2863.Chess; king: s'aha_ a king (Ka.M.H.); in chess-playing: check (Ka.); s'aha (M.H.)(Ka.lex.)
2864.Deity: cakka-va_lar < cakrava_la devas residing in Mt. cakkarava_l.a (Me_ruman. 574)(Ta.)(Ta.lex.) saggiga a deity; sura, nirjara; saggigador-e; saggigarad.abal.a fire; saggigara piraya Brahma_; saggigarer-eya Indra; saggigavat.t.i the sky; saggigavet.t.u the mountain Me_ru (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) sagga (Tadbhava of sarga; svarga) amaralo_ka; the heaven of Indra, the abode of the deities and of beatified mortals (supposed to be situated on the mountain Me_ru; na_ka); saggadamara = surataru (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) Sagacious: s'aha_n.e, s'a_n.a sagacious, knowing, clever (Ka.); s'ahan.a_ (M.H.); s'a_n.a a sagacious, knowing, clever man; s'a_n.e f. (Ka.lex.) jakka (Tadbhava of yaks.a); jakkan.a_ca_ri name of an architect; jakkan.a_ca_rya name of a S'aiva devotee (Ka.); jakkin.i, jakan.i (Tadbhava of yaks.in.i) a woman who dies in the matron state, not as a widow, and receives divine honours, e.g. si_re_s are dedicated to her etc. (Ka.); jakkini (Te.)(Ka.lex.) cakka-te_vi < yaks.a + (Kur-r-a_. Kur-a. 71); cakkamma_ a demoness (Ta.); jakkamma (Te.)(Ta.lex.) ca_kin-i < s'a_kini_ an evil spirit (Can.. Aka.)(Ta.)(Ta.lex.) s'an:khini_ a woman of one of the four classes into which writers on erotic science divide women: s'an:khini_, citrin.i_, hastini_ and padmini_ (Skt.lex.) can:kin-i the third of the four classes into which women are classifed in Ka_ma-s'a_stra (Kokko_. 1,1014)(Ta.lex.) Indra: s'akra mighty (esp. of Indra)(RV.); Indra (MBh.); sakka Indra (Pali.Pkt.); sak (Si.)(CDIAL 12255). s'akra-kri_d.a_cala Indra's pleasure-mountain; the mountain me_ru (Ka.lex.) cakan- < jagat Lord of the Universe (Ci. Po_. 8,2); can:karan- < S'an.-kara dispenser of happiness (Cilap. 10, 186, Urai); S'iva (Te_va_. 725, 6); a Rudra, one of e_ka_taca-ruttirar (Tiva_.); cakal.am < sa-kala the aspect of S'iva as having form, represented by the images (Tiruvunti. 1); cakal.an-S'iva, as with form (Ci. Ci. 1,65, Ja_nap.); cakal.ata_n-am perh. sa-kala_ + a_-sana a yo_gic posture in which a person sits cross-legged over his left hand; cakal.a-nit.kal.am the aspect of S'iva as being with and without form, represented by the Lin:ga (Ci. Po_. Pa_. 8,1,359); cakal.a-t-tirume_n-i the body or form assumed by S'iva (Ta.lex.) sagho strong (S.); s'akra strong; s'akno_ti (RV.)(CDIAL 13081). sah strong (RV.); -saha in cmpd. 'enduring' (Pali); saha- strong (Pkt.)(CDIAL 13298). shate_ conquers (RV.); bears, suffers (AV.); shati is powerful (RV.); is able (MBh.); sahati conquers, endures (Pali); sahadi (Dhp.); sahidavya (NiDoc.); sahai endures (Pkt.); sahun to bear patiently (K.); sahan.u to bear, put up with; sun. (L.); sahin.a_, saihna_ (P.); sahan.o, sa_n.o, saun.o (Ku.); sahanu (N.); xa(h)iba (A.); saha_, saoya_ (B.); sahiba_ to bear, experience, wait, forgive (Or.); sahab to be able to bear (Mth.); sahai bears (OAw.); sahna_ (pres. part. sahta_ bearable, luke-warm)(H.); sahai (OMarw.); sahai (OG.); sahvu~, sahevu~, sevu~ (G.); sa_hn.e~ (M.)(CDIAL 13304). sahana endurance, patience (Ma_rkP.); sahan.a endurance (Pkt.); sahan.i_, sahin.i_ (S.); s'o~_r.~ forbearance (Ku.); sahan endurance (N.B.H.); xahan (A.); sahan.a, sahn.a_, sahn.i forbearance (Or.); sahana_ what must be endured (Mth.); sen.i_ (G.)(CDIAL 13305). shas strength (RV.); saha plenty, help (N.); sahasa_ forcibly (Pali); sah strength, ability (H.)(CDIAL 13306). Indra: s'akra mighty (esp. of Indra)(RV.); Indra (MBh.); sakka Indra (Pali.Pkt.); sak (Si.); s'ak be strong, able (Skt.)(CDIAL 12255). Bold: shas strength (RV.); sahasa_ forcibly (Pali); saha plenty, help (N.); sah strength, ability (H.)(CDIAL 13306). cf. sahaka_ra assistance (Skt.); sahiya_ru~ held in partnership; partnership (G.)(CDIAL 13299). sa_hasa boldness (MBh.); aggression (Gaut.); violent; boldness, violence (Pali); boldness (Pkt.); sa_has boldness (K.Mth.); violnece (H.); enterprise, adventure, violence (G.); courage, encouragement, help (N.); xa_h courage (A.); sa_hasa, sa_a_sa (Or.)(CDIAL 13378). sa_hasik bold, impetuous, violent (MBh.); sa_hasika bold (Pali); sa_hasi, sa_hasia bold (Pkt.); sa_hasi (K.); sa_hasi (N.); sa_hasia_ boaster, liar (Or.); sa_hasi_ bold, violent (H.)(CDIAL 13379). Tolerable: sa_hya in cmpd. 'conquering' (RV.); help, fellowship (MBh.); shya tolerable, equal to, strong; help (MBh.); sajjha capable of bearing; help (Pkt.)(CDIAL 13383). Able; possible: ca.g (ca.gy) to be possible; ca.km sufficiency; ca.ko. it is enough; ca.ky enough (Ko.); so.k enough (To.); sa_ku he, she, or it is, they are sufficient or enough; sufficiency; sufficient, enough (Ka.); to suffice (Tu.)(DEDR 2470). s'akita pp. is able (MBh.); subj. s'akat, opt. s'ake_ma (RV.); haya, he to be able (Si.)(CDIAL 12237). s'akta competent, able (Mn.); sattha able (Pali); satta (Pkt.); s'ato, s'atu_k strong, powerful (of man, horse, chair)(Sh.); sato strong, powerful (S.)(CDIAL 12249). s'akti power (RV.); satti ability, power (Pali.Pkt.); s'at, s'att strength, violence (Sh.); sat power, courage (L.); s'atilu strong (Sh.); sati_l, sati_la_ (H.)(CDIAL 12250). s'akno_ti is able (RV.); sakko_ti, sakkati is able (Pali); sakke_i, sakkai (Pkt.); s'ak- (D..); hekun (K.); sakkn.a_, sakna_ (P.); s'ak (WPah.); sakhan.u (Garh.); sakn.o to be able, endure, bear, lift (Ku.); saknu to be able (N.); sakab (Mth.); sakai (OAw.); sakna_ (H.); sakai (OG.); s'akvu~ (G.); sakn.e~ (M.); s'akis.yati fut. (NiDoc.); sakkun.e_mu 1 pl. opt. (Pali); sakkan.o_i, sakkun.adi (Pkt.); saknauar causes to be able, helps; s'asti, sasti is able (Gypsy)(CDIAL 12252). s'akya possible (MBh.); sakka possible (Pali); s'aka, saka, sakiya (As'.); s'akya (NiDoc.); sakka, sakkia (Pkt.); sak-ho_cer is able (Gypsy); saki, haki possible, capable, clever (Si.)(CDIAL 12253). saha strong (RV.); -saha in cmpd. 'enduring' (Pali); saha- strong (Pkt.)(CDIAL 13298). sahata_ power of endurance (Skt.); seh, se power of endurance, practice, habit (G.)(CDIAL 13303). sahate_ conquers (RV.); bears, suffers (AV.); sahati is powerful (RV.); is able (MBh.); sahati conquers, endures (Pali); sahadi (Dhp.); sahidavya (NiDoc.); sahai endures (Pkt.); sahun to bear patiently (K.); sahan.u to endure; pres. part. sahando endurable (S.); sahan. to bear, put up with (L.); saun. (L.); sahin.a_, saihna_ (P.); sahan.o, sa_n.o, saun.o (Ku.); sahanu (N.); xa(h)iba (A.); saha_, saoya_ (B.); sahiba_ to bear, experience, wait, forgive (Or.); sahab to be able to bear (Mth.); sahai bears (OAw.); sahna_ (H.); pres. part. sahta_ bearable, luke-warm (H.); sahai (OMarw.); sahai (OG.); sahvu~, sahevu~, sevu~ (G.); sa_hn.e~ (M.)(CDIAL 13304). sahana endurance, patience (Ma_rkP.); sahan.a endurance (Pkt.); sahan.i_, sahin.i_ (S.); s'o~_r.~ forbearance (Ku.); sahan endurance (N.); xahan (A.); sahan (B.); sahan.a, sahan.a_, sahan.i forbearance (Or.); sahana_ what must be endured (Mth.); sahan endurance (H.); sen.i_ (G.)(CDIAL 13305). sahas strength (RV.); sahasa_ forcibly (Pali); saha plenty, help (N.); sah strength, ability (H.)(CDIAL 13306). sahuri strong (RV.); sahu- strong, capable (Pkt.); sahu_ able to endure much, patient (S.L.)(CDIAL 13311). To be able: cak be satisfied (Skt.); cakati is satisfied (Dha_tup.); cak(i)ye possible (As'.); cayai can; caia possible (Pkt.); 3 sg. opt. cakkiya_ (Pkt.); ca_yam.ta enabling; ca_iya made able (Pkt.)(CDIAL 4535). taku (takuv-, takk-takunt-) to be fit, appropriate, be obtained (Ta.); takavu ability, fitness (Ta.); takka fit (Ma.); tagina proper, becoming, fit (Te.)(DEDR 3005). To get ready: takl preparation of half the village lands for sowing while the other half is under crops (Ko.); taku to get ready (Ta.)(DEDR 3005). Image: headman: takk chief man, headman of village, man who superintends property and ceremonies of a god (Kod..); takka (pl.) chief family (Kod..); takka_r worthy, virtuous people, the noble, impartial, upright persons; tak-appan- father (Ta.); tak-appan father (Ma.); takl preparation of half the village lands for sowing while the other half is under crops (Ko.); takka a good man, friend; takku greatness, exalted position (Ka.)(DEDR 3005). cf. sagho strong (S.)(CDIAL 13081). diku a hindu landlord; hindu raiyats are also called hur.in dikuko; but, hur.in diku when denoting a single man always means the younger brother of a landlord (Mu.); diha_n headman of a village (Persian.Arabic.Sadani); diku-n to make oneself the landlord of a village; di-p-iku to speak Hindi or Sadani with each other; diku-u to become the landlord of a village; di-n-iku the extent of speaking Hindi or Sadani (Mu.); digua_r lowest official in the Indian police (Mu.); digwa_r a guard (Skt.)(Encyclopaedia Mundarica, p.1062).
2865.Image: sun: sahari the sun; sahuri sun; san:kila a fire-brand, burning torch; san:ka_ra the crackling of flames (Skt.lex.) jhas.a sun-heat (Skt.); zah heat, summer (A.); jhas.ati, jas.ati hurts (Dha_tup.)(CDIAL 5359). cahak brightness (N.); cahakilo brilliant, smart (N.); cahakna_ to burn (H.)(CDIAL 4731). ks.a_ti burning (RV.); jha_ya burnt to ashes (Pkt.)(CDIAL 5364). jha_yati burns (Pali); jha_van.a, jha_van.a_ burning (Pkt.); jha_payitaviye ger. to be burnt (As'.)(CDIAL 5371). jha_na conflagration (Pali); jha_n.i_ cremation ground (L.)(CDIAL 5365). jha_mala dimsighted (Pkt.); jha~_viro id. (S.); ha_u_l.a_ a disease of the eyes (Or.)(CDIAL 5370). jha~_i~_ dimness of sight (S.); jha_i~_ shadow (CDIAL 5367). cf. cha_ya_ shadow (Skt.lex.) Solar race: sagara name of a king of the solar race (whose sacrificial horse was stolen by Indra and carried down to the Pa_ta_la); s'aka name of a king (esp. applied to S'a_liva_na); an epoch, era (the term is esp. applied to the era of S'a_liva_hana which commences 78 years after the Christian era); s'aka_ pl. name of a country; name of a particular tribe or race of people (mentioned along with pun.d.rakas etc.); s'aka name of a tribe inhabiting the countries on the north-western frontier of India, the sacae of the classical writers, and generally identified with the scythians; s'aka_ri epithets of king Vikrama_ditya, who is said to have exterminated the s'akas; s'aka-kartr. the founder of an era (Skt.lex.) ce_kkir..a_r a family name among ve_l.a_l.as in ton.t.aiman.t.alam (Ta.Inscr.); ce_kun.am a country; ce_kun.ar people of ce_kun.am (Kalin.. 318)(Ta.lex.) sagara name of a king of Ayo_dhya_ (Ka.lex.) cf. ar-uvar, a_rvaru six persons : haris'andra, nal.a, purutsava (?pururutsa), puru_rava, sagara, ka_rtivi_rya (Ka.lex.) sa_gara the ocean (the bed of the ocean was dug by the sons of Sagara); a kind of computation of time (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) A tribe: s'a_ke_ndra a year of the king of the S'akas (Skt. inscr.); s'a_ka S'aka era, any era (Skt.); sakara_ja year of various Burmese eras (Pali); havajara year (OSi.Bra_hmi_ inscr.); havurud (OSi.); avurudda, aviridda (Si.); s'aka a white-skinned tribe (AVPari_s'.)(CDIAL 12373). s'aka are located in the south-west of India (Agni-pura_n.a. LV.16); just as Sindhu-Sauvi_ra are located in the south-west in Br.hatsam.hita_. cakaran- a chief famed for liberality, one of seven mutal-val.l.alkal.; cakarai-y-a_n.t.u < s'a_ka+ S'a_liva_hana era commencing from 78 A.D. (Pin..)(Ta.lex.)
2866. Image: one who lifts weights: can:goli a day-labourer (Ka.); ca_kara a servant; ca_kari serice; employment (Ka.Te.M.H.)(Ka.lex.) jagati a person who earns a livelihood by carrying weights (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) Cart; s'akat.a cart (R. S'a_n:khS'r.); s'akat.i_ (RV.); s'akat.ika adj. (Pa_n..gan.a); s'akat.ika_ small cart (Skt.); sakat.a cart, waggon, cartload (Pali); ya_l.a cart (Si.); hagoru cart (K.); sagr.a_ bullock-cart (B.); sagar.a (Or.); saggar.ia_ driver of a cart (Or.); sa_gar., saggar.a_ smaller cart (Bi.); sagar. (Mth.); saggar., sagar. cart; sagr.i_ small cart (H.); chakir.o cart (S.); chakr.a_, chikr.a_ large two-wheeled bullock-cart (P.); chakr.a_, s'akr.a_ cart (B.); chakar.a_ large cart (Bi.); chakkar., chakr.i_ (Mth.); chakr.a hackney carriage (Or.); chakr.a_ two-wheeled bullock-cart (H.); chakr.u~, chakr.o cart (G.); sa_kd.a_ the box of a load-cart (M.)(CDIAL 12236). Wheel; cart: ca_ka_t.u < s'akat.a cart, carriage (Kur-al., 476); cart wheel ( accut.ai-c ca_ka_t. t.a_ram: Pur-ana_. 256); cakat.a-k-ka_l cart-wheel, carriage-wheel (Na_lat.i. 2); cakat.a-p-por-i a machine in the shape of a wheel, used as a weapon of defence (Cilap. 15,216, Urai.); cakat.am cart, wheeled conveyance drawn by cattle, carriage, chariot (Ci_vaka. 363); car (Kantapu. Ka_ppu. 1); wheel; cakat.u cart (Periyapu. Tiruna_. 6); id. (Ma.); cakat.ai id. (Pur-ana_. 60, 8, Urai.)(Ta.) (Ta.lex.) cakad.a_, cakkad.i, cakkad.a_ (Tadbhava of s'akat.a) a cart; a travelling cart (Ka.); chakad.a_ (M.); cekad.a_ (Te.); cakat.am, cakat.u (Ta.); cagad.u, ca_d.u (Ma.)(Ka.lex.) cf. tagori the potter's wheel (Tu.); tikiri circle, circular form, wheel, potter's wheel, the discus weapon, chariot, car (Ta.); tayrgan. potter's wheel (Ko.); tiguri, tigari, tiguru a wheel, esp. a potter's wheel (Ka.)(DEDR 3201). A solid cart wheel; cart with solid wheels: sagar. a cart with solid wheels; to cart; sagar. gad.i a cart with 2-spoked wheels; sagar. jhagar. driving a cart; sagar.ia a carter; sagar. cak a cart wheel; sagar solid cart wheel (Santali.lex.) sagar.i, sagir.i, sagr.i a rudimentary cart, called sometimes a block-wheeled cart because its two wheels (ca_ka) are spokeless and made of three blocks of wood (cf. Pl.XV,(1)(Mu.); sagar. (Sadani. Oraon); ... used to transport bales, sheaves of reaped paddy, straw, firewood and timber (Mu.lex.) sakat.a cart; cakkamagga cart-rut (Pali)(Pali.lex.) Image: tire of a wheel: kat.t.u tire of a wheel (C.G.); surrounding; encirclement (Tirukko_. 313)(Ta.lex.); band (Ka.)(DEDR 1147). araghat.t.a wheel for raising water)(CDIAL 4451).
2867.Convolvulus scammonia: (Ancient Egyptian snwtt; Coptic ckamoynia) "This convolvulus is a twining shrub growing to 4 or 5 m, with large ochre-yellow funnel-shaped flowers and cordeate leaves... The Copts used it as a purgative and as an ingredient in an ointment... Theophrastus says that the gum of the plant occurs in its root..." (Lise Manniche, An Ancient Egyptian Herbal, p.93). Convolvulus scammonia: sak munia (H.); resin from rhizomes: hydragogue cathartic, administered in dropsy and anascara; roots contain about 8% resin; habitat: a native of the Mediterranean region; said to be grown to a limited extent in India. (GIMP, p.76).
2868.Young of an animal: s'a_baka, s'a_vaka the young of any animal (Skt.Ka.)(Ka.lex.) ca_pam the young of an animal (Pa_rata. Campava. 40)(Ta.lex.)
2869.Image: fish: s'an:ku the skate fish (Ka.Skt.)(Ka.lex.) s'an:kuci, s'an:ko_ca a skate-fish (Skt.lex.) cf. han:gor hako, hon:gor hako shark (sword-fish)(Santali.lex.)
2870.Image: scissors: s'an:kula_ a pair of scissors; a kind of knife or lancet; s'an:kula_-khan.d.a a piece cut off with a pair of scissors (Skt.lex.)
2871.Shell-worker: s'an:khaka_ra, s'an:khaka_raka shell-worker (Skt.); sa~_k(h)a_ri maker of conch-shell bracelets (B.); san:kha_ri shell-worker (Or.)(CDIAL 12265). san:kha,sankha a wrist ornament made of shell worn by women (Santali.lex.) Image: conch: s'an:kha conch-shell (AV.); s'an:khaka (MBh.); san:kha conch, mother-of-pearl (Pali); sam.kha conch (Pkt.); sam.khiya_ small conch (Pkt.); san:ghi_ a kind of bracelet (S.); sa~_kh conch-shell (B.); sa~_kha_, sa~_ka_, se~kha_ conch bracelet (B.); san:kha_ (Or.); sa_m.kha conch-shell (OAw.); san:kh (H.); sak-a, hak-a (Si.); san:khu conch (S.); sa~_kh, sa~_k (Ku.)(CDIAL 12263). s'a_n:khini_, s'an:khini_ mother-of-pearl (Skt.)(CDIAL 12380). ha_ngi snail (K.); sa~_khi possessing or made of shells (B.); ho~gi pearl oyster shell, shell of any aquatic mollusc (K.); ha_ngi snail (K.)(CDIAL 12380). can:ku chank, conch, large convolute shell, turbinella pyrum, of four kinds: it.am-puri, valam-puri, calacalam, pa_cacan-n-iyam (Tiv. Periyati. 1,8,1); s'an:khutiri cork-screw; can:ku-p-par-aiyar a pariah sub-caste whose men act as conch-blowers at funerals; can:ku-val.ai shell-bracelets (Net.unal. 36, Urai); can:ku_ti convener of a village committee for settling disputes (G.Sm.D. I,i,181); conch-blower (Ta.lex.) Wristlet: sakom a wristlet; san:kha a wristlet of shell (Santali.lex.) Image: bracelet: an:katam bracelet worn on the upper arm (Tiruvil.ai. Ma_n.ik. 12)(Ta.); an:katam id. (Ma.); an:kata (Ka.Skt.); an:gadamu (Te.)(T.E.D.) Image: conch: sak, sak ghon:gha, sak rokoc a conch (Santali.lex.) sa~k gon:gha, sa~k rokoc conch shell (Santali.lex.)
2872.Image: lathe: s'an:khin a worker in shells (Skt.lex.) cf. can:ku-tiruki machine for sawing and cutting shells (W.)(Ta.); corkscrew (Ta.); s'an:khutiri (Ma.); can:ku-ttiri spiral winding in shells (Ta.); s'ankhitiri id. (Ma.); can:kuccuri screw, as being spiral (J.); can:kiri (Ma.); can:ku-c-cala_pam chank fishery (Ta.); can:ku shell bracelet (Te_va_. 89,1); can:ku < s'an:kha chank, conch, large convolute shell, turbinella pyrum, of four kinds, viz., it.am-puri, valam-puri, calacalam, pa_ca-can-n-iyam (Tiv. Periyati. 1,8,1)(Ta.); can:ku id. (Ma.); can:ku-t-ta_li ta_li with beads in imitation of chanks, one on either side; ta_li made of shell, worn by women (Parav.)(Ta.); can:ku-t-ta_li-vel.l.a_l.ar a class of ve_l.a_l.as whose women wear can:ku-t-ta_li (W.)(Ta.lex.) Image: bracelet: can:kam bracelet (Ir-ai. 39, Urai, 260)(Ta.lex.) s'an:khi having a conch; possessing shells; Vis.n.u; a shell-blower; a worker in shells; the ocean (Ka.lex.) tirugu, tiragu to go round; tiruguvike turning; tiruguha returning, restitution, compensation, discharge of a debt or obligation; tirupu that turns : a screw; an ornamental gold or silver screw; tirupu, tiravu, tiripu, tirivu, tirihu, tirumbu, tiruhu to cause to go round or move about, to turn etc, to whirl round; tiru, tibbu, tiri turning; tirumuru turnings and windings: reverse order; crookedness; tirigu, tiragu to go round; to turn; to turn round; to turn or go back; tiri to turn round; turning; a turn, a twist (Ka.Ta.Ma.Te.); tiri murivu turnings and windings; tiragan.i, tiragan.e, tirugan.i, tirugan.e, tirugun.i turning; that which turns: a wheel for raising water, a windlass, a roller; nemi, trike; an (ornamental) screw, in o_li-tiragan.i; tirugan.i-mad.uvu a whirlpool (Ka.) (Ka.lex.) Image: bend of a road: tiravu, tiruvu the turn or bend of a road (Ka.lex.)
2873.Image: front of neck: can:ku-kat.aital rattling in the throat as of dying persons (Ta.); can:ku-karayuka (Ma.)(Ta.lex.) s'an:khin suffering from whooping cough (A_pGr.S. xviii.3)(Vedic.lex.) san:ggh the front part of the neck, the gullet, the throat (Punjabi.lex.) can:ku throat (Ta.Ma.); can:ku-kat.aital rattling in the throat, as of dying persons (Ta.); can:ku karayuka id. (Ma.); hak neck (Pe.); hak-nar.a throat (Pe.)(DEDR 2282). s'an:kha temporal bone or frontal bone (Ya_j.); part of an elephant's head between the tusks (Skt.); sam.kha temporal bone (Pkt.); sen:kh ear (Gypsy); s'en. throat (Bshk.); s'a_n:g (Tor.); s'an:gi_rut. inside of throat (Phal.); sa~gh throat (L.); sa~ghr.i_ enlarged uvula (L.); sagh throat (L.); san:gh, san:gha_ throat, front part of neck, gullet (P.); s'a~_gi_ throat (WPah.)(CDIAL 12264). s.ak back of neck (Dm.); s.a_k (Phal.); s.ak, s.akh collar-bone (Sh.)(CDIAL 13576). hangunu the temple, curl of hair on the temple (K.); honga, hongunu chin (K.)(CDIAL 12266). Shin: su_rur.i, su_ror.i the shin (Kui); hu_sana_n.i, hu_salari, hu_san.a_r.i shin-bone; su_sna_d.i shin (Kuwi)(DEDR 2731). susikyem my shin-bone (Shum.)(CDIAL 12647). Image: nape of the neck, mane: cuval nape of the neck, upper part of the neck, back, mane (Ta.); cugh nape of the neck (Br.); cug (Bal.)(DEDR 2696). se_rki the back of the neck (Kui); he_rki, herki neck; herki shoulder (Kuwi)(DEDR 2817). cf. sr.kvan corner of mouth (RV.); srakva corner of mouth, jaws (RV.)(CDIAL 13576). cf. car (obl. carr-, pl. cartil) neck (Pa.)(DEDR 2419).
2874.Image: a vessel: s'an:kari a kind of vessel; saraka, da_re-gin.d.al (Ka.lex.) Image; potsherd: sakkhara_ potsherd (Pali); sakara, sakuru, hakura, akura potsherd (Si.)(CDIAL 12337). sagged.e a cup, glass = cembu (Te.)(Ka.lex.) cikaram < cirakam dish, shallow brass plate; vat.t.il (Pin..); cirakam water-pot, ewer; karakam (Kalit. 51)(Ta.)(Ta.lex.) A measure of capacity: sagad.a, sayad.a, saad.ha, sagad.i_, sagad.iya_ (Pkt.); hakat.a, hakad.a, yahad.a a measure of capacity (OSi. Bra_hmi_)(CDIAL 12236). Image: pot: s'a_kha a measure of capacity, kol.aga (Ka.lex.) Image: cord round the neck of a vessel: cf. s'ikyam, sikyam a burden or load carried in a sling; the strings of a balance; s'ic the string of a yoke (for carrying burdens) (Skt.lex.) s'ika_l.i_, s'ika_ri_ cord round the neck of a vessel; s'ika_rn.e~, s'ika_l.n.e~ to attach by a sling (M.); chiko, chi~ko net to hang up vessels in (Ku.); chika_ = sika_ (B.); si_ko string net for carrying vessels in (Ku.); siko rope-sling (N.); sikkaya, sikkia_ rope or net for hanging things on or in (Pkt.); s'ikkhuru hanging rope or net (K.); si_ku~ hanging net (G.); sika_ hanging net, string loop at each end of carrying-pole (B.Or.); si_k, si_ka_, si~_ka_ net for hanging up pots in the house (Bi.); si_k (Mth.)(CDIAL 12427). sikahar net for hanging up pots etc. in a house (Bi.Mth.)(CDIAL 12428). Image: water-pot: cikaram, cirakam, karaka water-pot, dish, shallow brass plate; vat.t.il = karakam (Ta.lex.) For semant. 'handle' cf. kehel d.ed.d.i grewia tiliaefolia (dha_man tree)(Kui); keheli sp. tree, the wood of which is used for handles of weapons and tools (Kui)(DEDR 1907).
2875.Bride-price: cf. s'an:kara causing prosperity; s'am.-yu bringing welfare, benevolent, beneficent (RV. i.43.4) (Vedic.lex.) s'an:ga bestowing weal (TS. iv.5.8.1); s'an:gaya blessing the homestead (RV. ii.1.6; TBr. iii.5.10); s'an:gayi_ (RV. ix.97.17); s'an:gavi_ blessing and cattle (or bringing weal to the cattle)(S'Br. i.7.2.5) (Vedic. lex.) sun:kiga = culkiga a collector of customs, a custom-house officer, a publican; cf. sun:ka = s'ulka price; purchase-price of a woman (money, valour, learning etc.); the property settled on a woman before marriage; a dower; money advanced to ratify a bargain (Ka.lex.) cf. sulige plundering, robbery, pillage, booty; sugi, ugi; suli to plunder, to rob (Ka.lex.)
2876.Images: arrow: ca_n:ku (perh. s'an:ku) a kind of dart, arrow (Ta.lex.) s'an:ku spike, peg, nail (RV. i.164.8)(Vedic.lex.) s'o_ka-s'an:ku the dart of grief, i.e. sharp or poignant grief; s'an:ku the sharp head or point of an arrow, barb (Skt.lex.) s'an:ku a pin, peg, a spike; a stake, a post, a pillar; a dart, a javelin; the trunk of a topped tree; wood, dry wood; s'an:ku-stha_pane the erection of the first post of a house and its worship (Ka.lex.) s'akra-ma_tr.ka_ a wooden post for supporting Indra's banner (Skt.lex.) Image: gnomon; perpendicular column: cf. can:ku gnomon or perpendicular column for measuring the altitude of the sun by the length of its shadow (W.)(Ta.lex.) s'an:ku the style or pin of a dial; a surveyor's compass (Ka.lex.)
2877.Image: vein-like growth in a leaf: s'an:ku the vein-like growth in a leaf (RV. i.164.8) (Vedic. lex.) sakat, sakti vein (Kon.lex.) s'an:ku the fibres of a leaf (Skt.lex.)
2878.Image: twelve fingers: s'an:ku a measure of twelve fingers; a measuring rod (Skt.lex.)
2879.Image: goose: s'an:ku an aquatic animal, particularly, a goose (Skt.lex.)
2880.Perfume: s'an:ku a kind of perfume (nakhi_); the sa_la tree; s'an:kha a kind of perfume (nakhi_); one of the nine treasures of Kubera (Skt.lex.)
2881.Trade, merchandise: saoda trade, traffic, marketing, wares, merchandise, goods; to trade, to traffic, to buy, to purchase goods; cedakem polomlaka? ad.i okocin saodae tahe~kana why did you delay? I was buying many things; saoda ban. akrin akantalea our wares are not sold (Santali.lex.)
2882.Cultivation: sa_gol.i, sa_gval.i, sa_guval.i farming, tillage, cultivation of land (Tu.); sa_gu, ca_gu cultivation, tillage; sa_gubad.i cultivation, tillage (Te.)[cf. ca~_xna_ to sow, scatter seed (Kur.); cge to divide, scatter, sow (Malt.)(DEDR 2431)]; sa_gu, sa_ga cultivation, tillage, advance, improvement (Ka.); sa_gaval.i, sa_guval.i cultivation; sa_gisu to cultivate, foster (Ka.)(DEDR 2430). cf. sa~_ku to rear, foster (Te.); ca.k to support, rear (Ko.); sa_ku to bring up, foster (Ka.); sa_n:kuni to foster, nourish, shelter (Tu.)(DEDR 2427). cf. ca~_xna_ to sow, scatter seed (Kur.); cage to divide, scatter, sow (Malt.)(DEDR 2431). sakala with parts, divided (MaitrUp.)(CDIAL 13066). Annual rent-roll of land: ca_kupat.i-muccalikka_ an annual rent-roll in which the extent of land held by each individual ryot is recorded and his signature taken (R.T.); agreement containing the terms of cultivation executed by a tenant in favour of his land-lord (Tj.); ca_kupat.i- ra_ji_na_ma_ lease-deed of cultivable land (R.T.); ca_kupat.i- t-tit.t.am account, taken by revenue servants at the commencemen of the culivating season, of the holdings intended for cultivation (R.T.); approximate cultivation expenses; ca_kupat.i-k-kan.akku cultivation account (R.T.); ca_kupat.i cultivation (Ta.); sa_gubad.i (Te.); sa_guval.i (Tu.)(Ta.lex.) cf. uvacca-k-ka_n.i lands granted rent-free to a person of the uvaccan caste for service as a temple drummer (Ta.inscr.)(Ta.lex.) To support: tsa_karn, tsa_karni maid-servant; tsa_kor, tsa_kra_ servant; tsa_kri, tsa_kre, seva tsa_kri service; tsa_kri kar serve (Kon.lex.) o_caram adv. for the sake of, on account of (Ta.); o_skara id. (Ka.); ko_saramu id. (Te.)(Ta.lex.) ca.k to make to grow, rear, support (Ko.); so.k (so.ky-) to rear (To.); sa_ku to bring up, foster, rear, nurse, keep, protect, preserve; n. bringing up, fostering etc. (Ka.); sa_kisu to cause to bring up, etc. (Ka.); ca.k- (ca.ki-) to rear (child, young animal)(Kod..); sa_n:kuni to foster, nourish, nurse, bring up, take care of, protect, shelter; caus. sa_n:ka_vuni; sa_n:kan. fostering, nursing, nourishing, bringing up, adoption (Tu.); sa~_ku to rear, bring up, foster, educate, train up (Te.); sa~_kud.u rearing, bringing up (Te.)(DEDR 2427). cf. ta_n:ku (ta_n:ki-) to uphold, bear up, support, protect, give shelter (Ta.)(DEDR 3153). To help: sagho strong (S.); s'akra strong (RV.)(CDIAL 13081). saghno_ti is able to bear, is a match for (RV.); sagghasi (considered as 2 sg. fut. of sakko_ti 'is able')(Pali); hagnu to be able (K.); saghan.u (S.); saggan., sagan., haggun., hagan. (L.); s'aga~r.~ (Ku.); sagha_unu, saga_unu to help (N.); sagh be strong or able (Skt.)(CDIAL 13080).
2883.Image: horn: s.a_n:g horn (Pas'.); sam.ga made of horn (Pkt.); s'a_rn:ga made of horn (Sus'r.); bow (MBh.)(CDIAL 12409). s'a_rn:ga (fr. s'r.n:ga) = sin:ga_d.i made of horn, horny; a bow; the bow of Vis.n.u or Kr.s.n.a; s'a_rn:ga-dhanva Vis.n.u; s'a_rn:gi Vis.n.u; cf. sin:ga_d.i a bow (Ka.); cin:ka_t.i, cin:ka_n.i (Ta.); cin:ga_d.i a Turkish bow (Ma.); sin:ga_n.i, sin:gin.i made of horn; a bow made of horn, a bow (Te.)(Ka.lex.) s'a_rn:ga made of horn, horny; having a bow, armed with a bow; s'a_rn:gam a bow (in general); the bow of Vis.n.u; s'a_rn:gin an archer, a bowman; an epithet of Vis.n.u, of S'iva (Skt.lex.) ca_rn:kam < s'a_rn:ga bow (Pin..); Vis.n.u's bow, one of paca_yutam (viz., can:kam, cakkaram, katai, ca_rn:kam, kat.kam)(Tiv. Iyar-. 1,23; Vita_n-a. Maintar. 1); ca_ran:ka-pa_n.i Vis.n.u (Piramo_t. 13,65)(Ta.lex.) Image: loose fingers: cigi to let a finger or fingers loose; to discharge with the fingers, to throw with the fingers; to propel, as a pagad.e die that is laid near the doubled fore and middle finger by suddenly disjoining them (Ka.lex.) Image: bow: ca_kam bow (Te_va_. 1033,6); ca_vam < ca_pa bow (Cir-upa_n. 98)(Ta.lex.) Bow; pellet-bow: ca_rn:kam, ca_ran:kam Vis.n.u's bow (Tiv. Tiruccan. 15); bow; cin:ka_n.i bow for shooting small balls, pellet-bow (Ta. < s'ijini_ (Skt.); sin:ga_n.i (Te.); cin:ka_t.i id. (Ta.); sin:ga_d.i id. (Ka.)(Ta.lex.) caravan- bowman, as having arrows (Te_va_. 112,1)(Ta.lex.) Image: a bull: s'a_n:kara a bull; s'a_kkara, s'a_kvara an ox (Skt.lex.) Image: crookedness: can:ga, can:gya, con:ga, con:gu crookedness, perverseness; can:ga man:gatana (Ka.); sa_ci_kr.ta made crooked; bent, inclined; seen crookedly, distorted; distortion or perversion of mind; sa_ci crookedly, awry, obliquely (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) s.an:gala a small horn (Pas'.); ha~_gul the stag cervus wallichii (K.)(CDIAL 12410). s.ugo horn (Sh.); srun:g, s'run:g horn (Kho.)(CDIAL 12713). ucu_ horn (Pr.); sru_ horn(Av.)(CDIAL 12715). cin:ki < s'r.n:ga stag's horn (Mu_. A.)(Ta.lex.) sam.ga, sim.ga horn (Pkt.); sin:ga (Pali); s'ing (Gypsy); heng (K.); s'r.n:ga horn (RV.); s.i_n. horn (Ash.); s.i_n., s.rin. (Wg.); s.in. (Dm.); s.a_n:g (Pas'.); s.i_n., s.e_n. (Pas'.); s.i_n. (Shum.Bshk.); s'in. (Wot..Phal.); s.in. (Gaw.Kal.Sh.); pl. s.in:ga (Phal.Or.); sin.u horn (S.); sin:g (L.P.); s'in:g, s'i~_g (WPah.); si_n. (Ku.); sin. (N.B.); xin. (A.); si~_gi (Bhoj.); si~_g (Aw.H.); si~g (G.); s'i~_g (M.); s'i~_n:ga (Konkan.i); han:ga, an:ga, pl. an., sin:gu (Si.)(CDIAL 12583). Horned: s'r.n:gin horned (RV.); sin:gin, sin:gika horned (Pali); sim.gi (Pkt.); sin.e (N.); si~gi_ (G.); sin:gila a kind of horned bird (Pali); sin.iru horned (S.)(CDIAL 12595). Image: antelope: cf. cigari, cigare black buck or antelope; jin:ke antelope (Ka.); jimke deer (Ka.); jin:k antelope (Tu.); jin:ka id.(Te.)(DEDR 2504). cf. jhan:kar spotted deer; jola jhan:kar a species of deer; jel a deer (Santali.lex.) sru_ horn (Av.); ucu_ horn (Pr.); s.o_ (Tor.)(CDIAL 12715). srun:g, s'run. horn (Kho.); sru_ (Iranian); s.ugo (Sh.)(CDIAL 12713). Image: horned: s'r.n:gi, sin:gi horned; crested, peaked; s'r.n:ga_raka horned, crested; s'r.n:ga, sin:ga a horn; a horn used for blowing (Ka.lex.) sin:ga a ram's horn, a musical instrument shaped like a buffaloe's horn (Santali); sin:ghaut.i to tie the horns of a buffaloe to each side to keep it still when being castrated; sin:ghin having horns projecting in front, applied to goats, spiny (Santali.lex.) Great: sin:ghin great (Santali.lex.) A title: cin:kam a title, chiefly among ve_l.a_l.as, as in ba_lacin:kam (J.)(Ta.lex.) cin:kan- man of the fowler tribe (Kur-r-a_.Kur-a.); sin:gad.u id. (Te.)(Ta.lex.) Skin with horns attached: cf. s'i_ra pointed, sharp (RV.)(CDIAL 12495). cinala, cinal sharp (Ash.); cenal (Wg.)(CDIAL 12441). sigauta_ skin with horns attached (H.)(CDIAL 12587).
2884.Association; community; companionship, caravan: san.war a companion; san.war manaetina I have a companion (Santali.lex.) caa_yi intimacy, friendship (Tu.lex.) cf. sa~_go companionship, caravan (S.)(CDIAL 13328). sa~ota, sa~otar a Santal; sa~otalni, sa~otarni a Santal female (Santali.lex.) san:kiramam < san.-krama meeting, approaching, entering into relationship (Ci.Ci. 8,28, Civaja_.)(Ta.lex.) san:gati sexal intercourse; association, intercourse; san:gata union, association, intercourse, connection; friendship, acquaintance (Ka.lex.) saga crowd, collection (OSi.Bra_hmi_ inscr.); san:ga crowd, collection (Si.); sam.gha association, community (Mn.); the Buddhist community (As'.); assembly, collection (Pkt.); san:gha assembly, the priesthood (Pali); san:gu body of pilgrims (S.); san:g id. (L.P.)(CDIAL 12854). sa~_go companionship, caravan (S.)(CDIAL 13328). sam.ghapati chief of a brotherhood (Skt.); san:ghvi_ leader of a body of pilgrims, a partic. surname (G.)(CDIAL 12857). san:ga contact with (TS.); addiction to (Mn.); attachment, cleaving to (Pali); saga (Dhp.); sam.ga (Pkt.); sang union (K.); san.u connexion by marriage; san:gu body of pilgrims (S.); san., sa~g body of pilgrims or travellers (L.); san:g id., association (P.); sa~_gi ritual defilement by contact (N.); sa_n:ga uion, coitus (OB.); sa_n.a_t companion (B.); sa_n:ga company, companion (Or.); in an obl. case as an adv.: san:gi_ with, to (Phal.); san:g along with (P.); s'an. (Ku.); san.a (N.); sa_n:ge, san:ge near, with (Or.); san. with (Bhoj.); san:g (H.); sa~ge (G.); sa_ge~ (M.)(CDIAL 13082). san:gin attached to, fond of (MBh.); sam.gi, sam.gilla attached to (Pkt.); san:gi_ comrade (S.L.P.); one of a party of pilgrims (P.); san.i (N.); sa_n:ga, sa_n:gi_ (Or.); san:gi_ (H.)(CDIAL 13084). saha together with; sadha in cmpds. (RV.); saha with inst. 'with' (Pali.Pkt.); -sah (Bshk.); saha (OSi.); ha_ and, also, with; isa_ also (Si.)(CDIAL 13297). sahita accompanying (Ka_tyS'r.); accompanied by (MBh.); sahitam with inst. 'together with' (MBh.); sahita accompanied by (Pali);[alternative construction: sa + hita = sa- comitative prefix + -hita placed (RV.)(Pa_n..va_rtt.)]; sahita accompanied by (Pali); sahia (Pkt.); sei~, sei, sia_ with (WPah.); syu~_ (Ku.); se with, by, from (H.); sium. (OG.); su~ with (G.); ihi (Si.)(CDIAL 13310). sahit including, along with, also; sud sahit in emadea I paid with interest (Santali.lex.) sahaca_ra going together (AV.); sahaca_rin companion (MBh.)(CDIAL 13301). cf. sakhi (nom. sg. sakha_) friend (RV.); sakhi_ woman's confidante (MBh.); a mistress (VarBr.S.); sakha_ friend (Pali); sahi (Pkt.); saiya~_ lover, paramour, friend (N.); xai_ friend; xaiya_ partner in a game (A.); saha friend (Si.)(CDIAL 13074). sa_her.i_ woman's female friend (S.); sa_heli_ (G.)(CDIAL 13323). sa_khilya friendship (Skt.); sa_khalya, sa_khalla friendship (Pali); havul-a partnership (Si.)(CDIAL 13324). sa~_go companionship, caravan (S.)(CDIAL 13328). sagr.ha with one's household (TS.); saijjha, saijhia, saajjhia, saajjia, saejjhia neighbour (Pkt.); saijjhia neighbourhood (Pkt.); s'eji_ female neighbour; s'eja_r neighbourhood, neighbours; s'eja_ri_, s'eja_rn.i_ neighbour (M.)(CDIAL 13077). sakhi_, sakhika_ woman's female friend (Pali); sahi_, sahia_ (Pkt.); sai (B.); sahi, sai (Or.); saiyo (H.); sai (G.); sah,sai_ (M.); sahalar.i_ woman's female friend (OMarw.); sahiyar, saiyar (G.); saheli_ woman's female friend (L.P.); saheli (N.); sayla_ (B.); saheli_ (OAw.); saheli_ id., maidservant, concubine (H.); sahali_, saheli_ woman's female friend (OMarw.); sahi_li_ (OG.); saheli_ (M.)(CDIAL 13074). sahaka_ra assistance (Skt.); sahaka_ritva (TS.); sahaya_ra, saha_ra, sa_ha_ra help (Pkt.); saha_ra help, hope (K.); saha_ra_ patience (L.); saha_ro help (N.); xa~_riya_ a man who helps in another's work gratis (A.); [cf. ka_riyam work (Ta.lex.)]; saha_ra_ help (H.); sahiya_ru~, saiya_ru~ held in partnership; partnership (G.); sahara_ help (M.); saha_rna_ to prop, bear, sustain (P.)(CDIAL 13299). sahaja_ born together (RV.); sahaja (TS.); full brother (Skt.); sahaja_ta born together (Skt.); sahaja, sahaja_ta born at the same time (Pali); sahaya natural; sahaja_ya born at the same time (Pkt.); sahada full brother (Si.)(CDIAL 13302). saha_ya companion, helper (Mn.); saha_ya, saha_yaka companion (Pali); saha_ya (Pkt.); sa_ha_ helper, encourager (Or.); saha_u_ helper (H.); saha friend (Si.)(CDIAL 13309). cf. saha_ya companion, helper (Pali.Pkt.)(CDIAL 13309). sakhila friendly (Skt.); kindly (Pali)(CDIAL 13075). Related by blood: saka one's own (Pali); spa(kaspi) (As'.); svaka- in: svakatha (svaka- artha-) (Dhp.); saga-, saya-, saa- (Pkt.); svaka one's own; kinsman, friend (Mn.); siya one's own (Si.); siya_ kinsman (Si.)(CDIAL 13894). sva one's own (RV.); sa id. (Pali.Pkt.); kinsman (Pkt.)(CDIAL 13893). suli_ friend, comrade (Kt.); so_li_ (Wg.); so_l, so_lu_ (Pr.); svakulya of one's own family (Skt.)(CDIAL 13895). svaki_ya of one's own family (MBh.); sakka one's own (Skt.); sako kinsman (S.); sakka_ born of the same parents; kinsman, relation by marriage (L.); sakka_ related by blood (L.); sakka_, saka_ of full blood relationship (P.); sa~_k related by blood (Ku.); sakh of full blood relationship (K.); sa_kh, sa_kkhai (N.)(CDIAL 13896a). svaga without kin (AV.); sagga one's own (Skt.); sago born of the same parents (S.); sagg of full blood relationship (P.); sagga_, saga_ (H.); saga kinsman (OG.); sagu~ related by blood; sa_gvu~ relatives (G.); saga_ of full blood relationship (M.)(CDIAL 13896b). sa_k relationship, connection by marriage (L.); kinsman (P.)(CDIAL 13919). sva_gata welcome (R.); sa_gatam. welcome! (Pali); sa_gada, sa_ada welcome, auspicious (Pkt.); sa_iu, sa_m.i_ (OG.); sa~_i, sa_ir.u~ embrace at meeting, welfare, happy state (G.)(CDIAL 13920). sva_gata welcome (Pali.lex.) sva_min owner, master (Mn.); husband (A_past.); -sva_mika in cmpds. (Mn.); sa_min, sa_mika owner, master, husband; sa_miya husband; suva_min master (Pali); spamika, suva_mika, s.uva_mikya, sva_mika (As'.); svamisya, sa_miasa (KharI.); sa_mi, sa_mia (Pkt.); sa_hi (Skt.); saui owner, master (Gypsy); sa~_i~_ (S.); sa~_i, (as term of address) sa_i (L.); sa_i~_, sa_i_ya~_ master, husband (P.); saiya~_ lover, paramour, friend (N.); sa~_i master, (used in boys in play) ca_i (B.); sa_i_ lord, king, deity (Or.); sai~e~ husband (among lower classes); sa~_i~ husband (as addressed by wife)(Or.); sa_i~_ God (Bhoj.); sa_i~m. lord, master; sa_i~_ saint (OAw.); sa~_i_ master, husband, God, religious mendicant (H.); faqir (G.); sa~_ term of respectful address (G.); sa_i_ title of respect, term of address (M.); sa_mi-ya_, hmi-ya_ husband; himi-ya_ master, owner, husband (Si.); is'pu_nj, pa_nje_, po_nze, po~_es', po~_i master, husband (Pas'.)(CDIAL 13930). sa_mika owner; husband; sa_min owner, ruler, lord, master; husband; sa_miya husband (Pali.lex.) s'ri_: -s affix to names of relationship (M.); cf. use of -bhat.t.a- with names in s'ri_mha_la-bhat.t.a = mha_lasa_-bhat.t.a in 16th. cent. Sk. (M.)(CDIAL 14824). Comrade: sa_gya_, sa~gya_ comrade (M.)(CDIAL 13084). sa_khiya, sa_khya association, party (RV.); friendship (Skt.); sakhya friendship (Pali)(CDIAL 13323). Joint property; help: sa_hya in cmpd. 'conquering' (RV.); help, fellowship (MBh.); sahya tolerable, equal to, strong; help (MBh.); sajjha capable of bearing; help (Pkt.); sa_ha_yya help (Mn.); sa_ha_ya (Skt.); sa_hajja help (Pkt.); sa_jhi_ joint property; sa_jo-pa_jo joint (Ku.); sa_jha_ partnership (N.); sa_jhi partner (Or.); sa_jh partnerhsip (Mth.Bhoj.); sa_jha_ association (H.); sahaya, saha_ help (Si.); sa_hya help, fellowship (Skt.); sahya help (MBh.); sajjha (MBh.Pkt.); sa~_jh companionship; sa~_jha_ held in partnership (L.); sa~_jh share, partnership; sa~_jha_ partnership (P.)(CDIAL 13381). sa_m.s'a having or consisting of parts or shares (Skt.); sam.sa together with its parts (Pkt.); sa~_zu half produce of land (Sh.); sa~_jo jointly owned (Sh.); sa_jha_ held in partnership; sa~_jha_ common (L.)(CDIAL 13318). sa_kam jointly, with (RV.); sa~_ with (S.)(CDIAL 13319). sa_m.ghika member of a community of monks (Skt.); san:ghika belonging to the Sangha (Pali); sa~_ghi_ partner, friend (L.); san:ghiya_ companion (H.); sn:g relating to the brotherhood (Si.)(CDIAL 13313). Association: can:ka_tam assembly, multitude, company, association, combination (Ci.Ci.1,14,Civa_k.) san:ga contact with (TS.); addiction to (Mn.); attachment, cleaving to (Pali); sam.ga (Pkt.); sang union (K.); san.u connexion by marriage (S.); san:gu body of pilgrims (S.); san., sa~g body of pilgrims or travellers (L.); san:g id., association (P.); sa~_gi ritual defilement by contact (N.); sa_n:ga union, coitus (OB.); sa_n.a_t companion (B.); sa_n:ga company, companion (Or.); sa_gwa_na_ to collect (H.); san:gi_ with, to (Phal.); san:g along with (P.); s'an. (Ku.); san.a (N.); sa_n:ge, san:ge near, with (Or.); san. with (Bhoj.); san:g (H.); sa~ge (G.); sa~ge~ (M.)(CDIAL 13082). sam.gata united (AV.); union (MBh.); sam.gati meeting (RV.); san:gata met (Pali); sam.gaya met; union (Pkt.)(CDIAL 12844). Image: meeting, union: can:kamam meeting, union; river-mouth; confluence of rivers; S'aiva devotees, as viewed collectively (Ta.lex.) Society: sam.gan.ika_ society, the world (Skt.); san:gan.ika_ association (Pali); an:ganiya assembly (Si.)(CDIAL 12846). sam.gra_ma assembly of people, battle (AV.); san:ga_ma battle (Pali); sam.ga_ma (Pkt.); san:gam (Si.)(CDIAL 12853). Caravan; company; collection of good men: sa~_go companionship, caravan (S.)(CDIAL 13330). san:gu body of pilgrims (S.); san:ga battle (RV.); contact with (TS.); addiction to (Mn.); attachment, cleaving to (Pali); s.aga (Skt.); sam.ga (Pkt.); sang union (K.); san.u connexion by marriage (S.); san:g, sa~g body of pilgrims or travellers (L.); san:g along with (P.); association (P.); sa~_gi ritual defilement by contact (N.); sa_n:ga union, coitus (OB.); sa_n.a_t companion (B.); sa_nga company, companion (Or.); sa~gwa_na_ to collect (H.); san:gi_ with, to (Phal.); s'an. along with (Ku.); san.a along with (N.); sa_n:ge, san:ge near, with (Or.); san. with (Bhoj.); san:g with (H.); sa~ge with (G.); sa~ge~ with (M.)(CDIAL 13082). san:gin attached to, fond of (MBh.); sam.gi, sam.gilla attached to (Pkt.); san:gi_ comrade (S.L.P.); one of a party of pilgrims (P.); san.i comrade (N.); sa_n:ga comrade (Or.); sa_n:gi_ comrade (Or.); san:gi_ comrade (H.); sa~gya_ comrade (M.)(CDIAL 13084). sa_jan gathering of respectable men attending a wedding, the bridegroom's party (G.); sa_jnu~ a meeting of caste-members to decide a caste question (G.); sa_janem. association, friendship (OM.)(CDIAL 13330). To touch, to draw near; attachment: tagalu, tagilu, tagulu to come in contact with, touch, hit, have sexual intercourse with; tagalisu, tagilisu, tagulisu to cause to come into contact with, etc.; taguluvike touching; tagul. to be joined together, come near, approach, meet, unite onself with, commence, run after, chase, pursue, drive away, push back; tagul.isu to chase, drive away; tagul.cu to join, attach, put to, join oneself to, get to, come under the rule of, undertake anything, engage in, employ, set on fire, kindle, damage with fire; tagul.pa state of being joined, union (Ka.); tagaruni to draw near (Tu.); tagulu, tavulu to touch, come in contact with, strike against, follow, pursue, be entangled, ensnared or caught, be found or met with; n. attachment, interest, wish, desire; tagilincu to cause to touch, catch, adhere or stick to, attach, fix, fasten, insert, hang on, apply; tagula~-bad.u to burn, be on fire; tagula~-bet.t.u to set on fire; tagulamu, tagula_t.mu attachment, tie, affection, fondness, love, passion, addictedness, connexion, relation, hindrance, obstacle, a fetter; tagulukonu to get entangled or ensnared, catch fire; tagulucu to cause to touch; tagulud.u, taguludala touching, contact, catching, addictedness; taguluvad.u to be caught, seized, or entangled (Te.); tagli- (-t-) to touch, hit (Kond.a); takna_ to rub or graze in passing, give a very slight knock; refl. pass. takrna_ to get a slight knock (Kur.); take to touch, hurt (as a sore); takuwre to be pained or grieved (Malt.); tai-va_- to touch (Ta.)(DEDR 3004). Harsh; firm: saktu hard, firm; harsh, severe; oppressive, rigorous (Ka.); sakta (M.H.) (Ka. lex.) sa_bi_tu, sa_bu_tu sound, firm; proved, established (Ka.); sa_bi_ta, ta_bu_ta (M.H.)(Ka.lex.) cf. stha_pita established (Skt.lex.) Attached: sajati is attached, embraces (Dha_tup.); asakta adhered to (TBr.); a_saja_mi place in (RV.); sajayati attaches to (Skt.); couples (Mn.); sajyate_, sajjate_ hangs on (S'Br.); is occupied with (MBh.); sakta clinging to (AV.); sajjati clings to, is attached to (Pali); sajjai (Pkt.); sajati embraces (Pali); sacce_ti touches (Pali); sacca_pe_ti undertakes, fulfils (Pali); s.ayati holds on to (NiDoc.); s.e, s.- to stick to, cling to, be attached to (Pas'.); s'oyek to come near, approach (Kho.); s'a~_dn.u to attach (a ploughshare (WPah.); s.acoiki (1 sg. s.a_cam, pp. s.a_tu) to become attached to, stick to, be hit by (bullet, etc.), be affected by, begin (with inf.)(Sh.); s'acn.o, s'acn.o~, chacn.o~ to stick to, adhere to (WPah.); satta attached to, clinging to (Pali.Pkt.); s.a_tem I embrace (Kal.); satan.u to enter on anything zealously (S.); s.atene adj. sticking to (WPah.)(CDIAL 13085). Near: cen:gat.a(n) near, close by; cen:gali nearness, neighbourhood (Te.); cekkal near (Pa.); caxa_ around, near, in the vicinity of (Kur.)(DEDR 2753). sa_khya association, party (RV.); friendship (Skt.); sakhya friendship (Pali ?< sa_khya?); sa_hi, sa_i part of town inhabited by people of one caste or tribe (Or.); sa_her.i_ woman's female friend (S.); sa_heli_ (G.)(CDIAL 13324). sa_khilya friendship (Skt.); sa_khalya, sa_khalla id. (Pali); havul-a partnership (Si.)(CDIAL 13324). sakhi friend (RV.); saha friend (Si.); sakhi_ woman's female friend (Pali); sahalar.i_ id. (OMarw.); saheli_ id. (S.L.P.); sahali_, saheli_ id. (OMarw.); sahi_li_ id. (OG.); saheli_ id. (M.)(CDIAL 13074). sanghvi_ leader of a body of pilgrims, a partic. surname (G.)(CDIAL 12857). [Synonyms: sattha caravan (Pali.Pkt.); satthava_ha caravan leader (Pali.Pkt.); sa_tha_ pilgrims' guide (B.); satva_ merchant (Si.)(CDIAL 13364-5).] can:kam mustering, gathering (Perun..Makata.17,38); society, assembly, council, senate, academy: pulampuri-c-can:kam porul.ot.u mur..an:ka (Man.i. 7,114); union, junction; sexual intercourse: can:kamun:kikan- (Tiruppu. 556)(Ta.lex.)
2885.Ceremony; business: can-karan- < s'an.-kara dispenser of happiness (Cilap. 10, 186, Urai.)(Ta.lex.) can:kam friendship, love, attachment (Tirukko_. 85)(Ta.lex.) caki < sakhi male companion (Uttarara_. An-umap. 45); cakitan- < sahita one in company with another (Civaraka. Kan.apatikumara. 4) (Ta.lex.) san:kalike union; a pair of weddig garments; san:kalike-do_tra two do_tras; san:ga association, intercourse, friendship, love (Skt.Ka.); sexual intercourse (Ka.); san:ga ma_d.u to connect one's self with, to associate with; to have sexual intercourse; san:gad.i a companion; san:ghat.t.i id., a follower (Ka.lex.) sa~oha~ to marry, applied to the marriage of a person who has been previously been married; baha sa~ohaketkinale we married them; the ceremony observed at a marriage of this kind is that the man sticks a flower in the back hair of the woman with his left hand; sa~o together with, along with, in company with; sa~oha~ well, befitting, proper, seemly, effecively (Santali.lex.) sa_kam jointly, with (RV.); sa~_ with (S.)(CDIAL 13319). For semant. 'flower' cf.: can:ka_rittam celestial cloud which rains flowers, one of catta-me_kam (Pin...)(Ta.lex.) baha a flower; to flower; baha bas at the conclusion of a dance one or more of the musicians passes each a flower along the line of girl dancers; baha dak at the Baha festival, water is thrown by certain persons on others; this is known as baha dak or flower water; baha porob the flower festival of the Santals, observed about the middle of Phagun or the end of February (Santali.lex.) san:ka_ra ceremony (Skt.lex.) cf. sam.ka_yati celebrates (a wedding), causes to arrange (MBh.); sam.ka_ra a religious ceremony (Pkt.)(CDIAL 12821). sam.ka_ri_ a girl recently deflowered (Skt.lex.) sikr.i makr.i marriage bonds (Santali. lex.) san:ke_taka agreement, convention; appointment; a lover or mistress who makes an appointment; san:ke_tayati to agree upon, appoint; to fix by convention, lay down conventionally; to invite, call; to give a hint; san:ke_tita agreed upon, fixed by convention; invited, called Skt.lex.) [san:ke_ti a certain caste of sma_rta bra_hman.as in Mysore, speaking a very corrupt Tamil (Ka.lex.)] sam.krama a medium or means of attaining any object; sam.kra_ma difficult progress; sam.ka_rtanam praising, applauding, extolling; glorification of a deity; repeating the name of a deity as a pious or devotional act; sam.klr.p to wish or long for; caus. to resolve, determine, settle; to indent, aim at; to arrange or connect together; to fix, assign, allot; to consecrate, dedicate; to think about, ponder, reflect; sam.kalpa will, volition; a solemn vow to perform an observance (Skt.lex.) cf. can:kati < san:gati affair; connection, relation (I_t.u, 4,6, Pra.)(Ta.lex.) jambra an affair, business; ceremony (Tu.lex.) sam.kalpa will, desire (AV.); san:kappa thought, intention (Pali); sam.kappa (Pkt.); sakapa opinion (Si.)(CDIAL 12819). va_ura_d.i labourer; va_ur, va_ur work, to make effort (Kon.lex.)jambara affair, business (Ka.); jambara, jamba_ra (Tu.); jarupu to do, perform (Te.)(Ka.lex.) cumaur.a ceremony at marriages (Santali.lex.) doba_zo pomp; dobajea_tso solemn, ceremonious (Kon.lex.) To adorn: sam.skr. to adorn, decorate, grace; to refine, polish; to cultivate, educate, train; to make ready, prepare, equip, fit out; to cook, dress (food); to collect, heap together;[cf. can:ka-mat.aippal.l.i a sub-caste of mat.ai-p-pal.l.i so called from their ancestors having been cooks or ministers (Ta.lex.)]; sam.skr.tr. one who dresses, cooks, prepares etc; sam.ska_ra making perfect, refining, polishing; education, cultivation, training (of the mind); making ready, preparation; cooking, dressing (of food etc.); embellishment, decoration, ornament; consecration, sanctification; any faculty or capacity; effect of work, merit of action; a purificatory rite, a sacred rite or ceremony; obsequial ceremonies; a polishing stone; sam.skr.ta made perfect, refined, polished, cultivated; adorned, decorated; excellent, best; a learned man; refined or highly polished speech, the Sanskrit language; an offering, oblation (mostly Vedic)(Skt.lex.) can:katam Sanskrit (can:kata pan:kama_y pa_kata-ttot.rait turaitta : Te_va_. 858,2)(Ta.lex.) sam.kr.ti beautifully or symmetrically fashioned, of excellent action (TS. iv.2.6.2) (Vedic.lex.) sam.kr._t to recite; to praise, celebrate, glorify; to tell, mention; to proclaim, announce (Skt.lex.) Preparedness, readiness: cavaran.ai preparedness, readiness (Ta.); savaran.a (Te.); savaran.e (Ka.); cavaran.ai prosperity, affluent circumstances (Ta.)(Ta.lex.) sam.vr.n.o_ti puts in order (Skt.); sam.vr.ta (RV.); sammarna_ to sweep (P.); sumarnu, somarnu to make use of (N.); sa_mla_na to put in order (B.); sa~_varn.e~, sa_varn.e~ to gather up, recover, rectify (M.)(CDIAL 13015). sawa_run to undertake, arrange, put in order (K.); sa_va_ran.u to arrange, put in order, beautify; sa~viran.u to be arranged etc. (S.); sa~varan. to be made ready, adorn, clean; sa~varan. to be made ready, etc. (L.); sam.va_rai, sava_m.rai builds, prepares, decorates (OAw.); sa~wa_rn.a_, sama_rna_ to arrange, prepare, deck (H.); sa~warna_ to be arranged, etc. (H.); sava_rai prepares (vegetables and other food) for cooking (OMarw.); sama_rai keeps in order, brushes (OG.); sama_rvu~ to repair, erect after damage, adorn, weed, prepare (vegetables) for cooking (G.)(CDIAL 13021). sam.va_ran.a warding off (MBh.); sava_rn.i_ adornment, shaving (S.)(CDIAL 13020). cf. va_r (-v-, -nt-) to comb as hair (Ta.)(DEDR 5357). Preparation: sam.kr. to commit; to manufacture, to prepare; to do, perform in general (Skt.lex.) sam.skaro_ti prepares (MBh.); sakharun to prepare for a journey, busy oneself with (K.)(CDIAL 13037). sam.ska_ra preparation (Gr.S'r.); san:kha_ra preparation (Pali); sam.ka_ra, sakka_ra, sakka_la (Pkt.); sakara preparation, accomplishing (Si.)(CDIAL 13038). sam.skr.ta put together, completed (RV.); sakkhata put together, cooked, embellished (Pali); sakkaya adorned (Pkt.); sak- to dress, arrange, decorate (Pas'.); saku Sanskrit (Si.)(CDIAL 13039). sam.skr.ti preparation (VS.); san:khati cookery (Pali); sam.khad.i cooking of rice (Pkt.); sakhar immediate preparation before starting a journey (K.)(CDIAL 13040). can:kat.i ragi porridge (Intupa_ka. 83); san:kat.i id. (Te.)(Ta.lex.) To rub; to shampoo the body; to make ready; to equip: saa~_riba_, sua_riba_, sua~_l.iba_ to card coarse cotton with the fingers, separate hair of head into strands, massage the body (Or.)(CDIAL 13021). sam.va_ha shampooing the body (MBh.); rubbing the body (Pkt.); samba_hu preparation (S.); sam.va_hayati assembles (Skt.); sam.vahai carries, is ready (Pkt.); sambahan.u to get ready, equip; to be accoutred, be equipped (S.); sam.va_hai drives, makes ready (Pkt.); samba_hin.u to cause to get ready, to equip (S.)(CDIAL 13017). [cf. savaru to rub in or apply to (Ka.)(DEDR 2389)].
2886.Wedding pavilion: caturam < catur-as'ra square (Perun.. Ucaik. 42,29); id. (Ma.); catura-p-pa_t.u id. (Kur-al.. 235, Urai)(Ta.lex.) catura square; caturika_ square court (Skt.); caraya meeting place in a village (Pkt.); cauri_, cauriya_ wedding pavilion (Pkt.); caura_ raised platform on which the Tulasi plant is worshipped; cauri_ courtyard surrounded by houses; caura_ place where sati_ is performed (H.); cori having four sloping roofs, quadrangular (B.); coro village meeting place (G.); cori_ square enclosure in which marriage ceremony is performed (G.)(CDIAL 4595). caupa_ri_ assembly hall (OAw.); caupa_r. vestibule, assembly room (H.)(CDIAL 4644). catvara quadrangular place (MBh.); caccara quadrangular space (Pali); cattara, caccara (Pkt.); ca_tar expanse of water; ca_ta_l enclosed space, paved floor (B.); ca_car courtyard (G.)(CDIAL 4654). cavukkai square shed; raised square platform for sitting (Vir-alivit.u. 112)(Ta.); caukka (Pkt.)(Ta.lex.) X Fourth: turi_ya fourth (RV.); a quarter (AV.); turi_yaka (Ya_j.); turya (Pa_n.. Va_rtt.); turia 4th (Pkt.); truyu votive oblations made on behalf of a woman on the 4th day of delivery (K.)(CDIAL 5881). turi_ya a quarter, a fourth part; (in ve_da_nta phil) the fourth state of the soul in which it becomes one with Brahman or the Supreme Spirit (Skt.lex.) turya_s'ra 4-cornered (Skt.); turyavah cow 4 years old (TS.)(CDIAL 5881). caturtha fourth (AV.); catuttha (Pali); cauttha, cattha, caut.t.ha (Pkt.)(CDIAL 4600). cautha_ri_, caut.ha_ri_ untying of bracelets 4 days after marriage ceremony (Bi.)(CDIAL 4603). caturttam fourth (Tan.d.i. 95)(Ta.lex.)
2887.Sacrifice: sa_ran:ga one performing a sacrifice (AitBr.)(Vedic.lex.) bon:ga saranjan materials for sacrifice; saman.ak a sacrifice (Santali.lex.) ca_n:kiyam ceremonies, rites (Ta.lex.) sa_n:ga together with the vedic angas; san:go_pa_n:ga along with the vedic an:gas and upa_n:gas (Ka.lex.) ca_n:gama_y wholly, completely (Ci.Ci. 8,4, Ja_n-ap.)(Ta.lex.) Skanda: s'a_n:kari name of Ka_rttike_ya; of Gan.es'a; s'a_kha name of Ka_rttike_ya (Skt.lex.)
2888.Conventional trade terms; agreement: san:ke_tam agreement, stipulation, understanding between parties; sense of solidarity due to religious or social identity (Kur-al., 735, Urai.); conventional terms limited to trades, professions; land assigned to a temple and made tax-free (Ta.lex.) sa_ng to say (Kon.lex.) san:ke_ta an intimation, allusion; a sign, gesture, hint; an indicatory sign, mark, token; agreement, convention (san:ke_to gr.hyate ja_tau gun.adravya kriya_su ca); engageme, appointment, assignation (made by a mistress or lover)(na_masame_tam kr.ta san:ke_tam va_dayate_ mr.du ve_n.um : Gi_tago_vinda); a place of meeting (for lovers), rendezvous (ka_nta_rthino tu ya_ ya_ti san:ke_tam sa_bhisa_rika_); condition, provision; a short explanatory rule (gram.); san:ke_ta gr.ham, san:ke_ta nike_tanam a place of appointmet or assignation, rendezvous; san:ke_taka agreement, convention; appointment, assignation; san:ke_tanam appointment, agreement, a rendezvous (Skt.lex.) sanketa intimation, agreement, engagement, appointed place, rendezvous; sanketan gacchati to keep an appointment, to come to the rendezvous; sanketana without appointing a place; vassika sanketa the appointed time for keeping the rainy season; sanketa kamma agreement (Pali.lex.) sanketana, sanketa, sanketana-t.t.ha_na place of rendezvous (Pali.lex.) ketu [Vedic ketu clear; Lat. caelum; OHG. heitar, heit; Goth. haidus; E. -hood. orig. appearance, form, like] ray, beam of light; flag, banner, sign, perhaps as token of splendour; ketu-kamyata_ desire for prominence, self-advertisement; ket.ubha the science which assists the officiating priests by laying down rules for the rites, or by leaving them to their discretion; in short, the ritual or kalpa (Pali.lex.) Intention, will: ke_ta will, knowledge (RV. i.24.12); ke_tapu_ purifying the will or mind or intention (RV. i.104.3); ke_ta-sap obeying the will (RV. v.38.3)(Vedic.lex.) Leader: ke_tu leader, chief (RV. x.92.1; VS. xxix.37)(Vedic.lex.) san:ke_ta a sign; a signal; an intimation; assignation, an appointment; abbreviation (M.B. Belsare, An etymological Gujarati English Dictionary, 1895). san:gat circumstance (Kon.lex.) san:ke_ta anyindicatory sign or gesture, intimation, hint, allusion (Ka.); a sign, a signal, a token, a mark, symbol (Skt.Ka.); samaya (Ka.); gesticulation (Ka.); agreement, convention (Skt.Ka.); engagement (Ka.); appointment, assignation (with a lover)(Skt.Ka.); san:ke_taka an agreement, a convention, an appointment (Skt.Ka.); a rendezvous (Ka.); san:ke_tana an agreement, a convention; san:ke_tana bhavana a house of assignation, appointed house; san:ke_ta sthala, san:ke_ta bhu_mi a place of assignation, appointned place; vanapu, kombu, kol.a; san:ke_t.a_ks.ara a secret writing; san:ke_ti a certain cast of sma_rta bra_hman.as in Mysore, speaking a very corrupt Tamil; san:ke_ta-udyo_ga secret exertion (Ka.lex.) vyavaha_ra-maulya-san:ke_tana appointment of the price in a transaction; keyma_d.u (to make signs or gestures with the hand; to represent the form of something by means of the hands; to appoint or fix the price or to agree about the price in a transaction, to conclude a bargain (Ka.lex.) Synonym: be_gu keyma_d.ene be_gembudartham i.e., agreement reached through hand-signals (Ka.lex.)
2889.Agreement; hospitality: san:gara a promise, an agreement; accepting, undertaking; a bargain; san:gr._ to promise, make a vow; to agree in calling; to recognize, acknowledge; san:gi_rn.a agreed or assented to; promised, vowed (Skt.lex.) cf. ge_n.i rent, contract (Ka.Tu.)(DEDR 1999). Partner in trade: an:ggi a relation, kinsman or kinswoman; a partner in trade; an:ggi kar a companion, a co-partner, agreement, acknowledgement; an:ggi kari companionship, co-partnership, relationship (P.lex.) an:gi_karo_ti agrees to, promises (Skt.); am.gi_karai promises (Pkt.); a~gerna_, a~gejna_ (H.)(CDIAL 133). sahi, suh promise (Santali.lex.) san:gara agreeing together; agreement, assent, promise (Ka.lex.) saka_r acceptance of a bill (P.N.); id.( H.M.); saka_r agreement (Marw.G.); svi_ka_ra agreement (Skt.); saka_r acceptance of bridegroom by the bride's family (K.); sakka_ra hospitality, reverence (Pali.Pkt.); sakka_ram. karo_ti bids farewell (Pali); satka_ra hospitality, kind treatment (Mn.); satkr. perform hospitality rites; set right, prepare, adorn, garnish, cremate; agni-satkr. burn (Skt.)(CDIAL 13108). saha-kr.t co-operating; a co-adjutor, associate, colleague; sahata_ union, association (Skt.lex.) Pretext: ca_kku excuse, pretext (Ta.); sa_ku id., pretence, palliation (Ka.); pretence, pretext, pleas, excuse (Te.)(DEDR 2428). Contract for cultivation: saeka, saekabondobo_so a contract by which one cultivates another's field and gives him in compensation, not a percentage of the produce, but a fixed amount, whether the crop be a success or failure; saeka-baba paddy given or received under a saeka-contract (Mu.lex.) cf. cey field, esp. wet field (Ta.); ceyi rice-field (Ma.); key, key(y)i, kay field (Ka.)(DEDR 1958). ja_ki_r < ja_gi_r (Pers.) tenure of land, common under Muhammadan government, by which the revenues of a certain tract of land were made over either unconditionally or on condition of performing some public service; hereditary assignment of land and of its rent as annuity (R.F.; I.M.P. 1819)(Ta.lex.) Rent in kind or money: ce_va_ rent in kind or money (Na_t.. Chet.t.i.) (Ta.)(Ta.lex.) Profession: cikal action, deed, profession (Ta.lex.) cae colon, cal conduct (Santali.lex.) cf. cey (-v-, -t-) to do, make, create; n. deed, act, action; ceykai deed, act, action, work, conduct, that which is manufactured; ceyti deed, act, action, occupation, conduct (Ta.)(DEDR 1957). saja, saja_, sajha_, sajhia a contract between people for pooling their money to buy something (Mu. H. Sadani); a contract by which the owner of animals and the one who grazes them, share them equally; a contract by which one lends his work or (and) his seeds in the cultivation of another's field for a proportionate share in the crop (Mu.)(Mu.lex.) sasan-gai a gratuity paid by the new settlers in a new Mankipati village, to those who sold them the site, for leave to make a sasan and thus become khuntkattidars; sasan-gor.a a high field near the sasan (Mu.lex.) cf. s'a_sana edict (Skt.lex.) ca.g (ca.yg-) (possessions) are moved from one house to another; ca.gc- to live, shift (possessions) from one house to another; sa_gu to go, move forward, be accomplished (Ka.); sa_gu, sa_ga advance; sa_gisu to cause to proceed or advance, carry on, manage (Ka.); sa_guni to proceed, progress (as work), be dispatched (as goods), move forward (Tu.); sa_ga_vuni to expedite (as work), send, dispatch (as goods) (Tu.); ca_gu, sa_gu to go on, advance, be successful; sa_gincu to conduct, proceed with (Te.); sa_ginai to manage (Kuwi); sa_g- (-it-) to spread out, file out, proceed (Kuwi)(DEDR 2430). satkr.tya absol. having treated with respect (Ya_j.); sakkacca, sakkaccam. respectfully (Pali); sakas good, beautiful (Si.)(CDIAL 13109). cuvi_kari < svi_kr. to take in, imbibe (Ci. Ci. 2,6, Civa_k.); to agree, accept (Ta.lex.) cuve_kam cover (Perun.. Makata. 1,121)(Ta.lex.) cattakam a funeral ceremony, in which seven kinds of things as rice, clothes, money, etc. are offered as gift to seven brahmans (W.)(Ta.lex.) satka_ra domestic rite in general, funeral rites (Skt.)(CDIAL 13108).
2890.Marriage ceremony: a_ngon., a_ngon. sa_ngon. vow (Kon.); a_ngon. sa_mba_l. keep a vow (Kon.); a_ngon. kar to vow (Kon.lex.) san:ga a friend, a companion, a comrade; san:ganrege satahedinae I am encouraged by my companion; san:gat used by brothers-in-law when addressing each other (Santali.lex.) sandhaor.e, sandhar.e to enter, to force oneself in, used by women and generally of a second wife; nenel tulucem sandhaor.e akana you went in with your eyes open; san. bhai a companion; san:gha to marry a second time, of a widower, widow or divorcee of either sex; san:ghaenan I (who have been previously married) have married (one who has also been previously married); san:ghakedea he (a widower or a divorcee) married her (a widow or divorcee); san:gha lot.om children of a former husband taken into the house of their mother's second husband (Santali.lex.) bahu a daughter-in-law, a son's wife, in some places simply a wife, the lady of the house, the mistress; gheu saware salna te vad.d.i bahu da nan. it is the ghee that flavours the vegetables, but the elder daughter-in-law gets the praise (proverb used of persons who become famous without much labour); bahut.i a wife, a bride (P.); bahut.pun.a wifehood, brideship (P.lex.) baha sa~oha~ a ceremony legalizing an irregular marriage (Santali); ba~iha~ a ceremony of brotherhood observed at a marriage my a member of the bridegroom's party and the Jog Manjhi of the bride's village, solatium, present; jog manjhi one of the officials of a Santal village; he acts as the censor of the morals of the youths and maidens of the village, and also is the assistant of Manjhi or Headman, in all matters in which the young people under his charge are concerned; manjhi a village chief, a village head-man, a Santal male; manjhi than the place in a village sacred to the spirits of the departed chiefs (Santali.lex.) sa_ngatva_si living together; cenobite; monj, monja_ cenobite (pagan); sa_n:ga_t company; sa_n:ga_t-pon. sociability; san:ga_ta_ postp. with, at the same time; sa_n:ga_ti fellow; accomplice; sa_n:god.o companion (Kon.lex.) baha sa~oha~ ceremony at marriage; ba~iha~ id.; bahuanic m., bihal era f. married; bapla biha, biha marriage; bahal, bahali happy, contented, light hearted; bahalao to make happy; bahao to exist, live, to last, wear well; bah free, at liberty, without restraint; bahbahia left to the freedom of one's own will, too much liberty allowed to a child, or a young person; independent, unrestrained, wealthy; bahbahiako kisa~r. akana they are so wealthy as to be independent (Santali.lex.)
2891.Image: bull: sanh a bull, a stallion; a large buffalo bull, a bullock after 4 years of age; sanhin. a stallion (P.lex.)
2892.Image: double sack for ox: san:kara a double sack for manure and grain to be carried on the back of a bullock (Ka.); sweepings, dust, off-scourings; mixing together (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) Image: armour: ja_gara, jagara, dagale mail, armour; javal.i, jo_d.u (Ka.); d.agale_m. (M.); dagale (Te.); a wide jacket or coat (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) Image: half-a-bullock load: ha~r.awa_y bag carried by bullocks in which drivers put their luggage (Bi.)(CDIAL 14051). a_har the dependent end of a sack thrown over a beast (P.)(CDIAL 1162). a~_khe~ half a bullock-load (M.); akkha_ one end of a bag or sack thrown over a beast of burden (L.P.); akha_ gunny bag (Or.); a_kha_, a~_kha_ grain bag carried by pack animal (Bi.); a_kha_ one of a pair of grain bags used as panniers (H.); akkhika mesh of a net (Pali); akho id. (S.); a~_kha_ netting in which coco-nuts, etc. are carried (Ma.)(CDIAL 17). jalakhri cord net for carrying goods on the head (Bi.Mth.) (CDIAL 5216). cf. an.d.ige one pannier or pack, half a bullock load (Ka.); an.d.emu, an.d.iyamu id.; ad.igamu a sort of pannier (Te.)(DEDR 127). Stirrup: an:ko_le stirrup (Tu.); an:kavanne, an:kavanniya, an:kemu id. (Te.); an:kavat.i, an:kapat.i id. (Ma.); an:gavad.i, an:ko_n.i, an:kavan.i id. (Ka.)(DEDR 32). an:kam couch, bed-stead, cot (Tiruppu. 128); an:kapat.i stirrup; an:kavat.i id. (Ta.)(T.E.D.) an:katam breast (Ta.lex.) an:ka-vat.i stirrup-bone (Ta.)(T.E.D.) Image: knapsack; a measure: cat.an:kam knapsack; a measure of weight = 16 tu_kku (Ta.); cf. Image: petticoat: s'a_t.akam, s'a_t.a, s'a_t.i_ cloth garment, petticoat (Skt.lex.) cf. san.-kat.a full of, crowded with, beset with, hemmed in (Skt.); can:kat.am < jangada ferry-boat of two canoes with a platform thereon (J.)(Ta.)(Ta.lex.) tu_kku a bazaar weight = 50 palams; standard weight = 1 tula_m = 100 palams; tu_kku a balance; yoke, piece of timber shaped to fit a person's shoulders and support pail etc. at each end (Tiva_.)(Ta.lex.)
2893.Image: pincers: sannhi pincers, a smith's vice (P.lex.)
2894.Store for grain: saka_r mud-built grain-receptacle; saka_ri_ store for grain, etc. (L.)(CDIAL 13108). An old store or hoard: jake_re an old store or hoard (Ka.H.); san:kala a pile, a collection, an accumulation, a quantity (Ka.lex.) kai-y-ar-ai small store-room, as in a temple (Ta.lex.) Store, hoard: cakke_ra_, cake_ra_ store, hoard (W.)(Ta.); zakhi_ra (U.)(Ta.lex.) jha_kn.e~ to cover (M.); jhakna_ cover of a grain pot (Bi.)(CDIAL 5317). cf. can:ka-niti one of the nine treasures fo Kube_ra (Te_va_. 1230,10)(Ta.lex.) cakkara-virutti compound interest (Can.. Aka.) (Ta.) (Ta.lex.) cakravr.ddhi (Te.Ka. Skt.) (Ka.lex.)
2895.Handsome: ca~_gat. handsome; can:ga_ good; ca~_g, ca~_gla_ good (M.); can:ga of good understanding (Skt.); handsome (Skt.); cam.ga clever, handsome (Pkt.); can. very (Sh.); can:go good (K.WPah.); can.o (S.); can:ga_ (L.P.); can.n.o (WPah.); ca_n.a_ restored to health (B.); can:ga_ good, sound, well (H.); can:go (N.); ca~_gla_ healthy (H.); can:ga_ indecl. good (H.); ca~_n:ga good (Konkan.i); aca_ga bad (D..); acan:gmato (K.)(CDIAL 4564). cf. saki, haki possible, capable, clever (Si.)(CDIAL 12253).
2896.Image: crackling of flames: sam.ka_ra crackling of flames; sam.kara id. (Skt.lex.)
2897.Dust, sweepings: sam.ka_ra dust, sweepings; sam.kara id.; sam.kr._ to scatter about, diffuse; sam.ki_rn.a shattered, spread, crowded (Skt.lex.)
2898.Image: to commingle or mix: sam.kr._ to mix, commingle or mix together; sam.kara commingling, mixture, intermixture; sam.ki_rn.a mixed together, intermingled (Skt.lex.)
2899.Related; property got by a woman from her husband: can:kira_ntittal < san.-kra_nta to become connected, related (Ci.Ci. 10,1, Ja_n-ap.)(Ta.lex.) sam.kra_ntam property got by a woman from her husband; passed through or entered into; transferred, devolved, entrusted; sam.kra_nti transference, giving over; sam.kra_nti going together, union; sam.krama to devolve, consign, entrust; to transfer; to deliver, hand over; to take possession of; to convey, lead towards; to promise mutual assistance (Skt.lex.) ba~h to encourage, to incite; to help, resource, opportunity; bahal to engage, to appoint to an office, to begin (Santali.lex.)
2900.Image: passage of sun: sam.kra_nti going from one place to another (Ma_rkP.); passage of a heavenly body from one sign to another (Su_ryas.); san:kanti transition (Pali); sam.kam.ti (Pkt.); sa~gra~_d (L.P.); sakra~_d passage of sun from one constellation to another (P.)(CDIAL 12835). sam.kra_nt solstice (Kon.lex.) sam.krama transition, traversing, transfer, progress; the passage of a planetary body through the zodiacal signs; sam.kraman.am passage; the sun's passage from one zodiacal sign to another; the day on which the summer solstice begins (Skt.lex.)
2902.Image: to go, walk; to throw back the head: san:gin distant, far, a long way; san:gar to go, to walk; oka habicpe da~r.a~ akat san:gar akat? to what distance, or to what point have you travelled? san:gil to look up, to raise or throw back the head; san:gil no~gokme look up a little; sim san:gilkate dakko nu~ia fowls raise the head to drink water (Santali.lex.)
2903.Image: revolving whetstone: san a revolving whetstone, used for sharpening razors, knives, etc., to grind on a whetstone, to sharpen, to whet; san lagite kol akata he has sent it to be whetted; holate sankeda he ground the razor; sasanic a grinder, a whetter (Santali.lex.)
2904.Image: mould: sanc, sa~ a mould, a matrix (Santali.lex.)
2905.Lustful: san:ka_l.ar < san:ga + lustful persons, as prostitutes (Tiruppu. 748)(Ta.lex.) sana wish, desire, lust, will, to wish, to desire, to lust; lajao ho~ ban. sanae he has no feeling of shake; calak sanaedin kana I have a desire to go; san.dgaria m., chandgaria f. a shameless, lustful person; san.d.gar, san.d.gur m., chandgar f. a shameless, lustful person, having the propensities of a bull; san.d.hin a quey, a heifer; san.d.i a cock (Santali.lex,)
2906.Image: Adam's apple: can:kam Adam's apple (Ta.lex.)
2907.Lingayats: can:kamar < jan:gama a class of Vi_ras'aivas, Linga_yats; can:kamam devotees as viewed collectively; can:kama_n.t.i a sect of linga_yats (Tinn.)(Ta.) (Ta.lex.)
2908.Customs, excise: cakka_ttu < zaka_t (U.) anything obtained free or gratis (Tinn.); cakke_ra_ < zakhi_ra (U.) store, hoard (W.)(Ta.lex.) jakai customs, excise (Ka.); jaka_ta (M.H.)(Ka.lex.)
2909.Image: a lute: can:gu a jew's harp (Ka.); can:ga (M.H.); cen:gu (Te.)(Ka.lex.) cako_t.am a lute with 16 strings; cako_t.a-ya_r.. (Cilap. 3,26, Urai.)(Ta.)(Ta.lex.) cen:ko_t.t.i-ya_r.. a kind of stringed musical instrument, one of four kinds of ya_r.. (Ta.lex.) can:kut.t.am < san.-ghus.t.a echo, reverberation (Ta.)(Ta.lex.) Image: body of the lute: akal.am body of the lute as shaped like a bowl (Ta.)(DEDR 9).
2910.Images: copulation (of animals); dashing together: san:gha_, san:ga_ copulation (of animals); adj. bulled (of a cow)(Or.); sam.gha_ta dashing together (MBh.)(CDIAL 12862). san:gha_iba_ put a cow to bull; (of a bull) to copulate (Or.); san:gha_tanika in cmpd. 'binding together' (Pali); sam.gha_yai joins (Pkt.)(CDIAL 12863). can:kamam sexual intercourse; can:kam id. (Tiruppu. 556)(Ta.lex.) sa_n:ga coitus, union (OB.)(CDIAL 13082). Images: woman's pudenda; copulation: ce~_kh, ce~_ki woman's pudenda (K.); cin. vulva (Wg.)(CDIAL 4778). Image: copulation of bull and cow: ce_mar-i copulation of bull and cow (W.); ce_ma_r-i gelder (Nan-. 138, Mayilai.) (Ta.lex.) Image: to copulate: cikn.o to deflower; cikan.i copulation (Ku.); ciknu to copulate (of man); cika_unu to copulate (of woman); cikan.u to distil, ooze out (of pus); cika_in.u to distil, fatigue (S.); cikkn.u_ to press down lower portion of loom with the feet, grasp, seize (WPah.)(CDIAL 4778). Image: to copulate: cukku to copulate (Ta.); tcokku id. (Te.); cukku to perform, execute; cukna (U.); cukakka_ran- pleasure-seeker; person bred in the lap of luxury; whoremonger (Ta.lex.) Image: copulation of animals: gar.ha_van. to bring buffalo cow to bull (L.); gar.hn.a_ to copulate with (of bull or buffalo)(P.)(CDIAL 12862). can:ka_t.t.am union, intercourse (can:ka_t.t.an tavirttu : Te_va_. 655,1)(Ta.lex.) gar.ha_van. to bring buffalo-cow to bull (L.); gar.hn.a_ to copulate with (of bull or buffalo)(P.)(CDIAL 3966). cf. kat.t.u- to hug, embrace; to marry (Ta.lex.) jhakn.a_ to be passionate (P.); jha~_kan jerking, passionate reproof (B.); jhakoln.a_ to shake (P.)(CDIAL 5316).
2911.Image: thighs and hips: jan:gha_ lower leg (Skt.Pali); calf of leg (Or.); shank (ankle to knee)(RV.); can:g thigh, knee (Gy.); ja_n. calf of leg (Pas'.); zang leg (K.); ja~g, jan:gh leg (from hip down)(L.); jan:gha leg (S.); jan:gh thigh (P.); leg (WPah.); ja_n. thigh, leg (B.); thigh (Ku.); id., hip (N.); ja~_gh id. (N.); thigh (Mth.Aw.H.G.M.); za_n. leg (A.); ja~_n.i thigh, leg (B.); jan:gha thighs and hips (Or.); ja_n:ga thigh (Konkan.i); dangaya calf of leg (Si.)(CDIAL 5082). can:kai shank, part of the leg between the ankle and the knee (Tiruvil.ai. Uk. 35)(Ta.) (Ta.lex.) don:ga, d.eke, d.uke the hip (Santali.lex.) jaghana hinder part, hip and loins, mons veneris (RV.); loins, buttocks (Pali); jahan.a (Pkt.); duvana hip, lap (Si.)(CDIAL 5077). je_n:g shin-bone (Bshk.)(CDIAL 5084). Breeches: iza_r, izra_ breeches, close undergarment (Kon.lex.) ja_n:ghia_ short breeches (P.); ja~_ghiya_ drawers (N.B.); ja_n.iya_ (B.); jan:ghia_ (Or.); ja~_ghiyo (G.)(CDIAL 5178). Full piece of cloth; to stretch out: ca~_pu a full piece of cloth (Te.); to extend, stretch, lengthen; n. extending, stretch, extent, length (Te.); sa_gu to lengthen, extend (Ka.); sa_hpa (sa_ht), sa_spa (sa_st) to stretch across (web, tendril), to stretch out (Kui); sa~_gu to extend, lengthen, expand, spread out (Te.); ca_mpu length, stretch (Ma.); ca_pu stretch, length, extent (Ka.); jambu length (Ka.); sa_geng to stretch (Kol.); sa_hata_na_ to stretch out (one's hands or feet as women do when fighting)(Go.); sa_ng to spread as a creeper (Go.); sa_g (body or limbs) to be stretched out to full length (Kond.a); ja_c to stretch (Pe.); ja_njinai to outstretch (Kuwi)(DEDR 2433). Extending: ca_cu to stretch out, extend, stretch forth; ca_pu stretch, length, extent; ja_gisu to stretch or raise (the body to its full extent)(Ka.); ca.c (ca.ci-) to stretch out (hand)(Kod..); straighten (Kod..); ca_cuni to stretch out (Tu.); ca~_gu to be stretched or extended; extend, lengthen; ca~_cu to extend, stretch, lengthen; ca~_ id.; n. extending, stretch, extent, length (Te.); sa_hata_na_ (sa_hc-) to stretch out (one's hands or feet as women do when fighting)(Go.); sa_hca_na_, sa_hta_na_ to make to grow or spread; ca_ha_na_ to stretch; ha_h- to spread, extend; a_ng- to be stretched out (Go.); sa_hpa (sa_ht-), sa_spa (sa_st-) to stretch out, lengthen out (lims), stretch across (web, tendril)(Kui); ha_h'nai (ha_st-) to stretch (hands, etc.)(Kui)(DEDR 2433). Stretch; image: to turn on a lathe: a_chati stretches, draws, sets (a bone)(Sus'r.); acati turns on a lathe, pulls (Pali); am.chai drags (Pkt.); ho~_c (with re. o~_ < a_n) to pull, drag (Kal.)(CDIAL 1099). cf. a_jya clarified butter (RV.);[?produced by churning]; ajja (Pkt.); a_j (B.)(CDIAL 1097). cf. cha_chi_ buttermilk (S.)(CDIAL 5012). ayam.chai pulls, ploughs, draws a line; aim.chai surpasses; aim.chan.a pulling, transgressing (Pkt.); a_im.chai, a_am.chai pulls, ploughs (Pkt.); ai~c pressure (Ku.); ai~cnu to press (N.); ai~cinu to be pressed or pulled; ai~cya_unu to pull up (a horse)(N.); ai~cna_, i~_cna_ to pull (H.); e~cvu~ (G.)(CDIAL 210). achati, acati (in meaning = a_kad.d.hati; Skt. a_ka_rs.ayati; Jain Pkt. am.cha_vei = achati)(cf. Ta. kat.ai churn) to pull, drag, pull along, to turn on a lathe; bhamaka_ro di_gham. achati; udakam. achati (pulling the water up from a well) = udakam. a_kkad.d.hati; ajati to stretch, pull, pull along, draw out, erect ?= r.jati, r.jyati (Skt.) ?or r.ju straight (Skt.)(Pali.lex.)[cf. Semant. 'pull, press' in: an:kavat.i, an:kapat.i stirrup (Ta.); an:kavat.i, an:kapat.i id. (Ma.); an:gavad.i, an:ko_n.i, an:kavan.i id. (Ka.); an:ko_le id. (Tu.); an:kavanne, an:kavanniya, an:kemu id. (Te.)(DEDR 32)]. Image: legs stretched apart: cqle to stretch the legs apart; cqlo one who walks with legs stretched apart; cqltre to cause the legs to be stretched apart (Malt.); ca_t.u (ca_t.i-) to stretch out as the arms and legs from lassitude (Ta.); ja_pu the measure of a long stride (Ka.); da_pu stretch, etc.; the measure of a stride (Ka.)(DEDR 2433). teln.jo to stretch the legs (Santali.lex.) sa_gu to lengthen, extend (Ka.); ca~_gu to be stretched or extended; ca~_cu to extend, stretch, lengthen (Te.); sa~_gu to extend, lengthen, spread out (Te.); sa_geng to stretch (Kol.); sa_hata_na_ (sa_hc-) to stretch out (one's hands or feet as women do when fighting); sa_nga_na_, sa_ng- to spread as a creeper; a_n.- to stretch, be elongated (Go.); sa_k- to stretch out (fingers, limbs)(Kond.a); sa_kar.i a span (Kui)(DEDR 2433). ciga cage straddling; ciga cageye dar.an kana he goes straddling (Santali.lex.) Image: to stretch out legs: ca_t.u to stretch out, as the arms or legs from lassitude (Ta.); tca_cu id. (Te.); ca_cu id. (Ka.Tu.)(Ta.lex.) Image: to stretch; to prostrate: sa~_gu to prostrate oneself; ca~_gu to fall prostrate; ca~_gilu to prostrate oneself, lie down, recline; ca~_gilinta prostrating oneself before an idol; sa~_gabad.u, sa~_gilabad.u to fall down at full length (Te.); sa_g- (-it-) (body or limbs) to be stretched out to full length; sa_p- to stretch out (tongue, hands, legs)(Kond.a); sa_hpa (sa_ht-), sa_spa (sa_st-) to stretch out, lengthen out (limbs), stretch across (web, tendril)(Kui)(DEDR 2433). sa~r.gom to prostrate; ti jan:gare gid.i to prostrate oneself (Santali.lex.) cf. sa_s.t.a_n:ga lit. with all eight limbs (Skt.lex.) Pace: zanga pace (Kol.); janga step, stride (Pa.); jan:ge a stride (Ka.); jan:ga, an:ga id. (Te.)(DEDR 2286). Image: a stride: ja_pu the measure of a long stride (Ka.); da_pu stretch, etc.; the measure of a stride (Ka.)(DEDR 2433).
2912.United: san:ghvi_ leader of a body of pilgrims, a partic. surname (G.); sam.ghapati chief of a brotherhood (Skt.)(CDIAL 12857). sam.gata united (AV.); union (MBh.); sam.gati meeting (RV.); san:gata met (Pali); sam.gaya union; met (Pkt.)(CDIAL 12844). Image: pegged together: san:ghat.ita pegged together (Pali); sam.ghat.ayati joins together (Skt.); sam.ghad.ia joined; caus. sam.ghad.a_ve_i (Pkt.); sa~_gad.n.e~ to link together (M.)(CDIAL 12855). Companion: san:gad.a (Tadbhava of san:gha_ta) closely joined or united, joined; junction, union, company; san:gad.i a companion; a means, that by the help of which an end is attained; san:ga_ta union, association, company; with, together with; san:ga going together; coming together; joining, uniting; san:gad.iga a companion, an associate, a friend; san:gad.iga-tana intimacy, friendship; san:gi going with or to, uniting with, flowing together; full of attachment or devotion, attached, fond of san:gad.igisu, san:gal.isu union ot take place; to be one; to be closely joined or united; san:gal.isu to be joined, combined, mingled or mixed; to be brought about, to be produced; to produce; san:ghat.t.a, san:ghat.a meeting, joining together; san:ghat.t.ana, san:ghat.ana, san:ghat.t.a close contact, contact, union, junction, cleaving or adhering to; san:ghat.t.i a companion, a follower; san:gha_ti a companion, an associate, a friend (Ka.lex.) sa_ngata vots go with, e.g. join bad company; dusma_na sa_ngata vots join the enemy; sa_nga_ti companion; sa_nga_t company (Kon.lex.)
2913.Number of friends: san:ga_ti-macce marks on the body said to indicate the number of a person's friends (in children's language) (Ka.) (Ka.lex.) Text-book on Hindu law: can:kalikitam < s'an:kha-likhita a Sanskrit text-book on Hindu law ascribed to two sages, S'an:kha and Likhita, one of 18 taruma-nu_l (Ta.lex.) can:kari_karan.am mixing of castes < s'an:kari_karan.a; can:karan < san.-kara a person born of a mixed caste, hybrid (Civaraka. Civat.un.t.i. 46); can:kara-ca_ti < san:kara + mixed castes (Ci_vaka. 116, Urai); ca_n:karam mixed caste (Tiruva_n-aik. Nakarap. 64); ca_n:karar persons of mixed caste (Tiruva_n-aik. Ko_ccen.. 24); ca_n:kamila_r < san:gha + outcastes (Tiruppu. 589); ca_n:karya mixture (Civacama. 40); ca_n:kari_yam that which is mixed, as caste (Ce_tupu. Tan-uk. 24)(Ta.lex.) sam.kara mixing (esp. of castes)(Mn.); anything defiled (MBh.); sam.kara, sam.gara mixture of castes (Pkt.)(CDIAL 12818). Mixture of copper and gold: sa~_ka_, sa_ka_ a mixture of copper and inferior gold for soldering trinkets (M.)(CDIAL 12829).
2914.Image: beam laid across the roof: san:ga, san:gi a beam laid breadthwise supporting the roof of a house (Santali.lex.) Image: crossbeam in triangular thatch: san:gha_, san:ga_ bamboo scaffolding inside triangular thatch, crossbeam of thatched house (Or.)(CDIAL 12862). si~gha_ra_ triangular packet of betel (Bi.); si~gha_r.a_ piece of cloth folded in triangular shape (H.)(CDIAL 12859).
2915.Image: swallowing: san:gara swallowing up, devouring (Ka.lex.)
2916.Movable property: can:kam movable property (Varata. Pa_kavata. Na_racin:ka. 116); can:kamam movable property, opp. to ta_varam (Ta.lex.) jan:gama moving (AitUp.Pali); jam.gama (Pkt.); da_n:guma motion, going to and fro (Si.)(CDIAL 5079). can:kamam living creatures, as capable of locomotion, opp. to ta_varam (Tiruva_ca. 1,30). Good fortune: s'an:kara, san:kara causing happiness, conferring good fortune; S'iva (Ka.lex.) Whole, complete with parts: sakala with parts, divided (MaitrUp.); whole (Ka_tyS'r.); sakala all, complete (Pali); all, every (As'.); sayala all, whole (Pkt.); xayala (A.); saala (OB.); sayala, sayala (OG.); siyalu (Si.)(CDIAL 13066). cakalam all, the whole (Uttarara_. Acuvame_ta. 1)(Ta.lex.) Everything: jhan:gae pot.ae everything, every one (Santali.lex.) Material phenomena: jogao to treasure up; sumbhrau to experience; hewa jaora to gain experience (Santali.lex.) sankhata put together, compound; conditioned, produced by a combination of causes, 'created'; sankharoti to put together, prepare, work (Pali) (Pali.lex.) can:kamam movable property (Ta.lex.) can:ka-niti one of the nine treasures of Kube_ra (can:kaniti patuma niti yiran.t.un tantu : Te_va_. 1230,10)(Ta.lex.) cf. cin:ka_ram < s'r.n:ga_ra decoration, embellishment, beauty, especially artificial (Pan.avit.u. 85) (Ta.lex.) Mixed together; filtered: sa~_gwa_n.a_ to collect together (H.); sam.gamayati brings together (AV.)(CDIAL 12847). sam.kr.ti bringing together (TS.)(CDIAL 12830). san:ghat.ayati joins together (Skt.); san:ghat.ita pegged together (Pali); sam.ghad.ia joined; caus. sam.ghad.a_ve_i (Pkt.); sa~_gad.n.e~ to link together (M.)(CDIAL 12855). sagghn.a_, san:ghn.a_ thick, close together (L.); san:ghn.a_ (P.)(CDIAL 12856). sam.ks.a_ra flowing together (Skt.); ha~kha_ro dregs left behind in cloth after filtering (G.)(CDIAL 12837). ha~kha_rvu~ to filter, purify, cleanse (G.); sam.ks.a_lana cleansing water (A_pS'r.); sam.ks.arati flows together (RV.)(CDIAL 12838). sam.kr.s.t.a drawn together (Ka_tyS'r.); sam.kars.ati (AV.); sam.kat.t.ha, sam.kit.t.ha scraped together (Pkt.); sa~get.hnu, sa~get.nu to collect greedily, hoard (N.)(CDIAL 12831). sa~ga_lnu to collect together (N.); sam.kalayati heaps together (Sus'r.); san:kalana addition (Pali); sam.kalia collected together (Pkt.)(CDIAL 12822). sam.kara mixing (Mn.)(CDIAL 12818). sam.kirati bestows liberally (RV.); mixes together (MBh.); sam.ki_rn.a pp. (Ya_j.); san:kin.n.a mixed (Pali); sakilna_ to collect, accumulate, purse, shrink (H.); sam.kin.n.a closely packed (Pkt.); sakinu scattered, confused, mixed (Si.)(CDIAL 12823). sankha_ra "one of the most difficult terms in Buddhist metaphysics, in which the blending of the subjective-objective view of the world and of happening peculiar to the East, is so complete, that it is almost impossible for Occidental terminology to get at the root of its meaning in a translation..." Lit. 'preparation, get up'; constituent, constituent potentiality; pl. synergies, cause-combination; composition, aggregate; one of the constitutional elements of physical life; cf. khandha [khandha (Pali); skandha (Skt.) bulk, massiveness (gross) substance; in collective sense 'all that is comprised under']; sankha_ra life experiences; sabbe sankha_ra_ everything, all physical and visible life, all creation; sankha_ra_ are in the widest sense the 'world of phenomena', all things which have been made by pre-existing causes; sabbe sankha_ra_ all the things of this world; the material and transitory world; sankha_ra-khandha the aggregate of (mental) coefficients; sankha_ra-loka the material world, the world of formation (or phenomena), creation, loka 'per se' as contrasted with satta-loka, the world of (morally responsible) beings (Pali)(Pali.lex.) cf. jan:gama moving (AitUp.)(CDIAL 5079). Collection: sam.kr._ to scatter, bestow liberally (VS. xxvii.38)(Vedic.lex.) cf. ca~_xna_ to scatter seed (Kur.); cge to scatter (Malt.)(DEDR 2431). san:gha_r.iba_ to mix up many materials, stir boiling curry, tie two cattle together and leave to graze (Or.); sam.gha_t.ayati joins together (Skt.)(CDIAL 12860). sa~gaha_ collection of materials (e.g. for building)(H.); sam.graha collection (Mn.); holding together (MBh.); san:gaha collection (Pali); sam.gaha (Pkt.); sa~_gah building materials (Bi.)(CDIAL 12852). cf. sam.cai collects (Skt.); sa~_jn.o, sa~_cn.o to collect, store (Ku.); sa~_cnu (N.); xa~_siba to hoard (A.); saciba_, chaciba_ to store up (Or.); sacab to store (Mth.); sacna_ to collect, store (H.); sa~_cvu~ to collect (G.); sam.cin.em. to collect (OM.); sa~_cn.e~, sa~_cavin.e~ to accumulate (M.)(CDIAL 12867). ce_nti granary; lof (Ta.)(Ta.lex.) cf. ce_karam acquisition, collection, gathering, family, tribe, district, station; ce_kari (-pp-, -tt-) to acquire, collect, assemble (Ta.); s'e_kharam assemblage, heap (Ma.); se_karamu collection, amassing (Te.); se_karincu to save, collect, amass, obtain, procure (Te.)(DEDR 2801). sa~get.hnu, sa~get.nu to collect greedily, hoard (N.); sam.kat.t.ha, sam.kit.t.ha scraped together (Pkt.); sam.kr.s.t.a drawn together (Ka_tyS'r.); sam.kars.ati (AV.)(CDIAL 12831). sam.gha_ta close union, mass (TS.); closing (a door)(VS.); dashing together (MBh.); killing, knocking together (Pali); sam.gha_ya closeness, collection (Pkt.)(CDIAL 12862). sam.gha collection (Pkt.); san:ga collection (Si.)(CDIAL 12854). sam.gha_t.ayati joins together; causes to collect (Skt.); san:gha_r.iba_ to mix up many materials, stir boiling curry, tie two cattle together and leave to graze (Or.)(CDIAL 12860). sam.graha collection (Mn.); holding together (MBh.); san:gaha collection (Pali); sam.gaha (Pkt.); sa~_gah building materials (Bi.); sa~_gah the plough and all its appurtenances (Mth.); har-sa~_ga (Bhoj.); sa~gaha_ collection of materials (e.g. for building)(H.); san:gaha compilation (Si.)(CDIAL 12852). san:grah to collect, gather, accumulate, hoard; to grasp, lay hold of; to take, receive, accept; san:gr.hi_ta gathered, collected, stored; received, accepted; san:graha reception, admission; storing, accumulation, gathering, collecting (Skt.lex.) sa~gwa_na_ to collect (H.)(CDIAL 13082). sa~gwa_n.a_ to collect together (H.); sam.gamayati brings together (AV.)(CDIAL 12847).
2917.Slackness: jank- slackness (of rope); jang- (jangy-) (rope or waistcloth) becomes slack or loose, (handle of tool) is loose (Ko.); jan:gal.a slackness, looseness; jarur.. to move off, slip, drop down (Ka.); jan:ga_l.am a loose-garment (Te.)(DEDR 2283). s'rathana, s'lathati is loose (Skt.); lahanum to be slack (K.)(CDIAL 12733). kar..al (kar..alv-, kar..an-r--) to become loose (as a fastening, shoe, handle, hair, part of any mechanism), be unhinged, slip off, fall out (as a loose tooth)(Ta.); kar..aluka to slip; kar..ar-r-uka to slip off, put off; kar..iyuka to become loose (Ma.); kar..al to slip off, drop down, get loose (Ka.); kal.e to become loose; kal.acu to become loose; kal.a state of being loose (Ka.); kr.an(g)- (kr.ant-) to be or become loose; kr.angi ki- to loosen (Pe.); kr.enga (kr.engi-) to be shaken (Kui)(DEDR 1349).
2918.Garment: san:gal.a, han:gala double cloth of monks (Si.); sam.gha_t.i_ a kind of garment (Sus'r.); monk's waist cloth (BHSkt.); san:gha_t.i_ one of three garments of a monk (Pali); sam.gha_d.i_ outer garment (Pkt.)(CDIAL 12861). Image: wooden frame used by bhikkhus to make robes: kat.hina a wooden frame used by the bhikkhus in sewing their robes; kat.hina man.d.apa a shed in which the bhikkhus stitched their k. cloth into robes; kat.hina-rajju string used to fix the k. cloth onto the frame; kat.hina-dussa the k. cloth; kat.hina-ci_vara a k. robe made of k. cloth; kat.hina-attharan.a the dedication of the k. cloth (Pali.lex.) Images: ragged cloth; upper garment: sa_huli_, sa_hulia_ cloth (Pkt.); saur., saur.h quilt, quilt worn as a cloak (P.); saur. blanket (Ku.); ser.i portion of sa_r.i_ drawn over the eyes as a veil; ser.o upper garment of men or women (G.); sa_hula-ci_vara a coarse cloth; sa_hunna, sa_hun.d.a strip of ragged cloth (Pali)(CDIAL 13382). slu a fine red cloth (K.); sa_lu_ fine upper garment worn by women (P.); sa_lu (N.B.H.); sa_l.u (Or.Marw.G.); s'a_lu_ fine red cloth (M.)(CDIAL 13372). cf. ja_ju, ja_du colour of red ochre, red colour (Ka.); redness (Te.)(DEDR 2437).
2919.Image: long hair: jha~_kro hair allowed to grow long and left uncombed (N.); jhakut.o woman's hair (Phal.)(CDIAL 5323). Images: mane; dishevelled hair: jakur hair on head and body (Sh.); zo.ku hair of female privities (K.); jagot.a_ plaited hair worn round loins by faqirs (P.); jagar mane (N.); jagat.o tangled hair; jagalt.o matted and dishevelled hair (N.)(CDIAL 5075). Mane: koy to bristle, as manes of a horse (Malaipat.u. 572); koyyul.ai horse's mane (Cilap. 26,134); horse (Ja_n-a_. 7,18)(Ta.lex.) saghana thick (of hair)(Skt.); sahan thick (Aw.)(CDIAL 13079). sagghn.a_, san:ghn.a_ thick, close together (L.); san:ghn.a_ (P.)(CDIAL 12856). carhi a mane (Santali.lex.) {Echo word}: cf. jat.a_ hair twisted together (Pa_rGr..); matted hair, tangled boughs (Pali); s'at.a_ ascetic's matted hair (Skt.); sat.a_ braid of hair, lion;s mane (MBh.); jad.a_ tangled or braided hair (Pkt.); zara hair on scalp (esp. of infant)(K.); zar-ban medicinal herb (A.); jar. root; jar.i-but.i medicines (B.); jari_ root of medicinal herb (OAw.); jar.ya~_ pl. root fibres (G.); jet.r.i locks of hair (WPah.); ja_t. sheep's wool (G.); jar hair (Gypsy)(CDIAL 5086). ca~oar long hairs in the tail of a horse or cow (Santali.lex.) cf. so_r.a a hair (Kui)(DEDR 2894). cf. cun:ku the end of a cloth (Te.)(DEDR 2648). cf. ul.ai mane, esp. of a horse or lion (Net.unal. 93); man's hair (Iraku. Te_n-uva. 34)(Ta.); head (Pur-ana_. 22,21); hair plume on a horse's head (Ain:kur-u. 13); hair of head (Ta.); ul.a mane of lion (Ma.)(DEDR 701). cf. so_r.a a hair (Kui); hora a single hair of the beard (Kuwi); ho_r.a beard (Kuwi)(DEDR 2894). ullakasana erection of the hair on the body (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) jun:gu pubic hair (Ka.); ju_n.a_ moustache (Ku.); ju~gha_, jun.a_ (N.); cun. beard (Kal.)(CDIAL 5254). Hair; bundle: ju_t.a twisted hair (Skt.); ju_d.a (Pkt.); ju_r.o hair tied in a knot on crown (S.); ju_r.a_ (L.); Sikh's knot of hair, broom (P.); ju_r.i_ small knot of hair, small broom, bundle of jute or tobacco leaves (P.); juro woman's knot of hair (N.); zur leaves of jute plant tied together for cooking; zuri wisp of grass tied round a tree (A.); jur.a_ hair tied in a knot (Or.); ju_ra_, ju_r.a_ (Mth.); ju_r.a_ (H.); ju_r.i_ bunch, bundle (G.); jul.i_ bundle of leaves; jud.a_, jud.i_ knot of hair, bunch, bundle (M.); jun.d.a_ pl. short hairs (S.)(CDIAL 5258). reg- (-it-) (skin) to be flayed; rek- (-t-) to flay (Kond.a); rin(g)- (rint-) to be unloosened; rik- (-t-) to loosen, untie (Pe.); rik- to untie (Mand..); sring (sringi-) to be loosened, untied, freed, released; sripka (< srik-p-; srikt-) to loosen, untie, unbind, free, release (Kui); ringali to be uncoiled, dishevelled; rikhali to unroll, dishevel; rikh'nai to loose, rip; rikknai to unfold, undo (Kuwi)(DEDR 2557).
2920.Images: snare; seize; intricate knot: cikkal tangle, complication; cikkal-pikkal id. ; cikkar-uttal to untie a knot; to settle an intricate business; to cut the Gordian knot; cikkutal to become entangled, complicated; to be tightened, as a knot (Pa_rata. Va_ran.a_. 5)(Ta.); sikku (Ka.); cikku to be caught, ensnared (Ci_vaka. 1890)(Ta.); cikku id. (Te.Ma.); cikku tangle, twist (Kampara_. Cittira. 32)(Ta.); cikku (Te.); sikku (Ka.); cikku intricacy, complication (Ta.); snare, entanglement (Ta.); being caught or entangled (Ta.)(Ta.lex.) sakuwa_ knotted, jointed (A.)(CDIAL 4560). Image: knot: san:kat.aka the loop or knot of strings (Ka.lex.) sikkisu to cause to become entangled or ensnared; sikku, sigu, sirku, siliku, siluku, silku to become entangled (Ka.); sikku (Te.); cikku (Ta.Ma.); tikku, sikku (Tu.); sikkudale an entangled head of hair; sikku bid.isu to disentangle (as hair or thread)(Ka.)(Ka.lex.) cf. cikku (cikki-) to become entangled, complicated, be caught, ensnared, be obtained; n. tangle, twist, intricacy, snare, entanglement; cikk-en-a firmly, tenaciously, tightly, closely; cin:ku (cin:ki-) to be caught; ikal intricacy, obscurity, involvedness; cit.ukku a tangle (Ta.); cikku being entangled, intricacy; cikkuka to be entangled (Ma.); cik- (ciky-) to be caught, get in trouble, be got, obtained; cikc- to make to be caught, get, obtain; tik tangle in the hair (Ko.); sikku, sigu (sikk-) , sirku, siliku, siluku, silku to become entangled, be caught, fall into the hands of, be got; sikku, sirku, silku state of being entangled, entanglement, intricacy, impediment, obstacle, trouble (Ka.); cikk- (cikki-) to become entangled (Kod..); sikkuni, tikkuni to be ensnared, caught, seized, obtained; sikka_vuni, tikka_vuni to ensnare, entangle, button; sikku, tikku entanglement, intricacy, perplexity, distress; sikkat.t.u, tikkat.t.u labyrinth, intricacy; tikkat.uni to be matted, be entangled, intricate; silkuni to be entangled, be perplexed; salkuni to be entangled; salka_vuni to entangle; tirku, sirku entanglement, difficulty (Tu.); cikku to be entangled, ensnared, be obtained, got, come to hand; n. a tangle, intricacy, difficulty, trouble (Te.); sik- (sikt-) to hang; sikip- (sikipt-) id.; sikkeng to get stuck (Kol.); cirn:g- to get stuck, entangled, trapped; cirkip- (cirkit-) to trap, snare (Pa.); sikku entanglement (Ga.); jirka_na_ to be caught on thorns, esp. of clothes; jirksa_na_ to stick; jirka_na_, jirksa_na_ to get stuck; caus. jirksahta_na_; hirk- to be trapped; hirk- to get stuck; caus. hirh-/hirih- to trap animals; ark-, irk- to get stuck; hilka_na_ to be caught up, entangled, or stuck in anything; hilga_na_ to entangle (Go.); sikku_ aiyali to be tangled; cikku ki_nai to snare (Kuwi)(DEDR 2498). cf. ciluku trouble (Ta.)(DEDR 2567). cf. jha_l tassel of hair (M.)(CDIAL 5357).
