1540.Image: lathe; polish; churn; image: lathe; mortar and pestle: kat.avu a turning lathe; kad.eppu, kad.anda grinding; kad.acil, kad.accil, kad.anjil a turning lathe; ka_t.uka_yi a rebellion, revolution (Tu.lex.) kut.a_m, kut.ma_ extraction; ka_d. to pull, to draw, e.g. water; ka_d. to pull up or root out; ka_d.n gha_l pull down; vo_d.(o) to pull [trahe draw (Lat.)] (Kon.lex.) kad.cil a lathe; ka_d. extract, pull; pa_t.i ka_d. retract; ba_gil ka_d. open the door; ka_t.kia_, ka_t.kye revolution (Kon.lex.) kat.avai, kat.avu-maram tunrstile (Ta.lex.) ka_ntpi, ka_ntpia_ turner; kadcila_k gha_l put to the lathe (Kon.lex.) kundau to turn on a lathe; ghon.d.ao to turn; kero~t. to turn half round; gar.gur. to run over and over (Santali.lex.) kat.ai (-v-, -nt-) to churn, mash to pulp; kat.aical polishing,, enamelling (Ta.); kat.aiccal turning on a lathe, that which is turned on a lathe; kat.accal ul.i turner's chisel; kat.aiyal turning in a lathe, agitating, churning (Ta.)(DEDR 1141). Lathe; turner's chisel ; image: to grind with mortar and pestle: kat.a churning (Ma.); kad.e, kad.a, kad.aha, kad.eta churning (Ka.); kad.ev- grinding (Kod..); kat.aiyal turning in a lathe, agitating, churning (Ta.); turner's work (Ta.lex.); kad.ecalu turning in a lathe (Ka.Ta.lex.); kat.aiccal turning on a lathe or on a brazier's wheel (Ta.lex.); kat.aiccal-ul.i turner's chisel; kat.aiccar--pat.t.ai turner's lathe; kat.aiccar--ka_ran- turner; kat.ai-c-car--pat.t.arai turner's shop; kat.aical-pit.i to turn in a lathe (Ta.lex.) kat.ayuka to polish, churn, turn on a lathe; kat.accil turning and polishing (wood etc.); kat.accal turning (Ma.); kar.v- (kar.d-) to churn; kar.c ul.y lathe (Ko.); kar.- (kar.o-) to churn (To.); kad.e, kad.i to churn, stir, rub together (as two pieces of wood to excite fire); turn in a lathe kad.e, kad.a, kad.aha, kad.eta churning (Ka.); kad.ayisu to cause to churn (Ka.); kad.e- (kad.ev-, kad.and-) to grind with mortar and pestle; kad.ev grinding; kad.ace kalli mortar and pestle (Kod..); kad.eyuni, kad.evuni to stir up, turn; kad.ecuni to knead; kad.anda grinding; kad.avu, kadcilu, karcilu a turning lathe; kad.ajige kneading (Tu.); karrih-, karahta_na_, karah- to churn; krtuna id. (Go.); karas- (-t-) to stir with ladle (Kond.a); kar.sa (kar.si-) to knead; n. act of kneading (Kui); gat.ye to churn (Malt.)(DEDR 1141). cf. kutt to knead (Wg.)(CDIAL 3241). cf. ul.i chisel, burin (Ta.Ma.); chisel, burin, awl (Ka.); chisel (Tu.Te.); ulli id. (Ga.); ul.y id. (Ko.); branding iron (To.)(DEDR 699). kat.ai-maram turning lathe (Ta.lex.) To form moulds on a wheel; to turn in a lathe: kat.ai to form, as moulds on a wheel; to turn in a lathe (kat.ainta man.ic ceppen- vi_n:ku : Ku_rmapu. Takkan-ve_. 52); to churn with a churning rod (pa_mpu kayir-a_k kat.al kat.anta ma_yavan- : Cilap.17,2); to trickle, drip, as honey (Ci_vaka. 1202)(Ta.lex.) cf. kat.avul.-er..utu-tal to carve an idol (Cilap. 25,130)(Ta.lex.) Turner: kat.anan- turner (Maturaik. 511); kat.ai-maram turning lathe (Ta.lex.) Not rubbed out: agha_t. a document (on stone, metal plate, or paper) recording a permanent gift, esp. of land (G.)(CDIAL 99). ghr.s.t.i rubbing, pounding (Skt.); ga_t.hi an excoriation (S.); gut.iya blow, stroke (Si.)(CDIAL 4511). ghars.an.a rubbing (Sus'r.); pa_da-gham.sani_ towel for rubbing the feet (Pali); gharisan.a, gharasan.a, gham.san.a rubbing (Pkt.); gahana beating (Si.)(CDIAL 4449).
1540a.Mill: karkkari churn; pot for churning curds; karkkari_ a jar for holding water (Ta.lex.) gharat.t.a grindstone; gharat.t.aka, gharat.t.ika_ (Skt.); gharat.t.a mill for grinding corn, Persian waterwheel (Pkt.); gara_t. handmill (Pas'.); grat.a, grot.u, gret.he watermill for grinding corn (K.); ghurat. handmill; grat mill (L.); ghara_t. watermill (P.); d.hl.a_t., ghra_t., ghera_t., giha_t. (WPah.); ghat. watermill (Ku.); ghat.t.a (N.)(CDIAL 4451). cf. ghat.ero, ghat.t.ero miller (N.)(CDIAL 4452). Image: churning: karappu churn (Ta.lex.) gargara churn (MBh.); gargari_ churn (Skt.)(CDIAL 4043). gha_rghur sound made in churning thickened milk (N.)(CDIAL 4419). kar-an:ku to whirl; n. whirling, gyration (Ta.); kar-akku (kar-akki-) to spin (as yarn)(Ta.); kar-annuka to turn around, whirl (Ma.); gar-a, gar-agar-a whirlingly, around and around (Ka.); garu, gara, garagara, garrane a whirling noise (Tu.)(DEDR 1387).
1541.Mechanism: yantra controlling device (RV.); any implement or contrivance (MBh.); yantraka handmill (Skt.); yanta any mechanism or machine (Pali); jam.ta machine, oil mill, water machine (Pkt.); jandir, jandri mill (Gypsy); zandra, zan (Dm.); zantr watermill; za_r, yo~_r, yan, ya~_l (Pas'.); zo~_ (Shum.); yan. mill (Wot..); zo~tr, sa~_tr mill (Kal.); ya~l (Bshk.); za_n (Tor.); ye_ndar, ye_ndar, yindras spinning wheel (K.)(CDIAL 10412). To move; to go: iyan:ku (iyan:ki-) to move, stir, go, proceed, walk about; n. movement, act of going; iyakku (iyakki-) to cause to go, train or break in (as a bull or horse); n. motion, going, marching (Malaipat.u. 571); iyakkam moving about, motion, way (Kur-al.. 1020); ican:ku to go or lead to (as a way); iyavul. leadership, god, way (Ta.); iyan.n.uka to move steadily; iyakkuka to cause to move; iyakkam motion, movement (Ma.); i.y- (i.c-) to drive (cattle)(Ko.); esagu to drive (Ka.)(DEDR 469). ya_payati causes to go (MBh.); ya_pe_ti causes to go, is active, lives (Pali); ja_ve_i, ja_vai makes go (Pkt.); yavanava_ to make go, send, dismiss (Si.); jappa fit to be made to go (Pkt.); ya_pun to be sufficient, be able, succeed in completing (K.); ja_piba_ to pass time (Or.)(CDIAL 10462). cf. s'avati to go (Skt.lex.) Moving: iyakkar < yaks.a cf. iyakkar-ko_ma_n- Kube_ra, king of the Yaks.as (Cu_t.a_.); cf. iyan:kiyar--porul. living, animate beings or beings which move from place to place; opp. to nilai-y-iyar--porul. (Nan-. 259, Virut.); iya-ttal to pass beyond, excel, transcend (Tiv. Tiruva_y. 1,3,6); iyan:ku movement, act of going (Ci_vaka. 1360); hence, the verbal base of the sememe is 'moving or going'; hence, iyakkar may refer to itinerant traders, perh. in trade caravans (Ta.lex.) Miller: ya_ntrika relating to machines or instruments (Sus'r.); jam.tia machine-worker (Pkt.); ja~_d.ra_hi manager of flour mill (S.); ja~_dri_ miller (L.)(CDIAL 10461). hendu, handu to move, to shake; to draw back; handa_d.u to move about, alla_d.u (Ka.lex.) cf. panduni to shake, be loose, oscillate, vibrate (Tu.)(DEDR 3926). Image: lathe: jan.d.ri_ lathe (S.); jatarr.o machine for making wire (G.)(CDIAL 10412). Image: tripod: ja~_ti contrivance for keeping cooking vessels on fire (Ku.); za~_t handmill (A.); za~_ti tripod to support vessel over fire (A.)(CDIAL 10412).
1542.Lime-burners; divers of pearls: kat.aican- name of a caste of lime-burners and basket-makers (G.Tn.D. i,145); kat.ain~can-, kat.ain~an- man of low or degraded caste; man of the labouring caste in an agricultural tract; man of mean character; kat.aiyar men of the lowest rank or status (Kur-al., 395); low caste men of agricultural tracts (Nampiyakap. 23); name of a sub-division of Pal.l.as, who are lime-burners and divers of pearls (Ta.lex.)
1543.Science; art; teacher: sattha (Vedic. s'a_stra; from: s'a_s to teach) a science, art, lore; va_da-sattha science of right belief; sadda-sattha grammar; supina-sattha dream-telling; sattha (pp. of sa_sati) told, taught (v. l. sit.t.ha); sattha-va_ha teacher; satthar teacher, master (nom. sattha_; acc. sattha_ran; instr. sattha_ra_; instr. satthuna_; gen. satthu; gen. satthuno; loc. satthari; nom. and acc. pl. sattha_ro; gen. pl. sattha_ra_nan); sattha_ra-dassana sight of the master; satthu-d-anvaya successor of the Master; satthuka having a teacher in: ati_ta-satthuka whose teacher is dead (Pali.lex.) cf. s'a_tra command (RV.)(CDIAL 12422). catti-mukam < s'akti-mukha royal mandate (T.A.S. i,9)(Ta.lex.) Clever: sat.ha crafty, fraudulent (Pali); sat.hata_ fraud (Pali); sar.ha, sar.a secret consultation (Or.); sad.h stupid, bewildered, stiff, motionless (G.); s'ad.h knavish, vile, mean (M.); sallo silly woman (H.); sam.t.ha knavish, deceitful (Pkt.)(CDIAL 12270). catura quick (Skt.); clever (Skt.Pali); cara (Pkt.); sura, huru (Si.); sisura clever, skilful (Si.)(CDIAL 4594). cat.ula trembling (Skt.); clever (Pali); cad.ula restless (Pkt.)(CDIAL 4572). catur ability, skill, dexterity; means, contrivance; catir ability, skill, dexerity; greatness, excellence, beauty, loveliness; catiri skilful woman (Ta.); caturam dexterous, clever, lovely (Ma.); caduru, ceduru cleverness (Ka.); cadupu skill, ingenuity, cunning (Tu.); caduru~d.u a clever, able, or capable man; fem. cadura_lu; caduvu to read, study; n. reading, learning, education; caduvari scholar (Te.); catura- dexterous, clever, charming, agreeable (Skt.)(DEDR 2327). chandas deceit (Skt.); sadiya trick, artifice (Si.); chandu deceit (S.); chandan. deceiver (P.); chand fraud (H.)(CDIAL 4987). cha_dmika fraudulent (Mn.); chadmin having the appearnce of (MBh.)(CDIAL 5022). chal stumble, deceive (Skt.); chalia tripped up (Pkt.)(CDIAL 5000). chala fraud, deceit (Mn.); skhalita (Skt.); cal trick (Par.); chala (Pali.Pkt.OMarw.); cal (Tor.); chal (Sh.K.WPah.); deceit (Ku.N.B.H.Mth.Bhoj.Aw.); chal. (P.WPah.G.); chaw goblin (Ku.); sal deceit (A.); chal.a (Or.); sal. teasing (M.); sala, sal.a deceit (Si.)(CDIAL 5001). chalayati deceives (MBh.); chale_i, pp. chalia deceived, tripped up (Pkt.); chalun to deceive (K.); chalna_ (P.); chaln.o (Ku.); chalnu to deceive; chalinu to hide (N.); saliba to deceive (A.); chala_ (B.); chal.iba_ (Or.); charai (OAw.); chalna_ (H.); chalan.u (S.); chal.vu~ (G.)(CDIAL 5003). chalin deceitful (Skt.); chalia (Pkt.); chali_ (P.); chali (N.); chali_ (B.H.); chal.i_ (Or.G.); chaila, chailla deceitful, cunning, clever (Pkt.); chail.a, chail.a_ clever (Or.)(CDIAL 5004).
1544.Attendant, door-keeper: ks.attr. attendant, door-keeper (AV.); khattar attendant (Pali)(CDIAL 3647). Charioteer: ks.attr. charioteer (VS.); khattar charioteer (Pali); kha_ti_ member of a caste of wheelwrights (H.)(CDIAL 3647). Image: cart with small solid wheels: gad.d.a, gad.d.i_, gad.d.ia_ cart (Pkt.); gadha_ a part of a cart (TS.com.); gd.i (K.); ga_d.o wheeled cart (S.); ga_d.i_, ga_d.a_ bullock cart; gad.d. cart (S.); ga_d.i_, ga_d.a_ bullock cart; gad.d. cart (L.); gad.i_ train (L.); ga_d.d.i_, gad.d.i_ carriage; gad.d. cart; gad.d.a_ large cart; gad.i_ra_ go-cart (P.); ga_r.a_, ga_r.i_ carriage, cart (N.); ga_ri_ (A.); ga_r.i (B.); ga_ri_ carriage (Or.); gar.a_ cart with small solid wheels (Or.); ga_r.a_, ga_r.i_, gar.i_ (Bi.Mth.); ga_r.a_ load cart; ga_r.i_ carriage (H.); ga_d.u~ cart; ga_d.i_ carriage; ga_d.iyu~ small carriage (G.); ga_d.a_, ga_d.i_ (M.); ga_l.a cart (Si.); ga_d.alaum. (OG.); ga_llu~, ga_lli~ (G.)(CDIAL 4116). gad.wa~_t. cartwheel track, rut (CDIAL 4117). Image: wheel, cart: ka_l wheel, cart (Ta.); ga_li wheel (Ka.Tu.); kalu a carriage wheel (Te.); ga_nu, ga_lu wheel (Te.)(DEDR 1483). The cart-wheel was made of wood; hence mara-k-ka_l specifies the material used. The radical is: ka_l a measure of capacity of grain; measure, degree; ray; division (Ta.). (ka_l may be interpreted as the ancient morpheme equivalent of mara-k-ka_l). Implements: ka_t.t.u means, implements (Ci. Po_. 3,5,1)(Ta.lex.) ka_t.t.u-tal to create, to bring to pass (Cilap. 19,17); to introduce (Kampara_. An-umap. 23)(Ta.lex.)
1545. A dialect: kattiri < khatri (G.) dialect of gujara_ti and the spoken language of the Saura_s.t.ras in the Tamil country (G.Madu.D. 74)(Ta.lex.)
1546.Weavers: kha_tri_ member of a caste of Hindu weavers (G.); khat.ri_ washerman, dyer (S.)(CDIAL 3647).
1547.Images: dark-skinned buffalo: kat.t.u, kat.u a young male buffalo; kat.t.a a one year old buffalo; met. strict, orthodox, bigoted (a Musalman); kat.t.i a young female buffalo (P.lex.) kat.t.a_n.mai manliness, great prowess (Pa_rata. Patin-e_r..a_m. 17); kat.t.a_n.i very capable man (Ta.Te.); strong, well-built man (Ta.lex.) kat.t.a-va_l.i an onstinate, wicked woman or cow (Ka.); khat.ya_l.a cross; vicious as a horse or cow (M.)(Ka.lex.) For semant. 'male' cf. kat.t.u-p-pa_l.ai male palmyra which is tapped for its juice (G.Tn.D. 222)(Ta.lex.) cf. ka_t.t_a_ bison, wild cow, bos gavaeus (Tiva_.)(Ta.lex.) ka_t.t.erumai wild buffalo (Ta.); ka_d.erume (Ka.)(Ta.lex.) kit.a_ buffalo (Ta.); kar.ru, kad.ru_ buffalo calf (male or female)(Kur.); kat.a_ male of sheep or goat, he-buffalo (Ta.); male of cattle, young and vigorous; child, young person (Ma.)(DEDR 1123). cf. kat.ama_ bison (Ta.)(DEDR 1114). sa_nh large buffalo-bull or stallion (L.); sa_nhi_ stallion (L.); sa_nhe~ stallion (L.); sad.d.ha_ male buffalo (L.); san.d.o, sannho buffalo-bull (WPah.)[opp. s'ann barren cow or buffalo; cf. jane pregnancy (Ka.); cin-ai pregnancy (Ta.)(DEDR 2592)]; s'ran.a male buffalo (K.); san.d.a male buffalo (Dm.Phal.Sh.); san. male buffalo (Bshk.); sa_n male buffalo (Tor.); sa_nu stallion, any male animal used for breeding, buffalo (S.)(CDIAL 13331).
1548.Amulet; knot; marriage: kat.t.u marriage (Ta.); ket.t.uka to marry; ket.t.u to tie, make to wear, give in marriage; connexion (as of marriage); ket.t.akam house (Ma.); kot. knot, amulet (To.); kat.t.uni to tie, bind, amass (wealth)(Tu.); kat.t.ita_na_ to adhere, be attached to (Go.); gat.a rope, cord (Malt.); kat.t.u to tie (Ta.Ka.Te.); kat.t. to tie (Nk.Pa.); kat. to tie (Kol.)(DEDR 1147). kat.t.u-k-kaliya_n.am wedding; marriage ceremony, in which the bridegroom ties the ta_li around the bride's neck; kat.t.u-k-kar..utti married woman, whose husband is alive and who, therefore, wears a ta_li around her neck; wedded wife (Ta.lex.) Marry: kat.t.u (kat.t.i-) to marry; n. marriage (Ta.); ket.t.uka to marry; ket.t.ikka to give in marriage; ket.t.u connexion (as of marriage)(Ma.); ket.t.akam house (Ma.)(DEDR 1147). Wedding: ket.t.i-me_l.am simultaneous and rapid play of musical instruments at special moments, as when the ta_li is tied at a marriage (Ta.); kat.i wedding (Man.i. 18,98); brightness, transparency (Pur-ana_. 166,24); abundance, copiousness, plentifulness (Ci_vaka. 440); beauty, excellence (Maturaik. 301); delight, gratification, pleasure (Ta.)(Ta.lex.) kat.i-nakar marriage house (Akana_. 136); kat.i-ma_t.am guarded residence for maidens (Ci_vaka. 13)(Ta.lex.) Tying the marriage knot: gan.d.hu joint, tie of friendship (S.); gat.hajor.o tying the marriage knot (OMarw.); gajhor.o (Marw.)(CDIAL 4350).
1549.To tie: kat.t.u band, fastening (Ta.Tu.); tie (Ma.Ka.); tie, bond, knot, wearing of a garment (Te.); kat. knot (Ko.); ket.t. to tie (Kod..); ket.t.uka to tie, clasp (Ma.); gat.a rope, cord (Malt.)(DEDR 1147). Rope, cord; to wear a garment: kat.t.u wearing of a garment (Te.); to tie, fasten, wear (Ta.); ket.t.ikka to cause to tie, make to wear (Ma.); kat.t.uni to tie, bind (Tu.); kat.t.anamu a tie (Te.)(DEDR 1147). granthayati ties (MBh.); granthati (Dha_tup.); ganthe_ti, ganthati ties, knots (Pali); gam.thai, gam.t.hai (Pkt.); go_n.t., go~_t. (Ash.); get.(h) ties, knots (Kt.); gra~_t., gru~_t. (Wg.); gi~r. (Bashg.); gre~_t. (Dm.); grhe_n.d.u_m I tie a knot (Phal.); gan.dx.un, gan.t.h, go_n.t.h, gan.d. (K.); gan.d.hn.a_ (P.); dlain.d.hnu, gan.d.hn.a_ (WPah.); ga~_thnu to tie up, plait (N.)(CDIAL 4353). ga_n.t.hiba_ to hold tightly (Or.); ga~_thab to string together (Mth.); ga_m.thai weaves, plaits (OAw.); ga~_t.hna_ to fasten, join, mend (H.); gat.hna_ to be knotted together (H.); ga~_t.hvu~ to tie (G.); ga~_thn.e~ to interweave, plait (M.); ga~_t.hn.e~ to tie (M.); gat.h to tie (Pas'.); gat. (Shum.); gan.t.(h) (Wot..); ge_n.t.h (Gaw.); gn.d. (Bshk.); gan.d. (Tor.Mai.); gha_n.d. (Phal.); gan.oiki(Sh.); ganoiki (D..); lante_m I tie (Pas'.); gotanava_ to plait, knit, tie (Si.)(CDIAL 4353). ga~_thna_ to arrange, lay (bricks)(H.); ga~_tha_ to lay (bricks)(B.); ga_nthiba_ to lay in rows, build (Or.)(CDIAL 4353). cf. kat.o.l. wall of temple compound (Ko.)(DEDR 1146).
1550.Images: clod; protuberance; foetus: gut.ika_ clot (Skt.lex.) kat.t.u , abscess, tumour (Ta.); kat.t.i clod, lump, , abscess, tumour, enlarged tumour, foetus (Ta.); kat.t.i solid, ingot; kan.t.i lump, concretion (Ma.); kat.y solid lump (Ko.); gen.d. round lump or ball (food, butter), growth in abdomen (Ko.); gat.t.i lump (Ka..); gad.d.e, gan.t.e a mass, lump, concretion (Ka.); gn.d.e spleen (Kod..); gad.d.a lump, mass, clot; , ulcer (Te.); kat.t. spleen (Nk.); kat. spleen (Ga.)(DEDR 1148).
1551.Image: ladle (brass): kad.chi_, kad.cho an iron ladle or spoon used in cooking (G.); kad.ha_ a frying pan; a frying vessel with handles (G.)(G.lex.) kat.acchu a ladle, spoon; kat.acchu-ga_ha holding on to one's spoon, i.e., disinclination to give food, stinginess; kat.acchu-parissa_vana a perforated ladle (Pali)(Pali.lex.) gan.t.e, gen.t.e, gari~t.e spoon, ladle (Te.); ga_t.e spoon (Kol.); garti (brass) spoon (Kuwi); karan.t.i spoon or ladle (Ta.); spoon (Ma.); (DEDR 1267). geren-da n. that which serves to draw or ladle water (-gen- with infix. -er-, -da:n- water) (Sora.lex.)[cf. gerinna a pit of water (Sora.); gerud-gud-da:n basket for baling water = -gud- reduplicated, with infix -er-.] kad.chi_ soup ladle (G.); kan.chu_, kar.chu_ (S.); karchi_, kar.chi_ (H.)(Bloch, p. 311).
1552.Image: a headless trunk: kad.uku a headless trunk (Ka.); kad.i, kat.t.i id. (Te.); kat.a a corpse (Skt.)(Ka.lex.) cf. kabandha (Skt.lex.)
1553.Image: pregnancy: ga_t in women's speech 'pregnancy'; limb, body, woman's bust, privities (H.); body, limb (Mth.); body (WPah.Ku.G.); person, body (honorific) (N.); ga_th id. (N.); ga_tra limb, member of body (RV.); body (Mn.); gatta limb, body (Pali.Pkt.); ga_, ga_w trunk of body (A.); ga_wa_l fat (A.); ga_, ga_o body (B.); ga_ dhoiba_ to bathe; ga_dhiba_ (Or.); ga_ta body, limb (OAw.OMarw.); ga_-mor.a stretching the limbs (S.); gat skin (Gaw.); gadra (Dm.)(CDIAL 4124). ga_traka body (Skt.); ga_trika_ girdle (Skt.); ga_tra_ inner peg of yoke (L.); ga_tra_ swordbelt, sheath (P.); gatta_ cover of a book, sheaf of corn (EP.); ga_ta_ body, pasteboard (H.); ga_ti_ dress worn by village people like a plaid (H.); ga_tr.i_ knot in a woman's upper garment worn on the breast (G.)(CDIAL 4125). cf. a_d.-ga_t girth of the body, crosspiece of a bed (G.); gatta frame of bed (Pkt.)(CDIAL 4124). ga_tra a limb or member of the body; the body; ga_tra-vis'le_s.a a close union or contact of bodies (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) ga_tra_nule_pani perfume for the person (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) First pregnancy: kat.ucu_l first pregnancy (Ta.); kat.umpuppa_l first milk drawn from a cow after calving, beestings boiled into a paste (Ta.); kat.iu_l first-born of man or beast; kat.umpil.l.a first-born, the strongest child (Ma.); kar.0as- first-born (k. mox first-born son, k. xu.x first-born daughter)(To.); kar.0as- fi.r- first pregnancy (To.); kad.i_ru first-born (Tu.)(DEDR 1136). cf. cu_l (cu_lv-, cu_n-r--) to become pregnant; n. conception, pregnancy (Ta.); -cal, in: coccal first pregnancy (Ka.)(DEDR 2733). cf. tol old, ancient (Ta.); tol vi.r first pregnancy (Ko.); toli beginning, commencement; first, former, ancient (Te.); tolle first (Ga.); toli, tolli, tollie before, formerly (Kuwi)(DEDR 3516).
1554.Actual produce: kan.t.u-mutal actual produce of a field when the harvest has been reaped and threshed (Ta.)(Ta.lex.)
1555.A stand: gad.agaci, gad.aci a stand, as for water-pots, a shelf (Ka.); ghad.avaci_, ghad.o_ci (M.H.)(Ka.lex.)
1556.Scent: kat.i scent, odour, fragrance (Kalit. 45); (-pp-, -tt-) to waft an aroma, emit fragrance (Ta.); kad.i good or bad odour (Te.)(DEDR 1129). kat.ittal to waft an aroma; to emit fragrance (As.t.ap. Tiruvaran:kattan. 43)(Ta.lex.) cf. kaital fragrant screwpine, pandanus odoratissimus (Ta.); ketaka (Skt.)(DEDR 2026). cet.i bad odour, stench (Ta.); ceyr., cet. ceyr. bad smell (Ko.); sid.y (To.); s'et.t.uni to decay (Tu.); sed.i strong, affecting the smell powerfully (Tu.)(DEDR 270).
1557.Camel: sa~_d.iya_ young camel; sa~_r.ni_ female camel (H.); sa~_d.h, sa~_d.hiyo camel (G.); sa~_d.hn.i_ female camel (G.); sa~_d.], sa~_d.n.i_ female camel (M.); san.d.hika_ female camel (Skt.); sam.d.hi_ female camel (Pkt.); sa_rni dromedary (B.)(CDIAL 13103). Camel: san.d.hika_ camel (Skt.)(CDIAL 13331). kan.t.i buffalo bull (Ta.)(Tol. Po. 623)(DEDR 1173).
1558.Plaster: gaccu mortar, plaster, cement (Ka.Te.H.); kace (Ma.); gacci a chunammed floor (Ka.M.); gacci-y-en.n.e varnish (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) Smearing with fragrant unguents: cf. kaR- to smear, daub, whitewash (Kond.a); ka_z- (ka_st-) to plaster, rub on (medicine); ka_spa- to rub on, smear on (Pe.); ka_ja (ka_ji-) to daub, plaster over holes; n. daubing, plastering; kahpa (kaht-) to smear, plaster (Kui); ku_du_ kaiyali to plaster with mud; kah- to daub, smear (Kuwi); xasna_ id. (Kur.)(DEDR 1503). kat.ukkutal to gild (S.I.I. ii,245)(Ta.lex.) Chalk; pipeclay: khat.ika_ chalk (Skt.); khat.i_, khat.ini_, kat.hini_, kakkhat.i_ id. (Skt.); khad.i_, khad.ia_ (Pkt.); khar.i_, kher.i_ (S.); khar.i_, khar.ya_ (P.); khar.i_ (Ku.); khari (N.); khari-ma_t.i (A.); khar.i_ (B.Mth.H.G.); khar.iya_ (H.); khad.i~ chalk (M.); khad.u~ a kind of pipeclay (M.)(CDIAL 3773). khar.it.i chalk and earth, plastering mud walls to make them smooth (B.)(CDIAL 3774). ser.hi_ lime (S.); *s've_ta-khat.ika_ white chalk? (Skt.)(CDIAL 12775). kal.i pulpiness, state of being mashed; thick pulp, liquid paste (Kampara_. Mitilaik. 80); silt, sediment (Net.unal. 16); clay (Cilap. 3,96, Urai); liquid metal (Ci_vaka. 103); kal.i-man. clay, potter's clay (Ta.); kal.i-man.n.u id. (Ma.)(Ta.lex.) kliu, kilu clay, black cotton soil (Kui)(DEDR 1381).
1559.To apply incense: ka_t.t.u-tal to apply as incense or perfume to the hair (nar-uman.a mutaliyan-a u_t.t.utal) (a_vika_t.t.i ... co_r kur..al : Kampara_. Na_t.avi. 59); to heat as a vessel of ghee (Ta.lex.) ka_t.t.u-tal to offer to a deity (S.I.I. iii,102) (Ta.lex.) cf. ka_t.t.u-k-karuva_ wild cinnamon, ta_l.icapattiri (Ta.lex.) Perfumer; toilet-woman: gat.t.i-magur..cu to grind perfumes; gat.t.i, ghat.t.i a ball of perfumes (Ka.); kat.t.i a lump (Ta.Ma.); karuvu, garuvu (Te.); khad.a_, gad.d.a_ (M.); gat.t.i-val.ti a female perfumer, a toilet-woman, sairandhri, gandha-ka_rike (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) ghat.t.ana, gat.t.an.e, gat.n.e, ghat.t.an.a, ghat.t.an.e touching, joining; rubbing (the hands etc.) over, rubbing out; causing to move, shaking, stirring round or about; churning; striking, beating; striking together, pressing down, smoothing, compressing; going, moving; practice, business, means of living; gat.t.an.eman.e the tool called a road-tamper (Ka.); cf. kat.t.al.ai touchstone (Kur-al., 986); kat.t.an-ai tamping, ramming down; kat.t.an-ai-maram wooden tamper, rammer (Ta.lex.) Image: to dash together; rub: cf. ghat.t.ayati rubs, touches, shakes (Sus'r.); ghat.t.ate_ (Dha_tup.); ghat.t.ita (MBhj.); ghat.t.e_ti dashes against, touches (Pali); ghat.t.ai touches, rubs against (Pkt.); gha~_t.a_ to stir with the fingers (B.); gha_t.iba_ to brand with a hot iron (Or.); gha_t.n.e~ to bruise, mash, beat (M.); gat.anava_, pret. gat.uva_ to dash together (Si.); ghat.an.u to bruise, grind; ghot.o rub with a pestle (S.); gho_t.un. to rub; ghut.t.un. to be pressed (L.); ghot.n.a_ to grind, rub, smooth; ghot.t.a_ a paper-polishing instrument (P.); ghot.n.o to powder (Ku.); ghot.nu to rub, polish, wear away (N.); gho~t.iba to mix by stirring (A.); gho~t.a_, ghu~t.a_ to rub, stir, dig up (B.); ghot.iba_ to pound, stir up (Or.); ghot.na_, gho~t.na_ to rub; ghot.a_, gho~t.a_ wooden pestle (H.); gho~t.ne~ to grind, rub, polish (M.)(CDIAL 4417). avaghat.t.ayati pushes away (R.); rubs (Sus'r.); stirs up (Car.); o_ghat.t.ida struck (Pkt.); oghat.nu, ogat.nu to crowd out (N.)(CDIAL 749). For semant. 'finger' cf.: Finger: kat.up a finger, a toe, a measure the breadth of one finger; jan:ga kat.up the toes; en:ga kat.up, bud.ha kat.up the thumb; ukdua~ kat.up the fore finger; tala kat.up the middle finger; mundam kat.up the fourth or ring finger; sic kat.up the little finger; kat.up uduk to hold up the thumb as a sign of defiance; bar kat.up jelen:gea it is two finger-breadths too long (Santali.lex.) cf. a_ghat.t.ayati touches on, rubs (Skt.); parighat.t.ana stirring round (MBh.); parihat.t.ai rubs, crushes, strikes down (Pkt.); ahat.a_na_ to hurt; a_hat. sound of soft footsteps (H.); a_ha_t.n.e~, ahat.n.e~, ha_t.n.e~, hat.n.e~ to bruise, mash, worry (M.); a_ghat.ijan.u to be crammed together (S.)(CDIAL 1054). cf. paht.a_, paiht.a_, pait.a_, pa_t.a_ long stick for smoothing plaster (Bi.); ghus.t.a rubbed (Skt.)(CDIAL 8480).
1560.Blister: gha_mosi prickly heat (A.); gha_ma_ci (B.)(CDIAL 4446). cf. gharma heat (RV.)(CDIAL 4445). ghr.s.t.a rubbed, pounded (Sus'r.); frayed, sore (MBh.); ghat.t.ha, ghit.t.ha rubbed (Pkt.); gat.ho rubbed (S.); ghat.t.ha_ hard place on palm made by attrition (P.); gha_t.ha_ blister (P.)(CDIAL 4510). cf. kuru blister, sore (Ta.); boil (Ma.); kuru, kuruvu boil (Ka.); kuri a boil (Tu.); kur-upu a boil, abscess (Te.); kurup pimple (Nk.); kur small boil (Pa.); ku_r boil (Ga.); kurpum id. (Go.); kurpu id., kurku_m pustule, blister, boil (Go.); ku_ru a boil (Kond.a); ku_ru id. (Kuwi); ku_r.r.u_ (pl. ku_r.ka) bubo; ku_ru a boil (Kuwi); kura_r.a inflamed swellling, esp. in the neck (Br.)(DEDR 1780). xorop pus; xoropna_ (xurpya_) to ripen as a boil, suppurate (Kur.); qorpu pus (Malt.)(DEDR 2130). cat.t.ir..i (cat.t.a-ir..i) to smear tbe body with fragrant unguents, to perfume the person in a particular mode; cat.t.a plan; order, regulation; neatness, fineness (Ka.Ta.Ma.Te.); cakkat.a (Te.)(Ka.lex.) cat.t.a-vat.t.am neatness, fineness, orderliness (Ta.Ma.)(Ta.lex.) cat.t.an-tat.t.u-tal to extract the unctuous substance from the dried sac in the anal pouch of the civet cat (W.)(Ta.lex.) cat.t.am sac or gland in the anal pouch of the civet cat (Ta.); id. (Ma.)(DEDR 2305). cat.t.a adv. properly, rightly (Ci. Po_. 9,2); entirely (Te_va_. 586,1)(Ta.lex.) To rub: ir..uku (ir..uki-) to daub, smear, rub over (as mortar); ir..ai (-v-, -nt-) to rub against (as the shoots of the bamboo tree); (-pp-, -tt-) to rub so as to be dissolved (as a pill in honey or milk), daub, paint, draw; ir..icu (ir..ici-) to smear, plaster, spread over (Ta.); ir..uka to daub, rub, soil; ir..un.n.uka to be soiled; ir..ukkuka to solder, make dirty; ir..ukkam rubbing, polish; ir..ayuka to rub (as two branches)(Ma.); er..avu to rub, rub off or out, stroke gently; ercu, eccu to smear (Ka.); r.i_z- (r.i_st-) to draw a line (Pe.)(DEDR 505). uga_l.n.e~ to rub to a powder (M.); uga_lnu to cause to melt or fade, to take up or away altogether (N.)(CDIAL 1953). avaghars.an.a rubbing off (Ya_j.); o_ham.sa stone for rubbing sandal, sandal; o_harisa (Pkt.); orsiyo stone for rubbing sandal on; orasr.i_ small stone for rubbing sandal on (G.)(CDIAL 752). uracu-tal to rub against (Cilap. 3,14, Urai.)(Ta.); urasu id. (Ma.); ura_y-tal to rub, as an animal against a tree, as two branches together (Pin..); ra_yu (Te.); ura_vu-tal to move away, spread; to spread over, extend (Paripa_. 6,1)(Ta.lex.) Touchstone: ponnurai streak of gold on a touchstone (Tirumuru. 145)(Ta.); ponnore id. (Ka.)(Ta.lex.) ponnore equality to gold (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) urai rubbing, friction, attrition (Ta.); ora (Te.); ore (Ka.); ura (Ma.)(Ta.lex.) Instrument for polishing: urukku-val.ai instrument for polishing the precious metals (Can.. Aka.)(Ta.lex.) cf. uraical friction (Ta.)(DEDR 665). Grinding: urai (-v-, -nt-) to be reduced into a powder or paste, wear away by attrition, be indented or effaced by rubbing; (-pp-, -tt-) to rub into a paste, wear away by rubbing, grate (Ta.); uricu (urici-) to grind away, scrape; uriu (urii-) to rub; urical rubbing, chafing (Ta.); urekka to rub, grate, polish, grind, assay metal; uriyuka to be chafed; urusuka to wear off, diminish (Ma.); orv- (ort-) to rub into paste, rub with a stone in making pot; (ord-) to touch or stroke gently; orj- to rub (Ko.); urdu, uddu, ujju to rub, make fine by rubbing; ujjisu to cause to rub; ujju, urdike rubbing; ore (orad-) to touch, rub, smear, grind; orasu, orisu, orsu to touch, rub gently; rubbu to grind in a mortar; n. grinding (Ka.); orabelu rice once cleaned of its husk only; orabe_lu work involving the removal of husk from paddy (Tu.); rubbu to grind in a mortar; rubbu-gun.d.u stone pestle or roller used in grinding things in a mortar; ro~_kali a large wooden pestle; rubgund. stone pestle; roka_l, ro_ka pestle (Kol.); ro_kal pestle (Nk.); urc- to skim off (cream), scrape; ujip- (ujit-) to wipe, sweep (Pa.); uriya_na_ to powder; urisa_na_ to sprinkle or crumble salt, sugar, sandal-powder, etc.; ro_kal pestle; u_c- to scrape, plane; us- to pare; oochana a carpenter's plane (Go.); ro_s- (-t-) to touch slightly, stroke, rub against (Kond.a); ru_ga- (ru_gi-) to be smooth; ru_sa (ru_si-) to crush, grind; n. crushing, grinding; pl. action ru_ska (ru_ski-); ru_seni press for grinding sugarcane (Kui); ru_bali to smear; rub(b)inai to smear, roughen; rub- (-it-) to rub on (oil, etc.)(Go.); [cf. ural mortar (Ta.)(DEDR 651)]; uch- to clean (i.e. scrape up, gleanings), pro_ch- (pra + uch-) to rub, wipe, wipe out, efface (Skt.); orakalu, vorakala (OM.)(DEDR 665). To rub fragrant unguents on the body: urut.an.i id.uvike = gandhana to rub and cleanse the body with fragrant unguents, to apply fragrant unguents; udvartana (Ka.lex.) cf. uracu-tal to rub against (Cilap. 3,14, Urai.); id. (Ma.)(Ta.lex.) urai-tal to be reduced into a powder or paste; to wear away by attrition (Ta.); orayu (Te.); ore (Ka.); ura (Ma.); urai-ttal to rub into a paste (Kalit. 115)(Ta.); oratsu (Te.); ore (Ka.); ura (Ma.); ure (Tu.); to smear, daub (Ci_vaka. 832)(Ta.lex.) ur-an.t.ai rank smell as of bugs, of fish, of rancid ghee; ur-at.t.ai id. (Ta.lex.) urdike rubbing (Ka.lex.) ruddu, rubbu to grind in a mortar (Ka.lex.) udghr.s.t.a rubs (Skt.); udghars.ati rubs together (Skt.); uggham.se_ti (Pali); ughan.u wipes (S.); ugghusai (Pkt.); ugghan. to wipe (esp. the opium from the slice poppy capsule); uggha_ collector of opium (L.); ugghat.t.ha rubbed (Pali); ugghit.t.ha, ugghut.t.ha (Pkt.); ugat.ho wiped; pp. ughan.u (S.)(CDIAL 1980). nighars.a rubbing (Skt.); nigham.sa (Pali); n.iham.sa (Pkt.); nahas (Si.); n.ighasa, n.ihasa touchstone (Pkt.)(CDIAL 7170) Rubbed: nighr.s.t.a rubbed (MBh.); n.ihat.t.ha (Pkt.); n.ihasiu_n.a absol. (Pkt.); nihat.an.em. to rush forcibly (OM.); nehat.n.e~, nehet.n.e~, net.n.e~ to press hard on (M.)(CDIAL 7176). praghars.ati rubs to pieces (Kaus'.); pagham.sai, pagham.san.a rubbing again and again (Pkt.); pa_sinava_, pa_hinava_ to pound, clean rice by pounding, grind, bruise, cut (Si.)(CDIAL 8483). ghu_sna_, ghusna_ to be thrust in (H.); ghu~sal to rub in (Bhoj.)(CDIAL 4492). Incense: ghra_ smell (Skt.); avaghra_ha_payati causes to smell at (S'Br.)(CDIAL 757). cf. a_r-u (a_r-i-) to emit smell, an odour; na_r-r-am smell, scent, odour, sense of smell; na_n-am fragrant substance, musk, musk deer, unguents for the body, perfumed oil for bathing, scented hair-oil, fragrant powder (Ta.); nar-a, nar-avam, nar-avu, nar-a_, nar-ai odour, fragrance, incense (Ta.)(DEDR 2918). cf. ka_r.. (-pp-,-tt-) to be pungent, acrid (Ta.); ka_t.a, ga_t.a, ga_t.u strong, stifling smell as of tobacco, chillies, etc. (Ka.); ka_ku sharp, stifling smell as of onion (Ka.)(DEDR 1492). cf. ka_r (-pp, -tt-) to be pungent; ka_ram pungency, caustic (Ta.); ka_ra tasting or smelling hot; hot, pungent (Tu.)(DEDR 1466). a_ghra_ta smelt, scented (Sus'r.); aggha_ia smelt (Pkt.); aga_ festoon work, bouquet (Si.)(CDIAL 1061). a_ghra_payati causes to smell (Ka_tyS'r.); a_ghra_ta smelt at, satiated (Skt.); a_ghra_n.a act of smelling (Gaut.); satiety, satiated (Skt.); aggha_am.ta smelling; pass. aggha_ijjai, agghavai fills; aggha_d.ai (Pkt.); agrem I become tired (Kal.); agha.n.o, aghi_n.o to be full, be sated (Ku.); agha_unu to feed to the full (N.); agha_ijiba_ to be sated (Or.); agha_eb to satiate, disgust (Mth.); agha_i is satisfied (OAw.); agha_na_, a~gha_na_ to be full (H.); aggha_n.a satisfied (Pkt.); agha_na_ satiated, rich (H.)(CDIAL 1062). upaghra_yam smelling at (MaitrS.); upaghra_payati causes to smell at (TS.); upajaghrau kissed (Skt.); upaggha_yati smells at, kisses (Pali); waga_n.o to be satiated, be full, get puffed up (Ku.)(CDIAL 2158). ghra_n.a smelling (S'Br.); smell (S'a_n:khGr..); nose (ChUp.); ghra_n.a_ nose (VarBr.S.); gha_na sense of smell, nose (Pali); gha_n.a nose (Pkt.); gru~ mucus of nose (Kal.); grho_n. stinking; grho_n.u rotten (Phal.); gha_n. stink (G.M.); gha_n.i (OM.); gha_n.i, ga_n.i (Konkan.i)(CDIAL 4531). gho_n.a_ nose, beak (of owl)(MBh.); nose, horse's nose (Pkt.); gho_n.a (Pkt.); ghon.a_ fleshy root of septum of nose (M.); gon.a nose (Si.)(CDIAL 4520). kun.un:ku smell of cattle, butter etc. (Ta.); kun.ukku-na_r-uka, kun.ukku-man.am sweaty smell, smell of soiled linen steeped in water (Ma.)(DEDR 1687). cf. ca_'(a)na_ (ca~_cas) to stink, give forth an offensive smell; to smell in general (Kur.); cen-ye (cen-ca) to emit odour; cen-yro scented, smelling (Malt.)(DEDR 2264).
1561.Pungent smell: cf. ka_t.a, ga_t.a, ga_t.u strong stifling smell as of tobacco, chillies etc. (Ka.)(DEDR 1492). ka_t.t.u < ga_t.u (Te.) pungency, acridity; cf. kat.u (Ta.lex.) kat.a, kat.u pungent, sharp; kat.u pungent, strong-scented, pungent, ill-smelling (Ka.); kat.uka sharp, pungent (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) ka_t.a, kan.t.u, ga_t.a, ga_t.u a sharp, strong, stifling smell, as that of tobacco, chillies etc. (Ka.M.); ka_t.u (Te.); ka_r, ka_r- to be sharp, pungent (Ta.)(Ka.lex.)
1562.Gruel; sour; pungent: gad.ita distilled (Skt.); rainwater flowing out from a village on to the fields (B.)(CDIAL 3976). ka_t.i fermented gruel or rice-water (Ta.Ma.); ka_d.i id. (Te.)(Ta.lex.) ka_t.i water in which rice has been washed, kept till it ferments; vinegar (Ma.); ka_t.e, ka_d.e a kind of fermented pap of jo_l.a or ra_gi, to which buttermilk is added (Ka.)(DEDR 1436). khat.t.a sour (Gal.); sour; curry (Pkt.); khat.o acid, sour (S.); buttermilk (S.); khat.t.a_ sour; sour milk (L.); sour; a species of lemon (P.); sour, acid (H.N.Mth.); kha_t.a_ id. (B.Bhoj.); kha_t.u~ (G.); kha_t.u_, kha_t.ya_ (M.)(CDIAL 3777). kad.u pungency (Tu.); xar.xa_ bitter, pungent (Kur.)(DEDR 1135). khad.a, khala buttermilk boiled with acid vegetables and spices (Sus'r.); kala vinegar (Si.)(CDIAL 3783). kat.u Indian mustard, brassica juncea (Ta.Ma.); kar.g id. (Ko.); kad.u id. (Kod..); kor.x id. (To.)(DEDR 1137). kat.u bitterness, pungency (Ta.); pungency (Tu.); sharp (Kond.a); kar.u bitter, sour (Nk.); kr.o_ pungent (Kui); qar.qe bitter (Malt.)(DEDSR 1135). kat.u, kat.uka pungent, bitter (RV.); kat.uka (Pali); kad.u, kad.ua (Pkt.); k.irwa, k.iwari (Gypsy); kera (Kt.); kar.u_ buttermilk, sour milk (Shum.Pas'.); kaur.o, kar.o bitter, pungent (S.); kaur.a_ bitter (L.P.); kar.u_ medicine for horses and camels (L.P.); kar.wa_i_ bitterness (L.P.); kar.a_ bitter (Ku.); karuwa_ rancid (of ghee)(A.); kar.uya_ pungent (B.); kar.ua_ (Or.H.Bhoj.); kar.u (Mth.); karu_ (Aw.); kad.u_u (OG.); kar.vu~ (G.); kad.u_, kad.va_ (M.); kad.u (Konkan.i); kul.u pungent (Si.); kula sharp taste (Si.); kerko, kirko bitter, rancid (Gypsy)(CDIAL 2641). kat.utva pungency, bitterness (Skt.); kat.ukatta (Pali); kur.att (P.)(CDIAL 2643). Pickle: kat.i pickle (Ta.); kat.ippa_, kat.ippa_n. curry, relish, condiment, pickle (Ta.); kad.i curds mixed with salt, chillies, mustard, etc., and some rice flour boiled and seasoned (Ka.)(DEDR 1128). Sour gruel: kar..i (kal.i?) sour gruel (Ka.); kali the water in which rice has been washed, kept until it ferments (Te.); e_r-u kali water and gruel (Kond.a); kali sour rice-gruel (Skt. Yas'astilaka); khali boiled ground rice-gruel (Skt.)(DEDR 1379). kal.i thick pulp, liquid paste, a kind of pasty pottage made with flour, etc., gruel (Ta.); thick pap or paste, water boiled with lime and turmeric (Ma.)(DEDR 1378). Fermented gruel; desire; tumult; grief: kvatha decoction (Pa_n..); kar.h boiling or warming milk (P.); kad.h ebullition, vehement impulse (M.)(CDIAL 3634). Decoction; soup: kat.t.u the water in which any kind of pulse has been boiled, decoction of any kind of pulse (Ka.); essence (Tu.); dal-soup, water in which any kind of pulse is boiled (Te.); be_l.eta kat.t.u decoction of pulses (Tu.); kat. soup (Pa.); decoction of pulse (M.)(DEDR 1150). kahai, kad.hai boils, stews (Pkt.); kerav to cook (Gypsy); keredo hot (Gypsy); kar. to boil (Pas'.); kayoiki (Sh.); kar.han.u to boil, fret (S.); kar.han. to boil, rise (L.); kad.hvu~ to boil (G.); kad.hn.e~ to be boiled (M.); kad.ayta_ boils (Konkan.i); kara-wou boiled water (K.); kad.ha_uni_, kad.ha_uli_ earthen vessel in which milk, etc. is boiled (H.)(CDIAL 3635). kvathana boiling by fire (Sus'r.); kad.hana (Pkt.); kad.han. hot-tempered; n. water taken from boiling pulse, etc. and mixed with spices (G.); decoction, broth of pulse or grain (M.)(CDIAL 3636). kvathita boiled (Mn.); kvathita_ decoction of curcuma, asafoetida and milk (Bhpr.); kat.hita hot (Pali); kad.hia boiled; n. decoction (Pkt.); kad.hia_ a kind of food (Pkt.); khaii soup made of strips of thin bread put into water and boiled (Sh.); kuru curdled milk cooked and spiced (K.); kar.hi_ dish of pulse dressed with sour milk (S.); gruel (prepared in a variety of ways)(P.); pulse meal with spices and sour milk (H.); kar.i_ curry made of curds by boiling (Ku.); kar.i broth of rice fragments and sour milk (N.); kad.hi_ a kind of soup (G.); flour etc. boiled in buttermilk (M.)(CDIAL 3637). kva_tha boiling (Ya_j.); decoction (VarBr.S.); ka_vo decoction, potion (G.); ka_d.ha decoction (Pkt.); ka_r.ho decoction, sultriness (S.); ka_r.ha_ medicinal decoction (Bhoj.); ka_d.ho (G.); ka_d.ha_ (M.)(CDIAL 3639). kva_thayati makes boil (Kaus'.); ka_run to boil (K.); ka_r.han.u to boil, distress (S.); ka_r.hn.a_ to boil (P.); ka_r.nu_ (WPah.); ka_r.ha_eb (Mth.)(CDIAL 3640). kvathathi boiled (Dha_tup.); kat.hati boils, stews (Pali)(kuthati boils (Pali)(CDIAL 3282). cf. kal.i thick pulp, liquid paste, a kind of pasty pottage made with flour, etc. (Ta.)(DEDR 1378). Nitrate; decoction: ka_d.e a decoction (Ka.); kas.a_ya (Skt.); ka_t.a (M.H.); ka_d.e, ka_t.e water in which rice has been washed, kept till it ferments; sour gruel (Ka.lex.) ka_t.ikka_ram nitrate of silver, lunar caustic, argenti nitras; cf. ka_t.i fermented gruel or rice-water (Ta.Ka.); cf. yava-ks.a_ra saltpetre (Skt.); ka_t.icca_l broad-mouthed pot for keeping sour rice-water (Cin-e_n. 172)(Ta.lex.) ka_t.i fermented gruel or rice-water, vinegar, gruel, pickled (Ta.); water in which rice has been washed, kept till it ferments; vinegar (Ma.); ka_t.e, ka_d.e a kind of fermented pap of jo_l.a or ra_gi, to which buttermilk is added (Ka.); ka~_d.i rice-water, gruel (Te.)(DEDR 1436).
1563.Capital city: kat.aka table-land; an army, a camp; a royal capital or metropolis; a house or dwelling; name of the capital of Orissa; kat.a_ha a dvipa or division of a known continent (Skt.lex.)
1564.Wood: kat. wood, timber, cut or growing; kat. reak wooden; kat. a dry measure, a maund, used with respect to grain; kat.ha a land measure, the twentieth part of a bigha; a measure, equal to two seers; kat.hi id.; the weight or weights attached to a certain kind of fish net to make it sink; kat.hli a small wooden cup for holding oil; kat. makor. wood and all connected with it; kat.pat firewood and leaves; kat.kut. expert in wood-work, skilled in black arts (Santali.lex.) kat.t.ige (Tadbhava of ka_s.t.hika) a piece of wood or timber; wood or timber; fuel; a stick, a club (Ka.); ka_s.t.ha (Ka.Skt.); kat.t.ai (Ta.); kat.t.e (Te.); kat.t.igeyava a mace-bearer, a door-keeper; one who bears, or sells, wood (Ka.lex.) kat.a a thin piece of wood, plank (Skt.lex.)
1565.Images: vein of a leaf; cut; piece: kad.d.i small stick, bit of wood, fibre or vein of a leaf, bit of a stem or a haulm, small stick used for writing (Ka.); small stick, bit of wood (Kod..); kad.d.i the fibre or vein of a leaf, a very small stick (Tu.); ka_d.i_ match-stick (?M.)(DEDR App.24). kad.i small fragment, bit (Tu.); kad.uta, gad.i a cut, incision (Tu.); kat.ikai piece cut off (Ta.)(DEDR 1125). Small stick: kad.d.i_ stick (esp. of metal), bar, ingot, slate pencil (Te.); kad.d.i small stick (Kod..Ka.)(DEDR App.24). ka_d.i_ little stick, blade of grass (M.); ka_d.u_k little stick (M.); kar penis (Gypsy); ka_r.u (S.); ka_r.h (H.); ka_r. (G.)(CDIAL 3017). kot.hu impalement stake (K.); small stick (K.); ka_t.hi splinter (Or.); ka_t.hi_ thin bamboo measuring rod (A.B.); ka_t.hi_ pole, horse's penis (M.); stick, measure of 5 cubits (M.G.); kat.a dry stick, fuel (Si.); ka_hor.i piece of wood serving as axle in a flour-mill (WPah.)(CDIAL 3120).
1566.Image: tooth, tusk: {Echo word} kat.aka a tooth, tusk; danta, da_d.e (Ka.lex.) cf. ka_l.e, ka_hale (Tadbhava of kahal.e) a metal horn (trumpet) of a long tapering shape, or of a horn-like shape (Ka.lex.) Images: piece of elephant's tusk; small stick; piece: gat.u piece of stick in a dog's collar; gat.o piece of wall, piece of canal left undug; gat.i_ piece of elephant's tusk, etc. (S.); gat.t. cluster, stopper (P.); gat.t.a_ stopper (P.H.); git.i_ small bit of food (S.)(CDIAL 3965). gan.d.rincu to cut, divide; gan.t.u to cut, wound; n. cut, wound, notch (Te.); gan.d.rikalu pieces, fragments (Te.); gundr.a piece; gandranga rath'nai to cut in pieces; gan.d.ra piece (Kuwi)(DEDR 1176). kita a piece, division, part; mit bar kita one or two pieces; mit kita khet one field (Santali.lex.) kad.i to gnash, as the teeth; to chew (Ka.); kat.i (Ta.Ma.); kad.e, kaje (Tu.); kar-acu, kar-ucu (Te.) (Ka.lex.) kat.a-kat.a-ttal to become loose, as teeth (Ta.lex.) kat.akat.a kad.i, kat.t.ane kad.i to grind one's teeth (also kat.t.akat.t.a kad.i); to produce the sound kat.akat.a in chewing a hard or crips substance; kat.akat.ennu to crackle; kat.akane with the sound of kat.a, produced when one bites a hard or crisp substance; kat.aku, kat.uku, kat.ikat.i crispness (of bread and other eatables)(Ka.); kat.ukut.u noise produced in biting or chewing any hard substance (Tu.); kat.ukku sound produced in biting or in cutting with nippers; kat.akat.a a crackling noise, as in chewing etc. (Te.)(DEDR 1110b).
1567.Sound of rubbing: kar-akar-a to crackle in the mouth (as a crisp cake)(Ta.)(DEDR 1386). kat.akat.a_ sound of rubbing (MBh.); kat.akat.a_payati makes a grating sound (R.); kad.atkr.ta noise (Skt.); kat.akat.a_yati creaks, snaps, crushes (Pali); kad.ayad.a crackling; kad.ayad.ia adj. (Pkt.); kar-kar karun to crackle (K.); kar.kar. crash of thunder (B.); kar.a-kar.a sound of frying oil (Or.); kar.a-mar.a gnashing of teeth (Or.); kar. loud crackling sound (G.); kad.-kad. crashing; kad.a_d. crackling (M.); kad.akkiya crackling (Pkt.); kar.akn.a_ to rattle, crackle (P.); karkanu to crack, curl up; kakranu to curl up (N.); kar.ka_na to admonish (B.); kar.akiba_ to boil (of oil), foam with rage (Or.); kar.a_ko fasting (OMarw.); kar.a_ko loud crack; kar.ak dry, crisp, hot-tempered (G.); kad.akn.e~ to crackle (M.)(CDIAL 2632). kit.akit.a_yate_ grates the teeth (Sus'r.); kid.ikid.ia_ grating of teeth, sound of dry bones (Pkt.); kiri_r.n.a_, kirar.n.a_ to grind the teeth; kir.kir.a_un.a_, kir.kar.a_un.a_ to speak angrily (P.); kirik-kirik, kirin.-kirin. grating noise (as of teeth)(N.); kir.kir., kirkir, kir.mir. (B.); kir.ikir.i (Or.); kir.kir.a_na_ to sound gritty (H.)(CDIAL 3154). khat.akhat.a_yate_ crackles (Skt.); khat.akhat.a noise of hawking (Pali); khad.ahad.a rattling (of chains etc.)(Pkt.); khar.kan.u to rattle, crackle (S.); khar.kan. to rustle; khar.ka_van. to make rustle, beat (L.); khar.ka_un.a_ to make rattle, thump (P.); kharkhara_unu to rustle, creak (N.); khar.khar.a_na to crackle, crunch (B.); khar.akhar.a rattling (Or.); khar.khar.a_na_ to make noise with (H.); khar.khar.vu~ to rattle (G.); khad.khad.n.e~ (M.); khat.ikhat.i rattling (S.); khat.ka_un.a_ to knock; khat.a_pat.i_ noise (P.); khat.khat.a_unu to clash (N.); khat.pat squabble (N.); khat.khat. sound of collision, clatter (A.B.); khat.akhat.a rattle (Or.); khat.khat.a_na_ to make clatter (H.); khat.khat. click (G.M.); khat.pat. discord (G.)(CDIAL 3771). cf. kat.akat.av-en-al, kat.akat.-en-al clattering, rattling, rumbling; sounding rapidly (Ta.)(DEDR 1110a). cf. gad.ayad.a sound of thunder (Pkt.)(CDIAL 3972). cf. gorgor gurgling (K.); ghar.ghar.a_na_ to thunder, crack (H.)(CDIAL 4419).
1568.Bad smell: cf. kus- (-t-) to urinate (Kond.a)(DEDR 1635). korcu, koccu stench of urine (Ka.); kujaru id., any bad smell (Tu.); kotte urine (Kor.)(DEDR 2128). racasec to urinate; jurni (female child) to urinate; jorea (male child) to urinate; pon.d. jhar white urine; jhar deposit in urine (Santali.lex.)
1569.Image: a cut, a piece: kad.uku cutting; a cut, a piece (Ka.); kad.iku id. (Ka.); kad.uku a bit, a little bit; a jag; kat.uku a limited compass; smallness, littleness; a thin end (Ka.lex.) kad. the customary grant allowed on a purchase of hundred articles of the same kind (G.); kat.a side, margin (Skt.)(G.lex.) kad.e, kad.a edge, side (OM.)(DEDR 1109). kat.uka to cut (Skt.); caro cutlet (Lat.)(Pali.lex.) kan.d.a the portion of a stalk or cane between one knot and another; a section, portion; a small portion, a bit or lump (Pali); clades (Lat.); ka_n.d.a (Skt.)(Pali.lex.) kad.i small fragment, bit (Tu.); kat.i, kad.ita, kad.a, kad.ata, kad.uku cutting, portion cut off (Ka.); kat.ikai piece cut off (Ta.); kad.iyuni to be cut in two; kad.uni, kad.upuni to cut, fell; kad.da_t.a cutting, fighting; kad.uta, gad.i a cut, incision (Ka.); kad.i-kan.d.alu fragments, bits, pieces (Te.); xat.t.na_ (xat.t.yas) to divide, separate in several sets or parts, portion out (Kur.)(DEDR 1125). Twenty: ta'red to measure (quantity); tar-gad to cut up into small pieces; to mince (Sora.lex.)[cf.the morpheme -gad and Zide's insights on -kad as a reflex connoting '20'. gad + tam (cut-month) = gattam to reduce the quantity measured; gad- to cut, split; gad-gad to cut repeatedly (Sora); had (Mundari); get, ged (Birhor); gada (Kachari)(Sora.lex.)]
1570.Image: pole: gad.i, gad.e a pole (Ka.); kar..i a staff (Ta.Ma.)(Ka.lex.) kat.i drumstick (Patir-r-up. 84,1); kat.ippu id. (Man.i. 25,51); handle of the bellows (Ci_vaka. 2830)(Ta.lex.)
1571.Relations: kat.umpu relations (kat.umpin- kat.umpaci kal.aiyunark- ka_n.a_tu : Pur-ana_.68,2)(Ta.lex.); cf. kut.umba family (Skt.)
1572.Ball of mahua and flour: kad.umbu, kad.ubu, kad.abu a kind of cake boiled in steam (Ka.); kad.imbi, kad.iumbut.t.i small ball of rice (Kod..); kad.ubu, kad.umbu a kind of cake (Tu.); kud.umu a bun or cake boiled in steam [vowel u by crossing with u items in: gud.d.u eyeball (Ka.)(DEDR 1680)]; kud.um flour-ball; kuddum (pl. kudduhk) the ball of mahua and flour which Gonds take on journeys as provisions (Go.); kad.bu_ a cake stuffed and rolled up (M.)(DEDR 1139).
1573.Image: doolie: kat.t.an.am doolie, litter (Kuruparam. 385, Pan-n-i_.); bier (Tiruppu. 49)(Ta.lex.) kat.aka-t-tan.t.u < kat.aka palanquin (Cilap. 14,126, Urai.)(Ta.lex.)
1574.Image: to be raised; portable: skadyate_ is spurted out (Skt.); khazo_nu, khazyo_nu to come up or out (Sh.); khajan.u to be raised, to be lifted, be carried; khajin.o movable, portable (S.); kha~_ziba to ram down (A.)(CDIAL 13624).
