(Ta.lex.) Image: eyelid: itar.. eyelid (Kur-icip. 247)(Ta.lex.)  

1014.Indian ash tree: uti, oti Indian ash tree, odina wodier; uti falcate trumpet flower, dolichandrone falcata (Ta.); uti, oti odina pinnata (Ma.); ud.i odina wodier (Ka.); oddi odina pinnata (Te.); oddi_ id. (Kol.)(DEDR 614). Odina wodier = lannea grandis common in deciduous forests throughout India (GIMP, p.149). Odina wodier, rhus odina: jingini, ajashringi, netrashuddhi (Skt.); jingan, kashmal (H.); jiol (B.); besharam (Deccan); shembat (G.); muya (M.Kon.); shimtee, poonu (Ka.); udimaram (Ma.); udayan, odiyamaram, anicarra (Ta.); oddimanu (Te.); met with generally in hotter parts of India... decoction of the bark... astringent... fresh juice of the bark is a valuable application to sore eyes... Gum of the tree made into an ointment with cocoanut milk or into a liniment with brandy is a good application to sprains and bruises. Internally, gum is given in asthma and as a cordial to women during lactation... (Indian Materia Medica, pp. 867-868). Dolichandrone falcata: hawar (H.); manchingi (Bombay); kadatathie (Ta.); action: abortifacient and a fish-poison; varieties: black, white and red. (Indian Materia Medica, p. 457). 

1015.Besmear: uddu, ujju to rub (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) uttu_l.an-am besmearing parts of one's body with dry sacred ashes (Tan.ikaippu. Ira_ma. 22); uttu_l.ittal to besmear parts of one's body with dry sacred ashes (Tiruva_ca. 6,22); uttu_l.am id. (Cit. Cika_. Vipu_ti. 14); ud-dhu_lana (Skt.)(Ta.lex.) uddhu_la powdered, sprinkled with; uddhu_lana powdering, sprinkling with as with ashes; uddhu_lanan.geysu to cause to powder etc. (Ka.lex.) cf. uddhu_layati sprinkles with powder (skt.); uddhu_le_i powders, scatters (Pkt.); udhal.n.e~ to throw about (dust etc.), scatter, winnow, expend lavishly (M.); uddhu_lan.a sprinkling with dust (Pkt.); udhal.an., udhal.n.i_ (M.)(CDIAL 2027). cf. dhu_d.i, dhu_li dust, powder (Skt.)(CDIAL 6835). udvartana, udvarta rubbing and cleaning the body with fragrant unguents; the unguents used for that purpose; udvartana_laya a bath-room (Ka.); udvarta, udvartana going up, rising, swelling; urbu to rise, to swell; to be puffed up; ubbu to swell, increase (Ka.lex.) u_du to swell (Tu.lex.) 

1016.Image: wicker basket; trap: u~_ta basket snare to catch fish, coop to keep animals in (Te.); u~_du snare for fish made of basket work (Te.); u_ta bamboo trap (Pa.); trap (Go.); u_r-r-al wicker basket for catching fish, wicker basket for covering chickens (Ta.); or-r-a_l, or-r-il a wicker basket (Ma.)(DEDR 762). Image: to trap: ut.t.- to be trapped, caught in a trap (Ga.); urra_na_ to be jammed in a trap (of fish)(Go.)(DEDR 595). u_r-r-am wicker basket for covering chickens; u_r-r-a_lkavi-ttal to set a wicker basket for catching fish; u_r-r-uppar-i wicker basket for catching fish in tanks and ponds (Ta.lex.) 

1017.Image: snare; warp: urd warp (Oss.); undri_ snare (Ash.); udri~_, uli_ (Pas'.)(CDIAL 2336). otor warp of web (Santali.lex.)  

1018.Woven: u_ta, uta- woven (Skt.); wu_nu pp. of wo_nun (K.)(CDIAL 2406). u_yate_ is woven (Gr.); u_yati, uyyati (Pali); ujanu, u_janu (S.); oja weaving, texture (S.)(CDIAL 2419). ut.an- adv. together with (Pu. Ve. 10, Cir-appir-.9); ud.an id. (Ma.); od.an id. (Ka.); ut.an- altogether (Kur-al., 309); ut.an-ku_t.t.attatika_ri the head of the village assembly in the days of the Co_r..a administration (S.I.I. iii,35); ut.an-pan.ku joint share, joint heirship; ut.an-pun.arppu inseparable concomitance (Man.i. 27,243, Arum.)(Ta.lex.) jud.ia met (Pkt.); jur.an. to be joined (L.); jur.an.u to fit, be prepared, be built (S.); jur.na_ to be joined, be mended, be gained (P.); jur.n.a_ to be obtained (WPah.); jur.nu to meet in battle (WPah.)[cf. ut.an-r-al war (Ta.lex.)]; jur.n.o to meet (Ku.); jur.a_ to be fastened, meet, happen (B.); jurai assembles, meets (A.); jur.na_ to be joined, copulate, come to hand (H.); julna_ to be united, agree (H.); jud.ai to be fastened (OMarw.); unites, is fitting (OG.); jud.n.e~ to come together (M.); jut.an. to be joined, be engaged in (L.); jut.a_ to come together or to hand (B.); jut.nu to be assembled, happen (N.); jut.e together (Mth.); jut.na_ to unite, cohere (H.); jut.n.e~ to combine (M.); jo_d.e_i joins (Pkt.); jor.an. to join, add up (L.); jor.n.a_ to join (P.); jor.n.o (Ku.); jornu (N.); zoriba to fix (arrow to bow), clear (jungle), cover (A.);[cf. ut.akku to be fitted to the string of the bow (as an arrow)(Ta.); ut.akku catch, latching, notch (Ma.)(DEDR 585)]; jorab fasten, join (Mth.); jor.a_, jur.a_ (B.); jor.iba_, jur.iba_ (Or.); jorai to fasten, join (OAw.); jor.na_ (H.); jo_d.ai (OMarw.); jor.vu~ (G.); jod.n.e~ (M.); jor. joint (B.); zora_ joint (A.)(CDIAL 10496). jaoa twins; honkin jaoa id. (Mu.); yam (H.Sadani); dwi two (Skt.); jur.i second of a pair (Mu.); jor.i_ a pair (H.)(Mu.lex.) To be united: or-r-ittal to be united with ; to become one with (Ci. Po_. Cir-. 5,1)(Ta.lex.) od.ar, od.arcu, od.ricu, od.arisu to join, undertake, begin, do, perform, produce, make an effort; od.arcisu to undertake, begin (Ka.); od.amu to be produced, arise (Te.)(DEDR 944). Contract: ut.an- altogether, immediately after (Ta.); ut.an--pa_t.u to agree, yield; ut.an-pat.ikkai contract, agreement, promise; ut.am-pat.u to harmonize; ut.an--pa_t.u consent, accord; ut.antai union, alliance, relationship; -o_t.u, -ot.u with (Ta.); ut.an together with, at once; ut.am-pet.uka to agree; ut.am-pat.i agreement, contract; ut.appam, ut.anma, ut.ama friendship, relation; -o_t.u, -ot.u with (Ma.); -o.r. id. (Ko.); -wir. with, after; wit.k together, undivided (To.); od.an, od.am, od.a union, together, as soon as; with; od.am-bad.u, od.a-bad.u to agree, consent; od.a-bad.ike agreement, treaty (Ka.); od.a with; od.am-bad.ike, od.am-bad.ige agreement, consent, treaty; dambad.ipuni, dambad.iyuni, dambad.isuni to please, reconcile, appease, persuade; dambad.ige delight, pleasure, love, acquiescence, persuation (Tu.); od.am-bad.u, od.a-bad.u to consent, agree; od.am-bad.ika, od.a~-bad.ika agreement, consent, treaty; od.am-bar-acu, od.a~-bar-acu to persuade; od.a~-ba_t.u consent, assent (Te.)(DEDR 945). 

1019.Image: pannier: u~_ta pannier (Te.)(DEDR 762). u_ta woven; u_ti weaving, sewing (Ka.lex.) 

1020.Olibanum: u_da olibanum (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) cf. kunduru olibanum (Skt.lex.) Smoke: cf. u_dra smoke raised for driving off mosquitoes (Ka.); u~_dara smoke used to drive out or kill an animal or to ripen fruit (Te.); und.- to smoke; und.ul, und.ul(i) smoke (Go.)(DEDR 744). hu offers libation (Skt.); hunati id. (Skt.); hunitabba to be sacrificed (Pali); hun.ai offers libation; hun.ia pp., hun.an.a (Pkt.); hune sacrifices (MB.); hunna_ (H.)(CDIAL 14139). havis oblation (of ghee, milk, rice etc.)(RV.); huta poured out as an oblation (RV.)(CDIAL 14019). ho_tr.ka assistant of the ho_tr., priest (S'Br.); ho_traka (AitBr.); hottiya member of a sect of va_naprastha ascetics (Pkt.); wuto_, uto_ high priest (Kt.); wuta_, uto_ (Pr.)(CDIAL 14176). Flow: hud.ati, hun.d.ati collects (Dha_tup.); hud.ua flow (Pkt.); hur-hur blazingly (N.)(CDIAL 14136). cf. er.we to sacrifice, propitiate, worship (Malt.)(DEDR 790). 

1021.Reciting: o_tuvittal to teach the ve_das and other scriptures (Tiv. Periya_r... 4,8,1); o_tu-tal to read, recite audibly in order to commit to memory (Kur-al., 834)(Ta.); o_du (Ka.Tu.); o_tu (Ma.); to utter mantras, repeat prayers (Tiruva_ca. 41,7); o_tuva_r s'aiva ve_l.a_l.as appointed to recite sacred Tamil hymns in s'aiva temples and monasteries (Ta.); o_ttu reciting; uttering as a mantra (Te_va_. 586,4); the ve_da (Man.i. 13,25); section or chapter of a book (Tol. Po. 480); rule, principle, law (Kur-al., 3, Pari.)(Ta.lex.) ho_tr., ho_tr., ho_ta_ra an offerer of oblation or burnt-offering; a priest who at sacrifice invokes the gods or recites the hymns of the r.gve_da, a priest conversant with the r.gve_da (Ka.Skt.); ho_tra anything intended or fit for offering with fire (generally clarified butter); the clarified butter so offered; an oblation with fire, a burnt-offering; a sacrifice; vi_ti-ho_tra agni, fire; ho_tri a sacrificing priest; the priest who offers the oblation (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) ho_tr.ka assitant of the ho_tr., priest (S'Br.); ho_traka (AitBr.); hottiya member of a sect of va_naprastha ascetics (Pkt.); wuto_, uto_ high priest (Kt.); wuta_, uto_ (Pr.)(CDIAL 14176). hutta sacrifice; huta (pp. of juhati) sacrificed, worshipped, offered; oblation; hotta offering (Pali.lex.) Educated; an office; a title; a post: ho_da_ < uhda_ (U.) position, status (C.G.)(Ta.)(Ta.lex.) huda a title, a cognomen, office, class; huda hudae rakapena he rose step by step; hor. hudare gidrako emok kana par.haok lagit santals send their children to be educated; hudawan hor a titled person (Santali.lex.) hudde an office, a post (Ka.); hudda_ (M.H.); hudde_da_ra one holding a public charge; an officer (Ka.M.); hudde_da_ri relating to a hudde_da_ra; the business of a hudde_da_ra (Ka.)(Ka.lex.)  

1022.Frankincense; ashes of frankincense: u_da, u_du frankincense (Ka.M.H.); u_dinakad.d.i, u_duda_ni id. (Ka.lex.) udi, u_da_ ashes of frankincense; brown (Ka.M.); u_da_, udi, u_di brown, purple, lilac, dark flesh colour, sky-blue, s'ya_va, s'ya_ma = dark brown, dark (Ka.Te.H.)(Ka.lex.) u_ta_ purple, violet (Ta.); u_da_ (U.)(Ta.lex.) u_dagad.d.i = u_dugad.d.i a thin stick covered with frankincense; u_du-batti id. (Tu.); u_da-batti id. (Ka.); u_du-da_ni, u_dubatti gid.a a receptacle for the u_dubatti made of metal in the form of a tree (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) Fumigation: u_tal-po_t.ukai fumigation for making green fruits ripe as plantains; fumigation so as to expose the hole of rodents as a bandicoot to smoke and so force them to run away; u_tu to refine with fire, as gold, put.ampo_t.utal; u_ntu cardamom husk, kacco_lam; u_tuvatti incense stick, joss stick (Ta.); u_d + (U.) (Ta.lex.) Image: smoke: u_dra smoke raised for driving off mosquitoes (Ka.); u~_dara smoke used to drive out or kill an animal or to ripen fruit (Te.); und.- to smoke; und.ul, und.ul(i) smoke (Go.)(DEDR 744). cf. u_du-batti incense stick (Ka.lex.) 

1023.Bride; wife: u_d.he a bride, a wife espoused according to the ritual (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) u_d.ha married (Pkt.); vu_d.hi_ she went (OG.); vud.hvu~ to go (G.)(CDIAL 2400). navo_d.ha newly married (RV.); naor.ha newly-wed wife (OH.)(CDIAL 7024). u_d.ha carried, born (Vedic.lex.) u_d.hi carrying (Skt.)(CDIAL 2401). u_t.al love quarrel, between husband and wife, arising from jealousy, appropriate to the agricultural tracts, one of five uri-p-porul. (Nampiyakap. 25); u_t.aluvakai pleasure derived from reunion after sulking, from temporary variance and huff between husband and wife (Kur-al., 133, Ati.); u_t.u-tal to feign displeasure, as a wife for her husband or vice versa in order to enhance his or her affection; to be sulky (Kur-al., 1330)(Ta.lex.) adhyu_d.he (adhi-u_d.he) a wife whose husband has married an additional wife (Ka.); u_d.ha carried; moved; married (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) pravut.ai adolescent girl (Na_mati_pa. 181); stage of growth of a woman between her thirty-first and fifty-fifth year (Kantapu. Intirapuri. 33)(Ta.lex.) praud.ha, pavud.a, pravud.a, prahud.a, praud.hya grown up, full-grown, fully developed, matured, perfected (as the body, mind, or person); mature, adult, old; married; proficient; great, illustrious, grand, mighty, strong, dignified; ornate, polite; thick, dense as darkness; impetuous, impulsive, violent; confident, bolt, arrogant, audacious; forward; raised up, lifted up; (at the end of a cmpd.) filled with, full of (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) cf. praud.ha full of (MBh.); praud.ha_ experienced mistress (Skt.); po_d.ha grown up, capable, clever (Pkt.); por.ho very old (S.)(CDIAL 9021). pavis.u, pavucu < bavisi (Te.) affluence, opulence, prosperity; felicity, splendour (Ira_mana_. Yutta. 29); pride (Tiruppu. 520)(Ta.lex.) praud.hatara very grand; praud.hate the state of being grand etc.; confidence, arrogance; praud.havati, pavud.avati a fully developed and perfected woman, a woman bold in her ways, a proficient or clever woman; praud.hi growth, increase; maturity, perfect state of body or mind; elevation, greatness, grandeur, pomp; proficiency; self-confidence, arrogance; boldness; zeal, enterprise, exertion; praud.hike, pravud.ike, prahud.ike grandeur, proficiency; praud.hime, pravud.ime, prahud.ime grandeur, proficiency; praud.he, pavud.e a female arrived at puberty; a married woman from thirty to thirty-five years of age; a violent or impetuous woman who stands in now awe of her lover or her husband, a woman of impetuous desires; a proficient or accomplished woman (Ka.lex.) hud.uga, ud.uga, hud.aga a boy (to the age of about sixteen years)(Ka.); a child, whether male or female (Ka.M.); bud.ate, bud.ute a little one or child (Te.); bud.atad.u, bud.utad.u a male child (Te.); hud.ugi, ud.ugi, hud.agi, hud.ige, hud.igi a girl (to the age of about sixteen years)(Ka.); cf. hut.t.u, put.t.u birth etc. (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) vyu_d.ha expanded, wife, broad, large; arrayed, arranged (Ka.); vyu_d.ha-kan.kat.a accoutred, mailed, armed (Ka.Skt.)(Ka.lex.)  

1024.Credit: uddari, udari, udri (Tadbhava of uddha_ra) the money owed upon goods purchased on trust or credit (Ka.); udha_ra (M.)(Ka.lex.) uddha_ra deduction, a part to be set aside; taking away; a debt, especially a debt not bearing interest, obligation (Ka.lex.) uda_ru debt; credit (Ka.M.)(Ka.lex.) udhar on credit, not paying ready money; udarten. agukeda I bought it on credit (Santali.lex.) Buying and selling on credit: uddha_ra act of raising (Gaut.); deliverance (MBh.); loan (esp. without interest)(Skt.); tax, debt (Pali); taking away, protection, loan (Pkt.); udha_ra loan (S.); udha_r (L.P.WPah.Ku.N.); purchase on credit (Bi.); debt (Bhoj.H.); buying and selling on credit (M.); udha_ro credit account (G.); udha_ra_ loan (L.); udha_ro (Ku.N.); udha_ra (MB.Or.); dha_r (B.); (CDIAL 2018). usna_ borrowed, lent (M.)(CDIAL 1873). nirdha_r free from debt (H.)(CDIAL 7285). 

1025.Image: to push: untu to push out, thrust forward, fling, cast away (Ta.); untuka to push, thrust, shove; untu a push, shove; untikka to cause to push (Ma.); ud- (udy-) to push (person, small object with hand)(Ko.); to jostle (To.)(DEDR 625). hud.adi a game at which boys push, shove and beat one another (often played in moonshine)(Ka.); hundad.a_, hundad.i_, hututu (M.)(Ka.lex.)

1026.Image: body of a ya_r..: unti body of a ya_r.. (Tol. Col. 399, Urai); untutal to thrum, as a string of the ya_r.. (Poruna. 23); untal thrumming to test the strings of the ya_r.. (Ku_rmapu. Kan.n.an-man.am. 146)(Ta.lex.) cf. unti navel, belly (Ta.)(DEDR 624). 

1027.Overflowing: utsa_dana putting away (S'Br.); causing to fill up (Sus'r.); raising (Skt.); ussa_dana overflowing (Pali)(CDIAL 1879). Ascends; is produced: utpatati flies up, ascends (RV.); is produced (MBh.); utpa_tayati causes to fly up or rise (RV.); uppatati flies up, jumps up (Pali); upur.an.u, upir.an.u to grow up, increase, get better (S.); uppar.n.a_ to arrive (P.); upar.vu~ to move away, depart, be lifted, rise, swell (G.); upa_in.u to bale out water (S.); u_pa_d.ai lifts (OG.); upa_r.vu~ to lift up, withdraw (money)(G.)(CDIAL 1811).  

1028.To plough; to dig up: uddhanti turns up the earth (TS.); lifts up (RV.); udhinnu to dig up (of pigs), rummage; udhinne pig (N.); udhin.n.o to tear with teeth or nails, pierce, skin (Ku.)(CDIAL 2007). cf. dunnu to plough (Te.lex.) uddhuno_ti shakes up (RV.); uddhuvvai shakes, fans (Pkt.)(CDIAL 2024). uddhu_ta, udhuta shaken, shaken off, thrown up (MBh.); uddhuta (Pali); uddhu_da, uddhuya shaken, scattered (Pkt.); uduhu_ shaken, kicked up (Si.); udhul to tear asunder (Kal.)(CDIAL 026). uddharati takes out, raises (Pali); uddharai lifts up, roots up, takes away (Pkt.); uddhita, uddhat.a pulled out, cut off, destroyed (Pali); uddhia, uddhaa, uddhad.a raised (Pkt.); udher.n.a_ to rip (P.); udha_rnu_ to be opened up (of stitches and seams)(WPah.); udhranu to be split; udha_rnu to rip up (N.); udha_rn.o to raze (a house) to the ground, dismantle (Ku.)(CDIAL 2009). ta_r.- to dig (Go.); t(r)avvu to dig, excavate (Te.); r.av- to excavate earth (Pe.); ta_r.a to dig out, excavate, scratch out (Kui)(DEDR 3122). udhar irrigation channel (Pas'.)(CDIAL 2010). ur..u to plough, dig up, root up (as pigs), scratch, incise (as bees in a flower); ur..avan-, ur..avo_n-, ur..a_an- ploughman, agriculturist; fem. ur..atti, ur..avu ploughing, agriculture; ur..a_l ploughing, scratching, or probing (as the bees the flowers); ur..anar ploughmen; ur..akku to plough; tunnu (tunni-) id. (Ta.); ur..uka, ur..ukuka, ur..utuka to plough; ur..avu, ur..ama tillage; ur..avan ploughman, farmer (Ma.); ug- (ur.t-) to plough, be ploughed; ukl act of ploughing; u.v one furrow in ploughing (Ko.); us.f- (us.t-) to plough (To.); ur.. (ur..t, utt-) id.; ur..asu, ur..isu, ur..usu to cause to plough; ur..ata, ur..uvike, ur..ike, ur..uke, ur..ke, ukke ploughing (Ka.); u.l.- (upp-, utt-) to plough (Kod..); u_d.uni, hu_d.uni id.; dappuni, ad.apuni, adeppuni, adappuni id.; ura, dappu ploughing; uralu, oralu, oral.u a ploughman's or herdsman's song (Tu.); dunnu, dunu to plough, till; dukki ploughing, tillage(Te.); ur- (urt-) to harrow; to plough (Kol.); ur- to plough, harrow (Nk.); ur.- to plough; d.ukki cultivated upland field called in Halbi. maran (Pa.); u_d.- to plough (Ga.); ur.a_na_, ur.-, ud.- (written ud-), ura_na_, ur.da_na_ id.; lumi'-, lum- (pig) to root up earth; lumm- to root; to gore (as a bull)(Ga.); r.u_- (-t-) to plough, till soil (Kond.a); to plough (Pe.Mand..Kuwi); r.u_va (r.u_t-) id.; ploughing (Kui); u_r.a (u_r.i-) to dig with snout, root up (Kui); ruiyali (ru_-), lu_nai to plough; lu_'nai to nuzzle (of a pig; pajji lu_te); r.uki ploughing bullock, bullock (Kuwi); uina_/uyna_ (ussas) to plough; ugta_ a plough, ploughshare (Kur.); use to turn up the soil (as pigs do)(Malt.)(DEDR 688). cf. u_r..iyam service due to a deity, a guru or a superior by birth, natural obligation, obligation of a slave to his master; u_r..iyan- slave, servant (Ta.)(DEDR 758). udyama act of raising (Ya_j.); undertaking, striving after, zeal (R.); ujjama exertion, zeal (Pkt.); u_jama endeavour (OG.); ujam zeal, industry, occupation (G.)(CDIAL 2048). cf. ujjo_a effort (Pkt.); udyo_ga active preparation, exertion (Skt.); uja preparation (Or.)(CDIAL 2055). anudyo_ga lack of work, laziness (Skt.); an.ujo, an.ojo a day on which artisans do not work such as new moon day (G.)(CDIAL 320). udyacchati undertakes, is diligent (MBh.); ujjamai is diligent (Pkt.)(CDIAL 2049). ujjo_a effort (Pkt.); udyo_ga active preparation, exertion (Skt.)(CDIAL 2055). Image: act of raising: udya_ma act of raising or stretching (S'Br. viii.5.1.13) (Vedic.lex.) udyama, uddami raising or lifting up; udyat rising; great, excellent; udya high (Ka.lex.) Trade: udam work, trade, profession; kam udam din the time when there is work to do from an agriculturist's point of view (Santali.lex.) uddimida_ra a trader, a merchant, a farmer (Ka.lex.) uddami, uddame, uddimi, uddime, uddume, udyami (Tadbhava of udyama) business, occupation, profession (Ka.)(Ka.lex.)  

1029.To forward or send: huda to forward anything to its destination by passing it on from village to village; hudate kol gotkam send it to its destination by having it passed on from village to village; huda hec akawadea something has come to him which he has to pass on to another village (Santali.lex.) 

1030.Image: young male ibex: us.un. young male ibex (Kho.)(CDIAL 1856). Image: oorial; ram: ho_tu, ho_ta, ho_ntu a he-goat (Ka.); ya_ta (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) utal. ram, he-goat (Ta.Ma.)[(utal.u mapparum : Tol. Po. 602). utal. goat, sheep; aries of the zodiac; a tree (Tol. Er..ut. 400, Urai.)(Ta.lex.)](DEDR 610). ut.u goat, sheep [cf.hud.u] (Ta.lex.) hun.d.u_ fighting ram; hu~d.d.u (L.); hun.d.u_ (P.); hun.d.a ram (Ka_s'i_kh.); hud.a, hud.u ram (Skt.); hud.a ram (Pkt.); hur., hu_r. (WPah.); hur.ea_l, hur.ea_r the wild hill sheep or oorial (L.); hur.ia_r (P.)(CDIAL 14136). hud.a dog ~~ ram (Pkt.); hun.d.a_ hyena (Or.)(CDIAL 14137). kor-r-an ram, boar, tomcat (Ma.); kor-r-i ewe, female cat, bandicoot (Ma.)(DEDR 2170). ura_n.i_ (or uran.i_ ?) of uran.a; an ewe; urabbha (Skt. urabhra Latin vervex Anglo-Saxon waru = English ware (originally, sheepskin) = German ware. Pali ura_n.i_ a ram. orabbhika (Skt. aurabhrika) one who kills sheep, a butcher (of sheep) (Pali.lex.) ula_ lamb (H.)(CDIAL 2352). uran.a ram, sheep, young ram (S'Br.); u_ran.a, u_ran.i_ (Pkt.); urani sheep (Tir.); uran. (Sh.); uri_n. wild sheep (Sh.); orna_ lamb (L.); urnu_, urni_ (WPah.)(CDIAL 2349). vra_n.a sheep (Skt.); bran one year old ram (Kho.); two or three year old male oorial (Kho.)(CDIAL 12230). ura_ ewe (RV.); urabhra ram (Sus'r.); urabbha (Pali.Pkt.)(CDIAL 2352). umna (NiDoc.); u_rn.a_ wool (RV.); un.n.a_, un.n.a wool (Pali); wo_n wool (K.); una (S.); unn (L.P.)[un.a_la_ woollen X un.na_ to weave (P.)]; u_n, un (Ku.); un (N.B.G.); ul (Or. X English?); u_n (Mth. H.G.); un.n.ia woollen (Pkt.); uni_ id. (N.); u_ni_ id. (H.)(CDIAL 2424). u_rs.a_ wool (<IE. *wlHso-; cf. Latin vellus < *welsos); u_z.a wool (Pas'.)(CDIAL 2438). e_t.a ram (Te.); e_d.ika (Te.); ye_t.i, e_t.i she-goat (Go.); e_d.u goat (Tu.); e_r.a_ she-goat (Kur.); et.e id. (Malt.); he_t. id. (Br.); ya_t.u goat (Tol. Po. 567)(Ta.lex.); a_t.u goat, sheep (Ta.); a_t.u goat, sheep (Ma.); a.r. (obl.) goat (Ko.); o.d. (To.); a_d.u (Ka.); a.di (Kod..); o_d.a goat (Pe.Kui.Kuwi); u_d.e goat (Mand..); o'd.a_ (Kuwi)(DEDR 5152). ait.ha she-goat 10 or 12 months old (S.)(CDIAL 150). ada goat, ram (Si.); aja goat; aja_ (RV.); ajaka_, ajika_ small or young goat (Pa_n..); aja, ajaka, ajika_, ajiya_ (Pali); aya, aya_ (Pkt.); ajaka_, ajake (As'.); u~_i_ (Shum.); ai (Sh.); ai_ (S.)(CDIAL 145). ajar.u flock of goats (S.); eiyur., aiyyar. flock of sheep or goats (L.); ayyar. (P.)(CDIAL 146). ajjar. flock of goats (L.P.); ijjar. (P.); a_jar.i_ shepherd (L.); a~jr.i_ (P.)(CDIAL 163). he_ni_ she-goat (Gaw.)(CDIAL 149). el.aka ram, wild goat (Pali); ed.aka ram (As'.); e_d.i_, e_d.aka a sheep or goat (Skt.); aid.a ovine (MBh.); aid.aka a kind of sheep (S'Br.); id.ikka wild goat (Skt.); hed.'i sheep (NiDoc.); e_la, e_laya ram (Pkt.); e_d.aya_, e_d.akka (Pkt.); e_r.a_, e_r.o_, yer.o, zer.o ram (Pas'.); e_r.i_, yer.i_ ewe (Pas'.); ye_r.e, yer.o_lik, yer.elik sheep (Shum.); e_r.a, ye_r.a (Gaw.); i_r (Bshk.); oi f. (Tor.); i_ (Mai.); yer.o m., e_r.ia f. (Sv.); yi_r.o (Phal.); e_r.i (Sh.); eli-pavharu goatherd (S.); el.uva_ goat (Si.); e_s' sheep (Sh.)(CDIAL 2512). cf. he_d.a_ crowd, collection (Pkt.); her.i_ pound for cattle (L.); her., her.i_ drove of cattle (G.); hed. drove (of sheep, cattle, etc.)(M.)(CDIAL 14159). ajapa_la goatherd (VS.Pali); ayava_la (Pkt.); wa_l shepherd (Gaw.); wal-moc (Kal.); eiya_l shepherd, goatherd (L.); aya_l flock of sheep or goats; aya_li_, ya_li_ shepherd, goatherd (P.); eva_l.iyo shepherd (Marw.)(CDIAL 151). avi sheep (RV.); avika (Pa_n..); avika_ (RV.AV.); avila_ (Skt.); avi ram (Pali); avilo_ma goat's hair (Pali); avi-, avia-, avila- sheep, goat; avila_ ewe (Pkt.); o..i ewe (Tor.); e_i (Sh.); aviya_ goat (Si.); ai she-goat (Sh.); ai_ (S.)(CDIAL 887). avipa_la shepherd (VS.); opa_r shepherd (Bshk.)(CDIAL 893). avikat.a flock of sheep (Pa_n..); ewar. flock of sheep or goats (H.); ajar.u flock of goats (S.); eiyur. flock of sheep or goats (L.); ayyar. (P.)(CDIAL 888). ait.ha she-goat 10 or 12 months old (S.)(CDIAL 892). aiwa_ra_ shed for sheep, goats or cattle in jungle (H.)(CDIAL 896). we_ sheep (Kt.); wame_ (Wg.); wami_ (Pr.)(CDIAL 895).  

1031.Image: ram; oorial: cf. utal. ram, he-goat (Ta.); ram, goat (Ma.)(DEDR 610). hud.a, hud.u ram (Skt.); hun.d.a (Ka_s'i_kh.); hud.a ram (Pkt.); hur., hu_r. (WPah.); hur.ea_l, hur.ea_r the wild hill sheep or oorial (L.); hur.ia_r (P.); hun.d.u_ fighting ram; hu~d.d.u (L.); hun.d.u_ (L.)(CDIAL 14135). hu~d.a_ crumple-horned (M.)(CDIAL 14087). hi_d.u, i_d. flock (Konkan.i)(CDIAL 14088). he_d.a_ crowd, collection (Pkt.); her.i_ pound for cattle (L.); her., her.i_ drove of cattle (G.); hed. drove (of sheep, cattle etc.)(M.)(CDIAL 14159). 

1032.Image: ram: urappiram < urabhra goat, vel.l.a_t.u (Uri. Ni.)(Ta.lex.) urabhra ram; urn.a_yu, vr.s.n.i ram; uran.a (Ka.Skt.)(Ka.lex.) appar ram, he-goat (utal.u mapparum : Tol. Po. 602)(Ta.lex.) Sheep; wool: uran.a sheep, ram, young ram (S'Br.); u_ran.a, u_ran.i_ (Pkt.); urani sheep (Tir.); uran. lamb; uri_n. wild sheep (Sh.); orna_ lamb (L.); urnu_, urni_ (WPah.)(CDIAL 2349). cf. wu_nu pp. of wo_num woven (K.)(CDIAL 2406). u_rn.a_ wool (RV.); un.n.a_, un.n.a (Pali); um.na (NiDoc.); wo_n (K.); una (S.); unn (L.P.); un.a_la_ woollen(P.); un.na_ to weave (P.); u_n, un (Ku.); un (N.B.); ul (Or.)(?X Eng.); u_n (Mth.H.); u_n, un (G.); un.n.ia woollen (Pkt.); uni (N.); u_ni_ (H.)(CDIAL 2424). u_rn.na_bhi spider (TBr.); u_rn.ana_bha (S'vetUp.); un.n.ana_bhi (Pali); un.n.ana_bha (Pkt.)(CDIAL 2423). aurn.aka woollen (Pa_n..); aurn.a (RV.); aurn.ika (Pa_n..);ono woollen (S.); unna_ (P.); on.n.iya (Pkt.); uni (N.); u_ni_ (H.)(CDIAL 2570). un.n.a-lo_man hair between eyebrows (Pali); un.ulom, unulom (Si.)(CDIAL 2425). u_z.a wool (Pas'.)(CDIAL 2438). utal. ram, he-goat (Ta.Ma.)[utal.u mapparum : Tol. Po. 602). utal. goat, sheep; aries of the zodiac; a tree (Tol. Er..ut. 400, Urai.)(Ta.lex.)] (DEDR 610). ut.u goat, sheep [cf. hud.u] (Ta.lex.) hun.d.u_ fighting ram; hu~d.d.u (L.); hun.d.u_ (P.); hud.a, hud.u ram (Skt.); hun.d.a (Ka_s'i_kh.); hud.a ram (Pkt.); hur., hu_r. (WPah.); hur.ea_l, hur.ea_r the wild hill sheep or oorial (L.); hur.ia_r (P.)(CDIAL 14136). hud.a dog ~~ ram (Pkt.); hun.d.a_ hyena (Or.)(CDIAL 14137). kor-r-an ram, boar, tomcat (Ma.); kor-r-i ewe, female cat, bandicoot (Ma.)(DEDR 2170). ura_n.i_, ?uran.i_ of uran.a; an ewe; urabbha (Skt. urabhra Latin vervex Anglo-Saxon waru = English ware (originally, sheepskin) = German ware. Pali ura_n.i_ a ram. orabbhika (Skt. aurabhrika) one who kills sheep, a butcher (of sheep) (Pali.lex.) ula_ lamb (H.)(CDIAL 2352). uran.a ram, sheep, young ram (S'Br.); u_ran.a, u_ran.i_ (Pkt.); urani sheep (Tir.); uran. (Sh.); uri_n. wild sheep (Sh.); orna_ lamb (L.); urnu_, urni_ (WPah.)(CDIAL 2349). vra_n.a sheep (Skt.); bran one year old ram (Kho.); two or three year old male oorial (Kho.)(CDIAL 12230). ura_ ewe (RV.); urabhra ram (Sus'r.); urabbha (Pali.Pkt.)(CDIAL 2352). u_rn.a_ wool (RV.); un.n.a_, un.n.a wool (Pali); umna (NiDoc.); wo_n (K.); una (S.); unn (L.P.)[un.a_la_ woollen X un.na_ to weave (P.)]; u_n, un (Ku.); un (N.B.G.); ul (Or. X English?); u_n (Mth.H.G.); un.n.ia woollen (Pkt.); uni_ id. (N.); u_ni_ id. (H.)(CDIAL 2424). u_rs.a_ wool (<IE. *wlHso-; cf. Latin vellus < *welsos); u_z.a wool (Pas'.)(CDIAL 2438). 