2921.Images: comb; to disentangle: cikkam comb; cikkar-u (cikkar-i-) to disentangle; cikkar-ukki a kind of comb (Ta.); cikkuka to disentangle, dry and dress the hair after bathing; cikkar-ukkuka to disentangle, comb out; cikkar-ukki a comb (Ma.); sikkat.i, sikkat.ige, sikkan.ige id. (Ka.); cikkan.t.u, cikkan.t.e a sort of long comb with a few big teeth (Te.)(DEDR 2497). ks.e comb (Kt.); kshe_ wisp (Baashg.); us.ugu comb, sapula (Pr.); kuz.et.i_ comb (Pas'.)(CDIAL 2970). cf. cilukku tooth of a saw, barb (Ta.)(DEDR 2568). Image: comb, heron: koccha a comb (for hair-dressing); koccha-ka_ra a comb-maker; koca (Pali)[krauca, kruc (Skt.) the heron, often referred to in combination with mayu_ra peacock or with hansa swan](Pali.lex.) Image: upper part of a comb: kir.a to comb (Kond.a); kilpa a variety of comb (Kond.a); kir.pa a comb (Kond.a); kille upper part of a comb (Go.); gir. to comb (Pe.); kulpa (kult-) to separate, take out weeds, comb the hair (?Kui); kin.- (-h-), kit.- (-it-) to comb (Kuwi); kirha-ko_dali, kinha kod.d.inai to comb oneself (Kuwi)(DEDR 1582). Image: comb: ki_pid a comb (Pa.); ci_ppu a comb (Ta.); ci_ka to comb (Ma.); ci_ppi a comb (Ma.); ci_rppu a comb (Ma.); ki.c to comb (To.); si_pe comb (Ka.); ci.pi a comb (Kod..); ci_pu, si_pu, cimpu a comb or cluster of plantains (Tu.); ci_pu id. (Te.)(DEDR 1610). Image: comb for removing nits: si_reni, si_rer.i comb (Kui); tiruvan.a nit-pick (Tu.); ti_ru, ci_ru, si_ru nit (Tu.); si_ran.ige, i_r-an.ige comb for nits or lice (Ka.); ciguru nit (Ka.); ci.ri id. (Kod..); ti_ru, ci_ru, si_ru nit (Tu.); tiruvan.a nit-pick (Tu.); i_ru, i_pi nit (Te.); i_r(u)cu to comb out nits (Te.); i_r(u)pena comb for removing nits (Te.); i_rs to comb (Ga..); si_reni, si_rer.i comb (Kui); cirni_ comb for removing nits (Go.); hi_ru nit (Kuwi); ci_r id. (Kur.); i_ruka to comb hair (Ma.); i_r nit (Ta.); i_rppi id. (Ta.); i_r to comb out nits (Ka.)(DEDR 2625). Image: comb: cikkar-ukki a kind of comb (W.)(Ta.); id. (Ma.) (Ta.lex.)
2922.Image: to seize; to pull: tigiyu, tigucu, tiviyu, tivucu, tivvu, tivu, tiyyu to pull, draw, drag, attract, take (Te.); ti_yu, tiyyu to take, remove, take away, subtract; withdraw, diminish, be reduced, subside as a tide (Te.); tekku (tekki-) to receive, take (Ta.); tevvu (tevvi-) to get, take, obtain, seize, grasp, steal (Ta.); tev, tevvu, tevu seizing, taking (Ta.); te_ acquiring (Ta.); tev- (tevd-) (woman) thins walls of pot in preparation for closing the bottom (Ko.); (tevt-) (woman) makes clay rise in cylinder in throwing pot (Ko.); tege, tegu, tegi to draw towards oneself, take, take away; become less or diminish; tege taking, etc. (Ka.); teguni to take (Tu.)(DEDR 3407).
2923.Edible green vegetables: ce_xel greens (Kur.); ar.xa_-ce_xel the vegetable kingdom, plants in general; [cf. ar.xa_ any leguminous plant or eatable greens (Kur.); at.aku greens, edible leaves; at.ai leaf, betel leaf, greens (Ta.); d.a_ga-, d.a_ya edible green vegetables (Pkt.)(DEDR 59); Images: leaf; eyelid: itar.., atar.. petal, palmyra leaf, eyelid (Ta.); ital. flower leaf, ovaria of fish; ita sprout, shoot, tender leaf; itaykkuka to sprout (Ma.); esal., esar.. petal, small twig with leaves (Ka.); esal.u petal, leaf (Tu.)(DEDR 459)]; ceglu small branches (Malt.)(DEDR 2789). Leaf: eg, e_g, ye_g leaf (Kol.); eg (Nk.); eg(u), evgu id. (Nk.); ev id. (Pa.); eg, egu, e_g id. (Ga.)(DEDR 775). Image: leaf: erek, reki leaf-umbrella (Go.); reki, rek leaf-hat (Go.); jekki a leaf-hat (jappi)(Kuwi)(DEDR 821). Branch: ege small branch, sprout (Ka.); en:kli thin branch (Ka.); egg a branch, bough (Tu.); eggelu a small branch (Tu.); enkili branch (Kor.)(DEDR 826). cij agricultural produce, things in general; cij basut agricultural produce and property; khubin. cij akata I have had a good harvest; cij basutan I will acquire property (Santali.lex.) cf. ci_ze~_ things in general (H.lex.) cf. cer..i (-pp-, -tt-) to thrive, flourish, be fertile, grow well as vegetation (Ta.); cer..ikka to be fertile (Ma.)(DEDR 2789). cf. ca.k (ca.yk-) to make to grow (Ko.); sa_n:ka_vuni, sa_n:kan. fostering (Tu.)(DEDR 2427). cf. ca~_xna_ to sow, scatter seed (Kur.)(DEDR 2431). cf. sa_g- (-it-) to grow, spread out, file out, proceed (Kuwi)(DEDR 2430). sa_nga_na_, sa_ng- to spread out as a creeper; sa_hca_na_, sa_hta_na_ to make to grow or spread (Go.)(DEDR 2433). saket the patron divinity of the Santal ojhas or doctors, the name of the offering made after restoration to health by one who has been treated by an ojha (Santali.lex.) cikitsaka a physician (Skt.Ka.); cikitse, cikicce the practice or science of medicine (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) cikiccai treatment of diseases, of three kinds, viz., te_va-cikiccai, ra_ks.asa-cikiccai, ma_n-ut.a-cikiccai (Pata_rtta. 1202)(Ta.lex.) ca_ki < s'a_khin tree (Cu_t.a_.); ciki tree (Ilak. Aka.)(Ta.)(Ta.lex.) Vegetable grower: s'a_kha_ branch (RV. i.8.8)(Vedic.lex.) s'a_ka potherb, vegetable (Gr.S'r.); sa_ka (Pali); sa_ga, sa_ya (Pkt.); ca_ (Wg.Dm.); s'ax green vegetables (Kho.); s'ak (Kal.); s'ok (Kt.); s'o_ (Phal.); s'a_ (Sh.); ca~_i a caste of vegetable growers in Rajsahi (B.)(CDIAL 12370). Image: leaf: sakam a leaf of a plant or tree; a blade of grass (Mu.)(Mu.lex.) sakam leaf; sakam rir. midrib of leaf (Santali.lex.) cf. caruku dried leaf (Ta.)(DEDR 2355). ca_kai < s'a_ka leaf (Ta.lex.) ca_kam < s'a_ka leaf (Kampara_. Nakarap. 75); potherbs, greens; juice of leaves (J.); fragrant screwpine (Ta.lex.) jaghane_-phale the opposite-leaved fig tree, ficus oppositifolia (Skt.Ka.)(Ka.lex.)
2924.Potherbs, greens: ca_kam potherbs, greens (Pin..)(Ta.)(Ta.lex.) Image: trunk of a lopped tree: s'an:kur the trunk of a lopped tree (Amarako_s'a. IV.I. 8). cf. wujarun to be uprooted (K.); ujir.an.u to be waste (S.); wuja_run to lay waste (K.); ujja_d.ia laid waste (Pkt.); uza_riba to upturn (earth)(A.)(CDIAL 1661). cf. jar. root (G.); jar.ya~_ pl. root fibres (G.)(CDIAL 5086). Image: ear of corn: s'a~_koli_ small branch, twig; s'an. branch, twig (Dm.); s'a_n:koli_ small branch, twig (Gaw.); s'on., s'an. branch (Kal.); s'on:g a kind of shrub with white twigs (Kho.); s'o_n. branch (Phal.); s'a~_kha, s'a~_ka branch (Gaw.); s'a_khe (Sv.); sa_m.kha beam (OG.)(CDIAL 12260). s'a_khya belonging to or resembling a branch, branching (Pa_n..); s'a_k, s'a_kha_ wood, tree (Phal.)(CDIAL 12379). s'a_kha_ branch (RV.); sa_kha_, sa_kha branch (Pali); sa_ha_ (Pkt.); cau, sau branch, ear of corn (Ash.); ca_, co_w branch (Wg.); caw (Kt.); ca_w (Pr.); s'a~_h bough (WPah.); sa_ha_ branch, crossbars between shafts of bullock carts (Or.); sa_ branch (Si.); sa_huli_, sa_hulia_ (Pkt.); sau~la_ pl. green shoots or twigs (Ku.); sya_ulo a cut branch (N.); sa_u_l., sa_vl.i_ branch of various trees (palm, coconut, betel)(M.)(CDIAL 12376). s'a_khe the branch of a tree (Ka.lex.) Caste of vegetable growers; potherb: s'a_ka potherb, vegetable (Gr.S'r.); sa_ka (Pali); sa_ga, sa_ya (Pkt.); ca_ (Wg.Dm.); s'ax green vegetables (Kho.); s'ak (Kal.); s'ok (Kt.); s'o_ (Phal.); s'a_ (Sh.); ca~_i a caste of vegetable growers in Rajsahi (B.)(CDIAL 12370). s'a_khi having branches, a tree (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) sa_ki name of females among sma_rta and ma_dhva bra_hman.as; sa_kamma (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) s'a_kini a powerful female: a kind of female demon or fairy attendant on Durga_ (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) Yaks.a: cakkamma_ a demoness (Ta.); jakkama (Te.); cf. yaks.a (Ta.lex.) s'a_kina epithet of Indra (RV.); s'a_kini_ female attendant of Ka_li_ (Skt.); d.a_kini_ id. (Skt.)(CDIAL 5542). cf. d.ahu the tree artocarpus lakuca (Skt.); d.a_u the bread-fruit tree (Pkt.); d.ava-gas the tree lythrum fructicosum (Si.)(CDIAL 5540).
2925.Field; garden: s'a_kat.a a field; s'a_kina a field; s'a_kas'a_kat.a a field of vegetables, a kitchen garden; s'a_ka, s'a_kha an potherb or vegetable; vegetable food; name of one of the seven dvi_pas; ba_d.u, va_t.a, bat.t.i, ba_t.i, vad.a an enclosure, a piece of enclosed ground, a court-yard, a compound; a garden, a park, a plantation; the enclosure of a town or village, a fence, a wall, a hedge etc; made of the vat.a (ficus indica, banyan) tree; va_t.i a garden; va_t.ika, ba_d.aga, va_d.iga a gardener; a garden; va_t.ike an enclosure; a garden (Ka.lex.) Detached field: ceku < cak (U.) detached fields of a village; a patch of rent-free land or any separate farm (R.T.)(Ta.lex.) cf. cakati mud, mire; bog, puddle (Ta.); clay, mire (Ma.); cavati, cavadi mud (Ta.)(DEDR 2266). cf. cekkupanti < cakbandi_ (U.) the four boundaries with their distinctive marks showing the limits of each field as entered in the survey accounts (R.F.)(Ta.)(Ta.lex.) san:gghar a field fortification, a stone breast work or rifle pit (P.lex.) cakku-bandi defining of the boundaries of an estate (Ka.); cakabandi_ (M.)(Ka.lex.)
2926.Demarcation-stone for lands granted to temples: cakkara-k-kal boundary or demarcation-stone for lands granted to Vis.n.u temples (Ta.insc.); tiru-v-a_r..ikkal boundary stone with the seal of discus (S.I.I. i,87)(Ta.lex.)
2929.Image: slice, chip: kett a piece, slice, chip; kettig carving, engraving; kettuni to carve, chisel, engrave, dig slightly (Tu.); kederpu to dig (Kor.); kett- (ketti-) to cut (tree, or with large knife or axe); ketti a cut, blow (Kod..); cettu (cetti-) to cut with adze, chisel, pare off; n. cutting, chiselling; cetukku (cetukki-) to cut off a surface, pare, shave off, plane, hew with an adze, chisel; n. paring, chiselling; kettu (ketti-) to split asunder by driving in and turning the hatchet, chop, mince, cut off, make an incision; strike the stick in the game of tipcat (Ta.); cettuka to chip, cut off, pare, plane, clear ground (Ma.); cettal chipping, planing, etc.; cettu cutting, parings, rind or peel (Ma.); kettu to pare the surface, make thin, chip, scrape or chip off (as grass), dig slightly, engrave, carve; kettike act of chipping etc.; kettisu to cause to carve or engrave, cause to chip etc.; kette a chip, paring (Ka.)(DEDR 1953).
2930.Image: hole: chidda adj. having rents or fissures, perforated (Pali) [scetar OHG. For suffix -ra cf. rudhira etc.; chid + ra (Vedic); chidra (Skt.); chidda (fig.) faulty, defective; nt. a cutting, slit, hole, aperture [eka-chidda, kan.n.a-chidda, bhitti-chidda, ta_l.a-chidda, akkhi-chidda]; acchidda-vutti faultless conduct; a_vachidda full of breaches and holes; chidda-ka_rin inconsistent; chidda-vichidda = chidda-avachiddda; sari_ran chiddavichiddan karoti to perforate a body; chiddaka adj. having holes or meshes (of a net); chiddata_ perforation, being perforated; chida adj. breaking, cutting, destroying (Pali.lex.) chidra split, hole, deficiency in a limb; having holes, broken into splinters, cut up (RV. i.162.20; TS. v.2.12.2); incomplete (TMB xviii.5.4); chid to split, cut off, break, tear, get away (RV. i.133.2); chinna cut off (RV. vii.33.6)(Vedic.lex.) substantive: chidda cutting, slit, hole (Pali); chidda, chid.d.a hole (Pkt.); chiddar (P.); s'idad., s'idi_d. earthworm (M.); siduva hole; hida perforation (Si.); ched, che~da_ hole, opening (B.); cheda (Or.); ched hole (Bhoj.); che~_d (Aw.); chim.d.i_, chim.d.ia_ hole in hedge; chem.d.i_ lane (Pkt.); chi_n.d.a_ hole (P.); chi_n (Ku.); chi~r., che~r., cher. hole, cleft; chi~r.i, che~r.i, cher.i narrow passage (N.); chi~r. watercourse (B.); chi~_d.u~ hole in hedge (G.); chi~_d.i_ narrow space behind house (G.)(CDIAL 5043). Hole; lane, passage: cantu lane, narrow lane (Ta.lex.) cantam hole (Tan-ippa_. i,171,24)(Ta.); cf. sandhi (Skt.)(Ta.lex.) chino cleft, pass in a mountain; chinn.o to cut; chi_n hole (Ku.)(CDIAL 5047). chilla hole (Pkt.); s'i_l breach in a river bank, place to make a dam (M.); sila, hila hole, perforation (Si.)(CDIAL 5051). s'em.d.n.em. to make small incisions (M.); sindinava_ to uproot (Si.); chindai (Pkt.); chinatti (Skt.)(Bloch, p. 412). Parting of the hair: si_man parting of the hair (AV.); si_ma_ id. (Mn.); si_ma_nam acc. sg. (Skt.); sum id. (K.)(CDIAL 13435). si_manta parting in hair (AV.); si_mantini_ woman (MBh.Pali); si_mam.ta, si_mam.taya parting in hair (Pkt.); syu~_di_, syu_ni_ forehead where hair is parted, frontal braiding of a woman's hair (Ku.); xeunta_, xeo~ta_ parting in hair (A.); siunta_ mode of dressing ringlets of hair on brow; siuntia_ mode of parting combed hair (Or.); s'ita_, s'ite~ parting in a woman's hair (M.); si_ndhi parting in a woman's hair (S.); si_ndh, si~_dh (L.); so~dha_ (P.); siu~dho, siu~do (N.); si~tha_, si_ta_ (B.); si~thi, si~ti forehead where hair is parted (B.Or.); siu~_thi parting of a woman's hair (Mth.); sa~tha (OG.); se~tho, se~thi_, se~ti_ (G.)(CDIAL 13436). Image: joint: sanda articulation (Si.); handiya joint (Si.); sam.dhai (Pkt.); sam.dhi (Skt.); sa_m.dh, sa_m.d joint, fissure (M.); sa_m.dh joint, cleft (G.); sa_m.dhavum. to join (G.); sam.dhu joint; sam.dhi hole made by thieves; sem.dhi_, sem.dho friendship (G.); sann.h (P.); sem.dh hole made by thieves (H.); sim.dh (B.O.)(Bloch, p. 407). chirnu to pierce, bore a hole (N.); siriba to tear (A.); s'irn.e~ to enter forcibly or suddenly; s'irakn.e~ to pierce (M.)(CDIAL 5049). denom. verbs: chiddita perforated (Pali); chiddiya (Pkt.); chiddn.a_ to be pierced (P.); chidnu to harvest pulse or mustard by uprooting (N.); chida_ a cutting, robbing (B.); chidvu~ to break to pieces, pound, trample on (G.); chedn.a_ to bore (P.); chednu to pierce (N.); sediba to cut asunder (A.); chedna_ to bore (H.); chedvu~ (G.); s'e~dn.e~ to make slight cuts in (M.); cher.u_n.o to cause to pierce (Ku.); cher.nu, che~r.nu to pierce (N.); chi~r.a_, che~r.a_ to break, tear (B.); siriba to tear (A.); chir.iba_, chin.d.iba_ to tear (Or.); chi_r.a_na_ to scrape, take by force (H.)(CDIAL 5043). Image: to pierce: so.ng- (so.nkt) to enter (Kol.); so_n- id. (Nk.); co_ng- (thorn) pierces; co_kip- (co_kit-) to stick into (Pa.); so_ng- to be pierced into; so_n- to pierce, penetrate (Ga.); ho_n.- (ho_t.-) to enter (Pe.); ho_n:ga- id. (Pe.); caus. ho_t.pa- (Pe.); so_lba (so_t..-) to enter, penetrate; so_r.pa (so_r.t-) to cause to enter, put in (Go.); ho_nai, ho_d.ga, hannai to enter (hannai to go); horginai to interfere; ho_r.- (ho_t.-) to enter; ho_rbu_, in: ko_d.inga ho_rbu at dusk (time of the cows coming in)(Kuwi)(DEDR 2876). jo_- (-t-) to put in, insert (Pe.); ju_- (-t-) id. (Mand..); ro_- (-t-) to insert hand in (? r-o_-)(DEDR 2868). corukutal to put in, insert, tuck in (Kalin.. 46); serku (Ka.); corukuka (Ma.)(Ta.lex.) To break, burst; bit: cituku, ciduku to be crushed, broken or smashed; break, burst; cidiyu to be broken, smashed or crushed, break; cidupa a bit, fragment, piece; cidupu to crush, smash, squeeze, break; cidumu to pinch, nip; cidura, cidurupa, cidrupa a piece, bit, fragment (Te.); sidli- (-t-) to be crushed (as an overripe fruit)(Kond.a); cithge to squeeze out the seed or stone from a fruit (Malt.); citai (-v-, -nt-) to be injured, spoiled, broken, become corrupt, prove untrue; (-pp-, -tt-) to injure, waste, destroy, ruin, demolish, kill, uproot; citai, citaivu injury, degeneracy, ruin, defeat, fault, defect; citaku (citaki-) to strip off, erase (Ta.); cidaku, ciduku to squeeze the soaked pulse called avare with the fingers and thus remove the skin; sindu, sendu to rub out, extinguish, destroy (Ka.)(DEDR 2526). Image: small bit: kinn- (kinni-) to tear into strips (rags, plantain or screwpine leaves)(Kod..); kini- (kinit-) to break into pieces; kink- (kinikt-) id. (Kol.); kinup- to break, crack knuckles (Nk.)(DEDR 1604). Semantic extension: to engrave: cettu to cut with adze, chisel, pare off; n. cutting, chiselling (Ta.); kettu to engrave, carve (Ka.); kette a piece, slice, chip (Tu.); kettige carving, engraving (Tu.)(DEDR 1953). citrakara painter (MBh.); cittayara (Pkt.); citera_ painter (OAw.); id., engraver (H.); citrera_ painter of pictures, engraver (L.); citre_ra_, cite_ra_, cate_ra_ engraver (P.)(CDIAL 4805). To cut, split: cit.lisu to break, snap, crack, burst, etc. (Ka.); cit.lu, cit.ilu id.; cit.lincu (Te.); cit.t. to cut, split (Pa.); sit.- id. (Ga.)(DEDR 2510). chid cut (Skt.); chitti division (Skt.); cutting, breaking, division (Pkt.); chit splinter or sliver in the flesh (L.); chi_t, chiti limit, boundary (Ku.); chi_ti loss (OH.); chi_tna_ to strike, bite (H.)(CDIAL 5037). cya_, cinist to tear (Kt.); chik (1 sg. chium, pret. ochistam < acchidat, absol. chiti) to break (Kho.); chi_na to be torn, be slit, be worn away; to bite, sting (H.)(CDIAL 5041). chidra torn asunder (RV.); having holes, pierced (Ka_tyS'r.); leaky (MBh.); slit, cleft, hole (VS.); adj.: chidda having holes, perforated (Pali); chid.a want of density, waterishness (S.); chidra_ widely separated, thin (L.); chidra_r. spare, having gaps (of crops, hair, teeth); thinness (L.); chidra_, chidda_ not closely set, porous (P.); chido dispersed, separate (Ku.); chi_dru~ shallow (G.); chi_da_ having many holes, sparse, loosely woven, thin (H.)(CDIAL 5043). chiti chan. to pulverize, break to pieces, shiven to atoms (Santali.lex.) cittiram < chidra hole, slit, opening; ignominy, blot (Kampara_. Kumpakaru. 293); void (Ma_r-an-alan.. 261, Uta_, 626); secret (Perun.. Ucaik. 37,43)(Ta.lex.) citar rain drop (Pur-ana_. 105,3); powder (Pin..); citaram rain drop (Pin..)(Ta.)
2931.Image: rope loop for suspending pots: citaram rope-loop for suspending pots; citar id. (Cu_t.a_.) (Ta.lex.)
2932. To open: cand.p- (cand.t-) to open (Pa.); sand.up- (sand.ut-) id.; san.- (san.d.-) to open; san.p- (san.(d.)up-) id. (Ga.)(DEDR 2319). san.d.ap to open; sandor.an. open; sodgor.o in the open (Santali.lex.) sindha_l.a, sindha_l.a_, sindha_ra, sindha_ra_ housebreaker (Or.)(CDIAL 12908a). sam.dhi hole made by a burglar (Mn.); san hole (Dm.); burglary; dat. suu (K.); sandhi hole made by burglars (S.); sa_i~d(h)uwa_, sai~dhuwa_ burglar (N.); sa_ndhi hole, crevice (OB.); a~_dhi-sa~_dhi holes and corners (B.); sa~_d(h)i_ chink, joint (M.); sa~_dho cleft, joint (G.); sandhim. chindati breaks into a house (Pali); sandhi-che_da housebreaking (Pali); se~dh, sen hole made by burglars (N.); xindhi hole in the ground (esp. one made under a wall by a thief)(A.); si~d(h) hole in a wall (B.); si~d(h)i hole made by a thief (Or.); senh hole made by burglars, mine (Mth.); se_nhi_ (Bhoj.); se~_dhi (Aw.); se~d(h) (H.); se~dhna_ to bore, sap, mine (H.)(CDIAL 12913). Image: a cut: ken.t.u (ken.t.i-) to cut (Ta.); kej- to cut open or cut up (carcass, meat)(Ko.); cen.d.u to cut; cen.d.a_d.u to cut to pieces (Te.); cen.d.a_d.uni to destroy, ruin (Tu.); kid.d.i_ an axe-cut (Go.); kind.e to cut flesh or fish (Malt.)(DEDR 1542). Image: chip: kin.d.i, kan.d.i a chink; a gap, an opening; a clift (Ka.); khin.d.a (M.)(Ka.lex.) kan.t.am piece, cut or broken off; fragment, slice, cutting, chop, parcel, portion, slip (Kampara_. Na_t.t.up. 19); kan.t.i to chop, mince, slash, cut into pieces (Ta.lex.) cf. can.t.u chaff, broken chips of spoilt straw (Ta.); chaff (Ma.)(DEDR 2317). khan.d.a, kan.d.a broken, divided; a fragment, a part, a piece (Ka.Skt.)(Ka.lex.) Digging, cutting; an axe-cut; to flay, cut flesh or fish: ken.t.u (ken.t.i-) to dig, cut and eat (Ta.); kin.t.u (kin.t.i-) to poke, stir, scratch (as a fowl), dig up, burrow in (as rats, worms), dig, probe, incite (as to a quarrel)(Ta.); kin.t.uka to stir a pap, dig (Ma.); kej- to flay, cut open or cut up (carcass, meat)(Ko.); kod.- to flay (To.); cen.d.a_d.uni to destroy, ruin (Tu.); cen.d.u to cut (Te.); cen.d.a_d.u to cut to pieces (Te.); kid.d.i_ an axe-cut (?Go.); kind.e to cut flesh or fish (Malt.)(DEDR 1542).
2933.Image: pouring out: cid.or cod.or spilling when pouring out; cid.or cod.or dakko duleda they spill the water as they pour out; chit.kau to sprinkle; citir bitir to be scattered, strewn about; chitia bitia to scatter, to strew, to throw about; chitiau to scatter, to strew, to spread; in tuluc ban. sasamt.aoic doe chitiaua he that gatheereth not with me scattereth (Santali.lex.) citar-tal to scatter, strew; to spread over, to be diffused (Perun.. Ila_va_n.a. 16,16); to scratch as a fowl (Nar-. 389); to be scattered, strewn (Ci_vaka. 1106)(Ta.lex.) citar spilling, shedding (Cir-upa_n.. 254); citaral splashing, bespattering (Maturaik. 244)(Ta.lex.) citar-at.ittal to scatter, disperse; citar-u-tal to disperse, scatter as grain (Tiruuru. 231)(Ta.); kedar-u (Ka.)(Ta.lex.) To give liberally: citar-u-tal to give liberally, bountifully (Patir-r-up. 76)(Ta.lex.)
2934.Image: spark: kir.y a spark (To.); kid.i, ked.i id. (Ka.); ked.i, ced.i id. (Kod..); kid.i, ked.i (Tu.)(DEDR 1528). Thunderbolt: cet.i light, splendour (Ta.); sid.il shaft of lightning, thunderbolt (Ka.); sed.ilu thunder; ced.lu id. (Ka.); td. minn- to lighten; td. thunder (Kod..); ted.ilu, s'ed.ilu thunder, thunderbolt, thunder-clap; ted.ilu-meci flash of lightning (Tu.); ced.li thunder (Kor.); jit.ki lightning (Ga.); can-r.ke id.; can-r-keye to flash (as lightning); tad.it- lightning (Skt.)(DEDR 2759). car.aka thunderbolt (Or.); c.ar.k thunder (WPah.)(CDIAL 4570). cf. cat. quickly (B.H.); suddenly (G.); c.at. suddenly; c.at.ka_ glow (M.); car.kanu to flash (N.)(CDIAL 4570). c.at.h windstorm (K.); chat.t.ai quickly (N.); sa_t.a_ dazzling light (A.); chat.el running wild (G.)(CDIAL 4969). Image: an ace: yakka (Tadbhava of ekka, e_ka) a card with a unit, an ace (Ka.lex.)
2935.Statement of holdings; an account: chit.t.ha_ an account, a memorandum of money paid; wages, especially of state servants; a long letter; chit.t.ha_ ta_rna_ to pay servants' wages, to pay a bill, to clear accounts; chitta_ tasdi_k the preliminary statement of holdings; chit.t.hi_ a letter, a note; a certificate, an order; a draft (P.lex.) cittu a rough copy or draft (Ka.Te.); a blot, as of ink; a blot, an obliteration of something written; corrections in writing (Ka.H.)(Ka.lex.)
2936.Father of bride or bridegroom: yai father of either bride or bridegroom; f. yen. (Kon.lex.)
2937.Yakkha: iyakkam motion; moving about (Kur-al., 1020); the north quarter, which is the abode of the yaks.as (W.)(Ta.); iyakkutal to cause to go (na_lat.i. 136); iyakku motion, as of a stream; going, marching (Malaipat.u. 571); iyan:ku-tal to move, stir; movement, act of going (Ci_vaka. 1360); iyakkar yaks.as, a class of celestials, one of patinen.-kan.am; iyakkan- yaks.a (Kampara_. Ta_t.akai. 26); Kube_ra, king of yaks.as; yakkan- id.; yat.cam < yaks.a (Takkaya_kap. 534, Urai.)(Ta.)(Ta.lex.) yaks.a name of the place of Indra; name of a Kubera; worship; yaks.am sacrifice; anything honoured; yaks.a_dhipa the lord of yaks.as; yaks.a ra_tri the festival called dipa_li; yaks.in (Vedic) living, existing; adorable, fit to be honoured; yaks.in.i_ a female yaks.a; name of the wife of Kubera; a certain female fiend in the service of Durga_; a sylph or fairy (holding intercourse with mortals)(Skt.lex.) cf. ca_kkaiyan- member of a caste whose profession in ancient times was to sing and dance in temples and palaces (Ta.)(DEDR 2432). yakke_can-, yakka-ra_can- Kube_ra as the lord of the Yaks.as; iyakkar-kal.ukku aracan-; yakka-taru the banyan tree (Ilak. Aka.); yat.ca-va_cam id. (Takkaya_kap. 534, Urai.)(Ta.); yakka-ra_ttiri the full moon in the month of Ka_rttikai (Ta.)(Ta.lex.) yaks.a, jakka name of certain demi-gods who are attendants of Kube_ra, generally regarded as beings of a benevolent and inoffensive disposition, but occasionally classed with pis'a_cas etc.; a ghost, a spirit; Kube_ra; yaks.in.i, jakan.i, jakkan.i, jakkin.i a female yaks.a; Kube_ra's wife; a sort of female fiend attached to the service of Durga_ and frequently maintaining intercourse with mortals; sorcery done with the help of that fiend (Ka.lex.) yaks.a name of a class of demigods who are described as attendants of Kube_ra, the god of riches, and employed in guarding his gardens and treasures; yaks.a-vitta one who is like a yaks.a, i.e. the guardian of wealth, but who never uses it (Skt.lex.) yaks.a-dhu_pa resin, incense (Skt.lex.) yaks. to be quick, press forward, speed on (RV. i.132.5); to reveal, be revealed, manifest (RV. ii.5.1); pyas.t.a manifest, visible, appeared (Skt.); yaks.ya active, wonderful (RV. viii.60.3); yaks.a a supernatural being revealing himself suddenly (as did the yaks.a to Yudhis.t.hira in Vanaparvan); mystery, secret (RV. vii.61.5); mysterious being (VS. xxxiv.2); yaks.adr.s' one who sees the mystery (RV. vii.56.16); yaks.u name of a race or tribe (RV. vii.18.6)(Vedic.lex.) ca_t.ci eye-witness; ca_t.ca_tkarittal to visualise, realize (Ci. Ci. 6,6, Ja_n-ap.); sa_s.a_tkr. (Skt.)(Ta.lex.) yaks.a a supernatural being (MaitrUp.); manifestation (RV.); yaks.i_, yaks.in.i_ f. (MBh.); yakkha, yakkhi_, yakkhin.i_ a supernatural being (Pali); jakkha, jakkhin.i_ (Pkt.); yus', yu_s' ogre; yus'tri_k ogress (Ash.); yus. female demon (Kt.); yu_s. (Wg.); yus. demon (Pr.); jac female demon (Kal.); yac demon; yacini_; yac(h)ol.o demon like a bear; yacha_litu mad; yacha_lya_r madness (Sh.); yech a kind of fairy; yechi, yochu a spirit (K.); jakkh demogod, devout worshipper; ogress (P.); jak demon; jakhni_ female demon in the service of Durga_ (H.); ja_kha, ja_khala demon (OG.); jakhi_n., ja~ki_n. ghost of a woman who died in childbirth or drowned herself; ja_khi_n., ja~_khi_n. old and ugly woman; jakha_i_-jukha_i_ two female fiends, minor deities and demons in general (M.); yak-a_ demon; yakin-i_, yakinna (Si.); zoc unruly (of children), knotty, complicated (Kho.); ja_khar. idiot (Ku.); jakkhu huge (N.); ja_k cowdung cake called maha_de placed on a grain heap to ward off evil eye (Bi.)(CDIAL 10395). yakkha [fr. yaka to move quickly; perhaps: swift creatures, changing their abode quickly and at will; or fr. yaj: a being to whom a sacrifice (of expiation or propitiation) is given; the term yaks.a as attendants of Kube_ra occurs already in the Upanishads.] yakkha name of certain non-human beings, as spirits, ogres, dryads, ghosts, spooks. Their usual epithet and category of being is amanussa, i.e., not a human being (but not a sublime god either); a being half deified and of great power as regards influencing people (partly helping, partly hurting)... Historically they are remnants of an ancient demonology and of considerable folkloristic interest, as in them old animistic beliefs are incorporated and as they represent creatures of the wilds and forests... they are sometimes called devata_ or devaputta_... their usual capacity is one of kindness to men... whole cities stand under the protection of, or are inhabited by yakkhas... Lanka_ (Ceylon)... inhabited by yakkhas... in a progressive order they rank between manussa and gandhabba; they are mentioned with devas, rakkhasas, da_navas, gandhabbas, kinnaras and mahoragas... the four great kings (lokapa_la_), the followers of Vessavan.a (alias Yama, the yakkhas proper) and men (yakkha = satta, nara, puggala, manussa) go by the name of yakkha... Sakka, the king of the devas, is often named yakkha... Some are spirits of trees (rukkha-devata_)... their cult seems to originate primarily from the woods, and secondarily from the legends of sea-faring merchants. To the later origin point the original descriptions of a vima_na or fairy-place, which is due to a sort of mirage. These are usually found in or at the sea, or in the neighbourhood of silent lakes, where the sense of hauntedness has given rise to the fear of demons or supernatural witchcraft... the entrances to a vima_na by means of a dried-up river bed... some of their names are: a_l.avaka forest-dweller, uppala lotus, kakudha kakudha tree, terminalia arjuna; kumbhi_ra crocodile, vajira thunderbolt, sa_ta_gira pleasant-mount, seri_saka acacia-dweller... In harmony with tradition they share the role of their master kube_ra as lord of riches and are the keepers (and liberal spenders) of underground riches, hidden treasures etc., with which they delight men... they can transfer themselves to any place with their palaces and work miracles... they are shy and afraid of palmyra leaf and iron; their eyes are red and do not wink. Their abode is their self-created palace (vima_na), which is anywhere in the air, or in trees etc... yakkha-nagara city of yakkhas (= siri_savatthu)... yakkha-mahiddhi, yakkhiddhi magic power of a yakkha... yakkha-su_kara a yakkha in the form of a pig... yakkha-sena_pati chief-commander of the yakkha-army (Pali.lex.) "In the early records, yakkha as an appellation is, like na_ga, anything but depreciative. Not only is Sakka so called, but the Buddha himself is so referred to in poetic diction. We have seen kakudha, son of the gods, so addressed; and the city of the gods, Alakamanda_, is described as crowed with yakkhas (gods). They have a deva's supernormal powers..." (Mrs. Rhys Davids, Book of the Kindred Sayings, I, 1917, p.262). "Kubera or Kuvera (Vais'ravan.a, vais'raman.a, also in Buddhist literature Vessavan.a, Pa_cika, Jambhala etc.) is one of the four Great Kings... and the chief of all Yaks.as... worshipped especially for treasure... His city A_l.aka situated on Mt. Kaila_sa (also the abode of S'iva) is a magnificent walled town, where dwell not only Yaks.as, but also Kim.naras, Munis, Gandharvas and Ra_ks.asas. Very possibly, as M. Goloubew (Ars Asiatica, X) has suggested, the whole of the ceiling of Cave I at Ajan.t.a_ may be regarded as a representation of the Paradise of Kuvera... Kubera has many beautiful palaces, groves, gardens etc. on Mt. Kaila_sa... Gan.es'a (lord of hosts) is undoubtely a Yaks.a type... perhaps actually equivalent to Kubera or Man.ibhadra... Kuber himself can be regarded as the first smelter of gold (Hopkins, Epic Mythology, p.146)... (on Buddhist railings)... the Kim.naras and Kim.purus.as, and Gandharvas too, (are represented) typically half-human, half-equine... the haunt or abode (bhavanam) of a Yaks.a, often referred to as a caitya (Pali, cetiya, Prakrit, ce_iya) or a_yatana (Prakrit a_yayan.a) may be outside a city, in a grove, on a mountain or at a gha_t... or by a tank... or at the gates of a city... or even within the palace precincts... the essential element of a Yaks.a holystead is a stone table or altar (veyad.d.i, maco) placed beneath the tree sacred to the Yaks.a... it is quite certain that the word caitya sometimes means no more than a sacred tree, or a tree with an altar... caitya-vr.ks.as in the Epics... the grove of sa_l-trees belonging to the Mallas, where the Parinibba_n.a took place... The incense made from deodar and vatica robusta is liked by all deities; but sallaki_ya incense is disliked by the gods and suitable only for the Daityas... The prospector, before digging for treasure in Northern India, makes offerings of meat, seasmum seeds, and flowers, to Kuvera, Ma_n.ibhadra etc. (MBh. 14,65,11)... there is no motif more fundamentally characteristic of Indian art from first to last than is that of the Woman and Tree... sa_l-tree, mango, plaks.a and as'oka-tree... vr.ksaka_ dryad... s'a_labhajika_, 'she who plucks s'a_la flowers'... the maidens of Avanti_ worship Manobhava (= Mayan.a, Ka_madea), laying their offerings of perfumes, flowers, turmeric, and chinese silk... in the cool shade of a mango tree... Varun.a himself is a patron of physicians... Kubera's nine treasures are the padma, maha_padma, s'an:kha, makara, kacchapa, mukunda, nanda, ni_la, kharva, and nearly all of these are water-symbols... it is the whole lotus plant that is generally represented in art... lotus rises from a pun.n.a ghat.a... banyan nyagrodha... makara with the ornamented lotus rhizome proceeding from its mouth... jalebha (water-elephant) and lotus... s'an:kha and lotus... " (Ananda Coomaraswamy, Yaks.as, 1980, 2nd edn., Part I, pp.6-43; Part II, pp.11-84).{The terms a_l.avaka, uppala, kakudha, kumbhi_ra, vajira, sa_ta_gira, seri_saka seem to represent specific trees which yielded fragrant substances or medicines or were used for making ropes: cf. ar.er the jujube tree (Mth.); a_d.eri_ solanum jacquinii (S.)(CDIAL 1104); uppala lotus (Pali); kakudha the tree terminalia arjuna (Skt.Pali)(CDIAL 2583); kumbhin a sort of fragrant resin, guggula (Skt.lex.); kumbi, kumri the tree careya arborea (H.); khu~bha_ a wild tree with thick leaves and bark used for making ropes (M.)(CDIAL 3309)}. Perfumed paste: yaks.a-kardama a perfumed paste consisting of camphor, agallochum, musk and bdellium (Ka.lex.) yaks.a-kardama an ointment consisting of camphor, agallochum (aguru), musk (kastu_ri_) and kakkola (according to others, also sandal and saffron) mixed in equal proportions (Skt.lex.)
2938.Clotty: cf. kardama flesh; mud, mire, clay; filth (Ka.lex.) kardamita made clotty; karda, kardat.a the fibrous root of the lotus (SKt.lex.)a)River; ocean: sa_gara-va_ri the ocean; sa_gara the ocean; sa_garanta, sa_garapariyanta bounded or surrounded by the ocean (said of the earth)(Pali.lex.) cf. Raft: va_ri-ratam raft, as in a floating festival, boat (Ta.lex.) sa_gara ocean (Mn.Pali.Pkt.); sa_(y)ara (Pkt.); sa_iru sea, river (S.); sa_yar, sa_yer sea, lake (B.); sa_yara sea (OMth.); sa_yar sea (H.); sa_r-bha_t.a_ ebb tide (H.); sa_yara sea (OMarw.); sa_yar, sa_her (G.); sa_yara (OM.); sayura (Si.)(CDIAL 13325). sa_gara-plavanam navigating (the ocean)(Skt.lex.) ca_kamar ocean, sea, as dug by Cakarar (cakarar tot.t.ala_r- ca_karam en-ap peyar tar..aippa : Kampara_. Akali. 43)(Ta.lex.)
2939.Becoming; creation; wealth, prosperity, fortune: a_kkam word indicating change from one state to another (Tol. Col. 20); id. (Ma.); increase, development (Na_lat.i. 301); creation (Ci. Ci. 1,37); gain, profit (Kur-al., 463); accumulation (Kur-al., 755); wealth, prosperity, fortune (Kur-al., 457); gold; arrangement, preparation, as in cleansing rice (Tol. Col. 1, Ce_n-a_.); a_kka-k-kil.avi word indicating change from one state or quality to another (Tol. Col. 22);[kil.avi word, term (Tol.); kil.attal to express clearly (Tol. Po. 211); kil.avi speech (Ain:kur-u. 490); language (Kalla_. 38,3)(Ta.lex.)]; a_kkan:ku_r-utal to bless, invoke a blessing (Tiruvil.ai. Ma_yap. 26)(Ta.); a_kka-p-pa_t.u advantage, gain (Periyapu. Tiruja_n-a. 77); a_kkutal to arrange, make preparations (Tol. Col. 1, Ce_n-a_.); to effect, make (Na_lat.i. 124); to change, convert (Kampara_. A_r-. 17); a_kku creation (Te_va_. 914,7)(Ta.lex.) a_kkam Laks.mi_; benediction (Tiruvil.ai. Ma_yap. 26); arrangement, preparation, as in cleaning rice (Tol. Col. 1, Ce_n-a_.); a_kkar installed deities (Ta.lex.) a_ (a_n--, a_yi-), a_ku (a_ki-) to come into existence, happen, be, be fit, agreeable, be like, equal (Ta.); a_ becoming; a_ (-pp-, -tt-) to cause, bring about; a_kku (a_kki-) to effect, make, cause to be, create, arrange; creation; a_kkam creation, increase, prosperity; a_kkan- that which is artificial; a_kkiyo_n- creator, author of a book; a_kkum perhaps, indeed; a_ka completely, in that fashion, adverbial suffix (Ta.); a_kuka to be that, become that, be what it ought to be, to be right, be possible; a_kkuka to make to be that; place, put, employ; a_kkikka to cause to make; a_kkam what one puts, contentment, strength, continuance; a_ka altogether, being, so as to be (Ma.); a.g- (a.y-/a.n-; some forms from a.-; gerunds a.r.y, a.t.y) to become; a.k- (a.yk-) to make to become, prepare (Ko.); o.x- to become, be agreeable, be of use, menstruate; o.k- (o.ky-) to place; o.-, o.-ho.- yes (To.); a_gu (a_n-, a_y-, etc.), agu (rare) to come into existence, happen, become, prove, to be, be, etc.; n. becoming, coming to pass; a_gisu to cause to become, bring about, perform; a_guvike, a_guha becoming, happening, etc.; -a_gi adverbial suffix; a_m. interj. of assent of recollection (Ka.); a.g- to become; a.ku yes, all right; a.k- (a.ki-) to make to stay in a place; ayni genuine, true; ayni mane central house of family (Kod..); a_pini (irregular forms, including 2 sg. neut. past. a_n.d.u) to be, become, grow, happen, occur, fit, suit, be possible, be related to; a_vu it may be or may happen (Tu.); agu, avu (ayi having become; allomorph ka_-) to be, become, prove to be, be done, be fit, be agreeable; adj. which is; ayite possible, which may be or can be done, convenient; n. possibility, convenience; ayina which is or has become, agreeable, suitable; -ga_ adverbial suffix; ka_vincu to do, make, perform, produce, cause to be done (Te.); an- to be in a place, be so-and-so; a- allomorph of er- (edd-) to become; a.p- (a.pt-) to keep in a place, entrust (Kol.); and.- to be; a_p- to keep; akk- to make, do; an- to be (Nk.); aia_na_ (irregular; 3 sg. impf. a_nd; some forms from stem a_-), (most dialects) a_- tobe (Go.); a- (a_t-, a_n-) to be, become (Kond.a); a_- (a_t-) id. (Pe.Mand..Kuwi); a_va (a_t-) to become, be, happen, be sufficient, finished; n. being, becoming, accomplishment, sufficiency (Kui); aiyali to be, become; a_nai to occur (Kuwi); anning (stems an-, ar-, as-, a-) to be (Br.)(DEDR 333). Experience; realize; get accustomed: axna_ (axcas, akkhas) to know, realize, experience, mistake for; axka_, akhka_ knowledge, experience (Kur.); ge (aqqa) to know, understand; gre to get accustomed to (Malt.)(DEDR 17). cf. ar-i (-v-, -nt-) to know, understand, perceive, ascertain; n. knowledge (Ta.); erka knowledge (Kol.); harrifing to inquire, ask (Br.)(DEDR 314). as' reach (Skt.); as'no_ti obtains (RV.); has'o_nu to be obtained (Sh.)(CDIAL 916). abhya_s'a near (R.); abhya_s'am adv. (AitBr.); abbha_sa subst. and adj. (Pkt.); abhya_sa near (Pali); abiyesa neighbourhood; biyes near (Si.)(CDIAL 547). vyas.t.i attainment, success (TS.); vat.han.u to seize (S.); vat.t.han. (L.); ba_t.ho skilful, wise (N.); ba_t. cunning, clever (M.)(CDIAL 12179). To exist: a_yitu, a_yittu, a_ytu it became, etc.; a_y the form of the pp. of a_gu, to which the affixes tu, itu, ittu are joined (Ka.); a_y (Ta.) = a_gi (Ka.); a_yi (Tu.) = a_da (Ka.); a_gu, ak, agu to come into being or existence (Ka.Ta.Ma.Tu.); to happen; to be (Ka.lex.) ah- to be (H.Avadhi_.); h (P.R.Br.H.); a_hn.em. (M.); a_m.h- (S.); present hu_m. etc. (H.); na_him. is not, no (M.H.)(Bloch, p. 302). cf. a_kat.t.um let it happen (Ta.lex.) ac to remain (Romany); chum. (G.); chu_m. (R.); chi_ (Mth.); asn.em. to be, to exist (M.); chus to remain (K.); chu (N.); achna_ (H.); a_chi (B.); achi I am (Or.); acchati (Pali); acchai (Pkt.); archaic future in: escit (Latin); pretarite eskhon, eskhe (Gk.); subjunctive : isem that I be (Armenian); sketar is (Tocharian B); skente are (Bloch, p. 298). a_ks.e_ti abides, dwells in (RV.); a_ks.iyati exists (AV.); a_ks.yati is to be found, is (AV.); aks.am.ti (As'.); ach'ati is (NiDoc.); akkhai continues to be, is (Pkt.); chus I am (K.) < a_ks.ito_ smi (Skt.); chu is (K.); necchi is not (WPah.); akhalu was (OMth.); khe is; naikhe is not (Bhoj.)[cf. a_ks.e_pa objection (Sus'r.); akkhe_pa (Pali); akkhe_va (Pkt.)(CDIAL 1032)]; nakhi_ am not; nai_khi~_ (Bhoj.); a_ge is (B.); ho_ti, huati (Skt.); hach'ati (NiDoc.); hokkhai (Pkt.); hokhe becomes (Bi.Bhoj.); hakai, 3rd pl. hakhin (Bi.Bhoj.); acchati sits still, remains, behaves, is (Pali); acchai sits, remains, is, pp. acchiya- (Pkt.); a_chi is (Bhi_li_ of Naikad.i_ (Pkt.); achai is (OG.); che (G.); asn.e~ to remain, stay, exist, be (M.); a_ssu_ke to be (Konkan.i); achav I remain; ac- to stay, live, stand (Gypsy); cha is (D..); cop thou art (Dm.); oc- to be (Pas'.); cha is (Garh.Ku.N.); exists (N.); a_siba to exist, be (A.); a_chi is (B.); achi (Or.); a_chai (OMth.); achab (Mth.)[X old akh-: chikai he is (Monghyr dial.)]; a_chai is (OAw.); a_chna_, achna_ to remain, exist, be (H.); chai exists, lives, is (OMarw.); X ho_- in ho_cer is in the state of (Gypsy); acch-, a_kh- remained in the form of a_h-, ah-, h- (e.g. ahai (OB.); ae (B.); a_hai (OH.); hai (H.)] with -h- < -kh- in the unemphatic verb, whereas -kh- remained in the emphatic positive and negative: hai is (Bi.); emph. hakai is (Bi.); a_he_ is; ne_khe_ is not (Bi.); achi is (Or.); nuhi is not, 3rd pl. na_ha_nti (Or.); in languages which distinguish conjugations in -a- and -e~-, the present tense may be from <*a_khe~: a~_hi~_ni they are (S.); a_hin (L.)(CDIAL 1031). cf. akam inside, house (Ta.)(DEDR 7). Dwell; bird's nest: cf. ks.i dwell (Skt.); a_kher.o a bird's nest (S.)(CDIAL 1021). a_hita placed, put (Skt.Ka.); aha = a_guva, a_ha (Ka.); ahuda_gu to become or be 'yes' or true (Ka.) (Ka.lex.) Neighbourhood: ayal neighbourhood (Ma.Ta.); adjacent place (Ta.); acal neighbourhood, adjacent place, being foreign or alien; acalar neighbours, strangers (Ta.)(DEDR 189). a_yatana resting place, home (TS.); sanctuary (ChUp.); place, sphere (Pali); a_yayan.a house, refuge (Pkt.)(CDIAL 1285). a_s'sia_ a servant in the harem (Or.)(CDIAL 1452). a_vasati dwells (RV.); sleeps with (Mn.); resides (Pali); stays (Pkt.); a_ohiba to recline (A.)(CDIAL 1425). a_s'aya a resting place; an abode, an asylum (Ka.lex.) a_ccu < a_yir-r-u finished, done (Ta.); id. (Ma.)(Ta.lex.)
2940.To educate; send a message: sa~_ku to educate, foster (Te.)(DEDR 2427). sakkhara educated (Pkt.); sa_khara literate (H.); sa_ks.ara containing letters; eloquent (Skt.)(CDIAL 13320). cf. can:katam Sanskrit (Te_va_. 858,2); can:kam learned assemblies or academies of ancient times patronised by Pa_n.d.ya kings (Periyapu. Mu_rttina_. 7)(Ta.lex.) si_ks.ate_ wishes to overcome (RV.); sik to learn, teach; sikav, siker to teach (Gypsy); sicoiki, sicilus to learn; caus. sicaroiki to teach; caus. sicoiki, pret. sice_gas to send a message to; sinco_nu, caus. sinca_yo_nu (Sh.)(CDIAL 13426)]. sikhat, sikhauna, siknat teaching; sikhau, siknat to teach (Santali.lex.) s'iks. learn (Skt.); s'iks.an.a act of learning (Skt.); in cmpd. teaching (Skt.); sikkhana study, teaching (Pali); sikkhan.a (Pkt.); xikani instruction (A.); s'iks.ate_ learns (RV.); s'iks.ati (S'Br.); sikkhati learns (Pali); s'ichatu (NiDoc.); sikkhai (Pkt.); sik to learn, teach (Gypsy); che~_c to learn (Dm.); chich (Kal.); chichik (Kho.); hechun (K.); sikhan.u (S.); sikkhan. (L.); sikkhn.a_ (P.); s'ikhn.u_, s'ican., s'ikkhrna_, s'ikhn.o~_, sikkhn.a_ (WPah.); sikhn.o (Ku.); siknu (N.); xikiba (A.); sik(h)a_ (B.); sikhiba_ (Or.); sikhab (Mth.); si_khai (OAw.); si_khna_ (H.); sikhvu~ (G.); s'ik(h)n.e~ (M.); s'ikta_ (Konkan.i); caus.: sikkha_pe_ti teaches (Pali); sikkha~_vei (Pkt.); sikav (Gypsy); sikha_in.u (S.); sikha_van. (L.); sakha_un.a_ (P.);[cf. -a- as in sa~_ku (Te.)]; s'ikha_n.o~_ (WPah.); sikhon.o (Ku.); sikha_unu (N.); xika_iba (A.); sikha_na (B.); sikha_iba_ (Or.); sikha_na_ (H.); sikhavvu~ (G.); s'ikavin.e~ (M.)(CDIAL 12430). s'iks.ayati informs (Mn.); chiche_ik to teach (Kho.); sicoiki, pret. sicegas to send a message to (Sh.)(CDIAL 12431). s'iks.a_ learning, study (MBh.); punishment (Skt.); s'iks.a_dan.d.a corrective punishment (BhP.);[cf. siksa to accuse (Malay); chis'kinas to accuse (Bur.)]; sikkha_ study, discipline (Pali.Pkt.); s'echi message (K.); sikha learning (S.); sikkh advice (P.); si_kh (Ku.); dekha-siki imitation (N.); sikha advice, instruction (OAw.); si_kh (H.); si_kha advice (OG.); si_kh punishment (G.); hik study (Si.)(CDIAL 12432). s'iks.ya to be taught (Skt.); sikhu disciple (S.); sikkh pupil (L.)(CDIAL 12433). cf. s'is.ya pupil (Skt.)(CDIAL 12482).
2941.Image: row: sa_hi line, row, row of neighbouring houses (Or.)(CDIAL 12376).
2942.Image: likeness; pair: sahal.u likeness (Si.); sa_haya drawn together, enveloped (Pkt.); sam.hr.ta drawn together (MBh.)(CDIAL 13065). Image: pair of fish roes: san:gha_r.i pair of fish roes (Or.)(CDIAL 12859). san:gha_t.ika_ a pair, couple (Skt.lex.) sa~gherna_ to hobble two cows together left leg to right leg to prevent straying; sa~ghera_ the rope with which this is done (H.)(CDIAL 12864). san:gal.a pair (Si.); sam.gha_d.a, sam.gha_d.aga, sam.gha_d.i_ pair (Pkt.); san:gha_r.i two rolls of thread for twisting to the sacred thread (Or.)(CDIAL 12859). cf. can:ku < s'an:ku stake, peg, spike (Ta.lex.)
2943.Image: entrance: can:kat.a- 'entrance' in can:kat.a-p-pat.alai a barred gate at the entrance of a house or garden (J.)(Ta.)(Ta.lex.) cf. saga_d.a_ frame of a building (M.)(CDIAL 12859). can:ka-mukam < san:ga-mukha river-mouth (Cilap. 9,57, Urai.)(Ta.)(Ta.lex.)
2944.Image: bridge; passage: san:kama passage, bridge (Pali); sam.kama bridge (Pkt.); sa~_go, sa_n.o (Ku.); sa~_gu, sa~_ghu small cane bridge repaired only in the cold weather (N.); xa~_ku bridge (of poles or bamboos or masonry)(A.); sa~_ko bridge (B.); san:kua (Or.); sa~_ka_, sa~_kho, sa~_khu~, sa~_kha_ (Or.); sa~_kav, sa~_ku_ (M. < s'an:ku)(CDIAL 12834). san:ko a bridge (Tu.lex.) sam.krama going together (VS.); steps to water, bridge (Mn.)(CDIAL 12834). san:gla_ a plank bridge in the hills (P.)(CDIAL 12260). Image: blocking a stream: sa~_kar blocking a stream (M.)(CDIAL 12818). sa~_kha_ra_, sa~_kera_, sa~_kora_ rubbish and mud blocking a waterchannel (M.)(CDIAL 12820). sa~_ku_l. straws etc. blocking a stream (M.)(CDIAL 12828). sa~_ka_, sa_ka_ straw etc. collected and blocking a stream, dregs, a mixture of copper and inferior gold for soldering trinkets (M.)(CDIAL 12829). san:ka a bridge (Ka.); sa_n:ku_ a float or bridge of rude and hasty construction (M.)(Ka.lex.) sakho, sako bridge (Santali.lex.) Narrow; difficulty: san:kat.t.a-caturtti < san:kas.t.a + a fast observed in honour of Gan.e_s'a (Vina_yakapu. 47,6) (Ta.) (Ta.lex.) sam.kat.a contracted, narrow, dangerous; n. defile, difficulty, danger (MBh.); sam.kad.a, sam.kad.ia narrow (Pkt.); sangur steep hill (K.); sa~_gar.o_ narrow (WPah.); sa~_gur.o (Ku.); sa~_guro (N.); sa~_kur (Or.); sa~_kar narrow; n. narrow lane (H.); sakra_ tight, narrow (H.); sa_m.kad.a narrow (OG.); sa~_kr.u~ (G.); sa~_kad., sa~_kd.a_ tight, narrow (M.); sa~_kad., sa~_kd.e~ a difficulty (M.); sakul.u hard, fast, massive (Si.)(CDIAL 12817). can:kat.a-p-pat.alai a barred gate at the entrance of a house or garden (J.); can:kat.appa_t.u state of being in trouble or distress (Ta.); san:kat.apa_t.u (Te.); can:kat.am difficulty, trouble, straitened circumstances (Te_va_. 702,2); narrow path; a barred gate (Ta.lex.) san:kat.a, san:gat.a contracted, narrow, strait; a narrow passage (Ka.lex.) Image: narrow: sa~_kur narrow (Or.)(CDIAL 12828). sam.kad.a, sam.kad.ia narrow (Pkt.); sa~_gar.o_ narrow (WPah.); sa~_gur.o (Ku.); sa~_guro (N.); sa~_kur (Or.); sa~_kar narrow; narrow lane; sakra_ tight, narrow (H.); sa_m.kad.a narrow (OG.); sa~_kr.u~ (G.); sa~_kad., sa~_kd.a_ tight, narrow; sa~_kad., sa~_kd.e~ a difficulty (M.)(CDIAL 12817). sa~_kat.an., sa~_kat.n.e~ chopping block (M.); sakut.an. (Konkan.i)(CDIAL 12826). sa~_kat.n.e~ to chip up (M.)(CDIAL 12827). sa~_kar. a difficulty (H.); sa~_kad. (G.)(CDIAL 12830). sr.a_ narrow, tight, near; saur.a_ id.; saur. constriction (L.)(CDIAL 13068). To shrink; to contract: sam.kut.ati bends oneself together (Skt.); sam.kut.ana contracting (Skt.); san:kut.ita doubled up, shrunk (Pali); san:kun.d.ita distorted (Pali); sam.kud.ia contracted (Pkt.); su~gran. to shrink, dwindle; sun:gur.un. (L.); sun:gar.na_, sun:gur.na_, san:gar.n.a_, sukar.na_ to contract (P.); sa_n:kur.iba_, sa_n:kul.iba_ to contract, draw in one's limbs (Or.); sa~kar.na_, sakar.na_, sukar.na_, sikar.na_ to be contracted (H.); sakul.anava_, hakul.anava_, akul.anava_ to curl up, fold, roll in (Si.)(CDIAL 12825). sam.kucyate_ is contracted, shrinks (Sus'r.); sam.kucati (Skt.); san:kucati (Pali); sam.kuyai (Pkt.); sam.kucae_ (Pkt.); sa~guccn.a_, sa~gu_can.a_, sukacn.a_ to shrink, be drawn together (P.); sa_n:kuciba_ to contract (Or.); sakucab to be pressed, be squeezed (Mth.); sakucai shrinks, trembles, is shy (OAw.); sakucna_, sukucna_ to shrink, become narrow or tight (H.)(CDIAL 12824). sam.ko_cayati is contracted (MBh.); san:ko_ce_ti (Pali); sam.ko_ai (Pkt.); sa~gocn.a_ to contract, draw in (P.); sa~goc contraction (P.); sa_n:kociba_ to contract (Or.); sam.kocai is pressed (OMth.); sa~kocna_ to make shrink (H.)(CDIAL 12832). sam.ko_d.iya contracted (Pkt.); su~gor.an. to shrink (L.); sa~gor.n.a_, su~gor.n.a_ to contract, draw up (as the arms and legs)(P.); sakor.na_, sikor.na_, si~kor.na_ to contract, compress, crumple together; suker.na_, saker.na_ (H.)(CDIAL 12833). Closely packed: sm.kirati bestows liberally (RV.); mixes together (MBh.); pp. sam.ki_rn.a (Ya_j.); sam.ki_rati mixes together (Pali); sakilna_ to collect, accumulate, purse, shrink (H.); san:kin.n.a mixed (Pali); closely packed (Pkt.); sakinu scattered, confused, mixed (Si.)(CDIAL 12823). sa~guccn.a_, sa~gucan.a_, sukacn.a_ to be drawn together, to shrink (P.); sam.kucyate_ is contracted, shrinks (Sus'r.); sa_n:kuciba_ to contract (Or.); sakucab to be pressed, be squeezed (Mth.); sakucna_, sukucna_ to shrink, become narrow or tight (H.)(CDIAL 12824). Herd: katuppu herd of cattle (Ta.); kadupu herd, flock (Ka.); kadale, kadal.i a mass, multitude (Ka.); kadupu id. (Te.); kadamba(ka)- multitude, troop (Skt.)(DEDR 1198). ghat.a_ collection, mass (BhP.); ghad.a_ collection, mass (Pkt.); ghad.i_, ghad.ia_ assembly (Pkt.); ghari bunch (of bananas)(N.); ghad. bunch, testicles (M.); gar testicle (Gypsy); gha_ri thicket, jungle (N.); gha_d bundle of rice straw (M.); ghat.t.a dense (Pkt.); collection, troop (Pkt.)(CDIAL 4411). sam.kula crowded together, dense (MBh.); san:kula crowded (Pali); sam.kula filled (Pkt.); sa~_kur narrow (Or.); sa~_kul. straws, etc. blocking a stream (M.); sa~_kul.n.e~ to become thick and clotted (M.); sakul.u numerous (Si.)(CDIAL 12828). sam.kr.s.t.a drawn together (Ka_tyS'r.); sam.kat.t.ha, sam.kit.t.ha scraped together (Pkt.); sa~get.hnu, sa~get.nu to collect greedily, hoard (N.)(CDIAL 12831). Image: swarm of fish; combined: gha_t.ita produced (Skt.); ghat.ita connected (Pali); combined (pp. of ghat.eti to join, to connect, to unite < denominative from ghat.a multitude, heap, dense mass, i.e. thiket, cluster; e.g., maccha-ghat.a a swarm of fish (Pali.lex.); ghad.ia- (Pkt.); ghar.i_ folded (H.)(CDIAL 4412).
2945.Image: monkey: sakam-gar.i a small kind of long-tailed macaque, the larger kind being called kuba gar.i (Mu.lex.) ga~r.i_ monkey (Santali.lex.) s'a_kha_mr.ga monkey (MBh.); sa_kha_m.ga monkey (Pali); sa_ha_mia, sa_ha_maya (Pkt.); sa_muva_ (Si.)(CDIAL 12377). cf. s'a_kha_ branch (RV.); sa_kha_, sa_kha branch (Pali); sa_ha_ (Pkt.)(CDIAL 12376). sin:gan.ika, sin:gal.i_ka a black monkey (Ka.); cin:glike a large kind of ape (Tu.); sin:gili_kamu the great black monkey (Te.)(DEDR 2502). Image: monkey: sin:gal.i_ka, sin:gan.ika a black monkey (Ka.); tin:gali_ka (Te.)(Ka.lex.)
2946.An annular continent: ca_ka-t-ti_vu an annular continent, named after a tree called ca_kam or teak (Kampara_. Pat.aikka_. 9); ca_ka-t-tuvi_pam id.(Ta.lex.) cf. te_kka-t-ti_vu an annular continent named after the tree called, te_kku, one of er..u-ti_vu (Ta.lex.) te_kkan-ti_vu (Ta.lex.) sim.hala bark, rind; the island country of Ceylon (Skt.lex.) Sri Lanka: sim.hala Sri Lanka (Ceylon); pl. Sinhalese (MBh.); sim.halaka (VarBr.S.); si_hala, si_halaka Sinhalese (Pali); sim.hala, si_hala (Pkt.); hel.a Ceylon; (h)el.u pertaining to the language of Ceylon < co_d.a (Si.)(CDIAL 13385). Siam: ci_yam < siyam (Malay) Siam (Ta.lex.)
2947.Eaglewood: ca_katun.t.am < ka_katun.d.a eaglewood, akil (Ta.lex.) cf. ca_ka-tti_vu an annular continent named after a tree called ca_kam or teak (Kampara_. Pat.aikka_. 9)(Ta.lex.) ka_katun.t.am eagle-wood (Cu_l.a_. Ci_ya. 105)(Ta.lex.) ka_katun.d.am a dark species of agallochum (Skt.Ka.lex.) jon:gaka synonym of aguru (Car. Ci. 1-4.15). sa_y, sava_, sa_g teak wood (M.); sa_g (G.H.); sa_gu (S.); s'a_ka (Skt.)(Bloch, p.407). Tectona grandis: te_kku teak (Akana_. 107); id. (Ma.)(Ta.lex.) cekka, sekka bark of tree (Kol.); s'ekka bark of tree (Nk.); cakka bark (Go.)(DEDR 2748). s'a_ka the teak tree (B. Sam..) saka (Skt.); sagwan (H.P.M.); segun (B.); tekku (Ta.); peddateku (Te.); tekka (Ma.); tega (Ka.); chingjagu(Assam); wood: powdered and made into a plaster used for hot headaches and for swellings; vermifuge; ashes of wood: applied to swollen eyelids; bark: astringent; oil from nuts: promotes growth of hair, useful in scabies; wood contains quinine-like substance tectoquinine; habitat: Konkan, W. Ghats of Bombay and Madras States, Circars, Deccan, Carnatic and Madhya Bharat (GIMP, p. 240). cf. te_kku teak, tectona grandis (Ta.)(DEDR 3452) lot.pot.o dare, sagun tectona grandis (Santali.lex.) s'a_ka the teak tree tectona grandis (Gr.S'r.); sa_ka teak tree (Pali); sa_ga (Pkt.); sa_y, sa_ya_, sa_va_, sa~_va_, sa_yla_ (M.); sakhuwa_ (N.); sa_khu_, sa~_khu_, sakhua_ (H.); sa_gu_ (S.)(CDIAL 12369). ca_ki < s'a_khin tree (Ta.lex.) Eagle-wood; fragrant powder: s'r.n:ga_ra a fragrant powder for the dress or body; agallocham; s'r.n:gajam aloe wood; s'r.n:ga-mo_hin the champaka tree (Skt.lex.) cf. aguru, agaru, canda_l.a the dark species of agallochum; the fragrant aloe wood and tree, aquilaria agallocha; the tree which yields bdellium, amyris agallocha (Ka.lex.)
2948.Image: broom: ci_y (-pp-, -tt-) to sweep; ci_vu (ci_vi-) to sweep clean (as floor), clean (as teeth); ci_kku rubbish; ci_kam-pul broom-grass (Ta.)(DEDR 2599). sim.ka_ root stem of the grass andropogon muricatus (Pkt.); si~_k the grass anathorium muricatum (scented roots of which are used for making screens)(P.); si~_k spiky culm of andropogon muricatus (of which brooms are made)(H.)(CDIAL 13392). ci_ku broom-grass (Ta.); ci_puru (Te.); ci_pari (Ka.); ci_r..ku broom-grass, aristida setacea (Tol. Er..ut. 415, Urai.); u_kam, u_kai id.; ci_ppan.-ko_rai clubrush, bulrush (Ta.lex.) To sweep: ci_ (-pp-, -tt-) to sweep off, brush away, wipe off, cleanse (Ta.); ci_pra_ a broom (Ta.); ki.p broom (To.); ci_pari broom (Ka.); ci.pe broom made of grass, palm leaves, etc. (Ka.); ci_kili, ci_puru a broom (Te.); sabdi broom (Nk.Kol.); ce_pid broom (Pa.); se_pet., ce_pe_d., se_pe, se_pe_t (Ga.); saiya_na_, saitta_na_, he_ya_na_, hey, hay, heyy, ey, ey, e_y to sweep (Go.); he_pur, hepur, e_por, e_pur broom (Go.); hepa_ a grass thysanolaena agrostis (Go.); siper. broom; sipa to sweep (Kond.a); hi_p to sweep (Pe.); hipos broom (Pe.); he_p to sweep (Mand..); he_pur broom (Mand..); se_pa (se_pi-) to sweep; n. sweeping (Kui.); se_peri broom, brush (Kui.); hepali, he_pinai, he_p to sweep (Kuwi); hepori, he_pori (pl. he_porka), herpori, hapori broom (Kuwi)(DEDR 2599).
2949.Scented substances mixed together: ce_kka_l.i, ce_tta_l.i < ce_rkkai + a_l.i one who collects, gathers scented substances mixed together and makes into pills (Ta.lex.) Compound; mixing: ce_rkkai compound, mixing (Ta.); ce_rvva mixture (Ma.); se_ruve, se_rve mass, assemblage (Ka.); s'e_ra_vuni to mix (Tu.)(DEDR 2814). Essence; secretion: cf. sa_ra essence; the quintessence; marrow; pith; the sap of trees and plants; semen virile; wealth, goods, riches; se_rve, se_ruve mixture (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) ce_rppu mixture (Ci.Ci. 4,5); ce_rkkai colecting, gathering; scented substanced mixed together and made into pills (Ta.); s'e_rige union (Tu.); ce_rika collecting, gathering (Te.); se_rige (Tu.); ce_r-tal to become united, to join together (Kampara_. Pu_kkoy. 5); ce_ru (Te.); se_ru (Ka.Tu.); ce_ruka (Ma.); ce_rvai mixture, compound (Tiruppu. 139); ingredients for medicinal or other composition; ce_rvai-c-cantan-am compound sandal paste (Ta.)(Ta.lex.) To gather: e_ppu a joint, patch (Ma.); e.p joint of two pieces of iron; e.gu.r.- (e.gu.c-) to gather; e.gu.t.n- (e.gu.c-) to gather (fuel, honey, grain, money)(Ko.); e.y- (e.c-) to join (pieces of two ends) together; o.ku.r.- (o.ku.r.y-) (things) are gathered, (men) work together; o.ku.t.- (o.ku.t.y-) to gather (things)(To.); e_ccu tie, connection (Ma.); e_kkuka to join so as to fit, patch (Ma.); e_ykkuka to unite, join (Ma.); e_yvu comparison, resemblance (Ta.); e_cuka, e_s'uka to unite, fit, meet (Ma.)(DEDR 899). cf. e_pi shorea robusta (Ka.); e_pe the sal tree (Te.)(DEDR 896). Female perfumer: sairandhri, sairindhri, sail.e_ndri a maid-servant or female attendant in the women's apartments; an independent female artisan working in another person's house; a female perfumer; a toilet woman; gandhaka_rike, gat.t.aval.ti (Ka.)(Ka.lex.)
2950.Collector of revenue: s'e_kada_ri, s'e_kada_rike the office or business of a s'e_kada_ra, the native collector of the revenue of a division of villages or land (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) san:grahitr. 'a treasurer or charioteer' (Hist. Dharm. Vol. III, p.111); prob. collector of the king's grain share (cf. Ghoshal, Hindu Revenue System, p.9; IEG, p.297). Native collector: s'e_kada_ra the native collector of the revenue of a division of villages or land (Ka.); s'e_kha-da_ra id. (M.H.)(Ka.lex.) ce_karakka_ran- servant who secures things (Tj.)(Ta.)(Ta.lex.) Acquisition: ce_karam collection, assemblage, gathering (Ta.); se_karamu id. (Te.); family, tribe; acquisition, savings; provision, preparation, readiness; ce_karatta_r company, party (Ta.)(Ta.lex.) ce_kari (-pp-, -tt-) to acquire, get, secure, procure, make ready, collect, gather, assemble (Ta.); s'e_karam assemblage, heap; s'e_kharikka to pile up (these are Sanskritized in form)(Ma.); se_karamu saving, collecting, collection, amassing; se_karincu to save, collect, amass, obtain, procure (Te.)(DEDR 2801). To collect; assemblage; heap: sacau to save money (Santali.lex.) cake to pile up; thak a pile (Santali.lex.) ce_ya to be piled (MBh.); citya built on a foundation (TS.); cejo act of making a foundation (Marw.)(CDIAL 4909). sangr.au to collect as money; to amass; juktao, samtao to amass; jumau, jurau to collect by littles; joara, jarwa, jut.au to collect; johrao to collect necessaries; jhaua, samtao to collect together; juktau to accumulate (Santali.lex.) se_kad.a_ per hundred; an aggregate of one hundred (Ka.); s'e_n:kad.a_ (M.H.)(Ka.lex.) sangi the condition of being several or numerous (Mu.lex.) jamkao, jomkao, cumkak to assemble; jauhar to assemble in large numbers; jueau an assembly; jokha, jur.ta,jut.au to get (Santali.lex.) Meets; bringing together: sam.kr.ti bringing together (TS.); sa~_kar. a difficulty (H.); sa~_kad. (G.)(CDIAL 12830). sam.galai melts, meets, is joined (Pkt.); sa~_gul.n.e~ to congeal, clot (M.)(CDIAL 12848). Greatness; fertility: cer..i (-pp-, -tt-) to thrive, flourish, grow well as vegetation, prosper (as kingdom, family, country), be fertile, be superabundant, be cheerful as countenance; (-v-, -nt-) to grow, increase; cer..icci flourishing; cer..ippu, cer..impu, cer..uttu, cer..umpal fertility, flourishing condition, prosperity, plenteousness, abundance, fullness; cer..umai flourishing condition, greatness, excellence, splendour, beauty, gracefulness, verdure (Ta.); cer..u fine, stout; cer..ikka to be fertile; cer..ippu fertility (Ma.)(DEDR 2789). Great or noble man: s'e_khara the best or most distinguished of a class (at the end of comp.) (Skt.lex.) ekkat.iga a superior, noble or great man (Ka.); ekkat.i superior, noble, great (Te.); ekkud.u greatness, height, ascent; high, great, mighty; ekku to rise, increase, swell; egi, ege to rise, spring up, fly or bound (Te.); ekkat.e greatness; wonder, a wonder (Ka.); ekkuve greatness etc.; a strange thing, novelty (Te.); ekke eminence, superiority; great force (Ka.); ekkuvu, ekkuve (Te.)(Ka.lex.) ce_kka_l.i friend (Tinn.)(Ta.lex.) -aggala in cmpds. 'additional' e.g. vi_sa_ ekkaggala_ (Pkt.); angle in front; an:glal, aglal from in front (Gypsy); agaro superior (S.); agla_ former (L.P.); a_gale in future (A.); a_gali being in front (OB.); a_gara best (OAw.); a_gal future, front part (H.); a_gal.i previously; a_gali before (OG.); a_gl.u~ previous, future, superior (G.); agl.a_ superior (M.); aggiliya first (Pkt.); agiro superior (Pkt.); a_gila future (OAw.); a_gil foremost (H.); a~_gla_ anterior (M.)(CDIAL 68). agaun.a chief, primary (Or.); agauni_ going forward to meet a visitor (H.)(CDIAL 70). agraga_min guide (Pa_n..); aggaga_miga leading (Pkt.); aga_u~_ guide, pioneer (P.)(CDIAL 71). agratah.sara going in front (Pa_n..); a_gusa_ra leading (Or.)(CDIAL 72). agratas in front (RV.); aggato_ in the beginning (Pali); aggao_ in front (Pkt.); aggo_ beforehand (P.); aghu~ next year (N.); a_gu~ from the beginning (Or.); a_gu in front (Or.)(CDIAL 73). agraya_van going before (RV.); agva_n.u guide (S.); agwa_n, agma_n leader (P.); a_guya_n precursor; adj. going in front; a_gone before (B.); a_gua_n.i adj. leading; a_gia_n.i (Or.); agwa_n guide (H.)(CDIAL 78). agwa_ha_ guide (P.); agwa_ (Ku.); aguwa_ (N.)(CDIAL 82). agawar.h something in given in advance (Bhoj.); agot.h, agot. period just before or after the beginning of the rains (M.)(CDIAL 84). a_gas, agas adv. early; a_gasn.e~, agasn.e~ to be early ripe (of fruit or grain)(M.); agras'as from the beginning (AV.)(CDIAL 85). Greatness, eminence: cf. veggal.a, veggal.e, eggal.a, heggal.a abundance, greatness, excess; a great man; veggal.isu, vekkal.isu to become much, increase greatly, become plentiful, go beyond the common boundary (in emotions), be elated or actuated by impulse (Ka.); veggalamu, veggalapu excess, too much; excessive, extreme; veggali~_d.u a great or extraordinary man (Te.)(DEDR 5467). aggal.a, aggal.e, argal.a greatness, eminence, excess; a great man; aggal.ike greatness, great power; aggal.isu, aggalisu to be or become pre-eminent, abundant or redundant, excel (Ka.); aggalika greatness, high degree, perseverance, eagerness; aggalincu to increase, grow, exert; aggalamu excessive, vehement (Te.); a_glo, a_gro, agro more, much (Go.); a_gal many, much; aggeli many (Kui); aga_da more; agar.a id., extra (Kuwi)(DEDR App.4). Fop: {Echo word} an:kacan:kam ostentation, foppery; an:ka-k-ka_ran- dandy, fop; masquerader (Or..ivi. Tur-avu. 19) (Ta.lex.) akkar. stiff, erect; fop; akr.a_vu~ to be stiff, boast (G.); akad.n.e~ to strut (M.); akar. foppery, twist, bend (H.); aku_ru stiff (K.); a_kar. affectation (P.); a_kar.i pride (S.); a_kir. stiffness, conceit (L.)(CDIAL 1013). eqto fop, coxcomb (Malt.); e_x-e_rna_ to give complacent looks at one's own dress (Kur.)(DEDR 873). akantai conceit, arrogance, haughtiness (Kantapu. Kat.avul.. 8)[?cf. aham.-ta_ (Skt.)]; akanakai derisive laughter (Cilap. 16,164, Urai); ekkar proud, haughty persons (Te_va_. 859,11); ekkal.ippu excessive joy tinged with conceit (Ta.lex.)
2951.Chieftainship: sikda_ri chieftainship; sikhar the highest point, top pinnacle (P.lex.)
2952.Management of sacred buildings: ci_karam < s'ri_-kara prosperity, fortune (Kantapu. Cayantan-pu. 20); ci_ < s'ri_ Laks.mi_ (Kantaran. 8); light, brilliancy (Kantaran. 69); part. an honorific prefix added to the names of deities, eminent persons and sacred objects, e.g. ci_ra_man-, ci_pa_tam (Ta.lex.) ci_ka_riyam < s'ri_ + management of sacred buildings and institutions (S.I.I. ii,311)(Ta.lex.) ci_r prosperity, wealth; greatness, excellence, superiority (Pur-ana_. 1)(Ta.); id. (Ma.)(Ta.lex.) ci_r beauty, esteem, fame, balance, measure (Ta.); good condition, increase (Ma.)(DEDR 2624). s'ri_ light, beauty (RV.); welfare, riches (AV.); siri_ (Pali.Pkt.); si_- prosperity (Pkt.); -s hon. affix to names of relationship (e.g. a_ja_-s, a_ji_-s)(M.); siri health, happiness (Si.)(CDIAL 12708). s're_yas better (RV.); auspicious (MBh.); better state (AV.); seyyo_ nom. sg. m. excellent; happiness (Pali); se_a fortunate; fortune; se_am.sa-, sejjam.sa adj. (Pkt.); s'e_ happy (Gypsy)(CDIAL 12721). cf. s're_s.t.ha most splendid, best (RV.); set.t.ha best (Pali)(CDIAL 12725). cf. semant. se_d.hi_ line, row (Pkt.)(CDIAL 12724). Wealth; prosperity: ci_r-cir-appu great prosperity; gifts to a girl given by her parents on the occasion of her marriage; ci_r-ceytal to give presents, as to a daughter, on the occasion of her marriage; ci_r-pa_t.al extolling or recounting the excellence of wedding parties, usually on the fourth day of marriage; ci_r-varicai presents given to a bride, dowry; ci_ra_t.i-k-kon.t.u-po_kai going of a married girl from her husband's house to her father's on the pretext of a petty quarrel; cir-apput.ai-k-kil.avi words of hospitality (Perun.. Ucaik. 34,44); ci_ra_t.t.utal to extol, applaud (Civaraka. Te_viyut.an-. 24); ci_riyar the noble, the great (Mu_turai, 18); ci_riya_r id. (Na_lat.i, 232); ci_riya adj. of surpassing excellence (Tiv. Tiruppa_. 23); ci_rit.am suitable place or opportunity (Kur-al., 821); ci_rul. prosperity, wealth; ci_rittal to be magnificent (Tan.ikaippu. Kal.avu. 494); ci_ra_l.an- distinguished person (Patin-o. Ar-puta. 44); ci_rtti < ki_rti great reputation, renown (Tol. Col. 313); ci_r-p-pa_t.u greatness (Periyapu. Tiruna_vuk. 11); ci_r (-pp-, -tt-) to be excellent, be superior (Tiv. Tiruva_y. 8,7,6); be suitable, fitting (as an opportunity)(Kur-al., 490); fall into rhythmic movement; n. prosperity, wealth; beauty, gracefulness (Malaipat.u. 570); goodness; greatness, excellence, superiority (Pur-ana_. 1); paramount importance (Tirumuru. 220); esteem, regard, reputation, fame, nature, good normal condition, literal meaning; equilibrium (Kampara_. Akat. 40); evenness, balance; measure, quantity (Pur-ana_. 6,8); heaviness; time-measure, song, metrical foot, sound of musical instruments; ci_rmai greatness, excellence, eminence (Kur-al., 123); reputation, renown (Tacaiva_. 241); weight (Man.i. 27,254); moderateness; decorum, good behaviour (Tiruppu. 109); smoothness, evenness, polish; [cillaa shining (Pkt.); cilkan.u to be bright (S.); cillo smooth, polished (N.); cilakna_ to be bright (H.)(CDIAL 4827)]; ci_rppu excellence (Perun.. Ucaik. 42,148); ci_rkka to swell, become stout; ci_rppikka to increase; ci_r-u good condition, luck (Ma.)(DEDR 2624). cir-a (-pp-, -tt-) to be eminent, illustrious (Pur-ana_. 6,19); surpass, excel (Tiruva_ca. 1,61); be abundant (Maturaik. 244); to be dear (Kur-al., 515); be auspicious, be graceful; rejoice (Kantapu. Yuttaka_n.. Emaku_. 31); cir-anto_r the great, the illustrious, gods, relatives, ascetics; cir-appu pre-eminence, superiority (Tol. Po. 28); pomp, grandeur; that which is special, distinctive, peculiar,opp. to potu (Kur-al., 972); abundance, wealth, prosperity (Pur-ana_64,5); happiness (Kur-al., 1208); honours, privileges (Cilap. 16,109); regard, esteem (Kur-al., 195); courtesy, hospitality (Na_lat.i, 159; present, gift (Kur-al., 590); foodstuffs provided for the marriage parties at a wedding; periodical festival in a temple (Kur-al., 18); a ceremony observed by Na_t.t.ukko_t.t.ai Chetty community; heaven, heavenly bliss (Kur-al., 31); cir-appet.uttal to celebrate a festival (Arut.pa_. 1, Cecar-i, 388); cir-avu meritorious deed (Tiruva_ca. 5,86); cir-appa_t.u excellence, splendour (Te_va_. 500,4); cir-avu meritorious deed (Ta.); cir-akka (cir-annu) to be glorious (Ma.); ser-apu hospitality, honour, festival (Ka.)(DEDR 2589). ir-a (-pp-, -nt-) to go beyond, transcend, excel, be pre-eminent, pass by (of time), transgress; ir-appa much, exceedingly; ir-appu transgression, passing, excess, abundant (Ta.); er-t- (er-ty-) to overcome in contest, outstrip (To.); esna_ (essas) to transgress (Kur.)(DEDR 515).
2953.Land cultivated by owner: si_r land cultivated by owner (P.Ku.); sir-jamin (N.); si_r id. (H.)(CDIAL 13441). si_r the land that man retains for his own individual cultivation; a plot of land in the saila_ba_ cultivated by a separate tenant or a set of tenants; saila_bi_ land watered by floods of the great rivers or by overflow waters from other sources; saila_b inundation; dampness (P.lex.) s'aivara a revenue term; a levy in kind (cf. Ghosal, Hindu Revenue System, p.220); cf. s'eri_ arable land (M.)[orig. excluded from, the village assessment]; tax on farm houses (IEG, p.286); s'aibara a levy in kind (EI, 17; IEG, p.285).
2954.Property in land: cf. cir-u-tat.i small plot of land, small salt-pan (Akana_. 366)(Ta.lex.) cir-u-te_t.t.u private property in land, as of zamindars (Rd.); small savings (Ta.lex.)
2955.Furrow: si(h)a_ra_ drill (for sowing seed)(L.); sia_ra_ furrow (Or.); *si_ta_dha_ra_ furrow line (CDIAL 13429).
2671.Back of the neck: se_rki the back of the neck (Kui); he_rki, herki neck; herki shoulder (Kuwi)(DEDR 2817).
2956.Plough; pair of ploughing bullocks: he_rka pl. plough; pair of ploughing bullocks (Kuwi)(DEDR 2816). Image: drill for sowing seed: si(h)a_ra_ drill (for sowing seed)(L.); sia_ra furrow (Or.)(CDIAL 13429). Furrow: ci_tai < si_ta_ furrow (Tiruppo_. Can. Pil.l.ait. Cen:ki_. 8); ci_ta_ (Kampara_. Urukka_. 85); wife of Ra_ma, as having sprung from a furrow (Pur-ana_. 378)(Ta.lex.) Furrow; cultivation: si~_ cultivation (L.); furrow (L.WPah.); furrow, ploughing (P.Si.); si_ id. (P.); the second ploughing (WPah.); [cf. semant. ci_t.t.ai, ci_t.t.ai-k-katir ear of corn in the second growth (J.)(Ta.lex.)]; sia_r. furrow (P.); sea_r. (WPah.); si_a_ furrow (Pkt.); si_ furrow (Pkt.); si_a~, si_vi~ (L.); si_ya~_ a ploughing (L.); siha_ furrow (WPah.); siyo a ploughing; s'yu furrow (Ku.); siyo (N.); hi_, hi_ya furrow, ploughing (Si.); Goddess of agriculture: si_a_ Si_ta_ (Pkt.); siya (OAw.); si_ta_ goddess of agriculture, furrow (RV.); furrow (Pali)(CDIAL 13428). siya_u_ a deity presiding over agriculture (H.)(CDIAL 13428a). si_ta_yaja sacrifice to the furrow (Gr.S.); si_n a ploughing (L.); siun furrow (WPah.)(CDIAL 13430). Ploughed land: si_ta_ a furrow, track or line of a plough-share; (hence) a tilled or furrowed ground, ploughed land; husbandry, agriculture (e.g. si_ta_-dravyam.); name of the daughter of Janaka, king of Mithila, and wife of Rama. [She was so called because she was supposed to have sprung from a furrow made by king Janaka while ploughing the ground... and hence also her epithets, ayomja, dhara_putri_ etc.]; name of a goddess, wife of Indra; si_ta_-dravyam. implements of agriculture, tools of husbandry; si_tya measured out by furrows, tilled, ploughed (Skt.lex.) si_tya ploughed (Pa_n..)(CDIAL 13431). Cultivation: cf. se_dya cultivation, farming (Ka.); se_dyamu id. (Te.)(DEDR 2811). Furrow; line; plough: si_ra plough (RV.Pali.Pkt.); ?cords of the plough; furrow; [ac. to BHSkt. ii, 596 si_ra_h- nom. pl. ( = Pali. si_ta_yo) is mistake for si_ta_h., but A. attests meaning 'furrow']; siru a ploughing (Sh.); si_ra long string by which bullocks are guided in the plough (S.); xir furrow, one ploughing; xirlu_ furrow; xirluwa_ furrowed (A.); si_r ploughing (H.); siru-va, siri plough; (h)ira, (h)iri- line, streak (Si.)(CDIAL 13441). siraur furrow; siror, sira_ur (Bi.); siraur ke dharal to plough (Bi.); sira_ur furrow (Mth.)(CDIAL 13442). saira belonging to a plough (A_past.)(CDIAL 13441). cf. selli_ rope (Pkt.)(CDIAL 13591). cf. kayir-u rope, cod, string (Ta.); ki.r-na.n. rope (Ko.); ce.ri coconut fibre, coir (Kod..); ce_ru string, cord (Te.); ce_ri fibre (Tu.)(DEDR 1254). hali_ra plough (P.); halasi_ra plough (BHSkt.); haler the day on which neighbours join to plough one man's land (P.); hali_ri_ small plough (P.)(CDIAL 14010).
2957.Marriage badge: cir-u-ta_li a kind of small ta_li or marriage badge (Perun.. Vattava. 16,29); a small ta_li worn by married women and removed only on widowhood; ta_li given by a paramour to his concubine; cir-u-ta_li-k-kat.t.u a custom among the Kaikko_l.ars by which an unwilling maiden, usually one's maternal uncle's daughter or paternal aunt's daughter is forced into marrying, by a ta_li or a piece of cloth being tied around her neck while asleep, a form of surreptitious marriage (E.T. iii,40) (Ta.lex.)
2958.Image: ladder: sir.hi, caini ladder (Santali.lex.) lis'i_n. wooden ladder (WPah.); lisnu ladder (N.)(CDIAL 12738). s'ile_t. ladder (Bshk.)(CDIAL 12743). s'ris. be in, enter (Skt.); (hr.di) s're_s.a_ma we shall cause to enter (RV.); hr.daya-s'ris. entering the heart (AV.); s'riti entrance (RV.); sii ladder (Pkt.); istri_ ladder made of a single log (Ash.); ci_, cir ladder (Wg.); ci_k (Kt.Pr.); ci_x (Pr.)(CDIAL 12703). sid.d.hi ladder (Pkt.); s'ir. (Wot..); s'i_r house (Tor.); si_r.h rapids in a stream (L.); si_r.hi_ ladder (P.); sir.i, si_r.i ladder, staircase, flight of steps (B.); sir.h, sir.i (Or.); si_r.hi_ ladder (Bi.Aw.H.); si_d.i_ (G.); s'id.hi_, s'id.i_ (M.); nis're_n.i ladder (Skt.); s.ur., s.ur.i_ ladder (Pas'.); s'or. stair, ladder (Par.); s'u_r.i (Phal.)(CDIAL 12709). ceitr ladder (Ash.); s're_tr. one who has recourse to (MBh.)(CDIAL 12720). To lean on; ladder: se.r- (se.rt-) to lean; se.r-- (se.rept-) id. (Kol.); kern- to lean; kerp- (kert-) id (Ga.); ce_ru to lean upon or against; ce_ra_bad.u id. (Te.); kerpuni to prop, support; kerpud.uni to cause to lean against, place against; kerpu, kerbu a kind of ladder; kerpa a slope; sloping (Tu.); ke.d- (ke.dy-) to lean one's back against support (Ko.); ko.r- (ko-0-), so.r- (so.d-) to lean against; ko.s't- (ko.s'ty-) id. (To.); kendu to lean on (Ka.); keskud. steps (Go.); ke_sku_r. ladder (Go.); ge_k- to lean on, rest the back on (wall, etc.)(Kond.a); ge_nd.- (-t-) to lean against; ge_ra ladder (Pe.); ge_nd.- to lean (Mand..); ke_ka (ke_ki-) to lean, lean upon or against (Kui); ge_nd.- (-it-) to lean; ge_t.- (-h-) id.; ge_ra ladder (Kuwi)(DEDR 2012). Ladder: he_r, he_ri ladder (K.)(CDIAL 12724). cic ladder (Sh.)(CDIAL 12704). s'i_t ladder (Kal.); si_nai_ (Shum.); siai_ (Gaw.)(CDIAL 12687). saini_, seni_ ladder (H.); hin.i, in.i, hin.a ladder, stairs (Si.)(CDIAL 12685). e_n.i ladder (Ta.Ka.Ma.Tu.); tier (Ta.lex.); limit, boundary (Pur-ana_. 35,1); country, territory; e_n. boundary, limit (Ta.); e_n.u id. (Ma.) (Ta.lex.) d.an.d.a_ ladder (L.)(CDIAL 6128).
2959.House: s'i_r house (Tor.); s'it.h, s'it. house (Bshk.); s'it.i inside (Phal.); si_t.ha_ cushion of straw or rushes on mouth of well on which bucket rests as water is discharged (Bi.)(CDIAL 12707). s'riti entrance (RV.)(CDIAL 12703). cf. cic ladder (Sh.)(CDIAL 12704).
2960.Image: chaplet: sihra_ a chaplet of flowers, or a piece of gold or silver flowers, or a piece of gold or silver fringe worn on the head by a bridegroom at the time of marriage (P.lex.) Image: garland of flowers worn on the head: s'e_khara (fr. s'ikhara) a garland of flowers worn on the top of the head, a chaplet, a crest, a diadem; the chief or head of anything (Ka.lex.) s'era end, extremity (M.); sihra_ diadem, crown (H.P.); hyoru at the top, above (K.); sihara (Pkt.); s'ikhara (Skt.)(Bloch, p.412). s'ikhan.d.a tuft of hair left on sides or crown of head at tonsure (TS.); s'ikhandaka (Skt.); s'ikhan.d.in crested; peacock (Ya_j.); sikhan.d.in tufted, crested (Pali); siham.d.a crest; chiham.d.a peacock, crest (Pkt.)(CDIAL 12434). Image: hair of head: cikura hair of head (Skt.); hair of a chowry (Skt.); ciku_ra, cihura (Skt.); ciura, cihura hair of head (Pkt.); ciuri plant from which fibre is obtained, sterculia coxinia (N.); cihur hair of head (H.); civar, ci~var fibre surrounding pulp of breadfruit (M.)(CDIAL 4776). cikura name of a plant (Skt.); ciura a species of potherb (Or.)(CDIAL 4777). Image: peak: s'ikhara point, peak (MBh.); erection of hair on body, armpit (Skt.); sikhara top, summit of mountain, point or edge of sword (Pali); sihara crest of hill, top (Pkt.); s'e_r top, pinnacle (K.); siyar place where head lies in sleep (B.); siyara head pillow, head end of bed (Or.); s'era_ end, extremity (M.); siur cock's comb (N.); xihariba, xiyariba (hair) to stand on end, bristle; caus. xiyara_iba (A.); sihara_ (hair) to stand on end, start; sihara_na to startle (B.); sihrab to shiver (Mth.); siharna_ (H.); s'ikkhar precipitous ridge (WPah.)(CDIAL 12435). cihkau to be startled, to wince, to start through fear, to start from sleep scared; cihrau to shudder, to start, one's hair to stand on end through fear, to feel disgust (Santali.lex.) Image: diadem; garland of flowers on the head: s'e_khara peak (BhP.); top of head; chaplet, diadem (Skt.); se_hara crest (Pkt.); sihiro chaplet worn by bridegroom (S.); se_ra_ fillet (L.); sehra_, sihra_ chaplet of flowers (P.); s'ehra_ garland worn at wedding (WPah.); sehra_ (H.); sehara garland of flowers on the head (OG.)(CDIAL 12604). s'e_kharita crested, tufted, peaked (Skt.lex.) Image: chaplet: s'i_rs.aka an ornament of flowers on the head; a helmet; a turban; si_saka a helmet; s'ikhi id. (Ka.Skt.); si_sa-kanda_l. to put a helmet on (Ka.lex.) va_kai chaplet of sirissa flowers worn by victors (Pu. Ve. 8,1, Kol.u.); va_kai-y-aravam theme describing a warrior, as being decked with a wreath of white flowers and wearing a red girdle and anklets, in token of victory (Pu. Ve. 8,2)(Ta.lex.) Image: garland: cukkai < srak nom. sg. of sraj garland (Tiruppu. 161)(Ta.lex.)
2961.Toddy from sirissa bark: cikkar, cikkarattel.iyal toddy extracted from sirissa bark (Perun.. Ila_va_n.a. 2,180)(Ta.); ci_kkiri black sirissa, albizzia amara (Pin..)(Ta.lex.) Sirissa tree: s'a_ka the siri_s.a tree (Skt.lex.) kad.ace (perhaps Tadbhava of s'iri_s.a) the Sirissa tree, acacia speciosa (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) cf. va_kai sirissa, albizzia, fragrant sirissa (Ta.)(DEDR 5333). Sirissa: s'an:khini_-phala the s'iri_s.a tree (Skt.lex.)
2962.Image: hunter: sikari, sikaria a hunter, a trapper of game (Santali.lex.) sika_ra hunting; game (Ka.); s'ika_ra (M.); s'ika_ri, sika_ri hunting, the chase (Ka.); s'ika_ra (M.H.); s'ika_riyava a hunter (Ka.)(Ka.lex.)
2963.Itch: sikir. itching, burning itchy sensation, dislike, antipathy, hate (Santali.lex.) se_k- (-t-) to itch (Kond.a); he_k- (-t-) id.; he_pkor cow itch, mucuna pruriens (Pe.); he_k- to itch; to scratch (Mand..); se_pka (< sek-p; se_kt-) to itch (Kui); he_nguli the itch; hengu_li aiyali, he_pk-, se_k- (-h-) to itch (Kuwi)(DEDR 2800).
2964.Image: bat: ci_kuru-va_yi cockroach (Ka.); ci_kuru-va_yi, ci_kura_yi bat, cricket; civuka-pit.t.a a bat (Te.)(DEDR 2606).
2965.Images: tree; top of a tree: si top of a tree (Si.)(CDIAL 12436). ciki tree (Ilak. Aka.)(Ta.lex.) s'ikha_ tuft, topknot, crest (S'Br.); sikha_ crest, topknot (Pali); siha_, sihali_, chihali_ (Pkt.); siha_b to be puffed up (Aw.)(CDIAL 12436).
2966.Images: cock; male: cerko, cerkea_ male (opp. to ced.u = female, girl); boy (e.g. when addresssing a boy as: cerkea_)(Kon.lex.) se_r-i kor-u cock (Kond.a); sehi male (Kuwi); sehi neh'ur.i male dog (Kuwi)(DEDR 2820). s'ri_ light, beauty (RV.); welfare, riches (AV.); siri_ (Pali.Pkt.); si_ prosperity (Pkt.)(CDIAL 12708). s'ri_mha_la-bhat.t.a = mha_lasa_-bhat.t.a (12th. c. Skt.); s'ri_ hon. affix to males (Skt.); -s hon. affix to names of relationship (e.g. a_ja_-s, a_ji_-s (M.)(CDIAL 14824). cf. sva_min owner, master (Mn.); sa~_i~_ (S.); sa~_i as term of address (L.)(CDIAL 13930). Image: bird; young: cicu < s'is'u babe, young of animals (Pa_rata. Kurukula. 65)(Ta.)(Ta.lex.) cice small fruit; ci_ce young berry, fruit just formed after the blossom (Go.); cici_, cico_ any fruit in its embryonic stage, just after the fall of the blossom; boy or girl under marriageable age (Kur.)(DEDR 2609). s'is'u young of an animal, child (RV.); s'is'uka (AV.); susu lad (Pali); sisu, susu (Pkt.); sisa son (Or.); sis, sisu young of any animal, infant (H.); susu child (Si.)(CDIAL 12476). s'is'una_ka young snake (R.); young elephant (Skt.); susva_l. crocodile (G.)(CDIAL 12477). cin.nu chicken (N.); ci~_ga_, ci~ga_ young bird; cin:ga_, ci~gna_ chicken; ci~gula_ young bird, child (H.); ce~ga_ chicken (Mth.); ce~ga_, ce~gr.a_ child (H.)(CDIAL 4785). Pecking: su_hur.a_ hull or bran of wheat; su_r.hi_, su_hur.i hull or bran of pulse (P.)(CDIAL 12513). cf. co_l.am maize (Ta.lex.) cokar. bran, husk, chaff (Ku.); cokar bran (P.); id. (N.); cokra_ dregs (e.g. of rice-spirit)(N.); cokar., cokal bran (B.); cokla_ rind, bran (B.); cokar, co~kar, cokra_, co~kra_ bran, husks (Bi.); cokar., cokar, co~kar bran (H.)(CDIAL 4917). cu_n.o grain given to birds to peck (S.); co_n. pick, choice (L.); con. refuse of cotton; con.i_ picking cotton (P.); cun.i pecking (of birds)(G.)(CDIAL 4919). cogu, cogo food for birds (S.); cogga_, cog id., food brought from the crop (L.); cogga_ food for birds (P.)(CDIAL 4920). cf. cu~_gn.o~_ to pick, glean, lift, carry (WPah.); cu~gnu to peck (N.); cu~_gna_ (H.)(CDIAL 4853). Image: cock: ce_val male of birds and fowls (excepting peacock), cock, male swan, kite (Ta.Ma.); ca_val cock, male of birds (Ma.); cawge cock-bird (Malt.)(DEDR 2818). ca_var-kat.t.u cock-fight (Ta.lex.) svula_ jungle cock, gallus lafeyetti (Si.)(CDIAL 4672). Image: kite: ce_val kite (Paripa_. 3,18)(Ta.lex.) Image: male swan: ce_val male swan (Pur-ana_. 67)(Ta.lex.) Cockscomb: curwyela pheasant (Dm.); cu_la_, cu_liya_ peacock's crest, cockscomb (Pkt.); cu_l.a_ cockscomb (Pali); sil.u peacock's crest (Si.); cu~_d.a_ cockscomb (P.)(CDIAL 4883). Son: se_pal (pl. se_pakil) boy, lad; sa_pal boy (Ga.); ce_pal (pl. ce_pkul) boy, lad (Pa.); ce_vala child, at the breast (Ma.); je_vu child, lad, youth; jo_vu id., baby, female child; je_vu, jo_vu girl; jo_kul.u children; je_ru pariah child (Tu.); ce_y son, child; juvenility, youth (Ta.); jo~_xas lad, youth; servant (Kur.)(DEDR 2813). cf. cevili foster-mother, one of ai-vakai-t-ta_ya_r (Tol. Po. 124)(Ta.lex.) cha_va_ young elephant (M.H.); s'a_va daughter (Skt.); cha_va (Pkt.)(Bloch, p. 334). cf. sehi male (Kuwi)(DEDR 2820). cf. ce_val male of birds and fowls; stallion (Ta.)(DEDR 2818). Image: chicken: ciwa_l, civa_(l), ci_va, civna~_, ciwa_ young of birds, chick (Go.); sipr.i, si_pi chicken (Kond.a); si_pa id. (Kui); hippa, hipa_, hi_pa chicken, chick (Kuwi); ci'am, ciyam id. (Kur.); cin.yo chicken (Malt.)(DEDR 2636). Pheasant: s'ya_ma_ hen cuckoo (VarBr.S.); hen golden oriole (opp. to bright cock bird)(Skt.); sa~_-wacu hen monal pheasant (Ash.); s'om (Kt.); ca_m, cam hen golden oriole (Wg.); s'a_m (Tor.); hen of either bird (Phal.); ham hen pheasant (K.)(CDIAL 12664). va_s'a roaring (RV.); va_s'aka croaking, warbling (of birds)(Skt.); va_saga making a noise (Pkt.); wacu_ cock golden auriole (Ash.); a kind of partridge (Ash.); wocw (Wg.); vacu_ cock golden auriole (Kt.); wa_ciw (Gaw.); batacul, batacu_r cock golden auriole (Kho.)(CDIAL 14800). ce_val peacock, the vehicle of Skanda (Tol. Po. 603, Urai.); ce_vala_n- Skanda, as having the cock on His banner (Pa_rata. Niraimi_t.. 20); ce_var--kot.iyo_n- Skanda, as having the cock on his banner (Tiva_.)(Ta.lex.) Image: partridge: akan-r-il male greek-partridge (Ain:kur-u. 381, Pa_. Ve_.)(Ta.)(TED). askal partridge (Santali.lex.) cako_ra, tittira partridge (Skt.lex.) ki_r, ki_ra_ parrot; koud.o, koud.ea_ dove (Kon.lex.)
2967.To distribute, give, gift; image: hand: ti hand (Sora. Khasi K'ti. Gutob. Pareng. Remo. and all languages of the family) (Sora.lex.) ti, tij to give; tija give up, give away, to surrender (Sora.); ti.ag to give up (Mundari); tijena:b a boon, a gift, a promise; tikkui, tinkui mortgage (Sora.lex.) iku (-pp-, -tt-), ikai (-pp-, -tt-) to give, bestow (Ta.); ikku to give (as money, alms, a name, medicine); in:gu to give (Ka.)(DEDR 416). Five metals: ci_ka_ the five metals (R.); cf. si_sa_di: starting with si_sa (lead)(Skt.) cikkam lead, silver, copper; si_saka lead (Skt.)(Ta.lex.) sija_ the jingling sound of metallic ornaments (Skt.lex.) Gold for ornaments: s'r.n:gi_ gold used for ornaments; s'r.n:gi_-kanakam id. (Skt.lex.) cinkam a mineral poison (Ta.lex.) cika-na_tam mica; abhraka (Skt.)(Ta.lex.) Property: sina property (RV. ii.30.2); who was going here to carry off Vr.tra's wealth; sinavant rich (RV. x.102.11)(Vedic.lex.) Gift, grant: i_kai gift, grant (Kur-al., 221); gold (Pur-ana_. 99); Kalpaka tree of cuvarkkam which, accg. to Hindu myth. bestows everything that one may desire (Aka. Ni.)(Ta.lex.) [cf. si_ka_r..i < S'ri_ + ka_li_ Shiyali, a S'iva shrine in Tanjore district, noted as the birth-place of Tiru-a_n--campantar (Te_va_.); i_s'an- S'iva (Nal.a. Ka_ppu.); lord of the universe (Tiv. Periyati. 2,10,1); lord, master (Pa_rata. Kuru. 91)(Ta.lex.)] cf. ikkuva_ku < iks.va_ku first king of the solar dynasty who ruled in Ayo_dhya_ (Kalin.. Ira_ca. 11)(Ta.lex.) icaittal to give lavishly (Pin.)(Ta.lex.) si_va (si_t-), ji_va (ji_t-) to give, allow; n. act of giving, bestowal (Kui); si.- (si.t-) to give (Kol.); s'i_ id. (Nk.); si_ id. (Nk.); si_- (-t-) id. (Kond.a); si_- id. (Pe.); hi_- (-t-) id. (Pe.Kuwi); hi_- id. (Mand..Kui); ci_- (ci-) id. (Pa.); si_- (si_d-, si_y-, si_n-) id. (Ga.); i_vu giving, gift, distribution; i_vi (-pp-, -tt-) to distribute; i_vo_n- donor (Ta.); i_ (itt-) to give, allow, permit; i_su, i_yisu to cause to give (Ka.); iccu (i_-, iyy-, ivv-) to give, allow, permit; i_gi, i_vi giving, donation, charity, a gift; i_gika~_d.u, i_vika~_d.u, i_vari a liberal, bountiful person (Te.); ciye (cic-) to give away (Malt.); i_ (-v-, -nt-) to give to inferiors, give alms, bestow, grant (Tol. Col. 445); to give; to distribute, apportion; (arith.) to divide; to give instruction (Nan-. 36); to create, bring into existence (Kampara_. Akali. 49); to agree, consent (Paripa_. 9,17); i_kai gift; i_kaiyan- liberal person (Kampara_. Mantarai. 18)(Ta.); si_a_na_ to give, allow; hiya_na_ (hit-), hi_-, i_- to give (Go.); hi_ali, hi_nai to give (Kuwi); ci'ina_ (ciccas) to give, allow (Kur.)(DEDR 2598). Dowry: ci_tan-a-k-ka_n.i land obtained as dowry (Kumara. Pira. Muttuk. Pil.l.ait. 35); ci_tan-akka_ri married woman with a dowry; ci_tan-a-c-ci_t.t.u, ci_tan-a-v-ur-uti, ci_tan--v-o_lai dowry instrument; ci_tan-am dowry (Kantaran. 8); ci_tan-a-v-a_t.ci right of possession by dowry (Ta.lex.) cf. stri_-dhana (Skt.lex.)
2968.Image: water-bearer: se_ka a libation, an offering; se_ktr. one who sprinkles; a water-bearer; se_ktra a bucket, watering-pot (Skt.lex.) ce_ka effusion, emission; seminal effusion; a drop (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) Image: woman's breast; milk: ce_kku breast milk; ce_kkai woman's breast (Pin..)(Ta.lex.) cf. sirko a rush or stream (of milk)(N.); s'irakn.e~ to enter; s'irkavin.e~ to thrust, pierce (M.)(CDIAL 13420). ce_pu gush or spurt as of milk (Ka.); ce.pu (milk) to secrete (Kod..); ce~_pu, ce_pu the breasts to become full with milk, the milk to be secreted, flow, rush or spring forth; let the milk flow; n. the becoming full with milk (of breasts), the secretion or flowing forth of milk (Te.); se_mpap- to become ready to be milked (Ga.)(DEDR 2803). Image: pouring out: se_ka pouring out, emission (RV. iii.31.3); se_ktr. sprinkler (RV. iii.32.15); cf. sic (Skt.)(Vedic.lex.) cf. se_ka sprinkling (Pali); se_a (Pkt.); syo_ jug, jar (Kt.); s'u_ bucket (Pr.); seo land irrigated directly by water-lift; si_u_ inundation from canal or river; se_ wet (L.)(CDIAL 13580). abhis.e_ka consecrating a king (S'Br.); abhise_ka (Pali); abhise_a, ahise_a (Pkt.); bisava, biso_ (Si.)(CDIAL 531). abhis.e_kya to be anointed (MBh.); wiceka_y (Dm.); vis.ikta emitted (of semen)(S'Br.); vis.icati shed (A_pS'r.)(CDIAL 532). abhis.e_cita inaugurated; abhis.e_cya to be anointed (R.); abhise_cita (Pali); bisava, biso_ queen (Si.)(CDIAL 533). a_se_cayati pours in or on (A_s'vGr..); a_sicati pours in (RV.); sprinkles (Pali); a_sitta (Pkt.); asavin.e~ to season (a pot by heating and sprinkling to saturation with milk)(M.)(CDIAL 1498). cf. utsicati causes to flow over (RV.); ussicati bales out (Pali); usewna_ to pour off (H.)(CDIAL 1883). upase_cana pouring on (RV.); sprinkling on (RV.); infusion, juice (AV.); sauce (Pali); usevan., usavn.u~ solution of several salts used in washing and sizing cloth (G.); uvasitta sprinkled (Pkt.)(CDIAL 2261). se_kapa_tra a vessel for pouring out or holding water; a baling vessel, a bucket (Ka.lex.) Images: sprinkling; drop of water: s'i_kara, si_kara drizzle, spray, mist (MBh.); si_ara rain driven by wind, drop of water (Pkt.); si_haraa shower (Pkt.); s'ivra_ a gentle sprinkling (M.)(CDIAL 12483). sikta sprinkled, wetted (RV.); sitta sprinkled (Pali)(CDIAL 13388). Image: drop of water: ci_karam < s'i_kara drop of water (Kampara_. Ma_ri_can-. 14); hail-stone; ci_kari water-drop (Ta.lex.) cf. sikata_ grain of sand (VS.)(CDIAL 13386). Image: wavy motion: tgare to wave, undulate, fly with a waving motion as a sherd when thrown; tke wind, air (Malt.); taho_ wind (Br.); ta_ka_ air, wind, breeze; ta_grna_ to blow (of the wind)(Kur.)(DEDR 3149). cf. ca~_xna_ to scatter seed (Kur.); cge to scatter (Malt.)(DEDR 2431). takkal.isu to sprinkle as water (Ka.lex.) se_ka sprinking, besprinkling; pouring out, effusion; a libation, an offering; cf. abhis.e_ka, utse_ka, nis.e_ka (Ka.lex.) To divide; sow: cqe to divide, scatter, sow (Malt.); ca~_xna_ to sow, scatter seed (Kur.)(CDIAL 2431). Image: channel: jigal.u, jigul.u a small channel; jid.d.i, did.d.i an opening made in a panel of the front door or gate, just large enough for a person to squeeze himself through; it is shut at night (Ka.); jid.d.iba_galu id. (Ka.M.)(Ka.lex.) Wetness: cintu to trickle, stream as tears; cintu to be strewn, spilled (Ta.); cindu id. (Te.); cinduga id. (Ma.)(Ta.lex.) sindali moist, damp (Kui); cittad.i damp, moisture, wetness (Te.)(DEDR 2525). sicyate_ is sprinkled (RV.); siccam.ta pres. part. being sprinkled (Pkt.); ciceik to pour from one vessel to another (Kho.); xisiba to sprinkle, scatter, sow broadcast, bale; xisani baling scoop (A.); sijjan. to be moistened; sijjun. to be wet (L.); sijjn.a_ to be watered (P.); caus. sija_un.a_ (P.)(CDIAL 13393). sicati pours out, sprinkles (RV.); sprinkles (Pali); sija (Dhp.); sim.cai (Pkt.); sijn.a_ to water, irrigate (P.); si~jna_, si~jn.u (WPah.); si~cnu (N.); xi~siba (A.); se~ca_, che~ca_ to irrigate, bale out (N.); si~cwa_ man who distributes water from irrigation channel (Bi.); si~cal to drench (Bhoj.); si~_cab to irrigate (Aw.); si~cvu~ to irrigate (G.); s'i~cn.e~ to sprinkle (M.); isinava_, ihinava_ to sprinkle, scatter about (Si.); si~_cna_, chicna_ to irrigate, throw out (water)(H.); si~ciba_, chiciba_ to sprinkle, irrigate (Or.)(CDIAL 13394). sicana sprinkling (Skt.); sicanaka adj. sprinkling (Pali); sim.can.a (Pkt.); si~can.iyu~ rope to draw water with from well (G.)(CDIAL 13395). sikta sprinkled, wetted (RV.); sitta sprinkled (Pali); sita (Dhp.); sitta, setta (Pkt.); sit silt, dregs (Kho.); sitli marshland (Or.); sippam.ta being sprinkled (Pkt.); sim.pai to sprinkle (Pkt.); si~pvu~ to sprinkle, water; si~pn.i_ sprinkling (G.); s'i~pn.e~ to sprinkle (M.); s'i~pad.n.e~ to sprinkle, scatter (M.)(CDIAL 13388).