1575.Image: wooden vessel for oil: ke~r.iya_ wooden or earthen vessel for oil etc. (B.); ka~_r.a_ oil vessel made of bamboo joint, needle of bamboo for netting (B.); ka~_r.i_ wooden milkpail (Mth.)(CDIAL 3023). ka_t.he wooden (N.); kat.hiya_ a wooden dish (H.); ka_t.hiyo wooden frame of a wagon (G.)(CDIAL 3133). Image: broad-mouthed pot: ka_t.i-c-ca_l broad-mouthed pot for keeping sour rice-water (Cin-e_n. 172)(Ta.lex.) ka_t.i-c-ca_l-mu_lai north-eastern corner where waste water is emptied in a pot at sacrifice; ka_t.i-y-at.uppu a fireplace in the form of a long ditch used for cooking on a large scale (Ta.lex.) Bowl: kat.i beggar's bowl; kat.ijai id. (Man.i. Pati. 63); earthen vessel (Ta.)(Ta.lex.); cf. ghat.i_ (Skt.); kat.ikai plate from which food is eaten; drinking vessel with a spout; cf. kun.t.ikai (Ta.lex.) Grain measure: ka_t.i a measure of capacity for grain (S.I.I. iii,9); < kha_ri_ (RV.)(Ta.lex.) cf. kat.a_ram cauldron (Ta.)(DEDR App. 22). kad.a_i, kad.a_ye cauldron (Kon.lex.) kad.a_yi (Tadbhava of kat.a_ha) a large, round boiler of copper, bell-metal or iron (Ka.); kal.asige id. (Ka.); kad.a_ra (Te.); kid.a_ra (Ma.); kad.u-ka_vali a large frying-pan (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) kat.o_ri_, kat.o_ro a cup, a bowl; a semispherical vessel (G.); kat.o_ra_ (Skt.)(G.lex.) kat.a_ha a pot, vessel, vase, receptacle (Pali.lex.) Small pot; kettle: gan.d.i_ iron kettle (Pas'.); ghan.t.i_ small metal pot (H.)(CDIAL 4421). kin.t.i small drinking vessel with nozzle (Ta.); goblet, water-vessel with a snout (Ma.); kin.d.y metal drinking vesel (no spout)(Ko.); gin.d.i, gin.n.al, gin.n.il small metal water-vessel (with or without spout)(Ka.); kin.d.i small metal vessel with spout (Kod..); gin.d.i, gin.d.ya, gin.d.y goblet, small metal vessel; gin.nalu goglet, cup of bell-metal (Tu.); gin.d.i jug, drinking vessel with a spout (Te.); gin.d.i_ small metal vessel (M.)(DEDR 1541). Clepsydra: kin.n.am, kin.n.i small metal cup, clepsydra (Ta.); kin.n.am metal plate, gong (Ma.); kin.m (obl. kin.t-) metal eating vessel (To.); kin.n.alu brass cup (Tu.); ginniya, ginne cup, bowl, goblet (Te.); gina metal pot, cup (Ga.); geen a metal vessel (Go.); gina id., metal cup (Kond.a); gina_ metal cup (Kuwi); gina_ metal cup (Or.)(DEDR 1543). gan.d.i_ gong; gan.d.ika_ (BHSkt.); gan.d.i_ (Pali); ged.a (Si.)(CDIAL 4005). ghan.t.a_ bell (Skt.); ghan.t.ika_ small bell; ghan.t.u string of bells round an elephant's chest; granthi bell (Skt.); ghan.t.a_, ghan.t.i_ bell (Pali); gham.t.a, gham.t.ia_ (Pkt.); ghan.d.u bell; ghan.d.i_ small bell; ghin.d.u (S.); ghan.d. iron bell on a buffalo's neck (L.); ghan.d.a_ a bell used to attract deer (P.); gha_no bell; ga~_r. (Ku.); gha~_r.o bell on a dog's neck (N.); ghan.t.a_, ghan.t.i_ bell clock (Or.); ghan.t.a_ bell, clock, hour (H.); gan.t.a hoiur (Sh.); ghan.t.i_ small bell (H.); gha_m.t.a bell (OG.); gha~_t. (M.); gha_n.t.a (Konkan.i)(CDIAL 4421). t.in:go_ dancing-bells (Go.); t.in:go cow-bell (Pe.); t.i_ni a bell (Kui)(DEDR 2954). cf. ghun:gru small camel bell (L.); ghin:ghiru_ ankle bell, cattle bell (S.)(CDIAL 4477). cf. ka.li-gin.n.i ankle (Kod..); ken.t.ai id. (Ta.)(DEDR 1946). kin.n.-en-al, kin:kin.-en-al, kin.i_r-en-al, kin.i_l-en-al, kin.i_n--en-al, kin.ukku-kkin.ukk-en-al onom. expr. signifying tinkling sound (Ta.); kin.i cymbal; kin:kin.i, kin:kin.i tinkling ornament, girdle of small bells; rattlewort, crotalaria pulcherrina ; kin.iti rattlewort; kin.ai a small drum (Ta.); kin.ukin.a tinkling; kin.un.n.uka, kin.ukkuka to tinkle (Ma.); kon./kon.il in- (id--) id.; kon. gon. in- (id--) (bell) to peal (To.); kin.i-gut.t.u, kin.ikin.i ennu to tinkle (as small bells, etc.); gin.i sound in imitation of chinking, light rattling; gin.igin.ike the plant crotalaria in its various species, of which the seeds rattle (Ka.); kin.ikin.i tinkling of small bells, a clinking sound; kin.ilu noise made by the fall of a small bell; gin.igin.i, gin.ilu tinkling sound of a small bell (Tu.); gin:guru a ringing sound (Te.); kin.akin.ala_d.u to tinkle (Te.); kin.i sound of a small bell (Pali); kin.ikin.a_ya vb. applied to (sound of) sandals (BHSkt.); kin.ikin.inta making noise kin. kin. (Pkt.)(DEDR 1545). kin:kin.i_ small bell (MBh.); kin:kin.ika, kin:kan.ika (Pali); kim.kin.i_, kim.kin.ia_, khim.khin.i_, khim.khin.ia_ (Pkt.); kin:gn.i_ an ear-ornament of women (L.); ki~kni_ anklet with bells (Bi.); ki~kini_ girdle of small bells (H.); ki~kn.i_ little bell (M.); kikini girdle of small bells (Si.); kin:kin.i_ small bell (G.)(CDIAL 3152). ghan.t.a_rave crotalaria of various species (Ka.Skt.)(Ka.lex.) Image: clepsydra: gad.i a ghurry or hour of 24 minutes; a gong or plate of metal on which the hours are struck (Tadbhava of ghat.a)(Ka.); gad.i, gad.iye (Te.); gad.ige, gad.age, gad.igi (Tadbhava of ghat.aka_) an earthen vessel (Ka.); gad.a a liquid measure equal to forty se_rs (Ka.); gad.a (Tadbhava of ghat.a) an earthen vessel used like a drum (Ka.); cf. san:gad.a = san:gha_ta striking together (Ka.lex.) kat.ikai Indian hour of 24 minutes (Tiva_.); ghat.ika_ (Skt.); kat.ikaiyar court bards who, in ancient times, functioned as tellers of time in the royal court, their duty being to sing in verse for the information of the king, there and then, the exact time of the day (Kampara_. Er..ucci. 79); kat.ikaiya_r id. (Cilap. 5,49, Urai.); servants attached to palaces in ancient times whose duty it was to announce, by beat of drum, the king's commands to the public (S.I.I. ii,125); kat.ikai < ghat.a_ village assembly (I.M.P. Cg. 129)(Ta.lex.)
1576.Image: elephant: kat.ir-u < kal.iru elephant (Tiv. Periya_r... 3,2,6); cf. kal.ir-u male elephant (Man.i. 18,140); id. (Ma.); boar (Tol. Po. 589); male shark (Pin..)(Ta.lex.)
1577.Abundance: ka_t.u-pat.utal to abound, as wealth (I_t.u, 5,9,5)(Ta.lex.) ga_t.amu much, great (Te.); ga_t.i, ga_t.u much (Pe.); ga_t.u id. (Mand..); ga_t.i id. (Kuwi)(DEDR 1442). ghat.a_ collection, mass (BhP.); ghad.a_ (Pkt.); ghat.t.a dense; collection, troop (Pkt.)(CDIAL 4411). kat.i abundance, copiousness, plentifulness (Ci_vaka. 440)(Ta.lex.) kat.a much, excessive; excess, superabundance; kat.aka excess, largeness (Ka.lex.) Great: ga_t.i, ga_t.u much (Pe.); ga_t.u id. (Mand..); ga_t.i id. (Kuwi); ga_t.amu much, great (Te.)(DEDR 1442). Greatness: kati to become large, grow big, abound, be superior to; katippu thickness; katimai largeness, greatness (Ta.); kadiya strongly, well (Tu.)(DEDR 1191). tsad. much, in great uantity; kedo how great; tedo so great (Konkan.i.lex.) gan, gen big (Tor.); ghan.o much, many (S.); ghan.aum. much (OG.); ghan.d. big (Par.); go~_ big (Shum..); gho~_ big (Mai.); gand big (Tor.); go_nt (Gau.)(CDIAL 4424).
1578.Autumn crop: kati_ autumn crop, the month (S.); ka_rttika_ the twelfth month October-November (MBh.); kartiyasa (KharI.); kattiya (Pkt.); kati_, katte~, kateu~ the month; katte (L.); katta_ (P.); ka_ti (WPah.A.B.)(CDIAL 3070). kat.t.i-c-campa_ a kind of paddy maturing in four months (Ta.lex.) katak, kattak, katten. the name of the seventh month; kanak katak di putt jet.han. da wheat sown in katak and a first born son (are two blessings)(P.lex.) Image: pleiades; six presiding goddesses: ka_rtika, ka_rtike_ya Skanda (Ka.lex.) ka_rttikai-y-ar-uvar the six presiding deities of the constellation Pleiades (Paripa_. 5,45, Urai.); ka_rttikai-p-pen:kal. id. (Ta.); ka_rttikai-t-te_vima_r id. (W.); ka_rttikai Durga_; cf. ka_rttike_ya-su_ (Skt.); ka_rttikai-viratam monthly fast in honour of Skanda, when the moon is in conjunction with Pleiades, a constellation, part of me_t.a-ra_ci and it.apa-ra_ci (Tiva_.)(Ta.lex.) kr.ttika_ name of a constellation, pleiades (T.S. iv.4.5.1); a list of seven: amba_, dula_, nitatni, abhrayanti_, me_ghayanti_, vars.ayanti_, cupun.i_ka_ (Vedic.lex.) Image: pleiades: kr.ttike the third lunar mansion containing the stars called the pleiades, who are considered to be the nurses of Ka_rttike_ya; ka_rtika, ka_rttika (fr. kr.ttika_) name of the month Ka_rttika (October-November), when the moon is full and near the Kr.ttika_s; the eighth month in the ca_ndrama_na (lunar calendar); Skanda; ka_rttike_ya Skanda, the son of Agni and Gan:ga_, whose nurses were the Kr.ittika_s (Ka.lex.) ka_rttikai the eight month of the Indian calendar (ca_ndra-ma_na or lunar calendar)(Caivaca. A_ca_ri. 79); ka_rttikai-c-campa_ a kind of campa_ paddy, maturing in from four to six months; ka_rttikai-y-arici an ancient tax (S.I.I. i,90); ka_rttikai-ppori fried paddy mixed with treacle used in ka_rttikai festival (Ta.lex.) kr.ttika_ the pleiades (AV.); kattika_ the month October-November (Pali); kattiya_ pleiades (Pkt.); katyu~_ f. pl. (S.); ka_tya_ f. pl. (M.); khitti_ (P.); kti pl. (Si.)(CDIAL 3427). ka_tya_ pl. pleiades (M.); kti (Si.); kati_um. (S.); ka_tik month of kartika (H.); kattak (P.); kattia (Pkt.); kr.ttika_ (Skt.)(Bloch, pp.314). ka_tya_yani Durga_; ka_tya_yani_-putra Gan.e_s'a; Ka_rttike_ya (Ka.Skt.)(Ka.lex.) kattari, kattiri-veyyil < kr.ttika_ period of the greatest heat in summer, usually the fornight from 23rd cittirai to 7th vaika_ci (Ta.lex.)
1579.Image: hump: kuu the hump on a bull's shoulders (Ma.); kunja_r.i hump of bullock (Go.); koonjaree id. (Go.); gunzam, guzam shoulder (Kond.a)(DEDR 1643). skandha the shoulder; skandha-va_haka carrying on the shoulders; an ox trained to carry burdens (Ka.lex.)
1580.Mountain: kat.akin a mountain; kat.a_ha a heap or pile (Skt.lex.) kat.ka kot.ko hilly, hills and valleys, ups and downs, not level; t.un.d.i disom ad.i kat.ka kot.kogea the country of T.un.d.i is all hills and valleys; bel ot banukanan. eken kat.ka kot.kogea there is no level ground, only ups and downs (Santali.lex.)
1581.Country to the east of Malaya mountain range: ke_tuma_lavarut.am one of nine divisions of the earth; western portion of Jambu_-dvi_pa between the Gandhama_dana range and the sea (kut.akat.ar-ku-k-ki_r.. ke_tuma_lamen--k-kur-ittit.uka : Civataru. Ko_pura. 53); a region (kantama_tan-ame_r- pun.arina_ppan. ke_tuma_lvarut.am: Kantapu. An.t.ako_. 36), i.e. in the centre between gandhama_dana and the sea; cf. malayah. name of a mountain range in the south of India, abounding in sandal tree; name of the country lying to the east of the Malaya range, Malabar; malayajah. a sandal tree (Skt.lex.)
1582.Lamp-black: kajjala lamp-black (Sus'r.); id. used as collyrium for the eyes (Pali.Pkt.); kazul, kazalas lamp-black (K.); ka_jal. lamp-black (G.); soot (M.); kajalu (S.); kajal, kajla_ antimony for the eyes (L.); lamp-black for the eyes (P.); kajjal collyrium (WPah.); ka_jal (Ku.H.); collyrium (Or.); ga_jal id. (N.); ka_zal lamp-black, a kind of bluish earth for marking the foreheads of women (A.); ka_jara collyrium (Or.); kajjal., kajal.a lamp-black (Or.); ka_jar collyrium (Bi.Mth.Bhoj.); kajjal, kajla_ lamp-black, collyrium (H.); ka_jl.i_ soot (G.); made of soot (M.); ka_jjal.a lamp-black (Konkan.i); ka_zali dark red, purple (A.)(CDIAL 2622). kajlo_t.hi_ pot in which lamp-black is kept (P.)(CDIAL 2623). gajraut.o small pot for collyrium (N.); kajraut.o id. (N.); kajraut.a_ (Bi.); kajlaut.i_ (H.)(CDIAL 2624). ajati ~~ anakti anoints, smears, decorates (RV.); ajati smears, anoints (Pali); am.jai (Pkt.); ac to smear (Prasun.Kafiri); a~_jna_ to apply collyrium to the eyes (H.); a~_jvu~ (G.); andinava_ to anoint, paint (Si.)(CDIAL 169). ajana anointing, ointment (A's'vS'r.); ajan. collyrium (P.); andana_ anointing, painting, putting on (clothes)(Si.)(CDIAL 170). a_jana ointment (esp. for the eyes)(AV.); collyrium (Pa.); am.jan.a id. (Pkt.); a_nir.o collyrium pot (S.); a_nr.i_ id. (L.); a~_jan collyrium (B.H.); a~_jan. (G.); ajan.a (Konkan.i); andana, anduna (Si.)(CDIAL 1100). Collyrium: ka_d.ige lampblack, collyrium prepared from it (Ka.); collyrium of lampblack and oil (Tu.); ka_t.uka lampblack, collyrium (Te.); ka_d. to be burnt (Kond.a.Pe.Mand..Kuwi)(DEDR 1437). ka_r.. blackness (Ta.Ka.); ka_d.u id., black (Ka.); ka_ri, ka_l.i blackish (Tu.); kar.indi black (Mand..); karia, ka_dia, ka_r.ia black (Kuwi); ka_r.i_ya id. (Kuwi)(DEDR 1494). ka_la black, dark-blue (MBh.Pkt.); id. (Gypsy.D...); ka_l.a black, dark (Pali.B.); ka_l (Wot..); kolu (K.); ka_ro (S.); ka_la_ (L.P.H.); ka_lo (WPah.Ku.N.); kola_ (A.); kal.a_ (Or.); ka_ri_, kariya_ black (of cattle)(Bi.); karia_ black (Bhoj.Aw.); ka_l.o (Marw.); ka_l.u~ (G.); ka_l.a_ (M.); ka_l.o (Konkan.i); kal.u (Si.); kali dark woman (Si.)(CDIAL 3083).
1583.Image: to mirror: ka_t.t.u-tal to reflect, as a mirror or water (Kur-al., 706)(Ta.lex.) ka_t.t.u-tal caus. of ka_n. to show, exhibit, display (Na_lat.i, 293); id. (Ma.); to reveal, disclose, set forth (Kur-al., 849); ka_t.t.u brightness, light (Ci. Ci. 5,4); showing; exhibition, presentation (Nan-. 22)(Ta.lex.) kandil, kandi_l a lantern, a globe of glass (Ka.); kandi_la, khandi_la (M.H.)(Ka.lex.)
1584.Image: blind person: ka_n.al beholding (Tiv. Iyar-. 4,41); kan.n.ili blind person (Pa_rata. Patin-mu_n-. 91); kan.n.ilan- blind man; merciless man (Kur-al., 566)(Ta.lex.)kan-ar--cukkiran- a disease of the eye (Ci_varat.. 265); kanal(lu)-tal to redden (Pu. Ve. 6,23)(Ta.lex.)
1585.Unruly: kat.ampan- unruly person; kat.ampi lewd woman (Ta.); kat.ampan unruly (Ma.)(DEDR 1115).
1586.Image: hole: ka_tu hole through which thread, rope, hook, pin or shaft is passed, as the eye of a needle (Pat.t.in-at. Tiruppa_. Potu. 10); the groove in a sling in which is placed the sling-stone (Ain:kur-u. Pak. 143, Pa_t.t.u, 1); the top of a bond written on a palmyra as far as the hole through which it is filed; stamped part of an indenture or bond which is torn off when the bond is discharged (ka_tar-r-u-p-po_n-a mur-i)(Ta.lex.) ka_tu ear (more as a member than as organ of hearing), eye of needle (Ma.); ka.du ear (Ir.Pa_lKu.)(DEDR 1448). ka_tu-kil.l.utal, ka_tu-kir..ittal lit., to tear the ear, to tear the top of a bond written on a palmyra-leaf as far as the hole through which it is filed, to tear the stamped part of an indenture of bond, in token of its discharge; ka_tar-r-a-mur-i cancelled bond written on a palmyra leaf; ka_tu-kuttutal to beguile, deceive, mislead (Ta.lex.)
1587.Image: creeper: kat.i small creeper; kot.i climber, creeper (Perun.. Ucaik. 41,80); id. (Ma.); kod.i id. (Tu.); kot.i-k-ka_l betel pepper, piper betel; betel garden (Ta.lex.) kut.un:gaka, kud.un:gaka an arbour or bower formed of creeping plants (Skt.Ka.); a thatch, a roof; a hut; a granary (Ka.lex.)
1588.Image: bordering lines: ka_t.hi bordering lines or a border of gold and silk threads (Ka.); ka_d.i_ (M.); da_ban.a-ka_t.hi a certain border of a cloth (Ka.); dha_bal.a a dovecot (M.); karvata-ka_t.hi an embellished silken border of a do_tra (Ka.M.)(Ka.lex.) ?karvat.a the capital of a district, of two or four hundred villages, not a city nor a village, but partaking of both; a market-town (Skt.Ka.)(Ka.lex.) cf. ka_t.u border, limit (Pin..); place, tract of land; small village (Pin..); dry land (C.G.)(Ta.lex.) cf. kad.d.i small stick (Ka.Kod..Tu.Te.) (DEDR App. 24).
1589.Groove cutter: ka_t.i groove in woodwork, rabbet; ka_t.i-c-ca_l groove in woodwork, rabbet; ka_t.i-y-ul.i rabbet plane; ka_t.i-y-alaku groove cutter (C.E.M.); ka_t.i-y-ir..ai-pp-ul.i plough-plane; ka_t.i-vet.t.utal to scoop, cut into hollowness (Ta.lex.) Image: furrow: ca_l furrow in ploughing [ca_l furrow in ploughing: ur..uta ceca_l (Ci_vaka. 817)(Ta.lex.)], track of a sower while passing and repassing in sowing (Ta.); furrow, channel, track, line, direction (Ma.)(DEDR 2471). a_l.i_ a class (Or.); lane, row (M.); a_l. id. (M.); a_r, a_ri_, a_ri, a_il, a_l boundary of a field (Bi.Mth.); a_ri_ id. (H.); ad.i canal (Si.inscr.); ala, aliya stream, canal (Si.)(CDIAL 1102).
1590.Image: to cut; small wedge: ka_tu small wedge to hold in its place, a tenon, handle, a peg (Ta.lex.) ka_tu (ka_ti-) to cut, divide (Kantapu. Vilvalan-va_ta_vivatai. 15)(Ta.); ka_tal cutting, breaking (Ta.)(DEDR 1447). ka_tai division of a poem containing a narrative (Cilap. Pati. 63, Urai.)(Ta.lex.) gha_v, gha_ stroke, cut (G.); gha_ cut (Or.)(CDIAL 4460). Images: killing; fighting: ka_tu (ka_ti-) to kill, murder (Kantapu. Vit.ai. 43); n. murder (Ta.); ka_tal killing, fighting (Ma.); ka_du to war, fight, contend with; ka_duha fighting (Ka.); ka_duni to quarrel, fight, wrestle; ka_da_d.uni to fight; ka_da_t.a a fight, war, battle (Tu.)(DEDR 1447). gha_ta killing (Mn.Pali); blow, bruise (MBh.); gha_ya wound (Pkt.); ga_l wound, hurt (Sh.)( < a dialect with -l- < -t- as with s'ata-); gha_u wound (S.OAw.H.); beaten (OG.); wound, sore (P.N.); gha_ id. (P.N.); gha_o ulcer, boil (WPah.); ghau wound; gho (Ku.); gha_w, gha_ (A.); gha_ (B.); sore (Or.); gha_e~ forcibly (Or.); gha_i breach in a dam (Or.); gha_w wound (Bhoj.); gha_y wound (H.); gha_ya slaughter (OG.); gha_yo wounded person (G.); gha_v, gha_y wound (M.); gha_yu, gha_vu wound (Konkan.i); ek-gha_yi~_ at one blow (M.)(CDIAL 4460). Sacrifice: ka_vu sacrifice, oblation to inferior deities; ka_-ve_t.t.aikka_ran- head huntsman of the U_ra_l.i caste who distributes every animal that is killed (Ta.lex.) gha_taka killing (MBh.); executioner (Pali); gha_yaya killer (Pkt.); gha_o fishing net (S.)(CDIAL 4461). gha_tana killing (MBh.); gha_tani_ a kind of club (R.); gha_yan.a, gha_yan.a_ slaughter (Pkt.); gha_n.i_ calamity (S.); gha_n. great slaughter in battle (P.); gha_ni slaughter, destruction (N.); gha_n. ruin, destruction (G.)(CDIAL 4462). gha_tayati causes to be killed, kills (Mn.); gha_te_ti kills (Pali); gha_e_i (Pkt.); gha_in.u to wound (S.); ghaiya_iba to strike with a cutting instrument (A.)(CDIAL 4463). gha_ti blow, catching or killing birds, bird net (Skt.); gha_tika_ murder (Pali); gha_ia_ killing, blow (Pkt.); gha_i a decoy bird (A.)(CDIAL 4464). gha_tuka killing (AV.); gha_u_ wounding (S.); gha_u-ka_ma desirous of striking (Pkt.)(CDIAL 4465). kat.aka, kat.ika, kat.iga, kat.uka, kad.ika, kad.iga one who cuts or kills: a butcher (Ka.lex.)
1591.Image: quail; snipe; blue jay: ka_t.ai < ca_s.a rain quail, turnix taigoor (Ta.)(Ta.lex.); ka_d.a quail, tetras coturnix (Ma.); ka_d.e id. (Tu.); ka_t.iga~_d.u a kind of bird (Te.)(DEDR 1441). ca_s.a the blue jay, coracias indica (RV); snipe (L.P.); ca_sa a kind of bird (Pkt.); ca~_hi blue jay (S.); ca~_h, ca~_ (L.); ca_ha_ snipe (L.N.Bi.); snipe, sandpiper (H.); caha_ (P.); ca_hi_, cahi_ snipe (H.); ta_s, t.ha_s blue jay (M.)(CDIAL 4773). t.ava_ blue jay (Kol.); t.evval roller or blue jay (Halbi t.eva_sa_)(Pa.); tawwe_ id.; t.ave sp. bird; touw blue jay (Go.); t.a'o~_ name of a bird of blue plumage, blue jay (Kur.)(DEDR 2951). cf. ke_ya snipe or similar bird (Pa.); shrike bird (Kuwi); ke_ga magpie (Kui)(DEDR 1994). Millet: ka_t.ai-k-kan.n.i common millet, as having the colour of a quail's eyes (Pata_rtta. 1400); ka_t.ai-k-kar..uttan- quail-neck paddy, maturing in five months, raised in the southern Tamil districts; ka_t.ai-c-campa_ a kind of campa_ paddy (Ta.lex.)
1592.Necklace: kat.ikai < kan.t.hika_ necklace (Kalit. 96)(Ta.lex.)
1593.Lapis lazuli: ke_tu-ratnam lapis lazuli; vaid.hu_rya (Skt.)(Skt.lex.)
1594.Pigmy race: ke_tu a pigmy race (Skt.)(Skt.lex.) me_dara-ke_ti-de_va the god of me_das and ke_tis; me_da, ma_dara, me_dara, ke_da_ra a man who plaits baskets, mats, etc. of bamboo splits, a man of the basket-maker caste; gavar-iga; me_dage_ri a street where me_das live; me_dura fat; smooth, soft, bland, unctuous; thick, dense (Ka.); di_vi-me_dara a me_dara of a foreign part of the country; di_vi-me_dara-gatti a sort of knife; di_va (Tadbhava of dvi_pa); ke_tayya a name among s'aivas (Ka.); ke_tuma_la one of the nine great divisions of the world, the western vars.a of jambudvi_pa (Ka.)(Ka.lex.)
1595.Image: lower part of the body: ke_da_ra the body; ke_tu the dragon's tail or descending node: the lower part of the body of the daitya saim.hike_ya, which was severed from its head (called ra_hu) by Vis.n.u (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) ked belly from navel to groin (Ko.); ke0 lower belly (of man)(To.); gejje the groin between the belly and the thigh (Ka.); gajja id. (Te.)(DEDR 1938). Image: lower belly (of man); hip, waist: ker.i waist, back (G.); ker.e adv. behind, afterwards (G.); kat.i hip, buttocks (Mn.); kat.t.a hip (MBh.); kat.i hip, waist (Pali); in cmpd. kat.a- (Pali); kad.i (Pkt.); kaar.i_ vulva (Ku.); kar-dor.i_ waist-chain (Ku.); kari lower part of sternum (A.); kar.a side (Or.); kar loins, waist, buttocks (H.); kad.i waist (OG.); kad. side, waist (M.)(CDIAL 2639). cf. samgha_t.i a kind of garment (Sus'r.); monk's waist cloth (Skt.)(CDIAL 12861). komor the loins; komor kat.hi an ornament made of shells, resembling the tail of a tortoise, tied round the waist and sticking out behind, worn by men sometimes when dancing (Santali.lex.) kat.aka the buttocks; kat.i the hip, the loins (Skt.Ka.); the buttocks (Ka.); kat.is'i_rs.aka the hip (as projecting like a head); the hip and loins, or the hollow above the hips; kat.isu_tra a zone or waist-band worn by females (Ka.Skt.)(Ka.lex.) cf. ko_van.am man's loin cloth (Tiruva_ca. 12,2); ko_van.an- lit. one with a loin-cloth, S'iva (Tiruvicai. Karuvu_r. 46); Vas'is.t.ha, as having Ka_mate_n-u with him (Catu.)(Ta.)(Ta.lex.) kat.aka the buttocks; kat.i-pro_tha the buttocks (Ka.Skt.); kun.d.e (Ka.); kat.ayuga, kat.asa_nu (Ka.); kat.i_ra a hip; the part about the hips, the cavity of the loins or the iliac region (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) cf. ke.d- (ke.dy-) to lean one's back against support (Ko.); ge_nd.- (-it-) to lean (Kuwi); ge_t.- (-h-) id. (Kuwi); ge_nd.- to lean (Mand..); to lean against (Pe.); kendu to lean on (Ka.)(DEDR 2012). cf. kad.e side, end (Ka.); kat.ai end, limit (Ta.); kat.as'i end (Ma.); kad.e end, margin, verge (Tu.); kad.a side, end (Te.); kat.am mountain side (Ta.)(DEDR 1109; CDIAL 2639). Waist: kar.ma_ waist (Kur.); kar.me id. (Malt.)(DEDR 1143). kediya, kadiya waistcloth (Pe.)(DEDR 1190). krem the back (Kho.)(CDIAL 2776). kappat.a_ waist (Ta.lex.) kit.t.a hip; kit.a gui id., waist (Pa.); kit.t.e waist (Ga.); kit.e pu_n hipbone (Ga.)[pu_n bone (Ga.); purni bone (Nk.)(DEDR 4299)](DEDR 1537). Loins: kariha~_u loins (Aw.); kariha~_wa, kariha~_ waist, loins (OH.); karha_, karha_na_ (H.)(CDIAL 2640). Belt supporting loincloth: kardhani, kandhani belt supporting the loincloth (N); kardhan chain hung round waist (Bi.); karadhani_ girdle (Mth.); kau~dhani_, kaudhani_ belt (OH.); kardhani_, kandhani_ (H.); kat.i-bandhan (Skt.)(CDIA 2634).
1596.Disopyros yielding tar; ebony: ke_ndu a kind of ebony, diospyros embryopteris; ke_nduka diospyros glutinosa yielding a sort of tar (Skt.); kendu the tree diospyros tomentosa (A.); diospyros embryopteris (B.Or.); diospyros glutinosa (Or.); ke~du_ (H.)(CDIAL 3464). cf. tumpi Ceylon ebony, diospyros tomentosa (Ta.)(DEDR 3329). cf. sa_la shorea robusta (Pali. Pkt.) (CDIAL 12412).
1597.Coromandel ebony: karun:ka_li coromandel ebony of Mysore, diospyros tupru (Ta.); karin.n.a_li blackwood, mimosa catechu; karumaram shorea robusa; ebony, diospyros (Ma.); karimara diospyros melanoxylon; kaggali blackwood (Ka.); kari-mara id.; karmaru a superior kind of firewood, vatica laccifera (Tu.)(DEDR 1282). cf. karu black (Ta.)(DEDR 1278). cf. tumburu (Skt.)(CDIAL 5872). tumpi diospyros tomentosa; Ceylon ebony (Ta.)(DEDR 3329).
1598.Image: ridicule: ke_n.i, ke_l.i, ke_n.igol. to begin to move about or to sport, to take up the movement of (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) ken.t.ai ridicule, mockery, banter (Ta.); kid.y abuse (To.)(DEDR 1948). can-n-ai-ca_t.ai secrecy (Ka_vat.ic.); can-n-ai < sam.ja_ hint(Kur-r-a_. Kur-a. 75,2); significant gesture (Vir-alivit.u. 330); words of ridicule, of derision (Aricamaya. Pat.t.ana_. Pak. 258,5); can-n-ai-cayikkin-ai hint, ca_t.ai-ma_t.ai (Maturakavi. 47)(Ta.lex.) cf. ca_t.u concealment (Te.); sa_t.u hiding, secret place (Kond.a)(DEDR 2441). kekkat.t.am loud laughter; kekkali (-pp-, -tt-) to laugh violently; n. loud laughter (Ta.); kek smile, laughter; ke(k) kisad laughing; koks-/keks' in- to make noise of laughter (To.); geggili, geggalu derision (Te.)(DEDR 1933). gilili tittering; gilli, gilla_ mockery (N.); gillo, gilla_ ridicule (G.)(CDIAL 4165). hilati behaves amorously (Dha_tup.); he_late_ sports (MBh.); he_d.ati behaves amorously (Dha_tup.); hal.vu~ to be illegally attached to a man (of a woman)(G.); her.n.o to trifle with (Ku.); helna_ to sport, play, dally (H.)(CDIAL 14115). ke_li fun, jest, joke, pleasantry; ridicule, derision, mockery; buffoonery, mimicry (Ta.lex.) khilli_ fun; khillu_ playful (H.); khillai plays; khillan.a toy (Pkt.); khe_lai plays; khe_lan.a, khe_lan.aya playing (Pkt.); khel.iba_, khel.a, khel.a_ (Or.); khel.o itinerant actor (G.); khel.n.e~ vb., khel. (M.); khel.a_ (Konkan.i); khel to play, dance; ke_lar, ke_lauar (Gypsy); khe_lun vb., khe_la, dat. khe_li (K.); khelnu vb., khel sb. (N.); khela_iba to amuse; khel playing (A.); khela_, caus. khela_na, khel sb. (B.); khelna_, caus. khila_na_, khel (H.); khelai vb. (OMarw.); kelinava_ vb., keliya sb. (Si.); khellai, khelan.a (Pkt.); khela (S.); kheln.a_, khelhna_, caus. khila_un.a_, khalaun.a_ (P.); kheli sport (Or.); khelab (Mth.); khe_lal (Bhoj.); khe_lab (Aw.); khela (OAw.); khelvu~, khel (G.); ke_l.ayati fondles; ke_l.i play (Pali); kel.inava_ to play; kel.iya play (Si.)(CDIAL 3918). ke_ru to deride, ridicule (Te.); ke_radamu ridicule, derision; kre_d.incu to slight; kre_n.incu to jeer, ridicule; ki_ri_ derision (Go.); gre_spa (gre_st-) to mock, mimic, ridicule, deride; n. mockery, derision, ridicule (Kui); grespali to imitate; greh- (grest-) to mock (Kuwi)(DEDR 2010). To laugh; to neigh: ciri (-pp-, -tt-) to laugh, neigh (as a horse), blossom, ridicule; n. laughter, smile; cirippu laughter, ridicule, jest, neigh (Ta.); ciri laughter; cirikka to laugh; kir-ikkuka to show the teeth, grin (Ma.); siry joy (To.); kiri to grin, show the teeth; kirisu to cause to display or show the teeth; ciricu to titter, laugh; siri to smile (Ka.); khr.ikhali (r. = r) to neigh (Kuwi)(DEDR 1562). ki_r-u (ki_r-i-) to hint at (Ta.); kir-i (-pp-, -tt-) to play pranks; n. stratagem, artifice, practical joke (Ta.); gir-upu, gir-uvu, girpu, girvu, gilupu, gi~_t.u to wink, as in making a sign or conveying a hint (Te.); gi_t.ap- to wink (Ga.); gir-gir (hur.a_na_) to wink jocularly at anyone as a signal (Go.); kannu_ gitali to blink; kanka gitkinai to sleer (sic)(Kuwi)(DEDR 1625). To neigh: kil.a (-pp-, -nt-) to express clearly, make special mention of, state specifically; kil.attu (kil.atti-) to express clearly; kil.appu speech, utterance; kil.avu word, speech, language (Ta.); kil.ir, kil.ir- to sound, neigh (Ka.); kel.ar to cry out, roar (Ka.); kel-, kell- to tell (Go.); ke_r.- (-it-) (cock) to crow (Kond.a); kr.e- (-t-) id. (Pe.); kla_pa (kla_t-) to crow, coo, lament; n. call of a male bird, lament; kelpa (kelpi-) to invoke, petition a deity, repeat incantations; n. incantation, invocation; kle_ga (kle_gi-), kleha (klehi-), ke_pa (ke_pi-) to bewitch, enchant, exert magical powers; n. sorcery, witchcraft (Kui); kr.e-/kr.en- (kr.ent-), kre_cali (kre_t-; r = r.) to crow (Kuwi)(DEDR 2017). cf. xe_r fowl (Kur.)(DEDR 2013). he_s.ati neighs, whinnies; he_s.ita (MBh.); he_sati neights (Pali); he_sita (Pali); he_sia neighing (Pkt.); he~hsiba to neigh; he~hani neighing (A.); hesn.e~ neigh; he~sn.e~ neigh (M.); hi_saman.a, him.siya neighing (Pkt.); hi~_sna_ to neigh, whinny (H.); hisn.e~, hi_sn.e~ (M.)(CDIAL 14166). he_s.a_ neighing, whinnying (Ma_rkP.); he_sa_ neighing (Pali.Pkt.); him.sa_ (Pkt.); hi~_s (H.); loud panting of a horse (G.)(CDIAL 14167). hisa_ro, hisa_rav neighing (G.)(CDIAL 14168). hre_s.a_ neighing (MBh.); re_s.a_ howling (Skt.); ri_ha scream (S.)(CDIAL 14187). Image: she whose hair is dishevelled: kedar-i she whose (hair) is dishevelled; kedar-ike the state of being dishevelled; kedar-u to be dishevelled (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) cf. citar (-v-, -nt-) spilling, powder (Ta.)(DEDR 1546). Image: weeding hook: kettava_ri, ketva_ri a kind of weeding hook (Ka.)(Ka.lex.)
1599.Image: hair: kel (pl. -k) hair, feather (Go.); kelu (pl. kelku) feather (Kond.a); kel (pl. -k) id. (Pe.); kelu (pl. kelka), ked.u (pl. ket.ka) large feather, quill (Kui); kellu_ (pl. kelka) feather; kelu (pl. kelka) (large) feather (Kuwi); kalga_ plumes (Kur.)(DEDR 1973). ke_ndid (pl. ke_ndil) feather (Pa.); kendit., kendut. (pl. kendukul) id.; kendi_ (pl. kendiki_l, kendiku_l), kendit. hair (Ga.)(DEDR 2002). Image: bristle, stiff hair: s'e_t.a, s'an.t.a, s'a_t.a, san.t.a a bristle, a stiff hair (Ka.); sad.a (M.)(Ka.lex.) san.t.a the hair about the privities; s'e_n.t.a (Ka.lex.) cf. cat.ai matted locks of hair (Paripa_. 9,5); jat.a_ (Skt.); cat.aiyappan- lit, the father or lord with matted hair, S'iva (Tiruva_ca. 8,11); cat.aiyan- a Ve_l.a_l.a chief of ven.n.eynallu_r, patron of Kampan- (Kampara_. Ve_l.vi. 1)(Ta.lex.) can.d.ike a tuft; a crest (Ka.); cen.t.u (Ta.); s'e_n.d.i_ (M.)(Ka.lex.) Image: lion's mane; fibres, weed, grass; bush: goat's hair: ca_t.i ?<jat. man's hair (Ta.lex.) sat.a_ lion's mane, braid of hair (MBh.); jat.a_ hair twisted together (Pa_rGr..); fibrous root, root (Bhpr.); matted hair, tangled boughs (Pali); jad.a_ tangled or braided hair (Pkt.); zara hair on scalp (esp. of infant)(K.); jar. goat's hair (WPah.); jar.h root (L.P.); jar.a_u matted hair (P.); jar hair (Gy.); jar.ya~_ root fibres (G.); ja_t. sheep's wool (G.)(CDIAL 5086). jham.t.i_ small bunch of hair (Pkt.); jhan.d.i first hair on a child's head (S.); jhan.d. (L.P.); za~t. matted hair (A.); jha~_t. pubic hair (B.H.P.Ku.M.); matted tress (M.); jha~_t.i pubic hair (Mth.); jha~_t.a (S.); jha~_t.ha_ (N.); jha~_t.u~ (G.); jhan.t.i little tuft of hair on head (Or.); jha_n.t.i lock or combed out hair (Konkan.i); za_t. hair (Sv.); jha_t. goat's hair (Phal.); jhe_et.i mane (Phal.); zat.h, zat. goat's hair (Sh.); zat.h, zat.i clotted lump of hair on head, hair combings (K.); jha_t.t.a_ woman's long hair (P.)(CDIAL 5334). jat.ila having twisted hair (Mn.Pali); ascetic (MBh.); jad.ila, jad.illa (Pkt.); dul.ulu ascetic with matted hair (Si.)(CDIAL 5087). ja_t hair of head (D..); jat hair of animals (Sh.); jati soft downy hair (S.); jatt, jat goat or camel's hair, sheep's wool, short hair on body; jat goat's hair (L.); hair (WPah.); jas. goat's hair (Tor.); jac id. (Kal.); zoc (khho.); zas hair (Wot..)(CDIAL 5095). cat.a_t.avi < jat.a + at.avi_ thick matted hair: kamalai-p-pira_n- cecat.a_t.avita_n- (Tanippa_. i,71,141); cat.aiyo_n- (Tirukko. 89), cat.a_-taran-, cat.a_-ta_ri S'iva, as having matted hair < Skt. (Piramo_t. 16,48); Vi_rabhadra; cat.a_-ta_ri a masquerade dance (Cilap. 3,13, Urai); cat.ai-mut.i, cat.a_-makut.am matted hair coiled into a crown (Tan-ippa_. i,15,23)(Ta.lex.) Image: uncombed hair; plaited hair: cat.ai matted locks of hair (Paripa_. 9,5); plaited hair; cat.ai-p-pin-n-al intertwining like matted locks (Ta.lex.) cat.ai bushy or shaggy hair (Ta.); jat.a, cat.a, cet.a, cit.a matted hair (as of ascetics)(Ma.); jer.v (jerd.) (hair) is bushy and uncombed (Ko.); jat.e, jad.e, jad.i, jed.e hair matted and twisted together, a braid of hair (of females)(Ka.); jad.e, jed.e matted hair, plaited hair, hood of a serpent (Tu.); jad.e woman's hair-plait, hood of cobra (Kod..); jad.a plaited hair, matted hair (Te.)(DEDR App.35). jha_l tassel of hair (M.)(CDIAL 5357). jhallari_ curl (Pkt.); jha_lar fringe (N.); fringe, mosquito net (B.); lace-end (H.); fringe, shallow wickerwork tray with a border (G.M.); za_lar frill (A.); jha_lara fringe, frill (Or.); jha_lari lace-end (Bhoj.)(CDIAL 5356).
1600.Image; basin for water: ke_da_ra a basin for water round the root of a tree (Skt.)(Ka.lex.)
1601.Image: tuna fish: ke_dar tuna fish (Tu.lex.)
1602.A sacred shrine: ke_ta_ram < ke_da_ra a shrine in the Himalayas sacred to S'iva (Te_va_. 1152); field; ke_ta_ra-kauri-viratam religious vow observed by women on the day before the new moon in the month of Aippaci, in honour of Pa_rvati_ who dwells in ke_ta_ram; ke_ta_ra-yo_kam (astrol.) presence of seven planets in four consecutive houses, indicating good fortune (Can. Aka.) (Ta.lex.) ke_da_ra a field; a park; a temple (Ka.lex.)
1603.A field: ke_ttu < khet (U.) < ks.e_tra field; ke_ttiri < ks.e_trin Vis.n.u (Ve_ta_. Cu_. 71); ke_ttiram land, field (Ta.); sacred place, shrine, any place of pilgrimage (Tiruva_n-ak. Mu_rt. 4); ke_ttuva_ri < khetwa_ri (U.) portion taken as temple-revenue from the gross produce of dry lands, before a division of the yield is effected between the ryot and government (G.Tn.D. i,313) (Ta.lex.) ke_da_ra a field under water; meadow; ke_da_ra-khan.d.am a small dyke, earth raised to keep out water (Skt.)(Skt.lex.) se_dya cultivation, farming (Ka.); se_dyamu (Te.)(DEDR 2811). key, kay, keyi, gey to perform, to do, to make, to work (Ka.); cey (Ta.Ma.); ce_ (Te.); key, kay, keyi, keyyi, kai a field (Ka.); cey (Ta.); ce_, ce_nu, keyye, kai, celake (Te.); kar..an-i, kaitai, ce, cer-uvu, ker..umu, cer..umu, kali, tar..ai to germinate, to shoot etc. (Ta.); kati, cer..i to thrive, be fertile (Ta.); kar..e, kaye to thrive, bring fruit; kayar-u, karya to increase, rise (Ka.); keygampu the smell or fragrance of a field (Ka.lex.) Garden: ke_da_ra a field (Skt.); ke_da_ra, ke_ta_ra a park (Ka.); a temple; Ke_da_r a part of the Hima_laya; key, hola; ke_da_ralaks.mi a field regarded as Laks.mi (Ka.lex.) cey field, esp. wet field; kaitai paddy field (Ta.); ceyi rice-field (Ma.); key, key(y)i, kay field (Ka.); kette wet mud, mire (Kod..); ce_nu (pl. ce_lu) field; (Inscr.) kayya a rice-field; kaili field (Te.); ke_n id. (Nk.); field for shifting cultivation (Pa.); xajj earth, mould, clay, mud, corpse (Kur.); qaju earth, mud (Malt.)(DEDR 1958). Ricefield; mire; alluvium: kattam < karda mire, dung, sloppy mud of a cow-house (katta-t-tok-kuppai: Tiruppu. 432) (Ta.lex.) ce_r-u (in cmpds. ce_r-r-u-) mud, mire, slush, liquid of thick consistency; ceyyal mire, slush; ce_val mud, mire (Ta.); ce_r-u (in cmpds. ce_r-r-u-) mire, wet soil (for transplanting rice)(Ma.); ke.r shallow tank, puddle; ce.r mud (Ko.); ko.r- (obl. ko.t--) lake, tank formed by dam (To.); sor- mud (To.); kesar- wet soil, mud, mire; kesar-ige drain of a bathroom (Ka.); ke_du mud, soft clay; kesaru mud, mire, dirt (Tu.); xe_r open gravelly ground at the foot of a hill (Br.)(DEDR 2020). nan--cey wet lands, wet cultivation (Ta.); nanja wet land, land cultivated by artificial irrigation (Te.)(DEDR 3630). ke_da_ra field (esp. one under water)(Mn.); irrigated field (Pali); ke_a_ra, ka_a_ria_ field (Pkt.); kia_ra_ large plot in a field; kia_ri_ small plot in a field; khia_ra_ small bed in irrigated land (L.); kea_ra_, kia_ra_ , kia_ri_ bed in a field or garden (P.); kero, kya_ri_ bed of creeping plants etc., ground near a house (Ku.); keya_ri flowerbed (B.); kia_ri cultivated field (e.g. of sugarcane)(Or.); kiya_ri_ bed formed in a field for irrigation; dhan-kiya_ri_ rice-lad (Bi.); kiya_ra_ large garden-bed; kea_ri_ smaller garden-bed (Mth.); kiya_ri_ (Bhoj.); keya_ri_ (Aw.); kya_r basin made round a tree (H.); kea_ri_, kiya_ri_, kya_ri_ plot under cultivation, garden-bed, bank, hedge (H.); kya_ro, kya_rr.o plot of ground to keep water in (G.); kya_ri_, kya_rr.i_ small plot of ground to keep water in; ka_rr.o rice plot (G.)(CDIAL 3463). [Mensuration: cf. 12 keda_ra = one hala (3.4 acres); MIAI, p.48; Sylhet. 7 yas.t.i = 1 poa_; 4 poa_ = 1 keda_ra or keya_r (7/8 bigha); MIAI, p.61.] [cf. yatthi (Pali) staff = 7 ratanas or 84 angula; MIAI, p.18.] yas.t.i or dhanurdan.d.a = 96 angula; MIAI, p.18. 2 vitasti?] Paddy field: gar..de, gardde, gadde_ paddy field (Ka.)(CDIAL 2851). kardama-, karda-, kardat.a- mud (Skt.)(CDIAL 2867-70). karda mud, swamp (Skt.); cardeh blackish (Pers.); ka_da_ mud (B.); ka_da clay, mud (Or.); gatta (Pkt.); ka~_d wall (H.); ka_da_na to make muddy (B.); ka_da_r.iya_, ka_da_t.iya_, ka_da_la muddy (B.)(CDIAL 2867). kardat.a mud (skt.); ka_dr.a_, ka_dar.iya_ muddy (B.)(CDIAL 2868). kardama mud, mire (Ka_tyS'r.S.); muddy (Pa_n..); kaddama (Pali.Pkt.); kaddaya (Pkt.); ka_do (B.); ka_dua, ka_do (Or.); ka_do mud in which crops will grow (Bi.); kadwa_ ploughing to kill weeds, rice-field (Bi.); ka_dau, ka_do, kadawa_ mud, mud mortar (Mth.); ka_dau, ka_do, ka_da_ mud, clay, alluvium, bog (H.); ka_dav (G.); kadama (Si.); ka_m.dau (OAw.); ka~_daw, ka~_do (H.); ka_no (Bhoj.)(CDIAL 2869). kardamita muddy (Skt.); kaddamia muddy (Pkt.); buffalo (Pkt.); kadoi, kadai_ loamy soil never drier than mud, wet alluvium (Bi.); ka~daila_ muddy, dirty (H.)(CDIAL 2870). ged.d.a mud (Pkt.); gil dirt (Pers.); ga_d dregs, lees, scum (B.); low-lying land (Bi.); sediment, dregs (H.P.); ga_da sediment, dregs (Or.); ga_di sediment of foul water (Mth.); ga_da_ muck, sludge (M.); gadal. dirt (M.); gadla_ turbid, dirty (H.); gadlu~ dirty, dusty (G.); ga_dn.e~ to become turbid (M.)(CDIAL 4011). ga_l. dregs (Kho.M.); mud (M.); gad. mud (Tir.); ga_l.a mud on bushes over a stream, alluvium (M.); ga_r.a_ kneaded or mixed mud (H.)(CDIAL 4114). ghont.o turbid (Go.); got.ri muddy, dirty (Kui); grot.a_ turbid (Kuwi)(DEDR 2067). kat.t.a dregs (Skt.)(CDIAL 2644); kat.t.aku_t.a heap of dross (Skt.); ka_t.or.o dross left in the furnace after smelting iron ore (G.)(CDIAL 2646). Muddiness, turbidity: kalan:kal muddiness, turbidity (Ta.); kalan.n.al id. (Ma.); kalk to stir up (water so that it becomes muddy)(To.); kas.k muddy water (To.); kalaku, kalan:ku to agitate, shake, make turbid (Ka.); kalan:ku, kal.an:ku turbidity, muddiness (Tu.); kala~ka turbidness (Te.); galgro muddy, disturbed (Malt.); kalus.a turbid (of water or mind)(Skt.)(DEDR 1303). ka_ri_s.a produced from cowdung (Sus'r.); heap of dung (Skt.); ka_ri_sa a fire of cowdung (Pkt.); ka~_ri_ dunghill (A.)(CDIAL 3065). ka_r manure (M.)(CDIAL 3054). kalir.. muddy water (Ta.)(DEDR 1303). Clay; mortar: ga_ra_ clay (Or.); thick mud, plaster, mortar (H.); thin mud used for a mortar (L.); mud, mortar (Bi.); kneaded potter's clay, mud used for mortar (P.); mixture of mud with lime or cowdung for mortar or plaster (M.); ga_ro mud, mortar (Ku.); mortar (N.); ga_r earth and mud mixed for building a wall (G.)(CDIAL 4137).
1604.Image: cross-eyed: kat.akh < kat.a_ks.a a glance, a side look, an amorous glance (P.lex.) ke_dara squint-eyed (Skt.); caecus (Lat.); ke_kara squinting, cross-eyed (Mn.); ke_karaka (Ca_n..); kaira_ squinting, cross-eyed (P.); ker, kera_, ke~ra_ (A.); kaira_ (H.M.)(CDIAL 3457). Image: side-look: kat.a_t.cittal to condescend to cast a side glance, to look upon with gracious favour (Civaraka. Te_vime_ruvarai. 13); kat.a_t.ca-vi_t.can.am side glance; kat.a_t.cam the outside corner of the eye; side glance; grace (Kumare_. Cata. 67); kat.a_ks.a (Skt.) kat.ai-k-kan. benign, look; outer corner of the eye (Ta.); kad.akannu (Te.); kad.akkan. (Ma.); kad.ekan.n.u (Tu.); kat.ai-k-kan.-pa_rvai, kat.ai-k-kan.n.o_kkam significant sidelook, oblique glance; benignant look; kat.ai-k-kan.i- to cast a benignant glance at; to look favourably upon (karuventu vi_r..ak kat.ai-k-kan.ittu)(Tiruva_ca. 11,5); to look athwart; to look by the corner of the eye; to ogle (karumalark ku_nta loruttitan-n-aik kat.aik kan.ittu : Tiv. Peruma_l.. 6,3)(Ta.lex.) kat.avut.-kan.ikai dancing girl of the celestial world (Man.i. 13,95)(Ta.lex.) kat.a_ks.a side look (MBh.); kad.akkha (Pkt.); karukhi_ (H.)(CDIAL 2636). cf. aks.i eye (RV.); a~_kh eye (Ku.H.)(CDIAL 43). kat.a_t.cam the outside corner of the eye; side glance; grace (Kumare_. Cata. 67); kat.a_t.ci- to condescend to cast a side glance, to look upon with gracious favour (Civaraka. Te_vime_ruvarai. 13) (Ta.lex.) To supervise: kat.ai-k-ka_n.- to supervise (S.I.I. iii,21); ka_n. to make, create (Tol. Po. 649); to accrue, result (Ta.lex.)
1605.To drive out: gen.t.u remoteness, distance, removal; to remove oneself to a distance (Ka.); go push, turn out, drive out, expel; gen.t.incu to cause to be pushed or turned out (Te.)(DEDR 1945).
1606.Squeezed: katuvu (katuvi-) to be troubled, perturbed (Ta.); kade to join, be contiguous, meet, approach, copulate, be pressed or squeezed; kaduku to press, squeeze; kadubu to press, distress, trouble (Ka.); kadiyu to approach, meet, come together; kadiyincu to bring together (Te.); gaddi_- to reach (Kol.)(DEDR 1201). To squeeze: kacan:ku (kacan:ki-) to be squeezed, crumpled; be displeased, hurt in mind; kacakku (kacakki-) to rub, bruise between the fingers or hands, squeeze, crumple; harass, annoy; n. squeezing, bruising; kayan:ku (kayan:ki-) to be squeezed by the hand, bruised, mashed; kayakku (kayakki-) to squeeze in the hand, bruise, mash (Ta.); kasan.n.uka to be squeezed, be broken; kas'akka to crumble, squeeze in hand; kayakkuka to squeeze (Ma.); khacna_ (khaccas) to squeeze soft matter (e.g. grains) into a compact mass by pressing, trampling upon, working inside with a stick (Kur.)(DEDR 1087). Hotch-potch: kaccam.ta being pressed (Pkt.); kaca_k-kucuk crushed (of paper); kac-pac hotch-potch (N.); kaca_kac densely crowded; kac-pac hotch-potch (H.); kacarvu~ to press; kac-pac crowd of noisy little boys (G.)(CDIAL 2611). karjati oppresses, hurts (Dha_tup); kal.i_k to weep (Kho.); kajan.u to press down, cover (S.); kajan. to cover, conceal (L.); kajjn.a_ to conceal, cover (of an animal sexually)(P.)(CDIAL 2829). kacapici sound of mixing miscellaneous boiled things with the hand; confusion (Ka.); kacakaca sound produced as when kneading any glutinous substance; kacapici, kacikuci reducing anything to a jelly; confusion; kacakka sound produced by a stone falling into mud (Tu.); kacak, kacik, kacun:k sound produced when a stone falls into mud; kacakkane with the sound produced when a stone falls into mud, or the feet tread wet or sticky clay; kaccane id. (Ka.)(DEDR 1086).
1607.Street: ghat.i_, ghit.i_ street, alley (S.); ghat. path (S.)(CDIAL 4414). Passage: kat.a to pass through, traverse, cross (Ta.); kat.appu wicket or narrow passage in a wall or hedge (Ta.); kat.avu to cause to go; to ride, drive, as an animal or vehicle (Tiruva_ca. 36,4); way, path, direction (Ta.); kat.akka to pass over, enter (Ma.); kat.appu passage (Ma.); kat.avu beach, landing place, wharf; track of wild beasts (Ma.); kar.v- (kar.d-) to cross (river); (sun, moon) rises (Ko.); kar.v cattle-path through bushes, ford (Ko.); kad.akal wicket or narrow passage in walls or hedges (Ka.); kad.a- to cross (Kod..); kad.apuni to cross, ford, pass (Tu.); kad.acu, gad.ucu to pass; cross (Te.); kad.apa threshold (Te.); kad.p- to cross (Pa.); karp- to cross (Ga.); gr.a_pa to cross, cross over, ford (Kui); gra_ncali to cross over (Kuwi)(DEDR 1109). ghat. a pass through hills; ghat.e ghat. at each pass (Santali.lex.)
1608.Plantain: katalam, katali plantain-tree (Tirukka_l.at. Pu. Ta_ruka_. 15); katali-va_r..ai very small species of plantain-tree, musa paradisiaca; katalikai plantain-tree (Ci_vaka. 2212)(Ta.lex.) kadala, kadali_ the banana plant musa sapientum; kadala its fruit (MBh.Sus'r.); kadala_, kadalaka, kadalika_ (Skt.); kadali_ banana (Pali); kayala, kayali_, ke_la, ke_li_ the banana plant; kayala its fruit (Pkt.); kela fruit of the plantain (K.); kevir.o banana plant (S.); kelo anana; kyaw (Ku.); kero (N.Mth.); kal, kala_ (A.); kala_ (B.); kal.a_, kera_ (Or.); kera_ (Mth.Bhoj.Aw.); kela_, keli_ (H.); kaili (OG.); kel.i the plant; kel.u~ the fruit (G.); kel., kel.i_ the plant; kel.e~ the fruit (M.); kel.e~ (Konkan.i); kehel, kesel banana plant (Si.); ke_la_, kella_ banana (P.)(CDIAL 2712). kela_n.i_ banana orchard (Ku.); kalani (A.)(CDIAL 2713). kadali_ musa sapientum [va_r..ai plantain, musa paradisiaca (Ta.); va_r..a (Ma.); va.g, va.y van. (Ko.); pa.w (To.); ba_r..e (Ka.); ba.l.e (Kod..); ba_r, ba_l. (Tu.); va_rabus.a_ musa sapientum (Skt.)(DEDR 5373)]. kadali_ musa paradisiaca (Car. Ci. 3.258, 4.1.7). Homonym: cf. kero, kelo pandanus odoratissimus (S.)(CDIAL 2712; CDIAL 3462). cf. kaital pandanus odoratissimus fragrant screw-pine (Ta.)(DEDR 2026).
1609.Summons, invitation: ke_tana summons, invitation (Skt.Ka.); business (Ka.Skt.); ke_ta summons, invitation; place, site; ke_tana a place, a house (Ka.lex.)
1610.Banner: katali banner, flag, pennon (Kampara_. Mutar-po_r. 104)(Ta.lex.) kadali_ flag (Pali); keheliya banner (Si.)(CDIAL 2712). kandali a flag, a banner = kadali (Ka.lex.) ke_tana a flag, a banner; ke_tu id. (Ka.Skt.)(Ka.lex.) Torch, flame: ketu mark, bright appearance, clearnes, brightness, light, ray [RV. vii.63.2 maha_n keturarn.avah su_ryasya 'sarvasya praja_pakah; i.24.7 asme antarnihita_h ketavah syuh 'prajapaka_h pra_n_h'; vii.78.1 prati ketavah prathama_ adr.s'ran 'prajapaka_ ras'mayah']; torch, flame [RV iv.7.4 a_ jabhruh ketuma_yavah 'ja_pakam'; iv.14.2 u_rdhvam ketum savita_ devo as're_t 'praka_s'akam bha_num']; banner [RV i.103.1 sarmi_ pr.cyato_ dya_mas'a_yata 'praja_pakah'.]; ketumant endowed with brightness, clear (RV vii.58.3); accompanied by banner (RV vi.47.31)(Vedic. lex.: Suryakanta, A Practical Vedic Dictionary, 1981, p.258.) ked (kett-) to be heated, to (Kond.a); to become hot (Pe.); ket- (-t-) to heat (water)(Kond.a); kedi ki to heat (water)(Pe.)(DEDR 1951). Splendour, effulgence; flag: ketu [*(s)quait clear; cf. Latin caelum; Old High German heitar, heit; Gothic haidus; English -hood, originally: appearance, form, like]--1. ray, beam of light, splendour, effulgence. 2. flag, banner, sign, perhaps as token of splendour; dhamma-ketu having the doctrine as his banner; dhu_ma-ketu having smoke as its splendour, of fire; ketu-kamyata_ desire for prominence, self-advertisement (perhaps vainglory, arrogance); ketu-ma_la_ garland of rays; ketu-vant having flags, adorned with flags. (Pali.lex.) Mica: ? kentakam mica, abhrakam; kai-t-ti_vat.t.i, kai-t-ti_vartti small torch (Ta.lex.)
1655.Image: leopard: kr.a_d.i, kra_nd.i tiger, leopard, hyena (Kui); khar.yal, kariya_l panther (Go.); karad.a tiger (Pkt.); khar.eyak panther (Nk.); ked.iak tiger (Kol.); kr.ani tiger; kla_'ni leopard, tiger (Kuwi); kr.a'ni (pl. -na) tiger (Kuwi)(DEDR 1132). ko_-n.a_y < ko_l. + na_y Indian wolf; male jackal (Ta.lex.) kat.a_s'ia_ fierce like a wild cat (Or.); kha_t.a_s civet- or pole-cat (B.); civet cat (H.); kat.a_s, kat.a_r id. (H.); kat.a_s'a wild cat, civet (Or.); khat.t.a_s'a civet-cat (Skt.)(CDIAL 3780). ka_t.an tom-cat, male tiger, wild hog (Ma.); kat.uvan- tom-cat, male monkey (Ta.); kar.vn tom-cat (Ko.); kan.t.a male cat (Ka.); gad.o, gad.a-berge a wildcat (Malt.)(DEDR 1140). Image: male cat; male animal: gan.d.u male of the lower animals (Te.); kan.t.an the male esp. of cat (Ta.); gan.t.e, kan.t.e male cat (Tu.); kan.d.e male (of dogs and other animals, mostly wild; not of cats) (Kod..)(DEDR 1173); kuttiri civet cat (Tu.); kotti male or female cat (Ka.); kwat-y cat (To.); kor-r-an tomcat, boar, ram (Ta.)(DEDR 2170). kid-en contraction of kina:n a tiger, panther (Santali.lex.)
1611.Large axe: kra_d.i (? for kr.a_d.i) axe (Kui); kr.a_'li, kr.a'li large axe (Kuwi); gla'li large axe (Kuwi); kut.a_ri, ko_t.a_ri axe (Ta.); ko_t.a_li axe (Ta.Ma.); ko_t.a_l.i id. (Ma.); kod.ali id. (Ka.); kod.ari, kud.ari id. (Tu.); god.d.ali, god.d.eli, god.d.e_li, god.d.e_lu, god.ali id. (Te.); golli, goli_ (Kol.); ghol.i (Nk.); kod.li id. (Nk.); god.el id. (Go.); gor.el(i) id. (Kond.a); ku_r.el axe (large variety)(Pe.)(DEDR App.32). cf. kut.ha_ri_ axe, hatchet (Pali.lex.) Axe, hatchet: gut.ia axe (Juang); konde (Kharia); ko~reij (Kharia); konde small wood axe (Munda); hoto axe (Ho.); cekoto axe (Nahali). [cf. S. Bhattacharya, Some Munda Etymologies, 1966, p.30.]
1813.Armourer: kut.ha_ru an armourer (Skt.lex.) ku_ (pl. ku_vul) shaft of axe (Pa.); ku_d. handle (e.g. of knife)(Ga.)(DEDR 1870). Image: forge: kut.ilika_ a blacksmith's forge (Skt.lex.) Writer: ku_t.a-ka_raka a man of the writer caste (Skt.lex.) ku_t.akr.t a man of the writer caste (Skt.lex.) cf. ku_t.a a hammer, a mallet (Ka.Skt.) (Ka.lex.) kut.aka a beater (Ka.lex.) got.a to decide, to settle, to prove; bale got.a dereaka we cannot come to a decision; got.ak leka do ban. aikauk kana it does not seem as if it could be proved; gotao to begin, to start, to engage in; uni sa~oten gotao akana I am engaged along with him (Santali.lex.) Hereditary office of an accountant: kotta_l. hired labourer in agricultural operations; slave; kottu wages paid in kind as grain etc.; kottu-k-kan.akku hereditary office of accountant; account of mason's wages; kottu-k-ku_li wage for various forms of agricultural work (Ta.lex.) Measure/tax: kor-r-ilakkai (kor-r-u + ilakkai, clothing, monthly wages) an ancient tax (Inscr. Ta.lex.) -kot.t.ai : ed.uttu-k-kot.t.ai a tax of uncertain import (Ta.)(SITI.IEG.) ed.uttu-k-kot.t.i a levy (Ta.)(SII 12.IEG.) ilakkai clothing; monthly wages (I_t.u, 4,8,8, Ji_.)(Ta.lex.) Brazier: kot.t.u to hammer, beat, as a brazier (Perun.. Makata. 4,16)(Ta.); kod.apuni id. (Tu.); kot.t.u-k-kan-n-a_r braziers who work by beating plates into shape and not by casting (Ta.); kot.t.u-k-kit.a_ram large boiler of beaten brass (Ta.); kot.t.u-k-kut.avai a kettle-shaped vessel (Tinn.); kot.t.u-k-ku_t.ai a basket-shaped metal vessel (Ta.); kot.t.u-c-cempu a copper pot made by beating plates into shape; kot.t.u-p-pit.i wooden mallet (Ci_vaka. 2798); kot.t.u-mur-i a superior kind of brass (Ta.); kot.t.uva_n- mallet; brazier who works by beating plates into shape (Ta.); kot.t.uve_lai beaten work, dist. fr. va_rppu-ve_lai (Ta.); kot.t.an-, kot.t.a_n- mallet; kon.t.ai-c-cuttiyal goldsmith's or brazier's hammer (Ta.lex.) kut.t.ita bruised, pounded (Bhpr.); kut.t.iya beaten (Pkt.); kut.iyu~ a beating (G.); ket.u pounded (Si.)(CDIAL 3242). Pounding; husking: kot.t.an.am pounding or husking paddy (Ta.Ma.); kot.namu (Te.); kot.t.an.a (K.); kot.t.ana (Pali); kot.t.an.akka_ri woman who lives by rice-pounding (Ta.)(Ta.lex.) cf. goodar hoe; guddar. spade, hoe; kudar. spade, axe (Go.)(DEDR 1722). kutar_u (kutar_i-) to dig up and scatter (Ta.); kodaru to be scattered (Te.)(DEDR 1704).