1033.Image: wolf: hud.a dog; ram (Pkt.); hun.d.a_ hyena (Or.); hur.a_r wolf (Mth.); hu_r.a_r wolf (N.); huna~_r wolf, hyena (Or.); hu~r.a_r wolf (Mth.H.)(CDIAL 14137).  

1034.Shallow; sandy place: uthal, uthla_ shallow, shelving, shallow-minded (H.); uthal. shallow (M.); utsthala name of an island (SKt.); utthala sandhill, dry sandy place (BHSk.Pkt.)(CDIAL 1899). Steep bank: uddi, uddige low ridge in a field for retaining the water of irrigation (Ka.); uddari a steep bank; uddi bank or dam with a channel on it to convey water pumped into it to higher lands (Te.); utir little heaps of ground for planting rice in marshes (Ma.)(DEDR 622). cf. kot.i rim of pond or tank (Kod..)(DEDR 2049). kun.t.am deep cavity, pit, pool (Ta.); kun.t.a, gun.t.a pond, pit (Te.)(DEDR 1669). unti small island in a river (Maturaik. 245)(Ta.lex.)  

1035.Image: drip through a sieve; dropping down: utir (-v-, -nt-) to drop off (as leaves, fruits), fall out (as hair), be blasted, drop down (as tears), crumble (as cakes), be demolished; (-pp-, -tt-) to cast leaves or fruits (as trees), cause to drop or fall in numbers, strip, knock out (as teeth), shed (as tears), break in pieces; n. crumb, piece, fragment; utiri that which falls off or is separated, paddy that has fallen from the stalk (Ta.); utiruka to fall, drop (as fruits, leaves), moult (as feathers), drip through a sieve; utirkka to cause to drop, shed (tears); utircca, utirmma falling, dropping, showering (Ma.); wi0- (wi0y-) (waist-cloth) slips off (To.); udir, udaru, udur to fall, fal down or off, drop (as fruits or leaves from a tree, hailstones from the sky, teeth, etc.); udirisu, udircu, udarisu, udarcu, udurisu to cause to fall or drop down, etc.; udaru falling or dropping down (Ka.); uduruni, udaruni to fall, drop off, hang down (Tu.)(DEDR 615). cf. utar-u to shake off, shake out (as a cloth)(Ta.); udaru, uduru, udilu to shake (Te.)(DEDR 613). u_r (-v-, -nt-) to be unloosed,relaxed (Ta.); u_ruka to slip off, fall off (Ma.); uriyu to shake, tremble, get loose (Te.)(DEDR 750). r.u_- (-t-) to fall off (hair, leaves)(Mand..); sru_va (sru_t-), jru_va (jru_t-) to be shed, be cast off, fall off (leaves etc.)(Kui)(DEDR 2900). 

1036.Images: to take out lice; to pull: ut- (uty-) to draw out from a bundle, draw from socket or hole (Ko.); utt- (utti-) to untie (knot)(Kod..)(DEDR 617). u_nda_na_, u_nd- to snatch away (Go.); u_nd- to extract (honey from beehive), take out (as lice from the hair)(Kond.a); to take out, take off (hat)(Pe.); to pull (Mand..) (DEDR 745). edp- (edt-) to lift out (Pa.); eh- (est-) to lift off from the fire (Pe.); eh- (-t-) id. (Mand..); ehpa (eht-) to remove something from the fire; save, deliver, rescue; n. deliverance (Kui); ret- to take off from the fire (Kuwi)(DEDR 867). 

1037.High land; up; height: uttun.ga lofty, swollen (as a river)(MBh.); uttum.ga lofty (Pkt.); utan.g very high (G.)(CDIAL 1794). utale high (Wg.); utta_la great, strong, high, abundant (Skt.); uthala (Dm.); utha_l, uttho_l (Pas'.); uthala, utheli (Gaw.); utha_la, hu_tala (Kal.); uthal, u_thal (Phal.); u_tha_lu_ high, tall, loud (Sh.); wotulu, wathal high (K.); uthr.a_ high (WPah.); utal.n.e~ to be full and plump (M.)(CDIAL 1804). uddya long (Ir.); udm length (Ko.); udda, uddi, uddu height, length, depth (Ka.); udda length, height; uddat long (Kod..); udda length, distance; long (Tu.)(DEDR 621). cf. ko_t.u summit of a hill (Ta.); end (Ma.); kuvat.u mountain-top (Ma.); kud.ilu sprout, shoot (Ka.); kor.i point (Kol.)(DEDR 2049). Mound: ut.igal., ut.a~gal. mound; adj. abounding in mounds; adv. unevenly (M.)(CDIAL 1688). ut.i~bar, ut.a~bar rugged with mounds; ut.i~bra_, ut.a~bra_ round hill, hump (M.)(CDIAL 1689). uttun.ga high (MBh.); ut.a~gar full of mounds; small round hillock, stone placed under a mass which is to be rolled along (M.)(CDIAL 1690). ut.a~gal. mound; adv. unevenly (M.)(CDIAL 1691). ut.a~bra_ mound (M.)(CDIAL 1692). ut.ha_n.a high land; ut.ha_n.i_ steepness (Or.); ut.ha_ni ascent, slope (B.)(CDIAL 1901). utsthala name of an island (SKt.); utthala sandhill, dry sandy place (BHSkt. Pkt.) (CDIAL 1899). High land: uta_r. high land, upland (L.P.); utta_la great, strong, high, abundant (Skt.)(CDIAL 1804). 

1038.Rises; sends: udi_rte_ rises (RV.); udi_rayati causes to move (RV.); udi_re_ti (Pali); uire_i sends (Pkt.); ur- to rise (Pas'.); udiyarti (Pas'.)(CDIAL 1939). i_r move (Skt.); i_rayati causes to rise, brings to life, utters (RV.); udi_rayati causes (RV.); i_rita set in motion, uttered (Pali); i_re_i sends, says (Pkt.); iroiki to stretch and fix warp in position for weaving (Sh.); irina to stretch or set up the warp (D..); irina to say, to do (D..); caus. ira_na to cause to be made (D..)(CDIAL 1614).  

1039.Locus: intermediate: uto_l., uto_l.i the place where the person addressed is or the intermediate place (Tol. Er..ut. 159,398, Urai); unta adj. which is near the person addressed or which is intermediate; utu demonst. pron. that which is between the near and the more remote; that which is near the person(s) spoken to (Ta.); udu id. (Ka.)(Ta.lex.) udu, utu the intermediate demonstrative pronoun neuter: this (between the two); adu, idu, udu, a_vudu, ambudu; the plural form is: uvu: avu, ivu, uvu, avuvu, ba_raduvu, ol.l.iduvu (Ka.lex.) undu this, or at this, intermediate time (Ka.lex.) 

1040.Image: socket at the foot of a post: utha_l.e~, uthl.e~, uthl.a_, uthl.i_ socket at the foot of a post (M.)(CDIAL 1906). kut.t.i fulcrum (Kon.lex.) onali, ondari, ondri, vandari, vandare, vandri a sieve, strainer; one, on.e to winnow, sift; onasu, onisu to cause to shake to and fro; on~cu to sift (Ka.); onali a sieve (Kod..)(DEDR 980). cf. kutai notch at the end of bow to secure the loop of a bowstring (Ta.); kuta id. (Ma.)(DEDR 1714). cf. kuntan-am interspace for setting gems in a jewel (Ta.)(DEDR 1725). kunda a pillar of bricks, etc. (Ka.); pillar, post (Tu.Te.); block, log (Malt.); kantu pillar, post (Ta.)(DEDR 1723). 

1041.Fuel-store: indha kindling (S'Br.)(CDIAL 1583). indhana lighting, kindling, fuel (MBh.); fuel (Pali); im.dhan.a (Pkt.); innhan. (P.); indhan (B.); i~_dhanu (Aw.); i~_dhan (H.); i~dhan., i~dhn.u~, e~dhn.a~_ pl. (G.); idho_n tripod to put over the fire (Kal.); indh kindle (Skt.)(CDIAL 1584). i~dhaur.a_ room for storing wood (H.)(CDIAL 1585). e~_date fire-place (Wg.)(CDIAL 1586). Oven: utta_n-am oven (Ta.lex.) idhmavant provided with fuel (TBr.); idhma fuel (RV.)(CDIAL 1568). uddena three stones for supporting cooking pot, fireplace (Pas'.); uddha_na fireplace (Skt.); odha_n, oda_n stand for putting pots on over the fire (N.); udha_n earthen support for a cooking-vessel (A.); udha_n.i, odha_n.i a pot put on the fire to cook rice in (Or.)(CDIAL 2014). utta_n-am oven (Tiva_.)(Ta.lex.) ud.uku to boil, seethe, bubble with heat, simmer; n. heat, boiling (Te.); ud.ikincu, ud.ikillu, ud.ikilu to boil, cook (Te.); ud.k e_ru hot water (Go.); ud.ku heat (Kuwi); ur.turna_ to be agitated by the action of heat, boil, be boiled or cooked; be tired up to excitement (Kur.); udku hot (Ta.)(DEDR 588). uttapate_ gives out heat, warms oneself (Pa_n..); uttapta red hot (Skt.); utavn.e~ to boil (of water)(M.); uttatta molten (Pali); heated (Pkt.); utatn.e~ to boil over (M.); utavin.e~ to stretch (taffeta, etc.) over a heated pitcher and mark with lines, to draw wavy lines between the seams with a hot needle (M.)(CDIAL 1761). uttapana a partic. kind of fire (Skt.); utavn.e~ boiling water (M.)(CDIAL 1762). uttappa shining, burning (Pkt.); utu_pik to become warm (Kho.)(CDIAL 1764). ota, vota, vata sunshine (Konkan.i)(CDIAL 1760). upatapta hot (MBh.); auta_unu to be feverish, be anxious, look forward to feverishly or anxiously (N.); a_tapa (Skt.)(CDIAL 2173). upatapyate_ is heated (AV.); wupun to burn internally (heap of cowdung, pile of wood or straw, etc.), ferment internally (K.); op, opl.i_ mild morning, winter sunshine (M.)(CDIAL 2175). vyus.ati burns (Skt.); vyus.t.i daybreak (RV.); wuhun to glow, smoulder (K.)(CDIAL 12220). vyus. dawn (AV.); zu_i, ze_i_, jo_i_ dawn, morning, tomorrow (Pas'.)(CDIAL 12219). aus.o to boil (Kt.); u_s., us.u_ (Wg.); us.u, wus.u (Pr.); wo_us. (Ash.); usya_un.o, wasyu_n.o to cook by boiling, to boil (Ku.); usa_i~ba_ to warm paddy over a fire in preparing parboiled rice (Or.); wo_s.o adj. boiling (Ash.); usua_ parboiled (Ku.)(CDIAL 1861). usila_ prepared from parboiled paddy (Or.); s'r.ta cooked (RV.)(CDIAL 1857). ucilittal to season, as curry; ucili seasoned dish (Ta.lex.) usinnu to cook by boiling (N.); usinna to be boiled (H.)(CDIAL 1863). usi_jna_ to cook by boiling (H.)(CDIAL 1865). usi_jhna_ to cook by boiling over a slow fire (H.)(CDIAL 1884). usa_nna_ to boil; usanna_ to be boiled (H.); usuna_ half-boiled (Or.)(CDIAL 1859). cf. uval.am boiled rice (Ta.)(DEDR 679). Fireplace: uddhma_na fireplace (Skt.); uduna oven (Si.); unduna kiln (Si.)(CDIAL 2028). udva_na, udda_na stove (Skt.); udda_n.a stove, cooking oven (Pkt.)(CDIAL 2078). 

1042.Image: car wheel: unti car wheel (Pa_rata. Patin-mu_n-. 12); middle loft of a car; unti-c-cur..i curve or involution of the navel; untutal to push out, thrust forward; to drive, as a chariot (Pa_rata. Niraimi_. 86); to turn in a lathe; to rub, as two sticks together till they ignite (Ci. Po_. 9,3,2); to toss, as dice (Ta.lex.) gunduri a round thing, circle (Kui); ku_ndro_mi gra_yu a round hole (Kuwi)(DEDR 1730). vatali time, turn (Ta.); < badl (U.)(Ta.lex.) gun.d.a_l round (Go.); kun.t.u ball, anything globular and heavy (Ta.)(DEDR 1695). cf. kun.d.ala ring, ear-ring; bracelet; coil of a rope (Skt.); ko~d.l.e~ circle, enclosure (M.); gu~_dla_ round, circular; ring, circle, coil (H.)(CDIAL 3268). cf. kunda a turner's lathe (Skt.)(CDIAL 3295). 

1043.Image: body; desire: ut.al body, birth, texture of cloth; ut.ar, ut.alam, ut.ampu body (Ta.); ut.al, ut.alam body, trunk, life, texture of cloth (Ma.); ut.ampu body, anus (Ma.); or.l. belly, interior of body, trunk of body (Ko.); wir.l. chest of body, desire (To.); od.al body, belly, stomach (Ka.); od.ambi, od.ambe body (Ka.); d.ol.l.u, dol.l.u a proturberant, huge belly (Ka.); ud.alu, ud.a_lu, od.a_lu belly, stomach (Tu.); d.ol.l.u, t.ol.l.u, tol.l.e fat, stout; a pot-belly (Tu.); od.alu, ol.l.u body (Te.); or.l (obl. or.oR) id. (Kond.a)(DEDR 586). udara belly (RV.Pali.Pkt.); uara (Pkt.); wo_r (Wg.Nin.g.); _l (Pr.); war (Dm.Shum.Gaw.); we_r (Mai.); u_ar (Sh.); u_yari womb (OG.)(CDIAL 1932). 

1044.To stand up; manly vigour: kutta straight up (Ka.); vertical, steep, straight (Tu.)(DEDR 1716). uttha_na starting on an expedition (Mn.); act of rising (S'Br.); manly effort (MBh.); ut.t.ha_na rising, manly vigour (Pali); ust.a_na, ut.hana, ut.ha_na exertion (As'.); ut.t.ha_n.a rising, origin (Pkt.); ut.ha_n. act of rising (P.); starting, beginning (Ku.); ut.ha_n rising up (N.); power of rising (Mth.); act of rising (H.); ut.ha_n.u~_ a rising on the body, tumour (M.); uthana exertion (As'.); uttha_n.a courage, strength (Pkt.); utha_n a boiling up (A.)(CDIAL 1901). cf. gudga_ to blaze (Mand..); gudva flame (Kuwi)(DEDR 1715). cf. odna_ to kindle a fire by means of straw or shavings (Kur.); ode to burn (as fuel)(Malt.)(DEDR 978). To rise; stand up: uthlu to stay, wait; us't to arise; us'ti, us't (Gypsy); o~_st (Ash.); os'ta_ to rise, fly (Wg.); osht to rise (Bashg.); us't (Kt.); us'ti (Pr.); us.t.i (Gaw.); us.t.im I rise (Kal.); ut.han.u to spring up, be produced (S.); ut.t.han. to get up, stand (L.); ut.t.hn.a_ (P.); ut.hn.u_ (WPah.); ut.hn.o (Ku.); ut.hnu (N.); ut.hiba (A.); ut.ha_, ot.ha_ (B.); ut.hiba_ (Or.); u_t.hai (OMth.); u_t.hal (Bhoj.); ut.hal (Bhoj.); ut.hna_ (H.); ut.hab (Aw.); u_t.hai (OG.); ut.hvu~ (G.); ut.hn.e~ (M.); ut.a_, ut.t.a_ to stand (Konkan.i); utha_ye 3 sg.opt. let him exert himself (As'.); ut to rise (Wg.); uth to rise, be left behind (Dm.); uthum I stand (Tir.); utth to rise (Shum.); uth to stand up (Mai.); utthu_m 1 sg. (Phal.); utho_nu (Sh.); wothun, wathi (K.); uthan.u (S.); utha_ran.u caus. (S.); uttis.t.hati, udastha_t (RV.); ut.t.ha_ti stands up (Pali); ut.t.hai, ut.t.he_i (Pkt.)(CDIAL 1900). ut.t.ha_pe_ti raises (Pali); uttha_payati (AV.); ut.t.ha_vei (Pkt.); o~_sta_ (Ash.); ut.ha_van. (L.); ut.ha_un.a_ (P.); ut.hu_n.o (Ku.); ut.ha_unu (N.); ut.ha_na (B.); ut.ha_iba_ (Or.); ut.ha_wab (Aw.); ut.ha_na_ (H.); ut.ha_i (OMarw.); ut.ha_vvu~ (G.); ut.havin.e~ (M.); uthaveti (NiDoc.); huta_na (D..); uta_ to place (Wg.)(CDIAL 1903). utthita arisen (RV.); ut.t.hita (Pali); ut.t.hiya (Pkt.); us'tilo stood up (Gypsy); wut.o_ standing (Wot..); ut.ha_ stood up (H.); u_t.hyo (OMarw.); s'tirar stands up (Gypsy); us.t.i (Gaw.); us.t.im 1 sg. (Kal.); uthida, 3 sg. pret. uthidati (NiDoc.); utthiya (Pkt.); uti to stay (Bashg.); itthi to be standing (Bshk.); uty (Chil.); oty (Gau.); uthyoiki to rise from sleep (Sh.); hutina_ (D..); wothu standing up (K.); utin to be standing (Ash.Wg.); wutin (Kt.); uc(h) to stand up (Wot..); u_cch (Tor.)(CDIAL 1907).

1045.To fly: ud.d.ayana flying up (Skt.); ud.d.i_yana id. (MBh.); ud.d.a_n.a (Pkt.); ur.an flight (B.); ur.a_n.a (Or.); jump (OMarw.)(CDIAL 1696). ury, o_ri, ur.i to fly (Gypsy); ud.d.e_ti flies up (Pali); ud.d.e_i flies (Pkt.); wud.un (K.); ud.d.an., ud.an. (L.); ud.d.n.a_ flies (P.); ur.na_ (P.H.); ur.n.o (Ku.); ur.nu (N.); uriba (A.); ur.a_, or.a_ (B.); ur.iba_ (Or.); u_r.ab (Bi.); u_d.ai (OMth.); ur.al (Bhoj.); ur.ab (Aw.); u_d.ai (OMarw.); ud.vu~ (G.); ud.n.e~ (M.); ud.ta_ (Konkan.i); ud.iran.u to fly (S.); ud.ran. (whence caus. ud.a_ran.)to fly (L.); ud.d.arna_ (P.); ud.arn.u, ud.irn.u (WPah.); ud.a_man.u (S.); ud.d.a_vai causes to fly up (Pkt.); wud.a_wun, ud.a_unu (K.); ud.a_in.u to cause to fly, to squander (S.); ud.a_van. (L.); ud.a_un.a_ (P.); ud.a_n.u_ (WPah.); ur.u_n.o (Ku.); ur.a_unu (N.); ura_na, ora_na (B.); ur.a_iba_ (Or.); ur.a_na_ (H.); ud.a_vvu~, ud.a_r.vu~, ura_d.vu~ (G.); ud.avin.e~ (M.); ?ur.u_m I leave, let loose (Phal.)(CDIAL 1697). 

1046.Instalment: ut.hauna_ practice of taking something at regular intervals and paying for it at longer intervals (Mth.); uttha_pana causing to rise, lifting (Ka_tyS'r.); ut.t.ha_van.a, ut.t.havan.a (Pkt.); sir-ut.ha_uni compensation (N.); ut.ha_una_ something set aside for a god (H.); ut.ha_uni_ a partic. funeral ceremony on the third day after death (H.); ut.ha_vn.u~, ut.ha_mn.u~ id. (G.); ut.ha_vn.i_ demand for goods on credit (G.); lifting, raising from poverty (M.)(CDIAL 1902). kudi instalment, turn (Tu.); turn (Ka.)(DEDR 1706). cf. ontu, vantu, vanti a turn, time; ontu a share, portion (Ka.); ontige contribution (Tu.); vantu share, a turn by rotation (Te.)(DEDR 979). cf. kutta rent, lease (Pkt.); ku_t rent in kind (Ku.); kut hire of land (N.); kuta letting for a fixed rental (Or.); ku_t survey, valuation (H.)(CDIAL 3276). Contribution: utavu (utavi-) to give, contribute (as one's mite), help, aid, assist, be of use; utavi aid, help, assistance, gift, contribution (Ta.); u_tiyam profit, gain, benefit, advantage (Ta.); utakuka to serve, be at hand and of use, help; utakka, utavi help (Ma.); odg- (odgy-) to become ready, help; odk- (odky-) to made ready; odyv aid, help; ot- (oty-) to be friendly (Ko.); wi0x- to get ready; wi0fy help, aid (To.); odagu, odugu, odavu to keep close to, come to hand, accure to, be at hand, be of use; odagu that is at hand, that has accrued to one or has come into one's possession; odagisu, odavisu to cause (something) to come to or near, cause to be obtained, give, produce (Ka.); odaguni to be opportune or ready; odaga_vuni to procure, supply, prepare, assist (Tu.); odavu to be serviceable, suitable, useful, fit or proper, serve, occur, arise; give (Te.)(DEDR 609). otta_cai aid, help, assistance (Ta.); otta_s'a help (Ma.); ota.c id. (Ko.); witos' (To.); otta_se id. (ka.)(DEDR 972). 

1047.To put on clothes: ut.u to put on (as clothes), surround, encircle (Ta.); ut.ukkai clothing (Ta.); ut.uppu cloth, unsewn garment, clothes (Ta.); dressing, clothes (Ma.); ut.ai clothes, garment, dress (Ta.); ut.ukka to dress, put on (chiefly the lower garment)(Ma.); ut.uttuka, ut.uppikka to dress another, marry (Ma.); ut.a cloth, dancer's pantaloons (Ma.); ud.p dress of non-Todas (To.); ud.u (ut.t.-) to put round the waist and fasten there by tucking in or by a knot, wind or wrap round the waist (Ka.); ud.isu to cause to put on in a peculiar manner (as certain clothes)(Ka.); ud., ud.e, ud.u, ud.ike, ud.ige, ud.uge act of putting on in a particular manner (as certain clothes), raiment put on in that manner, raiment in general (Ka.); ud.uka, ud.uta winding or wrapping round the waist (Ka.); ud.apa clothes of any kind (Ka.); ud.upu id. (Ka.); a suit of clothes, dress (Te.); ud.i to put on (sari)(Kod..); ud.ipi clothes (in songs)(Kod..); ud.usre clothing, a female`s garment (Tu.); u_d.- to wear (Go.); uhutta_na_ to put on a petticoat (of a woman only)(Go.); u_hta_na_ to dress (of women)(Go.); urs-, urc-, ur.sa_na_ to put on, wear (cloth)(Go.); uRpa- (-t-) to wear round one's waist as a loincloth, (woman) to wear a sari (Kond.a); uspa- to put on, wear (waistcloth)(Pe.); uhpa- id. (Mand..)(DEDR 587). ut.ukkai raiment, clothing (Kural..788); cloth, unsewn garment; man.i-ko_vai yut.u-p-pot.u tuyalvara (Man.i.3,140); clothes, clothing, vesture, dress; ut.u-put.avai (Ta.); ud.upud.ava (Ma.) garments; ut.uma_r-r-u change of dress; ut.u-ma_n-am dress, clothing; ut.ai-k-kal red ochre, used in dyeing (Ta.lex.) ut.u to put on, as clothes (Ta.)(pat.t.untukilu mut.uttu : Na_lat.i.264)(Ta.lex.); ut.uppu cloth, unsewn garment (Man.i. 3,140)(Ta.lex.); ut.ai-ta_ram cord or girdle used as an ornamental belt over the waist-cloth (Ta.); ud.u-da_ra (Ka.); ut.ai-na_n. cord worn round the waist-cloth to serve as a waist-band and confine the cloth at the waist (Ta.lex.) ut.uput.avai garments (Ta.); ud.upud.ava id. (Ma.); ut.u-ma_n-am dress, clothing (Ta.lex.) u.r- (u.t.-) to wind (waistcloth, belt), put on (clothes)(Kol.); u_r- to wear (Nk.); u_-/u_y- (u_t.t.-) to put on cloth (Nk.); nu_r.- to wear (loincloth, dhoti)(Pa.); to wear cloth (Ga.); nud.- to wear (dhoti, sari)(Ga.)(DEDR 3727). uryel puts on, wears (Gypsy); riv- transitive and intrasitive; originally a causative form of uri- (Gypsy; German and Welsh dialects of European Gypsy); od.d.higa_-, ud.d.hiya_- blanket for wearing (Pkt.)[< Drav. cf. ut.u- to dress (Ta.); ud.u- id. (Ka.); ud.upu dress (Te.)(though according to T. Burrow <*cut.u). The forms of all languages (except Tir.) must or may contain -d.d.h-: connection therefore with vahati wears clothes is unlikely.); od.d.han.a cloak (Pkt.); o_yad.d.hi_, o_yad.d.hiya_ f. cloak (Pkt.); ud.i mantle (K.); od.han.u to spread clothes over, put on (S.); od.hin.i_ mantle (S.); od.hn.a_ shoulder-wrap (L.); ud.ha_un.a_ to cause to be worn (P.); od.hn.i_ small sheet, woman's veil (P.); or.hn.o to wear (Ku.); war.hon.o to cloth (Ku.); or.i_n. covering cloth (Ku.); or.nu to put on (N.); or.a_unu to cover up (N.); uriba to put on clothes (A.); orani, orona_ veil (A.); or. pillowcase (B.); ur.ani, ur.uni sheet worn as a cloak (B.); or.na_ veil (B.); or.hiba_, ur.hiba_ to wear (Or.); or.han.i_, ur.han.i_ flowing upper garment (Or.); or.han.a, or.han.a_, ur.an.a_ veil (Or.); or.hana wrapper (OMth.); or.hana_ mantle (Bhoj.Aw.); or.hna_ to cover (H.); caus. ur.ha_na_, or.han shield (H.); or.hni_ sheet (H.); aud.hai covers (OMarw.); ud.hiu spread over (OG.); ud.han.aum covering sheet (OG.); od.hvu~, od.vu~ to put on (G.); caus. od.ha_vu~, od.ho cloth covering (G.); od.hn.i_, od.hn.u~ girl's upper garment (G.); od.an. shield (M.); od.hn.i_ shawl worn by women over head and shoulders (M.); ud.e breeches (worn under cloth (Si. perh. directly < Ta.); u_d.hiaya covered (Pkt.); ur.iem I put on clothes (Tir.)[though with r. < -d.h- not -d.d.h- belong here rather than: u_d.ha, u_l.ha drawn (RV.)(CDIAL 2400); or.- to twist, plait, braid (Pas.)(CDIAL 2547). upave_s.t.itin one who has wrapped a cloth round his loind (Skt.)(CDIAL 2251). ot.unu, vot.unu crown (Si.); upave_s.t.ana act of wrapping up (Skt.)(CDIAL 2250). cf. wear to carry appendant to the body; last out in use. werian (Old Saxon), werien (Old High German), verja (Old Norse), wasjan (Gothic); vestis clothing (Latin), vest cloak (Old Norse), vas clothe (Skt.)(ODEE). utri_ outer garment (Bi.Mth.); utri sacred thread worn in the s'ra_ddha ceremony, necklace (G.); uttari_ scarf (M. <Skt.?); utirika outer garments (OSi. -k- written for -y-?); uttari_ya outer or upper garment (Ka_tyS'rS.); outer cloak (Pali); uttari_a, uttarijja, uttariya upper garment (Pkt.); uturi upper garment, scarf (Or.)(CDIAL 1781). uttarikam, uttariyam, uttari_yam cloth worn loosely over the shoulders, upper garment (Kampara_. Varaik. 45); scapular worn about the neck; ar-uvai yuttariyan tan-ivicumpi ler-inta_rkkun tanmaiya_le_ : Periyapu. Tiruja_n-a. 95)(Ta.lex.) 

1048.Upper: uttarika upper (Pali); uttariya (Pkt.); to_ri upper; to_ri pn the upper road (Kho.); toriro higher (Kho.)(CDIAL 1779).  

1049.Image: lizard: ut.umpu big lizard found all over India, and growing to 3 ft. in length (Pu. Ve. 6,19)(Ta.lex.); iguana, varanus bengalensis (Ta.Ma.); ot.akka_n a lizard (Ta.); uruga/iruga (Ir.); ud.uxu a big lizard (To.); ud.a, ud.u iguana (Ka.); ud.umbi (Kod..); ud.u, od.u, od.d.u (Tu.); ud.umu (Te.); ud.u (Pa.); urpa_l (Go.); urbu, ur-bu (Kond.a)(DEDR 592). 

1050.Water: udaka water (Skt.Pali); daka (Sus'r.BHSk.); udaga, udaya, uaa (Pk.); udag'a, utag'a (NiDoc.); ut'aen.a inst.sg. (KharI.); u_ (Wg.Nin.g.Tor.Bshk.); wa_, wa water (Tir.); wo_ (Shum.); u_k (Kal.); wi_ (Mai.Gau.Phal.); woy (Chil.); vai (Sh.); daka (Pali); daga, daya (Pkt.); daka (OSi.); diya (Si.)(CDIAL 1921). audika_, audaka, dr.ti- relating to water (MBh.); oi_ small water bag (S.)(CDIAL 2567). udaha_raka a water-carrier (Pali.lex.) 

1051.Images: in menses; having thighs raised: utsaktha having thighs raised (VS. xxiii.21); udakya_ in menses (Vedic.lex.) udakya_ a woman in her courses (requiring water for purification) (Skt.Ka.)(Ka.lex.)  

1052.Image: fountain: u_r-al oozing, percolation; small spring, spring-water (Va_kkun.. 12); u_r-u-tal to spring, flow, as water in a well; to issue (Kur-al., 396); u_r-u (Ka.Ma.); u_ru (Te.)(Ta.lex.) A spring: u_t.e, or-ate a natural spring of water (Ka.Te.); u_t.a (Tu.); u_r-r-u (Ta.); u_r-u to spring or issue forth, ooze (Ta.Ma.Te.); u_ju, u_su, u_l.i, uyilu to ooze (Tu.)(Ka.lex.) u_dha an udder; u_dhasya milk (Ka.Skt.)(Ka.lex.) Image: inundation: uthilan.u to overflow, to be overthrown (S.); uthal., utal. adj. shallow (M.); uthalvum.., utal.um. to be reversed (G.); uthalna_ to overthrow (H.); uthal, utthal flat (H.); uthal indundation (S.); uthaliam. gr.ham; utthaliam unmukhagatam (OM.); utthallai to reverse (Pkt.); ut-sthala (Skt.)(Bloch, p. 304). utsa fountain (RV. i.154.5; TBr. i.4.4); utsya of the fountain (AV. xix.2.1); udaka water (RV. i.161.8); utstoka drop of water (S'Br. ii.2.3.16); utsic to pour upon, make full (RV. vii.16.11); utsicya filling in ladle (S'Br. i.1.1.18); udacc to raise up, lift up, throw up (RV. v.83.8); to take out from (TS. vii.5.6.1); udars.a overflowing (TBr. iii.7.9); udarc to cause to come out by song (AV. xii.139)(Vedic.lex.) 

1053.Pond, pool; reservoir used in irrigation: hu_dah pond, pool (Skt.lex.) kun.d.a basin of water, pit (MBh.); kum.d.a, kom.d.a pot, pool (Pkt.); kond. deep still spring (K.); kunu whirlpool (S.); kunna~_ tub, well (L.); kun.d. pool (WPah.); kunnu cistern for washing clothes in (WPah.); ku~r. small morass, low plot of rice-land (B.); uno low (Ku.); ku~_d. tub (H.); ku~_r.a_ small tub (H.); ku~d. basin (G.); go~r.a_ reservoir used in irrigation (H.)(CDIAL 3264). um.d.a, um.d.aya deep (Pkt.); u_nho (S.); un.d.e down (WPah.); unin.o to lower (of clouds)(Ku.); u~_r.a_ deep, sunk (H.); u_r.o deep (Marw.); u~_d.u~ (G.); o~d.a_ deep (H.); o~d., o~d.a_, o~d.ha_ (M.); au~d.a_ (H.); au~r.o (OMarw.)(CDIAL 2402). udanyati irrigates (RV.)(CDIAL 1927). u_e~r, u_'in. dam, dyke (Wg.)(CDIAL 1926). udapa_na a well (ChUp.); udupa_na (BHSkt.); udupa_na_ni (As'.); unai, unui spring, fountain (B.); unnati prosperity (Pali); un.n.ai (Pkt.)(CDIAL 1930). cf. cun-ai mountain pool or spring, tank, reservoir (Ta.); cun-aivu rock water (Ta.)(DEDR 2716). un-n-u-tal to rise (Ta.); un.ku (Te.); un-n-u spring, jump (Ta.lex.) kun.t.am hollow in the ground for the sacred fire of the Hindus (Kalla_. 94,12); deep cavity, pit (Ta.Ma.); pool, tank (Ta.lex.) kun.t.u depth (Man.i.8,8); id. (Ma.); sinking in, hollow, lowness; pool, pond; manure-pit; kun.t.u_ram manure of cow-dug, etc., as stored in a pit, dist. from kur..ai-y-uram (Ta.lex.)  

1054.Hunger; thirst: udanyati is very thirsty (Pa_n..); unyoiki to be hungry (Sh.); uan.u to make thirsty (S.); caus. ua_in.u id.; uijan.u to be thirsty (S.); unya_l hunger, thirst (Sh.); ulya_l thirst (Sh.)(CDIAL 1927). udan.n.a thirst (Pkt.); udanya_ thirst (ChUp.); ua (S.)(CDIAL 1928). udanyu seeking water (RV.); uya_nu hungry (Sh.)(CDIAL 1929). udra water in anudra waterless; udrin abounding in water (RV.); ulla wet (BHSkt.); udda wet (Pkt.); ulla wet; ulle_i, ullai wets; ullia wetted (Pkt.); ulli_ mould forming on wet surfaces (P.)(CDIAL 2057). cf. syodi damp, dampness (Ku.)(CDIAL 12491). o_nna_ (on.d.as) to drink, eat (rice); o_nka_ thirst (Kur.); u_ndali to drink; un. to drink (Kuwi); uhta_na_ to make to drink (Go.); u_d.u, u_d.isu to give to eat, make eat (Ka.)(DEDR 600). Cooking work: da-d.und.u used only of poor people, always in the pl., a meal; to give a meal; to prepare one's meal; collective noun: cooking work (Mu.lex.) ad. thirst (Nk.); and. to be hungry or thirsty, (food or drink) is wanting, (hunger or thirst) is felt (Pa.); and.kud. thirst (Pa.); and.-, an.- (hunger or thirst) is felt; and.kir hunger (Ga.); ni_r-ad.ike thirst (Ka.); ad.d. to thirst for (Kol.); dappi, d.appi, dappika thirst (Te.)(DEDR 109). u_r-an.i wet, marshy land; good, moist land where water oozes out (Ta.lex.) u_r-r-u-tal to pour out, cause to flow, spill (Ce_tupu. Kantama_. 87); to extract as oil from the castor seeds by boiling them; u_r-r-ukkan. orifice of a spring (Ta.lex.) u_r-r-u-k-ka_l channel for irrigation issuing from a spring (C.G.)(Ta.lex.) 