2969.Images; two poles crossed and tied in V-shape; rope-sling for carrying things: cigr.i supporting poles, tied in a V-shape; cigur.i an apparatus for raising heavy beams, when beyond the height to which men can reach, consisting of two poles crossed at the top and securely tied; used also as a support for beams; cihir.i d.an. a pole used to propel a boat (Santali.lex.) si_ka~_ pl. strings of pearls worn on woman's forehead (G.); s'i_k, s'ike~, s'i~ke~ sling to hang things in; s'iki_ reef in a sail (M.); sikka_ strings of a carrying pole (Si.); s'ikya rope-sling for carrying things (AV.); s'ikyaka (VarBr.S.); s'ic net, sling (BhP.); sikka_ string (Pali); cce basket carried on back (Kt.); xikiya_ loop or string bag for carrying loads (A.); sikkad.a bed (Pkt.); chiko netted bag for carrying things on a journey, hanging shelf, cattle muzzle (S.); chikk rope by which anything is pulled (L.); chikka_ a hanging net (L.P.); chi_ka_, chi~_ka_ hanging net, rope bridge, cattle muzzle (H.); chikan.u to pull (S.); chikkan., chikan. to pull; chikkan. end of a girth for pulling (L.)(CDIAL 12427). cikka (Tadbhava of s'ikya) a sling, a net, a network for carrying or suspending burdens, a muzzle, etc. (Ka.); cikkam (Ta.Te.); cikke (Te.)(Ka.lex.) s'ikya_dha_ra = s'ikya_-dhr.ta hook at the end of the pole which carries the looped cord for holding the strings of a balance (Skt.)(CDIAL 12428). cf. s'ivika_, s'ibika_ palanquin, litter, bier (MBh.); sivika_ palanquin (Pali); siviya_, si_a_ (Pkt.); sivi-ya (Si.)(CDIAL 12474). s'ivike, s'ibike, sivige a palanquin, a litter; a bier (Ka.lex.) ci_kkiram a small hack palankeen-carriage (M.M. 822)(Ta.lex.) Balance: ci_r balance; equilibrium, evenness (Kampara_. Akat. 40); libra of the zodiac; ci_rmai weight (Man.i. 27,254)(Ta.lex.) Image: scale-pan: ci_rai scale-pan (Pur-ana_. 43,7)(Ta.lex.) Shoulder-staff to carry burdens: ci_r shoulder-staff for carrying burden (Malaipat.u. 154); club, bludgeon; cir-attal to be unbearably heavy (Pur-ana_. 75,5); to be indispensable (Tol. Col. 76, Ce_n-a_.)(Ta.lex.) Image: yoke for load carried by two persons: cit.t.ai-maram yoke for load carried on the shoulders between two persons, dist. fr. ka_-maram carried by a single person (Ta.lex.) Image: water-carrier: sikuar, sikwar a sling slung to each end of a pole in which things are carried (Santali.lex.) Image: equal weight: ekka-tul.a (Tadbhava of e_ka-tula) one weight, equality; whole, undivided weight (Ka.)(Ka.lex.)
2970.Image: mortar: sa_ki_, sahki, sahki_, cahki, hahki, ahki, a'ki, ahk mortar (Go.); sonki mortar for pounding fixed in the veranda floor (Kond.a); henki mortar (Pe.); heni id. (Mand..); seni a bamboo or wooden mortar for pounding rice (Kui); he'ni, henni, heni mortar for pounding rice (Kuwi)(DEDR 2799). cf. cavli mortar (Kol.); avl-akki rice fried and each grain pounded flat (Kod..); savul mortar (Ga.)(DEDR 2391). Flat: cakkar..i that has become flat by pressure (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) cakkal.i (-v-, -nt-) to become oblate, flattened, compressed (Ta.); cakku flat (Tu.)(DEDR 2271). caki a flat cake of anything, to cut into thin slices; caki gur. a flat cake of raw sugar; cakti small and flat, a thin slice, a cake; cakti gur. a cake of raw sugar; piska caktikateko tekea they slice the piska and then cook it; chaka chun, chakacun, chakachur in pieces, shivers, atoms; to pulverise, to reduce to powder; chaka chunena it is pulverised (Santali.lex.) cakul.i_ a kind of cake (Or.); cakri_ round flat sweetmeat of sugarcane juice (Bi.); cakra_ flat round cake (Mth.)(CDIAL 4548). cakkal. (-v-, -nt-) to become oblate, flattened, compressed (Ta.); cakkar..i that has become flat by pressure (Ka.); cakku flat (Tu.)(DEDR 2271). Husked rice: ca_ula_, pl. cavala rice (Pkt.); ca~_uru, ca~_varu a grain of rice (S.); ca~_uro pertaining to husked rice (S.); ca_val husked rice (L.P.); ca_vul (L.); ca_var, ca_ul, caul (P.); c.a_u, pl. cau (WPah.); cau_l, c.a~_wo_w (Ku.); ca~_wal, ca_mal (N.); sa_ul (A.); ta_ula (OB.); ca_ul (B.); ca_l (B.); cau~l.a, ca_ul.a, ca_ura (Or.); ca_ur (Bi.Mth.Bhoj.); ca~_wal, cawal, ca~_war (H.); ca_vala (OMarw.); ca_val. usu. pl. (G.)(CDIAL 4749). cauret.ha_, caurat.ha_ rice soaked and dried and pounded (Bi.); cauret.ha_ rice ground up with water (H.)(CDIAL 4750). aval rice obtained from fried paddy by pestling it (Ta.Ma.); pound, beat; n. pounding, beating in a mortar (Ka.); avil rice bruised and dried (Ma.); kac av- to pestle (millet) second time (Ko.); avl-akki rice friedn and each grain pounded flat (Kod..); abepuni, abeyuni, abecuni to beat or pound rice (Tu.)(DEDR 2391).
2972.Image: rectangular doorframe: sa~_ga_d.a_ frame of a building (Tu.); si~ga_r. doorframe (Ku.); san.a_r, sin.ha_r threshold (N.)(CDIAL 12859). cku rectangular frame (K.); cau~ku frame of door (S.)(CDIAL 4629). dehali_ threshold (Pali.lex.) kad.apa, gad.apa threshold (Te.); kad.akal wicket or narrow passage in hedges or walls (Ka.); kat.appu id. (Ta.)(DEDR 1109).
2973.Image: steep hill: sangur steep hill (K.)(CDIAL 12817). Image: top of a mountain: s'r.n:ga top of a mountain; s'r.n:gi a mountain (Ka.lex.)
2974.Image: mountain range: sahya name of one of the seven principal ranges of mountains in India (Ka.lex.)
2975.Image: third slope of Mount: cakkarava_l.am the third slope or tier of Mt. Me_ru; cakkarava_l.a-k-ko_t.t.am a place in the ancient city of Ka_viri-p-pu_m-pat.t.in.am adjoining its burning ground (Ta.lex.) cakrava_t.a boundary (Skt.); chakrava_la circle (MBh.BHSk.); cakrava_d.a a mountain range encircling the earth (Pali); cakkava_la circle (Pkt.); sakval.a the world (Si.)(CDIAL 4552). cf. cakabhua circular battle array (Or.); cakravyu_ha circular array of troops (MBh.)(CDIAL 4553).
2976.Image: stool: cau~ki_ stool (S.); cauka_ cooking place (L.M.Or.); cooking place or stove (B.): caukka_ id. (P.); cauki_ chair (P.); long bench for sitting on (Mth.); stool, aggregate of four (M.) cooking place (Or.); cooking and eating place (H.); square loe seat (H.G.); caukho, cauko wooden seat (Ku.); cauko eating place (N.); cauki seat (N.); sauka_ supports for cooking pot (A.); saki_ stool (A.); cauko cooking place, quadrangular spot (G.); cokiyu~ waggon drawn by four bullocks (G.)(CDIAL 4629). Image: square: cakka-cauka, caccauka square, four-square; cakkada a_t.a a play in squares on the ground (Ka.); cakku, cekku a kind of checkered cotton cloth (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) Backgammon game: cokkat.t.a_n- a game similar to backgammon (Ta.); cokkat.t.a_nkal.i (Ma.); sogat.amu (Te.); cokkat.t.a_n--ci_lai chequered cloth in the form of a cross for playing cokkat.t.a_n-; cokkat.t.a_n--man.ai drought board for playing cokkat.t.a_n-; cokkat.t.a_n--vi_t.u chequers of cokkat.t.a_n- board; cokkat.t.a_n--kavar-u, cokkat.t.a_n--pa_yccikai dice used in the game of cokkat.t.a_n- (Ta.lex.)
2977.Image: jaw; corner of the mouth: as.ki, is.ki jaw (Kho.); is.kio don back-tooth (Kho.)(CDIAL 1497). sr.kvan corner of mouth (RV.); du. sr.va_n.i_, sr.kkan.i_, whence acc. sg. sr.kkan.i_m (Skt.); du. sr.kkanyau (Sus'r.); sr.kva, sr.kka (MBh.); sr.vi (Skt.); du. sr.kvin.i_, sr.kkin.i_, whence acc. sg. sr.kvin.i_m (MBh.); srakva corner of mouth, jaws (RV.); sikka corner of mouth (Pkt.); (h)akuva, pl. (h)aku jaws (Si.); haka jaw (Si.)(CDIAL 13576). cf. an:g lower cheek; an:g val molar teeth (Ko.)(DEDR 114). alaku, alavu jaw, mandibles, bird's beak (Ta.); alaku, alavu upper portion of the jawbone (Ma.); halaku the lower part of the cheek (Ka.)(DEDR 239).
2978.Image: uvula; tongue; heat eruptions: s'an:kha temporal bone or frontal bone (Ya_j.); part of an elephant's head between the tusks (Skt.); sam.kha temporal bone (Pkt.); sen:kk ear (Gypsy); s'en. throat (Bshk); s'a_n:g (Tor.); s'an:gi_ru inside of throat (Phal.); sa~gh throat; sa~ghr.i_ enlarged uvula; sagh throat (L.); san:gh, san:gha_ throat, front part of neck, gullet (P.); s'a~_gi_ throat (WPah.)(CDIAL 12264). hangunu the temple, curl of hair on the temple; honga, hongunu chin (K.)(CDIAL 12266). an:gal.a, an:gal.u, an:gul.a, an:gul.i, an:gul.e palate; an:gilu, nan:gilu uvula (Ka.); an:gili palate (Te.); an:gul, an:gur.(u) tongue (Nk.); naqlu uvula (Malt.)(DEDR 33). an.ar side of the upper jaw (Pin..); an.ari id. (Ja_n-a_. 37, Urai.)(Ta.lex.) an.n.am palate, roof of the mouth (Tol. Er..ut. 93); uvula (Ta.); id. (Ma.)(Ta.lex.) an:gul.iya mul. a disease of the uvula, attended with difficulty of breathing and swallowing; an:gul.a-var-e the palate to become dry (Ka.lex.) cf. indul anything defiled by contact with the mouth (Si.)(CDIAL 1850). cf. en:gili contamination or defilement by contact with the mouth or spittle (Te.)(DEDR 780). cf. hak neck; hak-nar.a throat (Pe.); can:ku throat (Ta.)(DEDR 2282). cf. na_, na_kku tongue (Ta.)(DEDR a3633). a_gru_ eruption on the lips from heat (H.); a_gru disease causing burning sensation in the mouth (G.); a_gru~_, agru~_, a_geru~_ heat eruption on lips and tongue (M.)(CDIAL 62). akkaram a disease of the mouth, thrush, aphthae, parasitic stomatitis; accaram thrush; at.caram cracked tongue (Ta.); akka_ram a disease, aphthae (Ma.); agra the thrush (Ka.); a sore mouth, aphthae, the thrush (Tu.); aks.aramu disease of the mouth (Te.)(DEDR App.3). at.caram cracked tongue (Ta.); a general name for several diseases of children (Ta.); aks.aramu cracked tongue (Ta.lex.)
2979.Hiccough: ekkal.ikka to hiccough; ekkil., ekkit.t.a, ikkil., ikkit.t.am hiccough, last breath (Ma.); is.kur fat-- to hiccough (To.); ekku (usura ekku) to breathe as a child after crying loudly; ekd.u to hiccough; ekkid.ikE hiccough; e_ged.ike id. (Ka.); ekkade, ekkale hiccough, gasping (Tu.); ikl.u, ikkid.i hiccough (Kor.); ekkili, ekku hiccup (Te.); ekt.i, at.ki_ (pl. -hk) id.; ekku to belch (Go.); hikking to hiccough (Br.)(DEDR 772). cf. in:kuva a sigh (Te.); inka a belch (Go.); inkawata hiccough (Go.); hikking to hiccough (Br.)(DEDR 419). hikkati hiccups, sobs (Skt.); hik- to hiccup (Dm.); hi~k (Kal.); 1 sg. hiku_m (Phal.)(CDIAL 14074). hikka_ hiccup (Sus'r. Pali.Pkt.); hyuku (K.); hi_k (H.); hik (G.); hikka_ra (Pali); hikik (N.); hi~_kat.i (A.)(CDIAL 14075). kel.ni, kal.ni hiccup (Kon.lex.) hidhma_, hikka_ hiccough, hiccup (Skt.lex.)
2980.Perfume; gummy pine; juniper: s'rika a perfume (Skt.)(Br.hat sam.hita_. LXXVI.23-26). ci_d.a_ tree from which turpentine is obtained; a kind of perfume (Jain.Skt.); ci_d.a pine (Pkt.); ci_r (Bshk.); ci_, ci, ci_i, ci_h, ci_r. (Sh.D..); cer (K.); ci_hr. (P.); cihr.a_ gummy (P.); cir wooden post planted in the ground at Holi and then burnt (N.); ci_r, ci_r pine (H.); ceu pine (WPah.); cilla a partic. tree (Pkt.); cili juniper (Phal.); ci_li_ cypress; juniper (Sh.); ci_l pine (K.); ci_l, ci_l (P.)(CDIAL 4837). ciuwon pine forest (WPah.)(CDIAL 4840). sano dare pine (Santali.lex.) cf. Pinus roxburghii = pinus longifolia chir (H.).); sarala (Skt.Te.); yields resin (GIMP, p. 194). cf. sarala-drava bho_ja, the resin of pinus longifolia, turpentine (Ka.lex.) cf. de_va-da_ru a species of pine, pinus deodara; the red cedar, erythroxylon monogynum (Ka.lex.) Pinus gerardiana: rhi (H.P.); chida (Skt.); chilgozah (U.); ronecha (Kumaon); seeds: anodyne, stimulant; oil from seeds: applied as a dressing to wounds and ulcers; habitat: NW Himalayas 5,800 - 12,000 ft., and Baluchistan (GIMP, p.193). Pinus griffithi = Pinus excelsa: chil (P.K.); kail (H.); chilla (Garhwal); dolchilla (Kumaon); properties similar to pinus longifolia; habitat: temperate Himalayas 6,000 - 12,500 ft. and W. Waziristan (GIMP, p. 193). serec juniper (Kt.); saras, sa_ras (Dm.); sa_ras (Kal.); saru_s (Kho.)(CDIAL 13256). sarasa juicy (TS.); moist, beautiful (Skt.); having its essential properties (Pali); juicy (Pkt.); juicy, fresh, tasty (Or.); saras (Mth.H.); juicy, excellent (G.G.)(CDIAL 13255). cikan.u to distil, ooze out (of pus)(S.); cika_in.u to distil, fatigue (S.)(CDIAL 4778). siktha, s'iktha beeswax (Skt.); sikthaka (Skt.); sittha, sitthaka id. (Pali); sittha, sitthaya (Pkt.); syothu (K.); sittha_ (L.P.); s'etthu, si_t.ha (WPah.)(CDIAL 13390). sit silt, dregs (Kho.)(CDIAL 13388). saku, sekwe fat (Toch.); s'ika_ the fat (of animals)(Ash.); saka_ (Wg.); sko_ (Kt.)(CDIAL 13391).
2981.Smell: s'in:ghati smells (Dha_tup.); upas'in:ghati kisses (Skt.); upas'in:ghana a thing to be smelled at (Sus'r.); sin:ghati smells (Pali); sim.ghai, sum.ghai (Pkt.); sung-, s'ung (Gypsy); s'u~_khim 1 sg. (Kal.); s'un:khik (Kho.); sin:ghan.u, sun:ghan.u (S.); sin:ghan., sugghun. (L.); se~_hga_ smeller-out of old wells (L.); sin:ghn.a_, sun:ghana_ smells (P.); s'i~n.n.u_, s'in:ghn.o~_, s'i~ghn.u (WPah.); su~gn.o, sun.n.o (Ku.); sun.nu (N.); xun.iba (A.); su~ka_, su~ga_ (B.); sun:ghiba_, sun:giba_ (Or.); sun:ghab (Mth.); su~_ghab (Aw.); su~_ghna_ (H.); su~_ghvu~ (G.); su~gn.e~ (M.); s.u~_ thoiki to smell (Sh.)(CDIAL 12579). s'r.n:kha_n.ika_ mucus of nose (A_past.); s'in:gha_n.a, s'in:gha_n.aka, sin:ghan.a (Skt.); s'im.ha_n.a, sim.ha_n.a mucus (Skt.); upas'im.hana, upasim.hana something for smelling (Sus'r.); sin:gha_nika_ mucus of the nose (Pali); sim.gha_n.a, sim.gha_n.aya (Pkt.); si~ga_n.o (Ku.); sin.a_n (N.); xen:gun (A.); sikni (B.); sin:gha_n.i, sin:ga_n.i mucus of nose, iron rust (Or.); sikni_ mucus of nose (H.); sin:ghiru sniveller (Ash.); adj. sin:ghila (S.); s.i_a~ mucus (Ash.); s.i~_ (Pas'.)(CDIAL 12582). For -ga_n.i cf. semant. 'smell ~~ nose': cf. kiran.am < ghra_n.a nose (Tiva_.)(Ta.lex.) semha phlegm (Pali); semha, sem.bha, sim.bha, seppha, se_pha (Pkt.); sem-a mucus (Si.); s'e~b, s'em mucus (of nose or bowels)(M.); s'e~ba_ discharge from horse's nostrils (M.); s'im mucus; s'i_m (WPah.)(CDIAL 12727). s'immar mucus (WPah.)(CDIAL 12728). sum.gn.em. to smell, to sniff (M.); sum.ghvum. (G.); sum.ghn.a (P.); su_m.ghna_, su_m.gna_ (H.); s'ung (Romany); sum.ghiam. ghra_tam (OM.); s'inghati (Dha_tup.)(Bloch, p. 410). simbal.a, simba, sumbal.a the mucus of the nose, snot (Ka.); ci_mid.i, ci_miri (Te.); s'e_mbu_d.a (M.); simbal.a tege to blow the nose (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) ci_ pus (Tiruva_ca. 25,3); ki_vu (Ka.Tu.); ci_ mucous matter, as of the nose (Man.i. 20,48); ci_kkai phlegm (Tiruman. 147); ci_r.. pus (Ta.); ci_mu (Te.); ki_vii (Ka.); cintu to blow the nose (Ta.); ci_du id. (Te.)(Ta.lex.) cf. ci_ntu to blow, as the nose (Ta.); ci_mpu to clear the nose (Kor.); si_nd- to blow the nose (Go.Kond.a.Ga.)(DEDR 2618). Sneeze: cf. chikka_ sneeze (Skt.Pkt.); chikka id.; chikkai sneezes (Pkt.); chikkiya sneezing (Pkt.); cik, pl. cika sneeze; cikni sneezing (Gypsy); ci_n. (Shum.Pas'.); cik (Gaw.); cikal he sneezes (Kal.); chika sneeze (S.); chikk (P.); chekki (WPah.); chi~_k (Ku.); chi~k (N.); chi~knu (N.); chikka_ sneeze; chikkan sneezing (B.); chikka, chin:ka (Or.); chik(k)iba_, chin:kiba_ (Or.); chi~_k, chi~_kna_ (H.); chi~_k (G.); chi~kvu~, chi~kn.i_ snuff (G.); s'i~_k, s'ikn.e~, s'i~kn.e~ (M.); s'im.ki (Konkan.i); ca_s', co_s to cough; ca_s'a coughing (Pas'.); ca_sik (Gaw.)(CDIAL 5032). cf. cit.ike a pinch as of snuff (Ka.)(DEDR 2507). chikkani_ the plant artemisia sternutatoria (Bhpr.); chikni_ a partic. kind of grass used medicinally (H.); s'ikn.i_ a plant which causes sneezing (M.)(CDIAL 5030).
2982.Image: ready to gore: hikali to crouch (Kuwi); hikk- to hang the head (Kuwi); hig- (hikt-) to lower head (Pe.); sika (siki-) to bend the head down, bow the head, droop the head (Kui)(DEDR 2493).
2983.Stamped grant: cikka_can-n-attu < sikka (U.) + sanad (U.) stamped grant (R.T.)(Ta.); cikku-tal to be obtained (Tan-ippa_. i,323,18); cika_ < sikka (U.) seal (W.)(Ta.lex.) sikka < sikkah (Arabic) a stamp, an impression on a coin; lead; sterling; current coin; a caste of khattris; sikka bait.hn.a (lit. to establish one's currency) no king was looked on as enthroned until he struck his own coin; hence to establish one's authority (P.lex.) sike, siki, sikke a coining-die; the royal seal; the stamp produced by the coining-die or by a seal or stamp (Ka.); s'ikka_ (M.H.); sike-y-un:gara, siki-y-un:gara the royal seal (Ka.)(Ka.lex.)
2985.Market; image: cross-roads: s'r.n:ga_t.a, s'r.n:ga_t.aka a place where four roads meet (Ka.Skt.lex.) catukkam junction where four roads meet (Tirumuru. 225); platform (Tailava. Pa_yi. 44); catura-c-canti junction of four roads (Perun.. Ucaik. 50,7)(Ta.lex.) ca_vat.i open dais in front of a house for general use (Pan.avit.u. 163)(Ta.); inn, choultry (Ira_mana_. Cuntara. 3); id. (Ma.); ca_vad.i id. (Te.Ka.); sa_vat.i_ (M.); ca_vat.i-c-ci_t.t.u a chit or ticket permitting one to obtain food at a choultry (Ta.lex.) cowotu cross-roads (K.); cauva_t.o (infl. by simplex va_t.a road); cauvat.i adv. on all sides (S.); cauba_t., cauba_t.a_ cross-roads (Ku.); cauba_t.o (N.); caubat.iya_ place where boundaries of four fields meet (Bi.); covat. open space where four or more roads meet, market-place; caut.u~ market-place; cova_t, cova_t.e on all sides (G.); cauva_t.a_ cross-roads (M.); caupat. square open space (N.); caupat.t.a_ (M.); comt.a_, co~pt.a_ mound where boundaries of 4 villages meet (H.)(CDIAL 4620). catus.ka consisting of four; set of four (Mn.); quadrangular courtyard (Skt.); catukka set of four, junction of four roads, village square (Pali); caukkka set of four, cross-roads, square (Pkt.); caukkia_ courtyard (Pkt.); coku rectangular frame; cokh, cokas house built round a court-yard (K.); cau~ku frame of door, square; cau~ko figure 4, smearing with cowdung; cau~ki_ stool (S.); cauk four cowries; cauka_ cooking place; cauk square (L.); cauk open square where 4 roads meet; caukka_ cooking place; cauka_ figure 4, cauki_ chair (P.); cauk courtyard (Ku.); cauk courtyard; cauko eating place (N.); sauka_ supports for cooking pot; saki_ stool (A.); cauk square courtyard; cauka_ adj. square; cooking place (Or.); cauki_ long low bench for sitting on (Mth.); cak increased by four (Bhoj.); caka_ cooking place (Bhoj.); cauk square, market (H.); cauka_ aggregate of four, cooking and eating place (H.); cauki_ square low seat (H.); caukho, cauko wooden seat (Ku.); cauki chair (N.); cok square, market, number four (G.); coko quadrangular spot, cooking place; coki_ square low seat (G.); cokiyu~ waggon drawn by four bullocks (G.); cauk courtyard, number four; cauka_ cooking place; cauki_ aggregate of four, stool (M.); cauku market (Konkan.i)(CDIAL 4629). Land revenue: catur-p-pa_kam land held on favourable tenure paying only one-fourth of the revenue due to government (C.G. 93); a grant or alienation of one-fourth share of government revenue (R.T.)(Ta.lex.)
2986.Image: dog; jackal: ja_gilamu hound, hunting dog (Te.); ja_yila dog (Ka.); ja_val.a-na_yi wolf-dog (Tu.)(DEDR 2459). d.ahal, koya, tan wild dog (Santali.lex.) sa_iya wild animal (OAw.); sa_waj savage, wild (H.); wild animal (deer, tiger etc.)(H.); sa_vaj savage, barbarian (G.); sa_vju~ wild animal, tiger (G.); sa_vaj, sa_vi_j wild animal (M.)(CDIAL 12765). sa_vaya wild animal (Pkt.)(CDIAL 12764). cf. jhaur. to attack (P.)(CDIAL 5335). sa_rame_ya a dog; alarka a mad dog (Skt.lex.) s'r.ga_la, sr.ga_la (S'Br.); s'r.ga_li_, s'r.ga_lika_, sr.ka_la (Skt.)[Dard. and WPah. attest s'r-]; siga_la (Pali); si(g)a_la, si(g)a_li_ (Pkt.); s.yo_l wolf (Kt.); s.il, s.e_li (Pr.); s.ial (Dm.); s.ia_l, so_l, s'io_l, s'a_l wolf; xe_lek ; s'aka_l (Pas'.); s'i_a_l (Shum.); s'a_l (Gaw.); s.ial (Kho. < a dialect in which s.- < s'r-); s'a~_l wolf; s'a_l (Sh.); s'a_l ; s'oji (K.); s'ia_l., s'ya_o ; sia_li_, saga_l, sugaili fox (WPah.); sya_l , fox; s'ya_w (Ku.); siya_l (N.); xiya_l (A.); siya_l, seya_l (B.); siya_l.a, sial.a, sial.i (Or.); siya_r (Bi.Bhoj.Aw.); siya_l, siya_r, sa_l, sya_la_, siya_ri_, siya_rin, siya_rni_ (H.); siya_l. (G.); sival-a_, hival-a_ (Si.); hiyal (Md.)(CDIAL 12578). s'u_n:g, s'u_n., s'i_on., s'unin., s'un.in., s'u_r.in., xur.in. (Pas'.); s'u_na_, s'un.a_ (Gaw.); s'una dog; s'unaka puppy, dog (MBh.); s'unya, s'unya_ a number of dogs (Skt.); s'uni_ (AV.); sunakha (BHSkt.); sunaha name of a son of Jahnu (Skt.); s'unaka name of a rs.i (MBh.); suna, sun.a dog (Pali); s'une (NiDoc.); sun.aga, sun.aya, sun.ai_ (Pkt.); cuna_, cuna (Dm.); sena_ (Tir.); s'u~r.e (Nin:g.); s'u~_r.e (Shum.); s'u~_ra, s'e~_r. (Kal.); s'u~_, pl. s'uvi~ (Sh.); s'un.a_, s'un.ei_, hunnu (K.); s'una_ (MB.); su_na_ (H.); sun.e~ (M.); su_n.e~ (Konkan.i); s'un:gala puppy (Pas'.); s'u~ali (Sh.); sno_ta dog, ; senuta (Gypsy); s'un.et.u puppy (WPah.); sun.ia_ (Pkt.); cuni_, cuni (Dm.); huinni (K.); s'uni (MB.); su_ni_ (H.); sunakha, sunakhi_ (Pali); sun.aha, sun.ahillaya_ (Pkt.); s'un.a_ (WPah.)(CDIAL 12528). s'auna relating to dogs (MBh.); s'aunaka nom. prop. (S'Br.); s'aunika, saunika hunter (Skt.); so_na, so_n.a dog; so_n.i f. (Pali); cu~_, son (Kt.Wg.); hu_nu, abl. ho_ni, ho_nu, ho_nyi (K.); sonha_ a kind of animal like a dog, the wild dog canis rutilans (H.); so_n.ahia hunter with dogs (Pkt.)(CDIAL 12651). [cf. na_y, na_i dog (Ta.); na_y id. (Ma.Nahali.Ka.)(DEDR 3650]. san [Vedic s'va, gen. s'unah.; Av. spa_; Lat. canis; Old Irish. cu_; Goth. hunds = hound] dog (Pali.lex.) s'van dog (RV.); nom. sg. s'va_ ~ s'uva_, acc. s'va_nam ~ s'uva_nam (Skt.); sa_ nom. sg. dog; suva_na, suva_n.a, supa_na, supa_n.a (Pali); span- (Av.); s'vana (NiDoc.); sa_n.a, sa_n.i_ (Pkt.); suvan (Si.)(CDIAL 12749). s'vaka wolf (Skt.); spai dog (Wg.); spai (Psht.)(CDIAL 12749). solav dog (Gypsy)(CDIA 12751). cf. sa_vaya wild animal (Pkt.); s'va_pada beast of prey (RV.)(CDIAL 12764). civin:ki-na_y a swift-footed hunting dog (Ta.)(Ta.lex.)
2987.Image: woven cover of jar: jhakna_ cover of a grain pot (Bi.); jha_kn.e~ to cover (M.)(CDIAL 5317). cha_ni_ woven cover of jar for sugarcane juice (H.); cha_n thatch, hut (H.); chana shed (S.); chann thatched roof or shed (P.)(CDIAL 4992).
2988.Hard core of a tree: ce_kam hard core of a tree, central part of exogenous plant hardened by age, heart-wood (Ta.); ce_ga (Te.); ce_gu (Ka.); ce_ku-vayiram heart-wood (Ta.)(Ta.lex.) [cf. vajra the thunderbolt-weapon of Indra (Skt.lex.)] cf. ce_ge heart or core of a tree, essence, strength (Ka.); ce_ga, ce_va essence, core, pith, substance, strength, courage (Te.)(DEDR 2802). cf. cura giving milk (Ma.)(DEDR 2883). cf. co_r. to trickle (Pa.)(DEDR 2893). ce_ku solidity, hardness (Ci_ka_l.at. Pu. Kan.n.a. 72)(Ta.lex.) ce_gu, ce_ge the heart or core of a tree; essence; strength (Ka.); ce_ge, ce_ve (Te.)(Ka.lex.) cikkan-vu hardness, strength (I_t.u, 5,8,3)(Ta.); cikkana (Te.)(Ta.lex.) cf. keccu (the marrow, essence, or pith of plants etc.); core, the heart of a tree; essence; strength (Ka.lex.) cikken-n-(u)-tal to become hardened as the ground (Man.i. 27,143)(Ta.); cikken- firmly, tenaciously (Tiruva_ca. 37,5); cikken-avu firmness, tenacity (Ta.); cikkani (Te.); cikan.i (Ka.)(Ta.lex.) Resin; image: pouring out: prase_ka flowing forth (MBh.); resin (R.); pasia_ water filtered from boiled rice (Or.); pasewa_ juice draining off fresh opium (Bi.)(CDIAL 8852). cf. pacai stickiness, paste, glue, glutinous substance in fruits, roots etc. (Ta.)(DEDR 3827). cf. s'e_vala slimy (AV. i.11.4)(CDIAL 12493; Vedic.lex.) cf. pasyu_n.o to drain extra water off rice while cooking (Ku.); prase_cayati pours into (Ya_j.); prasicati pours out (AV.)(CDIAL 8853). sikti effusion (RV.); pahati sugarcane juice after boiling, grain boiled in water and served up thin (S.)(CDIAL 8840). vis.icati spills (A_pS'r.); vis.ikta discharged (S'Br.); bahi_n. hole in the wall of house or fort or city to let water out, spout (P.)(CDIAL 11984). cf. sikta sprinkled, wetted (RV.)(CDIAL 13388).
2989.Image: muskrat: cika muskrat (Skt.); cikka_ (Skt.); cikura muskrat; cikkira a kind of mouse (Sus'r.); cika_ muskrat (B.); hik-mi_ya_ (Si. < mu_s.ika)(Si.)(CDIAL 4779). cikn mouse (Ko.); cikkeli a small variety of mouse (Tu.); cikka_l, cikkal muskrat; cikka_l mouse (Go.)(DEDR 2495). cikke a mouse (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) Image: musk-rat: superi, supa, supenji shrew-mouse, musk-rat (Kui); suppesi musk-mice; supri musk-rat (Kuwi); cuvavu musk-shrew (Ta.); supke young rat (Ta.); cumari, cumbri musk-rat (Pa.); su_pe_ house-mouse; supe small mouse; huppe rat, mouse, rat, field-rat; uppe rat (Go.); cupel musk-rat (Pe.)(DEDR 2675). [cf. chumuro musk-rat (Ku.)(CDIAL 5053)]. chuchhundari musk-rat (Ya_j.); chucchu_ndara (Sus'r.); cucundari_, cucu, gandha-s'un.d.ini_ musk-rat (Skt.); chucchu a kind of animal (VarBr.S.); chacchum.dara musk-rat (Pkt.); chuchu~_d(h)ar musk-rat, mole; cicu~_d(h)ar musk-rat, bat (P.); chumuro musk-rat (Ku.); chuchundro musk-rat, mole (N.); chuchundri_, chu~c, chu~ca_, chu~cho (B.); chuchundara_, chuchundari_, cucundara_, cucundra_, chu~ca_, chuchu (Or.); chuchu~_dar, chuchundar, chuchundari_ musk-rat (H.); chachu~dar, chachu~dri_, chu~chu~dar mole (G.); cicu~dri_, cico~dri_ musk-rat (M.)(CDIAL 5053). tut.uma- mouse, rat (Skt.); gandha-s'un.d.ini_-, cucu-mu_s.ika_-, chuchu_ndura-, cucundari_- (Skt.)(CDIAL 5053). [This is a semantic re-dulication: cuncu musk-rat (Te.)(DEDR 2661); sun.d.a musk-rat (Ka.)(DEDR 2661)]. s'un.d.i-mu_s.ika_, s'un.d.a-mu_s.ika_ musk-rat (Skt.)(CDIAL 12517). There are similar words in Munda languages (e.g., Santali cu~nd musk-rat)(DEDR 2661). {It is remarkable that mu_s.a mouse (Pali mu_sika), also denotes a crucible (Skt.); the apparent image is related to the length of the snout, the snout of the bellows. The other element which describes the musk shrew, cu_r-an- grey musk shrew (Ta.)(DEDR 2661) is relatable to the potter's furnace: cu_l.ai kiln, furnace (Ta.)(DEDR 2709). A sublimation apparatus also has a snout which yields two concordant morphemes: eli rat, bandicoot (Ta.)(DEDR 833); eli, e_lu liquor (Ta.); eli id. (Ma.)(DEDR 834). Image: rat: sit.'er-i orli a kind of rat (Kuwi)(DEDR 2513) Image: bandicoot: ci_r el bandicoot (Pa.); ci_rel rat (Ga.); sirli a kind of rat (Kond.a); hi_rel orli bandicoot (Pe.); hi_reli orli a kind of rat (Kuwi); dand.i hi_reli bandicoot (Kuwi)(DEDR 2630). Image: musk-rat, mouse: cut.iyal small rat (Go.)(DEDR 2661). cun.t.an grey musk shrew (Ta.); cun.t.-eli, cun.t.a_n- mouse, mus urbanus; cu_r-an- grey musk shrew; mu_-cu_r-u musk-rat, sorex indicus (Ta.); cun.t.-eli mouse, musk-rat (Ma.); sun.d.a, sun.d.-ili, sun.d.il-ili, son.d.-ili, son.d.il-ili, cuc-ili musk-rat (Ka.); cin.d.-eli house-mouse, field-mouse (Kod..); sun.d.-eli musk-rat (Tu.); cuncu mouse, musk-rat (Te.); cunc-eluka, cun.d.-eluka mouse (Te.); cu_r-eluka species of mouse (Te.); cind.rag musk-rat (Kol.); cu_ci musk-rat (Kol.); cut.t.i-eli, cut.i small rat (Go.); cot.e mouse (Go.); susuki musk-rat (Kond.a); cot.t.o_ mouse (Kur.)(DEDR 2661). [ cf. eli rat, bandicoot (Ta.)(DEDR 833); cun.t.u bill, beak, lower lip (Ta.)(DEDR 2664); the shrews seem to be differentiated from rats and mice by the length of the snout: DEDR 2661.]
2990.Image: fight: jagal.a a quarrel, a fight; war (Ka.); jagad.a (Te.); jhagad.a_, jhan:gad.a (M.); jagal.a-gan.d.a a quarrelsome man (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) jan:gu war, warfare (Ka.); jan:ga (M.H.)(Ka.lex.) jhagad.a quarrel (Pkt.); jagad.am.ta quarrelling (Pkt.); jher.o quarrel (S.); jher.a_ (L.P.); jher.an. to quarrel (L.); jhagir.o quarrel; jhagir.an.u to quarrel (S.); jhagr.an. (L.); jhagr.a_, jhagar.n.a_ (P.); jhagar.n.a_ (WPah.); jhagr.o (Ku.); jhagra_-sagra_, jhagranu (N.); jhagr.a_ (B.); jhagar.a_ (Or.); jhagr.a_, jhagar.na_ (H.); jhagr.o (Marw.); jhagr.o, jhagr.o, jhagar.vu~ (G.); jhagd.a_, jhagad.n.e~ (M.); jhagat.n.e~ to collide with, seize violently (M.)(CDIAL 5321). Image: slaughter: jan:ghanti strikes, kills (RV.); zhan:gn.o~ to kill (WPah.)(CDIAL 5081). sam.ha_ra bringing together (MBh.); destruction (Mn.Pkt.); abridgement (Pali); sam.gha_ra (Pkt.); sa~gha_r (P.); ruin, slaughter (N.); san.a_r (N.); sa~gha_r destruction (H.); sam.gha_ra (OG.)(CDIAL 13063). sam.ha_rayati caus. of sam.harati draws together (RV.); annihilates (Skt.); a-sam.ha_riya indestructible (Pali); sam.gha_ria struck, killed (Pkt.); sa~gha_rn.a_ to destroy (P.); sam.gha_rai kills (OAw.); sa~ha_rna_, sa~gha_rna_ to destroy, kill (H.); sa~ha_rn.e~ to destroy (M.)(CDIAL 13064). Image: crowd; battle: sam.kula disordered (Skt.); crowd (Skt.); battle (MBh.); san:kula crowded (Pali); sakul.u numerous; akula thicket, dense bush (Si.)(CDIAL 12828). sagra_ma assembly of people, battle (AV.); san:ga_ma battle (Pali); sam.ga_ma (Pkt.); san:gam (Si.)(CDIAL 12853). Image: dashing together: samgha_ta close union, mass (TS); dashing together (MBh.)[cf. samhata- with similar range of meanings.]; san:gha_ta killing, knocking together (Pali); samgha_ya closeness, collection (Pkt.)(CDIAL 12862). gha_ta killing (Mn.); blow, bruise (MBh.)(CDIAL 4460). can:kat.am < san:kat.a difficulty, trouble, straitened circumstances; narrow path (Ta.lex.) san:kat.a defile, difficulty, danger (MBh.)(CDIAL 12817). Destruction: sam.ha_rayati caus. of sam.harati draws together (RV.); annihilates (Up.); a-sam.ha_riya indestructible (Pali); sam.gha_ria struck, killed (Pkt.); sa~gha_rn.a_ to destroy (P.); sam.gha_rai kills (OAw.); sa~ha_rn.e~ to destroy (M.); sa~ha_rna_, sa~gha_rna_ to destroy, kill (H.)(CDIAL 13064). sam.ha_ra bringing together (MBh.); destruction (Mn.); abridgement (Pali.Pkt.); sam.gha_ra id. (Pkt.); sa~gha_r (P.); sa~gha_r, san.a_r ruin, slaughter (N.); sa~gha_r destruction (H.); sam.gha_rau (OG.)(CDIAL 13063). sam.gha_tayati strikes together, kills (Skt.); san:gha_tanika in cmpd. 'binding together' (Pali); sam.gha_yai strikes together, joins (Pkt.); san:gha_han.u to kill (S.)(CDIAL 12863). xa_n. finished, destroyed, destruction (A.); sa_n:g finished (B.)(CDIAL 13327). To stagger; to kill: jokka_na_, jak-, johka_na_ to kill; jokka_na_, hak-, hok-, juka_na_ to strike, kill (Go.); soka (soki-), so_ka (so_ki-) to strike at, bite (snake, dog, etc.)(Kui)(DEDR 2831). ujhukal to stagger (Bhoj.)(CDIAL 1679). juk to beat (Shgh.); juke_w to shake (Par.); jhun:kiba_ to stagger (Or.)(CDIAL 5399). Scream: chicro quarrelsome (Ku.); chicaro, chicro quick-tempered (N.); chichallu~ troublesome (G.)(CDIAL 5034). caccaravu quarrel, disturbance (Ta.)(Ta.lex.) cin.a_r, cin.ari_ row, quarrel, brawl; cin.er to scold (Gypsy); cin:gha_r screech; cin:gha_rna_ to screech (P.); ci~gha_r., ci~gha_r, ci~gha_r.a_ scream, screech; ci~gha_r.na_ to screech, roar (H.); cin:ghan.u to groan (S.)(CDIAL 4787). cikarab to cry, shout, low (Mth.); ci_tkr.ta noise; ci_tkr.ti rattling (Skt.)(CDIAL 4838). ci_tka_ra cry, noise (MBh.); citti crackling (RV.); cikka_ra shout, shriek (Pkt.); cika_ra_, caka_ra_ noise, fiddle (P.); cika_r scream (H.); cika_rna_ to scream (H.); cika_ra_ fiddle (H.); cikan.u to creak (S.)(CDIAL 4839). cicci shriek (Pkt.); cicla_un.a_ to shriek (P.); cicya_unu (N.); ciciya_na_ (H.); ci_cvu~ (G.); se~sa_iba to scream (A.); ce~ca_na to cry out (B.)(CDIAL 4789). ciccika a kind of bird (RV.); cici-bon a kind of white and blue bird (Kho.); ciccibici a kind of bird (N.)(CDIAL 4791). cf. cikilu to cry tenderly or fondly as a child (Te.)(DEDR 2494). gi_jaga, gi_juga the bottlebird, ploceus baya (Ka.); ki.je pakki weaver bird (Kod..); gijiga~_d.u, gijjiga~_d.u the weaver bird, baya ploceus baya (Te.)(DEDR 1608). cf. kiccukicc-en-al onom. expr. signifying chirping (as lizards); ki_ccu chirp of birds (Ta.)(DEDR 1615). ci_r.., ci_r..kkai, ci_kkal whistle, whistling; ci_t.t.i whistling, toy whistle (Ta.); ci_l., cil. a sound (Ma.); sil.l.u whistling (of men or birds); ci_l., si_l. a scream; a cry; s'il.pu whistling (Ka.); s'i_l. a whistle (M.)(DEDR 2638).
2991.Dicing ground; wrestling ground: a_hur. fighting (H.); a_hava challenge, battle (RV.); fighting (Pkt.)(CDIAL 1543). cf. an:kam battle, fight (Ta.); battle, fight, duel, challenge (Ma.); an:ka fight, war (Ka.); id., cock-fight (Tu.); an:kaka~_d.u a quarrelsome man (Te.); an:ka fight, mimic war or conflict (Skt.)(DEDR 29). cf. a_rpu might, force, daring, valour; a_ke power, valour; a_pa being strong, being able, being possible (Ka.)(DEDR 407). aks.ava_t.a wrestling ground; aks.apa_t.a id. (Skt.); akkhava_t.a fence round wrestling arena (Pali); akkhava_d.aga wrestling ground; akkha_d.aga, akkha_d.aya dicing ground (Pkt.); akha_r.ha_, kha_r.(h)a_ wrestling ground, place where indigo is dried, cattle-track through waste land; kha_r.a_ wrestling ground (L.); aka_r.ha_, aka_r.a_, ka_r.ha_, ka_ra_ (P.); a_khara_ practising dancing and singing (A.); a_khar.a_ wrestling ground (B.); meeting place for dancing and singing (A.); akhar.a_ wrestling ground (H.); akaha_r (K.); akha_r.a_ (N.); akha_d.a_ (M.); a_kha_r.o, akha_r.o wrestling place, monastery (G.)(CDIAL 39). War: a_kavam war, battle (Pa_rata. Patin-mu_n-. 97); a_kaviyan- warrior; a_kava-pu_mi battle-field; a_vi an ancient chief of the ve_l.ir tribe (Akana_. 1); strength, power (Kampara_. Nintan-ai. 69) (Ta.); a_viyar a family descended from A_vi Pothini mountains and including Pe_kan- (Pur-ana_. 147); hunters (Ta.lex.) Image: fight; a leading hero: an:kam battle, fight (Kampara_. Kumpaka. 15)(Ta.lex.) an:ga-rakka a boduy-guard man; an:ga-rakke a body-guard; an:ka-daus.adha the drug of war, gunpowder; an:ka fight, war, san:gra_ma; an:ka-var-e a war-drum; an:ka-vi_ra a battle-hero, a valiant man (Ka.); an:ka-ka_r-a an influential or a chief servant; a leading hero; an:ka-ka_d.u = mone-ka_d.u a leader (Te.) (Ka.lex.) a_-kavan-i_yam < a_-havani_ya one of three sacred fires connected with S'rauta ritual in which oblations are generally offered (Tirumuru. 181, Urai.) (Ta.lex.)
2984.Polisher of tools; polishing horn: si~ghaut.a_ weapon-cleaner's polishing horn (Bi.)(CDIAL 12585). cf. sikala polishing, furbishing, burnishing; sikiliga_ra, sikalaga_ra a polisher of tools, weapons (Ka.); cf. sikata sandy soil (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) cf. sita_ candied sugar, sugar (Skt.lex.)
3004.Engraver: sekyaka_ra (EI 12; BL) a brazier; engraver; cf. sen:kra_ goldsmith (B.); sega_n.a official designation of uncertain import (Chamba inscr.)(IEG, p.308).
2992.Image: body covered with bangles: seke-meke the condition of a body covered with bangles and ornaments, especially metallic; sekera a professional maker of mother-of-pearl bracelets (saka)(Mu.) (Mu.lex.) cf. jagjaga_t. glitter (P.)(CDIAL 5076). sakom bracelet; barphar.a sakom id. (Santali.lex.) cf. pal.apal.a shining (Ta.lex.) can:ka-val.ai white bangles or bracelets made of conch-shell (Ta.) (Ta.lex.) Image: brass worker: sekra a Hindu caste who work in brass and bell metal; sekra sakom a kind of armlet of bell metal; sekrec, sekrec sekrec, sekec sekec to clink, applied to the sound produced by metallic objects coming into contact with each other (Santali.lex.) Decoration: cin:ka_rittal to decorate, beautify; cin:ka_ram decoration, embellishment, beauty, especially artificial (Pan.avit.u. 85)(Ta.lex.) sin:gara, sin:ga_ra, s'r.n:ga_ra decoration, dress, embellishment; beauty; to adorn, to decorate; sin:garisu, s'r.n:garisu to ornament, to decorate (Ka.); s'r.n:gi, s'r.n:gi_-kanaka a kind of gold used for making ornaments (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) sekseke covered, as the arms with ornaments, full; seke doke, seke meke covered with ornaments, as the neck (Santali.lex.) s'r.n:ga_ra sexual desire; amorous pursuits, finery (MBh.); s'r.n:ga arrogance (MBh.); sin:ga_ra erotic sentiment (Pali); sim.ga_ra adornment, sexual passion (Pkt.); s.in:gera beautiful (Kt.); si~_ga_ro decoration (S.); sin:ga_r, san:ga_r (P.); sin.a_r (N.); sin:ga_ra toilette, beauty due to toilette (Or.); si~ga_r adornment (Mth.); sim.ga_ra (OAw.); si~ga_r, si~ga_ra_ (H.)(CDIAL 12592). s'r.n:ga_rita adorned (Skt.); s'in.ar to rejoice (Wg.); s'in:gra (Pr.); s.in:gar.i_ mistress (Pas'.); xin:gari ghar coronation house (A.)(CDIAL 12593). sin:gar. to bathe and tidy oneself; tinakem sin:garok kana? how much will you titivate yourself? (Santali.lex.)
2993.King's ministerial officer; dancer: jagati the first attendant of a king (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) ca_kkai king's ministerial officer; priest; astrologer (Ta.lex.) ca_kkaiyan- member of a caste whose profession in ancient times was to sing and dance in temples and palaces (Ta.)(Cilap. 28,77); astrologer; ca_kkai-kku_ttu dance performed by Ca_kkiyan- (Ta.); ca_kki, pl. hon. ca_kkiya_r, ca_kya_r a caste of half-brahmans who sing and dance before gods and brahmans (Ma.)(DEDR 2432). ca_kkiyan- id. (Na_.)(Ta.)(Ta.lex.) cakkan.i < jakkin.i (Te.) a kind of dance (Pan.avit.u. 186)(Ta.); cekkan.i a kind of dance (Kur-r-a_. Tala. Tarumaca_mi. 55)(Ta.)(Ta.lex.) A clan: s'a_kya a Ks.atriya clan in Kapilavastu to which the Buddha belonged (Skt.); s'a_kiya (BHSkt.); sakia, sakka (Pali); sakka, sakkia a Buddhist (Pkt.); sa_kiya (Pali); sh, sa_ (Si.)(CDIAL 12375). s'a_kkiya-na_yan-a_r a canonized S'aiva saint converted to S'aivism from Buddhism, one of 63 (Periyapu.); ca_kkiyan- id. (Te_va_. 737,6); Gautama Buddha (Pin..)(Ta.); ca_kkiyar Buddhists (Tiv. Tiruva_y. 4,10,5); Jainas (Tiruva_lava_. 38,50)(Ta.lex.)
2994.Messenger; bard: ca_krika a bard who chants in chorus the praises of kings, heroes, etc. (Skt.Ka.) (Ka.lex.) Messenger: sakiya messenger, courier (Si.); cakhika bard (Pali); sakavi bard (Si.); ca_krika driver (MBh.); proclaimer (Ya_j.)(CDIAL 4732). cf. cakra wheel (RV.); potter's wheel (S'Br.)(CDIAL 4538).
2995.Image: burden carried: xa_n:gi_, xa_n:gi_ bha_r burden suspended from one pole and carried by two or more persons (A.); n:gaya three oxen yoked together (Si.); sam.gaya union; met (Pkt.); san:gata met (Pali); sam.gata united (AV.); union (MBh.); sam.gati meeting (RV.)(CDIAL 12844). cf. ta_n:ku-ko_l punt pole (Ta.lex.) san:gr.a a pole on which things are slung to carry (Santali.lex.) cf. chakk present to bards (P.); cha_k anything sufficient for one time, a meal (N.); ready prepared food carried by labourers (H.)(CDIAL 4957). sa_ku ( = sa_lkum. 3rd pers. sg. fut. of sa_l) he, she or it is sufficient or enough, they are sufficient etc.; suficiency; sufficient, enough; enough! (Ka.)(Ka.lex.)
2996.Liquor: jagala vinous liquor for distilling (Skt.Ka.)(Ka.lex.) nahel liquor (Santali.lex.)
2997.Ferry boat; image: raised place: jan:gal, jan:gala_ ferry-boat (Kon.lex.) cf. cajja_d.a Portuguese jangada (Ma.); sa_n:gad.a a float composed of two boats bound together (M.)(Ka.lex.) jan:gala double-canoe (Tu.); can:kat.am id. (Ta.); hangul.a, angul.a double canoe, raft; san:gal.a pair (Si.)(CDIAL 12859). jan:ga_l a wooden platform placed on boats used at ferries for transporting vehicles and other heavy things (Tu.lex.) jagal.i, jagati, jagali, jaguli a raised place etc. (Ka.); jagati, jagari, jagile (Te.); ce_di (Ma.); ta_va_ram (Ta.); ta_vad.a a place, a residence; ta_vara = stha_vara a place, abode (Te.)(Ka.lex.) jagati the site of a house (Ka.lex.) jagali an artificially raised place : a kind of sacrificial altar; the pedestal of an idol; a seat of mud, stone etc. (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) ja_ga a place; a spot; room (Ka.); ja_ga_ (M.H.Te.) (Ka.lex.)
2998.Double-canoe: jan:ga_l a platform with railings placed on two boats, used at ferries (Ka.); cajjo_d.a Portuguese jangada (M.); sa_n:gad.a a float composed of two boats bound together (M.); sa_n:gad.a, sa_n:gad.e = jan:ga_l (Ka.lex.) cf. jan:gha_la running swiftly (Car.); ja~gha_l. swift (esp. of horses)(M.)(CDIAL 5083). cf. jan:gama moving (AitUp.)(CDIAL 5079). Two canoes joined into a ferry-boat: can:kat.am < jangada (Port.) ferry-boat of two canoes with a platform thereon, irat.t.ai-t-to_n.i (Ta.lex.); jan:gala double-canoe (Tu.); sam.gha_t.a fitting and joining timber (R.); na_va_-san:gha_t.a, da_ru-san:gha_t.a raft (Pali); sa~gad. float made of two canoes joined together (M.)[cf. saggara (Gr.) at Limurike in the Periplus]; hangul.a, angul.a double canoe, raft (Si.)(CDIAL 12859). Ferry-boat: can:ka_t.am a kind of boat (Na_.); can:ku-vat.am ferry-boat (Ta.); can.n.a_t.am id. (Ma.); jangada (Port.)(Ta.lex.) Image: fitting and joining; double-canoe, raft: sam.gha_t.a fitting and joining of timber (R.); da_ru-san:gha_t.a raft (Pali); sa~gad. float made of two canoes joined together (M.); s'an:gad.am (Ta.); jan:gala double-canoe (Tu.); han:gul.a, an:gul.a double canoe, raft (Si.)(CDIAL 12859). Boat: san:gha_d.a a boat; identified with sangar mentioned in the Periplus of the Erythrean Sea (Jain. Skt.) can:kat.am = irat.t.ai-t-to_n.i; can:kuvat.am ferry-boat (Ta.) can.n.a_t.am (Ma.); kat.t.u-t-to_n.i surf boat, boat of which the seams are sewn together; kat.t.u-p-pat.aku id. (Ta.); kat.t.u-maram Catamaran, used for deep sea fishing; raft made of logs of wood lashed or joined together; post to which is bound Ara_va_n- to be offered as a sacrifice in the festival of ku_tta_n.t.ai held to commemorate certain incidents in the Mahabharata (Ta.lex)
3000.Image: insect: sin:gar. to develop and become rigid as the wings of an insect after emerging from the pupacase or cocoon, applied mainly to tasar silk moths; patniko sin:gar.ena the wings of the moths have developed and become rigid; sin:ghin bhar.ua spiny caterpillars, applied mainly to the larvae of attacus atlas and attacus selene (Santali.lex.)
3001.Images: a seat of cane; cot: cekkal.a, cakkal.a a small cot or oblong low couch of cane-work, a seat of cane or bamboo (Ka.lex.) ekki a piece of timber (or bamboo) forming one side of the frame of a cot (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) To sleep; bed: ce_-ttal to dwell, abide (Pat.t.in-ap. 249); ke_ id. (Ka.); ce_- to lie, remain (Perumpa_n.. 52); to sleep (Pur-ana_. 209); ce_kkai cot, bed, thing to sleep on (Pur-ana_. 50); sleeping place of animals, roost of birds; dwelling place (Man.i. 4,117); bird's nest (Periyapu. Can.t.e_. 4); ce_kkai-p-pal.l.i bed, mattress (Cilap. 4,28)(Ta.lex.) cakkal.a, cekkal.a a small cot or oblong low couch of cane-work (Ka.); cakkan.o a small mat (Tu.)(DEDR 2270). sikkad.a bed (Pkt.)(CDIAL 12427). s'i_ lie down (Skt.); s'aya in cmpds. 'living in' (R.); s'e_te_ lies down (RV.); sleeps (Gr.S'r.); remains unused (TS.); imperf. as'ayat (Skt.); se_ti, sayati lies down, sleeps, dwells, behaves (Pali); se_i, se_ai sleeps (Pkt.); s'ilo it is (Gypsy); s'i to stay, live (Kt.); si_ exists, is (Tir.); s'i_k, s'i_, s'e_, s'i_u, s'u_ it is (Pas'.); s'u_e (Shum.); s'i_r (Kal.); s'i_u (Kal.); s'e_r (Kho.); sai (Phal.); nus', nus'i is not (Sh.); si_n.o, sen.o, pres. part. si~_do to repose, sleep; sitn.o to sleep (Ku.); os'oi it was (Kho.); a_s' was (Bshk.); as'u_ (Tor.)(CDIAL 12605). s'ayya_ bed (S.ad.vBr.); sleeping (Mn.); sahas'e_yya sleeping with (RV.); sahas'ayya (A_past.); seyya_ couch, bed (Pali); seja (S.); sej, chej (P.); sejja_, sijja_ (Pkt.); chehja_ bed and bedding given to a brahman after a relative's death (P.); sej (Ku.N.); xeza_ river-bed, main course of a river (A.); seji bed (OB.); sej, si_j (B.); seja, sesa (Or.); sajea_, sajiya_ (Bi.); sej (Mth.); se_j (Bhoj.Aw.); sej (H.); seja (OMarw.); sej (G.)); s'ej (M.); si_ sleep, repose (Si.)(CDIAL 12609). ce_kuka, ce_kkuka to roost; ce_kal, ce_yal, ce_kka, ce_kku a roost (Ma.); ce_ppu (ce_ppi-) to abide, remain (Ta.); ke_ (ke_d-) to lie down, repose, copulate with (Ka.); ke_vu, kendu copulation (Ka.); kedon.uni to lie down, rest; keton.u, katon.u to lie down; kerapa_vu to cause to lie down (Tu.); ke.p (ke.pt-) to make (child) to sleep (Kol.); ki_dna_, ki_d'a_na_ to allow or invite one to lie down for rest or sleep, put to bed (a child, a sick person), lay in the grave (Kur.); kde to lay down (Malt.)(DEDR 1990). Guest: xeppas a visitor or friend entertained in the house, guest; fellow-villager, neighbour; xeppa_ inhabitant of a village; xeppar inhabitants, population (Kur.); qepu village; qepo inhabitant of a village, neighbour (Malt.)(DEDR 1956).
3002.Image: a roost: ce_kuka, ce_kkuka to roost; ce_kal, ce_yal, ce_kka, ce_kku a roost (Ma.)(DEDR 1990).
3003.Image: basket: can:ga_ru basket (S.); can:ger shallow basket (P.); can:gor large basket (Bi.); can:ger, can:geri_, can:gera_ basket (H.); can.era_ bamboo basket (N.); can.eri small bamboo basket (N.); ca_n.a_ri, ca_n.ra_ (B.); ca_n:gur.a_, ca_n:gara_ wicker tray or basket (Or.); ca_n:gur.i_, ca_n:gr.i_ small wicker tray or basket (Or.); can:ged.a_ basket (OB.); can:ge_ri basket (Skt.)[Divergent NIA forms indicate non-Aryan origin]; can:gava_ra a hollow vessel (Pali); can:go_t.a, can:go_t.aka box, basket (Pali); can:ge_ri_ basket (Pkt.); can:gave_ra wooden box (Pkt.); can:geri_, can:geli_ flat open basket (S.)(CDIAL 4565). songor.i basket that holds four seers of grain (Kond.a); hangon. a kind of basket (Pe.); hangun. id. (Mand..); ha_ngori basket (small)(Kuwi); hangor.i, han.un.i id. (Kuwi)(DEDR 2288). cakkal.a, cekkal.a a small cot or oblong low couch of cane-work, a seat of cane or bamboo (Ka.lex.) cakita shaking, trembling (Ka.); afraid, timid (Skt.Ka.)(Ka.lex.) saika basket (Santali.lex.) Image: filter; stainer: chaka chaki a strainer; chaka chaki to strain through, filter, dodge; chakao to separate by straining, or filtering (Santali.lex.) Image: wicker trap; to catch: a_n(u) to lay hold of, hold, put on, take, seize (Ka.); a_nika, a_n:ke laying hold of, seizing; a_n:ke-gol. to seize (Ka.); a~_ci-konu to seize, take away; na~_cu to snatch, seize, usurp; na~_ci-ko_lu usurpation (Te.); a_njana_ to catch the blood of a slain animal, to catch something falling (Go.); a_nj- (a_nc-) to catch (something thrown at one)(Pe.); a_jo a circular wicker trap for catching fish (Kui)(DEDR 409).
3005.An officer: san:gad.i-raks.a_-pa_laka an officer; 'the meaning of san:gad.i is uncertain' (EI6; IEG, p.296). sa_nkou, sa_kva_ bridge (Kon.lex.)
3006.Image: line of entrenchments: sa~gar.h line of entrenchments, stone walls for defence (L.)(CDIAL 12845). san:gghar a field fortification; an army drawn up on the model of a fort, the breastwork of an army (P.lex.)
3007.Image: turner's apparatus; lathe: sa~gha_r.o lathe (G.); sa~gad. part of a turner's apparatus (M.); sa~_ga_d.i_ lathe (Tu.)(CDIAL 12859). Perh. san:gad.i lathe > an:ga_d.i shop. cf. sam.yuta joined with (AV.); joined (Pali); sam.jua (Pkt.); sam.yauti mixes (VS.)(CDIAL 12988). cf. ad.a, ad.e, ad.i the piece of wood on which the five artisans put the article which they happen to operate upon, a support (Ka.)(DEDR 86). Rubbing, friction: san:ghat.i that crushes: a millstone; san:ghat.isu to strike (one thing) against (another); to crush; san:ghat.t.a rubbing together, friction; striking against, touch; san:ghat.t.ana id.; san:ghat.t.ita struck against, touched; san:ghars.an.a rubbing against (another)(Ka.lex.) Turner or mover: jagat, jaga, jagattu moving, movable, locomotive (Ka.Skt.); jaga-varti, jaga-vatti the turner or mover of the world (Ka.); jagur.. to go away or move off; to slip; to drop down (Ka.); jagur..tir to go away, to disappear (Ka.); jaggu, jeggu to pull with effort, to drag, to draw, as cloth, a cart, water etc. (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) Oil shop; oil-press workers: cekka_liyar a caste of oil-press workers (Na_.); cekkarva_n-ir-attan- lit. one red as the red sky; Vi_rabhadra (Cu_t.a_.); S'iva; cen:kan.ma_l Vis.n.u as having red eyes (Tiv. Periya_r... 3,8,4)(Ta.); cen:kalvara_yan- < cen:galuva + (Te.) Skanda, as lord of Cen:kalva-kiri, i.e., Tiruttan.i hill (Arut.pa_, v, Can.mukar, Ka_laip. 5)(Ta.); cen:gal.i red lac dye (Cu_l.a_. Cuyam. 101); a kind of infusion used in preparing areca-nuts (Perun.. Makata. 14,81)(Ta.)(Ta.lex.) Wheel-turner or cart-puller: jakkantor..ali the wheel-turner or cart-puller : a male buffalo, which is yamaratha or Yama's vehicle; jakkandor..alide_ra whose vehicle is a buffalo : Yama (Ka.); cakka, jakka (Tadbhava of cakra) wheel (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) cakkaram oil-mill (Periyapu. Kaliyan-a_. 5)(Ta.lex.) cekku an oil-press, a sugar-mill (Ka.); cakku (Ma.); cakki_ a hand-mill (M.H.)(Tadbhava of cakra)(Skt.)(Ka.lex.) cekkat.i-ttal to work the oil-press; cekkat.i place where oil-press is working (Ta.); cekkat.ikkar-uppan- a demon or ferocious deity having its abode in oil-press (W.)(Ta.lex.) cakkiri oil-monger, oil-grinder; potter (Ta.)(Ta.lex.) cakkiyasa_la_ oil shop (Jain.Skt.) cekka_t.t.i, cekka_tti person of the va_n.iya caste, as worker of oil-press; cf. cekku oil-press (Na_lat.i, 374)(Ta.); id. (Ka.); cakkai refuse as of sugarcane after pressing; rind or fibrous parts of fruits (Ta.); cakka id. (Ma.); cakkai bark (Ta.)(Ta.lex.) cekkural mortar of oil-press; cekkulakkai working shaft or pestle of oil-press (Tan-ippa_. i,51,99); cekku-mut.t.ai spoonful of oil, being a contribution from oil-presses in the village to the village proprietors (R.T.); cekku-me_t.u raised place where oil-press works; cekku-k-kat.amai = cekka_yam an ancient tax on oil-press (S.I.I. i,108); cekkir-ai id. (I.M.P.Cg. 195); cekkilit.t.u-t-tirittal to oppress, torment as by grinding in oil-press (Tiv. Tiruva_y. 7,1,5)(Ta.lex.) Oil-miller: tailika_, tila-pis.aka oil-miller; since he worked with the wheel, he was also called ca_krika and cakracara (Skt.lex.) cf. cigal.i, cigul.i a ball made of fried gingilli-oil seed mixed with jaggery (Ka.)(DEDR 2480).
3008.Sharpened: cakna_ to sharpen an edge instrument, whet (Kur.); cake to sharpen, whet (Malt.)(DEDR 2277). nis'a_na whetting (Skt.); nisa_na hone (pali); n.isa_n.a (Pkt.); nisa_n.a_, nisn.a_ (M.); nihun.u-ga_nava_ to whet (Si.)(CDIAL 7432). nis'ita sharpened (RV.); nisita id. (Pali); n.isia (Pkt.); nisila_ (OM.); niyu (Si.)(CDIAL 7435). nis'yati sharpens (AitBr.); nisiba_ to whet (Or.)(CDIAL 7456). Polishing arms: cikil < cikna_ (U.) polishing or burnishing of arms (Ta.); cikili id. (Te.); cikilli id. (Ta.); cikil-a_t.u- to polish arms (Ta.); cikir--ka_ran- a caste of knife-grinders, belonging originally to Upper India (Sikligar) and found chiefly in Madura district (E.T.)(Ta.lex.) cf. ci_ to scrape (Ta.); ci_vu to pare off, shave or scrape off, smooth or polish by planing (Ta.); ci_y to rub (Ta.); ci_ka to scrape, smooth, polish (Ma.); ci_vu, civvu to cut thin, shave, scrape, peel, pare or trim the nails, smooth, furbish, polish (Ka.); civvu to cut, shave, pare, mend or sharpen (Te.)(DEDR 2600). cf. ni_n:kal removing, separating (Ta.)(DEDR 3685). cf. silaut.o stone to grind spices on (Ku.N.); silaut. (Bi.Mth.H.); s'ila_pat.t.a stone slab (for sitting or grinding on)(MBh.)(CDIAL 12461). sala_t. stone-cutter (G.)(CDIAL 12460). Whetstone: sira_n.i large whetstone (S.); sara_n. (G.)(CDIAL 12462). cf. ci_ran.a a small chisel, esp. used in cutting metals (Ka.)(DEDR 2627).
3009.Flint: cakamuki, cakimuki, cakkamuki, cakkamukki, cakkumukki a flint and steel for striking fire; the steel alone (Ka.); cakamaka (M.H.); cakamuka, cakamuki, cikimuki, ceku,muku (Te.); cakamuki-kallu a flint; cakmuk (Turkish); cakkumukku (Ma.); cakkimukki (Ta.)(Ka.lex.) cf. cakkamukki-hatti silk-cotton tinder (Ka.lex.)
3010.Sand: cikatai white sand (Civataru. Pa_vavi. 60)(Ta.lex.) sikata_ grain of sand; sand, gravel (VS.Pali.); sigata_ sand, gravel (Skt.); s've_ta-sika-druka scattering white sand (TA_r.); 0ika_ (OPers.); six (Bal.); s'ega (Psht.); c, cyu sand (Kt.); s'o_ (Wg.); s'o~_r.e (Ash.); ci~_a (Dm.); s'uyur (Kho.); s'i_gou, s'i_gol, s'iger sand (Kal.); sikata_ sand, gravel (Pali); sigatam.mi (NiDoc.); sikaya_, sigaya_ sand (Pkt.); se~_o, si_ou, si_u, sio_ (Pas'.); si_u (Shum.); si_u_ (Gaw.); sigit, s'igit (Wot..); sigit (Bshk.); sekh, seki sand, file (K.); sikk, sikka_ gravel (WPah.); sikatila sandy (Skt.); cele sand (Kt.); siye_l, se_l (Pas'.); sigal fine sand (Tor.Phal.); sand (Sh.); sigil (Chil.Gau.); s'igala (Sv.); s'iga (Phal.)(CDIAL 13386). cakkimukki, cakkimukki-k-kal flint-stone used for kindling fire < caqmaq (U. < Turk.) (Ta.lex.) Image: to set tooth on edge: cangrna_ to be on edge (of the teeth); cangrta'a_na_ to set (the teeth) on edge; cangcangrna_ to grate upon the ear, not to ring true, sound hollow or as a cracked plate, grate upon the throat, have a bad taste (said esp. of beer)(Kur.); carge to have the teeth set on edge (Malt.)(DEDR 2289). To pierce; to whet: cakkhna_ (cakkhyas/cakkos) to pierce with a prick, prick, penetrate into, puncture, cause a prickly sensation; refl. cakkhrna_ (to get tattooed etc.); cakkhta'a_na_ to cause to be pierced, tattooed (Kur.); caqe to pierce, sting, stab; also applied to the sowing of certain grains for which holes are made in the earth; [cf. ca~_xna_ to sow, scatter seed (Kur.); cqe to sow, scatter, divide (Malt.)(DEDR 2431)]; caqro worm-eaten roots; caqtre to have the ears bored; caqu shooting pains in the stomach (Malt.); jaxxing to pierce (Br.)(DEDR 2278). casakn.a_ to throb (P.); caskn.a_ to be angry (WPah.); casak rheumatic pain (Ku.); casakka with a sharp pain; caskanu to throb, give acute pain (N.); casakna_, cusakna_ to throb or twitch with pain (H.); casak acute pain (G.); cas.ati, chas.ati hurts (Dha_tup.)(CDIAL 4730). s'o whet (Skt.); s'a_r file, rasp (Dm.Kho.)(CDIAL 12386). To whet: s'a_na whetstone (Skt.); s'a_n.a whetstone (Skt.Pali.); id. (Pkt.Or.Konkan.i); sa_n. (P.M.); sa_n.o (Ku.); sa_n (N.B.Bi.H.); xa_n (A.); sa_n.a_ (M.); san.a-gala, han.a-gala (Si.); hanu (Md.); sa_ha_n.a (Or.); saha_n. (M.)(CDIAL 12388). s'a_nita whetted (Skt.); sa_n.aia id. (Pkt.); sa_n.ijjadi is whetted (Pkt.); xana_iba to whet (A.); sa_na_ (B.); sa_n.iba_ (Or.); sa_nna_ (H.)(CDIAL 12389). san, han blunt (Si.)(CDIAL 12392). sira_n.i large whetstone (S.); sara_n. (G.)(CDIAL 12462). Friction; rubbing; image: collision, clash: san:ghat.t.a friction, rubbing together; collision, clashing together, encounter; conflict; meeting, joining, collision or rivalry; san:ghat. to strike; to bring together, unite; san:ghat.t.anam rubbing together, friction; collision, clash; contact, union, cohesion; the intertwining of wrestlers; meeting, encounter in general; san:ghr.s. to rub or grind together; to rival, emulate, compete or vie with (Skt.lex.) sam.ghars.a rubbing together, grinding, trituration, friction; rubbing against (another)(Ka.lex.)
3011. Images: leopard; lion: si_ leopard (WPah.); tiger (Wg.); si_h leopard (P.); s'i~h, s'i_ tiger (with s'- from Pers. s'er tiger)(L.); si_mi tigress, leopard (K.); si_han.i_ tigress (P.); se~hin.i leopard with cubs; si~_han. tigress (WPah.); syu~_, syu_ tiger (Ku.); sah, sh tiger, leopard (K.); si_h lion (WPah.); sim.ha lion; sim.hi_ (RV.); si_ha, si_hi lion (Pali); siha (Dhp.); sim.ha, sim.gha, siha, si_hi_ (Pkt.): si~_h lion (Mth.); si~_h, siha~_ lion (P.); si~_gh, si_h lion (H.); si_ha (OG.); si_, siha (Si.); si_hini_ lioness (Pali); si~ghni_ lioness (H.); si~_h leopard (P.); lion (WPah.Mth.H.); syu~_ tiger (Ku.); si_mi tigress, leopard (K.); s'er tiger (Persian); si_han.i_ tigress (P.)(CDIAL 13384). cin:kam lion (Ta.lex.) Leopard: cf. circa, circu, cir-ate, cir-aca a small kind of tiger, the cheeta or hunting leopard, felix jubata (Ka.); cirate leopard (Kod..); cirtepili id. (Tu.); cir-uta leopard, cheetah; cir-u puli leopard (Te.); cir-uttai panther, felis pardus (Ta.)(DEDR 2590). cf. kirbn lelpard (Ko.); kir-aba, kir-uba id. (Ka.)(DEDR 1599). cf. garum go_li fox (go_li < IA)(Pa.); xarma_ wolf (Br.)(DEDR 1289). cf. to_la (Br.)(DEDR 3548). cf. ci_yam lion (Perun.. Ucaik. 42,85) < si_ha (Pkt.)(Ta.lex.) Hunting leopard: civin:ki Indian lynx, felis caracal; hunting leopard, felix jubata (Ta.); civin.n.i a hunting leopard (Ma.); sivan:gi the tiger wolf, the hyaena; a leopard used in hunting (Ka.); civa_gi, civvan:gi, siva_gi, sivan:gi, sivvan:gi, sivva_gi hyaena (Te.)(DEDR 2579). cf. civin:ki-na_y a swift-footed hunting dog (Ta.)(Ta.lex.) [Hence, civin:ki- as a pre-fix may connote, semant. 'hunting'.] cf. the reduplicating semant. suffix -van:gi in: ve_n:kai tiger (Ta.); ve_n.n.a royal tiger (Ma.); ve~_gi tiger (Te.); ve_nga_lam leopard (Go.)(DEDR 5521). cf. vya_ghra tiger (Skt.lex.)
3012.Image: leopard: jan.al leopard (Ash.); za_n:gal (Gaw.); ja_n:gal.a wild beasts (Or.)(CDIAL 5177). civin:ki-p-pu_n-ai leopard cat, felis bengalensis; civai (Tiruva_lava_. 29,16); ci_yam lion (ci_yamu me_r-um pa_ypari-p-puraviyum: Perun.. Ucaik. 42,85) leo, sign of the zodiac (Ta.lex.) cf. ikalan- (Kalavar..i. 28); old (Ta.lex.)(DEDR 413). sin:ga, sim.ha lion (Ka.lex.) sin. a lion (Santali.lex.)
3013. Image: turned neck: can:ku-tiruki : can:ku throat (Ta.Ma.); tiruku-tal to turn (Ta.)(Ta.lex.) Image: to turn back: cikic backwards, to turn back, to come into contact with something behind; cikic ruar.enae he turned suddenly and fled back the way he came; cikicte nu~renae he fell back in a sitting position (Santali.lex.) cin:ka-no_kku looking over the shoulder with neck turned as a lion (Ci_vaka. 1569)(Ta.)(Ta.lex.)
3014.Image: a body formed of two or more animals: sa_jul.iba_ to tie two things or animals together (Or.)(CDIAL 12987). Fabulous animals: sa~gad. a body formed of two or more fruits or animals or men etc. linked together (Ma.); san:gha_r.iba_ to mix many materials, stir boiling curry, tie two cattle together and leave to graze (Or.) (CDIAL 12859,12860). Image: limbs joined: an:ga_n:gi limb and limb, jointly or reciprocally, in consequence of being related, as one limb to another or to the body; sam.s'le_s.a (Ka.lex.) an:ka_n:ki-pa_vam < an:ga_n:gi_-bha_va relation of the subsidiary or accessory and principal (Ci.Ci. 1,27); an:kam symmetry, beauty, as of the body (Ta.); an:gu id. (Te.); am beauty, prettiness (Tiruva_ca. 19,5) (Ta.lex.) an:ga limb, member (RV. x.85.30); an:ga_-paru_m.s.i limbs and joints (TS. ii.5.6.1)(Vedic.lex.) sam.kara mixing (esp. of castes) (Mn.); anything defiled (MBh.); dung (Car.); dust, sweepings (Skt.); sa~_kar rubbish blocking a stream (M.)(CDIAL 12818). Image: animals joined together: sam.gha_t.a fitting and joining of timber (R.); sa~gad. a body formed of two or more fruits or animals or men etc., linked together (M.)(CDIAL 12859). san:gha_ta, san:gad.a, san:ga_ta close combination, union, association, connection; a collection; san:ghat.ita joined; san:ghat.ane contact, union, junction; san:gha close contact or combination; any collection; an assemblage, a flock; any number of people or inhabitants living together; san:gra_n.isu to bring or gather together, to collect, etc.; san:graha bringing together; a store-room; san:gradhita strung or tied together (Ka.lex.) To fetch: a_harati fetches, gets (RV.Pali); enjoys (MBh.); a_harai steals, eats (Pkt.); a_r to bring (Pas'.); ha_rim I bring (Kal.); aletam I brought (Kho.); a_hariba_ to collect (Or.); a_harai fetches food to eat (esp. of ascetics)(OG.)(CDIAL 1541). Collection: a_hr.ti collection (Ka.lex.) a_hr.ta brought near, fetched (Mn.); a_hat.a (Pali); a_had.a, a_haya brought, stolen (Pkt.); ha_d.ta_ brings (Konkan.i)(CDIAL 1547). a_karittal to send for, secure, get (Perun.. Ucaik. 38,149)(Ta.lex.) a_gara, a_yagara collection (Pkt.); a_kara accumulation, plenty (R.); one who scatters (RV.)(CDIAL 1000). Image: joined: a_kalana binding, joining together; a_kalita joined, bound, connected with; counted, reckoned; seized, held (Ka.lex.) a_ghat.ita joined; touched; put on; rubbed (Ka.lex.)
3015.Image: boar: ja_n:gli_ boar (L.); jhan:gli_ wild (S.); jhan:gu jungle (S.)(CDIAL 5177).
2901.Image: a pole carried by two men: san. to carry on the shoulders between two people, suspended from a pole; san:gr.a, san:gr.i a pole carried on the shoulders of two men from which things to be carried are slung on a pole; san:gr.akateko idikeda they slung it on a pole and took it away (Santali.lex.)
3016.Image: spear carried by a watchman: sa_n:gu a spear or a javelin altogether of iron (Ka.); sa_n:ga (M.H.)(Ka.lex.) Arrow, spear: sr.ka arrow, spear (RV.); sr.ga (Skt.); sr.gavant, sr.ga_vant having arrows (Skt.); hiya, hi_, iya, i_ya arrow (Si.); si_k reed, spit (Mth.)(CDIAL 13575). Image: one fork of a forked stick; spear; arrow: ca_n:ku a kind of dart, arrow (Ta.)(Ta.lex.) s'an:ku peg, spike (RV.); stake, post (MBh.); stick, arrow (Skt.); san:ku, san:kuka stake, spike, javelin (Pali); sam.ku stake, spike, javelin (Pkt.); xa~ka_li a kind of fishing spear (A.); aku-va stake (Si.); sa~_ga one fork of a forked stick (S.); sa~_gi spear (S.); sa_n:g, pl. sa_n:ga~ spear (L.); sa~gola_ spear carried by a watchman (L.); sa~_g prong, fork, point; sa_n:gi_ pitchfork (P.); sa~_g spear, instrument for digging wells; sa~_gi_ small spear (H.); sa~_g iron spear (G.M.)(CDIAL 12260). Spear: s'akti spear; s'akti_ (flag)staff (MBh.); satti knife, dagger (Pali); satti a kind of weapon (Pkt.); sat sword, spear (OSi.)(CDIAL 12251). An iron arrow: astra-sa_yaka an iron arrow; the na_ra_ca missile (Skt.lex.) sa_yaka an arrow; a sword; sa_yaka-pun:kha the feathered part of an arrow (Skt.lex.) ca_yakam arrow (Kampara_. Makarakkan.n.an-. 18)(Ta.lex.) cf. s'ethar iron (K.); s'eitr knife (Pas'.); saster iron (Gypsy)(CDIAL 12367). cf. selago_la goad (Te.); selapandi porcupine (Te.)(DEDR 2568). cf. salhan:g, salhan:ga_, salan:gh, salan:gha_ small pitchfork (P.)(CDIAL 12355).
3017.Image: bush: jhan:g thicket (L.P.); ja_n. clump (N.); jha_n:kar.a_ bushy (Or.); jha~_kar thick bush (M.); jha~_khru~ a prickly shrub with few leaves (G.); jha~_khi_, jha~_khar. bush (Mth.); jham.khara dry tree (Pkt.)(CDIAL 5323). Hilly tract: co_n:ku hilly tract thickly clustered with trees and watered by streams or cataracts (Ta.lex.) A valley of rice-field: cf. son:gha a valley of rice-field; sokr.a id. (Santali.lex.) cf. co_lai flower garden, grove (Ta.); so.le jungle with trees (Badaga); co.lgn man of a forest tribe living near Bokkapur (Ko.); ca_la_ grove, sacred grove (Kur.)(DEDR 2891).
3018.Green: sa_n:gad.a, sa_n:gad.e, jan:ga_l zangar, verditer, a greenish blue dye (Ka.); jan:gala (M.H.); jan:ga_lpacce = jan:ga_l (Ka.lex.) ja_ga, ca_ga the colour green; ja_gavaral, ja_gaparal the green pebble: an emerald (Ka.lex.) ak blue (Santali.lex.)
3019.Civet perfume: can:kumatam civet perfume (Ta.); san:ku-madamu (Te.)(Ta.lex.)
3020.A perfume; trigonella corniculata: san:ke (Tadbhava of spr.kke) the plant trigonella corniculata; san:kebe_ru, marunma_le, pis'une, spr.kke, de_vi, late, laghu, samudra_nte, badhu, ko_t.ivars.a, lan:ko_pike, spr.kke emba gandha dravya (Ka.lex.) pr.kke the leguminous plant, trigonella corniculata (Ka.lex.) piring san:k (B.)(Sanskrit Materia Medica, p.319). Trigonella corniculata: tirir (Pers.); malya (Skt.); pirang (U.); fruit: bitter, astringent, styptic; applied to swellings and bruises; habitat: Bengal and Kumaon to Kashmir, 5,000 to 12,000 ft. (GIMP, p.248). Trigonella foenum-graecum: methi (H.Skt.P.B.M.); vendayam (Ta.); mentulu (Te.); ventayam (Ma.); menthya (Ka.); seeds: carminative, tonic, aphrodisiac; an infusion given to small-pox patients as a cooling drink; toasted and then infused, used for dysentery; leaves: used both internally and externally for their cooling properties; habitat: Punjab and Kashmir; cultivated in many parts of India (GIMP, pp. 248-249). Synonyms: marunma_le a sort of grass, trigonella corniculata; pis'une, de_vi, ko_t.ivars.a the plant medicago esculenta, trigonella corniculata [de_vi the small-pox; vaccinia; Note: use of trigonella foenum-graecum for small-pox]; de_vipan.d.ita a vaccinator; de_vamme the plant sanseviera roxburghiana]; laghu the plant trigonella corniculata; agallochum, a particular kind of agallochum, agaru, maruga (Ka.lex.) cf. picin- gum, exudation from certain trees; benzoin, ca_mpira_n.i (Ta.lex.)
3021.Fear; hesitate; shyness; shame: can:ku (can:ki-) to be dispirited (Ta.); jag- (jagy-) to be afraid (Ko.); jan:kisu to scold, chide; jan:kan.e, jan:ke scolding, chiding (Ka.); han:gusa_vuni, han:gipuni to upbraid, rebuke (Tu.); jan:ku to fear, be afraid, hesitate, shake; n. fear, hesitation; jan:kincu to frighten, intimidate; jan:ke, jan:kena threat; januku to fear (Te.)(DEDR 2281). s'an:kate_ is afraid, distrusts (S'Br.); san:kati doubts, hesitates (Pa.); sam.kai, sam.kan.a (Pkt.); san:gan.u to be suspicious (S.); san:gan. to be shy, be reserved, be considerate, be willing to be milked (of a cow)(L.); sa~_kn.o to suspect, blame, accuse (Ku.); san:gn.a_ to be shy (P.); sa~_kvu~ to test (a measure or weight for accuracy)(G.); san:ga_in.u to frighten (S.); saka_na_ to make doubt (H.)(CDIAL 12257). cakla coklo shy (Santali.lex.) Hesitate: je_n:ku to hesitate (Ka.); je_n:kuni to delay, be deferred; hesitate, waver; je_n:ka_vuni to detain, stop; delay, put off (Tu.)(DEDR 2805). Care; caution: joyk carefulness (Ko.); jo_ke care, caution, beauty, harmony, grandeur; jo_pa_na the looking after, looked after well (Ka.); jo.ke care (Kod..); jo_k care, caution, safety; jo_pane, jo_pasana, jo_pa_na care, circumspection; cautious, careful (Tu.); jo_ka manner, way, grandeur, prettiness; duly, properly (Te.); joka_d. slowly (Kol.); jhokane carefully (Go.)(DEDR 2871). s'an:ka fear, distrust (S'Br.); san:ka fear, suspicion; san:ka_yati doubts (Pali); sam.ka (Pkt.); s'on. care, precaution (Sh.); san:ga timidity (S.); sa~g shyness, reserve (L.); san:g shame (P.); s'a~_g doubt (WPah.); sa_m.ka_ (OAw.); saka (Si.); s'an:g fear, suspicion (Kho.); sa~_ga care, thought, apprehension (S.)(CDIAL 12258). s'an:kita alarmed, anxious (MBh.); san:kita, san:kin, san:kiya anxious (Pali); sam.kia- (sam.ki-)(Pkt.); s'an:kia_ feeling the need to answer the call of nature (WPah.); ska, hka doubt, care (Si.)(CDIAL 12259). s'an:kura frightful (Skt.)(CDIAL 12262).
3022.Image: sidelock: ce_kku sidelock (Ta.lex.) Image: to look askance: sae-sae of people or monkeys, to look askance at somebody in anger (Mu.lex.) Side: sae_-supid the habit of tying the chignon at the side of the head (Mu.lex.)
3023.Image: frothing of boiling juice: za_ki the frothing of boiling sugar-cane juice (A.); jhaga froth, scum, suds (S.); jhagg foam; jhag foam, saliva; jhagan. to churn; jhagga_ small churning stick (L.); jhagg foam, froth, scum (P.); jha_g froth, scum (H.)(CDIAL 5322). cf. o_l.a saliva (Ma.); no_l.i stick (juice)(Ka.); o_li anything sticky, gummy, glutinous, viscous; saliva (Tu.)(DEDR 2937). cf. la_la_ saliva, spittle (Skt.)(CDIAL 11027). To chew: oxy- (oxs-) to chew (To.); agi to champ, bite, chew, eat; avud.u to chew with the teeth, champ, chew the cud; jagi, jegi, jigi, jagi, jegi to chew (Ka.); aggiyuni, agyuni id., bite (Tu.)(DEDR 2265). cakn.o~ to chew (WPah.); cakkhai tastes (Pkt.); cac-, ca_c to taste (Wg.); chocik, cocik to gnaw (a bone)(Kho.); cakhan.u to taste (S.); cakkhan. (L.); cakkhn.a_ (P.); cakh- to taste (WPah.); ca_khn.o to taste (Ku.); ca_khnu (N.); sa_kiba (A.); ca_k(h)a_ (B.); ca_khiba_ (Or.); ca_khai (OAw.); ca_khna_ (H.); ca_khvu~ to taste (G.); ca_khn.e~ (M.); ci_khna_ to taste (H.)(CDIAL 4557). caks.an.a eating a relish to promote drinking (Skt.); cakkhan.a tasting (Pkt.); ca_khan. liking (Ku.); ca_kan tasting (B.); ca_khana_ (Or.); cakhana_ tasting, kissing (OAw.)(CDIAL 4556). cas.ati eats (Dha_tup.); cas'i_dan to taste (Pers.); cas.el to drink (Psht.)(CDIAL 4556).
3024.Image: hot vapour: sagal.i, segal.i, sekal.e, segal.ike, segal.u heat; hot vapour, steam; segal.i-kadira the hot-rayed, the sun (Ka.lex.) cecut.ar sun (Pin..); kecod.ar id. (Ka.)(Ta.lex.) sek fomentation; to foment (Kon.lex.) se_n:ke, je_n:ke, de_n:ke heat, warmth, panting (Tu.lex.)
3025.Image: skin flask: saggal.e, cakkal.e a skin-flask: a vessel for holding drinking water (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) cakkal.a skin, leather (Ka.); cakkiliyan- a shoemaker (Ta.Ma.); sa_gala goats' skin-leather (M.)(Ka.lex.) cekkili cobbler (Ta.); jaggelaasi, ja_kera shoemaker (Kuwi)(DEDR 2272). s'a_s.kula eating flesh (or fish)(Skt.lex.) Flesh: s'aus.kala, s'a_s.kula, s'a_s.kala an habitual eater of flesh (Ka.lex.) can:kalam < jan:gala flesh, meat (Ta.)(Ta.lex.) cakala_ttu < sakla_t (U.) < escarlata (Port.) woollen stuff (Vir-alivit.u, 742); s'akala_ttu (Ma.)(Ta.lex.) san:gara swallowing up, devouring; flesh, meat (Ka.lex.) Gunny bag: ca_kku < zak (Dutch) sack, gunny bag (Ta.); ca_kku id. (Ma.)(Ta.lex.) Leather: sa_gal. goatskin, leather made from it (M.)(CDIAL 4963). cakkal.a skin, leather (Ka.); cakkili caste of shoemakers (Ta.); cakkiliyan- worker in leather (Ta.); cakkilicci woman of the Cakkili caste; cekkili cobbler (Ta.); cakkiliyan a Tamil shoemaker; f. cakkilicci (Ma.); jaggelaasi, ja_kera shoemaker (Kuwi)(DEDR 2272).
3026.Herd; herdsman: ja~_gli_, ja~_glu_ wild, rural (H.); ja~_gli_ herdsman (M.)(CDIAL 5177). jan:gal.i, jan:gul.i, jan:gal.a, jan:gur..i mass, assemblage, herd, etc. (Ka.); jan:gili a herd of cattle (Te.)(DEDR 2284). jhan:gu jungle (S.)(CDIAL 5323). Flock: sa_ga_ flock of sheep or goats (M.)(CDIAL 5011). ca~ecor a tribe of gypsies (Santali.lex.) cf. ca~ca a man of wild tribe that resides in forests, a s'abara (Ka.)(DEDR 2291). jagat moving and living (RV.); men and animals (RV.); the world (S'Br.); jagati female animal (RV.); jagat (in cmpd. jagati-) the world (Pali); jaya the world; living creature (Pkt.); diya the world; inscr. jiyal. people (Si.)(CDIAL 5078). Image: flock: jha_k flock (M.); za_k crowd (A.); jha~_k flock (B.); jha_n:ka flock (Or.); jha~_k flock (H.)(CDIAL 5323). cha_lla_, cha_la_ pertaining to goats; m. flock of goats (L.)(CDIAL 5010). Image: he-goat: ca_kam < cha_ga he-goat (Ta.lex.) cha_ga he-goat (RV.); cha_gala coming from a goat (Sus'r.Pkt.); goat (R.Pkt.); ca_galiya goatherd (Pkt.); cha_wul he-goat (K.); cha_la goat (Pkt.); cha_wul, cha_wulu (K.); cha_li_, cha_liya_ (Pkt.); cha_waji he-goat; ca_wali-pu_t kid (K.); cha_la_, ca_li_ goat (L.); ca_la_n of or belonging to a goat (L.)(CDIAL 5009). chaga goat (Skt.)(CDIAL 4958). Goat: can newborn kid (Mj.); cna, ca~r. kid (Ash.); ce~, co~_ (Wg.); chani (Kho.); chani_k, canar. male kid (Pas'.)(CDIAL 4961). Goat: chor.u he-goat (K.); che_r.o_ (WPah.); cher.i goat (Or.)(CDIAL 4959). cherua_ goat (in general)(Bi.)(CDIAL 4962). chagala goat (TS.Pkt.); chagalaka, chagalika_ (Skt.); chakala, chalaka goat (Pali); chagalaga (NiDoc.); ce_la, ce_laga (Pkt.); cilo_, cilo sheep (Ash.); cul lamb (Wg.); ce_le_ goat (Tir.); ca_li_ goat (Tir.); caloik small kid (Shum.); seya_l goat (Wot..); chalo kid (Gaw.); che_l goat (Bshk.); cha_l (Tor.); cael (Mai.); sa_li (Gau.); cha_li (Sv.); cha_l newborn kid (Phal.); che_li goat (Phal.); chal kid (Sh.); cha_li_ id.; chali she-goat (D..); ce_li_ she-goat; ce_l, che_li (K.); chela_, cha_li_ (L.); chela_, cheli_ goat more than one year old (P.); chila_r, chila_ru_ young kid (P.); chelu_ kid; cheur.u (WPah.); cheli goat (B.); chel.i (Or.); cher, cheri_ (Bi.); che_ri (Bhoj.); chela_, cheli_, chera_, cheri_ (H.); cha_la_ pl. goat; cha_li_ (OG.); cha_l.i_ goat; ca_l.u~ sheep; ca_l.i_ she-goat (G.); s'el.i_ goat; s'el.d.u~_ (M.); chelo kid (S.); chella_ (P.); chelli_ she-goat; chellu kid (WPah.); cherr.u male kid; cherr.i (WPah.); cirr.u~ he-goat (K.); cherr.o goat (WPah.); s'erd.u~_ goat; s'erd.i_ (M.); cha_gar he-goat (Bi.); cha_gr.i_ (Bi.); chagari_ goat (Aw.)(CDIAL 4963).
3027.Image: watchman's raised platform: hegar (pl. hegad.l.) id. (Nk.); e.gar (pl. -sil) watchman's raised platform (Kol.)(DEDR 877). cf. er uk- (uky-) to play 'peeping tom' (Ko.)(DEDR 903). heraka spy (Skt.)(CDIAL 14165). heg- (-it-) to climb (Kuwi); senga (sengi-) to climb; n. act of climbing; senger.i ladder (Kui)(DEDR 2752). ceccai resting-place with roof of foliage (Ta.); cecca a house of leaves (Ma.)(DEDR 2754). ekku to come up, to stand on tiptoe (Ka.); to ascent, mount, climb; to mount on, get upon (Ta.Ma.Te.) (Ka.lex.) Image: patrol hut: ce_kan.t.i patrol hut (J.); ce_kan.t.iyil-vaittal to arrest and detain a criminal suspect in the patrol hut (J.)(Ta.lex.) Image: to peep: jha~_kn.o to peep at (Ku.); jha~_knu (N.); jha_n:kiba_ (Or.); jha~_ki_ act of peeping (Mth.); jha~_kal to peep at (Bhoj.); jha~_khna_ (H.); jha_kn.a_ (P.); jha_kai (OMarw.); jha~_khvu~, ja~_khvu~, dha~_khvu~ (G.)(CDIAL 5325).
3028.To know: ja_nant pres. part. knowing (RV.); ja_ know (Skt.); ja_naka knowing; dujja_na difficult to understand (Pali); ja_n.a knowing (Pkt.); ja_n.aya one who knows (Pkt.); ja_n wizard (B.H.); ja_n.a knowing (OG.); ja_n. (M.)(CDIAL 5191). ja_na_ti knows (RV.Pali); ja_nam.tu 3 pl. imper., fut. ja_nisam.ti (As'.); janemi 1 sg. (NiDoc.); ja_n.ai (Pkt.); jan (Gypsy); za_r (Wg.Kt.); zan (Dm.); za_ni (Shum.); jhonem 1 sg. (Kal.); zanik (Kho.); jan (Tor.); jhan (Phal.); za_nun (K.); ja_n.an.u (S.); ja_n.an. (L.); ja_n.ana_ (P.); ja_n.n.u_, ja_n.n.a_ (WPah.); ja_n.n.o (Ku.); ja_nnu (N.); za_niba (A.); ja_na_ (B.); ja_n.iba_ (Or.); ja_nab (Mth.Aw.); ja_nna_ (H.); ja_n.n.o (Marw.); ja_n.vu~ (G.); ja_n.n.e~ (M.); ja_n.ta_ (Konkan.i); dannava_ (Si.); caus. ja_na_pe_ti (Pali); ja_na_ve_i (Pkt.); janauar informs (Gypsy); ja_n.a_in.u (S.); jan.a_un.a_ (P.); jana_unu (N.); zana_iba (A.); jana_na (B.); jan.a_iba_ (Or.); jana_na_ (H.); jan.a_vvu~ (G.); ja_n.avin.e~ (M.); danvanava_ (Si.)(CDIAL 5193). aja_nant not knowing (Skt.); aya_n.am.ta, aya_n.a, aya_n.aa, aya_n.uya foolish; aya_n.a folly (Pkt.); ia_n.o ignorant (S.); aya_n.a~_ fool, infant (L.); aya_n.a, ya_n.a_ ignorant, immature (P.); aya_n.o young (Ku.); aya_na_ ignorant (OAw.); silly (H.); aja_nana ignorance (Pali)(CDIAL 157). ko_ ja_na_ti who knows (Skt.); kwa_n.i perhaps (Ku.); kune, kuni emph. kunni I don't know (N.)(CDIAL 3491). na ja_na_ti does not know (Skt.); n.a a_n.ai (Pkt.); nen.an.em. not to know (OM.); nen.a I do not know (Konkan.i)(CDIAL 6932). na_na_ nothingness, emptiness, non-existence (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) nanu is it not so? it certainly must be so! certainly, assuredly (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) cf. nana_ndr., nanandr., na_dani, na_dini, na_duni a husband's sister; a brother's wife (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) na ja_nant not knowing (Skt.); nia_n.o son-in-law; nia_n.i_ girl, daughter (S.); nia_n.i~_ sister's daughter (L.); nia_n.a_ of immature judgement, young, little (P.); nia_na~_ (P.)(CDIAL 6931). Image: awake; observing: nan-avu, nan-a_ wakefulness (opposite kan-avu)(Man.i. 8,21); certainty (Cu_t.a_.); truth, reality (Patir-r-up. 85,12); daylight (Kalit. 35)(Ta.)[cf. a_yir-u sun (Ta.)(DEDR 2910)]; nanasu, nanesu, nenasu truth; truly, certainly (Ka.)(DEDR 3629). nin-ai-tal to know, understand (Te_va_. 52,10); to think (Kur-al., 1209)(Ta.); nene_, nenasu (Ka.); ninayuka (Ma.); nin-aital reflection (Tiv. Tiruva_y. 6,9,11)(Ta.lex.) To think: nin-ai (-v-, -nt-) to think, consider, reflect, ponder, remember, meditate, know, understand, intend, design, have in view, imagine, fancy, suppose; (-pp-, -tt-) id., resolve, determine; nin-aital reflection; nin-aippu thought; nin-aivu thought, idea, reflection, consideration, recollection, remembrance, imagination, conception, notion, object, design, purpose, meditation, care (Ta.); nanayuka to think; ninekka to think, remember, consider, wish; ninavu thought, a memorandum, notice, imagination; nineppavar the thoughtful (Ma.); neny-/nenc- to think (Ko.); nenf- (nent-) to think of; nen- (nen0-) (Kurumba) thinks of in order to kill by witchcraft; nenp a thought; nep a sign to recognize something by (To.); nenasu to think, imagine, think of, remember; nenapu, nenavu, nenavi, nenaha, nenahu thought, reflection, recollection, remmebrance; nene to think, think on, bear in mind, be mindful of, wish, remember, recollect; neneyisu to think, etc.; neppu recollection, acquaintance; nempu memory (Ka.); nena- (nenap-, nenat-) to think, reflect upon; nenap thought (Kod..); nenepuni to think, imagine, mind, reflect, recollect, remember; ninepu, nenepu, nepa thought, intention, remembrance, recollection, memory; nempu memory; nenevarig remembrance, recollection, recognition (Tu.); neppu skill, cleverness; nelavu acquaintance, friendship, familiarity; nelavari an acquaintance, a person well known, one who knows a secret, a well-informed, experienced or clever person (Te.)(DEDR 3683). Awake: ja_garti awake (RV.); ujja_garayati awakens (Skt.); ujja_gara, ujja_ara lack of sleep (Skt.); oja_go, oja_ga sleeplessness (S.); uja_gar manifest, known (P.); ujjaggira wakefulness (Pkt.); uza_gar (A.); uja_gara awake (Or.); uja_gro waking at night, anxiety (G.); uja_gar, uja_gra_, ujagra_, ujagira_ wakefulness; uja_gri_ publicity (M.)(CDIAL 1665). pratija_garan.a watching (Ma_rkP.); pat.ijaggana attention, care (Pali); pil.idagin favour, protection (Si.)(CDIAL 8561). pratija_garti watches beside (RV.); pat.ijaggati tends (Pali); pad.ijaggai (Pkt.); pil.idaginava_ to cherish (Si.)(CDIAL 8562). suja_g awake (L.)(CDIAL 13229). ca_kki < sa_ks.in eye witness (Ira_mana_. Uyut. 71)(Ta.)(Ta.lex.) sakki, sa_kki (Tadbhava of sa_ks.i) observing, witnessing, seeing; an observer, an eye-witness; any witness (in law)(Ka.lex.) Image: eye: cakku < cakkhu_ (Pkt.); caks.uh- eye (Kalin.. 175)(Ta.) (Ta.lex.) Evidence: sakkha evidence (Pkt.); sa_kh (H.); sakkhijja evidence (Pkt.); sachiyena inst. sg. (NiDoc.); sa_khi_ (P.); reputation, mercantile credit (M.); sa_kha evidence, honesty (S.); sa_kh solemn declaration (L.); credit (Aw.); evidence, reputation (H.M.); sa_k = sa_khi_ (M.); sa_khiim. inst. sg. (OG.); sa_khi evidence (G.) sa_kha_ trustworthy (H.); sa_k ra_khn.e~ to set a watch for expected arrival (M.); sa_ks.ya evidence (Mn.)[morph. cf. sa_magri_ ~~ sa_magrya](CDIAL 13322). Witness: ca_t.ci eye-witness; witness in court (Tiruva_lava_. Pak. 27)(Ta.lex.) sakkhi witness (adv. sakkhi_, sakhim., sacchi in cmpd.)(Pali); sakkhi, sakkhin.a (Pkt.); sa_ks.in witness (Gaut.); sa_ks.ika in adj. cmpds. e.g. asa_ks.ika unattested (Mn.); sa_ks.i (R.); sa_ks.a in: sa_ks.a_t manifestly (AV.); sa_ks.ya visible (BhP.); sachi (NiDoc.); shosh (Kt.); sakh (Wg.); sa_c (Sh.); sa_khi_ (S.L.P.Ku.); s'a_ki (Ku.); xa_khi (A.); sa_khi (B.Or.Mth.); sa_khi_ (Aw.H.OMarw.OG.); heki (Md.)(CDIAL 13321). Image: eye: caks.us eye (RV.); cakkhu eye (Pali.Pkt.); spiritual insight (As'.); ca~_kh evil eye (Ku.); saukha_ pair of spectacles (A.); saku eye (A.); cauk, cok(h) (B.); cokha_ni tear (B.); cakhu (Or.OAw.); saka (Si.)(CDIAL 4560). ca_ks.us.a relating to sight (VS.); cakkhusa suitable for seeing (Pkt.); saukha_ pair of spectacles (A.); caks. appear (Skt.)(CDIAL 4733). caks.us.ya pleasing to the eye (ChUp.)(CDIAL 4559). caks.ate_, cas.t.e_ 3 pl. caks.ate_ seems (RV.); cac, ca_c to want, send for (Wg.)(CDIAL 4558). ca_n.o to seek (Ku.); ca_ see (Ku.); ca_ha_rnu to look for (N.); sa_iba to look at, reflect on (A.); ca_ha_ to look at or for, expect, want (B.); ca_hiba_, ca_hi~ba_ to look at, look at wistfully, desire, ask for (Or.); ca_hna_ to see, look for (H.); ca_hai wishes, expects, asks for (Pkt.); ca_hun to wish (K.); ca_han.u to desire, like (S.); ca_han. wish (L.); ca_hi_da_ desirable (P.); ca_n.a_ to wish (WPah.); ca_va want (OMarw.)(CDIAL 4775). Image: awake: caccara wakefulness, care (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) jagrat waking (RV.); wakefulness (Skt.); jagga watchfulness (Pali); ja_go wakefulness (S.); ja_g (L.); ja_gga_ watching (P.); ja_gru religious vigil (WPah.); ja_go awake (N.); ja_ga_ (B.H.); ja_go awake; keeping awake all night (G.); ja_ga_ awake (M.); ja_gr. wake (Skt.)(CDIAL 5174). ja_grati are awake, 3 sg. ja_garti (RV.); ja_grama_n.a (MBh.); jaggati lies awake, watches; jaggana (Pali); jaggai, jaggan.a (Pkt.); jang to wake, be awake (Gypsy); za_gun to be watchful (K.); ja_gan.u to wake up, be kindled; ja_gun. (L.); ja_gan.a_ to wake, watch (P.); ja_gn.o (Ku.); ja_gnu (N.); za_giba (A.); ja_ga_ (B.); ja_giba_ (Or.); ja_gab (Mth.); ja_gai (OAw.); ja_gna_ to wake, watch (H.); jagna_ (H.); ja_gn.o (Marw.); ja_gvu~ (G.); ja_gn.e~ (M.); caus.: jagga_vai (Pkt.); jangev (Gypsy); jaga_in.u (S.); jaga_van. (L.); jaga_un.a_ (P.); jagu_n.o (Ku.); jaga_unu (N.); zaga_iba (A.); ja_ga_na (B.); jaga_iba_ (Or.); jaga_eb (Mth.); jaga_vai (OAw.); jaga_na_ (H.); jaga_vvu~ (G.); ja_gavin.e~ (M.); ja_gayta_ (Konkan.i)(CDIAL 5175). jagra_ta_ sleepless night (L.)(CDIAL 5176).
3029.Image: eye: aks.a eye (Skt.); a~_kh (H.)(CDIAL 23). aks.i eye (RV.); iki (Gypsy); akkhi, acchi (Pali.Pkt.)(CDIAL 43). aks.i eye (RV.); akkho, acchi (Pali.Pkt.); akhi, yakh (y- from preceding f. article or adjective in -i_)(Gypsy); aci~_ (Ash.); aci_ (Kt.); ace~_ (Wg.); izi~_ (Pr.);[cf. vir..i eye, sight, awake (Ta.lex.)]; e~_c (with c not ch, as in Gaw. Pas'.)(Dm.); ac (Tir.); achi_, aec (Pas'.); ai~c, acin (Shum.); ici_n (Gaw.); e_c (Kal.); gec(h) [with ch as in Kaf. and WDardic; cf. e_c, 'ec (Bshk.)]; as.i_ (Tor.); ache_ (Kand.); a_chi_ (Mai.); achi_, a~chi_ (Mai.); ache~_, pl. ache~_a (Savi); achi, pl. achi_a (Phal.); achi_ f. as.i_ (Sh.); ac. (D..); achi, acch, acchi_ (K.); akhi (S.); akkh, f. akh, pl. akhia~_ (L.); akkh (P.); ach, a_khri_, ha_kh (WPah.); a~_kh, a~_khi, a~_kho eye, esp. evil eye (Ku.); a~_khi evil eye; a~_khi-bhu~ eye-brow; a~_kho eye (N.); a_khi eye, knot in bamboo, etc. (A.); a~_khi (Bhoj.G. a~_khi (OAw.); a~_khi_ pl. (Aw.); a~_kh (H.); a_khi (OMarw.); sa, h (Si.)(CDIAL 43). Eye-brow: aks.ibhruva the eye and the brows (Pa_n..); aci_bru_ eyebrow (Wg.); acipru_ (Kt.); azbura_ (Pas'.); ecbru (Kal.)(CDIAL 44). cf. puruvam eyebrow (Kur-al., 1086)(Ta.lex.) cf. ac.hu_n.u hole; ac.hu_n.i small hole (Sh.)(CDIAL 1029). vir..i (-pp-, -tt-) to open the eyes, wake from sleep, gaze, shine, be clear; n. (also mir..i) eye, eyeball, knowledge, wisdom; mul.i to open the eyes; eyeball (Ta.); mir..i eyebal, eye (Ma.); mil., mil.a blinking (Ka.); bul.a_vu, bula_vu to open as the eyes (Tu.); bir.p- to blink (Kond.a)(DEDR 5429). cf. mi- to open the eyes (Go.); meh'nai to look, see (Kui)(DEDR 5084). cf. bid.a_la eyeball (Skt.)(DEDR 5429). cf. Image: crab's eye: a_vu crab's eye; adenanthera pavonina (Ta.lex.)
3030.Image: beautiful eye: an:kan.i Malaimagal. (Pa_rvati) as gracious-eyed (Can.. Aka.); an:kan. beautiful eye; kindness, favouritism (Kalit. 37,22); an:kan.n.an- one with beautiful eyes; one who is very affectionate (Tiv. Tiruva_y. 9,6,6); S'iva (Ta.); an:kan.an- one who has beautiful eyes (Kampara_. Pa_la. Kat.iman.a. 96); one who has gracious eyes (Kampara_. Ayo_t. Cittira. 1); S'iva as gracious-eyed (Te_va_. 7,25,4); an:kan.a_l.an- gracious person, as one who looks with favour (Kalit. 144,70); Lord S'iva (Ka_cippu. Civapun.. 33)(T.E.D.) Image: gracious-eyed: an:kan.an- < am + kan. S'iva, as gracious-eyed (Te_va_. 989,4)(Ta.lex.) Image: symmetry, beauty: an:kam symmetry, beauty (Ta.); an:gu beauty (Te.)(DEDR 30). anuku_lata_ symmetry (Pali.lex.) Image: beautiful woman: an:gana woman (R.); beautiful woman (Skt. < Austro-as.); an:gana_ (Pali); am.gan.a_ (Pkt.); agana (OSi.); anguna woman, wife (Si.)(CDIAL 119). an:kan-ai woman (Ta.lex.) cf. a_t.aval. woman (Ta.lex.); a_d.angulu females; a_d.adi woman (Te.) (DEDR 400). a_r (pl. a_cku) woman(Pe.)(DED 400). Image: ladies: a_d.uva_ralu, a_d.uva_l.l.u the Vaishnava saints (Te.Inscr.)(DEDR 396). Image: celestial damsel: an.an:ku deity (Tol. Po. 256); celestial damsel; demoness that takes away one's life by awakening lust or by other means (Kur-al.., 918; Man.i. 6,135); beautiful woman, as resembling a celestial damsel; devil (tun.an:kaiya celvi-k-kan.an:ku not.itta_n:ku : Perumpa_n.. 459); dancing under religious excitement, esp. possession by Skanda; low-caste person; beauty; form; young offspring (a_l.iyi n-an.an:ku mariyin kurul.aiyum : Cilap. 25,48)(Ta.lex.) an.uga son; an.ugi daughter (Ka.)(DEDR 113). an.an:kayar to celebrate a festival (Ta.lex.) ar..aku beauty, happiness, excellence; ar..akan-, ar..akiya_n- handsome man; fem. ar..aki, an.an:ku beauty, form (Ta.); ar..aku beauty (Ma.)(DEDR 274).
3031.Gong: ce_kan.t.i-y-at.ittal to work hard for livelihood; to proclaim widely (Ta.); ce_kan.t.i gong (Ta.); je_gan.t.a (Te.); jayaghan.t.a_ (Skt.)(Ta.lex.) jagal.e, jegal.e, jhagat.e, jhagad.e, jhagal.e, ja_gat.i, je_gat.i (Tadbhava of jhagat.e) a kind of cymbal; a round metal plate beaten on by a class of mendicants, that on which the hours are struck, a gong (Ka.); jan:gat.a, jhan:gat.a, jhan:gad.a, je_n:gat.a (M.); je_gat.i, je_gan.t.e (Te.); ce_kan.t.i, ce_makkala (Ta.); ce_n.d.ile, ce_r-umajjila, ce_majjila (M.)(Ka.lex.) jan:gu (fr. jan.) a ringing round brass bell worn by a Jan:gama mendicant on his legs (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) zid.nga cattle-bell (Kol.); s'irna_ bell (Go.); jiringa cowbell (Kuwi)(DEDR 2515). ceni, s'eni, s'ani_ bracelet, necklace; jeni bracelet (Gypsy)(CDIAL 5333). cf. can:kili chain (Ta.lex.) jhan. tinkle (Skt.); jhan:ka_ra jingling, buzzing (Skt.); jham.ka_ra tinkling (Pkt.); jha~ga_rna_ to scream (of elephant or peacock)(P.); zan:ka_r noise (A.); jhan:ka_ra clanging (Or.); jha~ka_r tinkling; jha~ka_rna_ to tinkle, chirp (H.); jhi~ga_ran. to creak (L.)(CDIAL 5324). jhan.ajhan.a_yate_ jingles (Skt.); jhan.ajhan.i_bhu_ta (MBh.); jhan.ajjhan.ita (Skt.); jhan.ajhan.ai tinkles (Pkt.); jhan.ajjahan.am.ta (Pkt.); jhan.jhan. clang (L.); jhan.jhan.a_un.a_ to tingle, thrill (P.); jhan.jhan.i_ irritating sensation (Ku.); jhanjhana_unu to tingle (N.); jhanjhan anger (N.); zanzanani prickling sensation in the nose (A.); jhanjhan clatter, ache (B.); jhan.ajhan.a clanking (Or.); jhanjhan tinkle (Mth.); jingle, clank (H.); jhanjhani_ tinkling, tingling (H.); jhan.jhan. adv. with a clank; jhan.jhan.i_ tingling, numbness (G.); jhan.jhan. adv. with a clang; jhan.jhan.i_ ringing, tingling (M.); jhin.jhin.i rattling (S.)(CDIAL 5330). jhanko outburst of anger (N.); zanak tinkling, rattling (A.); jhanakna_ to tinkle, be angry (H.); jhana_ka_ clank (H.); jhan:ko tinkling (G.); jhan:ka_ smart, gust of passion; jhan:ki_ tingling, ringing (M.); jhin:kan.u to fly out against, threaten (S.); jhim.khan.a raging against (Pkt.)(CDIAL 5331). jhan.atka_ra jingling (Skt.); jhan:ka_r tinkling; jhanka_r rattling (P.); jhanka_r jingling; jhanka_rnu to jingle (N.); jhanka_rna_ to tinkle, chirp (H.); jhan:ka_r, jhan:ka_ro tinkling (G.); jhan:ka_r, jhan:ka_ra_ twang, smart, gust of passion (M.); jhin:ka_ra rebuff (S.)(CDIAL 5332). akkul.u (-pp-, -tt-) to tickle (Ta.); ikkil.i, kikkil.i ticklig (Ma.); akal.a a term used in tickling; akal.a-cakal.a, akal.a-sakal.a excessive tickling; cakkalagul.i, cakal.agul.i, cakkal.agul.i tickling another; jakkulisu to tickle, touch (Ka.); kakkul.i tickling (Kod..); cakkiligili, cakkiliginta tickling (Te.); cangrna_ to itch, be the seat of a titillation; cangrta'a_na_ to tickle, titillate (Kur.); cql-kund.e to tickle (Malt.)(DEDR 2274). jha~_jhu cymbal (S.); jha~_j sound of a musical instrument (P.); jha~_jh cymbal (N.B.); jha_jha (Or.); jha_m.jha cymbal (OAw.); jha~_jh anklet (OAw.); jha~_jh cymbal (H.G.); jha~_j (M.)(CDIAL 5361).