1611a.Hatchet: kut.ha_ra axe (R.); kut.ha_tan:ka < Prob.Drav. (Skt.); kud.ha_ra, kuha_d.a, kuha_d.i_ (Pkt)[for t.h -- r ~~ h -- d. cf. pit.hara -- pid.hara, pihad.a pot, pan (Pkt.); pi_ri_ (Gypsy)(CDIAL 8166).]; kuha_r.o (S.); kuha_r.a_ (L.P.); kuha_r.i_ (L.P.); kurha_r.i (WPah.); kulya_r.o, kulya_r. (Ku.); kura~_l (B.); kura~_li (B.); kur.ul (B.); kur.a_la, kura_r.ha, kurha_r.i, kur.a_ri (Or.); kulha_ri_ large axe for squaring logs (Bi.); kulha_r.a_, kulha_r.i_ axe (H.); kuha_r.o, kuha_r.i_, kuva_r.i_ (G.); kurha_d., kurha_d.i_ (M.); ken.eri (Si.); Long-handled axe: ket.eri, ket.e_riya long-handled axe (Si.)(CDIAL 3244). [Bengali.Oriya forms have l for r.] kut.ha_ri_ axe, hatchet (Pali); culter knife (Latin from *(s)qer to cut, in Latin. caro etc.); purisassa hi ja_tassa kutha_ri_ ja_yate mukhe when man is born, together with him is born an axe in his mouth (to cut evil speech)(Pali.lex.) [For -a_ri cf.. a_r sharpness, pointedness (Ta..); chip, splinter (Ma.); a_ru splinter (Ma..); a_rci goad, pointed end of goad, point of lance or stick (Kur.)(DEDR 371). kot.a_ri axe (kil.aiyai-c-ca_t.um. kot.a_riyin ka_mpu po_n-r-a_y)(Pirapo_ta. 2,28)(Ta.lex.) Axe: kut.a_ri axe (kut.a_arik ko_valar : Tol. Po. 329); kut.a_ram axe, hatchet (Cu_l.a_. Ci_ya. 72)(Ta.lex.)
1783.Image: tree: kut.ha_ru, kut.hi a tree (Skt.lex.) A man who deals in wood: mara-kut.aga a man who deals in wood; a wood-pecker (Ka.lex.) cf. kur.a_ tree; kar.ek tree, oak (Pas'.); kut.a, kut.i, kut.ha, kut.hi tree (Skt.); kud.a tree (Pkt.); kut.aka a kind of tree (Kaus'.)(CDIAL 3228). maruntu-k-ku_t.t.u medicinal preparation (Ta.lex.) Carpenter: kot.t.aga carpenter (Pkt.)(CDIAL 3236). gan.d.ra tree trunk (Kuwi.); gundr.a piece (Kuwi); gan.d.rincu to cut, divide; gan.d.rikalu pieces, fragments; gan.t.i wound (Te.); kan.d.eriyuni to make a cut (Tu.); gandranga rath'nai to cut in pieces; gan.d.ra piece (Kuwi)(DEDR 1176).
1612.Troublesome: ka_d.u to treat harshly, give trouble, trouble; ka_d.ike troubling, annoying; ka_d.iga a troublesome man; ka_t.a trouble, annoyance; ka_t.aka id., a troublesome man, marauder; ga_r-u rudeness, offence (Ka.); ka.t.a trouble; rubbish (Kod..); ka_d.yuni, ga_d.iyuni, ga_d.yuni to trouble, torment; ga_d.u, ga_d.a torment, vexation; ka_t.a trouble, annoyance, danger; ka_t.ake, ka_t.ike, ka_t.ige a troublesome fellow; ka_t.a_l.e a rude man (Tu.); ka_d.u ruin; ka_t.akamu famine, scarcity, dearth (Te.)(DEDR 1440). kas.t.a bad, difficult (Mn.); dangerous (Pa_n..); bad state of affairs, fatigue (R.); kat.t.ha bad, useless; misery (Pali); troublesome, ill, trouble (Pkt.); kat.t.a id. (Pkt.); kat.h cold (K.); kat.hi_n.o to suffer from the attack of a ghost, suffer from cold, be benumbed (K.); ka_t.ho a sponger who goes from door to door to eat, term of abuse for a dog or brahman (N.); ko_t.hi_ya mariba to be spoilt, be destroyed (A.); ka_t.ha hard, thick, cruel, stiff, bewildered with fear, still (Or.); kat. pain, work (M.)[kas.t.a-k-ku_t.t.a_l.i working partner (C.G.); kas.t.am < kas.t.a difficulty, trouble (Ta.lex.)]; kat.h labour, pains (H.); ka_t.hu_ hard-hearted, miserly (G.); ka~_t.hn.e~, ka~t.hn.e~ to endure, undergo (M.); kat.ulla, kat.ol sorrow, distress (Si.)(CDIAL 2978). ka_t.aki a troublesome woman; ka_d.ike troubling, annoying; ka_d.iga a troublesome man; ka_d.i a jungle-woman; ka_t.aka trouble, annoyance; a forester or fowler; a marauder (Ka.lex.) Hard: kat.ho_ra hard, solid, stiff (BhP.); kat.ho_la, kat.hura, kat.hara hard, cruel (Skt.); kad.ho_ra hard, stiff, cruel (Pkt.); kud.uru hard, difficult (of a road or person)(K.)(CDIAL 2651). cf. kat.t.u hardness (Ta.); gat.t.i id. (Tu.)(CDIAL 2650). kad.d. be rough; kad.d.ati id. (Dha_tup.); kar.a_ rough (N.B.Or.); kar.a_, kar.r.a_ (H.)(CDIAL 2657). kat.t.u (kat.t.i-) to harden; firmness, strength (Ta.); kar.c very hard, brittle steel (Ko.); kad.ugu to become hard or solid; gat.t.i firmness, hardness, lump; gad.acu, gad.asu, gad.usu hardness, brittleness, severity (Ka.); gat.t.i, gad.usu firm, hard (Tu.Te.); gad.d.u hard, difficult (Te.); gat.t.in hard (Ga.); d.r.ahpa (d.r.aht-) to be hard, stiff, difficult, troublesome; n. hardness, stiffness, difficulty, trouble; d.rai hard, stiff, firm; d.rai inba to be hard, etc.; d.ra_na solidly (Kui); gatti hard; adv. gattining (Kuwi); kar.arna_ (kar.ryas), kad.rna_ to be paralysed with fear, to congeal, freeze (Kur.)(DEDR 1148). kat.hina hard, stiff (Sus'r.); hard, stiff, cruel (Pali); kad.hin.a, kad.hin.aga, kat.t.hin.a hard (Pkt.); kad.hi_n. difficult; khad.i_n., khad.an. vicious, difficult (of an animal)(M.)(CDIAL 2650). To harden: kat.t.u (kat.t.i-) to harden, consolidate, congeal, coagulate; firmness, strength (Ta.); ken.t.ai, ken.t.ai-k-kat.t.i enlargement of the spleen (Ta.); kat.t.i what is condenses, solid, ingot (Ma.); kat.y solid lump (Ko.); gen.d. round lump or ball (food, butter), growth in the abdomen (Ko.); gen.d.-payn. frost on grass, ice on top of water (Ko.); gat.t.i firmness, hardness, lump (Ka.); gad.d.e, gan.t.e a mass, lump, concretion; island (Ka.); gat.t.e, get.t.i, get.t.e a lump, clod (Tu.); gad.d.a lump, mass, clod, clot; island (Te.)[cf.ere black soil (Ka.); re_-gad.a, re_-gad.i clay (Te.)(DEDR 819).]; ked.k hard (Kol.)(DEDR 1148). Hard, stiff: kat.hina hard, stiff (Sus'r.)[< Drav. kat.t.u hardness (Ta.); gat.t.i (Te.)]; hard, stiff, cruel (Pali); kad.hin.a, kad.hin.aga, kat.t.hin.a hard (Pkt.); kad.hi_n. difficult (M.)(CDIAL 2650). kud.uru hard, difficult (of a road or person)(K.); kad.ho_ra hard, stiff, cruel (Pkt.)(CDIAL 2651). kar.a_ rough (N.B.Or.H.); kar.r.a_ id. (H.)(CDIAL 2657). kat.hara, kat.hura, kat.hora hard (Skt.)(CDIAL 2651). kad.d. to be hard, severe (Skt.)(CDIAL 2657).
1613.Cadamba: kat.ampu, kat.ampam common cadamba, anthocephalus cadamba (Ta.); kat.ampu nauclea cadamba; eugenia racemosa (Ma.); kod.b sp. tree (To.); kad.amba, kad.ava, kad.aval, kad.avu, kad.aha, kad.avod.a n. cadmaba (Ka.); kad.a_mi-cet.t.u, kad.imi, (Inscr.) kad.amu id. (Te.); kan.apa ma_re id. (Ga.)(DEDR 1116). kadamba the tree nauclea cadamba (MBh.); kadambaka, kadambada, kalamba, kalambaka (Skt.); kadamba, kalambaka (Pali); kalam.ba, kayam.ba (Pkt.); kayam.bua the flower (Pkt.); kaima a partic. wild flowering tree (not n. cadamba)(Or.); kaima_ n. cadamba (H.); kem (Ma_lvi_); kal.a~b (M.); kohomba the tree azadirachta indica (Si.); kal.a~be~ mushroom (M.); cf. bhu_mi-kadamba perh. mushroom (M.)(CDIAL 2710). kadamba anthocephalus cadamba (Car. 4.20, 47, 27.114). Anthocephalus indicus = anthocephalus cadamba: kadamba (Skt.M.H.); kadam (B.); vellai-cadamba (Ta.); kadambamu (Te.); bark: tonic, ferbifuge, astringent; decoction of leaves: used as gargle in cases of aphthae and stomatitis; habitat: sub-Himalayan tract from Nepal eastwards to Burma, and in the south in N. Circars and W. Ghats (GIMP, p.20). cf. maravam, maravu, mara_, mara_m common cadamba, anthocephalus cadamba (Ta.)(DEDR 4713). Adina cordifolia: dharakadamba (Skt.); haldu (H.); keli kadam (B.); manja kadamba (Ta.Ma.); pasupu-kadamba (Te.); bark: febrifuge; juice: used to kill worms in sores; yellow pigment adinin; habitat: from the Himalayas to Central and S. India, especially common in E. Ghats, Mysore and parts of Konkan (GIMP, p.7). karam dare adina cordifolia (Santali.lex.)
1614.Aquatic grass: kad.ambi_ the potherb convolvulus repens (Skt.); kad.amba (Car.); kalam.bu, kalam.bua_ a kind of creeper (Pkt.); kalamba, kalambuka_ a potherb, prob. convolvulus repens (Pali); kalam.buga_ a kind of water plant (Pkt.); kalmau c. repens (A.); kalmi a rapidly growing aquatic creeper c. repens (B.); kar.ambi_ an edible aquatic creeper (Or.); kal.ama id., ipomoea aquatica (Or.); kalmi_ c. repens (H.); karemu~ an aquatic grass used as an antidote to opium (H.)(CDIAL 2654). at.ampu, at.appan.-kot.i, at.umpu hare-leaf, ipomoea biloba (Ta.); at.ampu, at.umpu convolvulus pes caprae (Ma.); ad.umbu-bal.l.i a creeping plant, i. biloba (Ka.); ad.umbu the creeper i. maritima (Tu.)(DEDR 65).
1615.Image: fitting and joining: gadhyati is mixed (Nir.); gad.anisu to join (Ka.); gad. mixed with, immersed in (Pas'.); gad.an.u to meet, join, mix; gad.u jointly (S.); gad.d.an. to mix (of fluids)(L.); gad.d. promiscuous (P.); ga_r.na_ to unite; ga_r.a_ kneaded or mixed mud (H.); gat. immersed (Wg.)(CDIAL 3980). To tie: kat.t.u to tie, fasten, build (Ta.); ket.t.uka to tie, build, clasp, yoke, clot (Ma.); kat.- (kac-) to tie, build (Ko.); kat.t.u binding, tying (Ka.); to tie, bind; n. knot, band (Te.); kat.t.- to bind (Nk.Pa.Ga.); kat.- to tie, build (Ga.); ka_t.- to fix, fasten (Kui); gatti ki_nai to tie (Kuwi); Setting of a jewel: kat.t.at.am setting of a jewel; kat.t.an.am building (Ta.)(DEDR 1147).
1616.Ulcer: kha_t.o scab, scar; khat.iro boil; khat.ira_-pat.ira_ boils and other skin diseases (N.); khat. ulcer (M.)(CDIAL 3778). kat.t.u (kat.t.i-) to swell (as a boil, tumour); n. boil, abscess, tumour (Ta.); gad.d.a boil, ulcer (Te.); kat. spleen (Nk.)(DEDR 1148). kat.t.i enlarged spleen (Ta.lex.)
1617.Image: chequered square: kat.t.a_n-, kat.t.a_m (kat.t.u + akam) chequered square on board for games; a game played on a chequered board; kat.t.am square, chequered space as in a chess-board (Perun.. Makata. 14,56); kat.t.u to win, checkmate, overcome (Ni_tiven. 56); fortification, defence, protection (Te_va_. 386,7); surrounding; forcing into a corner, as in chess (Tirukko_. 313)(Ta.lex.)
1618.Beard: kat.t.am chin; ket.t.am beard (Ta.); gad.d.a the beard about the chin, the chin (Ka.); chin, beard (Tu.Kol.); beard (Nk.); ge_d.d.a beard (Kod..); gadda chin (Ka.); gad.d.amu id. (Te.); gadduva chin (Te.); gad.d.om (pl. gad.d.ocil) beard, moustache (Pa.); gad.d.al (pl.) beard (Pa.); gad.d.am beard (Ga.); gad.d.o id. (Go.); gad.d.ok (pl.) id., chin (Go.); gad.d.em beard (Go.); kat.t.e whiskers (Go.); gad.emku (pl.) beard (Kond.a); gad.emu ba_nanga whiskers (Kuwi); khad.d.a = s'mas'ru- (Pkt.)(DEDR 1156).
1619.Cold: kat.h cold (K.); kat.hi_n.o to suffer from the attack of a ghost, suffer from cold, be benumbed (Ku.)(CDIAL 2978). ku_tir cold, cold wind; ku_tal sensation of cold (Ta.)(DEDR 1618). kot.uku (kot.uki-) to shrink or shiver with cold (Ta.); ko_t.uka to feel very cold; ko_t.t.am coldness, stiffness (Ma.); ko_d.u to be cool or cold; n. coldness (Ka.); ko_t.a, kod.ata coldness (Ka.)(DEDR 2056). cf. ko_t.a west wind, cool wind, west (Ma.); ke.r. SW. monsoon (Ko.); kwa.r. monsoon, year (To.); ko_d.e west wind, cool wind (i.e. the hot land-wind for the Mysore, Telugu and Tamil countries), the hot season (Ka.); ko_t.ai west wind; summer, intense heat of summer (Ta.)(DEDR 2203). kon.t.al cloud (Tiv. Tiruva_y. 8,5,6); rain (Ja_n-a_. 43,14, Urai.); east wind (Pur-ana_. 34,22); kon.t.al-van.n.an- Vis.n.u, as the cloud-coloured (Tiv. Amalan-a_ti. 10); id. (Ma.)(Ta.); cloud, sky (Ma.); bed.a-gon.d.alu big massive rainy clouds (Te.)(DEDR 2078). kon.-mu_ cloud (Perun.. Ucaik. 43); sky (Ta.lex.) cf. kut.akam, kut.aku Coorg; kut.akku west (Ta.)(DEDR 1649).
1620.Image: ear-ring: kat.ukkan- man's ear-ring; kat.ippu, kat.ippam ear ornament (Ta.); kat.ukkan ear-ring (Ma.); kat.impu ear-ornament (Ma.); kar.k ear-ring (Ko.); kat.aku, kad.aku, kad.uku a kind of ear-ring with a precious stone or pearls in the middle (Ka.); kad.iki ear-ring (Kod..)(DEDR 1138).
1621.A kind of rice: gadar inferior quality of rice (L.); ga_da_ unripe grain parched in the ear (H.); gaddar, gaddara_ half-ripe (P.); ga_dar unripe (of grain or fruit)(H.)(CDIAL 4012). gandha_lu fragrant rice (Skt.); gandar a kind of grain; gandaru vegetables (Pas'.)(CDIAL 4020).
1622.Image: copulation of animals: san:ga_, san:gha_ copulation (of animals); adj. bulled (of a cow)(Or. < *samgha_ta_- or samhata_- ?)(CDIAL 12862). san:gha_iba_ put a cow to bull (whence (of a bull) to copulate)(Or.)(CDIAL 12862). gar.ha_van. to bring buffalo cow to bull (L.); gar.hn.a_ to copulate with (of bull or buffalo)(P.)(CDIAL 12862). can:ka_t.t.am union, intercourse (can:ka_t.t.an tavirttu)(Te_va_. 655,1)(Ta.lex.) gar.ha_van. to bring buffalo-cow to bull (L.); gar.hn.a_ to copulate with (of bull or buffalo)(P.)(CDIAL 3966). cf. kat.t.u- to hug, embrace; to marry (Ta.lex.)
1623.Image: fitting and joining; double-canoe, raft; a barred gate: sam.gha_t.a fitting and joining of timber (R.); da_ru-san:gha_t.a raft (Pali); sa~gad. float made of two canoes joined together (M.); s'an:gad.am (Ta.); jan:gala double-canoe (Tu.); han:gul.a, an:gul.a double canoe, raft (Si.)(CDIAL 12859). can:kat.am (< jangada (Portuguese) ferry-boat of two canoes with a platform thereon, irat.t.ai-t-to_n.i; can:kuvat.am ferry-boat (Ta.) can.n.a_t.am (Ma.); kat.t.u-t-to_n.i surf boat, boat of which the seams are sewn together; kat.t.u-p-pat.aku id. (Ta.); kat.t.u-maram Catamaran, used for deep sea fishing; raft made of logs of wood lashed or joined together; post to which is bound Ara_va_n- to be offered as a sacrifice in the festival of ku_tta_n.t.ai held to commemorate certain incidents in the Mahabharata (Ta.lex) Gate: can:kat.a-p-pat.alai a barred gate at the entrance of a house or garden (Ta.lex.) Pair: samgha_d.a pair (Pkt.); san:gal.a pair (Si.); si~ga_r. doorframe (Ku.); sana_r, sinha_r threshold (N.); si~ghara_ triangular packet of betel (Bi.); san:gha_r.i pair of fish roes, two rolls of thread for twisting into the sacred thread, quantity of fuel sufficient to maintain the cremation fire (Or.); si~gha_r.a_ piece of cloth folded in triangular shape (H.); sa~_ga_d.a_ frame of a building (M.)(CDIAL 12859). Scaffolding: san:gha_, san:ga_ bamboo scaffolding inside triangular thatch, crossbeam of thatched house (Or.)(CDIAL 12862).
1624.Image: fabulous animals: sa~gad. a body formed of two or more fruits or animals or men etc. linked together (M.); san:gha_r.iba_ to mix many materials, stir boiling curry, tie two cattle together and leave to graze (Or.)(CDIAL 12859,12860). sam.kara mixing (esp. of castes)(Mn.); anything defiled (MBh.); dung (Car.); dust, sweepings (Skt.); sa~_kar rubbish blocking a stream (M.)(CDIAL 12818).
1625.Image: tree; branch: ket.t.u branch of a tree or bough (Ta.)(Ta.lex.) Image: bush: kat.t.a, gat.t.a shrub, small tree (Go.); kir.u a young plant (Malt.); gir.v plant; gevd. thick bushy tree (Ko.); kid.f shrub (To.); gid.a, gid.u, cet.t.u plant as of chili, brinjal, pulse, shrub, small tree, tree in general; sid.umbu, sid.umbe a (thorny); tree, bush, thicket (Ka.); gid.a plant (Kod..); shrub (Tu.); cet.t.u tree, plant, bush, creeper (Te.); s'et.t. tree (Nk.); set.(t.), sat.t. tree (Nk.); cet.i shrub, bush; (-pp-, -tt-) to grow busy, shoot out (as sprays, foliage)(Ta.); shrub, small tree (Ma.)(DEDR 1941). Piece of wood: cf. ka_s.t.ha piece of wood (S'Br.)(CDIAL 3120). kat.ausi_, kat.va~_si_ a firm and woody bamboo (H.)(CDIAL 3129). Image: impalement stake: kas.t.a-laur.a wooden contrivance used in threshing (Pas'.); kt.hu impalement stake (K.); kot.hu small stick (K.)(CDIAL 3120). Image: bowl: cf. ka_t.hvat, ka_thvat. wooden bowl (M.)(CDIAL 3126). Tree: sa~_ya heap of wood, funeral pyre (Si.); caitya sacred tree, funeral monument (A_s'vGr..); relating to a funeral pyre (Skt.); ce_tiya sepulchral monument (Pali); ce_ia (Pkt.); ce_iya_, cei_ shrine (OG.); ceta, ceya heap of wood (OSi.Bra_mi_ inscr.)(CDIAL 4914). Pre-Buddhistic cetiyas mentioned by name are: agga_l.ava-cetiya, a_nanda-cetiya, gotamaka-cetiya, ca_pa_la-cetiya, kut.abandhana-cetiya, bahuputta-cetiya, sattambaka-cetiya, supatit.t.ha-cetiya; cetiya-an:gan.a the open space round a cetiya; cetiya-vandana_ cetiya worship; cetiya a tumulus, sepulchral monument, cairn (Pali.lex.) For morphemes in cmpds. cf.: aggal.a a strip of cloth, a gusset; capala bow; kut.a pitcher (Pali.lex.) caitya (fr. cita_) relating to a funeral pile; a monument on the site of a funeral pile; a place of sacrifice or religious worship; a temple; a building containing an image or some relic of Buddha or Jina; a Buddhist or Jaina image; the world of Bauddhas; heaven; citye, cite, citi, sidige piling up; a funeral pile; cita piled up, collected; covered (Ka.lex.) Forester: ka_t.a a forester or hutsman; the name of a golla; ka_t.an.n.a the fowler's idol, consisting of a few stones white-washed (Ka.lex.)
1626.End, extremity: kat.ai end, termination (Ta.lex.); kat.aici end, extremity, the last (Ta.); kat.a what is ultimate; kat.as'i end, termination; kar., kar.c extreme end (Ko.); kad.e end, termination (Ka.); kat.a end, corner, etc. (Ka.); kad.e verge, end, extremity, place (Tu.); kad.apala the end (Te.); kad.a end, extremity (Te.); end (Pa.)(DEDR 1109). For pal.l.a-: cf. pa_l.aiyam army, war-camp, village surrounded by hillocks (Ta.)(DEDR 4117). cf. pal.l.i hamlet, herdsman's village, hermitage, temple (esp. of Buddhists and Jains), palace, workshop, sleeping place, school, room (Ta.)(DEDR 4018).
1627.Image: channel: kad.agu, kad.an:gu a small channel issuing from a larger one and leading water, e.g. to a plantain tree; a channel, a ditch, a trench (Ka.); kit.an:ku (Ta.); kid.ajju (Ma.); kaya, kar..a a depth; a tank, a brook (Ma.Ta.); gad.a a ditch (Skt.)(Ka.lex.) kit.an:kar moat, ocean; kit.an:kil moat (Ta.); kit.an.n.u trench, ditch (Ma.); kad.an:gi deep ditch without water (Kod..)(DEDR 1526). Square tank: kha_ta a square or large tank; pus.karin.i (Ka.Skt.)(Ka.lex.) Image: channel; to transcend: kat.a to exceed, excel, surpass, transcend (Kampara_. Na_t.avit.. 36); to measure; To cross: kad.e to pass over (Ka.); gar.vi- to go beyong the boundary of a village (Kond.a); kr.a_ to cross (Mand..); gr.a_sa to pass a thing through the outstretched legs (Kui); kat.e to cross (Malt.); xarring to proceed on foot, make one's way (Br.)(DEDR 1109). Passage: kat.a to pass through, traverse, cross (Ta.); kat.appu wicket or narrow passage in a wall or hedge (Ta.); kat.ava_n- channel cut through ridge of paddy-field to let surplus water run off (Ta.); kat.avu way, path, direction (Ta.); kat.akka to pass over, enter (Ma.); kat.appu passage (Ma.); kat.avu beach, landing place, wharf; track of wild beasts (Ma.); kar.v- (kar.d-) to cross (river); (sun, moon) rises (Ko.); kar.v cattle-path through bushes, ford (Ko.); kad.a a ferry, ford (Ka.); kad.akal wicket or narrow passage in walls or hedges (Ka.); kad.a- to cross (Kod..); kad.apuni to cross, ford, pass (Tu.); kad.acu, gad.ucu to pass; cross (Te.); kad.p- to cross (Pa.); karp- to cross (Ga.); gr.a_pa to cross, cross over, ford (Kui); gra_ncali to cross over (Kuwi)(DEDR 1109). Gate: kat.ampa, kat.a_yi site, gate bar (Ma.); kat.ai entrance, gate, outer gate (Akana_.66); kat.avu track of wild beasts, landing place (Ma.); kat.appu wicket or narrow passage in a wall or hedge (Ta.); kad.akal wicket or narrow passage in walls or hedges (Ka.); kad.apa, gad.apa threshold (Te.); kad.e, kad.a edge, side (OM.); d.r.a_pa threshold, sill, step (Kui)(DEDR 1109). kat.ai-t-talai outer gate, outer court; kat.ai-man.i bell hung outside the gate of the king's palace so that any one who had a grievance to be addressed might pull and ring it to obtain the king's audience (Cilap. 20,53); kat.ai-mukam gateway, entrance; kat.ai-va_cal, kat.ai-va_yil outer gate, entrance (Ta.lex.) gha_ro bar, rod, crossbeam (N.); ghat.ika_ stick used as a bolt (Pali); gha_d.a friendship (Pkt.)(CDIAL 4458).
1628.Deceit: kavat.u fraud, guile (Ir-ai. 51, Urai.); kavat.i deceitful person; kavat.am deceit; kavat.t.u-necan- cunning, sly person; man of guile (Ta.lex.) kot.u~ dodge, intrigue (G.)(CDIAL 3560). ka_pat.a fraudulent (VarBr.S.); kapat.a fraud (Pali.Skt.); kavad.a (Pkt.); ka_vr.u~ roguish, ungrateful; ka_vai_ fraud; ka_vo, ka_vatru~ (G.)(CDIAL 3037). ku_t.a false, untrue (Mn.); deceit, adj. false (Pali); ku_d.a, ku_d.aga deceit; ku_d.e_i deceives (Pkt.); ku_r.u lie (S.); ku_r.o untrue (S.); ku_r. lie; ku_r.a_ false (L.); liar; ku~_r. defect (L.); ku_r., ku_r.a_ adj. (P.); kur. bad (Ku.); ku_ra deceitful (OAw.); ku_r.o false, wicked (Marw.); ku_r. fraud; ku_r.u~ wrong (G.); kul.u false, wild, disobedient (Si.); ku_d., ku_d.a_ false (M.); ku_t.a base (of coins)( Ya_j.) (CDIAL 3395). ku_l.i devil, demon (Pat.t.in-ap. 259); fault (Cu_t.a_.); ku_l.iyar hunters (Maturaik. 691); highway robbers, plunderers (Pur-ana_. 136,13); ku_l.an- worthless, useless person (Tiruppu. 109); ku_t.akam fraud, deceit (Kur-r-a_tala. Kavur-can-a. 65); ku_t.am fraud, deception (E_la_. 17); falsehood (Ve_ta_ran.i. Niraiyava. 18)(Ta.lex.) kayavan- base, unworthy man (Man.i. 23,94); cruel man (Ci_vaka. 678); kayam inferiority, baseness, meanness (Na_n-man.i. 92); kayavu id.; theft, pilfering, larceny; kaya_va_l.i extortioner (C.G.); dishonest, unscrupulous fellow (Ta.lex.) kaitava stake in gambling (MBh.); deceit (R.); kitava gambler (RV.Pali); ke_ava fraud (Pkt.); kewa_ deceit, excuse (H.); kaiava fraud (Pkt. re-formed after Skt. kaitava.); kaiva_d. ruse, trick (M.)(CDIAL 3477).[Synonym: netta, letta dice, gambling (Ka.); nettamu gambling (Te.); netta-palaka dice-board (Te.); cf. nattam nantam, netka conch/snail. (DEDR 3742).] keyta trickery, deceit, fraud (Ka.); keyme cleverness, deceit (Ka.); kaiyar mean, despicable persons, cheats (Ta.); kiyalto bad (Pa.)(DEDR 1250).
1628a. To listen without speaking; to grunt: For o.garv- (o.gard-) to listen without speaking (Ko.): cf. o.x to hear (To.); o_n:ge_runi, o_n.on.uni to listen, overhear, eavesdrop; o_kon.uni to answer a call (Tu.)(DEDR 1032). u~_-konu to hear, listen to (Te.); umm-en-al utterance of an interj.; um expressive of assent; um-kot.t.u to respond by ejaculating um as in listening to a story that is told; u_m-en-al expression signifying assent, attentiveness (Ta.)(DEDR 643). hum., hu_m an exclamation of doubt or fear or assent, a mystical syllable used in chanting (S'rS.); hu_ hu_ (VarBr.S.); hum. expression of doubt, etc. (Pali); hum. exclamation of doubt or prohibition, etc. (Pkt.); hu~_ grunt of assent, grunt to drive a camel (S.); hu~ exclamation of assent or prohibition or encouragement (P.); exclamation of assent (B.G.M.); hu~ u~_ (M.)(CDIAL 14132). hum.karo_ti makes the sound hum. (MBh.); addresses roughly (Ya_jn.); hum.ka_ra a threatening sound (MBh.); hu_m.ka_ra (MBh.); hun:karo_ti grumbles (Pali); hun:giran. to urge on cattle (L.); hun:girna_ (P.); hun:ka_ra grumbling (Pali) hum.ka_ra sound of assent (Pkt.); hun:ga_ra_ assent (L.); hu~ga_ra_ (P.); hun:ka_ra sound made during an effort (Or.); hu~ka_ra_ grunt of assent (H.); hu~ka_r, hu~ka_ro challenge, call; making sound of assent during a narrative (G.); hu~ka_ra_ (M.); hun:ga_run. to shout (L.); hum.ka_riya sound of assent (Pkt.); hun:ka_riba_ to grunt during effort (Or.); hu~_ga_ro giving a sign of attention or assent; hu~_ga_ran.u to grunt assent (S.)(CDIAL 14133).
1629.Engraving: kettike engraving; the act of chipping etc.; kettane, ketne the act of setting a sprecious stones; kettige a chain in which precious stones are set; kettu, keccu to enclose, to set as precious stones (Ka.Te.); cer-r-u (Ta.); cekku (Te.); cerudu to shove or put in; cer-ukku to enclose (Ma.); kettisu to cause to carve or engrave as letters; to cause to chip; kette a chip, a paring (Ka.Tu.); cettu (Ma.); kettu to make thin; to chip as a plank; to cut as a native writing pen; to engrave, to carve (Ka.Tu.); cettu (Ma.); cetukku (Ta.); cekku, civvu, ci_vu (Te.)(Ka.lex.) cf. cer-r-u to set (as a jewel)(Ta.)(DEDR 1985). cf. cettu to cut with adze (Ta.)(DEDR 1953). To set jewels; image: boundary between two fields: jad.ia set (of jewels), joined (Pkt.); jarun to set jewels (K.); jar.an.u to join, rivet, set; jar.a rivet, boundary between two fields (S.); jar.a_un.a_ to have fastened or set (P.); zara_iba to collect (A.); jar.a_na to set jewels, wrap round, entangle; jar. heaped together (B.); jar.iba to unite (Or.); jarai sets jewels, bedecks (OAw.); jar.na_ to join, stick in, set (H.); jar.nu to set, be set (N.); jar.a_u_ inlaid (OMarw.); jar.vu~ to join, meet with, set jewels (G.); jad.n.e~ to join, connect, inlay, be firmly established; jat.n.e~ to combine, confederate (M.)(CDIAL 5091). kat.t.at.am setting of a jewel (Ta.); kat.t.a_n.i necklace (Tu.)(DEDR 1147). jad.d.akara one consonant written below another (Ka.); jad.d.a a compound consonant (Te.); near, close by, connected with (Te.); nearness, union (Ka.); dan.d.a nearness, proximity, side (Te.); dad.d.a closeness, union (Ka.); dan.d.e state of being adjoining or close by, vicinity (Ka.)(DEDR 2313). cf. catir boundary, limit (Ta.)(DEDR 2325).
1630.Image: ridge of hill: kat.akam mountain side, ridge of a hill (Pin..)(Ta.lex.) kad.i a fold of skin over the navel (Ka.M.); khad.i_ an eminence, a little hill (M.); gat.t.a, ghat.t.a (Tatsama) a ghaut, a mountain-range (Ka.); gha_t.a (M.)(Ka.lex.) Image: mountain: kat.uvarai precipitous mountain (Pu. Ve. 1,11)(Ta.lex.)
1631.Image: ornamental lines: kad.e, kad.eya ornamental lines and figures drawn with white clay, lime, flour etc. in and in the front of houses, on thresholds etc., daily on festive occasions; pu_vali, ran:gavali; kad.asa_l a row or mass of such ornamental work (Ka.lex.)
1632.Image: beautiful woman: kat.t.ar..aki very beautiful woman (Pan.avit.u. 355); kat.t.ar..aku great beauty (Kantapu. Val.l.i. 182)(Ta.lex.) ga_d.i comeliness, gracefulness, charm, beauty (Ka.); ca_y, ca_yal beauty (Ma.); ca_yal, ce_t.u beauty (Ta.); ga_d.i-ga_rti a charming woman (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) khanti grace (Pali.lex.)
1633.Image: image, statue: kat.t.al.ai portrait, image, statue (Perun.. Ucaik. 33,113); similitude, likeness, resemblance (Ta.lex.) ged.e, kid.u, gad.e match; touching (Ka.); ged.e by the side of (Te.); gad.a match; comparison, equality (Ka.); kit.ai (Ta.); kid.e (Ma.)(Ka.lex.)
1634.Image: duck: ka_d.iga, karkara a duck (Ka.); ka_damba (Skt.)(Ka.lex.) ged.e-vakki, ged.e-hakki the ruddy goose; cakrava_ka (Ka.lex.) ka_ran.d.ava a kind of duck (MBh.Pali); ka_ran.d.a (R.); kare_t.u numidian crane (Skt.); ka_ram.d.a, ka_ram.d.aga, ka_ram.d.ava a partic. kind of bird (Pkt.); ka_nero a partic. kind of water bird (S.)(CDIAL 3059). karkat.u numidian crane; kare_t.u, kare_t.avya, kare_d.uka (Skt.); karad.a_ a partic. kind of bird (Pkt.); karar.a-d.hi~_gu a very large aquatic bird (S.); karr.a_, karr.i_ the common teal (L.)(CDIAL 2787). ge_la_t.a some sort of animal or bird; duck (As'.); gerr.a_, gera_, geri_ dove (L.)(CDIAL 4250). ka_ran.t.am little cormorant (Cu_t.a_.) (Ta.) (Ta.lex.)
1635.Image: sickle; billhook; knife; axe; scissors: kid-en contraction of kidetti:n; ked-en contraction of kedatti:n, kadetti:n a sickle. katteru-n contraction of kandatteru:n a knife, a sword (Sora.lex.) set. sickle (Ga.); cetal sickle (Pa.); set.um kiyb knife used for cutting fire-wood (Ga.); set.er., sat.a_r., sat.a_r, het.t.ar., hat.ar. (pl. hat.ahk), et.ar. sickle; set.t.e_r. id.; hetaree a sickle for cutting grass (Go.)(DEDR 2756). kedub, kerub, ked.ub knife (Pa.); kiyub, kiyyu_b (pl. kiybu_l) id. (Ga.)(DEDR 1984). kattiri-k-ka_n.am tax on the weapons like swords, knives, etc.; tax on arms (S.I.I. i,151) (Ta.lex.) kat.t.a_ri trident of S'iva (Tan-ippa_. ii,160,399) (Ta.lex.) kat.a_ri, kat.ha_ri a sort of dagger (Ka.); kat.a_ra, kat.a_ri, kat.ha_ri (Te.); kat.t.a_ri (Ta.); kat.t.a_ra, kat.t.a_ri (Ma.); kat.a_r (H.M.)(Ka.lex.) kat.t.a_ri cross-hilted dagger (Kalaicaic. 83)(Ta.lex.) kati.r- (katrc-; < katy-tayr, katy-tarc-) to cut (Ko.); kan:keyt, kan:ki.t sickle [kan. koty dagger-shaped knife burned with the corpse (To.)(DEDR 1166); kan.- handle]; katti knife, cutting instrument, razor, sword, sickle (Ta.); knife (Ma.Kod..Tu.); knife, razor, sword (Ka.); katy billhook, knife (Ko.); kati.r to cut (Ko.); kan. koty dagger-shaped knife burned with the corpse (To. cf. kan.a arrow); katte knife (Tu.); katti cock's spur (Go.); ka_ti knife attached to the cock's spur (Go.)(DEDR 1204). The compounds are: katti-kat.t.i warrior, carrying a sword; sword-dancer, man or woman; katti-kat.t.i-c-ce_val fighting cock, having knives with sharp blades fastened to its spurs; kattikai a kind of garland (cenkar..uni_r'a_yitar..-k-kattikai : Cilap. 8.47); banner, streamer, small flag (Ta.lex.) katk- (katakt-) to strike down, break down (tree)(Kol.); katuk-/katk- to cut with axe (Nk.); katt- to cut down (tree), slaughter, sacrifice (Pa.); kat- to cut, sacrifice (Ga.); kad- to cut (hair), gnaw; kadi_- to cut (hair), break (sod); kaht-, ka't-, kah- to cut; katt- to cut; kaht- to make to cut (Go.); kat- (-t-) to cut down (tree) with an axe, fell; katki- (-t-) to cut down (trees); katas lopping, cutting; katas a_- to cut one another (Kond.a); kat- (-t-) intens. katka- to cut (with axe)(Pe.); kat- id. (Mand..); kata (kati-) to cut down, fell, cut, hew; pl. action katka (katki-)(Kui); katt-, kuttali/kattali to cut (with axe, etc.); katt- (-it-) to cut (trees, bushes, etc.); katk- (-it-) to chop into pieces (Kuwi); kutkianari (i.e. katkianari) soldiers (Kuwi)(DEDR 1208). ks.ata wounded (S'Br.); ks.ataka wound (Mn.); khata hurt (Pali); khataka- (Pali); khaya-, chaya- adj. and n. hurt (Pkt.); c.o_ wound (Ash.); wounded (Wg.); khai ruined (S.); khaya_ injured, worn out (B.); cher bruised split grain (Kho.); cf. aks.ata- unbroken grain (Skt.)(CDIAL 3645). ks.ati injury, damage (MBh.); c.hei compensation (Sh.); khai destruction, ruin (S.P.); khaya destruction (OH.); khai_, khe rust, filth (H.); khai, khe loss, destruction (G.)(CDIAL 3646). cf. kha_ti_ member of a caste of wheelwrights (H.); ks.attr.- carver, distributor (RV.)(CDIAL 3647). To cut: kattaria cut (Pkt.); katarun to cut into slices (K.); katiran.u t shear, clip (S.); katran. to cut, clip with scissors (L.); katarna_ to clip, shear (P.); katranu (N.); katuriba_ to trim (Or.); katarna_ to clip (H.); ka_tarvu~ (G.); ka_tarn.e~ (M.); katiri torn, cut(of clothes)(Si.); katara strip of cloth (S.); katra a little (L. > katra piece of meat (Psht.); katr cutting of a rib (L.); kattar strip of cloth (P.> katar cutting (H.); katura_ a cutting (Or.); ka_tri_ thin slice (G.); ka_tro an insect which cuts off shoots of corn (G.); ka_tra_ clippings (M.); katarni_ scissors (P.H.); katarn.i_ scissors (Ku.N.); katarni scissors (N.); katarun.i scissors (Or.)(CDIAL 2858). kr.ntati cuts (RV.); kantati (Pali); kamtai (Pkt.); kun.d.n.o~ to clip, shear (WPah.); ka_ntu_ka to scrape a coconut (Konkan.i)(CDIAL 3432). ka~_tan. cutting, piece, bit (M.); kr.ntana cutting off (Skt.)(CDIAL 3434). kattarikai < kartarika_ scissors, shears (Perun.. Vattava. 14,7); kattirikai id. (Te_va_. 837,5)(Ta.lex.) Image: beams or poles crossed: kattarikai-k-ka_l beams or poles crossed and placed on the ground for supporting a weight (Ta.lex.) Image: cutting; harvest, corn: kartana cutting (Skt.); kattan.a id. (Pkt.); kat.t.anaya_ id. (Pkt.); kat.ani harvest, crop (N.); kat.ani_ id. (Bi.); ka_t.an.a cutting, cut, make (Or.); ka_t.an.a_ act of cutting, chopped vegetables (Or.); kat.ani_ quantity cut at one time (Mth.); ka`_t.ni_ harvest (H.); ka_t.n.i_ id. (M.)(CDIAL 2856). ka~_tan. cutting, piece, bit (M.)(CDIAL 3434). kacca to be cut off (Pkt.); kartya id. (Mn.); kartiya id. (Skt.); kat.i_ harvest, corn (Ash.Kt.)(CDIAL 2864). Image: scissors: kaci scissors (Sh.); kocu betelnut scissors (K.); kaciya_ sickle (N.); ka_si id. (N.); ka_ci id. (B.); kacia_ big scythe (Or.); kaciya_ toothed sickle (Bi.); kaciya_ reaping-hook (H.); kicca_ cutting (Pkt.); kartya, krtya_ knife (Skt.); ca_r.a knife (Psht. < kartya_)(CDIAL 2866). Sword: kacci_ sword (Kol.); kacci sword, iron sword (Go.); iron blade (of spade)(Go.); kacci sword (Kol.); sword; iron sword (Go.); kacci, kac, kas iron; kacc iron, iron blade (of spade)(Go.)(DEDR 1096). Image: a cut; slice: katu a cut, cutting a nib (S.); kat.t. deduction (L.); ka_t.-kut. cutting down (N.); ka_t.a_-ka_t., ka_t.-ma_r slaughter (N.); ka_t.a_-ka_t.i mutual slaughter (B.); cutting to pieces (H.); ka_t.a act of cutting, shape (Or.); ka~_t shavings of wood, etc. (M.); ka_tri_ thin slice (G.); ka_tli_ slice (G.)(CDIAL 2852). Knife: kr.taka knife (Skt.); kara knife (Bashg.)(CDIAL 3423). Dagger: karttr.ka_ knife, dagger (Skt.); karttrika_ hunging knife (Skt.); iti_ knife (Pr. < kr.ttika_)(CDIAL 2862). kr.ti knife or dagger (RV.); kara, kera knife (Bashg.Tor. <kr.taka)(CDIAL 3425). ko_ri dagger (Pas'.) < ka_ri (CDIAL 2711). kat.t.a_ri_, kat.t.a_raya knife (Pkt.); katara dagger (Ash.); katere (Pr.); kta (Kt.); kat.a_ (Wg.); kat.e_r (Dm.); kat.e_ri_ small dagger (Dm.); kata_ri knife (Tir. <Ind. or Psht.); ka_t.are spear (Pas'.); kat.a_ro large knife (Gaw.); mus.-kat.a_ri_ dagger (Gaw.); kat.a_r (Kal.); kuter knife, dagger (Kho.); ka_t.er knife (Bshk. kat.a_re_i (Sv.); kat.o_ro dagger (Phal.); kat.a_ro long knife (Sh.); kat.a_ro knife (S.); kat.a_r dagger (P.N.Or.Mth.H.G.); kat.a_ra_ large dagger (P.); kat.a_ri_ small dagger (P.); dagger (Ku.A.Bhoj.H.G.); knife (OMarw.); khukri (Or.); kat.a_ri, ka_t.a_r dagger (B.); ka_t.a_ri billhook (B.); ka_ta_ri shears (B.); goldsmith's scissors (Or.); knife (N.); kat.a_ra chopper, billhook (Or.)(CDIAL 2860). Image: spear: ka_su a sort of spear or lance (Ka.Skt.)(Ka.lex.) Kitchen-knife: culli_kartta_ra kitchen knife (Skt.); culetro knife for cutting up vegetables (G.)(CDIAL 4880). [cf. culli_ fireplace (Mn.) (CDIAL 4879); cul.l.ai potter's kiln, furnace (Ta.); cu_l.a brick kiln (Ma.) (DEDR 2709).] Brazier's cutters; knife: karta knife (Skt.) [cf. Avestan. kareta, kareti knife]; ka_ti shell-cutter's saw (B.); ka_ta_n large sacrificial knife (B.); kata_ small billhook (Or.); ka_ti_ knife (Or.); ka_t brazier's cutters (Bi.Mth.); ka_t shears for shearing sheep, cock's spur (H.); ka_ta_ knife for cutting bamboos (H.)[katta_ small curved sword (H.); katti_ knife (H.); kat.t.i_ small sword (H.) < EP.]; ka_tu~ knife (G.); ka_ti_ knife, saw (G.); ka_ti_ cleaver (M.[?< ka_rti (CDIAL 3069).][To distinguish from katt spin < kartati, MIA forms extend with kat.t. replacing kr.ntati : kartavo to be cut off (NiDoc.); kartati cuts (Skt.); kattai, kat.t.ai cuts (Pkt.); kat. (Pas'. > kat. Parachi. Iranian]; kat.un, kat.n.o_ cuts (K.); kat.an.u (S.); kat.t.n.a_ (P.); ka_t.n.o (Ku.); ka_t.nu (N.); ka_t.iba (A.); ka_t.a_ (B.); ka_t.iba_ (Or.); ka_t.ab to reap (Bi.); ka_t.ab to cut (Mth.Aw.); ka_t.na_ (H.); ka_t.vu~ (G.); ka_t.n.e~ to cut (M.)(CDIAL 2854). The significant etymological evolution establishes an ancient morpheme which did not distinguish between 'spin' and 'cut'-- both were deeds to be performed to create an artifact; thus the morphemes were perhaps perfect homonyms.] Sword: kat.t.a_ri cross-hilted sword (Kalaicaic. 83); kat.a_ri (Te.); kat.t.a_ri trident of S'iva (Tan-ippa_. ii,160,199); kat.t.avan.i reaping; kat.t.a_vu id. (Ta.lex.) kakkat.a dagger (Ma.); karkad.e, kakkad.e a kind of weapon (Ka.); karkas'a sword (Skt.); rough, harsh, hard (Skt.)(DEDR 1076). Sword: karapa_la, karava_laka, karaba_la sword (Skt.); karapa_lika_ wooden sword, cudgel (Pali); karava_la sword (Pkt.); karua_r paddle (Bi.); karwa_l, karua_r, karwa_r, karwa_ra_ oar, rudder, sword (H.); karva_l, karva_lu~ (with l, not l.) sword (G.)(CDIAL 2796). [cf. va_l. sword, saw, ploughshare, scissors, sharpness (Ta.); sword, saw (Ma.); va_l.an sawyer (Ma.); va.l. sword, saw (Ko.); po.l. sword (To.); ba_l.(u) sword, knife (Ka.); ba.l.i katti the long sword of the Coorg warrior (Kod..); va_lu sword; sharp; va_lika sharp (Te.); ba_lu razor (Tu.)(DEDR 5376)]. kara-pattiram saw; sword (Tiruva_tapu. Put. 74) (Ta.lex.) Sword: kad.tale a long-edged sword (Tu.); kad.itale sword (Ka.)(DEDR 1125). cf. katti sword (Ta.Ka.)(DEDR 1204). Weapon: kaidu, keydu weapon (Ka.); keydu-ka_r-a soldier (Ka.); kaidu sword (Tu.); kaiduvu weapon (Te.)(DEDR 2027). kaittu that which is in hand; gold, riches, wealth (Ta.lex.) keydu-ka_r-a soldier (Ka.)(DEDR 2027). kaitavan- Pandya king (Ta.lex.) kai handle (Ta.Ma.Tu.); kayyi id. (Ma.Ka.); kay, kayi, key id. (Ka.); ke_yu_, ke_yu, keyyu, keyu (pl. keska), kayyu id. (Kuwi);(DEDR 2023). cf. tar-i sharp sword (Ka.); katy- tarc- > katrc- ; katy-tayr- > kat.ir- to cut (Ko.)(DEDR 3140). To cut: kartati cuts (Skt.); karvato to be cut off (NiDoc.); kattai, kat.t.ai cuts (Pkt.); kat. (Pas'.); kat.un, kat.n.o~ (K.); kat.an.u (S.); kat.t.n.a_ (P.); ka_t.n.o (Ku.); ka_t.nu to cut (N.); ka_t.iba (A.); ka_t.a_ (B.); ka_t.iba_ (Or.); ka_t.ab to reap (Bi.); to cut (Mth.Aw.); ka_t.na_ to cut (H.); ka_t.vu~ (G.); ka_t.n.e~ to cut (M.); caus.: kat.a_un.a_ (P.); kat.a_unu (N.); ka_t.a_na (B.); kat.a_iba_ (Or.); kat.a_na_ (H.); kat.a_i (OMarw.); intr.: kat.iba_ to be cut (Or.); kat.ab (Mth.Aw.); kat.na_ (H.); kat.ai (OMarw.); kat.n.e~ (M.)(CDIAL 2854). kin.t.i swordblade (Ma.); kin.n.i cover of the hilt of a sword (Ta.)(DEDR 1544).
1636.Pulp: gredi, greji soft, pulpy, festering; gredi inba to be soft, pulpy; gredna in a manner determined by pulpiness or softness; gredna d.ud.a to step into soft mud (Kui); gedla_ (of fruits) overripe, having a soft and decaying appearance, falling to pieces; having lost all consistency (of over-cooked food)(Kur.); gidi pulp of fruit (Malt.)(DEDR 1952). cf. gijat.i, giji giji a jelly-like, viscous, pulpous, sticky state (Ka.); giji giji soft, pulpous (Tu.); giji, gii pith (Pa.); ginji pulp of fruit (Go.); ginjna_ to beat or press into pulp (Kur.)(DEDR 1519). cf. (CDIAL 4153). Pith: khad.i the core of corn-cob (Santali.lex.) kra_d.a pith (Kui); kit.ai sola pith; pith (kir..iyun-un. kit.aiyin-n tor..il pala perukki : Cilap. 5,32; i.e. increasing the trades working with pith and cloth pieces); kit.e_ccu pith (Pur-ana_. 75, Urai.)(Ta.); kit_e_ccai, kit.aicci, kit.aiccu, kit.aiccai pith; cat.ai, cat.aicci sola pith, aeschynomene aspera (Ta.); kit.acci, kat.acci, kit.e_s'u sola, pithy-stemmed swamp plant (Ma.)(DEDR 1535). karla immature bamboo; karil a young bamboo shoot (Santali.lex.) cf. mija_ core (Pali.lex.) cf. git.t.e lump of earth (Ka.); a clod or lump, usually of earth (Tu.)(DEDR 1539). Pith as of elephant's tusk: gudd, gudda_ pulp, kernel, marrow (P.); gudo kernel, seed, grain, pith (Ku.); gudi_ marrow (Ku.); gudo pith, marrow, brain (N.); gudi kernel (N.); gu_da_ pith, brain (H.); gidro pith of bamboo; gidi brain (N.)(CDIAL 4197). kuruku pith as of a tree or elephant's tusk; kuruttu pith as of elephant's tusk, brain matter; kuruti brain (Ta.); kottemu the pulp of palmyra fruit (Te.); gurju pith (Kuwi); gudda_ the pulp of fruits or of coconut (Kur.); gorda brain (Skt.)(DEDR 1783). kuru nut (Ta.); kernel, nut, esp. of jackfruit (Ma.); seed (esp. of jackfruit)(Kod..)(DEDR 1781). garu pith, marrow, pulp (S.); gar id. (G.M.); gara_ lump of the pulp of jackfruit (M.)(CDIAL 4040).
1637.Image: to boil: ked- (kett-) (water) to be heated; to boil; ket- (-t-) to heat (water)(Kond.a); ked- (kett-) to become hot; kedi ki- to heat (water)(Pe.)(DEDR 1951). cf. koti- (-pp-, -tt-) to boil, bubble up from heat (Ta.)(DEDR 2084).
1638.Image: firefly: kacco_tam < kha-dyo_ta glow-worm; firefly (Kantapu. Avaipu. 43)(Ta.lex.) khadyo_ta firefly (ChUp.); khajyo_tis. (Skt.); khajjo_a (Pkt.); kado_va (Si.); khajjo_panaka, khajju_panaka (Pali); ka_jva_ (M.); ka_jjul.o (Konkan.i)(CDIAL 3809). Beetle: ke_caram beetle (Ci_ka_l.at. Pu. Kan-n-i. 149); ke_cavam female beetle (Cu_t.a_.)(Ta.lex.)
1639.Image: scorpion: kidin. kat.kom a scorpion; kamar kidin. a small scorpion (Santali.lex.) Image: hornet: kra_nd.i a black hornet (Kui); gandha_li_, gandholi_ wasp (Skt.); gandhelli_ bee (Pkt.); ga~_ndhil, kan.aju wasp (Te.); ga_ndhi_l potte stinging bee (Kol.); gar.did hornet (Pa.); ka_nd.ul, ka_nd.uli id. (Go.); karat.i id. (Go.); gandhe_l the large yellow house hornet (Go.) ka_n.d.ru_m hornet (Go.); kan.abha a kind of fly with a sting (Skt.)(DEDR 1117). gen.olli bee (WPah.)(CDIAL 3990). gan.ha_r beehive (WPah.)(CDIAL 3991). ka_nt.mui, ka_nt.muye, ka_nt.pui black ant; ga_ndil, ga_ndla_ wasp (Kon.lex.) Bees; flock; troop: gan beehive (K.); gan. bees (WPah.); gan.a troop, flock (Pali.Pkt.); gan herd (Tor.); gan.a troop, flock (RV.); gan.aya company (Si.)(CDIAL 3988). gha_r beehive (N.); ghariya_ wasps' nest (H.)(CDIAL 4411). To scratch, itch: kan.d.u_ itching, the itch (Sus'r.); kan.d.u_ti sexual desire in women; kan.d.u_ya_ itching (Sus'r.); kan.d.u (Pali); kam.d.u_, kam.d.u_i, kam.d.u_ia (Pkt.); ka_n.d.u_ itching, lasciviousness (Or.); kan.d., kan.d.u_ itch (M.); ka_n.d.ua_ lascivious; ka_n.d.ua_i_ wanton woman (Or.); kad.uve_gan scorbutic eruption on children's feet (Si.)(CDIAL 2688). kan.d.u_yati scratches (TS.); itches (Skt.); kan.d.u_yana scratching, itching (Ka_tyS'r.); kan.d.uvati scratches, itches (Pali); kan.d.u_yana (Pali); kam.d.u_yai, kam.d.uai, kam.d.u_yana (Pkt.); ka_nu_m I scratch myself (Phal.); ka_n.yo_nu to scratch (Sh.); kanya_un.o, kanyu_n.o (Ku.); kanya_unu (N.); kun.d.a_iba_ (Or.); ka~_d.a_vin.e~, ka~_d.avin.e~ (M.); khan.oiki (Sh.); khanhan.u to scratch (Sh.); khanvan.i scratching (S.); khanu_hn.a_ to itch (P.)(CDIAL 2689). kan.d.u_la having a desire to scratch, itchy (Skt.); kam.d.u_la suffering from itch (Pkt.); ka~_d.ul.n.e~, ka~_d.al.n.e~ to scratch in order to allay itching (M.)(CDIAL 2690). karn.akan.d.u_ painful itching of the ear (Sus'r.); kane_d.d.u, kaned.u_, kaned.a_ swelling behind the ear (P.)(CDIAL 2832). kor.y- (kor.c-) to have desire to scratch (To.); kat.i bite (Ta.); kat.ikka to bite, pain (Ma.); kayr., kayr.l. a bite (Ko.); kad.i to itch, pain (as the stomach), to sting, bite (Ka.); kad.ita, kad.ata biting, biting as of insects, itching, gripe (Ka.); kad.i- (kad.ip-, kad.ic-) to bite (Kod..); ka_t.u biting, a bite (Te.); kad.d.iya_na_ to bite (Go.); kat.- (-t-) to bite, sting (Kond.a); gat. a bite (Br.)(DEDR 1124). kat.uppu throbbing pain, burning sensation, as that caused by the sting of a wasp (Perumpa_n.. 229)(Ta.lex.) Image: hornet, scorpion, claws of a crab, to peck: kor.k to peck (Nk.); kod.k id. (Nk.)(DEDR 2064). kot.ukkan a kind of scorpion (Ta.lex.) konte-med-en, kontu-med-en scorpion (Sora.) kot.t.uva_n- scorpion (Ta.lex.) kot.ukku claws of a crab, lobster (Ta.lex.) kot.t.u to sting (as a scorpion, wasp); n. stinging (Ta.); kot.ukku sting of a scorpion, wasp, hornet, claws of a crab, lobster (Ta.); kot.t.uka to sting (of scorpion)(Ma.); kot.ukka scorpion's sting (Ma.); kut.uku to sting (as a scorpion)(Ka.); kud.pol.u a hornet (Tu.)(DEDR 2064). kon.d.i the sting of a scorpion (Ka.Te.); a sting (Tu.)(DEDR 2080). kospa a bite, sting (Kui); kottu stinging (Ma.)(DEDR 2091).
1640.Image : pincers: kur-at.u pincers, tongs, forceps (Na_lat.i, 208); korad.u id. (Te.); kur-at.u satchel-pin, hook for hanging up school boy's old books (Ta.lex.) kot.ir-u pincers (Ta.); kot.il tongs (Ma.); kor. hook of tongs (Ko.); kut.ilika_- smith's tongs (Skt.)(DEDR 2052). kur-at.u, pincers; kot.ir-u cheek, jaw; marks of elephant's must (Ta.lex.); kot.icci jaws (Ta.); kot.uppu cheek, jaw (Ta.); kot.ia temples (Ma.); kod.eji the inside of the cheeks (Tu.); ku_dr.u_, ku_d.ru jaw (of human beings)(Kuwi)(DEDR 2051). kot.uti peg for fastening a tenon in a mortise; Synonym: marava_n.i (Ta.lex.) kor-ut.u cheek (I_t.u, 8,3,4)(Ta.lex.) Image: brazier's pincers: kut.t.a-k-kur-at.u a kind of brazier's pincers; cf. kut.t.am smallness, littleness (Ta.lex.) Image: vice: khod. vice (M.); khod.a_ cramp (M.); khod.um. (G.); khom.d.a_ (B.); khora paralytic (Si.); khod. vice (G.); khori_ vice (H.); khod. malediction, disease (H.); khod.a (Pkt.); khod.o ... khajah- (OM.); khod.i- (dos.a-) (Ap.); khod.a khora (Skt.)(Bloch, p. 324). cf. kot.ukki vice (Ta.lex.) Cruelty, oppression: kot.hiya_ mariba to be spoilt, be destroyed (A.)(CDIAL 2978). kot.iya_n- cruel man (Kampara_. Urukka_t.t.u. 9); kot.iyo_n- cruel man (Pur-ana_. 29,9); kot.un:ko_l lit., curved sceptre; unjust or unrighteous rule, despotic government, tyranny, opp. to cen:ko_l (Cilap. 23,111); kot.un.-ko_n-mai id. (Kur-al., 56, Ati.); kot.umpa_t.an- cruel man (Te_va_. 678,9); kot.um-pa_t.u cruelty, severity, hardship (Cilap. 15,121); perversity (Paripa_. 2,76)(Ta.lex.) kot.u cruel, severe; kot.umai cruelty, tyranny (Te_va_. 945,1); severity, harshness (Kantapu. Pa_r. 6); roughness, uncouthness; vileness, wickedness (Kampara_. Mantirap. 1); crookedness, obliquity (Cilap. 11,20); injustice (Tol. Po. 147); partiality, bias (Paripa_. 4,50); kot.u-vin-ai evil deeds of former births (Te_va_. 969,2)(Ta.lex.) kot.uku (kot.uki-) to be cruel, ruthless; kot.un:kai, kot.umpu severity, harshness, oppression; kot.uvai wickedness, mischievousness (I_t.u, 4,8,4); kot.u_ram cruelty, severity; ko_t.u hardship, oppression (Ta.); kot.u extreme, steep; severe, intense, cruel; kot.un:kai oppression; kot.uppam severity, intensity; kot.uma tyranny; kot.iyan a fierce, angry man (Ma.); kud.udu steepness (Ka.); go_d.iga id. (Te.); kot.- (-it-) to be hot, fierce (of sun)(Kuwi)(DEDR 2055). khori_ wickedness (H.); khod.i (OG.); khor. vice, fault (G.); khod. (M.); khot. vice (P.); khot.t.a_ vicious (P.); khot.o bad (Marw.)(CDIAL 3931). ko_t.t.a_lai distress, torment; grotesque gestures, as of one possessed by the devil; antic (Pan.avit.u. 158)(Ta.); ko_t.t.i trouble, vexation, annoyance (Ta.); ko_r..a violence (Ma.); ko_t.ale, ko_t.le trouble, affliction, pain; ko_t.aliga man who causes trouble (Ka.); ko_t.ale pain, sickness, hardship; ko_ra measles (Tu.); ko_d.a_d.u to suffer pain (Te.)(DEDR 2204). Turmoil; sorrow: kontal.am confusion, perturbation, turmoil; kontal.i (-pp-, -tt-) to be rough or boisterous, swell (as the sea), be stormy, tumultuous (Ta.); gondala confusion, bustle (Ka.); kondalamu sorrow, perturbation (Te.); gondala a battle gathering, clamour or tumult and confusion (Apabhram.s'a)(DEDR 2098). ko_t.t.a_lai stupid or foolish behaviour (Ta.); ko_t.t.a_ra id. (Ka.)(Ta.lex.) kot.t.am arrogance (Ta_yu. Cir-cu. 4); mischievousness, petulance (Ta.); got.t.u state of being hard to get or very scarce; obstinacy (Ta.); hard, difficult; stubborn; god.d.a stubborn (Te.); kot.t.am-at.ittal to be mischievous or turbulent, as an unruly boy (Ta.)(DEDR 2066). kon.t.i insubordinate, naughty person or animal (Te_va_. 710,7)(Ta.); kon.t.a viciousness, stupidity (Tu.); kon.t.e a cunning, mischievous, or prankish person; gon.t.u a wicked man; fem. gon.t.i; gon.t.ari a cruel man (Te.); kon.d.ega_ra (Ka.)(DEDR 2079). kon.t.ittan-am insubordination (Ta.); kon.t.etanamu id. (Te.); kon.d.etana id. (Ka.)(Ta.lex.) gha_ta killing (Mn.); blow, bruise (MBh.)(CDIAL 4460). can:kat.am < san:kat.a difficulty, trouble, straitened circumstances; narrow path (Ta.lex.) san:kat.a defile, difficulty, danger (MBh.)(CDIAL 12817).
1641.Image: bushy tail: gevd. va.lm bushy tail (of peacock, wild dog)(Ko.)(DEDR 1941).