1055.Common weed: uttaran.i, uttaran.e, uttara_n.i, uttare_n.i a common weed, achyranthes aspera (Ka.); uttaran.e id. (Tu.); uttare_nu, uttare_ni, uttare_n.i id. (Te.)(DEDR 619). u~_ga_ the plant achyranthes aspera (used in washing linen)(H.); apa_ma_rga id. (AV.)(CDIAL 480). 

1056.Image: summer solstice: uttara_yan.a summer solstice (Mn.Pkt.); utara_n.u, utira_n.u (S.); utra_in. summer solstice, first half of the year (P.); ud.l.en. first day of Ma_gh (WPah.); ut.l.en., ut.l.e_n. (WPah.); utrain.i the day on which the sun enters Capricorn (Ku.); utra_n.i summer solstice (G.)(CDIAL 1775). uttaram period of the sun's progress towards the north (Vita_n-a. Kun.a_. 74); north (Ta.lex.) uttara upper (RV.); northern (AV.); following, future (RV.); answer (R.); higher, northern (Pali); first, northern (Pkt.); utaren.a in the north (KharI.); uttara_ the north (Pkt.); antar upper (Gaw.); woturu the north (K.); utaru (S.); uttar (L.P.); id. (WPah.M.); utar (Ku.); utara_ northern (Or.); utar (Mth.); u_tar (H.); uturu higher, northern (Si.); uttarilla former, northern (Pkt.); uttla upper cloth (L.); uttla_ upper (L.); utla_ (P.); uttrio~, uttru~, uttria~_, uttreu (WPah.)(CDIAL 1767). uttara_yan.am period of the sun's progress towards the north for six months from tai (Ku_rmapu. Pirama_.4)(Ta.lex.) ayana going, path (RV.); road, goal (Pali); ayan.a (Pkt.); enu act of coming (Pali); ain. exit hole in the bottom of an earthen grain bin (P.); ayan way, street (Si.)(CDIAL 586).  

1057.Exchange value: uttara reply (Pkt.); utaru reply, anything given to complete the value of something exchanged (S.); uttar reply (P.); utar reply (Ku.B.Mth.Bhoj.); utara_ a copy (Or.); u_taru (OAw.); u_tar (H.); utura (Si.)(CDIAL 1767). uttariya the being above (Pali); itiri, ituru remainder, surplus, residual (Si.)(CDIAL 1780). 

1058.Moving; enclosing: Ör. move (Skt.) ul.arvu moving; ul.appu stirring, shaking, agitating (Tirumuru. 198); ul.ar-tal to spread out and draw the fingers through as in drying wet hair (Kalit. 105); to adjust, smooth out as birds their feathers (Kur-un. 82); to shake, cause to move or fly about (Pur-ana_. 133,4); ul.appat.u to be included (Tol. Er..ut. 119); ul.ar-tal to stir, move (Kalit. 112); ul.appa_t.u including, enclosing (Ta.lex.) arpayati causes to move (AV.); puts in or on (RV.); delivers up (Ya_j.)(CDIAL 684). udro_dhana growing (AitBr.); ur- to rise (Pas'.); ullu_d.ha risen (Pkt.); urur.in.o to become light (in weight), get out of position, become bankrupt (Ku.)(CDIAL 2064). cf. upa_rpayati brings near (S'Br.); o_pe_ti makes go into, deposits (Pali)(CDIAL 2311). cf. oppat.ai-ttal to consign, entrust, deliver (Ta.lex.) 

1059.Inn; ford: utta_ra landing, delivery (MBh.); crossing over (Pali.Pkt.); ut.t.a_ra landing place, bank (of a lake, etc.)(Pkt.); ota_ro place for putting up in, an inn (S.); uta_r descent (P.); uta_ra_ alighting, camping, stopping place, ransom (P.); uta_r, uta_ro going to a lower country (Ku.); utar-tha_na_ resthouse, inn (B.); uta_r ford, ferry, declivity, decrease (H.); uta_ra_ descent (to a river), crossing, halting place (H.); uta_r ford, fare for journey, antidote; uta_ro lodgings, residence as a guest (G.); uta_r ford, ferry fare; uta_ra_ removing sickness by a charm (M.)(CDIAL 1791). utta_ran.a act of landing, transportation, rescuing (R.); crossing, putting outside (Pkt.); uta_ran. corrective, antidote (G.)(CDIAL 1792). 

1060.Image: to raise in the air; portable: udi_s.ati rises (MaitrS.); wi_s.ou it is boiling (Kal.)(CDIAL 1940). uda_stha_ma 1 pl. aor. we have risen again (AV.); uda_sthita set over (Skt.); ot.hn.e~, vat.hn.e~ to rise, come off, appear, prominently, thrive (M.)(CDIAL 1936). utsavati rises (Skt.); utsuvati causes to go up (Skt.); ussave_i raises (Pkt.); usavn.e~ to rise (of the sun)(M.)(CDIAL 1877). co_dna_ to lift up, raise, erect; co'ona_ (co_cas) to rise, get up, be built up or erected, rise in the air, in fame, in value, rebel, bulge out, be produced, appear (Kur.); coye to get up, rise, start; coytre to raise up, awake, begin a song (Malt.); so_- (-t-) to start or set out, come out, (sun, moon) to come up; leak; so_p- (-t-) to drive out, expel; reveal (a secret), relate (a story); let (time) pass, let one go; so_pa- (-t-) (plant) to come out of seed, (ears of corn) to sprout, crop up, manifest oneself (Kond.a); ho_- (-t-) to come out; hop- (-t-) to bring out, take out (Pe.); ja- (-t-) to come out, (sun) to rise (Mand..); sr.ohpa (sr.oht-) to emerge, come to light; n. emergence, issuing from; sr.oppa (sr.opt-) to cause to emerge, bring forth, cast out; ho- to come out (Kui); ho_cali (ho_t-) to rise as sun or moon, go out; ho_nai to start; ho'- (hott-) to come out (Kuwi)(CDIAL 2867). uyarttu to lift up, elevate; to build up, as a wall in building (Ta.); id. (Ma.); uyarvu lofty height, elevation (Kur-al., 743); uyar to rise, as water; to ascend, as a body in the air; to move toward the meridian, as a heaveny body (Kantapu. Pa_yi. 63); to grow, increase, expand; to be excellent, exalted (Kampara_. Ve_l.. 35)(Ta.lex.) utsadati sits up, rises (RV.); sinks (TS>); es- to rise (Pas'.); us- (of heavenly bodies) to rise : ma_s usine the moon is rising (Shum.); ucha_n.o to set (of heavenly bodies)(Ku.)(CDIAL 1871). Lifts up: uddhanti lifts up, throws away (RV.); ud.ha_n.an.u to gather up flour thrown out by a mill (S.)(cdial 2016). uddha_na rising up; act of ejecting (Skt.); ujjihite_ rises up (RV.)(CDIAL 2015). Earthen support for a cooking vessel: cf. uddha_na fire-place (Skt.); uddena three stones for supporting cooking-pot, fireplace (Pas'.); udha_n earthen support for a cooking-vessel (A.)(CDIAL 2014). uddadha_ti erects (penis)(RV.); sets up (AV.); udha_iba to raise (A.); udhavin.e~ to put up (a hand-mill, dust-board, etc.) after using (M.)(CDIAL 2017). Image: to raise: o_ppu to raise (Cu_l.a_. Araci. 144)(Ta.lex.) utsanna raised (Sus'r.); sunk, destroyed (S'Br.); ussanna heaped up (Pali); ucchan.n.a uprooted (Pkt.); usnik to rise, be raised or suspended; caus. usneik to raise, lift up (Kho.); ussan.n.a sunk, failing in duty (of a sa_dhu)(Pkt.); uchana ruined, frightened; destruction (Or.); u_sana injured, exhausted (OG.); usna_ slack (of a workman), cold or unconcerned (of speech)(M.)(CDIAL 1873). khazo_nu, khazyo_nu to come up or out (Sh.); khajan.u to be raised, be lifted, be carried (S.); khajin.o movable, portable (S.)(CDIAL 13624).  

1061.To rise: uti to appear (as a heavenly body), be born (Ta.); udikka to rise; udyal the rising sun (Ma.); ut- (uty-) (sun, moon) rises (Ko.); utn east (Ko.); uday(i)su, udisu to rise, be born (Ka.); udi (udip-, udic-) (sun) rises (Kod..); udiyuni, udipini to rise (as the sun); udaya rising of the sun, moon, or other heavenly bodies (Tu.); udayamu rising of the sun, etc. (Te.); ud-i- to rise; udaya (Skt.)(DBIA 44). udaya rise (RV.); rising (of sun, etc.)(S'Br.); rise, growth (Pali.Pkt.)(CDIAL 1931). ude_ti goes up, rises (RV.Pali); udita risen (RV.Pali); ue_i (Pkt.); ue rises (of sun)(MB.); ui_ba_ to rise into view (Or.); uyab (Mth.Aw.); uai rises (OAw.); u_ana_, uana_ to rise (of sun)(H.); uia (Pkt.); uia_ (B.); uitta_ (OB.); ue_ they rose (Aw.); ua_na_ to cause to rise, to raise threateningly (H.)(CDIAL 1944). udgacchati comes forth (RV.); rises (MBh.); uggacchati rises (Pali); ugache 3rd sg. opt. to rouse oneself (As'.); uggacchadi rises (Pkt.); un.gase, un.gasi to ascend (Gaw.)(CDIAL 1945). uggama rising, origin (R.); rising up (Pali); rising (of sun), origin (Pkt.); ugam rising, source (G.); ugava source (OM.); egem, agem roof (Pr.)(CDIAL 1946). uggamai rises (Pkt.); pres. part. uggamam.ta (Pkt.); uguiba_ to rise in anger, rise suddenly (Or.); ugavn.e~ to rise (of sun, etc.), shoot up (M.); ugvat, ugvati_ the east (M.)(CDIAL 1947). udgamana coming forth (R.); rising (of a star)(Pa_n..); uggamana rising (of stars)(Pali); ugman. the east (G.); ugamn.u~ eastern (G.); ugvan., ugan. eruption (of measles, etc.); ugn.a_ coming forth (M.)(CDIAL 1948). udgamayati causes to rise (Skt.); uggaman., ugman. to sprout, come up, be born (L.); uggamn.a_ to spring up, appear, rise (of sun)(P.)(CDIAL 1949). utpatti origin, birth (MBh.); profit (Skt.); uppatti rebirth, origin (Pali); production (Pkt.); wopath fecundity (K.); upati produce, revenue (S.); upat (L.); upati profit (Skt.); upata birth, origin (Si.)(CDIAL 1812). utpadyate_ arises, originates (S'Br.); utpanna produced, born (R.); utpa_dayati produces, begets (MBh.); uppajjati is produced (Pali); upajes'adi (NiDoc.); uppajjai (Pkt.); ubaja-un to bring forth young (of women)(Wg.); wopazun to be produced (K.); pp. wopodu (K.); upoj-an.u to be produced (S.)(CDIAL 1814). utpa_da having the legs stretched out, standing on the feet (MW.); upa_yi~_ yen.e~ to stand on the hind legs, to rear (M.)(CDIAL 1823). upajn.a_ to spring up (P.); ubjanu (upaj crops)(N.); upjn.u~ to be produced (WPah.); upjan.o to grow (Ku.); opaziba to be born, occur to the mind (A.); upaja_ to appear (B.); upajiba_, upujiba_ to grow, happen (Or.); upajab to grow (of crops)(Bi.Mth.); upajal (Bhoj.); upajai is produced (OAw.); upajab to be born (OAw.); upajna_ to originate, grow (H.); upra_jna_ to cultivate, produce, cause to grow (H.); upajai is born (OMarw.); u_pajai is produced (G.); upajvu~ (G.); upajn.e~ (M.); ubjata_ is born (Konkan.i); upadinava_ to be born (Si.); uphu_j, ubuj to be born (Kal.)(CDIAL 1814). uppanna to be produced (Pali); uppam.na (NiDoc.); uppan.n.a (Pkt.); wopanum (K.); upano (S.); upana_ (OAw.); u_panau (OG.); upanvu~ to be made (G.); upanan.em to happen (M.); upan born (Si.); uppa_de_ti produces (Pali); uppa_ye_i (Pkt.); upo_em I light a fire (Kal.); upa_in.u to create (S.); upa_un.a_ to produce, make grow (P.); upa_n.u_ (WPah.); upaun.o to produce, earn (Ku.); upa_na_ to create, get (H.); upa_i produces (OG.); upa_vvu~ (G.); upa_in.em. to begin (OM.); upayanava_ to bring to pass, procure, earn (Si.)(CDIAL 1814). udbhidyate_ springs open, bursts forth (MBh.); udbhinatti (RV.); ubbhijjati bursts out of the ground, sprouts (Pali); ubbhijjai (Pkt.)(CDIAL 2044). upa_j-u produce, profit (S.); upaj crop (M.)(CDIAL 1824). upajn.e~ to husk and clean rice by pouring boiling water on it, then pounding, parching, and cooling (M.); upja, ubja_ rice so cleaned (M.)(CDIAL 1829). uppun.ia winnowed (Pkt.); utpuna_ti cleanses (AV.); upin.an.u to sift, separate dirt from grain, winnow (S.)(CDIAL 1827). 

1062.Rice raised on unburned ground: utta scattered, sown (Pkt.); upta id. (RV.); utunyok a cultivated field (Pr.); ute~ rice raised on unburned ground (M.); vutta sown (Pali.Pkt.); vuta to sow (As'..NiDoc.); butn.o to sow (Ku.)(CDIAL 2329). bo_tou ploughing (sowing?)(Pas'.); bo_tau-al plough (Shum.); bo_tei harvesting (Bshk.); bhoti_t to plough (Phal.)(CDIAL 2328).  

1063.Fabulous animal: utpa_taka a kind of animal (Skt.); utpa_daka a fabulous animal S'arabha (= u_rdhvapa_da)(Skt.)  

1064.Flea: utpa_dika_ a noxious insect, flea (?), white ant (Skt.); uppa_t.aka an insect, vermin (Pali); uppad.a a partic. kind of insect (Pkt.); upe scorpion (Ash.); upe (Kt.); upa (Wg.); epe (Gaw.); u_pho (Gaw.); u_para, ku_pala (Kal.); upalak spider (Kal.); upa_n.o flea (Ku.); pl. upan (Ku.); upiu~, pl. upiya~_ flea (N.); upa_ a small kind of sandfly (Mth.)(CDIAL 1821). uphr.a_ flea (of dogs, cattle, etc.)(Kur.); upr.a a goat-flea (Malt.)(DEDR App.15). Image; gnat: umbl.i mosquito, gnat; umilu id. (Tu.); ummel mosquito (Nk.); ummun.i an insect (Ka.)(DEDR 638). cf. kupi crab (Kond.a)(DEDR 1734). so_r kupi scorpion (Kond.a)(DEDR 2888). White ant: upadi_ka species of ant (S'Br.); upaji_ka (AV.); udde_hika_ white ant (Skt.); uzdae_za piling up earth; uzdae_zay wall (Av.); upajihvika_ (RV.); upacika_ white ant, termite (Pali); uvaiya, uvaiya_, o_vaiya a sort of insect (Pkt.); u~i termite (A.); ui (B.Or.); unhi_ (M.); udde_hi_, udde_hiya_ termite (Pkt.); udohi_ (S.); udhai, udha_i (G.); udhai_, udai_ (M.); udha_elu~ eaten by termites (G.); udhel pockpitted (M.); uvade_hi_ termite (Pkt.); ve_ya_ (Si.); kan-va~_ya earwig (Si.)(CDIAL 2178). cf. udeli, udr.i, udri white ant (Go.); odali id. (Kor.); uda_lu id. (Tu.)(DEDR 612). 

1065.Image: earthen stand: uddhi seat of a carriage (AV.); earthen stand on which the ukha_ rests (S'Br.); udhi one of the two poles of a bullock cart (G.)(CDIAL 2021). For ukha_: cf. uge, ukki steam (Tu.); uga, ugi, uge steam, vapour or reek (as that which rises from a grain-pit)(Ka.)(DEDR 568). uddige the pole of a carriage (Ka.lex.) 

1066.Food; loaf, balls of meal on a string; chignon; lump: un.t.i food, boiled rice, food of birds and beasts (Ta.); un.a food (Ta.); un.avu, un.a_ food, boiled rice, foodstuffs (Ta.); u_t.t.am food, refreshment (Ta.); u_t.t.i food of birds and beasts, food (Ta.); u_t.t.uka to feed, feast gods and brahmans (Ma.); u_t.t.u giving rice, esp. to brahmans (Ma.); u_t.t.uka_r cooks (Ma.); u_n. food, boiled rice, meal (Ma.); u.t.m meal paid to god at god-making ceremony; u.n. food, food eaten after dry funeral (Ko.); un.ike taking a meal; un.n.i taking a meal, a meal (Ka.); u_d.u, u_d.isu to give to eat, make eat (Ka.); u_t.a taking a meal, a meal (Ka.); un.asu, on.asu a meal, dinner, boiled rice and curry (Yu.); umpu, nuppu = un.pu cooked rice; u_t.a food, meal (Tu.); u_rt to give to drink, giving with one's own hand (Kol.); u_t.u (cattle) to drink water, etc. (Te.); un- (und.-) to drink (Nk.Pa.Ga.); kuning to eat, drink, bite, suffer, endure (Br.)[cf. kha_in.u to eat (Skt.)(CDIAL 3865)]; un.pe food, boiled rice (Ga.); undana to drink (Go.); u_t.pis to make to drink, feed (Kond.a); u_t.pa to cause to drink, give to drink, suckle; act of giving to drink, suckling (Kui); u_t. to give to drink (Kuwi); ond.a boiled rice; onda cooked rice; ond.a id., food (Kuwi); jawa_ und.a_na_ to take food (Go.)[jawa_ porridge, food]; und.ke pej, food (Ga.)(DEDR 600).  

1067.Food: da-d.und.u used only of poor people, always in the pl., a meal; to give a meal; to prepare one's meal; collective noun: cooking work (Mu.lex.) 

1068.Rest-house: u_t.t.u-p-purai rest-house in the Kerala country in S. India where Bra_hmins are given free feeding (Ta.); u_t.t.uppura id. (Ma.); u_t.t.u to put small quantity of food into the mouth, as of a child, of a sick person (Kalit. 11); id. (Ma.); caus. of un. to eat (Ta.); feeding (Ci_vaka. 928); id. (Ma.); u_t.a id. (Ka.Tu.); u_t.t.u food (Tiruva_ca. 12,14); u_t.t.i food (I_t.u, 2,6,6); food of birds and beasts; u_t.t.am food, refreshment (Tiv. Na_yc. 1,9); fertility of land, fatness of a person, opp. to va_t.t.am; u_t.t.uva_n- one who prepares food; cook (Periyapu. Tiruna_vuk. 55)(Ta.lex.) 

1069.Image: roll; chignon: un.d.uka chignon, net, part of the body (Sus'r.); un.d.e_raka ball of flour, loaf, roll (Skt.); un.d.e_rakasraj balls of meal on a string (Ya_j.)[cf. un.t.ai ball (Ta.); un.d.a (Ma.); un.d.e (Ka.Tu.)]; um.d.a, um.d.aya lump, lump of flesh in the body (e.g. the hear)(Pkt.); um.d.i_ anything round (Pkt.); um.d.ala raised seat (Pkt.); u_nu ring used as a head-pad (S.); unnu_ hoop-shaped mat under a head-burden (L.); unnu~_ pad under a pitcher (L.); uno pad of rags or grass to plaster with (Ku.); u~d.han., u~d.hni_ headpad made of a circle of cloth (G.); u~d.a_ lump of kneaded dough (M.); u~d.i_ little mass of boiled rice (M.); un.d.iya ball (Si.); un.d.e~ cannon-ball (Si.)(CDIAL 1699). cf. in.d.a_ knob of an oven (Or.); i~dua_ head mat (H.)(CDIAL 1559). Image: ball, round; wheel: un.t.ai ball, anything round or globular, mouthful (Ta.); un.t.a ball (Ma.); un.d. roundness; un.d.y round lump of food (Ko.); ud.y ball, round (To.); ud.y 0wi.r- cooked rice in shape of ball (To.); un.d.e ball, ball-shaped confection (Tu.); un.d.ul.uga, un.d.luga a kind of fried cake (Tu.); un.d.a ball, globe, pellet, wheel of cart; round (Te.); un.t.a, un.d.ramu round (Te.); un.d.ramulu, un.d.ra_lu, un.d.ra_l.l.u round cakes prepared as an offering to Vighneswara (Te.); und.a wheel (Ga.Kond.a); unda_ ball (Go.); ro_nd.a egg (Pe.); rund.a id. (Mand..); un.d.a, und.e wheel (Kuwi); u_nda id. (solid wood)(Kuwi)(DEDR 664). urul. circular, a wheel, rolling wave (Ma.); car wheel, wheeled vehicle (Ta.); urul.i wheel, circle (Ta.); urul.ai wheel, anything that rolls or turns (as a ball); urut.ci revolving, rotundity; urut.t.u to roll, revolve, whirl; n. rolling, wheel, roundness (Ta.); urun.t.ai ball, anything round, roundness, mouthful of food in the shape of a ball (Ta.); urun.t.a round (Ma.); urul.a a ball (Ma.); urt. to roll over and over in one direction (Ko.); u.l.- (u.d.-) to roll (To.); u.l. ball (of butter, food, etc.), handful(To.); urul., ural.u, urat.u, uran.t.u, urut.u, urun.t.u, urt.u, url.u, ul.l.u, un.t.u to roll, roll down, revolve; ul.utu to roll; ural.i, urul.i, url.i, ul.l.a, ul.l.e, ol.l.i a ball, bulb, round vessel of earth or metal (Ka.); urut.u, urun.t.u rolling, roundness (Ka.); urid. to roll (Kod..); urn.d.e lump, morsel (Kod..); uralu, urlu to roll, roll down, fall down (Te.)(DEDR 664a). ullun.t.hana rolling (Skt.); ullut.hati moves violently to and fro; lun.t.hita set in motion (Skt.); ulun.t.hiba_ to roll on the ground (Or.)(CDIAL 2379). ulun.d.iba_ to roll on the ground (Or.); ula~dn.e~, ola~d.n.e~ to turn over, spill (M.)(CDIAL 2380).  

1070.Image: elephant: yu_tham a herd, flock, multitude, a large number or troop (as of beasts); yu_tha-ati the leader of a troop or band; the head of a flock or herd (usually of elephants); a lordly elephant (Skt.lex.) 

1071.Quick: olla, olle_, oll-en-a rapidly, quickly (Ta.); olla a short time, rapidity (Ma.)(DEDR 1008). utta_vala impetuous, quick; impetuosity (Pkt.); wuta_wul haste, eagerness (K.); uta_ul.a_ hasty, excitable (L.); uta_ula_ (P.); utaul.a_ swift; taul.a_ (WPah.); utaulo swift, hasty; utauli (Ku.); uta_ulo hasty, impatient (N.); utala_ (A.); uta_la_, utala_ hasty, passionate (B.); utal.a_, uta_la_ impatient, uneasy (Or.); uta_ila rapid (OAw.); uta_wal, uta_wala_ swift, hasty; uta_wal, uta_wali_ haste (H.); uta_vl.u~ adj., uta_val.i (G.); uta_vi_l., uta_vl.a_ adj., uta_val., uta_vl.i_ (M.)(CDIAL 1788).  

1072.Image: to unite with: udyu to unite with (RV. vi.57.6)(Vedic.lex.) udda_na binding; subduing; uddita, udita bound, tied (Ka.lex.) yu_ti mixing, union, junction, connection (Skt.lex.) Together; joined: uta and, even, or (RV.); uta ca (Skt.); uda or (Pali); ua, o_ (Pkt.); u_ (Ash.); u_, o_ and (Tor.Gypsy); o (D..Kho.); o_r (Kho.); u_ (Mai.); u, aru (A.); -uj, -ud and, as well as (OSi.); ut (Si.)(CDIAL 1700). um, u, umu a copulative conjunction that has the same meaning as am (Ka.); um (Ta.)(Ka.lex.) um connective particle implying (a) simple connection; (b) negation; (c) speciality whether of superiority or inferiority; (d) uncertainty; (e) something understood; (f) universality; (g) declaration of a conviction; (h) in addition to (Ta.); um (Ka.Ma.)(Ta.lex.)  

1073.Image: joints of fingers: ot.t.a_ a joint of the limbs or fingers; joint in a bamboo stem, knot in a plank, bony protuberance of limbs (Kur.); ot.ge ankle (Malt.)(DEDR 955). A handful: cf. ot.t.u total, the whole (Tu.); a total (Te.); pile up (Ka.); ot.t.il a handful (Ka.)(DEDR 958).  

1074.Image: falcon: u_r-u royal falcon (Kampara_. Kumpa. 268)(Ta.lex.) 

1075.Field: kun.t.u a small field; a land measure = 1089 sq. ft. = 1/40 acre (Ta.lex.) 

1076.Mango: utal.ai jungle mango, cerbera odollam (Ta.); utal.am, utal. id. (Ma.)(DEDR 611). 

1077.Image: white ant: udal. white ant; udal.puco ant-hill; cancer (Tu.lex.) uda_lu white ant (Tu.); odali id. (Kor.); udri id. (Nk..); udeli, udr.i, udri id. (Go.)(DEDR 612). oral.e, orlE, olle, valle white ant (Ka.); orale id. (Tu.); orle id. (Kor.)(DEDR 988). cf. uddam.s'a bug, mosquito (Skt.) uddam.sa bee, bug or other small insect (Pkt.); ud.d.asa bug (Pkt.); ur.us bed-bug (N.); urah (A.); ur.asa, ur.us, or.as (Or.); ur.as (H.)(CDIAL 1981). 

1078.Measure: udip- (udit-) to measure (Pa.); uyk- (uyt-), uyup- (uyut-) id. (Ga.)(DEDR 724). 

1079.Ploughing ox: ur..avan- ploughing ox (Ta.)(Ta.lex.) 

1080.Image: arrow: utan. arrow-head of the shape of a bud (Tin.aima_lai. 2); utan.am id. (Pa_rata. Kirut.. 204)(Ta.lex.) cf. hud.a an iron stake for keeping out thieves; an iron club (Skt.)(Skt.lex.) ut.u [cf. hud.a] point where the arrow is pressing against the bow-string (Kuricip. 170); arrow; ut.uven-n-u nacan tu_yttu : Iraku. Mi_t.ci. 50); arrow-head; oar, boatman's pole; ut.uvam shaft of an arrow (Ci_vaka. 2275)(Ta.lex.) Lute: ur..ai a string of the ya_r.. (Ta.lex.) 

1081.Image: bush: ud.uve a place filled with bushes, a jungle (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) 

1082.Image: fish: u_t.an- a fresh water fish, gerres; u_t.a_n- a marine fish, silvery; gerres filamentosus; a marine fish, silvery; pristipoma furcatum; u_t.akam a marine fish, silvery; gerres filamentosus (Ta.)(Ta.lex.) 

1083.Tax: u_t.u-po_kku an ancient tax (S.I.I. ii,509)(Ta.lex.) 

1084.Watch-house: udgha_t.a act of opening (Skt.); watchhouse (Skt.); ugha_r.i a raised thatched platform in the fields for watching the crops from (Or.); ugha_r. fine weather (G.); ugha_r.o naked (S.); ugha_r.a_ naked, open (P.); open (H.); ugha_ro open (N.); ugha_r.o (OMarw.); ugha_r.u~ (G.); ughd.a_ (M.)(CDIAL 1972). cf. ugad. reveal, e.g. supernatural truth; ugd.a_po open, revealed (Kon.lex.) 

1085.To watch, guard; to bring into use; to engage in: run.nu to watch, guard (N.); ruddha blocked, stopped (Pali.Pkt.); ru~du pp. of ro_zun to remain (K.); rudho pp of rujhan.u to be busy (S.); ruddha_ pp. of rujhan.u to be busy (S.); ruddha pp. of rujjhan. (L.); ru_dhiu pret. of ru_m.dhai obstructs (OG.); ruddhn.a_ to be engaged in, to engage, bring into use (P.); rudha_ to prevent (B.); rudhn.e~ to be blocked (M.); rodhna_ to block (H.); rodhn.e~ (M.); rubbhai is blocked (Pkt.); rubhan.u to be engaged in, be busy (pp. rudho)(S.); rumbhati obstructs, besieges (Pali); rum.bhai blocks (Pkt.); rumbhan.u to set to work (pp. rudho), rumbha, rumbho closeness of weather (S.); rumalnu to engage in work, overwork (N.)(CDIAL 10775). rudhyate_ is stopped, is obstructed (MBh.); rujjhati is destroyed (Pali); rujjhai is blocked (Pkt.); ro_zun to stop, remain (pp. ru_du)(K.); rujhan.u to be engaged in, be busy (pp. rudho)(S.); rujjhan., rujhan. to be engaged in, be filled up (e.g. of holes in ears for earrings)(L.); rujjhn.a_ to be occupied; rujjana~_ (P.); ru_jhna_ to oppress, harass, tease; rujhna_ to be blocked up, be stopped (H.); rujhvu~ to be healed (of a wound)(G.)(CDIAL 10779). rundhati obstructs (MBh.); run.addhi (RV.); rundhati obstructs, conceals (Pali); rum.dhai blocks (Pkt.); runnhn.a_, runnhana_ to engage, bring into use (P.); ru~dinu to become foggy; ru~d fog, mistiness (N.); rundhiba_ to confine, restrain, hold up (Or.); runhal to enclose (Bhoj.); ru_m.dhai stops (OAw.); ru~_dhna_ to confine, restrict, enclose; rundhna_ to be confined etc. (H.); ru_m.dhai obstructs (OG.); ru~dhvu~ (G.); ru~dhn.e~ to be blocked (M.); ru~_dna_ to tread on, tread out (corn)(H.)(CDIAL 10782). ro_dhayati stops (MBh.); ro_dhati (R.); rohe_i obstructs (Pkt.); ruha_iba_ to cause to stay, settle, restrain (Or.)(CDIAL 10844). cf. u_r..iyam service due to a deity (Ta.)(DEDR 758). cf. varai to restrain (Ta.)(DEDR 5273). 

1086.Image: scorpion: u_t.t.iram Indian turnsole (Mu_. A.)(Ta.); cf. us.t.rika_ (Ta.lex.) 

1087.Image: to level a field with a harrow: u_t.t.ittal to level a field with a harrow (Pur-ana_. Iran.t.a_mpatippu. Pak. 200, Ft.)(Ta.lex.) cf. utka, ut.ka ropes of carrying yoke (Pa.); ut.i, ut.u ropes of carrying yoke (Go.)(DEDR 708). 

1088.Blue lotus: utpala blossom of the blue lotus (MBh.); uppala blue lotus (Pali); uppala lotus (Pkt.); upula, ipul (Si.)(CDIAL 1815); ni_lo_tpala blue lotus, nyphaea cyanea (MBh.); ni_luppala the blue lotus (Pali); n.i_luppala (Pkt.); nilupul, nilipul (Si.)(CDIAL 7569). 

1089.Image: having the legs stretched out: cf. utpa_da having the legs stretched out (Skt.)(CDIAL 1823). Image: upside down: upat.t.ha_, aput.t.ha_ upside down, inverted (L.P.); apu_t.hna_ to overturn (H.)(CDIAL 1831). 

1090.Image: rooting up: utpa_t.a splitting off, pulling up by the roots (Skt.); utpa_t.ika_ external bark of a tree (S'Br.); uppa_d.a rooting up (Pkt.); upa_r.a, upar.a_ (Or.); upa_r. (H.)(CDIAL 1819). 

1091.Images: to stumble; to run away; to retreat: cf. ad.rna_ to twist back one's limbs or bend the body inward (as under threat of a blow)(Kur.); ad.re to strut; ad.ro a swaggerer (Malt.)(DEDR 108). ut.- (ut.t-) to fall down (Kol.); ut. tirr- to stumble (Pa.); ut.re to fall, drop down (Malt.)(DEDR 596). hin.d.ate_ moves, wanders (Dha_tup.); hin.d.ati roams (Pali); him.d.ai goes, wanders, strolls (Pkt.); hi~d.n.e~, hinn.e~ pl. legs of a quadruped (WPah.); hi~r.nu to walk (N.); hin.d.iba_ to move about, wander (Or.); hi~d.na_ to move, walk (H.); hi_m.d.ai (OG.); hi~d.vu~ (G.); hi~d.n.e~ to move, walk (M.); hin.d. move (Skt.)(CDIAL 14089). hit.n.o to move, walk (Ku.); hit.nu (WN.); hit.iba to slip down, stumble, be opened (Or.)(CDIAL 14086). an.t.hate_ goes (Dha_tup.); hat.un to move out of the way, fall back, become lean (K.); hat.an.u to move back, or out of the way (S.); hat.an. (L.); hat.n.a_ to turn (P.WPah.); ha_tn.u to be off, return (WPah.); hat.n.o to get out of the way (A.); hat.a_ (B.); hat.iba_ to retreat (Or.); hat.ab to move out of the way (Mth.); hat.na_ (H.); hat.n.e~ to move out of the way (M.); hat.ha_ (B.); hat.hvu~ to move out of the way (G.); hanina to go about, proceed (D..); han.d.n.a_ to walk (P.); han.d.an. to flow; ha~_d.n.o~_ to walk; ha~_d. a walk (WPah.); ha~_t.a_ to walk (B.); ha_n.t.iba_ to travel (Or.); han.d.hn.a_ to walk (P.); han.t.hn.u_, han.t.hn.a_, han.t.ha_ (WPah.); ha~_d.na_ to wander; ha~d.a_na_ to drive away (H.); ha~_d.vu~ to walk (G.); handn.a_ to trudge on foot (P.)(CDIAL 13943). sor.ita_na_ to run away; jar.ita_na_ to flee; so_d.ita_na_, jo_d.ita_na_ to run away; sod.i- to run, flee; sor.i_- to go away, run away; sor.u_s- to lose (Go.); hon- (-t-) to run, flee (Pe.); hun- id. (Mand..); hon.- (hot.-) id.; hotali, ho_nai to run; honpinai to run away (pl. action)(Kuwi)(DEDR 2861). kulavu (kulavi-) to walk, move about (Ta.); kwal- (kwad--) to go round and round (millet in mortar pit, buffaloes in pen), frisk about, run about wasting time (To.)(DEDR 1803). lad.an.u to run (S.); lad.d.an. (L.); lar.nu to slip, stumble (N.); lariba to run (A.)(CDIAL 10925). cf. valayuka to wander about (Ma.); wali_ta_na_ to roam, wander (Go.)(DEDR 5286). 