3032a.Image: chain of beads: sun:gal, san:gal chain (P.); s'r.n:khala chain (Ma_rkP.); s'r.n:khala_ (VarBr.S.); s'r.n:khalaka chain (Skt.); chained camel (Pa_n..); san:khala_, san:khalika_ chain (Pali); sam.kala, sam.kala_, sam.kali_, sam.kalia_, sam.khala_, sim.khala_, sim.kala_ chain; sim.khala anklet (Pkt.); s'an.a_li, s'in.a_li chain (Sh.); ho~kal (K.); san:gharu bell round animal's neck; san:ghara chain, necklace (S.); san:gha_ra chain, string of beads; san:ghiri_ necklace with double row of beads (S.); san:gli_ flock of bustard; san:gul chain (L.); s'an:gul chain with which a soothsayer strikes himself; s'an:gli chain; s'in:khal railing round a cow-stall; s'a~_gal. door-chain; s'a~_gal, s'a~_gad. chain (WPah.); sa~_glo door-chain; s'a_n.aw chain (Ku.); sa_n.lo chain; sa_n.li small chain (N.); xikali (A.); sin:kala (OB.); sikal, sikli, chikal, chikli, hi~ol (B.); sa_n:k(h)ul.a_, sa_n:k(h)ul.i, sa_n:kol.i, sikal.a_, sikal.i, sikul.a_, sikul.i (Or.); si_kar. chains for pulling harrow (Bi.); si~_kar. (Mth.); si~_kar, si~kari_ chain (Bhoj.); sa_m.kad.a, si~kad.a (OH.); sa~_kal, sa~_kar, sa~_kri_, san:kal, san:kli_, sikal, si_kar, si_kri_ (H.); sa_m.kalu (OG.); sa~_kal., sa~_kl.i_ chain; sa~_kl.u~ wristlet (G.); sa~_k(h)al., sa_k(h)al., sa~_k(h)l.i_ chain (M.); sa_m.kal. (Konkan.i); sakilla, hakilla, akilla elephant chain (Si.)(CDIAL 12580). s'r.n:khalayati enchains (Skt.); s'a_n.ai_ intertwining of legs in wrestling (Ku.); sa_n:kul.iba_ to enchain (Or.)(CDIAL 12581). sangharu bell round animal's neck (S.); sanghiri_ necklace with double row of beads (S.); s'inkhal railing round a cow-stall (WPah.)(CDIAL 12580). sa_m.kal., sa_kal., sa_m.khal. chain (M.); sa_m.kal (G.); sam.ghar (S.); sam.ggal (P.); sa_m.kal, sa_m.kar, si_kad. (H.); sikhal (B.); hnkal (K.); skilla, hkilla (Si.); sam.khala_, sim.khala_ (Pkt.); s'r.n:khala_ (Skt.)(Bloch, p. 405).
3032.Image: ridicule: sekali ridicule, satire (Kond.a); cakkat.am, cakkantam scoff, mockery, sport, censure (Ta.); cakkanda sportful, idle talk; happiness, pleasure, contentedness; jakkulisu, jakkul.isu to amuse, divert, rejoice, play about, jeer at, make sport of, deride (Ka.); cakkanda plausibleness, speciousness (Tu.); jakkalimpu jeering, quizzing (Te.); cakka_ kiya_na_ to deride, make fun of (Go.)(DEDR 2269). Merrily: hesec sekrec to be merry, to enjoy oneself; merrily, gleefully, with pleasure; ad.i hesec sekrec casko samt.aoa they gather in the harvest gleefully (Santali.lex.) jhakkhia reproach (Pkt.); jham.khai reproaches, babbles (Pkt.)(CDIAL 5320). cakka_ntam ridicule (Tan-ippa_. i,378,22) (Ta.) (Ta.lex.) Image: sportive: can:gu can:gane ha_r-u to dance and skip in sport or with agility; to gambol (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) sahe_la sportive, playful (Skt.lex.) Image:gambol: can:gane, cakkane, cekkane in bounds, friskily, with agility (Ka.); can:gune, cen:gune lightly: with agility (Te.); can:gu to jump (Ka.Te.); cac to jump (Skt.); cen:gu, jan:gu frisking, a jump (Te.); cen:gupilli a cat that leaps at an object, a wild cat (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) Image: to jump: egarike jumping; egaru to rise; to fly; to jump (Ka.); egaru, eguru (Te.); egarisu to cause to rise in the air or to fly; to cause to spring or jump (Ka.); ekayincu, egirincu (Te.)(Ka.lex.) Image: to jump: jigi, cigi, cen:gi to jump; to jump over; jigida_d.u to jump about; cigisu to cause to jump, to cause to run about quickly; cen:gu a jump (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) Image: gambol; jump: cigi, jigi to jump (Ka.); can:ga, can:gane, can:gaman:ga, can:gaiman:gai a frolic, gambol; hoax, humbug, deceit (Tu.); can:gu, cen:gu to jump, skip, frisk about, caper; n. a jump, etc. (Ka.); can:gane in bounds, friskily, with agility (Ka.); cen:guna nimbly, agilely, quickly, suddenly, applied to leaping; cen:gana_lu leaping, frisking, gambol, capers; cen:gu, jan:gu agility (Te.); cangay- to climb; cangap- to make to climb (Nk.)(DEDR 2285). jan:gama moving (AitUp.Pali); jam.gama (Pkt.); dn:guma motion, going to and fro (Si.)(CDIAL 5079). jan:gha_la running swiftly; a class of animals (Car.); jam.gha_la, jam.gha_lua quick (Pkt.); ja~gha_l. swift (esp. of horses)(M.)(CDIAL 5083). cf. jan:gha_la running, fleet, swift; a runner, a courier (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) Image: speed, quick: si_gha quick (Pali); s'i_ghra quick (VS.); s'ighra, s'igra (NiDoc.); siggha, si_ha (Pkt.); sig, sigo adj. and adv. (Gypsy); sigho (S.); s'ighr.a_, s'ighr.u quick, immediate; adv. soon (WPah.); sigu, higu, hingu quick, speed (Si.); si_har. perverse (P.); si_ghar, s'i_ghr quick (P.)(CDIAL 12484). s'aighra swiftness (R.); seghu speed (S.); se_ (Si.)(CDIAL 12612). tikkane pressing on, swiftly (Ma.); dikkane, diggane suddenly, all at once, quickly (Ka.); dikka quickly, speedily (Tu.); diggana, digguna suddenly, abruptly (Te.)(DEDR 3209). Image: quickly: ce_ga, ca_ga, ce_gi, ji_ga, jigga, ji_gi quickness; quickly; s'i_ghra (Skt.)(Ka.lex.) cf. jigi to jump (Ka.lex.) Image: speed: cikk-en-a quickly, promptly (Ta.); cikk-ennu, cikkane_ resolutely, quickly (Ma.); tigs-n unexpectedly; tig ar-y- (ar-s-) to come to know suddenly (To.); cekkane, jaggane quickly, speedily; cakkane quickly, fast, suddenly; ca_ga, ce_ga, ce_gi, ji_ga, jegga, je_gi quickness; quickly (Ka.); cakka quickly, at once (Tu.)(DEDR 2499). ceccara, caccara quickness, quickly; ceccariga, caccariga a zealously active, restless, quick man (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) cahar cahar, cahal cahal quickly, hurriedly; cagae, cagae cagae quickly; loud voiced, stentorian (Santali.lex.)
3033.Friend, companion: sahela_, saheli_ a friend, companion; sahelpun.a_ friendship, companionship (P.lex.) saha_ya, sa_ha_yya friendship, fellowship, allienace, confederation; help, succour (Ka.lex.) sahaita to favour, to aid; help; sahai to favour, to aid, to help; to be friendly, to be gracious; grace, favour, aid; sahar increase as of crops, good luck, fortunate (Santali.lex.) ca_kiyam < sakhya friendship (Ilak. Aka.); caki < sakhi_ female companion, lady's maid, confidante (Ta.lex.)
3034.Partnership: sa_khiya, sa_khy association, party (RV.); friendship (Skt.); sakhya friendship (Pali); acc. sg. sakkhim. and sakkhi_ (Pali); sa_her.i_ woman's female friend (S.); sa_heli_ (G.)(CDIAL 13323). sa_khilya friendship (Skt.); sa_khalya, sa_khalla friendship (Pali); havul-a partnership (Si.)(CDIAL 13324). sa~_go companionship, caravan (S.)(CDIAL 13328). sahiya_ru~, saiya_ru~ held in partnership; partnership (G.); sahara_ help (M.); saha_rna_ to prop, sustain, bear (P.); saha_ra_ help (H.); patience (L.); xa~_riya_ a man who helps in another's work gratis (A.); saha_ro help (N.); saha_ra help, hope (K.); sahaka_ra assistance (Skt.); sahaka_ritva (TS.); sahaya_ra, saha_ra, sa_hara help (Pkt.)(CDIAL 13299). sajjana good man (Mn.Pali); sajjan.a (Pkt.); sajan.u a benevolent person, friend (S.); sajjan., sajan. friend (L.); sajjan. (P.); sa_jni_, sajni_ female friend (Mth.); sa_jana lover (OAw.); sa_jan lover, paramour (H.); sa_jan.a pl. bridegroom's party (OG.); sa_jan., sajan., sa_jn.i_ lover, mistress (M.); sadana_ good person (Si.)(CDIAL 13090). sa_jan gathering of respectable gentlemen attending a wedding, the bridegroom's party; sa_jnu~ a meeting of caste-members to decide a caste question (G.); sa_janem. association, friendship (OM.)(CDIAL 13330). sa_nin true (Gaw.Sv.); sa(h)in (Wot..); sahi_ (Psht.)(CDIAL 13334). Residence: can:ka_ttam residence (Tamir..na_. 62); friendship, intimacy, familiar intercourse (Tan-ippa_. ii,13,28); can:ka_tti friend, intimate acquaintance, companion (Te_va_. 886,5); id. (Ma.)(Ta.lex.) san:ghara with one's own family (Pali); sagr.ha living in the same house (A_pS'r.); sagghra_ accompanied by one's own family (L.); sa~_ghar wife's son by former husband (H.)(CDIAL 12858). ca.g (ca.yg-) possessions are moved from one house to another (Ko.); ca.gc- to live, shift (possessions) from one house to another (Ko.); sa_gu to go, move forward, proceed, advance, continue in time, last, come upon with grievous effect (as trouble), be brought about, achieved or accomplished (Ka.); ca.g (ca.yg-) (man) becomes old, (span of time) is past, (disease) is cured (Ko.); sa_gu, sa_ga advance, improvement (Ka.); sa_gisu to cause to go or go on, carry on, cause to proceed or advance, perform or do, conduct, carry on, nourish, manage, convey, sustain, maintain, foster (Ka.); sa_guni to proceed, progress (as work), be dispatched (as goods), move forward, advance (Tu.); sa_gu prosecution, progress, as of work (Tu.); sa_ga_vuni to expedite (as work), send, dispatch (as goods), do a thing perfunctorily (Tu.); ca_gu, sa_gu to go on, proceed, get on, advance, continue, last, be successful, be effective, take effect (Te.); sa_gincu to conduct, carry on, proceed with, continue (Te.); sa_ginai to manage; sa_g- (-it-) to grow, spread out (Kuwi)(DEDR 2430). Goes: sakkati goes (Pali); -saxta (Av.); sakkai (Pkt.); saknu, sakinu to be finished (N.)(CDIAL 12254). In opt. s'akya_m, desid. s'iks.ati (distinct from s'akno_ti, s'ake_ma, s'iks.ati) provide < 'drive, bring' in: go_tra s'iks.an, urvas'i_m upa s'iks.a_mi (Ge. 'locke her')(RV.); s'iks.ate_ moves (RV. i,28,3); sak- to be past (of time)(Av.); pairi-sak- to last; frasaxta dead (Av.); saze_d passes, is fitting (Pahl.)(CDIAL 12235). s'akya_m opt. provide < 'drive, bring' in: go_tra_ s'iks.an, urvs'i_m pas'iks.a_mi (RV.); s'iks.ate_ moves (RV. I,28,3); sak- to be past (of time), pairi-sak- to last; frasaxta dead (Av.); saze_d passes, is fitting (Pahl.)(CDIAL 12235). cf. s'akat.a cart (S'a_n:khS'r.)(CDIAL 12236). sam.ka_rayati causes to arrange, celebrates (a wedding)(MBh.); san:ga_rno~_ to dispose (e.g. of a dead body)(WPah.); sam.ka_ra a religious ceremony (Pkt.)(CDIAL 12821). sam.ka_layati drives (cattle) together for grazing (Skt.); puts to flight (MBh.); sam.kalayati heaps together (Sus'r.); san:kalana addition (Pali); sam.kalia collected together (Pkt.); sa_ga_lnu to collect together (N.)(CDIAL 12822). Image: perpendicular; straightness: saki_ straight (Kol.); sa_vagisu to make straight, proper or nice (Ka.); sajji good, proper, healthy; well, nicely (Tu.); sai adv. it is right; sahi proper, correct, right (Tu.); sasi straight, good, proper, well, healthy; soundness, good order (Te.); sasiga_ straightly, well, properly (Te.); say, sey, cey straightness, downrightness, rectitude, propriety, merit, beauty; sayta man of rectitude; saytu straightness, rectitude, propriety; sayte straightness, rectitude; sayda man of rectitude, honest man, bra_hman.a; saypu rectitude, propriety, justice, virtue, merit; sasina straightness, evenness, rectitude, propriety; sasine straightly, properly, nicely (Ka.); ce-, cem- straight; cen.-ko_l scepter; cecam, cecu correctness, directness; ceppam straightness, correctness, exactness, fitness, straight path, road; cemmal greatness, excellence, superiority, power, haughtiness, great person as king, god, hero; cemm-a_ to be right, proper, be haughty, superior, be overjoyed, be majestic in bearing; cemma_ppu exultation, pride, majestic bearing; cemmai goodness, soundness, good condition, spotlessness, uprightness, directness, rectitude, fairness, impartiality, agreement, excellence, greatness, fineness, neatness, beauty; ceyya correct, perfect, sound; ceyyan- just, impartial person; cevvan-am rightly, properly, correctly; cevvi season, occasion, juncture, mature condition, newness, beauty, gracefulness, state, condition, propriety; cevvu straightness, correctness, rectitude, soundness, direction; cevve_ rightly, correctly, directly, straightly, perpendicularly, straight up; ce-ceve_ properly, directly; cevvai correctness, fitness, accuracy, straightness, evenness, smoothness, sound condition as of mind, body (Ta.); cemmu straightness, advance, prosperity; cemme_ straightly, well; cevva correctness; cevvu, covvu propriety, straightness (Ma.)(DEDR 2747). Banker: sa_vaka_ra, sa_vuka_ra, sa_huka_ra a banker, a merchant; a rich man (Ka.M.H.)(Ka.lex.) One thousand: a_yiram the number 1,000 (Ta.Ma.); ca.vrm (obl. ca.vrt-)(Ko.); so.fer, se.fer (To.); sa_vira, sa_sir, sa_sira (Ka.); a.ir, a.ra (Kod..); sa_vira, sa_ra (Tu.)(DEDR App.11). sahsra 1,000 (RV.); sahassa (Pali); sahasra, s.ahas.a (As'.); sahasa (Dhp.); sahasra (NiDoc.); sahassa, saha_sa, sahasa (Pkt.); sa_s, sa~_s (Sh.); sa_s (K.); sahasu (S.); sahas (Mth.); sahasa (OAw.); sahas (H.); sahasa (OG.); ha_s, ha_he' (Md.); jahasa, jahasaka (OSi.); dahas (OSi.); da_s, da_ha (Si.)(CDIAL 13307). sahasrin, sahasriya numbering 1,000 (RV.); sahasri_ya (MaitrS.); vars.asahasri_ya (MBh.); sahassika thousandfold (Pali); sahasi adj. 1,000 (OSi.)(CDIAL 13308). sa_hasr amounting to 1,000, thousandfold (VS.); sa_hasraka (MBh.); sa_hassa, sa_hasa amounting to or worth 1,000 (Pkt.); ssu (K.)(CDIAL 13380). s'atasahasra 100,000 (R.); satasahassa 100,000 (Pali); s'atasahasra, satasaharsa, s'atas.ahas.a (As'.); sayasahassa (Pkt.); suvahas (Si.)(CDIAL 12285).
3035.Moneylender: sa_h, sa_ merchant (B.); sa_(h)u (Or.); sa_h, sa_w moneylender (Bi.); sa_hu (Bhoj.); sa_h (Aw.); sa_dhu moneylender (Skt.); sohu id. (K.); svu rich (K.); sa_u_ honest, rich (S.); sa_(h)u_, sau banker, shopkeeper (Ku.); sa_(h)u (N.); sa_(h)u_ honest, tractacble, innocent; sa_h, sa_hu_ merchant, banker, gentleman (H.); sa_ha banker (OMarw.); sa_(h), sa_(h)u (G.); sa_v, sa_u_ (M.)(CDIAL 13337). sahora honest, righteous (Or.); sa_dhkarman beneficent (RV.)(CDIAL 13338). {Echo word.} la_u-sa_u, la_o-sa_o gain (H.)(CDIAL 13332). cf. kusi_da usury, a usurer (Skt.Ka.lex.) sa_heba, sa_b a lord or master; a gentleman; sir, etc. (Ka.M.H.)(Ka.lex.) sahu, sahu_, sau any member of the Hindu baniya_ caste of merchants (Mu.); sahu (H.Sadani); sahu to be a paddy or money lender (Mu.); sahu-sama_n, sau-sama_n collective noun for money lenders and mortgagees, including sometimes the merchants who commission people to buy for them (Mu.)(Mu.lex.) To dispatch: sa_m.-ya_trika a sea-trader, a merchant trading by sea (Skt.lex.)
3036.To buy: saher.lain.a_, saher.n. to buy, to purchase; to procure, to experience (P.lex.)
3037.Business: ja~ja_l business (Ku.); disorder (P.); affairs, family, children (N.); disorder, rubbish (B.); trouble (Mth.); worries (H.)(CDIAL 5085). cf. cacalam sorrow, grief, trouble (Nalvar..i. 28)(Ta.lex.) cacala quivering, tremulous (MBh.); tremulous (Pali)(CDIAL 4568). janjal quarrel (Kho.); ja~ja_lu disorder (S.); jaja_l.a disorder, rubbish (Or.); ja~ja_l. disorder (G.M.)(CDIAL 5085). cacala moving to and fro, shaking, trembling, unsteady; fickle, capricious (Skt.Ka.) (Ka.lex.)
3038.Warrior-kings: cancattakar a band of warrior-kings who, under a vow, perform a heroic deed in battle (Pa_rataven.. 772, Urainat.ai)(Ta.lex.) ?< sam.-s'aptaka (Skt.) canca, cancu a man of wild tribe that resides in forests, a S'abara (Ka.); cencu, cancu_d.u a cettain savage tribe; a man of this tribe (Te.)(DEDR 2291).
3039.Solemn declaration; mercantile credit; evidence: ca_takam voucher, evidence; ca_tan-amur-i a promise or voucher in writing (W.G.); ca_tan-a_ntaram an additional document or voucher (W.G.); ca_tan-a-p-pattirikai a document, will; ca_tan-a-pattiram title deed, deed of grant inscribed on copper plate (J.); sale-deed (Ta.lex.) Seal, signet: ca_tan-am seal, signet (Ta.lex.) Assigning, transferring: ca_t.t.utal to transfer, as a debt; to assign (Ta.); tca_t.u id. (Te.); ca_t.t.u assigning, transferring; accusing, charging (Ta.lex.) Document, memorandum: ca_rttu document (Na_.); note, memorandum; ca_rttutal to cause to lean, to support; to join, unite, connect (Ta.Ma.); ca_tan-am document, any instrument in writing (Ta.lex.) Royal edict: s'a_s'ana royal edict (Ya_j.); sa_sana order, message (Pali); sa_sane (As'.); s'as'an.a (Dhp.); sa_san.a (Pkt.); sasun, hasun, asun-a message (Si.)(CDIAL 12420).
3040.Image: rabbit, hare: sahia a hare, a rabbit; saha_ id. (P.lex.) Image: hare: cacam hare; man of hare-like nature, one of three a_t.avar-ca_ti (Kalla_. 7, Mayile_r-um. Urai)[The other two according to In-pa-ca_ram, a treatise on erotics are: it.apan-, bull-like; and accuvan-, horse-like.}(Ta.lex.) s'as'a hare (RV.); s'as'aka little hare (MBh.NiDoc.); sasa, sasakak (Pali); sasa, sasaga (Pkt.); sosoi hare, rabbit (Gy.); seyun. hare (Wg.); ca_ska (Pas'.); saho, sahyar.o (S.); saha_, sa_ha_ (L.); seiyhar., seiyur. (L.)[cf. ceviyan- hare (Ta.); ceviyan hare (Ma.); cevula-po_tu hare (Te.)(DEDR 1977)]; seir.i_, ser.hi_ (L.); saha_, saiha_, sayhar. (P.); sas'a, chas'a (WPah.); saso (Ku.); xaha_ (A.); sasa_ (MB.Or.); sas, sasa_ (H.); saso (G.); salu~ (G.); sasa_ (M.); sa_-va_, ha_-va_ (Si.)(CDIAL 12357). s'as'a_ru hare (MB.)(CDIAL 12358). s'as'a, s'as'aka, sasa hare; molanu (Ka.lex.)
3041.Moon: s'as'adhara moon (Skt.); sasahara (Pkt.); sisihara (OG.); s'as'iyar (G.)(CDIAL 12359). s'as'a_n:ka moon (MBh.); sasan:ka (Pali); sasam.ka (Pkt.); sasak (Si.)(CDIAL 12360). s'as'in moon (S've_tUp.); sasin (Pali.); sasi (Pkt.); sasi_ sky, heavens (H.); sisi (Si.)(CDIAL 12363). jango moon (Nk.Go.); jano (Go.)(DEDR 2287).
3042.Boat: shasha a small boat on the Batineh coast, made of reeds, date sticks, bark and coir, and propelled with paddles. (Shereen Ratnagar, Encounters, the Westerly trade of the Harappa Civilization, Delhi, OUP, 1981, p. 159).
3043.Wedding day: sa_ha_ < sa_hity (Skt.) the day appointed for a Hindu wedding, the time fixed by astrologers as most auspicious for marriage; a wedding; sa_ha_ bann.a_ to appoint a day for marriage; sa_he ja_n.a_ to go to a wedding; sa_ha_ sodhn.a_ to fix upon an auspicious time for marriage (P.lex.) ca_n:kiyam [prob. sa_n:ga i.e. along with vedic an:gas, complete in every part] ceremonies, rites (Ta.lex.) sa_hitya association, connection, society, fellowship; a collection of materials or means or rule for the production or performance of anything; a collection of materials or implements for cooking, travelling or working (Ka.lex.) sa~ha~k used at funeral ceremonies and some other religious observances. It is probably the same as the Sanskrit swaha an exclamation on offering to the gods (Santali.lex.) sahi to sign, to pledge, to agree, to promise; signature (Santali.lex.) sahi juhi to betroth, to negotiate a marriage; sahi juhi hoyentakina they are betrothed; uni kur.i reak bapla rean sahi juhi hoyena all the negotiations for the girl's marriage are complete (Santali.lex.)
3044.Image: yawning, gaping: a_kal.ike, a_kul.ike, a_gul.ike yawning, gaping; a_kal.isu, a_kul.isu, a_gul.isu to yawn, to gape (Ka.lex.) Image: opening the mouth: an:ka_ opening the mouth (Nan-. 86); yawn (Ta.); an:ka_-ttal to open the mouth (Tol. Er..ut. Pir-ap. 3); an:ka_vuni (Tu.); an:ka_v (Kod..); an:kalan:ka (Kui); an.a_lp (Pa.); an:kale (Ma_lattam); an:kaci (Kol.); an:kal (Kurukkam, Oraon); an.n.al (Go.); an:kai (Man:ko_liyam); an:ka_ppu opening the mouth (Nan-. 76); thirst (Ar..kar Kalam. 68)(T.E.D.) an:ka_ppu opening the mouth, thirsting (Ta.); an:ga.v- (an:ga.t) to look upwards (Ko.); anga_ta having the face turned upwards (Ka.); an:ga_vuni to yawn, gape (Tu.); an:guni to open the mouth, be seized with a fit of yawning (Tu.); an:gasi a yawn (Kol.); an:ga_s'i id. (Nk.); an.il-/an.l- to open mouth; an:gal gaping, yawning; a_ngla_na_ to yawn (Go.); aln:g-/alin.- to open (mouth); caus. aln:gh-/aln:gih- (Go.); an.la_- to open mouth (Mand.); angalanga with mouth agape, with foolish appearance, foolish, crazily; angali a_va/giva to open the mouth wide, gape (Kui); angalacali to gape; an:gala- (an:galat-) to gape, open (Kuwi); an:gal an:gal with one's mouth open (in surprise)(Kur.); an:gina_, an:gla'a_na_ to gape, open the mouth wide, be open (Kur.); an-gle to gape, an-glo open-mouthed (Malt.)(DEDR 34). Image: to open (mouth): e_k to open (mouth, book)(Kuwi); e_k'- in: ni_ gu_ti e_k'mu open your mouth; ni_tu_ti ekhmu_ id. (Kuwi); e_ga to be open, ajar, unclosed, open out; state of being open (Kui); e_gali ajar (Kui); ida'a ekhmu_ uncover this! e_g to be open (Kuwi)(DEDR 874). ekkata_l.i, egata_l.a, egata_l.i ridicule, derision, mockery, jest (Ka.); ekata_l.i, egata_l.i (Te.); ekkarisu to make faces at, to gibe at, to mock, to deride (Ka.); ekkirincu, vekkirincu, veggal.incu (Te.); el., el.l.u to scoff, scorn, deride (Te.)(Ka.lex.)
3045.Image: anaemic; perverse: si_har. perverse (P.)(CDIAL 12484). ser.ha_, si_hr.a_ perverse, ignorant (P.); ser.ho squinting (N.); ser.o id. (N.)(CDIAL 12717). sikat.e, sikut.e a thin man; sickly, weak, thin (N.); sikro sickly, weak, dry (of a tree)(N.); sikur.a_, sukr.a_, sakr.a_ shrivelled (H.); si_k ill (G.); sim.ga weak, thin (Pkt.)(CDIAL 13387). cf. jin.agu, jin.ugu, jinagu, jinugu thinness (as of texture, thread, powder, written letters etc.)(Ka.)(DEDR 2519). cf. ci_val thinness of cloth (Ma.)(DEDR 2637). ser.ha bloodless, anaemic (Or.)(CDIAL 12717). ekka-sakke a perverse female (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) ekkaccakkam confusion, disorder, irregularity, awkward predicament; ekatta_l.i, ekatta_l.am mockery, jest, ridicule (Ta.); ekkaccakkam, ekkaccakku confusion, doubt (Ma.); ekkasakka, ekkasekka confusion, doubt, perverseness; ridicule, mockery, a joke; eksukya, egaciga, ekkata_l.i,gata_l.a, egata_l.i ridicule, mockery, jest; ekkarisu to make faces at, mock, deride (Ka.); ekkusakku, ekkacakka, ekkasakka confusedly, indiscriminately (Tu.); ekasak(k)iyamu, ekasak(k)emu, ekasek(k)iyamu, ekasek(k)emu, ekkasakkemu, ekkasekkemu a joke, mockery, prank; ekkarincu to make faces at, mock, deride; ekkirinta, ekirinta making faces, mockery, derision; egata_l.i, ekata_l.i joke, derision, ridicule, hoax (Te.)(DEDR 767). eggu, heggu shame, feeling of disgrace, blame, harm; eggul.i a bashful person, a rustic or low person; egga a rude, rustic, stupid, or low man; eggul.itana shame, bashfulness (Ka.); eggu harm, evil, mischief, shame, disgrace, blame; eggincu to disregard, slight, wrong, injure; egga_d.u to find fault with, blame, reproach, revile, abuse (Te.)(DEDR 776). sigga_l.i a person who is ashamed, a bashful person; siggiga a daitya or ra_kshasa (Ka.); seggu reproach, censure (Te.); siggondu, sigga_gu to feel ashamed, to become bashful (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) Image: to laugh: ceg cege wide, big-mouthed (Santali.lex.) sihan prank, frolic, practical joke, given to pranks, frolicsome; sihania given to pranks, frolicsome (Santali.lex.) sik- (-t-) to laugh, smile; sikpis- (-t-) to cause to laugh (Kond.a); sikhali to grin (Kuwi); hik- (-t-) to laugh (Mand..); palka sik- to grin; sik- to bare the teeth; sikla one who laughs a lot and for a long time (Kuwi)(DEDR 2492). ki_t.u disregard, scorn (Ka.Te.)(DEDR 1609). kicv- (kict-) to make a grimace (of derision etc.) by opening mouth and drawing back lips, open mouth at death (Ta.); kisa, kisi, kisu; kisikisi nagu to grin in laughter, grin (Ka.)(DEDR 1510). kizay- (-t-) to jeer at, ridicule (Kond.a); kijowi joke; kijowigatti witty; kitzowi ki_nai to jest, jeer, joke; kijovi joke; kijovi ki- to make fun, joke (Kuwi); qese to tease, disturb (Malt.)(DEDR 1518). cf. kekkat.t.am loud laughter; kekkali (-pp-, -tt-) to laugh violently; n. loud laughter (Ta.); kek smile, laughter; ke(k) kisad laughing; koks-/keks' in- to make noise of laughter (To.); geggili, geggalu derision (Te.)(DEDR 1933). Disdain: chi- blame (Skt.); chi-chi interjection of disapproval (Pkt.); chi (S.); chi_-chi_ (P.Ku.); chi, chi-chi (N.); si (A.); chi (B.Or.); chi_, chi_-chi_ (H.G.)(CDIAL 5029). chi, chi chi shame! fie! indicates scorn, disgust, disapprobation, shock, reprehension, scandalized; chia, chiare ough! ugh! indicates loathing, abomination, nausea ; chiak low, mean, despicable, contemptible; chi ban. to deny, to feel disgust or contempt for (Santali.lex.) cikku modesty, shame (Ta.); cig shame, self-respect (Ko.); sig shame (To.); siggu shame, decency, modesty, bashfuless, timidity, disgust; sigga_l.i a person who is ashamed, a bashful person (Ka.); siggu shame, disgrace, dishonour, bashfulness, shyness, coyness, modesty; siggari one who is ashamed, bashful or shy (Te.); fem. siggarikattiya (otte); siggaritanamu bashfulness, shyness, shamefacedness (Te.); siggar-u to have no shame; siggi_d.i a shameless or brazen-faced person (Te.); sig shame (Go.); sigu id. (Kond.a); siku, sigu id. (Kuwi)(DEDR 2500). jihriyat is ashamed (MaitrS.); pp. hri_ta (MBh.); a-hraya_n.a (RV.); hiri_yati, hara_yati is ashamed, is shy (Pali); hiria, hiri_a (Pkt.); zire (Kt.)(CDIAL 14186). hri_ shame (VS.); hri_ka_ (Skt.); ahri bold (RV.); ahri_ (S'Br.); hiri_ shame; hiriya (Pali); hiri_, hi_ri_ (Pkt.); ziri_k (Ash.); zirik, jirik (Kt.); jerik (Bashg.); zirik, zirix (Pr.); hiri-ya (Si.)(CDIAL 14185). ci_ an excl. of contempt, disgust, repudiation; n. disdain; ci_-cci, ci_-ci_ an excl. of contempt, abhorrence; ci_y-en-al onom. expr. signifying disgust; cicci_ fie! (Ta.); ci_ id. (Ma.); ci_ fie! shame! (Ka.); ci_, ci_ci_, chi_, chi_chi_ fie! (Tu.); ci_ fie! nonsense! (Te.)(DEDR 2603). cih-, ci_ fie! for shame! pshaw! pish! (Ka.); ci (Ma.); ca_ (Te.); cih- (M.); chi abuse, reproach (Skt.); cicci_ (Ta.Ma.); chichi (M.)(Ka.lex.) cicci_ expr. meaning fie! used in contempt (Nalvar..i. 14); cicci id. (Kampara_. Ma_ri_ca. 76); ci_ an exclamation of contempt, disgust, repudiation; n. disdain, spurn (Tiruva_ca. 10,12)(Ta.); id. (Ka.Tu.Ma.); ci_ci an exclamation of contempt, abhorrence (Tiruva_ca. 7,2) (Ta.) (Ta.lex.) ce_ce_ fie! shame! (Ka.); che_ che_ (M.); ce_ce_ not so! (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) er.c- to think and say ill of one, shame, laugh to shame (Ko.); ed.d.isu, e_d.isu to abuse, rail, mock (Ka.)(DEDR 791). e_cu (e_ci-) to abuse, reproach, rail at, insult; e_cal reproaching, abusing, slander; e_cu fault, blemish; e_ccu abuse, insult, reproach (Ta.); reviling, abusing, back-biting (Ma.); e_s.an.i backbiting, tale-bearing; e_san.ikka to breed discord (Ma.); e_ku to expose or publish the faults of, defame (Te.)(DEDR 880). i_ci fie!, excl. expressive of disgust or loathing (Ta.); us' excl. of dislike (To.); is, issi interj. of disgust (Ka.); isu, isi interj. expr. disgust (Tu.); isiro_, isi_, issiro_, issi_ fie! (denotes contempt, dislike, disapprobation)(Te.); ispr.i fie! fie! (Malt.)(DEDR 424).
3046.Image: span: sa_kar.i a span (Kui); sa_k- to stretch out (fingers, limbs)(Kond.a); ja_c- to stretch out (hand)(Mand..); ha_h'nai (ha_st-) to stretch (hands, etc.); ca~_gu to be stretched or extended; extend, lengthen; ca~_cu to extend, stretch, lengthen (Te.); jampu long; delay, procrastination; ja_gu delay (Te.); a_n- to stretch, be elongated; caus. a_'; a_ng- to be stretched out; a_h- (Go.); ca_cu to stretch out, hold out, extend, stretch forth, put out as the hand, etc.; ja_gisu to stretch or raise (the body to its full extent)(Ka.); ca.c- (ca.ci-) to stretch out (hand), straighten; ca.j (past verbal adj. of ca.j- to be straight) straight (Kod..); ca_cuni to stretch out, hold out (Tu.)(DEDR 2433). cf. ca_n. span as a measure = nine inches (Tiruman. 2127)(Ta.); id. (Ma.); ja_na (Te.); ge_n. (Ka.)(Ta.lex.) Image: span: d.hin:gur a span between thumb and fore-finger (Santali.lex.) cf. ti hand (Santali.lex.) Image: span: ge_n., ge_n.a, ge_n.u a span measured by the extended thumb and little finger; vitasti, kis.ku (Ka.); je_nud.u, je_ne, ja_ne (Te.); ca_n. (Ta.Ma.); ce_ne, s'a_ne, se_na_ much, long (Te.); ce_n. breadth, height, length; distance (Ta.Ma.); ce_y, ce_yme length; distance; ge_ high; distant (Ta.); ge_n.va_y a span-long mouth (Ka.); ayge_n.a, ayge_n.u five spans; ge_n.agala the distance or length (breadth) of a span; ge_n.udda the height or length of a span (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) cf. ce_n. distance (Ta.)(DEDR 2807). ca_n. span (measurement)(Ta.Ma.); ga.n. (Ko.); ki.n. (To.); ge_n., ge_n.a, ge_n.u (Ka.); ca.n.i (Kod..); ge_n.u, ge_n.a (Tu.); je_na (Te.); ze.na (Kol.)(DEDR 2444). ca_t.-ko_l < ca_n. + span measure (Tol. Er..ut. 147, Urai)(Ta.lex.) Image: having six fingers: cha_n.o having six fingers or toes on each hand or foot (S.)(CDIAL 12792). sor.an bull or bullock which has grown six teeth (Or.); s.o_d.anta having six teeth (Skt.); s.o_d.ant (Pa_n..Va_rtt.)(CDIAL 12811).
3047.Image: spread out as a creeper: sa~_gu to extend, lengthen, expand, spread out (Te.); sa_geng to stretch (Kol.); sa_nga_na_, sa_ng- to spread as a creeper (Go.)(DEDR 2433). ca_ka_mu_li gulancha, tinospora cordifolia, pat.arkot.ivakai, creeper (Ta.lex.)
3048.Shining, clean: jagjaga clean (of clothes), bright (Pa.); jaggu shining, brilliancy (Te.); cakk- to dazzle (Go.)(DEDR 2280). calavai washed cloth (Ta.); salave washing and bleaching new cotton cloth (Ka.)(DEDR 2368). jagajaganta shining (Pkt.); jhagajhaga_yate_ flashes, sparkles (Skt); jhak-jhak splendour (N.H.); brightness (B.Or.); jhak-mak id. (B.); jhakkalo showy (N.); jhaka-makka shining (N.); zak-mak brightness (A.); jhaka glitter (Or.); jhak bright (H.); jhakamaki flint stone (Or.); jhakn.e~ to be dazzled (M.); jhak-mag brilliance (M.); jham.kai is burnt (Pkt.); zongu fire, esp. a great blaze (K.); za~k-za~k glittering (A.); jhagi-magi brightness (S.); jhag-jhag, jhag-mag brightly (G.); jhag-jhag brilliance (M.); jaga-jagam.ta shining (Pkt.)(CDIAL 5318). jagjaga_t., jagmag glitter (P.); jagmaga_un.a_ to glitter (P.); jagmag, jagmaga_unu (N.); jagjaga_ dazzle (B.); jaka brilliance (Or.); jakajaka dazzle (Or.); jagmag, jagjaga_na_ (H.)(CDIAL 5076). Storm: jhag-iti suddenly (Skt.); jhaka storm of wind (S.); jhakk dust-storm (P.); jhakk(h)ar. squall; jha~_ko fit of anger, epilepsy (Ku.); jha_k-jhuk accident (N.); za_k sudden fit of anger (A.); jha~_ka fit of rage (Or.); jhakkar. sudden blast (H.); storm (N.); jhakkan. to shrink back, be afraid (L.); jhakjhaka_unu to jog (N.); jhakora downpour of rain (S.); jhakolna_, jhakorna_ (H.); jhakol. rainstorm (G.)(CDIAL 5316).
3049.Image: number seven: sa_gara number 'four' or 'seven' (Skt.lex.)
3051.Jackfruit: cakka big round fruit as of artocarpus integrifolia, bread-fruit (artocarpus incisa), wild artocarpus (artocarpus hirsuta)(Ma.); cakkai jackfruit, jungle jack (Ta.); jaka artocarpus integrifolia (Ka.); cakke jackfruit (Kod..)(DEDR 2275).
3052.Silk-cotton: cakkamuki, cakkamukki, cakkamukkihatti silk-cotton tinder; cakkamukkihatti_ gid.a the silk-cotton tree, bombax heptaphyllum, picchale, pu_ran.i, s'a_lmali, bu_rugada gid.a (Ka.); cakkumukku silk-cotton tinder (Ma.); cakmuk (Turkish); cakkimukki (Te.)(Ka.lex.)
3053.Convolvulus scammonia: (Ancient Egyptian snwtt; Coptic ckamoynia) "This convolvulus is a twining shrub growing to 4 or 5 m, with large ochre-yellow funnel-shaped flowers and cordeate leaves... The Copts used it as a purgative and as an ingredient in an ointment... Theophrastus says that the gum of the plant occurs in its root..." (Lise Manniche, An Ancient Egyptian Herbal, p.93). Convolvulus scammonia: sak munia (H.); resin from rhizomes: hydragogue cathartic, administered in dropsy and anascara; roots contain about 8% resin; habitat: a native of the Mediterranean region; said to be grown to a limited extent in India. (GIMP, p.76).
3054.Mistletoe berry thorn: can:kacet.i mistletoe berry thorn, azima tetracantha; ican:ku id.; can:ku id. (Pata_rtta. 118)(Ta.lex.) cf. s'an:khini_ (Skt.) Azima tetracantha: kundali (Skt.); kantagurkamai (H.); trikanta-gati (B.); sukkapat (Deccan); sanganjedi (Ma.); ichanka (Ta.); tella-upi (Te.); root: diuretic, in rheumatism, given in dropsy; root bark: in rheumatism; leaves: stimulant, given with food as remedy for rheumatism; juice of leaves: to relieve cough of phthisis and asthma; bark: expectorant; habitat: konkan, Deccan, S. Mahrata country, Circars, Carnatic, Orissa and Sundarbans (GIMP, p.32).
3055.Volkmaria: can:kin-i smooth volkmaria (Malai.)(Ta.lex.) takko_lakamu (Te.); kundali (Skt.); pi_na_r-i-c-can:kan:kuppi clerodendrum inerme (Ta.)(GIMP, p.71). can:kan:kuppi smooth volkmaria (Pata_rtta. 259; cf. s'an:khini_ s'iri_s.a tree (Skt.); pi_na_r-iccan:ku, pi_na_r-iccan:kan:kuppi smooth volkmaria (Ta.); ni_r-nocci smooth volkmaria; pi_na_r-i fetid tree, sterculia foetida (Ta.Ka.Ma.)[the kernels are flavoured like cacao, but are not bitter, and are used to adulterate cacao. (Medicinal Plants of the Philippines, p.608)]; woolly-leaved fire-brand teak, premna tomentosa; beak-drooped Nilgiri elm, celtis cinnamomea (Ta.lex.) padme the plant clorodendrum siphonantus (Ka.lex.) Clerodendron inerme = clerodendron capsulate = clerodendron commersonii = clerodendron neriifolium: ... a shrub 1 to 4 meters high. The leaves are ovate and pointed at the tip... found along the seashore and beside tidal streams... occurs in India to Formosa, and through Malaya to tropical Australia and Polynesia... According to Nadkarni the leaves are mucilaginous and fragrant. They are found to contain, in addition to a bitter principle, a fragrant stearoptin to which their applelike odour is due; resin; gum; brown colouring matter... the decocted root is administered in the Philippines as a febrifuge and general alterative... the root, boiled in oil, is applied like liniment for rheumatism... also used as a substitute for quinine in intermittent fevers... A bath of the leaves is recommended for mania and for itches. Dymock adds that the juice of the leaves is administered as a febrifuge. Burkill quotes Rumpf, who states that, in his time, the sailors of Macassar always took the fruit and roots to sea with them. The seeds were considered the more useful of the two. When the stomach has been upset by eating poisonous fish, crabs etc., a decoction was taken, or just the pounded seeds. Rumpf says further that the leaves, if eaten with rice, increase the appetite. Miquel tells of the fruit's being sent from Celebes to Java as a medicine for dysentery (Medicinal Plants of the Philippines, pp. 787-789).
3056.Terminalia chebula: s'a_ka_ terminalia chebula, s'an:ku a particular tree (Skt.)(CDIAL 12369). cf. jun:gi terminalia chebula (Santali.lex.) Synonyms: hari_taki_, abhaya_, pathya_ terminalia chebula (Skt.); haritaki (B.); har (H.): "the chublic myrobalan was highly extolled by the ancient Hindus as a powerful alterative and tonic. cf. synonyms: pra_nada_, or life-giver, sudha_ or nectar, bhishakapriya or physician's favourite etc.. So highly esteemed was this plant by the ancient Hindus, that a mythological origin has been attributed to it. It is said that when Indra was drinking nectar in heaven, a drop of the fluid fell on the earth and produced the haritaki plant. Seven varieties of haritaki are described by Sanskrit writers, the distinctions being founded upon the shape, colour and marks on the outer covering of the fruits. At the present day, however, two varieties only are recognised, namely, the large ripe fruit called haritaki, and the unripe dried fruit called jangi haritaki in vernacular... only the coats of the fruits are used in medicine... chebulic myrobalans are described as laxative, stomachic, tonic and alternative. They are used in fevers, cough, asthma, urinary diseases, piles, intestinal worms, chronic diarrhoea, costiveness, flatulence, vomiting, hiccup, heart diseases, enlarged spleen and liver, ascites, skin diseases etc. In combination with emblic and belleric myrobalans, and under the name of triphala_ or the three myrobalans, they are extensively used as adjuncts to other medicines in almost all diseases..." (U.C. Dutt, Materia Medica of the Hindus, 1922, pp.161-164; pp.226-227). Prospero Albini mentions the use of myrobalanos (dried fruit from India) macerated into water melon pulp... used by Egyptian women to gain weight... Together with fennel (foeniculum vulgare), yellow myrobalanos (dried fruits) were used in ancient Egyptian medicine (Lise Manniche, An Ancient Egyptian Herbal, pp. 105-106).
3057.Image: goose: cakkaram ruddy goose, anas cascara; cakra-va_ka-p-pul. (Ta.lex.); kal.akam kala-hamsa, hamsa, swan; lime mortar; sheaf of paddy (Ta.lex.) cakrava_ka the ruddy goose anas casarca (RV.); cakkava_ka (Pali); cakava_e (As'.); cakkava_ya, cakka_a (Pkt.); c.a_kav the ruddy sheldrake casarca (K.); cakuo a. casarca (K.); cakva_, cakvi_ (P.); c.ekkro~, pl. c.ekkru (WPah.); cakhewa_ (N.); sakowa_, sa_kai (A.); caka_ (B.); cakua_ (Or.); cakui (Or.); cakawa_, cakewa_ (Mth.); cakawa_ (Aw.); cakai_ (Aw.H.); cakwa_ (H.); cakvo, cakvi_ (G.); c.akva_, c.akvi_ (M.); sakva_ (Si.)(CDIAL 4551). cf. cako_ra the red partridge, perdix rufa (MBh.Pali); cako_raka (Skt.); cker (Wkh.); cago_ra, cao_ra, cao_raga (Pkt.); siyura_, sivura_ (Si.); cakoru (S.); cakor (P.); cakro, ca_kura_, ca_kuri_ (WPah.); ca_khoro (Garh.); ca_khur.o (Ku.); ca_khuro (N.); cakor (B.Mth.H.G.M.); can:ko_ra (Pali)(CDIAL 4536). sa~k a goose (Santali.lex.)
3058.Candied sugar: s'arkara_ candied sugar (Skt.); s'arkara in cmpd. (MBh.)[Ac. to Przyluski MSL xxii 208 Pa. sakkhara_-, of Mon-Khmer origin, was identified with MIA. sakkara_- < s'arkara_ pl. gravel, grit (AV) and therefore applied spec. to gritty or pounded sugar. If so, the identification of the two words was early enough for a form with s'- to be found in NWPk. (NiDoc. s'akara from which the Dardic forms derive and which > PEs.) and for the aspirate of the word for 'sugar' to have affected the Aryan word for 'gravel' in Pali]. sakkhara_ granulated sugar (Pali); s'akara, Periplus takrapi (NiDoc.); sakkara_ (Pkt.); s'akhur (Kal.); s'okor (Kho.); s'akar, s'akhar (Sh.); s'ekar (K.); sakkar coarse sugar (P.); sakkhar (N.); sa_kara (Or.); sakkar, skar raw sugar (Bi.); sakhar sugar (H.); sa_kar (G.); sa_kar, sa_khar (M.); sa_kara (Konkan.i); sakara, sakuru, hakuru (Si.); hakuru (Md.)(CDIAL 12338). mogadum, magudummi, mogadum-sakkare a kind of sugar; magudummi pud.i sakkare a kind of unrefined fine-grained sugar; magudummi id. (Ka.) = maga + tum(b)mi + sakkare = maga smell, fragrance (Ka.); tumbi-hu_ synonym of kunda olibanum, the resin of boswellia thurifera, one of Kubera's nine treasures; tumbu the foot-stalk of a leaf, flower or fruit (Ka.); maga-dummi-sakkare may therefore be interpreted as the fragrant granules from the resin of boswellia thurifera] s'arkare, sakkare, sakri, sakre granulated or candied sugar; a small stone, a pebble, gravel, grit (Ka.); sakkare (Tadbhava of s'arkara) sugar; sakkare-pakkare id. (Ka.lex.) carkkarari-p-pon:kal a preparation of rice with sugar (Pata_rtta. 1403); s'arkkarai-k-kot.i a white variety of betel (G.Sm.D. I.i,215)(Ta.lex.) tumpi black gaub, diospyros tomentosa (Tailava. Taila. 48); ceylon ebony, diospyros ebenum; sugarcane (Ta.lex.) Sugarcane: ceruku sugarcane (Ka.); cer-aku id. (Te.); saragurak id. (Kol.); s'erak id. (Nk.); ser-oki id. (Kond.a); se_rku~ id. (Kuwi)(DEDR 2795). rikhu (Ku.); iks.u sugar-cane (AV.); iks.uka (Sus'r.); ikkhu, icchu (Pkt.); ikkh, ikh, i_kh (P.); ik, in:gu (Si.); ucchu (Pali.Pkt.); ukhu (N.); u_kh, u_khi (Bi.); ukh (B.); u_khi (Mth.); u_khi, ukhi (Bhoj.); u_kha, u~_kh (OAw.); u_kh (H.); u_s, u~_s (M.); u_s (G.); uk, ugu, us (Si.); a_ukh, a_kh, a_ku, a_k (B.); a_khu (Or.)(CDIAL 1550). Sugar; gritty: sakar partly refined sugar; cakti gur. lump of raw sugar; sege ror.e, rege cege, ragae gritty; kakor, ror.a, rur.i, rogr.o gravel; gur. juice, first product of sugarcane (Santali.lex.) Grit: s'arkara_ (usu. pl.) gravel, grit (AV.); s'arkara pebble (Kaus'.); danta-s'arkara_ tartar on teeth (Sus'r.); sakkhara_ gravel, grit, potsherd (Pali); lo_n.a-sakkhara_ salt crystal (Pali); sakkharilla gravelly (Pali); sakkara_ sand, gravel (Pkt.); s'akra_ pl. small stone, flints (WPah.); xikar (da_t-xikar), xikaliya_ tartar on teeth (A.); sakira_ piece of gravel or grit, pebble (M.); sakara, sakuru, hakura, akura gravel, pebble, potsherd (Si.)(CDIAL 12337). s'a_rkara gravelly (Pa_n..); sa_kar gravel, broken brick (L.)(CDIAL 12408). s'a_rayati causes to be broken (Skt.); sa_re_ti causes to be crushed (Pali); sa_rvu~ to drop, let fall (G.)(CDIAL 12404). s'ari_to_h is broken, inf. (RV.); as'ari_t aor. (AV.); s'i_ryate_ is broken (RV.); falls off (MBh.); sarati crushes; saritaka powdered stone (Pali); s'ariati is broken (KharI.); car to break; tal-ceri shingle (Kt.); s'ar to break (Chil.Gau.); harun to fall (K.)(CDIAL 12328). Sucrose: Synonyms: saccharum, sugar, cane sugar, refined sugar, beet sugar; zucker (Ger.); sucre (Fr.); Botanical origin: saccharum officinarum, betal vulgaris; habitat: the original home of the cane sugar plant is unknown but is thought to have been India. Widely cultivated in the tropics and subtropics. Beta maritima or the 'sea beet' is native to the southern coast of Europe. It is the progenitor of the sugar beet, beta vulgaris; plant: saccharum officinarum or the sugar-cane is a perennial herb with a succulent rhizome... Uses: sucrose is a nutrient, diuretic and food preservative. It is used in pharmacy to mask the taste of certain medicines, to preserve pharmaceutical preparations and give them consistency, to prevent oxidation in iron preparations and to make oils miscible with water... an ingredient in troches, syrups, confections and a number of pills, powders and mixtures.
3059.Oil-cake: cigal.i, cigul.i a ball made of fried gingilli-oil seed mixed with jaggery (Ka.); cimili oilcake on which cattle are fed; cimmiri, cimmili, cimmirun.t.alu, cimmilun.t.alu a sweetmeat made of fried sesamum seed with dry coco-nut kernels and sugar (eaten during pregnancy)(Te.); cf. s'as.kuli- a large round cake composed of ground rice, sesamum, and sugar, and cooked in oil (Skt.)(DEDR 2490). khali_ oilcake (Car.); khala (Sus'r.Pali); khali paste (Pali);[cf. kal.i pulpiness, state of being mashed (Akana_. 86); thick pulp, liquid paste (Kampara_. Mitilaik. 80); poultice (Perumpa_n.. 275)(Ta.); id. (Ma.); silt, sediment (Net.unal. 16)(Ta.lex.)]; khali_, khaliya_ refuse after pressing oil seeds, oilcake (Pkt.); khal, khuju (K.); kharu (S.); khal. (L.P.); khali oil sediment (N.); khalihai oilcake (A.); khal, khail (B.); khal.i oilcake, oil sediment, flour paste, starch (Or.); khari_ oilcake (Bi.); khali_, khalli_ (H.); khal.i_ (Marw.); khol. (G.); khal. starch prepared from wheat; khali_, khalli_ oilcake (M.)(CDIAL 3845).[For semant. starch, cf. kal.i a kind of pasty pottage made with flour (Perumpa_n. 275)(Ta.); id. (Ma.)(Ta.lex.)]
3060.Broken; s'ikastu broken or folded state (as of paper); wrecked (as a ship); ruined, out of repair (as a building, tank etc.)(Ka.Te.M.H.)(Ka.lex.)
3061.To give and take: {Semant. si_, isa ko_ take! ko- give!}: kosi- (kosit-; < ko-si.-, with si.- to give) to take and give (to someone); kos- (kost-) to carry away, take (Kol.); koy- (kor-) to bring; kos- to take (Nk.); kor-/ko- (kott-) to bring (Nk.); kor.- (kon.-, kot.-) to purchase; kol- (kot.-) to take (Kond.a); kor.- (-t-) to buy (Pe.); kr.ag- (kr.akt-) id. (Mand..); kod.a (kod.i-) to buy, take, take away, take off, pull off, pull up, pluck; n. buying, taking, plucking (Kui); ko_dali, kod.d.inai to take, buy; kod.- (-it-) to buy; bring; reflexive auxiliary (Kuwi) (DEDR 2151). For si.- to give (Kol.) cf.: si.- (si.t-) to give (Kol.); s'i_ id. (Nk.); si_ id. (Nk.); ci_- (ci-) id. (Pa.); si_- (si_d-, si_y-, si_n-), si_- id. (Kond.a); hi_- (-t-), si_- id. (Pe.); hi_- id. (Mand..); si_va (si_t-), ji_va (ji_t-) id., allow; n. act of giving, bestowal; hi_- to give (Kui); hi_ali, hi_nai, hi_- (-t-) id. (Kuwi); ci'ina_ (ciccas) id., allow (Kur.); ciye (cic-) to give away (Malt.); i_ (-v-, -nt-) to give to inferiors, agree, consent; i_kai gift; i_kaiyan- liberal person; i_vu giving, gift, distribution; i_vi (-pp-, -tt-) to distribute; i_vo_n- donor (Ta.); i_ (itt-) to give, allow, permit; i_su, i_yisu to cause to give (Ka.); iccu (i_- iyy-, ivv-) to give, allow, permit; i_gi, i_vi giving, donation, charity, a git; i_gika~_d.u, i_vika~_d.u, i_vari a liberal, bountiful person (Te.)(DEDR 2598). cf. iku (-pp-, -tt-), ikai (-pp-, -tt-) to give (Ta.); ikku to give (as money, alms, a name, medicine); in:gu to give (Ka.)(DEDR 416). i_su, isu, i_yisu to cause to give; to cause one's self to give or yield; to yield, to permit, to allow; i_ha giving; benni_ha flight; i_si kol., isa kol., isi kol., isu kol. to have (anything) given to one's self: to take, to receive; ittu pp. of i_ having given; isa, isi, isu an abbreviated pp. isa kol.l.u to take; isa ko_! take! isu, asu an affix that is joined (1) to Sam.skr.ta, Tadbhava (and Hindustha_ni_) themes to form verbs transitive or intransitive, and (2) to Kannad.a themes to form (transitive or) causative verbs. In Sam.skr.ta it is not to be used with a bhinnakartr., e.g. it is wrong to say khan.d.isisidam; cf. ra_gisu, bhan:gisu, bha_visu, nirn.ayisu etc.; for the elision of the su before kum., kkum., ke, kke, pa, ppa, cf.: pariharikum., bha_vikum., purud.ikkum., paripa_l.ike, raks.ikke, baripudu, udayippa, kalipa (Ka.lex.) kol. is used as a second member of a compound, semant. to get, gain, obtain, acquire, hold on: kan.-, kuntu-, keykol., gun.am.gol., nele-, etc. (Ka.lex.) Dowry: itthi-dhana dowry (Pali.lex.)
3063.Image: creeper: si_ge a climbing prickly shrub, the pods of which are used like soap for washing the hair, etc., acacia concinna (the soap-nut tree is often called si_ge, but it is an.t.ava_l.a); i_n.t.u tiger-stopper (Ta.); in.t.u eight-pinnate soap-pod acacia intsia caesia; sensitive plant, mimosa (Ta.); si_-ka_ya a. concinna (Te.); si_ko soap-nut tree (Kond.a)(DEDR 2607). ?cf. honga root of a certain wild creeper (used medicinally for relief of fistula, ulcers and similar diseases)(K.) (CDIAL 12509). Image: balloon vine: cukat.t.a_n- balloon vine; kaus grass; cuka_t.t.am kaus, a large and coarse grass; balloon vine (Ta.lex.) Image: a creeper, vine, climbing plant: tiva creeper of a planto or shrub (Kond.a); ti_ge a creeping plant, vine, tendril on spray (Ka.); ti~_ga, ti~_ge, ti~_giya a creeping or climbing plant, creeper, vine (Te.); ti_g creeper (Kol.Ga.)(DEDR 3269).
3064.Image: strings of a lute: ci_va_l.am piece of cord or wire attached to the strings of tampu_ru to regulate its sound (Ta.); ji_val.amu (Te.); ji_va_l.a id. (Ka.)(Ta.lex.) cf. vali-k-kat.t.u tight fastening of the strings of a lute; valittal to draw, pull; to attract (Pirapulin.. Ma_yaiyin-ur-. 45); val strength, power (Ta.lex.) Image: bowstring: jiya_, jya_, j(i)ya_ka_ bowstring (RV.); ji_va_ (Skt.); saji_va having a bowstring (Skt.); jiya_, jya_ (Pali); jiya (NiDoc.); zi_ (Ash.Pr.Kho.); ji_ (Wg.Kt.Tor.Kal.); diya (Si.); gi_ with g from gun.a (Wg.Dm.); zih (Pers.); ji_va_, ji_a_ (Pkt.); jeur.i string; jeur.a_ rope (P.); jyu_r.i_ cord (Ku.); jiuri rope (N.); zo~r bowstring; zori_ string (A.); jauri_ rope (Bi.); jauri hemp or grass rope (Mth.); jeur.a_ rope (H.)(CDIAL 5227). Image: rope, snake: jyor.o rope, snake (Ku.);jeur.i_ string, snake (H.)(CDIAL 5227). String of a lute; long, to lengthen; sharp, fine; gold wire: tiv thread (Pa.); tiya_ iron neck-ring (Ga.); ti~_ga, ti~_giya, ti~_ge wire, string of a musical instrument; a necklace of gold wire (Te.); tiga wire (Pe.); teeg wire (Pe.); tri_ga wire (Kuwi); ti_ge_ guitar string (Kuwi); tivavu bands of catgut for a ya_r.. (Ta.); ti_n-tot.ai string of a lute, lute (Ta.)[tot.ai fastening (DEDR 3480)]; ti_ge string of a lute, wire (Ka.)(DEDR 3269). Hemp rope: sebba_, seba_ hemp rope for sewing up hair cloth for loading beasts of burden (P.); si_vya to be sewn (Car.)(CDIAL 13598). Sewn: sebo sewing, seam (S.); si_vya to be sewn (Car.)(CDIAL 13598). Loosely woven; needle: se_vani_ suture-like seams in body (AitBr.); seam (Skt.); si_van.a_ stitching (Pkt.); ci_val that which is loosely woven (Ta.); thinness of cloth (Ma.)(DEDR 2637). si_vana sewing (Sus'r.); se_vana id. (Sus'r.); si_van.i_ needle (Pkt.); siwon, sowan sewing (Pas.); si_vn.a~_ sewing (L.); si_un. seam (P.); si~wn., si.wn.i_ needle (WPah.); s'ia~r.a sewing (whence sin.n.o to sew (Ku.); syuni seam (N.); xiyan sewing (A.); xiyani seam (A.); siuni seam (B.); syu_n wages for sewing (Mth.); siani seam (OAw.); si_wan (H.); sivan., sivn.i_ (G.); s'ivan. (M.); se_van.a sewing (Pkt.); sewana_ thread (Pas.); se_n front opening of trousers (Tor.); se_un. needlework, seam (WPah.)(CDIAL 13443). si_vyati sews (RV.); si_vayati (Skt.); sibbati sews pp. sibbita (Pali); sivvai, pp. sivvia (Pkt.); siban.u (S.)--alternative < siv to sew (Gypsy)[suv needle < su_ci_]; siwar sews (Gypsy); siw (Ash.); suwa_ (Wg.); suw, su_y (Dm.); si_w, sew (Pas'.); sim (Kal.); suik, caus. suweik (Kho.); si_y (Bshk.); sioiki (Sh.); suwun (K.); si_van. (L. whence analogical passive. si_pan. and pp. si_ta_); si~wn.u (WPah.); sivvu~ (G.); s'ivn.e~ (M.); s'ivayta_ (Konkan.); hiva (Si.); as'yu_ (Pr.); siu~_n.a_, si_mn.a_ (caus.: sava_un.a_, sama_un.a_, sila_un.a_)(P.); si_n.u_ (WPah.); sin.o (Ku.); siunu causative sila_unu (N.); xiba caus.xiya_iba (A.); siya_na (B.); sii~ba (Or.); siyal (Bhoj.); si~ab (Aw.); si_na_ caus. sila_na_ whence pass. silna_ (H.)(CDIAL 13444). cf. ba_sn trouser seam (Tor.)(CDIAL 14801). syu_ta sewn (RV.); mu_ suwum I sewed (Dm.); suiru sewn (Kho.); suwu (K.); hu_ sewn, joined, bound (Si.)(CDIAL 13876). syu_na sack; syu_na_ girdle (Skt.); sun rope made of goat's hai (Pas'.)(CDIAL 13877). syu_man band, thong, bridle (RV.); s'uman belt, trouser-cord (Kal.); s'uma_n. trouser-cord (Phal.); s'imanu trouser-cord (Kho.); s'imeni string, rope (Kho.); simenu waistband (Kho.)(CDIAL 13878). a_si_vyati sews together (Skt.); a_syu_ta, a_si_vana sewing on (Skt.); a_si_vaa tailor (Pkt.); as'yu_ to sew (Pr.)(CDIAL 1494). utsyu_ta sewn up (TS.); usavin.e~ to open a seam, rip open (M.); usavn.e~ to be opened up in the seams (M.)(CDIAL 1885). prase_va sack; prase_vaka sack, bag (Sus'r.); pase_vaya, pase_via_ (Pkt.); pasibbaka sack (Pali); pihiva_ bag, sack (Si.)(CDIAL 8844). prasi_vyati sews up (S'Br.); pasibbita (Pali); pasu_jan.a_ to sew with a running stitch; pasu_j sewing with a running stitch, basting (P.); pasu_jna_, pasu_j (H.)(CDIAL 8886). sam.s'yu_ta sewn together (MBh.); sam.si_vyati sews together (AV.); asu bound, captured (Si.); sam.sibbita intertwined (Pali); sam.si_via sewn together (Pkt.)(CDIAL 13062).
3065.Oil: sunum oil (Santali.lex.) cf. sineha oil; sinehana oiling; sineheti to oil (Pali.lex.) isgnu oil (Malt.); isun:g oil (Kur.)(DEDR 422). sineha oil; sineheti to oil; sinehana oiling; abbhajana ointment (Pali.lex.) cf. picupicu (-pp-, -tt-) to be sticky, be viscour, adhesive or oily (Ta.); bijibiji greasy, gummy, sticky (Tu.); pisunu gum, resin (Te.)(DEDR 4134). piccha_- gum, slimy saliva (Skt.)(CDIAL 8154, 8156). vijjala-, vijjana-, vijina-, vij(j)ila- slimy, smeary (Skt.)(DEDR 4134). Gum: cika~r., cikon oily, greasy, polished, glazed, shiny, slimy, silky, smooth, clean, perfect; bhit jolom cika~r. akatae he has plastered the wall smooth; cikcik shining, polished, glossy (Santali.lex.) Betel-nut: cikke, cikka_ a betel-nut (Ka.); cikka_de_vi (Ka.); jigi, jagi, jegi to chew as betelnut, bread etc. (Ka.); jigil, jegil to be sticky, gummy, viscid, glutinous, adhesive etc.; snigdha (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) cikkan.am < cikkan.a that which is glossy or slippery (Nan-. 273, Mayilai.)(Ta.)(Ta.lex.) cikku stickiness of hair, due to oil (Ta.); sikku id. (Ka.); cikkuppa_kam viscous condition as of a medicinal preparation (Tailava. Pa_yi. 43)(Ta.)(Ta.lex.) cikkan.a smooth, glossy; slippery; bland, soft, emollient; unctuous, greasy (Skt.Ka.)(Ka.lex.) cikan.i, cikin.i hard; substantial; thick, rich; fat (Ka.); cikan.a (M.); cikan.a_ (M.H.); cikan.iyad.ike a fine kind of betle-nut (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) jigi, jigat.u, jibat.u thickness, viscousness; gum (Ka.); jigat.e (Te.); cikat.a gummy (M.); jigat.u gum; birdlime (Ka.); jigat.e, jiguru (Te.); jid.d.u a substance that is smeary, greasy or oily, as ghee or oil (Ka.Te.); rancidity (Ka.Tu.)(Ka.lex.) jigil, cegil, pagil to be sticky, gummy, viscid, glutinous, adhesive etc.; to adhere, to stick fast (Ka.lex.) snigdha oily, oleaginous, unctuous (Ka.Skt.); greasy, fat, sticky, viscid, cohesive, adhesive (Ka.lex.) sa_r manure (P.); s'er bird dung; s'ern.e~ to void dung (of birds)(M.)(CDIAL 12241). snigdha unctuous, sticky (MBh.); oily (Sus'r.); siniddha wet, greasy (Pali); sin.iddha, san.iddha wet, juicy, greasy (Pkt.); sinidu, sinin.du oily, fat, sticky (Si.); thindha_ greasy; thidda_ (L.); thind(h)a_ greasy, containing ghee; thinda_ oil (P.); thinda_ oily, greasy (WPah.); snih be wet, be unctuous, be loving (Skt.)(CDIAL 13797). snihyati is unctuous (Car.)(CDIAL 13800). cf. sne_ha grease (S'a_n:khBr.); oiliness (Ya_j.)(CDIAL 13802). sne_hin unctuous (Skt.)(CDIAL 13804). cher watery stools, bird dung (G.); s'er bird dung (M.)(CDIAL 4954). Ball: cigal.i, cigul.i a ball made of fried gingillie-oil seed mixed with jaggery (Ka.); cimmi, cimmir (Te.)(Ka.lex.) Oiliness: cf. cikil < cikna_ (U.) < cikkan.a polishing or burnishing of arms (Ta.); cikili (Te.)(Ta.lex.) jid.d.u a substance that is smeary, greasy or oily, as ghee or oil (Ka.); oiliness, grease or greasiness (Te.); sit.pa (sit.t-), sir.pa (sir.t-) to be sticky, tacky (Kui); jit.kip- to stick to (Nk.); cin- to stick, adhere ( < cin.-/cin.d.-); caus. cinip- (cinit-)(Pa.)(DEDR 2516). gijat.i, giji giji a jelly-like, viscous, pulpous, sticky state (Ka.); giji giji soft, pulpous (Tu.)(DEDR 1519). gejja, ga_gejja churned (Pkt.); gi~_jna_, gi~jolna_ to mash with the hand (H.)(CDIAL 4153). Metath.: Gum; paste: cikkan-avu hardness, firmness (Ta.); jigat.u, jigat.e, jibat.u stickiness, gumminess, gum, birdlime; jigi, jibi thickness, viscidity, glutinousness, gum; cigil, jigil to be sticky, gummy, viscid, glutinous, adhesive, adhere, stick fast; jibbu stickiness, sap that issues from the stalk of the mango after it is cut from the tree; cikan.i hard, substantial, thick, rich, fat (Ka.); jigat.a gum, paste, slime, birdlime, stickiness, gumminess, viscosity; jigi viscidity, glutinousness; jiguru gum, birdlime; cikka~-bad.u, cikka-vad.u to become thick or inspissated; cikkana thickness as of a liquid, density, closeness of texture etc.; adj. cikkani (Te.); sikot. sticky (Kol.); sever, s'ever, saver, sowwe_r, hever, hevor, ever gum; haver birdlime (Go.); sika thickness of fluid; sikani thick (Kond.a)(DEDR 2488). cikka gummy matter in eyes, bird-lime (BHSkt. ii,229); cik, pl. cika mud, dirt, clay, ashes; ciklo dirty (Gypsy); cika mud; cikar.u greasy (S.); cik, cikkur. mud (L.); cikkar. (P.); ci_k, ci_kar. mud, slime, recently irrigated land (H.); ci_kat. greasy deposit of a lamp (H.);[cf. semant. 'lamp' X 'darkness': ci~_kat.i darkness (Te.)(DEDR 2604)]; ci_k glutinous and acrid juice of trees and plants etc., greasiness, beestings (G.); ci_kat. greasy (G.); ci_k viscid ooze or sap or gum of plants, any viscid matter (M.); cikt.a_ clammy ooze (M.); s'ika_ fat (Ash.); saka fat (Wg.); ska (Kt.); iski_ (Pr.); isk (Dm.); sika_ (Gaw.)(CDIAL 4780). cikkan.a slippery, unctuous (MBh.); cikkin.a (Skt.); cikvan.a stuck to (Skt.); cikkan.a, cikkin.a sticky, oily, thick (Pkt.); ciken fat, butter; cukna oil (Gypsy); cikan.i mud (S.); ci_kun.a_, ci_kn.a_, cikna_ sticky, oily, smooth (P.); sikan. fine, smooth and excellent, plump (A.); cikan smooth, glossy, fine, thin (B.); cikan.a, cikan.a_ oil, ghee (Or.); cikna_ oil seeds in general; ghee (Bi.); ci~_kan slippery, polished (Mth.); ci_kan (Bhoj.); smooth (Aw.); cikna_ oily, fat, rich, smooth (H.); ci_kan.aum. sticky (OG.); cikn.u~ (G.); cikan. (M.); cikkan.a (Konkan.i)(CDIAL 4782). cikhalla mud, mire (Skt.); cin:khala muddy (BHSkt.); cikila mud (Skt.); icikila pond, mud (Skt.); cikhalla, cikhilla mud (Pkt.); cihla_ mud, ooze (H.); cihlaha_, cilahla_ muddy, slimy (H.); cihel wet oozy land (H.)(CDIAL 4784). cal.l.al mud, slush (Ta.); cal.acal.a to be wet, muddy, sloppy; al.l.al, al.akkar, al.ar-u mud, mire (Ta.); cal.l.a bog, sludge (Ma.); cal.i, cel.i, cel.l.a mud, mire (Ma.); cal.umpu bog, slush (Ma.); cal.iya state of growing muddy; al.l.a-nela bog, morass (Ka.)(DEDR 2412). sa_rdra wet, moist (MBh.); sa_dal.n.e~ to be damp and cold (M.); sall well-watered and moistened (of land)(Ku.)(CDIAL 13368). For semant. 'darkness' X 'collyrium' cf. ci~_kat.i darkness: --kat.i ~~ ka_d.ige collyrium; from cikila mud (Skt.) ~~ kattala darkness (Ka.) ~~ kajjala collyrium: cf. ajana collyrium; and Synonym: ka_d.ige collyrium prepared from lampblack; lampblack (Ka.); ka_d.ig collyrium of lampblack and oil (Tu.); ka_t.uka lampblack, collyrium (Te.); ka_d. (-it-) to be burnt, charred (Kond.a); to be burnt (rice in cooking (Kuwi); ka_d.- id. (Mand..); kadali to be burnt, as food (Kuwi)(DEDR 1437). ka_d.u, ka_r.. blackness, black; ka_r, ka_r-u darkness, a cloud (Ma.)(Ka.lex.) Buttermilk; to churn: calla curds or curdled milk, buttermilk (Te.); salla buttermilk (Kol.); sal.a id. (Nk.); calla (Pa.); hulla (Go.); alla (Go.); sala (Kond.a); salla e_yu (Kuwi); al.ai curds, curdled milk, butter-milk, butter; al.l.i butter (Ta.); al.e buttermilk (Ka.); al, al. id. (Tu.)(DEDR 2411). Wet, oozy land; recently irrigated land: cik, pl. cika mud, dirt, clay, ashes (whence ciklo dirty)(Gypsy); cika mud (S.); cik, cikkur. mud (L.); cikkar. (P.); ci_k, ci_kar. mud, slime, recently irrigated land (H.)(CDIAL 4780 <Drav. <Mu.) cakati mud, mire, bog, puddle; cavati, cavadi mud (Ta.); cakati clay, mire (Ma.)(DEDR 2266). cf. su_kha_, su_ka_ dry land (H.); sukha waterless place (Or.)(CDIAL 12548). Coagulate: sam.stya_na coagulated (Nir.); the becoming solid (of foetus)(Skt.); cuco_n. boiled thick milk (Ash. < -naka-); scyun. (Kt.); sacon:g, sacon. (Dm.); sacum (Gaw.); sacu~r cheese (Kal.)(CDIAL 13047). sam.kha_ya density, collection (Pkt.); sam.stya_ya assemblage (Nir.); sam.kha_ai, sam.kha_i becomes stiff, congeals (Pkt.); sa~_khn.e~, sa~_kn.e~ to congeal, coagulate; caus. sa~_kavin.e~ (M.); sa~_khal.n.e~ (M.); sam.cikkhai (Pkt.)(CDIAL 13048). cf. savaru convey with a stick, knife, etc., any sticky substance to a vessel by rubbing the substance off on its brim (Ka.); samaru ghee (Te.)(DEDR 2389). cikan. adj. sticky (M.); cikon.um. (G.); cikka_n (P.); cikna_ sticky (H.); ciken grease (Romany); ci_k resin (M.G.); cik soil (P.); ci_k deposit of soot (H.); cik dung, earth (Romany); ci_ko glutinous (S.); cika_m muddy (S.); cikkan.a (Skt.)(Bloch, p. 331). cf. cikhal mud (M.); cikkal (G.); cikkar. (P.); sikal (Si.); cikkhallo kardamah- (OM.)(Bloch, p. 331). cf. segan.a, sagan.a cow-dung (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) Mud; gum: Metath.: kical mud (Phal.); ki_c mud, dirt (Ku.); kica_, kicar. (B.); ki_c, ki~_c (Mth.); kicpic mud (H.); kicr~a_ gummy secretion of eyes (H.)[cf. cikka gummy matter in eyes, bird-lime (BHSk.)(CDIAL 4780)]; kicr.a_ha muddy (H.); ki_c, ki_car. mud (G.); kicad. (M.)(CDIAL 3153). keccu (the marrow, essence, or pith of plants etc.); core, the heart of a tree; essence, strength (Ka.lex.)
3066.Malabar gamboge: cikiri < s'ikharin Malabar gamboge, kor-ukka_yppul.i; Ceylon gamboge, garcinia morella, makkimaram (Ta.lex.)
3067.Bauhinia vahlii: cihr.i lamak a variety of the large jungle climber, bauhinia vahlii; cihr.i lamak is the small seeded variety; d.halka lamak the large seeded variety; ci~hu~t. lar. a large jungle climbing plant, spatholobolus (Santali.lex.) maljan, jallur (H.); sihar, chehur (B.); adda (Te.); seeds: tonic, aphrodisiac; leaves: demulcent, mucilaginous; yields gum; habitat: sub-Himalayan region upto 3,000 ft., Assam, Madhya Pradesh, Bihar (GIMP, p. 35). {Synonyms for bauhinia vahlii: mahalan, maul, sihar (Central Provinces); malu (Garhwal); paur (Gond.); malghan, maljan, maljhan, mahul, malo, malu, maulein, maurain (Hindi_); maulan (Kharwar); pairmal (Khond); mottanvalli (Ma.); maljan (M.); mantarai (Ta.); madapu, mudupu (Te.); shiali, shioli, siyali (Or.); cf. Indian Medicinal Plants, vol.II, p.897)}.
3068.Moringa pterygosperma: s'igru moringa pterygosperma (Ya_j.); its seed (Kaus'.); siggu the tree hyperanthera moringa (Pali); siggu, saggu (Pkt.); s'egva_, s'egat. moringa pterygosperma (M.)(CDIAL 12437; Bloch, p.412). cegice the horse-radish tree, hyperanthera moringa (Ka.); s'e_gat.a, s'e_gava_ (M.H.)(Ka.lex.) Moringa oleifera; moringa pterygosperma: cikkuru < s'igru horse-radish tree (Pin..)(Ta.lex.) s'igru moringa pterygosperma (Ya_j.); its seed (Kaus'.); siggu the tree hyperanthera moringa (Pali); siggu, saggu (Pkt.); s'egva_, s'egat. moringa pterygosperma (M.)(CDIAL 12437). nugge, s'igru the horse-radish, moringa pterigosperma (Ka.); nuggeya bittu the seed of the moringa; nuggeya mara the moringa tree; s'o_bha_jana, ti_ks.n.a-gandhaka, aks.i_va, mo_caka (Ka.lex.) munga, munga ar.ak, sut.i moringa pterygosperma (Santali.lex.) Horse-radish: murun:kai moringa pterygosperma, Indian horse-radish tree (Ta.); murin.n.a hyperanthera moringa, Indian horse-radish (Ma.); nugge, nuggi moringa pterygosperma (Ka.); nurige, nurge id. (Tu.); munaga id. (Te.); munga, mulnga id. (Pa.); murunga a kind of tree; mulge_, munge_ Indian horse-radish tree (Go.); munna maram, muluna mara drumstick tree (i.e. moringa pterygosperma)(Kond.a); munga_ a shrub, the fruits and leaves of which are eaten as curry (Kur.)(DEDR 4982). muran:gi_, murun:gi_ moringa pterygosperma (Skt.); mun.un:ga_, muru.uga_, munaga_, muniga_, muguna_ moringa pterygosperma (Or.); munaga_ id.; mu~_ga_ hyperanthera moringa = moringa pterygosperma (H.)(CDIAL 10209). {Moringa pterygosperma cf. Ancient Egyptian oil b3k (ben oil) favoured for cosmetics...} Moringa oleifera = moringa pterygosperma: sobhanjana (Skt.); soanjna (H.P.); sajna (B.); sujna (M.); murungai (Ta.); sajana (Te.); sigru (Ma.); oil from seeds: used as external application in rheumatism; gum: used for dental caries; mixed with sesamum oil poured into the ears for the relief of otalgia; root bark: used as fomentation to relieve spasm; flowers: stimulant, aphrodisiac; root used in paralytic affections; habitat: indigenous in the sub-Himalayan tract from the Chenab to Oudh; also cultivated throughout India. (GIMP, p.170). Moringa or ben oil used for perfumes: s'o_bha_jana, s'o_bha_janaka the tree moringa pterygosperma (MBh.); s'ubha_jana, s'aubha_jana, s'o_bhanaka (Skt.); so_bhajana, so_bhajanaka the tree hyperantia moringa (Pali); so_ham.jan.a (Pkt.); suha~_jir.o hyperanthia moringa (S.); soha_jn.a_, soha~_jr.a~_ moringa pterygosperma (L.); soha~_jn.a_, soa~_jn.a_, so~jn.a_ (P.); sajina_, na_jina_ hyperanthia moringa (B.); sajana_, sajina_ (Or.); sa~hijan, sahjana_ (Bi.); sohijan, sohjan, sahjan (Mth.); sahijan (Bhoj.); saiana (OH.); so~jhna_, sahijan, sahijan, sahajna_ (H.)(CDIAL 12639). cf. murun:kai moringa pterygosperma, Indian horse-radish tree (Ta.)(DEDR 4982). cf. murun:kai moringa pterygosperma, Indian horse-radish tree (Ta.)(DEDR 4982). cf. muran:gi_ moringa pterygosperma (Skt.)(CDIAL 10209). {Moringa pterygosperma, moringa aptera (Ancient Egyptian b3k; Modern Egyptian Arabic ban or jasa_r) 'Moringa is a tall tree, carrying pods with nut-like seeds of a bitter-sweet taste (behen nuts). Moringa pterygosperma is indigenous to Egypt and still grows there. The oil (ben oil) is odourless, yellowish and with a sweet taste. It is favoured in cosmetics, as it does not easily go rancid, and it is also used for cooking.' (Lise Manniche, An Ancient Egyptian Herbal, British Museum Publications Ltd., pp.122-123). s'igru(ka) moringa pterygosperma (Car. Su. 2.3, 4.27). Moringa oliefera = moringa pterygosperma: ... The roots are used for seasoning, like those of horse-radish. O'Shaughnessy says that in Jamaica, the wood is used for dyeing blue colour... The root yields an essential oil which is very pungent and offensive in odour... the seed contains traces of an acrid and pungent alkaloid, Ben, or Behen, oil... consists largely of the glycerides of oleic, palmitic, and stearic acids... Wehmer adds that the gum contains bassorin... Dalziel states that the bark exudes a reddish gum with the properties of tragacanth, which serves for tanning. The seeds are official in the French Pharmacopoeia, and the seed oil in the French and Danish Pharmacopoeias... The gum, mixed with sesamum oil, is recommended to be poured into the ears for the relief of otalgia... The flowers are used in India for catarrh... The ben oil from seeds is said to be used for salads and culinary purposes, and is a good illuminant. According to the bulletin of the Imperial Institute, the oil is particularly valuable for ointments since it can be kept for almost any length of time without undergoing oxidation. This property, together with the absence of colour, smell and taste, renders it peculiarly adapted for use in the 'enfleurage' process of extracting perfumes. Dey, Nadkarni and Sanyal and Ghose say that the oil is used as an external application for rheumatism. Nadkarni states that the essential oil from the root is used externally as a rubefacient. (Medicinal Plants of the Philippines, pp. 346-349).
3074.Image: antelope: chika_ru~ a kind of horned deer (G.)(CDIAL 5033). cf. jhan:kar spotted deer; jola jhan:kar species of deer (Santali.lex.) chikra_ a very fast animal of the deer kind (H.); chikkara a kind of animal (VarBr.S.)(CDIAL 5031). chikka_ra a kind of antelope (Dhanv.); caka_ra young deer (P.); the ravine deer (H.); chika_ru~ a kind of horned deer (G.); chika_rr.u~ a small kind of deer (G.); s'i_ka_ro (M.)(CDIAL 5033). jin:ke antelope; jimke deer (Ka.); jin:ke antelope (Tu.); jin:ka id. (Te.)(DEDR 2504). Image: antelope: cigari, cegare an antelope; the black buck or antelope, antelope bezoartica, eral.e, jin:ke, sa_ran:ga, harin.a, hulle (Ka.); cigaribalega_r-a a class of people (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) cf. bhikka_ra (Skt.)
3075.Image: antelope: canju antelope (Kur.); a deer (Malt.); cacu deer (Skt.)(DEDR 2294). cacu, cacukai likeness, form, shape (Ta.lex.) ajina skin of esp. the black antelope used by ascetics (AV.Pali.); ajin.a, ain.a (Pkt.); adun, andun (Si.)(CDIAL 158). acin-am hairy skin of an animal, esp. black buckskin, used as a seat or covering and for other purposes; nan-n-u_ lut.an-pu_ n.acin-attai (Pa_rata. Naccup.17)(Ta.lex.) Deer: e_n.am, e_n.i deer, antelope; young deer, fawn (Ta.lex.) cf. e_n.i_ (Skt.) Sacred thread: jaju sacred thread (L.); janeau_ (P.); jannu_ (WPah.); janyo (Ku.); janai (N.); janeu (Bi.); jane_ (Aw.); janeu, janoi_ (H.); janoi_ (G.); yao_pavi_ta the sacred thread (Pa.); yajo_pavi_ta investiture with the sacred thread (TBr.); the sacred thread (Mn.); jan.n.o_vavi_ya (Pkt.); yoe (K.); janoi_ breast-strap in harness (S.); jan.yo sacred thread (S.); ja_nhavi~_ silk cord worn round the neck by S'u_dras at the S'ra_ddha ceremony (M.); the sacred cord (M.); ja_nve~ (M.Konkan.i)(CDIAL 10399). cacam sacred cord or thread worn by the twice-born (Ta.); tjannidamu id. (Te.)(Ta.lex.)
3076.Darkness: cintevela_ evening; sittena-t.lun in the evening (Kol.); s'itte evening (Nk.); citta night (Pa.)(DEDR 2528). chin darkness (Dm.); ci~r.o black (Shum.); cn dark (Bshk.); chin. darkness (Phal.)(CDIAL 3690). ci~_kat.i darkness, obscurity, gloom, dark; ci~_ji~_kat.i twilight; ci_ku a blind person; blind (Te.); ci_kat.i darkness; ci_kat. dark (Kol.); ci_kod. (pl. ci_kocil) darkness, night (Pa.); si_kat., ci_kat. darkness (Ga.); sika_t.i id.; sika_t.i_ pitch darkness; ika_r., i_kar. darkness (Go.); hi_kad. darkness, night (Go.); si_kat.(i) darkness (Kond.a)(DEDR 2604). cirum very dark; sinsi soot (Kol.); cirun charcoal (Pa.); siring black; sirnat. black, rusty; sirngat.i black; sirin (pl. sirnil) charcoal, cinders; sirrin soot, ashes; sirtal evening (Ga.); hirk, hirki, -irki, irk charcoal (Go.); siruki coal; r-eyu night; sirik charcoal (Kond.a); ri_, ri_nga charcoal (Kui); sri_va soot; si_nga charcoal (Kui); ri_nga, ri_ngla id. (Kuwi); iravu, ira, ira_, ra_ night; iru black; irut.ci, irut.t.u, irun.mai, irumai darkness; irul. darkness, dark colour, ignorance; (irul.v-, irun.t.-) to become dark, dim, obscure, be black in colour, be darkened (as the mind); irul.an- Irula (member of a tribe in the Nilgiris); iruntai, iruntu, iruntil charcoal (Ta.); iravu, ira_, ra_ night; iru to be dark; irut.t.u, irit.t.u, irul. darkness; irul.ka to grow dark; irul.ar a caste of jungle dwellers; irunnal charcoal; ikkari soot, grime (Ma.); ra.vu, ra.podu, ra.ve-podu night (Ir.); irl night; il.ma-rm night, the whole night (Ko.); i.l. night; is.0a.s- night-time; erl Irula; fem. erc, erl., erl.c; ermol.n sand [obl. ermol.t-; man.al sand (Ta.)(DEDR 4666)](To.); irul., iral.u, irat.u, irl.u night; iddal, ijjalu charcoal; iglu, ijlu coal (Ka.); iri night; irili night-time; irit.i darkness (Kod..); irku night; irlu, irl.u dusk, darkness, night (Tu.); irulu darkness, shades, shadows; irulu konu to become dark or obscure; re_yi (in cmpds. re_-) night (Te.)(DEDR 2552). cf. irumpu iron (Ta.Ma.)(DEDR 486).
3077.Ginger: cikaram dry ginger (Mu. A.); prob. s'ikhara = s'r.n:ga-be_ra (Skt.)(Ta.lex.)
3078.Saffron; yellow from pomegranates: cf. sr.i_nga, si_nga turmeric; the colour of turmeric, saffron, yellow (Kui); hi_n:ga, hinga id.; hinga turmeric; hi_nga saffron; hi_n:geri yellow (Kuwi)(DEDR 2608). kun:kuma crocus sativus (Car. Ci. 23.54). "... a beautiful orange-yellow dye from crocus sativus, was produced in Syria, Crete, Egypt, and Cilicia, but not in Palestine. The dye was made from the dried stigmas of the flowers, and was highly appreciated in ancient Crete, where it was well known... a yellow dye, made by grinding the rinds of pomegranates and extracting them with water, was used in ancient Mesopotamia from the Ur III period. In Egypt, it is found in tombs from 1500 BC. In Palestine, it was used for dyes and inks." (Charles Singer, E.J. Holmyard, A.R.Hall, Trevor I. Williams, A History of Technology, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1967, pp. 246-247). Crocus sativus: keshara (Skt.); kun:kuma (Skt.); kesar (H.); zaffran (H.); kessar (M.); jafran (B.); kungumapu (Ta.); kunkumapuvu (Te.); kong (K.); dried stigmas and tops of the styles: used in fevers, melancholia and enlargement of the liver, stimulant, stomachic, as a colouring and flavouring agent; cultivated in Pampur at 5,300 ft. in Kashmir (GIMP, p.81). zaffran crocus sativus (H.); saffron (Persian)(A Concise History of Science in India, p.397). Crocus sativus (saffron, saffron crocus) 'Saffron is culrtivating for the colouring dye obtained from the stigmas of the flowers; about 100,000 flowers yield 1 kg saffron... Used in cosmetics for eyebrows and nail polishes, and as incense. Dioscorides mentions its use as a perfume. Dissolved in water, it is used as an ink and is applied to foreheads on religious and ceremonial occasions.' (James A. Duke, Handbook of Medicinal Herbs, 1985, p.148). Crocus sativus: saffron, Spanish saffron; safran (Fr.Greek); part used: the dried stigma; habitat: southern Europe and Asia; uses: chiefly as a flavouring and colouring agent... as a stimulant, antispasmodic, diaphoretic (in measles) and emmenagogue. (Heber W. Youngken, Textbook of Pharmacognosy, Philadelphia, The Blakiston Co., 1950, pp. 213-216).
3079.Water-chestnut: s'r.n:ga_t.a the water-chestnut, trapa bispinosa (Skt.); s'r.n:ga_t.i_ (Sus'r.); s'r.n:ga_t.aka (MBh.); sin:gha_t.aka a partic. water plant (Pali); sim.gha_d.aga, sam.gha_d.aga trapa bispinosa (Pkt.); s'ingor.o, s'ungura, s'unguri trapa natans (Gypsy); s.in:geri_, s.in.ri_ a partic. kind of red berry, jujube (Pas'.); s.in.ai dog-rose (Sh.); si~ghoro trapa bispinosa (S.); si~ga_ra_ (L.); san:gha_r.a_, san:gha_r.i_ (P.); sin.aro trapa natans (N.); xin:gari trapa bispinosa (A.); sin:ga_r.a_, sin.(g)a_ra_ (B.); sin:gar.a_ (Or.); si~gha_r.a_ (Bi.H.); si~gor.o, si~gor.u~ its fruit (G.); s'i~ga_d.a (M.)(CDIAL 12590).
3080.A grain: ci_r-k-ko_r..i a kind of grain; cf. narai-k-kol.l.u; narai grey hairs (Pur-ana_. 191); nara id. (Te.Ma.); nare id. (Ka.Tu.); kol., kol.l.u horse-gram, dolichos uniflorus; cf. kulattha (Ta.lex.) cf. cikkat.i field-bean (Ta.); cikkud.u the bean called dolichos lablab (Te.); cikur. bean(s) (Ga.); (ka_ya) a kind of beans (Go.); sikut.i beans (Kond.a)(DEDR 2496). cf. s'imba pod, legume (Sus'r.)(CDIAL 12445).
3081.Tip-cat game: cin:kam-pul. the game of tip-cat (Na_.); cit.t.i-p-pul. id.; cin:kam distance of seven or sometimes ten sticks in the game of tip-cat, measured from where the cat falls to the goal (J.); cin:kam-at.i to toss up and strike the cat in the game of tip-cat (Ta.lex.)
3082.One of the eight principal drugs: se_gud.i, se_gud.ite, se_gud.asi, se_gud.i, se_gud.ute, se_gurce a medical plant considered as one of the eight principal drugs (korcati_rs.a, madhuraka, s'r.n:ga, hrasva_n:ga, ji_vaka); se_gurci the shrub cadaba indica (Ka.lex.) Timber tree: sekrec lagerstroemia parviflora, a large forest tree (Santali.lex.) Lagerstroemia speciosa = lagerstroemia flos-reginae: arjuna (Skt.); jarul (A.H.B.); taman (M.); kodali (Ta.); varagogu (Te.); chemmaruta (Ma.); seeds: narcotic; bark and leaves: purgative; root: astringent, stimulant, febrifuge; fruit: used as local application for aphthae of the mouth; habitat: Assam, Chittagong, Chota Nagpur, foot of the W. and E. Ghats upto 3,000 ft. (GIMP, p. 148).
3083.Image: bristle of corn: sun:ku (Tadbhava of s'u_ka) the bristle or beard of corn, an awn (Ka.lex.)
3084.Helm of a ship: cukka_n--kiri < sukka_n + gi_r (U.) helmsman, one who steers a wheel (W.)(Ta.lex.) cukkan.a, cuka_n.i the helm of a ship (Ka.); cukka_n (Ma.); cukka_ni, sukka_n (Te.); sukka_n (Arabic); suka_n.a, suka_n.u (M.H.)(Ka.lex.) cf. cukka_n-car-ukki rudder wheel (Naut.)(Ta.lex.) sukha_n.em. rudder (Kon.lex.) sun:ko toll; custom (Tu.lex.)
3085.Sour; wine: cukura_ wine (Wg.); curku yeast (Sh.); cuko, cuki a sour sauce (Ku.); cuk a sour vinegar made of lemon juice (N.); cu_k a medicine made of boiled lemon juice and pomegranates (H.); cukra sour, sharp to the taste; a sour fruit drink (esp. of tamarind), vinegar (Sus'r.); name of various sharp-tasting plants, e.g. sorrel (Skt.); cukraka (Skt.); cukrika_ oxalis corniculata (Car.); cukri_ sorrel (Pers.); cukri_ rhubarb (Orm.); cukala_ sour, bitter (Ash.); cukurala (Wg.); cukra (Dm.); cukuro (Pas'.); cu_kra (Kal.); cu_ko, cuk, cik (Tor.); cuk (Bshk.); cukro, cukuro (Phal.); curku, cuko (Sh.); co.ku (K.); cu_k (Ku.); sourness (H.); suksukiya_ slightly acid (A.); cuk, cuka_ acid (B.); ckru~ sorrel (Kt.); cukuru rhubarb (Pas'.); cukere, cakru~ (Kal.); cukri a tree with black berries (sloe?) (Kho.); cokronz sorrel (Kho.); cukri_ the plant potentilla (Phal.); curku_i sorrel (Sh.); cu_ko sorrel, rumex vesicarius (S.); cukka_ a kind of vegetable (P.); suka_ sorrel (A.); cuk-pa_lan:g rumex vesicarius (B.); cu_k, cu_ka_ r. vesicarius, r. montanus (H.); cuko a kind of plant (G.); c.uka_ r. vesicarius, oxalis monadelphia (M.)(CDIAL 4850). s'ukta become acid or sour (S'Br.); anything fermented or sour (Gaut.); s'uktaka sourish (Gaut.); acid eructation (Mn.); sut vinegar (Gypsy); sour (Pas'.); sour (Kho.); sutu buttermilk (Kho.); suti sourness (Kho.); sutlo sour (Gypsy); suta_la (Gaw.)(CDIAL 12504). Rhubarb: Rumex vesicarius: chukra (Skt.); chuka (H.B.M.); shakkankirai (Ta.); chukkakura (Te.); saluni (P.); leaves: cooling, aperitif, diuretic, astringent, used in snake-bite; seeds: cooling, prescribed roasted in dysentery and scorpion-sting; juice: cooling, useful in heat of the stomach and to allay the pain of toothache; habitat: indigenous to W. Punjab, the Salt Range and Trans-Indus hills; found in most parts of India in a state of cultivation or as a garden-escape (GIMP, pp.216-217). cukeka_ sa_k (H.); chukra rumex vesicarius, country sorrel (Skt.); cukapa_lang (B.)(Sanskrit Materia Medica, p.296). cukrika_ rumex vesicarius (Car. Ci. 8.131, 14.199). amlave_tasa a kind of dock or sorrel, rumex vesicarius (Ka.lex.) amlavetasa rheum emodi; amli_ka_ (kanda) rheum emodi (Car. Su. 27.121); Indian rhubarb (rheum indicum) Synonym: Himalayan rhubarb. The dried rhizomes and roots of rheum emodi, rheum webbianum, rheum moorcroftianum, rheum spiciforme (polygonaceoe family). Perennial herbs native to the Himalayan mountains of INdia. "Indian rhubarb is gathered in the Himalayan mountain sections of India including Dera Afghanistan, Punjab, Nepala and Kashmir... Rheum emodi and rheum webbianum appear to have been the principal sources of drug received in the USA, with the former representing most of the article imported from India during World War II... the rhizome shows a central, yellowish brown pith; odor feebly to fragrantly aromatic; taste bitter and astringent... used as a purgative similar to Chinese rhubarb." (Heber W. Youngken, Textbook of Pharmacognosy, Philadelphia, The Blakiston Co., 1950, pp.298-299). amlave_tasa a kind of dock or sorrel, rumex vesicarius (Ka.lex.) Rumex emodi: hindirevandchini (H.); banglare-vanchini (B.); ladaki-revandachini (M.); revatchini (Skt.); rewandchini (P.); nattirevalchini (Ta.); natturevalchinni (Te.); rhizomes and roots: purgative, astringent tonic; habitat: sub-alpine and alpine Himalayas (GIMP, p.212). cogaru astringent (Tu.); togara astringent taste (Te.); togari, togar-u, tuvara, tovara, tovar-u astringent (Ka.); tuvar astringency (Ta.); tuka to be bitter (Ta.); torpa to be astringent, have a lingering and clinging taste (Kui); tubara, tuvara astringent (Skt.)(DEDR 3352)(CDIAL 5890). cf. uvar taste astringent (Ta.); salt taste (Ma.); ogar an astringent taste (Ka.); ubaru brackishness; ogaru salty, brackish (Tu.); ogaru, vagaru astringent taste (Te.); sawwor, havar, sawwar, hovar, ovar, ovor salt (Go.); so_ru id. (Kond.a); so_r id. (Pe.); ja_r id. (Mand..); sa_ru id. (Kond.a); ha_ru~, ha_ru id. (Kuwi)(DEDR 2674). tuvara, tubara astringent (Sus'r.); tuvara astringent (Pkt.); tu_ra cheese (Ap.); tu_ru~ astringent (G.); turat. id. (M.); tor young unripe mango (M.); t.aur, t.auro bitter (Konkan.i)(CDIAL 5890). srahpa (sraht-) to be acid, sour; srapka (< srak-p; srakt-) to be brackish; sra_pi sour (Kui); hapne pungent (Kuwi)(DEDR 2363).
3086.Images: stick; forefinger: cul.k long pliable stick, stalk of plant (Ko.); cul.l.i dry twigs, esp. for fuel, small stick, branch (Ta.); a dry spray, sprig, brushwood (Ma.); cul.l.al a chip, fuel stick; nul.l.i small sticks for firewood (Ma.)(DEDR 2706). cu_gul forefinger (Kur.); cugrede, cugreye to point out with the finger (ede to show)(Malt.)(DEDR 2720). The residual element in the Malt. forms: *cugr(l)- may poss. denote the forefinger. cf. Cognate semant. 'stick': cul.ikku pikestaff, sharp-pointed stick carried by travellers (Ta.); cul.ike a stout stick to beat cotton with (Ka.)(DEDR 2701). cukku-ma_-t-tat.i staff carried by mendicants, as imbued with the power or energy of a deity (W.); a club with which some inferior deities are armed; magic wand; cukku-ma_ntat.i id. (Nanta. Ki_rt.)(Ta.lex.) cf. s'us.ka dry (Skt.lex.) cul.l.ar--ko_l flexible stick or rod; cul.l.al tenderness, flexibility (Ta.lex.) [cf.cun.t.u flip a coin, to shoot with the thumb and finger (as a marble)(Ta.); cun.t.u-villu a crossbow (Ma.); cund- (cund-y-) to test (coin) by flicking it up in the air and listening to the noise made by the thumbnail in flicking (Ko.); cun.d.u to be flicked, as water from finger (Te.)(DEDR 2663).] cut.t.u (cut.t.i-) to point out, show, designate, indicate, have in view, aim at, desire, think, consider, honour; n. indication, reference, that which is intended or designated, honour (Ta.); pointing (Ma.); cu_n.t.uka to point at, aim; cu_n.t.al pointing out; cun.t.an-viral forefinger (Ma.); sut.t.u to point at with the finger (Ka.); sut.t.umbe the index finger (Ka.); cu_t.i aim (Ka.Tu.); tu_n.d.uni to aim, point at (Tu.); tu_n.d.elu pointing, directing (Tu.); su_t.i aim (Te.); jut.t.a-vre_lu forefinger (Te.); su_t.a (su_t.i-) to point with the finger (Kui); su_t.a vanju the index finger (Kui); hu_tali, hu_t. to point out (Kuwi); hu_ta vwa_nju_ forefinger (Kuwi)(DEDR 2658). Image: crossbow: cun.t.u-vil toy bow for shooting stones or pellets (Ta.); cun.t.u-villu a crossbow (Ma.)(DEDR 2663).
3087.Image: boar: dukor, dukra_ pig; solog a young male pig (Kon.lex.) su_kara boar (RV.); pig (Pali); suaro (Dhp.); sugara (NiDoc.); su_ara, suara (Pkt.); suo_r (Pas'.); so_r (Gaw.); su_er (Bshk.); suwar (Phal.); su_r pig (Sh.); so_r (K.); suaru, soru (S.); su_r, su_har (L.); su_r, su~_r (P.); su_ri_, su~_ri_ (P.); su_r (WPah.); su_ar (Ku.Bi.H.); su~_ar (Ku.); suor (B.); suar (Or.OAw.); su_war (Bhoj.); suara (OAw.); su_ara (OG.); su_rau (OG.); suvar (G.); suhuru (OSi.); (h)u_ra_ boar, wild pig (Si.); (h)i_ri_ sow (Si.); u_ru pig (Md.); su~_gar pig (WPah.Ku.); domesticated pig (N.); su~gur id (N.)(CDIAL 13544). turre pig (Kol.Nk.Go.); turra sp. animal (not pig)(Pa.); tor.e animal called in Halbi kebr.i (Go.); turne animal called in local Oriya kebr.a (Mand..)(DEDR 3348). gut.i hog (Te.); gu_r-u to turn or uproot the earth with horns or tusks (Ka.)(DEDR 1922).
3088.Image: ladle-like spoon: su_ri ladle-like spoon (Tu.); sukkur, sukkur., sukur, hukur., hukkur., ukkur.i id. (?Go.)(DEDR 2728).
3089.Image: small portion: chun:g a small portion of anything; a small portion of grain and cotton and bran etc., brought to a shop to buy something in exchange of them; a sample; a company of persons; the part of a grist taken by the miller; a handful; that share of the crop which under former governments was paid to the kotwa_l or incumbents of shrines either by governments or land-owners. It is still given in some parts to incumbents of shrines; pheran di_ a_ri_ te chun:g ghatan di_ hushia_ri_ What! unable to turn (the handmill) and clever at putting in handfuls of grain (Prov.)(P.lex.) cuni small, stunted, smaller than others, said of fruit, grain etc.; cun. small, insignificant; cuni cuni jo akana the fruit is small (Santali.lex.) co_n-i thin (Ta.lex.)
3090.To measure: son. to measure; otke son.a they measure land; caoleko son.a they measure rice; soson.ak a measure; lolo soson.ak a thermometer (Santali.lex.)
3091.Strip of rice fields: son:gha a strip of rice fields in a valley; edel latar son:ghateye sen akana he has gone to the strip of rice fields below the cotton tree (Santali.lex.)
3092.Image: harrow: suha_ga_ a wooden drag used to smooth the surface of a ploughed field; a clod crusher; suha_ga_ phern.a_ to harrow, to crush clods; suha_ga_ phirn.a_ to be harrowed, to be ruined (P.lex.) suha_n a tool used by artificers in metals (P.lex.) cu_gna_ to harrow (Kur.); cge to poke, stir; cgure to poke, pick (as one's teeth or ear)(Malt.)(DEDR 2719). konk to poke (Kon.lex.) cf. so_n- to pierce, penetrate; so_ng- to be pierced into (Ga.); co_ng- (thorn) pierces (Pa.); so.ng- (so.nkt) to enter (Kol.); so_n- id. (Nk.); ho_n:ga- to enter (Pe.)(DEDR 2876). suhit to soothe, mitigate, appease; sui a needle, to spire, to sprout up pyramidically (Santali.lex.)
3093.To agree, pledge, sign: {Echo word} suhi to sign, pledge, agree, promise, attest, ratify, prove; testimony, signature; ja~ha~t rengeye suhik unigeye namea whoever it is proved to belong to he will get it; panjalin suhi agu akata we have tracked the foot marks; ol suhikedae he signed it, he receipted it; suhi bagno to convince; suhi juhi to settle, agree to; to prove (Santali.lex.) cf. sahi to sign, to pledge, to agree, to promise; signature; raebariele sahiadea we agreed to the proposal of the go-between; uniak sahi do ban:kana it is not his signature; sahi juhi to betroth, to negotiate a marriage; uni kur.i reak bapla rean. sahi juhi hoyena all the negotiations for the girl's marriage are complete (Santali.lex.) sahi_ < sahi_h (Arabic) a signature, a sign, mark, attestation; sanction; right, exact, correct, true, right-minded; indeed, truly (a particle of emphasis)(P.); sahi_ karna_ to correct; to discover; to prove; to sign; sahi_ sala_mat safe and sound (P.lex.) Marriage: sa_ha_ < sa_hity (Skt.) the day appointed for a Hindu wedding, the time fixed by astrologers as most auspicious for a marriage; a wedding; sa_he ja_n.a to go to a wedding; saha_na_ wedding music of a superior kind; wedding clothes; sahura_, sauhra_ a father-in-law; sahure the house of a wife's parents; shahu a bridegroom, a husband; a lover (P.); shahu ra_ji_ te khuda_ ra_ji_ when the husband is pleased, god is pleased (P.lex.) sa_hi_ earnest money (P.lex.)
3094.Image: rabbit: sahia_ a hare, a rabbit; saha_ (P.lex.)
3095.Presents: saika a swearing of eternal friendship; this is a form of friendship between two women the mothers of an equal number of children. Presents are exchanged and the occasion is marked by a feast given by each woman at her own house (Santali.lex.)
3096.Image: round basket: saika a large round basket (Santali.lex.)
3097.A levy: sair an impost levied on certain natural productions other than cultivated land, such as date trees, fisheries, grass; sail < sair (Arabic) perambulation, walking about for amusement or recreation (P.lex.)
3098.Customs office: chun:ggi_ an office where town duties are collected; town duties; a tax levied on merchants by weighmen, being a handful of whatever is weighed, the handful of grain from a horse's feed taken by the sa_is, a small portion of anything; chon:ggi_ toll; chon:ggi_ karni_ to take toll, to obtain profit (P.lex.) sunia a present offered to a superior (Santali.lex.)
3099.Grain tax: s'ulka tolls, customs duties; taxes particularly levied at passes and ferries and on roads etc. (IE 8-5; EI 12, 23, 25, 30; CII 4; CITD); s'un:gam, s'un:kam (SITI) customs, tolls (IEG, p.327); s'un:ka (EI 42); s'un:ka-vergad.e superintent of the income from tolls (EI 19)(Ka.)(IEG, p.327.) pergad.e, peggad.e, heggad.e a man of high position, a chief, a superintendent (Ka.lex.) Amarako_s'a explains s'ulka as ghat.t.-a_di-deya and Ks.i_raswa_mi enumerates the dues as ferry duties, tolls paid at military stations or police outposts and transit duties paid by merchants (IEG, p.327); (HRS) tax, probably identified with bali according to early authorities; ferry dues, tolls and transit dues according to the smr.tis and lexicons; according to the Arthas'a_stra, (i) duties levied upon articles imported into a country; (ii) port-dues; (iii) duty upon the sale of liquors; (iv) customs collected by ferrymen and boundary-officers; (v) duty upon mining products; (vi) duty on imported salt; and (vii) duty upon animals for slaughter. According to S'ukra, tolls and duties upon building sites etc. (IEG, p.327). s'ulka price, value (RV.); tax, toll (AV.); dowry (Skt.); cunga (Skt.)< Drav. cunkam (Ta.); sunga (Ka.) < MIA. sunka. sunka toll, tax, profit, purchase price of wife (Pali); sunkika receiver of tolls (Pali); sukka, sumka, sumga price, customs duty (Pkt.); sumkia customs officer (Pkt.); sungu customs duty (S.); suku toll, tax (Si.); congi_ toll (P.); cungi octroi duty (N.); cungi_ octroi duty, esp. tax on sale of grain (H.); cu~gi_ grain tax (G.); sungam toll (Si. < cunkam (Ta.)(CDIAL 12543). sunk, sunka_ tax, esp. on movable property, custom; sunka_ka_t.e, sunka_ka_t.ea_ custom-house (Kon.lex.) {dan.d.a is a contribution to a community; cf. Sora etyma. s'ulka-dan.d.a may, therefore, be interpreted as a 'toll' contribution. [s'ulka-dan.d.a is a recurrent phrase in ancient Indian inscriptions. cun:kam (Ta.) ~ s'un:ka ~ s'ulka (Skt.) duty on goods, customs, tolls (cun:kam kalattinu-m.-ka_linum varum pan.t.a-m.-kat.ku ir.ai-y-a_yatu (Kural., 376, urai.) i.e., tax on goods carried on boats and carts (Ta.lex.)] Tax, duty; officials: cukkam ~~ s'ulka customs (J.)(Ta.lex.) cur-kam tax, duty (cur-kattil varu cempon-n-um : Tirukka_l.at. Pu. 11,23); cur-r-am confidential servants of kings; friends, attendants: a_yatta_r (Akana_. 17); cur-r-atta_r officials, retinue, attendants (Cu_t.a_.)(Ta.lex.) Price; toll, tax: s'ulka price, value (RV.); tax, toll (AV.); dowry (Gaut.)[ < cun:kam (Ta.); sun:ga (Ka.)]; sun:ka toll, tax, profit, purchase price of wife (Pali); sun:kika receiver of tolls (Pali); sukka, sum.ka, sum.ga price, customs duty (Pkt.); sum.kia customs officer (Pkt.); sun:gu customs duty (S.); suku toll, tax (Si.); con:gi_ toll (P.); cun:gi octroi duty (N.); cun:gi_ octroi duty, esp. tax on sale of grain (H.); cu~gi_ grain tax (G.); sun:gam toll (Si.)(CDIAL 12543). cf. cun:ka-v-ir-ai duty on goods, customs, tolls; cun:kam id. (Kur-al., 756, Urai.)(Ta.lex.) cun:ka-c-ca_vat.i custom-house, toll-gate, a_yattur-ai (Ta.lex.) sunka toll, tax, customs; gain, profit; cf. sunka-gahana; sunka-gha_ta customs's frontier; sunka-t.t.ha_na taxing place, customs' house (Pali.lex.) cf. cukku-c-cet.t.u stinginess, miserliness; cukku-c- cet.t.u-p-pan. to be stingy; to make profit by trading in small articles (W.); cun:kam-pit.i to save money, as a miser; to take a discount or commission; cun:kan.-cet.t.i, cukku-c-cet.t.i, cukka_cet.t.i, cukkacet.t.i hard-fisted person, miser (Ta.colloq.); cf. ce_ku solidity, hardness; ce_gu, ce_ge essence, strength (Ka.); ce_ga, ce_va strength, courage (Te.)(DEDR 2802). Marriage-fee; kinsmen: cur-kam < s'ulka marriage-fee paid to the father of a maid by her suitor (Vivaka_ra. Can.. Cir-ap. 89)(Ta.); dowry, pen.n.ukku-k-kot.ukkum ci_tan-am, i.e. property given to daughter; cur-r-am kinsmen, relations (Pur-ana_. 29,25); crowd, gathering (Cilap. 22,11); cur-r-atta_r kinsmen, relations (Na_lat.i, 25); cur-r-an-tar..a_l < tar..uvu [(embrace)(Ta.)] cherishing one's kindred (Kur-al.. Ati. 53)(Ta.lex.) cf. s'ulka price (RV.); sun:ka purchase price of a wife (Pali)(CDIAL 12543). sunkiya price paid for a wife; odhisunka stake (Pali.lex.) ulku customs duties (ur-uporul.um ulku porul.um: Kur-al., 756)(Ta.)(Ta.lex.) Customs' officer: sun:ka, sun:ki a custom-house officer, a publican (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) sa_yaru excise, custom (Ka.M.H.)(Ka.lex.) sunka-sa_yika (?_sa_dhaka, ?_sa_lika) customs' officer; sunkika a receiver of customs (Pali.lex.)[For -sa_yika cf. ca_vat.i custom-house, toll-gate (Ta.colloq.); ca_rikai duty, toll; sa_'ir (U.); cf. ca_riyai course, onward movement, as of a warrior; ca_riyai < ca_r + iyai augment used in combination, as of nouns and case-endings (Tol. Er..ut. 118)(Ta.lex.) Hence, sun:ka- is perh. a fee to permit onward movement, for e.g., on the Indus.] Passage money, freight: cf. cukkai ~~ s'ulka passage money, freight (J.)(Ta.)(Ta.lex.)
3100.Madder: jin:gi the plant rubia munjista, madder (Skt.Ka.)(Ka.lex.) Rubia cordifolia: manjis.t.ha_ (Skt.); manjit (B.H.); Indian madder, well-known as a red dye, is used in medicine chiefly as a colouring agent. All medicated oils are first prepared for use by being boiled with madder. It is regarded as astringent and useful in external inflammations, ulcers and skin diseases. Madder and liquorice root, rubbed into a paste with kanjika, is applied over fractures, to reduce inflammation and swelling. Madder rubbed with honey, is recommended by several writers to be applied to brown spots on the face (pityriasis versicolor)(Sanskrit Materia Medica, p. 179). Rubia cordifolia: Mankit (Tagalog)... from the roots a colouring principle, munjistin... the root is official in the Materia Medica of the ancient Chinese... According to Dymock madder is used in Hindu medicine as a colouring agent; medicated oils are boiled with madder to give them colour... The Mahometans consider the drug to be deobstruent and prescribe it in paralytic affections, jaundice, obstructions in the urinary passages, and amenorrhoea... Ainslie... an infusion of the root is prescribed by the Hakims to women after delivery, to procure a copius flow of lochia. (Medicinal Plants of the Philippines, pp. 927-928). manjis.t.he, manjat.t.ige, majat.ige, majit.ige a climbing herb yielding a red dye called Bengal madder, rubia munjista, varti, ratna_ngi, manjike (Ka.lex.)