1642.Image: uprooted plants: kar.ap a few handfuls of plants etc. uprooted and thrown together to dry for making into bundles; kar.aplu~ small do.; kar.ab dried stalks of millet etc. used as fodder (G.)(CDIAL 2652). kal.akam sheaf of paddy (Tiv. Periyati. 6,9,10)(Ta.lex.) kal.ai tares, weeds (Kur-al., 550); kalupu (Te.); kal.e (Ka.); kal.a (Ma.); kal.ai-tal to tie, fasten as a tuft of hair (Pu. Ve. 9,21); to weed, pull up, pluck out (Kur-al., 879); kal.e (Ka.); kal.a (Ma.); kal.ai-kal.-tal to weed (Kur-al., 550); kal.aian- one who weeds (Perumpa_n.. 213)(Ta.lex.) kala_pa a collection (Ka.lex.) To pull out: kar- work, to do: kad.d.hati pulls, draws (Pali); kad.d.hai pulls, makes a line, ploughs (Pkt.); ka_r to move (Gypsy); kar. to pull (Wot..); khar.a (Gaw.); kad.un to pull out (K.); karun, ka_ri, kad.i (K.); kad.han.u (S.); kad.d.han. (L.); kad.d.hn.a_ (P.); kad.d.hn.u_, ka_d.h, kad.d.hn.a_ (WPah.); ka_r.nu (N.); ka_r.iba (A.); ka_r.a_ (B.); ka_r.iba_ (Or.); ka_r.hab (Mth.Aw.); ka_r.hna_ (H.); kar.hna_ to be drawn (H.); ka_d.hai to pull out (OMarw.); ka_d.hvu~, ka_d.vu~ (G.); ka_d.hn.e~ to take out, to abate (M.); ka_d.u_ka to remove (Konkan.i)(CDIAL 2660). katuvu (katuvi-) to pare, slice off, whittle, strip off (as fibres from a nut), chisel (Ta.); kadepuni, kadeyuni, kadevuni to pull out, strip off, disjoin (Tu.)(DEDR 1202). gad.h imper. 'pull!' (Bshk.); gad.- to take or pull out (Phal.)(CDIAL 3985). cf. ka_d. weed (Pa.)(DEDR 1439). ukhr.au to pluck up; got to pluck fruit (Santali.lex.) To pull out; weed: kal. (kat.p-, kat.t.-) to weed, pluck; kat.pu weeding, plucking off, pulling out; kal.ai (-v-, -nt-) to weed, pull up, pluck out, remove, extirpate, exterminate; n. weeds; kal.aian- one who weeds; kal.aivu weeding, stripping off, extirpation (Ta.); kal.a weed, tares; kal.ayuka to get rid of, abolish (Ma.); kal.v- (kal.t-) to take out or scoop out (with finger, stick, beak), flick away dirt from liquid or semi-liquid (e.g clay); kal. weeds (Ma.); kol. without leaves (of tree in winter), half dry, green (when tree is being killed by stripping bark)(To.); kal.e to pull off, remove, destroy; n. weed; kal.acu to remove, pull off, pull out, let drop; kal.ubu weeds and grass standing in corn (Ka.); kal.e weeds; to dig; kal.ep digging (Kod..); kalepini, kalepuni to strip off, remove; kalevuni to be stripped (Tu.); kal.e, kale to remove (Kor.); kalupu weeds; kalvat.am, kalsad.am, kalsud.u act of weeding (from verb stem kalv-/kals-)(Te.); xalling to uproot, gather (vegetables, grass for fodder)(Br.)(DEDR 1373). her.het to weed (Santali.lex.)
1643.Image: backload: get.u backload; get.u ki- to carry something on the back (Kuwi); kat.t.u bundle (Ta.Ka.Tu.); kat.t.a id. (Te.); ket.t.uka to make into a bundle (Ma.)(DEDR 1147). Bundle; herd: katuppu herd of cattle (Ta.); kadupu herd, flock (Ka.); kadale, kadal.i a mass, multitude (Ka.); kadupu id. (Te.); kadamba(ka)- multitude, troop (Skt.)(DEDR 1198). ghat.a_ collection, mass (BhP.); ghad.a_ collection, mass (Pkt.); ghad.i_, ghad.ia_ assembly (Pkt.); ghari bunch (of bananas)(N.); ghad. bunch, testicles (M.); gar testicle (Gypsy); gha_ri thicket, jungle (N.); gha_d bundle of rice straw (M.); ghat.t.a dense (Pkt.); collection, troop (Pkt.)(CDIAL 4411). Image: dashing together: samgha_ta close union, mass (TS); dashing together (MBh.)[cf. samhata- with similar range of meanings.]; san:gha_ta killing, knocking together (Pali); samgha_ya closeness, collection (Pkt.)(CDIAL 12862). gha_ta killing (Mn.); blow, bruise (MBh.)(CDIAL 4460). can:kat.am < san:kat.a difficulty, trouble, straitened circumstances; narrow path (Ta.lex.) san:kat.a defile, difficulty, danger (MBh.)(CDIAL 12817).
1644.Images: narrow passage; matting, screen: kad.akal a kind of wicket or narrow passage (in walls or hedges, for the use of people only)(Ka.)(Ka.lex.) kit.uku braided coconut leaf for thatching, cadjan (Ta.); kit.il, kit.uku coconut leaves, matted for screens, fans, thatches (Ma.); gid.iki, gid.ik, gid.k a blind or screen made of palm leaves (Tu.); kit.ika_- matting, screen (Skt.inscr. IEG, p.159); kit.ika- movable screen or curtain (Pali)(DEDR 1532). To join: kit.ai-ttal to join, come together (Kampara_. Yut. Mantira. 100)(Ta.lex.) Side door; matting door; window: khat.akkika_, khad.akkika_ side door (Skt.)[orig. 'something made of matting': cf. khat.a, khad.a thatching grass (Skt.)(CDIAL 3769)]; kid.iya_ small door (Pkt.); khad.akki_, khad.akkia_ side door (Pkt.); khiriki side door, window (K.); khir.ki_ matting door (L.); khir.k, khir.ka_ single-leaved door (P.); khir.ki_ back door, window (P.); khar.ak cattle shed (Ku.); khirki window; kharka pasture, land near village (N.)[semant. cf. got.h pasture land (B.); go_s.t.ha_ cow-house (RV.)(CDIAL 4336); perhaps, related to khar. a tall grass used for fodder (L.)(CDIAL 3769); hence, semant. expansion: pasture]; khiriki_ window (A.); khor.ki, khir.ki private back door (B.); khir.iki private door, window (Or.); khirki_ side door, lattice window (Bi.); khirkiya_ window (Aw.); khar.ak, khir.ak cattle shed (H.); khir.ki_ back door, window (H.); khar.ki_ courtyard, lane (G.); khid.ki_ back door, window (M.); kid.ki window (Konkan.i)(CDIAL 3770).
1646. Saccharum munja: gan.d.a_li_ a kind of grass (Skt.); gan.d.adu_rva_ (Bhpr.); ga~_d.ar, ga~d.ri_, ga~d.ra_ a grass like saccharum munja (H.)(CDIAL 4003). cf. gad.d.i grass (Te.lex.) Grass: gad.d.i grass, straw, hay (Te.); grass (Kol.); ghad.d.i id. (Nk.); kar.gi_ a bit of dry grass, straw (Go.); gad.d.i_, gad.d.u grass (Go.); gad.i id. (Kond.a); gan.d.ri id. (Kuwi); kan.t.e_ herbage in general, weeds (Kur.)(DEDR 1158). ka_d.i_ blade of grass (OM.)(DEDR App.24). Straw, coir: ka_ti coir, cord made of it (Ka.); katta coconut fibre (Ka.); coir, fibres of the coconut used to make rope with (Tu.); ka_th(y)a_ id. (M.)(DEDR 1446). Snare: kat.a twist of straw, mat (TS.); mat (Pali); ka_r.a snare (made of horsehair) (Pas'.); kat.aka twist of straw (Skt.); kat.ika_ straw mat (Skt.)(CDIAL 2629). kat.a grass, saccharum sara (Skt.); kar hollow stalk of saccharum sara (Mth.)(CDIAL 2630). khat.a, khad.a thatching grass (Skt.); khad.a grass (Pkt.); khoru a round-leaved swamp plant used for fodder, limnanthemum nymphoides (K.); khar. a tall grass used for fodder (L.); straw (P.); thatching grass (Ku.); straw, grass (B.); grass, weeds (G.); rice-stalk, rice straw (H.); khar.h grass, straw, long grass for thatching (H.); khar id. (H.); thatching grass (N.Bi.Mth.); khari fuel (A.); kharika_ the stiff part of thatching grass (A.)[cf. khir.ki_ matting door (L.)(CDIAL 3770)]; khar.uya_ thatched with straw (B.); khar.a_ a kind of spinach (Or.); khar.h grass, esp. long thatching grass; khar.ahi_ long stiff grass for thatching (Mth.); khad. short tender grass, fodder (grass, grain, oilcake, etc.)(M.); khar.u dregs of mustard seed after the oil is pressed out, oilcake (S.)(CDIAL 3769). khe_t.a grass (Skt.); kher thatching grass, rice straw (A.); kheri thatched (A.); kherni plot of ground covered with this grass (A.)(CDIAL 3917). cf. ka_nna_ the reed saccharum munja, reed in a weaver's warp (P.); ka~_r.a_ stem of munja grass used for thatching (Bi.); ka~_r. stack of stalks of large millet (Mth.)(CDIAL 3023). kad.ap small stack of plants (M.G.); kad.appo nikarah- (OM.)(Bloch, p. 311).
1645.Drip: gad. drip; gad.ati drops, distils, runs as liquid (Dha_tup.); gal.ati drips, trickles, rains, falls (Pali); gar.an.u to drip (S.); gariba to roll (as water)(A.)(DEDR 3973). gad.ita distilled (Skt.)(CDIAL 3976). ga_r.a drippings (S.)(CDIAL 4114). ga_rna_ to strain, filter, squeeze, milk (H.); ga_l.n.e~ to let drop, shed, strain, sift (M.)(CDIAL 4115).
1647.Saussurea lappa: kuth (H.G.); kur (B.); sepuddy (Ma.); agada, kushta (Skt.); koshtam (Ta.Te.); habitat: occurs in Kashmir; dried roots of the plant: antiseptic and disinfectant; used in bronchitis, asthma, flatulence and cardiac complaints; in skin diseases and rheumatism. (S.K.Jain, Medicinal Plants, National Book Trust, 1968, pp. 129-130).
1648.Membrum muliebre: kantu membrum muliebre (Ma.); kod pubic hair (To.)(DEDR 1210). kanban to cohabit (Kui); kan- (kacc-), kanjali (kac-, imper. kanamu_) id. (Kuwi); kand.- (-t-) to copulate (Pe.)(DEDR 1403). can.n.a buttocks of animals, ham (Ma.); canne buttocks (Kod..); can.n.am penis; can.n.u (can.n.i-) to copulate (Ta.)(DEDR 2320).
1649.Spices; aromatics; myrrh: kantaracu (prob. gandha + ra_ji_) benzoin, ca_mpira_n.i (Mu_. A.); kanta-racam < gandha-ra_ja sandal-wood (Malai.); kanta-ca_ram < gandha + sa_ra sandal-wood (Malai.)(Ta.lex.) gandha-rasa myrrh (Skt.Ka.); gandhana fragrance (Ka.); gandhaka_rike a female employed with the preparation of perfumes, a toilet-woman (Skt.Ka.)(Ka.lex.) kanti < gandhin spices, aromatics (Kantapu. Avaipuku. 31); kanti-ttal < gandha to waft a fragrant smell (Kulo_t. Ko_. 291); kantam < gandha scent, odour, fragrance (Tiv. Periyati. 3,5,6) perfumery; species of which five are mentioned, viz., ilavan:kam, e_lam, karppu_ram, ca_tikka_y, takko_lam (Pin..); sandal-wood (W.); kanta-vakam < gandha-vaha god of wind, who wafts odours (Ce_tupu. Ci_taikun.. 15); kanta-va_kan-an id. (Civaraka. Te_vi. Imayam. 23); kanta_-vakan- id. (Pa_rata. Na_n-ka_m. 9); kanta-vat.i < gandha + fragrant oil; kanta-varkkam < gandha + varga odoriferous substances, perfumes, spices (kantavarkkamum kil.arman.appukaiyum : Tiruva_ta. Pu. Tirupperun. 70); kanta-v-utti < gandha + yukti id. (Man.i. 28,15); kantappot.i-k-ko_lam marriage procession in which scented powder is freely strewn over each other among the processionists; kantappot.i-y-ur-cavam festival, a prominent feature of which is the strewing of sweet-scented powder upon the idol, as well as on the worshippers; kantappot.i < gandha + sweet-scented powder (Ta.lex.) Perfume shop: gandha-vati a kind of perfume; surabhi, mura; ga_ndha_ri (Ka.lex.) gandha-ma_dana name of a particular mountain (Skt.Ka.)(Ka.lex.) kanta-ma_tan-am a mountain believed to lie to the east of Me_ru, one of as.t.a-kula-parvatam (Cu_t.a_.)(Ta.lex.) gandhiyasa_la_ shop selling incense and other aromatic substances like sandalwood (Jain.Skt.) Perfume articles such as aguru, tagara, coya etc. were weighed by kars.a, pala, tula_ and bha_ra which is called umma_n.a (Jain.Skt.) Flower; smell: gandha smell (RV.Pali); gandhaka perfumes (Skt.); gana flower; gian smell (Gypsy); gun (Wg.); gundu (Pr.); ghan (Dm.); ganda_ (Pas'.); ganda (Pers.); ghon smell (Kal.); gon, gonn flower (Sh.); gannh (P.); gan deodar tree (WPah.); ga_ndh smell (A.); gandh (H.M.); ga_nda sandalwood, sandalwood paste (Konkan.i); ganda smell (Si.); khand- to stink (Gypsy); gun (Wg.); gan(h)a_unu (N.); gandha_na to perfume (B.); gandha_iba to stink (Or.); ga_dha_na_ (H.); ga_dha_vu~ (G.)(CDIAL 4014). gambhu_ri flower (Kal.); gamburi (Kho.)(CDIAL 4015). gandhin odoriferous, -gandhika- in cmpd. (MBh.Pali); gandhika- fragrant (Pali); gam.dhi smelling (Pkt.); gandhia stinking (Pkt.); gandhi, gandhia_ putrid (Or.); ga_nhi_ troublesome (Bhoj.); ga~_dhi_ asafoetida, a partic. kind of grass (H.); ganila rotten (Gypsy); gani_la flower (Gypsy); khandeli privy (Gypsy)(CDIAL 4021). cf. ca_ntam sandal; ca_ntu sandal tree, sandal paste, black pigment made of burnt rice or ragi used as tilaka, paste; cantu sandalwood (Ta.); ca_ntu compound ointment of sandal, camphor, musk and saffron (Ma.); sa_du, sa_ndu a fragrant substance, perfume (Ka.); ca.ndi sandalwood (Kod..); sa_dike smearing (Tu.); ca~_du to rub into a paste (Te.) ca_tu-pad.i sandal paste (Te.inscr.); candana- sandal (tree, wood, paste)(Skt.); candanamu (Te.); todon.m (To.); sa_tana- a kind of sandal (Skt.)(DEDR 2448). sa_du, sab_ndu (Tadbhava of sa_ndra) a fragrant substance, a perfume, gandha-dravya (Ka.); ca_ndu compound ointment of sandal, camphor, musk and saffron (Ma.); mayicca_ntu id. (Te.); ca_ndu sandal wood, candana (Te.); ca_du to macerate, to triturate in water (Te.)(Ka.lex.) sa_ndra thick, close, compact, clustered together, united in a mass, s'iva, dat.t.ittu (Skt.Ka.); unctuous, oily; viscid, smooth, soft, pleasing; a thicket, a wood, a cluster; a fragrance (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) For semant. s'iva = sa_ndra 'compact', cf.: s'ive the tree terminalia chebula, abhaye, an.ile; the embelic myrobalan, a_malaka, nelli; the tree prosopis spicigera; the wife of S'iva, Durga_; thick, close; s'iva auspicious, prosperous, happy, bhadra (Ka.Skt.)(Ka.lex.) cf. Synonym: gandhavati = ga_ndha_ri = mura = surabhi the gum olibanum tree, boswellia thurifera; gum olibanum; a fragrance, a perfume (Skt.Ka.)(Ka.lex.) cf. ga_ndha_ri = ma_cipatre spikenard (Ka.lex.)
1650.Spikenard: ga_ndha_ri name of a plant, de_vapatra, sa_vitri, macipatre (Ka.lex.) Artemisia maritima, artemisia brevifolia: gadadhar (Skt.); wormseed (santonin) (Eng.); kitmala (H.); shih, sariqun (Pers.); afasntin-el-bahr (Arab.); spirah tarkhah (NWFP); Habitat: many species grow abundantly in the high altitudes of the Himalayas from Kumaon to Kashmir, in the Kurram valley of NWF Province, and more abundantly and uniformly in Baluchistan, Chitral and Afghanistan than in the Himalayas; Constituents: a volatile oil which has an odour resembling cajaput oil and camphor... Santonin the active constituent, is anthelmintic, influences in the first place brain and spine marrow where irritation of the motor centres produces unconsciousness, epileptiform and tetanic spasms... Uses: wormseed is principally used as a vermifuge against ascarides... (Indian Materia Medica, pp. 142-143). cf. ma_ci_patra a kind of medicinal plant described as bitter, stomachic and a remover of worms and phlegm (Skt.); paca-patre a kind of can.d.a_lakanda or bulbous root (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) ma_ci-pattiri < ma_ci_-patri_ Indian absinth, artemisia vulgaris (Pata_rtta. 322); wormwood, aromatic herb, artemisia absinthium (M.M. 4); Madras absinth, grangea maderaspatna, kot.t.aikkarantai vakai (M.M. 4)(Ta.lex.) cat.ilai < jat.ila_ spikenard (Tailava. Taila. 14); cat.ai spikenard (Tailava. Taila. 6); jat.a_ma_m.si_ (Skt.)(Ta.Skt.lex.) cf. ma_ci < ma_m.si_ spikenard, herb, cat.a_ma_ci; a fragrant substance (Ta.lex.) Artemisia vulgaris: The rhizomes are official in many pharma-copoeias... the plant yields a volatile oil... In Persia, in Afghanistan, and throughout India, a strong decoction is given as a vermifuge, and a weak one is given to children with measles. An infusion is given as a tonic. The boiled leaves are used as a poultice in headache... used to cauterize wounds... highly praised as vermicide, and are used in eczema, herpes, and purulent scabies. (Medicinal Plants of the Philippines, pp.960-962). Artemisia vulgaris: nagadamani (Skt.); nagadouna (H.); nagadona (B.M.); madhibattiri, machipatri (Ta.); machipatri (Te.); tarkha (P.); herb: emmenagogue, anthelmintic, antiseptic, stomachic; root: tonic, antiseptic; infusion of leaves and flowering tops: administered in nervous and spasmodic affections, in asthma and diseases of the brain; habitat: throughout the mountainous districts of India, ascending upto 5,000-12,000 ft. in the w. Himalayas, and upto 5,000-8,000 in Sikkim and Khasia, Mt. Abu in Marwar and W. Ghats from Konkan southwards to Ceylon (GIMP, p. 26).
1651.Forest: ka_nta_ram < ka_nta_ra jungle, forest, wood (Tiva_.)(Ta.lex.) ka_n.t.akam jungle, desert, woods (Ta.lex.); ka_ forest (Ka.Ta.); id., pleasure-grove, garden (Ta.); ka_l forest (Ta.); ka_n- jungle (Ta.); ka_n-al grove or forest on seashhore, forest on slope of a hill (Ta.); very dry jungle (Ma.); ka_vam forest (Ta.); ka_nam jungle (Ma.); ka_nu forest (Ka.); ka_na forest, jungle, wood (Tu.); forest (Te.)(DEDR 1418); ka_nana forest (Skt.); glade in a forest (Pali); ka_n.an.a forest (Pkt.); konaun. jungle (WPah.)(CDIAL 3028). ka_t.u forest, jungle; desert; excessiveness, abundance (Ta.lex.); ka_d.u (Te.Ma.Ka.Tu.)(Ta.lex.) Forest patch cleared for cultivation: ka.d.u forest patch cleared for cultivation, field or garden in the forest (Ir.Pa_lKu.); ka_t.u forest, jungle, desert; vayar--ka_t.u paddyfield (Ta.); kat.am difficult path in a barren tract (Ta.); ka_t.u waste ground for burning corpses (Ma.); ka.r. (obl. kat.t.-) jungle without trees, uncultivated ground, unfenced field (Ko.); ko.r. (obl. ko.t.-) cultivated field (To.); ko.d. uninhabited place (To.); ve.gad. (obl. ve.gat.-) field; ve_gar. burnt field for shifting cultivation (Kol.); ka_ru forest; of or pertaining to the forest (Te.)(DEDR 1438). ka_t.a_rampam dry tract, rain-fed land where only dry crop can be raised, opp. to ni_r-a_rampam, tract having irrigation facilities (Ta.); ni_ra_ramba id. (Ka.)(G.Tn.D. i,293); ka_d.a_rambamu id. (Te.); ka_d.a_ramba id. (Ka.)(Ta.lex.) [cf. phonemic transformations: ka_d. weed (Pa.); ka_r.u weeds in field (Kond.a); ka_yu, ka_yyu, kayu weed (Kuwi)(DEDR 1439).]
1697.A sacred forest: ka_n.t.avam < kha_n.d.ava a forest, sacred to Indra and burnt by Arjuna as an offfering to Agni (Tiv. Periyati. 2,5,2); ka_n.t.a_van-an- Indra, the lord of Kha_n.d.ava; ka_n.t.avan- id. (Ce_tup. Katturu. 77); ka_n.t.i_vam < ga_n.d.i_va Arjuna's bow (Ta.lex.)
1652.Office: kanto_r office (Ta.); < kando_ruva (Si.)(Ta.lex.)
1653.Image: water-bearer; clouds: kandhara a water-bearer: a cloud; kandha a cloud (Ka.lex.) kantaruva-nakaram < gandharva + clouds, sometimes imagined to be the city of the Gandharvas in the sky (Pirapo_ta. 43,5); kantarppa-nakaram id. (Kampara_. Ka_t.ci. 45); ka_nta_ram < ga_ndha_ra Kandahar, a country north-east of Peshawar, one of 56 te_cam (Man.i. 9,12)(Ta.lex.) kanda-va_hana whose vehicle is a cloud: Indra (Ka.lex.)
1654.God of love: kandarpa the god of love (MBh.); kandappa (Pali); kam.dappa (Pkt.); kandapa (Si.)(CDIAL 2725). kandarpa Ka_ma, cupid (Ka.Skt.); kandarpa-janaka Vis.n.u (Ka.)[ka_mukan- Vis.n.u; perh. < ka_rmuka a bow (Skt.)(Ta.lex.)] kandarpa-ripu S'iva (Ka.lex.) kantarppar (Kampara_. Ira_van-an-co_. 38), ka_ntappar gandharvas (Tiv. Periya_r... 3,6,5), ka_ntarppar; ka_ntaruvar (Cilap. 5,176, Urai), ka_ntavar (Uttarara_. Kantiruva. 43): < gandharva gandharvas, a celestial group of singers, one of patin-en.-kan.am; songsters, minstrels; ka_ntaruvi songstress (S.I.I. ii,276); ga_ndharva a form of marriage which results entirely from love and which has no ritual whatever, as common among the Gandharvas (Skt.); ka_ntal. theme of describing a dance of one possessed by the spirit of Skanda and wearing the ka_ntal. [Malabar glory lily, red or white species, gloriosa superba (Ta.Ma.); kondale id. (Ka.)(DEDR 1451)] flower (Tol. Po. 60); theme of singing the praises of the ka_ntal., the flower sacred to Skanda (Pu. Ve. 6,9); ka_ntiruvam heavenly abode of gandharvas (Civataru. Civataruma. 10)(Ta.lex.) [Synonyms: Gloriosa superba: s'akrapus.pi (Skt.); kalihari (H.); bishalanguli (B.); karianag (M.); kariari (P.); akkinichilam (Ta.); agnisikhha (Te.); habitat: throughout tropical India, ascending upto 7,000 ft. on the hills; common in Mysore state (GIMP, p.126). ka_ntai beloved woman, wife (Perunto. 1581); woman (Kampara_. Ira_van.an-va. 241)(Ta.lex.); ka_nti loveliness (Skt.); kanti beauty (Pali); kam.ti (Pkt.); ka~_ti brilliance, splendour (OMth.); ka~_t lustre, gloss, clearness of complexion, healthiness (M.); kata lustre (Si.)(CDIAL 3033). ka_nta loved, charming; lover, husband; mistress, wife (R.); kanta, kanta_ (Pali); kam.ta, kam.ta_ (Pkt.); ka_n husband (H.); kant lover, husband (H.); kam.ta, kam.ta_ husband (OMarw.); ka~_t, ka~t (G.); kata woman (Si.)(CDIAL 3029). ka_min loving (RV.); ka_mini_ (Pali); ka_min.i_ beloved, wife (Pkt.); ka_m.vini_ (OAw.)(CDIAL 3045). kama_ woman (Si.); ka_mya desirable (RV.); ka_mya_ name of an Apsaras (MBh.); kammata_ wish (Pali); ka_mia desired (Pkt.)(CDIAL 3048). ka_ma wish, love, sexual love (RV.Pali.Pkt.); ka_mam. optionally (As'.); kama desire, lust (Si.); kam wish; to wish, love (Gypsy)(CDIAL 3042). ka_mam desire (Kural.. 360); sexual pleasure (Kural., 1092)(Ta.lex.) ka_mar beauty (Pur-na_. 1,1); desire (Ta.lex.) ka_man- the Indian cupid (Paripa_. 11,123); the Buddhist god of evil; a masquerade dance (Cilap. 3,13, Urai)(Ta.lex.) ka_nta desired, loved, dear, beloved; lovely, beautiful; a lover, a husband; ka_nti wish, desire; loveliness, beauty; splendour, lustre; personal decoration or embellishment; ka_ntigundu brightness to decrease (Ka.lex.)
1655a. Chopper: ga~r.a_s, ga~r.a_sa_ fodder cutter (Bi.); ga~r.a_si_ blade offodder cutter (Bi.); gar.a_s a partic. iron instrument (Bhoj.); ga~r.a_si_, ga~r.a_sa_ knife for cutting fodderor sugarcane (H.); ga~d.a_sa_ chopper for cutting fodder etc. (P.)(CDIAL 4004). asi_ sword (RV.); asi sword, large knife (Pali); asi sword; asiya sickle (Pkt.); asi_, assi_ sword (H.); asigga_ha, asigga_haka sword-bearer (Pali); asigi (Si.)(CDIAL 970).
1768.Battle and hunting axe: gand.as the largest kind of battle and hunting axe (cf. Pl.IV,2) (Mu. Sadani); gand.a_sa_ a pole-axe (H.)(Mu.lex.) git.a, git.i a pickaxe (Mu.); gainti_ (H.Sadani); git.i-sabor.o pickaxe and crowbar; the implements necessary for working on hard ground (Mu.lex.)
1656.Image: strong male: gan.d.asa, gan.d.asu, gan.d.usa, gan.d.usu male person; gan.d.ike prowess; gan.d.iga a valiant man; gen.d.a~ husband; gen.d.u male (Ka.); cf. kan.t.an- warrior, husband (Ta.); gan.d.a-, gan.d.i_ra- hero (Skt.)(DEDR 1173). kan.t.an- warrior (Ta.); ken.t.an- robust, stout man; kin.t.an- fat man, strong person (Ta.); kan.t.an the male, esp. of cat (Ma.); kin.t.appan a stout and robust person (Ma.); gan.d. male (Ko.); gan.d.u strength, manliness, bravery; the male sex, a male, man; gan.d.a a strong, manly male person, a husband; strength, greatness; kan.d. male (of dogs and other animals, mostly wild; not of cats)(Kod..); gan.d.u male, valiant, stout; gan.d.usu husband; gan.d.uka_yi, gan.d.ustana, gan.d.astana manliness; garn.d.a_l.u a stalwart man, giant; kan.d.an.i, kan.d.an.ye husband; gan.t., gan.t.a-pucc male cat; kan.t.e id. (Tu.); gan.d.u bravery, strength, the male of the lower animals; gan.d.u~d.u, gan.d.a~d.u a brave, strong man; gan.d.-a_d.u to copulate (Te.); gar.ek (pl. -er) male, man (Nk.); gen.d.a male (Malt.); gan.d.a, gan.d.i_ra hero (Skt.)(DEDR 1173). Image: penis: gen.d. kat.- (kac-) dog's penis becomes stuck in copulation (Ko.); gen.d.e penis (Ka.); get.a_na_, ge_t.- to have sexual intercourse; ge_t. sexual intercourse (Go.)(DEDR 1949). ka_t.a-ko_t.acika_ penis and vulva (as term of abuse)(Pali); kar penis; karoro small penis (Gypsy); ka_r.u (S.); ka_r.h (H.); ka_r. (G.); ka_d.u_k little stick (M.)(CDIAL 3017). kanro penis (Gypsy); kan.t. syphilis (WPah.); ka~_t. clitoris (B.)(CDIAL 2670). cf. kan.ta thorn (BhP.); kan.t.aka id., anything pointed (R.)(CDIAL 2668). git- to penetrate, pierce (Nk.); to prick, pierce, penetrate (thorn etc.)(Go.)(DEDR 1550).
1689.Husband: kan.d.an.i, kan.d.ani, kan.d.a_n.i, kan.d.a_ni a husband (Tu.lex.) cf. ka_n.d.a associating with; cohabitation; ka_n.me great valour; gan.d.u strength; manliness; largeness; firmness; bravery; the male sex; a male; a male person, a man; gan.d.a (a Tatsama) a strong, powerful, manly male person; a husband (Ka.Te.); kan.avan-, kan.t.an- (Ta.Ma.); gan.d.ugali a strong hero; gan.d.aga_d.i great gracefulness or beauty; gan.d.agu_su a male person; gan.d.a pen.d.ir husband and wife; gan.d.a pen.d.e_ra a badge of honour; gan.d.avariju a mighty, grand form; the form of a man; gan.d.asa, gan.d.usa a male person (Ka.lex.) Invitation to a wedding: kan.d.ha an invitation to a wedding; at.a pat.ha nahin te kan.d.he age vade phirdin the flour is not ground yet, the invitations are already going out! (prov.); kan.d.han. to invite to a wedding (P.lex.)
1693.Image: fish: ka_n.d.a_yi gar fish (Tu.lex.)
1657.Image: penis: gen.d.e the penis (Ka.); co_n.t.a (M.)(Ka.lex.)
1658.Image: rhinoceros: ge_n.d.a, ge_n.d.a_mr.ga a rhinoceros (Ka.); ge_n.d.a_ (M.H.)(Ka.lex.) ko_n.i < ghon.i_ nom. sg. of gho_n.in boar, hog, as having a snout (Pin..)(Ta.lex.) Image: hog: kro_d.a a hog, ekkala; an avata_ra of Vis.n.u (Ka.lex.) kurod.i hog-house (Kol.)(DEDR 1904). cf. kro_d.a a hog; kro_d.i_-mukhah. a rhinoceros (Skt.lex.) Image: boar: ke_r..ar--pan-r-i boar (Tol. Po. 589, Urai.); ke_r..al boar, hog (Ain:kur-u. 323)(Ta.lex.) {The phonetic concordance: -n. ~~ -r.. is vivid in many etyma, for e.g.: gel.e ~~ ken.e 'coupling'; ke_n.i ~~ ke_l.i 'to sport': gan.d. garur. rhinoceros (Santali.lex.) kud.u a boar (Santali.lex.) gen.d.o rhinoceros (S.); gai~d.a_ id. (P.); gai~r.o (N.); gai~r.a_ (H.); ge~d.o (G.); ge~d.a_ (M.)(CDIAL 4000). kat.uvan-pan-r-i boar (Ta.); kat.uvan male of pigs, cats, etc. (Ma.); ka_t.an wild hog, tom-cat, male tiger (Ma.)(DEDR 1140). khad.ga rhinoceros (MaitrS.); khagga (Pali.Pkt.); kagaya_ (Si.); khagaha_ (OAw.); khaggi rhinoceros (Pkt.); kha_g, kha_go rhinoceros horn (Ku.N.); kha_g id., boar's tusk (B.); id., cock's spur (H.); kha~_g id. (H.)(CDIAL 3786). gan.d.aka rhinoceros (Pali); gam.d.aya (Pkt.); ga~r (A.); gan.d.a_ (Or.); go~_d. (K.)(CDIAL 4000). ka_n.t.a_-mr.gam (Ma.); ka_n.t.a_-mirukam rhinoceros (Ta. lex.) ga_r-u a wild (Ka.); ka_d.u jungle, wild (Tu.); ka_d.a wild, untamed (Tu.)(DEDR 1438). khagauto bowl made of rhinoceros horn or hide used in offering water to the manes (N.)(CDIAL 3788). khaggavisa_n.a rhinoceros horn (Pali); kagave_n.a_ rhinoceros (Si.)(CDIAL 3789). Image: animal with tusk or horn: kor-r-an- ram, boar, tomcat; kor-r-i ewe, female cat, bandicoot (Ma.)(DEDR 2170). kotti male or female cat (Ka.); kuttiri a civet cat (Tu.)(DEDR 2170). ko_t.t.in-am herd of buffaloes, as having horns (Kalit. 103,33); ko_t.t.uma_ lit., animal with tusks or horns; elephant (Ain:kur-u. 282); boar (Cilap. 15,99, Arum.)(Ta.lex.) go_n.a (Tadbhava of gho_n.a) a hog (Ka.lex.) gan.d. garur. rhinoceros (Santali.lex.) kud.u a boar (Santali.lex.) Image: gelded boar: calakan-, calakan- pan-r-i gelded boar, castrated boar (Ta.lex.) kal.ir-u boar (Tol. Po. 589); male shark (Pin..)(Ta.lex.) cf. kro_d.a a hog; kro_d.i_-mukhah. a rhinoceros (Skt.lex.) ke_r..al boar, hog, swine (cenna_y...ke_r..al pa_rkkum vecura-k-kavalai : Ain:kur-u. 323)(Ta.lex.) gaid.a_ (P.); gai_r.o (N.); gai~r.a_ (H.); ge~d.o (G.); ge~d.a_ (M.); gen.d.o (S.); ga~r rhinoceros (A.); gan.d.a_ (Or.); gan.d.a rhinoceros (Skt.); gan.d.aka (Pali); gamd.aya (Pkt.); go~_d. (K.)(CDIAL 4000). ke_r..ar-pan-r-i boar; a_n.pan-r-i; male boar (ke_r..ar- pan-r-i enpatanai-k-kal.ir-r-u-p-pan-r-i en-r-u collupa : Tol. Po. 589, Urai)(Ta.lex.) ko_la a hog; kro_d.a hog; an avata_ra of Vis.n.u; ekkala a wild hog (Ka.); e_kala (Te.); e_n-a, e_r-u a hog (Ta.) (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) ko_lam hog, wild hog (Paripa_. 2,16)(Ta.lex.) kor-r-an boar, ram, tomcat (Ma.)(DEDR 2170). Image: male boar: kat.uvan-pan-r-i boar, male boar (Kur-ava. Ta.)(Ta.lex.)
1666.Image: necklace, beads: kandi (pl. -l) necklace, beads (Pa.Ga.); kandit. bead (Ga.)(DEDR 1215).
1671.Engrave: ka_ntai engrave; ka_ntai-tolo, ka_ntai-tolea_ engraver; ka_nton.iga_r carver; ka_nton.em., ka_nton.ea_tso va_ur, ka_ntountso va_ur engraving; ka_ntounci vidya the art of engraving; ka_tar cut; pass. ka_ta_r (Kon.lex.) gor.hon, gat.hao, khodao, khokrao, kundau to carve; ghograo to carve out; likbon gor.hon a carving (Santali.lex.) kan.t.am iron style for writing on palmyra leaves (Ta.); gan.t.amu id. (Te.)(DEDR 1170)[whence, perhaps, grantha script]. kam.d.a_rn.em. goldsmith's hammer; scissors (M.); kam.d.a_rei to sculpt (Pkt.)(Bloch, p. 311). Tools, weapons: khan.d.a instrument, implement, weapon; khan.d.a puruskedae he stretched his arm grasping the sword as high as he could; khan.d.a bhan.d.a implements of all kinds, arms of all sorts (Santali.lex.) Pounding; husking: kan.d. pound, strike (Skt.); kan.d.i_karo_ti pounds, brays (car.); kam.d.a piece, fragment (Pkt.) kan.d.a_ husked grain (Or.); kam.d.a_re_i scrapes, engraves (Pkt.); ka~d.a_rn.e~, kara~_d.n.e~ to gnaw; ka~d.a_rn.e~ jeweller's hammer, barber's nail-parer (M.)(CDIAL 2683). kan.d.ana separating chaff from grain in a mortar, chaff (Sus'r.); kam.d.an.a threshing rice etc. (Pkt.); ka~_r.an act of cleaning rice (B.); ka~_d.an. pounding rice to husk it; ka~_d.n.i_ pounding (M.)(CDIAL 2685). kan.d.ayati, kan.d.ati separates chaff from grain (Dha_tup.); kam.d.ai_ pres.part. kam.d.im.ta threshes rice etc. (Pkt.); kan.d.n.a_ to beat mercilessly (P.); ka~_riba to clean (grain)(A.); ka~_r.a_ to clean finely (as rice); ka_n.d.iba_, ka~_r.iba_ to husk grain, beat (Or.); ka~_d.na_, ka~_r.na_ to trample, tread on, crush (H.); ka~_d.n.e~ to husk rice by pounding in a mortar (M.)(CDIAL 2686). kan.d.ita dislocated (Skt.); kam.d.ia threshed (Pkt.); ka~_ri_ cleaned (of grain)(A.)(CDIAL 2687). To join; fashion; carve: ghat.ayati joins (Sus'r.); makes (VarBr.S.); grazes, rubs (MBh.); gha_t.ayati joins (Skt.); ghar.n.a_ to carve (WPah.); ghad.ai is active (Pkt.); ghat.e_ti unites, joins (Pali); ghad.e_i, ghad.ai_ makes, joins (Pkt.); gar.- to send (Pas'.); garun, gad.un to put together, fashion (K.); ghat.a_pe_ti causes to be united (Pali); ghad.a_vai (Pkt.); gha_t.e_ti joins (Pali)(CDIAL 4407). Carpenter: gha_r.u_ carpenter (L.)(CDIAL 4407). kad.aia carpenter (Pkt.); kat.a- thin piece of wood, plank (Skt.); kad.a stick, bamboo, peeled wood (Pkt.); kar.i_ rafter (L.P.); beam of wood in the roof (Sh.); kan.e-kad. beam or wooden axle of a waterwheel (M.); kad.i_ small squared piece of timber (M.); kat.a-pol rafter (Ash.); kat.a-po_l (Wg.); kat.e (Kt.); ket.e (Pr.); kale rafters (Bshk.); kalai plank in a wall (Phal.)(CDIAL 2631). To chisel: kaduvu to chisel, pare, slice off (Ta.); kadepuni to pull out, strip off (Tu.)(DEDR 1202). kettu to pare the surface (Ka.)(DEDR 1953). Pestle; to smoothe: ghot.o rub with a pestle (S.); ghot.n.a_ to grind, rub, smoothe (P.); ghot.a_, gho~t.a_ wooden pestle (H.)(CDIAL 4417). Lathe: sa~gha_r.o lathe (G.); sa~gad. part of a turner's apparatus (M.); sa~_ga_d.i_ lathe (M.)(CDIAL 12859). To form, forge; hammer into shape: ghar.an.u to form, forge (S.); ghar.an. to form by hammering (L.); to cut stone (L.); ghar.na_ to carve (WPah.); ghad.n.e~ to form, touch (M.); ghar.na_ to form, make (H.); ghar.vu~ to shape, hammer (G.); gar.awun to form, produce (Wg.); ghar.a_na_ to cause to make (H.); galvanava_ to rub on the body, lay, place (Si.)(CDIAL 4407). gar.hiba_ to mould, build (Or.); gad.hai forms (Pkt.); gariba to mould, form (A.); gar.a_ to hammer into shape, form (B.); gar.han.a building (Or.); Wages for making gold or silver ornaments: gar.ha_i_ wages for making gold or silver ornaments (Mth.); gad.ha_i makes (OAw.); gar.hna_ to form by hammering (H.); gad.hvu~ (G.); gar.awun to form, produce (Wg.); garun, gad.un to hammer into shape, forge, put together (K.)(CDIAL 3966).
1660.Chief of the attendants: ga_n.apatya worship of Gan.e_s'a; chieftainship; a worshipper of Gan.e_s'a; gan.apati the leader or chief of the attendants, or followers, of any deity; Gan.e_s'a; S'iva; the head of an assemblage (Ka.lex.) s.an.mata the six sects: vais.n.ava, s'aiva, s'a_kte_ya, ga_n.apatya, ka_pa_lika, saura (Ka.lex.) ka_n.apattiyam < ga_n.apatya the religion of Ga_n.apatyas who regard Gan.apati as the suprebeing being (Ta.lex.)
1661.To tread out grain: ga_han.u to tread out grain (Pkt.); ga_han. (L.); ga_hn.a_ to tread out, tread under foot, travel about (P.); ga_hna_ to tread out, caulk (H.); ga_hu treading out (S.); ga_h (L.P.)(CDIAL 4152).
1662.Oil-press: ka_n.am < ga_n.a (K.); oil-press (Cu_t.a_.); ka_n.am po_t.u-tal to extract oil by an oil-press as from coconuts etc. (Ta.); ga_n.a oil-press (Ka.)(Ta.lex.) kan-n-al sugar-cane (Ta.); kannal (Ma.)(Ta.lex.) ga_n.a an oil-mill; a sugar-cane press or mill (Ka.Tu.); gha_n.a_ (M.); ga_nage, ga_nugu, ga_nuge (Te.); ga_n.a-kanda_ya a tax on oil-presses; ga_n.iga an oil-miller (Ka.); ga_n.igitti the wife of an oil-miller (Ka.lex.) cf. kan.a roller of mills, the cylindrical wood of an oil press (Ma.)(DEDR 1168). ga_n.ige an oil-miller (Tu.lex.)
1663.Smell: cf. gha_na sense of smell (Pali)(CDIAL 4531). Perfume: gan.a a kind of perfume; ajiva_na (Ka.lex.) ka_n-am fragrance, scent, odour (Tiva_.); ka_n-al scent, odour (Paripa_. 16,17); ka_n- smell, odour (Maturaik. 337)(Ta.lex.) kanaru, kaggu, kan.t.u, kamaru, kasaru a disagreeable smell, especially that of burning oil (Ka.lex.)
1664.Image: one-eyed: cf. ka_n.a one-eyed (RV.)(CDIAL 3019). Image: one-eyed: ka~ec one-eyed, blind of one eye; ka~r.a~ m., ka~r.i~ f. blind (Santali.lex.)
1665.Image: centre of a circle: ke_ndra centrum, the centre of a circle; the distance of a planet from the first point of its orbit in the fourth, seventh or tenth degree (Ka.)(Ka.lex.)
1668.Image: wreath on the head: kan.n.i wreath worn on the head (Tol. Po. 634); flower garland in general (Pur-ana_. 248); a flower used as a military badge (Maturaik. 596); kan.n.i-kan.n.u-tal to plan such warlike operations as are appropriate to the particular flower donned as the military badge (Patir-r-up. 58,8)(Ta.lex.)
1669.A grain: kan.i, kan.e, kan., kan.a_ grain (a single grain); kan.s, kan.se ear of corn (Kon.lex.) kan.i_ a particle, bran, broken bits; grains of rice (P.lex.)
1670.Variety of agricultural products: kan.i variety of agricultural products placed before the deity on the eve of the New Year's day, to be seen first by the household on the morrow of the New Year (Ta.lex.)
1672.Image: hour-glass-shaped drum: kat.ai-k-karuvi a drum that has the shape of an hour-glass (Cilap. 3,27, Urai) (Ta.lex.)
1673.Image: trap: ka_tar, ka_tri a trap (Kon.lex.)
1674.Scissors: ka_tar, ka_tri scissors (Kon.lex.)
1675.Image: afterbirth: ka~_r.o afterbirth (N.)(CDIAL 2668). kut.ar, kut.al placenta, bowels (Ma.)(DED 1652). s'arya arrow (RV.); s'e_j after-birth (WPah.)(CDIAL 12339). kajavu, kaja_vu afterbirth (Tu.); kasa, kasavu id., placenta (Ka.); kajilu, kajelu afterbirth (Tu.)(DEDR 1088-a) sa_l afterbirth (N.); splinter remaining in flesh, dead foetus in womb (M.); f. piercing pain (M.); hal afterbirth (K.); salla arrow, dart, piercing sting ((Pali); s'alya anything lodged in the body and causing pain (applied inter alia to dead foetus)(Sus'r.)(CDIAL 12352). Images: young child; miscarriage: kanda a young child, male or female (Ka.); kanna (Te.); kar-r-ai a boy; a calf (Ma.); kanda often used as a term of endearment for grown-up children; cf. kandayya (Ka.lex.) kanda-ha_ku (cattle) to miscarry; kandu the foetus of beasts (Ka.); karu (Ta.Ma.); karuvu, kad.upu (Te.)(Ka.lex.)
1676.Image: ancestor image: gan.d.au (st. gan.d.a_l) ancestor image (Kal.)(CDIAL 3998). khan.d.e_ra_vu, khan.d.o_ji, khan.d.o_ba_ an incarnation of S'iva (Ka.); khan.d.a-paras'u S'iva, hara; Paras'ura_ma; Gan.e_s'a, he_ramba, vina_yaka (Ka.lex.) gan.d.a_d.i a man of mighty acts, a hero (Ka.lex.) kat.avul. god, who transcends speech and mind; kad.aval. id. (Ka.); celestial being (Kantapu. Ta_raka. 59); sage (Maturaik. 41); guru, spiritual preceptor; goodness, auspiciousness (Ci_vaka. 1490); divine nature (Man.i. 15,57)(Ta.)(DEDR 1109). kat.avul.-a_l.ar celestial deities, gods (Man.i. 1,15); Sun-god: kat.avun.-man.t.ilam Sun-god who manifests himself in the form of a sphere (Man.i.22,1); kat.avut.-pal.l.i Buddhist temple (Maturaik. 467)(Ta.lex.)
1677.To carve an idol: kat.avul.-er..utu to carve an idol (Cilap. 25,130); kat.avun.-man:galam ceremony of consecration of a new idol in a temple (Cilap. 28,233) (Ta.lex.)
1678.Rent-free land: kat.avul.arit.an- temple lands that are rent-free (Ta.lex.) nigan.t.ha Jain ascetic (Pali); nigam.t.ha (As'.); n.iggam.tha, n.iam.tha (Pkt.); nivat.u, nuvat.u ascetic (Si.)(CDIAL 7312). kantan- Arhat, who has conquered the senses (Cilap. 11,5) < nirgrantha free from all ties (BhP.); religious mendicant (Buddh.)(CDIAL 7312).
1679.Divine essence: kantar..i Supreme being, divine essence (kot.inilai kantar..i val.l.i yen-r-a...mu_n-r-um)(Tol. Po. 88); theme of celebrating the destruction of Bana's fortress by Kr.s.n.a (Pu.Ve.9,40)(Ta.lex.) < skandha + ar..i to swell, increase; to sympathise with; to melt with love (Ta.lex.) skanda leaping, flowing (Ka.lex.) kantan- (Ta.) < Kanda (Pkt.) < Skanda (Skt.) the youngest son of S'iva (Tiva_.); kanta-cat.t.i < skanda-sas.t.hi festival ending on the sixth day of the bright fortnight in the month of aippaci, which is held in commemoration of Skanda's victory over the Asura cu_rapatuman- (Ta.lex.)
1681.Jaw; image: crab: ke_nda_ra, ke_na_ra the upper part of the cheek; the temples (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) kreteri, kret.eri, kert.er.i jaw (Kuwi); kena_ra temples, upper part of cheek; kandola the cheek (or the cheek and temple (Skt.); kenn, kenni cheek (Tu.); kenne the upper cheek (Ka.); keyn. cheek just in front of ear (Ko.); kenni, cenni temples; konni cheek; cennam jaw, cheek (Ma.); cen-n-i, cen-n-ai cheek; cen-n-i head, summit, elephant's temple (Ta.)(DEDR 1989). ja_na crab (Kui.Kuwi); ja_na_ (Kuwi)(DEDR 2487). cf. hanu jaw (RV.Pali.B.); hanuya_ (Pkt.); hanu_ (H.); han.u (Konkan.i); anu (Si.)(CDIAL 13966). kandala the skull; the cheek and temple; kadapu, kadambu the cheek (Ka.); katuppu, kavul., kan-n-am (Ta.); kavil., kanna (Ma.); campe, chempe (Te.); kandala (Skt.)(Ka.lex.)
1682.Principal stem of a tree: kantu post representing a deity which is worshipped (Pat.t.in-ap. 249); post for cows to rub against, an ancient charity (Tirumuru. 226); post, pillar; post to tie an elephant to (Na_n-man.i. 12)(Ta.lex.) skandha the part of the stem of a tree where the branches begin; a large branch or bough; skandha-s'a_khe a principal branch, a forked branch which issues from the upper stem of a tree (Ka.Skt.)(Ka.lex.) Tree-trunk: gand.ra trunk of a tree (Kuwi)(DEDR 1176). khor.ka_ stump of a tree (H.); khod. trunk or stump of a tree (M.)(CDIAL 3748). skandha trunk of tree (MBh.); skandhas branching top of a tree (RV.); khandha tree-trunk (Pali; kham.dha tree trunk (Pkt.); kanda stem, trunk (Ash.); kene_ (Kt.); kana (Wg.); kandh tree trunk, thick branch (H.); kha~_, kha~_da_ large bough (M.); kanda tree trunk (Si.)(CDIAL 13627). kandala a new shoot or sprig (Ka.lex.)
1683.Image: full gallop: kantu < skand full gallop, as of a horse (Pu. Ve. 12, Or..ipu. 13)(Ta.lex.) Images: leap; pour out; to hurl down: skanda leaping, flowing (Ka.lex.) skandati leaps, spurts out (RV.); leaps upon, covers (of an animal)(TBr.); skandayati pours out, spill (AitBr.); kha~_dnu to press down, spurn; caus. kha~da_rnu to hurl down (N.); kha~da_na_ to chase away (H.); khanyu_n.o to pour, take out (Ku.); khanya_unu to pour out; khaninu to be poured out (N.)(CDIAL 13626). skundate_ leaps (Dha_tup.); khu~dal.n.e~, khudal.n.e~ to treat roughly, pommel, tread (mortar), shake and toss (M.)(CDIAL 13652).
1684.Seven deified virgins: kanti female ascetic among Jains (Ci_vaka. 2649)(Ta.lex.); a female mendicant, bhiks.uki (Ka.M.)(Ka.lex.) kantan- < nir-grant.ha arhat, who has conquered the senses (Cilap. 11,5)(Ta.lex.) cf. kantir-pa_vai < skandha a female deity whose figure was carved in the ancient cities of Ka_viri-p-pu_m-pat.t.in.am and ka_ci_-puram (Man.i. 28,185)(Ta.lex.) cf. skandha the trunk or stem of a tree (Skt.lex.) cf. Indian art on stone-carvings depicting females entwined with branches of trees. cf. kan-n-ima_r seven deified virgins (Ta.lex.) kat.avul.-er..utu to carve an idol (Cilap. 25,130) (Ta.lex.) Festival: kantiri < kandu_ri_ (U.) a Muhammadan festival held in honour of a deceased holy person as the annual festival held at Nagore in honour of the Saint Mi_ra_n Sahib (G.Tj.D. i,243); kantu_ri < kandu_ri_ (K.) id. (G.Tn.D. i,360)(Ta.lex.) kandu_ri a certain Mussulman feast-day (Ka.); kandiri (Te.)(Ka.lex.)