1092.Image: to bore a hole: u_tu (u_ti-) to gnaw through and bore holes (as a beetle or moth)(Ta.); utugna_ to sting, (water) to be piercingly cold, rouse one against a third person; utga_ sting (Kur.); uthke to bore a hole; uthkre to be bored through; uthkro bored, a hole (Malt.)(DEDR 742). To fill (hole): ut.na_ (ut.t.as) to close an aperture by filling or obstructing; refl. pass. ut.urna_ (ut.t.ras) to set, be hidden behind (Kur.); ut.e to cover, fill up (as a hole); ut.gre to be covered up, be filled up (as a cavity or hole)(Malt.)(DEDR 597). ur.na_ to have one's sufficiency, (stomach) fills; grow broad, be as thick as required; ur.da'a_na_, ur.udna_ to give one his fill, quench (thirst)(Kur.); ur.e to be filled, be satisfied; ur.de to fill (as the belly), satisfy (Malt.)(DEDR 598). utappi undigested food in the stomach of a beast; ventricle of animals (Ta.Ma.); otapa ventricle of animals (Ma.)(DEDR 607). 

1093.Image: kick: utai (-v-, -nt-) to kick, plant the foot firmly against a post or wall; (-pp-, -tt-) to kick, spurn, beat; n. kick, pressure of foot as in pushing, beating (Ta.); uta a kick, rebound; utayuka, utekka to kick, rebound, offend, cheat; utappu striking against an offence (Ma.); od- (ot-), ov- (ovt-), o- (ot-) to kick; od a kick; od a.r.- (a.c-) to struggle, try (to do, find etc.), perform the movements of sexual intercourse; od a.r.l. act of struggling (Ko.); ode (odad-/odd-), odi to kick, spur, fix the foot against or on; ode a kick; odaha kicking, spurring (Ka.); dan.kuni to kick; odda_d.u to struggle, be in distress (Tu.); uyt- to kick (Ga.); utese to kick; usete to kick, thrust away, despise (Malt.)(DEDR 616). 

1094.Image: corn tares: cf. u_da, u_sara, u_du, u_da-gad.d.i, u_dara tares (Te.); u_dare a kind of corn-tares in paddy and wheat fields (Ka.)(DEDR 740). ot.t.u stubble (Ta.); ot.u id. (Ma.); od.d.u (Tu.)(DEDR 966). 

1095.Raft: cf. ho_d.a raft, boat (Skt.); hor.i_, hola_ canoe, raft (M.); hor.i_ boat (G.); hod.i_ canoe made of hollowed log (M.)(CDIAL 14174). cf. o_t.am boat, raft, float, vessel (Ta.); o_t.a_yi shipwright, boatbuilder (Ta.); shipbuilders (Ma.)(DEDR 1039). o_t.t.i ship's captain (Ma.); o_t.t.i one who or that which drives (Ta.)(DEDR 1041). 

1096.Images: to take out lice from the hair; to pull: u_nd- to take out (as lice from the hair); to extract (honey from beehive)(Kond.a); to take out, take off (hat)(Pe.); to pull (Mand..); to snatch away (Go.); u_nda_na_ id. (Go.)(DEDR 745). cf. ut- (uty-) to draw out from a bundle, draw from socket or hole (Ko.)(DEDR 617). 

1097.Image: long: udda length, height; uddate long (Kod..); udda length, distance, long (Tu.); udda, uddi, uddu height, length, depth (Ka.); udm length (Ko.); uddya long (Ir.)(DEDR 621). 

1098.Images; water to pass through; central parting of hair: cf. u.r. central parting of hair (Ko.); u_t.u the middle, that which comes between, waist; u_t.u_t.e_ here and there; u_t.-a_t.u to go among, move about, frequent (Ta.); u_t.u inside, place between, through; u_t.e_ adv. inside, through; u_t.-a_t.uka to pass through (as wind, water)(Ma.)(DEDR 737). 

1099.Ear of corn; heap of grain: s'ili_ millet (Kal.); siri barley (Kho.); si_tya corn (Skt.)(CDIAL 13431). seli_ grain, bran (Gypsy)(CDIAL 12287). s'ila_ha_rin one who gathers stalks of corn (MBh.); sileha_r gleaner (P.)(CDIAL 12464). a_lava stubble (Com.TS.); a_lo a portion of unripe corn reaped and eaten before the whole is ripe (Bi.H.)(CDIAL 1369). alaut.o fresh cob of maize (N.)(CDIAL 1408). ca_r-u (ca_r-i-) to sweep the threshing-floor and gather scattered grain (Ta.); to sweep the threshing-floor with a broom (Te.)(DEDR 2483). s'ila gathering stalks and ears of corn (Mn.); silaya gleaning (Pkt.); hyolu ear or spike or tassel of corn, etc. (K.); sila_ gleanings (P.); sila_ pl. (N.); sil gleaning (B.); sil.a (Or.); sili_ heap of grain (Bi.); grain and chaff on threshing floor before winnowing (H.); sila_ gleaning, gleanings (H.); silla_ gleaning (L.); ear of corn, gleaning (P.); grain and chaff ready for winnowing (H.); sila_ id. (H.); s'illo, pl. s'illa~_ ear or corn or maize (WPah.); silli_ grain and chaff ready for winnowing (Bi.); si_lo gleanings (OMarw.)(CDIAL 12458).  

1100.To adorn: udaj to adorn (Vedic.led.) 

1101.Image: erect penis: udaji with erect and unctuous penis (TS. vii.4.19.1; Ka_t.aka Sam.hita_. xxiii.21)(Vedic.lex.) den.g eructation (Kon.lex.) den.gu to copulate (Te.lex.) 

1102.Alangium hexapetalum: u_d.ugu-cet.t.u the plant alangium hexapetalum (Ka.); u_d.ugu id., alangium decapetalum (Te.)(DEDR 739). d.hela alangium lamarckii (Santali.lex.) Alangium lamarckii, alangium decapetalum, alangium tomentosum, alangium hexapetalum: shoedhanak, ankota (Skt.); sage-leaved alangium (Eng.); akola, dhera (H.); akar-kanta, baghankura (B.); onkla (G.); ankoli (M.); ankolamu (Te.); uduga-chettu, kudagu (Te.); ankolum, atikoevam, alangi (Ta.); ankoelaemara (Ka.); ankolam, chemmaram (Ma.); habitat: common in tropical forests of south India and Burma; occasionally found in gardens; parts used: root, root-bark, seeds and leaves... oil of the root-bark is a useful application in acute rheumatism (Indian Materia Medica, pp. 58-60). 

1103.Tares: u_dara a kind of corn-tares in paddy and wheat fields (Ka.); u_dara, u_da-gad.d.i, u_da, u_sara, u_du tares (Te.)(DEDR 740). 

1104.Heddle: ovi_ (often in pl. ovya_) f. a part of the loom consisting of cords through which proceed alternately raised and depressed the threads of the warp (M.); uvavia_ the sacred thread (Pkt.); upavi_ta covered (Pali.); invested with the thread; n. the sacred thread (Skt.)(CDIAL 2247). Spindle; hem: oina_ a spindle on which yarn is put up after spinning (Aw.)(CDIAL 2238). ovn.e~, o~vn.e~ to string, thread, stitch (M.); upavi_yati is woven (Pali)(CDIAL 2237). awan hem, border (Kho.); uba_na_ the threads left outside the comb in weaving (H.)(CDIAL 2077). cf.va_n.i_ loom, weaving (Skt.)(CDIAL 11514). wor woof, worsted yarn for weaving (Kho.); wo_n, o_n, e_n to spin (Pas'.); unnu to thread, pierce (N.); uni reel for winding silk on (A.); uniya_iba to wind silk on a reel, come and go frequently (A.)(CDIAL 2326). 

1105.Deficient; less by one: u_n-am defect; deficiency (Kampara_. Paracura_. 235)(Ta.lex.) u_n. want, deficiency (P.)(CDIAL 2416). u_na- deficient (AV.Pali); u_naka (S'a_n.khS'r.Pali); u_n.a (Pkt.); u_n.a not quite full (P.); un. uneven, odd (of numbers); un.o lonely, secluded (Ku.); un less in size, number or quality (A.); un.a, un.a_ less (Or.); u_na_ less; sword worn down by grinding (H.); u_n.u~ wanting, faulty, weak (G.); un.a_ deficient, mean; un.e~ deficiency, fault (M.); u_n.e less (Konkan.i); unu deicient (Si.) In composition with numerals with varying degrees of re-formation after the uncompounded form: e.g. u_nacatva_rim.s'at 39; u_natrim.s'at 29; u_nanavati 89; u_napaca_s'at 49; u_navim.s'ati 19; u_nas'ata 99; u_nas.as.t.i 59; u_nasaptati 69; u_na_s'i_ti 79 (CDIAL 2405 to 2415). cf. on-r-u, on.n.u the number one (Ta.); onnu one (Ma.); ondu one thing (Ka.); oji one thing (Tu.); on.d.u one thing (Te.); undi, undi_, und.i, ond. one; unca_ one or other (Go.); o_n, o_nd one whole, one full (Kur.); -ond one (thing)(Malt.)(DEDR 990d). e_ko_na less by one (Skt.); e_ku_na (Pali); e_gu_n.a, igu_n.a, agu_n.a, an.a (Pkt.); ugan.a (OG.); ogan. (G.); on (Aw.)(CDIAL 2494). cf. eko_nacatva_rim.s'at 39; e_ko_natrim.s'at 29, etc. (CDIAL 2495 to 2502). Nine: The prefixes un-, on-- are retained in the numerals 9, 19, 900 : on-patu, ompatu, ompo_tu nine (Ta.); ompatu id. (Ma.); orba.d, onba.d (Ko.); patrmba.d, potrmba.d nineteen; orba. calg nine calg measures (Ko.); pu.n.bo0 nineteen; e.n. bo0 ninety; winbo0 nine; winbo nu.r- 900 (To.); ombattu, ombhattu nine; ombay-nu_r-u 900 (Ka.); oymbadi nine; ombay nu.ri 900 (Kod..); ormba nine (Tu.); unma_ id. (Go.); unma_k, unmahk nine each; unmk, ed.mu nine (Go.)(DEDR 1025). 

1106.Deposit: upa-nidhi a deposit, a trust, especially if the goods are not shown to the trustee (Ka.Skt.)(Ka.lex.) upaniti sealed deposit entrusted to a responsible party (Ta.)(Ta.lex.) upanidhi deposit, pledge (Skt.Pali) (Skt. Pali. lex.) upa-niks.e_pa an open desposit, any article given in another's charge by letting him know its form, quantity etc.; a deposit sealed or covered up (Skt.) (Skt.lex.) upsun di, vopsun di delivery, consign (Kon.lex.) 

1107.Image: scorpion: upe scorpion (Ash.) up (Kt.); upa (Wg.); epe (Pr.); u_pho (Gaw.); u_para, hu_pala scorpion; upalak spider (Gaw.)(CDIAL 1821).  

1108.Pack-ox carrying salt: uman.-pakat.u pack-ox carrying salt (Tol. Po. 18, Urai)(Ta.lex.) cf. tumbuni, tumbu, sumbu, humbu to bear, carry as a load; tumba_vuni to load (Tu.); simbi to carry (Bel.); cumma, cumpa_ta carrying pad (pa_ta cloth)(Te.); cuma to be burdened (Ta.)(DEDR 2677). cu~bal., cu~bhal. pad on head on which to carry burdens (M.)(CDIAL 4869). Salt-makers: uman. the caste of salt-makers (Nan-. 210, mayilai); uman.an- member of the ancient caste of salt-makers; dealer in salt (Perumpa_n.. 65); uman.atti woman of the caste of salt-makers (Ta.lex.) uvar saltishness, brackishness, the taste of any kind of salt, acid or alkaline substance (Na_lat.i, 263); salt (Kantapu. Vilvala. Vatai. 17); brackish soil; fuller's earth, crude carbonate of soda (Ka_cippu. Kar..uva_y. 268); ogaru saltishness, brackishness (Te.); ogar (Ka.Tu.); uvar (Ma.); uvar-kat.al salt sea (Nan-. 268, Mayilai); uvarkkam seashore (Ta.); uvarkkal.am saltish land; salt-pans,land where salt is formed; uvarppu saltishness; uvar-man. saline soil; fuller's earth, crude carbonate of soda (Ta.); uvari brackish water (Ta.Ma.)(Ta.lex.) cf. copo salt (Nahali)(DEDR 2674). cavat.u fuller's earth, earth impregnated with soda, alkaline soil, sediment (Ta.); caud.u id. (Te.)(DEDR 2386). cf. tuvar astringency, astringent substance (Ta.); cogaru astringent (Tu.); togara astringent taste (Te.)(DEDR 3352). tubara, tuvara astringent (Skt.)(CDIAL 5890). 

1109.Salt-pans: uppal.am salt-pans; saline land (Ta.Ma.); uppal.amu id. (Te.); uppal.avan- salt-maker; uppal.ar-u soil containing clay and sand impregnated with alkaline matters, generally found along the coasts; uppan-a_r-u backwater, regarded as a river of salt water (Acuvaca_. 147); uppiliyan- member of a caste of salt-workers (Ta.); uppaliga id. (Ka.); uppu salt, alkali (Kur-al.. 1302); id. (Te.Ka.Ma.Tu.); each of five kinds of salt said to be used by alchemists, viz., kar-iyuppu, vet.iyuppu, intuppu, ot.t.uppu, amariyuppu (Ta.); sea of salt water (Ta.lex.)  

1110.Image: round vat: u_s.a salt ground (TS.); u_s.a_, u_s.i_ (Ka_tyS'r.); salt in: u_s.aput.a box of salt (MaitrS.); u_sa salt ground, salt substance (Pali); salt ground (Pkt.Or.); uh (A.); us (B.); u_s salt substance used in washing clothes (G.)(CDIAL 2439). u_s.ara impregnated with salt; saline soil (S'Br.); u_sara saline; salt soil (Pali); salt soil (Pkt.OAw.Or.); u_sar saline, barren; salt ground, barren spot; stony infertile soil (Ku.); untilled land (OAw.); land impregnated with carbonate of soda (Bi.); ussar id. (Bi.); usar saline, barren (Mth.)(CDIAL 2440). umpal.am salt pan (Man.i. 24,27); uppal.am id. (Ta.); uman. the caste of salt-makers (Nan-. 210, Mayilai.); uman.an- < prob. uvarman.n.an- member of the ancient caste of salt-makers; dealer in salt (Perumpa_n.. 65); umat.t.iyar women of the uman. caste (Cir-upa_n.. 60)(Ta.lex.) ahri round vat for dissolving saltpetre from saline earth (S.)(CDIAL 1165). cf. akal, akar..i pot with a large mouth (Perumpa_n.. 377; Tailava. Taila. 94); hollow earthen lamp (Periyapu. Kaliya. 15)(Ta.lex.) cf. akaram mercury, quicksilver (Ta.lex.); cf. amara (Skt.) uvar saltishness, brackishness, the taste of any kind of salt, acid or alkaline substance (Na_lat.i, 263); id. (Ma.); ogaru (Te.); ogar (Ka.Tu.); uvar salt (Kantapu. Vilvala. Vatai. 17); brackish soil; fuller's earth, crude carbonate of soda (Ka_cippu. Kar..uva_yp. 268); uvarppu saltishness (Ta.Ma.); uvital to boil away, as water in a pot of rice; uvittal to boil (Pur-ana_. 168, 11); uviyal boiled dish (Pur-ana_. 395)(Ta.lex.)  

1111. Rain: ubbe rain (Ka.); ur-ai, u_t.t.i rain (Ta.)(Ka.lex.)

1112.Image: to place together, to join: upa_yana the act of coming near to, approach (RV. ii.28.2); upa_yam to place together and join (TMB. xiv.9.27); upa_ya_ to come near to or towards (RV. i.130.1; RV. i.135.3; RV. viii.92.10); upa_yu approaching (TS. i.1.1.1); upayam to seize, lay hold of, touch (RV. vii.92.1); to copulate (Sat. xix.7)(Vedic.lex.) upa_yin skilled in the use of means, having means; approaching; having sexual intercourse with; upa_ja fertile in expedients (Skt.lex.) 

1113.Marriage contract; enterprise; tribute: upa_yan-appattiram document specifying presents (Cukkirani_ti. 93); upa_yam < upa_ya means (S.I.I. v,370); upa_yan-am < upa_yana present to a superior (Yaco_tara. 3,5)(Ta.lex.) upa_ya approach; fig. way,means, expedient, stratagem; upa_yena by artifice or means of a trick; upa_yaso by some means, somehow; upa_ya-kusala clever in resource; upa_yatta a means of; upa_yana going to (in special sense), enterprise, offering, tribute, present (Pali.lex.) upya_, upa_i means, possibility; upka_r help, be useful (Kon.lex.) upa_ya approach, means, stratagem (MBh.); id. (Pali); uva_ya, ua_a help, example (Pkt.); u_a_-ba_i_ eluding by stratagem (P.); uva, uvak means, expedient (OSi.)(CDIAL 2308). upa_yana present (MBh.); going to, present (Pali); uva_yan.a, ua_yan.a visit, present (Pkt.); va_yan.a offering of food (Pkt.); va_yana pious gifts of sweetmeats etc. (Skt.); ba_yan, ba_ena_, baina_ sweetmeat or cake distributed at weddings and other festivals (H.); va_yn.u~ dinner given by relative to a wife in her first pregnancy (G.); va_n. pious gift of fruit, cakes, clothing etc. (M.)(CDIAL 2309). so_pa_na [sa + upa_yana] stairs, ladder (MBh.); staircase (Pali); so_va_n.a (Pkt.); sua_n.o (WPah.)(CDIAL 13606). so_ba_ne (Tadbhava of s'o_bhana) a song used on festive occasions at the end of each foot of which so_ba_ne occurs as a chorus (Ka.Te.); s'o_bhana, so_ba_ne shining, splendid; propitious, auspicious; lustre, brilliance; any happy or auspicious event or ceremony as a marriage; coitus; s'o_bhana gu_d.u brilliance or happiness to be added or to come about (Ka.lex.) upar to save from the necessity of borrowing ready cash; t.aka ban tahe~kantinte nuigeye upar kedina as I had no money this man saved me from the necessity of borrowing money; tur.i hoyok kanten upar idik kana as I get crops of mustard seed I am saved from the necessity of borrowing money, I am getting rich; nes uparoka there will be a full return this year, and no necessity to borrow; upai to make effort, to endeavour; upai do banuktina I have no resource; de upaialeme do something for s; poesa reak upain lagao akata I am endeavouring to raise money (Santali.lex.) upa_yana undertaking, accepting; a present, a gift; upa_yana da_na gifts or cocoanuts etc. to Gan.apati on the feast held in his honor in the bha_drapada month (Ka.lex.) uppet.uttal ceremony among na_t.t.ukko_t.t.ai chet.t.is in which the bridegroom's party carries to the bride's house a basket containing salt and nine kinds of grain together with a palmyra scroll for writing the marriage contract (Ka.lex.) upe_ to approach, come near, arrive at, reach (a place, person etc.); upa_ya means, an expedient, remedy; beginning, commencement; a means of success against an enemy [these are four: sa_ma (conciliation), da_na (bribery), bhe_da (sowing dissensiions) and dan.d.a (punishment)]; upa_yanam becoming a pupil of; engaging in any religious rite; undertaking, beginning; a present, gift (Skt.lex.) 

1114.Image: raised banner: uppara ma_d.u to make (a wall etc.) high (Ka.); uppara, uppura (Tadbhava of upari) height, loftiness; uppara gud.i a raised banner; upparige (Tadbhava of upaka_rike) a palace; an upstair house; the upper story of a house; upparige tudi the top of an upper story; upparige mane an upstair house; upparisu to rise, to go upward by flying etc.; upparisu to be fastened on high as festoons etc.; uppavad.a a song to rouse people from sleep or from their place of repose (Ka.lex.) uppar-cavar upper top-gallant sail (M. Navi. 83)(Ta.lex.) ubbu height; elevated position; elation; joy; pride (Ka.); ubbu taggu hill and dale, unevenness; ubbu hallu a projecting tooth (Ka.lex.) umpar elevated spot, higher place (Ja_n-a_. 9,6); height, elevation (Tiva_.); sky, firmament (Tiruvil.ai. Tan.n.i_r. 22); uparikai [prob. upa-ka_rika_] upper storey (Tiruvil.ai. Nakarap. 32); upparikai id. (Maccapu. Naimica_. 2); uppariga (Te.); upparige (Ka.); upari on, upon, above (Pa_rata. Patin-mu_. 39)(Ta.); upari (Skt.); uparicuratam coitus muliere super, virum decumbonte (Kokko_. 6,47); uparitam < upari_taka id. (Tiruppu. 497); upari a mode of sexual intercourse (Vir-alivit.u. 523)(Ta.lex.) upari above; upari-prut springing on above (VS. vii.3)(Vedic.lex.) 

1115.Image: to jump: upparisu to jump, to leap; to cause to jump up or jump; to raise (Ka.lex.) Image: drop: ur-ai leaking; drop of water or other liquid; rain (Kur-al., 559); ur-ai-ttal to drop as the rain; to form as the dew (Kalit. 15); to fall down as pollen from flowers (Kalit. 39,32)(Ta.)(Ta.lex.) Image: to fall; to jump: urusuka to glide down, fail; ukkuka to lean to one side as one falling, start (Ma.); urki tap- to jump down (Kol.); urk- to fall (Pa.); to set (as sun); urk- (uruk-) to descend, jump; urukp- to make to jump (Ga.); urra_na, urrana to fall; ukk- to make to fall, fell in wrestling (Go.)(DEDR 667).  

1116.Produce: ubza_ proceed, descend; ba_pa_k ubza_ta_ proceed from the father; ubzai to produce (Kon.lex.) cf. umpal descendant (Ta.); ub in: en mox uba., en mar-y uba. O my child! (To.)(DEDR 639). upja, upjau crops, produce of the soil; bale upjau ocolaka nes do this year we did not raise good crops; upjan, upjon crops, produce of the soil (Santali.lex.) uppa_da coming into existence; uppa_dana making, generating; uppa_detar one who produces, creator; uppatti coming forth, product, genesis; ubbhava birth, origination, production [ud + bhava] (Pali.lex.) 

1117.Mixing: u_t.u-ca_kupat.i cultivating by mixing two kinds of grain in a seedbed and planting the seedlings indiscriminately (G.Tj.D. i,93)(Ta.lex.) Crop; image: birth: utpa_da production, birth (Ya_j.); utpa_daka productive (Mn.); uppa_da, uppa_daka (Pali); uppa_ya (Pkt.); upa_u productive (S.); upa_i produce (WPah.)(CDIAL 1822). utpa_dya to be produced (SKt.); upa_ju produce, profit (S.); upaj crop (M.)(CDIAL 1824). To prosper: utakuka to prosper, thrive (Ma.); odagu, odugu, odavu to become endowed with power, prosper, thrive, increase (Ka.); odaguni to prosper (Tu.); odavu to flourish; odalu to increase, flourish; odugu, oduvu to increase, thrive; n. abundance (Te.)(DEDR 605). Cultivated upland: d.ukki cultivated upland field called in Ha. maran (Pa.)(DEDR 688). Image: walking-stick: u_n-r-u (u_n-r-i-) to be fixed, strike root; fix, plant, set firmly in the ground (as a post); u_nnu-ko_l staff, crutch (Ma.); u_r-u-go_lu walking -stick (Ka.); u_ru-ko_lu id. (Tu.); u_du prop (Tu.); u_ta staff (Tu.); u_nnuka to be fixed, rooted (Ma.); u.n.d.- (u.nd.d.y-), u.n.- to transplant (Ko.); u.n e.r the plough that they stick in the ground (To.); u_r-u to put in the ground, plant, set firmly (as flags etc.), enter into (the earth etc.)(Ka.); u_runi to set firmly, plant in the ground as a seed or shrub (Tu.); be_ru_runi to take root; to grow; u_nduni to press down; u_d.uni, u_d.a_vuni to fix (Tu.); u~_ta, u~_tamu prop, support; u~_du to plant, press (Te.); u~_d.u to be planted, fixed; u_d.ucu to transplant; u~_t.u to pierce; n. piercing (Te.); ud-, untip- (untit-) to plant (Pa.); und.up- (und.ut-) to transplant (Ga.); ursa_na_ to plant or transplant (trees, rice, chillies, etc.); urs- to plant, transplant, fix in the ground, plant, fix a post, set up a marriage booth; ors- to plant (Go.); un.s- (-t-) to plant, transplant, fix (a post) in the earth; u_r-- (-it-) to rest on a support; urs- to transplant (Kond.a); ruz- (rust-) to plant (Pe.); uha (uhi-) to plant, transplant; n. planting; usa (usi-) to set a post into the ground, knee; uta (uti-) to kneel (Kui); u_hali, uhinai; uh-to plant; on.pu seedling (Kuwi); u_dna_ to fix a closed door, shutter etc. (by a bolt, latch, lock, stay); uddurna_ (uddras), udurna_ (udras) to lean upon a walking-stick; udur udur e_kna_ to walk leaning upon a stick (Kur.); de to lift or prop up (as a scren); dure (udurya) to lean upon; udutre to prop up (as a screen) (Malt.) (DEDR 763). u_r-r-am walking-stick, crutch, prop (Kampara_. Kil.ai. 74); id. (Ma.); u_ta id. (Te.); u_r-r-u staff; prop, support (Kalit. 146); u_r-r-u-k-ko_l staff (Kur-al.. 415)(Ta.lex.) Rice field: ro_pya to be planted (MBh.); rop crop of indigo (L.); ropo, rupr.e rice field (WPah.); ropo transplantation of seedlings (Ku.); rop, ropa_ rice plants in seed bed (Bi.); rop, ropo young plant, sapling (G.); rop (M.)(CDIAL 10849). Growth: cf. urkhna_ to germinate (Kur.)(DEDR 668). ro_ha growth (S'rS.Pkt.)(CDIAL 10860). ro_dhati grows (RV.); ro_hai grows (Pkt.); ro_hati mounts, climbs (RV.)(CDIAL 10862). ruh growth, sprouting (RV.)(CDIAL 10795). ruhati mounts, grows (MBh.); -ruhat aor. inj. (RV.); ruhai grows (Pkt.); ruik to grow (of crops, nails etc.)(Kho.); ru_hati grows, heals (of wound)(Pali); ru_hana_ to mount, rise, climb (H.)(CDIAL 10796). ruyhati grows (Pali); rujjhai grows, is born (Pkt.); rujhn.e~, rujn.e~ to sprout, grow (M.)(CDIAL 10797). ru_d.ha risen (AV.); grown, sprung up (MBh.); grown together (R.); ru_l.ha grown, healed up (Pali); ru_d.ha customary (Pkt.); ru_r.ha_ used (of an earthen vessel which has been steeped in oil, ghee, etc.)(P.)(CDIAL 10801). ru_d.hi rise, increase (Skt.); ru_l.hi growth, custom (Pali); ru_r.i_ heap of manure outside village; ruri_ heap of threshed rice (P.); ru_r.i_ dunghill (L.); ru_r.hi_ growth (H.); ru_d.h prevalence (M.)(CDIAL 10802). Image; ploughing bullock; to plough: ut-kr.s. to plough the land (TS. iv.2.5.6); ut-khid to draw out, extract (AV. iv.11.10); extracting (TS. ii.1.1.4); utkri_ name of a soma sacrifice (S'a_n.kh. S'r.S.)(Vedic.lex.) cf. r.u_- (-t-) to plough, till soil (Kond.a.Pe.Mand..); r.u_va (r.u_t-) id.; n. ploughing; u_r.a (u_r.i-) to dig with snout, root up (Kui); riyali (ru_-), lu_nai, r.u_- (-t-) to plough (Kuwi); uina_/uyna_ (ussas) to plough; ugta_ a plough, a ploughshare (Kur.); use to turn up the soil (as pigs do)(Malt.); ur.a_na_, ur.-, ud., ud-, ura_na_, ur.da_na_ to plough (Go.); u_d.- id. (Ga.); ur.- to plough (Pa.); ur- (urt-) to harrow; to plough (Kol.); ur- to plough, harrow (Nk.); dunnu, dunu to plough, till; dukki ploughing, tillage (Te.); r.uki ploughing bullock, bullock (Kuwi)(DEDR 688). cf. ur..u (-v-, -t-) to plough (Ta.)(DEDR 688). 

1118.Image: to raise the hand to threaten: ubrya_ raise (the hand to threaten) (Kon.lex.) 

1119.Heat, steam: ubbe heat, steam (Ka.); ube steam (Tu.); uba id. (M.)(Ka.lex.) 

1120.Image: overflowing: upor cap overflowing; uplau to raise to the surface of water; upor above, superior; upar on, above, upon (Santali.lex.) uvaraga upper room (Pkt.); ra_l above (Dm.); upara lower, near, later (RV.)(CDIAL 2208). 

1121.Image: swelling: urku, ukku to rise, to swell; to boil excessively; to come up or over in boiling; to be greatly increased; to be raised or puffed up, to be haughty or proud; swelling etc.; power, valour; urkundor-e a swelling or swollen river (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) cf. ukk- to boil over (Kod..)(DEDR 666). Image: to swell: urbu to swell (Ka.); uppu (uppi-) to become big (as a seed), bloat, puff up (as the abdomen), rise (as leaven); uppal flatulence; upukku (upukki-) to swell, overflow; upparam flatulent distention of the abdomen; ubbu to become hot (Ta.); ub- (uby-) to boil over; upum much; uporty pleasure, elation (Ko.); urbu, urvu, ubbu to swell, increase, rise, be eleated, be puffed up, become glad; n. state of being swollen etc., height, elation, joy, pride; ubbisu to cause to swell, raise, rouse, puff up by flattering; ubbad.iga, ubbudiga, ubbariga greatness; ubbat.e, ubbat.t.e swelling, increase, elation, greatness, boldness; ubbara, urbara swelling, increase, state of being swollen, risen, or full to overflowing, greatness, abundance; ubbike, ubbuvike swelling, etc.; ubiu to swell, rise, overflow (Ka.); ubbuni, ubbe_runi to swell, be elated with joy or puffed up with pride; uberuni to become thick; ubbara high, swollen, turbid (Tu.); ubuku to swell, heave, rise, jut, bulge, project, overflow, burst out; n. swelling, jutting, heaving, bulging, projection; ubbaramu swelling, inflation. increase, excess; ubbarincu to swell; ubbarimpu swelling (of the belly); ubbu to swell, be puffed up, grow stout, rise up, overflow, be overjoyed, elated; n. swelling, protuberance, joy, being puffed up with pride; ubbincu to inflate, cause to swell, flatter; uppena a swell of the sea, inundation, deluge; uppon.gu to swell, burst forth, overflow, be overjoyed, elated (Te.); ubi- (-t-) to swell, be inflamed, be bloated (Kond.a); ubka_rna_ to bubble up, gush up or out with force, swell up (Kur.)(DEDR 666). cf. ubbilla elation, elated state of mind; ubbila_vita happy, elated, buoyant (Pali); udbilya, udvilya, audbilya, audvilya joy, pleasurable excitement (BHSk.)(DEDR 666). cf. ubariba_ to rise, come out (Or.)(CDIAL 2338). cf. o_bel boiling (Bshk.)(CDIAL 2339). 

1122.Chewed betel: umbud.e the remnant of the chewed betel in mouth (Tu.lex.) ubra subra remnants, leavings; ubor. subor. to leave over from a meal (Santali.lex.) umme kal a stone used to remove juice; cf. ammikal (Ka.lex.) umir..-tal to spit (Ta.Ma.); umi-tal to gargle (A_ca_rak. 15)(Ta.); to spit (Tan-ippa_. i,25,45); umiyu to gargle (Te.); umi (Ma.); ubbi (Tu.); umivu spitting (A_ca_ra. 71)(Ta.lex.) urvarita left over (BhP.); uvari_ wife presented with many others for choice (AV.); ubbari_ concubine (Pali); uvvaria left over; uvvaram.ta remaining over (Pkt.); ubiran.u to be left over (S.); uba_ran.u to save; obari remnants; oba_ran.u to leave food over (in eating)(S.); ubharn.o to be left over (Ku.); ubro, uba_ru surplus; ubranu to be left over (N.); ubariba to disregard (A.); ubara_ to be plentifuyl (B.); ubariba_, uburiba_, uboriba_ to remain as surplus (Or.); ubarai is saved; uba_rai saves (OAw.); u_barna_ to be left over as surplus; uba_rna_, ubra_-subra_ surplus (H.); uver, uveri_, u_r, uri_ remainder, surplus; urn.e~ to be left as residue; uravin.e~ to make to remain over; urakn.e~ to be over, be finished (M.)(CDIAL 2356). 

1123.Volkmeria capparis sepic: uppi thorny medicinal styptic shrub with a gall as large as a nutmeg, volkameria capparis sepia (Ka.); a kind of herb; volkameria capparis sepia, monetia barlerioides, azima tetracantha, capparis sepiaria; puyyi a thorny shrub, capparis sepiaria (Te.)(DEDR 629). Azima tetracantha tella-upi (Te.)(GIMP, p.32). Capparis sepiaria nallavuppi (Te.); kakadani (Skt.); kaliakara (B.); kanthari (H.); kanthar (M.); hiungarna (P.); karunjurai (Ta.); plant: febrifuge, alterative, tonic, useful in skin diseases; habitat: dry parts of India (GIMP, pp. 49-50). 

1124.Macaranga indica: uppili name of several plants (Ta.); uppila macaranga indica (Ma.); uppalige a small tree, macaranga indica (Ka.); uppala, uppalig, ipl.ige (Tu.)(DEDR 627). Macaranga indica: ramalo (Kumaon); malata (N.); puthatamara (Ma.); vuttuttamara (Ta.); gum: applied to sores; habitat: eastern Himalayas, Mishmi and Khasia hills, deccan Peninsula, Andaman islands. Macaranga peltata,macaranga roxburghii: chandwar (M.); chanda (Bombay); upaligi (Ka.); uppila (Ma.); kondatamara (Te.); vattikanni (Ta.); gum: powdered and made into a paste, a good application for venereal sores; habitat: hills of Orissa and Circars and western Peninsula (GIMP, p.158). 

1125.To rub: ubbat.an.u (S.); ubat.na_ to oint (H.); ut.n.em. to rub, to oint (M.); ut.vum. (G.); abt.an unguent (Bi.); udvartana? (Skt.)[cf. Grierson, Phon., p.27)(Bloch, p. 304). uppa_ra plastering (Ka.); uppa_rak-ka_ran- plasterer (Ta.); uppa_r-a id., a bricklayer, a stone-mason (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) cf. uppa_r-ike the business of a bricklayer (Ka.)(DEDR 628). uppaliga a man who belongs to a division of the salt-maker caste, the members of which are also fishermen; uppad.a salted and dried vegetables; uppa_r-a a man of the salt-maker caste (using salt-soil for his profession), who also uses to grow vegetables; uppal.ava a salt-maker; upparava a tank digger (Ta.); upparava_d.u, uppari_d.u a man of the mining caste, a tank digger and maker of wells (Te.); uppa_r-a mo_l.e a heap or beaps of salt-soil made by salt-makers (Ka.lex.) upparavar a branch of Kur-avas who deal in karu-ve_ppilai (curry leaves) and style themselves chetties (Ta.lex.) uppe_r-i curry of chopped fruit or vegetables well seasoned with salt, pepper and other condiments and then fried in ghee or oil (Ta.); uppe_ri (Ma.)(Ta.lex.) 