3101.Aglaia odorata: cokkalai Roxburgh's five-leaved tree of beauty, aglaia roxburghiana (Ta.lex.) priyan:gu aglaia roxburghiana (Skt.); habitat: Mt. Abu, Konkan, S. Mahrata, Deccan, N. Kanara, W. Ghats in S. Kanara, Malabar, Travancore, Tinnevelly (GIMP, p.9). Aglaia odorata: flowers and leaves regarded medicinal in Malaya (Burkill, I,75); habiata: a Malayan species occasionally cultivated in Indian gardens. (GIMP, p.9). Aglaia odorata = aglaia pinnata: cinamomo, sinamomongsunsong (Tagalog); ... cultivated as an ornamental tree and for its fragrant flowers... introduced from southeastern Asia... The flowers are very fragrant in the evening, and, dried, are often used to perfume clothes and cigarettes, and to scent teas. In the Philippines a decoction of the roots and leaves is used as a tonic... Sino-Annamites use the roots and leaves as pectoral, stimulant, febrifuge, tonic and for convulsions. Ridley reports that an infusion of the flowers is given as a cooling drink in eruptive fevers. Stuart and Soubeiran and Thiersant say that the leaves and roots are used as a tonic in China. Burkill quotes van Dongen, who reports that in Java an infusion of the leaves is taken as a tonic in cases of excessive menses and also for venereal diseases. (Medicinal Plants of the Philippines, pp.477-478). cf. chokkala (Ta.); aglaia roxburghiana (GIMP, p.9).
3102.Food brought up from the crop: cogu, cogo food for birds (S.); cogga_, coga_, cog food for birds, food brought up from the crop (L.); cogga_ food for birds (P.)(CDIAL 4920). cu_n.o grain given to birds to peck (S.); co_n. pick, choice (L.); cun.i pecking (of birds)(G.)(CDIAL 4919). cunjna_ to pound rice, beat with repeated vertical knocks (Kur.); cunje to clean rice by pounding (Malt.)(DEDR 2653). cuggun. to eat (L.); cugan.u to peck up with the beak (S.); cuggan. to peck, choose, graze (L.); cugn.a_ to peck, plait (P.); cuga_un.a_ to feed (birds or cattle)(P.); cugn.a_ to graze (P.); to graze, choose (WPah.); cugna_ to peck, pick up, feed (H.); cugn.o to peck, eat (Marw.); cugvu~ to peck and eat (of birds)(G.)(CDIAL 4852). cun:gn.o~ to pick up, take up (WPah.); cu~_gn.o~_ to pick, glean, lift, carry (WPah.); cu~gnu to peck (N.); cu~_gna_ (H.); cu~_gan.u to eat slowly (S.); cu~gi_ a few grains (S.); cun:g small portion of anything (P.); cu~g swarm, flock (M.)(CDIAL 4853). cugure to poke, pick (as one's teeth or ear)(Malt.); cuge to poke, stir (Malt.); cu_gna_ to harrow (Kur.)(DEDR 2719).
3103.Harvest; spring festival: sugge harvest (Go.); suggi the season of spring (from the middle of March to that of May), the season of gathering a crop of any kind (esp. the time of reaping the corn and grain), harvest (October-November), plenty, a feast (Ka.); the twelfth Tul.u month (March-April), the second rice-crop, harvest (Tu.);[cf. kol.ake, kol.ke the third crop of rice (Ka.)(DEDR 2154)]; sugi_ the period of coming to maturity or perfection, or of the abounding or prevailing (of the products of the earth, of articles of merchandise, etc.), season (M.)(DEDR 2647). sugri_s.maka the Holi_ festival (Skt.); sugri_s.ma a fine summer (Gr.S.); sugimhaa the Holi_ festival (Pkt.); s'imga_ Holi_ and the month in which it occurs (M.)(CDIAL 13459). For semant. 'good, clean' and 'festival' cf.: ho_l- (-t-) to be beautiful, fine, good, excellent (Pe.); hu_lpa to be fine, beautiful (Mand..)(DEDR 2890). sugi_ abundance, perfection (M.); sugga free from obstacles (Pkt.); suga easy to traverse; good path (RV.)(CDIAL 13453). sukha running easily (of chariots)(RV.); pleasant (AV.); easy (Skt.); comfort, happiness (VS.); adv. sukham pleasantly (AitBr.); easily (MBh.); sukha pleasant; well-being (Pali); sukham adv. well (As'.); suha (NiDoc.); sukhu, suha (Dhp.); sugha, suha happiness (Pkt.); suha (OB.OG.); suvaya (Si.); suhelo easy (S.); suhela_ (P.H.); sohilau, suhulu_m. (OG.); sahelu_, seylu~ (G.); sukkha happiness (Pkt.); su_k id. (H.); sukha_la_ easy (H.); sukhallika_ luxurious life (Skt.)(CDIAL 13451). soy, soi_ opportunity, comfortableness (M.)(CDIAL 13612). saukhya comfort, welfare (Mn.); sokkha happiness (Pkt.); sokhya (Pali)(CDIAL 13451). sukha_yate_ is pleased (Skt.); sukha_yati is pleased (Pali); sukha_yana_ blessing (As'.); suha_i, suha_ai is pleased (Pkt.); suha_un.a_ to be pleasing, befit (P.)(CDIAL 13452). [A season is suggi, the season of spring (from the middle of March to that of May), the season of gathering a crop of any kind (esp. the time of reaping the corn and grain)]. saubha_gya prosperity, conjugal happiness (RV.); soha_g husband's love, dalliance (B.); soha_g good luck (G.L.); suha_gu good fortune (S.); soha_ga excessive fondness, fondling (Or.)(CDIAL 13617). saumya auspicious (R.); relating to soma (RV.); somma agreeable, gentle (Pali); mild, gentle (OG.); som stupid (N.)(CDIAL 13620).] s'ubha bright, auspicious (Mn.); suha auspicious (Pkt.); suba good fortune (Si.)(CDIAL 12532); subha white (Pkt.); s'ubha bright, beautiful (RV.); subbha a kind of silver (Pkt.); s'ubhra silver, crystal, rock salt (Skt.) (CDIAL 12539). Beautiful: subhaga beautiful, fortunate (RV.); loved (of a wife)(Skt.); subhaga_ favourite wife (R.); five year old girl representing Durga_ at festivals (Skt.); suha_, suo, so the goddess Pa_rvati_ (B.); subhaga lucky (Pali.Pkt.)(CDIAL 13484). sobhagga prosperity, beauty; subhaga adj. lucky; subhaga-karan.a making happy or beloved (by charms); subha adj. [Vedic s'ubhas fr. subh] shining, bright, beautiful; auspicious, lucky, pleasant; good; welfare, good, pleasantness, cleanliness, beauty, pleasure; (Pali.lex.) s'ubh shine (Skt.); s'ubha bright, auspicious (Mn.); good (S'vetUp.); anything bright, welfare (Kaus'.); subha bright, beautiful; welfare (Pali); subha_s'ubhasa good and bad (NiDoc.); subha, suha auspicious; good luck (Pkt.); s'uwo, s'u_o, s'u_i_ good (Phal.); s'o, s'i good, better (Sh.); su_a_ red (L.); su_ha_ (P.H.); xu good, auspicious, much (A.); suba fortunate, good fortune (Si.); xuwala_ elegant (A.); suhela_ beautiful, goodlooking (H.); sohlu~ good, auspicious; auspicious holiday (G.)(CDIAL 12532). sovha_l.a_, soha_l.a_ festive occasion (M.)(CDIAL 12533). suhappan. beauty (L.)(CDIAL 12534). sohel.o festive occasion (G.)(CDIAL 12535). s'ubha_na bright (RV.); sava_n.i_ woman (L.); swa_n.o beautiful, goodlooking (Ku.); swa_no pres. part. of suha_n.o (Ku.); suha_na_ charming (H.)(CDIAL 12536). s'ubha_yate_ in: bahu-s'ubha_yate_ is a great blessing to (Skt.); suha_in.u to befit (S.); suha_un.a_ to be pleasing (P.); suha_n.o, swa_n.o to look pleasant (Ku.); suha_unu, suwa_unu to become, suit (N.); xuha_iba (A.); suha_i looks nice (OAw.); soha_b (OAw.); suha_na_ to befit (H.); suha_i is liked (OG.); suha_vu~, soha_vu~ to look well, be agreeable (G.)(CDIAL 12538). subhnu to suit, agree with (N.); subhiba_ to be audible (Or.); subhab to appear beautiful (Mth.); caus. subha_na_ to make beautiful (H.)(CDIAL 12538). s'ubhra bright, beautiful (RV.); white (Mn.); silver, crystal, rock salt; s'ubhra_ crystal, alum (Skt.); subbha white (Pkt.); a kind of silver (Pkt.); s'ula_ clay (Pas'.); subbhar, subhur fat, fleshy, coarse (as cloth); a kind of coarse cloth dyed with madder (P.) (CDIAL 12539). s'ubhvan splendid (RV.); s'u_ba holy (Kt.); s'uba_ beautiful (Dm.); s'ubyen (Wot..); s'oban.o, s'uben.i_ (Sv.)(CDIAL 12540). s'umai_n greyish brown; s'umai_ blue (Bshk.); s'ubhra green vitriol (Skt.)(CDIAL 12541). s'o_bha bright (Skt.); s'o_bhaka (Skt.); soha_ bright, handsome (H.); soha bright (OG.); sova agreeableness (Si.); sohar beautiful, pleasing (H.)(CDIAL 12635). s'o_bhate_ shines, looks beautiful (RV.); so_bhati shines (Pali); so_bhadi, so_hadi (Pkt.); su~_han.u, su~han.u to befit (S.); sohan. to become, befit, fit (L.); sohn.a_ to look beautiful, fit; pres. part. sohanda_, sohandr.a_ beautiful (P.); xohiba to look beautiful (A.); sohe suits, befits (MB.); sohiba_ to shine, suit (Or.); sohai looks nice (OAw.); sohna_ to shine, look beautiful, set off (H.); sohai shines (OG.); sohvu~, sovu~ to befit (G.); s'iik (3 sg. s'iur) to be fair, be becoming, be fresh and verdant, appear beautiful (Kho.)(CDIAL 12636). s'o_bhana brilliant, beautiful (S'Br.); anything auspicious (R.); so_bhana, so_bhan.a shining (Pali); so_bhan.a, so_han.a beautiful (Pkt.); s'o_na, s'o_ni good (D..); su~han.o handsome (S.); so_hn.a_, so_n.ha_ beautiful, becoming; sunna_, so_n.a_ (L.); sohan. pleasing; sohan.a_ beautiful; so_hna_, suhun.a_ (whence sun.hippan. beauty)(P.); xuwani adj. elegant (A.); sohan beautiful (Mth.); sohan beautiful; lover, friend; sohna_ beautiful (H.); sohn.i_ beauty (G.); suhan.o dream (S.); suhanaum. dream (OG.); sohn.u~, son.u~ dream, vision, illusion (G.)(CDIAL 12637). s'o_bha splendour, beauty (TS.); so_bha_ splendour (Pali.Pkt.); so_ha_ (Pkt.); su~_h, su~h beauty (S.); soha_ (Or.); soh beauty, dress (H.)(CDIAL 12638). s'o_bhayati is made to shine (AV.); sobinava_, hobinava_ to be proper, fit; sobina, hobina fit, proper (Si.)(CDIAL 12641). Nuptial song; shining: s'o_bhin resplendent (MBh.); so_hi shining (Pkt.); sohi (OG.); so_hilla shining (Pkt.); sohila_ nuptial song (OAw.); sohla_ (H.)(CDIAL 12640). cf. suvarn.a of bright colour, golden (RV.); gold (AV.) (CDIAL 13519). Friend: suhr.d friend (S'rS.); suhr.da a name of S'iva (MBh.); suha_rd friendly (AV.); suhada friendly (Pali); yahal.u, ya_l.u friendly; ya_l.uva_ friend (metath.)(Si.)(CDIAL 13543). Warrior: subhat.a great warrior (Skt.); subhad.a, suhad.a warrior (Pkt.); suhad.a champion (OMarw.)(CDIAL 13485). cupat.an- ideal hero or warrior (Ja_n-ava_. Niruva_n.. 48)(Ta.lex.) cf. bhr.ta (Skt.)
3104.Treasury: jindaga_ni treasury (Tu.lex.); jindige property, estate (Tu.lex.) jindigi assets (Kon.lex.) sa~itau, saintau to store away, to lay by, to hoard; saintau hatar.kakme lay it by for the present (Santali.lex.) jik gain, succeed in an affair; jika_p gain, excellence (Kon.lex.) jima charge, trust, to give in charge or trust, to deliver; uni jimare menaka it is in his charge; uniye jimawadina he put it in my charge; bar pe ma~ha~ lagit caukidar t.hen jima-kaeme give it (a cow) into the charge of the watchman for a day or two; kami don jimakada I resigned from my work (Santali.lex.) cf. jinis a thing, an article, property, goods, wealth (Santali.lex.) cf. jin.dagi_ < zi_n.dagi_ (Pers.) life, life-time (P.); jn.dga_ni_ life, life-time; jin.d life, soul, spirit, strength; jin.dr.i_ life (P.lex.) jin a spirit, a ghost (Santali.lex.)
3105.Image: fish: ci_kad.e jaggu a fish (Tu.lex.) jiol hako a species of fish (Santali.lex.)
3106.Image: leaf: jigal.te, tigal.te, sigal.te a slit of leaf (Tu.lex.)
3107.Small articles of gold:{Echo word}: suha_g such ornaments as are worn by women while their husbands are alive; a husband; a caress; a wedding; suha_g ga_un.a_ to sing a wedding song; suha_g pur.a_ a paper folded like a sugar loaf, containing scents, paints, and fruits for the bride; suha_g pit.a_ra_ a basket containing cosmetics, perfumes, combs, bangles, and other ornaments and decorations sent by the bridegroom to the bride; su_ha_ red, crimson (P.lex.) ci_kari, ci_kalu, ci_ku, ci_kari ba_kari small articles of gold (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) suha_gan. a woman whose husband is alive (P.lex.) suga_t < sun:ga_t (H.) a present, a rarity; sughar, sughar. elegant, accomplished, tasteful, virtuous, clever (P.lex.)
3108.To take an oath: sugan.d < saugan.d (Pers.) oath; sugan.d kha_n.i_ to take an oath; sukhan a word, a vow, a promise; sukhan da_ pu_ra_ faithful to one's word; sukhan pa_lna_ to be faithful to one's word; sukkhn. to vow, to dedicate anything; a vow, a dedication (P.lex.)
3109.Employment: sugl, sugul < shugal (Pers.) employment, occupation; suhurat < shuhrat (Pers.) fame, notoriety (P.lex.)
3110.Image: spring of water: suhra_, su_ht.a_ a spring of water (P.lex.)
3111.Image: cornea: cukkal opacity of cornea (Ta.); tcukkalamu (Te.); cukki (Ka.)(Ta.lex.)
3112.Heard: s'ruta heard (RV.)(CDIAL 12714). s'ro_triya learned in the Veda (AV.)(CDIAL 12731). Ös'ru hear (Skt.); stoka sound, hymn of praise (RV.); stanza (S'Br.); silo_ka fame verse (Pali); salo_ga, salo_ya, silo_ga, silo_a, sulo_a praise (Pkt.); s'ilog tale (Kho.); s'ulok (Dm.); s'uling (Phal.); s'ilo_k (Sh.); s.ilo_k (D..); sova singing (Si.); silev, silova, solo_va stanza (Pali)(CDIAL 12748).
3113.Image: hole; spot: sula_k a hole, a perforation; sula_kn. to bore, to perforate (P.lex.) cikke, cikki, cikkebot.t.u a round black dot applied to the region between the eyes or to the forehead (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) cikki, cekke, cukki, cukke a spot, a speck, a dot, as that of a cat, of a leopard, of a horse, of a cloth etc. (Ka.); cikke-bot.t.u a round black dot applied to the region between the eyes or to the forehead (Ka.lex.) Image: dot: cukke small mark, dot; cikki, cikke spot, speck, dot (as of cat, leopard), star (Ka.); cukka spot, dot, drop (Te.); cukka drop of rain (Ga.)(DEDR 2646). t.ud.ak a dot (Santali.lex.) cukku small bit, fragment, fragment, piece, particle, worthless thing; cukkal small piece, bit (Ta.)(DEDR 2649). cun:kat.i a kind of dyed saree with undyed spots (Ta.); cf. tcun:gad.i (Te.)(Ta.lex.) Image: small piece; bit: cukkal small piece, bit; cun:kut.u trivial balance, trifling amount in arrears (C.G. 267); tcun:gud.u (Te.); cun:gad.i (Ka.); cun:gud.i (Tu.)(Ta.lex.) cukku-c-cukka_y adv. in pieces; cukku small piece, bit, fragment, particle (Ta.); id. (Ka.)(Ta.lex.) sukar evening star (Santali.lex.) cukkai star (Ta.); cukka star (Te.); cikke, cikki star (Ka.); sukka star (Kol.); cukka (c = ts) id. (Nk.); cukkin id. (Nk.); cukka id. (Pa.); sukka star (Ga.); sukkum, huko, hukka, hukkom, hukka, ukkum, ukka, ukam id. (Go.); suka id. (Kond.a); huka (pl. -n) id.; hukeran, hukerin (pl. only recorded) stars (Pe.); hukerin id. (Mand..); suka star (Kui); hu_ka, hukka id.; suk'erika stars (Kuwi)(DEDR 2646). Image: spotted: cit.t.i spotted, speckled, a small spot or speck (Tu.)(DEDR 2657). Image: token, mark, sign: cihna mark, sign (MBh.); cinha, cihana (Pali); cin.ha, cim.dha, cem.dha (Pkt.); cinhu mark (S.); cinn sign (WPah.); sin mark, sign (A.); cin id. (B.); cina mark (Or.); cenh mark (Mth.); ci_nh token (Aw.); ci_nha (H.); cinh mark, spot, stain (H.); cim.dha sign (OG.); cinh mark, spot, freckle (M.)(CDIAL 4833).
3114.Image: heron: s'uka parrot (RV.); suka, suva parrot (Pali); suvi_ (Pali); suka (As'.); suga, sua, sugi_, sui_ parrot; suviga_ maina (which also can be taught to speak (Pkt.); su_a_ parrot (P.); s'u_a_ (WPah.); suwa_, s'ua (Ku.); sua_ (Or.Aw.); suwa_, su_a_ (H.); sui_ (H.); su_a, su_d.au~ (OG.); sur.o (G.); sua_, suva_ (M.); suva-ya_ (Si.); s'u_n. < *s'un:ka (Bshk.); s'umu (Phal.)(CDIAL 12503). co_n:ku heron (Ta.lex.)
3115.Palm leaf; Image: tail: so_ge the peculiar leaf of palms, sugar-cane, and screw-pine, peacock's feather or feathers, peacock's tail (Ka.); so_ge, co_ge the peculiar branch or leaf of the palm species (Tu.); co_ga namli male peacock (Kol.)(DEDR 2875). co_cam coconut-palm (Ta.lex.) ?caciyam Indian hemp; a plant common in sandy tracts, nila-p-pan-ai (Ta.lex.) ma_ri toddy, liquor (Ta.)(DEDR 4819). to_kai tail, tail of peacock; sheath of a sugar-cane, plantain stem, anything hanging down as a flag, streamer (Ta.); to_ka anything hanging down, tail, as of a peacock (Ma.); to_ke anything that hangs down, tail (Ka.); to~_ka tail (Te.); to_ka_r, to_kor, to_kar, to_ka tail (Go.); to_ka tail (Kond.a)(DEDR 3538). ton:ku to hang, hang down, dangle (Ta.); ton:kal hanging, anything pendent (Ta.); ton:gu to hang, hang down (Ka.); ton:gal, ton:ge a cluster, bunch, tassel, tuft (Ka.); ton:ge, gon:gelu cluster of blossoms (Tu.); ton:gu to recline, bend (Te.); ton:god.lu bunch, bundle (Te.); d.ongu dangling, hanging (Kui)(DEDR 3478).
3116.Image: fig: s'un:ga, s'un:gin the Indian fig-tree; s'un:ga_ the waved-leaf fig; s'un:gin the plaksha tree (Skt.lex.)
3117.Cleaned rice: cokha_ pl. rice (G.)(CDIAL 4918). cokho grain of cleaned rice (S.)(CDIAL 4918). cf. cokar bran (P.N.Bi.H.)(CDIAL 4917). cf. cogu, cogo food for birds (S.); coga_ food brought up from the crop (L.)(CDIAL 4920). cf. jha_s-jhus chaff (N.)(CDIAL 5360). cf. jus' hair (Pas'.); jhus fine hair, hairs on a plant (N.)(CDIAL 5412). cf. suggu rice parched, ground and mixed with jaggery and coconut (Ka.); cukiyan- a kind of sweet pastry ball (Ta.); sukiya a kind of sweet cake or bun (Te.)(DEDR 2643). cf. co_cci, co_n-r-i boiled rice; co_r-u boiled rice, pith (Ta.); boiled rice, food, livelihood, brain, marrow, pith (Ma.); twi.r- cooked food (To.)(DEDR 2897). ho_k- (-i-) to chew (Kui); ho_k- (-it-), ho_kali, ho_kinai id. (Kuwi)(DEDR 2873).
3118.Image: small black ant: cu_kai small, black ant (Ta.); s'u_ka a kind of insect or worm covered with bristles (Skt.lex.)
3119.Image: monkey: cokkan- monkey (Ta.); cokkan id. (Ma.)(Ta.lex.)(DEDR 2830).
3120.Images: collision; to trample: tog- (tokt-) to tread, step on (Pe.); tug- (tukt-) to trample (Mand..); to_ga (to_gi-) to kick; n. a kick (Kui); tukai (-pp-, -tt-) to tread down, trample on, bruise or destroy by treading (Kampara_. Por..ilir-ut. 8); pound in a mortar, mash, vex; roam about, walk (Marutu_ran. 12)(Ta.); tuvai (-pp-, -tt-) to tread down (Kalla_. 52,29); pound as in a mortar; n. treading, pounding (Ta.); tiopuni id.; to_ku collision (Tu.)(DEDR 3539). to_ku to beat, strike (Ka.); tog to tread, step on (Pe.); tug to trample (Mand..); toiyali, toy- to kick (Kuwi); doy to tread on, trample (Kuwi); to_kna_ to stamp violently with one foot or with both feet (as in jatra dance)(Kur.)(DEDR 3539). tur..i to tread, tread on, trample (Ka.); tor..ikka to kick (Ma.); torpuni to kick, tread (Tu.); torpu a kick; don:kuni to tread, trample; toripu, tol.ipu, corpu to kick (Tu.); tol.i, tori id. (Kor.); trokku to tread, trample, tread or trample upon, press or crush under the foot; tread, or place the foot; trokkud.u treading, trampling (Te.); d.ud.a to tread, trample, step upon (?Kui); tur.b to trample, tread out grain (Kuwi)(DEDR 3522). s'r.n.a_ti crushes, breaks (RV.); s'enik to crush (Kho.)(CDIAL 12597). s'r.ta broken; s'r._ crush; s'urta crushed, broken (RV.)(CDIAL 12572). cu_ hole (Wg.)(CDIAL 12570).
3121.Images: two handbreadths; joint of bamboo: co~ga_ stick used as a measure of two handbreadths (M.); joint of bamboo, bamboo tube (H.)(CDIAL 4921). cun:g handful (L.)(CDIAL 4853). cu_gul forefinger (Kur.); cugrede, cugreye to point out with the finger (ede to show)(Malt.)(DEDR 2720).
3122.To climb: sok- (sokt-) to climb (Kol.); sokk- id. (Nk.); copp- (cott-), cokk- id.; cotip- (cotit-) to cause to climb, raise; coppid ascent (Pa.); sop- (sot-) to climb (Ga.); ho'- (hott-) to climb (Kuwi)(DEDR 2828).
3123.Joint of bamboo; bamboo tube: co~k small wooden vessel (Bshk.); cu~ga_ a bamboo vessel for holding liquids (N.); son:ga_, sun.a_ joint of bamboo, bamboo tube (A.); con:g pipe, tube (B.); con:ga_ blowpipe for blowing fire (B.); pipe, tube, cup (Or.); cun:gi_ bamboo tube used as a vessel (B.); pipe, tube, cup (Or.); co~ga_ joint of bamboo, bamboo tube (H.); co~ga_, co~gi_ pipe of smith's bellows (Mth.); co~gi_ pipe, tube (H.)(CDIAL 4921). Image: long tube: cukka_n.-kur..al a long-tube through which pellets of clay are shot; cukir tubularity; cf. sus'ira (Skt.); cun:kutta_n--kur..al < co_n:ga (U.) long tube through which pellets of clay are shot at birds (W.)(Ta.lex.) Image: pipe of smith's bellows: con:ga a bamboo tube (Santali.lex.) cun:ka_n- tobacco pipe (Ta.); cun:ga_n.i (Ka.Tu.); cun:ka (Ma.); < co_n:ga_ (U.)(Ta.lex.) d.u~go tobacco pipe (G.)(CDIAL 5568). Pipe clay; cukka_n- kumkur limestone, impure concretionary carbonate of lime (Poruna. 44, Urai.); cukka_n--kal pipe clay (M.M. 748); overburnt brick; cukka_n--cun.n.a_mpu kunkur lime (Ta.lex.) cun lime (Santali. lex.) tu.k earth, clay, dust (Kol.); tu_k earth, clay (Nk.); tu_k, tu_kud. id., soil (Pa.); tu_kur. earth, clay (Ga.); tor.i clay (Go.)(DEDR 3283). cf. dhu_li dust, powder (Skt.)(CDIAL 6835).
3124. Small enclosure or partition: cokkar-ai small enclosure or partition, as in a garden, a house (Ta.lex.)
3125.Image: to sit: jo_n(g)- (jo_nt-) (hen) to sit on and hatch eggs (Pe.); ju_ng- id. (Mand..); jo_nga (jo_ngi-) to take under the wings, hatch; n. hatching (Kui); jo_ng- (-it-) (hen) to hatch eggs; gu_ddu_ jongali to sit on eggs; jo_ngali to hold in the lap; jonga lap (Kuwi)(DEDR 2877).
3126.Image: to pluck off; strip; carding, cleaning smooth: cukir (-v-, -nt-) to card as cotton, part, separate (as hair, fibres), rub clean and smooth as a lute-string; cu_r (-v-, -nt-) to pick, separate (Ta.); cu_ruka to pick cotton (Ma.)(DEDR 2645). sugi to tear off, strip off, peel (Ka.); coxna_ to pluck, cull (Kur.); coge to pluck off, set free; cogre to drop off, get free (Malt.)(DEDR 2644). Bran: cokar bran (P.N.H.Bi.); cokar. bran, husk, chaff (Ku.B.H.); cokra_ dregs (e.g. of rice-spirit)(N.); cokal bran (B.); cokla_ rind, bran (B.); co~kar, cokra_, co~kra_ bran, husks (Bi.); co~kar bran (H.)(CDIAL 4917). cf. cakkai refuse as of sugarcane; cakkal chaffy (Ta.); cakka skin or rind of a fruit thrown away after pressing it out (Ma.)(DEDR 2276). con. refuse of cotton (P.); con.i_ picking cotton (P.)(CDIAL 4919). Image: to tear off: cagar., cagat to tear off; surka to strip off (Santali.lex.) su_r.hi_ the hull or bran of pulse (P.lex.)
3127.Image: to bear a child: coiki, 1 sg. cam to bear a child (Sh.)(CDIAL 4586).
3128.Intoxication; madness: cokkit.utal to sprinkle magic powder for inducing stupor (Civataru. Pa_va. 69); tcokkid.u id. (Te.); cokkutal to become languid, sleepy; to be stupefied; to be enchanted, fascinated, captivated, subjected to the will of another; stupor, torpor, dullness, as produced by enchantment or drug (Tiruppu.); tcokku id. (Te.); sokku id. (Ka.); cokku-p-pot.i magic powder, love-powder, stupefying powder (Pan.avit.u. 337); tcokkupod.i id. (Te.); cokkupot.i id. (Ma.)(Ta.lex.) chakan.u to be infatuated (S.); caus. chaka_in.u (S.); chakka amazement; chakinu to be deceived; caus. chaka_unu (N.); cha_kna_ to be intoxicated; chakna_ to be astonished (H.); cha_k intoxication (G.); cha_kvu~ to be mad (G.); cha_kat. intoxicated (G.)(CDIAL 4956). cerukku (cerukki-) to be proud, vain, self-conceited, be elated with self-pride, be gay, lively, exult, be infatuated, increase, nurse, cherish as anger, enjoy to the full; n. haughtiness, pride, arrogance, self-conceit, exultation, elation, courage, intrepidity (as of army), infatuation, intoxication; cerukkam intoxication; cerukkan- vain, self-conceited person; cokku (cokki-) to become languid, sleepy, enchanted, fascinated, etc.; n. stupor, torpor, dullness as produced by enchantment or drug (Ta.); corukuka, curukuka to be stupefied; corukku slight intoxication, giddiness; corukkuka to feel dizzy (Ma.); cok- (coky-) to take a nap; to change colour (fruit past prime, face because of starvation); cok self-pride (Ko.); sorku, sokku to become mad, intoxicated, infatuated or rutty, grow stupid, bewildered or confused, grow proud or arrogant; n. infatuation, intoxication, rut, stupefaction, torpor, loss of consciousness; sokkuha becoming or being mad, etc.; jon:gur..i, jon:gul.i fainting, faintness (Ko.); cokki intoxication; fatness; cokk- (cokki-) to be fat; (liquor) causes intoxication; cukk- (cukki-) to grow stout, fat; be proud, restive, high-spirited (Kod..); sorku fat, vigour, rankness, luxuriance, lust, inordinate affection, pride, insolence; sorkuni, sorn:kuni, sokkuni to become fat, vigorous, be rank, luxuriant, be lustful, sensual, be proud, insolent; sorkelu lust, rutting as an animal; vigorous, rank, lustful; sorkeluni to be in rut, lust after; sorka_vuni to make fat, vigorous, rank, give undue indulgence; cokku stupid, silly (Tu.); cokku, sokku ecstacy, trance, state of being beside oneself, swooning, fainting, intoxication, intense or inordinate affection or love, passion; to be beside oneself (Te.); cor- to be drunk (Pa.); sorn-, jo_ng e_r- to get drunk (Ga.); ho_c-, o_s- to be intoxicated; jhakkum aia_na_ to be dead drunk (Go.); so_su intoxication; zo_n- to reel (in intoxication)(Kond.a); ho_c- (ho_cc-) to get drunk (Pe.); hu_c- id. (Mand..); so_sa (so_si-) id.; n. drunkenness, intoxication (Kui); ho_cali, ho_c- (-it-) to be drunk (Kuwi)(DEDR 2853). cf. jo. jo. words used in putting a child to sleep (Ko.); jo_ hush!; jo_ jo_ words used in a lullaby (Ka.); jo_gul.a, jo_gul.i a lullaby; jo_jiyuni, jo_juni, jo_japa_d.uni to lull to sleep (Tu.); jo_ interj. used in lulling children to sleep (Te.); jo_ kot.t.u to lull to sleep (Te.)(DEDR 2869). Madness; anger: cir-ukku (cir-ukki-) to be angry with; cer-u (-v-, -nt-) to hate, dislike, detest, be angry with; (-pp-, -tt-) to be angry at, detest; n. anger; cer-unar, cer-uvar, cer-r-a_r, cer-r-o_r foes; cer-umpu, cer-al hatred; cer-r-am hatred, aversion, irrepressible anger, love-quarrel; cirar-r-u (cirar-r-i-) to be angry with (Ta.); cirv- (cirt-) id. (Ko.); kir-k violent anger, madness (Ko.); kir- tot.-kir-k 0ot.- to become mad with anger (lit. anger strikes him); ker-n gwil.- to murmur in protest (To.); ki_r-u to rage, burn with rage or great desire; keral. to become angry, begin to rage; keral.cu to enrage (Ka.); cir-r-a, cir-r-u anger, displeasure; cir-acir-a sullenness, ill-humour; cer-acer-al-a_d.u to be angry or furious; keralu to be angry or enraged (Te.); kireni sullen, surly, out of temper (Kui); kire_ng abuse; kire_ng tining to abuse (Br.); kirk grudge, rancour (Br.)(DEDR 1597). kir-ukku craziness, lunacy; passion, conceit, arrogance; kir-ukkan- conceited, arrogant fellow; crazy fellow, lunatic; kirucal obstinacy (Ta.); kir-ukka to be insolent; kir-utu, kir-uvu insolence; kir-ukkan lunatic; ker-uvu pride; ker-ukka to be proud, opposed, defy (Ma.); kird act of disobedience, doing opposite of what one is told to do (Ko.); kir-k violent anger, madness (To.); keccu pride (Ka.)(DEDR 1596). Anger; disagreement: ceru battle, fight, love-quarrel; cirar-u (cirar-i-) to sulk, disagre; cirar-r-u (cirar-r-i-), cirattu (ciratti-) to be angry with (Ta.); ceru battle (Ma.); kel.ar to become angry (Ka.); cira_ku anger, displeasure, crossness; ciramara sullenness, morosness; a disagreement (Te.)(DEDR 1961). To stagger: kir-un:ku (kir-un:ki-) to move, stir, shake, stagger (Ta.); gir-upu to shake, move (as the body, ears of an animal); gilupu to shake as the pigtail (Te.)(DEDR 1598). Boasting: cerukkat.uttal to become proud, haughty (Tiv. Tiruva_y. 1,4,7)(Ta.lex.)
3129.Touch; infection: co_ku vampire, devil, goblin (Ta.); demon (Ma.); so_ku, sokku, son:ku, sun:ku to touch, come in contact with, catch, infect, attack; son:kuvike, sogad.u touching, etc.; sokku, so_ku touch, coitus (Ka.)[cf. so_n:g to be pierced into (Ga.)(DEDR 2876)]; so_kuni, so_n:kuni, so_n:kud.runi, so_n:guni to affect as a disease, touch, come into contact, infect, affect; so_n:ku epidemic, infection, contagion, disease (Ka.); so~_ku, so_ku, co~_ku to touch, come in contact with, be communicated by contagion, affect, be caught as a disease, be possessed (by evil spirits); possess (devil); n. touch, contact, possession by an evil spirit, an evil spirit (Te.); cokk- to possess (of spirits)(Pa.)(DEDR 2870). chuhan.u touch (S.); chuhun.a_, chohn.a_ (P.); chu_hn.a_, 1 sg. pret. chiyu~ < chupita (WPah.); chuhna_ (OH.); chivai touches (Pkt.); civ to throw, put; chiv to throw (Gypsy); 2 pl. imper. tsiya put (Tir.); civoiki, civi_ to put down (Sh.); chi_va_ to cause to touch (OMarw.); s'ivn.e~ to touch (M.); chihai touches (Pkt.); chuboiki to place (Sh.); chup touch [cf. OEng. sceofan, scufan and Khot. sku- to touch, skuta touch](Skt.); chupati touches (Dha_tup.); chupati (Pali); chuvai (Pkt.); chunu (N.); soiba (A.); chu~ya_ (B.); chu~iba_, cho~iba_ (Or.); chu_yab (Mth.); chuvai, chu_ab (OAw.); chu_na_ (H.); chuvu~ (G.)(CDIAL 5055). acchupta untouched (Skt.); chutta touched (Pkt.) ; chuto defiled (S.); chu~_t touched (Ku.); chut, chuta_ unclean (B.); chutahra_ defiled by touching (H.); chudha touched, impure (OB.); chitta, chikka (Pkt.)(CDIAL 5056). chutti (Pkt.); chu_t (P.Ku.); chu~_t (Ku.); chut touch, infection (N.); chut, chu~t touch, impurity (B.); chuti contamination by touch (Or.); chu_ti touch (Mth.); touch of anything impure (OAw.); chu_t (H.); chu_dha impurity the touch of which pollutes (B.); chuti of low caste (N.)(CDIAL 5057). chuppai is touched (Pkt.); chupan.u to be touched by anything polluted (S.); chippai is touched (Pkt.)(CDIAL 5059). cf. ks.upati is depressed, is afraid (R.); chup to wash (clothes)(Dm.); chu_p (Kal.); chup (Phal.)(CDIAL 3719). cf. jo_ku to wash (Kor.)(CDIAL 2872).
3130.Image: cowry: co_r..i cowry; co_ki cowry, small shell, white or coloured, cypraea moneta (M.M. 238)(Upate_caka_. Civapun.. 91)(Ta.lex.) kaud.i a cowrie (Santali.lex.)
3131.Grief: co_ka_ttal to grieve, suffer (Kur-al., 127); co_kam distress, grief (Kampara_. Mitilai. 149)(Ta.lex.) s'o_ka heat, pain, sorrow (RV.); hot (AV.); so_ka sorrow (Pali); s'oga (KharI.); s'oa (Dhp.); so_ga, so_a (Pkt.); s'ok mourning (Kal.); s'og mourning, signs of grief, gloom, cloudy rainy weather (Kho.); s'o ashes (Sh.); sova grief, pain (Si.); so_ mourning, sorrow (L.); su_a mourning for anyone's death (S.); sev, hol.a (Si.)(CDIAL 12619). s'o_cyate_ is made to feel pain; s'o_cya lamentable (MBh.); s'o_cayati pains (AV.); feels pain (MBh.); sociba_ to grieve (Or.); succa lamentable (Pkt.); soc anxiety (Mth.); id., care, inquiry (G.)(CDIAL 12621). s'oc war (Wg.); s'uc (Kt.)(CDIAL 12620).
3132.Bright; handsome: s'ukra bright; brightness (RV.); s'ukla bright, white (AitBr.); bright half of month (Gr.S'r.); sukka bright (Pali); s'ukar pretty, pleasant; s'uka_r quietly (Gypsy); s'u_kri naked (woman)(Kal.); chuk good fortune (N.); suk bright, white; bright half of month (H.); su_kad.i sandal-wood (OG.); sukhar. (G.); sukkila, sukkilla bright, white (Pkt.); s'ukl.i_ moon; s'uklo_ white (WPah.); s'ukula white (D..); sukilo white, shining (Ku.N.); xukula_ (A.); sukka planet, star (Pali); sukka the planet Venus (Pkt.); s'u_k-ta_ra_ (WPah.); suk-ta_ra_ Venus (B.); su_k, suk Venus, Friday (H.); su_k Venus (M.)(CDIAL 12506). s'ukrava_ra Friday (Su_ryas.); sukwa_r Friday (H.)(CDIAL 12507). White; silver: sii green, green colour (Pkt.); s'iti white, in cmpds. (RV.); white (Skt.); dark blue (Skt.); hiy jasmine (K.)(CDIAL 12439). X s'vit be white; s'vitici_ white (RV.)(CDIAL 12771). s'yeuo wild white cock (WPah.)(CDIAL 12440). s'vit be white; s'vitici_ white (RV.); s'viti whiteness (Skt.); sita white (Skt.Pali)(CDIAL 12771). s'vitra white (AV.); s'vitraka (MBh.); he_turu white leprosy (K.); sita white (Si.); cit.t.a silver (Wg.); chit.t.a truth (Dm.); chat.o white (Par.); chitte_, chitti white (K.); cit.o clear (S.); cit.t.a_ white (L.P.); chitto, chetto, che_ta, cit.t.o_ (WPah.)(CDIAL 12772). s'ukra bright; brightness (RV.); the planet Venus (MBh.); s'ukla bright, white (AitBr.); bright half of month (Gr.S'r.); sukka bright (Pali); s'ukar, s'uker pretty, pleasant; s'uka_r quietly (Gypsy); s'u_kri naked (woman)(Kal.); chuk good fortune (N.); suk bright, white; bright half of month (H.); su_kad.i sandal-wood (OG.); sukhar. (G.); sukkila, sukkilla bright (Pkt.); s'ukula white (D..); s'ukl.i_ moon; s'uklo_ white (WPah.); sukilo white, shining (Ku.N.); xukula_ (A.); sukka planet, star (Pali); sukka the planet Venus (Pkt.); s'u_k-ta_ra_ (WPah.); s'uk Friday (Ku.); suk-ta_ra_ Venus (B.); su_k, suk Venus, Friday (H.); su_k Venus (M.)(CDIAL 12506). s'ukrava_ra Friday (Su_ryas.)(CDIAL 12507). Clean: cokh, cokha_ pure, genuine, good (M.); cokha_ rich (of soil (Bi.); co_ks.a pure, clean (Mn.); cocha, cochaga good (of land) (NiDoc.) (CDIAL 4918). cf. cokucu refinement (Ta.)(DEDR 2829). cf. so_k- (-t-) to clean body (while bathing), rub, clean; so_kpis- (Kond.a)(DEDR 2872). cf. cukir (-v-, -nt-) to rub clean and smooth as a lute-string (Ta.)(DEDR 2645). Well-shaped; clever: sughat.a easily contrived (Skt.); su_ga_r, su_ger easy (Bshk.); suga_ (Tor.); sughar.u clever (S.); sughar., sughar.a_ elegant, clever, well-formed (P.); sughar. polite, clean (Ku.); sughar neat, clean (usu. of things)(N.); sughad.a well-formed, handsome (OMth.); sughara_i looks pretty (OAw.); su_ghar. well-formed (H.); sughar. neat, well-mannered (G.); sughad., sugad. clever, expert (M.)(CDIAL 13460). sughat.ita well arranged (Skt.); sughari neat, clean (of persons)(N.); xughari well-shaped, faultless (A.)(CDIAL 13461). sucajja_ well-doing, well-beloved (L.) (CDIAL 13462). Cleanliness: cokkal.ike elegance, beauty (Ka.); cokka niceness, elegance, beauty, charm (Ka.); cokkat.a, cokat.a purity, cleanness (Ka.); cokka, cokku (Ta.); cokka (Ma.Te.); co_ks.a (Skt.); co_kha_ (M.H.)(Ka.lex.) cet.i splendour (Ta.); canu to be fit, suiting, proper (Te.); cem right, excellent, royal (Ma.); cer..umai, cevvi, ce_t.i elegance, beauty (Ta.); cokka, con:gu (Ma.); can (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) cokka purity, cleanness (Ka.Ta.Te.); co_ks.a (Skt.); co_kha (H.); cokkadammula excellent tamhbula; cokkani_ru pure water (Ka.lex.) cokkat.ada tanisukham = unique pleasure of purity or cleanliness; candana_digal.inda s'ari_ra cokkat.a ma_d.uvadu = sandalwood etc. used to purify or clean the body (Ka.lex.) co_khat.a, co_khat.a_, co_kho_t.a comeliness, beauty (M.H.)(Ka.lex.) To anoint; to clean: s'o_cayati sets alight, burns (RV.); s'o_cyate_ is purified (MBh.); soccai purified (Pkt.); s'o_cun, s'ro_cun to be purified (K.)(CDIAL 12621). s'o_cis flame, glow (RV.); splendour (BhP.)(CDIAL 12620). jo_ku, je_ki to wash (Kor.); so_ka_na_ to apply ointment, hot water, etc., to one's skin, rub, apply (oil, etc.); mat soka_na_ to apply medicine, anoint; ho_k- to rub on (oil, etc.); o_k- to rub; so_klal washerman; so_k to anoint (Go.); so_k- (-t-) to clean body (while bathing), rub, clean; caus. so_kpis- (Kond.a); ho_k- (-t-) to wash, rub, rub on (oil); intens. ho_bga- (Pe.); jo_ga (jo_gi-) to wash clothes; n. act of washing clothes; joh- to wash clothes (Kui); co_shing to soak, steep; wash by rubbing, scrub (Br.)(DEDR 2872). s'o_dhana cleaning (Mn.Nir.); so_dhana cleaning (Pali); so_han.a purifying (Pkt.)(CDIAL 12629). To purify: s'o_cyate_ is purified (MBh.); soccai purified (Pkt.); s'o_cun, s'ro_cun to be purified (K.)(CDIAL 12621). s'o_cis flame, glow (RV.); splendour (BhP.)(CDIAL 12620). s'o_ddhum to purify; s'o_ddhavya (Skt.); sodhan.u to examine (S.); sodhn.a_ to scrutinize, correct (P.); sod(h)n.o to find out, seek, look for (Ku.); sodhnu to ask, ask about (N.); xodhiba (A.); sudha_na to ask (B.); sodhiba_ to purify, scrutinize, correct (Or.); sodhna_ to cleanse, ask (H.); sodhai finds out (OMarw.); sodhivam. to clean (OG.); sodhvu~ to purify, search (G.); sodhn.e~ (M.); soddu_ka to find, search for (Konkan.i)(CDIAL 12626). s'o_dha purification (Skt.); so~h consciousness, understanding (G.)(CDIAL 12627). s'o_dhayati purifies (TS.); removes anything obnoxious (Mn.); so_dhe_ti cleans, clears; searches for (Pali); so_he_i cleans, searches (Pkt. ); caus.: so_ha_ve_i causes to be cleaned (Pkt.)(CDIAL 12630). so_hi purity, penance (Pkt.); su_h news, information (P.)(CDIAL 12631). s'o_dhya to be cleaned (Mn.); sojjha to be cleansed (Pkt.); sojjhaya washerman (Pkt.); sojha_ care; sojhla_ light, brightness (L.); sojha_ prudent (P.); soju~ clean (G.)(CDIAL 12632). Broom: s'o_dhani_ broom (Skt.); su_hni_ broom (P.); s'uain (WPah.); soin.i_ long pricker for cleaning pipe of hookah (S.); so_han.i_ broom (Pkt.); so_ne brush, broom (Ash.); sohni_ weeding (Bi.); sohan coarse rasp (Bi.); sohen id. (Mth.); sohani_ weeding (Bhoj.); sohni_, soni_ broom (H.)(CDIAL 12629). s'uvel broom; s'ulav to sweep (Gypsy); soin.u to weed, clean pipe of hookah (S.); s'oan.o~_ to brush (WPah.); sohab to weed (Bi.); sohna_ (H.); so~vu~ to sift, winnow (G.)(CDIAL 12630). Broom: suha_ri_ broom (S.)(CDIAL 12628). sa_varn.i broom (G.); sa_varn.o large broom (G.)(CDIAL 13014).
3133.Toddy from sirissa bark: cikkar, cikkarattel.iyal toddy extracted from sirissa bark (Perun.. Ila_va_n.a. 2,180)(Ta.); ci_kkiri black sirissa, albizzia amara (Pin..)(Ta.lex.) Sirissa tree: s'a_ka the siri_s.a tree (Skt.lex.) kad.ace (perhaps Tadbhava of s'iri_s.a) the Sirissa tree, acacia speciosa (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) cf. va_kai sirissa, albizzia, fragrant sirissa (Ta.)(DEDR 5333). Sirissa: s'an:khini_-phala the s'iri_s.a tree (Skt.lex.)
3134.Image: eye: cat.cu < caks.uh- nom. sg. of caks.us eye (Ci. Ci. 2,61, Mar-aija_.); cat.cu-ti_t.cai gracious look, as a mode of initiation (Ta.)(Ta.lex.) aks.i eye (Skt.lex.)
3135.To gild: curukku to gild (S.I.I. ii,419)(Ta.)(Ta.lex.)
3136.Image: slip-knot: curukku slip-knot, sliding knot (Ta.); tying (Iraku. Irakuvur-. 7); suluku slip-knot (Ka.); curukku (Ma.)(Ta.lex.)
3137.Punishment: saja_ punishment (Ka.M.H.); pa_s'i-saja_ punishment of hanging (Ka.lex.) sajai to punish, to deal retributive justice; sajaikedeako they punished him; sajaiye namkeda he received punishment (Santali.lex.) saja_ < saza_ (Arabic) punishment, chastisement, requital, penalty; saja_ den.i_ to inflict punishment (P.lex.) saja_da_ < sha_hza_dah (Pers.) a prince (P.lex.)
3138.Stratagem: sacu, saca (a making, a contrivance): an expedient, a means; an artifice, a stratagem; a trick; intrigue (Ka.); cacu, sacu trim, delicacy, fashion; way, mode, manner; artifice, stratagem (Te.); samutu a combination or league, a strike (Te.); camucu a seditious assembly, a seditious view, a plot (Ta.); sacu cleverness, skill (Ka.lex.)
3139.Grain; food: sasi a young plant; deyi plant (Ka.); tai young plant or tree (Ta.); shoot, any young tree (Ma.); dai a plant, young tree; sasi a young plant (Tu.); te_ga the tender palmyra shoot (Te.)(DEDR 3474). sasi, sosi (Tadbhava of sasya) corn; a young plant as of rice etc. (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) sasa grain, food (RV.); kernel, nutritious part (Or.); xah crops (A.)(CDIAL 13294). sasya grain, fruit (AV.); sassa corn, crop (Pali)(CDIAL 13295). sappha young grass (Pkt.); s'as.pa young or sprouting grass (VS.); s.os.p a kind of food (?Kho.)(CDIAL 12364). sa~_ja_ grit and flour mingled, such grit boiled in milk or water with sugar and spices (M.); sam.ya_va a cake of wheaten flour and ghee and milk with sugar and spices (Mn.)(CDIAL 12984). cauret.ha_, caurat.ha_ rice soaked and dried and pounded (Bi.); cauret.ha_ rice ground up with water (H.)(CDIAL 4750). sosu in cmpds. of or belonging to lentils or porridge (K.); sata-sosu made of seven kinds of lentils (K.)(CDIAL 13376). cajje, cejje, jejje, sajje, sejje holcus spicatus (Ka.); sajje, sajja, sadda (sodda)(Te.)(DEDR 2290). sa~_wa~_ panicum mileaceum (Bi.); sa~_va_, sa_va_ id. (M.)(CDIAL 12667). su_ji_ coarse flour (P.H.); suji wheat porridge (N.); coarse flour (B.Or.); soji_ coarse flour (H.); wheaten flour (G.); rice boiled after being parched (M.); rice boiled in milk (Konkan.i)(CDIAL 13552). soji_ dish of rice pure enough to be eaten (M.)(CDIAL 12632). s.as.t.ika a variety of paddy (Car. Su. 4.17,28,40).
3140.Rice-gruel: s'ra_n.a cooked, boiled (Pa_n..va_rtt.); moist (Skt.); boiled meat (MW.); s'ra_n.a_ rice gruel (Skt.); s.o_n., s.on., s.o~_r. guts (Pas'.)(CDIAL 12690). sirivattige, sirivantige the half of an earthen pot used for parching or frying (Skt. roots s'ri_, s'rai, srai, s'ra_ to cook, to boil, to burn etc. (Ka.lex.) s.e_ to boil (Kt.); sa_n.o to water, irrigate (Ku.)(CDIAL 12695). snar, caus. snauar burns (Gypsy); s'ri_n.ati cooks (Skt.)(CDIAL 12710). sijjati boils (Pali); sijna_ to simmer (H.); sija_ to be boiled (B.); sijvu~ (G.); s'ijn.e~ (M.); s'ijta_ (Konkan.i)(CDIAL 12712). Image: to boil: siner water boiled for cooking food (Kond.a); hiner/hener va_- to boil, come to the boil (Pe.); hi_neri e_yu boiling water; hi_neri u_kor.i steam of boiling water (Kuwi)(DEDR 2593).
3141.Sister: sasa_, susa_ nom. sg. sister (Pkt.); sasa (Sv.); sa (pl. saya_re) sister, female first cousin, wife's sister, man's brother's wife; sa_s sister (Sh.) su_s sister (Ash.); sus (Kt.); so_s sister, husband's sister (Wg.); svsr. sister (RV.)[cf. bhagini_]; spasuna gen. pl. sister (As'.); s'vasu, priya-s'pasuae (NiDoc.); syu_s, si_us sister; su_suk younger sister, co-wife (Pr.); pas sister (pl. pasu_ )(Dm.); spas, pl. spaze (Tir.); sa_i_, si (< svasa_ me_: saya_-m, syu_-m, say-m, sa_yo-m, sowo-m, sawo_-m)(Pas'.); pas (Nin:g. Shum.); sasi_ (Gaw.); ispusa_r (< svsa_ram with retention of acc. form through influence of bra_r < nom. bhra_ta_)(Kho.); is'po_ sister, husband's sister (Bshk.); s'u_ sister (Tor.); (CDIAL 13913). sa_suga woman's sister's son (Gaw.); sasugi_ her daughter (Gaw.)(CDIAL 13914). sva_sr.ka of a sister (Skt.); sa_zu_ sister's son; sazu_i sister's daughter (Mai.); savo sister's son (Sh.); sau, sauwu_o (Lor.); savi sister's daughter (Sh.); sau_o, sauwi (D..); s'vasu, -s'pasuae (NiDoc.); pasu_ (Dm.)(CDIAL 13932). svasri_ya sister's son (TS.); svasri_ya_ sister's daughter (Mn.); pas'i_ sister's daughter (Ash.); s.aps. daughter's son; s.aps.i_ daughter's daughter (Kt.); is.pas.i sister's son (Dm.); pe_s'i (a man's) sister's son, sister's daughter (Gaw.); is'pos.i_ sister's son (Gaw.)(CDIAL 13918). sawasin pl. sisters (Santali.lex.) Younger sister: For the particle -k semant. 'small or younger' in: su_suk younger sister, co-wife (Pr.); cf. kai, kaiyai younger sister (Pin..); kai littleness, smallness (Na_lat.i, 311)(Ta.lex.) kai handiness, smallness; kaiba_ci a small adze; kaimut.t.u small utensils; kaisiddige a small leather bottle; kaisurige a small knife, a dagger; kaipola a small field (Ka.lex.) ka- perjorative prefix (Skt.); kai_r.a_, ke_r.a_ a smll bit of wood on a plumb-string (Bi.Mth.)(CDIAL 2709). cf. kastambhi_ prop for suporting carriage-pole (S'Br.); ka_tha~ba_ plantain offshoot, sucker, stole (M.)(CDIAL 2983). For semant. 'smallness' cf. ka_gni a small fire (Skt.); kan:g brazier, fireplace (K.)(CDIAL 2999). cf. ka~_guru, ka~_gar portable brazier (K.); ka~_gri_ small portable brazier (H.)(CDIAL 3006). kel.i sheep, ewe three or four or more years old (Kho.) (CDIAL 3476). cf. ka + u_s.man (Skt.) = ko_ssa_ lukewarm (P.); ko_sa_ (L.); kuhumiya_ tepid (A.); ko~bat., komat. warmish (M.); koso hot, warm (S.); ko_s.n.a, kavo_s.n.a warm (Pa_n..)(CDIAL 3552). tam + kai = tan:kai younger sister (Tiv. Periya_r... 4,7,1); a female standing in the relationship of a younger sister to a person , as daughter of a paternal uncle or a maternal aunt (Tiruppo_. Can. U_cal. 6); tam part. < ta_m flexional increment generally used along with the nouns of the third pers. pl. (Tol. Er..ut. 191); ta_m < ta_n- they (Ta.Ka.); ta_mu (Te.); ta_n- pron. he, she or it (Na_lat.i, 248); id. (Ka.)(Ta.lex.) tan:kaicci, tan:kacci younger sister or female parallel cousin; en:kai, en:kaicci my younger sister; nun:kai, un:kai your younger sister; tan:ka_l. younger sister; nan:kai son's wife, elder brother's wife, lady, woman or quality or distinction (Ta.); tan:ka, tan:kacci younger sister; nan.n.a clever woman; nan.n.appil.l.a unmarried brahmin girl; nan.n.iya_r wife of a nambiya_r, an actress (Ma.); tan:gi, tan:ge younger sister (Ka.); tan:ge younger sister of female parallel cousin (Kod..); tan:gi, tan:gad.i male's younger sister; tag younger sister (Tu.); tage elder sister; tan:gad.i younger sister (Kor.); naggal wife's younger sister (Ga.); tange_ elder brother's wife; an:ge, an.n.e sister-in-law; yen:ge spouse's elder sister, elder brother's wife (Go.); tan.i younger sister (Kond.a); tangi, angi younger sister (Kui); tangi sister; tan:gi father's sister; tangi father's younger sister (Kuwi); tan:gr.is (his, her, or their) younger brother; tan:gr.i (his, her or their) younger sister (Kur.); tag female's elder brother (Tu.); tan:god husband's elder brother; tan:goda_ wife's elder sister (Kol.); tan:gon, tan:gol. wife's elder brother; tan:godal. wife's elder sister (Nk.); tan:gon husband's or wife's elder brother; tan:goda husband's elder sister (Nk.); tang-go_ra_r. wife's elder sister; tan.orar. husband's elder sister (Go.)(DEDR 3015).
3142.Kinsman; child's spouse's parent: sayan.a kinsman (Pkt.); svajana kinsman (Ka_tyS'r.Pali); sen.u child's spouse's father; sen.i_ child's spouse's mother (S.); sen. child's spouse's parent (L.); sain relative (P.); sain.a friend (OG.); sen. (G.)(CDIAL 13897). sen.ot.ru son-in-law's or daughter-in-law's brother (S.)(CDIAL 13898). sva_janya relationship (Skt.); sa_inu relationship (N.); sen the relationship with child's spouse's mother or father (L.)(CDIAL 13921). sasura father-in-law (Pali.lex.); cf. Vedic s'vas'ura, fr. s'vas'ru_; cf. sassu_ (P.); socer, socrus (Lat.); swaihra, swaihro_ (Gothic); swe_or, sweger (Anglo-Saxon); swehur, swigar (OHG.); sassu-sasure, sassu-sasura_ mother- and father-in-law; sassuri_ mother-in-law; sassu_, sassu id.; sassudeva worshipping one's mother-in-law (Pali.lex.) s'vas'ura a father-in-law; s'vas'ura_, dual s'vas'uran:gal. a father and mother-in-law; s'vas'urya a brother-in-law, a wife's brother, a husband's brother; s'vas'ru_-s'vas'urau, dual s'vas'ru_s'vas'uran:gal. a mother and father-in-law (Skt.Ka.) (Ka.lex.) snus.e, sose a daughter-in-law (Skt.Ka.)(Ka.lex.) s'ya_la, sya_la a wife's brother (Skt.Ka.); s'ya_laka a wife's brother; a younger sister's husband; sva-s'ya_laka one'w own father's sister's son (Ka.lex.)
3143.Suddenly: jhasia thrown up (Pkt.); jhasjhas startling (Ku.); jhasak fright (Ku.); jhaskanu to be startled (N.); jha_siba_ to attack suddenly (Or.)(CDIAL 5360). kasakka forcibly, hardly, deeply (Tu.); kasne suddenly (Go.); kocakn suddenly (Ko.); kacakkane smartly, suddenly (Ka.); kaccane id. (Ka.)(DEDR 1086). jhasko sprain in a muscle; jhassn.a_ to rub (P.); jha_s-jhus chaff (N.)(CDIAL 5360).
3144.Root, root fibre: sa~si_ root, root fibre (Dm.)(CDIAL 13062). cf. ca_n.am article made of fibres (Nan-. 266, Mayilai.)(Ta.lex.)
3145.Gourd: cicin.d.a, cicin.d.a_ the gourd trichosanthes anguina (Bhpr.); cace_n.d.a_ a partic. creeper (Skt.); cicin.d.o the snake gourd trichosanthes anguina; cin.d.e a kind of Araliad with edible roots; cin.d.o any vessel (wheter gourd or earthen)(N.); cicin.d.a_, cicin:ga_ trichosanthes anguina (B.); chacinda_ (Or.); caci~_d.a_, cicin.d.a_, cace~r.a_, cacai~d.a_, cicin:ga_ (H.)(CDIAL 4788). t.in.d.usu a small kind of gourd (S.); t.in.d.is'a a partic. kind of plant; tindis'a (Skt.)(CDIAL 5463).
3146.Dalbergia latifolia; blackwood: s'im.sapa wood used to make chariots (RV. iii.53.19)(Vedic.lex.) s'am.sapa derived from dalbergia sissoo (AV. vi.129.1); s'im.s'apa dalbergia sissu (RV. iii.53.19)(Vedic.lex.) s'im.s'apa_ dalbergia sissoo is the si_sam tree; its wood is strong and durable and is recommended for furniture (B.Sam..) s'ims'apa_ dalbergia sissoo (Car. Su. 25.49, Ci. 1-2.12). s'im.s'apa_ the tree dalbergia sissoo (AV.); s'is'apa_ (R.); s'i_s'am (Pers.); si_sam (P.); s'i_sam (H.); sisam (G.); s'ewa (Psht.); sim.sapa_ dalbergia sissoo (Pali); si_sava_, si_sama (Pkt.); s'ewa (Pas'.); s'i_su poplar (Sh.); sissu_ (P.); si_so~, si_ho~ dalbergia sissoo (P.); sisau (N.); xixu (A.); sisu (B.Or.); si_so (H.); si_so~, sisai_ (H.); s'isav, s'i~sav, s'i~sva_, s'isa_, s'isvi_, s'is'i_ (M.)(CDIAL 12424). s'i~svel, s'i~svyel oil from the wood of dalbergia sissoo (M.)(CDIAL 12425). i.t.t.i blackwood, dalbergia latifolia (Ta.); iruvil., iru_l. dalbergia sisu; vi.t.t.i Bombay blackwood, dalbergia latifolia (Ta.); irugun.d.i dalbergia sissoo; ibad.i, ibbad.i, bi_t.e dalbergia latifolia (Ma.); bi_t.i blackwood; kari-bi_t.i ebony, dalbergia latifolia (Ka.); irugud.u, iruvud.u dalbergia latifolia; ibbad.a, ibbed.a a certain tree (Te.)(DEDR 483). Dalbergia latifolia: shishapa (Skt.); sitsal (B.); cittegi (Te.); itti, todagatti (Ta.); plant: bitter tonic, stomachic, used in dyspepsia, diarrhea, leprosy, obesity and worms; bark contains tannin; habitat: Oudh, E. Bengal, Bihar, Sikkim, Bundelkhand, Madhya Bharat and Western Peninsula (GIMP, p.90). satsayar dalbergia latifolia (Santali. lex.) capot siris dalbergia lanceolaria (Santali.lex.) sisu dalbergia sissu (Santali); na~r.i~ siris dalbergia volubibilis (Santali.lex.) Dalbergia lanceolaria: bithua (H.); chakemdia (B.); takoli (M.); errapaccari (Te.); nalvellangu (Ta.); bark: used in intermittent fever, its infusion given internally in dyspepsia; seed oil: in rheumatic affections; bark contains 14% tannin; throughout India (GIMP, p.90). cf. picchala_ dalbergia sissoo (Skt.)(CDIAL 8153). Dalbergia sissoo: kapila-sinsapa (ash-coloured), shingshupa (Skt.); black-wood, rose-wood (Eng.); sisam (H.); shisham (Si.); sishu (B.); talisafedar (P.); nuku-kattai (Ta.); sissukarrha (Te.); tali, sissu, pivala-sesaba (M.); hambadavu (Ka.); habitat: Bombay Presidency; parts used: bark, roots, leaves and mucilage... Uses: dried bark and fresh leaves are used as a local astringent and haemostatic in various forms of haemorrhages, epistaxis, haemostatic haemoptysis, haematemesis, menorrhagia, bleeding piles, and also for varicose veins... (Indian Materia Medica, p. 790). cicupam < s'im.s'upa shisham, nu_kku (Kampara_. Cat.a_yu. 146)(Ta.lex.) Dalbergia arborea = galedupa indica = pongamia glabra: karanja, naktamala (Skt.); Indian beech (Eng.); karanj, kiramal (H.); sukhchain (P.); dahar-karanja, nata-karanga (B.); karanj, kidamar (M.); kanuga-chettu (te.); pungam-maram (Ta.Ma.); honge-mara (Ka.); karinje-rooku (Konkan.i); Habitat: this tree is common all over India, and met with from Central Himalayas to Southern India and Ceylon. It is of six varieties: (In Bengal): dahar karanja, nata karanja, kanta karanja, makra karanja, bish karanja and amba karanja. Karanjika is one of the varieties called kanta-karanja... Karanji is the variety called maha-karanja in Bengali and arabi in Hindi... Karamarda is otherwise caled amla karanja in Bengali and karoda in Hindi, karamande in Marathi and karanjay in Karnatic... Parts used: seeds, stem, leaves, fruit, root and oil from the seeds... seeds contain... a sherry (brown) coloured oil known as pongamia oil (pongamol) or honge oil... Action: expressed oil from the seeds has anteiseptic and stimulant healing properties... Uses: oil is applied to skin diseases, in scabies, sores, herpes and like cases of eczema have been benefitted... (Indian Materia Medica, pp. 1001-1003). ... the bark is used for making ropes. The seeds yield a red-brown, thick oil known as pongam oil or hongay oil. This oil is employed for illuminating and for medicinal purposes and should also be useful for the manufacture of soap and candles (Medicinal Plants of the Philippines, pp. 424-425).
3147.Image: perforation: s'is'natha perforation (RV. iii.31.13)(Vedic.lex.)
3148.Image: penis: s'is'na penis, tail (RV. i.105.8); s'is'na-de_va whose god is a phallus (RV. vii.21.5)(Vedic.lex.)
3149.Revenue: s'istu, sistu aim (Ka.M.H.); a roll of the householders (of a village etc.) from whom the revenue is to be gathered in, or upon whom an assessment is to be laid (Ka.M.H.); assessment, tax (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) kistu, kisti an instalment; payment by instalments; the term of an instalment (Ka.Te.); khista (M.H.); kistubandi settlement of the instalments of the revenue both to time and amount; kistuba_ki arrears of instalments (Ka.lex.)
3150.Image: boat: kishti a boat with sloping bow and tern; kishti ba_na_ a rule of an alluvium on diluvium; kishti ba_n, kishti wa_n a boatman, a sailor (P.lex.)
3151.Beautiful: s'istu beautiful, elegant, decorated; decoration; s'istu-ga_r-a a decorated man; a fop; a lewd man; s'istu-ga_r-ike lewdness (Ka.lex.)
3152.Image: crocodile: s'is'uma_ra porpoise; name of a sage (TMB. xiv.5.1.5)(Vedic.lex.) sisa_r crocodile (L.); sesaru large crocodile or alligator (S.); sinsa_r, sansa_r, si~sa_r gavialis gangeticus (L.); sasa_r crocodile (P.); sasuma_ru_ a kind of aquatic animal (G.); susva_r., susva_l., sosva_t., sosva_l. crocodile (G.); sus(v)ar (M.); susu a kind of water animal (Pali); susuka_ crocodile (Pali); sus, suis (Ku.N.); sos (N.); xihu porpoise, gangetic dolphin (A.); susuk (B.); su_s, su_is (H.); s'im.s'uma_ra porpoise, delphinus gangeticus (RV.); crocodile (Sus'r.); s'is'uma_ra, s'um.s'uma_ra (VS.); s'im.s'uka an aquatic animal (MBh.); porpoise (Skt.); s'us'uka_ (BHSkt. ii, 531)[cf. s'is'u_la dolphin; s'us'ulu_ka a demonic creature (RV.); for meaning 'porpoise' ~~ 'crocodile' cf. S. ghar.ia_lu porpoise ~~ H. ghar.iyal crocodile. Prob. non-aryan; IA > Ir. Kabuli Pers. s'us'mar > Ormuri s'u_s'mar, Bal. s'u_s'ma_r a large kind of lizard; Psht. samsa_ra, si_msa_r]; sum.suma_ra crocodile (Pali); su(m.)suma_ra (Pkt.); cucumi_ lizard (Wg.); su_sama_r porpoise (K.); su_sma_r porpoise, delphinus gangeticus, a species of iguana (H.)(CDIAL 12426). ci_n.-kan.n.i a species of crocodile (Ta.Ma.); cin.cuma_ram crocodile (Pin..)(Ta.lex.) s'is'una_ka aquatic animal, king's name (Skt.); s'is'una_ga king's name (Skt.); young snake (R.); young elephant (= Pali. susuna_ga), demon (Skt.); suhuna_, su_na_, hu_na_ lizard (Si.)(CDIAL 12477). cf. un.aci-mi_nu porpoise (Ka.); ulaca-mi_nu, uluca id. (Te.); ulupin id. (Skt.)(DEDR 602). s'is'uma_ra, s'im.s'uma_ra the gangetic porpoise, delphinus gangeticus; the heavenly porpoise: a collection of the stars and planets; s'im.s'uma_ra-cakra a collection of stars near the dhruva (Ka.lex.) cimcuma_ra-cakkaram the pole-star (Ta.lex.) Synonyms: negar.., negar..e, negar..u, nakra; kumbhi_ra (Ka.); negad.u (Te.); mosal.e, masal.e, musali alligator, crocodile (Ka.); ma_cala (Skt.); makara, gra_ha (Skt.); mosali (Te.); mudale (Ma.); mutalai (Ta.); mosal.e-tuppa alligator's fat used as a medicine; mosal.e-vin.d.u a multitude of alligators (Ka.)(Ka.lex.)
3153.Image: ear of corn: s.i_s., s.i~_s. ear of maize (Bshk.); s.i_s.a ear of corn (Phal.); s.i~_s.u ear of wheat (Sh.); sisa_ ear of rice emerging from stalk (WPah.); sis-kat.ni_ cutting ear without stalks (Bi.); si_s, si_sa_ ear of wheat (Mth.); s'i_, s'i~_s just-formed fruit of cucurbitaceous plants appearing as a knob behind the flower (M.)(CDIAL 12497).
3154.Female breast, nipple: cu_cuka nipple (R.Pali.); cucuka, cucu_ka (Skt.); cu_a (Pkt.); cuci (Skt.); cucuya, cuccuya nipple (Pkt.); cucu_ female breast (Ash.); cc female breast (Wg.); cuk (Kt.); zzu_ (Pr.); cucu (Dm.); cucu_ teat, udder (Pas'.); cucu_ female breast (Pas'.Shum.Wot..Gaw.); cu_cu (Kal.); cucuwa teat (Sv.); cuci, cic breast, nipple (Gypsy); cic female breast (Bshk.); cis', ci_ (Tor.); cici (Phal.); cuci, cice (Sh.); cu_ci_ female breast (when large)(P.); ciccu nipple, teat (human or animal)(WPah.); cu_co udder; cuc female breast (Ku.); cuci nipple; cucarnu, cucornu to suck (N.); cuci, cu~ci female breast (B.); cuci_ nipple (Or.); cu_ci_ breast, nipple; cuccar. large breast or udder (H.); cu_ci_ nipple (G.)(CDIAL 4855). ca_ci mother's milk (nursery)(Ta.); ca_ci, ta_ci a childish word for the female breast (Ka.); ca_ci woman's breast (Te.)(DEDR 2436).
3155.Heap; wall: caya mound of earth as rampart or foundation, heap (MBh.); caya mass, layer (Pali.Pkt.); cayo wall, terrace, supporting wall of terrace (Ku.); ca_ wall (Ash.); ca (Kt.); ch (Bashg.)(CDIAL 4681). ca_yayati causes to be heaped up (Pa_n..); ca_ to build (Bshk.); ca_in.u to lift (S.); ca_n.a_ to raise ()P.); ca_van. to lift; ca_van to lift, bring; rakhan-ca_van to lay down (L.); ca_un.a_ to raise (P.)(CDIAL 4753). kevan wall (Kod..); kibari (Kor.); ke_r (Ka.); k.f (To.); cuvar, cumar (Ma.); cevr, cuvar, cevar (Ta.)(DEDR 1975).
3156.Manner: sancu manner, way, artifice, stratagem; cancu trim, delicacy, fashion, way, mode (Te.); sacu intrigue, plotting, artifice, stratagem, spying (Tu.); to be full of artifices or act cunningly; n. expedient, means, artifice, stratagem, trick, intrigue, a trace (Ka.)(DEDR 2293). cacu manners, customs, habits, as peculiar to individuals or castes (Ta.Ka.)(Ta.lex.) saca a making, a contrivance : an expedient, a means; an artifice, a stratagem; a trick; intrigue (Ka.); cacu, sacu trim, delicacy, fashion; way, mode, manner, artifice (Ka.lex.) Collection: camucu seditious or riotous assembly; evil counsel, plot (Ta.)(DEDR 2293). samutu a combination or league, a strike (Te.); saca (Tadbhava of sacaya) that is accumulated, put up or saved (Ka.); saci a sack, a bag (Ka.Te.Ma.); caci_ a bag with divisions or pockets (M.); sacike a collection of a few palm leaves forming a book (Ka.Te.); saca (Skt.); saya piling together, collection, heap, store (Ka.lex.) cayan.a collecting together (Pkt.); cayana piling up (wood, etc.)(AV.); stacked wood (MBh.)(CDIAL 4682). Pile: sa~cayanta piling up (Pali); sam.cai (Skt.); sa~_jn.o, sa~_cn.o to collect, store (Ku.); xa~_siba to hoard (A.); saciba_, chaciba_ to store up (Or.); sa~cab to store (Mth.); sacna_ to pile up, collect, store (H.); sa~_cvu~ to collect (G.); sam.cin.em to collect (OM.); sa~_cn.e~ to accumulate (M.)(CDIAL 12867). sam.cr.t union, junction (RV.)(CDIAL 12872). sam.caya piling together (MBh.); sacaya heap (Pali)(CDIAL 12865). sam.cayana act of piling together (Gr.S'r.); xa~_san act of saving money and other things (A.)(CDIAL 12866). cf. cacaka_ram earnest money (Ta.); sacaka_ramu (Te.)(Ta.lex.) ?< satyan:ka_ra (Skt.) cacayam assembly, multitude, collection (Ta.lex.) cacupam, cacuvam paraphernalia of a king; appurtenances; caca_yam portion of the produce of a field assigned to the cultivator; daily wages; direct management of lands, fisheries, etc., by the proprietor without farming them; gratuity; extra gain (Ta.lex.) caci a bag with divisions or pockets, especially for betelnut etc. (Ka.); caci_ (M.)(Ka.lex.)
3157.Print, mould, impression, form: sancaka mould, figure (Skt.) [Sanskritization of MIA. ? < samcaya (moulds being made in mounds of earth); saca_, sacca_ mould (P.); s'eccu mould (WPah.); sa~_co (Ku.N.S.G.); xa~_s (A.); sa~_c (B.); cha~_c (B.); cha~_ca (R.); sa~_ca_ (Bi.H.M.P.); quantity cast in a mould (M.); sa~_ca (K.)(CDIAL 13096). accu wire mould (Iraku. Tikku. 189); sign, mark (Ta.lex.) accu mould, type (Ta.Ma.); mould, impression, sign, type, stamp (Ka.); stamp, impression, print, mould (Te.); ac mould for casting iron (Ko.); acci cake of jaggery sugar with hollow in middle (formed in a mould)(Kod..); form, model (Tu.)(DEDR 47). accu-k-kat.t.u to draw the outline picture; accu-t-ta_li necklace of gold coins or other stamped pieces (Ta.lex.) cf. ha_s (pl.-ku) necklace, beads (Pe.); ha_c (pl.-ke) id. (Mand..)(DEDR 2434).
3158.Image: saddle: ce_n-ai saddle (Ta.); je_nu (Ka.); ce_n.am cushion, mattress; saddle of cloth or leather, pillion; cf. ji_n (Pers.); cf. jayana saddle (Skt.)(Ta.lex.) hano saddle (S.); hanna~_ saddle (L.)(CDIAL 1485). sam.yo_ga union, contact (RPra_t.); bond, fetter, union (Pali); sam.jo_a connexion, union (Pkt.); sajo entire (S.); siyo_ union (Si.); sa~_jowa_ armour (B.); sa~jowa_ adornment; sa~joi together (H.); sam.yo_ge_na (Skt.)(CDIAL 12989). sam.yo_jayati controls (MaitrUp.); brings together, harnesses (MBh.); sam.yo_je_ti puts together, endows with (Pali); sam.jo_e_i, sam.joyai joint (Pkt.); sajo(h)an.u to prepare (S.); sajoiba_ to decorate (Or.); sa~jona_ to decorate, make ready, equip (H.)(CDIAL 12990). Image: saddle: jin, jina_ saddle (Kon.lex.) ji_na, ji_ni, ji_nu a saddle (Ka.M.H.); ji_na-ga_r-a a caste of leather-workers, saddlers etc., who do also a little work in brass, iron, etc. (Ka.M.H.); ji_na-s'a_le armoury (Ka.lex.) ?Horn-altar; saddle: s.in.mo_u, obl. s.in.mo_lu_na horn-altar (Kal.)(CDIAL 12586). s.in:goson, s'i~_oson chair (Pas'.); s.in.asan armchair (Shum.); shinga_san (= s.in:ga_san) saddle (Gaw.)(CDIAL 12591). cf. kalan-ai plough; parts, as of a sacrifice (Ta.lex.) cf. hala plough (Skt.) Adornment; accoutrement; garments; dress, equipment, ornament; decoration; well-adorned: sa_jiba_ to be dressed, dress oneself (Or.)(CDIAL 13093). sadi equipped, ready, adorned (Si.)(CDIAL 13092). sa_ja_ to dress, make ready (b.); sa_jai adorns (OMarw.); prepared, decorates (OAw.); saja_unu to mend (N.)(CDIAL 13091). sajjana equipping (Pali); xa_zani clothes and ornaments (A.); sa_jan dressing, fitting (B.); preparation (H.); sa_jani (OMth.); sadum ornament (Si.)(CDIAL 13089). a_cu armour, coat of mail (Ta.lex.) sajja_ equipment, dress (MBh.); a_sakta donned (R.); sajja, sajjaka prepared (of bow with bowstring), ready (Pali); sajja ready (Pkt.); sye_z in good order, good (Wot..); sa_jo in good state, righthand (S.); sajo perfect (S.); sajja_ decorated (L.); righthand, new (L.); righthand (P.); sajjra_ fresh (P.); sa_j necessary furnitre (Ku.); xa_z suit of clothes, set of ornaments (A.); xa_zu ready for action (A.); sa_ja accoutrements (OMarw.); outfit, armour, harness (Or.); dressed up (OMth.); sa_j dress, ornament (B.); adornment, garments (Mth.); dress (Bhoj.); dress, equipment (M.G.); sa_ju~ sound, healthy (G.); sanz equipment (Konkan.i.); sa_da saddle, trappings of a horse, armour, pair of panniers (Si.) (CDIAL 13095). cf. a_sana seat (S'Br.); a_san driver's seat on an ekka (Bi.); a_san driver's seat (H.)(CDIAL 1484). Whip: sajjanako_le a scourge or whip (Ka.); sajjal.a a whip (Ka.); saja_ (H.)(Ka.lex.) a_sajyate_ hangs on to (Ka_tyS'r.); a_sajate_ clings to (RV.); asagani_ stick or rope for hanging up clothes (Bi.Mth.)(CDIAL 1479). sajja, sajju covered, clothed, dressed; accoutred, trimmed; ornamented, decorated; apparatus, equipment, equipage, harness, armour, mail; sajjana clothing, dressing; preparing, making ready; putting on armour, arming; a kind of girth; sajjane the act of dressing; dress, decoration, equipment, accoutrement, caparisoning an elephant; arming; sajjita clothed, dressed; made ready, prepared; equipped, accoutred (as an elephant for war), armed; sajju made ready, prepared, ready (Ka.); sajjike a female who is clothed or dressed; va_saka clothing, clothes; va_saka-sajjike a woman (or wife) dressed in all her ornaments etc. to receive her lover (or husband) (Ka.lex.) Repose: sajje, cajje, cejje, sajjike, sejje (Tadbhava of s'ayya) a place of rest or repost, a bed; a place of rest or receptacle for the lin:ga or phallus (of S'iva), the lin:ga box suspended from the neck by Lin:gavantas (Ka.); sajje, sejje (Te.); ceccai (Ta.); sajje an upper story (Ka.); ceccai (Ta.); sajjemane, sajjevane, sejjevane a sleeping-apartment; s'aya lying down, reposing, asleep; s'ayu the boa constrictor; s'ayye, s'ayya_ a couch, a bed; sleeping, sleep; s'a_yi lying down, reclining, sleeping; s'a_ya lying, reposing, sleeping (Ka.)(Ka.lex.)
3159.Resting-place: ceccai resting-place with roof of foliage; forest (Kur-r-a_. Tala. Kavur-can-a. 90)(Ta.)(Ta.lex.) setjja id. (Te.); sejje id. (Ka.); cecca a house of leaves (Ma.)(DEDR 2754).
3160.Gift: se_ji a present, a gift, raw rice sprinkled on persons attending marriage (Tu.lex.)
3161.Image: slanting: ca_y to incline (Ta.); ca_yka to incline, lean to one side (Ma.); ca_yvu, ca_yippu inclination (Ma.)(DEDR 2456). ca_yal slanting, inclining (Ta.lex.)
3162.Sideways; image: bend, curve: ca_y (-v-, -nt-) to recline, biased, deviate; (-pp-, -tt-) to cause to incline, bend or stoop, turn in a new direction, steer; ca_yvu slope, declivity, etc.; ca_yppu slope, slant, side or declivity of a mountain, sloping roof, etc.; ca_yal inclining, etc. (Ta.); ca_yka to incline, to lean to one side; ca_yal, ca_ccal bending sideways as a falling tree, side, inclination; ca_yvu, ca_yippu inclination (Ma.); ca_ya side (Te.)(DEDR 2456). sa_ci_ aside (RV.); sa_ci sideways (Skt.); sa_ci_kr.ta turned aside (MBh.); sa_ci_na approaching sideways (Skt.); sa_ci-yo_ga insincerity (Pali); sa_i a partic. posture (Pkt.) hda, da crooked, bent (Si.)(CDIAL 13329). cf. a_cuka to bend forward, incline, bow; a_yka to bend as for exertion (Ma.)(DEDR 2456). cf. acati bends (S'Br.); a_cati bends, curves (AV.)(CDIAL 166). a_cati bends, curves (AV.)(CDIAL 1098).
3163.Twilight: ca_y (-v-, -nt-) to incline, hang down (Poruna. 31); decline as a heavenly body (Ta.); he_-, je_- to descend (Mand..); ja_pa (ja_t-) to descend; n. descent; ja_ppa (ja_pt-) to cause to descend (Kui)(DEDR 2456). ca_y brilliance, light, beauty, colour (Ta.); beauty (Ma.); sa_nja (sa_nji-) to be proper, good, right, beautiful, bright; pl. action sa_ska (sa_ski-) goodness, beauty (Kui)(DEDR 2457). say- (sayt-) to leave, let go, release (Kol.); sa_y key to leave, let loose; sa_y to leave, heal (Ga.)(DEDR 2458). Evening: sa_ya evening (S'Br.); sa_yam in the evening (RV.); sa_yam. in the evening (Pali.Pkt.); sa_ evening (Si.)(CDIAL 13353). cay, cayate_ to go to or towards, move (Skt.lex.) ca_yam, ca_yan:ka_lam < sa_yam evening; sa_ya-canti < sa_yam + sandhya_ evening twilight; ca_ya_n-n-am evening worship (Caivaca. Potu. 222); canti-vantan-am id. (Pirapo_ta. 11,2); canti-vantan-ai id. (Kampara_. Ilan:kaike_. 2); canti-vil.akku evening lamp in a temple (S.I.I. i,143); canti < san-dhya_ one of the three divisions of the day, viz., ka_lai, ucci, ma_lai (S.I.I. iii,138); evening, dusk (Cu_t.a_.); cantu-k-kat.t.u period, duration (C.G.)(Ta.); sandukat.t.u id. (Te.Ka.Ma.)(Ta.lex.) sam.dhya_ twilight (S'a_n:khBr.) [orig. f. du. of sam.dhi joint (RV.)]; sajha_ evening (Pali); sam.jha_ (Pkt.); sajha_, sajho (S.); sajh (L.P.); sa~_s (Ku.); sa~_jh (N.); xa~_z (A.); sa~_jh (B.); sajha, sa~_jha (Or.); sa~_jh (Mth.Bhoj.Aw.); sa~_j(h) (H.M.); sa~_j (G.); sa~_ja (Konkan.i); san.da, sn.da_, hn.da_va (Si.)(CDIAL 12918). sam.dhya_ka_lika belonging to twilight time (Skt.); sam.dhya_ka_la evening (R.); sa~jhariya_ jo_t as much as can be ploughed in a day (Bi.)(CDIAL 12919). sam.dhya_yati becomes like evening (Skt.); sam.jha_yai becomes dusk (Pkt.); sa~_ja_vn.e~ to draw in towards evening (M.)(CDIAL 12920). sa~_jhuti, se~juti lamp lit in the evening (B.)(CDIAL 12921). sa_m.dhya pertaining to evening (Skt.); xa~_zi evening meal (A.); sa~jhiya_ lasting till evening (Bi.); sa~jhiya_ evening meal (H.); sa~_ji_ songs sung in evening at wedding ceremony (G.); sa~_je~ materials waved round a person to avert evil eye or exorcise a spirit (a rite performed in the evening)(M.)(CDIAL 13315).
3164.Lead: si_sa lead; adj. leaden (VS.); si_saka (Ya_j.); si_sa lead (Pali.Pkt.); si_saya (Pkt.); si_ho (S.); si_so (WPah.Ku.); siso (N.); xih (A.); sisa_ lead (B.Or.); si~sa_ (Or.); si_sa_ (H.P.); si_su~ (G.); s'ise~ (M.)(CDIAL 13445). ci_cam lead (Ta.lex.)
3165.Image: straight: cur-ukken-al onom. expr. signifying (a) quickness; (b) stinging, smarting (Civaraka. Aputtipu_. 13); (c) sudden prick (Ta.lex.) su~_c straight (Bshk.); s'u_s', s'i_s' straight, upright (Tor.); chu_n.co straight (Phal.); su~_cu straight, direct, real, true (Sh.)(CDIAL 13548). su_ci (Tadbhava of s'u_ci) the eye of a needle; su_cisu to point out, to indicate; su_cita pierced; pointed out; su_ci, s'u_ci, su_ji, su_je piercing, perforating; a needle; a sharp point of anything; su_cana the act of piercing (Ka.lex.)
3166.Image: to spy: su~_jhan.u to look about, spy here and there, look for; so~jha information, scrutiny (S.)(CDIAL 12530). su_caka indicative, informing; an informer, a spy; su_cana spying out, seeing (Ka.lex.)
3169.Sandal unguent: ceccai sandal unguent (Tiva_.)(Ta.)(Ta.lex.) cf. carca_ (Skt.) cf. cecantan-am red sanders, pterocarpus santalinus (Ta.); ceca_ntu fragrant sandal paste (Perun.. Ucaik. 33,64)(Ta.)(Ta.lex.) cf. vicarcita rubbed, anointed; carcana laying on (an unguent)(Sus'r.)(CDIAL 4695).
3170.Casket: ceccai a little casket for lin:gam worn by Lin:ga_yats (Ta.)(Ta.lex.)
3171.To ponder: so_cun to consider (K.); socan.u to think (S.); so_cun. (L.); socn.a_ (P.); socn.o (Ku.); socnu (N.); socna_ to ponder (H.); soc thought (N.H.); soca (OMarw.)(CDIAL 12621). yo_cittal to consider, ponder (Ta_yu. Paripu_ran.a. 10)(Ta.lex.) yo_cane, yo_cana (Tadbhava of yo_jana) application of the mind, deliberation, reflection, thought (Ka.); yo_jane (Ma.); yo_can-ai (Ta.); yo_jana the act of joining, junction, yoking; the act of applying, application, fixing, arranging, preparation; grammatical construction; application of the thoughts; devising, contriving, inventing (Ka.); yo_jana_ devising (M.)(Ka.lex.)
3172.Honour: sad.d.e (Tadbhava of s'raddhe) respect, honour, esteem, regard; attention, heed (Ka.Te.); cat.t.ai (Ta.); sad.d.e ma_d.u to respect, to honour, to regard; to heed, to care for or about (Ka.lex.) asad.d.e (Tadbhava of as'raddhe) dislike; disdain, contempt, scorn (Ka.); as.ad.d.e, asad.d.e (Te.); acat.t.ai (Ta.)(Ka.lex.) sanma_na respect for the good; the respect or esteem of the good; respect, honour (Ka.Te.M.)(Ka.lex.) zatan, zatne care, regard; tsatra_i attention (Kon.lex.)
3173.Related through marriage: sad.d.aka a man who has become the relation of another by marrying the sister of that man's wife (Ka.Te.)(Ka.lex.) sad.ge, sad.gea the relationship between the husbands of sisters; sad.gea kanako they are the husbands of sisters; sadhu the relationship between the husbands of sisters (Santali.lex.) sad.d.uge one who marries one's wife's sister (Tu.lex.)
3174.Clarion or hautboy: sana_di, suna_yi, sona_yi a clarion or hautboy (Ka.); sanai_ (M.H.)(Ka.lex.)
3175.Memorize: sante reading and conning in order to commit to memory (Ka.); sante (Te.); santha_ (M.); sante the portion to be read and conned, a lesson (Ka.M.); sante he_r-u (a teacher) to tell a sante repeatedly (Ka.lex.) s'asta recited (RV.)(CDIAL 12365).
3176.Corpse; image: body: cat.t.akam shape, figure, image, body (Ta.)(DEDR 2304); corpse (Ta.lex.) kandkat.hi corpse disposal rites (Santali.lex.) cat.am body; inanimate matter < jad.a (Ta.lex.) kat.t.ai body, corpse (Ta.); kad.uku a headless trunk (Ka.); kat.a- corpse (Skt.)(DEDR 1152). ko.d.- (obl. ko.t.-) dead person (corpse at first funeral, relics at second funeral); funeral (To.); ker. (ket.-) to die; ke.r. (obl. ke.t.-) funeral, corpse (Ko.); ke_t.u death (Ta.)(DEDR 1942). at.t.a a headless trunk (Te.); at.t.e id. (Ka.); at.t.ai-y-a_t.al hero's body continuing to manifest heroic deeds even after dismemberment (Ta.)(DEDR 100). kad.e_bara, kad.e_para, kad.e_vara body, corpse (BHS.); kale_vara (MBh.)[< Austro-as.: ka-d.e_bara as Pkt. ka_-lim.ba body; cf. kat.a corpse (Skt.) < kad.am body (Ta.)]; kal.e_bara, kale_bara, kale_evara body, corpse (Pali); kad.e_vara, kale_vara corpse (Pkt.); kale_ra skeleton (Pkt.); kal.e_ru, kaler corpse (Kho.); kirivula body (Si.)(CDIAL 2656). kad.a-got.t.u to die (Te.); kat.avul. god (Ta.); kar.v- (kar.d-) to cross (river), come out or leave (house)(Ko.); kar.t (kayt-/kar.ty-) to make to cross, send off (Ko.)(DEDR 1109).
3177.Winnowing basket; to sift, to scatter: chad.a_ drop, lightning (Pkt.); [cf. chat.h, chat.hi windstorm (K.); sa_t.a_ dazzling light (A.)(CDIAL 4969)]; char.han.u to husk rice in a mortar (S.); char.na_ (P.); char.no to husk out (Ku.); charnu to scatter, dust (N.); charkanu to sprinkle (N.); char.a_na to scatter (B.); char.na_ to sift (H.); char.vu~ to beat, husk rice (G.); char.o a sprinkling; char.akvu~ to sprinkle (G.); sad.n.e~ to pound and husk rice; sad.a_ sprinkling of thin cowdung wash (M.); sad.akn.e~ to pelt, agitate violently, sift (M.); cha_run to scatter, let go, rummage, seek for (K.); cha_r.hu rice-pounder (S.); bau-cha_r. wind-driven drops of rain (Ku.)(CDIAL 4965). chajjia_ basket or pot for flowers (Pkt.); chaju winnowing fan (S.); chajj, chaj winnowing basket; cha_ji_ winnower (L.); chajj (P.WPah.); cha_j flat winnowing basket (H.)(CDIAL 4964). candel to clean by shaking (Psh.); cande_ni_dan (Pahl.); candag to stir, shake (Bal.); cwan- to shake out dust from clothes (Orm.); cham.t.a drop (Pkt.); cham.t.ai sprinkles (Pkt.); cha_d.un to rummage, seek for (K.); chan.d.an.u to separate dirt and tares from grain by sifting, sprinkle, dust; chan.d.o sprinkle; chan.d.ko dusting (S.); chan.d.kan. to shake (e.g. a carpet)(L.); chan.d.n.a_ to sift (P.); cha~_t.ab to beat (clothes in washing), tread out grain (Bi.); to wash (Aw.); cha~_t.na_ to knock off, sift, select (H.); cha~_t.no to scatter, choose (Ku.); cha~_t.nu to select (N.); cha~_t.vu~ to sprinkle; cha~_t.o drop (G.)(CDIAL 4970). chat.t.a_ drop (of water, etc.)(Pkt.); cat.a to throw (Ash.); cat. to scatter (Pas'.); chat.un to shake up and down, winnow (K.); chat.t.an. to scatter (seed)(L.); chat.t.na_ to winnow; chat.n.a_ to be selected (P.); chat.t.nu_ to winnow grain (with winnowing basket)(WPah.); char.kanu to run away (N.); sa_t. splash; sa_t.i a quantity of seed or liquid thrown broadcast; sat.iya_iba to scatter, sprinkle (A.); cha_t.a_ to plaster a mud wall thickly (B.); chat.ka_na to scatter (B.); cha_t.a slanting rain (Or.); caht.akna_ to be scattered (H.); chat.akvu~ to slip off (G.); sa_t.a_ sprinkling of flour (M.); sat.akn.e~ to slip off (M.)(CDIAL 4968). ce_t.t.ai winnowing fan or basket (Ta.); ce_r-uka to winnow, fan, and clean pounded rice (Ma.); ke.r- (ke.ry-) to winnow with up-and-down motion (Ko.); k.r-- (k.r-y-) to winnow (To.); ke_r-u, ge_ru id.; kers'i winnowing basket (Ka.); gersi id. (Kor.); cerugu to winnow; ce_t.a winnowing basket (Kor.); ke.d- (ke.tt-) to winnow with up-and-down motion; ke.t winnowing basket (Kod..); ke_d- to winnow; ke_t (pl. -ku) winnowing fan (Nk.); ke_d.- to winnow; ke_ti, ke_t.i winnowing basket (Pa.); ke_y- to winnow (Ga.); ke~_ter winnowing basket (Kuwi); ke_t winnowing basket (Kol.); ke_t.i, ke_t.in winnowing basket; ke_t.en (pl. ke_t.kil) winnowing basket (Ga.); he_c-, he_h-, e_'c-, e_c- to winnow; se_ti_, he_ti, e_ti, e_t winnowing fan (Go.); se_Ri winnowing basket (Kond.a); je_c- (-c-) to winnow; he_ci winnowing fan (Pe.); he_ci id. (Mand..); se_si id. (Kui); he_ci id. (Kuwi); ke~_sna_ (ki~_syas) to winnow with up-and-down jerks of the shovel basket (Mand..); ke~_ter winnowing basket (Mand..); kse to sift. ktnu winnowing basket (Malt.)(DEDR 2019). ekar-uka to winnow, fan and clean (as paddy)(Ma.); e_r-u to sift (Te.); ers- id. (Kol.); e_ra_na_ to be separated, be separate from; caus. e_rsta_na_, e_r- (cross-roads) to divide, spread out in different directions (Go.); er-lis- (-t-) to separate (as one's legs), keep away from; e_r-p- (-t-) to keep apart, keep separate; e_r-- to be separated, r-e_s- (-t-) to winnow; ne_spa- (-t-) to clean or winnow (rice, etc.)(Kond.a); je_c- to winnow (Pe.); e_ja (e_ji-) to be separate from, detached, moved aside, make way for; n. act of moving aside; e_spa- (e_st-) to separate; n. act of separating; e_sp- to winnow (Kui); e_r.lali to be separated; erl- (-it-) to winnow; e_rsp- to winnow with a sidewise motion; e_hp- to winnow; e_rs- (-it-) to separate, keep separate (Kuwi)(DEDR 915). ka_t.a_i to winnow (Kon.lex.) Shake violently; to fall: jar.hutta_na_ to shake violently (Go.); sar.- (-t-) to remove dust by shaking, shake off a hand; to flap wings; jar.pa (jar.t-) to shake, shake dust off, flap, flick, beat the wings (Kui); han.- (-h-) (hen) to flap wings; happinai to thresh (with hand)(Kuwi)(DEDR 2403). jhad.ai hastens, makes fall (Pkt.); jar. to fall off (Pas'.); jhar.an. to drip, ooze; jhar.un. to fall (L.); jhar.nu_ to fall (WPah.); jhar. (WPah.); jhar.n.a_ to fall off, be shaken off, be emitted (of semen)(P.); jhar.n.o to drop down (Ku.); jharnu to fall (N.); jhar.iba_ to fall (Or.) jhar.na_ (H.); jhad.n.e~ to be shed or cast (of leaves, etc.)(M.); jhar.akna_, jhir.akna_ to shake (fruit from a tree)(Mth.); jharjhara_eb (Bi.); jha_d.an.a sweeping (Pkt.); ja_r.- to shake down (Pas'.); za_l. splashing (of water)(Kho.); jha_r.an.u to exorcise (S.); jha_r.an. to thresh, sweep; jha_r.un. to dust (L.); jha_r.n.a_ to shake off, thresh, sweep (P.); jha_r.an. to fall (WPah.); jha_r.n.o to shake off, sweep (Ku.); jha_rinu to be shaken off (N.); za_riba to winnow, exorcise (A.); jha_r.a_ to shake off, thresh, exorcise (B.); jha_r.iba_ (Or.); jha_rab to beat (heads of corn to extract grain)(Bi.); jha_rab to sweep (Mth.); jha_r.na_ to shake off, strain (H.); jha_r.n.o to sweep (Marw.); jha_r.vu~ to shake, sift (G.); jha_d.n.e~ to shake, flap, sweep, exorcize (M.)(CDIAL 5328). Image: sieve: cali, callu to sift (Ta.); calikka to sift (Ma.); jallisu to sift; jalad.e, jarad.e sieve (Ka.); jallincu to sift (Te.); jalor.(a), jalor., sa_lir.i, co_lir., so_lir., jo_li sieve (Go.); ha_n.el id. (Pe.); sa_leri id. (Kui); ha_n.i ki to sift (Kuwi)(DEDR 2370). callat.ai sieve (Ta.); tjalled.a (Te.); jallad.a (Ka.); callat.a (Ma.)(Ta.lex.) za_ran a metallic calx (A.); jharana_ iron sieve with handle (Bi.)(CDIAL 5375). jha_rvu~ to sift, wash with hot water, solder (G.)(CDIAL 5376). Image: strainer, filter; to strain liquid; to clear of dregs: arpn.e a kind of filter (Ka.); aripe strainer (Tu.); arpi to filter; ari to clear of dregs and impurities, settle as turbid water (Ka.); ari (ariv, arij-) (liquid) is strained; (toddy) seeps from tree; (arip-, aric-) to strain (liquid)(Kod..); arippu sifting, gold wash (Ma.); sifting, separating (Ta.); arippan- sifter, one who sifts (Ta.) [(kurut.t. arippan-a_rkkun. kupe_ran-en-r-u pe_ro_ : Or..ivi. Potu. 5); ari-p-pet.t.i sieve; arippari to collect by sifting (Ni_ti. Ner-i. 9) (Ta.lex.); arikka to sift, cleanse rice by washing, filter (Ma.); ari to sift, separate larger from smaller bodies, separate by washing; n. sifting, separating (Ta.); to separate by washing (Ta.lex.); aripuni to sift, strain, filter; aripe sieve, colander (Tu.)(DEDR 213). rat to let fall, drop (Pe.); ar to fall (Pe.); ret to let fall, drop (Mand..); ra_l(u)pu falling or dropping down (Te.); ra_l (ra_t.) to fall (Kol.)(DEDR 233). To ferment: ari fermented liquor, toddy; ariyal, arutti, aruppam toddy (Ta.); ariyuka to tap a toddy palm (Ma.)(DEDR 219). Image: shakes; sift: ca_rayati causes to move, shakes (AV.) carav to move, stir (Gypsy); ca_rvu~ to turn tiles on a roof, to sift (G.)(CDIAL 4760). sala shaking, moving (Si.)(CDIAL 4768). ca_l earthquake (Ku.); bhui~-ca_l, bhui~-ca_lo (N.); ca_l.a_ turning over, tricks (M.)(CDIAL 4769). To strain; sift: ca_layati shakes, jogs, drives away (MBh.); ca_le_ti shakes, scatters, sifts (Pali); ca_le_i moves, shakes (Pkt.); calav to move, touch, strike (Gypsy); ca_l to take out, open (Pas'.); cha_wn.o~_ to strain (WPah.); ca_ln.o to winnow, sift (Ku.); ca_lnu to sift (N.); sala_iba to cause to be sifted (A.); ca_la_ to dispel, sift (B.); ca_l.a_iba_ to sift (Or.); ca_lna_ to shake, sift (H.); ca_lab to sift (Aw.); ca_l.vu~ to turn tiles on roof, to sift (G.); salanava_, halanava_ to move, shake, upset, sift (Si.)(CDIAL 4772).
3178.Dull, stupid: jad.d.u drowsiness, sluggishness (Te.); dad.d.u stupid, idle (Tu.); dad.d.a a blockhead, a stupid, doltish, ignorant man (Ka.); dad.d. a dull man (Ka.); dad.d.e a dull woman (Kod..); dad.d.i a dull woman (Kod..Tu.)(DEDR 2314). tar..ampiccavan callous, unfeeling (Ma.)(DEDR 3118). jad.a stupid, dumb (Mn.); jad.hu, jal.hu dull (RV.); jal.a dull, stupid (Pali); jad.a, jala lifeless, foolish (Pkt.); zar deafness; zoru deaf (K.); jar.u stupid (S.); jar. (Ku.); jaire fool; jarro tough (N.); zar inanimate (A.); jar. stupid (B.); jar.a (Or.); jar. (H.); jar. inert, stupid (G.); jad. stupid (M.); jad.a, zad. heavy (Konkan.i); jad.d.a weak (Pkt.); zad., zod.u stupid (K.); jad.d.a_ lame, minus a limb (L.); ja_r., ja_r.i_ foolish, fat (Ku.); ja_r.ua_ dumb (Or.); ja_d.u~ thick (G.); ja_d., ja_d.a_ (M.); ja_d.u (Konkan.i); jala_ foolish (L.); jalha_ dumb (WPah.); jar.h dull, ignorant (Mth.)(CDIAL 5090). ja_d.ya stupidity (MBh.); insensibility (Sus'r.); zad. dullness of intellect (K.); ja_d. thickness (G.); ja_r.a stupidity (S.)(CDIAL 5180).
3179.Lump: chat.a_ mass, lump (Skt.); chad.a_ mass, collection (Pkt.); sal.a_va mass, crowd (Si.); cha_r, cha_ri_, cha_ra_ mass, lump, clod (H.)(CDIAL 4967). kar..u green turf (Ta.); kad.u sod (Pa.); karu d.ela a clod of earth (Ga.)(DEDR 1363).
3180.Six; sixteen acts of homage and honour: cat.t.i (Tadbhava of s.as.t.i) number six (Ka.lex.) cat.camayam the six ve_dic religious systems (Tiruppu. 132); cat.ko_n.am hexagon (Pa_rata. Patin-a_r-a_m. 65); cat.t.i sixty (Maccapu.)(Ta.); sat.t.hi (Pkt.); s.as.t.i (Skt.)(Ta.lex.) cat.a_n-an-an- < s.ad.-a_nana God Kuma_ra as being six-faced (Kumara. Pirapan. Muttuk. 4)(Ta.lex.) co_t.acam the sixteen acts of homage and honour paid to deities and venerable personages (Kur-r-a_. Tala. Civaraka. 3,121)[these are in two lists: (1) a_can-am, cuva_katam, pa_ttiyam, arkkiyam, a_caman-i_yam, matuparkkam, a_caman-am, sn-a_n-am, a_t.ai, a_paran.am, kantam, pus.pam, tu_pam, ti_pam, naive_ttiyam, vantan-am; (2) macan-am, pu_, kantam, tu_pam, ti_pam, ni_r, amutu, tu_cu, at.aikka_y, a_t.i, kut.ai, kavari, a_lavat.t.am, vicir-i, a_t.al, va_cciyam)(Ta.lex.) co_t.acam sixteen; cf. s.o_d.as'a (Skt.)(Ta.lex.) s.o_d.as'ama sixteenth (BhP.); so_l.asama (Pali); so_lasama (Pkt.); s'urhyumu (K.); sorho~ (S.); sr.au~ (WPah.); sorau~ (N.); solahwa~_ (H.)(CDIAL 12813). s.o_d.as'a sixteen (VS.); so_l.asa (Pali); s.od.as'a (Dhp.); s.od.as'e (KharI.); so_l.asa, so_lasa, so_laha, so_la_ (Pkt.); xo_r.e (Tir.); s.o_r., s.u_r. (Pas'.); s.o_r.a_s (Shum.); s.uros (Nin:g.); s.ur.os (Gmb.); s'uor.o~_ (Wot..); s.u_r.u~_ (Kat..); s.or.a_s, s.ur.a_s (Gaw.); s.o_hr, s.o_r (Bshk.); s.ur.a_s (Sv.); s.wor.e_s', s.or.e_s' (Phal.); s.o_i~ (Sh.); s.o~_waei (D..); s.o~_i~_, s.o~_ei, s.uo~i, s.o_r.i, s.o~_r.i_ (Sh.); s'ura_h (K.); sora~ha~ (S.); sola~, so_la (L.); sola~_, so_l.a_ (P.); s'o_r.e, s'o_r.a_h, s'o_d.ha, s'o_l.a_ (WPah.); sol, s'o_w (Ku.); sorah (N.); xola (A.); sola (B.); sol.a (Or.); solah (Bi.Mth.Bhoj.); so_ra_, so_ras (Aw.); solah (H.); sol. (G.); sol.a_ (M.Konkan.i); sol.as-a, sol.os-a (Si.); s.oya_s' (Dm.); chui, xu_i (Pas'.); s.o~_es' (Kand.); s'o_is' (Mai.); s.o_wes' (Mai.); s'ous' (Chil.); s'u_wa_s' (Gau.); s.r.is (Ash.); s.ec (Kt.); s.e~_s' (Wg.); s.ur.is (Ash.); us.ulc (Pr.); s.ie_r., s.e~_ (Pas'.); s.e_is' (Tor.)(CDIAL 12812). s.at.catva_rim.s'at 46 (Nir.); cha_ya_li_s'am., cha_ya_la, siya_li_sam. (Pkt.); s'e_yetji_ (K.); cha_eta_li_h (S.); chita_li_ (L.P.); chiya_lis (N.); saysallix (A.); chacallis (B.); chaya_l.isa (Or.); chiya_li_s (Aw.H.); chet.a_l.i_s (G.); s'eta_l., s'eta_l.is, s'eca_l., s'eca_l.is (M.)(CDIAL 12784). s.at.trim.s'at 36 (TS.); chatim.sa, chatim.sati (Pali); chatti_sam, chatti_sa_ (Pkt.); s'e_yetrah (K.); chat.ri_h (S.); chattri_ (L.); chatti_ (P.); chatri_ (WPah.); chattis (N.); saytrix (A.); chatisa (Or.); chatti_s (Aw.H.M.); chatri_s (G.); satisa (Si.)(CDIAL 12787). s.ad.as'i_ti 86 (Su_ryas.); chal.a_si_ti (Pali); chalasi_im., cha_si_im. (Pkt.); s'e_ye_s'i_th (K.); chaha_si_ (S.); chea_si_ (L.); chia_si_ (P.); chiya_si (N.B.); saya_xi (A.); chaya_asi (Or.); chia_si_ (Bhoj.Aw.); chiya_si_ (H.); cha_si_ (G.); s'aha~_s'i_, s'ee~s'i_, s'a_ys'i~_ (M.)(CDIAL 12793). s.ad.vim.s'ati 26 (S'Br.); s.ad.vim.s'at (Skt.); chabi_sati (Pali); sad.uvi_sati (As'.); chavvi_sam., chahavi_sa (Pkt.); s'e_wuh (K.); chavi_h (S.); chabbi_ (L.P.); s'ebbi_ (WPah.); chabbis (N.); sa_bix (A.); cha_bbis' (B.); chabis'a (Or.); chabbi_s (Aw.H.); chavvi_s (G.); savvi_s (M.)(CDIAL 12796).
3181.Merchants: set.t.i, sat.t.a (Tadbhava of s're_s.t.hi) a respectful compellation for a banker, merchant or tradesman, and for certain men of the arts of industry (potters and oil-millers); the head or chief of a caste (Ka.); s'e_t.a (M.); set.t.itana the state or business of a set.t.i; headship in a caste (Ka.); sat.t.i, cat.t.a, sat.t.a, sat.t.i vartakaru a sat.t.i and other merchants; the head or chief of a trade; a clever merchant (Ka.); sat.t.a_ mercantile transaction (M.); cat.t.u trade, merchandise (Ta.); cat.t.ampi teacher; master (Pulavara_r-.); id. (Ma.)(Ka.lex.) [cf. Pali lex. (Rhys Davids): set.t.ha best,excellent; -kamma excellent, pious deeds; set.t.hi (fr. set.t.ha, Skt. s'res.t.hin] foreman of a guild, treasurer, banker, city man, wealthy merchant; ra_jagaha- the merchant of Ra_jagaha; Ba_ra_n.asi- the merchant of Benares; jana-pada-set.t.hi a commercial man of the country; set.t.hi gahapati; there were families of set.t.his; -t.t.ha_na the position of a set.t.hi; hereditary; set.t.ha_nuset.t.hi_ treasurers and under-treasurers; set.t.hitta the office of treasurer or (wholesale) merchant. s're_s.t.ha most splendid, best (RV.); set.t.ha best (Pali); sret.ha (As'.); set.t.ha, sit.t.ha (Pkt.); set.h noble, great, superior (N.); set.ha chief, pincipal (Or.); set.a, set.u noble, excellent (Si.)(CDIAL 12725). s're_s.t.hin distinguished man (AitBr.); foreman of a guild (Skt.); set.t.hin guild-master (Pali); set.t.hi (Pkt.); set.hi wholesale merchant (S.); set.h banker (N.); head of a guild, banker (P.); head of a guild, merchant (B.); merchant, banker (H.); s'e_t.h rich man (Ku.); set.hi caste of washermen (Or.); se_t.hi merchant, banker (Bhoj.Aw.); s'et.h, s'et.hiyo wholesale merchant, employer, master (G.); s'et.h, s'et.hi_, s'et., s'et.i_ respectful term for banker or merchant (M.); sit.u, sit.hi banker, nobleman (Si.)(CDIAL 12726). cet.t.i (Ta.Ma.) Vais'ya or mercantile caste (Perun.. Ila_va_n.a. 20,126); title of traders; Skanda (kat.ar-cu_r tat.ntit.t.a cet.t.i : (Te_va_.742,10); cet.t.imai trade, traffic, mercantile profession; cet.t.i-y-ir-ai an ancient tax on trade (Insc.); cet.t.u trade, traffic; economy, thrift; miserliness, stinginess (Ta.lex.)]
3182.Detached, single: cad.e, sed.e detached, single, unencumbered (Ka.); sad.a_ (M.H.); cad.evuju an unencumbered army (Ka.); sad.i_-phouja (M.); cad.esava_ri, sed.esava_ri going out alone (Ka.lex.) cot.ak to detach; to be detached (Santali.lex.)
3183.Bamboo mat: cat.t.a bamboo matting (Skt.); cat.a_i_ matting (Pkt.); matting (H.G.Bi.M.); cat.a_i id. (N.Or.); cat.a_ bamboo lath (B.); cat.a_i bamboo matting (B.); cat.a matting (Or.); cat. id. (M.)(CDIAL 4574). sat.t.e mat (Kol.Nk.Pa.); cat.t.a id. (Pa.)(DEDR 2311). Raft of bamboo; grass bed: sa_thri_ raft of bamboo made by brahmans to keep various materials on by side of river for use of clients; Dealer in sundry articles: sa_thriyo dealer in sundry articles (G.); sa_thara grass bed (OG.); srastara litter, bed of straw and leaves (Pa_rGr..); sastara (Skt.); satthara, sattharaya bedding, bed (Pkt.); sathiri_ bundle of straw (S.);[cf. cettai dried vegetable matter as grass, leaves, etc., hay, straw (Ta.); ceda_ramu trash (Te.)(DEDR 2770)]; satthar grass strewn on the floor; sathur mat (L.); satthar bed of straw; satthri_ armful of straw (P.); sa_thra_ bedding (WPah.); sotar beddin of leaves, etc. for buffalos or horses (Ku.N.); sa_thari_ bedding (OAw.); sathra_ bedding; sa_thri_ small mat to perform devotions on (H.); sasterak roof plank (Kal.)(CDIAL 13883).
3184.A measure: satera, sadera, suvarna-s-adera a measure of weight (NiDoc.)[it varies between 130 tolas (3.3 lbs.) in Malabar to 20 tolas (c. 8 oz.) in Maha_ra_s.t.ra; usu. weight is about 2 lbs.]; sate_r (Ir.Pahl.); se_t.a (Skt.); sa, sya (KharI.); se_r (K.); seru (t.risero weighing 3 ser)(S.); ser (L.P.Ku.N.B.H.G.); xer (A.); sera (Or.OMarw.); s'er (G.M.); s'eriyu~ a measure containing 1 ser (G.); s'erka holding or weighing 1 ser; s'eri_ a perquisite of 2 ser per maund taken from grain brought in payment of revenue (M.)(CDIAL 13106). ce_r < H. ser a standard weight = 8 palam; dry or liquid measure = 1/24 par-ai in Ceylon = 70 cu. in. and upwards in S. India; ce_r-kantakam a measure of capacity equal to about 80 Madras measures (G.Sm.D. I,i,287)(Ta.); ce_r-val.l.am a measure of capacity equal to about 2 Madras measures (G.Sm.D. I,i,287)(Ta.lex.) cet.t.u trade, traffic (Ta.Ma.)(Ta.lex.)
3185.Trader: ca_rttavakan- < sa_rtha-va_ha merchant, trader; ca_ttan- head of a trading caravan < sa_rtha (Nan-. 130, Mayilai); ca_ttu trading caravan (Cilap. 11,190); company (Kalla_. 63,32)(Ta.lex.) sa_rtha having an object; having meaning, important; having property, opulent, wealthy; a wealthy man; a company of traders, a caravan (Ka.); a multitude of similar animals, a troop (Ka.Skt.); a multitude in general (Ka.); sa_rthava_ha the leader of a caravan; a merchant (Ka.Skt.)(Ka.lex.)