1686.Charcoal: kantul. charcoal (Cu_l.a_. Irata. 46); kan-r-utal to be scorched (Ta.); kandu (Ka.)(Ta.lex.) To burn: ka_ntutal to burn; to be scorched; to shine, emit rays (Kampara_. Na_t.t.up. 7); to burn without use, as oven (Ta.lex.) kan, kad blackness; dark colour; kannad.a the black country; Kannad.a (Canarese), the country and its language. The country chiefly consists of e_re_-bhu_mi, black soil, cotton soil. kannad.a is declared to be a tadbhava of Skt. karna_t.a, karna_t.aka. There arose many pan.d.itas in Kannad.a (Na_gavarma etc.) and it was once considered to be the chief seat of learning in South-India (Ka.lex.) kandi root-coloured; whitey-brown, dust-coloured (Ka.M.)(Ka.lex.) kandu discolouration by scorching, dark hue, blackness; want of lustre; a stain (Ka.); kandu to be burnt or scorched by the sun (said of the face) or by fire, to turn black as the body, etc. by exposure to the sun, to be charred (Ka.); kantu, ka_ntu, kar-uku (Ta.)(Ka.lex.) Fever: ka_tal affection, love (Ka.Ta.); ga_dili (Te.); ka_l.al burning, high flame, love fever (Ma.); ka_l.u (Ma.); ka_lu to burn (Te.)(Ka.lex.) ka_tal love, affection, lust, desire; ka_talan-, ka_tala_n-, ka_talo_n- lover, husband, intimate friend; ka_tali (-pp-, -tt-) to love, long for; n. beloved woman, wife, daughter; ka_tan-mai affection, desire (Ta.); ka_tal attachment, fondness, affection; ka_talan, ka_talo_n lover, husband (Ma.); ka_dal, ka_dalme affection, love; ka_dala male friend, paramour; ka_dale beloved female (Ka.); gadaru an object of love (Tu.); ga_dili love, affection; dear, beloved (Te.); kad dear (Go.); kadi a habit, liking for, taste for; kadi a_va to form a habit, acquite a taste for (Kui)(DEDR 1445). kattuka to kindle, burn; kattal burning, heat, appetite; kattikka to set on fire, burn (Ma.); kat- (katy-) to burn; light (lamp); katc- (katc-) to set fire to (Ko.); kot- (koty-) (fire) burns with flame, glitter, flash; light (lamp)(To.); kattu to begin to burn with flame; cause to burn with intensity, inflame, kindle; kattisu to inflame, kindle (Ka.); katt- (katti-) to burn with a blaze (Kod..); kanti to kindle (Kor.)(DEDR 1207). katakaten-al onom. being hot from fever or from the closeness of a crowded room (Ira_mana_. A_ran.i. 8); state of being cosy and warm; sound produced in burning, as a liquid; in flowing, as water from a sluice; in gushing, as blood from the artery (Ta.lex.) khatkhat effervescence (N.); khatkanu to effervesce (N.); khadkhada_na_ (H.); khadkhadvu~ (G.); khadkhadn.e~ (M.)(CDIAL 3803). ka_y (-v-, -nt-) to grow hot, burn (Ta.); ka_yccal heating, drying; ka_yccu (ka_ycci-) to boil, cook, heat by fire, dry or warm as in the sun or near the fire; n. heating (as metal or a stone), boiling (as a liquid); ka_yttu (ka_ytti-) to ignite, cause to burn, boil, cook, heat by fire; ka_yppu dislike, aversion; ka_n:kai heat, feverishness; ka_n:galu sultriness; ka_ntu (ka_nti-) to burn, smart (as a sore), be scorched, be hot with indignation, be angry with, heat; ka_t.t.u (ka_t.t.i-) to heat, as a vessel of ghee (Ta.); ka_yuka to be hot, heated, feverish, warm oneself, grow dry; ka_yal, ka_ypu what is warm, heat, dryness; ka_ykka, ka_ccuka to warm, , distil; ka_ccal heat, a still; ka_ccil heat, bodily heat (Ma.); ka.y (ka.c-) to become hot, warm oneself, bask in sun; ka.c- to make hot, , dry before fire; ka.n:g heat of fire or sun; ka.ko.l a spit (ko.l stick)(Ko.); ko.y- (ko.s-) to be hot, (sun, moon) shines, , bask in sun; ko.c to heat, (To.); ka_y (ka_yd-, ka_d-) to grow hot, grow red-hot, burn with passion, be angry; ka_yisu, ka_su to make hot etc.; ka_ypu, ka_vu, ka_hu heat, wrath, anger; ka_vara, ka_vura mental heat, passion, anger, wrath; ka_ku, ka_n:ke state of being overheated, tired from the effects of the sun, heat of any kind (Ka.); ka.y- (ka.yuv-, ka.j-) to be hot, boil, bask in sun; ka.c- (ka.ci-) to boil, melt (ghee); ka.ca heat; ka.yela illness (Kod..); ka_yuni to be hot, burn, be feverish, be angry; ka_yipuni to make hot, warm (as water), fry, ; ka_ya_vuni to have anything warmed, burned, boiled; ka_vu heat, warmth; ka_yil sickness (Tu.); ka~_ka warmth, heat, anger; warm, hot (Te.); ka~_gud.u state of being heated; ka~_cu to heat, warm, ; ka_cu, ka_yu to shine; ka~_pad.amu fomentation; ka~_pud.u heating; ka~_pu id.; ka~_pincu to make hot; ka_varamu pride of flesh, vigour of youth, pride, arrogance, infatuation (Te.); ka.n.- (ka.n:kt-) to become hot; ka.n:gip- (ka.n:gipt-) to heat; ka.p- (ka.pt-) to boil (Kol.); ka_n:g- to become hot; ka_p- to fry, ; to heat, ; ka_y- to be hot; ka_yta hot (Nk.); ka_pip- (ka_pit-) to heat; ka~_ka heat of ing water (Pa.); ka_yp- (ka_yt-) to boil; ka_ykir fever; ka_ykil id. (Ga.); ka_pa_na_, ka_p- to heat or warm; ka_sa_na_ to become hot, be heated; ka_sta hot; ka_suhta_na_, ka_sahta_na_, ka_susa_na_, ka_sih-, ka_cah- to heat; ka_p- to boil (Go.); ka_p- (-t-) to boil, as water; ka_mb- (-it-) to be boiled (as water), get warm; ka_y- (-t-) to warm oneself at fireplace; ka_n:ka anger (Kond.a); ka_y- (-t-) to warm oneself (in the sun or by the fire)(Pe.); ka_y- to warm oneself (in the sun or by the fire); ka_nd- (sun) to be hot; to warm oneself in the sun; ka_pi ki- to heat, roast (Mand..)(DEDR 1458). Boiler: ka~_gu to be heated, grow hot, boil, simmer, be angry; n. large pot, kettle, boiler (Te.); ka_n:ku, ka_n:kai earthen pot-boiler (Ta.); kandu- boiler, cooking utensil, oven (Skt.); ka_hala dry, withered (Skt.)(DEDR 1458). ka_vali, ka_vale a plate or pan for frying or baking; ka_valige frying pan (Ka.); ka_vali, ka_voli id. (Tu.)(DEDR 1488). Anger; fever: katavu (katavi-) to be angry with, be displeased with, quarrel with; n. anger, wrath; katam anger; katar.. (-v-, -nt-) to be angry with, displeased with, be furious; katar..vu fury, heat, vehemence; kati (-pp-, -tt-) to be angry with (Ta.); katam wrath; kataykkuka to get angry; katarppu getting angry (Ma.); kati, khati, ka_ti, kha_ti anger, wrath (Ka.); ka.ti anger, hate (Kol.); ka_ndri anger (Kuwi)(DEDR 1186). cf. ks.a_tra (Skt.) ka_var.i anger, passion; ka_viran.u to be angry (S.); ka_vru~ excited, teased (G.)(CDIAL 3037). ka_y (-v-, -nt-) to be indignant, angry, be prejudiced, hate; ka_yccal fever, hatred; ka_yppu dislike, aversion; ka_ymai envy, jealousy; ka_ntu to be angry with indignation, burn with envy, be angry with (Ta.); ka_vara, ka_vura mental heat, passion, anger, wrath; ka_ypu, ka_vu, ka_hu heat, wrath, anger (Ka.); ka.yela illness (Kod..); ka_yuni to be feverish, be angry; ka_yil illness (Tu.); ka~_ka anger; ka~_gu to be angry (Te.); ka_varamu pride of flesh, vigour of youth, pride, arrogance, infatuation (Te.)(= Ka. ka_vara); ka_ykir fever (Ga.); ka_nka anger (Kond.a); ka_r.a (ka_r.i-) (spirit) is distressed (Kui); xaika_ dry, dried up, withered (Kur.); qye to become dry, wither, become lean, fade (Malt.); xa_xar fire, anger, jealousy (Br.); ka_hala dry, withered (Skt.)(DEDR 1458). ka_nda (ka_ndi-) to be hot; ka_spa (ka_st-) to make hot heat; n. act of making hot; ka_ga (ka_gi-) to warm oneself by the fire or in the sun; n. act of warming oneself; ka_r.a (ka_r.i-) to be hot (sun), (spirit) is distressed (Kui); kaiyali to become hot (water etc.); kaiyi hot; kaiyi ki_ali to heat; ka_th'nai to heat; ka_ka hot; ka_p- (-it-) to heat; ka_ndri anger; ka_y- (-it-) to become hot; ka_nd- (-it-) id.; ka_t- (-h-) to heat (Kuwi); ka_yna_ (xayyas) to lose moisture, dry up, evaporate, lose flesh, waste away; xaixairna_ to become quite dry, parched; xaidna_, xaida'a_na_ to make dry, desiccate (by exposing to the sun, fire, or the air); xaika_ dry, dried up, withered (Kur.); qye to become dry, wither, become lean, fade; qeyre to be boiled, be hot; qeytre to boil, make hot (Malt.); xa_xar fire, anger, jealousy (Br.)(DEDR 1458). ka_l.uka to burn, flame; ka_l.al high flame, love-fever (Ma.); ka_lu to burn, be burnt, scalded, scorched, baked; ka_lupu burning, setting on fire, baking, roasting; ka_lcu to burn, set fire to, scald, singe, scorch, char, bake (Te.); ka_l- to smart (Pa.)(DEDR 1500). Burnt: ka_t.a_r.r.u ceremony of quenching the fire when a corpse has been burnt and collecting the bones (Ta.lex.) Burning; hot; pungent: jha_li unripe mango fried with asafoetida (Bhpr.); jha_l heat of condiments (P.); hot, pungent, pungency (B.); hot, sharp; heat, pungency (H.); pungent, pungency (Or.); za_l pungency, heat of fire (A.); jha_luya_ highly seasoned (B.); jha_l.a chillies (Or.); jha_l.i pungent preparation of raw mango pickle with mustard and salt (Or.); jha_l. flame, heat (G.)(CDIAL 5379). To gild, solder: jha_lana_ to gild (P.); za_liba to solder (A.); jha_la_ id. (B.); jha_l.iba_ to clear out silt from a well, to solder (Or.);
jha_lna_ to solder (H.); jha.l.vu~ (G.); jha_l.n.e~ (M.); jha_lan.a_ to polish (P.); jha_lna_ to polish, clean; perh. semant. < 'to gild' (H.)(CDIAL 5382). jhal.iba_ to drip, be soldered (Or.)(CDIAL 5353). jha_l gilding, tinning (P.); solder (H.)(CDIAL 5378). jha_lan. soldering, solder (G.)(CDIAL 5381). jhal.akvu~ to shine (G.); jhal.akn.e~ to glitter (M.); jhal.kata_ (Konkan.i); jhalajhalam.ta shining (Pkt.); jhalbal glitter (L.); jhalmala shining (Mth.); jhaljhala_na_ to shine (H.); jhalahalam.ta shining (Pkt); jhalahalataum (OG.); jhalkan. to glitter (L); zalak brilliant light (A); jhalka_ flash (B); jhalakab to glitter (Mth.); jhalak flash (Bhoj.); jhalakna_ to sparkle (H.); jhalkan.u to shine (S.); jhall flame (WPah.); jhalkiba_ to glisten (Or); jhalkab to shine (Aw); jhalla_ hot (H); jha_lna_ to make hot, polish (H.); jhala_l. gleam (M)(CDIAL 5352). jil boiki to rise (of sun)(Sh.); jhiljhil flashing (Or.); jhilmili glitter (N.); vivid light (Or.)(CDIAL 5391). Heat of sun: jhala_ heat of sun (Skt.); mirage (Pkt); jhal.i wave of light (Or.); jhal, jhar heat of flame, anger (H); jhal., jhal.ai sun-stroke, hot blast (M.)(CDIAL 5354). Image: censer; torch of dry reeds: cul.untu torch-tree, ixora parviflora; torch made of dried twigs and leaves; a kind of censer in which coals are placed and waved around (W.); cul.untu-k-kat.t.ai torch of ixora sticks (W.); Image: torch-bearer: cul.untu-k-ka_ran- torch-bearer; person of Valaiya sub-caste whose occupation is torch-bearing (Ta.lex.) kur.na_ (kut.t.as) to grow warm, become hot, be heated; cook on live embers, bake on an open fire (Kur.); kur.e (kut.-) to burn, roast, sear; kur.nare to be hot or warm; kur.ni warm, hot (Malt.); cu_t.t.u that which is burnt or cooked, a kind of ola torch (Ta.); cu_t.t.u torch; cu_t.t.a top of a coconut branch used as a torch (Ma.); sod.ar, sod.aru, sod.alu lamp (Ka.); tu.d.i torch of dry reeds or small splints of wood (Kod..); sud.aru, tud.aru, tud.a_ru lamp; cu_t., tu_t. torch made of palm leaves, etc. (Tu.); su_d.i torch made of coconut leaves (Kor.); su_r torch (Go.); sur- (suRt-) to roast, burn (incense)(Kond.a); huz- (hust-), huzba- to roast (Pe.); subga (< sug-b-; sugd-) id.; n. roasting (Kui); hu_d.- (-it-) to burn, shoot with gun; hu_dali to burn; hu_tinai to burn, kindle (Kuwi)(DEDR 2654). Image: torch, flambeau: cu_l. torch, flambeau, ti_vat.t.i (Ta.lex.) cf. cul.l.ai potter's kiln (Tol. Col. 449, Urai.); kiln, furnace (Ta.lex.) ju_l iron lamp (Bshk.); jwa_lo flame (Ku.); juwa_lo, jwa_lo (N.); jva_la light, torch (Kaus'.); flame (MBh.); jva_la_ (Ka_tyS'r.); ja_la glow, blaze (Pali); ja_la_ flame (Pali); ja_la, ja_laya flame, fire (Pkt.); ja_la_ flame (Pkt.); jia_el flame (Pas'.); za_l fever (K.); heat of fire for cooking, heat, ray of light (A.); ja_l flame of a fire (B.); ja_l.a_ burning sensation, inflammation (Or.); ja_l. flame, fire, fever, passion (M.); dalaya, daluva, dalla flame, effulgence (Si.); jval, jvar burn (Skt.)(CDIAL 5312). jhal. sun-stroke; jhalak lightning; jhal.akn.em. to shine (M.); jhalak (G.S.P.H.); jhal.a_ mr.gatr.s.n.a_ (OM.); jhalakkia- (dagdha-) (Ap.); jval (Skt.)(Bloch, p. 338). cf. tal.ukku shining (Ta.lex.) Flame, anger: ju_ryate_ hurts, is angry with (Dha_tup.); ju_rn.i glowing fire (RV.); ju_rai_ hurts (Pkt.); ju_lai is angry; ju_ra_via angered (Pkt.); ju_ran.a flame, abuse (Pkt.); zore to get angry (Pr.)(CDIAL 5259). Burning; rage: jva_lita set alight (Skt.Pali); dlla, dli flame (Si.)(CDIAL 5315). jvala, jvala_ flaming, flame (Skt.); jala burning; jalaga fire (Pkt.); jara burning heat of fire; jara_t.a scorching (S.); jal. anger, passion (M.)(CDIAL 5305). jvalati burns brightly (TS.); jalati burns, shines (Pali); jalai burns, is burnt (Pkt.); julliassa bright (Wg.); jaln.a_, jal.na_ to burn (P.); jalan.u (S.); jal.n.a_ to be burnt (WPah.); jaln.o to burn (Ku.); jalnu (N.); zaliba to blaze (A.); jala_ to burn (B.); jal.iba_ (Or.); jarab (Bi.Mth.Aw.); jalna_ to burn, rage, feel pain, be offended (H.); jalai burns (OMarw.); jal.vu~ id.; jal.jal.vu~ to have a burning sensation (G.); jaln.e~, jal.jal.n.e~ (M.); jal.ta_ (Konkan.i); dilenava_ to shine, glitter (Si.); caus.: jala_pe_ti (Pali); jala_via burnt (Pkt.); jala_van.a kindling (Pkt.); zalawunu burning, fiery, hot (K.); jala_van. to kindle (L.); jala_un.a_ (P.); jalaun.o (Ku.); jala_unu (N.); zala_iba (A.); jara_i burns (OAw.); jala_na_ (H.); dalvanava_ to kindle, inflame (Si.)(CDIAL 5306). za_lun fuel (K.); ja_ran burning of spices (Bhoj.); ja_ran firewood (H.); ja_l.an. fuel (M.)(CDIAL 5313). jva_layati sets on fire (MBh.); ja_le_ti (Pali); ja_le_i (Pkt.); zala to light a fire (Gaw.); za_lun to set on fire (K.); ja_l.n.a_, ja_lan.a_ to kindle (P.); ja_n.u_ to burn (WPah.); za_liba to kindle (A.); ja_la_ (B.); ja_l.iba_ (Or.); ja_rab to burn, esp. cremate a corpse (Bi.); to burn (Mth.); ja_rnu to burn to ashes (N.); ja_rai (OAw.); ja_lna_, ja_rna_ (H.); ja_la (OMarw.); ja_l.n.e~ to burn, annoy (M.)(CDIAL 5314). jvalana burning, combustible (S'Br.); jvlana fire (MaitrS.); id. (Padapa_t.ha); jalana adj. and n. burning (Pali); jalan.a fire (Pkt.); jalan. burning, inflammation, pain (Ku.); jalan burning, hatred (N.); burning, envy (H.); zalani burning sensation (A.); jalani (B.); jal.an fuel (G.); jal.an. (M.)(CDIAL 5307). jvalita lighted, burning (MBh.); jalita (Pali); jalia (Pkt.); jalia_-balia_ angry, jealous (P.); jai~_ burnt (Ku.); dili glittering, shining (Si.)(CDIAL 5308). jvalis.yati will burn (Skt.); dilisenava_, dilihenava_ to shine, glitter (Si.)(CDIAL 5309). sam.jallia angered, abusive (Skt.); jallan. to be burnt, to burn (L.); jalan.u to burn (S.)(CDIAL 5310). ja_r fever (Phal.); vehemence, virulence (H.)(CDIAL 5311). jvar burn (Skt.); jvara fever (MBh.); jara (Pali. Pkt.); ja_r (Phal.); zar brightness, fever (K.); jar (WPah.Ku.B.Bhoj.Aw.H.M.); jaro (N.); zar (A.); jara (Or.); jaro (Konkan.i)(CDIAL 5303). jvarati is feverish (Car.); jur to burn (Pr.); jarna_ id. (P.); to be feverish (H.)(CDIAL 5304). Flash: For -balia_ in jalia_-balia_ angry, jealous (P.) cf.: palhing to with rage (Br.); pur..un:ku to be hot with anger (Ta.)(DEDR 4315); baro fever (S.)(CDIAL 6653); bal- to flash (Pas'.); baran.u to burn, blaze (S.); balan. (L.); baln.a_ (P.); baln.o (Ku.); balnu (N.); barab (Aw.); balna_, barna_ to be lighted (H.); balai burns (OMarw.); bal.vu~ (G.)(CDIAL 6654); bai~a burnt (Ku.)(CDIAL 6655); ba_ran.u fuel (S.); ba_lun., balan. firewood (L.); ba_lan. (P.)(CDIAL 6670); ba_ran.u to kindle, excite (S.); ba_lan. to kindle (L.); ba_lan.a_ (P.); ba_ln.o (Ku.); ba_lnu (N.); ba_rab (Bi.Aw.); ba_lna_ (H.); ba_l.vu~ (G.)(CDIAL 6671). pal.l.ena light, shine (Tu.); pal.i_ren-al expr. signifying flashing (Ta.); pal.an~ce with a flash (Ka.)(DEDR 4012). cut.ar burning lamp (Perumpa_n.. 349); flame (Na_lat.i, 189); spark; cut.ar-en.n.ai drops of burning oil dripping from lamp, torch, etc. (Ta.lex.) cut.al drops of burning oil falling from a lamp, charred end of a burning stick (Ta.)(DEDR 2654). cud.uli_ torch (Pkt.); cud.i_ torch of wisps or twigs (M.)(DEDR 2654). cf. cu_t.an- prepared camphor (Cilap. 14,109, Urai); cu_t.am id. ; cu_t.an--karppu_ram id. (Ta.Ma.)(Ta.lex.) cut.ar-k-kot.i incense of camphor (Ta.lex.) cut.ar-nilai lampstand; cut.ar-nilai-t-tan.t.u id. (Cu_t.a_. 11,120)(Ta.lex.) Calcination: cut.u-maruntu medicine prepared by calcination (Ta.lex.) cut.u-man. burnt tile (Cilap. 14,146)(Ta.lex.) cut.u (cut.uv-, cut.t.-) to be hot, burn (Na_lat.i, 89); warm, heat (Kur-al., 267); burn up; roast, toast, bake, fry, cook in steam (Tiruva_lava_. 30,20); to calcine, as medicine (Ta.lex.); burn as bricks in a kiln, cauterize, brand; n. burning, heating, scalding; cut.ar light, brilliance, lustre (Pur-ana_. 6,27); sun (Pur-ana_. 136,18); sunshine (Perun.. Ucaik. 33,155); moon (Paripa_. 19,19); planet (Paripa_. 19,7); fire (Tirumuru. 43); cut.alai, cut.u-ka_t.u burning-ground; cu_t.u (cu_t.i-) to brand (as cattle), cauterize; n. that which is heated, burnt, roasted (Pat.t.in-ap. 63); heat, warmth, feverishness, fomentation, hot temper, anger, brand (Ta.); brand (Na_lat.i, 186) (Ta.); cu_d.u id. (Te.); tu_d.u id. (Ka.); cu_t.u scar, callosity (Perun.. Makata. 8,14); cut.uka to burn, be hot, feel hot; burn, make hot, toast, roast, bake; cut.uvukka to get one to burn; cut.ar fire, brightness; cut.ala the burning place in the southern corner of the compound, burning or burying place; cu_t.u heat, burning (Ma.); tur.- (tut.-) to roast, bake (pots), burn (corpses); cur. ga.r. funeral burning place; cu.r. (obl. cu.t.-) heat, a burn, spark thrown off by hammered iron; pair-word with pa.r. hardship (pa.r. cu.r.)(Ko.); tur.- (tut.-) to burn (To.); sud.u (sut.t.-) to burn, roast, bake, fire (a gun); be consumed with fire, burn, feel hot, be roasted; n. burning, etc.; sud.uka who has burned; sud.uvike, sud.uha burning; sud.u-ga_d.u cemetery; su_d.u burning, cauterization; su_t.e a torch of wisps, etc.; sod.a burning; sun.t.age, sun.t.ige roast meat, act of burning or roasting (Ka.); cud.- (cud.uv-, cut.t.-) to burn; cud.i gal.a cremation place (Kod..); sud.upini, sud.pini, tud.upini to burn, be hot, sultry; burn, bake, toast, roast; sud.al burning a dead body; sud.u, su_d.u act of burning; sud.uga_d.u cemetery; sud.sud.u a burning sensation in the throat (Tu.); cu_d.u heat, warmth, zeal, hot, warm; sod.aru smell of burning (Tu.); cu~_d.u to burn, brand with a hot iron or the like; n. burning, branding, a brand; sud.iyu to burn (Te.); sud.- (sut.t.-) to cook; cur.- to bake (bread)(Kol.); surra_na_, hurr-, or.- to cook bread (Go.); sut.- to roast (Nk.); sur.-/sud.d.- (sut.t.-) to fry (Nk.)(DEDR 2654). cu_d.-, in: upacu_d.ana-, upacu_lana- singeing, searing, heating (Skt.)(DEDR 2654). cut.aravan- sun, as emitting light; cut.aro_n- id. (Tirukkaruvai. Kalit. 11)(Ta.lex.) Image: to burn; charcoal: ku_d.ayati, ku_l.ayati burns (R.); aku_layat (AitBr.); ku_lita burnt (Sus'r.); kun.d.ate_ burns (Skt.); kun.d.ati burns (Pali); kulukkiya burnt; kulum.cai burns; kullad.a stove (Pkt.); kelso burning oil (G.); kol.apn.e~ to be scorched; kol.a~jn.e~ to burn, consume; kol.a_ga_ live coal; kol.sa_ charcoal; kol.s'i_ charred portion of wick (M.)(CDIAL 3399). cf. culli_ fireplace (Mn.)(CDIAL 4879). kola_ burning charcoal (L.P.); ko_ila_ burning charcoal (L.P.N.Or.H.Mth.), kolla burning charcoal (Pkt.); koilo dead coal (S.); kwelo charcoal (Ku.); kayala_ charcoal (B.); koela_ id. (Bi.); koilo (Marw.); koyalo (G.)(CDIAL 3484). < Proto-Munda. ko(y)ila = kuila black (Santali): all NIA forms must or may rest on ko_illa. To , heat: koti to (Ta.); kudi id. (Ka.); kodi id. (Kod..); xodxna_ to burn by overheating (Kur.)(DEDR 2084). Copper: cur-pam < culva copper (cur-pam pu_ricantiram poruva : Ja_n-a_. 68,15)(Ta.lex.) cf. cu_r pungency (Ta.)(DEDR 2726). culvam, culbam copper; a sacrificial act; the proximity of water, a place near it; culvajam, culbajam brass; culv, culb to create, produce (Skt.lex.) cullam copper (Malai.); culvam id. (Ce_tup. Tan-ukko_. 9)(Ta.lex.) Fireplace: solu (obl. sonr--, pl. soliu) fireplace (Kond.a.); colngel, congel fireplace (kel stone)(Pa.); hol id. (Pe.); huli id. (Mand..); soygel id. (Ga.); hollu, holu fireplace (Kuwi); sodgare fireplace (Nk.); sodel, sai_da_l, saydal, sadoli_, hoydeli, hoydel, aydili, oyduli, odiya_l, hodel, ojal fireplace (Go.); ulai fireplace for cooking, oven (W.); pot of water set over the fire for ing rice (Na_lat.i, 114); smith's forge or furnace (Na_lat.i. 298); ulai-y-e_r-r-utal to set a pot of water on the fire for ing rice (A_ca_rak. 40)(Ta.lex.) ula furnace in forge, bellows (Ma.); o_lo_kkam, o_lo_kku blacksmith's forge (Ma.); elka.l fireplace between two stones; elka.l kal stones of fireplace (Ko.); ule furnace (Tu.); ole fireplace (Ka.); hearth (Kod..); sod.u fireplace, stones set up as a fireplace (Kui); was- fireplace; was- kal fireplace of house and of certain dairies; kud.s. was- fireplace in certain dairies (To.)(DEDR 2857). zuha_l fireplace (A.)(CDIAL 5297). Fireplace; brick-kiln; furnace: culli_ fireplace (Mn.Pkt.PaliB.Or. <Drav.); ulli_ (Pkt.); cila (D..); col (K.); culhi (S.); cullh, cullhi~_ (L.); culh, cullhi_, cullha_ (P.); culi (Ku.N.); culo (Ku.N.); cula_ (B.Or.M.); culla_ (B.M.); cu_lh (Bi.Mth.); cu_lhi_ (Bi.Mth.H.); cu_lha_ (Bi.Mth.H.); cu_lhi (Bhoj.Mth.); cu_l, culi_, culr.i_, cu_lo (g.); culva_ (M.)(CDIAL 4879). culya_n. hearth, kitchen (Ku.); cula_n. fireplace (M.); cula_n.e~ small fireplace (Konkan.i)(CDIAL 4881). culiha_r baker (P.)(CDIAL 4882). cullai potter's kiln, furnace (Ta.); cu_l.ai kiln, furnace, funeral pile (Ta..); cul.l.a potter's furnace (Ma.); cu_l.a brick-kiln (Ma.)(DEDR 2709). cul.l.ai mat.kalacut.um cu_l.ai (Tol. Col. 449, urai); akaliru vicumpi n-u_n-r-un~cu_l.ai (Pur-ana_. 228,3)(Ta.lex.) cu_lai-k-kal burnt brick (Ta.lex.) ulai-kat.t.u- to decorate the top of a pot with mango leaves and set it on the fire with water for cooking rice for a sacred meal; ulai-tan.n.i_r water used by the smith at his forge for dipping hot iron; water in a pot set over the fire for ing rice; ulai-mu_t.t.u to set a pot of water over the fire for cooking (Ta.lex.) joeba_ to kindle a fire (Or.); dyo_tayati illuminates (MBh.); joyana_ to burn; to set fire to (H.)(CDIAL 5296). jo_i light, fire (Pkt.); jo_i_ lightning; jo_isa constellation (Pkt.); zu_i fire, lamp, spark, firefly (A.); ju~i fire (B.); joe, joi, jui fire, cremation fire, pit over which cremation pile is placed (Or.); jov lightning (M.); do_ light, star (Si.); jyo_tis light, moonlight (RV.); heavenly body (Mn.)(CDIAL 5300). culli_ fireplace (Mn.Pkt.Pali.B.Or.); ulli_ (Pkt.); cila (D..); col (K.); culhi, culho (S.); cullh, pl. cullhi~_, cullha_ (L.); culh, cullhi_, cullha_ (P.); culi, culo (Ku.N.); cula_, culla_ (B.); cula_ (Or.); cu_lh, cu_lhi_, cu_lha_ (Bi.Mth.); cu_lhi (Mth.Bhoj.); cu_lhi_, cu_lha_ (H.); cu_l, culi_, culr.i_, cu_lo (G.); cu_l, cula_, culla_, culva_ (M.)(CDIAL 4879). culya_n. hearth, kitchen (Ku.); cula_n. fireplace (M.); cula_n.e~ small fireplace (Konkan.i)(CDIAL 4881). culiha_r baker (CDIAL 4882). kur.i_ fireplace (H.)(CDIAL 3232). Image: pot: kulr.i_, kulli_ earthen pot, scrotum (G.); kulla pot (Skt.); kulija a particular vessel (Skt.); kulhari_ pot (Skt.); kullad.a small vessel (Pkt.); kullud.ia pitcher (Pkt.)(CDIAL 3354). {The CDIAL 3354 etyma related to a sweet-maker's shop, clash with kol.l.i firebrand, fire (Ta.Ka.Tu.Ma.)(DEDR 2158). The cul.- words in Dravidian poss. transform to: kullad.a stove (Pkt.) clashing with kol.l.i (Drav.)} Image: stove: culli_ stove (Pali.lex.) kullad.a stove (Pkt.)[cf. culli_]; kulukkiya burnt (Pkt.); kulumcai burns (Pkt.); kun.d.ati burns (Pali); ku_d.ayati, ku_l.ayati burns (RV.); ku_lita burnt (Sus'r.); kun.d.ate_ burns (Skt. kol.apn.e~ to be scorched (M.); kol.a~ga_ live coal (M.); kol.sa_ charcoal (M.); kolso burning oil (G.); kol.a~jn.e~ to burn, consume (M.)(CDIAL 3399). cf. kol.l.i firebrand, fire (Ta.); firebrand, firewood (Ma.); firebrand (Ka.Tu.); kol.l.e id. (Ka.); kolli id. (Tu.); kwil.y id., glowing ember (To.); kol.uttu to kindle, set on fire, ignite; burn; kol.untu, kor..untu to burn, be kindled; kol.uvu to kindle (as fire)(Ta.); koyl. burning firewood, faggot (Ko.); Image: man who carries new fire around ceremonies: koyl.t a.l. man who carries new fire round at ceremonies (Ko.)(DEDR 2158). Sweetmaker; stove; furnace: kullu_ria, kullaria sweetmaker; kullariya_ his shop (Pkt.)(CDIAL 3354). Blacksmith: kolla blacksmith (Ka.); kolime, kolume, kulame, kulime, kulme fire-pit, furnace (Ka.); kol working in iron, blacksmith; kollan- blacksmith (Ta.); kollan blacksmith, artificer (Ma.); konimi blacksmith (Ka.); kolle blacksmith (Kod..); kollusa_na_ to mend implements; kolsta_na_ to repair (of ploughshares)(Go.); kolhali to forge (Kuwi); kolimi furnace (Te.)(DEDR 2133). cf. metath. lohal.a blacksmith (Or.)(CDIAL 11159). lo_ht.iya_ ironmonger (P.); *lo_hahat.t.ika? (CDIAL 11163). Metal; copper or bronze: lo_ha red, copper-coloured (S'rS.); made of copper (S'Br.); copper (VS.); iron (MBh.); metal, esp. copper or bronze (Pali); iron (Pkt.); liha, lihi, obl. elhas, as. loa (Gypsy); loa steel (Wg.); loh copper (Kho.); lohu iron (S.); loha_, lo_a_ (L.); loha_ (P.K.WPah.N.Or.Bhoj.H.); lo~u, lo~ (WPah.); lo_ (WPah.Aw.); luha_ (WPah.); luwa_ (Ku.); lohu (N.); lo (A.B.); no (B.); luha_ (Or.); loh (Mth.H.G.M.); loho, lo_ metal, ore, iron (Si.); ratu-lo_ copper (Md.)(CDIAL 11158). lo_haka_ra iron-worker (Skt.); coppersmith, ironsmith (Pali); lo_haka_ri_, lo_haka_raka, lauhaka_ra iron-worker (Skt.); lo_ha_ra blacksmith (Pkt.); luha_ru (S.); loha_r, loha_ri_ (L.); luha_r (WPah.); lwa_r (Ku.); loha_r (N.B.Bi.); id. (Bhoj.Aw.H.M.); lohal.a (Or.); luha_r (H.); lava_r (G.); lo_varu coppersmith (Si.)(CDIAL 11159). lo_y white copper, bell-metal (K.); lo_hitaka reddish; n. calx of brass, bell-metal (Skt.)(CDIAL 11166). cf. lo_hita red (AV.); any red substance (S'Br.)(CDIAL 11165). lauha made of copper or iron (Gr.S'r.); red (MBh.); iron, metal (Skt.); lo_ha made of iron (Pkt.); loha_ iron-coloured, reddish (L.); reddish-brown (of cattle)(P.)(CDIAL 11172a).1687.Joint of a plant: gam.d.ali_ sugarcane joint (Pkt.); gan.d.a joint of plant (Skt.); ga~d.eri_ knot of sugarcane (H.); ganna_ sugarcane (P.H.); gan.d.a_ (Bi.); ga~_r.a_ (H.); ga~_d.a_ (M.); gam.d.i_ri_ sugarcane joint (Pkt.); ga~r.e_ri_ small pieces of sugarcane (Bhoj.); ga~d.eri_ piece of peeled sugarcane (G.); gi~r. log; gi~r.o piece of sugarcane (whence ge~r.nu, gi~r.nu to cut in pieces)(N.); ge~r. tuber (B.); ge~r.i_ piece of sugarcane chopped ready for the mill (Mth.); ged.d.i_, gid.d.ia_ stick (Pkt.); ged.i_ stick used in a game (P.); ger.i_ (H.); gir, girra_ stick, esp. one used in a game (N.); geri_, ger.i_ (H.)(CDIAL 3998). Haft of a tool: kan.t.i handle of a plough (Or.)(CDIAL 2670). gon. handle (Kal.); go_n haft of axe, spade or knife (Kho.); ganu oar, haft of a tool (S.); gan.d.a shaft, or stalk used as a bar, sugarcane joint (Pa.); gamd.a, gamd.iya (Pkt.); gan.a stem (Kt.)(CDIAL 3998). [For semant. 'handle' cf. cmpds.: kan:keyt, kan:ki.t sickle [i.e. kan. handle + katy knife; katti cutting instrument (Ta.)(DEDR 1204)]; kan. koty dagger-shaped knife burned with corpse (To.); kan. ob [ambu (arrow)(DEDR 178)] knife used in child's hair-cutting ceremony (To.); kan.a-k-kai forearm (Ta.)(DEDR 1166).] kata_ra_ a species of sugarcane, tamarind (H.); ka_nta_raka a kind of sugarcane; ka_nta_ra (Sus'r.)(CDIAL 3032). kan-n-al sugar-cane, sugar (Ta.); kannal id. (Ma.); kaln jaggery (Ko.); ganna, kanno sugarcane (Tu.)(DEDR 1414). ga~r.a_, ga~r.a_sa_ fodder cutter; ga~r.a_si_ its blade (Bi.); ga~r.a_s a partic. iron instrument (Bhoj.); ga~r.a_si_, ga~r.a_sa_ knife for cutting fodder or sugarcane (H.); ga~d.a_sa_ chopper for cutting fodder, etc. (P.)(CDIAL 4004). Image: to protrude: kar..al (kar..alv-, kar..an-r--) to protrude, bulge out, pass through (as an arrow); kar..alai wen, tubercle, tumour (Ta.); kar..ar-r-uka to protrude; kar..ala a swelling (chiefly in the groin)(Ma.); kar.v- (kar.d-) to be stretched, proturde through hole (e.g. piles); kar.t- (kar.ty-) to make to protrude through hole; kal. swelling (e.g. caused by blow of a stone)(Ko.); gal.alE swelling of a gland (Ka.); kad.alu-konu to swell, rise, increase (Te.)(DEDR 1350). cf. kad.alu a wave (Te.)(DEDR 1118). Image: joints: karal a swelling; kal.ale a swelling at the joints (Tu.)(DEDR 1350). kar..al piece of sugar-cane (Ma.); kar..alu two or three of the upper joints of a sugar-cane that are insipid (Ka.)(DEDR 1352).
1688a. Anklet: kar..al anklet, toe-ring, sandal, foot (Ta.); foot (Ma.); foot-ring, anklet (Ka.)(DEDR 1351). kar..al (Ta.Ka.Ma.) anklet given as a token of honour to a warrior (Patir-r-up. 34,2)(Ta.lex.) Image: bracelet; ring: kat.a bracelet (Skt.); ring, bracelet, chain (G.); kat.aka ring, bracelet (Pali); kad.aya ring (Pkt.); kad.a_ chain (Pkt.); kero_ bracelet; kor (Gypsy); karai_ (Dm.); ka_r.a bracelet (Phal.); ka_vu, ka_o (Sh.); karu (K.); kar.o ring, chain or hasp to fasten door, buttonhole (S.); bracelet (Marw.); kar.i_ metal ring, anklet (S.); kar.i_ anklet (L.); ring, manacle (P.); metal ring (H.); iron ring (Bi.Mth.); link, hook, chain (G.); kar.u link of a chain (WPah.); ka_r.o bangle (Ku.); kar. lac bracelet worn by women with living husbands (B.); kar.a_ bracelet, magic circle drawn round person or garden produce to keep off jinni (L.); bracelet, tyre of wheel (P.); metal ring (B.); metal ring, link (Or.); ring, bracelet, anklet (H.); kar.i ring, bracelet (B.); kar.u~ circular ring of gold or silver (G.); kad.e~, kad.i_ metal ring (M.); karr.o toe ring; karr.i_ ear-ring (G.); kalli anklet (N.); kad.lu~, kallu~ bracelet, anklet (G.); kad.li_, kalli_ ring, armlet (G.)(CDIAL 2629). kra~ki_, kro_k bracelet < kat.aka (Wg.); ka~_rago_ armring (Pas'.)(CDIAL 2637). kat.akam bracelet (Man.i. 6,114); circle, ring, wheel; kat.ai clasp, fastening of a neck ornament (Ta.); kat.akam bracelet, ring (Ma.); kad.aga, kat.aka bracelet; kad.e, kad.eya id., ring (Ka.); kad.aga thick metal bangle (Kod..); kad.aga bracelet (Tu.); kad.iyamu, kad.emu id., bangle (Te.)(DEDR App. 21).
1701.Silver wire: kan.dla gold or silver wire; kan.dle kash one who draws silver thread (P.lex.)
1688.Image: bill-hook: kan.d.ali a kind of bill-hook or cleaver (Ka.lex.)
1713.Boat: kan.t.ha_la a boat (Skt.lex.)
1685.Image: water-vessel: kandal, kandalu, kandlu a small earthen water-vessel (Ka.); kan-n-al (Ta.); kandel (Tu.)(Ka.lex.) cf. kan-n-al earthen vessel, water-pot (Net.unal. 65); kan- workmanship (Tiv. Tiruva_y. 5,8,3)(Ta.lex.)
1703.Image: a double bag: kan.t.ale, kan.t.a_l.a, kan.t.a_l.e, kan.t.le a double bag carried across a beast (Ka.); kan.t.ha_l.a (M.); kan.t.a_la, kan.t.la (Te.); kan.t.a_l.am (Ta.)(Ka.lex.) Image: bullock-load; sack: kan.t.a_l.am travelling sack placed on a bullock, pack-saddle (Ta.); kan.t.al.amu, kan.t.l.amu bullock-load consisting of two bags filled with goods (Te.); kan.t.ha_l.i a bag having opening in the middle (M.)(DEDR 1174). kan.t.ha_la a bag (Skt.lex.) kun.d.ala a fetter, tie, collar (Skt.lex.) kantal.am armour for the body, coat of mail (Ta.); kattal.amu id. (Te.)(Ta.lex.) cat.t.ai pack or sack for a beast of burden (W.); a weight of about ten maunds (G.Sm.D. I, i,283); cat.an:kam knapsack (W.) (Ta.lex.) Store-room; bamboo basket: kan.d.o_la a basket for holding grain, made of bamboo or canes; any place in which provisions are kept, a store-room; ka_n.d.a_la a basket to hold grain; a granary constructed of bamboos (Ka.lex.) kan.d.o_laka a basket; a safe, store-room; a basket for holding grain (made of cane or bamboo); kan.t.hi_la_ a churning vessel (Skt.lex.) Image: pack-saddle; pannier: kat.t.al.ai saddle, harness, and other equipment for a horse (kat.t.al.ai-p- puravi cu_r..ntu : Ci_vaka. 767) (Ta.lex.) Image: saddle: kot.hi wooden saddle (K.); ka_t.t.hi_ saddle (L.P.); ka_t.hr.i_ old wooden saddle (P.); ka_t.hi_ saddle (H.)(CDIAL 3120). cf. kotthali_ sack (Pali)(CDIAL 3511). ka~dha_war, kanha_war the red loin-cloth laid on bridegroom's shoulder in the marriage ceremony (Bi.); ka~dha_war that part of the yoke which rests on the bullock's neck, a cloth worn over the shoulders (H.) (CDIAL 13634). cf. skandh shoulder, upper part of back (AV.)(CDIAL 13627). skndhya appertaining to the shoulder (AV.); ka~_di ka_t.h pole carried on the shoulders (N.); ka~_dhi_ canvas pad put on the hump of an oil-mill bullock (Bi.); ka~_dhiyo pack-ox (G.)(CDIAL 13636). Image: pack-ox: ka~_dhiyo pack-ox (G.)(CDIAL 13636). kan.t.a_l.a-v-erutu pack-bullock (poti-ma_t.u)(Ta.lex.) cf. e_r-u bull, male of certain animals (pig, deer, buffalo, sambar, tiger, lion)(Ta.); bullock (Ma.); e_r-r-ai, e_t.t.ai male of any animal remarkable for physical strength (Ta.); e_r-an bull (Ma.); e.r male buffalo (Ko.); male buffalo, bull (To.); a_re (pl. arisk) male individual, person, husband (?Br.)(DEDR 917). Image: seat: garta high seat, chariot seat (RV.); chariot (Gaut.)(CDIAL 4051). garduge, gaddige seat (Ka.); gadde id. (Te.); ga_di_ soft pad, cushion (S.); thin mattress, cushion (H.); pad, raised seat (G.); pad, cushion, throne (M.); gadela_ large stuffed seat (M.); gaddi_, gad.d.i_ cushion, pad, seat (P.); gadda_ quilted mattess (H.)(CDIAL 4853). cf. gad.d.i grass, straw, hay (Te.)(DEDR 1158). kat.a twist of straw, mat (TS.)(CDIAL 2630). Image: stool, seat: kan.d.o_ a stool (Kur.); kand.o stool, seat (Malt.)(DEDR 1179).
1704.Coat of mail: kattan.am coat of mail, jacket, tunic (Ta.); kattal.amu armour, mail (Te.); kantal.am armour for the body (Ta.)(DEDR 1203). kot.hi wooden saddle (K.L.); ka_t.t.hi_ saddle (L.P.); ka_t.hr.a_, ka_t.hr.i_ old wooden saddle (P.); ka_t.hi_ wood, saddle (H.)(CDIAL 3120). khat.va_ka_ bedstead (Pa_n..); khat.t.a_ (Pkt.); khat. (D..); xo_t. (Pas'. ka_aat., kat. < Psht. < IA.); xa_t. (Shum.); khat. (Wot..Gaw.Sh.); khat. (K.WPah.); khat.a (S.); khat.t. (L.P.); khat.a (Or.); kha_t.i_ (Bhoj.); kha_t. (Ku.N.); id. (A.B.); id. (Bi.Mth.H.); id. (G.M.Konkan.i); khat.iya_ (Aw.); khat.t.uliya_ little bed (Pkt.); khat.olo plain bedstead (S.); khat.oli_ small bed-bug (P.); khat.auli wooden litter (N.); khat.ala_ (A.); khat.oli_ cot, litter (Bi.); khat.uli_ cot (Mth.); khot.li_ litter (Mth.); khat.ola_ cot (H..); kha_l.lo bed-stead (G.)(CDIAL 3781). khat.a~g bed (M.)(CDIAL 3782). kat.t.il cot, bedstead, couch, sofa, throne (Ta.); bedstead, cot (Ma.); kat.l. cot (Ko.); kat.t.i id. (Kod..); kat.li litter, dooly (Te.); kat.t.ul bed, cot ((Go.); kat.el(i) cot (Kond.a); kat.el (Pe.Mand..); kat.eli (Kuwi); gat.eli (Kuwi.Kui); kateli, kuteli (i.e. kat.eli; pl. kutelka, i.e., kat.elka) id. (Kuwi)[From IA.: kat.eya cot (Pa.); kat.e (Kui); khat.i bedstead, bed (Kur..); kat.e, kat.i (Malt.)](DEDR 1145). kat.t.ila, kat.t.ala, kat.t.il.a door frame (Ma.); kat.o.l. wall of temple compound (?Ko.); kat.t.ol.e door frame (Kod..)(DEDR 1146). Image: bier: khar.u bier (B.); kha_t.i bier (B.); kha_t.a bier (A.); khad.u_ bier (Skt.)(CDIAL 3785). kha_t.uli bier (B.)(CDIAL 3781). kakua_ ladder-like bier for carrying corpse to the burning ghat (Or.)(CDIAL 2598). Mould; piling up bricks; building: kat.t.al.ai mould for making bricks (kat.t.al.ai ko_t.i-t-tiriyin- : Ar-aner-i. 56); matrix in which anything is cast; mould; portrait, image, statue (Perun.. Ucaik. 33,113); similitude, likeness, resemblance; kat.t.a_yam piling up bricks breadthwise, opp. to net.t.a_yam; kat.t.u-man. earthen mould for casting metal vessels (Ta.lex.) kat.t.u (kat.t.i-) to build; n. building (Ta.); ket.t.uka to build; ket.t.u building (Ma.); ket.t.akam house (Ma.); kat.ar.m (obl. kat.ar.t-) wall of brick or stone (Ko.); kot. manage (a house)(To.); kat.t.e structure of earth or stones to sit upon (Ka.); kat.t.ad.a, kat.t.an.a, kat.n.a a building (Ka.); kt.t.- (kt.t.i-) to build; kat.t.ad.a a building (Kod..); kat.t.at.am building (Ta.); kat.t.ad.amu building (Te.); kat.t.a_vuni to have a house built (Tu.); kat.t.an.a, kat.t.alme building (Tu.); kat.t.u to build; kat.t.incu to get build (Te.); kat.t.- to build (Nk.); ka_t.a giva to latch or bolt the door (Kui)(DEDR 1147). Woodman: kat.t.aha_ra, kat.t.aha_rin collecting wood (Pali); ka_t.hari_ya_ woodman (A.); kat.t.haha_ra, kat.t.ha-ha_raya wood-carrier (Pkt.); ka_t.hya_ro wood-seller (S.); ka_t.huriya_ wood-seller (B.); ka_t.hahara_, ka_t.hara_, ka_t.haharia_, kat.haria_, ka_t.huria_ (Or.); kat.hahara_ wood-cutter (H.); kat.hiya_ro id. (G.); kat.hiya_ri_, kat.hiya_ran. his wife (G.)(CDIAL 3131). cf. ka_t.u forest, jungle (Ta.Ma.); ka_d.u (Ka.Te.)(DEDR 1438). Door frame: ka_s.t.haghat.ita made of wood (Skt.); kat.ahar.o railing (S.); kat.ahir.a_ carved framework over a door (P.); kat.hr.a_ wooden cage (H.); kat.her.o wooden railing (G.); kat.hd.a_ wooden railing or framework (M.); kat.ero shed (N.); ka_t.hara_ wooden cage for animals (A.)(CDIAL 3123). katavam, katavu door (Ta.); katavu, kataku door, door-leaves, corner of a door (Ma.); kada, kadavu, kadahu leaf of a door, door (Ka.)(DEDR 1187). Image: four pieces of framework of a bed: ga_t the four pieces forming the framework of a bed (M.); a_d.-ga_t girth of the body, crosspiece of a bed (G.); gatta frame of bed (Pkt.)(CDIAL 4124). Image: frame; perforated metallic frame for drawing wire: cat.t.am perforated metallic frame for drawing wire; socket in a jewel for insetting gems; plan, model (Ta.lex.) cat.t.am frame as of a door, window, cot (Ma.); wooden frame (Ta.); cat.t.akam frame, framework; bed, couch (Ta.)[cat.t.akam pon-n-ir-ceydu : Ci_vaka. 2523)(Ta.); cat.t.an-tai to frame, nail on a frame; to put on reapers for tiles (Ta.lex.) cat. rack, poles on roof parallel to roof-tree to hold tiles or thatch (Ko.); cat.t.a frame of a cart, bedstead, chair, or picture, platform of a cart, bier (Ka.); a litter, bier, window frame (Tu.); cat.t.amu a frame (Te.)(DEDR 2304). sat.t.a two pieces of timber at the side of a door (Skt.); sa_t.o crosspiece of bamboo or wood in a grass wall (N.); frame of a cart (G.); sa_t. backbone (G.); frame of split bamboo (M.); sa_t.a_ id. (M.)(CDIAL 13102). cat.t.a-k-ka_l movable post on which the bazaar (shop) screen rests (Ta.lex.) ca_t.u cart (Ta.Ma.); sa_t.i (Pkt.) < s'akat.i_. (Ta.lex.) sa_t.u~ framework of carriage (G.)(CDIAL 4966). Frame; rule: cat.t.a bier (Ka.Tu.); a litter, sort of palanquin, window frame (Tu.); bottom or platform of a cart; frame of a cart, bedstead, chair, or picture; plan, order, regulation, neatness, fineness (Ka.); cat.t.u the bottom or platform of a cart (Ka.); cat. rack, poles on roof parallel to roof-tree to hold tiles or thatch (Ko.); cat.t.am frame as of a door, window, cot; enclosure, mould; plan, order, proportion; regulation, rule, law (Ma.); wooden frame; socket; rule, order, regulation; exactnes, precision (Ta.); cat.t.akam frame, framework; bed, couch; shape, figure, image, body (Ta.); cat.t.amu a frame; a plan, system, arrangement, law, regulation, rule (Te.); sat.t.a two pieces of timber at the side of a door (Skt.)(DEDR 2304; CDIAL 13102). cat.m rule, tribal custom; cat.t.a frame of a cart, bedstead,; plan, order, regulation, neatness (Ka.); sort of palanquin, bier, window frame (Tu.)(DEDR 2304). cat.t.a bamboo matting (Skt.); cat.a_i_ matting (P.H.G.M.); cat.a_i id. (N.Or.); bamboo matting (Bi.); cat.a_ bamboo lath (Bi.)(CDIAL 4574). sa_t.o frame of a cart (G.); sa_t. frame of split bamboo (M.)(CDIAL 13102). kat.ekat.e railing, balustrade (Ka.)(DEDR 1153). cat.t.a mat (Pa.); sat.t.e id. (Kol.Nk.Ga.) (DEDR 2311).
1690.A paper of settlement: kan.d.an.e, kan.d.ane final settlement; treaty; capitulation; kan.d.an.e-patra a paper of settlement; kan.d.an.e-han.a fixed sum; kad.u greatly, swiftly (Ka.lex.) kat.t.ad.aka a binding written agreement; kat.t.u a regulation, a rule; kan.d.isu to settle, especially the price of a thing (Ka.); khan.d.incu (Te.); kan.d.i (Ta.); kan.d.ita firmness, positiveness (Ka.); khan.d.ita (Te.); kan.t.itam (Ta.)(Ka.lex.)
1694.Image: fish: gen.emi_n a sort of fish (Ka.lex.)
1695.To do: ghe_n.e_m. to do (M.); ge_ to perform; pp. ge_du; ge_me, keyme work; ge_yisu to cause to work (Ka.lex.)
1696.Companionship: gen.etana, gel.etana companionship; gen.e union, companionship (Ka.); coupling (Tu.); gen.ega_ti a female friend; gen.e-ga_r-a a male friend (Ka.lex.)
1698.Image: goldsmith's scales: kan.d.d.a a small scale, small scales to weigh gold or silver (P.lex.)
1700.Image: uneven scales: ka_n.i unevenness of scales, want of equipoise; that which is put to counterpoise; ka_n.i kat.t.u to make scales even; ka_n.i tu_ka the weight of anything put to balance scales (Ka.lex.) cf. ka_n.am an ancient weight; gold, wealth (Ta.); the weight of three kar..acu (Ma.)(DEDR 1444).
1702.Image: thorn: ka_nt.o a thorn (Kon.lex.) cf. khand.va cloth (Nk.)(DEDR 1180). cf. kha~_r.uya_ small piece of coarse cloth (B.)(CDIAL 3801). The coarseness may be connoted by the element -va-: vai sharpness, keenness (Ta.); vaci point, edge, pointed stake (Ta.); vasi nail, thorn (Te.)(DEDR 5552). This is re-inforced by kan.d.i_ thorn bush (S.); ka~_r.e thorny (N.); ka~_t.i_ thorn bush (H.M.)(CDIAL 2679). kan.t.a anything pointed (R.); thorn (Pali); kand (Gypsy)(CDIAL 2668). kan.t.akita thorny (MBh.); kam.t.ai_a (Pkt.): kam.t.ai_lla (Pkt.); ke~t.ela_ porcupine (A.)(CDIAL 2674). karalo thorny (Gypsy); ka~_t.a_r (H.); ka~_t.a_l.u_ (G.)(CDIAL 2678). kan.t.a thorn (BhP.Pkt.); kan.t.aka thorn (S'Br.); anything pointed (R.); ko_n. thorn (Sh.); kand (Gypsy); ka~_n. (Ku.); ka_i_t. (< nom. *kan.t.e_?)(A.); ka~_t. (Bhoj.); ka~_t.a (H.); kan.t.aka thorn, fishbone (Pali); kamt.aya thorn (Pkt.); kanro, kar,o (Gypsy); ka~t.a (Dm.); ka_n.du, ka~_r.o (Phal.); kon.u (Sh.); kond.u (K.); kan.d.o (S.); kan.d.a_ (L.P.); kan.t.a_ (WPah.Or.); kan.t.o (WPah.); ka~_d.a_ (WPah.); ka_no (Ku.); ka~_t.a_ thorn, fishbone (B.H.Aw.M.); ka~_t.o id. (G.); ka_t.a_ thorn (M.); ka_n.t. (Konkan.i); kat.uva (Si.)(CDIAL 2668). ka~_t.i point of an oxgoad (A.)(CDIAL 2679). To embed: gand.en to prick (Kol.); gand. to pierce, of a thorn (Go.); gadda_na_ to be embedded, of a thorn (Go.); ka~_d.u to enter, penetrate, pierce, to pierce through (as arrows)(?Te.)(DEDR 1178). kan.t.am iron style for writing on palmyra leaves (Ta.); gan.t.amu id. (Te.)(DEDR 1170).
1699.Image: hedgehog: ka~d.e_rna_ hedgehog (P.)(CDIAL 2671). ka~_t.a_-sariyo hedgehog (G.)[cf. ka_n.t.aka- thorny and ka~_r. porcupine (Pas'.); s'alyaka porcupine (VS.)(CDIAL 12353, 3022).] kan.e quill of a porcupine, a slender bamboo branch (Tu.); kan.ai arrow (Ta.)(DEDR 1166). ka_nt.o, ka_nt.ea_ thorn (Kon.lex.) Image: thorn: kan.d.d.a (fr. Skt. kan.t.ak) a thorn; a fish bone; a swelling in the throat (P.lex.)
1705.Image: headless trunk: kandh evil spirit without a head (A. < *kau~dh?); kabandha, kavandha headless trunk (R.); big barrel (RV.); kavandha headless (Pali); kabamdha, kavamdha (Pkt.); kayamdha, kamamdha, kapamdha (Pkt.); kavanda headless trunk (Si.)[Perh. with Austro-as. prefix connected with group of ban.d.a maimed (in hands, feet or tail)(AV.); ba~_d.a_ maimed, cripled (H.); ban.d.ha_ bullock with a broken tail (Bi.) ](CDIAL 2758). cat.akku body (Ta_yu. Caccita_n-anta. 2); cat.am body (Te_va_. 805,10)(Ta.lex.) jad.a body, inanimate, lifeless (Skt.lex.) kat.t.ai body, corpse (Ta.); kad.uku a headless trunk (Ka.); kat.a corpse (Skt.)(DEDR 1152).
1706.Screw-pine: kaital, kaitai fragrant screw-pine, pandanus odoratissimus (Ta.); kaita id. (Ma.); ke_dage, ke_dige id. (Ka.); ke_dai, ke_dayi, ke_da_yi flower of the tree p. odoratissimus (Tu.); ge_dagi p. odoratissimus (Te.)(DEDR 2026). ke_taka the tree pandanus odoratissimus (MBh.); ke_taki_ (Pali); ke_aya (Pkt.); keya_ (B.); kia_ (Or.); ke_ (Si.); keur.a_ the tree and its essence (Or.H.); p. odoratissimus (P.); keor.a_ (B.); kewra_ (H.); kevr.o (G.); kevd.a_ (M.); ker.o, kero, kelo (S.)(CDIAL 3462). ta_r..ai fragrant screw-pine, coconut tree, spathe of the coconut tree (Ta.); ta_r..e fragrant screw-pine, pandanus odoratissimus (Ka.); ta_re, ca_re, ha_re, ta_l.e, sa_re coconut tree (Tu.)(DEDR 3183). mukari, mukuli, mucali, mutali fragrant screw-pine, pandanus odoratissimus (Ta.); mogali (Te.); movali id. (Te.inscr.)(DEDR 4890). mun.t.akam fragrant screw-pine, pandanus odoratissimus; mul.ari bramble, thorny twig (Ta.); mul. thorn (Ma.Ta.Ko.To.)(DEDR 4995). Fragrant screwpine: kan.t.al fragrant screw-pine, ta_r..ai (Na_lat.i, 194)(Ta.lex.) Pandanus odoratissimus = pandanus tectorius: cf. kaital fragrant screwpine (Ta.)(DEDR 2026). kaita-cakka pandanus odoratissimus, ananas (Ma.)(DEDR 2275). ke_takai fragrant screwpine, pandanus odoratissimus (ke_takaimun-iva_r ven:kaiva_n.ar : Ven:kaikko_. 319); kaital id. (Te_va_. 532,2)(Ta.lex.) kia baha pandanus odoratissimus (Santali.lex.) In the Philippines, the leaves of pandanus odoratissimus are cooked with rice as a perfume... its leaves are also used to flavor ice cream and sherbets... Nadkarni states that the perfumed oil, called kevda oil, is extracted from the floral bracts... the oil is valued as a perfume and is used in India as a remedy for earchache and suppuration of the meatus... the oil enters into the preparation of cosmetics, according to Menaut, and Corre and Lejanne (Medicinal Plants of the Philippines, p.81). "It appears that the ancient Hindus, like the Babylonians, had some inkling of the presence of sex in plants. For example the male plants of pandanus odoratissimus were called ketaki_viphala or dhuli_pus.pika_, the female as svarn.aketaki_, and the male and female together as ketaki_dvayam (or a pair of ketaki_s)" (The Gazetteer of India, 1965, I, p.165). ketaka (Skt.); keora (H.); keya (B.); keura (M.); talhai (Ta.); ketaki (Te.); tala (Ma.); leaves: bitter, pungent, aromatic, used in leprosy, small-pox, syphilis, scabies and leucoderma; oil from bracts: stimulant, antiseptic, administered for headache and rheumatism; outer part of the flower yields an essential oil containing 70% methyl ether; habitat: seacoast of the Indian peninsula on both sides and the Andamans (GIMP, p.184). cf. ke_taka the tree pandanus odoratissimus (MBh.); keda (Savara)(CDIAL 3462). keora screw-pine, pandanus tectorius (H.); gul-i-keora (Persian)(A Concise History of Science in India, p.397).
1707.Wild almond: ka_nta_ name of various plants, large cardamom (Skt.); ka_nta barringtonia acutangula (Skt.); kte almond (Kt.); ka_ta (Wg.); ka_nda (Kal.); kandu wild almond tree (Kho.)(CDIAL 3030). nicula the tree barringtonia acutangula (Sus'r.Pali); n.icula id. (Pkt.); nisul.u (Si.)(CDIAL 7179). nico_la barringtonia acutangula (Car.)(CDIAL 10177). mucalinda, mucala, nicula the tree barringtonia acutangula (Pali); mudalindu a kind of tree (Si.)(CDIAL 10177). Barringtonia acutangula: dhatriphala (Skt.); hijal (B.); hijjal (H.); samundarphal (M.); kadappai (Ta.); kadapa (Te.); piwar (M.); samutra-pallam (M.); powdered seed: emetic expectorant and as snuff in headache; glucosoide, saponin, barringtonin; common in the sub-Himalayan tracts and Madhya Pradesh and S. India (GIMP, p.34). hin.jor. barringtonia acutantula (Santali.lex.) vidula barringtonia acutangula (Car. Su. 4.23). Barringtonia acutangula = eugenia acutangula = stravadium luzonense: ... a smooth tree 8 to 12 meters in height. The bark is dark brown, rough, and 10 to 13 mm. thick... the fruit is oblong-ovoid... pointed, and crowned by persistent calyx lobes... In the Philippines, the bark is used as a fish poison. The bark in decoction, is given as a stomachic in some parts of the Philippines... is used on wounds. Dymock, Warden and Hooper report that in Amboina and India the root and bark are similarly used. Kirtikar and Basu and Drury affirm that the root is bitter and is supposed to be similar to cinchona in its properties... Kirtikar and Basu and Nadkarni report that the juice of the leaves is given in diarrhoea. Murray reports that in Sind the fruit is an invaluable remedy for coughs, colds, and asthma. Watt says that the seeds are very warm and dry, and are used as an aromatic in colic and in parturition; also in ophthalmia. The kernels, powdered and prepared with sago and butter, are said to be used in diarrhoea... an external application in colds... Kirtikar and Basu and Nadkarni say that the powdered seeds are used as snuff in cases of headache ... seed or fruit (rubbed with the juice of fresh ginger)... externally applied to the chest to relieve pain and colds and to the abdomen to relieve colic and flatulence. (Medicinal Plants of the Philippines, pp. 648-649).
1708.Bulbous root; mangrove: gan.dha_ bulb (L.); gan.d.hi bulb of onion (K.); gad.d.h onion (L.)(CDIAL 4354). kanda bulbous root (MBh.Pali); garlic (Skt.); bulb (Pali); kam.da bulbous root (Pkt.); kam.di_ radish (Pkt.); kanda_ edible bulbous root (Or.); kanda_ squill, scilla indica (H.); ka~_da bulb (OMth.); onion, allium capa (H.); bulbous root, onion (M.); ka~_do bulbous root, onion (G.); onion (Konkan.i)(CDIAL 2723). kan.t.al mangrove, rhizophora mucronata; dichotomous mangrove, kandelia rheedii (Ta.); kan.t.a bulbous root as of lotus, plantain; point where branches and bunches grow out of the stem of a palm; kan.t.al what is bulb-like, half-ripe jackfruit and other green fruits; r. candel (Ma.); gad.d.e, ged.d.e any bulbous root, esp. that of the lotus; gEn.d.E bulbous root (Ka.); kan.d.e root-stock from which small roots grow (Kod..); ila.ti kan.d.e sweet potato (ila.ti England)(Kod..); kan.d.e, gad.d.e a bulbous root (Tu.); ka_n.d.elu a kind of tree growing near salt water (Tu.); gad.d.a, ged.d.a a bulbous root, bulb (Te.); gad.d.a tuber (Kol.); gidda, in: ulli gidda onion (Kuwi); kad.ol mangrove (Si.)(DEDR 1171). "...found abundantly in mangrove swamps... occurs in India to Malaya... According to Kirtikar and Basu, the whole of the plant abounds in an astringent principle. A decoction of the bark is used to stop haemorrhages, and is applied to malignant ulcers... the bark is used in India as a haemostatic." (Medicinal Plants of the Philippines, p.652).
1709.Image: circle; jackfruit tree: kan.t.har. the jackfruit tree and fruit, artocarpus integrifolia (Santali.lex.) Artocarpus heterophyllus = artocarpus integrifolia: kanthal, kathal (H.B.); panasa (S.Te.); phanas (M.); pilapalam (Ta.); leaves: used in skin diseases; root: used internally in diarrhea; juice of plant: applied to glandular swellings and abscesses to promote suppuration; wood yields colouring matter morin and cyanomaclurin; indigenous to India (GIMP, p.27). panasa atrocarpus hetrophyllus (Car. Su. 25.49, 26.84). cakka big round fruit as of artocarpus integrifolia, bread-fruit (artocarpus incisa), wild artocarpus (artocarpus hirsuta)(Ma.); cakkai jackfruit, jungle jack (Ta.); jaka artocarpus integrifolia (Ka.); cakke jackfruit (Kod..)(DEDR 2275). d.ahu artocarpus lakoocha (Santali.lex.)
1711.Image: joint: gan.t.u a joint or articulation of the body (Ka.lex.)
1712.Bundle: gan.t.ad.i, ga_n.t.ad.i a little bundle, a parcel (Ka.); gat.had.i (M.H.); gan.t.u ha_ku to employ capital; gan.t.u that has been tied together or laid by: money, wealth; capital or stock in trade; a bundle, a parcel, a bag (Ka.Te.)(Ka.lex.) gam.t.hi bundle (Pkt.); gan.d.ir.i_ bundle (S.); ga~_t.hr.i_ bundle (G.)(CDIAL 4354). ga_nt., ga_nt.i knot; joint; heap of money, riches; bundle (Kon.lex.) gat.hau~d tying a knot, a pledge tied up in a bundle (H.)(CDIAL 4352). ga~_t.hnu to tie up, make a bundle of (N.); ga~_thiba to string together (A.)(CDIAL 4353). gan.t.u a knot, the knot of a cord (Ka.Te.); a bundle, a bag, a parcel (Ka.Te.); that has been tied together or laid by: money, wealth; capital or stock in trade; a joint or articulation of the body; beral.ina gan.t.u = finger knuckles (Ka.lex.) kan.d.ike a stalk or stem; ka_n.d.a id. (Ka.); a cluster, a bundle (Ka.lex.) Bundle of sticks: gad.o bundle of grass (S.); gad.d.a_ armful of straw (L.); handful of sticks (P.); gad.d.i_ load of rice in straw (P.); gid. straw (Bshk.)(CDIAL 3982). gad.d.i, gad.d.e, gat.t.i a bunch or bundle; a quantity of ten quires of paper (Ka.M.) (Ka.lex.) kante a bundle as of grass, straw etc. (Ka.); kar-r-ai = kat.t.u (Ma.); kar-r-ai (Ta.)(Ka.lex.) cf. grathna bunch (Skt.); gat.t.hiya_ bunch (Pkt.); gat.t.ha_ bundle (P.N.P.); gat.hri (N.); gat.hri_ (H.); gat.t.ho knot, lump (G.); gat.hd.i_, gat.hd.e~ bundle (M.)(CDIAL 4348). grathna_ti fastens (TS.); gat.t.hana_ to unite, mend (P.)(CDIAL 4349). cf. grantha a script (Skt.lex.) Collection: kad.appa collection, bundle (Pkt.); kar.ap a few handfuls of plants, etc. uprooted and thrown together to dry for making into bundles (G.); kar.aplu~ small handful of plants thrown together, etc. (G.); kar.ab dried stalks of millet, etc. used as fodder (G.); kad.ap bundle of gram etc. picked for drying before stacking (M.)(CDIAL 2652). kala_pa bundle, quiver of arrows (MBh.); bundle, sheaf, quiver (Pali); kala_paka bundle (Pali); kalamba crowd (Skt.); kala_va collection, quiver, peacock's tail (Pkt.); kala_va, kala_vr.a_ armful, bundle (P.); kala_u group, cluster (OG.); kalam.ba bunch, cluster, bundle (Si.)(CDIAL 2931). Bundle of grass: gat.t.ha_ bundle (P.N.H.); gat.hri (N.H.); gat.hd.i_, gat.hd.e~ bundle(M.)(CDIAL 4348). gad.i_ small bundle of grass (S.)(CDIAL 4853). kat.t.u bundle, packet (Ta.); bundle (Ka.); kat.t.a bundle (Te.); kat.a bundle (of hay, etc.)(Kond.a); ket.t.uka to make into a bundle (Ma.); ket.t.u bundle (Ma.)(DEDR 1147). kar-r-ai collection (as of hair, rays of the sun), bundle (as of straw, grass, paddy seedlings), coconut leaves braided like ropes as bands for hedging (Ta.); kar-r-a bundle (as of grass, straw), sheaf of corn (Ma.); kante bundle (as of grass, straw, etc.)(Ka.)(DEDR 1400). Bundle of reeds; carrying pole, collect: ka~dheuli, kha~deuli stick carried by coolies across shoulders to take the weight of a load (N.); kha~duwa_, kha~dilo heavy, solid (N.); kandha_, kana_ large bundle of reeds, etc. carried on the shoulder (A.); ka_nhe on the shoulder (Bi.); skandhika bearing on the shoulders (Skt.)(CDIAL 13627). ka~_di ka_t.h pole carried on the shoulders (N.); ka_ndheiba_ to carry on the shoulder (Or.); ka~_dhana_ to raise, collect (H.)(CDIAL 13632-6). kandha_t.u wooden collar on a bullock's neck when working a water-wheel (S.)(CDIAL 13628). kanaili_ pillars holding up a piece of wood supporting roof at end opposite the weaver (Bi.); kandhela_ lefthand post supporting the roller of a loom (Mth.)(CDIAL 13629). ka_ttan.t.u pole for carrying on the shoulder weights balanced at both ends (Kur-al., 1163, Urai)(Ta.lex.) Images: pole carried on shoulders: ka~_di ka_t.h pole carried on the shoulders (N.)(CDIAL 13636). Image: load on shoulders: kha~duwa_, kha~dilo heavy, solid; ka~dheuli, kha~deuli stick carried by coolies across shoulders to take the weight of a load (N.); kana_, kandha_ large bundle of reeds etc. carried on the shoulder (A.); ka_nhe on the shoulder (Bi.)(CDIAL 13627). ka~_dhi_ one who gives a shoulder to carry a corpse (S.); kha~_dhiyo one who carries a bier (G.); kha~_dya_ fellow-bearer (esp. of a bier or corpse)(M.)(CDIAL 13648). [cf. ka_vad.i pole for carrying burdens (Tu.Ka.Te.)(DEDR 1417).] ka_maram shoulder-pole for carrying heavy timber (Ta.Ma.)(Ta.lex. < ka_vu + maram: ka_vu sacrifice to inferior deities < gha_u (Pkt.); ka_vu to carry on the shoulder, as a palanquin, a pole with a weight at each end (Pur-ana_. 206)(Ta.lex.)
1710.Image: gate: gan.d.i-ka_vali the watcher of the wicket of a fort; one who takes tolls at a pass (Ka.lex.)
1714.Image: space between two mountains; defile: kha~_d space between two things, defile, pass (N.)(CDIAL 13625). Mountain pass: kan.t.i mountain pass, gap in a hedge or fence, breach in a wall (Ta.); kan.d.i, gan.d.i chink, hole, opening (Ka.); kan.d.i mountain pass, narrow passage (Kod..); gan.d.i, gan.d.ika hole, orifice, breach, gap, lane (Te.)(DEDR 1176). Ferryman; toll-colletor: gha~_t.ua_l.a ferryman, toll-collector; gha~_t.ua_ra_ ferryman (Or.); ghat.wa_l, ghat.wa_r wharfinger (H.); gha_t.oa_l, gha_t.a_l man in charge of a gha_t. (B.)(CDIAL 4416). ghat.t.a ferry (Skt.Pkt.); ghat.t.i_ small ferry (Skt.); gha_t.a ferry, wharf (Or.)(CDIAL 4414). kad.a a ferry (Ka.); kat.t.akad.a the very end, the very last place or point (Te.)(DEDR 1109). kam.t.i_ ground near a mountain (Pkt.)(CDIAL 2669). khan.d.a hill pasture (Gaw.); khan hill (Bshk.); kha_n, khan.d. (Tor.); kha_n (Mai.); ka_n (Chil.Gau.); kha_n. (Phal.); khun., khonn, kho_n.e, kho_n. mountain (Sh.); khan mountain pass (Sh.)(CDIAL 3792). kan.ava_y mountain pass, ravine (Ta.); kan.ava_ mountain, ghat, ravine (Ma.); kan.ame, kan.ave, kan.ime, kan.ive narrow pass between two mountains, gap (Ka.); kan.uven the plains (? passes, ravines) to the east of Coorg (Kod..); kan.ime defile or pass (Tu.); kanuma, kanama, kalama gap, opening, narrow pass between hills, defile (Te.)(DEDR 1163). khir. mountain pass, valley (G.); khi~d. mountain pass (M.)(CDIAL 3882). khad.d. ravine (L.P.); kha_r.i creek (N.); kha_r.i_ creek, inlet (B.H.); kha_d. creek (M.); kha_d.i_ creek, inlet (M.)(CDIAL 3790). River: gad.o_r. river, stream (WPah.); gar.-tir bank of a river (N.)(CDIAL 3981). khan hill (Bshk.); kha_n (Tor.Mai.); ka_n (Chil.Gau.); khandi (Par.); khan.d. hill (Tor.); kha_n., khan. (Phal.); khun., khonn, kho_ne, kho_n. (Sh.)(CDIAL 13627). Ferry, boat: kad.apu a ferry (Tu.); kat.attu boat (Ta.); kad.a a ferry, ford (Ka.); kat.avu beach, landing place, wharf (Ma.)(DEDR 1109). kat.t.ha_ a small-sized boat (Jain.Skt.) kishti a boat (Santali.lex.) kat.ai-k-ka_l channel that is far away from a field; kat.ai-p-po_kku flood-gate of a tank; land reserved for village purposes; kat.ai-mat.ai the last sluice of a tank; the opening of a channel into the last field irrigated by it; land at the far end of the irrigation channel (Ta.lex.) Ferry; shore: kar-na_v a large ferryboat endowed to carry passengers free of toll (K.)(CDIAL 2780). cf. kat.attu boat (Ta.)(DEDR 1109). karai shore, bank, ridge of a field, border of a cloth (Ta.); kara shore, riverside, land (opp. to sea), coloured border of a cloth (Ma.); shore, bank (Te.); karum, karun, karrum, karrun, garre near (?Go.); karrak bank, shore, brim, border, edging, near (?Br.)(DEDR 1293). cf. The element, kar-, kar.-in kar-kumma_ turtle; kar.-kumma_ tortoise. Wooden sailing craft: kad.ouga_r, kad.ouga_ra_ ferryman (Kon.lex.) kad.a a ferry, a ford (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) kat.a-ttal to pass through; to traverse, cross as a river, a country (Na_lat.i, 398)(Ta.); kad.atsu id. (Te.); kad.a id. (Ma.Tu.); kat.appu passing over (Ce_tupu. Ce_tuva. 6)(Ta.lex.) kat.al sea (Ta.); kad.al (Ka.Ma.); kad.ali (Tu.); kad.alu (Tu.); kat.alo_t.i mariner, seaman (Cilap. 2,2, Arum.); kat.alar fishermen, inhabitants of maritime tracts; kat.avunar those who conduct, lead or marriage (Cilap. 5,54); kat.an-maram wooden sailing craft (Nar-. 30)(Ta.lex.) kad.ou, kad.va_ ferry (Kon.lex.) kad.apa adv. beyond, across; kad.apu to cross; kad.apu, kad.avu ferry (Tu.lex.) kat.attu boat; kat.attu (kat.atti-) to cause to go, drive, transport, pass (as time)(Ta.); kat.attu transporting, conveying; kat.appu passage, transgression (Ma.); kar.v- (kar.d-) to cross (river); kar.t- (kayt-/kar.ty-) to make to cross, send off; kar.v cattle-path through bushes, ford (Ko.); kad.- (kad.0-) to leave, pass, cross; kar.t- (kar.ty-) to take across, send (To.); kad.f path, entrance to wood (To.); kad.a a ferry, ford (Ka.); kad.a (kad.ap-, kd.and-) to cross; kad.at (kad.ati-) to take across (Kod..); kad.apuni to cross, ford; kad.apa_vuni to cause to pass, help one to ford a river; kad.apud.uni to dispatch, forward, send away; kad.apu a ferry; kad.apelu that which can be crossed over (Tu.); kad.acu, gad.acu, gad.ucu to cross, pass over; kad.apa, gad.apa threshold (Te.); kad.a (pl. kad.el) end, side; kad.p- (kad.t-) to cross (Pa.); karp- (kart-) to cross (Ga.); gar.vi- (-t-) to go beyond the boundary of a village; na_ (-t-), na_v- (-it-) to cross (< *n.a_- < *gn.a_-)(Kond.a); gr.a_pa (gr.a_t-) to cross, cross over, ford, pass by; n. act of crossing, fording, passing by; d.r.a_pa (d.r.a_t-) to step over, overflow; n. step, sill, threshold (Kui); gra_ncali to cross over; gla'nai to pass, cross (river); gn.a'- to cross; gn.ap- to take across (Kuwi); kat.t.na_ to cross, surpass; kar.ta'a_na_, kat.ta'a_na_ to take across; pass over (Kur.); kat.e to cross, pass; kat.tre to pass, spen dtime; help across (Malt.); xarring to proceed on foot, make one's way (Br.)(DEDR 1109).