1136.To sob: u_sumbhia weeping till a feeling of choking comes (Pkt.); subhna_ti chokes (TS.); sumbhati (Skt.); usa~bn.e~, osa~bn.e~ to sob (M.)(CDIAL 1887). ummit.t.am sobbing of children, difficult breathing (Ma.); uppacam, uppucam asthma (Ta.); uba.cm panting (Ko.); ubosm quickened breathing (as in fever)(To.); ubbasa, ubbusa, ubbusu, urabasa, urbasa, ummalu difficult breathing, asthma (Ka.); ubbasa, ubbesa difficulty of breathing, asthma (Tu.); ubbasamu asthma (Te.)(DEDR 632).  

1137.Image: crab's eye: uma_ crab's eye; cf. kun-r-i abrus precatorius; umari-k-ka_cu cowry used as money; umari snail (Ta.Ma.)(Ta.lex.)  

1138.Salicornia brachiata: umari, umiri marsh samphire, salicornia brachiata (Ta.); umari salicornia (Ma.)(DEDR 634). Salicornia brachiata: machul (Bombay); koyyalu (Te.); umari (Ta.Ma.); ashes: used for mange and itch and considered emmenagogue and abortifacient; habitat: Gujarat, Kathiawar, W. and E. coast of the Madras state, Sundarbans etc. (GIMP, p.218). 

1139.Sunn-hemp: uma_taci sunn-hemp; umataki id. (Ta.) (Ta.lex.) 

1140.Image: male elephant; male goat: umpal male of the elephant or of the goat; elephant (Val.l.uvama_. 36)(Ta.lex.) 

1141.Descendant: umpal descendant (Malaipat.u. 540); family, tribe; rising in view, becoming visible; power, strength; umpi he who was born after you, your younger brother (Tiv. Periyati. 5,8,1); ummai birth previous to the present one (Man.i. 26,32); life beyond the grave, existence after the present life (Na_lat.i, 58)(Ta.lex.) ub, in: en mox uba., en mar-y uba. O my child! (To.)(DEDR 639). udbhava origin, birth (Ya_j.); ubbhava (Pali.Pkt.); ibe_, ibet.a spontaneously (Si.)(CDIAL 2039). udbhu_ta comes forth (MaitrUp.); ubbhu_a produced (Pkt.)(CDIAL 2046). umba, un.ba present relative particle of un., used also to form the future: umbade_? umbed.e, umbudu, umba_gal, umbere? un. to eat; to enjoy as riches (Ka.lex.) 

1142.Image: to bow: umba'a_, umb'u_, humbu'u_, humba'a_, humkurya_, omba'a_, homba'a_ with the face turned downward (Kur.); umb'u_ manna_ to bow profoundly, go down on one's knees (Kur.); umung uta (uti-) to fall prostrate (Kui); umgre to bend (as in respect); umgro bent, meek, humble (Malt.)[?Kur. < Munda.](DEDR 641). ubbhujati bends up (Pali); bhujati bends (Dha_tup.); ubbhutta thrown up (Pkt.); obhota_ turned back, upside-down; obhatiba to turn back (A.)(CDIAL 2045). uvvatta prone,prostrate, upside-down; uvvat.t.a upset (Pkt.); ubato upside-down (S.)(CDIAL 2071). 

1143.Image: ear of corn: umbi_ fried stalks of wheat or barley; umbika_, ulumba_ (Skt.); um.bi_ cooked wheat (Pkt.); umi_, uma_ parched ears of rice or millet for chewing (Ku.); u_mi_ green ears of eleusine coracana cut for parching (Mth.); ear of half-ripe grain (H.); u~_bi_ ear of corn (G.); o~bi_ ear of wheat (M.); o~bat. head or ear of various grains (M.)(CDIAL 2343). umi husk; (-pp-, -tt-) to become chaff; ummi husk (Ta.); umi husk, chaff, bran (Ma.); u.ym flour (Ko.); ummi, ubbalu, ubalu husk or chaff of paddy; uy, uyyu, huy husk of rice or corn (Ka.); umi paddy husks (Kod..); umi, ummi husk or chaff of paddy (Tu.); umaka, umuka, u~_ka, u_ka husk, chaff (Te.); u_ka id. (Ga.); un.k id. (Kur.); umku id. (Malt.)(DEDR 637). u_bu, uce the awn of barley etc. (Ka.); o_mbi_ (M.); bhattada u_bu (Ka.); u_bu hullu a common fodder grass with very troublesome awns, andropogon contortus, used also in making brooms (Ka.lex.) 

1144.Celestials: umpar-a_n cow of the celestial world; [cf. a_n-, a_ female of ox, sambur and buffalo; yu ox, cow (Malt.); a~_-bo_tu bull (Te.)(DEDR 334)]; umpara_r celestials (Ci_vaka. 1678); umparko_n- Indra, the lord of the celestials (Tiv. Periyati. 5,4,5); id. (Ma.); umpara_n- person in high state, one in exalted position (Kantapu. Ma_yaip. 33); umparulaku world of the gods (Tiruva_lava_. Payan-mu. 5); umpan- pre-eminent being (Ja_n-a_. Pa_yi. 7,4); umpar elevated spot, higher place (Ja_n-a_. 9,6); height, elevation (Tiva_.); sky, firmament (Tiruvil.ai. Tan.n.i_r. 22); celestial world, paradise (Na_lat.i, 37); umpar celestials (Tiv. Periyati. 7,8,10); id. (Ma.); Bra_hmans; overhead, aloft (Periyapu. Ko_caccen.. 5)(Ta.lex.) Diviner; priest: supari ma.s diviner, priest; supari shaman (Kol.); supar.i holy; vowed, devoted (Kui)(DEDR 2671). Higher up the valley; above: wari adv. above, higher up the valley (Wg.)(CDIAL 2218). upari (with emph. lengthening of cononant) above (NiDoc.); upparim., uppiam. (Pkt.); upra on; opre, upre, pre on, over; opral, upral, pral from above; upar on (Gypsy); wupar above (K.); pari on (S.); uppar, uppur on, above (P.); bar, upri (WPah.); upar (Ku.N.); upari over and above (A.); opare above (A.); upar, par on (B.); upari, upuri, upara, para (Or.); u_par, pari, par (Mth.); para (OAw.); u_par (H.); upari, u_para, pari_ (OMarw.); u_pari (OG.); upari, par (G.); upar (M.)(CDIAL 2333). opar upper; height, top (A.); upar the top (B.); upara (Or.); uppalla mounted on (Pkt.); upallo upper (N.); uparla_ (H.); uplu~ (G.)(CDIAL 2330). upri above (RV.); upari (Pali); uvari, uvarim., uari, uarim., avari, avarim. (Pkt.); uvari (NiDoc.); warske the one above (Wg.); vari on, above (OG.); var, vari_ on, up to; varta_, vari_l, varla_ adj. superior, being above (M.); upris.t.a_t from above (RV.)(CDIAL 2218). uparis.t.ha staying above (R.); uparistha (MaitrUp.); baret.ha_ upper bar of pillars supporting a smith's bellows (Bi.)(CDIAL 2219). 

1145.Wire-drawer's plate: ummaccu < ommattsu (Te.) groove in the framework of a jewel in which stones are set; ummaccu wire-drawer's plate; kammattsu id. (Te.)(Ta.lex.)  

1146.Mad: unmatta, umatta, ummata, ummati, ummatta, ummatti, ummutta, ummetti intoxicated; mad, furious (Ka.); ummetta (Te.); unmatta haughty, arrogant (Ka.M.); ummatada hur..a a particular kind of snake (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) Image: boa constrictor: ulu_ta boa constrictor (Skt.); uluwa_-gom a species of poisonous snake (A.)(CDIAL 2361). 

1147.Image: aborted embryo: ur-upparai deformed person (Pin.. 3,35); dismembering the limbs (Tol. Po. 258) ur-uppilpin.t.am (ur-uppu + il +) aborted embryo (Pur-ana_. 28); ur-uppu body (Kur-al., 993); limb, member of body (Ta.lex.) ulbam, ulvam the bag which surrounds the embryo, foetus; the vulva; the womb (Skt.lex.) ulva, ulba the innermost membrane investing the foetus, the amnion (Ka.); the embryo; the womb itself (Ka.Skt.)(Ka.lex.) ulba membrane, kaul (RV. x.51.1); cover (AV. iv.2.8); ulban.a membrane (TAr. i.10.7); flaw, anything done beyond injunction (TS. iii.4.3.7); ulban.a-is.n.u superfluous; ulbya being in the membrane (S'Br.)(Vedic.lex.) Image: embryo: uru embryo (W.) that which appears in outline (Ci. Ci. 4,9); body (Ci. Ci. 4,17); uruvam body (Te_va_. 1028,3); shape, visible form, figure (Tiruva_ca. 22,9); uruvu id. (Man.i. 30,189); uru_pam form, shape (Man.i. 6,177); uru-ttal to appear, come into existence (Man.i. 26,32)(Ta.lex.) cf. ru_pa (Skt.lex.) kalalaru_pa embryo (Pali)(Pali.lex.) 

1148.Sown field; mud: ubbari [Skt. urvara_, Av. urvara plant] fertile soil, sow field; fig. woman, wife = orodha (Pali.lex.) urvi, urvi_ the earth, the soil (Skt.Ka.); urvi_ala the face of the earth, the earth; urvi_ vadhu the earth regarded as a female; urvi pa a king; urvare fertile soil, yelding every kind of crop (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) urvara_ fertile land (RV.); ubbari_ (Pali); u~bar retentive of moisture (of arable ground)(M.)(CDIAL 2356a). ubir mud (Kon.lex.) cf. upparavar a Telugu caste who are usually tank- and well-diggers and road-workers (Ta. < Te.)(DEDR 626).  

1126.One who rubs mortar; plasterer; tank-digger; bricklayer: upparavar a Telugu caste who are usually tank- and well-diggers and road-workers (Ta.); uppara name of a caste whose occupation is digging tanks, etc.; uppari a digger, tank-digger; fem. upparadi (Te.)(DEDR 626). uppa_rakka_ran- one who plasters a wall, who rubs mortar (Ta.); uppa_ra plastering; uppa_r-a bricklayer, stonemason, plasterer; fem. uppa_r-ati (Ka.); uppa_r-ike the business of a bricklayer (Ka.)(DEDR 628). Lime, mortar: kumma_yam lime, mortar (Ta.); lime, chunam (Ma.); kuma_ya, kumma_ya lime, mortar (Tu.)(DEDR 1755). umal.n.e~, umhal.n.e~ to slake lime (M.)(CDIAL 2346). ubariba_, uburiba_ to rise, come out (Or.); ubarn.e~ to raise and form (M.); uba_rn.e~ to emit watery fluid (M.); ubarn.e~ to rise (of a blister), rise into shape (of a heap of grain, etc.)(M.)(CDIAL 2338).  

1127.Image: standing: ubo, ubi, ube standing, perpendicular; ubo ra_u remain standing (Kon.lex.) 

1128.Image: to stand on hind legs: upa_yi~_ yen.e~ to stand on the hind legs, to rear; upa_vn.e~, opa_vn.e~ to stand on tiptoe, to rear (M.); utpa_da having the legs stretched out, standing on the feet (Skt.)(CDIAL 1823). ubo, ubi, ube standing, perpendicular; ubo ra_u remain standing (Kon.lex.) uppa_ta flying up (MBh.); uppa_ta id., jump (Pali); uppa_ya flying up, sudden portent (Pkt.); uppa_ta portent (Pali); upa_r., upa_r.o rising, swelling, energy, effort (G.)(CDIAL 1820). uppari-ka_n.-tal to swell, increase in quantity, as old raw rice in boiling (Ta.); ubbarintsu (Te.); ubbarisu (Ka.); uppu-tal to become big, as a seed; to bloat, puff up (Ve_ta_. Cu_. 67, Urai.)(Ta.); ubbu (Te.Ka.Tu.)(Ta.lex.) epel to raise or lift up to strike, as a stick; to brandish threateningly; upel to arise, come into existence (Santali.lex.) ubha_ adj. erect, standing; ubhn.em. to lift (M.); ubhum. (G.); ubho (S.); ud.u (Si.); ud.d.ha, uddha, ubbha (Pkt.); u_rdhva (Skt.)(Bloch, p. 305). upparisu, upparasu to rise, to go upward by flying; to cause to jump up or jump; to jump up; to jump, to leap (Ka.lex.) 

1129.Image: seven: ep, er.. seven; eppattaneya seventieth; eppat, eppattu seventy; eppattu embattu seventy or eighty; eppattu na_lku seventy-four; eppattu laks.a seventy lacs; eppattombattu seventy-nine (Ka.lex.) 

1130.Oleo-resin; hardwickia pinnata: e_pe hardwickia binata (Te.)(DEDR 5150). e_pe shorea robusta, the sal tree (Te.); e_pi shorea robusta (Ka.)(DEDR 896). ya_ a tree (Ta.)(DEDR 5150). Synonym: anjana hardwickia pinnata which yields balsam similar to copaiba balsam; habitat: evergreen forests of the W. Ghats from S. Kanara to Travancore (M.); enne (Ka.)(GMIP, p. 130). cf. ibad.i, ibbad.i, bi_t.i a kind of blackwood tree, dalbergia latifolia (Ka.lex.) cf. e_pi a heavy wood like mahagony, shorea robusta (Ka.Te.)(Ka.lex.) Hardwickia pinnata: matyen; samprani, genne, kolla, shurali (Ma.); kolavu, acha (Ta.); yepi (Te.); yenne (Ka.); is a tree found on the ghats of Kanara, Travancore and Karnatic. Balsam or oleo-resin has th smell and taste of copaiba; it has been used for gonorrhoea with some success. (Indian Materia Medica, pp. 607-608). cf. a_su, a_ca, a_rse the sal tree, shorea robusta (Ka.) a_cca_ sa_l, shorea robusta (Ta.)(DEDR 343). a_su the sa_l tree, shorea robusta; s'a_la, sarja (Ka.); e_pe (Te.); a_cca_ (Ta.); a_sina mara (Ka.lex.) uppi a thorny medicinal styptic shrub with a ligneous hollow fruit or gall as large as a nutmeg, volkmaria capparis sepia (Ka.Te.)(Ka.lex.) Dalbergia ougeinensis or ougeinensis; cf. queinia dalbergioides: trinisha, sejanduna (Skt.); tinsa (Gwalior); jarul gachh (B.); sandam, terrichcha (H.); kalaphalas (Central Provinces); syandan (M.); tanach (M.); tella-motuku (Te.); kari-mutal (Ka.); has stimulant and astringent properties. Bark when incised furnishes gum (a kino-like exudation) which is useful in diarrhoea, dysentery, leprosy, leucoderma and gonorrhoea. (Indian Materia Medica, p. 432). 

1131.To yoke: upa_saj to yoke (Vedic.lex.)  

1132.To sit by the side of: upa_s to sit by the side of (AV. iv.2.1)(Vedic.lex.) a_si_na sitting, seated (Ka.lex.) 

1133.To sit: upavis'ati approaches (RV.); sits down (S'Br.); pp. upavis.t.a seated (Ka_tyS'r.); upa_visi sat down (Pali); uvavisai, be_sae_ sits; uvavit.t.ha, bit.t.ha (Pkt.); we_sar stops, stays, sits (Gypsy); ves to sit; bes', bes'to lying; bes'to saddle (Gypsy); be_s'ina to sit down (D..); be_z, baxta sitting (Tir.); bay, ba_es.t. (Bshk.); bhes', bhas', bhet., bhat. (Phal.); behun, bihun, byu_t.hu (K.); bet.h sitting, delay (K.); wehan.u, wihan.u, wet.ho (S.); behan. (L.); bait.hn.a_, vait.hva~_, bait.hva~_ sitting position (P.); baihn.a_ (WPah.); bait.han.o to sit (Ku.); baisai (OMth.); baisa_, basa_, bait.ha_ (B.); baisal, bait.hal (Bhoj.); baisna_, bait.ha_, bait.hna_ (H.); baisa_i (OMarw.); besvu~, bet.ho (G.); baisn.e~, basn.e~ (M.); baista_, basta_ (Konkan.i); bhes'u_ to make sit down (Phal.)(CDIAL 2245). upave_s'a sitting down (TS.); beha, biha sitting down, laziness (K.); bei wooden bench on veranda (WPah.); baisak the support of a granary (Mth.)(CDIAL 2248). upave_s'ana act of sitting down (As'vS'r.); baisani_ mud seat on which a woman sits at the handmill (Bi.); baisan id. (Mth.); besna_ the support of a granary (Mth.); besn.i_ mode of sitting, bench, stool (G.)(CDIAL 2249). upis-, uppu_s-, upsuhta_na_, upih-, up'-, upcah- to make to sit; udda_na_, uda_na_, ud- to sit; uccahta_na_ to cause to sit (Go.); ud- (utt-) to sit; udip- (udipt-) to make to sit (Nk.)(DEDR 725). 

1134.Chat: ubusu, u_su leisure; chat, talk; u_sul-a_d.ukonu to chat (Te.); u_b- to speak, converse; u_bal a saying; u_bkud. conversation, a saying (Pa.)(DEDR 631). osage speech, report, news; usir, usur(u) to utter, speak, say, tell (Ka.); osage, osaya, osaye news; the ceremony of sending a messenger to a girl's husband or parents with the news of her attaining puberty (Tu.); oc- (-it-) to pronounce, guess; oconi riddle (Kuwi)(DEDR 937). 

1135.Image: basket: umal long bag made of palmyra leaves (Ta.Ma.); omal a kind of basket used by fishermen (Ma.)(DEDR 635). 

1149.Fertile land: kumpi mud, mire, or slough emitting stinking smell (Ta.); gummi mire, deep mud (Te.)(DEDR 1748). uparibhu_mi adv. above the ground (S'Br.); uprau~ dry unirrigated land (Ku.)(CDIAL 2332).  

1150.A gift-land; offering: ur-ai offering (Paripa_. 16,52)(Ta.); wealth (Pin..)(Ta.); units used as symbols for hundreds or thousands (Kampara_. Urukka_t.. 117)(Ta.lex.) Offerings; sack: kai-y-ur-ai offerings, presents from an inferior to a superior, visiting presents; marriage presents (Ta.lex.); ur-ai units used as symbols for hundreds or thousands; a measure of grain = 60 marakka_l; wealth; bell metal; height; greatness, excellence; place of residence, town, appropriate or customary place for a person or thing; receptacle for grain, a kind of sack; burnt clay curb, used for the construction of a well; offering; rainy season; food (Ta.lex.) To ripen, mature: uru (-pp-, -tt-) to become ripe, mature (Ta.); urve unripe (Tu.); uriyu to become ripe; hair to become grey (Te.)(DEDR 658). urvya_-u_ti having wide aid, giving wide aid (RV. vi.24.2); uru-vraja extending afar (RV. viii.67.12); uru-vyaca spreading far and wide (RV. v.1.12); uru-vyacas wide-extending (RV. i.105.9); urvarya belonging to cultivated land (TS. iv.5.6.1); urvara_ plant (Av.); (arable) field (TS. vi.6.7.4; RV. viii.91.6; 'u_s.ram ks.e_tram' RV. viii.91.5; RV. i.127.6; 'uruvaran.ayukta_su s'res.t.a_su' RV. iv.41.6; 'sasya_d.hya_su bhu_mis.u' RV. v.33.4; 'sasyo_pe_ta_su bhu_mis.u' RV. vi.25.4; 'sarva-sasya_d.hya_su bhu_mis.u' RV. x.50.3); urvajra extensive field (RV. x.27.9); urvara_jit winning fertile fields (RV. ii.21.1); urvara_pati lord of the fertile fields (RV. viii.21.3); urvara_sa_ granting fertile land (urvara_ sarvasasya_d.hya_ bhu_h-, ta_m sano_ti_tyurvara_sa_h- putrah- tam: RV. iv.38.1; urvara_n.a_m bhu_mi_na_m sanita_ram sambhakta_ram : RV. vi.20.1)(Vedic.lex.) To cart manure; fertile: uramat.ittal to cart manure; uraman. rich soil; uram manure, fertilizer, as strengthening the soil (Ta.lex.) cf. pakka_l.i-ma_t.u an ox engaged to carry manure (Ta.lex.)  

1151.Gift: umbar..e, umbar..ege, umbur..e, ummar..e, ummar..ege, ummur..e, ummur..ege an enjoyment-gift: the rent-free grant of a plot of ground or of a village (Ka.); umpal.ikkai (Ta.); umbal.a, umbal.i, umbal.ike (Te.); umbol.i (Tu.)(Ka.lex.) umpal.accey land granted for services rendered (Caravan.a. Pan.avit.u. 186); umam < uma landing place, place for unloading goods from ships (Ta.); city (Ta.)(Ta.lex.) umbol.i a free-hold, a gift-land (Tu.lex.) umbrau to become rich, to become fat or sleek, to be under the sway of animal appetites; khub umbrau hor. kanae he is a very rich man; ubri, obra big-bellied (Santali.lex.) uppal.a expansion or dilation (of the heart), exultation; ubbad.iga, ubbariga, ubbudiga increase, greatness; ubbara, urbara swelling, increase; abundance (Ka.Te.); ubar, ubbara id. (Tu.); uber to become thick (Tu.) (Ka.lex.) Clotted: ulban.a, ulvan.a thick clotted, copious, abundant (blood etc.)(Skt.lex.) ulvan.a, ulaban.e, uluban.e, ulban.a, ulban.e thick, clotted; abundant, much, exceeding; immence, powerful; apparent, evident (Ka.lex.) Curdle, coagulate: ur-ai (-v-, -nt-) to thicken, curdle, coagulate, congeal, freeze; n. reserve of curds for curdling milk; ur-ai-mo_r small quantity of sour diluted curd poured over milk to curdle it (Ta.); ur-a curd, what curdles; ur-accal congelation; or-ayuva to be frozen (Ma.); ore state of coagulation of milk (Kod..); urguni to curdle, ferment; urbuliyuni to curdle (Tu.); urra_na_ to coagulate (of ice, dahi, oil, etc.)(Go.)(DEDR 720). gul.ika_ clot (Pali.lex.) 

1152.Land granted free: umpal.am land granted rent-free for the performance of services (Ta.); umbal.amu id. (Te.); umbal.i id. (Ka.); umpil.ikkai id. (Ta.); umbal.ika (Te.); umbar..ige (Ka.); umbol.i (Tu.); umpit.i-k-ko_l a standard measuring rod used for measuring lands (Ta.lex.) umbar..i, umbur..i, ummar..i, ummar..ige, ummur..i, ummur..ige rent-free grant of a plot of land or of a village (Ka.); umbol.i a freehold, land granted without rent, any present (Tu.); umbal.i free from taxation (Te.); udbali- free of tax (inscr.; IEG, pp. 348,350)(Skt.)(DEDR App. 16). Tenancy system: u_p a method by which cultivators get seed, returning at the harvest the amount of seed plus some grain extra (H.); upya to be sown (Ka_tyS'r.)(CDIAL 2334). u_pna_, upna_ to be sown (H.); upyate_ is strewn, is sown (RV.); upn.e~ to sow (M.); vuppati is sown (Pali); vuppai (Pkt.)(CDIAL 2335). umpal.am, umpal.ikkai tax-free lands given for subsistence (Ta.); o_balike_ tax-free (As'. E.I. V, 5). 

1153.Image: mosquito: umlo, umlya_ large red ant (Kon.lex.) umbl.i, umil a mosquito, a gnat; umbru a kind of leech (Tu.lex.) Flea: upa_n.o flea (Ku.); upan pl. (Ku.); upiu~, pl. upiya~_ (N.); upa_ a small kind of sandfly (Mth.)(CDIAL 1821). uppa_t.aka an insect, vermin (Pali); uppad.a a partic. kind of insect (Pkt.)(CDIAL 1821). uphr.a_ flea (of dogs, cattle, etc.)(Kur.); upr.a a goat-flea (Malt.)(DEDR App.15). upi, upi kalgat applied to white ants which at certain stage of their existence assume wings (Santali.lex.) Image: a nit: ul.ngu a nit (?Ka.); ul.u wood-worm (Ta.); ul.umpu grain-moth (Ma.); ul.u wood-worm (Ma.); lupenji a species of ant (?Kui.)(DEDR 700). 

1154.Image: polishing instrument: oppakkatir jeweller's polishing instrument; oppam gloss, polish (Pur-ana_. 147,7, Urai.); oppan- that which has been burnished (S.I.I. ii,7)(Ta.lex.) o_ppam, o_ppu smoothing; oppuka to touch softly, sponge, wipe (Ma.); oppa lustre, polish (Ka.); o_pu, oppa polish (Tu.)(DEDR App. 19). op polish (M.); opayin.e~ to polish (M.); opna_ id. (H.)(CDIAL 2556). 

1155.Wealth, property: ut.ai wealth (Ta.); ut.ama property (Ma.); ut.aimai state of possessing, possession, wealth, property (Ta.); ut.aiyavan owner, possessor of wealth (Ta.); ut.aiya_, ut.aiyavar, ut.aiya_r master, lord (Ta.); ut.aya possessing (Ma.); ut.ayavan, ut.ayatu owner (Ma.); or.yn owner (Ko.); oyr.m jewelry, things in house (Ko.); [cf. vairam diamonds (Ta.)] wir.m things burned at funerals, vessels (To.)[cf. vira.n.y-van.m]; od.ame a possession, wealth, ornament, jewel (Ka.); od.e, od.etana, od.eyatana, od.atana possession, ownership, lordship (Ka.); od.eya owner, lord, master, ruler (Ka.); od.ati female having ownership, mistress (Ka.); od.eve master, god (Kod..)[cf. de_va god (Skt.)]; od.eye husband (Kod..); od.aye, od.eye proprietor, master, lord (Tu.); od.ati mistress (Tu.); od.atana, od.etana proprietorship (Tu.); od.ave property (Tu.); od.ami, od.ame wealth (Te.); od.aya_d.u, od.ayu_d.u master, lord, owner, husband (Te.); od.ayura_lu mistress, female owner (Te.); u_n.d.ri_, u_r.i_, un.d.ri_ mistress of a house (Kur.)[cf. an.d.i_ra- male (Skt.)(CDIAL 1111)]; od.e_ra owner (OM.)(DEDR 593). Great man: ul.a_ra adj. (Vedic. uda_ra; BHSkt. auda_ra) great, eminent, excellent, superb, lofty, noble, rich; Dhammapa_la distinguishes 3 meanings: excellent, best, great; ol.a_ra id.; ul.a_rata_, ul.a_ratta greatness etc.; ol.a_rika gross, coarse, material, ample (Pali.lex.) uyar greatness, nobility, renown (Ci_vaka. 473); uyar-tal to be excellent, exalted, eminent, dignified, superior (Kampara_. Ve_l.. 35); uyar-kut.i high caste, noble family (Na_lat.i, 199); uyartin.ai high caste, noble family (Kur-un. 224); uyarntor celestials (Patir-r-up. 74); persons born in the higher castes (Tol. Po. 26) (Ta.lex.) cf. uyar (-v-, -nt-) to rise (as water), move toward the meridian (as a heavenly body), be high, elevated, lofty, grow, increase, be excellent, eminent (Ta.)(DEDR 646). Great; noble: uda_ra exciting (RV.); lofty, noble (MBh.); raised, noble (Pali); best, chief, wide (Pkt.); ua_ra, uyara id. (Pkt.); ua_ra_ cheap (Or.); ul.a_ra eminent, noble (Pali); ud.a_la great, exalted (As'.); ud.a_like nom.sg.m. a great man (As'.); Widespread: ura_la, urala, o_ra_la chief, best, wide-spread, wide (Pkt.); ul from above (Ash.); uder, ula~r, wulu~r high (Kt.); ura_ra_ wide-spread, wide (H.); ul.aru, ol.aru, olaru, ol.ari high, large, great (Si.)(CDIAL 1935). Spread: al.ur to enclose, cover, overspread, prevail, fall upon; vb.n. al.urke (Ka.); alamu to spread, extend, overspread (of smoke over sky), prevail intensely (of passions); la~_ncu to spread (Te.); almi- to level, spread out (as pieces of wood after the forest is felled, in order to let them dry)(Kond.a)(DEDR 307). ur-ai bell metal; wealth; greatness, excellence (Ta.lex.) u_r-r-am greatness, eminence (Ta.lex.) 

1156.Great: cf. uda_ra exciting (RV.); lofty, noble (MBh.); raised, noble (Pali);Ö r. move (Skt.); uda_ra, ua_ra, uyara best, chief, wide (Pkt.); ua_ra_ cheap (Or.); ud.a_la great, exalted; ud.a_like a great man (As'.); ura_la, urala, o_ra_la chief, best, wide-spread, wide (Pkt.); uli~ from above (Ash.); uder, ula~_r, wulu~r high (Kt.); ura_ra wide-spread, wide (H.); ul.aru, ol.aru, olaru, ol.ari high, large, great (Si.); uda_rika (BHSkt.)(CDIAL 1935). uyar greatness, nobility, renown (Ci_vaka. 473); uyar-tal to be excellent, exalted, eminent, dignified, superior (Kampara_. Ve_l.. 35); uyar-kut.i high caste, noble family (Na_lat.i, 199); uyartin.ai high caste,noble family (Kur-un. 224); uyarnto_r celestials (Patir-r-up. 74); persons born in the higher castes (Tol. Po. 26)(Ta.lex.) cf. uyar (-v-, -nt-) to rise (as water), move toward the meridian (as a heavenly body), be high, elevated, lofty, grow, increase, be excellent, eminent (Ta.)(DEDR 646). Rises; sends: udi_rte_ rises (RV.); udi_rayati causes to move (RV.); udi_re_ti (Pali); uire_i sends (Pkt.); ur- to rise (Pas'.); udiyarti (Pas'.)(CDIAL 1939). i_r move (Skt.); i_rayati causes to rise, brings to life, utters (RV.); udi_rayati causes (RV.); i_rita set in motion, uttered (Pali); i_re_i sends, says (Pkt.); iroiki to stretch and fix warp in position for weaving (Sh.); irina to stretch or set up the warp (D..); irina to say, to do (D..); caus. ira_na to cause to be made (D..)(CDIAL 1614). Delivers; deposits: upa_rpayati brings near (S'Br.); oppe_i, uppe_i hands over, delivers to (Pkt.); opn.e~, vapn.e~ (M.); o_pe_ti makes go into, deposits (Pali); caus. formed from upe_ti approaches (Pali); o_via set upon (Pkt.)(CDIAL 2311). nyarpayati thrown down (AV.); nappan. to seize; nappun. to take, hold; nape_van. to catch; napan. to seize (L.)(CDIAL 7611). pre_ran.a driving on (Skt.); pe_ran.a, pe_ran.a_ impelling (Pkt.); pri_ran act of sending (K.)(CDIAL 9000). pre_rte_ moves, appears (RV.); ce_l. to arrive; caus. cela_ (Mai.); chlo_n. (Chil.)(CDIAL 9001). Moving; enclosing: ul.arvu moving; ul.appu stirring, shaking, agitating (Tirumuru. 198); ul.ar-tal to spread out and draw the fingers through as in drying wet hair (Kalit. 105); to adjust, smooth out as birds their feathers (Kur-un. 82); to shake, cause to move or fly about (Pur-ana_. 133,4); ul.appat.u to be included (Tol. Er..ut. 119); ul.ar-tal to stir, move (Kalit. 112); ul.appa_t.u including, enclosing (Ta.lex.) To send: pre_rayati sets in motion, pushes on (RV.); pe_rai sends; pass. pe_rijjam.ta (Pkt.); pru_run to send (a message); pri_run to dispatch, instigate, order (K.); prervu~ to send, despatch, urge, cause to do (G.); pelle_i sends (Pkt.); pellai, pillai throws (Pkt.) prela draw (water)(Tir.); pre_l, le_l, te_l to herd (cattle), stretch out (hand)(Pas'.); peln.a_ to push (P.); peln.o (Ku.); pelnu (N.); pela_iba to throw away (A.); pel to throw down (MB.); peliba_ to push (Or.); pelal (Bhoj.); pelai pushes, drives away, tramples on; pe_lab to enter by force (OAw.); pelna_ to push (H.); peln.e~ (M.); pelani fit to be thrown away (A.)(CDIAL 9002). cf. arpayati causes to move (AV.); puts in or on (RV.); delivers up (Ya_j.); appe_ti fits in (Pali); appe_i hands over (Pkt.); a_pab to deposit, place (Mth.); a_pvu~ to give, pay (G.)(CDIAL 684). Consignable: cf. arpita fixed (RV.); entrusted (Ya_j.); a_pai_ deposit, present given to a friend at a distance (M.); arp(i)ya consignable (Skt.); appiya given (Pkt.)(CDIAL 685). cf. opa (ot-) to lead away, take away (persons); n. act of leading away; o_va (o_t-) to take away (things), take, receive; n. act of taking (Kui)(DEDR 984). cf. oppat.i harvest (Ta.)(DEDR 982). oppat.ai-ttal to entrust, consign, deliver, give over to the charge of another; oppat.ai entrusting, surrender, commitment, delivery, pledging, giving charge; oppat.aippu delivery in execution of (legal) proceedings; oppu to agree, accede to, assent (Ta.Te.Ka.); oppi (Tu.)(Ta.lex.) oppantam agreement, stipulation, contract (Ta.); oppanda id. (Ka.Tu.); oppandamu id. (Te.); oppantama_naka_n.i land for which the title has been commuted into a lump sum by agreement; oppam signature; writ, summons, citation; written grant of privileges or honours; sanad (J.); oppamit.utal to subscribe one's name to; to grant a certificate of privileges or honours; to grant a diploma or sanad; oppat.imicukku computation of the actual value of a crop;[micukku computation (Ta.)]; oppan.ku_r-u partition deed showing division of property (C.G.); opputalraci_tu delivery receipt for property purchased in court sale; acknowledgement receipt (Ta.lex.)