3186.Caravan: sattha (sa + attha; Skt. sa_rtha) a caravan; sattha-gamani_ya (magga) a caravan road; sattha-va_sa encampment; sattha-va_sika, sattha-va_sin caravan people; sattha-va_ha a caravan leader, a merchant; leader of a band; satthaka belonging to a caravan, caravan people, merchant; gan.a-satthar leader of a company; satthika belonging to a caravan (Pali.lex.) ca_ttavar < sa_rtha trading caravan (Tiruva_lava_. 27,1)(Ta.lex.) sa_rtha caravan, troop, company (MBh.); sa_rthe_na in company with (Skt.); sattha caravan (Pali.Pkt.); sa_t.ha village (Pas'.); st. (Par.); sa_th company (K.); sa_thu caravan (S.); sa_th small caravan (L.); company (P.); sa_thu_ company, train (OAw.); sa_th, sa_tha_ (H.); sa_tha a group of people (OMarw.); sa_th, sa_thva_ro company of travellers (G.); sa_th company, companionship (M.); sa_thi companionship, friendship (Or.); sa_th, sa_t with (Tor.); sa_ti (Sh.); sa_th (P.); sa~_th (Ku.); sa_tha (N.); sa_the, sa_th (B.); sa_tha (Or.); sa_th (Mth.Bhoj.Aw.H.); sa_thi_ (Marw.); sa_thiim. (OG.); sa_the (OG.); sa_t.hi_ for the sake of (M.); sa_thyon.u_ to accompany (WPah.)(CDIAL 13364). sa_rthava_ha caravan leader (MBh.); satthava_ha caravan leader (Pali.Pkt.); sattavaha, sattha_ha (Pkt.); sa_tha_ fellow-traveller, pilgrims' guide (B.); sa_thava_ha caravan leader (OG.); satva_ merchant (Si.); satthava_hika caravan leader (Pkt.); sa_thuya_, sa_tho pilgrim's guide, companion (B.)(CDIAL 13365). sa_rthika companion on a journey, merchant (MBh.); sa~_t, pl. sa~_ti companion (Sh.); sa_th, sa_t partner (M.); sa_than. companion (P.); sa_thin, sa_thini_ (H.); satthuna friend X pa_huna guest (Pali); satthika belonging to a caravan (Pali); satthia (Pkt.); sthi comrade (K.); sa_thi_ comrade (S.); partner, opponent (L.); sa_tthi_, sa_thi_ comrade (P.); sa_thi (N.B.Or.); sa_ti (Or.); sa_thi_ (Aw.H.Marw.G.M.); sa_ti_ (M.)(CDIAL 13366). sa_thi companionship, friendship (Or.)(CDIAL 13367).
3190.Trader: sadagar a merchant selling only foreign cloth (Mu.); sauda_gar a shop-keeper (Pers. H.)(Mu.lex.) sada_n a Hindu or Mahomedan, especially a zamindar, trader etc. long domiciled in the country, i.e. on the Ranchi plateau (Mu. Sadani. Oraon) (Mu.lex.) sadgal a moneylender (Santali.lex.)
3191.Image: pannier: sada saddle, trappings of horse, armour, pair of panniers (Si.); sanz equipment (K.)(CDIAL 13095). Sack for a beast of burden: cat.t.a a small sack (Te.)(DEDR 2310). cat.t.ai pack or sack for a beast of burden, pothi (Ta.lex.) cat.ankam knap-sack (Ta.lex.) cat.t.ai a weight of about ten maunds (G.Sm..D. I,i,283)(Ta.); cat.t.ai-na_tan- lit., lord having a jacket, Bhairava; cat.t.ai-p-purai coat pocket (Tiv. Tiruma_lai, Vya_. 24, Pak. 83)(Ta.lex.)
3192.Image: likeness: sa_t.i likeness, similarity; like, equal (Ka.); ca_t.upu, ca_t.pu, ca_t.uve, sa_t.i, sa_t.uve, sa_t.ike (Te.)(Ka.lex.) Image: likeness; twin: sa_t.i likeness, similarity; like, equal (Ka.); equal, like, similar; equality, likeness, similarity, an equal, a parallel (Te.); sa_t.ika id. (Te.)(DEDR 2438). ja_r.o twin (S.); ja_r.a_ (L.).); ja_d.i_ a double yoke (M.)(CDIAL 5091). cf. kat.t.u to tie, fasten (Ta.); ket.t.uka to yoke (Ma.)(DEDR 1147). juttn. to be joined; to be yoked or harnessed (P.lex.) Image: resemblance: gir- (gett-) to conceive, think, imagine, take for (Ka.); cettu having thought; having resembled (Ta.)(DEDR 1986). Image: pair: jate, jattu, jote, jottu union; intercourse; combination; company; a pair; a fellow (Ka.lex.) jata friendship as between two persons (M.); jattu, jottu id. (Ka.lex.) cotai a pair; catai, jatai a pair (Ta.); jatha_ (H.); yatha_ (Skt.)(Ta.lex.) yuta fastened to or on, attached to; added, joined, united; furnished with, endowed with, possessed of, filled with; yutaka a pair, a couple; union (Ka.lex.) cf. rat.t.u (fr. erad.u) double (Ka.); ret.t.a (Te.); rat.t.u a cloth woven with double thread, coarse, thick cloth (Ka.Ma.); ret.t.u, ret.t.emu (Te.)(Ka.lex.) Image: pair: cen.t.ai pair, set (Ta.); tjan.t.a (Te.); jan.t.i (Ka.)(Ta.lex.) jod.si join (Kon.lex.) zod.i, zod.ye pair (e.g. of bullocks, yoke); zo_d.u, zo_d.a_ pair, match; zoul.o twin; pl. zoul.i (Kon.lex.)
3193.Image: pan, pot: cat.t.i, cet.t.i an earthen pot or pan (Ka.Ta.Ma.Te.); cat.ige, cat.t.ige a small earthen pot with a broad mouth (Ka.lex.) Bowl: ca_ro bowl, pan (Gypsy. European); ca_t.t.a_, ca_t.t.i_ large earthen vessel (P.); ca_t. large pot for storing ghee (WPah.)(CDIAL 4738). cad.d.a oil vessel in a lamp (Pkt.); ca_d.i earthen vessel (S.); car.iya_ earthen griddle for baking bread or parching grain (Mth.); ca_d.u_ saucer-shaped vessel forming part of a lampstand (G.); ca_d.e~ id. (M.); ca~_r. earthen vessel for grain (Bi.) X bha~_r. < bha_n.d.a pot, dish, vessel, ornament, wares (Mn.)CDIAL 4739). Image: trough: sat.t.uga, tat.t.uga a flat kind of trough for serving boiled rice (Tu.)(DEDR 2309). Image: watering trough for cattle: cat.t.ha_ watering trough for cattle (P.); cas.t.ra feeding trough (Skt.)(CDIAL 4729). cat.akam cup, drinking vessel (< cas.aka Ta.lex.) cat.uka wooden vessel for taking up fluid (Skt.)(DEDR 2309). Image: manger: ka_t.i manger (Ta.lex.) cf. cat.t.h ceremony of feeding brahmans on special occasions (P.)(CDIAL 4728). To lick, eat: cat.t.e_i licks (Pkt.); car, car, (Gypsy); cat.- (Pas.); c.at. (Wot..); cat.an.u (S.); cat.t.an (L.); cat.t.n.a_ (P.); ca_t.n.o (Ku.); ca_t.nu (N.); ca_t.a_ (B.); ca_t.iba_ (Or.); ca_t.ab (Bi.Mth.Aw.); ca_t.na_ to lick, taste, eat (H.); ca_t.vu~ to lick (G.); ca_t.n.e~ (M.)(CDIAL 4573). cat.akam cup, drinking vessel (Ta.lex. < cas.a) cas.el to drink (Psht.); casa taste (S.)(CDIAL 4727). cet.t.i earthen pot or pan (Ka.); cat.ige, cat.t.ige small earthen pot with a broad mouth (Ka.); cat.t.i earthen vessel, pan (Ta.)(Perumpa_n.. 377, Urai); pot, pan (Ma.Ka.); broad-mouthed spittoon, chamber pot (Tu.); earthen pot with a wide mouth (Te); sat.i cooking pot (Kond.a)(DEDR 2306). t.and.i small pot, cup (Pa.); earthen pot of medium size (Go.); t.a_ndi pot (Pe.); ta_nd.i id. (Kuwi)(DEDR 2946). tat.a_ big pot, pot (Ta.); tat. big clay pot into which milk is collected at milking (Ko.); churning vessel (To.)(DEDR 3027). ca_t.i jar, a measure of capacity (Ta.); jar (Ma.); ca.r.y big basket with wide mouth (Ko.); ja_d.i jar (Ka.); large earthen vessel (Tu.); large bottle or jar (Te.); to.r.y, tod.y broad storage basket (To.) The forms with j- may result from contamination with forms of the H.M. group jha_ri_ water-pot with spout. (DBIA 158). ca_t.i jar (ca_t.imat.t.ayin-r-u : Ci_vaka. 1614)(Ta.lex.)
3194.Glove: ca_t.u (Ta.Ka.); tca_t.u (Te.) glove, gauntlet cf. cha_d (Ta.lex.) chad cover (Skt.); chada covering (R.); cover (Pali); chaya (Pkt.)(CDIAL 4977). chadati covers (Dha_tup.); chadayati (AitBr.); chaia covered (Pkt.)(CDIAL 4978).
3195.Image: to hide: chadati covers (Skt.); chandayati (AitBr.); chai_a covered (Pkt.); car to hide, cover (Gypsy); chaiba to cover the whole surface, spread in all directions (Or.)(CDIAL 4978). chadana thatch, foliage (Pali); siyana roof (Si.)(CDIAL 4979). chai thatched covering of a boat or cart (B.)(CDIAL 4980). br.hacchandas high-roofed (AV.)(CDIAL 4983). cf. channa covered (MBh.); cha_nau hidden (OMarw.); cha_naum. secretly (OG.); cha_nu~ hidden, secret (G.); san covered; hiding (Si.)(CDIAL 4989). cf. cha_dya to be sheltered (Skt.)(CDIAL 5023). chanihar thatched house (Bhoj.)(CDIAL 4993). cha_tra_ spreading (of trees)(L.)(CDIAL 5015). cha_mur.ia_ temporary awning, shelter of branches and twigs (Or.)(CDIAL 5028).
3196.Cropped grain; image: leaf: catam < chada leaf; catam vegetable plant pruned to prevent overgrowth; cropped grain (W.) (Ta.lex.) cf. chadana leaf (Sus'r.Pali); chan leaf (Kho.)(CDIAL 4979). chada leaf (Skt.)(CDIAL 4977). Seven vegetable drugs: catta-varukkam the seven vegetable drugs, viz., nelli, vet.t.i-ve_r, ila_miccai-ve_r, cat.a_ma_ci, ilavan:kam, e_lam, tira_t.cai (Can.. Aka.)(Ta.lex.) Essence: cattu essence as of medicines (Tailava. Pa_yi. 30)(Ta.lex.) cf. catakam belleric myrobalan (Ta.lex.) cf. ce_taki_ (Skt.) catai fire-brand teak, mun-n-ai; iron wood of Ceylon (Ta.lex.) cf. jaya_ (Skt.)(Ta.lex.) cata_-put.pam white madar, vel.l.erukku (Mu_. A.)(Ta.lex.)
3197.Flat surface; palm: tala-sattika in: tala-sattikan uggirati to lift up the palm of the hand; tala a flat surface (Latin. tellus earth; tabula table; Old Irish. talam earth; OHG. dili); tala palm of the hand; tala sole of the foot (Pali.lex.) telto smooth (Kon.lex.)
3198.Cheap: catir cheapness, low price, frugality; catur cheapness (Ta.); catir cheap (Ma.)(DEDR 2324). sahta, sasta cheap (Santali.lex.) sova_i cheap (Kon.lex.)
3199.Gold: ca_ta-kumpam < s'a_ta-kumbha gold (Ka_l.at. Ula_, 87); ca_ru_pam gold (Mu_. A.)(Ta.lex.) cf. cat.t.- to roast, set fire; cad.ip- (cad.it-) to boil (Pa.); sat.- to roast; burn (Ga.)(DEDR 2312). Brick: s'a_ta_ brick (RV. iv.2.12)(Vedic.lex.) ca_ta sharpened, whetted; thin, slender; beautiful, handsome; ca_tanam whetting, sharpening; ca_ta-udari_ woman with a slender waist (Skt.lex.) ca_ta-ru_pi < ja_taru_pin lit., gold-coloured, Arhat; ca_ta-ru_pam < ja_ta-ru_pa a kind of gold, one of four pon- (Cilap. 14,201)[four kinds of pon- (wealth, gold) are (Pur-ana_. 218): (i) ca_ta-ru_pam, (ii) kil.iccir-ai (resembling the parrot's wing in colour), (iii) a_t.akam (cf. homonym: pigeon-pea; hence, pigeon-pea coloured; cf. a_d.haki_ pigeon-pea; < ha_t.aka gold (Te_va_. 538,1); a_t.aka-c-cayilam < ha_t.aka + s'aila Mount Me_ru, as golden (Kalla_. 72,1); a_t.akan- Hiran.ya-kas'ipu (Pa_rata. Ve_ttira. 15); a_t.ake_can- the chief of the order of Rudras inhabiting the nether world (Kantapu. Kan.an.. 6); a_t.ake_curam the nether world (Arun.a_. Pu. Tirumalai. 46); (iv) ca_mpu_n-atam a river, (ja_mbu_) ca_mpu_ believed to flow north of the Mt. Me_ru carrying the juice of the jamun tree (Kantapu. An.t.ako_. 33); a kind of fine gold (Val.l.uvama_. 36)(Ta.lex.)
3200.To roast: cat.t.- to roast, set fire; cad.ip- (cad.it-) to boil (Pa.); sat.- to roast; burn (Ga.)(DEDR 2312). sar.an. to be burnt; sar.un., sar.r.an. to burn, inflame, destroy (L.); sar.na_ to rot, be burnt (P.);(CDIAL 12268). Image: split; crack; crackling: trat. crackle; trat.iti (HParis'.); trat.a-trat.a (Skt.); trat.atka_ra (Skt.); tat.ati rumbles (S.ad.vBr.); tar.na_ crack, report (H.); tarar.vu~ to crack, split (G.); tarar. a crack (G.): tad.n.e~ to crack, split (M.); tad.a_ a fissure (M.); tat.atat.a_yati rattle,s grinds the teeth (Pali); tad.ayad.am.ta crackling; tad.atad.a_ (Pkt.); tar-tar crackle, fizz (K.); tar.a_tar. briskly (N.); tar.tar. pattering, quickly (B.Or.); tar.tar.a_na_ to burst with a loud report (H.); tar.tar.vu~ to crackle (G.); tar.tar. violently (G.); tad.a_d.n.e~ to crack, split (M.); t.rar.ko crackle; t.rar.kan.u to crack, split, make an uproar (S.); tar.akn.a_ to crack, crackle (P.); tar.ak crackle (Ku.); tar.akn.o to crack, break (Ku.); tar.kanu to move briskly (N.); tar.ka_ convulsion (B.); tar.akna_ to be cracked (H.); tar.ka_ dawn (semant. E. crack of dawn)(H.); tar.ako morning (OMarw.); tar.akvu~ to crack (G.); tad.akn.e~ (M.); tar.a_ka_ sound of crackling wood (P.); tar.a_k sound of a sudden leap (B.); tar.a_k suddenly (Mth.); tar.a_k, tar.a_ka_ sound of crackling (H.)(CDIAL 5988). cat. crack (Sh.); tat.-tat.n.e~ to crackle (M.); tat.a-tat.a trembling (Si.)(CDIAL 5989). uttrut.ita broken (Skt.); utat.n.e~ to burst, split, crack, snap (M.); uta_t.n.e~ id.; uta_t. readiness to burst (M.)(CDIAL 1803). To ferment: s'at. 'go'; s'at.ati disintegrates (Dha_tup.); sad.ai falls to pieces, rots, is ill (Pkt.); sar.an.u to rot (S.); sar.na_ to rot (P.); s'ar.a_no~_ to corrupt (WPah.); s'ar.nu_ to rot (WPah.); sar.n.o to rot (Ku.); sar.nu (N.); xariba to fall (A.); sar.a_ to rot (B.); sar.iba_ (Or.); saral rotten (Mth.); sar.na_ to rot, ferment (H.); sar.vu~ to rot (G.); sad.n.e~ (M.)(CDIAL 12268). parn.a-s'ada falling of leaves (AV.); pan.n.a-sat.a heap of fallen leaves (Pali); sar.o putrefaction (G.)(CDIAL 12267). s'atsyati falls (AV.); senava_, henava_ to fall (Si.)(CDIAL 12287a). Burn; heat; rotting: sa_d.a rotting (Pkt.); sa_r., sa_r.a_ burning, a burn, heat, anguish, envy (L.); sa_r. burnt thing (L.); s'a_ta falling out, decaying (of hair, nails, etc.)(Sus'r.)(CDIAL 12382). sa_d.e_i makes rot, destroys (Pkt.); sa_r.anu to make rot (S.); sa_r.an. to burn, cremate, scold; sa_r.un. to burn (L.); sa_r.na_ to rot, burn (P.); hel.anava_ to let fall, throw, thow away (Si.); s'a_ta falling (Skt.)(CDIAL 12383). s'i_yate_ falls (AV.); s'i_jei to be shed (Sh.)(CDIAL 12494). s'a_tayati causes to fall (MBh.); sa_yan.a_ breaking, cutting (Pkt.); s'ioiki to shed (Sh.)(CDIAL 12385). To kindle fire: s.a_ kindle (fire)(Bshk.); s.a~_wu_m I kindle (fire)(Phal.); s.oz to burn (Ash.); s'az to burn (Wot..); s.ac to be kindled (of fire)(Phal.); sac to become hot (of the sun)(Shum.); s.et burnt (of the sun)(Bshk.); sacinu to be restored; sacya_unu to correct, trim (a lamp)(N.)(CDIAL 13085). Crackle; rattle: cat.ana splitting; cat.acat.a_ rattling (MBh.); cad.acad.a, cad.akka crackle (Pkt.); cat.ka_u smack (S.); cat.akna_, carakn.a_ to crackle (P.); carrari quarrel (N.)[cf. can.t.ai quarrel (Ta.)(DEDR 2318)]; carkanu to split, crack (N.); car.kinu to crack (N.); sar slap (A.); car. slap (B.); car.car. crackling (B.Or.); car.akiba_ to crackle (Or.); car., car.car. crackle (H.); with a crack (G.); c.ad.c.ad. with a slap (M.); c.ad.ak slap (M.)(CDIAL 4570). cat.a-cat.-en-al onom. expr. signifying the sound of falling trees, report of a gun, rattling of stones thrown (Ta.); cat.a-cat.av-en-al onom. expr. signifying crash, peal of repeated sound; cat.a-put.-en-al, cat.a_r-en-al onom. expr. of crackling noise (Ta.); cat.a-cat.a crash, peal, descriptive of battle noises (Ma.); cat.a.r in- to make noise like a whipcrack (Ko.); cat.a-cat.a, cat.a-pat.a the snapping sound of corn in being parched (Ka.); cat.al, cat.il imitation of the loud crack of a whip (Ka.); cat. noise of cracking fruit or nut (Kod..); cat.akka a slapping or cracking sound (Tu.); cat.acat.a, cat.apat.a noise produced as in slapping or cracking a whip (Tu.); cat.i_la a cracking sound (Tu.); cat.uka a snapping sound (Tu.); cat.ka'a_na_, cat.ga'a_na_ to slap in the face (Kur.); car.-car.re to crackle (as wood in the fire)(Malt.)(DEDR 2296). Rain: jad.i, jid.i fine continuous rain (Ka.); jhad.i_ continuous rain (Pkt.); jhar.i_ continued rain or wind (S.); jhar. large cloud (L.); jhar.i_ moderate rain (L.); jhar. clouds covering sky, heavy rain; jhar.i_ continued rain (P.); jhar.i_ rain (WPah.); incessant rain (Ku.); jhari showers (N.); zari continuous rain for several days (A.); jhar., jhar.i storm, high wind (B.); jhar.a, jhar.i_ continuous wind and rain (Or.); jhar.i_ showers (H.); continuous heavy rain (G.); jhad., jhad.i_ long continued rain (M.); jhur.u heavy clouds; jhur.i_ rainy weather (S.)(CDIAL 5329). dhad.ahad.ia thunder (Pkt.)(CDIAL 6711). Repeatedly: jhalajjhala_ flapping of elephants' ears (Skt.); jhaljhali repeatedly (N.); jhalya~_sse startled (N.); jhalak flapping of waves (B.); jhala_s purblind (B.); jhalna_ to move a fan to and fro (H.); jhalan.u to seize; jhali_ large fan (S.); jhall swing of a fan; jhalli_ cloth used for fanning in winnowing; jhalln.a_ to move a fan (P.); jhalajhala flapping; jhalakiba_ to spring up (Or.); jha_lvu~ to catch hold of (G.); jhalla_, jhala_ shower of rain (H.); jha_l sudden leap (G.); jha_l springing forward in anger (M.)(CDIAL 5351).
3201.Lighting bonfires: carcari_ a partic. kind of song (Skt.); caccari_ a band of singers, a kind of song (Pkt.); ca~_car lighting bonfires on the eve of the Dol festival (B.); ca_ceri_ merrymaking on the eve of the Dol festival (Or.); ca_car, ca~_car singing and dancing round a pole at the Holi_ festival (H.)(CDIAL 4694). carcari festive sport (Ka.lex.) kappad.iga, ka_rpat.ika = carcari a pilgrim who subsists by carrying water from holy rivers etc.; a juggler, a cheat; karpat.i a religious mendicant in patched or ragged clothes (Ka.lex.)
3202.Laughter: catthari laughter (Pkt.); cathari joking; cathara_ito ridiculous (S.) (CDIAL 4653).
3203. Speedily: cat.akku speed, rapidity; cat.akken-al onom. expr. signifying haste, rush (Ta.); cat.t.a speedily (Ta.); cat.akkane all at once, suddenly, used of rising or sneezing (Ka.); cat.t.ane suddenly (Ka.Tu.); cat.t.ana soon, promptly (Te.)(DEDR 2295). dad.avad.a quick; attack (Pkt.)(CDIAL 6127). cakkane, kar..kane, gakkane, can:gane, cekkane, jaggane quickly, fast, suddenly (Ka.); cikkena (Te.); cikkennu, cikkane (Ma.); cakkanaha-ka_lam directly, immediately (Ka.lex.) cf. cur-ukku quickness, rapidity (Ta.)(DEDR 2713). tsurka_iyen actively (Kon.lex.) sat.t.ayati hurts (Dha_tup.); s.at.t.ayati (Skt.); s.a_t. interj. (Skt.); sat.a sharp push (S.); sat.t. blow (L.); sat.ka_vvu~ to beat (G.); sat.a_-sat. smartly, jauntily (of movement)(N.); sat. smartly (G.M.); sat.a_ka haste (P.); sar.ka_unu to thrash (N.); sat.ka_ lash of whip (Bi.); sa_t.a_, sa~_t.a_ lash of whip (Bi.); sa_t.a_ (Mth.)(CDIAL 13099). cf. cat.acat.a, cat.apat.a noise produced as in slapping or cracking a whip (Tu.)(DEDR 2296). cf. ca_t.i whip (Ka.Te.); ja_t.i id. (Te.); sa.t. id. (Kol.); ca_t.t.a whipcord, whip (Ma.)(DEDR 2443). dad.n. with a sudden jerk (Ko.); tat.akkane suddenly, quickly; tat.a_rane quickly, all at once; tat.t.ane, tot.t.ane, tot.t.ene, tot.t.age quickly, suddenly, all at once; dad.a an imitating sound indicating agitation or hurry (Ka.); dad.adad.ane in a hurry and flurry (Ka.); tat.t.ane quickly (Ka.Tu.); tat.a_ne, tat.akka speedily, quickly, suddenly, unexpectedly; tat.appa, tat.t.appa with a jerk, suddenly; dad.akka, dad.ila, dad.d.a suddenly; dad.adad.a the noise of fast walking or talking; dad.a_dad.i quick (Tu.); tat.ukuna, tat.ukkuna at once, suddenly, in a moment; dad.adad.a quickly, rapidly (Te.)(DEDR 3022). cat. quickly (B.H.); suddenly (G.); c.at. suddenly; c.at.ka_ glow (M.); car.kanu to flash (N.)(CDIAL 4570). c.at.h windstorm (K.); chat.t.ai quickly (N.); sa_t.a_ dazzling light (A.); chat.el running wild (G.)(CDIAL 4969). jhat.iti instantly (Skt.); jhad.itti, jhad.atti suddenly (Pkt.); jharra flash (N.); jhar.a_jhar. very quickly (B.); jhad.jhad. (M.); zarak rustling noise (A.); jhar.a_k swiftness (H.); jhar.ak swoop, leap (G.); jhar.a_ko sudden smart blow (G.); jhad.akn.e~ to start; jhad.a_ka_ smart blow (M.); jat. to strike down, crack (a nut)(Pas'.); jhat.u snatch; jhat.an.u to snatch at (S.); jhat. a movement; adv. suddenly (L.); jhat.t. a moment, haste, snatch (P.); jhat.t.-pat.t. in a moment (P.); quickly (Ku.); jhat.t.a, jhat.t.a-pat.t.a (N.); zat.o-pat.okai (A.); jhat. (Or.H.G.B.); jhat.-phat. (B.); jhat.a_ (Mth.); jhat.-jhat. smartly (M.); jat.a_hab to knock fruit down by throwing a stick at it (Bi.); jhat.n.e~ to collide violently (M.); jhat.ko snatch, shower of rain (S.); jhat.ka_ jerk (P.); jhat.akna_ to jerk (P.); jhar.ko, jhar.kanu to jerk (N.); jhat.ka_ blast of wind; jhat.ka_na to flap (B.); jhat.ika_ strong wind (Or.); jhat.ka_ jerk (H.); jhat.akna_ to jerk (H.); jha_t.ko, jha_t.akvu~ (G.); jhat.ka_, jhat.akn.e~ (M.)(CDIAL 5327). cf. kharasua_ having a swift current, name of a river in Orissa (Or.)(CDIAL 3825).
3204.To leave: chr.n.atti leaves (TA_r.); chad.d.e_ti leaves, abandons (Pali); chad.d.ai leaves (Pkt.); chad.d.avan.a, chaddavan.a letting go (Pkt.); chad.an.u to abandon (S.); chad.an. to let go (L.); chad.un to release (K.); chad.d.n.a_ to abandon (P.); cha_r.a~r.~ to leave (Ku.); cha_r.nu to relinquish (N.); sa_riba to give up (A.); cah_r.a_ to let go, leave (B.); cha_r.iba_ (Or.); cha_r.ab (Mth.); cha_r.al (Bhoj.); cha_d.ai (OAw.); cha_r.na_ (H.); chad.a_un.a_ to cause to be abandoned; chud.a_un.a_ to cause to be released (P.); cha_r.a_na to cause to be abandoned (B.); chad.d.a_pe_ti causes to be deserted (Pali); chad.d.a_viya (Pkt.); cham.d.ai lets go, abandons, leaves (Pkt.); chan.d.ani drain in a field (S.); cha~_r.na_ to leave (OH.); cha_m.d.ai leaves (OMarw.); cha~_d.vu~ to forsake, leave (G.); cha~_d.an. leaving food in dish after eating part (G.); sa~_d.n.e~ to spill, give up (M.); cham.d.ia deserted (Pkt.); cha~_d.yu~ refuse of food (G.)(CDIAL 4998). cha_r. abandonment (N.B.H.)(CDIAL 4999). Left over: ha_r- (-t-) to be left over (Pe.); sa_ra (sa_ri-) to be in excess, exceed; n. excess; adv. exceedingly; sra_ppa (sra_pt-) to cause to exceed; sra_psi more, excessively (Kui); ha_r- to remain, be left over; ha_rinai to remain; ha_ri ki_nai to spare; ha_ra, ha_reka many, much (Kuwi)(DEDR 2461). say- (sayt-) to leave, let go, release; sasi- (sasit-) to leave (say + si.- to give); sa_y- to leave (Kol.); sa_y- to leave (Nk.); ca_y- id.; ca_ypip- (ca_ypit-) to cause to leave, wean (Pa.); sa_y- to leave, abandon; sa_y key- to leave, let loose; sa_y- to leave, heal; sa_yupp- to heal a wound (Ga.); toy- (toc-) to give the slip to (To.)(DEDR 2458).
3205.Galangal: cattira_t.ci, cattira_tti galangal, arattai (W.)(Ta.lex.)
3206.Lotus: cata-tal.am < s'ata-dala lotus, as having hundred petals (Mi_n-a_t.. Pil.l.ait. 2)(Ta.lex.)
3207.Bael: cat.t.a_l Indian bael, vilvam (Malai.)(Ta.lex.) cf. s'a_n.d.ilya the tree aegle marmelos (Skt.Ka.)(Ka.lex.)
3209.Frighten; to drive away: jad.i to use threatening language, menace, frigten, blame, urge on by cries (Ka.); jad.ipini, jad.ipuni, jad.iyuni to drive cattle; jad.u fright, shyness; dad.ipuni to drive away (Tu.); jad.iyu to fear, be afraid; jad.ipincu to frighten; jad.upu fear, fright, dread, alarm (Te.)(DEDR 2297). To rush: khader.n.a_ to drive away (P.); khadernu to force back (N.); khader.na_ to drive away (H.); khade.nu (N.); khadvu~ to rush; khadar.vu~, khader.vu~ to drive fast (G.)(CDIAL 3807). art- (arty-) to pursue (men, game, etc.)(Ko.); carp- (cart-) to drive (Pa.); sarp- (sart-) to drive, chase (Ga.); sarc- (sart-) to chase (Ga.)(DEDR 2362). cf. sa_rathi charioteer (RV.); saratha with a chariot (S'Br.); cf. ratha chariot, cart (RV.)(CDIAL 10602). cf. kad.apu, gad.upu to drive, push, pass (Te.); kat.attu to drive, transport (Ta.)(DEDR 1109). Image: to shake; to run swiftly: katar.. (-v-, -nt-) to be hasty, run swiftly; katar..vu haste, speed; katalu (katali-) to move, shake; kati (-pp-, -tt-) to hasten, move rapidly (Ta.); kataykkuka to hasten; kadartu (d, not t) shaking (Ma.); gadb- (gadby-) to hurry (Ko.); kadad.u, kadar, kadalu, kalad.u to be shaken, agitated, put into confusion; kadad.u, kadaru, kadalu commotion, tumult, trouble (Ka.); gadduni to shake, quiver, be agitated; gadda_vuni to shake, move, rock; kadeluni, kadaluni to become loose, slack; shatter; kadelu loose; kade to shake (Ka.); kadalu, kadalincu, kadalucu, kadalcu to move, stir, shake, totter; kadalu, kadalika motion; kadapu to move, stir, put in motion; kadamu the trot of a horse, a step, stride (Te.); kadal- (-t-) to move (Nk.); gadl- to shake, tremble (Pa.); kadli- (-t-) to shake, stir, move (Kond.a)(DEDR 1188). Image: a stride: kad. a stride (To.)(DEDR 1109).
3210.Deceit: sa_t.heyya deceit, cheating; sat.ha cheat; (Pali.lex.) cati (-pp-, -tt-) to deceive; n. treachery, perfidy, wiles (Ta.); cati deceit, treachery; catikka to cheat, circumvent, betray (Ma.); cadi deceit (Ka.); cadi- (cadip-, cadic-) to cheat (Kod..); cadi deceit (Tu.); chad- < chadman- deceit (Skt.)(DEDR 2323). chadman deceit; chadmana_ deceitfully (Skt.lex.) da_ga, da_ge deceit; t.hakku fraud; t.hakkaga_r fraudulent (Kon.lex.) chadman deceptive dress (Mn.); chamma, chauma deceit (Pkt.)(CDIAL 4081). cha_dmika fraudulent (Mn.); chadmin in cmpds. 'having the appearance of' (MBh.)(CDIAL 5022). jattaka, jattava, jattuka fraud, deceit, disguise, hypocrisy (Ka.); cati (Ta.Ma.); tet.t.u (Ta.); ettu to deceive (Ta.); jittula-va_d.u a deceiver; cit.t.aka roguish, prank (Te.)(Ka.lex.) kaitava, kaike cheat (Ka.lex.)
3211.Spot where a ferry boat plies: sa_n.a_ the spot where a ferry boat plies (M.)(CDIAL 13117).
3212.Sacrifice: sattram, satram a sacrificial session; a sacrifice in general; an oblation, offering or gift; sattrin a priest superintending or performing a sacrifice (Skt.lex.) cf. satra the distribution of food to bra_hman.as and mendicants; the building erected or the spot appointed for this distribution (Ka.M.) (Ka.lex.) Choultry: chattvara house, bower (Skt.); chattar open building, shed, house set apart for entertaining strangers (H.)(CDIAL 4976). cattiram choultry, rest-house (Cilap. 5,180, Arum.); satramu (Te.); satra (Ka.)(Ta.lex.) Halting place: cattiram choultry, rest-house (Cilap. 5,180, Arum.); satramu (Te.); satra (Ka.)(Ta.lex.) sa_rtra asylum, abode (Skt.); sattra (Skt.); har- protect (Av.); stre name of Asmar (a place on the Kunar river)(Kt.); sa_tri_ den (WPah.); sa_tra ravine, valley (Dm.); satra a plain (Dm.)(CDIAL 13363). satra, sattra, catra, chatra a session; a long sacrificial session; an oblation, offering, gift; giving alms or carity; a residence, house; a place of refuge, a choultry or halting place for travellers or strangers, tal.i; the distribution of food to bra_hman.as and mendicants; the building erected or the spot appointed for this distribution (Ka.lex.) Shelter: satra covering, concealing; a wood, forest (Ka.Skt.lex.) cf. ca_t.u a refuge, shelter, anything that screens from rain, wind or heat of the sun (Ka.); concealment, cover, shelter, screen; ca_t.u-pad.u to be concealed or hidden (Te.); sa_t.u hiding, secret place (Kond.a); sa_t.- (-it-) to block out light, cover up (Kuwi)(DEDR 2441).
3213.Image: seat; setting down: sadana coming to rest, seat (RV.); sa_dana setting down (of vessels, etc.)(S'Br.); seat, dwelling (MBh.); sa~_ chair, stool (Gmb.) (CDIAL 13117). sa_n. appropriate spot for the palanquin of Hol.i_ Devi_ on the day of burning the Hol.i_ (< cha_dana-)(Ma.)(CDIAL 13117). si_dati sits down (R.); s'il to sit (Pr.); hindinava_, indinava_ to sit; caus. hinduvanava_, induvanava_, indanava_ to set (Si.); hunnan, inna_n to sit (Md.); sad sit (Skt.)(CDIAL 13432). sin seated, resting; sitting; innava_ to sit, be present; sun, hun, un seated (pp. of hindinava_) (Si.) (CDIAL 13128). ca_tan-am place, residence; town, city (Ta.lex.) Image: to sit down: nisan.n.a seated (S'Br.); n.isan.n.a sitting (Pkt.); nisan, nisal near (Si.); nisinna sitting (Pali); nis'instam I have sat down (Ash.); nis'ina sat (Kt.)(CDIAL 7464). nis.a_dana sitting down (RV.); nis.e~r, nis.a~r chair (Wg.)(CDIAL 7465). nis.a_dayati causes to sit down (RV.); nis'a_ to make to sit down (Ash.Wg.); nis'a~_y (Dm.); nis'a_ (Gaw.); nis'eik (Kho.)(CDIAL 7466). nis.i_dati sits down (RV.); nisi_dati sits down (Pali); n.isi_ai (Pkt.); nis'i (Ash.Wg.Kt.Dm.); -s'il- (Pr.); nis'- (Gaw.); nis'ik (Kho.); ne_-, ni_- (Pas'.); nisi_ sitting (Shum.); nisim I sit down (Kal.)(CDIAL 7467). paris.ad surrounding (RV.); assembly (S'Br.); parhe~, pareha~_ meeting, panchayat (L.)(CDIAL 7893). Image: one who sits: sad, sat one who sits or settles down, sitting, dwelling, residing etc.; divisad, nisad, sam.sad, sadha_sad; sat, satu, sadu, sant being, existing (Ka.); sat (Skt.); sadaru, sadar a state-room; an assembly (Ka.); catar, catur (Ta.); cf. sadas (Skt.)(Ka.lex.) sin seated, resting; sitting; sun, hun, un seated (pp. of hindinava_)(Si.); sa_n anything given in pledge (G.); haste_s.u sa_dayati (AV.); sanna deposited (S'Br.)(CDIAL 13128). a_sanna seated (AV.)(CDIAL 1486). a_sa_da footstool, cushion (AV.); a~sai chair (Dm.)(CDIAL 1490). a_sita seated; one who dwells (R.); abode (MBh.); a_sia seated (Pkt.); asiru inhabitant, inhabited (Kho.)(CDIAL 1493). a_sana sitting (AV.); seat (S'Br.); a_sani_ small seat (Kaus'.); a_sana, a_sanaka seat (Pali); a_san.a (Pkt.); a~sai chair (Dm.); o_son stool (Pas'.); san seat (Shum.); a~san stool (Gaw.); a_san buttocks, rump (K.); a_san.u cloth for sitting on (S.); a_san. stool, seat on a horse (P.); small woollen rug (Ku.); a_hon that part of an elephant's neck on which the driver sits, steersman's seat, natural seat formed by tree-branches (A.); a_huniya_ forming a convenient seat (of branches)(A.); a_san stool, withers of an elephant; a_sni small stool, stall, shop (B.); a_san driver's seat on an ekka; a_sni_ mat of kus'a grass (Bi.); a_san driver's seat, withers of an elephant, inner part of the thighs; a_sni_ small deerskin (H.); a_san. seat (G.); asuna, asna (Si.)(CDIAL 1484). a_sandi_ chair, stool (AV.); a_sandika_ small chair (Skt.); a_sandi chair; a_sandika_ little chair (Pali); a_sam.di_ stool; a_sam.dia_ little stool (Pkt.); a_sande_ stool (Savi); hnda, nda bed, sleeping couch (Si.); a_sam.daya a sort of seat (Pkt.)(CDIAL 1485). a_sadati sits near, approaches (RV.); a_si_dati comes near (Skt.); a_sayai sits near (Pkt.)(CDIAL 1483). a_sa seat (TS.); a_sa_t from near (RV.); a_hero a roost, roosting (S.)(CDIAL 1475). a_sakta attached to, resting on (Skt.); a_satta hanging on to (Pali.Pkt.); asto top board of a veranda railing (Kt.)(CDIAL 14771). asta chair (Ash.)(CDIAL 1481). a_sate_, a_ste_ sits, exists, remains (RV.); a_sati sits (Pali); a_sai (Pkt.); a_s to be (Kal.); asik to be (Kho.); a_sus I was (Sh.); a_sun to sit, remain, be (K.); a_h to be (WPah.); a_sna_ to remain; a_hi is (OH.); asn.e~ to wait, exist (M.); a_hn.e~ to be (M.)(CDIAL 1480). a_sada approach in: dura_sada hard to approach (MBh.); a_sada approach (Pali); a_saya proximity (Pkt.); a_sa_ya reaching (Pkt.); aha_ coming (A.)(CDIAL 1482). a_s'aye_ lies down, rests (RV.); a_s' was (Bshk.); as'u_ (Tor.)(CDIAL 1454). a_s'aya resting place (S'Br.); any receptacle (Mn.); stomach (S'Br.)(CDIAL 1453). a_ma_s'aya stomach (MBh.); a_ma_saya id. (Pali)[a_ma raw (RV.)(CDIAL 1236)](CDIAL 1254). Near; in the vicinity: a_sanna near (MBh.); obtained (BhP.); nearness (R.); near (Pali); a_san.n.a near; nearness (Pkt.); asam.na acquired (NiDoc.); asanhi in the vicinity (Si.inscr.); asan near (Si.)(CDIAL 1486). pratya_sanna closely connected (A_past.); near (Mn.); pacca_sanne_ adv. near (Pali); pat(i)ya_sam.nesu among those who are near (As'.); pacca_san.n.a near (Pkt.); pasunu (Si.)(CDIAL 8644). sama_sana sitting together (MBh.); sama_ste_ (RV.); sama_sati (Pali); sama_sai (Pkt.); sama_sana company (Pali); samahan union, association, copulation (Si.)(CDIAL 13222). camuta_yam company, assembly; collection, as of things; managing committee of a temple (I.M.P.Trav. 99)(Ta.lex.)
3214.Gum, resin: sadali gum, resin (?Kui)(DEDR 2418). jatu lac (Kaus'.Pali.); jatuka (Skt.); ja (Pkt.); jo_u, jo_ resin, gum (Wg.); za (Dm.); je_e, je_e (Pas'.); zov dried powdered lac-resin remaining after extraction of dye, impurities left after smelting metal (K.); ja lac after extraction of dye (S.); jao pitch (L.); zokht.hi wood with resin (WPah.); jau lac (B.); ja lac, sealing wax (Or.); ja_bli resin (Phal.); za_wla (Psht.)(CDIAL 5093). jatugr.ha house plastered with lac and other combustible materials for burning people alive in (MBh.); jauhar, johar, ju_har taking one's life (H.); jauhar (Marw.); ceremony of burning women alive (G.)(CDIAL 5094). Red: ja_ju, ja_du colour of red ochre, red colour (Ka.); redness (Te.); cf. dha_tu (Skt.)(DEDR 2437). Sago: cavvarici < sa_ba (U.) + arici sago, farinaceous and glutinous pith taken out of the stem of several species of a particular genus of palm, especialy metroxylon leave (Pata_rtta. 824); cavvu < Malay. sa_gu_ sago, fern palm, cycas circinalis (Ta.lex.)
3215.Lac: jatuka lac; jatukr.t a kind of fragrant tree, in which the lac insect forms its nest; jatuke lac; jatukr.t making lac; jatu-rasa lac, alatege; jatu lac (Ka.lex.) lahi lac; laht.i lac after straining; laht.i bracelet of lac; hin:gu lac insect, colour produced from lac (Santali.lex.) jatu lac; a kind of red dye; jatu-gr.ham a house made of lac; jaturama lac; jatukam, jatuka_ lac (Skt.lex.) cf. alaktaka lac (Skt.); arakku lac, resin melted with turpentine (Ta.)(DEDR 199). alatege, alatige, alakta lac, the red dye so called, ya_va, la_ks.e, aragu (Ka.lex.) ja_du, ja_ju red colour (Ka.Te.); civakku, ce_ttu, ce_tu, ce_ntu, ce_ppu, ce_y (Ta.); ca_yilya, ca_liya vermilion (Ma.); ja_dukal red ochre (Ka.lex.) Lac is a resinous secretion that encrusts the bodies of tachardia lacca (lakshadia indica) or other species of tachardia; habitat: India, Burma and Assam; animals: small scale insects of orange red colour, about 0.5 mm. in length occurring in dense colonies forming a crust on the twigs and branches of various trees which they puncture with their proboscis and suck the juices. The lac insect occurs chiefly on trees of ficus religiosa and ficus indica, schleichera trijuga, aleurites laccifera, acacia arabisa and butea frondosa which are cultivated in various parts of India as host plants for the propagation of the insect... To insure large production, the natives break off twigs covered with female insects and tie them on to uninfested trees. Th eyoung branches and twigs which are covered by a crust composed of the bodies of the insects are broken off after the resin has been secreted and constitute stick lac... (which is) partially deprived of its colouring matter by maceration in water or dilute soda solution and the coloured solution strained and evaporated to dryness, forming a product called lac dye... Shellac is prepared from either the scrapings of stick lac or from lac... by melting it with a small amount of added orpiment and resin, straining it through cloths and pouring it upon smooth flat plates... Most of the lac is produced in western Bengal and other provinces of India... Uses: in varnishes, as the principal ingredient in sealing wax, in polishes, electrical apparatus etc. (Heber W. Youngken, Textbook of Pharmacognosy, Philadelphia, The Blakiston Co., 1950, pp. 916-917).
3216.Grain; grain-seller: sadal.a grain; sadal.iga a grain-seller (Ka.lex.) cf. sattu barley (Pali.lex.) Unhusked grain: sate_ra chaff (Skt.); sadaka unhusked grain (Skt.)(CDIAL 13116). s'adaka unhusked corn (Skt.)(CDIAL 12287). s.as.t.ika_ rice that ripens in 60 days (MBh.); sat.t.hiya a sort of rice (Pkt.); sat.t.hr.i_ a plant of brassica order ripening in 60 days (L.); sat.t.hr.a_ inferior rice ripening in 60 days (L.); sat.t.hi_ a coarse kind of rice (P.); sa_t.hi_, sa~_t.hi_ rice ripening in 60 days (H.); sa_t.hi_ (M.)(CDIAL 12806). ci_ttiyam grain (Ta.); cf. sasya (Ta.lex.) sadda (sodda), sajja, sajje holcus spicatus (Te.); cajje, cejje, jejje, sajje, sejje holcus spicatus (Ka.)(DEDR 2290). Barley-meal: sattu (Skt. s'aktu) barley-meal, flour; sattu-a_pan.a baker's shop; sattu-pasibbaka flour-sack; sattu-bhasta id. (Pali.lex.) cattu flour; cattu-ma_ flour of parched grain, especially rice, generally used in times of fasting; cattu-p-pai bag for flour of parched grain (Ta.lex.) sasya grain, fruit (AV.); crop (NiDoc.); sassa corn, crop (Pali); crop (Pkt.); sa_sa crop (Pkt.); sas beans or peas or lentils or other similar crop, a kind of porridge made of one of these (K.); sa~_s grain, fruit, fleshy part of fruit (B.); sa~_sa, sasa kernel, nutritious part (Or.); hasa crop (OSi.(Bra_hmi_); sas, has, as corn crop (Si.); sassiya farmer (Pkt.); sasial.a full of crops, fertile, growing luxuriantly (Or.)(CDIAL 13295). xah crops (A.); sasa grain, food (RV.)(CDIAL 13294). sosu in cmpd. 'of or belonging to lentils or porridge' (K.); sata-sosu made of seven kinds of lentils (K.)(CDIAL 13376). sasya, s'asya, sasi, sosi corn, grain; fruit; sasya-pan:kti a furrow; sasya-majari an ear or spike of corn; sasya-s'u_ka an awn or beard of corn; sasya_val.i all sorts of corn or grain (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) Wild rice: ca_tam boiled rice (Kumare_. Cata. 63); sa_damu id. (Te.); ca_tan.-ka_n.(n.)utal to yield more than usual quantity of cooked rice, said of rice of superior quality (Ta.lex.) prasa_tika_ a kind of small-grained rice (Ma_rkP.); pras'a_tika_ (Car.); prasa_dhika_ wild rice (Bhpr.); pasa_diya_ a kind of rice (Pali); sam.sa_diya_ (Pali); pasa_i_, pasahi_ a wild rice growing in shallow ponds (H.)(CDIAL 8830). sam.sa_diya_ a certain kind of rice: su_kara-sa_li; pasanna_ (Skt. prasanna) a kind of spirituous liquor (made from rice)(Pali.lex.) pra_s'a eating, food (Kaus'.); pra_s' food (AV.); proc small cheese (Kt.); pla_c Kafir cheese (Yid.)(CDIAL 8966). pra_s'ani_ya food (MBh.); pra_s'ana feeding (Gr.S'r.); first feeding of an infant (Mn.); pra_s'ayati feeds (A_s'vGr.); pa_sin.i ceremony of giving a baby grain during 6th or 7th month for the first time (Ku.); pa_sni the first giving of food to an infant (N.); pa_sni_, pasani_ ceremony of feeding an infant with rice (H.)(CDIAL 8967). pira_cayam < pra_cya beginning; origin (Pin..); pira_can-am < pra_s'ana feeding; giving food; eating (Ta.lex.) Rice reaped in June-July: a_hu a species of rice reaped in June-July (A.); a_su quick (Pkt.); a_s'u quick (RV.); rice ripening quickly in the Rains (S'Br.)(CDIAL 1459). a_s.a_d.ha the month June-July (Sus'r.); a_s.a_d.hi_ the day of full moon in this month (Ka_tyS'r.); a_sa_l.ha-ma_sa June-July (Pali); as.adasa (KharI.); a_sa_d.ha (Pkt.); a_r. (Pas'.); ha_r, ha_r. (K.); ha_r.u summer, the hot weather (S.); ha_hr. June-July (L.P.); ha_d. (Bshk.); ha_. (L.); a_r. (with low-rising tone)(P.); ha_r. (WPah.); asa_r. (Ku.); asa_r (N.); a_ha_r (A.); a_sa_r. (B.); asa_r.ha (Or.); asa_r.h (Bi.Bhoj.H.); asa_r. (G.); sal.a, hl.a (Si.); ha_r.hu_ born or sown in A_s.a_d.ha (P.); a_ha_ruwa_ produced in A_s.a_d.ha (A.); asa_r.hua_ a partic. kind of vegetable (Or.); a_s.a_d.hi_ full-moon day in A_s.a_d.ha (Pkt.); a_sar.i_ (B.); asa_r.hi_ (H.)(CDIAL 1473). a_s.a_d.hi_ya born in the constellation of A_s.a_d.ha (Pa_n..); hri_ general name for crops ripening in month A_s.a_d.ha, mainly pulses (K.); ha_rhi_ spring crops (L.); ha_r.hi_, ha_r.i_ crops sown in winter (P.); asa_r.hi_ kor. hoeing of sugar-cane in A_s.a_d.ha (Bi.); asa_r.i_ belonging to the month A_s.a_d.ha (G.)(CDIAL 1474). sa_r.hi_ grain cut in spring (H.)(CDIAL 1474). so_le rice (Wot..); sa_ri_ unhusked rice (S.); saria~_ rice (L.); xa_li principal variety of transplanted rice (A.); sa_l, sa_il a kind of rice (B.); sa_l.i growing or unhusked rice (Or.); sa_ri (Bi.); sa_l (H.); sa_l. (G.M.); sa_l.iyu~ (G.); sa_l.i_ (M.); hal, al (Si.); s'a_li growing or unhusked rice (MBh.); grains of rice (R.); s'a_lika grains of rice (Skt.); se_l (Parachi.Iranian); sa_li rice (Pali.Pkt.); sa_lika adj. (Pali); sal, sali (Gypsy); salima (Ash.); seli_, salima_ (Wg.); sali (Kt.); sili_ (Pr.); sha_li_ (Bashg.); sali growing rice (Dm.); sal (Pas'.); sa_li_ (Gaw.); sa_li_ growing or unhusked rice (Kal.); sali (Kho.); sel (Bshk.); sa_l (Tor.); se_li_ (Phal.) (CDIAL 12415). seli bran (Gypsy)(CDIAL 13116). ca_li a superior species of paddy (Ja_n-a_. 36,15); growing paddy-crop (Kampara_. Na_t.. 25); a kind of toddy; ca_liya_n-a_ < sa_liya_na adj. annual, yearly (C.G.)(Ta.lex.) ca_le_ya < s'a_le_ya field where ca_li rice is cultivated (Pin..)(Ta.lex.) Autumnal crop: s'a_rada autumnal (AV.); year, name of various plants (Skt.); corn or fruit ripening in autumn (VarBr.S.); sa_raya autumnal (Pkt.); sa_rha_, sa_hra_ autumn, fever season, malaria (L.); saraya_ a partic. sort of rice (H.); sara_ autumnal (Si.)(CDIAL 12402). sarey green corn, sprout, autumnal, young millet crop (Kho.)(CDIAL 12403). s'a_rada corn or fruit ripening in autumn (VarBr.S); saraya_ a partic. sort of rice (H.)(CDIAL 12402). sarek green corn, sprout; autumnal, young millet crop (Kho.)(CDIAL 12403). arwan the first cuttings of corn presented to the household gods (H.)(CDIAL 1370). ha_li green pulse of phaseolus mungo (B.); hariya_ meat-curry (B.)(CDIAL 13985). harya_w a partic. festival in autumn (Ku.); harita_li_ 3rd or 4th day in light half of month Bha_dra (Skt.)(CDIAL 13988).
3217.Image: sowing machine: sad.d.e a sowing machine used with the hand to sow in rows; ad.d.e (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) char.an. to sow; char.na_ to place, put (WPah.); charnu to sow (N.)(CDIAL 4964). jha_rnu to put down (N.)(CDIAL 5328). Image: wheel-rut; footprint: cad.un (pl. -gul), cad.um footprint, trace (Pa.); sarin (pl. -il) footprint (Ga.)(DEDR 2302). cf. ca_t.a a trace (Ma.); ja_d.u, ja_d.e mark of a footstep or of a carriage wheel, track, trace (Ka.); ja_d.a a trace (Te.)(DEDR 2442). sari wheel-rut (Or.)(CDIAL 13261). cf. ca_rai stripe (Ta.); ca_r-a line, streak (Ka.); ca_r-a, ca_r-ika line, streak, stripe (Te.)(DEDR 2481). cf. sarri_ road, walk (Go.); sar-i (pl. saRku) way, path (Kond.a)(DEDR 2417). cf. sr.ti road, path (RV.); xar track in jungle, opening in hedge or fence (A.); sar.ak road (L.B.H.N.Mth.G.); sar.aka (Or.); sat.ak (N.); san.d.ak (Mth.); sad.ak (M.)(CDIAL 13577).
3218.Spikenard: s'at.i the plant zedoary, curcuma zedoaria, curcuma amhaldi; karcu_raka, kaco_ra the plant curcuma zerumbet (Ka.lex.) cf. pu_la_n:kir..an:ku, kacco_ram, kacco_lam long zedoary, curcuma zedoaria (M.M. 1043)(Ta.lex.) cf. kacco_lam spikenard, ma_cil, cat.a_ma_ci, a fragrant substance; a kind of aromatic (Ta.lex.) cf. jat.a_ma_m.si_ spikenard (Skt.lex.) s'at.i_ hedychium spicatum (Car. Su. 4.30,37)(Skt.); pala_sa_ synonym of s'at.i_ (Car. Si. 3.38,65). Hedychium spicatum: karchura, karpur (Skt.); sitruti (H.); kapurakachari (M.); gandhashati (B.); sutti (M.); simaikkichilikilhangu (Ta.); rootstock: stomachic, carminative,tonic, stimulant, emmenagogue, expectorant, good in liver complaints, vomiting, diarrhoea, inflammation and pains; used in snake-bite; habitat: subtropical Himalayas, Nepal, Kumaon, 5,000-7,000 ft. (GIMP, pp.130-131). cente_n- may be a synonym for cen-turukkam or red turus.ka olibanum, Indian incense, the resin of boswellia serrata. cf. centuracam < jantu-rasa copal, a resinous substance (W.); centu spikenard herb, cat.a_ma_m.si_; centu asafoetida; cf. jatu; centutti_ asafoetida; spikenard herb (Ta.lex.) jat.a_ma_m.si_ Indian spikenard, nardostachys jatamansi (Ka.lex.) cf. ja_ti_phala myristica fragrans (Car. Su. 5.77, Ci. 17.126).
3219.Image: to trample: catip- (catit-), cacip- (cacit-) to trample, kick (Pa.); cati to destroy, kill (Ta.); catai to be bruised, crushed (Ta.); tatar to be crushed (Ta.); cata a bruise; catayuka to be bruised, squashed; catekka to squash, crush, pound, bray; catan.n.uka to be crushed, compressed, beaten into another shape; catukkuka to bruise, macerate; catukku a bruise (Ma.); cady a murder; pair word with cudy news (cudy cady); cac- to hammer with heavy blows, pat, stroke, kill (animal); cac a blow(Ko.); Hammer: cati (-pp-, -tt-) to destroy, kill; cata_vu (cata_vi-) to be shattered or broken, be rotten, decayed; (-pp-, -tt-) to crush, bruise, mash; tatai (-v-, -nt-) to be shattered, made fruitless (Ta.); tadaku, taduku, tade to strike, beat (Ka.); sadi striking, beating; sadevuni to get hardened, wear away as an earthen vessel (Tu.); jajjuni to bruise, squash, pound (Tu.); cadiyu to be crushed or broken (Te.); cadupu to crush, kill; cadumu to strike; cadunu even, level ((Te.); to0x- (to0xy-) to be squeezed or smashed flat, (person) gets into difficulties; to0k- (to0xy-) to squeeze or smash flat; toc- to beat (To.); sadaku to beat (Ka.); sade, sadi to pound to some extent, bruise, crush (Ka.)(DEDR 2322). Hammer: thoth, thoti impediment (K.)(CDIAL 13699). cutti, cuttiyal small hammer (Ta.); cutti, cuttika, tutti hammer (Ma.); suttige id. (Ka.); sutti, suttige, suttiye, sutte, sutye id. (Tu.); sutte id. (Te.Go.); suthi id. (Kuwi); sutki_ an instrument of stone-splitters (M.)(DEDR 2668). thu_no butting (S.); thun obstacle, limit (N.); thun.n.o to prevent (Ku.); thunnu to prevent, close, stop, forbid (N.)(CDIAL 13701). cf. cat.t.u, cat.t.a, cat.t.e flatness, levelness (Ka.)(DEDR 2308). cf. cat.t.u destruction, injury, waste (Ta.)(DEDR 2307). can.t.ai conflict, quarrel, fight, war (Ta.); can.t.a quarrel (Ma.)(DEDR 2318). cat.ai to flatten, as the head or point of a nail by repeated blows, rivet (Ta.); ca_t.t.u to beat, strike (Ta.); jad.i to beat, pound, crush, ram as a cartridge, drive in as a nail (Ka.); cad.i a whip, stripe (Tu.); sad.incu to pound, beat (Te.); jad.iyu to beat, hit (Te.); cad.p- (cad.t-) to hammer, strike, beat (Pa.); jar.sa a whip, scourge (Kui); jar.e to shake down, beat down as fruits (Malt.)(DEDR 2300). Image: blow: ta_d.a blow (AV.); ta_la blow, clapping (Pkt.); clap, rhythm (MBh.); palm of hand (Skt.); ta_l.a blow (Pali); ta_r. a beating (B.); palm of hand (Skt.);(CDIAL 5748). [cf. mala palm of the hand, sole of the foot (Kuwi); mad.a id. (Kui)(DEDR 4732).] ta_d.ana beating (Ya_j.); beating, slap (Pkt.); tad.anae (NiDoc.); ta_r.ana act of striking (OA.); ta_r.ni whip, goad (B.); ta_r.an.a whipping, crowbar (Or.); ta_d.an. beating (Ma.)(CDIAL 5751). ta_d.ayati beats, strikes, punishes (Mn.); ta_l.e_ti beats (Pali); ta_d.ai, ta_le_i (Pkt.); ta_d.un to slap, reprove (K.); ta_r.iba_ to strike, push to one side, uproot (Or.); ta_r.vu~ to beat (G.); ta_d.n.e~ to beat, punish (Ma.); tal.anava_ to flog (Si.)(CDIAL 5752). Image: attack, to propel with the finger: at.- to strike, (rain) comes in torrents, (finger) to snap (Ga.); at.t.- to strike, beat (Ga.); at.- (-t-) to hit, as an arrow (Kond.a); ad.e to strike or throw with finger (Ka.); an.e to strike, push, drive; to strike or propel with the fingers (Ka.); an.epuni to push, strike against (Tu.); at.u to pound (as rice), kill, destroy, conquer (Ta.); a_t.u killing, ruining, victory (Ta.); at.i blow, stroke (Ta.Ma.); at.alai battle (Ta.); at.arppu attack (Ta.); at.al a fight (Ma.); at.ala_r enemies (Ma.); at.ar war (Ma.); ar.dar.y act of quarrelling with blows (Ko.); ad.aru an attack (Ka.); to fight, do battle, kill (Te.); a_t.u a blow (Te.); ad.i beating, a blow (Ka.); darpuni to thrash, beat, strike, break (Tu.); dartele, darpele a striker, breaker (Tu.); ad.ucu to beat, strike, break, destroy (Te.)(DEDR 77). To send, hit; on account of: s. for, to (Wg.); s.azi_ on account of (Dm.); s.oiki (1 sg. s.am, 2 imper. s.e) to fix, apply, attack, hit (with a missile)(Phal.); s.aci on account of (Gaw.); s.ac (pret. s.atoi) to send, hit (Wg.); s.a_ to send (Ash.); s.a_ to send, hit (Gaw.); s.c to be wounded (Gaw.); s'acan. to fight; san:ga battle (RV.); s.atoi it hit (of a missile)(Wg.); s.eti_ begin (of a fight)(Pas'.); s.eti_k got, held; s.i_tik it has struck (Pas'.); s.et began (of a fight)(Bshk.); s.a_tu, pp. of s.acoiki (Sh.); hotu affected by, afflicted by (K.); satan.u to enter on anything zealously (S.)(CDIAL 13085). cf. sadi striking, beating (Tu.); jajju, caccu, ceccu to strike, bruise (Ka.)(DEDR 2322). Image: to throw; to fling a spear: ca_t.uka, ca_n.t.uka to throw; ca_t.t.uka to throw darts, hurl (Ma.); ca_t.t.uka a hurl (Ma.); ja_d.isu to throw (?Ka.); ca_n.d.uni to fling a spear (Tu.)(DEDR 2439). ca_t.i whip (Ka.); ja_t.i, ca_t.i id. (Te.); sa.t. id. (Kol.); ca_t.t.i, ca_t.t.ai whip, string to spin top (Ta.); ca_t.t.a whipcord, whip (Ma.); ja.t. string to spin top (Ko.)(DEDR 2443). Emission; wits, senses; creation, nature: sr.s.t.a released (RV.); thrown, emitted, produced (AV.); sat.t.ha dismissed (Pali); sit.t.ha created, arranged (Pkt.); s'it.a_ to throw, scater (seed), spit out (Wot..); sat.an.u to throw (S.); sat.t.an. to throw, pull an oar (L.); sat.t.n.a_, sit.t.n.a_ to throw, throw down, pour (P.); sit.o, sit.t.o a game like tip-cat (N.)(CDIAL 13578). sat.t. blow, wound (L.P.); sit.t. act of throwing (P.); sr.s.t.i emission (R.); creation (TS.); nature, disposition (R.); sit.t.hi creation, nature (Pkt.); sit.hi creation (OB.); sit.t.hi_ nature, wits, senses (H.); st.i-ya, ht.i-ya mode, character (Si.)(CDIAL 13579). ca_ttu (ca_tti-) to beat, thrash; n. beating, thrashing (Ta.); ca.t (ca.ty-) to give a blow to, beat (DEDR 2450). cf. cati (-pp-, -tt-) to destroy, kill (Ta.)(DEDR 2322). Image: to pound in mortar: dancu, d.ancu to pound, beat, clean grain in a mortar (Te.); dangu, d.angu to be pounded or cleaned (as rice, etc.); dampu to pound, beat, clean grain in a mortar (Te.); at.ukulu rice wetted, prached and flattened, beaten rice (Te.); at.t. to strike (Pa.); ma_va at.t. to harrow (Pa.); pot.kul at.t. to snap fingers, to clap hands (Pa.); d.ak- (-t-) to beat, strike, beat (as a drum); d.as- (-t-) to pound (as paddy or any raw grain)(Kond.a); d.a_mba (d.a_mbi-) to pound, crush by pounding (Kui); d.amb- (-it-) to be broken; d.ap (-h-) to break (Kuwi)(DEDR 77). Strike with hammer: t.hat.t.ar an alloy of copper and bell metal (N.)(CDIAL 5491). t.hat.t.ha_ra brass worker (Pkt.); t.ho~_t.hur (K.); t.ha~_t.ha_ro (S.); t.hat.hia_r (P.); t.hat.ia_ra_ (P.); t.hat.hera_ (P.Bi.H.); t.hat.hero (Ku.N.); t.hat.eri (Mth.)(CDIAL 5493). t.hat.a_unu to strike, beat (N.); t.hat.a_i striking (N.); t.hat.ha_na_ to beat (H.); t.hat.ha_i_ noise of beating (H.)(CDIAL 5490 onom.?) t.hapan.u to beat out (metals) (S.); t.hapo seal (S.); t.happa_ stroke, stamp (L.); t.ha_p seal (Ku.); t.happa_ stamp, mould (H.)(CDIAL 5495). Goldsmith: tat.t.u to knock, tap, hammer (Ta.); to strike, beat, knock (Te.); a blow, knock (Ma.); tat.t.a_n- gold or silver smith (Ta.); goldsmith (Ma.): f. tat.t.a_tti (Ta.Ma.); tot. to strike (with hammer)(To.); tot.xn, tot.xin goldsmith (To.); f. tot.ty, tot.xity (To.); tat.t. to strike off (Kod..); tat.t.e goldsmith (Kod..); f. tat.t.ati (Kod..); tat.rava~_d.u goldsmith or silversmith (Te.)(DEDR 3039).
3220a. Hammer: astra missile, weapon, arrow (AV.); any weapon (Skt.;); attha weapon (Pkt.); at- weapoin in: attam (Si.)(CDIAL 979). asyati throws, shoots (RV.); as to throw, send (Kt.); es- (Pr.)(CDIAL 989). a_sa throwing (Pkt.)(CDIAL 1476). astera hammer (Dm.); aster.o_ (Pas.); hathor.a_ (L.); hathaur.a_ (P.); hathor.a_ (P.); hathaur.a (Ku.); hothro (N.); ha_thuri (A.); ha_tur.i, ha_tar.i (B.); ha_tur.a_ (Or.); ha~_thal. (Or.); hathaur.a_ (Bi.H.); hathaur (Bhoj.); hathor.o, athor.o (G.); hatod.a_ (M.); *hastaku_t.a hand hammer (Skt.)(CDIAL 14028). hatowa_h hatchet (A.)(CDIAL 14033. *hastava_s'i_). [For -r.a_, od.a_, etc. cf. ku_t.am blacksmith's sledge hammer, hammer (Ta.)(DEDR App.29); ku_t.a iron mallet (MBh.); sledge hammer (Pkt.)(CDIAL 3391). nigha_ti iron hammer (Skt.); defeat (Pali); nigha_ta struck down (Pali); n.iha_ya blow (Pkt.); niha_u iron hammer (Bhoj.)(CDIAL 7172). liha_wan large hammer (Mth.)(CDIAL 7173).
3220b.To kill: annanava_ to strike, stab, pierce (Si.); hanti strikes, kills (RV.); hanai kills (OAw.); hanati strikes, kills (Pkt.)(CDIAL 13963). hati killing (MBh.); hati destruction (Pali); hai killing (Pkt.); hai_ attack (Sh.)(CDIAL 13956). hata struck, killed (RV.); hataka stuck, wretched (Skt.); hata killed (Pali.As'.); haya struck, killed (Pkt.); hayo pp. of han.an.u to throw, shoot (S.); hayo pret. killed (OAw.); haya_ smitten, murdered (H.); hayana_ to smite, kill; ha_yal wounded (H.)(CDIAL 13955). hatya_ killing : only in cmpd. mus.t.ihatya_ (RV.) till Subha_s. (Skt.); hucu murder (K.); haca_ (S.)(CDIAL 13958). haca_ro murderer (S.)(CDIAL 13959). han.a_ killing with a sharp weapon, cutting (Or.); han.a killing (RV.Pkt.); hana_ act of piercing with a pointed weapon (A.)(CDIAL 13962). hantr. killer, robber (RV.); hantar killer (Pali); ham.tu (Pkt.)(CDIAL 13969). hata struck, killed (RV.); killed (Pali.As'.); haya struck, killed (Pkt.); hayo pp. of han.an.u to throw, shoot (S.); hayo pret. killed (OAw.); haya_ smitten, murdered (H.); hayal wounded (H.)(CDIAL 13955). hati killing (MBh.); destruction (Pali); hai killing (Pkt.Sh.)(CDIAL 13957). hatya_ killing [only in compound: mus.t.i-hatya_ (RV.)]; haca_ (S.); hucu murder (K.)(CDIAL 13958). hanana, hanani_ killing; act of killing or striking (Nir.); hanana killing (Skt.); han.an.a (Pkt.); hanan act of killing (A.)(CDIAL 13964). hantavya to be killed (Mn.); hantabba to be struck or killed (Pali); ham.taviya (As'.); ham.tavva (Pkt.)(CDIAL 13968). ad.upu a stroke, blow (Te.)(DEDR 77). nihanti strikes in, kills (RV.); nihata slain, humbled (RV.Pali); n.ihaya (Pkt.); n.ihan.ai strikes, throws (Pkt.); nihan.n.a_ to tease, harass (P.); nihanna_ to strike, kill (H.)(CDIAL 7538).
3220c.Anvil: lihi anvil (N.); niha_i, neha_i, neya_i (B.); nehai, liha_i, nehi (Or.); niha_i, neha_i (Bi.); neha_i_, naha_i_, liha_i, laha_i (Mth.); naha_i, niha_i (Bhoj.)(CDIAL 7172).
3220.Image: canoe: cata_ canoe, boat (Tiva_.); cf. jaha_ja (Pkt.)(Ta.lex.) jahaju, ja_ju a ship (Ka.); jaha_ja, jha_ja (M.H.)(Ka.lex.) jahaj a ship; jahaj caklaoko the crew of a ship; jahaj kaera a variety of plantain (Santali.lex.)
3221.To slip away: sat.vu~ to slip away (G.); sat.akn.a_ to flee, vanish (P.); sat.kan.o to go away, escape (Ku.); sar.kanu to slip away (N.); sat.ka_na to creep away (B.); sat.akna_ to vahish (H.); sat.akvu~ (G.); sat.akn.e~ (M.)(CDIAL 13100). ca_r-u (ca_r-i-) to slip off, slip down as from a tree (Ta.); car-ukku (car-ukki-) to slip or slide, go astray; n. slipping, sliding; car-uku (car-uki-) to slip, slide, fail; car-ukkal slipperiness, slipping, slippery place (Ta.); ja_r-u to slip, slide, slip away; n. slipping, etc.(Ka.); ja_r-isu to make to slip, go away, etc.; ja_r-a, ja_r-ike, ja_r-uvike slipping, sliding, slipperiness, flowing, trickling (Ka.); ja.r- (ja.ri-) to slip, be slippery; ja.rike slipperiness, slippery (Kod..); ja_runi to slip, slide down, be slippery or smooth (Tu.); ja_ran:gelu slipperiness, glibness, smoothness; il.i-ja_ru a slope, slipperiness (Tu.); ja_r-u to slide, glide, slip, become loose, ooze; n. slipperiness, slippery; ja_r-ucu, ja_rcu to let slip or drop, let down, loosen; ja_r-ud.u slipperiness, sliding, slipping (Te.); jarjar a_- to slip (Go.); za_r-- (-it-) to slip, slide (Kond.a)(DEDR 2482). cari (-v-, -nt-) to slip away, slide down (Ta.); carukku (carukki-) to slip (Ta.); sari to slip, run off (Ka.); jari to slip or fall, slide, slip away (Ka.); saraku get out of the way! step aside!; jariyuni to fall or slip down (Tu.); jaragu, jarugu to be slippery; jarugud.u slipping, sliding (Te.); jara_g to slip (Kol.)(DEDR 2360).
3222.Image: bat: jatuke a bat (Ka.lex.) jatu, jatuka_, jatuni_, jatu_ka_ bat (Skt.lex.)
3223.Image: bullock: ja_to_ks.a = ja_ta uks.a a young bullock, an ox (Ka.Skt.)(Ka.lex.)
3224.Asafoetida: jatuka asafoetida; a kind of gum; jatuke a kind of gum; a kind of fragrant substance or perfume, pa_pad.i; jatu-kr.t making lac : a kind of fragrant tree, in which the lac insect forms its nest (Skt.Ka.); jatura-rasa lac (Ka.); jatu_ke a kind of fragran tree (Ka.Skt.) (Ka.lex.) ka_yam pungency, pepper, curry stuffs, asafoetida (Ta.); what is pungent, chiefly asafoetida (Ma.); ka_yalu, ka_yal.u, ka_yelu seasoning (Te.)(DEDR 1462). Ferula assa-foetida (asafoetida) 'With a taste stronger than onion or even garlic, asafoetida is still used as a spice in the Middle East... Alcoholic tinctures of the gum-resin, or the oil and/or fluid extract are reportedly used, at very low levels, to bake goods, beverages, etc... Its main use, however, is as a fixative or fragrance component in perfumery... Malays take asafetida for abdominal trouble, broken bones, and rheumatism.' (James A. Duke, Handbook of Medicinal Herbs, 1985, p.194). {"... some came from Coracone (Khorasan) to Ormuz, and from Ormuz to India, and also Guzerat... it came from the Kingdom of Dely (Delhi), a very cold country, which is bounded by Coracone on the other side and by the region of Chiruan (Shirvan, on the west side of the Caspian), as Avicenna points out... this gum is called altiht in Arabic; some have antit... the Indians call it imgo or imgara (the Sanskrit hinga and hingula, from han = to kill; Asa-foetida = stinking mastic, aza being the Persian for mastic... is yielded by the root of ferula foetida)... the free from which it is extracted is anjuden or angeidan (mahruth referring specially to the root) (G. Da Orta, pp.40-50). Ferula foetida (Ancient Egyptian gsfn; Coptic zegoio; Arabic: gum hiltit; root: mahru_t) "The plant is a herbaceous umbelliferous perennial 1.5 to 2m high. It is native to Persia. The strongly foetid brownish gum is collected commercially from plants at least five years old. It is stimulant, anti-spasmodic, expectorant and carminative... for nervous conditions, bronchitis, asthma and flatulence... used as condiment in ancient rome, where it was both expensive and highly appreciated. The Assyrian Herbal mentions the herb (called tiya_tu or nuhustu) as growing near Babylon. The Coptic herbalists prescribed it as an ingredient in a composite eye ointment... occurs in prescriptions for the eye." (Lise Manniche, An Ancient Egyptian Herbal, pp.101-102). Ferula foetida = ferula alliacea: hingu (Skt.); hing (H.B.); hingra (M.); kayam (Ta.Te.Ma.); gum resin: instestinal antiseptic, carminative, in hysteria and epilepsy; essential oil; habitat: Eastern Persia and Khorassan and western Afghanistan. (GIMP, p.117). Ferula foetida, ferula ass-foetida: gum asafetida, devil's dung, food of the gods; teufelsdreck (Ger.); stinkasant (Ger.); assefetide (Fr.); part used: the oleogum-resin obtained by incising the living rhizomes and roots; habitat: Persia and Afghanistan... exported from Iran and India; adulterants: galbanum, a gum resin obtained from ferula galbaniflua, a perennial herb growing in Persia and Afghanistan; ammoniac, a gum resin from dorema ammoniacum, a perennial herb, indigenous to Persia and Turkestan; Uses: stimulant, carminative, nervine stimulant in hysteria, and laxative. (Heber W. Youngken, Textbook of Pharmacognosy, Philadelphia, The Blakiston Co., 1950, pp. 637-639).
3225.Image: mole, freckle; mark of lash: jat.ula, jad.ula mole, freckle (Skt.); zarun birthmark (A.); jar.ul, jar.ur freckle, spot (B.); jar.ura freckle, mole (Or.); jar.ul (H.)(CDIAL 5083). d.anu mark of lash (S.)(CDIAL 6128). t.ad.a scar, spot (Malt.); tal.m (obl. tal.t-) swelling raised by a blow, weal (Ko.); tar..umpu (tar..umpi-) to be scarred, bruised, marked, become practised, addicted; n. scar, cicatrice, bruise, weal, mark, impression, dent made in the skin, injury, blemish, stigma, defect in character (Ta..); tar..ampu scar, wart, callous spot as from a writing style; tar..ampikka to grow callous (Ma.); dali an inflamed patch of skin, blotch; dali inba to be blotchy, spread in patches (Kui)(DEDR 3118). jad.d.u, jid.d.u, dad.d.u callosity, a callous spot, wart, scar (Ka.); jad.d.u, dad.d.u callosity, hardness as of the skin of the hand, etc. from much use (Tu.); jed.d.i mole (on skin)(Kor.)(DEDR 2314). cf. vat.u scar, cicatrice, wale (Pur-ana_. 14); wart, mole (Ta.lex.) vat.u mark of stripe, scar, weal, wart, mole, freckle (Ma.)(DEDR 5227).
3226.Birth: ca_tam < ja_ta birth, nativity (Perun.. Ucaik. 43,61); that which arises or originates (Caivaca. Potu. 334)(Ta.lex.) pasu_ta (pp. of pasavati) produced; having born, delivered; pasu_ti bringing forth, birth (Pali.lex.) pasat.a (pp. of pa + sr.) to produce, let out; pasuta (pp. of pa + sa_ or si, Skt. prasita) attached to, intent upon, pursuing, doing; pasura (?pacura) many, abundant ( = ra_si, heap)(Pali.lex.)
3227.Image: birth: cf. ja_ti birth (AitBr.Pali)(CDIAL 5185). ja_yate_ is born (RV.); generates (R.); ja_yati is born (Pali); ja_ai (Pkt.); za to be born (Wg.); ja_y to bear (of animals)(Pa.); jysa to be born (Tor.); j- (Phal.); joiki (pret. ja_lu_), jo_nu, zo_nu (Sh.); zyonu (pp. za_v)(K.); ja_van. (L.); ja_un.a_ to bear (P.); ja_vu~ to be born (G.); za_um.k to happen, become, be (Konkan.i); ja_pan.u (pp. ja_o) to be born (S.); zagiba to be born (A.)(CDIAL 5204).
3228.Image: a woman who has recently given birth: sadyo_ja freshly born (Pa_n.. gan.a); sadyo_ ja_ta new-born calf (RV.); sadyo_ ja_ta_ a woman who has recently given birth (Skt.); sajja_ fresh; sajji_ su_i_ recently calved (of a cow)(L.); xa~_zo fresh, not kept overnight, purified by morning bath (A.); sa~_jo newly made, fresh (B.)(CDIAL 13124). Fresh: sajjuka, sajjaka, sarjuka (Tadbhava of sadyaska) new, recent, young; that is young or fresh: a bud (Ka.lex.) sadyaska, sajjuka belonging to the present day; immediate, present; new, recent; sadyas, sadya to-day, this very day, this moment; presently; sadya, sadya_ now (Ka.); sadhya_ (M.Te.); sadyo_ja_ta newly born, born in a moment; a calf (Ka.lex.) sajja ready (Pali.Pkt.); sajja_ fresh, new (L.); sa_z, sye_z in good order, good (Wot..); sajjra_ fresh (P.); sa_si fresh (N.)(CDIAL 13095). sadyas on the same day, at the very moment (RV.); sadivas id. (RV.); sajju, sajjukam. instantly, new (Pali); sajjo_, sajja, sajjam. quickly (Pkt.); sajj morning (P.); sa~_jo in one day, on the same day, recently, later (B.); seda, heda suddenly, quickly (Si.); sadyaska fresh (Sus'r.); sajjokka recent, fresh (Pkt.); sajaru fresh (S.); sajjra_ (P.)(CDIAL 13123). so_tr. engendering; savitri_ mother (Skt.); su_tri_ genital organ (AV.); female (Phal.); so~_ci adj. female; so_c, pl. so_ci (of animals)(Sh.); sot vulva (of animals)(M.); so~ti_ (Konkan.i)(CDIAL 13604).
3229.Image: mould, matrix: sa_ca_ a mould or matrice (Ka.); sa_ca_ (M.H.)(Ka.lex.) san.cha, san.chi a small mould or stamp; a division of a book consisting of eight or ten leaves; sachcha a mould, a stamp (P.lex.)
3230.Earnest: cattu < sat truth, reality (Ve_ta_. Cu_. 31)(Ta.lex.) sa_ca_ true, real (Ka.M.H.)(Ka.lex.) sai a small sum given to handfast a bargain, the thing purchased remaining with the seller, an earnest; a pledge (P.lex.) Bargain: sat.t.ayati gives (v. l. receives)(Dha_tup.); sat.t.ayati gives (Skt.); sattra wealth, gift (Skt.); sat.t.a exchanged; exchange; sat.t.i_ (Pkt.); sat.o (S.); sat.t.i_ exchange market (P.); sa~_t.o exchange; sat.on.o to exchange, barter (Ku.); sa_t.o anmends, revenge; sa_t.nu to exchange (N.); sa_t.a_ exchange (H.); sa_t.u~ bargain; sa_t.vu~ to make a bargain (G.); sa_t.n.e~ to buy up stock (M.); xuta_iba to retaliate (A.)(CDIAL 13101). satyan:ka_ra, sacakara, sacaka_ra, sacaga_ra making good or true, ratification of a contract or bargain; something given in advance as an earnest or security for the performance of a contract, earnest-money, pledge; satya true, real; fulfilled, realized; promise, oath (Ka.lex.) sanciga_r earnest, i.e. part paid beforehand (Kon.lex.) cf. acca_ram earnest money, advance given to ratify a bargain (Ta.Ma.); acca_ramu (Te.)(DEDR App.5). sacai, sat, sot, sotto truth; a~ya~, sarige of a truth; sa~ca, suca, suci, ajbi truthful (Santali.lex.) cf. satya true, truth (RV.); promise (AV.); satyaka (Skt.); sacca true, truth (Pali); saca (As'.); sacca truth, oath; tacca true (Pkt.); caco, taco true (Gypsy); sace truth (Bshk.); saj (Tor.); sa_ce (Gau.); sacu true, truth; saco true (S.); sace, sacca_ adj. (L.); sace, sacca_ (P.); sac, sacc (WPah.); sa~_c true (Ku.); sa~_co truthful (Ku.); true (N.); xa~sa_ (A.); sa~_c truth; sa~_ca_ true (B.); sa_ca_, sa~_ca_, cha_ca_, chaca_ truthful (Or.); sa~_c true (Mth.); sa_c true, truth (Bhoj.); sa~_cu true (Aw.); sa_c true, truth; sa~_ca_, sacca_ true (H.); sa_co (Marw.); sa_c, sa_cu~ true (G.); sa_c, sa~_ca_ (M.); sasa truth (Si.); sas oath (Si.); sant existing, real, true (RV.)(CDIAL 13112). sava_ya truthful (Pkt.OG.); sadva_din speaking the truth (MaitrUp.)(CDIAL 13125).
3231.Custom-house officer: ca_yar (Ta.) < sa_'ir (U.) customs, duties; current or customary sources of revenue other than land tax (C.G.); custom-house officer (Ta.lex.) ?ca_ya-p-pet.t.i small lacquer boxes with compartments; dyed ola-covered baskets with compartments (Ta.lex.) sa_yaru, jaka_ti customs, excise (Ka.)(Ka.lex.)
3232.Sign of approval: sayi, say a word answering to signature in writing, and to acceptance in orgal communication; a particle of emphatic indication or concession: indeed, in truth, aye, of course, well said, correct (Ka.); sa-i_, sahi_ (M.H.); sayi, sahi sign of approval, signature (Ka.lex.) sayda, sayta a man of rectitude, a straightforward, upright or honest man; sayva id.; sayta a man of rectitude; saypu, saytu rectitude, propriety, justice, virtue, merit (Ka.); saypuver- to obtain merit (Ka.lex.) sakki, sa_kki, sa_ks.i observing, witnessing; attesting, testifying (Ka.lex.) cf. sa_ks.ya evidence (Mn.); morph. cf. sa_magri_ ~~ sa_magrya); sakkha evidence (Pkt.); sa_kh (H.); sa_kha_ trustworthy (H.); sa_k ra_khn.e~ to set a watch for expected arrival (M.); sakkhijja evidence (Pkt.); sachiyena inst. sg. (NiDoc.); sa_khi_ (P.); reputation, mercantile credit (M.); sa_kha evidence, honesty (S.); sa_kh solemn declaration (L.); credit (Aw.); evidence, reputation (H.); sa_kh, sa_k = sa_khi_ reputation, mercantile credit (M.); sa_khiim., inst. sg. (OG.); sa_khi evidence (G.)(CDIAL 13322). Rectitude: say say, say, sey, sai straightness: down-rightness; rectitude, propriety; merit; saynimir to be stretched straight up; saynege to rise straight upward to, bristle; sayyakkara a straight syllable, a syllable denoted by a straight line, i.e. a short syllable; sayvari to run or move straight on; sayte-do_r- to appear proper or orderly arranged; saytu straightness; rectitude, propriety; a straight line used to denote a short syllable: a short syllable; saytid.u to put in order, to make proper; to put on in a proper manner; saytu-gere a straight line: the sign for a short syllable; saytuvariyisu to cause to run or go straight on (Ka.lex.)
3233.Essence: sat essence (H.G.M.); sattva existence, reality (TS.); true character (MBh.); living being, creature (MBh.); satta strength, essence (Pkt.); sath, satas truth, essence (K.); satu courage (S.); satt truth (P.); sata_ strength (Or.); satta_ (H.); satta living being (Pali.Pkt.); satva (KharI.); sata being, animal (Si.)(CDIAL 13111).
3234.Earnest money: can.d.ava_l., can.d.iva_l.a what is given to ratify a bargain, earnest money, a handsel (Ka.Te.)(Ka.lex.) canta_ money, subscription (Ta.mod.); canda_ (U.)(Ta.lex.)
3235.Ratification of a bargain; earnest money; pledge: sann deposited (S'Br.); sa_n anything given in pledge (G.); hste_s.u sa_dayati (AV.)(CDIAL 13128). can.t.i-va_l.am money given to dissolve a bargain or to redeem anything (Ta.); can.d.i-va_l.a (Ka.)(Ta.lex.) sa_ti winning, gaining (RV.); sa_i something very good (Pkt.); say ratification of a bargain, earnest money (K.); sa_i_ earnest money (L.P.Aw.H.); pledge (H.); sai yield of harvest, plenty (Ku.); la_u-sa_u, la_o-sa_o gain (H.)(CDIAL 13332). acca_ram earnest money, advance given to ratify a bargain (Ta.Ma.); acca_ramu (Te.); satyam.ka_ra (Skt.)(DEDR App. 5). cf. san win; sano_ti wins, gains (RV.); sanoiki to prepare, put right (Sh.); san- to be able; sanna_ to finish (WPah.)(CDIAL 13126). Strength; true: snt existing, real, true (RV.); sattv existence, reality (TS.); true character (MBh.); living being, creature (MBh.); satta strength, essence (Pkt.); sath, dat. satas truth, essence (K.); satu courage (S.); satt truth (P.); sata_ strength (Or.); satta_ (H.); sat essence (H.G.M.); satta living being (Pali.Pkt.); satva (KharI.); sata being, animal (Si.)(CDIAL 13111). saty true; truth (RV.); promise (AV.); satyaka (Skt.); sacca true; truth (Pali); saca (As'.); sacca truth, oath; tacca true (Pkt.); caco true; taco (Gypsy); sace truth (Bshk.); saj (Tor.); sa_ce (Gau.); sacu true; truth; saco true (S.); sacc (L.); sacca_ adj. (L.); sacc, sacca_ (P.); sac, sacc (WPah.); sa~_c true; sa~_co truthful (Ku.); true (N.); xa_sa_ (A.); sa~_c truth (B.); true (Mth.); sa~_cu true (Aw.); sa_c true, truth (Bhoj.H.); true (G.); sa~_ca_, sacca_ true (H.); sa_co (Marw.); sa_cu~ true (G.); sa_c, sa~_ca_ (M.); sasa truth; sas oath (Si.)(CDIAL 13112). satyavacana speaking the truth (VarBr.S.ChUp.); sasvadan speaking the truth (Si.)(CDIAL 13114). satyavr.tti devotion to truth (R.); sacaut.i_ truthfulness (Mth.); sa_cvat.i (G.); sacot.i_, satot.i_ honesty (M.)(CDIAL 13115). saddharma true virtue (R.); saddhamma (Pali.Pkt.); sadam holy teaching, religion (Si.)(CDIAL 13121). sadbha_va true existence (R.); truth (MBh.); sabbha_va reality (Pali.Pkt.); sbha_va, hbha_va truth, reality; hba_t.a really (Si.)(CDIAL 13122). sadva_din speaking the truth (MaitrUp.); sava_ya truthful (Pkt.G.)(CDIAL 13125). Good man: sajjana well-born, of good family, respectable, reputable; virtuous, good; a good man, a virtuous man (Skt.Ka.); sajjana, saujanya goodness, generosity, kindness (Ka.lex.)
3236.Association, friendship: cf. sa_khiya, sa_khya association, party (RV.); friendship (Skt.); sakhya friendship (Pali); acc. sg. sakkhim., sakkhi_ (Pali); sa_her.i_ woman's female friend (S.); sa_heli_ (G.)(CDIAL 13323). saciva a companion, a friend; a counsellor, a minister; saci an associate, a friend; connection, friendship; sa_civya friendship, fellowship; the office of a counsellor, ministership, ministry, administration (Ka.lex.) Tribe: ce_karam district, station; family, tribe (Ta.lex.) can:kati connection, relation (I_t.u, 4,6, Pra.)(Ta.lex.) Part of town inhabited by people of one tribe: sa_hi, sa_i part of town inhabited by people of one caste or tribe (Or.)(CDIAL 13323). sajjane a virtuous woman; a wife; sajjanike virtuousness, goodness (Ka.lex.) cf. sa_khilya friendship (Skt.); sa_khalya, sa_khalla (Pali); havul-a partnership (Si.)(CDIAL 13324). Relatives, kinship: sa_i_ relatives (Ku.); saja_tya kinship (RV.)(CDIAL 13087). cf. sva_min owner, master (Mn.); husband (A_past.); saui owner, master (Gypsy); sa~_i~_ (S.); sa~_i (as term of address)(L.)(CDIAL 13930). saja_ta kinsman (RV.); sia_u male member of a family with which one is connected by marriage; sia_lu a relative (S.); siya_ kinsman (Si.)(CDIAL 13086). sajjhilaga, sajjhillaga brother; sajjilaga_ sister (Pkt.); sa~_jhil third son in a family of four or more (Mth.); sajhil (Aw.); sajhil, sajhla_ (H.); sa_(h)i_lo third eldest brother; sa_(h)i_li third eldest sister (N.); sejo third-born (B. after mejo < madhyama) (CDIAL 13094). saho_dara co-uterine (Mn.); saho_ara full brother (Pkt.); saho_ari_ full sister (Pkt.); sahowar full brother (H.); sohovur full brother (OSi.); sohoyura_, sohoyuri_ (Si.)(CDIAL 13312). so_dara co-uterine (Mn.); next of kin (Skt.); soro, pl. swa_ra_ kinsman, caste-fellow; s'war (Ku.); soyra_ relation by marriage, friend (M.)(CDIAL 13605). sa_yi, sa_mi, so_mi, so_yi, so_vi, sva_mi a proprietor, an owner; a master, a lord; od.eya; a soverign, king, monarch; a guru; a husband; S'iva's son, Skanda; sva_mitva ownership; mastership; lordship; sovereignty; sva_mya, sa_mya mastership, lordship, ownership; right or title to property (Ka.lex.) swa_ni_, swa_niko contemporary, of the same age (Ku.); sa_ma_nya equal, alike; equality (MBh.); sa_ma_a equality (Pali); sa_man.n.a likeness (Pkt.)(CDIAL 13351; CDIAL 14835). sajjana well-born, of good family, respectable, reputable; virtuous, good; a good man, a virtuous man; sajjana = saujanya goodness, generosity (Ka.lex.) cf. sajjana good man (sant + jana)(Mn.Pali); sajjan.a (Pkt.); sajan.u a benevolent person, friend (S.); sajjan., sajan. friend (L.); sajjan. (P.); sa_jni, sajni female friend (Mth.); sa_jana lover (OAw.); sa_jan lover, paramour (H.); sa_jan.a pl. bridegroom's party (OG.); sa_jan., sajan., sa_jn.i_ lover, mistress (M.); sadana_ good person (Si.)(CDIAL 13090). sa_jan gathering of respectable gentlemen attending a wedding, the bridegroom's party; sa_jnu~ a meeting of caste-members to decide a caste question (G.); sa_janem. association, friendship (OM.)(CDIAL 13330). sa_vaka_ra, sa_vuka_ra, sa_huka_ra a banker, a merchant; a rich man (Ka.M.H.); saha_ya, sa_ya one who goes along with another, an adherent; a helper, a patron; saha_yate a number of companions, company of associates or followers; sa_, saha, saha_ together, with, along with (Ka.lex.) Image: attached to: satta- attahced to, clinging to (Pali.Pkt.); sajjati clings to, is attached to (Pali); sajati is attached, embraces (Dha_tup.)(CDIAL 13085).
3237.Belonging to; property; chattels; wealth: -sam.da in cmpds. 'belonging to' (NiDoc.); santaka id. (Skt.); santaka belonging to, being in the power of (Pali); -san affix denoting enduring state with verb or adjective; -sa~_ gen. suffix of nouns (Dm.); -sondu gen. suffix ( < -as hondu; pres. part. bhavati); -sando gen. suffix (S.); sanda_ pres. part. (P.); -hando gen. suffix (Marw.); sa~_ta_, sa_ta_ being (M.); sataka- belonging to (OSi.Bra_hmi_); sataka belonging to (Si. 10th cent. A.D.); satu (Si.); santaka property (Pali); sam.da- in: sarvasam.dena with all my property (NiDoc.); sa~ta cattle (Dm.); sanda_ wealth (L.); sanda_ chattels (P.); Ösant existing, real, true (RV.)(CDIAL 13127). Prosperity, existence, wealth: bhu_ti prosperity (RV.); bhavant pres. part. of bhavati 'turns out well' (RV.); hu~do well-to-do, prosperous (Ku.)(CDIAL 9418). bhavanti_ the present tense (Skt.); ho~d existence (P.); ho~t wealth (H.)(CDIAL 9419). bhuvo worshipper in a temple (G.); bhu_de_va title used of Brahmans by themselves (Skt.)(CDIAL 9554). cf. bhu_man earth, world (RV.)(CDIAL 9556). satkavi true bard (Skt.); sakavi bard, panegyrist (Si.)(CDIAL 13107). san.da chattels, implements; wealth; jet.h, har.h wichch gain. parakhiye, yar parakhiye wakht piyan; te us ghare wichch nar parakhiye, jis ghare wichch san.da nah cows are tested in Jet.h and Har.h, a friend in need, and a wife in a house where there is no wealth; san.d instruments, tools (P.lex.)
3238.Floor-cloth: ja_jama, ja_ji_ma a floor-cloth (Ka.M.H.)(Ka.lex.)
3239.Images: ragged cloth; upper garment: sa_huli_, sa_hulia_ cloth (Pkt.); saur., saur.h quilt, quilt worn as a cloak (P.); saur. blanket (Ku.); ser.i portion of sa_r.i_ drawn over the eyes as a veil; ser.o upper garment of men or women (G.); sa_hula-ci_vara a coarse cloth; sa_hunna, sa_hun.d.a strip of ragged cloth (Pali)(CDIAL 13382). slu a fine red cloth (K.); sa_lu_ fine upper garment worn by women (P.); sa_lu (N.B.H.); sa_l.u (Or.Marw.G.); s'a_lu_ fine red cloth (M.)(CDIAL 13372). cf. ja_ju, ja_du colour of red ochre, red colour (Ka.); redness (Te.)(DEDR 2437). Dressing, ties, fastens : sam.dyati ties, fastens (AV.); sam.da_na fetter (RV.); sandita fastened (Pali); (h)andinava_ to put on clothes (Si.); (h)andavanava_ caus. to dress (Si.); sanda_na cord, fetter (Pali); sam.da_n.ai fetters (Pkt.); sam.da_n.ia bound (Pkt.); andanaya monk's undergarment (Si.); andana_ dressing (Si.)(CDIAL 12906). sajana act of fastening (Skt.)(CDIAL 13098). Joint, joinery: sand joint e.g. of a door, of the body (Kon.lex.) cad.i a dovetail (in carpentry)(Ka.); jad.a-ka_ma joinery (M.)(Ka.lex.) cat.ai-tl to flatten as the head or point of a nail by repeated blows; to clinch, rivet (Ta.lex.) To dress: s.u_m I put on (clothes)(Phal.); s.a_ to put on (dress) (Bshk.); s.awe to dress (another)(Phal.); handinava_, andinava_ to don, wear (Si.)(CDIAL 13085). attna_ to clothe or dress oneself, put on (Kur.); ate to wear, put on (Malt.); attu sewing (Ta.); atuku to solder, cement, join (Ka.); attu to be attached or joined (Te.); atkap to mend, join (Ga.); adk to tie (knot, etc.)(Go.); atku a joint, patch (Kond.a)(DEDR 145). ca_tu to wear (esp. holy clothes, caste mark, etc.)(Te.); ca_ttu to put on, adorn (idols, great persons), wear as a caste mark; n. wearing as a garland (Ta.)(DEDR 2449). ca_rttuka to put on dress, adorn, throw on (Ma.)(DEDR 2460). Clothing; armour; matting: s'a_t.i_ strip of cloth (MBh.); s'a_t.a id. (Skt.) > sar.ai shawl (Psht.); sar.ie_ (O_rmur.i_. Iranian); sa_l (Persian); s'arak (Tocharian); sa_t.a garment, cloth (Pali); sa_t.aka, sa_t.i, sa_t.ika_ outer garment, cloak (Pali); sa_d.aya, sa_d.i_, sa_d.ia_, sa_lia_ garment (Pkt.); sa_r.hi_ woman's garment or sari (S.); sa_r.i_ (L.); sa_r.ha_, sa_r.hi_ loincloth (P.); sa_r.i sari (Ku.); sa_r.i cloth garment (N.); xa_ri sari (A.); sa_r.i (B.Or.); sa_r.i_ (H.G.); sa_ri_ (Bi.Mth.Aw.); sa_r.hi (Or.); sariya_ (Bi.); sa_r (Bhoj.); sa_r.hi_ (H.); sa_d.i_ (OMarw.); the sari given to bride at wedding (M.); sa_d.a_ id. (M.); sal.u-va, hal.u-va cloth, shawl (Si.); --ext. with -ll-: sa_d.illa, sa_d.ollaya garment (Pkt.); sa_d.lo, sa_llo sari (G.)(CDIAL 12381). mamo salaka, gon:go salaka cloth given as present by bridegroom (Santali.lex.) ca_t.i cloth, clothing (Ta.lex.) [cf. -at.t.a a false suit, in ku_t.a-at.t.a-ka_ra a false suitor (Pali); ku_t.a a trap, snare (Pali.lex.)] cat.t.a armour, mailcoat, jacket, bodice (Ma.); a small sack, jacket, coat (Te.); cat.t.ai jacket, coat, gown, cloak; (te_cut.ai-c-cat.t.ai ca_tti) (Tiruva_lava_. 16,19)(Ta.lex.); slough of a snake (Ta.); cat.t.e a garment adapted to the body after the European fashion (Ka.); cat.t.ega_re a native who assume European dress (Tu.)(DEDR 2310). cat.a_ri coat of mail (prob. jad.a + ari weapon)(Ta.lex.) s'a_t.a strip of cloth (Skt.); sa_t.a garment, cloth (Pali)(CDIAL 12381). cf. sa_n.a hempen (Pkt.)(CDIAL 12384). cat.t.ai jacket, coat, gown, cloak, slough of a snake (Ta.)(DEDR 2310).
3240.Image: petticoat: can.d.a_taka a short petticoat, i.e. sari worn upto half the thigh (Skt.Ka.lex.)
3241.Image: a tuft; a crest: can.d.ike, cen.d.ike a tuft; a crest; a tuft of hair left on the head of the young children of all castes; the tuft of hair left on the top of the head (at the ceremony of tonsure) by all those people who wear the janiva_ra (Ka.); cin.t.u (Ta.); ce_n.d.i_ (M.); can.d.ila Rudra (Ka.); a barber (Skt.Ka.)(Ka.lex.) can.t.an- Yama (Te_vai. 70); a Rudra (Ta.lex.) s'ikhan.d.ike a tuft (Ka.); cu_d.e, cu_d.a_, cu_d.a, cu_t.a, jut.t.u a single lock or tuft of hair left on the crown of the head at the ceremony of tonsure; the crest of a cock or peacock; any crest, plume, diadem; the head; top, summit (Ka.lex.) cf. cu_d.a_ topknot on head (Skt.)(CDIAL 4883). cut.ikai < jut.ika_ crown of the head (Tiva_.); crown, crest, diadem; hair-knot on the top of the head; crest as of a peacock; hood of a cobra (Kantapu. Tiruna_t.t.up. 19)(Ta.); cut.t.i tuft of hair (Aka. Ni.)(Ta.lex.) cf. ju_t.a twisted hair (Skt.)(CDIAL 5258).
3242.Perfume: can.d.e a certain perfume, ra_ks.asi, dhanahari; the small tree cerbera odollam; cen.d.i a low annual plant growing in rice-fields, sphaeranthus indicus (Ka.lex.) Cerbera manghas = cerbera odollam: dabur, dhakur (B.); kattarali (Ta.); utalam (Ma.); sukanu (M.); bark: purgative; nut: narcotic, poisonous; fruit: employed to kill dogs; plant: fish poison; habitat: tidal forests and salt-swamps on the sea-coast of India (GIMP, pp.59-60).
3243.Oleander: can.d.a_ta fragrant oleander, nerium odorum (Ka.Skt.lex.) Nerium indicum = nerium odorum: karavira (Skt.); kaner (H.P.); karabi (B.); kanhera (M.); karaviram (Ta.Te.Ma.); plant: poisonous; root: powerful resolvent and attenuant, used externally; beaten into a paste with water applied to chancres and ulcers on the penis; habitat: Upper Gangetic plain, Himalayas from Nepal westwards to Kashmir upto 6,500 ft., Salt Range, Waziristan, Baluchistan, Central and S. India (GIMP, p.175).
3244.Image: crossing of many roads: cantu crossing of many roads (Malaipat.u. 393); id. (Ma.); sandu id. (Ka.Tu.); cantu narrow street, lane (Ta.Ma.); sandu id. (Te.Ka.Tu.); canti meeting, union, combination; the cross roads, junction of three or more roads (Tirumuru. 225); canti-k-karai junction where several roads or rivers meet; canti-k-kar-uppan- a minor deity worshipped at the crossing of roads; cantippu junction of rivers, roads, railroads, etc. (Ta.); canti-mitittal to take a child to the cross roads in an auspicious time in its fourth month (Tiruvil.ai. Ukkira. 27)(Ta.lex.) sand meeting, confluence (K.); so.nu confluence (K.)(CDIAL 12913). Image: junction: sin point where boundaries of three villages meet (P.)(CDIAL 13435).
3245.Agreement; cultivation on a share basis: sam.dha_ agreement (AV.Pkt.); anda cropping or cultivation on a share basis (Si.)(CDIAL 12908). sannhei state charges for grazing cattle in the evening (WPah.)(CDIAL 12908b). sanda_ on account of (Si.); sandha_ya with reference to (Pali); sam.dha_ya id. (BHSk.)(CDIAL 12911). sun agreement, settlement (Kt.)(CDIAL 12913). Message: cantu message, errand (Pirapulin.. Pirapute_. 49); messenger (Kantapu. Ka_cipan-pu. 6); reconciliation, peace (Pa_rata. Kirut.t.in.an-r-u_. 6)(Ta.); canti reconciliation, alliance, one of aracar-ar-u-kun.am (Kur-al., 633, Urai.)(Ta.lex.)
3246.Rope: sanda_na a rope, especially for tying cattle (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) To draw up water from irrigation tank: ce_ntu (ce_nti-) to draw, as a rope running over a pulley; e_ntal irrigation tank (Ta.); se_du, se_ndu to draw up (water from a well); se_du drawing, etc. (Ka.); se.d- (se.di-) to drink a deep draught (Kod..); se_duni to draw water (Tu.); ce~_du, ce_du to draw up as water from a well; ce~_da, ce_da bucket; ce~_-tra_d.u rope used in drawing up water from a well with a small bucket or vessel (Te.); cnde to remove in small quantities from a heap (Malt.)(DEDR 2812).
3247.Stump of tree: sad. stump of sugar-cane etc. (M.); sa~_t.ho stalk, reed (G.); san.d.ha, san.d.a, san.d.ha_, san.d.a_ stout and strong, (of a tree) unfruitful from, luxuriant growth (Or.)(CDIAL 12270). Stalk: kad.amba end, point, stalk of a pot-herb (Skt.); kar.amba stalk of greens (B.); kar.amba_, kar.ama_ stalks and plants among stubble of a reaped field (Or.); kar.bi_, karbi_ tubular stalk or culm of a plant, esp. of millet (H.); karb (P.); kad.ba_ the culm of millet (M.); kal.ama a kind of firm-stemmed reed from which pens are made (Or.); infl. by kalam pen (H.)(CDIAL 2653). Image: thicket: s.an.d.a wood, thicket (BhP.); san.d.a cluster, grove (Pali); sam.d.a thicket (Pkt.)(CDIAL 12797). Image: bush: ja_r.i, ja_d.i, ja_ri_, ja_r.i_ grass (Go.); ja_nd.u grass, weed, rubbish (Kuwi)(DEDR App.36). ja_d.i a mass (Ka.); jha_d.i_ a thicket (M.); jha_t.a a thicket (Skt.); jha_t.a = samu_ha mass (Te.)(Ka.lex.) jha_t.a forest, arbour (Skt.); jha_r.a bush, tree, forest (Or.); jha_r.i_ thicket, low jungle (Or.); bush (H.); jha_d.a bush, thicket (Pkt.); jha_r. thornbush (P.); jha_r. tuft of grass, bush, thicket (B.); clump of trees (Bhoj.); tree, plant (G.); bush (H.); grass (Ku.); jha_r small bush (N.); brushwood (Bi.); za_r thicket, clump (A.); jha_r.a_ bush (H.); cha_r., cha_r.i_ bush (H.); jha_d. bush, tree (M.); jha_d.a bush (Konkan.i); jha_t., jo_t. mountain grass (Pas'.); jha_t.i_ brushwood (Or.); zand small shrub (K.); jha~_t.i land producing brushwood (Mth.); jhit.a small brush (S.)(CDIAL 5362). X cf. cu_d.a tuft: jhun.t.a_ bush (Or.); jhun.t. (H.); jhun.t.a bush (Skt.); jhun.d.k sprouts round stump of a tree (P.); shrub (H.); jhor.o bundle (Ku.); jhor.i_ bunch, cluster (Ku.); jhor brush-wood (N.); jhor. bush (B.); jhu_r. bush (H.); jhot.o cluster (Ku.)(CDIAL 5400). zul jungle (Ash.Kt.); jal tree (Pas.); jehal jungle (Kal.); zal grove, copse (of trees)(Kho.); jhall jungle (L.); jha_l collection of vines or other plants (N.); jhall reed-bed, thicket (P.); bush (WPah.); jha_l pendulous flowering and fruitage of a tree (M.); jhala_r brushwood (H.)(CDIAL 5355). Grass: s'a_dvala abounding in fresh grass (Skt.); s'a_da young grass (RV.); saddala grassy (Pali); green grass (Pkt.); ha_bil du_b-grass, panicum dactylon or cynedon dactylon (commonly used as fodder for horses)(K.); cha_dla_ moss, slime (B.); sadula arrow-grass, heteropogon hirtus (Si.)(CDIAL 12387). s'a_d.vala, s'a_dvala abounding in fresh or green grass, green, verdant; a grassy spot (Ka.Skt.)(Ka.lex.) cf. ka_t.u forest, jungle (Ta.); wood, jungle (Ma.); ka_d.u forest, jungle (Ka.Tu.); ka.d.i jungle (Kod..); ka_ru forest (Tu.); ka_r-(u) forest (Kond.a)(DEDR 1438).
3248.Gable-wall: candi a gable-wall (Ka.); ca_nda-i_ (M.); candi-go_d.e id. (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) ?sandhi a hole, breach, chasm (Skt.lex.)
3249.Images: cleft; joint: cf. sa_ndhi hole, crevice (OB.); sa~_dh joint; sa~_d(h)i_ joint, chink (M.)(CDIAL 12913). Image: cut: cha_n.d.an. to lop (L.); cha~_t.a_ (B.); cha_n.t.iba_ (Or.); cha~_t.na_ (H.); cha~_t.n.a_ (P.); cha~_t.nu (N.); cha_t.ai, cha_m.t.ai (OMarw.); cha~_t.vu~ (G.); can.d. to beat (Bshk.)(CDIAL 5013). ca_ttu (ca_tti-) to beat, thrash; n. beating, thrashing (Ta.); ca.t (ca.ty-) to give a blow to, beat (Ko.)(DEDR 2450). Image: gap: cantu gap, cleft, crack (Ta.Ma.); sandu id. (Te.Ka.Tu.); canti bamboo, as having joints; cantu-vit.utal to crack, or get disjointed (Ta.); sanduvid.u id. (Ka.)(Ta.lex.) sandh, sannh crack between two surfaces, hole made by burglars (P.); sa_ndhi hole, crevice (OB.); a~_dhi-sa~_dhi holes and corners (B.)(CDIAL 12913). Images: joint of the body: cantu joint of the body (Pur-ana_. 78, Urai.); id. (Ma.); sandu id. (Ka.Tu.); cantu < san-dhi joint (Ta.Ma.); sandu id. (Ka.Tu.)(Ta.lex.) Image: to conjoin: cantittal to join, conjoin (Te_va_. 16,9); to meet (Tirukkaruvai. Kalit. 75)(Ta.lex.) sam.dhi_yate_ is placed in or against (e.g. arrow on bowstring)(MBh.); sandhi_yati, sandhiyyati is put together (Pali); sanun to be thrust in, be compressed into, sink into (K.); sonu deep (of lake or pit), low-lying (K.)(CDIAL 12916). Image: joint, seam; boundary; crack between two surfaces; joining, breach, hole: sa~_dhi joint, seam, cleft (G.); sa~_dh joint (M.); sa~_d(h)i_ joint, chink (M.); sa_m.d joint (Konkan.i); sanda, handiya joint, knot (Si.); sandhu joint (S.); sandho joint, boundary (Si.); sa~_dho joint, seam, patch, cleft (G.); sa~_d(h)a_ joint, knuckle, knot (M.); sandhi joining, breach, hole (Pali); sam.dhi joint, hole (Pkt.); joint (RV.); point of union (TS.); horizon, extremity, end (S'Br.); compact (MBh.); hole made by a burglar (Mn.); sam.dhika in cmpd. jointed (Skt.); san burglary (K.); sandhi hole made by burglars (S.); sandh space, distance (P.); sa~_dh boundary (N.); do-sa~_dh, do-sa_n frontier (N.); sa_id(h)uwa_, sai~dhuwa_ burglar (N.); sandhi-che_da housebreaking (Pali); se~dh, sen hole made by burglars (N.); sen hole made by burglars, mine (Mth.); se_nhi (Bhoj.); se~_dh (whence se~dhna_ to bore, sap, mine)(H.); xindhi hole in the ground (esp. one made under a wall by a thief)(A.); si~d(h) hole in a wall (B.); si~d(h)i hole made by a thief (Or.)(CDIAL 12913). sam.dhila_ hole in wall, chasm (Skt.); sandhiru housebreaker (S.)(CDIAL 12915). sa~_dhi_ housebreaker (L.)(CDIAL 13314). Wrist, ankle: s.aca_, s.ace wrist (Wg.); s.aci_ (Kt.); s.aca_ wrist; s.a_co ankle; s.a_co_ arm below elbow (Pas'.); hocu wrist (K.); *s'rathya to be joined, joint (Skt.)[cf. semant. Pers. band wrist)](CDIAL 12676). Nourish: sam.dha_rati holds together (Skt.); sam.dhr.ta (AV.); sam.dha_rayati holds together, supports (MBh.); sam.dha_ran.a supporting (MBh.); encouragement (Pkt.); sandha_re_ti holds up, restrains (Pali); sam.dha_ria placed, settled (Pkt.); sanda_run to support, sustain, nourish (K.); sanda_ran arranging, resuscitating (K.)(CDIAL 12907). sana_thi_- karo_ti protects (Skt.)(CDIAL 12926). Support: a_n.am support (Ta.Ma.); a_nincu to place or lay so as to lean against, lean, support (Te.); an-r-et.e to lean or rest on pillows (Malt.)(DEDR 408). an.t.ai, an.ai support (Ta.); an.a support, pillow (Ma.)(DEDR 123). an.t.u to take refuge in, retire to for shelter (Ta.); an.t.ai nearness, neighbourhood, vicinity (Ta.lex.)(DEDR 120). Thicket; a place where two things are joined: s'an.d.a, san.d.a, s.an.d.a, s'an.d.ha a multitude, a collection, a group, a flock; a place where two things are joined into one; a thicket, a wood; two trees being joined (Ka.lex.) s'an.d.a a multitude; an encampment (Ka.lex.) can.d.ika_ Durga_ (Ta.Skt.Ka.lex.) can.d.i Durga_ (Ka.lex.) san.d.avan.e (Tadbhava of sandha_na), santavan.a, sandan.a, sandan.i, sandavan.e the act of placing or holding together,joining, junction, uniting; tying or binding together, tying; a cord, a rope; alliance, league, association; companionship; directing, taking aim; aim, attention; the application of expedients, the concentration of efforts, energies or talents towards the performance of; reception, receiving (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) sandhi alliance, league, making a treaty of peace (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) Image: to join together; relationship: cha~_dnu to bind, hobble (N.); sa_ndiba to tie (A.); cha~_da_ (B.); chandiba_ to join together (Or.); cha~_dna_ to tie (H.); cha~_d tether (N.B.); tether (H.); chanda_ tie, bond (Or.); cha~_d, cha_n hobble for cattle (Bi.); cha_n fetter, hobble (Mth.); sa_ndni loop for feet in climbing trees (A.); chandan.i tether for cows (Or.)(CDIAL 4984).
3250.Fermented liquid; mixture of a beverage; distilling: sam.dha_na mixing (a drink)(S'a_rn:gS.); sour rice gruel (Skt.); joint, union (TS.); bell-metal (MW.); pickles (OAw.); sam.dha_ni_ foundry (Skt.); sandha_na union, fetter (Pali); sam.dha_n.a joint, fermented liquid (Pkt.); sa~_dha_n.o pickles (S.); sandan ca_na_ dried radishes (N.); sandha_na_ pickle, acid preparation of bel and other fruits (H.); sandha_ni_ f. id., distilling, foundry (H.); sa~dha_n.u~ pickles (G.); sa~_d(h)an., sa~_d(h)n.e~ a culinary preparation of rice (M.); andun bell, gong (Si.)(CDIAL 12909). Provision for daily worship: canti provision for daily worship in a temple (S.I.I. v,92); festival; worship (Tiv. Amalan-a_ti. 3)(Ta.lex.) Boiled rice: ca_tam boiled rice (Kumare_.Cata.63)(Ta.); sa_damu id. (Te.)(Ta.lex.) sam.dadha_ti places on, combines (RV.); sam.dha_ mixture of a beverage (Skt.); sandhan.u to pickle (S.); sa~dhan. (L.); sandahati puts together (Pali); sam.dha_i, sam.dhe_i, sam.dhai joins (Pkt.); sanun to mingle, penetrate (K.); sann.u~ to knead flour (WPah.); sa_nn.o to mix with ingredients, immerse in spices, make a sauce of, pickle (Ku.); sa~_dhnu, sa_dnu to pickle (N.); xa_niba to mix, knead, plaster (A.); sa_ndhiba_, sa_ndiba_, sa_niba_ to mix up, knead (Or.); sa_nal to mix (Bhoj.); sa_m.dhai aims, fixes, prepares pickles (OAw.); sa_nab to mix (OAw.); sa_nna_ to mix, knead (H.); sa_m.dhai aims (OMarw.); sa~_dhvu~ to unite, attach (G.); sa~_dhn.e~, sa~_dn.e~ to join, be joined, come together (M.); hananava_, ananava_ to mix, knead (dough or clay)(Si.)(CDIAL 12898). sam.nayati mixes (esp. with fresh or sour milk)(S'Br.); leads together, joins (RV.); sanne_ti mixes, kneads (Pali); sanun to mingle, penetrate (K.); sannn.u~, sannna_ to knead flour (WPah.); sa_nn.o to mix with ingredients, immerse in spices, make a sauce of, pickle (Ku.); xa_niba to mix, knead, plaster (A.); sa_niba_ to mix up, knead (Or.); sa_nal to mix (Bhoj.); sa_nab (Aw.); sa_nna_ mix, knead (H.); (h)ananava_ to mix, knead (dough or clay)(Si.)(CDIAL 12924).