1715.Image: division of paddy-land; square: kanda a compartment of a house, field, box, trap; a bed in a garden; to divide into compartments by means of partition walls, ridges etc. (Mu.); khand.ua_ to divide (Skt.); kanda-kanda to divide into small compartments or plots; kanda the ceremony by which an outcast is purified and re-admitted into the tribe ; kandi a contract by which a bullock or buffalo is handed over to somebody who will take care of it and graze it, at the same time using it occasionally for his own work; kanditen uri, kanditen ker.a a bullock or buffalo lent under this contract; khandia the loan of a bullock or buffalo; kandia uri, kandia ked.a a leased bullock or buffalo (Mu.lex.) kan.d.a a division of paddy-land, a paddy-field (Tu.); ke_da_ra (Skt.Ka.); gadde, gare a field, especially paddy-land, a paddy-field (Ka.); kayai (Te.); katini, kayni (Ta.Ma.); gaddeka_ne a multitude of fields, kaida_raka, kaida_rya, gaddegal.a gumpu (Ka.); gaddeka_ne = gadde tevaru = gadde mad.i = gadde gan.n.a a ridge or bank dividing rice-fields; gadde bada = gadde tevaru = gadde badu = gadde bada = gade mad.i a paddy-field; gadde-mad.i-ruma_le a (silken) turban-cloth with squares; gadde-bayalu a low-lying plain or open tract containing paddy-fields (Ka.lex.) Newly reclaimed rice-growing land: khan.d.it land reclaimed for rice cultivation by a ryot at his own expense; loeya khan.d.it newly reclaimed rice-growing land (Santali.lex.) na~wa_ ot khet newly reclaimed land; ot do na~wa~entalea our land is newly reclaimed; na~wa~ new, fresh, recent; ot world, earth, soil, ground, floor of a house; sebel ot fertile soil; ot serma earth and heaven (Santali.lex.) Paddy field: ga_dega_r, ga_dega_ra_ cultivator; ga_do, ga_dea_ field (Kon.lex.) cf. gan.d.u-mad.i wet or paddy land (Te.); gad.d.uva-mad.i id. (Te.inscr.); gan.d.amu a paddy field (Te.); gado muddy, slushy, slimy (Kui); gadda_ sediment, alluvium (Kur.); gad paddy field (Ko.); kar..an-i field, paddyfield, mud (Ta.); mire, ricefield (Ma.); gan.n.a a division of paddy-land, a paddy-field (Ka.); gar..de inscr.); garde, gadde field, esp. paddyfiled (Ka.); gedde field (Ka.); kan.d.o, gan.n.a id. (Tu.); gal.de id. (Bel.); gedda id. (Kor.)(DEDR 1355). cf. karda-, kardat.a- mud (CDIAL 2867-70). Image: field: cf. gaun.d.a_ field near a village (H.)(CDIAL 4283). khan.d. a division, a section, an apartment in a house; khan.d.ao to divide, to make into divisions or parterre; or.akin khan.d.aoa I will divide my house into apartments; gan.d.a gut.i to divide, to make up an account; the system is to put down a pebble, or any other small object, as the name of each person entitled to a share is mentioned. Then a share is placed alongside of each pebble, or whatever is laid down (Santali.lex.) Image: slice, piece: kan.t.am piece, slice, portion; small ridges between paddy fields which divide the field into plots and embank the water required for the crop (vayal-varampu)(Ta.lex.) Cultivated field: khan.d.ar hole, pit (H.); kha~r.ar broken ground, chasm, hole; dilapidated (H.); khan.d.a_ cultivated field (Pas'.); khan.d.i_ small cultivated field (Pas'.)(CDIAL 3792). Land: khan.d.a cultivated field (Pas'.); hill pasture (Gaw.); khen. field (Parachi.Iranian); khan hill (Bshk.); mountain pass (Sh.)(CDIAL 3792). Ridges between paddy fields: kan.t.am small ridges between paddy fields; kan.t.ikai division of a field (Ta.lex.)[cf. khan.d.a (Skt.)] kha~dhaut. a division of a large area of cultivated land (khandha_) which is again divided into fields (CDIAL 13633). Large area of aultivated land: khandh, khandha_ large area of cultivated land (Or.)(CDIAL 13627). *skandhavarti mass circumference (Skt.)(CDIAL 13633). Royal city: skandha-dha_na a royal city; skandha-va_ra a royal capital, royal residence (Ka.lex.) kanda_ca_ra military; the native militia; police (Ka.H.)(Ka.lex.) Land bordering on a mountain: ka~_t.he~ arable land near the edge of a hill (M.); kam.tha border,ge (Pkt.); kad.d.ha_ bank (L.); kan.d.ha_ edge, border (WPah.); bank, shore (P.); kan.d.hi_ land bordering on a mountain (P.); ka~_t.h outskirts of a town; ka~_t.ha_ near (H.)(CDIAL 2680). kam.t.i_ space near a village, ground near a mountain, neighbourhood (Pkt.)(CDIAL 2669). ga_n. small embanked field within a field to keep water in (L.); cavity containing water on a raised piece of land (M.); mine, hole for keeping water (S.); gar.-tir bank of a river (N.)(CDIAL 2851). kantaram mountain cave (Cilap. Pirapan. Co_n.acai. 15)(Ta.lex.) kandara cave, glen (R.); cave, grotto, glen (Pali.); kam.dara hole, cave (Pkt.); ka~dri_ well dug in a river bank into which river water infiltrates (Bi.); kandura mountain stream or gorge (Si.)(CDIAL 2724). Image: narrowest part of a hole: kan.t.ha narrowest part of a hole (Sus'r.)(CDIAL 2680).
1715a. Fireplace; trench; pit: kanda small trench for fireplace (Kui); trench made as a fireplace during weddings (Kond.a); fire-trench (Pe.); kanduka, kandaka ditch, trench (Tu.); kandakamu id. (Te.); kandri a pit (Malt.)(DEDR 1214). ka_maram fireplace for cooking (Ta.lex.) cf. ka_ntu to burn (Ta.Ma.); to be scorched, charred, reduced to cinder; to shine, give out lustre,. emit rays (Kampara_. Cat.a_yuka_. 37)(Ta.lex.)
1716.Paddy field: ga_l.u small field (Kho.); gad.a cultivated field (Skt.prob. same as gad.a ditch, hole (Pkt.CDIAL 3967); gar.o field (Ku.); garo terraced field (N.); ga_ra cultivated field (Dm.)(CDIAL 3968). gara_ high bank (A.); gal. hole in the game of marbles (M.)(CDIAL 3967). Island: gad.d.e, gan.t.e island (Ka.); gad.d.a island (Te.)(DEDR 1148). kar..ani field, paddyfield, mud (Ta.); mire, ricefield (Ma.); gal.de, kan.d.o, gan.n.a field (Tu.); gan.n.a a division of paddy-land, a paddy field (Ka.); gar..de (inscr.), garde, gadde field, esp. paddy field (Ka.); gad.d.uva-mad.i (inscr.), gan.d.u-mad.i wet or paddy land; gan.d.amu a paddy field (Te.); gadda_ sediment, alluvium (Kur.); gado muddy, slushy, slimy (Kui); gedda field (Kor.); gad paddy field (Ko.)(DEDR 1355). Mud: kat.t.i clod (Ta.); gat.t.e, get.t.i, get.t. a lump, clod (Tu.); kat.t.a mass, clod (Ma.); gad.d.a clod (Te.)[re_gad.a, re_-gad.i clay (Te.)(DEDR 820)]; gad.a clod (Go.)(DEDR 1148).
1717.Well, tank: ke_n.i small tank, well, ditch, trench; kin.ar-u well (Ta.); ke_n.i temporary well or tank, hole dug in a river's bed (Ma.Ka.); a mine (Ma.); kin.aru well (Ma.)(DEDR 1998). Stone-faced tank: ko_ne_ri a faced tank with steps on all sides (Ta.); ko_ne_ru a square tank or pond with steps constructed on all sides (Te.)(DEDR 2215). Mine: a_khe_t.a a mine, cavern (Skt.lex.) a_khara hole or lair of an animal (RV.); a_khar, a_kar id. (H.)(CDIAL 1034). ka_n.t.ai cave, cavern; dwelling of a sage, hermitage; kan.t.ar-ai cavern in a rock (Tiva_.)(Ta.lex.) cf. kha_ni mine (Skt.N.); quantity (A.); kha_n.i_ mine (Pkt.P.); mine, source (G.M.); kha_n mine (K.); mine, quarry, abundance (H.); cavity in oil or sugar mill; mat.i-kha_n clay pit (Bi.); kha_n.i mine, quarry, water in a pit (S.); kha_n. mine (L.Ku.); mine, source (M.); kha_ni_ mine (B.); kha_ni mine (Bhoj.Aw.); kha_n.i mine, source (G.); kani cave, cell (OSi.); ken cave, hollow in cliff (Kho.); ke_n. (Phal.); kha_naka in: mu_la-kha_naka digger of roots (Mn.)(CDIAL 3873). kha_nya anything being dug out (Pa_n..); khanya coming from excavations (TS.); khan.n.a fit for diggin; ditch (Pkt.); kha_na_ pit, pond, ravine (B.)(CDIAL 3874). Dug: kha_nya anything being dug out (Pa_n..); khanya coming from excavations (TS.); khan.n.a fit for digging; n. ditch (Pkt.); kha_na_ pit, pond, ravine (B.)(CDIAL 3874). cf. kun.d.a pit, well, spring (Skt.)(DEDR 1669). kha_ni digging instrument; mine (Skt.); kha_n.i_ mine (Pkt.); xani, xanig, xaning well (Gypsy); kha_n mine (K.H.); quarry, abundance (H.); mat.i-kha_n clay pit (Bi.); kha_ni mine (Bhoj.Aw.); kha_n. mine (L.Ku.); id. (G.M.); kha_n.i_ mine (P.); kha_ni_ (B.); kha_ni (N.); quantity (A.); kha_n.i mine source (G.); kha_n.i_ mine source (G.M.); kani cave, cell (OSi.); ken cave, hollow in cliff (Kho.); ke_n. (Phal.)(CDIAL 3873). khana digging (AV.); khan hole, hollow made in grain, breach in a river bank (K.); khan. digging (Ku.); khan-jot tillage(N.)(CDIAL 3810). khanati digs (RV.Pali); khan.ai (Pkt.); khan to dig (Pas'.); konyo_nu to dig (Sh.); khanun (K.); khan.an.u (S.); khan.n.o (Ku.); khana_ (B.); khannu (N.); khanna_ to dig, scrape (H.); khan.vu~ to dig (G.); khan.n.e~ (M.); khan.u_ka (Konkan.i); khun.n.a_ to dig, carve, cut (P.); kha_ne_ti causes to be dug (Pali); kheneik, kaneik to dig (Kho.); kha_nia (Pkt.); kha_niba (A.); kha_n.n.e~ (M.); kaninava_, pret. kanna_ (Si.); khanapita, kha_na_pita (As'.); khan.avide (NiDoc.); khana_iba (A.); kan.avaya absol. (OSi.); kanar plucks, tears (Gypsy); ka_na_r strips (Gypsy); xan, xand, pret. xanlo to dig (Gypsy); kha~_dn.e~ to dig (M.)(CDIAL 3811). khanana act of digging (Skt.); khan.ana (Pali.Pkt.); kan.anu (OSi.); khanana_wun to cause to be dug (K.)(CDIAL 3812). khani digging up (AV.VarBr.S.); mine (A.); khan.i mine (Pkt.); large pit for storing paddy (Or.); khan.a_ large and deep pit, trench (Or.); khan mine (H.); khani_ pit in which husked rice or other grain is kept (H.); khan. mine, quarry (M.); kheni pit (NiDoc.)(CDIAL 3813).
1687a. Spade: khanta_ long-handled spade (B.); khanitra digging tool (RV.); khanitti_ (Pali); khan.itta (Pkt.); khanti spud (N.A.); khunti long-handled spud (B.); khan.ata_, khan.ati_, khan.anta_, khan.anti_ narrow spade (Or.); khanti_ pointed iron instrument for tapping well-spring (Bi.); spud (H.); khan.te~ instrument for digging holes (M.); khanati_ hoe (Mth.); khanta_ digging instrument (Bhoj.)(CDIAL 3814). kan.icci battle-axe, hatchet (Ma.); kan.si spade (Kond.a)(DEDR 1166). kan-n-am hole made by burglars in a house-wall, theft, burglary (Ta.); kannam perforation of a wall by thieves (Ma.); kanna hole made by burglars in a housewall, chink (Ka.); hole (Tu.); kannamu hole, bore, orifice, hole made by a burglar in a wall (Te.); kannomi a hole (Kuwi)(DEDR 1412).
1749.Three-cornered file for sharpening saws: kana~hi~ three-cornered file for sharpening saws (S.); ka_nas file, saw (G.M.); ka_nasn.e~ to file (M.); kannasi_ file (CDIAL 2731).
1680.To scrape, to shear: ka_nt scrape e.g. a coconut; ka_ntol.i, ka_ntl.i white kernel of a coconut; ka_ntnem. a kind of tool for scraping cocoanuts (Kon.lex.) kantati (Pali); kam.tai cuts (Pkt.); kr.ntati cuts (RV.); kun.d.n.o~ to clip, shear (WPah.); ka_ntu_ka to scrape a coconut (Konkan.i)(CDIAL 3433). Coir: ka_ti coir, cord made of it (Ka.); katta coconut fibre (Ka.); coir, fibres of the coconut used to make rope with (Tu.); ka_th(y)a_ id. (M.)(DEDR 1446).
1691.Image: pot, water: ka_n.t.am < ka_n.d.a water; sacred water (Kalla_. 49,16); ka_n.t.akam [ prob. karan.d.aka] pot with a spout, ewer (Pin. Cu_t.a.)(Ta.lex.) ka_n.d.a_ya a large vessel for boiling (Tu.lex.)
1692.Image: rim of a vessel: kan.d.u the rim of a vessel; the foot of any vase-shaped vessel; an offset in the wall of a well; an offset (or set-off) at the foot of a wall; a flight of stairs leading down to the water of a well; kat.t.u a band, a tie; the tire of a wheel; kan.t.ha the neck (of a vessel) (Ka.lex.)
1667.Image: brim of a vessel: ka_nt., ka_nt.a_ brim of a vessel; ka_nt. pariya_nt up to the brim; ka_nt., ka_nt.i basket (Kon.lex.) Image: rim of a vessel: ka_tu projection in the rim of a vessel serving as a handle; ear of a jar (Ta.lex.) ka_tu handle of vessel (Ma.)(DEDR 1448). ka_tu-k-kar--cat.t.i eared vessel made of soap-stone; ka_tu-k-kin.n.am vessel with projections in the rim for lifting; ka_tu-p-pa_n-ai vessel with projections in the rim serving as handle (Ta.lex.) cf. karrak bank, brim, border, edging, near (?Br.)(DEDR 1293). Image: part of back: cf. kar..uttu neck, throat (Ta.)(DEDR 1366). Image: throat: gan.t.alu, gan.t.al, gan.t.ala, gan.t.lu the throat; gan.t.lu cut.ige a particular swelling of the uvula (Ka.lex.) cf. kan.t.ha neck (Skt.)(CDIAL 2680). kandhara head-bearer: the neck; kandhare the neck; kandha the neck (Ka.lex.) Image: upper side of neck; ring on body: ke_ta_ri upper side of a horse's neck (Kalit. 96, Urai.); a whorl or ring of hair on a horse's body (Acuvaca_. 149)(Ta.lex.) Neck-like elevation: ka_t.i neck, nape of the neck (cf. gha_t.ika_)(Poruna. 115); neck-like elevation on the floor for placing big pots (Perumpa_n.. 57, Urai)(Ta.lex.) Image: nape of the neck; clasp: kia_d.ia_ upper part of neck; kiya_d.iya_ upper part of ear (Pkt.); kia_r.i_ nape of neck (L.); back of the head, the hair on it (S.); nape of neck, back of head, jaw; adv. behind (P.); back of neck (WPah.); kiri_k back of neck (Wg.); kaker.ik throat (Ash.); kr.ka_t.ika_ joint of neck (Sus'r.); kr.ka_t.a (AV.)(CDIAL 3419). gri_va nape of neck (RV.); gi_va_ neck (Pali.Pkt.); giri_w collar; gre_w-at.i_ collar-bone (Wg.); grek neck (Kt.); gi_k (Pr.); gra~_ neck, throat (Kal.); gri_ dewlap (of bull), collar (of coat); gri_ neck (Sh.); gi_va throat (OB.); gi_ma (MB.); gi_m neck (Mth.); gi_va, gi_u neck, throat (OAw.); gi_w, gi~_w (OH.); gri_v (G.); giva (Si.); gri narrow pass (Kho.)(CDIAL 4387). giya_ voice (Kuwi); gi_ra voice (Kui); gi_ya, gi_ta, gi_ga word, syllable, pl. gi_anga (Kuwi)(DEDR 1615). kayil clasp of a necklace; kayir-kat.ai curved extremity of a hook (Man.i. 3,135)(Ta.lex.) kayil nape of the neck (Cu_l.a_. Cuyam. 112)(Ta.lex.) kekki, kekkilu neck, throat (Tu.); kekki, gekkili neck (Kor.)(DEDR 1253). or.i hinder part of the neck (G.)(CDIAL 2147). ko_kkey neck (Ta.); kuci nape of neck (Ma.); kun:ke nape of neck, shoulder; gon:ke throat; go_n., go_r.. neck (Ka.); kon:kulu the bones on either side of the nape of the neck (Te.); gur.unga neck (Nk.); gur.n-ga_ oesophagus; gur.nga throat, Adasm's apple; gur.nga_ neck, throat; gur.una Adam's apple; gur.na_ id. (Go.)(DEDR 1645). kor.okla the Adam's apple (Kond.a); go_renji id. (Kui); gr.okla_ id. (Kuwi); gr.okla throat (Kuwi)(DEDR 2150). cf. kokl- to cough (Pa.); ko_kli a cough (Pa.); khokla, khoki_ id. (Go.); kho_kla_, kho_kli_ id. (Go.); kok- (-t-) to cough; koki a cough, phlegm (Kond.a); krok- (-t-) to cough (Pe.); kruk- (-t-) id. (Mand..); go_khali id. (Kuwi); go_ki cough; goghnai to cough; goghi cough; gok- to cough; goki a cough (Kuwi)(DEDR 2127). khokkhai barks (of a monkey); khokkha_ monkey's bark (Pkt.); khoknu to cough; khoki (N.); khuka_ (B.); kho~khna_, kho~khi_ (H.); khokhlo (G.); khokn.e~ (M.)(CDIAL 3926). Image: throat, neck: ghe~t. throat, neck (H.); ghe~t.uwa_ neck (Aw.)(CDIAL 4513). Image: neck: gicci_ neck (L.)(CDIAL 4154). ghicro nape of neck (N.); ghi_c lower or front part of neck (H.); ghi~_c neck (Aw.H.); ghi~c (H.); ghe~_cu neck (Bhoj.)(CDIAL 4472). xe_ser (xesr-) neck, shoulders (Kur.); qasru neck (Malt.)(DEDR 1996). ghan.d.i_ adam's apple; soft palate (L.); ghan.d., ghan.d.i_ adam's apple (P.); gha~_t.i_ throat, adam's apple, uvula, soft palate (H.); throat (N.); throat, adam's apple, larynx (M.); gha~_t.o throat (G.); gha~_t.i_ adam's apple (G.)(CDIAL 4420). Throat, neck: khan.t.i throat (Gaw.Sv.); kadhli_ neck-strap (L.); ka_ni neck (Ku.); kan.t.ha_ throat (Or.); kan.t.ha- neck (Skt.Pali); kam.t.ha neck (Pkt.); kand throat (Gypsy); ka~t.he~ neck (M.); kat.a throat, mouth (Si.)(CDIAL 2680). [R.L.Turner notes: Mayrhofer EWA i 146 accepts connexion with Drav. (T.Burrow BSOAS xi 133) but considers both IA. and Drav. forms to have originated in Mun.d.a (Kuiper PMWS 29). This is supported by the many forms with a varying degree of phonet. similarity not referable to a common IA. original...] gan.t.lu throat (Te.Ka.); gad.li neck (Ga.); kar.tl id. (Ko.); id., hollow in the nape of the neck (Kond.a); back of neck (Kuwi); kan.t.elu neck, throat (Tu.); kattu id. (Ka.)(DEDR 1366). gan.t.ala, gan.t.alu throat (Ka.); kar..uttu id. (Ta.); neck (of man, animal, plant, vessel, etc.)(Ma.); kar.tl neck (Ko.)(DEDR 1366). Neckrope; fibre: kan.n.i rope, cord, neckrope (Ka.); fibre (?Tu.); wreath, garland, neckrope for bullock, rope (Ta.); kayn. yoke-rope for bullock (Ko.); kanne-ta_d.u neck-rope (of calves, oxen)(Te.); kane a rope used to fasten cattle (Kond.a)(DEDR 1184). Necklace: kan.t.hla_, kat.hla_ gold or silver necklace worn as an amulet against evil (H.); kan.d.hli_ necklace (P.); ka_m.t.ha_ id. (OM.); kan.t.hi one-stringed necklace, horse's halter (Or.); kan.t.ha_ gold necklace (H.); ka~_t.hi_ ring round the neck (of bird, snake, etc.)(B.); kan.d.hi_ necklace (S.P.)(CDIAL 2681). Neck jewel: kat.amina neck-jewel (Si.); kan.t.haman.i jewel worn on neck (Skt.)(CDIAL 2682). Neck; back of neck; shoulder: skandha shoulder, upper part of back (AV.); khandha shoulder, back (Pali); kham.dha, kam.dha shoulder, wall (Pkt.); xa_nd, kandi_, ko_n (obl. ka_nda) shoulder (Pas'.); kandam my shoulder (Shum.); kandik shoulder (Gaw.); ka_n (with rising tone) shoulder, upper part of back (Bshk.Phal.); kan shoulder (Tor.Phal.); kandike (Sv.); kandhu neck, back of neck (S.); kandho back of neck, edge (S.); kannha_, kandha_ shoulder (P.); ka_ni neck (Ku.); ka~_d shoulder (Ku.); shoulder, back (N.); ka~_dh id. (N.); shoulder (B.Aw.H.M.); back of neck (M.); ka~_dho, ka_no shoulder (Ku.); ka_ndh, ka_n shoulder (A.); ka~_dha_ shoulder (Or.H.M.); back of neck (M.); ka_ndha shoulder (Or.); ka_nh shoulder (Mth.Bhoj.); kanha_ shoulder (Mth.); kha~_dhi, ka~_dhi shoulder (G.); kha_ndhu shoulder (Konkan.i); kanda shoulder (Si.); with metath.: nakh, nakhas shoulder (K.)(CDIAL 13627). kandhara neck (Ya_j.); kandamu neck (Te.); kam.dhara_ (Pkt.); ka_ndhara shoulder (OMth.); ka_nhar the wooden washer on inner end of the board on which the driver sits at an oil-press, shaped like a neck or shoulder (H.)(CDIAL 2730). Image: neck: kantaram < kam.-dhara neck (Ja_n-a_. 9,10)(Ta.lex.) kanha_r.a_ shoulder (L.); kanhe_r.a_ (P.); kha~_da_d. (M.)(CDIAL 13630). kha_nvat.a_ shoulder (M.)(CDIAL 13631). ka~dha_war, kanha_war the red loin-cloth laid on bridegroom's shoulder in the marriage ceremony (Bi.); ka~dha_war that part of the yoke which rests on the bullock's neck, a cloth worn over the shoulders (H.)(CDIAL 13634). Back: kan.d., kan.d.i_ back (L.); kan.d. back, pubes (P.); pit.t.i-kan.t.aka bone of the spine (Pali); kanro penis (Gypsy); mar-kan.d.e_ back (of the body)(Tir.); kan.d.o back (S.); kan.d., kan.d.a_ backbone (L.); kan.t. syphilis (WPah.); kan.d.o buttock, rump, anus (N.); kan.d.eulo small of the back (N.); ka~_t. clitoris (B.); kan.t.i handle of a plough (Or.); ka~_t.a_ spine (H.); ka~_t.o (G.); ka~_t.a_ (M.); t.a-kat.uva bone; pit.a-kat.uva backbone (Si.); kam.d.a backbone (Pkt.); karam.d.a bone shaped like a bamboo; karam.d.uya backbone (Pkt.)(CDIAL 2670). Image: nape of neck: ka_t.i neck, nape of neck; neck-like elevation on the floor for placing pots (Ta.lex.) Nape of neck: gha_t.a_ nape of neck (Sus'r.Pali); gha_t. nape of neck (H.); ga_r.a neck (Psht.); gardan (Pers.); gwo_r.a neck, bank of river (Psht.); gha_d.a lower part of the skull (Pkt.); ger.u_k, gur.ik throat (Ash.); gerk (Kt.); gek, gex (Pr.); gu (Dm.); gha_r nape of neck (A.); gha_r. neck (B.); back of neck (Mth.); nape of neck (H.); gha_r.a neck (Or.); gela neck, throat (Si.)(CDIAL 4459). cf. gart (Iranian); gardan (Persian): the semantic development in Pushto gwo_r.a 'neck, bank of river' suggests possible connection with ghat.t.a] gala throat, dewlap (Pali); throat, neck (Pkt.); gal. id. (L.); gal.a id. (Or.)(CDIAL 4070). Image: neck: ga_t.o nape of neck (S.); gha_t.a_ neck (Skt.); ga_t.t.a_ neck, throat (L.); ga_t.a_ nape of neck (L.); ga_t.t.a_ neck, throat (P.); ga_t.ru throat (S.)(CDIAL 4113). s.ot.u throat, neck; s.o_t.o neck; s.ut.e, s.t.i neck or throat (Sh.); hot.u throat (K.)(CDIAL 12675). Image: short hair at the nape of the neck: kocu mane of animals (Ma.); gusa short hair at the nape of the neck (Kui)(DEDR 1639). Image: nape of neck: cuval mane, nape of the neck (Ta.)(DEDR 2696). Neck: kuttige throat, neck, throat and neck (Ka.); kutika, kutuka throat (Te.); kuttika, kuttuka throat, gullet, voice, tone (Te.); gontu, gontuka throat, voice, tone (Te.); kutka throat (Nk.); kundu go_lu nape of the neck (Pa.); gotika throat; kutu neck (Kond.a); kuta, in: kuta aspond. hiccough (Pe.); kuta ahpond. id. (Mand..); kuta, in: kuta ve'uri id. (Kuwi)(DEDR 1718). guti mouth (Kui.Kuwi); gu_ti id. (Kuwi)(DEDR 1708). Cheek: gan.d.a cheek (VarBr.S.Pali); gam.d.a (Pkt.); ainc-gnik eyelid (Pas'.); e_c-ga_n.d.uk (Kal.); gond.u jaw (K.); gan.d. cheek (M.); gad.a (Si.)(CDIAL 3999). kan-n-am cheek, ear (Ta.); kannam cheek, jaw (Ma.); kanna the upper cheek (Ka.)(DEDR 1413). galla cheek (SkandaP.Pkt.); ga_li (Gypsy); gal, golu lower part of cheek (K.); galu cheek (S.); galo part of throat below jaws (S.); gali_ leather strap through which stitches pass connecting upper and side pieces of leather in a shoe (S.); galh, gal, gallh, pl. gallha_, gallhi_ cheek (L.); gallh (P.); ga_l (Ku.A.B.Bi.Mth.Bhoj.H.G.M.); ga_lo (N.); ga_la (Or.); ga_lu (OAw.); ga_li gills of fish (Or.)(CDIAL 4089). galya_ multitude of throats (Skt.); gal throat, windpipe, neck (K.); ga_li_ feeding channel of handmill (Bi.Mth.)(CDIAL 4088). galhor.i_, galhor.a_, galaur.o cheek (WPah.)(CDIAL 4090). gelro~, pl. gelru tonsil (WPah.)(CDIAL 4091). galuru a partic. disease involving swelling of jowl or lower cheek (K.)(CDIAL 4092). Throat; neck: gala throat, neck (MBh.Pkt.); throat, dewlap (Pali); galaka throat, neck (VarBr.S.); throat (Pali); galaa throat, neck (Pkt.); gal throat (Wg.WPah.A.H.); neck (L.P.H.); gala-s'u~_t.i back of the tongue (Gaw.); golu mouth, entrance (K.); galo neck (K.); garo neck; galo throat (S.); gal. neck (L.); throat (WPah.); gala_ throat, neck (P.); galo, gaw (Ku.); galo (N.); gala_-gali falling on each other's neck (N.); gal prow of boat; gala_ throat (B.); gal.a, gal.a_ throat, neck (Or.); gar, gara_ neck (Mth.); gar throat (Bhoj.); gala_ throat (Bhoj.); gala (OAw.); gal.o (Marw.Konkan.i); gal.u~ (G.); gal.a_ (M.); gala throat, neck (Si.); gr neck (Kal.); gol. front of neck, throat (Kal.)(CDIAL 4070). galakambala dewlap (Skt.); galma_, galma~_ dewlap of cattle (L.)(CDIAL 4071). gira_ho neck rope of an animal (S.); gala_si (B.); gal.a_si (Or.); gala_si_ (H.)(CDIAL 4072). garur.a necklace (Gaw.)(CDIAL 4073). gala_va~_ neck halter for cattle (L.); galva~_, galma_ nape of a tunic (P.); gla~_ neck rope for cattle (WPah.); gayo_ (Ku.); gara~_w (H.); gala_va_n. neck halter for cattle (P.); gara_wan (H.)(CDIAL 4076). galava_t.aka bottom of the throat (Pali); galavalu back part of neck (Si.)(CDIAL 4077). galabandha neck-rope (Skt.); garmand neck-rope holding saddle on camel (L.); garau~dha_ horse's or bullock's halter; galaudhi_ piece of cloth worn under chin and over the head (Bi.)(CDIAL 4079). garau~dhan horse's halter (Bi.); galvi_n. slit for neck (in clothes)(L.)(CDIAL 4081). galastana nipple-like protuberance on neck; aja_-galastana fleshy protuberance on goat's neck; galastani_, gale_stani_ she-goat (Skt.); galathna_ fleshy protuberance on goat's neck (H.)(CDIAL 4082). galaugha tumour in throat (Sus'r.)(CDIAL 4086). galahasta seizing by the throat (Skt.); galahastayati seizes by the throat (Skt.); galahatthia driven out by the neck; galatthai throws, drives out (Pkt.); gal.athiba_ to push by the neck (Or.); galatthalla seizing by the neck (Pkt.); gal.atha_ throttling (Or.)(CDIAL 4083). garo_r gullet (Bshk.); gare_r. throat (Tor.); garu_r.i (Phal.)(CDIAL 4078). garda crying; galda, galda_ speech (Naigh.); godi_ abuse (Tir.)(CDIAL 4052). gilili tittering; gilli, gilla_ mockery (N.); gillo, gilla_ ridicule (G.)(CDIAL 4165). galaugha tumour in throat (Sus'r.)(CDIAL 4070). gara swallowing (Pa_n..); gara_ act of swallowing (Si.)(CDIAL 4034). girai says (Pkt.)(CDIAL 4160a). gil goitre (WPah.); gilht., gilht.a_, gilht.i_ hard lump in flesh; gillhar., gillar goitre (P.); gilhr.a_ one suffering therefrom; gilra_ (P.)(CDIAL 4166). gi_rn.a swallowed (RV.); gi_tho pp. of gihan.u (S.)(CDIAL 4169). gilana swalowing (Bhpr.Pali); gilan.a (Pkt.); gilan mouth (Pas'.)(CDIAL 4164). gi~_ta swallowing, a swallow (Si.)(CDIAL 4170). gad.u excrescence on neck, goitre, hump on back (Pa_n.. Va_rtt.); gal.a boil, swelling (Pali); gar.hu boil, abscess (S.); gar. (L.P.); gar.u swelling of any gland, goitre, hump on back (B.Or.); gal.u~_ boil (M.); gir. goitre; gil (WPah.); girkho swollen gland (N.)(CDIAL 3977). gad.ula humpbacked (S.ad.vBr.); gad.ura (Skt.); gan.d.ula (Skt.); guru_l.i goitre, goitrous (Kho.); gad.oru goitrous (K.); gad.uru goitre (K.); gar.ul.a, gar.ura humpbacked (Pali); gad.ula (Si.)(CDIAL 3978).
1659.Arrow: ka_ni_ top-most of the reed Sara, reed pen, stalk, straw, porcupine's quill (S.); pen, small spear (L.); arrow (P.); ka_n arrow (WPah.); ka_nu arrow (S.); ka_no reed (S.); ka~_r.o rafter (N.); ka_na_ stalk of the reed Sara (L.); Reed in a weaver's warp: ka_nna_ the reed saccharum munja, reed in a weaver's warp (P.); ka~_r.a_ stem of munja grass used for thatching (Bi.); ka~_r. stack of stalks of large millet (Mth.)(CDIAL 3023). kha_nd.i, kha_nd.ye stalk (of a tree); kha_ndi, kha_ndye a small branch (Kon.lex.) Caste of arrow-makers: kana_r bamboo-goad for young elephants (Mth.)(CDIAL 3025). kan. arrow (Ash.); ka_n. (Kt.Wg.); kra~_ (Wg.); ke~ (Pr.); ka_n (Dm.); ka_n.d., ka_n., ko_n., ko~_, ka~_r. arrow (Pas'.); ko~_r, ko~_ arrow (Shum.); ka_'n arrow (Bshk.); kan (Tor.); ka~_r.a (Sv.); ko_n. (Phal.); ko_n (Sh.D..); pl. ka_na (D..); ka_nu arrow (S.); ka_ni_ arrow (P.); ka_n, ka~_d. (WPah.); ka_r. (N.B.Or.); ka~_r (A.); ka~_d.i_ (G.); kad.aya (Si.)(CDIAL 3023); gan.d.a of plant (Skt.)(CDIAL 3998). kane_ra_ mat-maker (L.); ka~d.era_ a caste of bow- and arrow-makers (H.)(CDIAL 3024). ka_n.d.i_ra armed with arrows (Pa_n..); archer (Skt.); kani_ra_ a caste (usu. of arrow-makers)(H.)(CDIAL 3026). Image: arrow; spear; handle: kan.ai arrow, wooden handle (of a hoe, a pickaxe, or other tool), curved pole of a palanquin (Ta.); kan.e, kan.a, gan.a stick, arrow (Ka.); kan.a small stick, shaft, hilt, handle, arrow, small bamboo branch (Ma.); kan.icci battle-axe, hatchet (Ma.); kan.e a slender bamboo branch, quill of a porcupine (Tu.); gan.e pole, staff, arrow (Tu.); kan.i_ arrow (Go.)(DEDR 1166). kan.ayam spear, club (Ma.); kan.aya a kind of spear or lance (Pali.Skt.)(DEDR 1166).
1718.Valley: kha~d.i edge of a deep pit (Or.); ka_d = khad. valley (Bshk.)(CDIAL 3790). Low ground; pit, valley: kan. place, site (Ta.Ka.)(DEDR 1161). Underground grain pit; boundary ditch; plot of ground: kha_dh, kha_dha_ underground grain pit (Mth.); kha_wa_ trench (N.); kha_wai id. (A.); kha_wa~_ boundary ditch (Bi.); kha_w manure (H.); kha~_wa boundary ditch (H.); kha_yal plot of ground (N.); kha_ta dug up (RV.); ditch, pond (S'Br.); dug (Pali); kha_a dug; n. ditch, bank (Pkt.); kha_va_ salt mine (L.P.); kha_i, kha_ia_ ditch, rampart (Pkt.); kha_hi_ ditch (S.); kha_i_ ditch (L.P.WPah.Ku.); id. (B.Or.Bi.Bhoj.); id. (H.G.M.); kha_i (N.Mth.); kha~_i_ (H.); kha_d grain pit, manure pit (Bi.); khaddha_, kaddhi_, kha_dhi pit, ditch (Mth.)(CDIAL 3862). ka_yal backwater, lagoon, mouth of an ebbing stream, salt-panbs (Ta.); backwater, lagoon (Ma.)(DEDR 1463). cf. ka~_wa_ jonnalu a type of (?black) millet [?perh. grown in boundary ditches](Te.lex.) cf. ka_val.a darkness (Ka.); ka_hura_ (M.); ka_viri, ka_vure black vapour; anything that appears like smoke (Te.)(Ka.lex.) Image: calcination: ka_t.ai-p-put.am a measure determining the strength of fire in the calcination or reduction of metals with a single dried dung cake (Ta.lex.) Trench; moat: ka_t.i < gha_t.i_ (U.) trench of a fort; a fireplace in the form of a long ditch (Ta.lex.) gar.a ditch, moat (Or.); gar.u dike (Pas'.); go_l. small dry ravine (Kho.); gar. hole in a husking machine (B.); gal. hole in the game of marbles (M.); gad.a ditch (Skt.)(CDIAL 3967). cf. gal.p- to dig (Tu.); garpu to dig (Ka.)(DEDR 1223). Manger: ka_t.i manger; trench of a fort (akar..i); a fireplace in the form of a long ditch; < gha_t.i_ (U.); ka_t.i-y-at.uppu a fireplace in the form of a long ditch used for cooking on a large scale (Ta.lex.) Bank; shore: ko_t.t.akam shore, bank (Cilap. 11,71); pit, ditch (Cilap. 11,71,Urai); deep tank (Ci_vaka. 41)(Ta.lex.) Hole: gad.d.a hole (Pkt.); gar.-tir bank of a river (N.); ga_ra_ deep hole (A.); ga_r. hollow, pit (B.); ga_r.a_ hollow, pit (B.); hole (H.); ga_r.a hole, cave (Or.); ga_r.ia_ pond (Or.); gara_d., gara_d.o pit, ditch (G.); gad.aya ditch (Si.); gid.i hole in the ground for fire during Muharram (S.)--X kha_ni: ga_n underground room (K.); ga_n. mine, hole for keeping water (S.); small embanked field within a field to keep water in (L.); mine, cellar (G.); cavity containing water on a raised piece of land (M.)(CDIAL 3981). kan.d.y small elevation of land (Ko.)(DEDR 1176). kha_r.al pit, ditch (B.); kha_d.a_ hole (M.); kha_r.o hole (G.)(CDIAL 3860). kha_t ditch, well (H.); pit, pond (B.); kha_ta_ artificial pond (Or.); hole, gutter, grain pit, notch (on beam and yoke of plough)(Bi.); grain pit (H.)(CDIAL 3863). ka_r to dig (Go.); id., make a pit, dig out (Kond.a); to dig (Pe.Mand..Kuwi); ka_rpa to dig up; n. act of digging up (Kuwi)(DEDR 1467). ka_ra_ prison (Skt.Pali.Pkt.) (CDIAL 3062). cf. kha_d grain pit, manure pit (Bi.); underground grain pit (Mth.); kha_dhi pit, ditch (Mth.); khay low ground near a stream liable to be flooded (K.); kha_wa_ boundary ditch (H.)(CDIAL 3862). kha_tta_ grain pit (P.); khatta grain pit, boundary ditch (Bi.); kha_t pit, pond (B.); khat.va_ excavated pond (L.)(CDIAL 3863).[cf. khad.d.a_ hole, mine, cave (Pkt.)(CDIAL 3790)]. Ditch, trench: akar.. to excavate, dig out (Ta.); agaru, agalu ditch, trench, moat (Tu.); agad.ta id. (Te.); agul to dig (Kol.); agul-/agl- id. (Nk.); agulmur digging (Nk.); ad.g-, ar.g- to dig (Ga.); arxna_ id. (?Kur.); arge id. (?Malt.); agar.. (agar..d-), agur.. (agur..d-) to dig (Ka.); agar.. what has been dug (Ka.); agar..te digging, pit, ditch (Ka.)(DEDR 11). akattuvan:kol. to dig for laying foundation; (te_var tan:kat. ko_yvur-u ko_yi lakattuvan:kol.ka : Vita_n-.Nalvin-ai.12)(Probably < akar..)(Ta.lex.) aga_ra house (Skt.); a_ga_ra (Mn.Pa.Pkt.)(CDIAL 52). agyaga_ra house in which fire is kept (Pa.); agnyaga_ra a house for keeping the sacred fire (S'Br.); agiya_ri_ small fire-temple (G.); agya_ri_, ageri_ pit or house in which fire-worshippers keep their fire (M.)(CDIAL 67). Hole: gad.d.a hole (Pkt.); ga_r.i piercing (Mth.); ga_r., ga_r.a_ hollow, pit (B.); ga_ra_ deep hole (A.); ga_r.a hole, cave (Or.); ga_r.ia_ pond (Or.); ga_r.a_ hole (H.); gara_d. pit, ditch (G.)(CDIAL 3981). kar.ak hole (Br.)(CDIAL 2851). xar hole (Gypsy); khar.-har hole (H.); kha_r.o hole (Marw.); kha_d. hole (M.); kha_r. pit (Ku.); kha_r.al pit, ditch (B.); kha_r.i_ hole (G.)(CDIAL 3860); khad.d.a_ hole, mine, cave (Pkt.); ka_d valley (Bshk.); khod. pit (K.); khad.d. pit, cavern, ravine (L.); khad.a pit (S.)(CDIAL 3790). karta, ka_t.a hole (RV.)(CDIAL 2851). karta hole (RV.); ka_t.a hole (RV.) ; kad.d.a pitfall for elephants (Ka.); kar.ak hole (Br.)(CDIAL 2851). garta hole, cave, grave (S'Br.); gatta, gatta_ hole, pit (Pkt.); ga~_t hole in the earth (A.); ga_ti hole (OB.); ga_ta hole, grave, wild beast's den (Or.); ui-ga_ta white ant's nest (Or.); getle_u small hole (WPah.)(CDIAL 4050). khar.-har, khar.-hal hole (H.); kha_r.o hole (Marw.); xar hole (Gypsy); khad.d.a_ hole (Pkt.); khad.d.aga one who digs a hole; khad.d.o_laya hole (Pkt.); ka_d valley (Bshk.); khod. pit; khd.u small pit (K.); khad.d. pit, ravine (P.); khad.d.i_ hole for a weaver's feet (P.); khad.d. (Ku.); khad. (N.); khad., khad.d.a_ pit, low ground, notch (H.); kha~d.i edge of a deep pit (Or.); khad.d.a_ rough hole, it (M.); kha_r.o pit, bog (M.); kha_r.al hole (in ground or stone)(N.)(CDIAL 3790). khalla trench, creek, canal (Skt.); low, depressed (of ground); hole in a hedge (Pkt.); kha_lci, kha_lt.o, kha_ldo hollow, ravine (N.); kha_l pit, hollow (A.); trench (B.); kha_la low land, inlet (Or.); kha_l hollow, gutter, inlet (P.); kha_l. drain, gutter (G.); khal.i_ pit, hollow (M.)(CDIAL 3849). kha_la low land, inlet (Or.); kha_lu~ basin at the foot of a tree for water (G.); kha_lat. low (of land)(M.)(CDIAL 3849). To sow; bury in a hole: gad.d.an. to sow (L.); gad.d.n.a_ to sow, plant, fix (P.); ga_r.nu to bury, stab (N.); ga_riba, ga~_iba to thrust, fix in (A.); ga_r.a_ to plant, bury (B.); ga_r.iba_ to bury in a hole (Or.); ga_r.ab to bury (Mth.); ga_r.al (Bhoj.); ga_r.na_ to bury, drive in (H.); ga_r.ai (OMarw.); ga_d.vu~ (G.); ga_d.n.e~ (M.); garav to hide (Gypsy); gad.a_un.a_ to bury, drive in (P.); gar.nu to be buried (N.); gar.ab (Mth.); gad.vu~ (G.)(CDIAL 3979). Hole, narrow street: gali_ mountain pass (Pas'.); hole, narrow street (P.); gala_ passage through a hedge (P.); gali narrow lane (B.); gal.i alley; gal.ia_ hole in a wall, rivulet (Or.); gali_ lane (Mth.); lane, mountain pass (H.); lane (S.G.); galli_ (M.H.); galli (N.); ga_li_ valley (G.); glu cave, robber's lair (K.)(CDIAL 4085). cf. ka_l, ka_l-va_y, va_y-kka_l irrigation channel (Ta.)(DEDR 1480). Anklet ring: kan.t.ayam tinkling ankle rings worn by distinguished warriors (Ta.lex.) Creek; inlet: garta canal (Mn.); garta_ id. (Skt.)(CDIAL 4050). khalla canal (Skt.); kha_l canal (B.); inlet (Or.); kha_l gulf, rivulet (H.); kha_la_ hole, hollow, ravine (H.); kha_l gutter, inlet (P.); kha_l. drain, gutter (G.); kha_l.o harbour (G.); kha_l. channel, gutter (M.)(CDIAL 3849). kha_r.i_ creek, inlet (B.H.); kha_r.al pit, ditch (B.); kha_d. hole, creek; kha_d.d.a_ hole; kha_d.i_ creek, inlet (M.)(CDIAL 3790). khad., khad.d.a_ low ground, pit (H.); rough hole, pit (M.); hole, mine, cave (Pkt.); khad.o_laya hole (Pkt.); ka_d = khad.? valley (Bshk.); khod. pit (K.); khad.a pit (S.); khad.d. pit, ravine (L.P.); khad. low ground, pit (H.); kha~d.i edge of a deep pit (G.); khad.d.a_ stream (WPah.); kha_r.o pit, bog (N.); xar hole (Gypsy); kha_r. pit (Ku.); kha_r.i_ creek, inlet (B.H.); kha_r.al pit, ditch (B.); khar.-har, khar.-hal hole (H.); kha_r.o hole (Marw.); kha_d. hole, creek (M.); kha_d.a_ hole (M.); kha_d.i_ creek, inlet (M.)(CDIAL 3790). Ditch: kha_r.i_ gulf, creek (S.); creek, inlet (B.Ku.); deep watercourse, creek (P.); kha_ri_ creek, inlet (Bi.); kha_d. creek (M.); kha_d.i_ id., inlet (M.); kha_r. level country at the foot of a mountain (P.); kha_r.al pit, ditch (B.); kha_r.o hole (Marw.)(CDIAL 3860). Digging: kha_t.ya_ro one employed to measure canal work (S.); kha_t.va_ excavated pond (L.); kha_t.i_ digging to clear or excavate a canal (L.)(CDIAL 3863). Granary: kantu a granary (Ka.lex.) Precipice; to slope: kara_la high (Pkt.); kara_lo steep, slanting (N.); kara_l lofty; precipice; kar.a_r.a_, kara_ra_ precipice (H.); kara_l. formidable, lofty; kara_r sloping (G.); kara_r.i precipice; kara_r.o high and steep bank (G.); kara_r.i_ deep hollow in river-bed (G.); karal. interstice (e.g. in a basket); kara_l., karal. ja_n.e~ to slope (M.); kad.a_ precipice (M.)(CDIAL 2655). Bank of a river; cavity containing water on a raised piece of land: ka_dagattu bank of river (Kuwi)(DEDR 1147). High bank: gara_ high bank (A.); gar. ditch, hole in a husking machine (B.); gad.a ditch (Skt.); hole (Pkt.); gar.u dike (Pas'.); go_l. hole, small dry ravine (Kho.); gar.a ditch, moat (Or.); gal. hole in the game of marbles (M.)(CDIAL 3967). gal.p- to dig; garpelu scooping, burrowing; kappu kheddah; karpu pit, hole, ditch; garpuni to dig (Tu.); garpu to dig; kappu to dig; gabbarisu to dig (Ka.); garpu to dig (Kor.)(DEDR 1223). cf. khappa_ hole (L.); narrow passage in a hill, cavity in a wall (P.)(CDIAL 3817). [cf.Turner (CDIAL 2851): Beside Ka. kad.d.a pitfall for elephants; cf. Ka. gar..de (9th century), gardde (11th century), gadde paddy field; Bra_hui_ kar.ak hole. karta hole (RV.); the extensive interchange of sounds, voiced with unvoiced, retroflex with dental or l, inexplicable within Indo-aryan itself, in a group of words [garta, gad.d.-, ga_li_-, gali_-, galli_, khad.d.a-, kha_d.a-, khalla-, kha_la-, khala- : all indicating 'digging' and 'hole' strongly supports assumption of Dravidian origin for it despite the early attestation of karta...] gad.d.a hole (Pkt.); gad.d. (WPah.); gad.o_r. river, stream (WPah.); gar.-tir bank of a river (N.); ga_ra_ deep hole (A.); ga_r. hollow, pit (B.); ga_r.a_ hollow, pit (B.); hole (H.); ga_r.a hole, cave (Or.); ga_r.ia_ pond (Or.); gara_d., gara_d.o pit, ditch (G.); gad.aya ditch (Si.)(CDIAL 3981).
1719. Pit (for the pit-treadle loom): khadd.i_ hole for a weaver's feet (P.); khad.d. id. (Ku.); khad. id. (N.)(CDIAL 3790). Low lands: cf. qond.e deep, low lands (Malt.); xon.d.xa_, xo~_r.xa_ deep; a pit, abyss (Kur.)(DEDR 2082). cf. kut.t.am depth, pond (Ta.); kun.d.i pit (Kod..); kun.d.a a pit; kon.d.a pit, hole; gun.d.i abyss, gulf, great depth (Tu.); kun.t.a, gun.t.a pond, pit (Te.); gun.d.amu a hollow or pit in the dry bed of a stream; gunta pit, hollow, depression (Te.); gut.a pit, hollow in the ground (Kond.a); gund.i deep (Kol.); kut.t. a large pit (Kui); kun.d.a pit, well, spring (Skt.)(DEDR 1669). Image: hollow: kod.e to hollow, to excavate (Ka.); kut.ai (Ta.); kod.e to scrape out as a cocoanut (Ka.); kot.ai (Ta.)(Ka.lex.)
1720.A measure: kan.t.am block of land measuring between 300 and 350 acres taken for purposes of survey; kan.t.i Candy, a weight, stated to be roughly equivalent to 500 lbs.; khan.d.i id. (Te.Tu.); kan.d.i id. (Ma.); khan.d.il (M.)(Ta.lex.); khan.t.i a unit of land, as much as will produce a candy of grain, approx. 75 acres; a unit of capacity = 360 pat.i = 4 kalam (Ta.lex.) kan.t.a-taca-pantam land given as compensation for the construction of a tank, well, or channel (Ta.lex.) Mensuration: kantakam a variable unit of grain measure: 213 1/8 Madras measures in the Krishnagiri taluk; 110 measures in the Dharmapuri taluk; and 80 measures elsewhere (G.Sm.D.i, 242 and 286). kantaka virai-p-pa_t.u a measure of land (G.Sm.D.i, 242); Land measuring five acres (G.Sm.D.i,288) (Ta.lex.) [cf. khand.uga Nagamangala copper plate (777 A.D.), land measure. "In the Gan.es'ghad copper plates of Maitraka king Dhruvasena I (Gupta year 207), eight khan.d.a of land measuring 300 pa_da_varta and two cisterns in the village of Harya_nka were donated to a bra_hman Dhammila. Hence one khan.d.a would be 37 1/2 pa_da_varta. Kha which is found in a number of inscriptions, might be an abbreviation of khan.d.uka." [IA, V, p.109; EI, III, p.318; SII, X, Nos. 247, 256, 257, 281, 288, 298. loc.cit. MIAI, p.56.] 20 kolaga make a khan.d.uga as a volume measure (MIAI, p.85.). Eight or sixteen seer constitute one kolage; kolage was a common weight measure in inscriptions. (4 seer = 1 solage; 4 solage = 1 balla; 16 balla = 1 kolagam; 20 kolagam = 1 khan.d.iga.)[EI, XIX, p.30; MIAI, p.100, p.168.] One mattaru of land (>100 kamma) yielded two khan.d.uga of grain (MIAI, p.43). khan.d.i or put.t.i is synonymous with khan.d.uga.(MIAI, p.84, p.99.) kan.t.akam a measure of land (I.M.P.Sm. 100)(Ta.lex.)
1721.Dry land; measure of land: ka_t.u border, limit; a measure = 4 an.aippu = more than 2 acres; burning-ghat, burial ground; place; tract of land; dry land; small village (Ta.lex.) cf. kat.t.a bund of field (Kol.); gat.u (pl. gat.ku) bund (Kond.a); gat.t.u (pl. gat.ka) bund of field (Kuwi); gat.u boundary, end of field (Kuwi)(DEDR 1147). ka_t.hi_ thin bamboo measuring rod (A.B.); ka_t.ha_ measure of length (B.); measure of land of 320 square cubits (Or.)(CDIAL 3120). Limit; fixed time: kat.u fixed time, period (Ta.); gad.u id. (Ka.Ma.Tu.); gad.uvu (Te.)(Ta.lex.) ka_s.t.ha_ race-course (RV.); goal, limit (S'Br.); cardinal point (MBh.); measure of time = 1/30 kala_ (Mn.); kat.t.ha_ limit, measure of time (Pkt.); kat.a a very short space of time (Si.)(CDIAL 3132). Piece of land: ga_t.a_ piece of land (H.)(CDIAL 3965). kha_t estate administered at a distance (A.);[cf. ka_tam Indian league, about 10 miles (Ta.lex.); gavyu_ta a distance of 2 kros'a (CDIAL 4150); kro_s'a a measure of distance equal to 1/4th of a yojana, a koss (Skt.lex.) The distance measures may be ranked in ascending order: kro_s'a = 1/2 gavyu_ta = 1/2 yo_jana]. kha_ta_ plot of agricultural land (B.)(CDIAL 3648). ga_do field; ga_dega_r cultivator (Kon.lex.)
1722.A timber measure: kan.d.i a measure of capacity and weight = 20 maunds or 28 lbs. (Ka.); khan.d.i_ in Bombay of 20 Bombay maunds, or, for particular substances, 8 maunds; at Poona of 20 Poona maunds (M.); kan.d.i, kan.d.il a certain weight, at Madras equal to 500 lbs. (Te.); kan.d.i a weight of 500 lbs. (Ma.); khan.d.i the Indian ton, which for tobacco is 480 pounds, for metals and hardware 500, for sugar, dates and soft goods 560 (Te.); a certain timber measure (Mangalore. Ma.)(Ka.lex.) kan.d.uga, kan.d.aga, kan.d.iga a measure of capacity; twenty kol.agas, from 20 to 32 he_r..us (a he_r..u = 128 se_ru); kha_ri; a weight of from 20 to 28 maunds (a maund = 48 se_ru) (Ka.lex.) Measure of capacity for grain: ka_t.i a measure of capacity for grain (S.I.I. iii,9) (Ta.lex.); cf. kha_ri_ a measure of capacity (Pali.Pkt.); a measure of 60 pounds (G.); a measure of grain (RV.); kha_r a dry measure, amount of land for which a kha_r of rice seed is needed (about 4 acres)(K.); kha_ra a measure of grain (Or.)(CDIAL 3875); measure = 16 pat.i (Ta.lex.) [kari_sa square measure of land (Pali); karicai measure of capacity = 400 marakka_l (Ta.)(DEDR 1261); kha_ri_ a grain measure (RV) (CDIAL 3875)]. ka_d.i : eri-k-ka_d.i tank cess of one ka_d.i of paddy per field (Ta.)(SII 12.IEG.) pat.t.i-k-ka_d.i tax payable in grain at the rate of one ka_d.i for each pat.t.i of land (Ta.)(SITI.IEG.) pat.t.i hamlet, village; a measure of land as sufficient for a sheep-fold; cow-stall (Ta.Ma.Ka.)(Ta.lex.)
1723.Image: grin: ki_ni opening etc.; ki_niva-hallu grinned teeth; ki_nike grinning, grin (Ka.)(Ka.lex.)
1724.Sword: kham.d.a sword (Pkt. > kan.t.am (Ta.); xaro (Gypsy); xanro, xarno, xanlo, xenli_ (Gypsy)[cf. caru arrow (Malt.)(DEDR 2469)]; khano (S.); khan.d.a (P.); kha~_r. (Ku.); kha~_r.o, khu~r.o (X churi < ks.ura)(N.); kha_n.d.a_ heavy knife (A.); kha~_ra_ large sacrificial knife (B.); khan.d.a sword (Or.); kha~_r.a_ (H.); kha~_d.u~ (G.); kha~_d.a_ (M.); kad.uva (Si.)(CDIAL 3793). khan.d.aka sword (Perh.of same non-Aryan origin as khad.ga); khamd.a sword (Pkt.> kan.t.am); xaro, xanro, xanlo, xenli_ (Gypsy); khano (S.); khan.d.a_ (P.Or.); kha~_r. (Ku.); kha~_r.o, khu~r.o (X churi < ks.ura-)(N.); kha_n.d.a_ heavy knife (A.); kha~_ra_ large sacrificial knife (B.); sword (H.); kha~_d.u~ id. (G.); kha~_d.a_ id. (M.); kad.uva id. (Si.)(CDIAL 3793). khad.ga sword (MBh.); khagga id. (Pali.Pkt.); kha_g (B.); kaga (Si.)(CDIAL 3787). kan.t.akam sword; kan.t.am sword; curtain made of parti-coloured material (Mullaip. 44); coat of mail; ka_n.t.am weapon; curtain; cloth, garment (Ta.lex.) ka_n.d.a curtain (Ka..); ka_n.d.a-pat.a outer tent, curtain (Skt.)(DBIA.89).
1718a. Sword: gad.i a cut (Tu.); kad.tale a long-edged sword (Tu.)(DEDR 1125). khad., khad.d.a_ notch (H.)(CDIAL 3790).
1725.Image: harrow: hen.t.a, et.t.ave, hen.t.e, et.t.a a bush-harrow (Ka.); et.t.a_ hod.e to roll or flatten sown land by drawing over it a large bamboo mat or bushes having on them several heavy stones; han.t.a hod.e (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) gadde-mara an instrument for levelling ploughed paddy-fields (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) cf. gen.t.u to push, turn out; gen.t.incu to cause to be pushed or turned out (Te.); gen.t.u removal (Ka.)(DEDR 1945).
1726.Image: to twist the neck: ka_ve ringing and turning and twisting of a horse whilst at full speed; starting him violently up and down (Ka.); ka_va_ (M.H.); ka_ve tirugisu to longe a horse (Ka.lex.) cf. ka_ve_ri the river ka_ve_ri (Ka.Skt.Ta.lex.)
1727.Image: yawning: ka_wa orjali to yawn (Kuwi); ka_wa breath; ka_'va o_ji to yawn (Kuwi); ka_kha~ open-mouthed, gaping (Kuwi); ka_u ru_ja (ru_ji-) to yawn; n. yawning, a yawn (Kui); ka_k (-t-) to open (mouth) (Pe.); to keep open (mouth)(Kond.a)(DEDR 1421). Image: to laugh: kapka (< kak-p; kakt-) to laugh, laugh at, ridicule; n. laughter, ridicule (Kui); kak- (-h-), ka_khali, kakh'nai to laugh, kakpinai to joke; kakini merry; kakni kakni lehe a_nai to smile (Kuwi)(DEDR 1080). kayr- (karc-) to laugh (Ko.); kar-y- (kar-s-) to laugh (To.); ker-k laughter (To.); karsa_na_, kars-, garsa_na_ to play (Go.); kar-zi- (-t-) to play, sport, dance (Kond.a); kraz- (krast-), krez- to play (Pe.); key- id. (Mand..); kaha (kahi-) id. (Kui); kah- (-it-), ka_hali, kahinai, kay- (-it-) id.; ka_hi ki_ali to amuse; kahu_ a game (Kuwi)(DEDR 1392). azana_, azeni_ laughter (Pas'.); asun (K.); ha~san habit of laughing (H.)(CDIAL 14022). as-, a_s- (Dm.); az- (Tir.Phal.); ha~sn.o (Ku.)(CDIAL 14021). ezi- to laugh (Pas'.); aiz- (Shum.) (CDIAL 14069). ha_ye_ pl. play (Sh.); ha_ze tho_nu to mock (Sh.)(CDIAL 14068). ha_sya laughable, funny (MBh.); laughter (Yajn~.); ha_sika laughter (Skt.); hassa laughter (Pali.Pkt.); ha_ssa_ (P.); hassi_ (P.K.N.B.Or.) id. (Mth.H.OG.Konkan.i.Si.); ha_sia laughable (Pkt.) ha_si_a laughter (Pkt.); he_s smile (Bshk.); ha~_si laughter (Ku.); ha_hi (A.); ha_si laughter, smile (B.); ha_s'a joke (OG.); ha_si_, ha~_si_ ridicule (G.)(CDIAL 14071). ha_sayati causes to laugh (Skt.); ha_se_ti makes laugh (Pali); ha_se_i (Pkt.); ha~_se to laugh (Gaw.); ha_sa_pe_ti causes to laugh (Pali); ha_sa_via- pp. (Pkt.); hasa_um I laugh (Phal.)(CDIAL 14069). ha_sa (often pl.) laughter (MBh.Pali.Pkt.); ha_s ridicule (K.); laughter (B.H.); ha~_so laughter, jest (N.); ha_sa laughter (Or.); ha_sa_ (Mth.); ha_saum. joke (OG.); ha_so laughter (Konkan.i); has laughter, pleasure (Si.)(CDIAL 14068). hasana laughter (TA'r.); hasika_ (Skt.); hasita (Pali); hasia (Pkt.); ha_si (Ku.N.); hasi, ha~si (Or.); ham.si smile (OAw.); hasi_, ha_si_ laughter (H.); hasi_ (G.); has'i_, ha_s'i_ derision (M.); has'a_, ha_s'a_ laughter (of little children)(M.)(CDIAL 14023). hasana laughing (Nir.); laughter (Pali); hasana_ jest (RV.); hasan.a (Pkt.); ha~sa~r.~a (Ku.); hasn.u~ joke (G.); hasn.i_ manner of smiling (G.)(CDIAL 14022). hasati laughs (Skt.Pali.); hasai (Pkt.); hosik (Kho.); has- (Bshk.); haskanu to smile (N.); hasiba_, ha_siba_ to laugh (Or.); hasab, ha~sab (Mth.); hasvu~ (G.); hasn.e~, ha~sn.e~ (M.)(CDIAL 14021). hasa laughter (RV.Pkt.); ha~ha_ (A.); hasa, ha~sa_ (Or.); hasu~ (G.)(CDIAL 14020).