1157.Common wealth fund: oppat.i a kind of common good fund raised by proportionate contributions from all land owners (G.Tn.D. i,103); oppuravukka_ran- caste man; he that has an equal share with others in inheritance; co-parcener, pan.ka_l.i; opparakka_ran- id. (Ta.lex.) Consent: o_m part. ending of the 1st. pers. pl. (Nan-. 140); yes, the expression of affirmation or consent (Tiruva_lava_. 38,4); o_mpat.utal to express assent; to consent; u_m-en-al onom. expr. signifying assent, attentiveness (Ta.lex.) u_m interjection of anger (Skt.); u~ (H.)(CDIAL 2418). Consent: oppu consent, approval; oppukku for the sake of formality; for the sake of convention; contre coeur; oppu-k-kot.uttal to deliver, hand over, makde over; oppukkoppa_ram entertainment of guests, hospitality; oppukkol.l.utal to take charge; to be agreeable to; to admit, confess (Ta.); oppukonu id. (Te.); opputal-raci_tu delivery receipt for property purchased in court sale; acknowledgement receipt; oppu-mor..i agreement, covenant; oppidam acceptability, propriety (Ta.); oppidamu id. (Te.); oppittal to cause to agree; to deliver, surrender, hand over; oppa_ca_ram agreement, covenant; conformity, proper conduct; opparavar-ital to know what is accepted by the world as proper, as in relation to gifts (Kur-al., Ati. 22); oppuravu agreement, union; custom, usage, duties enjoined by long established custom, caste rules (A_tticu_.); oppuravukka_ran- caste man; he that has an equal share with others in inheritance; co-parceneer; oppuvittal to surrender, deliver, consign, hand over (Ta_yu. Caccita_. 9); to transfer, as a debt; oppu_n. sharing a pleasure along with others; experiencing a thin in common with others instead of solely by oneself (S'ri_vacana. 83); oppo_lai deed of agreement, contract (Civacama. 58)(Ta.lex.) Image: portion: o_pa_ti portion (I_t.u, 5,4,Pra.)(Ta.lex.) 

1158.Image: threshold; doorframe: u~bar, umar, u~mro, u~bhro, u~bri_ threshold, sill (G.); umar, u~bra_, umra_ upper or under cross piece of door-frame, threshold (M.); umbara, umbura upper timber of a door-frame (Skt.); umma_ra threshold, sill, curbstone (Pali); um.bara threshold; ummara lower piece of doorway (Pkt.); ambe_r one piece of a door-frame (top, side, or bottom)(Kho.); umbar upper timber of a door-frame (B.); umbara threshold, upper piece of a door post (Or.); u~bart.ha_ ground under threshold (M.)(CDIAL 2341). Image: arch over doorframe: uttaram.ga wooden arch over doorframe (Skt.); uttara_n.ga upper part (Pkt.); uttaram.ga upper framework of a door (Pkt.); utran.g (H.); otra~g (G.)(CDIAL 1768). uttaram beam, crossbeam in a building (Net.unal. 82, Urai)(Ta.lex.)  

1159.Owl: u_mam owl (Ta.); u_man id. (Ma.); uma gui id. (Pa.); uma-gunji id.(Kond.a)(DEDR 747). 

1160.Snake: uraka-ke_tan-an- Duryo_dhana, whose banner had on it the figure of a serpent (Pa_rata. Ainta_m. 10); urakake_tu id. (Pa_rata. Niraimi_t.. 115); uran.kam < uran.-ga snake, serpent (Pa_rata. Patin-a_n-ka_m. 115)(Ta.lex.) uraga going on the breast: a snake; uragapati the king of snakes: s'e_s.a or va_suki; uragi a female snake (Ka.lex.) urakar called na_gas, supernatural serpents, the upper half being in human form (Pa_rata. Kurukula. 3); cf. uraka_tipan- A_ti-s'e_s.a, chief of serpents; urakan- snake, serpent (Kalla_. 46); urakam snake, serpent (Tiv. Periya_r... 4,4,4); urakatam serpent (Tiruvil.ai. Naripari. 85); but, cf. uram resolution, fortitude, firmness of mind, strength of will (Paripa_. 12,51); strength (Ta.Ma.); hence, urakar may be the men of resolution and fortitude, following the classification consistent with mun-ivar (Ta.lex.) rin.g crawl; rin.kati moves, crawls (BhP.); lin.khati (Dha_tup.); rin.khyate_ (Skt.); rim.khai crawls (Pkt.); rikkhai moves (Pkt.); rikhvu~ to roam, crawl (G.)(CDIAL 10735). rin.khan.a crawling (Skt.); rim.khan.a (Pkt.); rin.khan (B.); ri~ghan. sciatica (P.)(CDIAL 10736). rin.gan.a crawling (Skt.); rin.gan (B.); re~gni_ spasm (H.)(CDIAL 10737). rin.gati crawls; caus. rin.gayati (BhP.); rim.gai creeps (Pkt.); rin.n.o to crawl, creep, go round (Ku.); rin.a_unu to become dizzy (N.); rem.gai creeps (OAw.); ri~_gna_, re~gna_, rai~gna_ to crawl (H.); riggai crawls (Pkt.)(CDIAL 10739). rin.gi motion (BhP.); rin. dizziness (Ku.)(CDIAL 10740). cf. u_r (-v-, -nt-) to move slowly, creep (as an infant), crawl (as a snake)(Ta.)(DEDR 749). 

1161.Image: betel pepper: uraka-valli betel pepper [For semant. 'creep' cf. u_ruka to creep (M.)(DEDR 749)] (Ta.lex.) 

1162.Image: shout: urappu shout, vociferation, roar (Kantapu. Ka_viri. 44); urappal roaring sound (Pin..)(Ta.); roppu (Te.); urappu-tal to whoop, vociferate inarticulately as in driving cattle or in scaring away birds, beasts, or human beings; to shout so as to menace or intimidate (Tiv. Iyar-. Cir-iya. Ma. 37); to bluster, roar, sound loudly (Pin..); to frighten (Te_va_. 524,3); to sound kh, ch, t.h, th, ph, the aspirates of hard consonants in Skt. (Nan-. 146, Mayilai.); to cause to sound loudly (Tan.ikaippu. Val.l.i. 38); urar-r-utal to resound; roar, as an elephant; to roll, as thunder (Ci_vaka. 865); urar-u-tal to resound, reverberate, roar (Malaipat.u. 357); ur-ukku-tal to menace, threaten (Ci. Ci. 2,16); ur-ukku threatening (Kampara_. Pacace_n-a_. 66)(Ta.lex.) ur-umu-tal to growl, as a wild beast; to grunt, as a pig; to rumble as thunder; to sound as the ur-umi drum (Ta.); ur-umbu id. (Ma.)(Ta.lex.) Image: to grunt; roar of tiger: ur-umpuka to roar, grumble; ur-umpal roar of tiger (Ma.); r-oppu to roar, grunt (like a hog)(Ka.); ur-umu to thunder, roar; roppu, r-oppu to roar, yell, drive (Te.); urum thunder (Ga.); ru_mba to roar (Kui); orlu, or-al(u), or-al.u to cry out from pain, scream; n. outcry, scream, snarl (Ka.); r-o_lu, ro_lu to weep or cry aloud (Te.); hu_rra thunder (Br.); ora_l to roar (Apabhram.s'a)(DEDR 718). ul.ai-tal to howl as a jackal (Tin.aima_lai. 113); ul.ai-ttal id. (Man.i. 9,111); u_l.ai-y-it.u-tal to howl as jackal or dog (Cu_ta. Ekki. Pu_. 46,20)(Ta.lex.) u_l.an- jackal (Ta.Ma.)(Ta.lex.) hudhud, hud.hud. roaring as of a large fire or river in flood; hudgu dugur to blaze as a fire; hudhudau to roar as of a large fire or river in flood; hud hudi a waterfll, a cascade; hudhudau to roar as a wild boar or bear (Santali.lex.) 

1163.Image: comb: uran.e a kind of comb (Tu.lex.) cf. u.k- to comb (Kod..)(DEDR 689). urvan.e an instrument for destroying nits (Tu.); ur..u to arrange or adjust (as hair with the fingers)(Ta.); ur.-, ur.v- id. (Ga.); d.u_s- to comb hair (Kond.a); ur.-, u_s-, ucca_na_ to comb (Go.); ru_ssali to dress (another's hair)(Kuwi); ru_ca a comb (Kuwi); r.u_ca, lu_ca id. (Kuwi)(DEDR 689). koriba_, kuriba_ to comb (Or.)(CDIAL 3530). Image: combing: ullikhana (ud + likh) combing, scratching; olikhati to scrape off, cut off, shave off (hair) (Pali.lex.) Image: to be dishevelled: ur..ampu (ur..ampi-) to be disturbed, confused; ur..appu (ur..appi-) to confuse, disturb; ul.ampu (ul.ampi-) to stir up game (Ta.); ur..ampuka to hasten, hurry; to be disconcerted; ur..appuka to hasten, hurry; to be dishevelled (Ma.)(DEDR 682). hodgo hairy, shaggy; tur.uk lekako hodgok kana growing beards like Turks; hodgo hodgo can.d.bolanako they have very shaggy tails (Santali.lex.)

1164.Image: running knot: ur-i a running knot, loop, noose (Ma.); ural, uril, urul, urul., urlu, url.u a running knot, noose, snare (Ka.); urlu a noose, snare (Tu.); uri noose or running knot, halter, snare, execution by a halter (Tu.)(DEDR 655). Image: noose: urul, urulu, ural a noose; urulgole killing by means of snares; urul.u a noose (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) ural a running knot, a noose, a snare, gin (Ka.); uri (Te.); ur-i a running knot, loop, noose (Ma.); uccu a slip-knot, noose (Te.)(Ka.lex.) Image: rope network: cf. ur-i hoop or rope network for placing pots (Ta.)(DEDR 708). Image: measure of capacity: na_vuri a standard measure = 1 1/2 na_r..i; na_r..i one-fourth of a measure = 8 ollocks (na_r..i navaiti_ rulakela_m : Kampara_. Carapan.ka. 29); one-fourth of a measure (Nalvar..i, 28)(Ta.); uri a measure of capacity = 1/2 measure (urivaruka_lai : Tol. Er..ut. 240)(Ta.lex.) uri half a na_r..i or two ur..akku (Ma.)(DEDR 653). ut.t.a, ot.t.i a fibrous net-work sling, in which pots etc. are suspended from a stick thrown across the shoulder (Ka.); ur-ad.e, ut.la_t.a, ut.lubad.i, ur-od.e, ullad.e a play in which cocoanuts, sugar etc. are suspended and swung, when persons dressed like herdsmen attempt to strike and obtain them, especially on the day after Kr.s.n.a's birthday; ut.lubad.i a play (on the same day) in which a net-work containing vessels filled with fruit etc. is suspended from a pole; and while the so-called herdsmen are trying to strike it for the purpose of obtaining the fruit etc., the owner of it draws it up beyond their reach (Ka.); ur-iyat.i (Ta.)(Ka.lex.) 

1165.Image: to wrestle: urud.u to wrestle (Ka.Tu.); urd.uni id., struggle (Tu.); urd.a_t.a wrestling (Tu.); un-rga_na_ to close or wrestle with (Go.)(DEDR 669). 

1166.To peel, skin, bark: uri (-v-, -nt-) to peel (as skin, bark); strip off (as clothes); n. rind, peel, skin stripped off, bark (Ta.); urivai skin, hide, peel, rind, stripping, flaying, peeling off; uruvu (uruvi-) to strip (as beads from a string, as leaves from a twig), unsheath (as a sword)(Ta.); uri skin; uriyuka to be stripped, skinned; strip off; urikka to flay, skin a jackfruit, coco-nut; urippu, uriccal flaying, stripping; u_ruka to strip off, flay, draw off or out, unsheathe (Ma.); us't- (us'ty-) to take off (ring, bangle, shirt or coat, sari)(To.); uricu to flay, strip off covering or skin, cast off (as the slough); get loose; urcu to draw (as a sword); become loose; uccu to daraw (as a sword); cast (as a slough), loosen (as a knot); become loose, be cast (as a slough); ore to draw, pull, draw out or off; urmbu to pluck leaves (Ka.); rumbuni to strip off, pluck off, as leaves from a stalk; rumbu stripping, plucking; urumbu, rumbu to tear off (as leaves from a twig)(Tu.); urbu to pluck leaves (Kor.); uyp- to take off (clothes wrapped round middle)(Nk.); uyk-, uykip- (uykit-) (serpent) to slough its skin (Pa.); uy- to be flayed, to be sloughed (skin of snake); uy'- (snake) to slough its skin; uysp- to flay; uvi_le, uyka slough of snake; uccha_na_ to strip (of hemp); u_ca_na_ to strip hemp, pluck (bird), (pigs) strip kodon field; ucc- to strip off (Go.); urna_ (uryas) to rub off the leaves of a branch, the spikes of a corn-ear, by passing the hand along (Kur.); urgre, urwre to fall off (as the hair), slip off (Malt.)(DEDR 652). 

1167.Pungent: urappam asafoetida (Malai.); ur-aippu sharpness of taste; pungency (Ta.); ur-ai-ttal to be pungent, biting, sharp (Kampara_. Ce_tupan. 60)(Ta.lex.) ugra pungent (Skt.lex.) ur-ai (-pp-, -tt-) to be biting, pungent, sharp; n.pungency, corrosiveness; ur-aippu sharpness, pungency (Ta.); ur-a sharpness (Ma.); or-r-a pungent, acrid; pungency, acridity; or-r-a~danamu, or-r-ana pungency, acridity; var-r-a pungent taste, pungency, pungent (Te.)(DEDR 722). 

1168.Image: a drum: ur-umi a kind of drum played upon chiefly by tot.t.iya beggars (Can.. Aka.); ur-umai id. (Kampara_. Pirama_ttira. 5)(Ta.lex.)

1169.Medicine: ur-ai medicine, medicament (Cilap. 7,8); pungency, corrosiveness (Tiva_.); ur-aippu sharpness of taste (Ta.)(Ta.lex.) 

1170.Share of the village watchman: ur-ai-na_r..i share of the village watchman in ancient times, (vet.t.iya_n- ma_niyam; ur-aina_r..i vet.t.i...ul.l.it.t.a an-aittuvar-kamum : S.I.I. ii,247,8). ur-ai offering (na_n.a_l.ur-aiyu nar-u ca_ntun. ko_taiyum : Paripa_. 16,52)(Ta.lex.) 

1171.Breast and shoulders; pectoral, amulet: urasa pectoral (Pkt.); having a strong breast (Pa_n..); urahu breast, chest (S.); urs'i_ having breasts, arrived at puberty (M.)(CDIAL 2351). ur-ukku amulet (Ma.); urku id. (Tu.)(DEDR 714). ur-uppu the breast with the shoulders (Ma.)(DEDR 710). ur-uppu the breast with the shoulders (Ma.); body, limb (Ta.)(DEDR 710). uran- breast (uran cinka na_tam. kit.ant acaiya : Tiruvil.ai. Ulava_k. 7); strength of will, self-control (Kural., 24); support, prop (Ta.lex.) Image: chest: uram < uras chest, breast, bosom (Kampara_. Ma_ri_ca. 93); uran- breast (Tiruvil.ai. Ulava_k. 7)(Ta.lex.) Image: breast, shoulder: ura-cakka an iron wheel (put on the chest), as an instrument of torture; uracchada breast cover, breast plate (for ornament); uran deti to put oneself on to; ura the base of a carriage pole = i_sa_mu_la); ura chest, contrasted with pit.t.hi back (Pali.lex.) Large bag for clothes: ur-uppa large bag chiefly for clothes (Ma.); uripe small bag in which the makings of betel-quid are carried (Kod..)(DEDR 716). Breast: uras breast (RV.); uro_, uram (Pali); ura (Pkt.); uru good memory (S.); ur breast, energy, strength (P.); breast, heart (H.Mth.); u_r breast (M.); ura_d. a high projecting breast (M.); Breast-tie of a pack-saddle: ura_t.hi_ breast-tie of a pack-saddle (M.)[+?]; uraya, oraya breast, shoulder (Si.)(CDIAL 2350). uru wide (RV.Pali.Pkt.); uruk cheek?(Kal.)(CDIAL 2353). To put up saddle: ur-uttu to put up, as the saddle on a horse (puravipan.n.ur-uttit.uvo_r : Nait.ata. Cuyam.58); to bring in contact, clap together; to insert, encase (Ta.lex.) Image: bag: ur-uttu-tal to put up, as the saddle on a horse (Kait.ata. Cuyam. 58)(Ta.lex.) ur-ai cover e.g., pillow-case (Cu_l.a_. Kalya_. 180); receptacle for grain, a kind of sack (W.)(Ta.lex.)

1172.Protection: uppu being, abiding; protection (Ka.); to be; to abide; to support; to protect (Tu.); ur-u to protect (Ka.lex.) Defence of fort: ur..iai-t-tin.ai theme describing the defence of a fort when it is being besieged; theme describing the laying siege to a fort (Tol. Po. 65); ur..iai-ma_lai poem which describes the storming of a fort (Ton-. 283, Urai.)(Ta.lex.)

1173.Image: squirrel: ur-uttai squirrel (W.)(Ta.); ur-uta (Te.); ud.ute (Ka.)(Ta.lex.)

1174.Costum: ur-palam Arabian costum, ko_t.t.am (Malai.)(Ta.lex.)

1175.Image: to split: ur-a-ttal to nip, pinch off, tear open (Ka_l.at. Ula_. 460); to split with force, cleave, rend, rive (Kampara_. Iran.i. 138)(Ta.lex.)

1176.To squeeze out: ur-a-ttal to press, out as pulp; to squeeze out as juice (W.)(Ta.lex.)

1177.Image: carrying burdens: ur-ikka_ balancing pole used by pilgrims for carrying burdens (Perumpa_n.. 171); ur-i hoop or a network of rope for placing pots, and suspended by a cord from the roof of a house, from the hand, or from the end of a pole carried on the shoulder (Kali. 9,2); id. (Ka.Ma.); ut.t.i id. (Te.); ur-i-y-at.i an annual festival in a_van.i corresponding to August-September in which herdsmen break pots suspended in networks of rope, to commemorate the mythological story of S'ri Kr.s.n.a stealing butter during his childhood; ur-i-y-at.ukku-c-cat.t.i a number of small kitchen utensils placed one over the other and suspended from the roof in a network of rope (W.)(Ta.lex.)

1178.Image: crab: uri a small crab (Tu.lex.)

1179.Image: ant: ur-avi ant (Ci_vaka. 319)(Ta.lex.) uml.o, uml.ya_ a red ant; urna_, urne very small ant (Kon.lex.) uri a kind of red ant, usually found on trees (Tu.lex.)

1180.Ploughman: urave a person who ploughs; ural a plough-man or a cow-boy singing at the top of his voice while at work; uralu korpini; ura ploughing for the fourth time (Tu.lex.)

1181.Image: ship: uruvu, uru vessel, ship (Ma.); uru schooner, small vessel (Ta.)(DEDR 659). Float: ul.umpa a raft, a float; ul.umpan bandhati (Pali.lex.) ud.upa raft (MBh.)[cf. ho_d.a (Skt.)(CDIAL 1695) < o_t.am]. cf. dviku_pakana_va_ schooner (Pali)(Pali.lex.) Boat: ro_ka boat (Skt.lex.) r.o- (-t-) to fasten, attach, suspend; r.oser bamboo frame for drying things in winter (Kond.a); r.o- (-t-) to hang up (Pe.)(DEDR 5184). Boat: hoori an oared boat in use in the Indian Ocean and the Gulf. (Shereen Ratnagar, Encounters, the Westerly trade of the Harappa Civilization, Delhi, OUP, 1981, p. 160).

1182.Weaver's shuttle: o_t.am weaver's shuttle (Ta.lex.)

1183.Silver: aru_, ure silver (Ash.); ure_i (Wg.); ru_, aru_ (Kt.); uru (Pr.); wuro_ (Gmb.); ra_wa, ru_a (Kal.); rajata silvery (RV.); silver (AV.Pali); rayada, rayaya (Pkt.); ridi_ (Si.); rayayamaya made of silver (Pkt.); ridi_muva_ (Si.)(CDIAL 10576-7). uruku (uruki-) to dissolve with heat, melt, liquefy, be fused, become tender, melt (as the heart), be kind, glow with love, be emaciated; urukku (urukki-) to melt with heat (as metals or congealed substances), reduce, emaciate (as the body), destroy; n. steel, anything melted, product of liquefaction; urukkam melting of heart, tenderness, compassion, love (as to a deity, friend or child); urukkin.am that which facilitates the fusion of metals (as borax)(Ta.); urukuka to melt, dissolve, be softened; urukkuka to melt; urukkam melting, anguish; urukku what is melted, fused metal, steel (Ma.); uk steel (Ko.); uruku, ukku id. (Ka.); ur- (uri-) to melt; urik- (uriki-) id.; ukki steel (Kod..); ukku id. (Te.); uri-, ur.i- to be melted, dissolved; urih-/urh- (Go.); ru_g- to melt, dissolve (Kond.a); u_ra (u_ri-) to be dissolved; pl. action u_rka (u_rki-); ru_ga (ru_gi-) to be dissolved (Kui); ru_y- to be dissolved; ru_khnai to smelt; uku, ukku steel (Kuwi)(DEDR 661).

1184.Sheaf: u_ri_ in cutting rice or grass or collecting dry leaves, each of the small heaps made from place to place, to be gathered in later, a sheaf of corn (Kur.); hu_ri_ mud receptacle (i.e. unbaked clay jar) for storing fodder etc. (Br.)(DEDR 753).

1185.Coarse hair: urut.a-ku_dalu coarse hair; urat.a-ar-ive coarse cloth; urat.un.d.e_ bat.t.e coarse or strong woollen cloth (Ka.lex.) urut.u, urat.u coarseness of cloth; urut.ubat.t.e coarse cloth (Ka.lex.) ur-i a coarse network, made of rope or ratan, in which pots and other vessels are suspended from the beam of a house, or from the stick thrown across the shoulder, by which they are carried (Ka.); id. (Ta.Ma.); ut.t.i (Te.)(Ka.lex.)

1186.Image: die: uruvam die used in gaming (Kalit. 136)(Ta.lex.) ur..akku dice-box (Ta.)(DEDR 681). ur..akkurut.t.u-tal to indulge in gambling at dice (Ta.); ur..akku-tal to play (Pat.t.in-ap. 101)(Ta.lex.) udumbara = ud.um-bhara full of starlike rounded parts [Sanskritization of ud.umbara]; ud.umbara ficus glomerata the fruit is full of white granular parts (Vedic.lex.) Image: mole, freckle: vat.u wart, mole, scar, wale, mouth of an ulcer or wound, fault, defect, injury, calamity; vat.impu mark, scar; vat.uku a flaw in a gem (Ta.); vat.u mark of stripe, scar, weal, wart, mole, freckle (Ma.)(DEDR 5227). pat.uvan- boil, abscess (Ta.); pat.uvan small ulcer (Ma.)(DEDR 3859). cf. pad.a_ku hole, crevice (Te.)(DEDR 3857). Image: gold bead: uru gold bead or other ornament strung on either side of the marriage badge (Ta.); urukku-man.i (rukma + an.i) solid globules or gold soldered together around a ring and worn by women as ear-drops (Ta.); urukkuman.i-k-ka_tila id. (Ma.); urukkuttu-tal to cast in a mould (Net.unal. 57, Urai.)(Ta.lex.)

1187.Image: wide opening in a jar: uru-bila having a wide opening (a jar) (S'Br. vi.ix.); urubja wide open (RV. ix. 77.4)(Vedic.lex.)

1186a. Image: scales of fish : pod.asu scales of fish (Tu.); pola, polasu, polusu id. (Te.); plo_kosi id. (Kui)(DEDR 4480).  cf. pod.ucu to pierce, prick, stab, thrust, gore, bore, perforate (Te.)(DEDR 4560).

1187a. Axe: po.d.c adze (To.)(DEDR 5339). wa_t. axe (Wg.); wa_t.ak (Pas'.); bardog , bardox axe (Kho.); wadok (Kal.)(CDIAL 11374). va_~d. edge, sharp edge, sharpness (Pa.); sharp, keen, edged, pointed; n. sharpness, pointedness, braery, courage, valour; va_~d.imi sharpness, pointedness, bravery, courage, valour (Te.); vat.i (-pp-, -tt-) to sharpen; n. sharpness (Ta.)(DEDR 5349). Cf. va_cci, va_yci, va_t.ci adze (Ta.); va_cci adze, scraper (Ma.); po.d.c adze (To.); ba_ci adze (Ka.); ba_ci, ba_ji adze (Tu.(DEDR 5339). va_s'i adze (Skt.)(CDIAL 11588). cf. va_l. sword, saw, ploughshare, scissors, sharpness (Ta.)(DEDR 5376). bed.i_r sledgehammer (Kho.); bad.il (Gaw.); bad.i_r (Bshk.); bad.hi_r axe (Phal.); bad.hi_r sledgehammer (Phal.)(CDIAL 11385). bad.ige hammer, mallet, stick, staff, cudgel (Ka.)(DEDR 5224). bad.i, bad.e, bod.i, bod.e a short thick stick, cudgel (Ka.); bad.i- (bad.ip-, bad.ic-) to hammer, pound (Kod..); bad.u stick, cudgel (Tu.); bad.ita, bad.iya, bad.e thick stick, cudgel (Te.); bed.ta club (Kol.); bur.ga stick, club (Kuwi); bad.ga_ cudgel, stick; bad.vin.e~ to bruise, beat (M.); vat.i club of armed brahmans, stick, staff, shaft, stroke (Ma.); vat.ippu iron rod (Ta.)(DEDR 5224). bur.ia_ small axe (Or,); vr.ddhi cutting off (Skt.); va_d.h, ba_d.h cutting, killing (P.); va_d.hi_, ba_d.hi_ harvesting, harvest (P.)(CDIAL 12075). vardhana cutting, slaughter (Mn.); va.dhin.i_ cutting (S.); va_d.un (Si.)(CDIAL 11377). vivardhita cut off (Skt.); vid.d.ha_ notch (L.)(CDIAL 11928). va_d.h, ba_d.h cutting edge (P.); ba_r.h book-binder's paper-cutter (Bi.); ba_r. blade of a khukri (N.); badhri_, badhriya_, badhra_, badha_ru_ knife with a heavy blade for reaping with (Bi.); bardha_n.u_ to shear sheep (Wpah.); vardh cut (Skt.)(CDIAL 11371). vad.hu a cut (S.); vardha a cutting (Skt.); vad.d.h, bad.d.h a cut in a piece of wood, chip (P.); vad.d.ha_, bad.d.ha_ cut, mark (P.); va_d.h cut, wound; reaping a field (G.); vad.a-ya act of cutting off (Si.)(CDIAL 11372). vardhaka in cmpd. 'cutting'; carpenter (R.); ci_vara-vad.d.haka tailor (Pali)(CDIAL 11374). vad.d.haki carpenter, building mason (Pali); vardhaki carpenter (MBh.)(CDIAL 11375). va_d.ho carpenter (S.); va_d.d.hi_, ba_d.d.hi_ (P.); vad.u pertaining to carpentry (Si.)(CDIAL 11568).

1258.Image: harrow: a_r.gom a clod crusher, a harrow without teeth; to harrow; a_r.gom bhuk the whole into which the shaft, to which the cattle are yoked, is inserted into the harrow; a_r.gom laga to decide without full investigation, to ride roughshod over; a_r.gom a constellation so named; it is part of the constellation scorpio, and is composed of 4 stars, three of which are in line, and the other at the apex of the triangle. The star at the apex is antares, or cor scorpii, a star of first magnitude (Santali.lex.) d.ala_, dala_ a strong loam; a large lump, a clod; dala_i_ breaking or grinding grain; wages for the same (P.lex.) dal deep mud, quagmire; dalahi a marsh, a quagmire (Santali.lex.)

1187b. Stubble: vad.d.h ears of corn remaining in a field after sheaves have been removed (L.); vad.d.h, bad.d.h stubble of grain (wheat, maize, etc.)(CDIAL 11372). va_d.hi_, ba_d.hi_ harvesting, harvest (P.)(CDIAL 12075).

1188a.Image: slice, portion: vad.e slices (Kol.); var.ka, var.ga_ division, part (Go.); vad.ga_ half, portion (Go.)(DEDR 5228).

1188b. Image: rope: vat.i rope (Ta.); vat.am cable, cord, large rope, bowstring (Ta.); rope (Ma.); vat.a, vat.ara, vat.i string, rope (Ka.); vat.i rope, cord (Te.); vat.iya strong rope made of paddy straw (Go.)(DEDR 5220). vat.a string, rope (Skt.)(CDIAL 11212).

1188c. Image: stick: vat.i stick (Ta.); stick, staff, club of armed brahmans (Ma.); bad.i short thick stick (Ka.); bad.u stick (Tu.); bad.ita, bad.iya, bad.e thick stick (Te.); bad.ya walking stick (Te.); bar.iya stick (Pa.); bad.d.e, bad.d.i, bad.ga, bar.ga, bar.iya, war.iya_ stick (Go.); bad.ga stick (Kond.a); bad.iga big walking stick (Kond.a); bad.ge stick, staff (Pe.); bad.ga stick (Mand..); bar.ga, bar.iya stick (Kuwi); bur.ga stick, club (Kuwi); bad.ga_ cudgel, stick (M.)(DEDR 5224).

1188d. Image: quickness: vad.i quickness, speed (Te.); vad.ika~d.u a quick man, a brave man; vad.igala quick, rapid (Te.); vad.i, vad.i vad.i quickly (Kol.)(DEDR 5226).

1189.Image: body: wa_d. body (Pas'.)(CDIAL 11373). Image: body: vat.ivam form, shape, figure; vat.ivu form, shape, body (Ta.); vat.ivu form, size, manner, figure, beauty (Ma.); vat.i (-v-, -nt-) form, shape (Ta.)(DEDR 5223). ut.al body (Pin..); ut.alam id. (Te_va_. 584,7)(Ta.); ud.al (Tu.Ma.); od.al (Ka.); od.alu (Te.); ut.ar (Kampara_. Kuka. 70)(Ta.)(Ta.lex.) cf. ut.al consonant (Nan-. 204); ut.al-er..uttu = meyyer..uttu (Ta.lex.)

1189a. Image: strong man: urapat.i, urapit.i strong physique, roughness, strength, firmness of body (J.); uravu strength, firmness (Pur-ana_. 25,3) uravam strength, force, firmness (Te_va_. 344,8); uravan- strong man; learned man, man of knowledge (Patir-r-up. 71,25); uraviyan- strong man (Tiv. Tiruppa_. 3, Vya_. 63); uravu-tal to become vigorous, get strong (Pa_rata. Patin-a_n-. 51); uravo_n- strong man (Pur-ana_. 18,4); person of spirit, enthusiasm (Kur-al., 597); senior, elder (Tiva_.); uran- strength of will, self-control (Kur-al., 24); support, prop (Kalit. 68); victory (Kur-al., 1263); knowledge (Tol. Po. 239); uran-ar persons of strong will (Ja_n-ava_. Upaca_n. 66); ura_vu-tal to become strong, to grow powerful (Ja_n-ava_. Pucun.. 93)(Ta.lex.)

1188.Image: body: ur-uppu body (Kur-al., 993)(Ta.lex.) ur-avi life, soul (Pin..)(Ta.); ur-pan-am < ut-panna that which is born, produced (Iraku. Araci. 4); ur-patti < ut-patti birth, origin, derivation (Tirunu_r-. 79); ur-pavam < ud-bhava origin, birth (Pa_rata. Cacaya. 7); ur-pava-ma_lai poem which describes the ten incarnations of Vis.n.u (Ton-. 283, Urai.); ur-pavittal to be conceived, be born; to originate, come into existence; to rise, as the sun (Pa_rata. Cacaya. 7); to bring into existence, create (Pa_rata. Naccu. 41); ur-uttu-tal to cause to be, to originate (Tan.ikaippu. Akat. 234)(Ta.lex.) Image: trunk of body: urv trunk of body (Ko.); urp shape, appearance, image of god in form of small silver plate (Ko.)(DEDR 657). suru_pa handsome (Pali); suru_va (Pkt.); suruva handsome (OG.); suru_ beautiful (Si.)(CDIAL 13508). saru_pa of the same form (Pali); like (RV.); shapely, beautiful (Skt.)(CDIAL 13265).

1190.Imaged: idol; fine woman: uru (-pp-, -tt-) to assume a form, issue forth; n. body, shape, form, beauty, idol (Ta.); urupu form, shape, colour (Ta.); uruvu shape, form (Ta.); form (Ma.); urp form, idol (To.); oru features, form, mark, shape (Tu.); uravu beauty, fitness (Te.); uruvu form, shape (Te.) <? ru_pa (Skt.)(DEDR 657). ari beauty; arivai woman between the age of 20 and 25; woman, lady (Ta.); aruva fine woman (Ma.); aragin.i a neat or tidy woman (?Tu.)(DEDR 217). ru_pa form, beauty (RV.); form (Pali); rupa spectacle, divine figure (?As'.); ru_va, ru_a beauty (Pkt.); ru_va (OG.); ruva, ru_ (Si.); ru_ra_ beautiful (OAw.); ru_r.a_, ru_ra_ (H.); ru_ad.au (OG.); rur.u~ good, proper, virtuous (G.); ror.o good, delicious, handsome (WPah.)(CDIAL 10803).

1191.Excellent wife: urvari_ the excellent wife (a wife presented together with many others for choice)(AV. x.4.21); o_s.adhi_na_maham vr.n.a urvari_riva sa_dhuya_ I choose as it were the filaments of herbs successfully; urvas'i_ widely extending, name of the dawn, personified as an apsaras, who became the wife of Puru_ravas (RV., AV. xviii.3.23); urviya_ widely (RV. i.92.9); urvi_ earth, the wide one; wide, extensive (RV. iii.33.3; RV. vi.62.5; RV. v.66.3); urvya_ vastness, amplitude (S'Br. i.5.1.17) (Vedic.lex.) Relationship: ur-aivu abiding, abode; ur-aivi woman resident; ur-avi relationship; ur-uttal bringing into contact; ur-a (-pp-, -nt-) to crowd, be close together; ur-al being near, relationship; ur-avu relationship, friendship, love; ur-an:ku (ur-an:ki-) to dwell, abide; ur-ar.. (-v-, -nt-) to be close, dense, crowded (Ta.); ur-u to dwell (Ta.); ur-ai to reside, dwell; ur-a near, nigh (Ta.); ur-r-a close, near; ur-r-u near, closely; ur-ayuka to stay; ur-r-a close, near; ur-avu nearness, relationship (Ma.); ur-f- (ur-t-) to have sexual intercourse with (To.); or-al to be attached to, love; n. attachment, love; uppu love, esp. doting affection; being, abiding; protetion, esp. of a place marked out by lines in a game; u_r-u to be , exist, stay, reside (Ka.); uppuni to be, exist, live in; have, possess (with dative of person); help, protect; uppe_runi cattle to copulate (e_runi to climb)(Tu.); ujji to keep (Kor.); ur-u to be fit, happen, arise; adj. proper, becoming; uru to be excellent, fit; u_nu to happen, occur; u_n(u)cu to make, cause to ocur (Te.); ubga ( < ug-b; ugd-) to agree with, suit, fit, fulfil (Kui)(DEDR 710).