3251.Nutmeg: ja_ti_, ja_ti mace, nutmeg (Sus'r.); ja_ti-puppha a kind of nutmeg (Pali); za~_i_ nutmeg (A.); ja_e-phael nutmeg (H.)(CDIAL 5187). "Myristica officinalis: both nugmegs and mace enter into the composition of numerous medicines as aromatic adjuncts... An infusion of nutmegs is recommended by several writers as a serviceable drink in the thirst of cholera patients." (Sanskrit Materia Medica, p.225). ja_ti_pattri_, ja_tipattri_ mace (Bhpr.); javatri_ mace (L.); ja_itri_ (Or.); ja_watri_, ja_wi_tri_, jawaltari_ (H.G.); ja_va~tri_ (G.); ja_ipatri (N.); za~_ipatri_ (A.); ja_epatri_ (H.); ja_ypatri_ (G.); ja_ypatri_ (M.)(CDIAL 5188). ja_ti_phala, ja_tiphala nutmeg, mace (VarBr.S.); ja_pharu nutmeg (S.); jaiphal (P.); ja_iphal (N.); ja_yphal (B.); ja_iphal.a (Or.); ja_ephal (H.); ja_yphal. (G.); ja_iphal. (M.); da_pala (Si.)(CDIAL 5189). nar-aikka_y nutmeg (Tirumuru. 190)(Ta.lex.) ca_ti nutmeg (kar-pu_ra ca_tiyo_ t.aintu : Cilap. 5,26, Urai.); ca_tikka_y nutmeg, fragrant and medicinal (Ta.);ja_yika_yi (Te.); ca_tikka_y-maram nutmeg tree, myristica fragrans; jungle nutmeg, myristica laurifolia (Ta.lex.) ja_ti, ja_yi, ja_yika_yi, ja_ji nutmeg, mace; ja_yipatre, ja_jipatre, ja_tipatri; ja_tiphala, ja_yiphala the coat of the nutmeg, mace (Ka.lex.) ja_tikos'a aril of the seed of ja_tiphala (Car. Ci. 26.205); ja_ti_phala myristica fragrans (Car. Su. 5.77, Ci. 17.126). Myristica fragrans: jatiphala (Skt.); jaiphal (H.B.M.); jadikkay (Ta.); jajikaya (Te.); jatikka (Ma.); seeds: carminative, stomachic, useful in flatulency, nausea and vomiting; oil from dried kernels: aperitif, carminative; habitat: a native of the E. Moluccas, cultivated in the Malay peninsula and the Malay islands. In India it is found only as a specimen tree in a few localities, chiefly botanic gardens, where the climate is sufficiently hot and moist. (GIMP, pp. 172-173). Myristica malabarica: rampatri (M.); kamuka (Skt.); kattuchadi (Ta.); adavijajikaya (Te.); kattujattikka (Ma.); seeds: in form of lep used as an external application; fat: mixed with little oil applied to indolent ulcers, allays pain, cleanses the surface and establishes healthy action; habitat: evergreen forests of Konkan Ghats, Kanara and Malabar upto 1,000 ft. (GIMP, p.173). ka_t.t.u-c-ca_ti Malabar nutmeg, myristica malabarica (Ta.lex.) Myristica fragrans: nutmeg; myristicasamen (Ger.); muscade (Fr.); part used: the dried ripe seed, deprived of its coat and arillode and with or without a thin coating of lime; habitat: Molucca islands; cultivated in tropical lands... nutmeg trees grow wild in the Dutch Banda and adjacent islands of the East Indies... Uses: nutmegs are used as a spice and medicinally as a stimulant and carminative, also as a source of oil of nutmeg... used externally in liniments and ointments as a counter-irritant... substitute: Bombay nutmegs from myristica malabarica which are ellipsoidally-elongate and entirely devoid of odour. Myristica fragrans: true mace; fleur de muscade (Fr.); muskatbluthe (Ger.); Bombay mace from myristica malabarica a tree native to India... part used: the dried arillode of the seed; myristica oil or nutmeg oil... used as flavouring agent and carminative. (Heber W. Youngken, Textbook of Pharmacognosy, Philadelphia, The Blakiston Co., 1950, pp. 308-313).
3252.Jasmine: ja_ti_, ja_ti jasmine (Skt.); ja_i jasmine (Pkt.); jasminum grandiflorum (S.); ja_i_, jai jasmine (Ku.); ja_i (N.); ja_i jasminum grandiflorum (Or.); jaiya_ mirca_ bird's eye pepper capsicum baccatum (Bi.); ja_hi_ jasminum grandiflorum (H.); ja_i jasmine (G.); ja_i_ (M.); ja_yi (Konkan.i); da_ (Si.)(CDIAL 5187). ca_tippu_ flower of jasminum grandiflorum (Ta.lex.) atiral wild jasmine, ka_t.t.umallikai = jasminum angustifolium (Ta.); edrol.i the creeper jasminum angustifolium (Tu.)(DEDR 138). picci, pitti, pittikam, pittikai large-flowered jasmine (Ta.); picci, piccakam jasminum grandiflorum (Ma.); ka-pic jasminum bignoniaceum (dark stems and leaves)[jasminum humilis = jasminum bignoniaceum](DEDR 4139). Jasminum officinale,var. grandiflorum: chambeli, jati (Skt.H.); chameli, jati (B.); pichi (Ta.); pichakam (Ma.); chambeli (M.); jaji (Te.); leaves: chewed as a treatment for ulcerations or eruptions in the mouth; an oil prepared with the juice applied to corns; an oil prepared with the juice applied to corns; an oil prepared with the juice of leaves poured into the ear in otorrhoea; flowers: used as an application in skin diseases, headache and weak eyes and in scorpion-sting; plant: anthelmintic, diuretic, emmenagogue; habitat: sub-tropical NW Himalayas, Salt Range, trans-Indus, eastwards to Kumaon, hills of Rajputana and Madhya Bharat; often cultivated in Indian gardens (GIMP, p.144).
3253.Unripe; green: si_d.i raw, unripe, green; sober; si_d.ari something that is raw,unripe, green; a sober woman; si_d.anju a sober man (Kui); hi'li unripe; hi_'li raw; hi_ili green (Kuwi)(DEDR 2635).
3254.Image: blind woman: citat.i blind woman; citat.an- blind man (Pur-ana_. 73,7); citat.u blindness (Pur-ana_. 28)(Ta.lex.) Images: blind in one eye; slanting: s.er.e blind (Wg.); s.era, s.ura (Dm.); s.er.o blind in one eye (Pas'.); s.e_r.a (Shum.); s.ir. blind (Kat..); s.e_r.o (Gaw.); s.e_ra, s.e_a (Kal.); s.a_r, s.i_r (Bshk.); ser.o (Sv.); s.i_r.u (Phal.); s.evo (Sh.); ser.a_ having one eye smaller than the other, squinting (H.); s'ed.a_ the indistinct and shadowy appearance of an object seen by weak or short-sighted eyes or under deficient light (M.); ser.o having cataract in one eye (Ku.); sid.d.a_ obstinacy (P.)(CDIAL 12717). *s're_d.a slanting, squinting (Skt.)(CDIAL 12717).
3255.Image: wheel: citai-cur-r-u wheel; oil-press; sugar-cane press (Ta.lex.) cf. citai to be sundered, broken, cut to pieces (Pur-ana_. 13,2)(Ta.lex.) Image: sediment at bottom of oil pot: sit.ha_, sit.a_ dregs (B.); sit.ha_ dregs, sediment at bottom of oil pot (Or.); si_t.ha_ juiceless, tasteless (H.); s'is.t.a left, remaining (AV.); remnant (S'Br.); madhu-s'is.t.a wax (R.); s'is. leave (Skt.); sit.t.ha left over (Pali.Pkt.); s'it.he (NiDoc.); xit.a dregs (A.); hit.i, it.i wax (Si.); set.h, set. expressed sugar-cane (P.); s'et.t.u, s'e_t.u remains of pressed oil-seed (WPah.)(CDIAL 12478). siktha, s'iktha beeswax (Skt.); s'ikthaka (Skt.); sittha, sitthaka beeswax (Pali); sittha, sitthaya (Pkt.); syothu (K.); sittha_ (L.P.); s'etth, si_t.ha (WPah.)(CDIAL 13390). saku, sekwe fat (Toch.); s'ika_ the fat (of animals)(Ash.); saka_ (Wg.); sko_ (Kt.); iski_ (Pr.); iska (Dm.); sika (Gaw.)(CDIAL 13391). Sediment; to sift, strain, filter: pressed indigo: s'e_s.a remaining (Mn.); remainder (Ka_tyS'r.); s'e_s.as offspring (RV.); se_sa remainder (Pali.Pkt.); s'es.a arrears (of tax)(NiDoc.); xeh end (A.); ses remainder (H.); sesa, sesu, tesu remaining, left over (Si.); sisa_ solid grains of rice after wind has blown away chaff (Or.)(CDIAL 12611). sit.hi dregs, sediment (B.); sit.t.hi_ spat out refuse of chewed sugar-cane (Bi.); si_t.h what is chewed and spat out, betel dregs (H.); sit.t.hi_ dross, lees (H.); si_t.h refuse of indigo used as manure (Bi.)' refuse of indigo, anything chewed and spat out (Mth.)(CDIAL 12480). ciceik to filter (of liquids)(Kho.); hocun to decay, rot (K.); s'ucyati is purified, burns, decays (Skt.)(CDIAL 12512). Scent: ci_n.t.u stench, as of rancid curd (Ta.)(Civataru. Paramataru. 35,urai); ci_n.t.iram, ci_n.t.aram stench, filthiness, nastiness (Ta.lex.); sin.d.u a disagreeable, nauseous, fetid smell (Ka.); jad.d.u disagreeable smell of sheep's milk, etc. (Ka.); jid.d.u rancidity, etc. (Ka.); cin.d.i scent (found by dog in hunting, etc.)(Kod..); jid.d.u, jid.d.a rancidity, mustiness, rancid, musty (Tu.)(DEDR 2523). kit.t.a secretion (Sus'r.); taila-kit.t.a oilcake (Skt.); kit.t.isa refuse of oil seeds, wool, etc. (Pkt.); kit.i_ dregs (S.); kit. vitriol (N.); ki_t. dregs of oil in a lamp, sediment (H.); ki_t.u~ dregs in frying-pan (G.); ki_t.i_ dust in cotton or wool (G.); kit.an. dross of iron (G.); ka_ti dirt, refuse, lees (esp. of oilseeds)(N.); kit.t.i_, kit.t.a dirt, rust, lees (Pkt.)(CDIAL 3156). ka_t.or. dross left in the furnace after smelting iron ore (G.)(CDIAL 2646). cit.t.am iron dross (Ta.lex.) Sediment, dried up: can.t.i sediment (Ma.); carat.a, cat.t.a extraneous matter separated by straining, sifting or filtering (Ka.)(DEDR 2317). cun.t.u sediment, that which adheres to a pot when boiling; boil, stew, simmer (Ta.); cund-- (cund-y-) to boil away; to starve oneself for children's sake (Ko.); sun.d.u to evaporate (Ka.); sun.d.isu to make evaporate, reduce in boiling (Te.); cun.d.u to be evaporated or dried up (Te.); s'un.t.h to become dry (Skt.)(DEDR 2662). To dry up: co_t.i powder of the dried leaves of black sirissa, ucilampot.i; cf. s'o_dha (Ta.lex.) co_t.ittal to dry up; cf. s'us.; co_t.an.am to dry up (Va_yucan.. Paca_k. 46); co_s.an.am id.; co_t.ai drought, heat, dryness (Ta.lex.) hodu plain, dry (K.)(CDIAL 12520). cf. koti (-pp-, -tt-) to boil (Ta.)(DEDR 2084).
3256.Image: cricket: ci_d.e the sap worm, that destroys herbs; the grub inside a fruit or a seed (Ka.); ci_d.i purugu, ci_d.e purugu, ji_d.e purugu (Te.); ci_d.e the rot, the murrain (Te.)(Ka.lex.) cf. citat.i cricket (Patir-r-up. 23,2)(Ta.lex.) cf. jhilli_ a kind of insect (P.); jhilli_ka cricket (MBh.)(CDIAL 5394). Image: termite: cital termite (Na_lat.i, 147); id. (Ma.); ceda id. (Te.); gedalu id. (Ka.); cital flying white ant (Ta.)(Ta.lex.) Whistle: si_t.a whistle (S.); si_t. (L.); si_t.i_ (P.); set.i_, su_t.i_ (Ku.); sit.i (N.B.); si_t.i_ (H.); sit.i_ (G.); s'it.i_ (M.)(CDIAL 13427). i_cal whistle (Ta.); i_ccu-kkot.t.u to whistle (Ta.); isulu whistling (Tu.); i_la, u_la a whistle (Te.); i_la kot.t.u (Te.); i.sa pod.- id. (Kol.); i_sri_ a whistle (Go.); si_sari_ id. (Go.); sisri_ (Go.); si_sur.i whistle (Kond.a); sisiri whistling (Pe.); sisor.i id. (Kui); sisor.i vi_ka to whistle (Kui); hucur.i whistle (Kui); si_sori ki_ali, ci_cod.i ki_nai to whistle; cicar.i whistle; ci_cinai to pipe (Kuwi)(DEDR 2610). cf. cir.., ci_r..kkai, ci_kkal whistle, whistling; ci_t.t.i whistling, toy whistle (Ta.)(DEDR 2638). Image: cricket: citat.i cricket (Patir-r-up. 23,2)(Ta.lex.) ci_ri_ cricket (Skt.); ci_rika_, ci_ruka_ (Skt.); ci_ri_va_ka (Mn.); ci_ri_, ci_rika_, ci_ril.ika_ (Pali); siruva_ (Si.); siriya_ grasshopper (Si.)(CDIAL 4845). jurrela, jur..ela, ju_rel cricket (Go.); cirra cricket (Go.); jhirra id.; jir.o_la_ the hot-weather cicada bug (Go.); ju_ral id. (Pa.); ju_rol (j = dz) id. (Nk.)(DEDR 2732). cillat.a a creeping animal (Car.); cillaka_ cricket (Skt.); ci_l(h)ar., ci_l(h)ar, cillar., cillar louse (H.); c.yolu a certain insect or worm found in mountain lakes (K.); cilso rice-weevil (N.)(CDIAL 4828). jhilli_ka cricket (MBh.); jhillika_ (R.); jhilli_ (BhP.); a kind of insect (P.); jhillia_ id. (P.); jhallika_ cricket (Pali); zili_ cicada (A.)(CDIAL 5394). cillai cicada; cil.-van.t.u (Ta.lex.); cilli cricket (cilli cillen-r.ollar.a_ta (Tiv. Periyati. 1,7,9)(Ta.lex.); cimili id. (Ta.); simri dragon fly (?Kol.)(DEDR 2541); cil.l.-en-al onom.expr. of being noisy, boisterous (Ta.); cil.-van.t.u cricket (Ta.)(DEDR 2588). cimili cricket (Ta.); a certain van.t.u (i.e. black bee, wasp, beetle)(Ma.); cimman.d.i, cimman.d.e, jimman.d.e cricket (Ka.); cimat.a, cimit.a, cimmat.a, cimmet.a the grave cricket that destroys clothes; moth, bookworm, cockroach (Te.); simri in: ka.kasimri dragonfly (Kol.)(DEDR 2541).
3257.Image: a lute: cittirikai a kind of lute (Pa_rata. Or..ipi. 15)(Ta.lex.)
3258.Image: bowstring: sittha, sittha_ bowstring (Pkt.); s'i_t (M.)(CDIAL 13399). prasiti fowler's net (RV.); s'it.a_ rope (Skt.); sit.ro one of the strings suspended from above in a loom to support the web (S.)(CDIAL 13400). se_tra bond, ligament (Pa_n..); se_tr. binding (RV.); se_di rope (Sv.)(CDIAL 13586). Yarn shop: sottiyasa_la_ shop selling yarn (Jain.Skt.) suttaka a string; a string of jewels or beads; sutta a thread, string (Pali); su_tra fr. si_v to sew (Vedic); makkat.a-sutta spider's thread; yanta_-sutta string of a machine; sutta mentioned with kappa_sa as barter for ci_vara (Vin. III.216)]; sutta-kantika_ a woman-spinner; sutta-ka_ra a cotton-spinner; sutta-gul.a a ball of string; sutta-ja_la a web of thread, a spider's web; sutta-bhikkha_ begging for thread; sutta-maya made of threads, i.e. a net; sutta-rajjuka a string of threads; sutta-lu_kha roughly sewn together (Pali.lex.) suttige (Tadbhava of su_trike); su_tra, su_stra a thread, a string, a line, a cord; fibre, wire; su_tra-yantra a thread-mechanism; a shuttle; a weaver's loom; su_trike a thread, a string (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) Thread, amulet; carpenter's line: su_tra thread, cord (AV.); sutta, suttaka thread, string (Pali); sutta (Pkt.); su_tr. (Wg.Kal.); sutr (Dm.); su_tr cotton (L.); thread (Phal.); s'utra thread over which spell has been recited for tying round limb of sick person (s'- from s'imanu trouser string < syu_man band, thong, bridle (RV.)(CDIAL 13878) or s'unj needle < su_ci) (Kho.); sathar, dat. satras thread (K.); sut.ru (S.); su_tar yarn (P.); thread, carpenter's line (whence kasu_tar, kasu_tra_, kusuttr out of line, bad; and kusutri_ quarrel (L.); su_tur cotton yarn, arrangement (L.); su_tra_ thread amulet (L.); su_t yarn (P.); thread (Bhoj.H.M.Bi.); cotton thread (Ku.) su_tri_ cord (P.); su_t.ri_ cord (P.); su_t.l thread (WPah.); su_t.l.u_ amulet (WPah.); thread used to mark line in sawing (WPah.); sut thread, string (N.); xut string (made of split cane), tendril (A.); xuta_ thread (A.); suta_ thread (B.Or.); su_ta_ thread (Bi.); sutar thread (G.); su_ta thread (Konkan.i); su_, hu_, huya thread (Si.); suta thread, rule (Si. < Pali); ui thread (Md.);--chut (B.); chuta_ pretext, excuse (B.Or. semantics cf. L. forms)--Extension with -l-: sutlo thin shoot (Ku.); sutli string (N.); sutuli (Or.); sutli_ string (H.); sutla_ reins (H.); sutl.i_ (G.); sutal. (M.)--suttia made of thread (Pkt.); su_ti_ (P.); suti (N.B.); su_ti_ (H.); sutriyo seller of thread (G.)(CDIAL 13561). sutera_ spider, the thread which it spins (M.)(CDIAL 13562). syu_ta sewn (RV.); mu_ suwum I sewed (Dm.); suiru sewn (Kho.); suwu (K.); hu_ sewn, joined, bound (Si.)(CDIAL 13876). syu_na sack (Skt.); syu_na_ girdle (Skt.); sun rope made of goat's hair (Pas.)(CDIAL 13877). syu_man band, thong, bridle (RV.); s'uman belt, trouser-cord (Kal.); s'uman. trouser-cord (Phal.); s'imanu id. (Kho.); s'imeni string, rope (Kho.)(-i- from simenu waistband)(CDIAL 13878). Carpenter, millwright, head workman: su_tradha_ra carpenter (MBh.); su_traka_ra (R.); suttaha_ra carpenter (Pkt.); s'uttadha_li_ f. (Pkt.); su_t.har.u (S.); suta_r (N.M.); xuta_r (A.); chuta_r (B.); chuta_ra, suta_ra (Or.); su_taha_ra (OH.OG.); suta_r carpenter, wheelwright, head workman (H.); sut(h)a_r carpenter (G.)(CDIAL 13563).
3259.Image: sparrow: cit.t.u house sparrow, passer indicus (Ta.); jit.t.a (Te.)(Ta.lex.) gugrcet.y pigeon (Ko.); cet.t.i hen-sparrow (Ka.); kut.ur sit.i... cooing of pigeons (To.); jit.t.a the generic name of several birds (warblers, babblers, wagatails etc.)(Te.); cat.aka sparrow (Skt.)(DEDR 2763). cf. cat.aka sparrow (Pali.MBh.); cat.aka_ (Skt.); cat.ika_ (Skt.); cad.aya, cad.aya_ (Pkt.); cer. bird (Wot..); ca~_i (Sh.); cai (D..); curu small bird, esp. sparrow (K.); car.a_ small bird (WPah.); car.o, car.i (Ku.); caro bird (N.); cari small bird (N.); car.a_ (B.); cir.o, cir.i_ sparrow (S.); cir.a_, cir.i_ (L.P.); cir.u_ little bird (WPah.)[cf. cir-u little (Ta.lex.)]; cir.a_ sparrow (H.); cir.i_, cir.iya_ bird (H.); cir.iya_ (B.); cid.au bird (OG.); cid.iyu~ (G.); cid.i_ hen sparrow (M.); ciriklo, ceriklo bird; cirikli hen (Gypsy); cire_r sparrow (Bshk.); cir.ollu bird (WPah.); cirai_ (Bhoj.); ciraiya_ (Aw.): cid.iga bird (Pkt.)(CDIAL 4571). girboji sparrow (Kon.lex.) cit.t.epakki a lark (Tu.lex.)
3260.Image: snare: sind.u (pl. sit.ka) a trap for small birds, a snare (Kui); sid.d.i_ a mousetrap (Go.)(DEDR 2517).
3262.Sharp pain: cit.i cit.i hod.e to throb, as the head from ache (Ka.); cit.icit.i the throbbing pain of a boil when suppurating or forming (Tu.)(DEDR 2508). cis sudden pain (P.); ci_s keen pain, scorching (Ku.); ci_s sudden pain (H.); scream (G.)(CDIAL 4847). s'in.ak shooting pain (M.)(CDIAL 5044). cot. blow (Sh.); cot.a blow, bruise (S.); cot. wound (P.Ku.N.); pain (Mth.); wound (H.); blow (G.); hurt (M.); cor. to bite (Pas'.)(CDIAL 4857). Crackling of flames: cit.ucit.uppu onom. expr. of hissing noise, as of a burning wick when it contains particles of water (Ta.); cit.a cit.a the sound produced when water touches burning oil; the snapping sound of corn in being parched; cit.icit.i the sound of sparks or flames bursting forth and crackling; cit.il the crackling of flames (Ka.); cit.icit.i a crackling noise (Tu.); cit.acit.a the crackling noise of burning (Te.); cit.icit.a_yati/e sputters (of the noise made by hot things, possibly when in contact with water (BHSkt.); cit.icit.a_yati id. (esp. in contact with water)(Pali); cit.cit.a_na_ to make a crackling or cracking noise (H.)(DEDR 2509). cf. cit.t.ikai snap of the finger (Ta.)(DEDR 2511).
3263.Image: short striped border: cit.t.ai short striped border of a cloth (Ta.); cit.t.e a coloured border or edge of a cloth (Te.)(DEDR 2514). chi~_t. calico (Ku.H.P.); chit. (N.B.H.); sit. (B.); chit.a (Or.); chi_t. (H.P.); chintz (G.); chit.h calico (K.); chi_t.a (S.); s'i_t. (M.)(CDIAL 5036).
3264.Image: to gore; to move from side to side: sid.i to be scattered, fly about, be spattered as mud etc., burst forth spontaneously as seed from an overripe fruit, move quickly from side to side as muscles, as the head from pride, start, bounce; n. state of being scattered etc.; an iron spring trap; sid.il to be scattered in different directions, become loose; sid.isu to cause to fly about (Ka.); s'ed.i, ted.i sprinkling; s'ed.ipini, s'ed.d.yuni to sprinkle with fingers, as water etc. (Tu.)(DEDR 2758). Haughtiness: sal. insolence; sal.is.t. insolent (Kon.lex.) sed.aku, sed.avu pride, haughtiness, arrogance (Ka.); sed.e to grow puffed up or proud (Ka.); s'ed.avu pride, haughtiness, affection, coquetry (Tu.)(DEDR 2755). kett- (ketti-) to gore with horns (said of buffaloes and bison, which sway the horns from side to side)(Kod..); kettu to quiver, shiver, tremble (Ka.); kittuni to flutter, be in agitation (Tu.); kettu-kkett-en-al, ketan.-ketam-en-al palpitation of the heart through fright (Ta.); xettna_ (xittyas) to shake off or out by imparting jerks, clean (viz. by shaking, beating, or similar forcible action); xetrna_ to be thrown off or out by knocks or by a jerk (Kur.); qete to dust, beat the jungles when hunting (Malt.)(DEDR 1954). cf. -qot.e in: ice to take off (as cap or shoes); ic-qot.e to jerk, shake off (?i.e. to pull and jerk)(Malt.)(DEDR 504).
3265.Dust; image: spilling, trickle: citar-u to scatter (Ta.); citar spilling, powder (Ta.); dust (Ma.); cetil. dust; ci_ntu to scatter (Ta.); kedar-, kedar-u, cadar-u, cedar-u scatter or throw or toss about; kedar- state of being scattered (Ka.); ciduku to spill or run out; cindu to be split or shed, run out of a vessel, spill (Te.); sedr.ali to be dispersed (Kuwi)(DEDR 1546). s'i_kara, si_kara drizzle, spray, mist (MBh.); si_haraa shower (Skt.); si_ara rain driven by wind, drop of water (Pkt.); s'ivra_ a gentle sprinkling (M.)(CDIAL 12483). Image: drop: citar a drop as of ghee (Ma.); citar, citaram raindrop (Ta.); hidihk, idk, irk to sprinkle (Go.); cithge to begin to rain drop by drop (Malt.)(DEDR 2524). Image: to run out of a vessel: ciduku to spill or run out; cindu to be spilt or shed, run out of a vessel; spill, suffer to run over (Te.)(DEDR 1546). citar-i rain (Ta.); citar a drop as of ghee (Ma.); hidka_na_ to spray (Go.)(Malt.)(DEDR 2524). cf. cintu (cinti-) to trickle, scatter (Ta.); citar dust (Ma.); kid- (kidy-) to sprinkle (To.); sedr.ali to be dispersed (Kuwi); kidgna_ to drizzle; kid'gna_ to rain, spray (Kur.)(DEDR 1546). chitr scatter, sprinkle (Skt.); citror leaking (Kho.); chit.ran.u to scatter, sprinkle (S.); chitarna_ to be scattered, be spread (P.); chitrinu to be scattered (N.); chitra_na_ to scatter (H.); s'itad.n.e~ to fall in drops, sprinkle (M.)(CDIAL 5040). chirka_wun to sprinkle (K.); chir.kan.a_ (P.); chirab to be scattered (Mth.); chirakai sprinkles (OAw.); chir.akna_ (H.); s'id.akn.e~ (M.); chit.an.u to sprinkle (S.); chit.t. sprinkling (P.); chit.o drop of water, lightning (Ku.); chit.o drop; adj. quick (N.); chit.nu to sprinkle (N.); chir.ko spot (N.); sit. a splash; sit.a_ shot; sit.ikiba to be scattered or sprinkled (A.); chit.a_, chit.ka_ to scatter, sprinkle (B.); chit.a_ drop; chit.a_iba_ to cause to scatter; chit.kiba_ to scatter with a jerk (Or.); chit.ab to scatter seed (Bi.); chit.i whiplash (Mth.); chit.akai is sprinkled (OAw.); chi_t.a_ splash; chit.akna_ to fly back with a spring (H.); s'it.a_ drop of spray (M.); s'i_t. excrement of birds (M.); chi~_t.ab to scatter seed (Bi.); chi~_t.na_ to scatter, sow (H.); s'i~t. drop of rain (M.)(CDIAL 5035). Splash; image: to break: cit.lisu, sid.isu to break, to snap, to crack, to burst (Ka.Te.)(Ka.lex.) Image: to trickle, stream: cintu (cf. syand) to trickle, stream (Ta.); to be strewn, spilled (Ta.); cindu id. (Te.); cinduga id. (Ma.); cintu to scatter or strew (Tiruva_ca. 9,3); to remove (Kampara_. Maruttu. 105)(Ta.lex.) syand move quickly (Skt.); syandate_ moves quickly, flows (RV.); trickles, drips, oozes (MBh.); sandati flows (Pali); sam.dai id. (Pkt.); sadna_ to leak (as a ship), sink (H.)(CDIAL 13869). Image: stray grains: cintu-man.i stray grains that lie strewn on the threshing-floor, dist. fr. citar-u-man.i; cf. cintu to scatter or strew (Tiruva_ca. 9,3); ci_ntu-tal to cast, scatter (Ci_vaka. 1055); id. (Ma.)(Ta.lex.) Image: to separate, split: citar-ttal to separate, split (Tol. Er..ut. 132); to cut, hack (Vina_yakapu. 1,18); cital. fish-scales; small bit of bone, chip, splinter (W.)(Ta.lex.) cf. cetil. fish-scales (Ta.lex.) citai-tal to be sundered, broken, cut to pieces (Pur-ana_. 13,2); to shave, shear (Ta.lex.) syandana flowing (Nir.); water (Skt.); sam.dan.a flow, water (Pkt.); sadan-a water (Si.)(CDIAL 13870). sam.syandayati causes to run together (A_pS'r.); sam.sande_ti joins, affixes (Pali); sasanda- to put together (Si.)(CDIAL 13061). vis.yandate_ flows out (VS.); visyandayati pours out (S'Br.); vissandati overflows (Pali); vissam.dai flows out (Pkt.); visandanava_ to explain, reply to a query (Si.)(CDIAL 11993). cf. cintu water, river; sea, ocean; the Indus (Ta. lex.) Image: over-flowing vessel: siddha-stha_li_ the boiler or pot of a seer; it is supposed to be a vessel which is gifted with the property of over-flowing with any kind of food at the desire of the possessor (Skt.lex.) cf. siddha-se_nah. name of Ka_rttike_ya (Skt.lex.) cf. cinta_man.i a mythical gem believed to yield to its possessor everything that is desired (Tirukko_. 12); cinta_te_vi goddess Sarasvati_ worshipped in ancient Madura (Man.i. 14,17); cinta_-vil.akku Sarasvati_, as mind-illuminator (Man.i. 13,106); cinti < cint to think, consider (Na_lat.i, 329)(Ta.lex.)
3266.Town: ci_ta_ri (prob. s'ri_-dha_rin) town, city (J.)(Ta.lex.) cf. s'rita situated in (RV.); hiya situated (OSi.)(CDIAL 12702). cf. s'riti entrance (RV.)(CDIAL 12703). cf. s'ith, s'it. house (Bshk.)(CDIAL 12707). cf. -dha_rin carrying, having, sustaining, preserving, bearing, holding, supporting (Skt.lex.) cf. s'ri_ welfare, riches (AV.)(CDIAL 12708). The river Indus; safe voyage: cinta_ttiri (prob. sindhu + ya_ttirai journey) safe voyage or journey (J.); welfare, prosperity (Ta.lex.); cinta_ttirai id. (J.); cintu sea, ocean (te_rmicaic cen-r-ato_r cintu : Kampara_. A_r-r-up. 32); water; river; the river Indus (Perun.. Narava_n.a. 4,122); Sindh, as the country of the Indus, one of 56 te_cam; the language of Sindh, one of the 18 languages referred to in Tamil works (Tiva_.); centiru goddess of wealth (Kampara_. Ma_ya_can-aka. 53); centali-ttal to be rich, fertile, as soil (Tiv. Tiruva_y. 6,8,4, Pan-n-i_.); centalippu fertility, prosperity (Tiv. Tirunet.un. 12, 105, Vya_.) (Ta.lex.) sindhu the sea, ocean; the Indus; the country around the Indus; name of a river in Ma_lva_; name of Varun.a; the inhabitants of the Sindhu country; a great river or river in general; the river Sindhu; sindhu-khe_la the country Sindha; sindhu-ja river-born, sea-born, born in the Sindh country; sindhu-va_ra a horse of good breed (brought from Sindha or Persia); sindhu-s'ayana name of Vis.n.u; sindhu-de_s'a the country of the upper Indus (Skt.lex.) cf. Br.hatsam.hita_ of Vara_hamihira (BSam..): sindhu is called a vis.aya (BSam..LXVIII.11); the inhabitants of Sindhu-vis.aya are called Saindhava (BSam..V.711) [vis.aya scope (S'a_n:khS'r.); sphere, region (MBh.); visaya sphere, locality (Pali.Pkt.); visa_ district (Si.)(CDIAL 11973). cf. vis.a_n.a horn, tusk (AV.); visa_n.a horn (Pali.Pkt.)(CDIAL 11977). vis.a_n.in horned (MBh.); visa_n.i horned (Pkt.); viseni-ya 5th day after new or full moon (Si.)(CDIAL 11978) cf. viyam extensiveness; viyal width, expansion, extension, vastness, abundance; viyalul. wide, open space; viyan- greatness, vastness, excellence (Ta.); viyam extension (Ma.); weeya high (Go.)(DEDR 5404).]. sindhu-sauvi_ra is a recurrent compound (BSam..IX.19; X.Y; XIV.17,33). Alternate forms used are: sauvi_raka and suvi_ra (BSam..IX.19; IV.23; V.79). Sindhu-sauvi_ra is identified with Sindh-Sagar Doab, the region between the Jhelum and the Indus (V.S.Agrawala, India as known to Pa_n.in, p.50). Sindhu-Sauvi_ra is cited in the Junagadh insc. of Rudrada_man I. The locale of Sindhu-Sauvi_ra is in the south-west (BSam..XIV.17,33). Sauvi_ra denoted Multan and Jahravar according to Alberuni (I.302)(loc. cit. Ajaya Mitra Shastri, India as seen in the Br.hatsam.hita_ of Vara_hamihira, 1969, p.99). Image: flow (in general); Indus: sindhu river, the Indus; flow (in general), sea (RV.); sindhu_ river; sindhu ocean (Pali); sim.dhu river, the Indus (Pkt.); sina river (D..); si_nd (Tir.); sin (Kho.); si_n (Mai.); sin river, esp. the Indus (Sh.); sinda (Bur.); send river; syundu the Indus (K.); sindhu the Indus (S.); sinnh (L.); si~dh (L.); si~_dh the Indus, province of Sindh (P.); sindhu_ the ocean, the Indus (H.); sindu, sidu river, ocean (Si.)(CDIAL 13415). saindhava pertaining to the river Indus (TS.); saindhavaka pertaining to the inhabitants of Sindh (MBh.); sindava belonging to Sindh; rock salt (Pali); sindhu_ (Pali); sem.dhava, sim.dhava rock salt (Pkt.); sidha-lavam.na (NiDoc.); sendho lu_n.u (S.); se~dha_, si~_dha_ (P.): si~dhe nun (N.); se~dha_ (H.); s'e~dav (M.); sahinda-lun.u (Si.); senhiya_ inhabitant of Sindh (Mth.)(CDIAL 13601). A gypsy: sendo, sindo (usu. pl. sende) a Gypsy (Gypsy)(CDIAL 14837). cinturattam, cinturatam rock-salt (Mu_. A.)(Ta.lex.) sindhava, sindhavarat.t.ha the Sindh country (Pali.lex.) The Indus river; ocean: sindhu a river (RV. ix.97.45); the stream of libation (RV. x.75.2); the rain referred to as sindhu (RV. x.92.5); the waters encircled by Vr.tra and let loose by Indra (RV. ix.11.6); the flood in the highest heaven with which is connected Varun.a (RV. i.164.25); the sea or ocean (RV. i.83.1); sea as a god (RV. i.94.16); sindhu-pati lord of the heavenly river (RV. vii.64.2); sindhu-ma_tr. having stream as mother (RV. i.61.7); mother of the stream (RV. vi.36.6); sindhu-va_has passing (or carrying) through the sea (RV. v.75.2); sindhu-sr.tya going by the sea (AV. x.2.11)(Vedic.lex.) cintu to cast on all sides, expand (Ci_vaka. 2287)(Ta.lex.)
3268.Date palm: cf. sindi wild date-palm (Ga.)(DEDR 2617); kharju_ra phoenix sylvestris (Car. Su. 4.40,23,38). gis.gis.immar = date palm (phoenix sylvestris and phoenix dactylifera)(Sumerian). Lat. dactylus date fruit; kharku dried date (Kon.lex.)
3269.Image: incense: ci_ta_ri frankincense (A_tiyula_. 186); red cedar (Ta.lex.); s'ri_da_ru red cedar (Skt.); cem-pul.iccai red cedar, te_va-da_ram erythroxylon monogynum (Kampara_. Varaik. 1); roselle, hibiscus sabdariffa (M.M. 83)(Ta.lex.) cita_ri incense (I.M.P.Tj. 55); prob. s'i_ta_ri; s'i_ta camphor (Skt.lex.) [Five -daru's (as the trees of Svarga) are noted: aricantan-am, kar-pakam, canta_n-am, pa_rica_tam, manta_ram (Cu_t.a_.)(Ta.lex.)] cf. paca-da_ra sugar (Te.lex.)
3270.A perfume; turpentine: cf. ci_d.a_ a kind of perfume (Jain.Skt.); a tree from which turpentine is obtained (Skt.); ci_d.a pine (Pkt.); cili juniper (Phal.); ci_l pine (K.)(CDIAL 4837). cf. sallo pine tree (Ku.); sarala pinus longifolia (MBh.)(CDIAL 13253). cit.am, citam nutmeg (Mu_. A.)(Ta.lex.) cilla, cali, cellu the clearing nut tree, strychnos potatorum (Ka.); cille (Te.)(Ka.lex.) cf. chila peel, bark (S.)(CDIAL 5952). cf. jid.d.u greasy substance (Ka.lex.) ji_d.i the sap or milk of the mango etc. (Te.)(Ka.lex.)
3271.Image: flag of a chariot: cita_ram flag of a car or chariot; cita_r cloth, rag (Pur-ana_. 150); cintu flag, banner (Kantaran. 21)(Ta.); jhen.d.a_ flag (M.)(Ta.lex.) Sail: s'i_ta sail (BHSk.); si_ta (Pali); sad.ha (Pkt.); sir.hu (S.); sir.h (L.); sad.h (G.); s'i_d. (M.)(CDIAL 13397). citai sail (Ta.); citar (-pp-, -tt-) rag, cloth; citarvai cloth worn out or reduced to a rag; citalai small piece of cloth, rag; citaval strip of cloth, rag, torn piece of cloth; cita_r cloth, rag, thin bark of certain trees used as clothing; citai (-v-, -nt-) to be sundered; (-pp-, -tt-) to shear; n. sail (Ta.); ci_ntu a shred, strip, streak (Ma.); cindar-a fragment, piece (Te.); kithre to split wood (Malt.)(DEDR 1547). citai (teyvani_r-u mainter..uttume_ citaikkala n-a_ka : Tiruvil.ai. Tirunakara. 88); to be sundered, broken, cut to pieces (Pur-ana_.13,2); to be scattered, dispersed (Pur-ana_.36,5)(Ta.lex.) Synonym: pa_y sail (Ta.Ma.); ha_y sail (Ka.); pa_yi (Tu.)(DEDR 4088). Warp: sem. radical: to spread: pa_y warp (Ta.); pa_, pa_vu weaver's warp (Ma.); ha_su, a_su warp (Ka.)(DEDR 4088). Image: to spring, leap: pa_y to spring, leap (Ta.)(DEDR 4087). Image: to gore: pa_y to butt, gore (Ka.)(DEDR 4044).
3273.To crack the joints: cot.akket.uttal to crack the joints, knuckles; to stretch oneself; cot.akken-al onom. expr. of cracking noise; cf. cot.akku cracking the fingers, knuckles etc. (Ta.lex.) cit.et cat.et the joints of the ankles or knees to crack when walking, the clicking sound made by wooden sandals when walking; cit.at cat.et noise produced by slippers hitting the heel when the wearer walks; cat.ac cut.uc id. (Santali.lex.)
3274.Image: knuckles; crack; smallness: cit.lisu to crack, break, snap, burst etc. (Ka.); cit.lu, cit.ilu id.; cit.lincu id. (Te.); cit.t.- to cut, split (Pa.); sit.- id. (Ga.)(DEDR 2510). To be flicked: cun.t.u (cun.t.i-) to shoot with the thumb and finger (as a marble), flip a coin, tap with the thumb or finger, jerk (as reins); n. jerking, flipping (Ta.); cund-- (cund-y-) to test (coin) by flicking it up in the air and listening to the noise made by the thumbnail in flicking (Ko.); cun.d.u to be flicked, as water from the finger (Te.); cun.t.u-vil toy bow for shooting stones or pellets (Ta.)(DEDR 2663). Snap of the fingers; cracking the knuckles: cit.t.ikai snap of the finger (Ta.); cit.aku, cit.uku,cit.un:ku a sound of the fingers; cit.ike, cit.aki, cit.uke a snap with the finger and the thumb; cit.un:kisu to snap with the finger and the thumb (Ka.); ced.i (ced.iv-, ced.ij-) to break of itself with a cracking noise (Kod..); cit.uku, cit.iki, cit.ka a snap of the fingers; cit.icit.i a crashing noise (Tu.); cit.ika a snap of the fingers; cit.ikarincu to produce a sound by a snap of the fingers; cit.ikarinta a snap of the fingers; cit.uku to snap the fingers; n. a snapping sound; cit.t.a a snap of the fingers (Te.); cit.kuli, cit.kul, cit.kan snapping of fingers; cit.kul-ne_k- to snap fingers (Go.); sit.im cracking of the knuckles (Kond.a); cod.e to crack (as the fingers do); cod.tre to crack the fingers (Malt.); chot.ika_ a snap with the thumb and fingers (Skt.); cit.ki_, cut.ki_ id. (M.); cur.ki, cut.ki (N.)(DEDR 2511). cf. su_t.a (su_t.i-) to point with the finger; su_t.a vanju the index finger (Kui)(DEDR 2658). cf. cu_gul forefinger (Kur.)(DEDR 2720). A pinch: cit.ike, cit.aki, cut.ike a pinch, as of snuff (Ka.); cit.uku, cit.iki, cit.ka id. (Tu.); cit.ike id. (Te.)(DEDR 2507). cit.t.u anything small; cit.t.u-kkuruvi house sparrow; cit.t.u a small bird (Ta.); cit.t.u, cit.a, cit.i smallness, shortness etc. (Ka.); cit.t.-ili mouse (Ta.); cit.t. small, little (Tu.); cit.t.i id., young; cit.t.-eluka mouse (Te.); cit.t.u fine husk (Ga.); sit.ur.i small, dwarfish (Kui); sita kadda a stream; sitki a mouse (Kuwi)(DEDR 2513). Pinch: cimt.o tongs (S.); cim pinch (Ku.); cimt.a_ pincers (Ku.N.H.M.B.); pinch (M.B.); cimt.anu, cimot.anu to pinch (N.); cimut.iba_ to pinch; cimut.a_ pinching, tongs (Or.); cimat.na_ to embrace closely (H.); cyu~_t.a_ pincers (H.); ci~bolvu~ to pinch the ear (G.); cimt.o tongs (G.); camt.o hard pinch (G.); ci~bn.e~ to pinch, squeeze (M.); ci~bal.n.e, ci~bat.n.e~, cimat.n.e~ to pinch (M.)(CDIAL 4822). cimin.t.u to tickle, pluck, pinch, prod; ci_n.t.u to tease (Ta.); ci_n.t.uka children to nettle, prick, pull one another (Ma.); cimut.u to press together, squeeze, pinch; jigin.t.i to pinch (Ka.); cimukuni id. (Tu.); caun.t.uni to pinch, nip (Tu.)(DEDR 2540). cit.ike, cit.aki, cut.ike a pinch, as of snuff (Ka.); cit.uku, cit.iki, cit.ka id. (Tu.); cit.ike id. (Te.)(DEDR 2507). cf. cidumu to pinch, nip (Te.); ciduku to squeeze the soaked pulse to remove the skin (Ka.); cithge to squeeze out the seed or stone from a fruit (Malt.)(DEDR 2526). cingna_ to pinch slightly between the finger-ends, give a slight scratch (e.g. to a fruit to see if it is ripe); refl.-pass. cingrna_ (Kur.); cinge to pinch (Malt.); cunku to pinch (Kor.)(DEDR 2505). cir-u (ci_r- before vowel), cir-r-u small; cir-u (-pp-, -tt-), cir-uku (cir-uki-) to be small, short, stunted in growth, shrink, diminish, be impoverished, sink low; cir-ukku (cir-ukki-) to reduce in size or quantity, lessen; cir-uka sparingly, a little (Ta.); cir-_u, cer-r-u small; cer-u small, little (Ma.); kir small (Ko.); kir- id.; kit- el.f ankle (lit. small bone)(To.); sit.ik, tit.ik a little (To.); kir-i, kir-a, kir-u, kir-idu, kirdu, kittu that which is small, little, short, young, insignificant, inferior; kir-iyam young man; fem. kir-iyal.; epic. pl. kir-iyar (Ka.); kirke, cerye small (Kod..); kiri, kiru small, little, young, low; kirdu inferior; tidu, tidi small; tidipaca dwarfish, short (Tu.); kidderi children (Kor.); cir-u small, little, slight, gentle,mild; cir-uta small, little, young; cir-utuka a young woman; kriyyu to grow lean; kre_pu a calf; gir-aka short (Te.); ki_ken (pl. ki_ker) id. (Nk.); kir.kwa_l very thin (of a man)(Go.)(DEDR 1594).
3275.Image: : sid.umbu, sid.umbe a (thorny) tree, a bush, a thicket (Ka.); cf. gid.a (Ka.lex.)
3276.Image: leopard: citta, cittaya, cittiya leopard (Pkt.); cicay cat (Gypsy); cittaka variegated (Pali); cit.ro panther (S.); citra_ leopard, a spotted fish; tiger (L.); leopard (P.); cittra_, citta_ leopard (P.); citraka leopard (MBh.); cituwa_ leopard (N.)[cf. duva tiger (Kol.)(DEDR 692)]; cita_ (B.Or.M.); citta_ id. (M.Mth.); ci_ta_ (H.); ci_to (S.); ci_ta_ (P.); citro, citto leopard, a kind of snake (G.)(CDIAL 4804). ci_tal leopard (H.); citla_ spotted (H.)(CDIAL 4809). cir-ate a kind of tiger, the cheeta or hunting leopard, felix jubata (Ka.); cir-aca, circa, circu id. (Ka.); cir-uttai panther, felis pardus (Ta.); cirate leopard (Kod..); cirtepili id. (Tu.); cir-uta leopard, cheetah (te.); cir-u puli leopard (Te.)(DEDR 2590). citraka a leopard or chi_ta; citra-ka_ya a tiger, a panther, a chi_ta (Ka.lex.) cittiraka_yam tiger, panther (Ar..akarkala. 1); cittiram tiger, panther (Pa_rata. Patin-mu_. 125)(Ta.lex.) cir-uttai panther, puma, felis pardus (Ta.); ciruta (Te.); cir-ate (Ka.)(Ta.lex.) cir-ate, cir-aca, circa, circu a small kind of tiger, the cheeta or hunting leopard, felix jubata (Ka.); cir-u-puli (Ta.); cir-ute, cir-utapuli, cir-upuli (Te.); cir-r-u (Ma.); citra (Skt.); kir-aba, kir-uba, kir-abu, kur-uba, kur-uva a hyena; a leopard (Ka.); taraks.u hyena (Ka.Skt.); korapo_tu, korn.e, kon.d.rabo_tu, korna_ a hyena (Te.)(Ka.lex.) citraka a tiger in general; a small hunting leopard (Skt.lex.) cf. kirbn leopard (Ko.)(DEDR 1599).
3279.Image: a dance: cintu a masquerade dance (Cilap. 3,13, Urai.); musical note (Kampara_. Ira_van.an-co_kap. 38)(Ta.)(Ta.lex.) cindu dancing; cindilu to shake, move; cindu-drokku, cindulu-drokku to dance (Te.); cintu a poetical measure; centu a primary melody type (Ta.)(DEDR 2530). Image: to leap about: centu a primary melody-type (Ta.lex.); cf. sindhud.a_ (Skt.); centur-ai a kind of composition adapted to singing, dist. fr. ven.t.ur-ai (Ya_p. Vi. 537)(Ta.lex.) kittu (kitti-) to hop, leap about on one leg; kintu (kinti-) id., to limp, hobble, stand or walk on toes of one foot or both, go on tiptoe; kuntu (kunti-) to stand on tiptoe, hop on one leg; n. hopping; kuntuppu a boy's game of hopping on one leg; kontu (konti-) to hop, as in a game; n. a hopping game (Ta.); kittuka to hop about on one leg, stand or walk on the tiptoes; kuntuka, kuntikka to walk on tiptoe, be lifted up (Ma.)(DEDR 1552). kenti (-pp, -tt-), kentu (kenti-) to hop, skip (Ta.); gantu moving about, jumping, dancing (Ka.); to jump, bound, vault; n. a jump etc.; gentu to hop, jump (Te.); gat- to jump, dance (males)(Kond.a); gentinai to spring; gettinai to jump, leap; getki_nai to hop; get- (-it-) to dance; get- to hop (Kuwi)(DEDR 1212).
3280.Darkness: cintevela_ evening; sittena-t.lun in the evening (Kol.); s'itte evening (Nk.); citta night (Pa.)(DEDR 2528). chin darkness (Dm.); ci~r.o black (Shum.); cn dark (Bshk.); chin. darkness (Phal.)(CDIAL 3690). ci~_kat.i darkness, obscurity, gloom, dark; ci~_ji~_kat.i twilight; ci_ku a blind person; blind (Te.); ci_kat.i darkness; ci_kat. dark (Kol.); ci_kod. (pl. ci_kocil) darkness, night (Pa.); si_kat., ci_kat. darkness (Ga.); sika_t.i id.; sika_t.i_ pitch darkness; ika_r., i_kar. darkness (Go.); hi_kad. darkness, night (Go.); si_kat.(i) darkness (Kond.a)(DEDR 2604). cirum very dark; sinsi soot (Kol.); cirun charcoal (Pa.); siring black; sirnat. black, rusty; sirngat.i black; sirin (pl. sirnil) charcoal, cinders; sirrin soot, ashes; sirtal evening (Ga.); hirk, hirki, -irki, irk charcoal (Go.); siruki coal; r-eyu night; sirik charcoal (Kond.a); ri_, ri_nga charcoal (Kui); sri_va soot; si_nga charcoal (Kui); ri_nga, ri_ngla id. (Kuwi); iravu, ira, ira_, ra_ night; iru black; irut.ci, irut.t.u, irun.mai, irumai darkness; irul. darkness, dark colour, ignorance; (irul.v-, irun.t.-) to become dark, dim, obscure, be black in colour, be darkened (as the mind); irul.an- Irula (member of a tribe in the Nilgiris); iruntai, iruntu, iruntil charcoal (Ta.); iravu, ira_, ra_ night; iru to be dark; irut.t.u, irit.t.u, irul. darkness; irul.ka to grow dark; irul.ar a caste of jungle dwellers; irunnal charcoal; ikkari soot, grime (Ma.); ra.vu, ra.podu, ra.ve-podu night (Ir.); irl night; il.ma-rm night, the whole night (Ko.); i.l. night; is.0a.s- night-time; erl Irula; fem. erc, erl., erl.c; ermol.n sand [obl. ermol.t-; man.al sand (Ta.)(DEDR 4666)](To.); irul., iral.u, irat.u, irl.u night; iddal, ijjalu charcoal; iglu, ijlu coal (Ka.); iri night; irili night-time; irit.i darkness (Kod..); irku night; irlu, irl.u dusk, darkness, night (Tu.); irulu darkness, shades, shadows; irulu konu to become dark or obscure; re_yi (in cmpds. re_-) night (Te.)(DEDR 2552). cf. irumpu iron (Ta.Ma.)(DEDR 486).
3281.Ceylon leadwort: citraka Ceylon leadwort, plumbago zeylanica, pa_vaka, citramu_la, vya_la, s'ikhi, mu_like (Ka.lex.) citraka the ben.d.u with (or of) which the s'iro_granthi is made (Ka.); s'iro_granthi a bunch or chaplet (of pearls) on the forehead, ton.d.al (Ka.lex.) cittiram, cittirakam, cittira-mu_lam, cittira-mu_li Ceylon leadwort, kot.uve_li (Ta.lex.) citraka plumbago zeylanica (Car. Su. 4.3,4,6). dvi_pi_ id. (Car. Vi. 8.135). [citar kat.hi, jog kat.hi plumbago zeylanica (Santali.lex.). Plumbago zeylanica: chita (H.B.); chitra (M.); chitrak (P.); tumpukotuveli (Ma.); sittragam (Ta.); chitramulam (Te.); tincture of root bark: powerful sudorific; habitat: throughout India, much cultivated in gardens, wild in the w. Peninsula and probably in Bengal (GIMP, p.197). citraka name of a tree (Skt.lex.) kot.u-ve_ri a fragrant substance (Ta.lex.) kot.u-ve_li, kot.u-ve_ri, kot.i-ve_li Ceylon leadwort, plumbago zeylanica (Kur-icip. 64)(Ta.); kot.u-ve_li, kot.u-ve_ri id. (Ma.)(DEDR 2057).
3282.Image: dwarfish: cintan- dwarfish person (Tol. Po. 349, Urai.; Kantapu. Avaipuku. 75); cintu dwarf, about 3 ft. high, dist. fr. kur-al. (kur-al. cintin-o t.o_ru nat.antan-a : Ci_vaka. 631); cintin-ar dwarfs (Kantapu. Pat.aiyer..u. 7)(Ta.lex.) cintu metrical line of three feet (Ka_rikai. Ur-up. 12); cintat.i id. (Tol. Po. 349); cintiyal-ven.pa_ Ven.pa_ verse of three lines (Ka_rikai, Cey. 5, Urai.)[ven.pa_, one of the four principal kinds of stanza forms (Tol. Po. 417)](Ta.lex.)
3283.Elephant: cinturam < sindhura elephant (Kantapu. Nakarar..i. 61); cinturai Teyvaya_n-ai, consort of Skanda, as brought up by Indra's white elephant (Kantaran. 39)(Ta.lex.) sindhura elephant (Skt.); sindhu id. (Skt.); sim.dhura elephant (Pkt.); sidura_ (Si.)(CDIAL 13416).
3284.Image: bow: cintu-va_ram bow (Pin..)(Ta.lex.)
3285.A coarse cereal: jhin.t.i a variety of coarse cereal (Car. Su. 27.12).
3286.Barleria cristata: jhin.t.ika_ the shrub barleria cristata (i.e. tufted)(Skt.); jhin.t.i (Skt.); jhin.t.i_ barleria cristata (H.)(CDIAL 5388). cul.l.i a thorny plant (Ta.); id.: randia dumetorum, tribulus lanuginosus or barleria, ruellia obovata (Ma.); cul.li, tul.l.i the plant of barleria obovata (Tu.)(DEDR 2707). raila baha barleria; kan.t.a phul barleria prionitis (Santali.lex.)
3287.To calcine; lead ochre: cintura-k-kat.t.i < sindu_ra lump of red ochre (Cilap. 25,39); cinturam redness (Tiruva_ca. 18,5); round coloured mark put on the forehead, usually of saffron (Kantaran. 5); vermilion, red paint, red powder for tilka (Tiv. Periya_r... 3,4,6); cintu_ra-t-tilakam id. (Tan-ippa_. ii,129,327); cintu_ra-p-pot.t.u id. (W.); cintu_ram id. (Kampara_. Mitilaik. 151); red lead, minium (cf. sindu_rika_); red metallic oxide, precipitate of mercury, any chemical or metallic compound used medicinally (Upate_caka_. Uruttira_. 67); cintu_ra-vaippu preparation of calcined powders (Ta.); cintu_rittal to calcine, prepare powders of metals or minerals by the agency of fire (Pan.avit.u. 230); cintu_ra_ka_ram a place in Utaiyakiri where vermilion is believed to fall in cascades (Ci_vaka. 169, Urai.)(Ta.lex.) sindu_ra, sindu_rika_ red lead, vermilion (Skt.); saindu_ra coloured with red lead (Skt.); sim.du_ra red lead (Pkt.); senduru (K.); sinduru (S.); sa~dhu_r (P.); sinu_r (Ku.); si~dur (N.); si~dhur, sinur (N.); xindur (A.); si~dur (B.); si~du_ra (Or.); sindur (Mth.); sindu_r (H.); sindu_ra_ box of red lead (H.); sindu_r red lead (G.); s'indu_ru (Konkan.i); sem.du_ra red lead (Pkt.); xendur (A.); xenduri red as vermilion (A.); se~dur, senur red lead (Bi.Mth.); senur (Bhoj.); se~du_r (H.); s'e~du_r red lead (M.); s'e~dra_ coloured with it (M.)(CDIAL 13411). sindhora_ large box for carrying red lead (Bi.); sim.dhori_ (OAw.)(CDIAL 13413). cf. ceccai redness, ixora coccinea (with scarlet blossoms); ce-, cem- red (Ta.Ma.)(DEDR 1931).
3288.Chattel: cintu-k-ka_n.i < zindaga_ni_ (U.) goods, chattels, movables (W.)(Ta.lex.) jin.dagi_ < zin.dagi_ (Pers.) life, life-time; jin.dh, jin.dha_ the stubble in a cornfield (P.lex.)
3289.Country fig: ci_ta-var-kam < s'i_ta-valka country fig, atti (Mu_. A.)(Ta.lex.)
3290.Image: creeper: cintu-k-kot.i, ci_ntil gulancha, tinospora cordifolia (Nan-. 387, Mayilai.); ci_ntil-uppu, ci_ntir--carkkarai a medicinal salt prepared from gulancha stalk (Mu_. A.); ci_nti < ji_vanti_ gulancha (Ta.lex.)
3291.Scarlet ixora: cintu_ram scarlet ixora; cinturam id. (Ta.lex.)[Synonym: vet.ci; cf. theme describing a king's follower wearing vet.ci flowers and capturing the cows of the enemy, as an act of war (Tol. Po. 57, Urai.); vet.ci-mar-avar soldiers who capture the cows of the enemy (Tol. Po. 58, Urai.); vet.ci-y-aravam theme describing the tumult of warriors making preparations to go forth to capture enemy's cows (Pu. Ve. 1,3)(Ta.lex.)] sindu_ra a kind of tree (Skt.); sinduva_ra the small tree vitex negundo (Skt.); sinduva_raka (Skt.); sindhuva_ra (MBh.); sindhuka (VarBr.S.); sindu_ri_ grislea tomentosa; sinduva_ra, sinduva_rika_, sinduva_rita_, sindhava_ra, sindhuva_rita_ vitex negundo (Pali); sim.duva_ra a kind of tree (Pkt.); siduvara, siduvaran.a vitex negundo (Si.); s'inju_r eleagnus (Kho.)(CDIAL 13412). cf. va_vili vitex negundo (Ka.Te.)(DEDR 5371).[For -ili cf.: nocci five-leaved chaste tree, vitex negunto (ven.-nocci); three-leaved chaste tree, vitex trifolia (karu-nocci)(Ta.); nocci vitex trifolia or negundo (Ma.); nekki, lakki, lakkili, lekki, lokki id. (Ka.); nekki vitex trifolia (Tu.); noccili vitex trifolia; lokki vitex leucoxylon (Te.); ni_rguli vitex negundo (Go.)(DEDR 3781). nirgun.d.i_ the shrub vitex negundo (Sus'r.); nirgun.t.i_ (Skt.); niggun.d.i_ vitex negundo (Pali); n.iggum.d.i_ (Pkt.); nigun.d.i_ vitex negundo, vitex trifolia (Or.); nagor. a kind of plant (G.); nigu_d., nigad., nigd.i_ vitex negundo, vitex trifolia (M.)(CDIAL 7308).
3292.Tamarind: cinturam tamarind tree; cf. cintid.i_ (Ta.lex.) cf. cintam, intam tamarind tree (Ta.)(DEDR 2529). cincetso ruk, cinceruk tamarind tree (Kon.lex.) cica_ tamarind (CDIAL 4792). tintid.i_ the tree tamarindus indica; tintid.a (Skt.); tintid.ika_ (Car.); tintid.i_ka_, tittid.i_ka_ (Skt.) tintili_ka_ (Car.); tittiri_ka_ (Sus'r.); sutintid.a_, sutintid.i_ (Skt.); tintir.i_, cintir.i_ tamarind (B.); tintir.a, tintir.i, tintur.i (Or.); tintir.i_ (H.); tintil.i, tintul.i (Or.); titli_ partic. kind of cattle fodder (Bi.); tittari_, titri the tree rhus semiolata (P.); titri tamarind (N.); te~teli_ (A.); te~tul (B.); te~tuli_ (Bhoj.); te~tara (Or.); tintin.i_ (Pali); tim.tin.i_ (Pkt.)(CDIAL 5813).
3293.Seal, signet: ca_tan-am means (Kaival. Tattuva. 11); seal, signet (Pin..); ca_tan-a-pattiram title deed, deed of grant inscribed on copper plate (Ta.lex.) cf. s'a_sanam. edict (Skt.lex.)
3294.A strengthening affix: sid.a_ an affix strengthing the original meaning of a word e.g. pid.a_ sid.a_, pid.a_ sickness (Kon.lex.)
3295.Palm leaf used for writing: si_ta_l.i o_le that variety of palm leaf used for scribing (Kon.lex.) cit.t.i < cit.t.hi (U.) chit (Ta.lex.) ci_t.t.u note, letter, scrap of per or ola containing memorandum, pass, ticket (Ta.); ci_t.i (Ka.); ci_t.t.u voucher, bond, document, promissory note; list (Pi. Vi. 17, Urai.)(Ta.lex.) cittu a blot, scoring and scribbling; citte blot; citte ka_d. blot out (Tu.lex.)
3296.Roughly: sidi bidi roughly, carelessly as a piece of work (Santali.lex.)
3297.Duplicate copy: cittu-nakal < citti (U.) + naql (U.) rough copy (C.G. 103)(Ta.lex.) cittu < citti (U.) blot, erasure (C.G.); cittu (Ka.)(Ta.lex.)
3298.Image: white-spotted: sidhma white-spotted (TS. v.16.14.14; VS. XXIV.10); sidhmala leprous (VS. XXI. 17; TBr. iii.4.14)(Vedic.lex.) Cutaneous disease: sidhma, cibbu a kind of cutaneous disease, a blotch, pustule, scab; a kind of leprosy (Ka.lex.) sibba (Tadbhava of sidhma)(Ka.); s'imbe_m. (M.)(Ka.lex.)
3299.Image: yoke for load carried by two persons: cit.t.ai-maram yoke for load carried on the shoulders between two persons, dist. fr. ka_-maram carried by a single person (Ta.lex.) Image: yoke to carry heavy timber by a single person: cf. ka_vu-tal to carry on the shoulder, as a palanquin, a pole with a weight at each end (Pur-ana_. 206); ka_vu-tat.i pole for carrying burdens on the shoulder; ka_-maram shoulder pole for carrying heavy timber; ka_vat.i-ttan.t.u (Ta.Ma.); ka_vat.i that which is carried on the shoulder with a pole (Ta.Ma.); ka_vad.i (Te.)(Ta.lex.)
3300.Image: leather-bottle: siddige, sidde a leather-bottle (for ghee and oil, used in trade)(Ka.); sidde (Te.); citti, cittai (Ta.); cutti (Ta.); cuttige, tuttige an oil vessel (Ma.)(Ka.lex.) Leather case: citai leather case for ghee or oil (Ta.); sidde id. (Te.); cittai tin can for oil (Madr.)(Ta.lex.)
3301.Image: pitcher: sidi, sidye pitcher; sit, sita_ boiled rice; sidi bellows; tidi bellows (Kon.lex.) sidde leathern bottle (Tu.lex.) siddha-stha_li_ the boiler or pot of a seer (it is supposed to be a vessel which is gifted with the property of overflowing with any kind of food at the desire of the posessor (Skt.ex.) cit.t.i < (Te.) a small earthen vessel (Ta.); a measure (Ka.); a small dice case (Ta.lex.)
3302.A measure of grain: cit.t.i a small measure (Ta.); one fourth of the measure called so_la (Te.); a measure of grain equal to four se_ru, one equal to four solige (Ka.) cit.t.e id. (Ka.)(DEDR 2512). gidda, gid, giddana, gidna, gira, girda a fourth part, a quarter (1/4)(Ka.); gadde an obsolete coin like a farthing, equal to 1/4 or 1/5 of a paika; gidde the smallest measure of capacity, a gill or liquid ounce, 1/4 of a so_le, weighing 4 d.abbus (Te.); gidda-ga_n.i, gidga_n.i 1/4 of a ka_n.i, 1/256 of a han.a, used in weighing (Ka.); giddana, gidda the fourth part of a solige; gidna = giddana; gidna eight seers or two soliges (Ka.); gira = gidda; gira-ka_lu 1/16, the sixteenth part; gira-pa_vu dupl. 1/4 or the fourth part of a measuring seer; 1/16 of a seer (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) centalai the fraction 1/8, a mercantile slang (Tan-ippa_. i,87,171)(Ta.lex.)
3303.Image: a vessel: sed.e, cid.e a vessel for the reception of liquids or grain (Ka.lex.)
3304.Arab: siddi an Arab (Kon.lex.) sidk < sidq (Arab.) righteousness, sincerity (P.lex.) cf. siddi an Abyssinian (Ka.Te.); tiddi_ (M.)(Ka.lex.) cf. sendo, sindo (usu. pl. sende) a gypsy (Gypsy)(CDIAL 4837).
3305.Abyssinian: siddi an Abyssinian (Ka.Te.); s'iddi_ (M.)(Ka.lex.) sidhi_ a Negro, an abyssinian (G.)(Arabic)(G.lex.)
3306.Eminent person; counsellor; officer in-charge of granary: cit.t.am that which is estimable, sacred (Civaraka. Civarakaciyavarala_. 9)(Ta.lex.) sit.ha officer of a ra_ja_'s household in charge of palace and granary (Or.)(CDIAL 12479). s'is.t.a chief, principal, superior, excellent, distinguished, eminent; an eminent or distinguished person; a wise man; a counsellor; s'is.t.a-sabha_ an assembly of chief or learned men, a council of state; s'is.t.a_ca_rah- the practice of wise men; s'is.t.a ordered, commanded; wise, learned; virtuous, respectable; civil, polite (Skt.lex.) s'is.t.i rule, government; order, command; chastisement, punishment (Skt.lex.) cit.t.a_ca_ram, cis.t.a_ca_ram established line of conduct or usage of the virtuous, as an authority in the absence of s'ruti and smr.ti (Cit. Marapukan.. 21); cit.t.a-ppat.t.a_r devotees (Te_va_. 33,6)(Ta.lex.) s'is.t.a-pa_laka a guardian or protector of the virtuous; s'is.t.a ordered, commanded; disciplined; well-behaved, virtuous; eminent, noble, excellent (Ka.lex.) s'istu-ga_r-a a decorated man; a fop; a lewd man; s'istu suitable, proper, correct (Ka.M.); beautiful, elegant, decorated (Ka.lex.)
3307.A roll of householders: s'istu, sistu aim (Ka.M.H.); a roll of the householders (of a village, etc.) from whom the revenue is to be gathered in, or upon whom an assessment is to be laid (Ka.M.H.); assessment, tax (Ka.Te.)(Ka.lex.)
3308.An invocation: siddham lit. success has been attained; an invocation found in early inscriptions at the commencement of the text; sometimes confused with pran.ava; generally indicated in later records by a symbol having several varieties; sometimes indicated by the letter cha (EI 30; CII 3); Alphabet: siddha ma_tr.ka_ name of the Indian alphabet derived from late bra_hmi_ and from which are derived north Indian alphabets like na_gari_, wrongly called kut.ila etc. (IEG, p.310). siddhi (CII 4) emancipation; sometimes used at the beginning of documents to ensure the success of the undertaking (IEG). "At the beginning of an inscription generally and also at its end occasionally, there is an auspicious symbol or word or passage in adoration to a deity. The word siddham and svasti at the beginning of inscriptions are commonly found, though siddham gradually came to be represented by a symbol found at the beginning of numerous inscriptions. Among other auspicious symbols, occasionally we have the svastika (Archaeological Survey of South India, Vol. I, Plate 69; Archaeological Survey of Western India, Vol. IV, Plate 49, Nos. 5-7, 9, 11, 13-14), the trident-on-wheel called triratna [ASWI, Vol. IV, Plate 49, Nos. 8, 10, 15; sometimes called nandipada (Rapson's catalogue, p. clxxv), British Museum Catalogue of the Coins of the Andhras, London, 1908], the s'ri_vatsa [together with the svastika symbol at the beginning of the Hathigumpha inscription of Kha_ravela (Select Inscriptions, Plate facing p. 208)], the tree-in-railing (at the end of the Hathigumpha inscription, ibid., Plate facing p. 209), and certain unidentified symbols (ASWI, Vol. IV, Plate 44-- Bhaja No. 7; Plate 45-- Kuda Nos. I,6,16; Plate 46-- Kuda Nos. 20, 22, 24, 26) in early inscriptions (cf. Epigraphica Indica, Vol. XXXIII, p. 247 and Plate facing p. 251)... A man:gala, i.e. a benediction or an auspicious word, at the beginning, in the middle and at the end of a composition was believed to ensure its completion and preservation. The auspicious word siddham is found at the beginning of numerous early records (cf. Select Inscriptions, pp. 157, 160, 164, 165, 169, 176, 191, 193, 196, 200, 203, 204, 205; for the contractions sdha and sdhi cf. ibid., pp. 150, 156). This word was in later times generally indicated by a symbol of a varying shape. The symbols was sometimes followed by the auspicious word svasti which, in some cases, stands singly at the beginning of epigraphic records (ibid., p. 331, text line 1; p. 403, text line 1; Epigraphic Indica, Vol. XXVIII, Plate facing p. 62, text line 1). Sometimes the man:gala : siddhir-astu, having the same import as siddham, as also a bigger man:gala sentence beginning with svasty-astu, is found at the end of the documents (cf. Select Inscriptions, p. 298, text line 24; p. 385, text line 41; p. 409, text line 30; p. 327, text line 9; p. 397, text line 8; p. 441, text line 55; p. 455, text line 15). In some cases again a symbol, which is apparently a variant of the siddham sign, appears at the end of a document and, in rare cases, also in the body of its text especially at the end of a section of it (cf. Epigraphica Indica, Vol. III, p. 129, Plate, text lin3 24; Select Inscriptions, p. 457). Besides the siddham symbol, various other auspicious symbols also appear in inscriptions. Al-Biru_ni_ regarded the auspicious symbol at the beginning of inscriptions as indicating the pran.ava or the sound om. (Sachau, Alberuni's India, Part I, p. 173). N. K. Bhattasali challenged the authority of Al-Biru_ni_ and suggested that the symbol indicates siddham or siddhir-astu (Epigraphic Indica, Vol. XVII, p. 352). There is no doubt that the symbol stood for the word siddham found at the beginning of numerous early inscriptions. But there is evidence to show that sometimes the symbol was pronounced as om. siddhih- [Certain medieval charms, composed in the form of royal charters, have the om. siddhih- at the beginning, which is apparently the pronounced form of the symbol at the commencement of numerous inscriptions, including copper-plate grants; cf. Proceedings IHC, 1939, pp. 471) and Al-Biru_ni_ seems to have confused this om. siddhih- with om. Instances of such confusion are also noticed in Indian epigraphs like the Baud plates (IHQ, Vol. X, p. 475) of Ran.abhaja which begin with the symbol followed by the word siddhih- and the Belabo plate (Majumdar, Ins. Beng., Vol. III, p. 19) of Bhojavarman, which has the symbol followed by om. siddhih- at the beginning. The symbol was generally used till recent times in the eastern areas with the sign of nasalisation placed above the Bengali figure for 7 or as the figure 4 as found in medieval inscriptions from Bengal (cf. Proc. IHC, 1939, p. 471; IHQ, Vol. XXXIII, p. 103 and Plate facing p. 102; P. N. Bhattacharya, Ka_maru_pas'a_sana_vali_, p. 55). The sign is called pil.l.aiya_r cur..i (Gan.es'a's curl) in Tamil (Ep. Ind., Vol. XVII, p. 352, note). The svastika (of both the va_m-a_varta and daks.in.-va_rta types) and taurine symbols are found in As'oka's separate edicts at Jaugad.a (Corp. Ins. Ind., Vol. I, Plate facing p. 116). The triskele symbol, which is a modification of the svastika, is found at the beginning of the Er-r-agud.i and Ra_jula-Man.d.agiri M.R. Edicts of As'oka. (Ep. Ind., Vol. XXXI, Plates facing pp. 221, 216; Vol. XXXII, Plate facing p. 6). The svastika is also found at the beginning and the end of many other records generally belonging to dates earlier than the 3rd century A.D. (ibid. Vol. VII, Plate III (No.6) facing p. 76; Plate VII (No.16) facing p. 88). While occurring at the beginning of a document, it is sometimes placed before, and rarely after, the word siddham (sidha, sidham., etc. in Prakrit and sometimes in contractions like dha or sdhi)(ibid., Plate III (No. 6) facing p. 76, and Plate IV (no. 10) facing p. 78). At the beginning of the Ha_thigumpha_ inscription, the svastika appears beneath a crown-like symbol called s'ri_vatsa, while the inscription ends with the 'tree-within-railing' symbol (Select Inscriptions, Plate facing pp. 208 and 209). Other symbols found in some cases are the trident or triratna resting on the dharma-cakra and the lotus (Epigraphic Indica, Vol. XVIII, Plates facing pp. 96, 150, 151; Vol. XIX, p. 81, text line 41; Plate facing p. 60, text lines 6, 16, 20; Vol. XXX, p. 219, text line 11; Vol. XXXI, p. 128, text lines 205 and 212; Cor. Ins. Ind., Vol. III, No. 62). In early medieval epigraphs and manuscripts, a circle, with a smaller circle or dot (or dots) inside, sometimes indicates fullstop. As the circle with a central dot is the old Bra_hmi_ letter tha, modified forms of the same letter came to be used in later times. (ibid., Vol. XVIII, p.298, text line 30; Vol. XIX p. 81, text line 41; Plate facing p. 331, text line 21; Vol. XXX, p. 125, text line 17; VOl. XXXI, p. 166, text line 20 (not s'ri_). The same symbol is found in some old Jain manuscripts as a circle with a globular mark at the centre and drawn under a horizontal line, Journ. Or. Inst., Baroda, Vol. III, No. 4, Jun3 1954, P. 368). In some medieval records, the symbol stands midway between tha and cha (Ep. Ind., Vol. XVIII, p. 80), and this confusion led to the growth of the popular use of the letter cha as the concluding mark at the end of literary or epigraphic records and sections thereof (ibid., Vol. XXIII, pp. 140-141, text lines 4 and 15; Vol. XXV, p. 63, text line 94, p. 221 text line 141. It is really not a variety of the siddham symbol). Cha is recognised in this capacity in early medieval works like S'ri_hars.a's Nais.adhi_ya and Hemachandra's Eka_ks.arakos.a. Sometimes the auspicious word s'ri_ also appears in the same way at the end of documents (Ep. Ind., Vol. XXXI, p. 16 text line 26. Medieval south and west Indian records often end with man:galam. maha_-s'ri_h- sometimes preceded by m. bhavatu. They begin with svasti jayas'-c-a_bhyudayas'-ca). In the inscriptions of the Gupta age, the auspicious word siddham at the beginning of epigraphs was sometimes represented by a crescent-like curved stroke opening towards the left (Corp. Ins. Ind., Vol. III, Nos. 11 Plate VIA, 20 Plate XIIB). This mark resembles the symbol or mark of interpunctuation at the end of many of As'oka's edicts at Kalsi_. It has been pointed out that some scholars regard it as standing for the pran.ava, i.e. the auspicious symbol om, even though the sign occurs in typical Buddhist epigraphs and the Buddhists did not attach any importance to the pran.ava (ibid., p. 46, note 3). We have seen above that, though this view is supported by Al-Biru_ni_, there is some evidence to show that the symbol was read as siddham or siddhr-astu (Ep. Ind., Vol. XVII, p. 352; Proc. IHC, 1939, pp. 471 ff.) Ths suggestion seems to be suported by the fact that some medieval inscriptions begin with the symbol followed by a namaska_ra passage like om. namah-, om.namah- s'iva_ya, om. namo na_ra_yan.a_ya, om. namah- s'ri_-vis'ves'vara_ya etc. (Majumdar, Ins. Beng., VOl. III, pp. 46, 61, 71, 85, 94, 101, 109, 121, 133, 143; Ind. Ant., VOl. XI, p. 242; Ep. Ind., Vol. II, p. 305; Vol. XXXIV, p. 81), and also by the man:gala: om.svasti (Ep. Ind., VOl. XXIX, Plate facing p. 102, text line 1). We have explained the confusion of the symbol with the pran.ava by the fact that sometimes it was read as om. siddhih- (in rare cases the symbol is followed by the word siddhih- or om. siddhih- as we have already noticed). The symbol was gradually modifed to the shape of a stroke slanting towards lower right with its top curved or looped inwards to the right (Ep. Ind., Vol. XXVII, Plate facing p. 328 text line 1; Vol. XXVIII, Plate facing p. 50 text line 1; Plate facing p. 112) or slanting towards lower left with its top curved or looped inwards to the left (ibid., Vol. XXVIII, Plate facing p. 66 text line 1; Plate facing p. 84 text line 1). Sometimes the lower end of the stroke exhibits an ornamental downward flourish or upward bend (ibid., VOl. XXXI, Plate facing p. 72; Vol. XXVII, Plate facing 0. 50; Vol. XXIX, Plate facing p. 88; VOl. XXXI, Plate facing p. 266). Both the va_m-a_varta and daks.in.-a_varta types were used in some cases in records of the same locality and also of the same age (Valgudar, Monghyr District, Bihar inscriptions illustrated in Ep. Ind., Vol. XXVIII, Plate facing p. 145). In the medieval inscriptions of Eastern India, the symbol resembles the Bengali numeral figure 7 (a vertical stroke with its top curved towards the left and ending in an inward bend)(ibid., VOl. XXX, Plates facing pp. 186, 236) and it was used in the central parts of Bengal with the addition of a sign called candra-bindu or a_nuna_sika above. But in the eastern-most areas of Bengal, the same symbol was written with the lower end curved considerably towards the right and was called a_ji_ (IHQ, Vol. XXXIII, p. 103), and the Bengali alphabet with the symbol at the head was called a_ji_-ka-kha (P.N. Bhattacharya, Ka_maru_pas'a_sana_vali_, p. 55). In western India, however, the symbol appearing in medieval inscriptions looks like a numerical figure (Ep. Ind., Vol. XXXI, Plate facing p. 72) and often a globular mark looking like a cypher is placed after it (ibid., Vol. III Plate (middle) facing p. 306; Vol. XXXI, Plate facing p. 14 text line 1; Vol. XXX Plate facing p. 191). In south Indian records of the early and medieval periods, the symbol is often a va_m-a_varta spiral (ibid., Vol. XXXI, Plate facing p. 233), some-times resembling the representation of a conch-shell, which is called pil.l.aiya_r-cur..i or Gan.es'a's curl and is first taught to the children before they begin to learn the alphabet (ibid., Vol. XVII, p. 352, note). Certain Nepal inscriptions exhibit auspicious symbols representing the conch-shell, the lotus, the bull, the fish, the sun-wheel and the stars. (Ind. Ant., Vol. IX, pp. 163 ff. For the conch-shell in other records, cf. Ep. Ind., Vol. XXV, Plate facing p. 236; and for the lotus, cf. JAS, Letters, Vol. XVIII, 1952, pp. 77ff., Plate II). In the medieval epigraphs of the Andhra region, the lotus symbol is sometimes found about the beginning (P. Sreenivasachar, A Corpus of Inscriptions, Part II, Plates 37,41). The kailvan (Patna District, Bihar) inscription (Ep. Ind., Vol. XXXI, Plate facing p. 231) of about the second century A.D. exhibits four symbols between the beginning and end of a circular line of writing. These are a long-necked pitcher, a double svastika (one of the va_m-a_varta and the other of the daks.in.-a_varta type) and another looking like a sacrificial altar. At the end of the Guakuchi copper plate grant (P.N. Bhattacharya, Ka_maru_pas'a_sana_vali_, Plate facing p. 140) of king Ratnapa_la of Assam, there are representations of a bird (Garud.a) carrying a snake, the lotus, the conch-shell and the discus, all connected with the god Vis.n.u... The antiquity of the use of this word (siddham let there be success) is proved by Patajali's Maha_bha_s.ya on the first va_rttika (siddhe s'abd-a_rtha-sambandhe) of Ka_tya_yana on Pa_n.ini's As.t.a_dhya_yi_. Patajali says that Ka_tya_yana employs the word siddha at the very outset for the auspicious completion of his scientific treatise... Gradually the invocation became more and more elaborate, and it ran from mere symbols and words to more or less big sections in prose and verse in praise of the favourite deities of the grantors or the writers of the document. Thus the charters of the early western Gan:gas begin with with the symbol denoting siddham, followed by a passage hailing the god Vis.n.u in the words : jitam. bhagavata_ gata-ghana-gagan-a_bhena padmana_bhena..." (D.C.Sircar, Indian Epigraphy, Delhi, Motilal Banarsidass, 1965, p.5, pp. 92-97, pp. 127-128). The use of the word a_ji_ for the symbol siddham may be related to the designation often used in south Indian records: a_ja_, a_japti or a_ja_pti (lit. 'the order') to designate the high officer (sometimes a prince) who conveyed the royal order. He is generally called du_ta or du_taka (lit. the messenger) in north Indian records. Term such a_ja_ svayam 'the order is (from) the donor himself'; sva-mukh-a_ja_ 'the order is (from) the (donor's) own mouth'... indicate that the a_japti was the 'executor (of a grant)'. The alphabet called raja_ or rajana_ was used in Tibet which was a derivative of the siddhama_tr.ka_ (cf. early licchavi epigraphs like the changunarayan pillar inscription (464 A.D.) of Ma_nadeva) and Buddhist manuscripts of Buddhist Dha_ran.i_s written in China and Japan; cf. the Tibetan alphabet which is a modified form of siddhama_tr.ka_). The Sanskrit inscription of Ceylon from the Jetavanara_ma is written in the siddhama_tr.ka_ alphabet of northern India and assigned on paleographical grounds to the 9th century A.D. (Ep. Zeyl., Vol. III, pp. 195 ff.) The inscription of A_nandacandra of Burma is written in the siddhama_tr.ka_ alphabet of eastern India (Ep. Ind., Vol. XXXII, pp. 103 ff.; Sel. Ins., pp. 462 ff.) (D.C. Sircar, Indian Epigraphy, pp. 207-212). There is a maxim : bhu_mi-cchidra-nya_ya according to which the gift (of land) shall endure as long a time as the moon, the sun and the earth shall endure (a_-candr-a_rka- ks.iti-samaka_lam) (Ep. Ind., Vol. XXIX, p. 5, note). The maxim is referred to "in a large number of records. It speaks of the old custom, according to which a person who brings a piece of fallow or jungle land under cultivation for the first time was allowed to enjoy it without paying rent. The custom was based on the principle that the hunted deer belonged to him who hit it first. (cf. Jolly, Hindu Law and Custom, pp. 196-197). The word chidra in this case seems to have originally referred to the furrowing of the land. Gradually however the expression bhu_mi-cchidra acquired the meaning of 'uncultivable (kr.s.y-ayogya_) land', and that is why some early medieval inscriptions from Orissa, e.g. the charters of the Bhauma-Karas, speak of the same maxim as bhu_mi-cchidra-pidha_na-nya_ya literally 'the maxim of covering up the hole in the land', probably referring to the reclamation of fallow land for the first time. (Ep. Ind., Vol. XXIX, p.86)." (D.C. Sircar, Indian Epigraphy, p. 397). "An inscribed fragment of a pillar was discovered in the village of Barli in Rajasthan by the late Pt. G.H. Ojha in 1912 (Ojha : Pra_ci_nalipima_la_ (Hindi), p. 2)... the first letter (form: O with a right loop on top) was read as vi_... Dr. K. P. Jayaswal... denied this mark as a sign for long medial i_... dated it to 374-373 B.C. (JBORS, 1930, p. 67-68)... Dr.D.C. Sircar... restores as siddham.. He places the record in the 1st century B.C." (C.S. Upasak, The history and palaeography of Mauryan Bra_mi_ Script, Nalanda, 1960, pp. 185-186).
3309.Accomplished, skilled: siddha accomplished, skilled (MBh.); perfected (Mn.); succeeded, perfected (Pali.Pkt.); sidh accuracy (L.); sidhvu~ to be accomplished (G.); sidu effected, perfect, pure (Si.)(CDIAL 13401). Accomplish: sidh accomplish (Skt.)(CDIAL 13404). sed success (K.); siddhi accomplishment, success (MBh.); completion (Pkt.); accomplishment (Pali); sidhi (KharI.); s'idi success (Ku.); sidhi (Mth.); idi completion, work (Si.)(CDIAL 13405). sidhyati is accomplished, succeeds (RV.); sijjhati succeeds; pp. siddha succeeded (Pali); sijjhai is accomplished, is done (Pkt.); sijhan.u to be acquired (S.); xiza_iba to accomplish; to be accomplished (A.); si_jhai is accomplished (OG.)(CDIAL 13408). sijhvu~, sijvu~ to be accomplished; to accomplish, appease (G.); (CDIAL 13408). sinnhan.a_ to take sight, aim at; caus. sinha_un.a_ (P.)(CDIAL 13414). sa_dh accomplish (Skt.); sa_dhu adv. all right, please, yes; sa_hu well! good! )(Pali); ov, ovu yes (Si.)(CDIAL 13337). prasiddha celebrated (TS.); pasiddha (Pali.Pkt.); pasidu famous, well-known (Si.)(CDIAL 8842). cittittal to be gained, accomplished; to be realised (Tiruman. 2394); citti success, realisation, attainment (Kampara_. Atika_ya. 208)(Ta.lex.) cittu assisting hand of a bricklayer, dist. fr. kottu (Ta.lex.)
3310.Settled; right of cultivating land: sis.n.u ready to give (RV. viii.19.33); sis.a_satu desirous of gaining (RV. ix.47.5); sis.a_sani eager to win (RV. i.102.6); sis.a_su eager to get or win (RV. i.102.6)(Vedic.lex.) siddhi (CITI) right of cultivating land (IEG, p.311). Cultivation right: citti right of cultivating the land, one of as.t.a-po_kam (C.G.)(Ta.lex.) siddhi establishment, settlemnt; advantage, use, good effect; siddha gained, obtained, acquired; settled, established; subdued, won over (Skt.lex.) [Enjoyment of eight kinds are in three lists: (I) pen. (woman), a_t.ai (clothing), an.ikalan- (ornaments), po_can-am (feast), ta_mpu_lam (betel), parimal.am (fragrance), pa_t.t.u (song), pu_vamal.i (bed of flowers)(Catu.); (II) enjoyment of eight kinds which an estate affords, viz.: vikkirayam (sale), ta_n-am (gift), vin-imayam (exchange, barter), jalam (water), taru (trees esp. da_ru yielding frankincense), pa_s.a_n.am (lit. stones, i.e. minerals), niti (treasure), niks.e_pam (pledge as security); (III) according to C.G.: at.cin.i, a_ka_mi, jala_mirutam, pa_s.a_n.am, niti, niks.e_pam, citti, ca_ttiyam (Ta.lex.) [cf. the list according to Ka. lex.: as.t.a bho_ga = nidhi, niks.epa, aks.in.a, a_ga_mi, sacita (accumulated), jala, taru, pa_s.a_n.a.] The third list (of C.G.), perhaps more ancient, may be semant. amplified: (i) Right of usage: at.cini < aks.in.i_ privileges actually enjoyed in an estate (C.G.)(Ta.lex.) Prob. right of usage: at.t.i-p-pe_r-u gift of hereditary possessions and rights bestowed by copper-plate grant (Ta.inscr.); at.t.u to endow, as a temple (T.A.S. i,6); to remit as money (S.I.I. ii,147); to put, place, put on (Tirukko_. 122); id. (Ka.); a_t.ci lordship, proprietorship, ownership (Ta.); use, usage; possession, enjoyment (Periyapu. Tat.utta_t.. 56); sphere of one's authority wherein an outsider may not intrude (Tirukko_. 282, Urai.); a_t.ci-p- pat.utal to become one's own by long usage (W.)(Ta.lex.) cf. adhikaran.i_ smith's anvil; adhikaran.a receptacle, support (TUp.)(CDIAL 252). cf. ahi_t.a_, ahit.a_ field watchman (H.); ahit.t.haga superintendent (Pkt.)(CDIAL 263). (ii) Right to use land for self-sown grass: a_ka_mi < a_-ga_min prospective right and privilege which possession of an estate may bring in its wake one of as.t.apo_kam (Ta.lex.) a_ga_min land kept for self-sown grass, stubble (Kho.); coming back, coming (Pali.Pkt.); coming (Nir.); future (MBh.)(CDIAL 16048). (iii) Right to the use of water: jala_mirutam (prob. amr.ta) rights to the use of water and to the profits of fishery (Ta.lex.) (iv) Right to rocky soil and its products: pa_s.a_n.am rocky soil and its products (C.G.)(Ta.lex.)(v) Right to treasure-hoard or gold: niti treasure-hoard (Ci_vaka. 331); nitiyam id, gold (Malaipat.u. 575); niti gold (Cu_t.a_.)(Ta.lex.)[cf. niti-niks.e_pam treasure hidden underground, a documentary term (R.F.)(Ta.lex.)](vi) Right to pledge: niks.e_pam pledge, pawn, deposit; treasure-trove (Ta.lex.)(vii) Right to cultivate the land: citti right of cultivating the land (C.G.)(Ta.lex.) cf. citti < siddhi right of cultivating the land, one of as.t.a-po_kam (C.G.); hence, cittar may refer to those who have been granted land with unfettered cultivating rights (Ta.lex.) (viii) Right to fruits of the earth: ca_ttiyam < sa_dhya right to fruits of the earth (C.G.); that which is practicable, possible, attainable (Ce_tupu. Ca_ttiya_. 2)(Ta.lex.)
3311.Prosperity; acquittance: siddhi, siddi success, prosperity; sett,ement, establishment; performance, attainment; validity (of a rule of law); certainty, truth, correctness; payment, liquidation (of a debt), acquittance (Ka.lex.)
3312.To demand payment: sidi to collect or demand payment of dues other than rents; rinko sidia they collect debts; taka sidiya sen akana he has gone to collect money due to him (Santali.lex.) sa_dhu moneylender (Skt.)(CDIAL 13337). sad hondar a tax-gatherer (Santali.lex.) sadhu a certain class of Hindu mendicants (Santali.lex.)
3313.To settle: sidha~_t settlement of conditions of marriage among Soti_ brahmans (Mth.)(CDIAL 13404). sijjhan., sijhan. to be settled, be paid (of debt), sink into its place (of well masonry)(L.); sijjhana_ to have a settlement, be avenged (P.)(CDIAL 13408).
3314.Right of cultivating land; income; acquittance; to collect; provisions as allowance: cis.t.am < s'is.t.a balance, remainder (Na_.) (Ta.lex.) s'is.t.a left, remaining, residual, rest; s'is. to leave as a remainder, spare (Skt.lex.)siddhi income (IA 18; IEG). citti right of cultivating land, one of as.t.a-po_kam (C.G.)(Ta.lex.) cf. bhoga possession, wealth; ga_mabhojaka land-lord (P.lex.) sidi to collect or demand payment of dues other than rent (Santali.lex.) sidda_ firmness, resolution (P.lex.) siddhi payment, liquidation (of a debt), acquittance (Ka.lex.) sidha uncooked victuals, provisions given according to allowance; sidhako stan:keda they took their allowance of uncooked food; ser sidha purauentaea his allowance of food is exhausted, i.e. his end has come (Santali.lex.)
3315.Present income: siddha, sa_dhya (EI 13) present income and income that may accrue in future (IEG, p.311). u_rdhva_dhah- (IA 16) explained as 'what is above and below' (in the gift land); cf. u_rdhv-a_dhah--siddhi-yuta_ (IA 18) with income from the produce above and below the surface of the ground; same as s-a_dha-u_rdhva epithe of the gift land (IEG, p.353). abhyantara-siddhi (CII 4); a_bhyantara-siddhi powers of adjudication; prob. taxes payable to village authorities as against those payable to the king (IEG, p.3); internal income or revenue or taxes payable to village authorities : tribhog-a_bhyantara-siddhi, ba_hy-a_bhyantara-siddhi, ba_hy-a_bhyantara-a_da_ya, sar-a_bhyantara-siddhi (EI 20); antah- siddhika (CII 4) a privilege of the donee of rent-free land; abhyantara_da_ya (IE 8-5) internal revenue income of a village (IEG, p.3). siddha-a_ya (EI 123; SII 11-2; ASLV) fixed income; regular income; citta_yam (Ta.) a tax (EI 27): prob. agricultural income; siddha_ya (SITI) a fixed assessment; minor taxes payable in cash in the days of Vijayanagara kings (IEG). Revenue: sidda_ya established revenue: tribute paid to a lord paramount (Ka.); tax, fee (Te.)(Ka.lex.)
3316.Quick-silver: siddha-rasa quick-silver (Ka.lex.) siddha-dha_tu quick-silver (Skt.); ore (as gold) (Ka.lex.) cittam < kit.t.a iron dross (Ta.lex.) siddha-patra hemp-leaves for smoking etc. (Ka.lex.)
3317.Marriage: sha_di_ a marriage; sha_di_ honi_ to be married (P.lex.) cf. ka_za_r kar give away in marriage (Kon.lex.)
3318.To be accomplished; goods: Ösidh, Ösa_dh accomplish (Skt.); hita-sa_dhana materials, instrument (Pal.lex.) sad authority, power; cer sad menaktame? what authority have you? sadi strength, ability, power; sadhin independent; sadhi strength, ability, poer (Santali.lex.) sijhan to come to an end, to be settled, to be paid (a debt); sijha_un., sijha_ den.a_ to pay; to bring to an undertaking; sijha_wan to pay a debt (P.lex.) bisa, besa_ purchase of grain (Ku.); visa_hia accomplished (Pkt.); viha_in.u to buy (S.)(CDIAL 11979). xa_han property (A.); sa_dhana goods (R.)(CDIAL 13334). sid effected, perfected; initiation; sid em to perfet, to complete; sid bid accomplished (Santali.lex.) siddha (pp. of sijjhati) accomplished, ended; siddha-attha one who has completed his task; siddhi accomplishment, success; siddhika connectd with success (Vedic.lex.) siddhi accomplisment; success, prosperity, welfare, well-being; settlement; proof; decision; payment, liquidation (of debt); sidh to be accomplished; to be proved, settled; to be won or conquered; siddha accomplished, gained, acquired; settled; proved; valid (as a rule); decided; paid, discharged, liquidated (as debt); subdued; siddha_rtha one who has accomplished his desired object, successful; siddha_sanam a particular posture in religious meditation; siddha-de_va S'iva (Skt.lex.) Settle doctrine: citta_ntam < siddha_nta well-established conclusion; settled doctrine (Tirukka_l.at. Pu. 29,37); s'aiva a_gamas (Ci. Ci. 8,15)(Ta.); citta_yatan-am < siddha_yatana the Jaina shrin on the foremost place of the vijaya_rtta mountain (Me_ruman. 620); citti-pattan-am < siddhi + pattana (Jain) mo_ks.a as a city of eternal bliss (Me_ruman. 727)(Ta.lex.)
3319.Holy person; doctrine: siddha holy person (MBh.); sidhu holy man (S.); sidho, sido simpleton (Ku.); sidho fair, straightforward (N.); sidha_ honest (B.Or.); si_dh, si_dha_ (H.); si_dhu~ straightforward (G.)(CDIAL 13401). siddhi established end, doctrine (MBh.); siddhanta doctrine (Pali); siddham.ta (Pkt.); siddha_nta established end, doctrine (MBh.); sidat conclusion, doctrine (Si.)(CDIAL 13404). siddhi supernatural powers (Sa_m.khyak.); magic power (Pkt.); sed superhuman power (K.); sidhi_ miracle (S.); siddh straight course (P.); si_dh, si_dhi_ straightness, direct line, aim (H.); idi superhuman power (Si.)(CDIAL 13405).
3320.Celestial: sidhra perfect, good; protecting; a pious or virtuous man; sidhra-ka_van.am one of the celestial gardens (Skt.lex.) sidhma going straight, successful (RV. i.33.13); sidhra going straight (RV. i.173.1)(Vedic.lex.) sidho clean, perfect, accomplished; to readmit to caste (Santali.lex.) ca_takam < sa_dhaka goblin (Kampara_. Mitilaik. 63)(Ta.lex.) sidhra efficacious (RV.); perfect (Skt.); sidhra_-pudhra_ simple (P.)(CDIAL 13409). cf. sa_dhu holy man (Skt.)(CDIAL 13337). cittam < siddha certainty (Man.i. 10,85); cittar < siddha supernaturals inhabiting the intermediate region between the earth and the sun, one of patin-en--kan.am (Kampara_. Nintan-ai. 10); mystics who have acquired thee as.t.a-ma_-citti (Tiruvil.ai. Ella_mvalla. 1); cittar-nu_l mystic treatises on medicine, yo_ga and astrology, composed by Siddhas (W.); cittan- < siddha one endowed with supernatural powers; Skanda (Tirumuru. 176, Urai.); cittan--va_r..vu Tiru-v-a_vin-an--kut.i, as the abode of Skanda (Tirumuru. 176, Urai.)(Ta.lex.) Celestial women: cittiyar a class of celestial women (Kampara_. U_rte_t.u. 186)(Ta.lex.)
3321.An asterism: sidhya the asterism pus.ya (Skt.lex.) sijh < (Skt.) the sun; sijh ubha_r sunrise; the east; sijh la_h sunset, west (P.lex.)
3322.Officer in charge of granary: sit.ha officer of a ra_ja_'s household in charge of palace and granary (Or.); s'is.t.a taught (AV.); disciplined (S'Br.); learned (Mn.); chief (Skt.); sit.t.ha ordered, taught; gentleman (Pkt.); s'it.ha punishment; s'it.hidavya to be punished (NiDoc.); sit.nu to reprimand (N.); sit.u nobleman; hit.a_no very wealthy man (Si.)(CDIAL 12479). ci_t.an- pupil (Ta.lex.) s'is.ya pupil (S.ad.vBr.); sissa pupil (Pali); s'is.ya (NiDoc.); sissa, si_sa (Pkt.); sis (H.); s'i_s (G.); sisu (Si.)(CDIAL 12482). Granary: ce_nti granary (Madu.)(Ta.lex.) ce_nti loft; thin reapers running across the joists on which planks are laid (Ta.lex.) Head of a guild: set.t.ha best (Pali.Pkt.); set.h great, noble, superior (N.); s're_s.t.ha most splendid, best (RV.); sret.ha, sest.a, set.ha (As'.); s'et.ha (Dhp.); set.ha chief, principal (Or.); set.a, set.u noble, excellent (Si.)(CDIAL 12725). s're_s.t.hin distinguished man (AitBr.); foreman of a guild (Skt.); s're_s.t.hini_ his wife (Skt.); set.t.hin guild-master (Pali); s'et.hi (Dhp.); set.t.hi, sit.t.hi (Pkt.); set.hi wholesale merchant (S.); set.h banker (N.); head of a guild, merchant (B.); head of a guild, banker (P.); set.han. (P.); s'e_t.h rich man (Ku.); set.hi caste of washermen (Or.); se_t.hi merchant, banker (Bhoj.Aw.); set.h (H.); s'et.h, s'et.hiyo wholesale merchant, employer, master (G.); s'et.h, s'et.hi_, s'et., s'et.i respectful term for banker or merchant (M.); sit.u, hit.u banker, nobleman (Si.)(CDIAL 12726). First, chief, eldest: jye_s.t.ha first, chief; eldest; eldest brother (RV.); jye_s.t.ha_ eldest wife (Mn.); jet.t.ha chief, eldest; elder brother; jet.t.haka chief (Pali); jet.ha (NiDoc.); jet.t.ha, jit.t.ha big, eldest; elder brother (Pkt.); dis'tu_ elder, elder brother (Ash.); dis.t.u an.u thumb; des'te husband's elder brother (Ash.); dus't bra_ elder brother; dus't an.re thumb; des'te_i mother's elder sister (Wg.); jes.t. elder; jis'ta_ elder brother (Kt.); es'tek elder; zis't grandmother (Pr.); ze_s.t.a elder; zes.t.aa_li mother-in-law (Dm.); jes.t.a_, des.t.a_ elder; des.t.o husband's elder brother; jis.t.i_ an.ur.e_k thumb; des'ti a_i_ grandmother (Pas'.)[cf. a_ycci, a_cci mother, grandmother (Ta.)(DEDR 364)]; dye_is.t.i an.ur.em my thumb (Shum.); jes.t.a_n:gur. thumb (Kal.); jes.t.a_li mother-in-law (Kal.); jes.t.ak name of a goddess (Kal.); jes.t.a an:gur. big toe (Phal.); zyut.hu, zit.his old, elder; zt.h elder (K.); jet.hu husband's elder brother (S.); jet.h id. (L.); jet.ha_ best, first, first-born (L.); jet.h husband's elder brother; jet.t.ha_ oldest; jet.ha_l wife's elder sister (P.); jet.h eldest (WPah.); jeit.h husband's elder brother; je_t.ha_ elder (WPah.); jet.ho elder brother; jet.hu~ wife's elder brother; jyat.h elder (Ku.); jet.ho eldest brother (N.); zet.ha_l husband's elder brother (A.); zet.hiyai husband's elder sister (A.); jet.ha-sasura husband's elder brother; jer.asura, der.asura (Or.); jet.hri elder wife (Bi.); jet.h, jet.hi eldest (Mth.); je_t.h elder (Bhoj.); je_t.h elder, husband's older brother (Aw.); jet.h, jet.ha_ chief, eldest (H.); jet.hi_ husband's elder brother (OMarw.); jet.h eldest; husband's elder brother (G.); jet.ha first and strongest tint drawn from safflower (M.); det.u eldest, best; det.uva_ an official, dignitary (Si.)(CDIAL 5286). cf. de_s.t.ri~_ name of a female divinity (RV.)(CDIAL 6550). zit.hu senior wife of a polygamous man (K.); jit.t.ha_n.i_ husband's elder brother's wife (Pkt.); jet.ha_n.i_ (S.); jit.ha_n.i_, jat.ha_n.i_ (P.); jat.t.ha_n.i (WPah.); jet.ha_n.i (N.); jet.ha_n.o husband's elder brother (N.); jet.ha_ni husband's elder brother's wife (N.); jet.ha_n wife's elder brother (N.); jet.ha_ni_ husband's elder brother's wife (Aw.); jet.ha_n.i_ (G.)(CDIAL 5287). jye_s.t.hatara elder (Skt.); jye_s.t.hatara_, jye_s.t.hatarika_ woman guarding a young girl (Skt.); cf. jye_s.t.hatama (RV.); jis.t.aru_ great; jes.t.ara_ elder brother (Pas'.); jat.hera_ elder relative of husband (P.); jet.hura_ father's elder brother; jat.hera_ eldest, chief (H.); zet.heri wife's elder brother (A.)(CDIAL 5288). jye_s.t.hata_ta father's eldest brother (Skt.); jet.ha_jyu husband's elder brother (Ku.); jet.ha_ju (N.); zet.ha_ (A.); jet.ha_ father's elder brother (B.); jet.ha_i his wife (B.); jet.ha_, det.ha_ father's elder brother (Or.)(CDIAL 5289). jat.hi_ husband's elder brother's daughter (P.)(CDIAL 5290). jat.huttur husband's elder brother's son (L.); jat.hutt, jit.hut, jat.huttar (P.); zet.hot husband's eldest brother (A.); jet.huta_ father's elder brother's children (B.); jet.haut husband's elder brother's son (Bhoj.H.); jet.hauta_ (H.); jet.hauti_ eldest son's share (Mth.)(CDIAL 5291). jet.haun elder brother's share (Ku.); jet.hun.d.a_ (H.)[cf. tun.t.am piece, fragment, division, small plot of field (Ta.)(DEDR 3310)](CDIAL 5292). cf. jet.ha_ early (of crops)(L.); jet.ho belonging to the month Jet.h (May-June)(N.)(CDIAL 5294). Image: eminence: cit.t.am eminence, greatness: cit.t.a ma_rnta mummatilum (Te_va_. 540,8); that which is estimable, sacred < s'is.t.a (Civaraka. Civakaciyava_la_.9); cit.t.u id. (Tiruva_ca. 10,77); cit.t.ar learned persons well-versed in Vedic lore (Te_va_.2,10); wise, learned men (Ir-ai. Pak. 6); cit.t.an- pupil, disciple (Kaival. Tattuva. 87) (Ta.lex.)
3323.Panting: e_kkam hard breathing (Ma.); se_n:kuni to pant, breathe quickly or heavily; se_n:k, se_n:kelu panting, breathing quickly (Tu.); se_ke panting, gasping for breath; se_ke se_ke inba to be out of breath, pant; se_ke vahpa to pant (Kui); se_ke se_ke ne_njinai to pant (Kuwi)(DEDR 2804). Sweat: svid sweat (Skt.); sve_da sweat (RV.); a sudorific (Car.); heat (Skt.); sve_dana fomenting (Skt.); se_da sweat, sweating for medicinal purposes (Pali); se_daka sweating (Pali); sweat (Pkt.); xeo fomentation (A.); se_a sweat (Pkt.); sedab to warm another's body with palm of hand warmed at fire (Mth.)(CDIAL 13935). sve_dayati makes sweat (Sus'r.); se_de_ti makes sweat (Pali); se_dita moistened (Pali); se_ia sweat (Pkt.); xeiba to foment (A.); sevan. to moisten; seun. (L.); seun.a_ (P.); sein.u to cook by steaming (S.)(CDIAL 13936). svidyati sweats (Ka_tyS 'r.); svidyate_ (Ya_j.); sijjati sweats (Pali); sijjai (Pkt.); sijjan. to be moistened (L.); sijjn.a_ to be wet, be soaked; sijja_ damp (P.); si_jna_ to sweat, exude (H.); sijjati boils (Pali); si_jna_ to simmer (of pot on low fire); svinna sweating (VS.); seethed, boiled (Skt.)(CDIAL 13933). svinna sweating (VS.); seethed (Skt.); sin.n.a sweating (Pkt.); sinna wet with sweat, boiled (Pali); syonu soft, tender (of food by long cooking), dull-witted; senun, sennun to become enfeebled by excessive heat or sweat, become soft or tender by cooking (of food); caus. seerun to melt, soften (food with water or cooking)(K.); sinna~_, sinnha_ unseasoned wood (L.); sinnha_ wet; sinnhn.a_ to be wet (P.)(CDIAL 13934). sittari_, sitri_ sweat (H.)(CDIAL 13932a). tad.iyu to get wet; tad.upu to wet, moisten; adj. wet; canni_l.l.u cold water (Te.); tad.i moisture, wetness, dampness, damp; moist, wet, damp; (Te.); danit content; daniyeng to have eaten enough (Kol.); dar.en(g)-, dar.ng- to be cold (Go.); caus. dar.ngi'- (Go.); d.ra_h- (dr.a_st-) (rice) to become stale (Pe.); tan.n.a_ya damp (Pkt.); dhan.i satisfaction (Pkt.); cae_na_ (cai_nas), cai_na_ to get wet, be drenched; caus. cae_dna_, cae_da'a_na_, cai_dna_, cai_da'a_na_, cai_ta'a_na_, cae_ta'a_na_ (Kur.)(DEDR 3045). To warm oneself; fomentation: sekan.u to toast, warm (anything); seku toasting; seko drying up of a crop from wind or drought (S.); sekn.a_ to warm, toast, foment; sek heating (P.); sekn.u to warm; to bask; sek heat (of fire or sun)(WPah.); sekn.o to warm, foment (Ku.); seknu to be warmed, be roasted (N.); xekiba to roast, toast, foment; xek fomentation (A.); seka_, se~ka_, che~ka_ to roast, foment, sear (B.); sekiba_, seka_ heat applied by fire or hot water (Or.); sekna_, se~kna_ to warm, foment, toast; sikna_ to be warmed etc. (H.); sekai heats, roasts, prepared (OMarw.); sekvu~ to foment, bake, torment; sek warming a limb a a fire or with heated cloths or leaves or medicaments (G.); s'ekn.e~, s'e~kn.e~ to warm oneself before a fire, foment, burn (M.)(CDIAL 13581). cf. s.e_ to boil (Kt.); sein.u to cook by steaming (S.) (CDIAL 12681). To warm oneself; fomentation: kerj- to warm oneself by the fire; kercip- (kercit-) to warm somebody else (Pa.); re_s- to warm by the fire (aphaeresis of k-)(Kond.a); grehpa (greht-) to warm, warm by the fire, broil, foment; n. act of warming by the fire, fomentation (Kui); ke_r.njali to warm oneself in the sun; krenj- (-it-) to warm oneself; kreh- (krest-) to warm another (Kuwi)(DEDR 1967). Fatigue; tired; to cry aloud from grief: ke_tutal < khe_da to cry aloud from pain or grief (Te_va_. 702,1)(Ta.lex.) cf. khe_da pain (Skt.); fatigue (Pali); khe_a sorrow (Pkt.); khid, khinna tear, press (Skt.)(CDIAL 3919). khidyate_ is depressed (R.); khinna wearied (MBh.); khidati presses down (RV.); samaskhidat (TS.); nis.khidam (AV.); khijjati is afflicted (Pali); khezilo_no tired (Sv.); khinju_m I become tired; pret. khindo (Phal.); khijn.e~ to be vexed (M.); khin.n.a distressed, tired (Pali); tired (Pkt.); khindo (Phal.); khino tired (Gypsy)(CDIAL 3884). Drudgery: kewa_r drudgery (A.); kuvya_pa_ra bad occupation (Skt.)(CDIAL 3362). khe_da lassitude (R.); pain (Skt.); fatigue; adj. tired (Pali); khe_a weariness, trouble, sorrow (Pkt.)(CDIAL 3919). khe_dayati presses down, molests, tires (Skt.); khe_e_i tires (Pkt.); kevenava_ pret. kevun.a_ to smart, be pained, tingle (Si.)(CDIAL 3920). khejjan.a_ fatigue, tired voice (Pkt.); khej fatigue (WPah.)(CDIAL 3922).
3324.Endured: so_d.ha endured (MBh.); inf. so_d.hum (Skt.); so_d.ha endured (Pkt.); sad.un to endure (K.)(CDIAL 13603). o_rmam fortitude, courage, bravery; o_rmi (-pp-, -tt-) to be courageous; o_rmai fortitude, bravery; o_rppu patience, forbearance (Ta.); o_r(u)cu to bear, endure, be patient, allow, pardon; o_r(u)pu, o_rmi patience, tolerance; o_r(u)pari one who is patient; o_pu to bear, endure, be patient; n. (also o_pika) patience (Te.); orh'nai to endure; o_rhinai to sustain (Kuwi); o_rna_ to suffer willingly (Kur.)(DEDR 1063).
3325.Image: spying; machan in tree for tiger-shooting/spying: cu_la, hu_la, tu_la to see (Tu.); cu_t.u, cu_t.i perception (Tu.); cu_r. to see (Pa.); su_r.-, cu_d.-, su_d.-, to see (Ga.); su_r.-, hu_r.-, u_r.- to see (Go.); sur. to see (Kond.a); hur.- to see (Pe.); hur.- id. (Mand..); su_r.a (su_r.i-) to see; n. act of seeing, sight (Kui); cu_t.ci counsel, investigate carefully (Ta.); u_r.. to think (Ta.); cu_t.iyan minister (Ta.); cu_r.. deliberation, investigation; to conspire, know (Ta.)(DEDR 2735). ulloketi [ud + loketi, cf. loka, a_loka, viloka] to look on to, to look for, await; ullokita looked at, looked on; ullokaka looking on (to), looking out; ullola a wave; a commotion, unrest; oloketi to look at, to look down or over to, to examine, inspect; olokana looking, looking at, sight; olokanaka window (Pali. lex.) ul.i hiding, ambush, lurking-place, hunter's hut (Ka.); ul.iga man who hides or lurks (Ka.); oyl. machan in tree for tiger-shooting (Ko.); to hide (Ko.); ol.i hiding, lurking-place, screen, cover for a fowler, decoy animal (Ta.); concealment, ambush (Ma.); ul.avu one's secret (Tu.); secrecy, spying (Ta.); ol.avu, ol.agu a secret (Ka.); ol.avu a secret (Te.); on.pi to hide (Kor.); o_lamu a shelter, cover, screen (Te.); olp- (olup-) to hide (Ga.); ol.-, ol- to bend down (Go.); o_la_ resting-place of a wild beast, hiding-place or lair (Kur.)(DEDR 1015). or-r-an- a spy (Ta.); id. (Ma.); or-r-u (or-r-i-) to spy out; n. espionage, a spy (Ta.); or-r-umai qualities requisite in a spy (Ta.) private intelligence, secret information (Ta.); or-r-uvan, or-r-a_l. a spy (Ta.)(DEDR 1022). o.l (o.lt-) to see, look at (Kol.); o_l- to see (Nk.); o_lip- to show (Nk.)(DEDR 1066).
3326.Shield: ce_t.akam shield (Cu_l.a_. Araci. 159); ce_t.aka-vat.t.am id. (Perun.. Ucaik. 46,58)(Ta.lex.) khe_t.a, khe_t.aka shield (MBh.Pali); khe_d.aga plank, shield (Pkt.); kira_ shield (Kt.); kir.a (Bshg.); kar.a (Ash.); ker.a (Wg.); khe_ri_ (Dm.); khe_r.i_ (Gaw.); khel.i (Kho.); khe_r. (Phal.); khei (Sh.); kher.o large shield (S.); kher.i_ small shield (S.); khed.aum (OG.)(CDIAL 3915).
3327.Bride: se_r.i bride (Kui)(DEDR 2789).
3328.Common delight of the woods: va_santi_ common delight of the woods, kurukkatti (Pin..); champak (Cu_t.a_.); long pepper, tippali (Can.. Aka.)(Ta.lex.) kurukkatti common delight of the woods, hiptage madablota, ma_tavikkot.i (kut.antaik kit.anta ko_ve_ kurukkattip pu_c cu_t.t.a va_ra_y : Tiv. Periya_r... 2,7,7)(Ta.lex.) san karla hiptage madalbota (Santali.lex.) Hiptage benghalensis = hiptage madablota: madhavi (Skt.); madhvilata (H.B.); benkar (P.); haladwail (M.); vadlayerla (Te.); adigam, vasandi (Ta.); leaves: useful in chronic rheumatism, skin diseases and asthma; juice of leaves: insecticide and application for scabies ; habitat: Konkan, W. Ghats, N. Kanara; N. Circars and Carnatic; Mt. Abu (not in Sind); Siwalik, Kumaon, E.Bengal, Assam, Nepal and the Andamans (GIMP, p.134). ma_dhavi spring-flower: the creeper caertnera racemosa; clayed or candied sugar; mead; ma_dhavi-late gaertnera racemosa (Ka.); atimukta a creeper bearing white fragrant flowers, gaertnera racemosa; the tree dalbergia oujeinensis; atimuktaka id.; mountain ebony, diospyros embryopteris; gaertnera racemosa; the tree called harimantha, the tree premna spinosa, the wood of which by attrition produces flame (Ka.) (Ka. lex.)