1728.Ferment; piece; flesh; half of anything: kin.va ferment, a drug used to produce fermentation (Ka.Skt.)(Ka.lex.) kan.t.-po.t flesh of hind thigh of animal; kan.t.-ka.l calf of leg (Ko.); kan.d.a flesh, meat (Ka.); kan.d.a piece or lump of meat (Kod..); id. (Te.); muscle (Ga.); meat, flesh, muscle (Kond.a); piece (Kuwi); khan.d.e piece, piece of flesh (Nk.); kha_nd.um (pl. kha_nd.k), kha_nd., kha_nd.um, kha_nd.k flesh; kha_nd.um id., mutton (Go.)(DEDR 1175). kan.d.avid.u to gather flesh, to grow stout (Ka.); kan.d.e pet.t.u (Te.)(Ka.lex.) Muscle; heart of core of a tree: kar..untu heart or core of a tree (Ta.); ka_r.. (-pp-, -tt-) to become hard; hardness, solidity or close grain (as of timber), core; ka_r..ppu close grain (as the heart of timber), essence (Ta.); ka_tal core, heart of tree, essence, pith, substance (Ma.); kar..ampu pith, essence, pulp of fruit (Ma.); ka.dl flat band of muscle on either side of backbone (Ko.); ka_r..ime, ka_l.ime obstinacy (Ka.)(DEDR 1491).
1729.Food: kha_v glutton (K.); kha_u_ (P.H.); -kha_u_ in cmpds. eating (G.M.)(CDIAL 3871). kho food (Tir.); kha_da food (AV.)(CDIAL 3864). khaihan food given to a serf in return for labour (Bi.) (CDIAL 3866). kha_dani_ya to be chewed; n. hard food (BHSk.); solid food (Pali); ra_j-kha_ni goat's testicles (reserved formerly for the king's consumption)(N.)(CDIAL 3870). kha_n.ora_ gluttonous (M.)(CDIAL 3868). kha_n.a~_d.ro cookhouse (CDIAL 3869). kha_dana eating (Pali); food (RV.); khayam.na (NiDoc.); kha_n.a eating, food (Pkt.); kha_n.a_ meal (L.); kha~_r.u (Ku.); kha_n-pin eating and drinking (N.); kha_n-pa_n (B.); kha_n, kha_na_ meal (H.B.); kha_n.a food (OMarw.Konkan.i); kha_n.u~ dinner party (G.); kha_n. boiled grain for cattle (G.); kha_n.e~ food (M.); khen food after pyonu dat. penas to drink (K.)(CDIAL 3867). kha_dati chews, bites (RV.); eats (S'Br.Pali); kha_yati (BHSk.); khatva (NiDoc.); kha_ai, kha_i (3rd pl. kha_am.ti, kham.ti)(Pkt.); kar, xa, xath (Gypsy); kha_na (D..); kha_ (Tir.Wot..); id. (Tor.Bshk.Mai.); kha (Phal.); khoi_ki, kho_nu (Sh.); kha_n.o (K.); kha_van. (L.); kha_n.a_ (P.); kha_n.u_ (WPah.); kha_n.o (Ku.); kha_nu (N.); kha_iba (A.); kha_oya_ (B.); kha_iba_ (Or.); kha_eb (Mth.); kha_il (Bhoj.); kha_i (OAw.); kha_bu (OAw.); kha_na_ (H.); kha_bo (Marw.); kha_vu~ (G.); kha_n.e~ (M.); kha_um.k (Konkan.i); kanava_ (Si.); ma kani_ I am eating (Si.); khyonu (K. khewa_n I am eating), kheunu (K.); khian.u eating (S.); khia_iba_ caus. (Or.); khiya_na_ (OH.); kha_dita, kha_yita (Pali); khayidaga (NiDoc.); ke_ra he ate (Gypsy); xaliv flesh (Gypsy); xalo ate (Gypsy); kha_yo (N.); kha_ pi eating and drinking (Or.); kha_y act of eating (Mth.); kha_ya_ ate (H.); kha_i_ food, pastry (G.); ka_ eaten (Si.); ma ke_mi_ I ate (Si.); kha_dho food (S.); kha_dhi food (S.); kha_dha_ eaten (L.P.); kha_dhu~ (G.); kha_dila_ (OM.); kha_d nourishment (M.); kha_in.u to eat (S.); kha_da_pe_ti gives to eat, feeds (Pali); kha_viyam.ta pass. being fed (Pkt.); khya_wun (K.); khuva_un.a_ (P.); khuwa_n.u_ (WPah.); khuwa_unu (N.); khuwa_iba (A.); kha_oya_na (B.); khua_iba (Or.); khawa_na_ (H.); khuva_i (OMarw.); kava-nava_ (Si.); khajjati is eaten (Pali); khajjai (Pkt.); khaji-zo_nu (Sh.); kha~_jan.u (S.); kha_jan. (L.)(CDIAL 3865). Grocery; sweetmeat: kha_dya to be eaten; n. food (MBh.); khajja, khajjaka solid food (Pali); khaja-boja solid and other food (NiDoc.); khajja eatable (Pkt.); khajjaya a partic. food (Pkt.); kha_ju food (S.); kha_j food, eatable (L.); kha_jja_ victuals (P.Ku.); khan~jau~ food (WPah.); kha_j grain for food (WPah.); food (G.); kha_ja_ rice for chewing (Ku.); any light meal (N.); a partic. sweetmeat like piecrust (B.Or.); sweetmeat of wheaten flour (Bi.); food, a partic. sweetmeat (H.); kha_z not forbidden (of food)(A.); kha_ju~ piecrust (G.); kha_je~ grocery, a partic. sweetmeat (M.); kajaka meal; atara-kaja meal taken between morning gruel and noon (OSi.Bra_hmi)(CDIAL 3872). cf. Barley: kaj barley (Ko.); koj id. (To.); gajja id. (Pkt.)(DEDR 1106). cf. kan~ci rice-water, water poured off rice, starch (Ta.)(DEDR 1107).
1730.Composition of marking-nut oil: kanti a composition of ke_ru (marking-nut) oil and ashes, of a black colour, used to smear over lin:gas and Basava-idols (Ka.M.)(Ka.lex.) cf. kan, kad blackness (Ka.lex.) cf. kohka_ mara_ marking-nut tree (Go.); ko~_di marking-nut tree (Pa.); ko_ndu maren, ko_n.u_n id. (Ga.); ko_hka_ mar.a_, kohka_, kohka, k'ka, kohoka id. (Go.)(DEDR 2217). ce_, ce_n:kot.t.ai marking-nut (Pata_rtta. 1066)(Ta.lex.)
1730a. Semecarpus anacardium: ke_r, ge_r semecarpus anacardium, marking-nut tree (Ka.)(DEDR 2005). bhallataka, bhallatamu, agnimukhi, arushkara (Skt.); marking-nut tree (Eng.); anacardier (Fr.); ostindishcher dintenbaum (Ger.); bhela, bhilawa (H.P.); bhela, bhelatuki (B.); bibba (M.); bhiamu (G.); jeedivittulu, jidi-chettu (Te.); shenkottai, shay-rang, serangkottai (Ta.); chermara (Ma.); ger-kayi (Ka.); bibbayi (Konkan.i); beladin, hab-ul-khalba (Arab.); biladur, behdur (Pers.); Habitat: this tree is found growing on the sub-Himalayan and tropical parts of India as far east as Assam; Parts used: fruit (seeds), gum and oil; Constituents: kernel of the nut contains a small quantity of sweet oil... Action: oil is a powerful antiseptic and cholagogue... Marking nut is a gastro-intestinal irritant when taken by the mouth... Uses: In the Konkan a single nut is heated in the flame of a lamp and the oil allowed to drop into a quarter-seer or 1 1/2 pint of milk... Marking-nuts enter into the composition of some caustic applications for warts and piles... (Indian Materia Medica, pp. 1119-1125).
1731.Mallet: kot.t.uva_n- mallet; brazier who works by beating plates into shape; kot.t.u-p-pit.i wooden mallet; kot.t.a_-p-pul.i, kot.t.an mallet (Ta.lex.) kut.am to hit with mallet (Santali.lex.)[cf. ku_t.am blacksmith's sledge, hammer (Ta.); heavy hammer (Ma.); ku_t.a (Skt.); ku_d.a (Pkt.)(DEDR App.29; <Poss. IE.) ku_t.a iron mallet (MBh. <Drav.); sledge hammer (Pali)(CDIAL 3391). cf. gun.d.a powder (Te.)(DEDR 1692). kut.t.ita bruised, pounded (Bhpr.); kut.t.iya beaten (Pkt.); kut.iyu~ a beating (G.); ket.u pp. pounded (Si.)(CDIAL 3242). kot.t.a breaking; kot.t.ana hammering or cutting (in: da_ru-kot.t.ana); kot.t.ita pp. of kotteti beaten down, made even; kot.t.ima a floor of pounded stones; kot.t.eti to beat, smash, crush, pound; to make even (the ground or floor); to cut, kill (Pali.lex.) kut.t.a_ act of breaking or pounding or husking (Or.)(CDIAL 3236). kut.o state of being beaten, a beating, roughly ground powder (G.); kut.t.a powder, stick (Pali)(CDIAL 3237). kot.t.e_ti hews, breaks, crushes (Pali); kot.t.e_i (Pkt.); kotik (= -t.-?) to crush (testicles to castrate)(Kho.); kut.t.e_i beats, pounds (Pkt.); kur- to beat (Gypsy); kut. to beat, rub, crush (Pas'.); ku_t.im I break (Kal.); kud.u_sa to beat; kur.- id. (Tor.); kut.- (Mai.); ku~t.yo_nu to beat, pound (rice)(Sh.); kut.un to pound, crush (K.); kut.an.u to pound, bruise (S.); kut.t.an. to beat, pound, ram (L.); kut.t.n.a_ (P.); kot.an., kut.n.u~, kut.t.nu_ (WPah.); kut.n.o (Ku.); kut.nu (N.); To cut; punctuate: kut.iba to cut into small bits, gnaw, punctuate (A.); kut.a_ to beat, pound, cut up for cooking (B.); kut.iba_ to beat, pound (Or.); ku_t.ab to roughen a millstone with a chisel (Bi.); to pound, grind (Mth.); kut.al to cut (Bhoj.); ku_t.na_ to pound, thresh (H.); ku_t.ai beats (OG.); kut.vu~ to beat, beat the breast, pass. kut.a_vu~ to be enjoyed (of a woman)(G.); kut.n.e~ to beat, pound (M.); kot.a_ to beat to powder (B.); kot.anava_, pret. ket.uva_ to dig with a spade, cut with an axe, bruise, pound (rice)(Si.)(CDIAL 3241). kot.a_ to beat to powder (B.)(CDIAL 3241). gavatta fodder (Pkt.); got bran and straw mash for cattle (L.); straw and oilcake mixed (L.); guta_va_ fodder (L.); gawat, gaut fodder for stall-fed cattle (Bi.); gotu~ pulse-husks boiled as fodder (G.)(CDIAL 4094). Powder; bran: gun.d.aka dust, powder (Skt.); gumd.an.a smearing with dust (Pkt.); gum.d.ia covered with dust (Pkt.); gu~r.a_ powder, pounded (B.); gun.d.a_ dust, powder (Or.); gum.t.hai makes dusty (Pkt.); gud.ra dust (S.)(CDIAL 4193). kun.d.aka red powder of rice husks (Pali); kum.d.aga chaff (Pkt.); ku~r.o boiled grain given as fodder to buffaloes (N.); kuna_uro husks of lentils; kusa_uro chaff of mustard (N.); ku~r.a_ rice dust (B.); kun.d.a_ rice bran (Or.); ku~d.a_, ko~d.a_ bran (M.); kud.u powder of paddy, etc. (Si.)(CDIAL 3267). gun.d.a powder (Te.Kond.a); dust (Kond.a); gund.a dust (Pa.); flour (Pe.Kuwi); powder (Mand..); gund.am powder (Go.); gund.al sawdust (Go.); kund.o anything reduced to powder (Malt.); gu_ndu_ flour (Kuwi); gun.d.na_ to reduce to powder (Kur.); gund.i dust (Malt.); gun.d.a_ powder, flour, fragments, flour made of rice (Kur.)(DEDR 1692). ks.o_da anything ground or powdered (R.); kho_da, kho_ya powder, pounding, sugarcane juice (Pkt.); kho broken brick; khoya_ id. (B.); khua_ (Or.); khoa_, khua_ first treading out of grain (Mth.); kho, khoa_ pounded bricks (H.); khu_a_ treading out grain (Bi.)(CDIAL 3749). ks.o_dayati agitates by stamping (RV.); kho_ia torn in pieces (Pkt.); c.hoi_ threshing (Phal.); khoi_ha_ crushed sugarcane after juice is expressed (Mth.); khoiya_, khohiya_ (Bi.)(CDIAL 3750). kut.t.e state of being pulverized by woodworms (Ka.); decay, rottenness (Tu.); kut.t.e-hur..u woodworm (Ka.); kut.t.e-puri a borer that destroys trees (Tu.)(DEDR 1675). gon.n.vur..u an insect found in timber (Ka.); gungu a large wood-boring insect (Kui)(DEDR 2083). Grits: {k-, c- transforms}: kudu:n grits, pounded grain (Sora.); kudi, khudi broken grains of rice (Mundari) (Sora.lex.) Blacksmith's hammer: kut.a small hammer for breaking stones (Or.); kot.t.ila, kot.t.illa mallet (Pkt.); kot.t.aga carpenter (Pkt.); kut.a_ act of beating or pounding or husking (Or.)(CDIAL 3236). kot.ini hammer, esp. a blacksmith's (Kho.); kut.t.an.i_ pestle (Pkt.); kut.t.ana cutting, pounding, threshing (BhP.); kut.t.an.a cutting, etc. (Pkt.); kut.na_ piece of wood on which bhang is minced (A.); kut.an act of cutting up or pounding (B.); kut.an.a act of beating or pounding (Or.); kut.an.i_ pestle of rice-husker (Or.); kut.un.i_ a woman who pounds rice (Or.); kut.an. a drubbing (M.); kot.t.ana pounding, grinding (Pali); kot.t.an.a (Pkt.)(CDIAL 3239). kut.asi hammer; kut.am to hammer (Santali.lex.) Sledgehammer; mallet: ku_t.am blacksmith's sledge, hammer (Ta.); heavy hammer (Ma.)(DEDR App.29). kot.ela mallet (Go.); kot.oli mallet (Kuwi); kod.ati, kod.anti a wooden hammer (Ka.); kot.t.an- mallet (Ta.); kot.t.i mallet (Ma.); kod.apuni to forge, hammer (Tu.); kot.t. to strike with axe (Pa.); kot. id. (Ga.); to cut with axe (Go.)(DEDR 2063). kud.apu to hammer metallic objects (Tu.); kot.- to cut with axe (Go.Ga.); strike with horn (Go.); kot.t.u to hammer, beat (as a brazier)(Ta.); kot.t.- to strike with axe (Pa.); kot.t.an, kot.t.a_n- mallet (Ta.); kot.t.i mallet (Ma.); kod.apuni to forge, hammer (Tu.); kod.apa_vuni to weld, forge together (Tu.)(DEDR 2063). ku_t.a iron mallet (MBh.); sledgehammer (Pali); ku_d.a a kind of stone hammer (Pkt.); kul.u-ged.iya sledghammer (Si.); kura_ handle of a spear (A.)(CDIAL 3391). Image: strike with knuckles: kut.t.u strike with the knuckles on the head or temples; n. a blow with the knuckles or the fist on the head, cuff (Ta.); to beat, strike, pound, bruise (Ka.); a blow given with the fist (Tu.); kut.t.uni to strike with the fist (Tu.); kur.k to pound, knock (Nk.); kut.ip to punch, knock (door)(Pa.); gut. to knock with the fist (Kond.a); gut.a fist (Kui); kut.t.ing to pound (Br.)(DEDR 1671). khum.dai pounds, grinds (Pkt.); ks.o_dayati agitates by stamping (RV.); khundiba to pound, pulverize (A.); khundiba_ to ram in (Or.); Image: to trample: ks.ud trample (Skt.); khu~_dna_ to trample on (H.); khu~dvu~ to trample on (G.); chum.dai pounds, attacks (Pkt.); chu~dvu~ to trample, tread (G.); su~dn.e~ to crush, trample (M.); sindenava_ to be pressed out (of oil), be dried up (of water in well or river)(Si.)[cf. cun.t.u to dry up, be evaporated by heat (Ta.)(DEDR 2662)]; khu~dalna_ to trample under foot (H.); khu~dal.n.e~ to tread mortar, treat roughly, shake and toss (M.); khura~dal.n.e~ to trample, crush (M.)(CDIAL 3717). khaeda khaidi to trample (Santali.lex.) ks.un.n.a stamped on, pulverized, pierced (MBh.); khun.n.a rubbed, powdered (Pkt.); chun. to thresh (Dm.); chun (Kho.Bshk.); chonun to be reduced in size (K.); ks.o_dayati diminishes (Skt.); khu_nal to cut up, grind finely (Bhoj.); khunab to be engaged in (Mth.); chun.n.a powdered (Pkt.); chuna_ distracted, sorry (Or.); chuni small (B.); ks.un.n.a practices (Sus'r.)(CDIAL 3708). To pulverize: kut.t.e state of being pulverized by woodworms; kut.t.e-hur..u woodworm (Ka.); kut.t. decay, rottenness; kut.t.-puri a borer that destroys trees (Tu.)(DEDR 1675). ks.o_da anything ground or powdered (R.); kho_da, kho_ya powder, pounding, sugarcane juice (Pkt.); kho, khoya_ broken brick (B.); khoa_, khua_ first treading out of grain (Mth.); khu_a_ treading out grain (Bi.)(CDIAL 3749). ks.o_dita crushed; n. anything ground, dust, meal (Skt.); ks.o_dayati agitates by stamping (RV.); c.hoi_ threshing (Phal.)(CDIAL 3750). khut.t.a broken (Pkt.); khu_t.na_ to be worn out (H.); khut.t.ai is broken, is worn out (Pkt.)(CDIAL 3895). chuai grinds, presses (Pkt.); chuo remnants of sugarcane, tooth-stick with frayed end (S.)(CDIAL 3710). khujjai rejects; chujjai is crushed (Pkt.); khu_jha_ sediment, refuse (H.)(CDIAL 3711). chu_to remnants of sugarcane, tooth-stick with frayed end (S.); suti_ ashes (Ash.); sut earth (Kt.); chuti soil, mud, dust (Kho.)(CDIAL 3709). khuda broken rice (Or.); khud id. (B.); khuddi_ broken pulse or rice (Bi.); khu_d a small particle (Bhoj.); khu_d dregs, refuse (H.); kud.a dust (Si.)(CDIAL 3712). ks.un.n.a stamped on, pulverized, pierced (MBh.); khun.n.a rubbed, powdered (Pkt.); chun. to thresh (Dm.); chun (Kho.Bshk.); chonun to be reduced in size (K.); ks.o_dayati diminishes (Skt.); khunab to be engaged in (Mth.); khu_nal to cut up, grind finely (Bhoj.); chun.n.a powdered (Pkt.); chuni small (B.); chuna_ distracted, sorry (Or.); ks.un.n.a practicles (Sus'r.)(CDIAL 3708). Metath. nu_ka coarse flour, grits; nu_ca powder (Te.); nu_r-u (nu_r-i-) to crush, pulverize, reduce to powder, demolish, destroy; n. powder, dust, flour; nuvar-u (nuvar-i-) to file; nur-ukku (nur-ukki-) to crush, pulverize, reduce to powder; nur-un:ku (nur-un:ki-) to be powdered, crushed, squeezed; n. broken grains, grits, powder; nor-unor-u (-pp-, -tt-) to be brittle, fragile; nukku (nukki-) to break in pieces, grind, powder, crush (Ta.); nu_r-u powder, esp. powdered lime, starch; nu_r-uka to be pulverized; nur-un.n.uka to be broken into small pieces, shattered, pulverized; nur-un.n.u bit, chip, atom; nur-ukkuka to crush, break in pieces, pound; nur-ukku bit, fragment, broken rice; nuccu broken rice (Ma.); nuc grains broken in pestling; nug- (nugy-) to be hard-pressed (to support large family); nugc- to pound (chillies) with pestle (Ko.); nuc broken rice, chips; nu.r- lime (To.); nu_r-u state of being crushed; nu_ku, nu_gu fragments, grit; nur-i to be reduced to small bits or powder, be crushed; n. state of being crushed; nur-uku, nur-ugu, nurgu, nuggu to crush; be crushed; nurcu, nuccu fragments, bits, grits; nurcu, nur-isu to crush to fragments (Ka.); nuri very small bits of broken rice; nucci broken grains of rice (Kod..); nuriyuni to break, go to pieces, decay; nuripuni, nurpuni to break, powder, granulate, pulverize; nuritelu bruising, chips; nurkallu kind of pebbles found in rice; nukkuni to bruise; nujji, nujju contusion, bruise (Tu.); nu_r-u to grind, sharpen, whet (Te.); nu_r-ucu, nu_rcu to thresh (as corn); nu_r-upu, nu_rpu, nur-upu, nur-ucu threshing; nur-upu, nur-ucu to thrash, kill; n. thrashing, threshing; nur-umu to powder, destroy; n. bits, fragments, powder; nu_ka coarse flour, grits; nu_ca powder (Te.); norp- to thresh (Kol.); nu_kol, nun:gur broken rice (Pa.); no_ra_na_ to grind grain; norra_a_, no_r-, no_hk-, nor-, nohk- to grind; nu_ka_ng pl. broken chironji kernels; nu_ka pl. nu_kan broken rice (Go.); nu_r-- (-it-) to crush, grind, pulverize; no_ka pl. no_ken particles of broken rice after pounding (Kond.a); nu_z- (nu_st-) to grind (Pe.); nu_y- id. (Mand..); nuiyali, nu_y- (-it-) to grind; nu_inai to mill; nurpinai to thresh with oxen; nu_r.pali to thresh out with cattle; no_rpjj- (-it-) to thresh driving cattle over grain, to thresh; nu_kana broken rice (Kuwi); nusing to crush, grind; nuskal handmill (xal stone); nut flour (Br.)(DEDR 3728). For semant. 'whet' cf. ks.n.u to whet; s'a_n.a whetstone (Skt.lex.) no_rpu striking (Ka.); no_puni to beat, strike, flog (Tu.); norp- to thresh (Kol.); no_rp- (-it-) id. (Kuwi)(DEDR 3797). nar-umu (nar-umi-) to crush between the teeth (Ta.); nar-uju, nor-aju, nur-uju gravel, grit (Ka.); nar-uju a small quantity; nar-uma_d.u to powder; nar-umu id.; n. powder (Te.)(DEDR 3626). cf. nongre manjik broken pieces of rice after pouding (Ga.)(DEDR 4639). ks.udrala small, insignificant (Pa_n.. gan.a); khu_dar small (Or.H.)(CDIAL 3715). viks.un.n.a tramples apart (Skt.); viccho_vai separates (Pkt.); bichoi_ scattered, separated, bereft (OH.); viccho_ia pp. separates (Pkt.); viccho_ya separation (Pkt.); bichoya (OH.); bachunn.a_ to be separated, be in want of (P.); bichu_na_ scattered (OH.)(CDIAL 11659). For semant. 'bits, hundreds' cf. nu_r-u (obl. and in cpds. nu_r-r-u-) 100; nu_r-r-uvar 100 persons (Ta.); nu_r-u (nu_r-r-u-) 100; nu_r-r--a_n.t.u 100 years; nu_r-r-uvar, nu_r-r-avar 100 persons (Ma.); nu.r 100 (Ko.); nu.r- id. (To.); nu_r-u id.; nu_r-ar, nu_rvar, nu_r-var 100 persons (Ka.); nu.ri (obl. nu.it.-) 100 (Kod..); nu_du (obl. nu_ta-) id. (Tu.); nu_r-u (obl. nu_t.a-) id.; nu_r-uguru, nu_r-uvuru 100 persons (Te.); nu_r, pl. nuhk; nur id. (Go.)(DEDR 3729).
1732.Image: top of the drill for boring holes: ku_t.u top of the drill for boring holes; mortise, groove, in carpentry (Ta.lex.) ku_risu to join (as two pieces of wood); ku_ru a tenon (Ka.)(DEDR 1882). cf. ku_t.a part of a plough, its share (Skt.); part of a plough (Pali); kur. ploughshare, sole of plough (L.); ku_r. body of a plough (H.); kur ploughshare (L.)(CDIAL 3393).
1733.Navel: gudi_ navel (Go.); kud.d.a_ umbilical cord (Kur.); kud.e navel (Malt.)(DEDR 1678). go~r. protuberant navel (B.); go_n.d.a a fleshy navel (Skt.)(CDIAL 4277). kot.i umbilical cord, what is long and thin (Ta.Ma.)(DEDR 2050). unti navel, belly (Ta.); navel (Ma.); tunti navel, belly (Ta.); unti-na_l.am umbilical cord; unti-p-pu_tto_n- Vis.n.u, with a lotus flower sprouting from his navel (DEDR 624).
1734.Images: creeper; betel leaf: kod.i ele betel leaf (Kod..); kot.i creeper (Ta.); creeper, what is long and thin, umbilical cord, etc. (Ma.); kor.y creeper (Ko.); kwir.y creeper (To.); god.i creeper (Pe.); kur.i id. (Mand..)(DEDR 2050).
1735.Image: bandicoot: kord.el, ko_d.el bandicoot (Pa.); kot.e_l, kot.t.eli, kot.el uppe sp. rat (Go.)(DEDR 2068).
1736.Aegle marmelos: xot.t.a_ the be_l fruit, aegle marmelos (Kur.); qot.e id. (Malt.)(DEDR 2072).
1737.Curve: ko_t.i bend, curve; ko_t.t.am bend, curve, warp (Ta.); kot.u, kut.a bent, curved (Ta.); ko_t.u (ko_t.i-) obliquity, crookedness; kud.u, kud.a, kud.i state of being bent, curved; d.onku, d.onka state of being bent, curved, crooked; a bend, a curve (Ka.); crooked, curved (Tu.); d.onku curvature; d.onkena a sort of spear with a bent or curved head (Te.); kod.val, kor.va sickle (Kol.); kor.val id. (Nk.); ko_r.veli id. (Kond.a); d.ong-, d.o_ng- (-it-) to be bent, crooked (Kuwi)(DEDR 2054). ko_t.u to bend, be crooked (Man.i. 28,188)(Ta.); id. (Ma.)(Ta.lex.) Image: bend, curve: kode to become curved or bent; kakode tag of kokede crooked, curved (Sora.) kud.u, kud.a, kud.i state of being crooked, bent, hooked; d.onku, d.onka state of being bent, curved, crooked; crookedness, a bend, a curve (Ka.); kot.t.uka to bend (Ma.); kot.u curved, bent, crooked (Ta.); kot.umai obliquity, crookedness (Ta.); ko_t.u id. (Ta.); ko_t.al bending, curving (Ta.); ko_t.t.al what is crooked, turn, way of escape (Ma.); ko_t.i bend, curve (Ta.); ko_t.t.am bend, curve, partiality, warp, crookedness (as of mind)(Ta.); crookedness, distortion (Ma.); kut.a curved, bent; kut.akkam bent, curve, crookedness (Ta.); d.onku to bend, be crooked; crookedness (Tu.); crooked, curved (Tu.); d.onkelu crookedness (Tu.); danga_vu to bend, incline (Tu.); kut.akkiyan- hump-back (Ta.); kut.an.-kay palm of hand (Ta.); kut.antai curve (Ta.); go.d.-vad.u to bend (Te.); ku~d.an-gey elbow (Pa.); kunamkay, kungay id. (Go.); kond.or.i, kond.oni bent, winding, zigzag (Kui); ko_nd.a to curl, be curly, bent, twisted (Kui); go_t.or.i, go_t.oni hooked, bent like a hook (Kui); d.ong, d.o_ng to be bent, crooked (Kuwi); d.ok, d.o_k to bend (elbow, wrist, finger)(Kuwi); ko_nd.o_ on all fours, bent double (Br.); kot.unk-kay bent arm; folded arm (Ta.)(DEDR 2054-a). [The semant. 'bend, angle' may be linked to: kapho_n.i elbow (< Munda rather than < Drav.)(CDIAL 2757).] ga_nts, ga_ntsa_ hook (Kon.lex.) Sickle: kod.e_li, kod.avali, kod.ali, kod.vali sickle (Te.); kwir. fo.l. billhook (To.)[cf. pil. cleave asunder (Ta.)(DEDR 4194)]; kot.t.u katti billhook (Kod..); kod.val (pl. kod.vasil) sickle (Kol.); kor.va sickle (Kol.); kor.val sickle (Nk.); kod.ka billhook (Pa.); kot.u-va_l. hatchet, large splitting knife (Ma.); pruning knife, billhook, sickle, battle-axe (Ta.); kor.veli id. (Kond.a); kond.ke sickle (Ga.); d.oveli, do_'velli (pl. do_velka) sickle (Kuwi)[cf. d.onku to bend, be crooked (Ka.Tu.); kud.u bent, hooked (Ka.); d.onkena a sort of spear with a bent or curved head (Te.)]; doweli knife (Kuwi)(DEDR 2054-a).[Intial d. of some forms is < *kd.- (*kd.ong-, kd.ok-; kd.oveli < kod.avali (DEDR 2054).] kaida big sickle; dao a sickle (Santali.lex.)
1738.Image: leg; hoof: ken.t.ai ankle (Ta.); gin.n.i ankle (Kod..)(DEDR 1946). git.t.a, git.t.e, get.t.e, get.ike, got.t.e hoof; ge_d.eka_l.l.u long slender legs (Te.); get.t.a foot, leg, hoof (Kol.); foot (Nk.); ge_t.a leg from knee to ankle (Pa.); ge_t.a hoof (Go.); git.a id. (Kond.a); xed.d. foot, leg (Kur.); qed.u the legs, the feet (Malt.)(DEDR 1943). kutha ankle bone; hur.et to twist the ankle (Santali.lex.) Image: five- or multi-pronged stick: a_n.i-gan.t.hik'a_hata ayopatto (Visuddhi-magga (post-canonical) 108; Sumangala-Vila_sini (post-canonical) DA I.199) a sort of brush made of four or five small pieces of flexible wood; catu-paca-gan.t.hik'a_hata patta a bow with 4 or 5 knots; gan.t.hika_ a knot, a tie; a_n.i (Vedic. fine, thin, flexible; Idg.*olena_; Old High German lun; German lunse; Anglo-saxon lyes = English linch, further related to Latin ulna elbow; Old High German elina; Anglo-saxon eln = el-bow (English) the pin of a wheel-axle, a linch-pin; a peg, pin, bolt, stop (at a door); a_n.i-dva_ra fastening, enclosure (Pali.lex.) Heel, knee: gun.t.hi the knee; hur.ja m. with a stiff knee (Santali.lex.) kun.t.u to limp, to halt; to hop (Ka.Te.); kun.t.u, ko_n.t.u (Tu.); kintu (Ta.); kittu (Ma.); kun.t.i lame, crooked (Te.); kun.t.itana id. (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) khut.t.a knee (Dm.); ko_t.a (Pas'.); kut., kut.h (Bshk.); ku_t.h (Tor.); ku_t.hu (Kand.); kut.ho, khu_t.u (Phal.); kot.hu (K.); ku_t.ewi_ heel (Wg.); kut.a_ (Ash.); ku_t.o, ku_t.hu, kut.h (Sh.); kut.a (D..)(CDIAL 3243). gid.ri knee-cap (Kui); gr.i'ma id. (Kuwi)(DEDR 1536). god.d.a, go_d.a foot (Pkt.); gur (Gypsy); god. ankle, foot of tree, beginning of anything (K.);[cf. semant. mutal base, foot, lowest part of stem (Ta.); model key wrist (Pa.)(DEDR 4951)]; god.o knee; gud.a knee-bone (S.); god.d.a_ knee; go_d.a_ (L.); god.d.a_ (P.): gwa_r.o foot; go_r. (Ku.); gor.o foot, leg (N.); gor foot, kick, foot of tree (A.); guri kick, foot of tree; gorohani stamp of the foot (A.); gor. foot, leg; gor.a_ foot of tree, root, origin (B.); gor.a foot, heel, leg, base (Or.); gor. leg (Mth.); go_r. foot, leg (Bhoj.); gor. feet (Aw.); foot, leg (H.); gor.a_ id. (H.); god. knee (Br.)(CDIAL 4272). cf. ga_t.a_, gat.t.a_ wrist (Bhoj.); gatr forearm (Ash.); gotr upper arm (Kt.); go_t. forearm, wrist (Pr.)(CDIAL 4124). Thigh, leg: kut.a thigh (Pe.); ku_t.u hip (Tu.); kut.e thigh (Mand..); ku_t.i hip (Kui); krun.d.u hip (?Kuwi)(DEDR 1885). gu_de prolapsus of the anus (Ka.); id. (Tu.); gu_da, gudda id. (Te.)(DEDR 1891). khut.o leg, foot; khut.i_ goat's leg (Ku.); khut.o leg, foot; khur.kilo ladder (N.)[cf. ki_la peg](CDIAL 3894). Images: hoof; ankle; wrist; knuckle: kol.aga, kol.agu, kon.agu hoof; kol.bu id. (Ka.); kolanci, kol.ci, kol.ci id. (Kor.); kul.ampu hoof (Ta.); id. (Ma.); kol.k id.(Ko.); kwil.x lower joints of calf leg down to hoof, wrist (To.)(DEDR 1829). gulpha ankle (AV.); kulpha (RV.); guppha, gom.pha, gubbha id. (Pkt.); gopphaka id. (Pali); gro_pa, das'-gro_pa wrist (Dm.); gupi_ hip (Sh.); gopha_ ankle (M.); gopu ankle; gop-t.aya ankle bone; gop-mas calf of leg (Si.)(CDIAL 4216). glau, pl. gla_vah. round lump of flesh (AV.); gu_lus wrist (Bshk.); gu_lucu ankle; gulu_cu wrist (Sh.); gulu forearm above wrist (K.); giryo ankle (S.)(CDIAL 4214). ci_laman.d.e ankle (Ka.); ci_laman.d.a id. (Te.)(DEDR 2633). ghut.a ankle (Skt.); khur heel (Gypsy); grui_k ankle-bone (Kt.); gru_ik (Wg.); ghu~t.an. knee (G.); gorek wrist (Wg.); gu_ri thigh (Dm.); gur.i (Phal.); ghuno knee (Ku.); ghu~r.o (N.); ghu~t.i_ ankle joint (G.); gu_t.e knuckle (Kt.); go_t.uk (Pr.); ghu_t.i_ ankle (H.); ghut.na_ knee (H.); ghot.na_ ankle (H.)(CDIAL 4479). girige ankle (Tu.); gira key wrist (Pa.); girri ka_l ankle (Go.); kirnji gat.i ankle bone (Pe.); kernji gat.i id. (Mand..); kirli, kirli d.ekka, gri'ni ankle (Kuwi)(DEDR 1563). ghurnas tendon Achilles (H.)(CDIAL 4480). cf. kut.a heel (Ash.)(CDIAL 3243). kuti, kutin.-ka_l, kuti-kka_l, kuti-ka_l heel of the foot (Ta.); kuti, kuti-ka_l id. (Ma.); gudi-ka_lu id. (Te.)(DEDR 1707). kur-an:ku thigh (Ta.); kur-aku, kur-avu quarter of animals, ham, thigh, loins (Ma.); korg thigh (Ko.); kur-uvu id. (Te.); kudug (obl. kudg-) id. (Kol.); kudu (pl. kudul), kud.u id. (Pa.); kuyug (pl. kuygul) id. (Ga.); kurki_, kurki, kurk, kurku, koh-ki id. (Go.); kur-gu (pl. kuRku) id. (Kond.a); kuju (pl. kuska), kuj(u)gu id. (Kui); ku_dgu_ lap, thigh; kudugu calf of leg (Kuwi); kudgu thigh (Kuwi); xosga_ leg, thigh (Kur.); qosge thigh (Malt.)(DEDR 1840). Foot disease: khurha_ (Or. cmpd.: khura_-gha_) foot-and-mouth disease of cattle (Or.); khura_r.u foot disease among cattle (WPah.)(CDIAL 3907). khura_t.i dust raised by the hoofs of cattle (Or.)(CDIAL 3909). Image: hoof: khura a hoof (Santali.lex.) kul.ampu hoof (Ta.Ma.); kol.k hoof (Ko.); kwil.x lower joints of calf's leg down to hoof, wrist (To.); kol.aga, kol.agu, kon.agu hoof (Ka.); kol.bu id. kolanci, kol.nci, kol.ci id. (Kor.)(DEDR 1829).[Mensuration: cf. kol.age measure of capacity = 4 bol.l.a (Ka.)(DEDR 1827).] kuracu, kuraccai horse's hoof (Ta.); gorasu, gorase, gorise, gorusu hoof (Ka.); gorija, gorise, gorije, korije id. (Te.)(DEDR 1770). khura hoof (Ka_tyS'r.Pali.Pkt.Or.); khur (Wg.Phal.Mai.L.P.Ku.N.B.Bhoj.H.); heel (G.); foot (Gaw.Kal.Bshk.WPah.); ku_r hoof, foot (Ash.); kurka_ heel (Ash.); kyur foot (Kt.); kyurkete heel (Kt.); khuri_ hoof, heel (Pas'.); xu_r foot (Pas'.); xurem my foot (Shum.); khu_ foot (Tor.); khu_ri heel (Sh.); khu_ru hoof (Sh.Konkan.i): khor foot (esp. human)(K.); kho_r foot of any living being; foot (K.); khu_ru leg of a bed, etc. (K.); heel (K.); hoof, foot of bed (M.); khuru hoof (S.); khura_ hoof (A.); hoof, leg (Or.); foot of bedstead (B.); foot track (L.); hoof print (P.); heel of shoe (H.M.); khuri_ heel (L.); small hoof, heel of shoe (P.H.); hoof (Mth.); forepart of hoof (M.); khu_r hoof (Mth.); hoof print (H.); khari_ hoof (G.); kuraya hoof (Si.); khuluha ankle (Pkt.); xur hoof (Gypsy); khur.i_ heel (S.); khu_r. foot (WPah.)(CDIAL 3906). khura_t.i dust raised by the hoofs of cattle (Or.)(CDIAL 3909). Image: heel: kuna heel (Pe.); kune (Mand..); gu'na id. (Kuwi)(DEDR 1862). khurin hoofed (VarBr-S.); khin heel (Bshk.); khunik (Gaw.); khunike (Sv.); khun.yo back-strap of a heel fixed for raising it (S.)(CDIAL 3911). Ankle: karat.u ankle, knot in wood (Ta.); karan.a knot of sugar cane; kurat.t.a knuckle of hand or foot (Ma.); karan.e, kan.n.e clot, lump (Ka.); karud.u lump, mass, clot (Te.)(DEDR 1266).
1739.Image: rump of an animal: kun.t.i rump of an animal; any rump-like protuberance; buttocks; porteriors; kun.t.i-ka_ytal lit. to be thinned in the buttocks; to become emaciated on account of insufficient food, etc.; to grow lean; kun.t.i-p-pat.t.ai buttocks (Ta.lex.) ku_ti pudendum muliebre (Ta.); id., posteriors (Ma.); ku.0y anus, region of buttocks in general (To.); ku_di anus, posteriors, membrum muliebre (Tu.)(DEDR 1887).
1740.Image: tree trunk: khor.a_ stocks, handcuffs (H.); khor.ka_ stump of a tree (H.); khod. trunk or stump of a tree (M.); khod.a_ stocks for criminals (M.)(CDIAL 3748).
1740a.Image: metal wristlet: got. metal wristlet (M.)(CDIAL 4271). A string tied in fulfilment of a vow: kat.ikai epaulette, an ancient ornament for men's shoulders (Ci_vaka. 2808); bracelet; a piece of string which one ties round his wrist as token of the fulfilment of a vow (Net.unal. 142); kat.ukkutal to draw up, as one's bracelets (Tiv. Tiruppa_. 18, Vya_. 172)(Ta.lex.) cf. ka~_d. (G.); ka~_d.e~ id. (M.); ka~_gd.u~ wrist (G.)(CDIAL 3023). kan.u-kkai wrist (Ta.); gana, gana-kay wrist (Go.)(DEDR 1160). Image: wrist: ga_t.a_, gat.t.a_ wrist (Bhoj.); gatr forearm (Ash.); gotr upper arm (Kt.); go_t. forearm, wrist (Pr.)(CDIAL 4124). Image: forearm: prako_s.t.ha forearm (Sus'r.); pakot.t.ha, paot.t.ha, paut.t.ha, pavat.t.ha forearm (Pkt.); pau~t.ho wrist (Ku.); pau~t.ho, pu~t.ho (N.)(CDIAL 8450). Image: to strike with wrist: gud.a gud.i to strike each other with the heel of the fist; gud.au to stike with the heel of the fist, to thump; bandike gud.aua gud.nate they thump the bandis with a gud.na or club; kudr.a kudr.i to fight by striking each other with the heel of the fist; kudrau, kud.rau to strike with the heel of the fist, not with the knuckles (Santali.lex.) Image: circular dance; holding hands: gud.ia gud.ia, gad.ea gud.ia holding each other by the hand or clothes, in a band; gad.ea gud.ia bar.ae kanako they have joined hands; gud.ia gud.iyi together, in company, with fun and frolic (Santali.lex.)
1741.Image: transverse: gand.e, gand.i adj. deviating from, or transverse to, either the line straight in front or straight behind; to put across or obliquely over something; gand.e-n to take an oblique direction; gand.e-o to be put or to get in a positon deviating from, or transverse to, either the line straight upwards, downwards, front or behind; gand.egand.e, gande.eno adv. in a slightly oblique way; gand.ege, gand.ete in an oblique direction (Mu.); gand.i transverse to (Sadani)(Mu.lex.)
1742.Image: set of four: gan.d.a a set of four; bar gan.d.a poesa two annas; pon gan.d.a aphor menaka there are 16 bunches of rice seedlings (Santali.lex.) gand.a a set of four; a set of 4 pice, i.e. one anna; to divide into sets of 4; gand.a-n to take for onself a set of four; gand.agand.a to divide, to put, to put down pebbles, in sets of four (Mu.); gand.a a set of four (H.Sadani); gand.a-gut.i a pebble put down in counting, for each set of four (Mu.)(Mu.lex.) ganda-lunukul the fold under the knuckle of a finger or toe, in contrast to ut.i, the knuckle (Mu.lex.) Measure: gan.d.a-ma_d.a, ma_d.a (Te.); ma_d.ha, ma_d.ha_ (Or.); ma_d.ai (Ta.) a coin of gold or silver; 40 ratis in weight; a weight of gold; money in general (Te.); four ma_d.as = one cars.am (kars.a?). cf. ka_rs.a_pan.a, nis.ka and gan.d.anis.ka. (IE 8-8; EI 7; CITD; SITI; IEG.) gan.d.aka a coin worth four cowries (Skt.); method of counting by fours (Skt. < Munda.); gan.d.ho four in counting (S.); gan.d.a_ four cowries (P.); a group of four, four cowries (B.Or.H.); aggregate of four cowries or pice (M.)(CDIAL 4001).[cf. 3 kra_nti [perh.< kan. knot on a finger (Ta.)(DEDR 1160)] = 1 kad.a_ [perh.< kavd.a_ cowrie; cf. kavar-u a die (Ma.)(DEDR 1329)]; 4 kad.a_ = 1 gan.d.a_; 20 gan.d.a_ = 1 pan.a land measures (MIAI, p.61.)] A fourth; lease: kanta_ca_ram lease in which the lessor receives one-fourth, and the lessee three-fourths, of the produce, each party paying half the kist (G.Sm.D. i,242); [cf. kanda_ca_ra native militia (Ka.lex.)]; kanta, kantu instalment, fixed term of payment (Ka.); kanda_ya space of four months (in astrology)(Ka.Tu.); kanda_yo tax (Tu.); kanda_yamu space of four months (Te.); kanta_yam astrological period of four months (Ta.); kanda_yam term for paying taxes; space of four months (Ma.)(DEDR 1209).
1743. Harvest season; assessment, kist paid in cash in a lumpsum or by instalments: kanta_yam instalment, assessment, revenue money paid in a lump or in instalments (Ta.); tax, land-tax, ground-rent (Ma.); kandi.g revenue money (Ko.); kanda_ya tribute, tax (Ka.Tu.)(DEDR 1209). kanta_yam instalment (S.I.I. i,104); assessment, kist paid in cash in a lumpsum or by instalments (C.G.); kanda_yamu id. (Te.); kanda_ya (Ka.Tu.); kanda_yam (Ma.); kanta_yam profit, income from lands either in kind or in money (C.G.); harvest season (Ta.lex.) cf. Image: ta_yam dice (Ta.lex.) Image: joint; knot; ankle: ken.t.ai ankle (Ta.); ken.ippu articulation, joint (Ma.); gan.t.a knot (Te.); gin.n.u, gen.n.u knot, joint, as of sugar-cane, finger, etc.; gan.t.u knot of cord, joint of reed, bamboo, cane, joint or articulation of body (Ka.); gin.n.i joint in wrist or fingers, knot in sugar-cane; ka.li-gin.n.i ankle (Kod..); gan.t.u knot in string, ankle, knot or joing of reed or cane (Tu.); gan.t.u, gan.t.a a knot (Te.); kand.e joint in bamboo (Nk.)(DEDR 1946). kan. joint in bamboo or cane; kan.u joint of bamboo, cane, etc., knuckle, joint of the spine, vertebra (Ta.); kan.u-kka_l ankle (Ta.); kan., kan.u, kan.n.u, kan.pu joint in knot or cane; kan.avu node of bamboo, cane, etc.; kan.akkai, kan.an:kai wrist; kan.akka_l, kan.an:ka_l ankle; kan.ippu articulation of limbs (Ma.); kan. joint of bamboo (Ko.); kon. joint in reeds, sticks, etc.; gan.alu knuckle of the fingers, joint or knot of any cane; gan.ike knot or joint (Ka.); ka_ra kan.n.u ankle (Tu.); kanu, kannu joint in cane or reed; kan.upu, gan.upu joint, knot, node (of bamboo, sugarcane, etc.); ganupu (ganapu, genapu, genupu), kanupu, kannu, gani, ganike, gane, ganne, gunupu = gan.upu (Te.); gana knot in tree (Kol.); khan joint in bamboo (Nk.); xann place on bamboo or cane where side shoot was cut away (Kur.); xan knot in wood (Br.)(DEDR 1160). kan.u joint of a bamboo, cane, etc. (Caivaca. Potu. 358); node; bamboo; knuckle; joint of the spine; vertebra (Ta.lex.) Counting; measure: kan.ippu computing, counting (Kantapu. Mutan-a_t.. 42); kan.iya_n- man of a low caste noted for his skill in magic and his knowledge of astrology (G.Tn.D. 227); kan.itan- astronomer, astrologer (Nait.ata. Araca_. 9); kan.itam methods of arithmetical calculation; processes of computation, of which eight are mentioned, viz., can:kalitam (ku_t.t.al), vipakalitam (kar..ittal), kun.anam (perukkal), pa_ka_ram (vakuttal), varkkam, varkka-mu_lam, kan-am, kan--mu_lam; kan.itam astrology including astronomy (Tol. Po. 75, Urai); measure, limit (Ce_tupu. Kantama_. 86); kan.icam measure, weight in the hand, size, bulk, in a limited sense; kan.icittal to consider, meditate, contemplate (I_t.u, 7,4,1); kan.icam estimating, guessing, rough calculation; kan.ikan- astrologer (Ka_cika. Vi_re_can-. 11); kan.i-k-ka_rikai female fortune-teller, as a gypsy (Tol. Po. 60, Urai, Par..aiya-patippu.); kan.i-ka_ri id. (Tol. Po. 60, Urai.); kan.i astrologer (Pu. Ve. 8,20); learned man; one who is well versed in some branch of knowledge; painter (Tiruppu. 597)(Ta.lex.) cf. kan.ikai harlot, courtesan, prostitute (Man.i. 16,6)(Ta.lex.) Counting in fours: gan.d.aka a coin worth four cowries; method of counting in fours (< Mu.)(Skt.); gan.d.ho four in counting (S.); gan.d.a_ four cowries (P.); a group of four, four cowries (B.Or.H.);
aggregate of four cowries of pice (M.)(CDIAL 4001). For semant. 'concept of reckoning, counting or division': gan. cf. gan.n.a a division of paddyland (Ka.); field (Tu.)(DEDR 1355). cf. gan.ike knot or joint (Ka.); xan knot in wood (Br.); kan.u knuckle (Ta.)(DEDR 1160). cf. kan.d.a joint of stalk, arrow (Pali)(CDIAL 3023); gan.d.a joint of plant (Skt.)(CDIAL 3998). ka_ne_ra_ mat-maker (L.); ka~d.era_ a caste of bow- and arrow-makers (H.)(CDIAL 3024); kani_ra_ caste of arrow-makers (H.)(CDIAL 3026); kana_r bamboo-goad for young elephants (Mth.)(CDIAL 3025). kadara iron goad for guiding an elephant (Skt.)(CDIAL 2711). gan.d.aka a coin worth four cowries; method of counting by fours (Skt.); gan.d.ho four in counting (S.); gan.d.a_ four cowries (P.); a group of four, four cowries (B.Or.H.); aggregate of four cowries or pice (M.)(CDIAL 4001). Telling one's number of troop or flock: gan.a troop, flock (RV.Pkt.Pali) [cf. gan.ayati tells one's number (of troop or flock).]; gan herd (Tor.); beehive (K.); gan.ha_r beehive (WPah.); gan.aya company (Si.)(CDIAL 3988, 3991). [cf.Phratry names in a clan by number counts: aim-peru-ve_l.ir five great ve_l.ir (Akam., 125); er..u ve_l.ir seven ve_l.ir (Akam., 36; patinoru ve_l.ir eleven ve_l.ir (Akam., 246); patina_nku ve_l.ir fourteen ve_l.r (Akam., 135); patinen kut.i ve_l.ir eighteen septs of ve_l.r (Tol. Po., 32, Urai) [cf. Mahadevan, I. 1970, p.185]; re: Gond.s of Adilabad: nal ven saga number four phratry; si ven saga number five phratry; sar ven saga number six phratry; er ven saga number seven phratry (Sethumadhava Rao Pagdi, Among the Gonds of Adilabad, Bombay, 1949, p.3; loc.cit. Mahadevan, I., Dravidian Parallels in Proto-Indian Script, Journal of Tamil Studies, vol.II, No.1, 1970, pp.157-276; p.185.] Counting: kan.akku account, calculation, arithmetic, account book, manner, way (Ta.); account, computation, manner, way (Ma.); kan.akkan- accountant (Ta.); kan.akkan id. (Ma.); kan:k calculation, records (government), historical account (Ko.); kon:k calculation, arithmetic (To.)(DBIA 69). [kan. + akkam = counting on the (12) s of the fingers; cf. gana-kay wrist (Go.); kan.u-k-kai (Ta.); kan.u knuckle (Ta.)(DEDR 1160).] gan.aka astrologer (VS.); gan.aya, gan.iya id. (Pkt.); gan.i~_u (G.)(CDIAL 3989). Counting; marking: akkam a numerical figure (?Ma. ?< eka (Skt.); ekm (obl.ekt-) counting, taking account of something; ekat. (ekac-) to count (kat..- to tie); eku.t. (eku.c-) to count (ku.t.- to make to join, gather); ekmu.r. (ek.muc-) to count (Ko.); okm (obl. okt-) arithmetic, account, figures (To.); ekkam the unit of numeration, first place in ciphering (Tu.); ekkamu a unit, the place of units, a multiplication table (Te.)(DEDR 769). gan.ana counting (Pa_n..As'.Si.); gan.ana_ (MBh.Pali); gan.an.a (Pkt.)(CDIAL 3992). gun.ayati advises (Dha_tup.); gun.e_i, gun.ai counts (Pkt.); gunoiki to think (Sh.); gun.n.a_ to count, calculate (P.); gunnu to ponder (A.); gun.iba (A.); gun.a_ to count (B.); gun.iba_ to think again and again (Or.); gunai thinks (OAw.); gunna_ to think about, praise (H.); gun.ai ponders (OG.); gan.vu~ (G.); gun.n.e~ to con (M.); gun.u calculation (Kt.Dard.c); gurrun (Bashg.)(CDIAL 4191). gun.ayati multiplies (VarBr.S.); go_nun to multiply (K.); gun.iba_ (Or.); gunna_ (H.); gun.n.e~ (M.)(CDIAL 4191a). gan.ayati counts (MBh.); gan.e_ti counts, takes notice of (Pali); gan.i_yati is counted (As'.); gan.e_i, gan.ai counts (Pkt.); gan. to count, read (Ash.Wg.Pas'.); gan.an. (L.); gan.n.o~_ (WPah.); gan.n.o (K.); gan.an.u (S.); gannu (N.); gan.iba (A.); gan.a_ (B.); gan.iba_ (Or.); ganab (Mth.Aw.); ganal (Bhoj.); gan.vu~ (G.); gan.n.e~ (M.); gan.inava_ (Si.); gen, gin (Gy.); gi~r (Bashg.); gin.an. (L.); gin.n.a_ (P.); ginab (Bi.); ginna_ (H.)(CDIAL 3993). gan.iya counted (Pkt.); gin.uva_ id. (OSi.); gan.ita id. (MBh.)(CDIAL 3996). ganna counting (Pkt.); ga_u (S.)(CDIAL 4120). grand counting (K.); ganti (N.); ganti_ (H.)(CDIAL 4234). gan.ika_ courtesan (Mn.Pali.); gn.aka bought for a large sum (Pa_n..); gan.iya_(Pkt.); gou (K.); gin.iya (Si.)(CDIAL 3994). Joint; knuckle of the fingers; articulation: grantha knot (TS.); gantha bond (Pali); gan.d. knot (in string or wood), joint of finger (K.)(CDIAL 4350). granthana stringing together (Pa_n.. Va_rtt.); granthana_ (Skt.); ga~_than stringing together; ga~_thni arrangement so made (A.); ga~_than threading; ga~_thani structure, formation (B.); ga~_than. junction (G.); ga~_than., ga~_t.han. plaiting (M.); Festival: ganni first fruits (of barley), harvest festival (Sh.)(CDIAL 4351). cf. kanta_yam harvest season; kantat.t.i, kanta-cat.t.i < skanda + s.as.t.hi_ festival ending on the sixth day of the bright fortnight in the month of Aippaci, which is held in commemoration of Skanda's victory over th Asura Cu_rapatuman- (Ta.lex.) granthi knot, bunch, protuberance (RV.); joint (Skt.); swelling or hardening of the vessels of the body (Sus'r.); gan.t.hi, gan.t.hika_ knot (Pali); gam.t.hi knot, joint, bundle, a kind of disease (Pkt.); gre_n. knot (Dm.); ghren., ghre_n.d. knot, log in a wall (Kal.); gren log in a wall (Kho.); grhe_n.d. knot (Phal.); gu_n. (Sh.); gan.d. knot (K.); go~_t.h bolt, knot (K.); gan.d.hi knot, bulb of onion, tumour (Si.); gan.d.h knot, joint (P.); ga_nu swelling at foot of a plant, painful swelling in stomach, knotting of a woman's breast with milk (N.); ga~_t.ho knot, joint, knuckle (H.); ga~_t.hi knot, joint, protuberance (A.); ga~_t.h, ga~_t.i, ga~_it. knot, knob (B.); gan.t.hi, gae~t.h knot, joint (Or.); ge~t.h knot (Bi.); ga~_t.hi (Mth.); ga~_t.h (Bhoj.); ga_m.t.hi, ga~_t.hi (OAw.); ga~_t.h, ga~_t., ga~_t.hi_, ga~_t.ha_ (H.); ga~_t.h, ga~_t.ho knot (G.); ga~_t.h knot, joint, knob (M.); ga_n.t.i knot (Konkan.i); gt.aya (Si.)(CDIAL 4354). granthin strung together (RV.); gam.t.hiya strung together, knotted (Pkt.); ga~t.hiya_ having many knots (A.); ga~_t.hi (B.); ga~_t.hiyo ta_v bubonic plague (G.)(CDIAL 5355). granthila knotted, knotty (Pa_n..gan.a); gam.t.hilla knotted (Pkt.); gan.d.ulu (K.); gan.d.hiru knotty (S.); gan.t.hil.a (Or.)(CDIAL 4357). Image: single joint of plant: ka_n.d.a single joint of plant (AV.TS.); stalk, arrow (Or.); arrow (MBh.)[< Prob.Dravidian kan. of bamboo or sugarcane (Ta.)]; kan.d.a arrow, of stalk, stalk, lump (Pali); ka_r. arrow (N.B.); stalk, arrow (Or.); stack or stalks of large millet (Mth.); ka_r arrow (A.); kamd.a knot of bough, bough, stick (Pkt.); ka~_d. bough, arrow (G.); trunk, stem (M.); stalk of reed, straw (K.)(CDIAL 3023).1744.Cowry: kod.u~ sea-shell (G.); kod.u shell hung round neck of cattle (S.); kod.o a kind of shell (S.); a large cowry (G.); kor.i_ cowry (Marw.); kod.i_ cypraea moneta or cowry (S.); small cowry (G.); kaud. conch (L.); a large shell (P.); kaud.i_ cowry (used as money or as ornament for animals)(L.); cowry (P.); kaur.ie a game played with cowries (WPah.); kaur.i_ cowry (Ku.Aw.H.); kaur.i cowry (N.); kaur.a_ cowry (H.); kaur.a, kaur.i_ cowry (Or.); kaur.i cowry (Mth.); kavad.d.a big cowry (Pkt.); kavad.d.i_ small cowry (Pkt.); kavd.a_, kavd.i_ cowry (M.); kavd.i id. (Konkan.i); kavad.iya id. (Si.); kawa_r. small piece (Pas'); kaparda a small shell (Skt.); kapardaka, kapardika_ cowrie (Skt.); kaud.a_ a large shell; tortoise (P.)(CDIAL 2740). kod.yaru seller of cowries (CDIAL 2741). kapardin having braided hair (RV.); having or wearing or like or worth cowries (Skt.); kaud.ia_ a slave bought for a cowry (P.); kaur.ia_ valuable; akaur.ia_ penniless (Or.); kaur.iya_ wearing cowries (H.)(CDIAL 2742). kar.i_ cowry (B.); kar.a_ cowry (A.B.)(CDIAL 2740). kavar-u dice, gambling (Ta.); die (Ma.)(DEDR 1329). gavva a cowrie (Te.)(DEDR 1342).
1745.Double handsful: kot.anna, kut.anna both handsful (Ma.); kod.ande double handful (with two hands together)(Kod..); kon.idili a handful (Te.); kor.op a double handful (Go.); kor.k mend.u a full double handful; kor.ov double handful; folded hands (Go.); gro_d.a the scoop or receptacle made by holding both hands together(Kui); gorli a double handful (Kuwi)(DEDR 2046); kod.ame, kod.ambe a double basket for catching fish (Ka.)(DEDR 2047). {The double handful: kor.ov (Go.)(DEDR 2046); the morpheme and the cognate Dravidian phonemic forms may explain the ancient semantics leading to the landing point in numeration}: kor.i_ twenty : Man: kod.i (Juang. Remo); kuri (Mahle); kur.i (Birhar); kori (Kharia): prob. same as word for 'man', i.e. '20 fingers'; whence, Dravidian: ku_ri_ (Kurukh), kor.i (Malto), ko_d.e (Kui)(CDIAL 3503). ko_t.i a score (as in counting precious stones, silk, etc.); ko_t.i, ko_t.t.a a score (Ma.); ko_d.i id. (Tu.); ko_d.iga id. (used chiefly in counting precious stones (Te.); ko_r.ie twenty (Kui. cf. the variant form cited in CDIAL 3503); ko_reka, ko_d.i twenty (Kuwi); kuri_ score (Kur.); ko_r.i id. (Malt.)(DBIA 122). ko_di_ (M.) ko_d.i (Te.Ta.) a score, as in counting precious stones, silk, etc. (S'ivaga. 2331, urai); row, series; end, tip, point; backyard of a house; edge of a verandah; (edge) bead, as in carpentry; limit, bounds; weir of a tank, outlet for the surplus water; a quality in diamond (Ta.lex.) Numeral '20': kor.i twenty (Pareng); kur.i '20' (Birhor); bar-gal (Santali: 2 X 10); ar-kal (Riang); kul (Kukia Chin); gol-mbar (Gutob); kodi, kudi (Sora); kori (Kharia); kode (Gutob.Gadaba) twenty (Sora.lex.) cf. ko_t.i a score, as in counting precious stones, silk, etc. (Ta.); ko_d.i id. (Te.); ko_d.i_ id. (M.)(Ta.lex.) ku_ri_ '20` (Kurukh); kor.i (Malto.); ko_d.e (Kui.)(CDIAL 3503). kuri a score (K.A.); kor.i_ (H.S.P. < ko_t.i); kori (N.); kur.i (B.); kor.i (Or.); ku_d.i_ (G.); kod., kod.i_ (M.)(CDIAL 3503). Suffix denoting plurality: -ko (Kherwari group); -ku (Kurku); -ki (Kharia.Juang.); -gi (Pareng.Remo.Gutob.Gadaba); -ji (Sora.); -ki (Khasi.Palaung.Mon.Khmer)(Sora.lex.) Ten million: kod.i ten million (OG.OB..); kel.a id.. (Si.)--hypersanskritism with kr-: koro_r (K.); kiror.i (S.); kror. (P.B.H.); kiror., karor. (H.); kiror.a crore (OMarw.); kiror.i_ worth a crore (OMarw..); karor. (G.N.); ko_t.i 10 million (Mn.Pali.) [Separate from the homonym: ko_t.i curved end of bow, edge < Austro-as.]; ko_d.i ten million (Pkt.)(CDIAL 3498).
1746.A vast army: ko_t.i a vast army consisting of 64 akkuro_n.i; rear of an army (uramutar- ko_t.iyi_r-a_yin-a : Kur-al., 767, Urai)[akkuro_n.i < aks.auhin.i army consisting of 21,870 chariots, 21,870 elephants, 65,610 horses, and 109,350 foot-soldiers (cf. Amarako_s'a II. 536-7); Tamil nikan.t.us give differently (Ta.lex.) aks.auhin.i an army consisting of 21,870 elephants, 21,870 chariots, 65,610 horses and 109,350 feet (Ka.Skt.); u_hini an assemblage; a multitude reduced to order (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) Image: continuous line: o_n.i, o_l.i a continuous line, a row (Ka.); o_l.i id. (Ta.Tu.); o_n.i a lane; an alley; a street (Ka.lex.)
1747.Household utensils: kan.t.a_n-umun.t.a_n-um redupl. of kan.t.a_n-um: household utensils, great and small, useful and useless (Ta.lex.)
1748.Ankle rings: kan.t.ayam tinkling ankle rings worn by distinguished warriors (Ta.lex.)
1750.Gold: kan.aya gold (Pkt.); kanaya_ gold (MB.); kanaka gold (Pali); kana_ gold (Si.)(CDIAL 2717). kanaka (Pali.Skt.)[Greek: kvkoc, yellow; Anglo-Saxon hunig honey;cf.kacana] gold, usually as uttatta-kanaka; said of the colour of the skin; kanaka-agga gold-crested; kanaka-chavin golden complexioned; kanaka-taca id.; kanaka-pabha_ golden splendour; kanaka-vima_na a fairy palace of gold; kanaka-sikhari_ a golden peak in kanaka-ra_ja_ king of the golden peaks (i.e. Himalayas)(Pali.lex.) kanaka-ma_r..ai lump of gold, nugget (ku_ppiya kanaka-ma_r..aiya_l [Ci_vaka. 913](Ta.lex.)
1751.Instalment: kandhi an instalment, piece, lump; kandhi d.an:gra a bullock hired for the season (Santali.lex.)
1752.Image: gap: khan.d.o a break or gap in a ridge or line, a gap in a row, as made by a lost tooth, a breach; notched, hacked; churi dhar khan.d.ena the blade of the knife is notched; khan.d.o bod.gak having gaps in the teeth, used when scolding in anger; khan.d.wan. having a gap or gaps in the teeth (Santali.lex.) Image: notched extremity: kar..unnu notched extremity of a bow (Ma.); kar..untu rounded end, as of a pestle or bow; tenon (Ta.)(DEDR 1367). Piece: kam.d.a piece, fragment (Pkt.)(CDIAL 2683). khan.d.a broken, crippled (VarBr.S.); fragment (R.); khan.d.a broken (usu. of teeth); piece (Pali); khan.d.ika_ broken bit (Pali); xar.i a little; xandi, xanrik a little (Gypsy); kham.d.a, kham.d.ia_ piece (Pkt.); kho_n.d.a half (Kal.); khond.u broken, maimed (K.); khnd.u piece (K.); khanu piece of bread (S.); khani_ small piece of bread (S.); khanni_ piece, scrap of bread (L.); khanna_ adj. half; khanni_ piece (P.); dwi_-khan two halves (Ku.); kha_nur.o piece (Ku.); kha~r.euli broken bits of rice (N.); kha~ra_ cropped, tailless (A.); kha_n, kha_na_, kha_ni piece, article (as a determinative) with irreg. n (B.); kha~_r.a_ piece (Bhoj.); khan.d.a_ broken rice (H.); kha~_d.u~ broken (G.); kha~_d. piece; break, fissure (M.); kha~_d.ol.e~ piece (M.); kad.a broken piece, piece (Si.); khan.d.ar half (of anything)(Kho.); khand.arun to break in pieces (K.); khan.d.ar broken (H.)(CDIAL 3792).