1192.Numerous; surplus: ur-u to be numerous; adj. much, abundant; ur-ai to increase, grow (Ta.); ur-u plenty, copious, much, abundant; to increa; urvu pride (Ma.); ur-al.i a mass, multitude; ur-ube id., excess; ur-ubu, ur-uvu id., largeness; ur-e abundantly, much, greatly; mass, abundance, largeness; urbinam., urvinam. largely, greatly; urvisu to cause to increase; ur-u to increase; ur-umike abundance, excess; urme grandeur; urvu pride (Ka.); urubu, urbi, urbu increase as of any disease or trouble; urdi increase, prosperity (Tu.); ur-avu, uravu abundance; abundant, much; uruvu magnitutde, largeness, bigness, amount; sum; great, big; or-r-u large, big; odde abundance, plenty; ommu plumpness, largeness; adj. plump, large (Te.); uruvu magnitude, largeness, bigness, amount; sum; great, big (Te.)(DEDR 711). hor, hora_ a number of people going together to a marriage feast; horet, horeta_ bride-groom (Kon.lex.) ur-ai-po_ to exceed computation; to be too numerous even for numbering by symbols (Patir-r-up. 66,8)(Ta.lex.) ur-a near, nigh; to crowd, be close together (Ta.); ur-uka to be joined (Ma.); ur-d (ur-t-) to have sexual intercourse with (To.); ur-u to be fit, happen, arise; proper, becoming (Te.); uru to be excellent, fit (Te.)(DEDR 710). Mass: ur-ube mass, multitude, excess; vehemence, force, fierceness; ur-uvu, ur-ubu the state of being joined or close; bigness, greatness (Ka.); ur-uppu, ur-ubu id., narrowness (Ta.); ur-avu, ur-uvu (Te.); uru wide, spacious; extended, large, great; much, excessive; excellent, valuable (Ka.lex.) ur-a-ttal to crowd, to be close together (Tol. Col. 347); ur-appu denseness, thickness, closeness; ur-al being near, coming, drawing near, approaching (Kur-al., 378); or-al id. (Ka.); ur-al relationship (Kur-al., 885); ur-ar..-tal to be close, dense, crowded (Tiva_.); ur-ar..vu closeness, denseness as of a forest (Tiva_.); ur-u-tal to be attached, devoted to (Tiv. Tiruva_y. 5,8,2); to join, associate with (Iraku. Nakarap. 42); to touch, come in contact with (Ci_vaka. 2339); to move towards a point (Te_va_. 1190,8)(Ta.lex.)

1193.Image: lines: uppu protection, especially the protection of a place marked out by lines in the play called ra_ma pat.t.iya_t.a; uppu a game at which the women play (Ka.Ta.); uvappu play (Ta.)(Ka.lex.)

 1194.Image: resemblance; competition: ur-ar..-tal to resemble (Ain:kur-u. 273); to be compared with; to be contrasted (Tol. Po. 238); ur-ar..-kali a variety of kali verse in which statement and response alternate (Tol. Po. 468); ur-ar..ci rivalry, competition (Ci_vaka. 879); admission of an option in the combination of words in regard to a letter undergoing a change or remaining unchanged (Nan-. 123, Mayilai.); ur-ar..vu id. (Nan-. 227); enmity, hostility (Tiva_.); obstacle, impediment (Tiva_.); resemblance, likeness (Pa_rata. Cu_tu. 77); ur-ar..a a sign of comparison (Tol. Po. 287)(Ta.lex.) Likeness; to deliver, suit, be fit; agreeableness; contract, agreement: o (-pp-, -tt-) to be suited to, appropriate, be acceptable, be in a happy concord, resemble, equal, appear as if it were; ottatu that which is commensurate with or fit, that which has the approval of the world; oppu (oppi-) to agree, accede to, assent; n.that which is fit or proper, beauty, consent, approval, uniformity, likeness, analogy; oppantam agreement, contract, unanimity; oppam comparison, resemblance, ornamentation; signature; kaiy-oppam signature; oppan-ai comparison, likeness, adornment; oppi (-pp-, -tt-) to liken, compare, embellish; cause to agree, deliver; oppitam acceptability, propriety, fairness; oppumai likeness; oppuvi (-pp-, -tt-) to surrender, consign, illustrate; ovvu (ovvi-) to be like, be congruous, consistent; o_pa_ti particle of comparison (Ta.); okkuka to be like, please, be acceptable, agree, compare; otta equal, consistent, agreeable, right; oppanam comparison; adornment; oppam equality, harmony; oppantam agreement, contract; opparam unity, agreement; oppa_ti comparison, simile; oppa_yam something agreeable; oppa_ran a mediator; oppa_ri parable, flattery; oppa_rittam simile, comparison; oppu conformity; signature; oppikka to equalize, compare, adjust, please, persuade; kayy-oppu signature; ovvuka to be in agreement (Ma.); op- (opy-) to be acceptable; accept, agree with; op state of being in agreement; opc- to hand over, entrust (Ko.); up- (upy-) to be pleased, agree; upc-, ufc- to hand over; koy-upm signature (To.); oppu, orpu to agree with, suit, be fit, becoming, or agreeable, be beautiful, agree to, assent, consent; n. fitness etc., consent, beauty; oppisu, oppayisu to assign, deliver, present, give, make consent; oppa fitness, propriety, elegance, beauty, agreement; oppanda agreeing, agreement, contract; oppita that has been agreed to, consent; oppike, oppige, oppuvike agreeing, consent; ommu to concur, assent, admit, agree, be fit or proper; n. agreeing, assenting, etc.; o_pa_di likeness, similarity; ombu to be agreeable (Ka.); o- (opp-, ott-) to be suitable; consent, agree; otta- (ottan.d.-) to consent; oppa.ra good manners, quiet and respectful manners (Kod..); oppiyuni to admit, acquiese in, agree to, assent, consent, be fit or suitable, resemble; oppa_vuni, oppiya_vuni to cause to consent or agree, persuade; oppanda agreement, contract, treaty; oppige consent, agreement, compliance; oppu, kaiyy-oppig signature; ombuni to be suitable, agree with; ombu becoming elegant; o_pa_di like, according to; otton.u to agree, accept, undertake (Tu.); oppu to consent, agree, acquiesce, admit, acknowledge, be fit, suitable, proper, suit, be agreeable, elegant, beautiful; n. fitness, propriety, correctness, elegance, beauty, consent, assent; oppamu beauty; oppagincu to cause to consent or agree, cause to admit; oppincu id., to assign or make over, commit, entrust; oppandamu contract, agreement; oppidamu agreeableness, beauty; agreeable, graceful; oppudala consent, assent; ommu to suit, agree with one's health; ommika suitability, fitness; ovvu to agree, be fit, worthy, can; n. (also o_pika) strength, ability (Te.); ovol (pl. ovosil) thing or person of first rank; ovvol good (Kol.); opip- (opit-) to give in charge, hand over (Pa.); appa_na_ to be pleasing; op- only in negative 'to be bad'; opo ugly (Go.); op- (-t-) to agree (Kond.a); o_pinai to consent; o_pi ki_nai to convince; o_p- (-it-) to agree, consent, allow (Kuwi); okkna_ (ukkyas/okkos) to be exactly adapting to, fit in well, agree with, tally together (Kur.)(DEDR 924). jo_pa_na protection, care (Ka.lex.) For semant. 'hand over' cf.: niro_payati transplants (Skt.); pass. niro_pyate_ (Skt.); niravin.e~ to hand over, commit to the care of (M.); niropab to put, place (Mth.); narop first year crop (L.)(CDIAL 7291). Beauty, grace: compu beauty, grace (Ta.); sompu, sampu id., elegance, charm (Ka.); sompu beauty, elegance, grace, prettiness, niceness; glee, delight; sompa_ru, sompillu to be lovely, pretty or pleasant (Te.)(DEDR 2850). Synonym: sa_ran:ga pleasing, beautiful (Ka.lex.) Married woman: cuman:gali_ married woman, woman under coverture, as wearing the marriage-badge, opp. to aman:kali (Ira_mana_. Pa_laka_. 23)(Ta.lex.) suman:gala auspicious (RV.); sumam.gala nom. prop. (Pkt.); so~gal. delicate, nice, fastidious (of men and animals)(M.); suman:gul, sumagul auspicious, fortunate (Si.)(CDIAL 13488). Residence: ur-ai place of residence, town, appropriate or customary; lifetime (ve_ntan-ur-aikat.uki yollai-k- ket.um : Kur-al., 564); ur-ai-ka_lam lifetime; rainy season; ur-ai-y-ul. living, residing, abiding (Pur-ana_.96)(Ta.); abode, resting place (ur-aiyul.un. ko_t.t.amun. ka_ppa_y)(Man.i. 6,137); house, residence; village, town; district, province; sleeping place, dormitory; ur-aivi woman resident (Kur-un. 400); ur-ai-v-it.am dwelling-place, residence (Cilap. 11,9); mine, storehouse; ur-aivu abiding, resting (Tan.ikaippu. Kal.avu. 558); dwelling-place (Ta.); ur-ai-y-u_r name of an ancient Co_r..a capital, now a suburb of Trichinopoly (Cilap. 10,242)(Ta.lex.) Residence: ur-ai (-v-, -nt-) to reside, dwell [umpa rur-aiva_r pati : Na_lat.i, 137); place of residence, town, appropriate or customary place for a person or thing (Ta.lex.)] Village; residence: ur..i place, site, side (Ta.); circumstances (Ma.); ur..ai place (Ta.); ur..a place, esp. about a king (Ma.)(DEDR 684). u_r village, town (Ka.); id., city (Ta.Ma.); village (Nk.Kol.); u.r id. (Ko.); village of Tamils or Badagas (To.); u.ri village (Kod..); u.r (pl. u.d.l) village (Kol.); u_ran village (Kol.); ura_ house, wife (Br.); u_ra village (Pkt.)(DEDR 752). avara lower, nearer (RV.); o_ra lower (Pali); o_ram. on this side (Pali); o_rato_ from this side (Pali); ore on this side (S.); ure (L.P.); ora (N.); or pariba to come to an end (A.); uraha~_ near (OG.); ora below (Si.); o_raka inferior (Pali); oru~ adj. near (G.); o_rima lowest, being on this side (Pali); oryo~ nearer (S.); urla_ being on this side (P.H.)(CDIAL 805). urva_r on this side of a river (L.)(CDIAL 810). avara_ the near side (Skt.); or side (P.); ori_ (Ku.); or (N.); end (A.); or boundary (B.); side, end, direction (Mth.); side, nearness (H.); line of descent (G.)(CDIAL 812). ava_ra the near side (VS.)[phonet. modern words for 'the near bank' may all derive from ava_ra- or apa_ra-; since apa_ra alone occurs in Pali, it is the more probable source (CDIAL 885)]. ul. to be have; ul.l.avan- rich person; ul.l.a_r those who are present; those who possess (Ta.); ul.l.avan rich (Ma.); ul.l.a existing (Ma.); ol. to exist, be in a place (Ko.); to be, have (Ka.); un.t.u existence (Ka.); ul.l. to exist (Tu.); to be in a place, have (Kod..); un.d.u to be, exist, live, dwell (Te.); and. to be in a place (Nk.); loy, lo_i to remain (Kuwi); lohpa to abide, remain, reside (Kui); anning to be (Br.)(DEDR 697).

1195.Image: tortoise: ur-uppat.akki tortoise, turtle, so called from its being able to draw in its limbs (Pin..)(Ta.lex.)

1196.Image: blaze; fragrance: ?ur-uppu fragrant substance (Ta.) urupu, urapu, uripu, uruvu, urpu burning; uri, uru burning; flame, blaze (Ka.Tu.); eri (Ta.Ma.); urika one who burns; uripu to cause to burn or flame (Ka.); urusu offerings at the shrine of a Muhammadan saint (Ka.M.); uru_sa (H.)(Ka.lex.) cf. dhu_pa incense for burning (Skt.lex.) cf. uruppu listed as one of the six incense substances in: tu_pa-varukkam are six: ne_rkat.t.i cente_n- iriya_cam paccilai a_ra makilur-uppo_ t.a_r-u (Cilap. 5,14, Urai.)(TED). cf. urut.an.e, urut.an.i id.u to rub and cleanse the body with fragrant unguents, to apply fragrant unguents; udvartana (Ka.lex.)

1198.Solid part of a tree: uram solid part of timber, heart of a tree; vairam (W.); urava-k-ka_t.u permanent hill cultivation, dist. fr. pun-akka_t.u (G.S.A.D. 333)(Ta.lex.) va_rks.a of trees, woden (Ka_tyS'r.); rokhu~ wood, fuel (G.)(CDIAL 10871). Coromandel resin: ur-uppa_ a tree; this tree grows on the shores of Malabar (Tamir..mor..i Akara_ti of N. Katiraive_r- Pil.l.ai). uri-me_s.a the teak tree; te_gu (Ka.lex.) Timber used in ship-building: ur-uppa_ a tree, the timber of which is used instead of teak in ship-building, hopea decandra (Mu_. A.)(Ta.); ur-uppu id. (Ma.)(Ta.lex.) urappu-p-picin- resin from an evergreen tree, hopea odorata (Ta.); ur-ippu, urippu a heavy timber more durable than teak (Ma.)(DEDR 717). urappu-p-picin an evergreen tree growing to a height of 80 ft. or more, a native of Burma and the Andaman islands; hopea odorata (Ta.); urippu id. (Ma.); urappu < ura- hardness, resoluteness, strength, firmness of mind (I_t.u, 1,7,8)(Ta.lex.) Hopea odorata, Roxb.: (Dipterocarpaceae) (Burmese: thengan). Is one of the Coromandel plants; it yields a fragrant copal-like resin which reduced to powder, forms a popular styptic amongst the Burmese; its action is probably purely mechanical (Nadkarni, K.M., Indian Materia Medica, 1st edn., 1908; rev. edn., 1982, Bombay, Popular Prakashan Pvt. Ltd., p. 653). Hopea odorata: resinous tree, glabrous or hary-tomentose... used medicinally in Cambodia. The gum resin of several species is official in Austria. Hopea odorata = hopea decandra: Evergreen, good yellowish brown, closed-and even-grained, very durable. Glabrous, except inforescence. Leaves ovate-lanceolate, secondary nerves 12 pairs. Flowers fragrant, in axillary grey-tomentose panicles... Distribution: from Pegu and Tenasserim to Cochin-China, Andamans. Amont the Burmese the resin, reduced to powder, forms a popular styptic. In Cambodia the bark is used as an astringent in gingivitis. Andamans: rimda; Burma: thengan; Cambodia: koki (Indian Medicinal Plants, p. 291). Hopea odorata: Burmese: thengan. Resin: in powder used as styptic; bark: astringent; copal-like resin. (GIMP, p. 136). Hopea racemosa = styrax benzoin, Dryand. (Styraceae). English: benzoin tree; (resin) gum benzoin. luban resin (H.B.M.); oodh (M.); shambirani (Ta.). Is a native of the Malay peninsula (lower Siam) and Sumatra. Gum benzoin flowing from the incised stem-bark of the tree and which is largely imported into India from Penang contains three resins, benzoic acid cinnamic acid, vanillin and volatile oil. Benzoin is antiseptic, disinfectant, stimulant and expectorant. It is used throughout India as an incense. It is the source of benzoic acid which is largely used in medicine as aromatic, stimulant, expectorant, antiseptic and styptic. When burnt its vapour is used as deodorant and antiseptic, in sick rooms and hospitals. As diuretic it is useful in calculous disorders from phosphatic deposits in the urine. Its combinations with alkalies, viz., ammonia, potash and soda, called benzoates, are more decidedly diuretic and useful in dropsy and gouty concretions... Its compound tincture, popularly known as friar's balsam or traumatic balsam has been employed as a styptic and healing application; a piece of lint or soft rag dipped into it and wrapped over cut surfaces will usually stay the haemorrhage and effect a cure... A teaspoonful of the tincture added to a quart of water forms a milk-- lait virginal-- largely employed in the toilet and for bathing irritable skin eruptions. (Nadkarni, K.M., Indian Materia Medica, 1st edn., 1908; rev. edn., 1982, Bombay, Popular Prakashan Pvt. Ltd., pp. 1182-1183). Bdellium: ulu_khalaka a gummy or resinous substance, guggul.a, bdellium (Skt.Ka.)(Ka.lex.) ulu_kalam resin, kun:kiliyam (Malai.)(Ta.lex.) dhu~r.a~ros resin; luban resin of boswellia serrata (Santali.lex.) ulu_khalakam bdellium, gummy substance or the plant which yields it (Skt.lex.)

1199.Title deed of land; any article admitting of counting: ur-uppu part of a whole, component part, section (Kur-al.. 761)(Ta.lex.) Division (of an army): ur-uppu division, as of an army; part of a whole, component part, department, section, an:kam (ur-up-p-amain-tu_r-a-ca_ velpat.ai : Kur-al., 761); body; bough, branch; just proportion, symmetry of form (Ta.lex.) rupa_ri_ of silver, silvery (L.)(CDIAL 10806). Unit: ur-uppat.i (Ta.); uruvid.i (Te.); uruppad.i (Ma.) item, piece, any article admitting of counting, unit (nityam e_r..uruppat.i pan.iya_ram : Ko_yilo. 69)(Ta.lex.) <? ru_pa + pat.i. ru_pya beautiful, bearing a stamp (Pa_n..); silver (MBh.); aru_, ure silver (Ash.); ure_i id. (Wg.); ru, aru_ (Kt.); uru (Pr.); wuro_ (Gmb.); ru_a (Kal.) <?rajata- (CDIAL 10805). ur-uppu title deed, as of land (anta-k-ka_n.i-k-ko_r ur-uppum illai)(Ta.lex.) ur-uti firmness, strength, stability (Ta.Ma.); ur-idi (Te.); ur-ubu (Ka.); positive declaration; suitable action; profit, benefit (Kur-al., 796); support, prop; certainty, assurance; bond, title deed, voucher (Ta.lex.)(DEDR 721). ur-uti-c-ci_t.t.u written contract, bond; ur-uti-p-pa_t.u conirmation; pledge, promise; ur-uti-mut.i to execute a title deed or bond; ur-uti-mor..i statement made on oath, solemn affirmation before a magistrate or a judge; ur-utiyo_r messengers of state, confidential emissaries (Ta.lex.)

1200.Ownership: u_rppu claim, right (Ma.); urb well-to-do, well-off, rich (Kur.); urbas master, landlord, (pl.) parents (Kur.); urbni_ mistress of the house (Kur.); uriyo_n-, uriyan-, uriyavan- heir, one who is worthy, qualified (Ta.); urittu right, proprietorship (Ta.); urimai ownership, duty, liberty (Ta.)(DEDR 654). For -bas in urbas landlord (Kur.) cf.: Wealth: vasu good; wealth (RV.)[<*vas shine]; wealth (Pali.Pkt.)(CDIAL 11446). udvayas creator of corn, promoting life (VS. i.x.3)(Vedic.lex.) Lord: ur-uvan- great one, lord, master (ur-uvan-o_ t.iya_n-ur-r-a nar-r-iyam : Cilap. 9,53); sage, saint (Na_lat. i,104); new arrival, guest (ur-uva ra_ra vo_mpa_ tun.t.u : Patir-r-up. 43,19); Arhat; ur-uvali lit. great strength, man of great strength; ur-ai greatness, excellence; wealth; units used as symbols for hundreds or thousands; a measure of grain = 60 marakka_l; ur-aippan- strong, powerful man (Tiv. Periya_r... 4,8,2)(Ta.lex.) uram strength, resolution, heart of a tree, manure (Ta.); strength, firmness (Ma.); uravan-, uraviyan-, uravo_n- strong man (Ta.); urattan strong man (Ma.)(DEDR 649). ur-aippan- strong, powerful man; (oruppat.utta vvur-aippan-u_r : Tiv. Periya_r... 4,8,2); ur-aippu firmness, steadfastness; severity, sternness, harshness (Te_va_. 45,10)(Ta.lex.) ur-iya a brave man (Te.)(DEDR 721). Wealth: rayi riches, goods, property (RV.i.66.1); rayintama very rich (RV. vi.44.1); rayi-pati lord of wealth (RV.vi.44.1); rayi-mant rich, wealthy (RV.x.74.1); rayi-vid obtaining or possessing wealth (RV.ii.1.3); rayi-s.a_c possessing wealth (RV.i.180.9); rayi-vr.dh enjoying wealth (RV. vi. 991.3) (Vedic.lex.) ranmaya, ranmuva_ golden, made of gold (Si.); hiran.maya (TS.); hiran.yamaya (S'Br.)(CDIAL 14111). ranvan golden coloured (Si.); hiran.yavarn.a golden (RV.)(CDIAL 14112). hiran.ya gold (RV.); hiraa gold (Pali); hiraa (As'.); hiran.n.a (Pkt.); haran.a, aran.a, ran.a, ran (Si.)(CDIAL 14110). run saline ground with white efflorescence, salt in earth (Kho.); ran:ga borax (Skt.)(CDIAL 10563). ren.i_ ingot of gold or silver (P.); ingot (L.); ren. cement for metallic objects (G.)(CDIAL 10639). rona_ granule, filing, bit (H.)(CDIAL 10643). ravo particle of gold or silver (G.); rawa_ grain, filing, little lump (H.); rava_ small bit of gold or crystal (P.); grain, little lump (M.)(CDIAL 10642).

1201.Creeper used for soma sacrifices: ur..icai balloon vine, cardiospermum halicacabum (Ta.); ur..ia cissus pedata, cardiospermum halicacabum, sapindus laurifolius, used for soma sacrifices (Ma.); urun.d.e-bu_ru smooth-leaved heart-pea, cardiospermum halicacabum (bu_ru creeper)(Tu.)(DEDR 685). put.ki malla cardiospermum halicaeabum (Santali.lex.) Cardiospermum haliacacabum: karnasphota (Skt.); kanphuti (H.); lataphatkari (B.); mudukottan (Ta.); buddakakara (Te.); plant: in rheumatism, stiffness of limbs and snake-bite; root: diaphoretic, diuretic, aperitif, laxative, rubifacient, emmenagogue, used occasionally for rheumatism, lumbago and nervous diseases; leaves: rubifacient, useful as poultice for rheumatism; leaf juice: used as a cure for earache; habitat: throughout the plains of India, ascending to 4,000 ft. in the NW Himalayas (GIMP, p.51).

1202.Bar of wood: ur..alai a horizontal bar of wood in a doorway or across a road, crossbar (Ta.); ur..ala horizontal bar of wood placed in a doorway; ur..a-va_til a barred gate (Ma.); u.gan. pen-bars, planks used to close cowshed door (Ko.); ubban.a wooden beam for locking a door; a club; urve_lu gate with round movable poles (Ka.); ubba poles in slots forming a gate (Kod..); uro, urol.u, uruvolu, u_rol.u a bar across a passage; uruvelu, uruvo_l.u movable bars across a gate (Tu.); u_reli a wooden latch (Kor.); hud.ukka- the bar or bolt of a door (Skt.); hur.uk, hur.ka_ (H.); hur.uk wooden bar or balt of a door (Kur.)(DEDR 683). cf. ulu_khala a wooden mortar (RV.); ukhiri_ the slip of wood on threshold in which the corner of a door works as a hinge (S.)(CDIAL 2360). ula_l.iyo wooden bolt of a door (G.)(CDIAL 2373).

1203.Image: mortar: ural mortar, large or small (Kalit. 40); id. (Ma.); ro_lu (Te.); oral.u (Ka.); oral (Tu.); uralat.i elephant, which has legs like mortars (Tan-ippa_. i,79,158)(Ta.lex.) ulu_khala a staff of udumbara wood; ulu_khalam a wooden mortar used for cleaning rice (from the husk etc.); vanaspatimya itye_vam mus.alo_lu_khale_ hare_t (Skt.lex.) ulu_khalakam a mortar; ulu_khalika pounded in a mortar; (at the end of comp.) using as a mortar (Skt.lex.) ulu_khala mortar, o_khali_ (H.)(RV. i.28.6: sunu so_mamulu_khala); ulu_khalaka a small mortar (RV. i.28.5); ulu_khala-budhna firmly set (a yu_pa)(KS'S.); ulu_khala-musala mortar and pestle (AV. ix.6.15); ulu_khala-suta pounded in a mortar, soma (RV. i.28.1-4)(Vedic.lex.) ulu_khala a wooden mortar used for cleaning rice, oral. (Ka.lex.) cf. ulu_hala a mortar (Pkt.)(CDIAL 2360). ukhur. mortar (Santali.lex.) Image: pestle: ulakkai pestle (Patir-r-up. 41); iron bar shaped like a pestle and used as a weapon in ancient warfare (Kantapu. Catamukan-. 15)(Ta.); olake pestle (Ka.); ulakka id (Ma.); ulakkai-k-kan.ai ferrule on the pestle; ulu_kalam wooden mortar (Pa_rata. Ulu_kan-. 5)(Ta.lex.) dhusra pestle of d.hinki; tok pestle for husking rice (Santali.lex.) Mortar: ural mortar, mould for making vermicelli or the like (Ta.); wooden mortar for beating rice (Ma.); ol.ka.l mortar (Ko.); oral, oral., orl.u, ol.l.u mortar of stone or hard wood (Ka.); ora mortar of stone or wood (Kod..); oralu, uralu, oral.u a large mortar (Tu.); ro_lu, r-o_lu (Te.)(DEDR 651).

 1204.Place of residence, town: ur-ai-tal to reside, dwell (Na_lat.i, 137); to live, conduct oneself (Kur-al., 426); to be close, dense as trees in a forest (W.); ur-ai place of residence, town, appropriate or customary place for a person or thing; lifetime (Kur-al., 564); ur-aivu abiding, resting (Tan.ikaippu. Kal.avu. 558); dwelling-place, abode (Ta.)(Ta.lex.) A hamlet: hun.d.i a hamlet (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) cf. ur-u, ur- to be; to stay, to stop (Ka.); ur-u to be, exist; to be near, related; ur-uval affliction (Ta.); ur-u to be joined, to be firm (Ma.); to be fit = oppu (Te.); untu to stand; to remain, stay (Tu.); ur-upu standing, staying; stha_yi_bha_va (Ka.)(Ka.lex.)

1205.Images: sack; cover of pot: ur-ai sheath, scabbard, case (Ci_vaka. 656); cover, e.g., pillow-case (Cu_l.a_. Kalya_. 180); receptacle for grain, a kind of sack; upper garment, cloak, shawl; a measure of grain = 60 marakka_l (Ta.); ur-aika_ran- sheath maker (Cilap. 5,32, Urai.)(Ta.lex.) cf. or cover (of pot, letter etc.)(Ko.); ur-ai burnt clay used for the construction of a well (Ta.)(DEDR 723). Image: cover of pot; sack: sheath, scabbard: ur-a sheath, case of pillows, thimble (Ma.); or sheath of sword, cover (of pot, letter, etc.); or-e sheath, scabbard (Ka.); ore sheath of knife (Kod..); scabbard, sheath (Tu.); ude sheath (Tu.); or-a, or-r-a sheath, scabbard, case, cover, envelope, ring of baked clay used in the construction of a well, well-tube (Te.); ora quiver, scabbard (Pa. < Te.); sheath, quiver (Ga. < Te.)(DEDR 723). ur-ai-ka_ran- sheath maker (Cilap. 5,32, Urai) (Ta.lex.) ur-ai cover, e.g. pillow case (centuki lur-aiyin mu_t.i : Cu_l.a_. Kalya. 180)(Ta.lex.) cf. u_saa pillow (Pkt.); use~ pillow, head of bed (M.); us'i_, u~s'i_ pillow (M.); uce_, uce~ pillow (Wg.); o_pasa support (RV.)(CDIAL 2555). wu_ru washable cover to a wadded quilt (K.); apavaran.a covering garment (Skt.)(CDIAL 449). o__ scabbard (Dm.); or.hna_ to cover (H.); ur.ha_na_, or.han shield (H.); ud.hiu spread over (G.)(CDIAL 2547). Burnt clay kerb: ur-ai burnt clay kerb, used for the construction of a well; ur-ai-k-kin.ar-u well formed of burnt clay kerbs placed one upon another (Pat.t.in-ap.76)(Ta.lex.) or-a, or-r-a envelope, ring of baked clay used in the construction of a well, well-tube (Te.)(DEDR 723).

1206.Register of lands: ul.aku standard rate, as for assessment; register or detailed account of the lands in a village, kira_ma-v-or..uku (C.G.); ur..uku, or..uku land record containing particulars of the ownership etc. of lands; land record, containing particulars of the ownership, etc., of lands (Tiv. Tiruma_lai, 3, Vya_.); register of a temple giving an account of its properties, and its history (Ta.); or..un:ku register of the measurement and extent of fields and holdings (C.G.); standard rate, for assessment or for the price of grain (C.G.); a kind of settlement of the assessment of land made with each individual mira_cuta_r or the cultivating ryot or with the outsider if the former should decline the term proposed (G.Tn.D. i,283); a kind of settlement of land assessment which prevailed in Tanjore district during the first half of the nineteenth century (G.Tj.D. i,176)(Ta.lex.) cf. or..un:ku propriety, order (Ma.)(DEDR 1011). curukku epitome, summary, gist (Tiv. Iyar-. 2,39)(Ta.) (Ta.lex.) or..un:ku-kat.t.u- to make a regulation; to frame a law; or..un:ku-pat.u- to set in order; to arrange; to regulate; or..un:ku register of the measurement and extent of fields and holdings (C.G.); a kind of settlement of the assessment on land, made with each individual mira_cuta_r or the cultivating ryot or with an outsider if the former should decline the term proposed (G.Tn.D. i,283); a kind of settlement of land assessment which prevailed in Tanjore during the first half of the nineteenth century (G.Tj.D. i,176); standard rate, for assessment or for the price of grain (Ta.lex.) Possession: ol.uhu, ol.upu, ol.pu essence; property; possession; trueness, goodness, excellence, superiority (Ka.); ul.l.od.ame a good, precious thing (Ka.); ul.l.a having, possessing (Ka.Ta.); ul. to have, to possess (Ka.); un.d.u (Ma.Te.); ul.l.atana the state of being or having (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) cf. ul. to be, have (Ta.)(DEDR 697). Property settlement: s'ulka the property settled on a woman before marriage; a dower; gain, profit; money advanced to ratify a bargain; price; purchase-price for a woman (money, valour, learning etc.); toll, duty, customs; sun:ka (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) sun:ka toll; sun:ka-ghara toll-house; sun:ka-ga_haka toll-gatherer (Pali)(Pali.lex.) Tenancy: gharasun:kada_na tenancy; niva_sasun:kadayi_jana tenantry; sun:kagahan.a_raha tenantable (Pali)(Pali.lex.) Money advanced; bride-price: s'ulk to gain; to pay, give; to create; s'ulkam a toll, tax, customs, duty; particularly levied at ferries, passes, roads etc.; gain, profit; money advanced to ratify a bargain; purchase-price of a bride; money given to the parents of a bride; a nuptial present; marriage settlement or dowry; present given by the bride-groom to his bride; s'ulka-da the giver of a nuptial present; an affianced suitor (Skt.)(Skt.lex.)

1207.History of property in the settlement register: vil.an:ki-p-pe_r history of lands, fields, etc., given in the old settlement register (Ta.lex.)

1208.Gift: olipe a gift; gratuitous supplies to persons of distinction (Tu.lex.)

1210.Marriage: ul.l.elu, tul.l.el marriage among A_di Dra_vid.as (Tu.lex.)

1211.Receipt: ul.l.ori a memo of a receipt given to a tenant for part-payment of rent; u_l.igo journal entry in accounting (Tu.lex.)

1212.Image: a vessel: ur..akku measure of capacity (2 ollocks = 1/4 of a measure)(ur..ak-ke_yun.t.u-pat.ai-tti_t.t.i : Te_va_. 1154,4)(Ta.); 1/4 na_r..i (Ma.); ol.k a small measure of capacity; i.r o.k two ol.k; (for o.r ak one ol.k cf. a_r..a_kku, ar..akku (Ta.)(DEDR 397)(Ko.); wak small bamboo vessel (To.); oran:ka, ol.an:ka seer (measure)(Tu.)(DEDR 681). Image: inner part of the mouth: ul.va_y inner part of the mouth (Kur-un. 92)(Ta.)(Ta.lex.)

1213.Image: stem of the lute: ul.aku stem of the ya_r.. (Ce_tupu. Tarumacu_t. 22)(Ta.)(Ta.lex.) Image: lute: ul.ar-tal to thrum as a ya_r..; to play as an instrument (Tirumuru. 142); ularvu playing a ya_r.. (Kalit. 131,8)(Ta.lex.) Image: string of the lute: ur..ai a string of the lute (Ta.); ur..aivu secondary sound of a string of ya_r.. (Tiva_.)(Ta.lex.)

1214.Image: canopy; marriage offerings: ullad.e (Tadbhava of ullo_ca) an awning, a canopy borne over marriage offerings, or over the bride or bridegroom, as they go in procession, borne in state over a bride etc. (Ka.Te.); ullabha, ulla_bha (Te.); ullo_ca an awning, a canopy (Ka.Skt.)(Ka.lex.) ul.l.at.i nearness, vicinity, neighbourhood (J.); own relations, own circle (J.); that which is secret (W.)(Ta.); ulla_cam mirth, gaiety (Kantaran-u. 2); shawl, upper garment thrown over the shoulder (Ta.) (Ta.lex.) ul.l.at.akkam to enclose, shut in, shut up in a place; to conceal, keep secret (Na_lat.i, 196) (Ta.) (Ta.lex.) Advance of money: ul.ava_t.am advance of money (Ta.)(Ta.lex.)

1216.Image: procession: ula_ procession (Can:kara. Ula_.)(Ta.lex.) Festival: ul.l.i-vir..avu name of a festival in Karuvu_r, the ancient Ce_ra capital (Akana_. 368); ul.l.i-vir..a_ id. (Ir-ai, 16, Urai.)(Ta.)(Ta.lex.)

1217.Tolls: ulavu-ka_t.ci prob. presents offered to the king or other exalted persons when going in procession round the village Ta.) (SITI.IEG.) ulgu customs duties, tolls (Ta.)(SITI.IEG.) uga_la_, uga_pon., uga_lpon.a_ commission (Kon.lex.) ulku < s'ulka toll, custom, duty (Kur-al., 756); ulku-ceytal to levy a duty (Pat.t.in-ap. 125)(Ta.lex.) uluppai < ulu_fa (U.) presents of fruits, articles of food etc., offered to great personages; supplies gratuitously given to officials on tour by people or subordinates (Varun.akula_. 219); ulpe_ id. (C.G. 117)(Ta.lex.) uluphe, ulipe supplies furnished gratuitously to great persons on a journey by the villagers on their route, or also presents sent to such persons' houses (Ka.Ta.Te.H.)(Ka.lex.)

1197.Image: spotted deer: ule, ul.e, ure deer (Tu.); ur.up pl. ur.pul spotted deer (Pa.); ur..ai deer (Ta.); duppi the spotted deer with branching horns, the axis (Ka.); luppi, lu_pi, d.uppal, duppi stag (Go.); d.upi axis deer (Kond.a); ur..a-ma_n, ur..al-ma_n porcine deer (Ma.)(DEDR 694). Image: deer: cf. uru deer (Tiv. Periyati. 1,4,2)(Ta.); cf. ruru (Skt.)(Ta.lex.) ruru (Vedic) a sort of deer; a stag, usually called ruru-miga; pl. ro_hita ruru_; ruruva (Pali.lex.) ruru-daks.a rich in deer; ruru-s'i_rs.n.i_ having the head of a ruru antelope, deer-headed (i.e. horn)(RV. vi.75.15) (Vedic.lex.) ulan:gi gazelle (Si.)(CDIAL 2367). Cf. ullan:ghati leaps up (Pali)(CDIAL 2366).