3329.Merchant: a_d.hiyo merchant who has a large godown of cotton (G.); a_l.hiya, a_l.hika rich (Pali); ar.ewa_ wealth ? (H.)(CDIAL 1108).
3330.Image: bandicoot: cun.t.-eli, cun.t.an grey musk shrew (Ta.)(DEDR 2661). ci_r el bandicoot (Pa.); ci_rel rat (Ga.); sirli a kind of rat (Kond.a); hi_rel orli bandicoot (Pe.); hi_reli orli a kind of rat (Kuwi); dand.i hi_reli bandicoot (Kuwi)(DEDR 2630). eli rat, bandicoot (Ta.); eluka rat (Te.); ellu rat (Go.)(DEDR 833). cu~d musk rat (Santali.lex.)
3331.Wild ginger: sun.d.hi dry ginger (S.); sun.d.h (P.); su~d.h, sud.h, sun.d.h (L.): sun-kewar wild ginger (N.); sut.ho dry ginger (N.); s'un.t.hi_ dry ginger (Skt.); s'un.t.hi (VarBr.S.); s'un.t.hya (Skt.); sum.t.hi_ dry ginger (Pkt.); s'u~_t.h (WPah.); su~t.ho (Ku.); xu~t.h dried or preserved fruit (A.); su~t.h dry ginger (B.); sun.t.hi (Or.); su~_t.h (H.); su~t.h (G.M.); su_n.t.i (Konkan.i); sor.o wild ginger (N.); so~_t.hi dry ginger (Aw.); so~t.h (H.); so~_t.h (P.)(CDIAL 12515). su~t. dry ginger; par.o wild ginger; ada ginger (Santali.lex.) sun.t.i (Tadbhava of s'un.t.hi) dry ginger, the common ginger, zingiber officinale; agul.u-sun.t.i a wild plant, zingiber zerumbet (Ka.lex.) cun.t.u-tal to dry up; to be evaporated by heat (Ta.); sun.d.u (Ka.)(Ta.lex.)
3332.Image: small dried fish: sukt.i, su_t.ki dried fish (B.); xukat.i (A.); sukt.i_ (Or.Mth.H.M.); sukut.i dried meat or fish (N.)(CDIAL 12548). si_gad.i, si_gud.i a very small kind of fish that is sold in a dried state (Ka.); ti_kod. a kind of fish (Tu.)(DEDR 2605). For semant. 'dryness' cf. cun.t.u (cun.t.i-) to dry up (Ta.)(DEDR 2662). s'us.ka dryness (Skt.lex.)
3333.A mountain: s'ukti-mat name of a mountain or mountain range; one of saptakula_calas: mahe_ndra, malaya, sahya, s'uktimat, r.ks.a, vindhya and pa_riya_tra (Ka.lex.)
3334.Donee of rent-free land: co_ttiriyata_ran- < s'ro_triya + dhara donee or grantee of rent-free land; co_ttiriyam land or village formerly assigned rent-free to bra_hman.as; co_ttiriyar < s'ro_triya bra_hman.as versed in ve_das (Pirapo_ta. 11,65); co_r..iya-p-pira_man.an a brahmin sub-caste who wear the hair-tuft in front; co_r..iyan- man of the Chola country (Tol. Col. 167); title of certain sub-castes of bra_hman.as, ve_l.a_l.as, etc. (E.T. vi,391); id. (Ma.); co_r..akan- a hill-tribe living in Coimbatore district (E.T. vi,379); a title among kal.l.ar caste (Ta.); co_r-u-ma_t.t.u a tax levied during the time of the later Cholas (S.I.I. iii,142) (Ta.lex.) s'ro_triya learned in the Veda (AV.); bra_hman.a so versed (Mn.); sottiya, sotthiya wise man (Pali); soti_ a partic. bra_hman.a clan (Mth.H.); set nom. prop. of a bra_hman.a (OSi.)(CDIAL 12731). s'ro_triya-svam the property of a learned bra_hman.a (Skt.lex.) s'ro_tra ear (RV.); so_ta ear (Pali); so_a (Pkt.); so_ (Si.); s'ro_tas (Skt.)(CDIAL 12730). s'ro_tram proficiency in the vedas; the veda; s'ro_tra-pe_ya to be imbibed by the ear, to be attentively heard; s'ro_tr. a hearer; pupil; s'rauta relating to, founded on or prescribed by the veda; sacrificial; s'rautam any observance prescribed by the vedas; preservation or maintenance of the sacred fire; the three sacred fires collectively, i.e. garhapatya, a_havani_ya, daks.in.a; s'rauta-su_tram name of a class of Su_tra works based on the veda (ascribed to A_s'vala_yana, Sa_n:khya_yana, etc.)(Skt.lex.)
3335.Property: cf. cottu-vaittal to collect (As.t.ap. Tiruvaran.. Ma_. 52); cottu < ?svam neut. nom. sg. of sva property, possessions, being of two kinds, ta_varam and can:kamam (Ta.); sottu (Te.Ka.)(Ta.lex.) Gold; property, possessions: cutan-am < su-dhana invaluable treasure (Civaraka. Cukamun-i. 39); cottu gold (cottur- r-amainta cutaiyil cecuvar: Perun.. Ucaik. 34,221)(Ta.lex.) Soma sacrifice: co_tit.t.u-makam < jyo_tis.t.o_ma a kind of so_ma sacrifice (Tirukka_l.at. Pu. 7,26)(Ta.lex.) cottu-k-ka_ran-, cotai-ka_ran- owner; rich man; cottuvam < sva-tva right, proprietorship, title, claim; cottuvai to collect (As.t.ap. Tiruvaran.. Ma_. 52); to leave properties to heirs; contam cf. svatantra one's own peculiar right, exclusive property, that which belongs to oneself (Ta_yu. Cukava_ri. 11); near relationship (Ta.); sontamu (Te.); sonta (Ka.); conta-k-ka_ran- owner; close relation; conta-k-kampattam cultivation carried on by one's own plough and cattle (Ta.lex.) Agnate: con:ka_ran, cokka_ran- agnate (Ta.lex.) sohada [sauhr.da (Skt.)] a friend (Pali.lex.) co_takan- any agnate from the 8th to the 14th degree (Can.. Aka.; Acauca. 118); co_ta-kumpam < so_dakumbha a ceremony in honour of the manes, in which a pot of water is given to a Brahmin; co_taran- uterine brother (Tiruppu. 136); co_tari uterine sister (Tiruppu. 266); cf. so_daka (Ta.lex.) A list of perquisites: cutantai right, privilege; cutantaram < sva-tantra inheritance, hereditary right; perquisite, benefit, share, allotment, customary fee, emoluments; liberty, independence (Tiruppo_. Can. Pil.l.ait. Cen.. 4); cutantara-k-ka_n.i hereditary tenement, property held in absolute ownership; cutantara-k-ka_ran- owner; heir; claimant; one who enjoys any property, as of right; one who has a right to emoluments; cutantara-t-tit.t.am certain fees in kind received by mirasdars before threshing (R.T.); fee or perquisite of the village servants, musicians, and the like (W.G. 496); a list which gives the perquisies of the servants of a village temple (C.G.); cutantaran- heir, lawful inheritor; free, indepent agent; cutantarittal to inherit; to be hair to; to be independent, absolute (Arut.pa_. vi, Nat.ara_japati. 5); co_ntiriyam perquisite; co_ntai interest, concern, connection; advance in coin or kind given by a land-owner to his cultivating tenant in order that the latter may remain continually attached to him (Ta.lex.) cottu property, possessions (Ta.); sottu id. (Te.Ka.);[?sva-tva (Skt.)]; cottuvam right, proprietorship, title, claim; cottuvaittal to leave properties to heirs (Ta.lex.) sotta, sottu (Tadbhava of svat-va) property, goods (Ka.Te.; svattu property, wealth (Ka.); sva-vat possessing property, wealthy (Skt.); svatva independent being or condition; own right or property, ownership, proprietorship, propriety, proprietary right; selfness, individuality; svatas by one's self, in one's self, of one's self, of one's own accord, in one's own nature (Skt.Ka.); svata_ id. (Ka.); svata_m id. (M.)(Ka.lex.)
3336.Image: shell: cutti oyster-shell (Pirapo_ta. 2,26); conch; a species of cackle, bivalve (Tailava.); cuttikai shell, oyster shell (Ta.lex.) Condiment or ointment box: sutiar.o sea-shell for keeping ointment in (S.); sutiyo wooden vessel with several compartments for condiments (Ku.)(CDIAL 12505. sotti- shell filled with lime and lac used for scratching the back (Pali); shell (Pkt.); s'ukti oyster shell (Kaus'.); s'aukta made of mother-of-pearl (Skt.); s'auktika pearl (Skt.); kuruvindaka-sutti- a powder for rubbing on the body (Pali); sutti- shell (Pkt.); suti_ oyster shell (S.); sutiar.o sea-shell for keeping ointment in; suto a soft of sea-shell (S.); situa_, situha_, sutuha_ scraper made of shell for removing clean layer of sugar in refinery (Bi.); situa_ blunt kind of shell for scraping out pots (Mth.); sutui_, sutuhi_ pearl oyster, oyster shell (H.); sutu shell-fish, oyster (Si.)(CDIAL 12505). cutai lime, plaster (Man.i. 6,43); cutti oyster-shell (Pirapo_ta. 2,26); s'utti (Pkt.); s'ukti (Skt.)(Ta.lex.)
3337.Mercury: cittu-ni_r < siddhi + mercury (Ja_n-a_. 45,13)(Ta.lex.)
3338.White: cutai whiteness (Cu_t.a_.)(Ta.lex.) s'ukta bright, pure, clean (Skt.lex.)
3339.Silver; white: citam < sita whiteness (Ja_n-ava_. Vaira_. 53); silver (Can.. Aka.)(Ta.lex.) sita white (MBh.); s'vita white (Skt.); asita black (Skt.); sita white (Pali); sia (Pkt.)(CDIAL 13397a). citamputal to be whitened, as the hands or feet by being dipped in water for a long time (Ta.lex.) White goat: citamai white goat (Tailava. Taila. 4)(Ta.lex.)
3340.Perfume: sutti in kuruvindakasutti a powder for rubbing the body (Pali); s'ukti pearl-shell (Sus'ruta); perfume (Skt.)(Pali.lex.)
3341.To calcine medicine: cutti-ttal to calcine medicine, refine metal (Tailava. Taila. 109); cutti-karippu purification (Ta.lex.) cutai < sudha_ ambrosia (Kampara_. Kulamur-ai. 18); whiteness (Cu_t.a_.); star (Aka. Ni.)(Ta.lex.) cutti < s'uddhi cleanliness, purity as in thought, word or deed (Tirunu_r-. 29)(Ta.lex.) cutti-ceytal to purify, cleanse, sanctify; to purify drugs for medicinal purposes (Ta.lex.) Assaying, refining metals: co_tti, co_ttiyam that which requires investigation, correction or improvement; co_takam cleansing, purifying; investigation, examination; co_tan-am examining, investigating; assaying metals; refining metals; co_tan-i broom, besom, brush (Ce_tupu. Man:kala. 40); co_tan-ai examination, inspection, trial (Kampara_. Paracura_. 18); assaying metals (Ta.lex.) sodhana cleansing; sodheti to make clean, to purify; caus. of sujjhati; to clear a debt; sodha_peti to cause to clean, to clean; sodhi_yati to be cleansed, to be adorned (Pali.lex.) su_ta quicksilver, pa_darasa (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) Polish; clean; cleared off (of debts): soa_ purity (Pkt.); s'auca cleanness (A_s'vS'r.)(CDIAL 12649). s'uddha clean, bright, white (RV.); pure, true (Mn.); suddha pure, clean, simple (Pali); bright, clear, pure, unmixed (Pkt.); s'udha cleared off (of debts) (NiDoc.); s'ut luck (Sh.); su_dho hones (S.H.G.); sudhun. to be clear (L.); suddha_ simple, true (P.); sudo plain, artless, soft, without bone (of meat)(Ku.); sudho honest, simple (N.); xudha pure, unmixed; xuda_ simple (A.); sudhu simply (B.); sudha_iba_ to cleanse (Or.); su_dha straightforward (OAw.); sudh, su_dha_ clean, pure, true (H.); sudhna_ to clean (H.); su_dho pure, bright, cheerful (Marw.); su_dha, su_dha clean, pure (OG.); su_dhu~ simple, true (G.); sudha_, suda_ right, proper, pure, simple (M.); sud, hudu clean, holy, white (Si.); hudu white (Md.)(CDIAL 12520). Wash: sutk- (sutukt-) to wash (clothes)(Kol.); sutk- id. (Nk.); sut-, sut(u)k- id. (Nk.); sukka_na_, huk-, ukk- id.; huka_na_ to wash (Go.); utuku, uduku to wash (as clothes), drub, thrash (Te.)(DEDR 2667). s'uddhikara correcting (Skt.); s'uddhikr.t washerman (Skt.); sudha_ran.u to arrange, adjust (S.); sudharna_ to repair (P.); sudha_rn.o to repair, improve, castrate (Ku.); sudha_rnu to repair, improve (N.); sudhra_na to purify (B.); sudha_riba to cleanse, correct (Or.); sudha_rna_ to mend (H.); sudha_ro improvement (G.); sudha_rvu~ to set to right (G.); sudha_rn.e~ to polish, adjust, finish (M.); sudhiran.u to be arranged (S.); sudhran.o to become well (Ku.); sudhranu, sudhrinu to be mended (N.); sudhuriba_ (Or.); sudharna_ (H.); sudharvu~ to grow better (G.)(CDIAL 12521). Informed; straightness: s'uddhi cleansing, purity (TBr.); verification, truth (Ya_j.); certainty (Mn.); information, news (Skt.); suddhi purification, genuineness (Pali.Pkt.); information, news (Pkt.); s'udi_ information, informed, aware (Wg.); s'di, s'it information in: s'it kar- to ask (Wot..); s'it aware (Tor.); sudhi knowledge (S.); sudh information, news (L.); suddh purity, accuracy, straightness (P.); s'udhi_ purity, cleanliness (WPah.); sudh, sud intellect, consciousness, memory, care, caution; s'udi appeasement (Ku.); sudhi, suddhi care, caution (N.); xudhi act of becoming ceremonially pure (A.); sudh, sudhi knowledge (B.); sudhi recollection (OAw.); sudh, sudhi_ knowledge, consciousness, memory, care (H.); su_dh sense (G.); sudhi_ good understanding (M.); suddi news (Konkan.i); sidu purity (Si.)(CDIAL 12523). siju_, siji clean (Tor.); suzo clean (Gypsy)(CDIAL 12525). s'ozar cleanness, purity (K.); s'ozarun to clean, purify (K.)(CDIAL 12526). b-shl-nik to wash (Pr.)(CDIAL 12524). s'ijo, s'ije beautiful; s'iju_, s'iji clean (Tor.); s'uzo,s'uzo, juzo, jujo (Gypsy); soja_ clear, straight (B.)(CDIAL 12525). sojo honest, straight (N.); xoza_ direct, straight (A.); soja_ (B.); soja_ straight, frank (Or.); sojh straight (Mth.Bhoj.); sojha_ (H.)(CDIAL 12632). cf. s'ucyati is purified, burns, decays (Skt.); s'o_cati shines (RV.)(CDIAL 12512). s'udhyati is purified (VS.); sudhyat (S.ad.vBr.); s'udhyati, s'udhyate_ becomes clear (of doubts)(R.); sujjati becomes clear (Pali); sujjhana (Pali); sujjhai, sujjhan.aya_ (Pkt.); cuj to learn (Tor.); sujhan.u to seem; sujhando light < s'udhyant (S.); sujhan. to be seen, to seem; sujhun. to be thought of (L.); sujjhn.a_ to be seen, be understood (P.); sujjhana_ to occur to the mind (P.); s'ujjhn.u_ (of the sky) to clear; s'ujhn.u to see, witness (WPah.); su_jhn.o, sujn.o to be auspicious, be cleared of doubt, suit, fit, agree, think, remember (Ku.); sujhnu to occur to the mind (N.); xuziba to agree with one's constitution, repay a debt (A.); sujha_ to understand (B.); sujhiba_ to clear (a debt), repay, retaliate (Or.); su_jhab to see (Mth.); su_jhai appears, occurs to (OAw.); sujhab to be visible (OAw.); su_jhna_ to be perceptible, seem, occur to (H.); su_jhai is clear, is enlightened (OG.); sujhvu~, sujvu~ to be purified, appear, seem, see, understand (G.); caus.: sujjha_vai (Pkt.); sujha_van. to explain (L.); sujha_un.a_ (P.); sujhon.o, sujon.o to find out, foresee, provide for (Ku.); xuza_iba to cause to be repaid (A.); sujha_iba_ (Or.); sujha_na_ to explain (H.); sujha_r.vu~ to teach, point out (G.); s'ozarun to clean, purify (K.)(CDIAL 12527). To pay off: sodha_, sudha_ to pay off (B.); sudha_iba_ to cause to repay (Or.)(CDIAL 12626). so_dhana payment (of a debt)(Pali) (CDIAL 12629). so_dhe_ti pays (a debt)(Pali); s'odheyis.yasi you will pay off; s'odhitavo (NiDoc.)(CDIAL 12631). soi_ convenient arrangement (G.)(CDIAL 12631). [Semant. 'repayment' possibly X sat.t.ayati gives, receives (Dha_tup.)(CDIAL 13101). sat.t.a exchanged; exchange (Pkt.); xut.a_iba to retaliate (A.)(CDIAL 13101)]. Sweep; purify: s'undhati purifies (RV.); s'undhayati (VS.); son, so_n to sweep (Ash.); s'un, s'ne (Wg.); s'und (Pas'.); suddhun. to be clear (L.); s'u~_dhn.u to sweep (WPah.); so_ntamim I sweep (Gaw.); su~dhn.e~ to plane (M.)(CDIAL 12530). suva_rn.a_, sava_rn.a_ to adorn, improve, prepare, adjust (P.); swern.o to sweep (Ku.); soharnu, sohornu to clean, sweep (N.); suha_ri_ broom (S.)(CDIAL 12628). cf. va_rppu pouring, casting (Ta.)(DEDR 536); va_ru to scrape off (Te.)(DEDR 5363); va_ru take in a sweep (Ta.)(DEDR 5362); suvarn.a lit. purified, cleaned (gold)(Skt.) s'undhyu pure, bright, beautiful (RV.); sonda, honda good (Si.)(CDIAL 12531). su_r. simple, direct, straight (G.)(CDIAL 12562). Wipe, polish: tut.ai (-pp-, -tt-) to wipe, wipe off, scour, scrub, sweep, brush, dry by wiping as wet hair, polish, rub, apply, wipe out, ruin, destroy; tut.aippam broom, besom; tot.ai (-pp-, -tt-) to wipe, wipe off, dust (Ta.); tut.ekka to wipe, rub off, clean, extinguish; tut.eppam, tut.eppu broom; tut.eppikka to get something wiped (Ma.); tod.e to smear, besmear, daub, anoint, rub on (as oil on the hand), apply (as whitewash), wipe, remove by rubbing (as tears), wipe off, remove, efface, obliterate, destroy; tod.asu, tod.ayisu, tod.isu to wipe, etc., cause to smear or apply to (as chunam, cowdung, etc.); tod.aka smearing (Ka.); tod.epun, tud.epuni to anoint, paint, smear, rub (Tu.); tud.(u)cu to wipe, rub, sweep, clean as any surface, wipe off or away, rub off or out, sweep or sweep away as dust, etc., from a surface; tud.(u)pu wiping, rubbing out, blotting out, scoring out or correction in writing; tod.ayu to wipe, wash (Te.); turs- to rub (Ga.); to dry the body with a cloth after bathing (Go.)(DEDR 3301).
3342.To cleanse; purify: Ös'udh purify (Skt.); s'uddha clean, bright, white (RV.); pure, true (Mn.); suddha pure, clean, simple (Pali); bright, clear, pure, unmixed (Pkt.); hodu plain, dry (K.); suddhun. to be clear (L.); sudo soft, without bone (of meat)(Ku.); xudha pure, unmixed (A.); sudha_iba_ to cleanse (Or.); sudh, su_dha_ clean, pure, true; sudhna_ to clean (H.); su_dho pure, bright, cheerful (Marw.); su_dha, su_dhau clean, pure (OG.); su_dhu~ simple, true (G.); sudha_, suda_ right, proper, pure, simple (M.); sudu, hudu clean, holy, white (Si.); hudu white (Md.)(CDIAL 12520). s'uddhikara correcting (Skt.); s'uddhikr.t washerman (Skt.); sudhra_na to purify (B.); sudha_riba_ to cleanse, correct (Or.); sudha_rna_ to mend (H.); sudha_ro improvement (G.); sudha_rn.e~ to polish, adjust, finish (M.)(CDIAL 12521). s'uddhi cleansing, purity (TBr.); suddhi purification, genuineness (Pali.Pkt.); suddh purity, accuracy, straightness (P.); s'udhi_ purity, clenliness (WPah.); xudhi act of becoming ceremonially pure (A.); sidu purity (Si.)(CDIAL 12523). as'udhat aor. purifies (Gr.); bu-shiu-nik to wash (Pr.)(CDIAL 12524). s'ijo, s'ije beautiful; s'iju_, s'iji clean (Tor.); s'uzo, juzo, jujo clean (Gypsy); soja_ clear, straight (B.)(CDIAL 12525). s'ozar cleanliness, purity; s'ozarun to clean, purify; s'ozara_wun to make pure (K.)(CDIAL 12526). s'udhyati is purified (VS.); sudhyate_ (S.ad.vBr.); s'udhyati, s'udhyate_ becomes clear (of doubts)(R.)(CDIAL 12527). sujjhati becomes clear; sujjhan.a (Pali); sujjhai, sujjhan.aya_ (Pkt.); cuj to learn (Tor.); su_jhai is clear (OG.); sujhvu~, sujvu~ to be purified (G.)(CDIAL 12527). s'undhati purifies (RV.); s'undhayati (VS.); su~dhn.e~ to plane (M.); so_n, son to sweep (Ash.); s'un, s'une (Wg.); s'und (Pas'.); suddhun. to be clear (L.); s'u~_dhn.u to sweep (WPah.); so_ntamim I sweep (Gaw.); su~_jhan.u to look about, look for (S.)(CDIAL 12530). s'undhyu pure, bright, beautiful (RV.); sonda, honda good (Si.)(CDIAL 12531). su_r. simple, direct, straight (G.); sur.vu~ to cut off or pluck up weeds in a field of millet (G.)(CDIAL 12562). s'o_ddhum to purify; s'o_ddhavya (Skt.); sodhan.u to examine (S.); sodhiba_ to purify, scrutinize (Or.); sodhivaum. to clean (OG.); sodhvu~ to purify, search (G.)(CDIAL 12626). cf. suvarn.a gold (Skt.lex.) s'o_dha purification (Skt.)(CDIAL 12627). suha_ri_ broom (S.); suva_rn.a_, sava_rn.a_ to adorn, improve, prepare, adjust (P.); swern.o to sweep (Ku.); soharnu, sohornu to clean, sweep (N.)(CDIAL 12628). s'o_dhana cleaning (Mn.Nir.); s'o_dhani_ broom (Skt.); so_dhana cleaning (Pali); so_han.a purifying; so_han.i_ broom (Pkt.); so_ne brush, broom (Ash.); su_hni_ broom (P.); s'uain (WPah.); sohni_, soni_ broom (H.)(CDIAL 12629). s'o_dhayati purifies (TS.); removes anything obnoxious (Mn.); so_dhe_ti cleans, clears (Pali); so_he_i cleans, searches (Pkt.); soin.u to weed, clean pipe of hookah (S.); s'_an.o~_ to brush (WPah.); so_ha_ve_i causes to be cleaned (Pkt.); s'ulav to sweep; s'uvel broom (Gypsy)(CDIAL 12630). so_hi purity, penance (Pkt.)(CDIAL 12631). s'o_dhya to be cleaned (Mn.); sojjha to be cleansed (Pkt.); sojjhaya washerman (Pkt.); sojha_ care; sojhla_ light, brightness (L.); sojo honest, straight (N.); soju~ clean (G.)(CDIAL 12632). s'o_dhyate_ is made clear (SaddhP.); sojhan.u to investigate (S.)(CDIAL 12633). paris'uddha cleaned (MBh.); parisuddha purified (Pali.Pkt.); pirisudu, pirisidu clean, pure, chaste (Si.)(CDIAL 7891). vis'uddhi purity (Mn.); visuddhi purity (Pali.Pkt.); visudu cleanliness (Si.)(CDIAL 11939). sam.s'o_dhayati purifies, clears (MBh.); sam.so_dhiya made quite clean (Pkt.); sam.suddha (Pali); asvenava_ to be cleared of, be put aside, be arranged (Si.)(CDIAL 13031).
3343.Extraction of soma juice; refine metal: suti extraction of soma juice (Skt. lex.) suti (Tadbhava of s'ruti) the Ve_da (Ka.lex.) sutva an offerer of soma juice; a student who has performed his ablutions (Ka.lex.) suta_vant = sr.taso_ma having the soma pressed (RV. iii.25.4); suta_suta what is extracted and what is not extracted; suti pressing; impelling (Vedic.lex.) suta-kri purchased with the Soma (RV. vi.31.4); suta-pa_ drinking the Soma-juice (RV. i.155.2); suti pressing; impelling; sutya_ pressing of the Soma; sutvan id. (RV. x.99.1)(Vedic.lex.) sva_tta (Av. hva_sta) sweetened, seasoned, well-cooked (Vedic.lex.) suta poured out, extracted, expressed; su_ta impelled, sent, despatched; su_tye expressing or drinking the soma juice (at a sacrifice) (Ka.lex.) sutti-ttal to calcine medicine, refine metal (Tailava. Taila. 109); cutti-ceytal to refine, sublimate (Ta.); sutam < s'ruta sacred books (Tirunu_r-. 52); curuti < s'ruti Ve_da, as learnt orally and not from written text (Tiva_.); cuti id. (Ta.); suti (Te.Ka.Tu.)(Ta.lex.) s'uti_ ashes (Ash.); s't earth (Kt.)(CDIAL 3709). chuai grinds, presses (Pkt.)(CDIAL 3710). chujjai is crushed (Pkt.); khu_jha_ sediment, reuse (H.)(CDIAL 3711). cf. chohi_ bran extracted from grain in cleaning (S.)(CDIAL 3752).
3344.Red paste: cottu-p-pu_cutal to daub ones' body with blood-like red paste with a view to excite passion (W.)(Ta.lex.) cut.t.i-c-cun.n.am scented or aromatic powder used in bathing (cuntarap pot.iyu cut.t.i-c-cun.n.amum : Perun.. Ucaik. 42,73)(Ta.lex.) Blood-like red paste: cottu blood-like red paste (W.); cottilai lac tree (Ta.); tjottu blood-like red paste (Te.)(Ta.lex.) Receptacle: cutti skull used as receptacle for sacred ashes (cuttiya pokkan.attu : Tirukko_. 242); shallow earthen vessel (Cu_t.a_.); small vessel for pouring ghee, oil, etc. (W.); cf. cutti oyster-shell (Pirapo_ta. 2,26); s'utti (Pkt.); s'ukti (Skt.)(Ta.lex.) A measure: cutti half a palam (Tailava.)(Ta.lex.) kuruvinda, kuraji the fragrant grass cyperus rotundus; vermilion (Skt.Ka.)(Ka.lex.) s'ukti an oyster-shell, pearl-oyster; a conch-shell; a small shell, muscle; a kind of perfume; a particular weight equal to two kars.as; s'uktika_ a pearl-oyster; s'uktam a kind of acid liquid; sour gruel; flesh (Skt.lex.) s'ukta sour gruel; sour, acid; a kind of acid liquid or vinegar; harsh, hard (Ka.lex.) s'ukti, sutti a pearl-oyster, an oyster-shell; cippu, cippu; a small shell, a cockle; a sort of perfume (Ka.lex.) cutti < s'utti (Pkt.) < s'ukti oyster-shell, cippi (Pirapo_ta. 2,26); conch; skull used as receptacle for sacred ashes (Tirukko_. 242)(Ta.lex.) s'ukta become acid or sour (Sat. xxvi.5)(Vedic.lex.) cf. cukra sour, sharp to the taste (Skt.)(CDIAL 4850).
3345.Assembly; abode: sausthe (Tadbhava of sam.sthe) a town; a sleeping-place; an ordinance; a thicket; swearing; saustho_nnati prosperity of living or business (Ka.lex.) sam.sthe, sam.stha_, sante, saunthe an assembly, assemblage; a thicket; staying, residence, abode; a town; a sleeping-place; occupation, business, profession; a form or kind of soma sacrifice (Ka.lex.) Companion; society: so_bati a companion, fellow; match, the man or fellow (Ka.); so_bati_ (M.); so_batu company, society (Ka.); so_bata (M.)(Ka.lex.)
3346a.Share of grain taken by the state: sath the share of grain taken from a cultivator by the state or landlord (P.lex.) sadri, sadre tribunal (Kon.lex.) cantan- a liberal chief, one of seven it.ai-val.l.alkal. (Pin..)(Ta.lex.) canta_yam < sam-ud-a_ya management of lands etc. by the proprietors themselves; anything held in common by villagers (R.T.)(Ta.lex.) caca_yam portion of the produce of a field assigned to the cultivator (R.T.); direct management of lands, fisheries etc., by the proprietor without farming them (W.)(Ta.lex.) samuta_ya-k-kira_mam village held in common (R.T.); village, whose produce is divided equally between the proprietor and the cultivators (W.); samuta_ya-nilam land held in common by the villagers; samuta_yam management committee of a temple; tenure by which the members of a village community hold the village lands, funds etc. in common, or by which they divide them according to their shares; mutual agreement, compromise; company, assembly; samuta_yikam that which combines or unites (Ci.Ci. 2,56, Civa_k.)(Ta.lex.) samuta_y-ttal < samja_ishkarna_ (U.) to manage with economy (Ta.); samda_yicu (Te.)(Ta.lex.) sanda_yo making a repayment, making payment; sanda_vu to pay, to repay; sandi a call, promise (Tu.lex.) sandya_kar repay (Kon.lex.) sanda_ya (fr. sal-) delivering over of what is due, payment (Ka.); caca_yam, canta_yam (Ta.)(Ka.lex.) sande alliance, stipulation; a convention, an agreement, a promise (Ka.Skt.)(Ka.lex.) Image: splice: sand cleft, fissure, opening; a joint, junction (Tu.lex.) cantam hole (Tan-ippa_. i,171,24)(Ta.lex.) cf. sandhi (Skt.) sandai splice (Kon.lex.) sand joint (Kon.lex.) sandu, sandi (Tadbhava of sandhi) juncture; a joint, an articulation; a nook, a corner; a lane; a cleft; a gap, a fissure, a crack, an opening, a space between (Ka.Te.); cantu (Ta.); santha (M.); sandu bi_r..u to crack; sandu sandu the various joints (of the body); sandu se_ruve exact joinery (Ka.lex.) Image: corner: sand, sandi corner (Kon.lex.)
3347.Chest, box: sanduka, sandaka, sandu_ka, sandu_ku a large box, a chest (Ka.); sandu_ka (H.M.)(Ka.lex.)
3348.Image: to join: sandisu, sandhisu, sannisu to place together; to join; to fasten, to tie; to fix (an arrow on a bow); to bring together or unite in friendship; to join, to unite one's self with, to associate one's self to (Ka.lex.)
3346.Welfare: svasti welfare, health, prosperity, blessing; joy, happiness, bliss (Ka.); goodness; may it be well! hail! health!; so be it! amen!; an auspicious particle used at the beginning (of a letter etc.)(Ka.lex.)
Images: svastika, right- and left-handed: knife and
adze: katy-tayr; katrc-; katy- tarc- > kati.r is an ancient idiom: to cut (with
sword, katti); and to scrape (with knife, tar-ikai) {This is a two-fold use
of instruments inherent in the process of knitting or weaving on a loom, particularly when
'embossing' a pattern either for e.g., on a bark cloth or with fibre (wale, which forms a
rib or ridge in a knitted or woven fabric; wales may run crosswise, lengthwise, or
diagonally) interlaced with the warp (lengthwise) and the weft (crosswise, filling)
threads. The inversion of phonemes: katrc- X tarc- yields two symbolic forms (k-
> c-) of the glyph: svastika_. cf. sotthika, sotthiya auspicious
(Pali); satthia, sottia id. (Pkt.); sathiya_, satiya_ mystical mark of good
luck (H.); sa_thiyo auspicious mark painted on the front of a house (G.); svastika
auspicious mark (R.)(CDIAL 13916). svasti good fortune (RV.); suvatthi, sotthi
well-being (Pali); s'vasti (NiDoc.); satthi, sotthi welfare, blessing
(Pkt.); seta good fortune (Si.)(CDIAL 13915).
3352.Image: road-crossing: svastika the meeting of four roads; the crossing of the arms, making a sign like the cross (Skt.lex.) canti the cross roads, junction of three or more roads (Tirumuru. 225); cantikkarai junction where several roads meet (Ta.lex.)
3351.Image: a particular mode of sitting: svastika, svastikam a particular mode of sitting practised by yogins (Skt.lex.) kattari-co_ttikam < kartari + svastika gesture with both hands in which the fore-fingers of either hand are stretched out together whilst the rest are kept bent to represent a pair of scissors, ear of corn, etc. (Parata. Pa_va. 64)(Ta.lex.) cuttika_tan-am < svastika_sana a yogic posture symbolic of success (Tirukka_l.at. 18,22)(Ta.lex.) s'ukta united, joined (Skt.lex.)
3349.Image: svastika: sathiya_, satiya_ mystical mark of good luck (H.); sa_thiyo auspicious mark painted on the front of a house (G.); sotthika, sotthiya auspicious (Pali); satthia, sotthia auspicious mark (Pkt.); svastika auspicious; auspicious mark (R.)(CDIAL 13916). svastika auspicious mark (R.); sotthika, sotthiya auspicious (Pali); satthia, sotthia auspicious mark (Pkt.); sathiya_, satiya_ mystical mark of good luck (H.); sa_thiyo auspicious mark, painted on the front of a house (G.)(CDIAL 13916). cf. svastha well, healthy (MaitrUp.)(CDIAL 13917). suttige rice and cocoanut kept for 'swastika', an auspicious ceremony; sutye to set apart some rice and/or cocoanut as an offering to a deity in order to cure some disease supposed to have occurred due to the wrath of that deity (Tu.lex.) s'asta auspicious, happy, well, right (Skt.Ka.); best, excellent (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) s's'te xuda_ God be praised (Pas'.); sattha praiseworthy (Pkt.); cust beautiful (Kho.)(CDIAL 12365). s'asya best, excellent; praiseworthy, laudable (Skt.lex.) s'asa_ praise, song of praise (RV. v.41.18); s'asta song of praise (VS. xxxiii.24; RV. iv.3.15)(Vedic.lex.) s'asti praise, eulogy; a hymn of praise (sto_tra)(Skt.lex.) s'am.s to praise, extol; s'am.str. a reciter of hymns; a praise, a panegyrist (Skt.lex.) ca_sta_ < s'a_sta_ nom. sg. of s'a_str. a village deity, aiyana_r (Cu_t.a_.); ca_sta_ppiri_ti feeding of brahmins for propitiating ca_sta_ (Na_.)(Ta.lex.) s'a_str. a teacher, an instructor; a ruler, king, sovereign; a father; a Buddha or Ji_na; or a deified teacher of the Buddhas or Jainas (Skt.lex.) s'a_s to instruct (RV. ii.28.9); to direct (RV. x.32.4); to command (RV. viii.34.1); to praise (RV. i.189.7); to guide (RV. vi.54.2); s'a_sa commander, ruler (RV. x.152.1)(Vedic.lex.) Well-being: suvatthi-, sotthi- well-being (Pa.); s'vasti (NiDoc.); satthi-, sotthi- blessing, welfare (Pkt.)(CDIAL 13915). svasti good fortune (RV.); suvatthi, sotthi well-being (Pali); s'vasti id. (NiDoc.); satthi, sotthi blessing, welfare (Pkt.); seta good fortune (Si. < *soti < sustha (CDIAL 13915). svastha well, healthy (MaitrUp.); sattha in good health (Pkt.); sasto (Gypsy); sa_stu (Phal.); sasti_ sound, healthy (Pas'.)(CDIAL 13917). suvastika_ a goddess [suvatsa_ name of a Dikkuma_ri_ (Pa_rs'van.); suvaccha_ (Pkt.)]; su_ci_ fairy (Wg.Kal.)(CDIAL 13514). sotthi [svasti (Skt.) = su + asti] well-being, safety, blessing; brings future happiness; sotthi hotu hail! sotthin in safety, safely; sotthina_ safely, prosperously; suvatthi id.; sotthi-kamma a blesing; sotthi-ka_ra an utterer of blessings, a herald; sotthi-gata safe wandering, prosperous journey; sotthi-gamana id.; sotthi-bhava well-being, prosperity, safety; sotthi-va_caka utterer of blessings, a herald; sotthi-sa_la_ a hospital (Pali). sotthika, sotthiya happy, auspicious, blessed, safe; di_gha-sotthiya one who is happy for long; sotthiyya = sotiya a learned man, a brahmin; sotthivant lucky, happy; sottha_na blessing, well-fare (Pali.lex.) cottu < svam neut.nom.sing. of sva one's own (RV.)(CDIAL 13893). property, possessions of two kinds (ta_varam and cankamam); gold (Ta.); sottu (Te.Ka.)(Ta.lex.) Swastika symbol: cuvasti < svasti a Sanskrit indeclinable denoting auspiciousness, used at the beginning of inscriptions, calendars, etc.; cuvastikam < svastika a mystical mark; a yo_gic posture. svasti-va_cana ve_da recited in the presence of idols taken in procession (Ta.lex.) svastika a kind of mystical mark (shaped like a Greek cross with the extremities of the four arms bent round in the same direction)(Ka.lex.) svastika (sva_sta s'ubha_ya hitam ka) a kind of mystical mark on persons or things denoting good luck; a lucky object (Skt.lex.) svastis'ri_ a Sanskrit expression used at the beginning of inscriptions, letters, etc. to denote auspiciousness (Ta.lex.) cf. sotthika, sotthiya adj. (fr. sotthi) happy, auspicious, blessed, safe; sotthi (Skt. svasti = su + asti) well-being, safety, blessing (Pali.lex.) svasti welfare, happiness (RV. i.89.6); goddess of welfare (RV. iii.38.9; TS. vi.1.5); svasti-ga_ leading to fortune (RV. vi.51.16); svasti-ta_ welfare (Aitre_ya A_ran.yaka. i.5.2); svasti-da_ giving happiness (RV. x.17.5); happy, fortunate, affording happiness (RV. vi.46.9); welfare (RV. x.101.7); leading auspiciously (AV. xiv.2.8)(Vedic.lex.) Image: svastika: sotthi-va_cakam < svasti-va_cana a portion of the Ve_das recited with a view to auspiciousness; Ve_da recited in the presence of idols taken in procession (Vina_yakapu. 15,117); co_taka-va_kkiyam mandatory precepts (Ci. Po_. Pa_. Avai. 15); co_ttam < sto_tra expr. of salutation from an inferior (Tiv. Periyati. 2,2,6); co_ttu id. (Tirukko_. 173)(Ta.lex.) svasti-s'ri_ a Sanskrit expression used at the beginning of inscriptions, letters, etc., to denote auspiciousness (Ta.lex.) co_ttikam < svastika_sanam a yo_gic posture symbolic of success, which consists in sitting with legs crosswise while the body is held erect and at ease (Pirapo_ta. 44,7); cuvattika_can-am id.; cuvattikam, cuvasti, cuvatti a Sanskrit indeclinable denoting auspiciousness, used at the beginning of inscriptions, calendars, etc; cuvastikam a mystical mark denoting auspiciousness; a yo_gic posture; cuvattikam a mystical design (Vina_yakapu. 15,48); a kind of sitting posture (Cilap. 8,25); co_ki < jo_gi (Ka.) < yo_gin a caste of itinerant Telugu mendicants, who are dexterous jugglers and snake-charmers, and claim a profound knowledge of charms and medicine (E.T. ii,494)(Ta.lex.) svasti good fortune (RV.); suvatthi, sotthi well-being (Pali); s'vasti (NiDoc.); satthi, sotthi blessing, welfare (Pkt.); seta good fortune (Si.)(CDIAL 13915). svastha well, healthy (MaitrUp.); sattha in good health (Pkt.); sasto (Gypsy); sa_stu (Phal.); sasti_ adj. sound, healthy (Pas'.)(CDIAL 13917). sotthika [svasti = su + asti (Skt.)] well-being, safety, blessing; brings future happiness; sotthi hotu hail! sotthin in safety, safely; sotthina_ safely, prosperously; sotthi-kamma a blessing; sotthi-ka_ra an utterer of blessings, a herald; sotthi-gata safe wandering, prosperous journey; sotthi-bha_va well-being, prosperity, safety; sotthi-va_caka utterer of blessings, a herald; sotthi-sa_la_ a hospital; sotthika, sotthiya adj. happy, auspicious, blessed, safe; sottha_na [svastyayana (Skt.)] blessing, well-fare; sovatthika safe; in the shape of a svastika; sovatthika_lanka_ra a kind of auspicious mark; sotthivant adj. lucky, happy, safe (Pali.lex.)
3349a.Knife, carpenter, artisan: satthia_ knife (Pkt.); s'astra instrument for cutting (SBr.); s'astraka knife, iron (SSkt.); s'astri_ knife, dagger (Skt.); sattha, satthaka knife (Pali); sattha dagger (Pkt.); s'astir, saster iron (Gy.); seitr knife (Pas'.); s'e_thar iron (K.); satthra_ adze (P.); sat-a weapon, instrument (Si.)(CDIAL 12367). sasa carpenter, wheelwright (Si.)(CDIAL 5621). cf. kattari (Ta.); kattarisu (Ka.) to cut with scissors, clip, snip, shear (Ta.lex.); kattarikai (Perun.. Vattava. 14,7); a dance gesture: forefinger and middle finger are held together and pointed upward, while the thumb and the little finger remain bent, the little finger being kept stretched (Cilap. 3,18, Urai)(Ta.lex.) kartari scissors, knife (Sus'r.); kattari_ id., shears (Pali); scissors, shears (Pkt.)(CDIAL 2l858). { Two semantic streams lead into two morphemes: s'astra and kartari: satthia_ knife (Pkt.)(CDIAL 12367) < kati.r knife; katy knife (Ko.)(DEDR 1204); tar-ika a kind of axe, chisel (Ta.)(DEDR 3140) < tar.c to cut (Go.)(DEDR 3146).
3208. Surgeon, oculist: s'asan slaughtering (RV. i.163.12; VS. xxiv.23, x.89.14); s'as to cut down, slaughter (RV. i.162.18)(Vedic.lex.) s'asya, sasya to be cut, to be wounded or injured (Ka.); s'asta struck, cut, wounded, injured, killed (Ka.); s'asana the act of striking, wounding, killing, immolation (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) cf. s'asya to be slaughtered (Skt.)(CDIAL 12368). s'as cut (Skt.); s'astra-vaidya a surgeon; surgery (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) s'astr. one who cuts up (AV.); sathiya_ surgeon, oculist (H.)(CDIAL 12366). cattira-kan-mam surgical operation (Civacama. 68)(Ta.lex.) To distribute: s'as to cut up; s'am.s to hurt, injure (Skt.lex.) s'as (with sam.) to distribute (RV. iv.37.8) (Vedic.lex.) s'as a technical name for the termination of the acc. plural; a taddhita affix forming adverbs from nouns, especially from numerals: e.g. dvis'a, s'atas'a, bahus'a etc. (Skt.lex.) s'astra an instrument for cutting or wounding, a weapon; a sword, a knife, a scymitar, korahu (Ka.); iron; s'astraka iron (Skt.Ka.); s'astra-kriye weapon-business; s'astra_ji_va living by the profession of arms: a soldier (Ka.); s'astri a knife (Skt.Ka.)(Ka.lex.) Knife, dagger, adze; iron: s'astra instrument for cutting (S'Br.); iron (Skt.); s'astraka knife, iron (Skt.); s'astri_ knife, dagger (Skt.); sattha, satthaka knife (Pali); sattha dagger (Pkt.); satthia_ knife (Pkt.); s'astir, saster iron (Gypsy); s'eitr, s'e_l, leis' knife (Pas'.); s'e_thar, s'a_htar iron (K.); satthra_ adze (P.); sat-a weapon, instrument (CDIAL 12367). cf. s'asya to be slaughtered (Vop.); sassa_, sassi_ lamb (P.)(CDIAL 12368). Image: scissors; sickle: kaci scissors (Sh.); kocu betelnut scissors (K.); kaciya_ sickle (N.); toothed sickle (Bi.); reaping-hook (H.); ka_si (A.); ka_ci (B.); kacia_ big scythe (Or.); kicca_ cutting (Pkt.); *kartya_ knife (Skt.)(CDIAL 2866). cf. kat, kaca shears; kaci_ scissors (Gypsy); kati_ goldsmith's or blacksmith's scissors (P.); ka_ti_ scissors (A.); goldsmith's scissors (H.); ka_t (G.); scissors (P.); _tr (L.); kattiya_ scissors, shears (Pkt.); karttri_ scissors (Skt.)(CDIAL 2863). Sword; sickle: kacci_ sword (Kol.); kacci sword; iron sword (Go.); kacci, kac, kas iron (Go.); kacc iron, iron blade (of spade)(Go.)(DEDR 1096). asi_ sword (RV.); asi sword, large knife (Pali); asi sword (Pkt.); asiya sickle (Pkt.); asi_, assi_ sword (H.)(CDIAL 969). culesi knife with which to prepare vegetables for cooking? (N.)(CDIAL 4878). Scissors: kartari scissors, knife (Sus'r.); kartari_, kartarika_ (Skt.); kattari_ scissors, shears, knife (Pali); scissors, shears (Pkt.); kattarika_ scissors, shears, knife (Pali); ka_tar khnife (Shum.); katari scissors, shears (S.); katara scissors, shears (S.); ka_tar shears (L.G.M.); ka_tri_ (M.Konkan.i); kat.ri knife (Or.); kat.ari billhook (Or.); katuri_, kataria_ shears (Or.); katura scissors, shears (Si.); kattaria cut (Pkt.); katarun to cut into slices (K.)); katiran.u to shear, clip (S.); katran. to cut, clip with scissors (L.); katarna_ to clip, shear (P.); to clip (H.); katranu (N.); katuriba_ to trim (Or.); ka_tarvu~ (G.); ka_tarn.e~ (M.); katirik torn, cut (of clothes)(Si.); katarni_ scissors (P.H.); katarn.i_ (Ku.); katarni (N.); katarun.i (Or.); ka~_tarn.i_ (G.)(CDIAL 2858). kattarika_ scissors, or a knife; kattari scissors, shears; like the shears of a crab (Pali.lex.) kattari scissors, shears, rat-trap; to cut with scissors, clip, shear, gnaw (as insects, vermin), chop off; kattarikai scissors, shears (Ta.); kattiri, katrika id. (Ma.); katrikka to shear, clip (Ma.); kata.ry spring-trap for rats (Ko.); kattari scissors, shears, knife (Ka.); kattarisu to cut with scissors or scissors-like things as teeth, cut off, shear (Ka.); katri scissors (Kod..); kattari, katteri scissors, shears, rat-trap (Tu.); katteriyuni, katteruni to shear, cut with scissors (Tu.); kattera scissors, shears (Te.); kattirincu to shear, scissor, crop, clip (Te.); kattiril(l)u to be cut (Te.); katheri scissors (Kuwi)(DBIA 72). Scissors: kattari, katri, karttri (Tadbhava of kartari) scissors (Ka.); kattere (Te.); kattari a beam in a mill by which its kan.e is turned; kattarisu to cut with scissors or with scissor-like things, as teeth; to cut in two (Ka.); katterincu (Te.)(Ka.lex.) katy + tarc to cut + to churn = kartari scissors. katti ~~ sattha echo words? kartari a knife; a dagger; a small sword (Ka.); kartana cutting, clipping, shearing (Ka.Skt.)(Ka.lex.) s'astra instrument for cutting (S'Br.); sattha, satthaka knife (Pali); sattha dagger; satthia_ knife (Pkt.)(CDIAL 12367). traccu to churn (Te.); tar(u)cu id. (Te.); terip to churn (Pa.)(DEDR 3095). tarukku to pound, break, pierce, injure, torment (Ta.); tarakkuka to deprive rice of its husk (Ma.)(DEDR 3099). tar-i to be cut off, broken; a kind of axe (Ta.); tayr (tarc-) to cut, using implement with one hand (Ko.)(DEDR 3140). Brazier's cutters; shell-cutter's saw: *karta knife (Skt.)[cf. kareta, kareti knife (Avestan)]; ka_ti shell-cutter's saw (B.); ka_ta_n large sacrificial knife (B.); kata_ small billhook (Or.); ka_ti_ knife (Or.); knife, saw (G.); cleave (M.); ka_t brazier's cutters (Bi.Mth.); shears for shearing sheep, cock's spur (H.); ka_tta_ knife for cutting bamboos (H.); katta_ small curved sword (H.); katti_ knife (H.); kat.t.i_ small sword (H.P.); ka_tu_ knife (G.)(CDIAL 2853). *kr.taka knife (Skt.); kara knife (Bashg.)(CDIAL 3423). kr.ti knife or dagger (RV.)(CDIAL 3425). katu a cut, cutting a nib (S.); kat.t. deduction (L.); karta cutting (Skt.); ka_t.-kut. cutting down (N.); ka_t.a_-ka_t.i_ cutting to pieces (H.); ka_t.a act of cutting, shape (Or.); ka_tri_ thin slice (G.)(CDIAL 2852). kattan.a, kat.t.an.aya cutting (Pkt.); kat.ani harvest, crop (N.); kat.ani_ (Bi.); ka_t.an.a cutting, cut, make (Or.); kat.ani_ quantity cut at one time (Mth.); ka~_t.ni_ harvest (H.); ka_t.n.i_ (M.)(CDIAL 2856). katara strip of cloth (S.); katra a little (L.); piece of meat (Psht.); katr cutting of a rib (L.); kattar strip of cloth (P.); katar a cutting (H.); kattar cut, slit (N.); katura_ a cutting (Or.); ka_tro an insect which cuts off shoots of corn (G.); ka_tra_ clippings (M.)(CDIAL 2858). kat.i_ harvest, corn (Ash.); kacca to be cut off (Pkt.); kartya to be cut off (Mn.)(CDIAL 2864). kacya_t., kaccet. firewood ready cut up (N.)(CDIAL 2865). kr.tyate_ is cut (Skt.); kiccam.ta cut, broken, pressed (Pkt.); kicnu to smash, pound (N.)(CDIAL 3430). kr.ntati cuts (RV.); kantati (Pali); kam.tai (Pkt.); kun.d.n.o~ to clip, shear (WPah.); ka_ntu_ka to scrape a coconut (Konkan.i)(CDIAL 3432). ka~_tan. cutting, piece, bit (M.); kr.ntana cutting off (BhP.)(CDIAL 3434). ca_r.a knife (Psht.)(CDIAL 2866). Dagger; goldsmith's scissors: *kartta_ra knife (Skt.); kat.t.a_ri_, kat.t.a_raya knife (Pkt.); katara dagger (Ash.); katere (Pr.); kta (Kt.); kat.a_ (Wg.); kat.e_r dagger (Dm.); kat.e_r_i small dagger (Dm.); kata_ri knife (Tir.Psht.); ka_t.are spear (Pas'.); kat.a_ro large knife (Gaw.); mus.-kat.a_ri_ dagger (Gaw.); kata_r (Kal.); kuter knife, dagger (Kho.); ka_t.er knife (Bshk.); kat.a_re_i (Sv.); kat.o_ro dagger (Phal.); kat.a_r (Sh.); kata_ro long knife (Sh.); khat.a_r, khat.aru knife (Sh.); kat.a_ro (S.); kat.a_r dagger (P.N.Or.Mth.H.G.M.); kat.a_ra_ large dagger (P.); kat.a_ri_ small dagger (P.); dagger (A.Bhoj.H.G.); khukri (Or.); kat.a_ri, kat.a_ri_ (Ku.); kat.a_ri (N.); knife (OMarw.); ka_t.a_r dagger (B.); ka_t.a_ri billhook (B.); ka_ta_ri shears (B.); goldsmith's scissors (Or.); kat.a_ra chopper, billhook (Or.)(CDIAL 2860).
3188.Weapon: cattiram weapon used in close combat; hand-weapon as sword, lance (Pin..); spear, javelin; iron; surgeon's knife, lancet; catti-taran-< s'akti-dhara Kuma_ra as having javelin; cattiya_n- id. (In-. Na_r-. 1); catti spear, dart (Perun.. Makata. 20,63); trident (Perun.. Makata. 14,153); catti pit in which a flag-staff is planted (Perun.. Ila_va_n.a. 6,56, Kur-ip.)(Ta.lex.) catturu < s'atru enemy, foe (Civaraka. A_yutte_va. 3)(Ta.lex.) sattha (Vedic. s'astra) a weapon, sword, knife, coll. 'arms'; often in combination: dan.d.a + sattha coll. 'arms'; satthan a_harati to stab oneself; sattha-kamma application of the knife, incision, operation; sattha-ka_raka an assassin; sattha-van.ijja_ trade in arms; sattha-ha_raka an assassin; satti (Vedic. s'akti orig. identical with 'ability, power') knife, dagger, sword; di_gha-dan.d.a-satti sword with a long handle; tikhin.a-satti a sharp knife; mukha-satti piercing words; satti a spear, javelin; satti-pajara lattice work of spears; satti-langhana javelin dance; satti-simbali-vana the forest of swords (in purgatory); satti-su_la a sword stake; sattu (Vedic. s'atru) an enemy; sattuka an enemy; satthaka a knife, scissors; dan.d.a-satthaka a knife with a handle; satthaka-nisa_dana (cf. Skt. nis'a_tana) knife-sharpening; sattha-nisa_na (cf. Skt. nis'a_na) id.; satthaka-va_ta a cutting pain (Pali.lex.) cf. s'astra instrument for cutting (S'Br.); sattha dagger (Pkt.); satthra_ adze (P.)(CDIAL 12367). sathiya_ surgeon, oculist (H.); astra-s'astra: s'astr. one who cuts up (AV.); s'as cut (Skt.)(CDIAL 12366); s'astra instrument for cutting (S'Br.); s'asya to be slaughtered (Skt.) (CDIAL 12368); vis'asti cuts up (RV.); 3 pl. vis'asanti (S'Br.); visase_i kills; pp. visasiya (Pkt.); bisasna_ to cut up the body, scrape, hurt, kill (H.)(CDIAL 11934). Warrior: satti (Vedic. s'akti) ability, power (Pali); yatha_ satti, yatha_ sattin, yatha_ sattiya_ as much as one can do, according to one's ability; satta (Vedic. sattva living being; satvan strong man, warrior; sant) a living being, creature, a sentient, rational being, a person; sattava (a diaeretic sattva) id.; satta-ussada teeming with life, full of people; sattha-van.ijja_ slave trade; sattatta state of having existence (Pali.lex.) sattha competent, able (Pali.lex.)
3187.Best: sattama (superl. from sant) best, excellent (Pali.lex.) uttam, uttim best (Kon.lex.)
3189.Image: seven: satta number seven (Pali.lex.)[Vedic. sapta; Av. hapta; Lat. septem; Goth. sibun; E. seven]. "It is a collective and concluding (serial) number; its application has spread from the week of seven days (or nights), and is based on astronomical conception (Babylon!); this science being regarded as mystic, it invests the number with a peculiar magic nimbus. From time-expressions it was transferred to space, esp. when originally connected with time (like satta-bhu_maka, the 7-storied palace; the Vima_manas with 700 towers... or the 7 great lakes (sara-satta: anotatta, si_hapapa_ta, rathaka_ra, kan.n.amun.d.a, kun.a_la, chaddanta, manda_kini)... Extremely frequent in folklore, and fairy tales (cf. 7 years of famine in Egypt, 7 days' festivals, dragon with 7 heads, 7 ravens, 7 dwarfs, 7 little goats, 7 years enchantment etc.). For time expressions see in cmpds.: sapta_ha, sapta-ma_sa, sapta-ratta, sapta-vassa..." (Pali.lex.) satta-at.t.ha seven or eight; satta-ussada having 7 prominences or protuberances (on the body); satta-tanti having 7 strings, a lute; satta-padan for 7 steps; sattakkhattun seven times; sattati seventy; sattadha_ in seven pieces; sattama best, excellent; sattama the seventh (Pali.lex.) sat seven (Santali.lex.) cf. eae seven (Santali.lex.) sa_ta_m. pl. groups of 7 (OG.); sa_pta the number 7, group of 7 (RV.); sa_ta_ the number 7, period of 7 days (P.)(CDIAL 13343). satta seven (Pali);[Av. hapta; Lat. septem; Goth. sibun; E. seven; it is a collective and concluding (serial) number; satta-ratana the 7 royal treasures (Pali.lex.) cattakam aggregate of seven; cattam < satta (Pkt.) < saptan seven (Cu_t.a_.)(Ta.lex.) catta-kan-n-ikai the seven divine personified energies of the principal deities (Can. Aka.); catta-ma_tar id.; catta-ti_vu < saptan + the seven concentric continents with Mt. Me_ru as their centre (Ta.)(Ta.lex.) sapta_ha period of seven days (S'Br.); satta_ha period of seven days (Pali); sa_ta_ week (N.); sata_r.o taking of the bride home a few days after the wedding (S.); sa_tere~, sa_tre~ weather lasting for seven days (M.)(CDIAL 13161). saptin containing seven (RPra_t.); saptika having the length of seven (Skt.); satyo with seven, plus seven (S.)(CDIAL 13162). sapto_ttara more by seven (Ya_j.); satotar plus seven (S.); satotiro at 7 % (S.)(CDIAL 13163). sapta 7 (RV.); satta (Pali.Pkt.); sata (NiDoc.Dhp.); sut (D..); sot, su_t (Ash.); so_t (Wg.); sut (Kt.); sete (Pr.); sat (Tir.Dm.); sa_ta, sa_te, sa_t, sat (Pas'.); sat (Nin:g.Shum.Wot..); set (Gaw.); sat, sa_t (Kal.); sot (Kho.); sat, satt (Bshk.); sa_t (Tor.Kand.Mai.); sat (Sv.); sat, sa_t (Phal.); sat, satt, st (Sh.); sath, satan, satt (K.); sata (S.); satt (L.P.WPah.); sa_t (Ku.N.); xa_t (A.); sa_t (B.Mth.Bhoj.Aw. H.Marw.G.M.); sa_ta (Or.Konkan.i); sata (OSi.Bra_mi_ inscr.); sat-a, hat-a (Si.); hat (Md.)(CDIAL 13139). sattagun.a sevenfold (Skt.Pali); sataun.a_ (P.)(CDIAL 13141). saptacatva_rim.s'at 47 (S'Br.); si_ya_li_sa (Pkt.); satatjih (K.); sateta_li_ha (S.); sata_li_ (L.); santa_li_, sai~ta_li_ (P.); satta_li (WPah.); sai~ta_lis (N.); sat_callis (B.); sataca_l.i_sa (Or.); sai~ta_li_s (Aw.H.); satteta_l., satteta_l.i_s, satteca_l., satteca_l.i_s (M.)(CDIAL 13142). sur.ta_l.i_s' 47 (G.)(CDIAL 13142). saptati 70 (RV.); sattati, sattari (Pali); satati (NiDoc.); sattarim., sayari (Pkt.); satath (K.); satari (S.); sattir (L.); sattar (P.WPah.); sattari (N.); xatari (A.); sattar (B.); satori (Or.); sattari (Aw.); sattar (H.); si_ter, sitter (G.); sattar (M.); sta_, hta_ (Si.)(CDIAL 13143). saptatima 70th (Skt.); sataryo~ (S.)(CDIAL 13144). saptatrim.s'at 37 (Skt.); sattati_s'am (Pkt.); satatrah (K.); satat.ri_ha (S.); satattri_ (L.); sai~ti_ (P.); satettri_, satattri_ (WPah.); sai~tis (N.); xa_tatris (A.); sa~_itris (B.); sai~trisa (Or.); sai~tis (Aw.); sai~ti_s (H.); sa_r.tri_s (G.); sadati_s (M.)(CDIAL 13145). saptadas'a 17 (TS.); sattadasa, sattarasa (Pali.Pkt.); sattaraha, sattara (Pkt.); sattis (Ash.); satta_s' (Wg.); satic, stic (Kt.); setli_z (Pr.); sapits (Bashg.); satts' ( for e_ after as.t.s' 18)(Dm.); sat.u_r.e (Tir.); satti_, satu_ (Pas'.); satas (Nin:g.); sida_ro~_, zda_ro~_ (Wot..); sota_s (Gaw.); satta_h (Bshk.); satta_s' (Tor.); sata~_es' 17 (Kand.); sata_las' (Mai.); sata_les' (Mai.); sata_s (Sv.); satto_s', sata_s' (Phal.); satai_, satta~_i, sata_i, satai (Sh.); sata~i (D..); sada_h (K.); satraha (S.); satta_ra (L.); sata_ra~_ (P.); sata_re, sata_ra_, sata_hra_ (WPah.); satra (N.); xatara (A.); satera (B.); satara (Or.); sattara_ (Aw.); sattrah (H.); sattari (Or.); sattar (G.); satra_ (M.); satal.os, hatal.oha (Si.)(CDIAL 13146). saptadas'ama 17th (Skt.); sattarasama (Pkt.); satraho~ (S.); satrahwa~_ (H.)(CDIAL 13147). saptama 7th (VS.); sattama (Pali.Pkt.); satam.ma (NiDoc.); satam (Wot..); satem (Tor.); satmuo (Sh.); satyumu (K.); sato~ (S.); sattva~ (L.); satva~_, satma~_ (P.); sattau~, saitua~_ (WPah.); sa_tau~ (N.); sa_tui (B.); sa_tavam. (OAw.); sa_twa~_ (H.); sa_tavu (OMarw.); sa_tmu~ (G.); sa_tva_ (M.); sa_tvo (Konkan.i)(CDIAL 13151). sapatami_ 7th day of lunar fortnight (S'rS.); satam 7th day of lunar fortnight (K.); satahi~ (S.); satmi_ (P.); sa_twi~_ (H.); sa_tem (G.)(CDIAL 13152). saptavim.s'ati 27 (VS.); sattavi_sati (Pali); satavisati (As'.); satta_vi_sam. (Pkt.); satwuh (K.); sata_vi_ha (S.); sata_vi_ (L.P.); sattei, sata_i_ (WPah.); sata_is (N.); xa_ta_is (A.); sa_ta_is, sa_ta_s (B.); sata_isa (Or.); sata_i_s (Mth.); satta_is (Aw.); sata_i_s (H.); satta_vi_s' (G.); satta_vi_s (M.)(CDIAL 13157). sapta_s'i_ti 87 (Skt.); satta_si_im. (Pkt.); satas'i_th (K.); sata_si_ (S.L.P.H.); sata_ssi_ (P.); sata_si (N.B.Or.); satya_s'i_ (G.); satya_ys'i_ (M.); sata_su (Si.)(CDIAL 13160). cf. ye_r.k seven each (Go.)(DEDR 910). sa_ta_no seven kinds of grain sown together in a pot in a house by women on the 12th of dark fortnight of Sa_van. and plucked up and thrown into the river on 1st of Bhado for good fortune (S.)(CDIAL 13344). cf. sata-sosu made of seven kinds of lentils (K.)(CDIAL 13376). eae seven; eae gel seventy; gel eae seventeen; eae khen gel seventeen; eae dobor. seven fold; eae dhao seven times; eae dhao eae gel seventy times seven (Santali.lex.) e_r..u seven; e_r..mai id.; er..u-patu seventy; er..u-nu_r-u 700; er..umai seven successive births; er..uvar seven persons; evv-e_r..u seven each (Ta.); e_r..u seven; er..u-patu seventy; er..u-nnu_r-u 700; er..uvar seven persons (Ma.); e.y, e.g seven; el. vat seventy; e calg seven calg measures; e pa.n.y seven pa.n.y measures (Ko.); ow seven; pa.w seventeen; o. kwa.x seven kwa.x measures (To.); e_r..u seven; e_r..-pattu, eppattu seventy; e_r..-nu_r-u, e_r..u-nu_r-u, el.nu_r-u 700; e_r..bar, e_r..varu seven persons (Kod..); e_l.u seven; e_l.ane seventh; e_l.veru seven persons; el.pa, e_l.pa, erpa seventy (Tu.); e_d.u (7th cent. inscr.); e_r..u seven; e_d.uguru seven persons; e_n.-nu_r-u 700; d.ebbadi, d.ebbhai, d.abbhai seventy; d.ebban.d.ru seventy persons (Te.); ed., e_r. seven; ergur, ed.gur seven persons (Te.); e_r.un., ye_r.un:g, yed.ung, e_r.u~_ seven (usually non-masc.); e_r.vir, e_rur, e_r.ur, e_r.vur seven (masc.); ye_r.k seven each (Go.); e_r.u seven (Kond.a); odgi seven; odi pattu seven times twelve dozen (=1008); od. seven; od.gi seven things; or.i seven; or.in. go_r.i 140 (Kui)(DEDR 910).
3350a.Image: crooked: keyda_l.u crooked, dishonest behaviour, fraud (Ka.); gaya_l.i, gayya_l.i (Te.); sed.avu the state of being crooked or bent (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) cf. kaidu weapon (Ka.); sword (Tu.)(DEDR 2027). cot.t.ai crookedness, bend as in the sheath of a sword, a crooked club, dent, excavation, furrow, cavity (Ta.); cat.t.u lameness; cat.t.a person with bent feet, lame; fem. cat.t.acci, cat.t.an cripple; cat.attuka to limp (Ma.); cot.t.a, cot.t.i, cot.t.u, sot.t.a, sot.t.u crookedness; crooked (Ka.); cot.t.a, sot.t.a lame, crippled, crooked, withered; lameness, crookedness; dent, depression, dimple, small pit or hollow (Te.); sot.a a deformed man; fem. sot.i (Kond.a); cot.a lame (Pe.); so_ti lame; so_ta lame man; sotta, soto lame; sot.a_ id.; sot.a crippled man; fem. sot.i (Kuwi); co_t. crooked, zigzag, crooked in character (Br.); sot.at.ond., sot.it.e (fem. and neut.) lame (Ga.)(DEDR 2838a). Defect: cot.t.u defect, blemish; disparaging remark conveyed through a hint, insinuation; con.t.u imputation, fault (Ta.); cat.t.u fault (Ma.); sod.d.u defect, fault; blame, imputation (Ma.)(DEDR 2837). kho_d.i fault (Pkt.); khori_ fault (OAw.); khor. fault (G.); khot.u_ false (Sh.); kho_t. fault (Sh.); khot.u base, impure (K.); khot.u deceit; khot.o deceitful (S.); khot. alloy, impurity (L.); khot.a_ alloyed; khot.a_ forged (L.); khot. base, alloy; blemish; khot.t.a_ impure (P.); khot. fault (Ku.N.); deceit; khot.t.a_ false, base (H.); khot.aum untrue (OG.); khot. mistake, loss, want; khot.i_ waste of time; khot.u~ alloyed, bad, lazy (G.); khot. falsehood, loss in trade; khot.t.a_ false, alloyed; khot.t.i_ delayed (M.)(CDIAL 3931). The symbol with crooked arms is: cotti, sotti fem., cotta, sotta a male with crooked, crippled limbs; cottu, sottu crookedness, crooked (Ka.); cotti lameness (Ta.)(DEDR 2838b). The revolution suggested by the symbol is: suttu to wind, go round, circumambulate (Ka.); cut.t.i, cut.t.a a thing rolled up (Ka.); cur-r-u to revolve, circulate; n. moving round, revolving, rolling, circumference, roundabout, circuit (Ta.); cur-a coil, once round (Ma.); cut to wrap around, coil (rope)(Ko.); sutta circumference, round (Tu.); suttu, huttu to wear clothes by tying them around the waist (Tu.); cut.t.a a roll of anything, loop, coil, ring (te.); cutt to wind round (Pa.)(DEDR 2715). cf. the auspicious sakra~_d passage of the sun from one constellation to another (P.); sa~gra~_d (L.P.); sam.kra_nti (Skt.)(CDIAL 12835): kr.ttika_ the Pleaides (AV.); kattika_ the month October-November (Pali); kattiya_ Pleiades (Pkt.); katyu~_ (S.); ka_tya_ (M.); khitti (P.); kati (Si.)(CDIAL 3427)}.
3350.Image: fairy: s'ucika_ name of an Apsaras (Skt.); suvatsa_ name of a Dikkuma_ri_ (Skt.); suvaccha_ (Pkt.); su_ci_ fairy (Wg.); su_ci_, s'u_ci_ (Kal.)(CDIAL 13514). cf. vatsa calf, child (RV.); as term of endearment (MBh.); vatsa_ (S'a_n:khS'r.)(CDIAL 11239). cf. svasti- good fortune (RV.); suvatthi, sotthi well-being (Pali); s'vasti (NiDoc.); satthi, sotthi blessing, welfare (Pkt.); seta good fortune (Si.)(CDIAL 13915). cf. svastika auspicious (R.)(CDIAL 13916). Festival: suca~_ festival (Ash.); suc (Kt.)(CDIAL 12510). Pure, good: cuci clear (of water)(Kho.)(CDIAL 14502). sicik to become clear (Kho.); ciceik to clear, filter (of liquids)(Kho.)(CDIAL 12512). cokkha pure, clean (Pali); co_ks.a id. (Mn.MBh.); cauks.a, cauks.ya (MBh.); cokkha, cukkha pure, clean (Pkt.); cokho good, grain of cleaned rice (S.); co_kha_, co_khr.a_ pure, good, fair, much (L.); cokkha_ pure, good, sufficient (P.); cokho pure, clean (Ku.N.); cok(h), cok(h)a_ pure, genuine, strong, sharp, keen (B.); cokha, cokha_ good, fresh, sharp (Or.); cokha_ rich (of soil)(Bi.); cokh good, sharp (Mth.); cokha_ good (OAw.); pure, clean, genuine, clever, beautiful, sharp (H.); cokh id. (H.); cokha well (OMarw.); cokhaum clear (OG.); cokh clean (G.); cokha_ rice (G.); cokh, cokha_ pure, genuine, good (M.)(CDIAL 4918). coccam purity (Tiruppu. 573); cf. svaccha (Skt.)(Ta.lex.) cokkam purity, beauty (Ta.); sogapuni, sogasuni to be tasteful, agreeable (Tu.); cokka pure, genuine, neat (Tu.); sogiyu to be agreeable or pleasant (Te.); cokkamu pure, clear, fine (Te.)(DEDR 2829). S'iva: cokka-na_tan- S'iva at the shrine of Madura (Tiruva_lava_. 57,21); cokka-na_yakan- (Tiruvil.ai. Vit.aiyi. 5); cokka-lin:kam (Perunto. 1576); cokkan- S'iva as beautiful (Te_va_. 859,11); cokku (Tiruva_lava_. 55,17); cokkam excellence; Indra's heaven; cf. svarga heaven (Skt.)(Ta.lex.) compu beauty, grace (Tiruppu. 136); sompu id. (Te.Ka.)(Ta.lex.) s'ukra bright; brightness (RV.); the planet Venus (MBh.); sukka bright (Pali); s'ukar pretty, pleasant; s'uka_r quietly (Gypsy); chuk good fortune (N.); suk bright, white (H.); sukkila, sukkilla bright, white (Pkt.); sukilo white, shining (Ku.N.); xukula_ (A.); sukka planet, star (Pali); sukka the planet Venus (Pkt.); s'u_k-ta_ra_ (WPah.); suk-ta_ra_ (B.); su_k, suk (H.); su_k (M.)(CDIAL 12506). s'uci bright, pure (RV.); purification (Skt.); suci pure, clean, white; purity (Pali); suci (NiDoc.); s'uyi, suyi (Dhp.); sui (Pkt.)(CDIAL 12510). s'ic clear (of sky or water)(Kho.); sucikye white (Shum.); succa_ pure (L.); succ purity, goodness; succa_ pure, real, good, upright (P.); s'uca_ unpolluted (WPah.); s'uco, s'uzo clean; juzo, cuco, jujo (Gypsy); cuci clear (of water)(Kho.)(CDIAL 12511). s'ucyati is purified, burns, decays (Skt.); rots (Dha_tup.); s'o_cati, s'o_cate_ shines (RV.); s'icik to become clear; ciceik to clear, filter (of liquids)(Kho.); suci_n.o to be purified (Ku.)(CDIAL 12512). s'o_cis flame, glow (RV.); s'o_ci (AV.); s'o_cis splendour (BhP.)(CDIAL 12620). s'o_cyate_ is purified (Skt.); soccai purifies (Pkt.); s'o_cun, s'ro_cun to be purified (K.)(CDIAL 12621). s'o_s'ucat shining brightly (RV.); s'is'owo clean (Phal.)(CDIAL 12642). s'auca cleanness (A_s'vS'r.); so_a purity (Pkt.)(CDIAL 12649). Bonfire: cokkappan-ai, cokkappa_n-, cokkappa_n-ai bonfire with palmyra leaves lit in front of temples in Ka_rttikai festival (Tirunel. Pu. Ti_pam. 15)(Ta.); cokkappa_n--ka_rttikai lamp-lighting festival on the day of cokka-p-pan-ai (Ta.lex.) Silver; gold: cokka-k-kat.t.i-vel.l.i, cokkavel.l.i pure silver (Ta.); cokkabel.l.i id. (Ka.); cokkabol.l.i id. (Te.); cokku gold; cokuca_ < sogsa_ pinchbeck, gold-like alloy of copper and zinc (U.); cokucu refinement, neatness; fineness, as of work; superior quality (Ma.); sogasu id. (Te.Ka.Tu.)(Ta.lex.)
3353.Image: bier: canti < a_canti bier (Patin-o. Ka_raikka_lam. Tiruva_la. Mu_tta. 10)(Ta.lex.)
3354.Benzoin: vasta-antri_ benzoin; basta-karn.a the s'a_la tree; basta-gandha_ a shrubby basil; basta a goat; va_stikam a collection of goats (Skt.lex.) bista a weight of gold (equal to 80 raktika or gunja)(Skt.lex.) vastu, vostu a thing in general; any article; substance, wealth, property, goods; vitta, sa_ra; essence; the pith or substance of anything (Ka.lex.) vastu stuff (of which a thing is made), materials, ingredients; the pith of a thing (Skt.lex.) Incense, perfume: cf. va_s to scent, perfume, incense, fumigate, make fragrant; va_sa perfume; va_sa-ta_mbu_lam betel mixed with fragrant spices; va_saka scenting, perfuming, infusing, fumigating etc.; va_sanam perfuming, scenting; infusing; va_sita perfumed, scented; steeped, infused; seasoned, spiced (Skt.lex.) vasu wealth, riches (Skt.Ka.)(Ka.lex.)
3355.Potherb: svastike the potherb hingtsha repens (Ka.lex.) cilike the potherb hingtsha repens (Ka.); cilki (Te.); cilike soppu = cilike (Ka.); hilamo_cike, va_stuka (Ka.lex.) va_stuka the pot-herb chenopodium album, cakkavatta, cakravarta (Ka.lex.) bhatua ar.ak chenopodium album (Santali.lex.) cf. be_l.e, be_l.i a common herb used as a potherb, chenopodium album (Ka.)(DEDR 5546). Chenopodium ambrosioides (var. anthelminticum): official in many pharmacopoeias. Burkill states that the characteristic smell of the plant, as well as its action, is due to ascaridol, contained in the volatile oil extracted from the plant. He reports further that the oil is chiefly distilled from the fruit, being stored in the hairs on its surface. Burkill reports that the fruit is well known for its vermifuge properties... Father Clain... in 1857, the juice of this plant given as anthelmintic. Guerrero says that the leaves and tops, crushed and mixed with cooked rice, are used as a carminative in poultices and applied to the abdomen of children suffering from dyspepsia. This plant is considered also to be an emmenagogue... Watt and Breyer-Brandwijk, writing of its uses in southern Africa, say that the Sutos and Zulus use the infusion for colds and stomachache; as an enema for intestinal ulceration, and as sudorific. Martinez mentions its use in Mexico as an emmenagogue and vermifuge. An infusion is administered as a diuretic and sudorific. Kirtikar and Basu... employed in pectoral complaints and in nervous affections. Daruty adds that it is also used as an abortifacient. This oil is employed in Martinique as a stomachic, according to Eberhardt. (Medicinal Plants of the Philippines, pp.261-263). Chenopodium album: vastuk (Skt.); chandan betu, bethu sag (B.); chakwit (M.); bathu (P.); bethu sag (H.); parupukkirai (Ta.); pappukura (Te.); plant: laxative, anthelmintic; habitat: occurring chiefly in cultivated ground (GIMP, p.61). Chenopodium botrys: Strongly aormatic; habitat: from Kashmir to Sikkim; Punjab; Europe, N. and W. Asia, N. Africa; in France and southern Europe, it is used in catarrh and humoral asthma; a good substitute for chenopodium ambrosioides; Catalan: botris, xinxera; English: Jerusalem oak; French: chenopode a grappes, piment; Spanish: biengranada... Chenopodium ambrosioides: Habitat: Bengal, Sylhet, Deccan, S. India; the plant was used medicinally by the American Indians in the days of Columbus, and in South America infusions made from the leaves and seeds have been a household remedy against intestinal parasites from time immemorial. The plant is used in Europe in pectoral complaints, and in nervous affections, particularly cholera... The Zulus use an infusion as an enema for intestinal ulceration... Oil of chenopodium acts as a powerful vermicide both on ankylostomes and necators... Canarese: guddavoma, kadavoma; Malayalam: kasu ayamodakam (Kartikar and Basu, Indian Medicinal Plants, pp. 2071-2076). Hingtsha repens = enhydra heloncha: hilamo_cika_ (Skt.); hincha_ (B.); harhuch (H.) The leaves of this water plant are eaten by the natives as a vegetable. Being somewhat bitter they are regarded as wholesome and invigorating. Medicinally they are described as laxative and useful in diseases of the skin and nervous system. The fresh juice of the leaves, in doses of about a tola_ is prescribed by some Kavirajas in Calcutta, as an adjunct to tonic metallic medicines given in neuralgia and other nervous diseases (Sanskrit Materia Medica, p.186). Enhydra fluctuans: hilamochi (Skt.); harkuch (H.); hingcha (B.); leaves: laxative, useful in skin and nervous affections, antibilious, demulcent; dry plant yields an essential oil; habitat: Bengal, Asssam and Bihar (GIMP, p.107). Enhydra fluctuans: According to Burkill the young parts are used as a salad in several countries, including Malaya. Sometimes they are steamed before they are eaten... somewhat bitter and are used by the Malays as a laxative. Caius says that the leaves are useful in disease of the skin and of the nervous system... The leaves are antibilious. The expressed juice of the leaves is used as a demulcent in cases of gonorrhoea; it is taken mixed with the milk of either a cow or a goat. As a cooling agent, the leaves are pounded and made into a paste which is applied cold to the head. Watt quotes Forsyth, who states that the plant is useful in torpidity of the liver. An infusion should be made the previous evening. It is boiled with rice and taken with mustard oil and salt. (Medicinal Plants of the Philippines, pp.980-981).
3356.Indication: cut.t.u indication, reference (Cilap. 12,21); id. (Ma.); that which is intended, designated (Tol. Col. 1); cut.t.u-viral forefinger (Parata. Pa_va. 30)(Ta.); cun.t.aviral (Ma.); tcut.t.uve_lu (Te.); cut.t.u-p-peyar noun used in the place of pronoun (Ci_vaka. 1487, Urai.); demonstrative pronoun, avan-, ivan- (Tol. Col. 38)(Ta.lex.) cut.t.a_mut.t.i index finger, forefinger (Cilap. 3,58, Arum.); cut.t.i-k-ka_t.t.u-tal to show, point out, identify (Tiv. Periya_r... 1,4,4); cut.t.u-tal to point out, show, designate (Paripa_. 19,54); cut.t.u (Ma.); sut.t.u (Ka.)(Ta.lex.) Image: knuckles: cut.ukku cracking the joints and knuckles; cut.ukkutal to crack the joints and knuckles (Ta.); cf. chut. (Ta.lex.) chut. to cup, clip off (Skt.lex.) Image: to strike with knuckles: cot.t.u (cot.t.i-) to strike with knuckles, tap gently the udder of a goat for inducing the free flow of milk, beat, hit, peck (as a crow); n. cuff, knock on the head (Ta.); cot.t.u a slap on the head; cot.t.uka to rap with the knuckles, knock with the fingers (esp. on the head); cot.t.ikka to beat (e.g. in chess)(Ma.); son.e to strike with the fingers (Ka.); so_n.t.uni to box with the knuckles of the fingers (Tu.)(DEDR 2836). Finger snap: co_t.ika_-muttirai a finger-pose during prayer, which consists in joining the tip of the thumb with the middle finger and snapping (Cen. x, 424)(Ta.lex.) acchat.a_ snap of the fingers (BHSkt.)(CDIAL 1076). a_cchr.n.atti pours on (VS.); a_sariba, esariba to throw, cast off; a_sar the throwing off (A.); a_chr.a_na to thow down violently; a_cha_r. dashing down; a_chr.a_ shower (B.)(CDIAL 1081). cf. chad.a_ drop, lightning (Pkt.)(CDIAL 4965). vicchar.an. to be separated (L.); vicchar.n.a_, bicchar.n.a_ to be separated, go astray (P.)(CDIAL 11687). To tear off: cut.ati cuts off (Dha_tup.); cun.t.ati, cun.t.ayati, co_t.ayati id.; cun.t.hayati hurts; cun.d.ayati, cun.ati, cho_t.ayati cuts off (Dha_tup.); cu_run to have violent sexual relations, to rape (K.); cut.u a kiss (Dm.); cut.an.u to strike with a missile; cut.o cut, sore on an animal's back (S.); cut.t.a_ gall on a donkey's back (L.); cut.nu to thrash (N.); cut.a_na to strike (B.); cut.el, cut.i_la_ wounded (H.); cum.t.ai plucks (Pkt.); cu~_d.n.o to pinch (WPah.); cunno to nip, pluck, choose (Ku.); cu~r.nu to nip off, pluck (N.); cu~r.a_unu to snap, break; cu~ra_lnu to tear in pieces (N.); cun.t.iba_ to thrust in (Or.); cu~_t.na_ press, nip, break (H.); cu~t.vu~ to pluck out, select (G.); cu~_d.an.u to pick, glean (S.); cu_n.d.an. to gnaw (L.); cu_n.d.n.a_ to pull to pieces (P.); cor., cu_r to bite (Pas'.); cur.t kan to cut off (Par.); cot. blow, time (Sh.); cot.un.u to beat (K.); cot.a blow, bruise (S.); cot. wound (P.Ku.); to wound (N.); cot.ya_unu (N.); sot. blow (A.); cot., cut.a_na to hit (B.); cot.a (Or.); cot. pain (Mth.); wound (H.); cut.iya_na_ to wound (H.); cot.vu~ to be struck; cot. blow (G.); cot. hurt (M.); cu~_t.hna_ to press, nip, break, scratch, rend (H.); cu_than.u to draw out secrets (S.); cothnu to tear off (N.); cothab to pluck a fowl (Mth.)(CDIAL 4857). gut.ya blow, stroke (Si.)(CDIAL 4511). kut.t.u (kut.t.i-) to cuff, strike with the knuckles on the head or temples; n. a blow with the knuckles or the fist on the head, cuff (Ta.); kut.t.uka to pound, cuff (Ma.); kut.- (kuc-) to pound (Ko.); kut.- (kut.y-) to pound, knock (To.); kut.t.u to beat, strike, pound, bruise; n. a blow, a pulverized substance (Ka.); kut.t.uvike, kut.t.uha beating, etc. (Ka.); kut.t.- (kut.t.i-) to pound (Kod..); kut.t.uni to thump, give a blow, strike with the fist, pound, bruise; kut.t.u a blow given with the fist (Tu.); kud.k- (kud.ukt-) to pound (grain); kud.keng to knock on door (Kol.); kur.k to pound, knock (Nk.); kut.ip- (kut.it-) to punch, knock (door); kut.t.- to strike foot against stone (Pa.); gut.- to knock with the fist (Kond.a); gut.a fist (Kui); kut.ye to nail, drive in a peg (Malt.); kut.t.ing to pound; kut.t.a bruised (Br.); kut.t.ayati to bruise, crush, pound, strike lightly (Skt.)(DEDR 1671). cf. kut. to beat, rub, crush (Pas'.)(CDIAL 3241). cf. kut.t.u to prick, ache; n. pricking or piercing pain in the bowels arising from constipation, etc. (Ka.); to pierce, prick, bore, sting (Te.)(DEDR 1672).
3357.Image: cavity: cut.i_ram < sus.ira hole, cavity (Ci_varat..)(Ta.); cut.t.i-cut.t.i-ya_ka in round patches; cut.t.i a small ornament worn by women and children on the forehead (Perun. Ucaik. 40,102)(Ta.lex.) sus.ira_ perforated, hollow (RV.); cavity (Skt.); wind-instrument (Skt.); susira full of holes, hollow (Pali); susira, suhira hollow (Pkt.); susura, susira hole, flute (Si.)(CDIAL 13535).
3358.Burnt brick: cut.t.it.t.ikai burnt brick (S.I.I. ii,521,35); cut.t.o_t.u id. (S.I.I. ii,509,58)(Ta.lex.)
3359.Salvinia cucullata: sutas're_n.i the plant salvinia cucullata (Ka.Skt.)(Ka.lex.)
3360.Image: birth: suta begotten, brought forth (Ka.lex.) cf. su_ti birth, production, delivery (Ka.lex.) sutin having a child or children; sutini_ a mother (Skt.lex.) sotthiya a childbirth (Pali.lex.) su_taka birth, production; impurity from child-birth; the menses; pole (Ka.); su_taka_-gr.ha, su_tika_-gr.ha a lying-in chamber; su_ti birth, production, delivery, child-bearing, bringing-forth; offspring, progeny; cf. prasu_ti, bahu-su_ti (Ka.); su_ti-kr.ti a midwife; su_tike a woman who has recently given birth to a child, a lying-in woman; su_te id. (Ka.); su_tal, su_la born, engendered, produced, birth; child-bearing, bringing-forth (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) cu_li, cu_d.i pregnant (Te.); cu_la_lu a pregnant woman; cu_lu womb, fruit, child, embryo (Te.); cavul pregnancy of mares, cows ertc. (Te.); cu_l pregnancy (Ma.); cu_li a pregnant woman (Ta.)(Ka.lex.)
3361.Blockhead: s'un.t.a, s'un.t.ha a blockhead, a dolt (Ka.Ma.Te.M.); cun.t.an- (Ta.)(Ka.lex.)
3362.Distiller: s'aun.d.ika distiller; ma_dhvi_kavikraya, rasavikrayin seller of liquor (Skt.)
3363.Solanum: cun.t.ai solanum torvum, solanum verbascifolium; Indian tree potato (Ta.); cun.t.a solanum pubescens (Ma.); cid. mul. solanum indicum (Ma.); sun.d.e, son.d.e solanum pubescens (Ka.); cun.d.e sp. solanum (Ka.); so_rn.t. a kind of solanum; sun.d.e Indian currant tomato (Tu.)(DEDR 2665). Solanum verbascifolum: dursul (N.); asheta (H.); kalamewa (P.); vidari (Skt.); rasagadi (Te.); malaichundai (Ta.); malanjunta (Ma.)(GIMP, p.230). tu_tu, tu_tu-val.ai, tu_tun.i, tu_tun.ai climbing brinjal, solanum trilobatum (Ta.); tu_taval.am id. (Ma.); kudan., kudan the fruit of solanum pubescens (Tu.)(DEDR 3384). gul.l.a a stout herb, solanum ferox (Ka.); a kind of round brinjal, solanum jacquini; gul.l.-badan solanum ferox (Tu.)(DEDR 1838). Solanum dulcamara: Modern Egyptian Arabic helwa murra (bitter sweet) 'A shrubby perennial growing to 2 m or more, with ovate leaves, violet flowers and red berries. It is a poisonous plant, the medicinal qualities of which have been recognised since the Middle ages... The poisonous stems are used to treat asthma, catarrh, rheumatism and bronchitis. In India it is considered diuretic and is used to treat syphilis. The plant remains were found in the tomb of Tutankhamun.' (Lise Manniche, An Ancient Egyptian Herbal, British Museum Publications Ltd., pp.148-149). Solanum dulcamara: kakmachi (Skt.); rubabarik (P.); anabessalib (Pers.); twigs are used in rheumatism, obstinate cutaneous eruptions, scofula etc.; habitat: from Kashmir to Garhwal, 4000 -8000 ft., Sikkim and Baluchistan (GIMP, p.229).
3364.Fragrance: sugandha fragrant (MBh.Pali); fragrance (Pali); perfume (Ya_j.); suam.dha fragrance (Pkt.); so~dha_ fragrant like fresh earth, pleasing (P.); xonda_ a sweet-smelling plantain; xonda_iba_ to render sweet-smelling with the smoke of some herb (A.); so~da_ smell like that of burnt earth, so smelling (B.); sonh fragrant; sonha_ fragrance (Bhoj.); som.dha perfume; so~dh fragrant (OAw.); sau~dh fragrance; sau~dha_, so~dha_ smelling like fresh earth, fragrant; pomatum (H.); suvanda scent, the sweet-smelling plant kayea stylosa (Si.); so~dha_ pl. a kind of fragrant drug (G.)(CDIAL 13454). sugandhi fragrant (RV.); name of various plants; sugandhika fragrant (Skt.); sugandhi, sugandhika fragrant (Pali); suam.dhi (Pkt.); sundhi scented (MB.); so~dhiya_ a scented grass (H.)(CDIAL 13455). sugandhini a plant with fragrant leaves, pandanus odoratissimus (Skt.); savandana, savandara_, savanna the fragrant grass andropogon muricatus (Si.)(CDIAL 13456). saugandhika fragrant (MBh.); so_gandhika white waterlily (Pali); su~dhi, su~di waterlily (B.)(CDIAL 13613).
3365.Taste: sua_d flavour (Kon.lex.) cutai taste, savour, deliciousness, sweetness (W.)(Ta.lex.) s'r.ta cooked; boiled (water, milk etc.)(Skt.lex.)
3366.Image: the nape of the neck: can.d.u the nape of the neck, the neck (Ka.M.); can.d.a_d.u to strike and break the neck (Ka.)(Ka.lex.)
3367.Image: street, passage: s'era_ end; s'eri_ narrow lane, pass (M.)(CDIAL 5064). ce_ri street, quarters of the Pariahs; town, village, hamlet (Ta.); village of the mullai tract, herdsmen's village (Tol. Po. 18, Urai)(Ta.lex.); assemblage, village street (Ma.); ke.ry, ke.r street, exogamous division in Kota village (Ko.); ke.ry street of Badaga village (To.); ke_ri street (Ka.); ke.ri hamlet (Kod..); ke_ri street, lane (Tu.); ge_ri street, passage (Te.); se_ri_- street, quarter (Pkt.); s'e_ri_ lane, alley (M.)(DEDR 2007).
3370.Name of a family: cot.t.ai an ancient brahmin family (S.I.I. iii,175)(Ta.lex.)
3371.Salutation: co_ttam expr. of salutation from an inferior (Tiv. Periyati. 2,2,6); co_ttu id. (Tirukko_. 173); cf. sto_tra (Skt.)(Ta.lex.)
3372.Longings: s'raddadha_ti, s'raddhadha_na, s'raddhita believes, expects from (RV.MBh.); saddhati believes (Pali); saddahai, pp. saddahia (Pkt.); sa_dha_, sa_da_ to entreat (B.); adahanava_, dahuva_ to believe in (Si.)(CDIAL 12677). s'raddha_ trust (RV.); desire (MBh.); longings of a pregnant woman (Car.); saddha_ faith (Pali.Pkt.); sad.d.ha_ faith, desire (Pkt.); sadha desire (S.); sadhar, saddhur longing (L.); sa_dh, sa_d wish, fancy, pregnant woman's fancy (B.); sa_dha, sa_da (Or.); sa_dh (Bhoj.); sa_dh, sa_d (H.); adavu, sdha, dahilla belief, trust (Si.)(CDIAL 12678). saddha_lu trustful (Pkt.); s'raddha_lu id. (BhP.); having pregnant longings (Skt.); sadha_ro desirous (S.)(CDIAL 12679). cirattai love, affection (Kampara_. Cu_rppan.akai. 52); faith, confidence (Kampara_. Pa_cap. 40)(Ta.lex.)
3373.Pun, play on words: co_t.ittal to exaggerate, elaborate, as speech; co_t.ippu concoction, exaggeration; co_t.in-ai concoction, as of a false case (Ta.); co_t.in-ai-k-ka_ran- one who concocts or fabricates (Ta.lex.) cot.t.ai pun, quibble, play on words; cot.t.ai-k-ka_ran-, cot.t.aiyan- punster, quibbler; cot.t.ai-c-col ridicule (Ta.); cot.t.ai id. (Ta.); sod.d.u imputation (Te.)(Ta.lex.)(DEDR 2837). Ridicule: ko_t.t.i pleasantry, joke, mimicry, grotesque gestures; ko_n.an:ki clown in a play (Ta.); ko_t.t.i, go_s.t.hi grimaces, pranks; ko_t.an:ki buffoon, harlequin (Ma.); ko_d.an:gi id. (Ka.); kod.an:gye id. (Tu.); ko_n.an:gi buffoon; ko_d.igamu, ko_d.i_ ridicule; ko_d.igi~_d.u one who ridicules (Te.)[the ko_t.t.i forms may be from Skt.](DEDR 2206). cf. ko_t.aram monkey (Ta.); ko_d.aga id. (Ka.)(DEDR 2196). ce_s.t.ai fun, pun (Kon.lex.) ce_s.t.e wild capers, mischievous tricks, derision (Ka.Skt.); ce_s.t.ega_r-a a man full of tricks and pranks (Ka.lex.) ce_t.t.ai < ce_s.t.a_ motion of limbs; gesture, gesticulation (Tirukko_. 235); ce_t.t.e id. (Tu.); prank, antic, gambol (W.)(Ta.lex.) ce_s.t.a moving the limbs, gesture; acting; ce_s.t.a_ motion, movement; gesture, action (Skt.lex.)
3374.Image: track: co_t.u trace, mark, footprint; co_t.ai cart-track lying through a field in summer; rut in a road; trace (Ta.); co_tan-ai direction, hint (Kampara_. Ira_van.an--vatai. 6); cf. co_dana_ (Ta.lex.)
3375.Image: to spy: su~_jhan.u to look about, spy here and there, look for (S.); so~jha information, scrutiny (S.)(CDIAL 12530). Smart: cut.t.i intelligent person (Ta.); cu_t.t.ikkai ingenuity, sharpness, smartness; cu_t.t.ukka_ran- witty person (Ta.); cut.t.i smartness, quickness (Ma.); sut.m cleverness, skill (pair-word with pot.m)(To.); sut.i clever, able, powerful; su_t.i smartness, quickness (Ka.); cut.i, sut.i smart, clever (Tu.); su_t.i clearheadedness, method, orderliness (Te.)(DEDR 2656). Learned person: co_takan- learned person (Vina_yakapu. 3,42); co_tittal to assay, scrutinise (Tiruvil.ai. Na_n-ma_t.a. 22); co_titam that which has been examined or reviewed (Ve_ta_. Cu_. 119)(Ta.lex.) Polite, well-bred: sudha_ra grave, polite, well-bred (Or.)(CDIAL 12522). Person of the fourth class: suddi_ fem. (Pali.lex.) s'u_dra man of the fourth class (RV.AV.); s'u_dri_ (Ya_j.); sudda id. (Pali); suddi_ (Pkt.); suddin.i_ (Pkt.); su_dar, su_darn.i_ (P.); suda (Or.)(CDIAL 12564). [The customary enumeration is of 4 grades of van.n.a: khattiya_ bra_hman.a_ vessa_ sudda_ (Vin. ii,239); this is a special sense attributed to Vedic varn.a, van.n.a (Pali)(i.e., van.n.ane, lit. cover, coating: 1. colour, 2. appearance, 3. lustre, 4. beauty) applied as distinguish-ing mark of race or species, thus also constituting a mark of class (caste) distinction and translatable as '(social) grade, rank, caste)(Pali.lex.)]
3376.Image: ant: cutti_ black ant (Go.); codda ant (Pa.); suydi id. (Ga.); horri, harri black ant; hurri ant, red ant; hu_ri, orang black ant; orngu a kind of poisonous ant (Go.); hoyda ant (Pe.); sod.ro a medium-sized black ant (Kui); horovanga pl. a species of biting ants (Kui); horla ant ( = Kui sod.ro)(DEDR 2682). Image: a black ant: kond.ke large black ant (Ga.); go_d.e, go_d.o id. (Go.); godda a kind of black ant, the bite of which is painful; kor-ale a kind of ant (Ka.); gorre-cedalu, gor-r-e-cedalu soldier ants (Te.); kand.a a big ant (Kol.)(DEDR 2096).
3377.Weaver's instrument: cun.t.u-k-kat.t.ai weaver's instrument for driving the shuttle (Ta.lex.) Cotton: tun.t.a-ke_ri_ cotton ; ke_r-r-u light anchor used in warping, cir-unam.ku_ram kedge (English); tun.t.a-ke_rika_ ro_kam a disease which causes swelling in the neck in the shape of cotton fruit (Ta.lex.) tun.t.am a small piece of cloth, cir-u tun.i; tun.t.u id., towel(Ta.lex.) Mensuration tun.t.u bale of tobacco consisting of four small or two large cippam; a bale of betel leaves containing 20 kavul.i (Ta.lex.)
3378.Implement: tun.t.am blade, as of a sword; tun.ai sharp end of an instrument or a weapon; arrow; tun.ai-k-karuvi means to an end; implement, tool, instrument (Nan.297, virut.); tun.ai-k-ka_ran.am instrumental or secondary cause, as the potter's stick or wheel (Tol. Col. 74, Urai)(Ta.lex.)
3379.Image: chin; blubber-lipped; elephant's proboscis: tun.t.am bill, beak, nose, elephant's trunk (Ta.); ton.t.ai, ton.t.alam elephant's trunk (Ta.); dun.d. id. (Ko.); ton.d.alu, ton.d.lu, ton.d.la, sun.d.alu, sun.d.il, sun.d.ila, son.d.alu, son.d.ilu, son.d.lu id. (Ka.); dun.d.u face of a cow, beak (Ka.Coorg); dun.d.i snout, face (insulting)(Kod..); sun.d.ilu, son.d.ilu elephant's proboscis (Tu.); ton.d.amu id. (Te.); son.d.am elephant's trunk (Nk.); ond.i_ id. (Go.)(DEDR 3311). tun.d.a- beak, snout, trunk of an elephant (Skt.)(CDIAL 5853). s'un.d.a_- elephant's trunk (MBh.); sum.d.a_ (Pkt.); sun.d. lip (Psht.Par.); elephant's trunk (H.); sunn, sun.d. (P.); su~r. (N.); xu~r (A.); su_r. proboscis, tentacle (B.); sun.d.a elephant's trunk (Or.); su~_r. (Bi.Mth.H.); su_r.h (Mth.); su~r.h (Bhoj.); su~_r.i (Aw.); su~_d. (H.); son.d.a_ elephant's trunk (Pali); som.d.a_ (Pkt.); su~_d.i (S.); so~d. (M.); sond.aya, hond.aya (Si.); Lip, face: sun.d. lip (Tir.); sun (Kho.); sun.d.i (Phal.); s'ond.a face (K.); s'un.d. mouth (K.)(CDIAL 12516). cibuka chin (Ya_j.); cibu, cibi (Skt.); cubuka (BhP.); chubuka (RV.); cubuka chin (Pali); cibua tongue (Pkt.); ciu~r.o chin (N.); chyu_n (Ku.); cho~t.i, pl. chu~_t.i_ (WPah.); chum, chom (Sh.); chomi (D..)(CDIAL 4820). cf. cappu to masticate, chew (as betel or tobacco)(Ta.) (DEDR 2334). cun.t.u a short beak or bill, lips, snout (Ma.); bill, beak, lower lip (Ta.); ton.n.a, tol.l.a mouth (Ma.); cun.d.u a bird's beak (Ka.); cond. mouth, beak (Pa.); sond.i beak (Ga.); cond.i beak of bird (Pe.)(DEDR 2664). utat.u lip, brim, edge of a wound (Ta.); utat.an- blubber-lipped man (Ta.); utat.i fem. (Ta.); utat.u lip (Ma.); odad.u, odud.u, odaru lip (Ka.)(DEDR 606). cun.t.an pick-axe, pointed, blubber-lipped (Ma.)(DEDR 2664). tut.i lip (Ta.Ka.); dud.i lip, snout of an animal (Tu.); cot.i lip (Ma.); tuc id. (Ko.); ton.d.i id. (Kor.); t.ot.e id. (Go.); toto beak, bill (Malt.)(DEDR 3296). s'umbur. nose (Bshk.)(CDIAL 12518).
3380.Millet: sun.d.ho stubble, roots of corn (S.); sun.d.ha, sud.d.ha_, su~d.ha_ stubble (L.); sun.d.(h)-ga_h second treading out of corn after winnowing (L.); su~d.hiyu~ inferior kind of large millet (G.); su_hur.a_ hull or bran of wheat (P.); su~r.hi_, su~hur.i hull or bran of pulse (P.)(CDIAL 12513). Toddy: cun.t.ai, cun.t.i toddy, intoxicating drink (Ta.); cun.t.am fermented liquor, toddy (Ta.)(Ta.lex.) Liquor: cf. s'un.d.a_ spirituous liquid (Skt.); s'un.d.a juice from rutting elephant's temples (Skt.); su~_d.i_, su~_r.i_ spirituous liquor (H.); s'aun.d.a_ (R.)(CDIAL 12517). s'aun.d.ika_ preparer of spirituous liquor (R.); son.d.ika (Pali); sum.d.ia (Pkt.); su~r.i a caste in Tarai (N.); u~ri distiller (A.); s'un.d.ini_ f. (OB.); su~r.i (B.); sun.d.i (Or.); su~_r.i (Mth.); su~_d.i_, su~_r.i_ (H.)(CDIAL 12519). cu_r pungency (Ta.); bad smell (Ma.)(DEDR 2726). Pill for fermentation: cun.t.i-y-un.t.ai a pill prepared from the bark of the roots of catura-k-kal.l.i, cittirakam, koci and cumin seed, used to produce fermentation in rice and other food (Ta.lex.) Image: small earthen measure: cun.t.a_n- small earthen measure used by toddy-sellers (J.); cun.t.u a small measure; a small vessel; littleness, trifle, smallness (Ta.lex.) cun.t.ai reservoir, tank (Ta.); cf. kun.d.a (Skt.)(Ta.lex.)
3381.Sweeper: cu_hr.a_ a caste of sweepers (P.); cu_ha_r., cu_hr.a a scavenger caste (H.)(CDIAL 4900). cur.hamm acting like a sweeper, shameful and foolish conduct (P.)(CDIAL 4901). cokka purity, cleanness (Ka.Ta.Te.); niceness, elegance, beauty (Ka.); cokka, cokku (Ta.); cokka (Ma.Te.); co_ks.a (Skt.); co_kha_ (M.H.); jo_ke beauty (Te.); cokacu (Ta.); con:gu (Ma.); sogasu (Ka.); cokat.a purity, cleanness (Ka.lex.) To rub: ur..iyuka to rub, stroke, embrocate; ur..iccil massaging, shampooing; ur..iyal shampooing; ur..ivu wiping, polishing; uyiccil massage (Ma.); u_d.u to apply an unctuous substance, smear, anoint (Ka.); duvvu to stroke, rub gently or tenderly (Te.); r.u_c to smear with cowdung (Pe.); r.u_hpa to plaster (Mand..); r.u_sa to stroke, rub, scrape; n. stroking, scraping (Kui); ru_h-, lu_h'nai, lu_spinai to stroke (Kuwi)(DEDR 686a). ir..uku to daub, smear, rub over (as mortar); ir..ai to rub against (as the shoots of the bamboo tree); to rub as to be dissolved, daub, paint, draw; ir..icu to smear, plaster, spread over (Ta.); ir..uka to daub, rub, soil; ir..un.n.uka to be soiled; ir..ukkuka to solder, make dirty; ir..ukkam rubbing, polish; ir..ayuka to rub (as two branches)(Ma.); er..avu to rub, rub off or out, stroke gently; ercu, eccu to smear (Ka.); r.i_z- to draw a line (Pe.)(DEDR 505). udghars.ati rubs together (Skt.); uggham.se_ti (Pali); ugghusai wipes (Pkt.); ughan.u (S.) ugghan. to wipe (esp. the opium from the sliced poppy capsule; whence, uggha_ collector of opium)(L.); ugghat.t.ha rubbed (Pali); ugghit.t.ha-, ugghut.t.ha- (Pkt.); ugat.ho wiped, pp. of ughan.u (S.)(CDIAL 1980). To wipe, sweep: usumu to scour, wash, cleanse; usugu to rub; be chafed (Te.); usm to wipe, apply (Kol.); us- to remove dirt, clean (Nk.); uyk- to rub, rub off; ujip- to wipe, sweep (Pa.); uyk- to rub, rub off (Ga.); usu_ma_na_ to wipe, clean with a cloth (Go.); usma_na_ to wipe; ums-, umis-, umc- id. (Go.); nusge to rub, clean; nusgre to rub oneself (Malt.)(DEDR 576). ujjhti leaves, escapes (MBh.); ujjhati sweeps or brushes away, forsakes (Pali); ujjhai abandons; ujjhiya left, dried up (Pkt.); ujhavvu~ to give up, abandon, close, finish (G.); ujjhar.an., ujjhir.an. to be diminished, be completely divided (L.)(CDIAL 1674). uchati cleans (S'a_n:khGr..); uchati gleans (Pali); um.cha alms (Pkt.); hujjun., hujhun. to sweep, clean (L.); hu~_jhna_ to collect (P.); uciba_ to scrape off leaves, smooth (Or.); u~_chna_ to comb the hair (H.)(CDIAL 1680). cf. ujje_ru, ujveru a pestle; ujid.e, jid.d.e a small mortar (Tu.); usuya_la mortar (Pkt.); uh- (ust-) to husk rice (Pe.)(DEDR 583).
3382.Enemy: cu_d.u an enemy (Te.); ud.uku to be annoyed or pained (Te.)(DEDR 2722).
3383.Image: gold frontlet as a mark of respect: cut.t.i plate of gold worn on the forehead as a mark of distinction (Ta.); mark or jewel on the forehead (Ma.); a kind of frontlet (Ka.)(DEDR 2657).
3384.Image: a cylindrical vessel with open mouth: cot.u-talai a cylindrical vessel with open mouth (Can.. Aka.); co_t.u a measure of capacity equal to four Madras measures; weight equal to 360 grains of paddy (Ta.lex.)
3385.House lizard: jyais.t.hi_ small house lizard (Skt.); jye_s.t.hi_ (Skt.); zet.hi_ (A.); jet.hi_ (B.)(CDIAL 5295).
3386.Image: to run away: sor.ita_na_ to run away; jar.ita_na_ to flee; so_d.i_ta_na_, jo_d.i_ta_na_ to run away; sod.i- to run, flee; sor.i_ to go away, run away; sor.u_s- to lose (Go.); hon- (-t-) to run, flee (Pe.); hun- id. (Mand..); hon.- (hot.-) id.; hotali, ho_nai to run; honpinai to run away (pl. action)(Kuwi)(DEDR 2861).
3387.Purification, washing: ka_r..iyan- washerman, dhoby (Ta.lex. prob. ks.a_l). ks.a_la washing off (Skt.); kha_lia washed (Pkt.); xalav to wash (Gypsy); cha_li deni to wash clothes by treading them (WPah.); kha_ln.o to empty out (water)(Ku.)(CDIAL 3680-3681). calavai (Ta.); tcalava (Te.); salave (Ka.) bleaching or washing of cloth; washed cloth; kar..a_ al washing, cleaning (Purana_. 94,1)(Ta.lex.)
3388.Image: boil: so_ju (pl. so_ska) sore, abscess, ulcer (Kui); ho_yu boil, sore (Kuwi)(DEDR 2898). s'o_pha intumescence, morbid swelling (Sus'r.)[poss. sanskritization of s'o_tha, s'vyatha (S'Br.); s'vyathu (Sus'r.)]; so_pha swelling (Pali); so_ swelling, boil (Si.)(CDIAL 12634). s'r.ta boiled (RV.)(CDIAL 12599).
3389.Image: to weave basket: so_r.hutta_na_ to plait or weave (bamboo screens, etc.)(Go.); sos- (-t-) to weave (Kond.a); r.oc- (-c-) id. (Pe.); huc- (-it-) to weave, plait (mat); to_krina hu_c- to make baskets; huccinai to weave (Kuwi)(DEDR 2895).
3390.Image: profession of informer: s'o_dhyate_ is made clear (Skt.); sam.s'o_yate_ (MBh.); sojhan.u to investigate, search for (S.); sojhi_ intelligence (S.); profession of informer (L.)(CDIAL 12633). co_ttiyam that which requires investigation, correction or improvement (Ta.lex.) so_vu, so_he trace, mark, sign (Ka.); so_vu spying, watching, observing secretly, trace, mark, sign, private intellience, secret information (Tu.); jo_pa (jo_t-) to watch over, guard, lie in wait for; n. guard, watch, lookout (Kui)(DEDR 2892). To see, investigate: cu_r.. (-v-, -nt-) to deliberate, consider, conspire, select, know; n. deliberation, counsel, investigation; cu_r..cci deliberation, consultation, wisdom; cu_t.ci counsel, deliberation; (-pp-, -tt-) to understand thoroughly, investigate carefully; cu_t.iyan- minister; u_r.. (-pp-, -tt-) to think; u_r..ku (u_r..ki-) to meditate (Ta.); cu_pu seeing, sight, look, vision (Ka.); tu_pini, hu_pini to see, look, observe, test, examine, visit, seek, consider, regard; tu_pa_vuni to show; su_k perception, cognition, apprehension; cu_t.i, cu_t.u perception; tu_la, su_la, hu_la to see (Tu.); cu_- id. (Kor.); cu_cu (cu_d.-; imperative cu_, cummu) to see, observe, behold, look at, view; cu_d.iki vision; cu_pu, cu_pincu to show, point at; cu_pu sight, vision, look, glance; cumi_, cu_d.i_ take care! (Te.); cu_r.- to see (Pa.); su_r.-, cu_d.-, su_d.-, u_r.- to see; caus. hur.suta_na_ to show; hu_r.sahta_na_ to reveal; su_ra_l blind; hupsa_na_ to show (Go.); sur.- to see (Kond.a); hur.- (-t-) id. (Pe.); hur.- id. (Mand..); su_r.a (su_r.i-) id.; n. act of seeing, sight; (pl. action)_ su_r.ka (su_r.ki-)(Kui)(DEDR 2735). Image: spy: uca_ subtle examination, inquiry into niceties (Tol. Po. 285, Urai); spy; uca_tal enquiry; seeking information by questioning (Tol. Po. 207); uca_vu (uca_vi-) to take counsel with oneself, deliberate (Pa_rata. Va_ran.a_. 128); inquire of, investigate; hear (Vina_yakapu. 75,84); ucavu (ucavi-) to ponder, deliberate upon (Pa_rata. Patin-e_r..a_m. 221); uyavu (uyavi-) to take counsel, consult (Pa_rata. Cacaya. 2); uya_vu (uya_vi-) to inquire after (Ta.)(DEDR 2892). uca_kkaiyar counsellors (Iraku. Ayan-e. 12)(Ta.lex.)
3391.Porcupine: s'e_dha_ porcupine (Ya_j.); se_dha, se_ha porcupine (Pkt.); seh (L.P.H.); sih (P.); si_h (H.); si~_h (H.); sehi_, si_hi_ porcupine, hedgehog (H.); dumsi porcupine (N.); ser.ha, ser.ho id. (S.); sed.hi_ id. (G.); s'u_ porcupine (Kal.); s'uh, s'u (Kho.); zu_i (Bshk.); s'i_u~ (Phal.); o_s'a_, us'a, us'o_, is'o hedgehog (Pas'.); is'a (Shum.); sa_mi porcupine (Pali); sa_viha (Pkt.); s'ipa_u (Ash.); s'apai, s'ipai (Wg.); spai (Kt.); ispai (Pr.); s'a_u_, s'a_i_ (WPah.); sa_hi, sa_i, sa_i~-mu_sa_ (Or.); sa_hi_ (H.); sa_r-sai_ (M.); sa_hur.i, sa_vr.i_ (G.); cuwar (Dm.); sa_r-sai_ (M.); s'a_yal (WPah.); saulo (Ku.); sa_ya_l., sa_l. (M.); s'va_vidh porcupine (AV.)(CDIAL 12766). s'e_d porcupine (Kol.Nk.); ce_dir (Pa.); se_del id. (Ga.); e_d padi id. (Go.); citru id. (Malt.); ey, ey-ppan-r-i porcupine (Ta.); eyyan, eyyam-panni id., hedgehog (Ma.); ey, eyyi, eyyu, e_du porcupine (Ka.); eppandi id. (Kod..); eyi paji id. (Tu.); e_du, e_du-pandi id., hedgehog (Te.)(DEDR 2776). o_yikkan.e quill of a porcupine (Tu.); soy, so_i_, suy, suy velar., huy padi, hoy, oyyi, oy porcupine; soiyal korr fowl with feathers which stand on end (Go.); soy porcupine (Kond.a); huy (Mand..); hoy (Pe.); soju (pl. soska) id. (Kui)(DEDR 2852). saja_ru, sa~_ja_ru, se~ja_ru porcupine (B.); saja_ru (Or.)(CDIAL 12340). Porcupine: callakam, calliyam porcupine; callam porcupine quill (Ta.lex.) jahaka_ hedgehog (VS.); jaha_, jha_ (L.); jaha_ (P.); jaha_s (L.); ja_haga (Pkt.); ja_ho (S.); ja_ha (L.)(CDIAL 5172). sal.a porcupine quill (Or.); sala id. (Si.)(CDIAL 12344). salala porcupine quill (Si.); s'alali id. (AV.); s'alala id. (MBh.); s'a_yal porcupine (WPah.); saulo id. (Ku.); sa_ya_l., sa_rsai_ (M.)(CDIAL 12348). saja_ru, sa~_ja_ru, se~ja_ru porcupine (B.); saja_ru (Or.)(CDIAL 12340). s'alyaka porcupine (VS.); s'allaka (Ya_n.); s'allaki_ (R.); s'alya (BhP.); s'arya_ (Skt.); sallaka porcupine (Pali); salla_ armadillo (L.); sellaga porcupine (Pkt.); -sayake prob. porcupine (As'.); ka~_t.a_-sariyo hedgehog (G.); ka~_r. porcupine (Pas'.)(CDIAL 12353). cf. s'va_vidh porcupine (AV.)(CDIALO 12766).