1753.Image: fat man: kin.t.an- fat man, strong person (Ta.); gan.d.a (Ka.M.)(Ta.lex.) Warrior; stout, strong man: kan.t.an- warrior; title of Co_r..a kings; husband (Ta.lex.); ken.t.an- robust, stout man (Ta.); kin.t.an- a stout, bulky fellow (Ma.); gan.d. male (Ko.); gan.d.u strength, manliness, bravery; the male sex, a male man (Ka.); male, valiant, stout (Tu.); bravery, strength, the male of the lowe animals (Te.) gan.d.a a strong, manly male person, a husband; strength, greatness (Ka.); gen.d.u male (Ka.); gan.d.a_d.u a brave, strong man (Te.); gar.ek man, male (Nk.); gen.d.a male (Malt.); gan.d.iga a valiant man (Ka.); garn.d.a_lu a stalwart man, giant (DEDR 1173); gan.d.a-, gan.d.i_ra- hero (Skt.) kot.t.an fat man or animal (Ta.lex.)
1754.Coarse cloth: kin.t.an- a kind of coarse cloth, striped or checkered gingham (Ta.); stout cloth, double-threaded stuff (Ma.); gin.t.a gingham, stout cloth, double-threaded stuff (Ka.); gin.t.emu weaving with a double thread, a thick cloth (Te.)(DEDR 1540). kin.t.a_n- Cuddalore check, red and black, used for mattresses and pillows (Ta.lex.) kandan.ike an empty sack (Ka.); kanda_d.ike = kanthe id. (Te.); kando_t.i a receptacle for money, either bag, box or safe (Ka.); khando_t.i (H.)(Ka.lex.) kanthe, kante a rag, a patched garment, especially one worn by certain ascetics or mendicants; a thick cloth made of quited rags used as a cover at night; kavudi (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) Cloth: khan.d.a, khan.d.i a piece of cloth suitable for the dress of a woman, a sar.i twelve cubits long by two in width; khan.d.uak (Santali.lex.) kantha_ rag, cloth (Skt.); patched cloth (Pali); kam.tha_ rag, old cloth (Pkt.); ka~thari_ rag (Bhoj.); ka~_thari patched cloth, quilt of patches (OH.); kathr.i_, kathri_ id. (H.)(CDIAL 2721). kadale a rag (Tu.); gatla, getli, gette, gete, gende cloth (Go.); kadiya, kediya cloth, waistcloth (Pe.); kediya, kidiya a cloth (Mand..)(DEDR 1190). Garment: garnd.a cloth (Ga.); gar-n.d.a garment, piece of cloth (Kond.a); ganda_ cloth (Kuwi); gand.a cloth (Pa.); kan.t.ai a small cloth for wear (Ta.)(DEDR 1180). [cf. khan.d.ika_ having no nails (Pa_n..); to distinguish from cloth which may have nails! khan.d.a_ woman's sa_r.i_ (Bi.); kad.a piece of cloth (Si.)(CDIAL 3792).] Strip of cloth: katuvu (katuvi-) to pare, slice off, whittle, strip off as fibres from a nut, chisel (Ta.); kadepuni, kadeyuni, kadevuni to pull out, strip off, disjoin (Tu.)(DEDR 1202). Cloth; small cloth; patched cloth; coat of mail: gende cloth (Go.); kadiya, kediya cloth, waistcloth (Pe.); kediya, kidiya a cloth (Mand..); gatla, getli, getla, gette, gete id. (Go.); kadale a rag; adj. ragged, tattered (Tu.)(DEDR 1190)[Influenced by kantal rags, tatters (Ta.) cf. kantal-ku_l.am confusion, disorder (Ta.); gandara-go_l.amu (Te.)(Ta.lex.).] kantai rag, torn or patched garment (Ta.)(a_t.aiyum. kantaiye_)(Periyapu.Tiru-k-ku_t.. 9); small cloth, cir-u tukil (Ta.lex.) Upper garment: kan.t.ai a small cloth for wear (Ta.); kan.d.uva_ upper garment (Te.); khand.va cloth; kandva_ dhoti, garment (Kol.); khand.a, khand.va cloth (Nk.); gand.a id. (Pa.); garnd.a id. (Ga.)(DEDR 1180). khan.d.ua_ shawl (Or.); kha~_r.uya_ small piece of coarse cloth (B.)(CDIAL 3801). Men's cloth: ga_nd.a_l men's cloth (Go.)(DEDR 1180). Women's cloth: ga_nd.a women's cloth (Go.)(DEDR 1180). kha~_r.i homespun cloth (N.); kha~_r.i_, khan.d.a_ woman's sa_r.i_ (Bi.)(CDIAL 3801). Cloth: kha_r.i homespun cloth (N.); khan.d.ua_ shawl (Or.); kha~_r.uya_ small piece of coarse cloth (B.); kad.a bit of cloth (Si.); kha~_r.i_, khan.d.a_ woman's sa_r.i_ (Bi.)(CDIAL 3801). kha_di rough cloth (N.); small piece of cloth (B.); kha_di_ thick coarse cotton cloth (H.G.M.); khaddar, khad.d.ar coarse cotton cloth (L.); khaddar id. (P.); kha_dar id. (H.)(CDIAL 3808). ka_tri poor clothes (Ku.)(CDIAL 2698). ka_n.t.am curtain; cloth, garment (Ta.); ka_n.d.a curtain (Ka.)(Ta.lex.) ga_d.ha thick (Pkt.); ga_l.hakam tightly (Pali); ga_r.ha_ a thick kind of cotton cloth (P.); ga_r.ho red (S.)(CDIAL 4118). Weaver: ga_nd.o man of weaver caste; fem. ga_nd.ke; ga~_r.a_l Panka caste (Go.); gar-n.d.a garment, piece of cloth (Kond.a); ganda_ cloth (Kuwi)(DEDR 1180). Sari, having no nails (no gold or silver lace): khan.d.a having no nails (Skt.); khan.d.a_, kha~_r.i_ woman's sa_r.i_ (Bi.); ka~_d.u~ broken (G.); kad.a piece of cloth, piece (Si.)(CDIAL 3792). Garment: kan.t.ai small cloth for wear; gold or silver lace; kan.t.ai-ve_s.t.i cloth with lace border (Ta.lex.) ka_r..am a garment; prob. ka_r..akam; (ka_r..a mit.t.a kur-ankinan : Kampara_. Kam.kaip. 31)(Ta.lex.) ka_r..akam cloth (pulara_-k-ka_r..akam pularavut.i_ i)(Tirumuru.184); Glove: glove put on while handling an arrow ; Thread; garland of pearls: ka_r.. brightness, lustre; gem; pearl (Cilap. 4,41); crystal; garland of pearls, of gems; garland of flowers; thread, string (tirukko_vai ka_r..kol.a : Paripa_. 6,15)(Ta.lex.)
1755.Spindle: ka~_tn.u~ spinning (G.)(CDIAL 3435). kattai spins (Pkt.); kat (Gypsy); ka_tna_ (H.)(CDIAL 2855). ka_tna_ spindle (B.); kattan.a act of spinning (Pkt.)(CDIAL 2857). ka_ti_ woman who spins thread (H.); karttr. spinner (MBh.)(CDIAL 2861). katir spinner's spindle (Ta.Ma.); kadiru, kadaru, kaduru id. (Ka.); kaduru, kadiru, kadru (Tu.); kaduru (Te.); kadur (Ga.)(DEDR 1195). ca_ttra, cattra spindle (Pa_rGr..); catta spindle (Pkt.); Spinning wheel: catr spinning wheel (Ash.Kt.Wg.); ca_tri_ axle of a spinning-wheel (G.); ca_t whirler of a spinning wheel (M.); ces circle (Tor.); ca_s.ai spindle (Psht.)(CDIAL 4743). ka_ryin active, assiduous (Skt.); kajjiya busy (Pkt.); ka_jji_ (P.); ka_zi engaged in spinning and weaving (A.); ka_ji_ busy; artisan (H.)(CDIAL 3079).
1756.Pigeon pea: kanti dhal (Ta.); kandi pigeon pea, cajanus indicus (Te.); pl. kandulu (Te.); kerdi id. (Pa.); kardi pl. kardil id. (Ga.); kandi, pl. kardihku tuar pulse (Go.); kandi pigeon-pea (Kond.a); ka_ndula id. (Or.)(DEDR 1213). Fried grain: khadika_ fried grain (Skt.); kha_jika (Skt.); khaiya_ fried rice (Pkt.); khai parched or fried corn (esp. rice)(B.); fried rice and other grains (Or.)(CDIAL 3804). kha_da food (AV.); kho food (Tir.)(CDIAL 3864). Cajanus indicus, canajus bichlor, cajanus flavus: adhaki, tuberika, tuvari, soopyah (Skt.); pigeon pea, cadjan pea, congo pea (Eng.); tor, arhar dal (H.); arhar (P.B.); tuver, dangri (G.); tur (M.); tor (Konkan.i); kandulu (Te.); adagi, tuvarai (Ta.); adhaki, tuvare, catjan (Ma.); togari (Ka.); Habitat: extensively cultivated throughout India, especially Southern India, as an article of food. White-seed variety extensively cultivated in Gujarat, and red or brown seeded variety generally cultivated in other parts of the Bombay Presidency... Parts used: seeds or beans and leaves... Pulse is nutritive... (Indian Materia Medica, pp. 231-232).
1757.Rhododendron: kat.alai melastoma malabathricum, Indian rhododendon (Ta.); kat.al.i id. (Ma.)(DEDR 1121). Melastoma malabathricum: futki (A.); myetype (Burma); pattudu (Te.); palore (M.); koroti (Oriya); leaves: used in diarrhoea and dysentery; leaves and flower-tops given as astringent in leucorrhea and chronic diarrhea in Indo-China; habitat: throughout India except the desert (GIMP, p.163). pulla_sa rhododendron arboreum (Car. Ci. 30.82). polg elaeagnus latifolia (Ko.); pis-x rhododendron arboreum; pum bis-x, to.n bis-x elaeagnus latifolia (To.)(DEDR 4553). cf. nekkare, dod.d.a nekkare Indian rhododendron, melastoma malabathricum (Ka.); nekkare, nekka_ru id. (Tu.)(DEDR 3734). Elaegnus latifolia: guara (B.); amgul (Bombay); ghiwain (H.); Parts used: flowers; Action: flowers are cardiac and astringent (Indian Materia Medica, p. 472).
1758.Strychnos potatorum: kataka (Skt.); nirmali (H.P.B.M.); tetankottai (Ta.); katakamu (Te.); katakam (Ma.); seeds: used as a local application in eye diseases; rubbed with honey and little camphor, the mixture applied to the eyes in lachrymation or copious watering; used as emetic in dysentery , in diabetes and gonorrhoea; habitat: Konkan, N. Kanara, Madhya Bharat, N. Circars, Deccan, Carnatic to S. Travancore (GIMP, p.236). cf. ka_d.ige collyrium (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) Strychnos potatorum: kataka, ambuprasad, jalada (Skt.); clearing-nut tree (Eng.); nelmal, neimal (H.); nirmali (B.P.M.); chilla-chettu, induga, kattakami-chettu (Te.); tattamaram, tettan-kottai, tettian (Ma.Ta.); gajrah (Bombay); ingini (Si.); chali-mara (Ka.); chel-beey (Konkan.i). Habitat: Bengal, Central and plentiful in Southern India and Burma... Seeds are used to clarify foul and muddy water. They are sliced and rubbed round the sides of the unglazed earthen vessels in which drinking water is stored, which acts as a mechanical precipitant of suspended matter present in the water... (Indian Materia Medica, p. 1181).
1759.Date-palm: kiri_t.i_ andropogon aciculatus (Skt.); kirit.i fruit of the marshy date palm, phoenix paludosa (Skt.); kirir.i_ a tree growing in salt marshes, ceriops canolleana (S.)(CDIAL 3177). kindet a species of date palm (Santali.lex.) ki~_nda_ palm tree, date tree (= H. khajur)(Kur.); i_ntu date-palm, phoenix dactylifera (Ta.)(DEDR 2617). Phoenix peludosa: hintala (Skt.); hental (B.H.Deccan)... found in Bengal and some parts of South India. It is acidulous, seweet, cooling, antiphlogistic, phlegmatic, alleviative of thirst, and beneficial in wind and bile (Indian Materia Medica, p. 946). Phoenix sylvestris: kharijuri, kharjura (Skt.); wild date or toddy palm, date sugar palm (Eng.); khajuri, thalma (H.); khajur (B.); shindi (M.); kharik (G.); indu, ishanchdi, itha (Te.); paerichhu, periaitcham, ichan (Ta.); katenth (Ma.); eechalamara (Ka.); is indigenous to India and is widely cultivated for the sake of its sap. Action: tonic and restorative... Sweet sap obtained by notches cut in the tree is manufactured in gur or jaggery by evaporating the sap... Juice or sugary sap by fermentation and distilling gives a kind of spirit which is used as an intoxicating drink for toddy (tari). Fresh juice called shindi in Marathi, is a cooling beverage... (Indian Materia Medica, p. 946). Phoenix dactylifera, phoenix excelsa: pinda-kharjura (Skt.); edible-date (Eng.); palmier dattier (Fr.); dattelpalm (Ger.); pindakhejur (H.); khajur, kharik (M.); kharakia (G.); gharar-khejur (B.); khajur (P.Konkan.i); khurmal-khushk (Pers.); khurmal-yab-is (Arab.); karjurakaya (Te.); perichchangayi (Ta.); gijjira-hannu, khajjuri, uttatti (Ka.); Habitat: this is a tall palm, a native of North Africa, Egypt, Syria and Arabia, but now cultivated in Sind and the PUnjab, chiefly in the Multan District. 'In Sind, dates are sold in the market in three shapes, viz.: khasoon, luni-kharkun and vanpakyun representing three distinct stages of its development'. Varieties: grown in Rohri of Sind province-- (1) lohar, (2) assuli, (3) thottiar, (4) idulshahi; the first two are very superior... Action: dates are very nutritious, expectorant, aphrodisiac, tonic, demulcent, laxative, diuretic and highly saccharine. (Indian Materia Medica, pp. 943-944).
1760.Image: ball: gen.d.uka ball for play (Pali); ge_nduka, ge_ndu_ka, ginduka ball for play (Skt.); gem.dua id. (Pkt.); gindun to play (ball or the like)(K.); ge~d ball (P.); ge~da_ marigold (P.); ge~d, gin ball (N.); gen ball (Mth.); ge_na_ (Bhoj.); gem.da ball of marigolds (OAw.); ge~_d ball (OAw.); ge~, ge~di_, ge~da_ (H.); ge~d ball of flowers or silk, etc. (G.); knob of silk, tufted or tuberous bead of a flower (M.); gem.d.ui_ play (Pkt.); gin.n.u ball (Ku.); ge~r. (N.); ge~r.u, ger.uya_ ball, ball of flowers (B.); gen.d.u~ toy, marigold (Or.); gya_r.o seed, pip (Ku.); ger.o (N.); ged.iya bulb, fruit (Si.); gam.dua ball for play (Pkt.); kheno, khenho~, khenhu_r.o ball for play (S.); khe _nu_, khi~d.u_ri_ (L.); khenu, khehnu, khiddu_, khiddo (P.); khin.us (WPah.)(CDIAL 4248). Playing: kri_d.ati sports; kri_l.ati (RV.); ki_l.ati plays (Pali); ki_d.ai, ki_lai, kid.d.ai (Pkt.); kel.inava_, kelinava_ (Si.)(CDIAL 3592). kri_d.ana playing (R.); ki_l.ana_ play (Pali); ki_l.anaka toy (Pali); ki_d.an.a, ki_lan.a playing (Pkt.); kel.ena adj. playing (Si.); kri_d. sport (Skt.)(CDIAL 3593). kan.t.u ball of thread (Ta.); kan.d.u, kan.d.ike, kan.t.ike id. (Ka.); kan.d.e, kan.d.iya id. (Te.)(DEDR 1177). kan.t.ai-ve_s.t.i cloth with lace border; kan.t.ai reel of a weaver's shuttle (Ta.lex.) ken.t.ai, kan.t.ai gold or silver lace; cf. khan.d.a small cloth for wear; kan.d.uva_ (Te.)(Ta.lex.) kan.t.u-nu_l skein thread, ball thread (Ta.lex.) Reel of a weaver's shuttle: kan.t.ai reel of a weaver's shuttle (Ta.); kan.d.e id. (Te.)(Ta.lex.) cen.t.u ball of thread (Ta.); a cotton ball (Ma.); cen.d. ball on man's hair-cord (Ko.); cen.d.u cluster of flowers (Te.); sen.d.u ball (Kond.a)(DEDR 2766). kam.d.ua ball (Pkt.); ce~d.u_ ball (M.); kam.dua, kim.dua ball (Pkt.); konu a ball of thread as it is made on the spinning-wheel (K.); cen.d.u a ball of thread (Ka.)(CDIAL 2727). ci_t.u skein of thread = eight kucam (k. = 120 threads of the warp)(Ta.); ci_t.aku a skein of thread (Ka.); ci_d.u a skein which is seven times the quantity called punjamu (p. = a skein of sixty threads) (Te.) (DEDR 2611).
1761.Green; grass: kar..u green turf (Ta.); kad.u sod (Pa.); karu d.ela a clod of earth (Ga.)(DEDR 1363). cer..i (-pp-, -tt-) to thrive, flourish, grow well as vegetation, prosper (as kingdom, family, country), be fertile, be superabundant, be cheerful as countenance; (-v-, -nt-) to grow, increase; cer..icci flourishing; cer..ippu, cer..impu, cer..uttu, cer..umpal fertility, flourishing condition, prosperity, plenteousness, abundance, fullness; cer..umai flourishing condition, greatness, excellence, splendour, beauty, gracefulness, verdure (Ta.); cer..u fine, stout; cer..ikka to be fertile; cer..ippu fertility (Ma.); se_r.i bride (Kui); ar.xa_-ce_xel the vegetable kingdom, plants in general; ce_xe_l greens (Kur.); ceglu small branches (Malt.)(DEDR 2789). hiri in cmpds.: hiris'mas'ru, hiris'ipra yellow, green (RV.); harvu~ green (G.); hirva_ green, raw, unripe (M.); zere yellow (Kt.); zi_r (Bashg.); ziera (Pr.); hira_r green, raw, fresh (H.)(CDIAL 14114). hari golden, yellow (RV.); green (Skt.); tawny, green (Pali.Pkt.); za_r grass (Wg.); jaro_ holly-oak; jaramro khaki-coloured (Gmb.); har, hari green; green colour (H.)(CDIAL 13981). harin.a yellow (MatrUp.); haryunu having shoots or buds just bursing forth (K.)(CDIAL 13982). harin.i_ yellow jasmine (Skt.); ariu a kind of yellow jasmine (K.)(CDIAL 13983). harita yellow (RV.); green (Skt.); haritaka greenish; vegetable matter (Car.); ha_rita green; ha_ritaka vegetable matter (Skt.); harita green, fresh (Pali); hariya green (Pkt.); harilek green; ha_rila brass (Kal.); haryo fresh and green, luxuriant (S.); haria_, hara_ green (P.); haro_ verdant (WPah.); hariyo, haro green (Ku.); hariyo (N.); hariya_ meat-curry (B.); hara_ green (Or.); hari_ (pl. hare), hara_ (hariab to become green)(OAw.); hariya_, hara_ green (H.); hariya (OMarw.); haryu~, haru~ (G.); ha_li green pulse of phaseolus mungo (B.)(CDIAL 13985). haryal green; green pigeon (P.); harra_ very green, verdant (Or.); hariyara greenish (OAw.); hariyar, harera_, hari_ra_, hari_la_ green; hira_r very green (H.)(CDIAL 13986). harita_la green; green pigeon; yellow orpiment (MBh.); haria_la_ green; har(i)ya_l (P.); hariya_l.u~ (G.); hariya_l green pigeon (B.); hariya_l.car.hei (Or.); har(i)ya_l (H.); har(i)yal. bee-eater; har(i)ya_l. small green snake (M.); harita_la yellow orpiment (Pali); haria_la, halia_ra (Pkt.); hiriyal, siriyal (Si.); ha_rila green pigeon (OAw.); ha_riyal green; green pigeon (H.)(CDIAL 13987). cf. bel.ava wild pigeon (Ka.)(DEDR 4420). haridra yellow sandal tree (VarBr.S.); halidda yellow (Pkt.); aidara, aidreste (Ash.); adre (Kt.); arida (Wg.); indra_ (Pr.); rida (Dm.); a_rilo (Pas'.); arile (Shum.); hala_r wasp (Bshk.); halizu yellow; halizu brass (Sh.); hali_za yellow; brass (D..); ledoru, leduru, leduru yellow, pale (K.); hed.l.o yellow; haid.l.o (WPah.); haldha_ a_lu the wild yam dioscorea bulbifera (A.); harda_ blight which turns plants yellow (Bi.); halda_, harda_ mildew (H.); hal.adia_ yellow (Or.); haldiya_ (H.)(CDIAL 13990). haridraka, haridra yellow sandal tree (VarBr.S.); haridru a partic. yellow tree (S'Br.); halidda a kind of tree (Pkt.); hardi the tree morinda citrifolia (with yellow wood)(N.); hal.ada_ diospyros montana (with yellow wood)(Or.); hardu_, haldu_ a large Himalayan tree with hard yellow wood (H.)(CDIAL 13991). haridra_ name of a river (Skt.); liduru the river Liddur in Kashmir (K.)(CDIAL 13993). haridra_bha turmeric-coloured (Skt.); haid.ra~_o~ yellow (S.)(CDIAL 13994). haris'a yellow, green (Pa_n.. gan.a); haleso green pigeon (N.)(CDIAL 13995). ha_it.ha_, ha_it.hak green pigeon (A.)(CDIAL 13996). cf. hari_taka the yellow myrobalan tree terminalia chebula (Sus'r.)(CDIAL 13997).
1762.Image: fencing: kit.ai school where fencing is taught (Perun.. Ucaik. 37,11)(Ta.lex.)
1763.Image: heifer: kit.a_ri, kat.a_ri heifer (Ta.); kat.a_ he-buffalo (Ta.); kid.a_vu (Ma.); kat.a_ male of sheep or goat (Ta.); gad.a_r (G.)(Ta.lex.) kan.t.i buffalo bull (Tol. Po. 623)(Ta.lex.) Male buffalo: kit.a_vu male buffalo (Ma.); Young he-buffalo: kat.a_-k-kan-r-u young he-buffalo (Ta.); khadd (Kur.)(Ta.lex.) kat.avu, kat.a_ male of sheep or goat (Ta.)(DEDR 1123). Buffalo: kit.a_-k-ka_lan- buffalo-horn (Ta.); kit.a_y male of sheep (Malaipat.u. 414, Urai)(Ta.lex.) kit.a_ buffalo, bull, ram (Ta.)(Cilap. 15,98, Urai); kat.a_y (Tol. Po. 602, Urai) (Ta.)(Ta.lex.) ar..ag-erudu-k-ka_s'u. ka_t.ciy-eradu-k-ka_s'u tax probably on bulls kept for show (Ta.)(SITI.IEG.) icai-k-kid.a_y beautiful ram; dues to be paid for the ram kept for show (Ta.) (SITI.IEG.); nal-kid.a_, nar.-kid.a_ cess for the upkeep of the show-ram; or, tax for show-rams (Ta.)(SITI.IEG.) nall-erudu cess for the maintenance of a model bull, prob. used for breeding (Ta.)(SII 12.SITI.IEG.) Image: buffalo: ko_r-i buffalo (Kond.a); ko_d.ru, ko_dru_, go_d.ru buffalo (Kuwi); ko_ru, pl. ko_rka buffalo (Kui.); kud.ru id.(Pe.Mand..)(DEDR 2256). kun.d.hi_ crooked-horned (of buffalo)(P.)(CDIAL 3261). kun.d.i_ crooked (of buffalo's horns)(L.)(CDIAL 3260). kud.d.ha_ having horns pointing inwards (L.)(CDIAL 3248). ko_t.t.uma_ boar (Cilap. 15,99, Arum.); he-buffalo (Cilap. 15,98); lit. animal with tusks or horns: elephant: ko_t.t.uma_ var..an:kun. ka_t.t.aka ner-iye_ (Ain:kurr-u. 282); ko_t.t.umalai lit. tusked mountain, elephant; ko_t.t.uman.-kol. to break up earth with horns or tusks; ko_t.t.in-am herd of buffaloes, as having horns: ko_t.t.in-at ta_yar makan-an-r-e_ (Kalit. 103,33)(Ta.lex.) Image: male buffalo: ko.n.e male buffalo (Ir.); ko_n.a id. (Ka.); go_n.e id. (Tu.)(DEDR 2212). gavala a young male buffalo (Skt.); kol.a (Ma.); go_n.a an ox (Skt.Ka.); ko_n.anu, khapura (Ka.)(Ka.lex.)
1764.Screen: kit.uku braided coconut leaf for thatching, cadjan (Ta.); kit.il, kit.uku coconut leaves matted for screens, fans, thatches (Ma.); gid.iki, gid.ik, gid.k a blind or screen made of palm leaves (Tu.); kit.ika_ matting, screen (Skt.inscr. IEG, p.159); kit.ika-movable screen or curtain (Pali)(DEDR 1532).
1765.Image: a fourth part: gidda, girda, gira a fourth part; giddana, gidna the fourth part of a solige (Ka.); gidda, gidde one-fourth of the so_la measure (Te.)(DEDR 1553). gand.a a set of four; a set of 4 pice, i.e. one anna; to divide into sets of 4; gand.a-n to take for onself a set of four; gand.agand.a to divide, to put, to put down pebbles, in sets of four (Mu.); gand.a a set of four (H.Sadani); gand.a-gut.i a pebble put down in counting, for each set of four (Mu.)(Mu.lex.) ganda-lunukul the fold under the knuckle of a finger or toe, in contrast to ut.i, the knuckle (Mu.lex.) Image: transverse: gand.e, gand.i adj. deviating from, or transverse to, either the line straight in front or straight behind; to put across or obliquely over something; gand.e-n to take an oblique direction; gand.e-o to be put or to get in a positon deviating from, or transverse to, either the line straight upwards, downwards, front or behind; gand.egand.e, gande.eno adv. in a slightly oblique way; gand.ege, gand.ete in an oblique direction (Mu.); gand.i transverse to (Sadani)(Mu.lex.)
1766.Image: hawk: gid.aga, gid.iga, gid.uga, d.e_ge hawk, falcon, small kestrel, jugger falcon (Ka.); kid.uve kite, hawk (Kod..); gid.i falcon, hawk, eagle (Tu.); gid.d.u hawk (Te.); d.e_ga hawk, falcon (Te.); d.eya hawk (Pa.); d.ego eagle (Go.); d.e_ga falcon (Kond.a); de_ga hawk (Kuwi)(DEDR 1527). Image: vulture: gid, gida_ vulture (Kon.lex.) gijjha vulture (Pali); gri~_c kite (Wg.Dm.); li_nci (Gaw.); li_nca (Sv.); grhi_nji (Phal.); girec (Sh.); gijha (S.); girijh, gijh, gijjh, pl. gijjhi_, girijjh, pl. girijjha_ (L.); glez (WPah.)(CDIAL 4231). gr.dhra vulture (RV.); gr.dhri_ (Ya_j.); gr.dhrika_ (Skt.); gaddha vulture (Pali); giddha, gaddha (Pkt.); grad (K. ); giddh (P.); giddha (N.); gi_dha (MB.); gidha_ vulture (Or.); gi_dh (Mth.Bhoj.Aw.H.G.); gi_d(h), gidha~_d. vulture, kite (M.)(CDIAL 4233). cf. gr.dh desire (Skt.); gr.dhra desiring greedily (RV.)(CDIAL 4233).
1767.Image: to discharge a missile; to drive in (as a nail); to throw away: kit.avu to drive in, as a nail (Ma.); kit.a_cu (Ta.); kad.a_y (Ka.) to cast off, throw away; kat.a_cu to drive, as a wedge, a nail; to throw, fling; kat.a_vu to discharge, as missiles; to propel; to ride, as an animal; to drive, as a car; to drive in, as a nail; to nail on; to join by nail, as boards; to urge, impel, influence (Ta.lex.) cad.a_yisu, cad.a_l.isu, jad.a_yisu to ram, to drive in; to fasten or bolt as a door (Ka.); kad.a_yisu to fasten tightly; to ram as a gun; to drive in as a nail (Ka.); kad.asan.e_m. (M.)(Ka.lex.) cf. jad.i to beat, pound, crush, ram as a cartridge, drive in as a nail (Ka.) jad.iyu to beat, hit (Te.); cad.p- (cad.t-) to hammer, strike, beat (Pa.)(DEDR 2300).
1769.To stuff in: gid.i to enter by mouthfuls, or devour mouthful after mouthful, or to cause mouthfuls to enter; to force into the mouth (of others, as food, cloth)(Ka.); gid.ku, gid.aka mouthful, draught; gid.i to stuff in, thrust in (Tu.)(DEDR 1529).
1770.Image: ankle, hoof: git.t.a, git.t.e, get.t.e, get.ike, got.t.e hoof; ge_d.eka_l.l.u long slender legs (Te.); get.t.a foot, leg, hoof (Kol.); foot (Nk.); ge_t.a leg from knee to ankle (Pa.); hoof (Go.); git.a (Kond.a); xed.d. foot, leg (Kur.); qed.u the legs, the feet (Malt.)(DEDR 1943). cf. ken.t.ai ankle (Ta.); ka.li-gin.n.i ankle (Kod..)(DEDR 1946). gid.ri knee-cap (Kui); gri'ma id. (Kuwi)(DEDR 1536).
1771.Image: dross; ruin: kit.t.akkal iron dross; overburnt brick; kit.t.am ore, lump of metal (I_t.u. 5,1, Pra.); dross or crust upon a precious stone (S'ri_vacan-a. Pak. 79, A_y. Vya_.); dross, scoria, scum of metal (Pata_rtta. 1269); sediment, lees, residuum; coating, crust; state of being dry and hard (Ta.lex.) kit.t.a secretion, excretion; dross of iron in or after fusion; dregs of oil; rust; cow-dung kept in a pit; kid.a a man who is ruined (Ka.lex.) ket.uti ruin, destruction (Val.l.a. Patipacupa_ca. A_n.ava. Vi. 2)(Ta.); ced.ugu (Te.); ketuha (Ka.); ket.ugi (Ma.)(Ta.lex.) ka_t.or.o dross left in the furnace after smelting iron ore (G.)(CDIAL 2646). kit.t.a, kit.t.i_ rust, lees (Pkt.); kit.t.isa refuse of oil seeds, wool, etc. (Pkt.); kit.i_ dregs (S.); kit. refuse of iron, vitriol (N.); ki_t. sediment, dregs of oil in a lamp (H.); ki_t.u~ dregs in frying-pan (G.); kit.an. rusty iron, dross of iron (M.); kurkot.u iron slag (K.); kat.u rust, black dye obtained from iron (S.); kat.t. rust (L.); a black colouring matter (P.); kat. matter rejected during the making of rice-spirit (N.); ka_it., ka_t. dregs (B.); ka_n.t.a, ka_n.t.i dregs of oil (Or.); ka_t. rust (G.); thickly caked dirt (M.); ka_ti refuse, lees (esp. of oil-seeds)(N.); khit. rust; khit.a_ rusty (B.); kid.a alloy, foreign matter; adj. false, bad (OM.); kil.iya secretion, menses (Si.)(CDIAL 3156). For semant. 'false, bad' in kid.a: cf. kaitava deceit (R.); ke_ava fraud (Pkt.); kewa_ deceit, excuse (H.); kaiava fraud (Pkt.); kaiva_d. ruse, trick (M.)(CDIAL 3477). cf. kayavan- base, unworthy man (Man.i. 23,94); cruel man (Ci_vaka. 678); kayavu theft, pilfering, larceny (Pin..)(Ta.lex.) kaja (kaji-) to be congealed, solidified by growing cold; ganja (ganji-) to solidify, coagulate, become solid; pl. action gaska (gaski-)(Kui); kajali to be congealed, become curdled (Kuwi)(DEDR 1102). cf. kat.ura buttermilk mixed with water; kadvara id., whey; kadara whey; coagulated milk (Skt.)
1772.Rumble: kit.ukit.u (-pp-, -tt-) to sound (as the rolling of a carriage), rumble (as a thunder-cloud); n. a small drum (Ta.)(DEDR 1531). kit.ukit.en-al onom. expr. signifying rumbling sound (Ta.lex.) kir.kir.a_na_ to sound gritty (H.)(CDIAL 3154). kit.ukkat.t.i sound of something shaking in a hollow vessel; small drum as an accompaniment; kit.ukku small drum as an accompaniment; kit.ukku-kit.ukk-en-al onom. expr. signifying hollow sound (Ta.); kit.ukkuka, kit.un.n.uka to sound (as vessels knocking against each other); kit.ukkam rattling sound; kit.ukki, kit.ukku sounding devices (Ma.)(DEDR 1531). Uproar: kit.upit.i uproar, loud noise; gad.bad. (U.); gid.ibid.i (Ka.); kid.ubid.i (Ma.)(Ta.lex.) kit.ukit.ukka, kit.ukkuka, kit.un.n.uka to shiver, tremble; kit.ilam tremor (Ma.)(DEDR 1530). kit.upit.i tambourine of oval form (Ta.); tabour (Ta.); gid.ibid.i, gid.imid.i small drum shaped lika an hourglass (Ka.); gid.ibid.i a small drum (Tu.); gid.iya a sort of drum (Te.)(DEDR 1534).
1773.Sweet potato: kir..an:ku esculent or bulbous root, as potato, yam, turnip, parsnip, palmyra root (Ta.); kir..an.n.u bulb, yam, dioscorea aculeata (Ma.); gen.asu, gen.isu, ger..asu a bulbous root, the name of several species of yam dioscorea and of batas ipomoea, generally meant for the common sweet potato, batatas edulis (Ka.); gen.angu sweet potato (Ka.); keren:gu sweet potato, the root dioscorea aculeata; kiren:gu, keren:gu, kel.en:gu id.; bulbous root in general (Tu.); gen.agi, gerengi, gerngi sweet potato (Tu.); genasu, genusu the root of dioscorea aculeata (Te.); kirre roots (Kol.); kirre root, tuber (Nk.); kir.inj ma_t.i a kind of tuber (Go.)(DEDR 1578). gr.s.t.i a variety of dioscorea (Skt.); gr.s.t.ika_ name of a plant (Sus'r.); ghr.s.t.i a variety of dioscorea (Skt.); git.hi a kind of vegetable (Ku.); git.ho the plant dioscorea sativa with an edible root (N.)(CDIAL 4239). kun.i tuber (Kond.a); id., root (Pe.); kune tuber (Mand..); kuna tuberous root, sweet potato, yam (Kui); po_r.do ku_na sweet potato; kunna yam, potatoes; kuna tuber; kuna kuca radish (Kuwi)(DEDR 1683).
1774.Tick: kit.ibha bug, louse (Skt.); kir.n, kir.ni an insect that stick to the teats of cattle (WPah.); kirnu obl. kirna_ dog or cattle tick (N.); kino tick (Ku.); cam-kinu a kind of small body louse (N.)(CDIAL 3155). un.n.i tick on dogs, sheep, cattle (Ta.); tick on cows, dogs (Ma.); un.y insect that infects the eyes of men or animals and sucks blood (Ko.); un.n.i, un.n.e tick; un.ungu id. (Ka.Tu.); un:ga id. (Kor.)(DEDR 604). kin.a insect found in wood (Skt.); kinitulla_, kinitul dog louse (Si.); cam-kinu a small body louse (N.); kino tick (Ku.)(CDIAL 3160). cf. tol. to perforate (Ta.)(DEDR 3528). tik a tick; se a louse (Santali.lex.)
1775.Worm, insect; ant: ki_ri-p-pa_mpu, ki_rai-p-pa_mpu a species of intestinal worms, lumbricus (Ta.); ki_ri-p-pa_mpu wotrm bred in the body (Ma.)(DEDR 1614). ki_rad.um. small serpent (OM.)(CDIAL 3194). kir.iya_ru~ ant's nest (G.)(CDIAL 3195). irai intestinal work (Ta.); ira bait, worms (Ma.); ere a worm that lives in orts, a worm in general, bait (Ka.); ere, ere pul.u worm (earthworm, tapeworm)(Kod..); eru moth, worm (Tu.); er-a, er-r-a earthworm (Te.); erad id. (Go.); er.pur.uk earthworms (Go.)(DEDR 822). ki_t.a insect, worm (S'Br.); ki_t.aka (R.); ki_t.i_ (Skt.); ki_t.a, ki_t.aka insect (Pali); ki_d.a, ki_d.aya, ki_d.i_, ki_d.iya_ worm, insect, ant (Pkt.); kirwa leech, worm, locust, fish (Gypsy); kiri ant (Gypsy); ki_r.o worm (S.); ki_r.a_ insect, snail, snake (L.P.); ki_r.i_ small black ant (L.P.); ki_r.o, kir. insect, worm (Ku.); kiro insect, magggot, worm, snake (so called only at night)(N.); kira_ worm, insect (EB.); ki_r.a_ (B.Or.) worm, grub (H.); ki_r.i_ worm, insect (Or.); maggot (Bi.); ki_r worm (Mth.); ki_ra_ worm (Mth.Bhoj.); kirawa_ insect (Aw.); ki_r.o worm, insect (G.); ki_r. worm, grub (H.); ki_r.i_ ant (G.); ki_d., kid.a_ worm, maggot, insect (M.); kid.e~ any small creature of the serpent kind (M.); ki_d.o insect (Konkan.i); kri~_, pl. kri~_ye insect (Sh.)[X kr.mi worm, insect (AV.); kimi (Pali.Pkt.); kyomu, dat. kemis (K.); ki~o~ worm, maggot, snail (S.); ke~ua~_ worm which burrows into ribs of tobacco leaf (Mth.); kimiya_ worm, insect (Si.); kermo, kirmo worm (Gypsy); ki_rma snake (D..); kirm (Pers.); kemut. a little worm (K.); ki~a~r.i worms, moths, etc. (S.); ki~a_ro maggoty (S.)(CDIAL 3438); kivyen., kivan. maggoty sore (M.); kina_ having maggoty sores (M.)(CDIAL 3439); i_ma_ white ant; i_mna_ to be deteriorated or destroyed by white ants (Kur.); i_me white ants (Malt.)(DEDR 541); ci_ma ant (Te.); si.ma, sime id. (Kol.); s'i_ma id. (Nk.); si_ma id. (Kond.a); si_ma, hi_ma id. (Kuwi)(DEDR 2623)](CDIAL 3193). i.n. cicada (To.); i_rin.t.i, irun.t.u cricket (Tu.); irri id. (Kui); i_ro a chirping insect found chiefly on mango trees (Malt.)(DEDR 547).
1776.To drag along the ground; pull: kit.t.hi pulling (Pkt.)(CDIAL 3450). cf. kit.a_cu to cast off, throw away; to drive in, as a nail (Ta.); kit.avu id. (Ma.); kad.a_y id. (Ka.)(Ta.lex.) kr.s.t.i men (RV.)(CDIAL 3450). kis, ki~_s. thoiki to drag, pull, push (Sh.); kr.s.ya to be ploughed (Skt.)(CDIAL 3455). ir..u (-pp-, -tt-) to drag along the ground, draw, pull, wheedle, draw out, stretch, absorb; ir..uppu, ir..uval, ir..uvai drawing, pulling; ici to pull, draw, drag; icippu pull, strain, spasm (Ta.); ir..ukka to draw, take off clothes; ir..ekka to drag, pull; ir..appu propelling force of a current, etc. (Ma.); i_r..kkuka to drag, put off clothes (Ma.); il.v- (il.t-) to drag on ground; drag, suck (Ko.); i.s.f- (i.s.t-) to drag, pull (To.); ir.., i_r.., er..e to pull, drag, attract, take away by force, etc.; n. pulling, attracting, etc. (Ka.); i_d.u, er..a, er..avu pulling, dragging, etc. (Ka.); er..ata pulling; er..asu, er..isu to cause to drag; ir..kul.i attraction; i. gol. to attract, captivate (Ka.); i.l.- (i.p-, i.t-) to drag (Kod..); igguni to draw, pull (Tu.); i_d.ucu, i_d.cu to pull, haul, drag, draw, attract; i_d.upu, i_d.pu pulling, convulsion; i_d.u to milk; i_d.u-munta milk-pot (Te.); iggul-a_d.u to pull, haul, drag, jherk (Te.); iggul-a_t.a jerking, struggling (Te.); iggu to pull, haul, drag (Te.); igga_-muggi hauling about, struggle, violence (Te.); ir.k- to drag (Go.); i_sa_na_ to draw a picture or line (Go.); i_r.ispis- to make to drag; i_r.is- (-t-) to pull, drag; i_r.ay a_- to drag oneself along the ground (Kond.a); d.ripa (d.rit-) to drag, drag away, abduct; n. act of dragging, abduction (Kui); dri_'nai to haul; d.ri'- to drag (leaves and branches to cover the seeds by levelling the soil)(Kuwi); i_cna_ (i_cyas/iccyas) to draw out, pull out; i_cna_ (i_cyas), i_sna_ (i_syas) to pluck (an ear of Indian corn)(Kur.); ice to take off (as cap or shoes); ic-qot.e to jerk, shake off; icgre to come off, get loose; i_ce to louse (Malt.); ru_sing to pull off, pull out, pull up, pluck (Br.); ir..u to gasp for breath (Ta.); ir..ayuka to breathe hard as a dying person (Ma.); el.vl panting (Ko.)(DEDR 504). khijn.a_ to pull (P.); khi~cnu (N.); khi~ca_ (B.); khicab to beat (clothes in washing)(Mth.); khi~_cai drags (OAw.); khi~_cna_ to pull (H.); khi_c to pull (OMarw.); khi~cvu~ (G.); khai~c pulling (P.); kha_m.cai pulls (OAw.)(CDIAL 3881). ghi_can.u to drag (S.); ghi_co pulling to and fro (S.); ghicnu to grab (N.); ghiccinu to be dragged along (N.); ghi~ca_ to pull (B.); ghicolna_ to rub (H.)(CDIAL 4475). Saw; pull: i_r (-pp-, -tt-) to drag along, pull, attract, carry away (as a current), excoriate (as a tiger), flay, draw, paint, write; (-v-, -nt-) to be drawn out; saw (Ta.); i_rppu pull, tug, attraction; i_r-va_l. a saw (Ta.); i_ruka to saw, split (Ma.); i_r splitting, sawing; i_r-va_l. a saw (Ma.); i_rcca-va_l. a saw (Ma.); i_rcca sawing (Ma.); i_rkkuka to draw, drag (Ma.); i.0- (i.0y-) to pull, drag (To.); i_r to pull, draw (Ka.); i_rp- (i_rt-) to pull (Pa.); i_r- to pull, draw (Ga.); ric- to cut with saw (Go.); nir- (-t-) to pull (Pe.)(DEDR 542). To pinch, pluck; nip: giccu to scratch, pinch (Te.); kism-, ki_seng to pinch (Kol.); kis-/kicc- id. (Nk.); ki_k- id.; kicc- to pluck (strings of instrument with finger)(Pa.); kisk- to pinch; kicc- to pluck (Ga.); kiska_na_, kisk- to pinch; kicma_na_ to pinch, scratch; kism- to pinch; kicca_na_ to pick bha_ji_, i.e. green leaves for salad; kica_na_ to pluck (Go.); kis- (-t-) to pinch, nip, squeeze with fingers; caus. kisis-, kispis- (Kond.a); kic- (-c-) to pinch (Pe.); kic- id. (Mand..); kisa (kisi-) to pinch, nip; n. a pinch; nip; pl. action kiska (kiski-); kicc- to pinch, nip (Kui); kicc- (-it-), kicali to pinch; kicinai to nip (spelled with ch rather than z.)(Kuwi); kiccna_ to break into very small pieces (soft things, esp. bread, greens) with the fingers (Kur.)(DEDR 1513).
1777.Image: silent: kit.uku a secret (Te.); kit.k- to be silent; kit.ukre silently (Pa.); kit.ke er- to be silent (Ga.)(DEDR 1533).
1778.Image: pleiades: khitti_ kr.ttika_, Pleiades (P.)(CDIAL 3427). kr.ttika_ (Skt.lex.)
1779.Image: bush: khitti_ clump, bush (P.)(CDIAL 3427).
1780.Image: vessel with nozzle: kin.t.i small drinking vessel with nozzle (Ta.); goblet, water-vessel with a snout (Ma.); kin.d.y metal drinking vessel (no spout)(Ko.); gin.d.i, gin.n.al, gin.n.il small metal water-vessel (with or without spout)(Ka.); kin.d.i small metal vessel with spout (Kod..); gin.d.i, gin.d.ya, gin.d.y goblet, small metal vessel; gin.n.alu goglet, cup of bell-metal (Tu.); gin.d.i jug, drinking vessel with a spout (Te.); gin.d.i_ small metal vessel (M.)(DEDR 1541). kin.n.am, kin.n.i small metal cup, clepsydra (Ta.); kin.n.am metal plate, gong (Ma.); kin.m (obl. kin.t-) metal eating vessel (To.); kin.n.alu brass cup (Tu.); ginniya, ginne cup, bowl, goblet (Te.); gina metal pot, cup (Ga.); geen a metal vessel (Go.); gina id., metal cup (Kond.a); gina_ metal cup (Kuwi); gina_ metal cup (Or.)(DEDR 1543).
1781.Tobacco: gud.a_ku a preparation of tobacco for smoking (Ka.Te.Ma.Ta.M.)(Ka.lex.)
1782.Bryonia: ku_turu bryonia scabra (Ka.); ku~_turu-bud.amu bryonia scabrella (bud.amu bryonia callosa)(Te.)(DEDR 1889). Melothria heterophylla = bryonia umbellata : kudari (B.); gametta, gometta (M.); amantmul (H.); tiddanda (Te.)(GIMP, p.164). Melothria maderaspatana = bryonia scabrella : puttibudamu (Te.); agumaki (H.); musimusikkayi (Ta.); mukkalpiram (Ma.)(GIMP, p.165). Bryonia callosa = cucumis trigonus : vishala (Skt.); gomuk (B.); bislambhi (H.); kattutumatti (Ta.); adavi puchcha (Te.); pulp of fruit: bitter, drastic purgative; decoction of roots: milder in purgative action; seeds: cooling, astringent, useful in bilious disorders; habitat: wild throughout the drier upland tracts of India (GIMP, p.83). mucumucukkai brisly bryony creeper, mukia scabrella (Ta.); mus'umus'ukka bryonia scabra (Ma.)[mukia scabrella = bryonia scabra](DEDR 4913).
1784.Wrightia antydysenterica: kut.aja the medicinal tree wrightia antidysenterica (Skt.Ka.lex.) cf. kut.acam conessi bark, holarrhena or echites or wrightia antidysenterica (Ta.); kod.asige, kod.isigu, korisigu, kurut.iga wrightia antidysenterica (Ka.); kud.eji-mara id. (Tu.); kod.ise, kod.ise-pa_la wrightia tinctoria (Te.)(DEDR 1650). kut.aja wrightia antidysenterica (the seeds of which are used as a febrifuge (MBh.); kut.aca id. (Skt.); kut.aja (Pali); kud.aya (Pkt.); kur.ci coraya antidysenterica (B.); kura_i, korua~_, korei wrightia antidysenterica (Or.); kur.a_ (H.); kar.o the tree, pl. its seeds (G.); kud.a_ echites antidysenterica (M.)(CDIAL 3229). kalin:ga wrightia antidysenterica (Skt.); its seed (Sus'r.); kalin:gaka (Car.); ka_lin:ga (Skt.); kali~ga_ the tree ipomoea turpethum (bark used as a purgative)(H.)(CDIAL 2937). Holarrhena antidysenterica: kutaja, pandura (Skt.); kurchi (H.B.); kawar, kura (P.); kudasappalai (Ta.); kodisepala, palakodsa (Te.); Bark: in dysentery, dried and ground rubbed over the body in dropsy; Seeds: astringent, febrifuge, in fever, dysentery, diarrhoea and intestinal worms; Habitat: more or less throughout India, ascending to 4,000 ft. in the Himalayas (GIMP, pp. 134-135). Holarrhena antidysenterica, holarrhena pubescens, chenomorha antidysenterica: kutaja, kalinga, vatsika, girimallika, sakrasakan (Skt.); kurchi, conessi or tellicherry bark (Eng.); ecoree-de codagapala (Fr.); karchi, kura (H.); kewar, kura (P.); kurchi, kureya (B.); indrajavanu (G.); kuda (dhavo) (M.Kon.); pandra-kura (Bombay); kaka-kodise, indravrakshamu (Te.); kashappu-vetpalarishi, veppalai (Ta.); korasigina-gida (Ka.); lisan-el-asafir-el-murr (Arab.); zaban-i-gungishk-i-talk, indar-javitalkh (Pers.); curo, cura (Port.); The seeds: indrayava (Skt.); indrajab, tita-indrajao (H.B.); kurva-indrajao (Bombay); kuluppalai-virai (Ta.); indar-javetalkh (Pers.)[Three apocynaceous plants are frequently called kura, koda or kuda in Indian languages. Holarrhena antidysenterica, wrightia tomentosa, and wrightia tinctoria, which is fraudulently substituted for the genuine kurchi bark.] Habitat: this small tree is common in the forests of India, indigenous to the tropical Himalayas, Assam, U.P. down to Travancore. There are two varieties: white and black. Parts used: bark, seeds and leaves... Seeds which resemble oats, are very bitter, astringent, febrifuge, antidysenteric, anthelmintic, carminative and also antiperiodic... (Indian Materia Medica, pp. 634-651). Wrightia tinctoria: This plant is often confounded with that of holarrhena antidysenterica. This plant has white jasmine-like flowers with a fragrant odour while the flowers of holarhhena are odourless. Further, the bark is of reddish-brown colour and smooth appearance as compared with holarrhena bark which is thicker and is of a dirty white or buff colour and has a markedly bitter taste. The seeds of holarrhena resemble oats... they have a tuft of hairs on the end most remote from the foot-stalk, whilst in the wrightia seeds the tuft is on the end next to the foot-stalk... Wrightia tinctoria, wrightia rothii: kalin:ga = indra yava, bhadar yava (Ka.lex.) kalin:ga name of several plants as s'iri_s.a, plaks.a etc.; kalin:gam Indra grain indra-yava; indra-yava the seed of the kut.aja tree (Skt.lex.) hyamaraka, asita-kutanja (seeds: indrayavam)(Skt.); sweet indrajao (Eng.); mitha indrajava, gode indrajava (H.M.G.); indrajav (B.); kalakuda, kalakado (Bombay); indrajow (seeds)(Pers.); kotakappala (Ma.); vetpala-verai, veppalai, vetpalai; (seed) vetpalarisi (Ta.); ankudu, ankid-kodisha, tedlapala (Te.); Habitat: a deciduous tree with milky juice found in Central India, Western Peninsula, Coromandal coast, Coimbatore and Godavary districts. Action: astringent, stomachic, tonic and febrifuge... (Indian Materia Medica, pp. 1296-1297). kala-kudo nerium tinctorium (Kon.)(Indian Materia Medica, p. 849). buru mackunda, at.kur.a wrightia tomentosa (Santali.lex.) thonthapala (Ta.) wrightia tomentosa used in snake bite and in scorpion sting (Indian Materia Medica, p. 1297). Nerium tomentosum: kala inderjav, dudhi, dharuli (H.M.); dudhkarava, dudhi (B.); tallapal, koilamukri, peddapala (Te.); atgo-kudo, tamdo-kudo (Kon.); found throughout India... A preparation from the bark is used in menstrual and renal complaints. (Indian Materia Medica, p. 849).
1785.Image: dividing: kut.t.a (at the end of comp.) dividing, cutting, grinding; (in math.) a multiplier; kut.t. to multiply (Skt.lex.) kot.u to divide, distribute, as a sum of money; to sell (Ta.lex.)
1786.Image: buffalo: ko_d.ru, ko_dru_, go_d.ru buffalo (Kuwi); ko_ru, pl. ko_rka buffalo (Kui.); ko_r-i buffalo (Kond.a); kud.ru buffalo (Pe.Mand..)(DEDR 2256). kun.d.hi_ crooked-horned (of buffalo)(P.)(CDIAL 3261). kun.d.i_ crooked (of buffalo's horns)(L.)(CDIAL 3260). kud.d.ha_ having horns pointing inwards (L.)(CDIAL 3248). kad.a, kar.a buffalo bull; kad.ru male buffalo calf (Santali.lex.) kan.t.i buffalo bull (Tol. Po. 623); ko_t.t.uma_ he-buffalo (Cilap. 15,98); lit. animal with tusks or horns: elephant: ko_t.t.uma_ var..an:kun. ka_t.t.aka ner-iye_ : Ain:kurr-u. 282); boar (Cilap. 15,99, Arum.); ko_t.t.umalai lit. tusked mountain, elephant; ko_t.t.uman.-kol. to break up earth with horns or tusks; ko_t.t.in-am herd of buffaloes, as having horns: ko_t.t.in-at ta_yar makan-an-r-e_ : Kalit. 103,33)(Ta.lex.) Image: male buffalo: ko.n.e male buffalo (Ir.); ko_n.a id. (Ka.); go_n.e id. (Tu.)(DEDR 2212).
1787a.Image: curving: ko_t.a crookedness; ko_t.aka curving, bending; ko_t.i the curved end of a bow; the side of a right-angled triangle (Skt.lex.) Image: bent, crooked: kut.ika, kut.ita, kut.ila, kut.ilaka bent, crooked (Skt.lex.) kut.i, gud.i a curvature, a curve (Ka.lex.) cf. CDIAL 3230.
1787.Image: horn: ku_t.a any prominence: a horn (Ka.); ko_d.u, ko_r.. a horn of animals; a tusk (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) ko_r.., ko_d.u a horn; ko_r..ke, ko_r..kil., ko_r..kil.im, ko_r..ge id. (Ka.); ko_d.u kut.t.u to strike or gore with the horn or with the tusk (Ka.); ko_d.u a horn of animals; a tusk (Ka.); ko_d.u-vi_sa the allowance of a vis of corn etc. for every bullock-load that comes into town etc.; kud.u the state of being crooked, bent (Ka.); kod.u (Ma.)(Ka.lex.)
1788.Image: point, peak: ko_d.u, ko_r.. a point, the peak or top of a hill (Ka.Ta.); kuvad.u a globe, round body; a hill, the peak of a hill (Ma.); ko_d.u-gal the top-stone: the peak of a hill; ko_d.e_r-u a wound made with a tusk (Ka.lex.) kud.u, kad.u, kud.a, kud.i the state of being crooked, bent; crookedness (Ka.); kot.u (Ta.Ma.); kud.udad.i a crooked stick; kud.uda_d.e a curved tusk (Ka.lex.) kombu (fr. kud.u crookedness?) a horn of animals; that is horn-like as a root; a serpentine horn to play upon; a tusk (Ka.); kompu (Ta.); kommu (Te.) (Ka.lex.) kombu trumpet (Kon.lex.) kombar ku_l.i protruding tooth (Tu.lex.)
1789.Image: crown; hair-knot: kon.t.ai tuft, dressing of hair in large coil on the head, one of aim.-pa_n--mut.i (Ta.); kon.t.a (Ma.); kon.d.e (Te.); gon.d.e (Ka.Tu.)(Ta.lex.) jhut.i a hair-knot (Santali.lex.) Images: horn; hair collected in the shape of a horn: ko_t.i_ra the hair collected on the forehead by ascetics in the shape of a horn; an epithet of Indra; a diadem, crown; a crest ko_t.ika forming the highest point of anything; ko_t.imat edged, pointed; ko_t.i, ko_t.i_ the highest point; excellence; the horns or digits of the moon; the complement of an arc to 900 (in math.); the end or extremity, edge or point in general; the edge or point of a weapon; ko_t.a crookedness; ku_t.aka elevation, prominence; ku_t.a the bone of the forehead with its projections, the crown of the head; any projection or prominence; kut.i a curve, bend; kut. to be crooked or curved; to curve or bend (Skt.lex.) Chaplet of pearls: kon.d.e a chaplet of pearls worn on the head (Ka.lex.) kon.d.e, gon.d.e a tassel etc. (Ka.lex.) Image: ornamental curve of a crown: ko_t.am (S.I.I.ii,87: ko_t.an:kal.ilum...ko_tta muttu), ko_t.akam a kind of tapering crown (ko_t.aka man.inta ko_la mut.iyin-a_y : Ci_vaka. 2989); ornamental curves of a crown, one of five mut.i-y-ur-uppu; ko_t.i bend, curve (Tiruva_ru_. 134); garland worn on the head; ko_t.u to bend, be crooked (Ma.)(Man.i. 28,188)(Ta.)(Ta.lex.) Image: crest, diadem: ko_t.i_ram < ko_t.i_ra crest, diadem; long matted hair, as of ascetics (Ta.lex.) Image: tuft of hair: kut.umi crown, diadem (Tol. Po. 68); crown of the head (Ir-ai. 1, Urai); bird's crest (Maturaik. 170); kut.umi-k-ku_ntal hair on the crown of the head (Ir-ai. 1, Urai)(Ta.lex.) kut.umi tuft of hair (esp. of men)(Ta.); kut.umma lock of hair worn as caste distinction (Ma.); kot. top tuft of hair (Ko.); ku_t.or cock's comb (Pa.)(DEDR 2049). kon.t.ai tuft, dressing of hair in large coil on the head, crest of a bird (Ta.); kon.t.a tuft of hair (Ma.); kon.d. knot of hair at back of head (Ko.); kwid.y Badaga woman's knot of hair at back of head (To.); kon.d.e tuft, tassel, cluster (Ka.); gon.d.e id. (Ka.); topknot, tassel, cluster (Tu.); kon.d.e, kon.d.i knot of hair on the crown of the head (Te.); go~d.a_ cluster, tuft (M.)(DEDR 2081). kun:kat.i, ku~_kat.i a lock or tuft of hair, crest of peacock (Te.); kukur(i), kukur. cock's comb (Go.); kukut.i hair (Kond.a)(DEDR 1634). kuku head (Malt.); kukk id. (Kur.)(DEDR 1630). kun.d.a- clump (e.g., darbha-kun.d.a-)(Skt.); go_d.a_ cluster, tuft (M.)(CDIAL 3266).
1790.A festivity to honour the goddess: go_ndhal.a a tumultuous festivity in propitiation of de_vi (M.); gondaliga a man who makes music in honour of Pa_rvati_ and sings her stories (Ka.); gondala confusion (Ka.); kondala (Te.); go_ndhal.a (M.); gondala busle (Ka.M.); tumult (Ka.M.); gondan.isu to assemble; to be plentiful; gondan.i, gondan.a, gondal.a a mass; an assemblage; a concourse of people, a crowd, a throng; habbada gondan.a an assemblage of a festival; kottan.i, kottar..i a multitude, a flock (Ka.); kottu (Ta.Ma.); kontu (Ta.)(Ka.lex.) kon.t.a_t.t.am praise, appreciation, fondling, caressing (Ci_vaka. 229, Urai.)(Ta.); id. (Ma.); kon.d.a_t.amu (Te.); kon.t.a_t.t.am joy, delight; celebration of a feast, any occasion of great eclat, festivity; kon.t.a_t.t.u praise, apprecaition, fondling, caressing (Tiv. Tiruva_y. 4,9,3); kon.t.a_t.u-tal to praise, appreciate; to fondle, caress (Te_va_. 908,2); kon.d.a_d.u (Te.); kon.d.a_d.uni (Tu.); kon.t.a_t.u-tal to celebrate, as a festival; to observe as a holiday; to solemnize, cherish as grief (Ta.lex.) kolu royal presence, durbar, presence of the deity in a temple; decorations in a Hindu house at the Navara_tri festival (Ta.); koniya_d.u to praise; koniya_t.u praising; kon.d.a~_d.u to praise, celebrate; kolupu festival of a god or goddess (Te.); koluvu royal presence or the presence of a deity; an assembly (Te.); kolu service, king's presence; magnificence, prosperity (Ma.); kon.d.a.r.- (a.c-) to praise (god)(Ko.); kon.d.a_d.u to lay hold of one mentally and speak, praise, respect highly (Ka.); kon.d.a_d.uni to praise, applaud, glorify (Tu.); koniya_d.u to praise; koniya_t.u praising; koluvu-ka~_d.u servant (Te.)(DEDR 2151).
1791.Image: spear: kum.ta spear (Pkt.); kundu spike of a top (S.); kundi_ spike at the bottom of a stick (S.); kundir.i_, kundiri_ spike of a spear or stick (S.); kutu lance (Si); konta standard (Pali); kom.ta spear (Pkt.); ko~t spear, dart (H.); kota spear, spire, standard (Si.)(CDIAL 3289). < Perh. Greek kontos spear. kauntika a spearman, lancer; kunta a lance (Skt.lex.) kuntam < kunta javelin for throwing; barbed dart (Ci_vaka. 1678); spear, lance (Pu. Ve. 4,7); pike, stake (Mullaip. 41)(Ta.lex.) Javelin: kappan.am javelin; small caltrop (Ci_vaka.285); cf. kapana (Skt.)(Ta.lex.) ka_ppil < English. gaff barbed fishing-spear; a spar used in ships to extend the heads of fore- and aft-sails (Ta.lex.) Image: soldier: kaidul, keydu weapon; keydu-ka_r-a soldier (Ka.); kaidu, kaidu sword (Tu.); kaiduvu weapon (Te.)(DEDR 2027). kava_tu, kava_yita, kava_yitu military manoeuvres (Ka.Te.); kava_i_ta (M.H.)(Ka.lex.)
1793.Image: scorpion: cf. kon.i, kon.d.i a sting (Tu.)(DEDR 1867). cf. kon.d.i the sting of a scorpion (Ka.); a sting (Tu.); kon.d.i the sting of a scorpion (Te.)(DEDR 2080). Image: scorpion's sting: kon.d.i the sting of a scorpion (Ka.Te.); kon.d.e (Te.)(Ka.lex.) kon.d.i a sting (Tu.)(DEDR 2080). Image: pincers: kot.ukku sting of a wasp, hornet, scorpion (Ta.Ma.); claws of a crab, lobster (Ta.); kot.ir-u pincers (Tiruva_ca. 4,63)(Ta.lex.) kot.il tongs (Ma.); kor. hook of tongs (Ko.); kut.ilika_ smith's tongs (Skt.)(DEDR 2052). Brazier's pincers: kut.t.a-k-kur-at.u a kind of brazier's pincers; cf. kut.t.am smallness, littleness (Ta.lex.) Jemmy, crow-bar: kot.ir-r-u-k-ko_l jemmy, crow-bar, one of the implements of a burglar for removing stones from a wall (Ta.lex.) Scorpion: kot.t.uva_n- scorpion; kot.t.u-va_y the spot stung by a scorpion or other poisonous insects (Ta.); kot.ukkan a kind of scorpion; kot.ukka_n- id. (Ta.); kot.ukkar-uttal lit. to cut off the sting of a scorpion; to break down one's mischievous tendency (Ta.); kol.l.i-t-te_l. a kind of scorpion causing intense pain by its sting (Arut.pa_, ii, Er..uttar-i. 28)(Ta.lex.) Image: scorpion's sting: kut.uku to sting, as a scorpion (Ka.); kot.ukku (Ta.); kod.ukke a scorpion's sting; kod.ukku to prick, sting (Ma.); kot.t.u to sting, as a scorpion or bee (Ta.); kul.i to sting (Tu.)(Ka.lex.) kot.ka scorpion's sting (Ma.)(DEDR 2064).