1218.Image: battle-axe, chisel: ullu_na cut off (S'a_n:khS'r.); ulla_w a fragment of stone or wood flying off when cut (Ku.)(CDIAL 2378). ul.i battle-axe (Ta.); chisel, burin, awl (Ka.); ulli chisel (Ga.) ul.y chisel (Ko.); branding iron (To.)(DEDR 699). ul.i chisel (Net.unal. 119); id. (Ka.); id. (Ma.Tu.); uli id. (Te.); ul.i burin, engraver's tool (W.); barber's instrument for paring nails (J.); ul.u wood-borer, wood-worm (Ci_vaka. 1899); ul.uppu worm-eaten tree (Tiv. Periya_r... 3,7,3, Sva_. Vya_.)(Ta.lex.) cf. hu_lan.a to goad, thrust (P.)(CDIAL 14147). cf. pol.i to chisel (Ta.)(DEDR 4560). Image: hole: un-r.pe to bore through; un-r.pre to be bored through; un-r.po bored, a hole (Malt.); umpna_ to perforate, pierce, through, cut a passage for (through something)(Kur.)(DEDR 640).Image: whirling: ur..ar-r-u whirling, revolving (Tiruppu. 1052)(Ta.)(Ta.lex.) cf. pol.i to chip, ct stone etc. (Ta.); od.ucu to be worn away; pod.ucu to stab, thrust, pierce through; to bore as a hole (Te.); uruvu to penetrate, pierce (Ta.); urumbu to bore (Tu.)(Ka.lex.) ulat. to turn, wheel round (Santali.lex.) hu_lan.a_ to goad, thrust; hu_l thrust, stab (P.); hulnu cause to penetrate, drive in (cattle into a fold), thread (needle)(N.); hu_r thrust (Mth.); hu_lna_ to goad, stab, rush in (H.); hul any small pointed thing, thorn; hula_ piece of pointed split bamboo for turning earth up (A.); hul barb, sting, point, awn (B.); hul.a (Or.); hull shooting pain in head (P.); hula sting (Or.)(CDIAL 14147). pola-kat.a_ burglar (A.)(CDIAL 8398). cf. po_l hollow object (Ta.)(DEDR 4604b). Image: to bore: urumbuni, rummuni to bore (Tu.); uruvu (uruvi-) to pierce through, penetrate (as an arrow, a needle) (Ta.); uruvuka to pierce through, penetrate (Ma.); urcu, uccu to enter into and go out on the other side, penetrate (Ka.); uccu to enter, penetrate, pierce (Te.); ucc- to transfix (Pa.); uh- (ust-) to pierce; uh- to stab (Kuwi); hurna_, hur.na_ to striek at and penetrate without piercing, goad, thrust something pointed into cavity (e.g. pick teeth)(Kur.)(DEDR 663). Transplanted millet; to plant; image: to pierce: rohoe to plant; ropa planted (opp. of self-propagated) (Santali.lex.) rup pierce (Skt.); ro_payati plants (MBh.); causes acute pain; ro_pyate_ is planted (MBh.); adhi a_rupita (RV.); adhya_ro_pita (BhP.); ro_pa hole (Skt.); ruwun to bury tightly in the ground, plant, transplant (K.); ruhun.u_ to plant (rice)(WPah.); ruya_ to transplant (B.); ruiba_, ruhiba_ to plant, transplant (rice)(Or.); ruppai plants, sows (Pkt.); ruvanava_ to thrust in, insert, plant (Si.); rupna_ to be fixed, be obstructed (H.); rupa_ to plant, transplant (B.); rupiba_ (Or.); rupn.e~ to penetrate, sink into (a bog etc.)(M.); rumban.u to transplant (S.); rumban. to stick anything inthe ground (L.); rumn.u to plant; rumbn.o~ to prick, tattoo (WPah.); ro~bo transplanting (S.); robbn.a_ to plant (P.); ro~pna_ (H.); ro~p, ro~pa_ plant, sapling (M.); lippai, lim.pai (Pkt.); rutn.e~ = rupn.e~ (M.); rotan.u to transplant (S.); roti transplanting (S.); rot transplanted millet (L.); ro_pe_ti fixes, puts up (e.g. a stake), plants, sows (Pali); ropapita planted (of trees); ropa_pita, lopita, lopa_pita (As'.); ro_via fixed, set up, sown (Pkt.); roiba to plant; roo~ta_, rowa~ti_ one who plants (A.); ro_payant (Skt.); roiba_ to transplant (rice)(Or.); rovn.e~ to thrust (any body into another), set in the ground (post, tree, plant, seed); to pierce, penetrate (M.); ruppai plants, sows (Pkt.); ropn.u to plant (rice)(WPah.); ropn.o to plant, transplant (Ku.); ropnu (N.); ropab (Bi.Mth.); ropna_ to place on, obstruct, plant, sow (H.); ropai fixes, erects, plants (OMarw.); ropvu~ to plant (G.); ropn.e~ to fix in the ground, plant; to enter into (M.)(CDIAL 10783). rupyati suffers acute pain in belly (TBr.); ro_payati causes acute pain (AV.); ruppai is hurt, oppressed (by illness or pain); ruppana the being so hurt (Pali); rupn.a_ to fly into a passion (P.)(CDIAL 10784). ro_pa act of raising or planting (MBh.); ro_pa in: a_ra_ma-ro_pa, vana-ro_pa plantation (Pali); ro_paka sapling (Pali); ro_va sapling, plant (Pkt.); rowa_ transplanted rice seedlings (A.); roya_ a planting (B.); rov seed that has sprouted (M.); rua_ transplanting (of rice etc.)(Or.)(CDIAL 10847). ro_pan.a act of planting (MBh.); ro_pana, ro_pana_ planting (Pali); ro_van.a planting, sowing (Pkt.); rowan act of planting; rowani woman engaged in transplanting rice seedlings (A.)(CDIAL 10848). cf. idna_ to plant, transplant (Kur.)(DEDR 462). ?cf. rohpa (roht-) to put, place, put by, store (Kui)(DEDR 5176).

1219.Profession: ul.i an affix that denotes a person or beast following an occupation or being possessed of, e.g. at.t.ul.i (a hunting animal), eggul.i (a rustic or low person; a bashful person); eggu.i-tana shame, bashfulness; eggu shame), oggul.i: a joining, mass, multitude; dondul.i: a mass, a crowd, a throng; jan:gul.i: a mass, an assemblage, a herd; jan:gul.iga: name of a class or caste of people (Ka.); ul.iga an affix denoting a man who lives on or by, e.g. de_vul.iga (an attendant upon an idol); man.n.ul.iga (one who is engaged in earth-work)(Ka.lex.) cf. u_r..iyam service due to a deity, a guru or a superior by birth, natural obligation (Ta.); service (Ma.); u_r..iga, u_r..aga work, business, service (Ka.); u_l.iga serice, work (Tu.); u_d.igamu service, slavery (Te.); ul.iga service (OM.)(DEDR 758). cf. ho_da_ < uhda_ (U.) position, status (C.G.)(Ta.)(Ta.lex.) cf. ol hereditary custom (L.); hostage (P.); tribute (N.)(CDIAL 2559). oy to perform (Ta.); or-uku to go, walk; to act; see (Ta.)(Ka.lex.) cf. oy (-v-, -nt-) to launch (as a boat), send forth, give; uy to lead, guide, send, give (Ta.); to carry, take aqway (Pa.)(DEDR 984). u_r..iga a male servant (Ka.); u_r..igitti, u_r..igagitti a female servant; u_r..igatana service; to be in the employ of; u_r..igi a male servant (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) Service due to a deity: utu_la servant (Pa_raskara Gr.S. iii.7.1) (Vedic.lex.) u_r..iyam service due to a deity, a guru or a superior by birth; natural obligation, obligation of a slave to his master (Tiruppu. 548); convict labour (J.); service due to a deity, a guru (Ma.); u_d.igamu id. (Te.); u_r..iga id. (Ka.); u_r..iyakka_ran- slave; servant (Tiruppo_. Can. Pil.l.ai. Ampuli. 6)(Ta.lex.)

1220.Tick: ul.un:gu a tick found on the body of animals (Tu.); ud.um pl. ud.mul tick (Pa.); uru_m pl. uru_hk, ur.um, ur.m(i) id.; ur.u_m id. (Go.); r.u_me id. (Mand..); d.u_mba id., insect parasite (Kui); r.u'ma tick; lu_ma horsefly (Kuwi)(DEDR 591).

1209.Image: sword-fish: ulemi_nu sword fish; ul.l.ad.e a fisherman (Tu.lex.)

1221.Image: green fish: ul.uvai a sea-fish, green with brown spots, gobius ornatus; a fresh-water fish, variable, generally fawn-coloured with spots, gobius giuris; a sea-fish, brownish grey, saurida tumbil (Pa_lava_. 1085)(Ta.lex.) cf. ur..uvai (Ta.lex.) ur..uva a kind of green sea-fish; a kind of yellow-fish (Ma.); un.uju a kind of fish (Te.)(DEDR 693). ullam, ul.l.am hilsa, silvery shot with gold and purple, clupea ilisha; a seafish, silvery shot with yellow and purple, clupea toli (Ta.); ullam a kind of fish (Ma.); ulla_ku~-je~_pa, ulla_ku-ce_pa, ullam-ce_pa the bony hilsa or sable fish (Te.)(DEDR 676). illis'a the fish clupea alosa (Skt.); illisa (Skt.); ili_s'a (Skt.); ilih (A.); ilsa_ (B.); ilisa (Or.); ilisi (Or.); hilsa_ (H.)(CDIAL 1594). u_l.a_ a carnivorous marine fish, sphyraena acutipinnies (Ta.); ul.a_vu a large flat sea-fish, ray, skate (Ma.)(DEDR 759). cf. la_vu fat (Te.) Image: fish: ul.l.am Hilsa, silvery shot with gold and purple, clupea ilisha; a sea-fish, silvery shot with yellow and purple, clupea toli (Ta.); ullam hilsa (Ta.); ulla_ku id. (Te.)(Ta.lex.)

1222.Image: pack-saddle: ul.-ven.t.ayam pad placed between a load and the back of a pack-ox (Ta.)(Ta.lex.)

1223.Image: grove: ulavai green twig with leaves upon it (Iraku. Te_n-u. 35); branch of a tree, bough (Kalit. 11); grove (Pin..)(Ta.lex.) cf. ulapa bush, shrub, grass (RV.)(CDIAL 2357).

1215.Image: horn, tusk: ulavai horn, tusk (Ka_cippu. Kar..uva_. 397) (Ta.lex.) cf. ul.ikkompu stump of a horn (Ta.lex.)

1224.Image: bush: vallai extensive thicket, big forest (Kampara_. Van-ampuku. 42)(Ta.); balle thick bush, thick jungle (Ka.); ball a thicket, bush (Tu.); vallara-, vallura- arbour, bower, thicket (Skt.); vallara- id. (Pkt.)(DEDR 5289).

1225.Image: spy: ul.l.a_l. traitor in the guise of a friend, spy (W.); ul.avan- spy; he who is in the secret; secret agent (Kumare_. Cata. 91)(Ta.)(Ta.lex.) cf. or-r-u to spy out; a spy (Ta.)(DEDR 1022). cf. ol.i (-v-, -nt-) to hide; lurking-place (Ta.)(DEDR 1015). Image: to conceal oneself: ul.i a thief; to conceal one's self; to hide; hiding; an ambush, a lurking place; a hunter's hut (Ka.); ol.i (Ta.Ma.); od.i id. (Ma.); ul.avu (Tu.); olavu a secret (Te.); ul.iga a man who hides or lurks; ol.iga id. (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) cf. ol.i to hide (Ta.); ul.avu spying (Ta.)(DEDR 1015).

1226.Image: spy: ul.avu secrecy, privacy (Ta_yu. En-akken-a. 19); id. (Tu.); ol.avu id. (Te.Ka.); ul.avu secret, internal affair espied or ascertained by an emissary in disguise to be afterwards disclosed to others; spying, prying, espionage (Kampara_. Pin.ivi_. 116); spy, informer; ul.avan- spy; he sho is in the secret; secret agent (Kumare_. Cata. 91); ul.avu-ka_ran- id. (Ta.)(Ta.lex.) ol.i-tal to hide, steal away, flee into concealment (Tiv. Periyati. 6,7,4); oli id. (Ma.); ul.i id. (Ka.); ol.i-ttal to hide, conceal, keep out of sight (Ci_vaka. 371)(Ta.); id. (Ma.); ul.i (Ka.); ol.i-ttal to lie hid, conceal oneself, lurk unseen (Tiruva_ca. 6,42); ol.i hiding, withdrawing from view (Ja_n-a_. 29,3); ul.i id. (Ka.); ol.i lurking place; covert; decoy animal; ol.ivu place of concealment (Ta.)(Ta.lex.)

1227.Image: to leap up: ullanghati (ud + langh) to leap up; ullanghana_ jumping up, lifting up, raising; olangheti to make jump down (Pali.lex.)

1228.Image: noise: {Echo word} ululi noises; ulu_lava having a protracted sound (ChUp.); ulu_li noisy (ChUp. iii.19.3 = ululuh- La_t.ya_yayana S'r.S. iv.2.9) (Vedic.lex.) Image: a dance: ul.l.a_l.am kind of dance (Ta.); cf. ulla_la (Skt.)(Ta.lex.) ullo_la a large wave or billow; a surge; ullo_la kallo_la loud noise (Ka.); ullasana jumping up; sporting; rejoicing (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) ullo_lam a mode of gesticulation in dance (Cilap. Pak. 81, Cutta_.)(Ta.)(Ta.lex.)

1229.Prosperity!: ululi (Lat. ulula_re to howl) an outcry indicative of prosperity (AV. iii.19.6)(Vedic.lex.) Existence: ul. to be, have (1 sg. ul.e_n-, ul.l.e_n-, 3 sg. m. ul.an-, neut. ul.atu, 3 pl. m. ul.ar, neut. ul.a); un.t.u is, are (existence); ul.l.a who is, which is, true, actual; ul.l.atu, ul.atu that which is, truth, soul; ul.l.avan- he who has, rich person; ul.l.a_r those who are present, those who possess; ul.amai truth, reality; ul.avu real nature; un.mai existence, reality, state of being, nature, truth (Ta.); ul. to be there, exist; un.t.u there is, exists; ul.l.a existing, true, real, in or to which there is; ul.avu coming into existence; ul.l.avan rich; un.ma reality, truth; on.t.u has; ol.l.a having; ol.l.ama, on.ma existence (Ma.); ol. (3 pers. neut. od.o.) to exist, be in a place; od. truth (Ko.); wil.d- (3 pers. wid.-i) to exist, be in a place (To.); ul. (3 pers. un.t.u), ol. to be, have; adj. that is, that is true; ul.l.a being, having, being able; ul.l.atana state of being or having; un.t.u that is or exists, existence, existing; ol.(u)pu, ol.uhu essence, possession, trueness; un.mu to arise, come into existence (Ka.)[cf. pon.mu to rise, be produced, spring up; pun.mu, hommu to rise, swell, spring up, break out, come forth, be produced; pod.e a pregnant ear of corn, an ear of corn just before shooting forth (Ka.)(DEDR 4482)]; ul.l.- (3 pers. un.d.i) to be, be in a place, have (Kod..); ul.l.- (3 sg. neut. un.d.u; pres. tense) to be, exist, have (Tu.); un.d.u to be, exist, live, dwell; un(u)cu to place, put, set, lay, keep, preserve, set apart for a purpose, appoint; uniki existence, being, remaining, stay, dwelling, home, place, residence, state, condition (Te.); an- (and.-) to be in a place, be so-and-so (Kol.); and.- id. (Nk.); lohpa (loht-) to abide, remain, reside (Kui); loy-, lo_i- to remain (Kuwi); anning to be (pres. 1 sg. ut., 2 sg. us, 1 pl. un, 3 pl. ur)(Br.)(DEDR 697).

1230.Image: flowing; a spring; sport in water: ulela wave, whirling in water, festival (Si.); ullo_la large wave (Skt.)(CDIAL 2381). o_l-a_d.u to sport in water, swim, bathe (Ka.Te.); o_lal-a_d.u id. (Te.)(DEDR 1068). cf. oliyal river (Ta.); oliyuka to flow; olivu flowing; olu water-current; o_la trickling; o_li a spring, temporary well (Ma.); uli waterfall (Ir.); oli (Pa_lKu., A_lKu.); oyl. waterfall in channel or river (Ko.); was-y waterfall (To.); oluka overflow, flow, gush out (Te.)(DEDR 999). ulukku-tal to shake as a tree; to tremble as in an earthquake (Ta.); uluku to tremble (Ka.)(Ta.lex.) Shaking: uluku, ulaku, ulku, ul.uku, ul.ku the body to shake, tremble, be agitated (Ka.); uluku to start, to move suddenly from alarm (Te.); ulukku to tremble as in an earthquake (Ta.); ul.u to start, be unnerved; ul.ukku to be dislocated (Ma.); ul.ku to be sprained (Tu.)(Ka.lex.) ul.appu trembling, shaking (Kampara_. Ira_van.an-kal.an.. 15); ul.ampu-tal to stir up, beat up, as game (Kalit. 23)(Ta.)(Ta.lex.) ut.ku (ut.ki-) to be afraid, feel shy; n. fear, shame, modesty (Ta.); ul.ukka to start, be unnerved; ul.uppu shamefacedness, feeling (Ma.); ulaku to start, make starting efforts so as to get out of a swamp etc. (Ka.); ul(u)ku to start suddenly as from alarm; n. alarm (Te.)(DEDR 703).

1231.The sun: ol.iyavan- sun, the shining one (Kampara_. Na_kapa_. 202); ol.iyo_n- id. (Ta.)(Ta.lex.) ul.vo, ul.vea_ peninsula (Kon.lex.) ol.ir-u-tal to shine, glitter (Man.i. 1,68); ol.ir-u splendour, light (Kantapu. Acamukinakar. 24); ol.ir-tal to shine; to emit light; to be resplendent (Tiruva_ca. 37,5); ol.i-vat.t.am discus; halo of light (Tiv. Periya_r... 1,4,3); ol.ivu, ol.irvu brightness, radiance (Ta.lex.) ol.ina_t.u one of the 12 na_t.u lying on the outskirts of the cen-tamir..-na_t.u (Tol. Col. 400, Urai.); ol.iyar vel.a_l.as who were the dominant people in ol.i-na_t.u (Pat.t.in-ap. 274)(Ta.lex.) Sun's rays: cf. ukia_ sun's rays (Or.); ulka_ meteor (RV.)(CDIAL 2362). ul.ku to shine; to blaze; to appear (Ka.); ol.i light, splendour, fire etc; ol.ir to shine; od.i to shine; u_r.. sunshine (Ta.); ole, pole to appear, come to light (Te.); ule to shine (Tu.); ul.ku, ul.uku a shining or blazing substance, a meteor (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) ukka_pa_ta meteor (Pali)(Pali.lex.)

1232.Image: to distil, strain: va_luka to be distilled, be strained, to run, drip (Ma.); va_li drizzle (Ta.); o_luka to flow, ooze (Ma.); va_l spittle; va_r-r-u straining, distilling (Ma.); va_r-r-uka to strain, drain off, distil (Ma.); ba_luni to run over, go out (Tu.)(DEDR 5367). cf. oliyal river (Ta.); olivu flowing (Ma.); o_lo_la falling in drops, trickling (Ma.)(DEDR 999). Purity: va_l whiteness (Kur-al., 1121); purity (Pur-ana_. 1); va_lai purity (Ta.lex.) Still; alembic; retort: va_luka_-yantiram sand bath; vessel of heated sand, in which a cup containing medicinal drugs is placed and heated; va_lai still, alembic, retort; Mercury: va_lai mercury (Can.. Aka.); va_lai-mer..uku a kind of medicinal unguent; va_lai-rakupatika_ram alum; va_lai-racam sublimate of mercury (Mu_. A.) (Ta.lex.) va_l whiteness, purity, goodness (Ta.); va_la_mai uncleanness, impurity, ceremonial impurity or pollution, menstrual impurity; va_litu that which is pure, that which is white, that which is good or excellent; va_liyo_n- Balarama as white in colour; va_liyan- holy person; va_lai purity (Ta.); va_n-mai purity, whiteness (Ta.); va_l purity; va_la_yma impurity of women and cows after birth, etc. (Ma.); va_lu-cukka the planet Venus (Te.)(DEDR 5364). va_luka, va_luka_, va_luke sand, gravel; va_lka made of the bark of trees (Ka.Skt.)(Ka.lex.) va_lukam white sand (Cilap. 6,131)(Ta.lex.)

1233.Image: water; flow; flood: be_l large hill-torrent (Br.); vel.l.am flood, deluge, sea, sea-wave, water (Ta.); water (Ma.); velli, vellika flow, flood, stream (Te.); velluva flood, inundation (Te.); bel.l.a flood (Ka.); bol.l.a flood, inundation (Tu.)(DEDR 5503). cf. va_li drizzle (Ta.); va_luka to run, drip, be strained, be distilled; o_luka to flow, ooze; va_l spittle; va_r-r-u straining, distilling; va_r-r-uka to strain, drain off, distil (Ma.); ba_luni to run over, go out (Tu.)(DEDR 5367). cf. o_l-a_d.u to sport in water (Ka.)(DEDR 1068). cf. a_l water, flood (Ta.)(DEDR 384). Rush of water, flood: bhal swelling (P.); rush of waters, flood; bhalnu to toss up, throw for places (in games)(N.); bhalbhale bubbling with a hiss (N.); bhal.bhal.n.e~ to gush forth (M.); bhalko bubble (Ku.); bhalkan.o to bubble; bhalkyu_n.o to cook by boiling (Ku.); bhalkanu to boil (N.); bharbhara_na_, bhabhra_na_ to swell (H.)(CDIAL 9405). bhulla suddenly; bhulbhulinu to spout out; bhulko spouting up (of water); bhulukka bubblingly (N.); bhulka_ spring water (B.); bhulasna_ to be burnt (H.)(CDIAL 9537). Rapidly, quickly: bhur more quickly (Skt.); bhuran.yu quick, active (RV.)(CDIAL 9534). ollai, olle_, oll-en- rapidly, quicly (Ta.); olla a short time, rapidity (Ma.)(DEDR 1008). pal.l.a river (Ir.); stream (Ka.); shallow stream, pond (Tu.); palla, palla_ id. (Tu.); pallamu dale, wet land (Te.)(DEDR 4016). cf. pur..a river (Ma.); pol.e river (Kod..)(DEDR 4318).

1234.Image: bird, common snipe, sandpiper, lapwing: ul.l.i sandpiper (Ma.); ul.l.al, ul.l.a_n, ul.l.u common snipe, gallinago media (Ta.); ullangi snipe; lapwing (Ka.); ulla_mu snipe (Te.); ullanki, ullangi sp. curlew; lapwing (Te.)(DEDR 704). kulin:ga fork-tailed shrike (MBh.); kulin:kaka sparrow; kuli_ka a kind of bird (VS. < Prob. Austro-as.); kulin:ka a partic. bird (Pali); kulin:kaka small bird (Pali); kulan:g forktailed shrike (P.)(CDIAL 3343). Image: common snipe: ul. common snipe, gallinago media of which there are many varieties (ul.l.um mu_ralum pul.l.um puta_vum: Cilap. 10,117); ul.l.a_n- (Kur-r-a_. Kur-a. 85,1); ulla_mu (Te.); ullan:gi (Ka.); ul.l.u (Cilap. 10,117)(Ta.lex.) ullan:gi the lapwing (Ka.Te.); a snipe, scolopax (Ka.)(Ka.lex.)

1235.Image: petal: ur..ai petal of a flower (Kalla_. 19)(Ta.) (Ta.lex.)

1236.King's paraphernalia: ur..aikkalam collective term for various vessels of gold and silver which royalty takes into camp (Perun.. Ucaik. 38,129)(Ta.)(Ta.lex.) Minister of state: ur..aiyar neighbours (Ain:kur-u. 12, Urai.); king's counsellors; attendants (Cu_l.a_. Kaliya_. 100)(Ta.); ur..aiyo_r id. (Man.i. 3,46); ur..aiyavar id. (Ci_vaka. 2864); ur..aiya_l.an- attendant (Yaco_tara. iii,48); ur..ai-y-irunta_n- minister of state, companion of the king (Kur-al., 638); ur..ai place (Na_lat.i. 167); ur..ai adv. by the side of (Pu. Ve. 10,3)(Ta.lex.) cf. ur..a place, esp. about a king (Ma.)(DEDR 684).

1237.Image: head ox: ul.l.an- head or middle ox in the team for threshing grain (Ta.lex.)

1238.Land next to a lake or tank: ul.l.at.inilam land next to a tank or lake; ul.l.at.i nearness, vicinity, neighbourhood; own relations, own circle; ul.l.an- one of the party or family, domestic; near acquaintance (Ta.lex.)

1239.Mud: ul.ai mud (Ta.); ul.a id. (Ma.)(DEDR 702).

1240.Mane: ul.ai mane, hair of head (Ta.); ul.a mane of horse or lion, man's hair (Ma.)(DEDR 701).

1241.Horse: ivul.i horse (Ta.); (h)ulli_ id. (Br.)(DEDR 500).

1242.Fenugreek: uluva_ fenugreek, ventayam (Ta.); hulba (U.)(Ta.lex.)

1243.Profit; remainder of a sum; place: ur..a, ur..e, ur..u remaining, staying; ur..a-gad.ime that remains as too less i.e. the remainder (Ka.M.); ur..a-gad.e the remaining side; the remainder or rest (of a sum); ur..a-pad.i remainder (Ka.); ur..aki, ukke, ur..iki, ur..ike remaining, remnant; ur..aki_ janaru the remaining persons; ur..aki_ od.ivegal.u the remaining things; ur..aki_ han.a the rest of the money; ur..ata, ur..ita, ur..uta remaining; what remains, rest; ur..atu having remained etc., being saved or gained; ur..ita_ya, ur..ata_ya, ur..uta_ya that remains (in one's hand) as gain; gain, profit; ur..ate remaining; remainder; ur..asu, ur..isu, ur..usu to cause to remain; to spare etc.; ur..i to be left, to remain; to remain alive, to be saved; to be saved, to be gained; to remain behind (Ka.); or..i (Ta.M.); ori (Tu.); uy to live, to escape (Ta.); ul.ki remnant (Tu.); ur..i remaining; remnant; ur..iku remaining; surviving; remainder; preservation; ur..iga an affix denoting 'subject to' (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) cf. ur..i place, site, side (Ta.)(DEDR 684).

1244.Image: to wander from place to place: ur..ita_(taru)-tal to wander from place to place (Tiv. Tiruva_y. 5,2,1); to wander about, move to and fro (Tiruva_ca. 5,7)(Ta.); ur..i-tal to wander about (Te_va_. 553,10)(Ta.)(Ta.lex.)

1245.Attachment: ur..ugu, ur..igu, ur..gu to be attached to, to be fond of or pleased with, to love; ur..ugu erotic sentiments etc.; ur..ge attachment, love (Ka.)(Ka.lex.)

1246.Image: tiger: cf. ur..uvai tiger (Ta.)(DEDR 692). Images: to cry; howl of a jackal: ol.l.u, bal.l.u an old jackal (Ka.); varad.u, varud.u, o_d.i (Te.); o_ri (Ta.Ma.)(Ka.lex.) u_l., u_l.u an outcry; a howl; to call near from a distance; to cry out (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) cf. huli tiger (Ka.); puli id. (Ta.)(Ka.Ta.lex.) cf. ur..uvai tiger (Ta.)(DEDR 692). cf. u_l.ai howl of dog or jackal (Ta.); u_l.an jackal (Ma.); ol.epuni to call (Tu.); u_l. an outcry (Ka.); (h)u_ling to howl (Br.); u_la the howling of a fox (Te.)(DEDR 760). o_ri old jackal; male jackal (Ta.); o_ri id. (Ma.)(Ta.lex.) o_rige howl (Tu.); o_rg- (o_rug-) to call (Ga.)(DEDR 1061).

1247.Banana: u_luvi pl. u_luvul, u_lukul plantain (Pa.); uluk id. (Ga.); ulg banana (Ga.)(DEDR 754).

1248.Image: brahmini bull: adar, adar d.an:gra a brahmini bull, a bull kept for breeding purposes and not put to work; adar. odor., adar udur fat and naked, over-grown, unwieldy; adar. odor.e calaoena he waddled away (Santali.lex.) aedhon not fully grown as bullock, cow etc., promising profit, increasing in value; nur do aedhon mal kanae this is property that will increase in value; ard.u of enormous size, applied only to tigers (Santali.lex.) a_d.ruk the hollow, bellowing noise of a bull or of an ox (Ka.M.)(Ka.lex.)

1257.Image: yoke: ara~r. a yoke, to accept responsibility; mit ara~r. d.an:gra a yoke of oxen; uric ara~r. cattle; bae ara~r.lena he declined the responsibility; ara~r. the yoke constellation, being the three stars in orion's belt; ara~r. ipilko rakap akana the yoke constellation has risen (Santali.lex.) cf. araka a plough with bullocks etc. complete (Ta.); are a plough (Malt.)(DEDR 198).

1249.Authority: adol authority, right, jurisdiciton, control, possession; nia got.a atore adolin phiraueda I exercise authoriy over the whole of this village; nuige adolkedae bar.ge do this person took possession of the barge; adoli to disregard an order, to slight a command; hukum adolikedae he disregarded the order; alalot, adalat court, kacahari (Santali.lex.) ada_latu justice; a court of justice, a judge's court (Ka.M.H.)(Ka.lex.) adat.a, adal.a a very firm man, powerful or heroic man; adat.u to scold, to reprimand; to subdue (Ka.); amat.t.u (Ta.); amat.t.u, amartu (Ma.); adat.ale to overwhelm and disgrace; an.d.ale oppression, trouble (Ka.lex.) adabu respect, regard (Ka.Te.); adaba (M.H.)(Ka.lex.) ada_lat justice, law, equity; a court of law; a tribunal (P.Arabic); adal justice, equity (P.Arabic); a_dal just, equitable, upright, sincere (P. < adil (Arabic)(P.lex.) a_d.al.ata, a_d.al.ate, a_d.al.ita, a_d.al.ite administration, management, governing (Ka.lex.) at.avat.i outrage, violence (Ta.); ad.a_vad.i (Te.); ad.a_vud.i (Ka.)((Ta.lex.) Image: opponent: ad.d.a_yila an opponent; ad.d.al, ad.d.alu crossing, obstructing; an obstacle; across, sideways; ad.a_van.i obstacle, hindrance (Ka.lex.) aidari, aedari inheritance, authority, possession; untak aidarire menakkoa they are under his authority; ararao officious; uni do ad.iye ararao bar.ae kana he is acting very officiously; arr.ao, ad.rao to bellow (Santali.lex.) d.alao to promulgate an order; hukume d.alaokeda he issued an order; am in dalaoatmea I have committed this matter to you (Santali.lex.) Documentary proof: dalel documentary proof; dalil a document, any legal instrument, documentary proof; dalis a bond; dallali, keali brokerage, commission; dalali brokerage, commission; dalal a broker, a tout (Santali.lex.)

1250.Image: dishevelled air: dalcan, dalcun slovenly with dishevelled hair; dalae dalae shaking, hair flying about one's shoulders (Santali.lex.)

1251.Image: hunting animal: cf. at.t.ul.i a hunting animal; so_hu mr.ga (Ka.lex.)

1252.Image: loin garment: dalpan clothed with a garment shorter than that usually worn; dalpun a short quilted cloth worn round the loins, worn sometimes by women; dalop to put on thatch without tying it down to the roof frame; to cover, to obscure; rimilte sermae dalop caba akata the sky is all oscured with clouds (Santali.lex.)

1253.Image: basin-like tub: d.ala a large basket; dalic a small, flat, round basket; dalwak a large flat basket; d.alwak scales of a balance, generally of bamboo (Santali.lex.) cf. ad.lige a flat basket or basin-like tub, or earthen vessel, used by merchants in their shops (Ka.lex.) d.allaka basket carried with stick and ropes over shoulder (Skt.); d.alla, d.allaga basket (Pkt.); d.alho (S.); d.all (P.); d.a_lo (Ku.N.); d.a_li basket of fruit etc. for a present (A.); d.a_la_, d.a_li basket (B.); id., wicerwork tray (Or.); d.a_la_ present to bridegroom's father on departure of marriage procession (Mth.); d.a_l, d.a_li basket (H.); d.a_li_ basket, esp. of fruit as a present (P.); d.oli (K.); d.a_la_, d.alla_ large basket, litter (H.); d.a_lu~ basket (G.); d.a_l basket; d.a_le~ frame to hold pitchers (M.); d.alaka basket, sling, present of fruit etc. (Si.); d.a_l.i_, d.a_l.e~ basket (M.); da_l.e~ id. (M.)(CDIAL 5537). cf. at.t.a_l.ai-ppet.t.i case of shelves; at.a_r trap for tigers and other animals (Pur-ana_. 19) (Ta.lex.)

1254.Image: to shake: daldalao to shake, to quiver, to be panic stricken; andhite or.ak daldalaoena the house shook with the storm; dalkao to shake, to quiver, to be afraid; dharti dalkaok an earthquake; o ak dalkaoena the house shook ; dal to strike, to thresh grain with a flail; janhe dadalin calak kana I am going to thresh janhe; dalmal, dalmalao to shake, to reverberate, to excite or agitate, to disturb (Santali.lex.)

1255.Image: night hawk: a_d.e_lu a night hawk, a screech owl (Ka.Te.); the bird turduc ginginianus (Ka.Te.)(Ka.lex.)

1256.A system of cultivation: aedhor a system of cultivation in which the cultivator supplies only the labour, and receives one third share of the produce; aedhori the person who cultivates on the aedhor system (Santali.lex.)

1257.Image: yoke: ara~r. a yoke, to accept responsibility; mit ara~r. d.an.gra a yoke of oxen; uric ara~r. cattle; bae ara~r.lena he declined the responsibility; ara~r. the yoke constellation, being the three stars in orion's belt; ara~r. ipilko rakap akana the yoke constellation has risen (Santali.lex.)

1258.Image: harrow: a_r.gom a clod crusher, a harrow without teeth; to harrow; a_r.gom bhuk the whole into which the shaft, to which the cattle are yokes, is inserted into the harrow; a_r.gom laga to decide without full investigation, to ride roughshod over; a_r.gom a constellation so named; it is part of the constellation scorpio, and is composed of 4 stars, three of which are in line, and the other at the apex of the triangle. The star at the apex is antares, or cor scorpii, a star of first magnitude (Santali.lex.) d.ala_, dala_ a strong loam; a large lump, a clod; dala_i_ breaking or grinding grain; wages for the same (P.lex.) dal deep mud, quagmire; dalahi a marsh, a quagmire (Santali.lex.)