4053.Residence for faqirs: takkiya_ < takya (Pers.) residence for fakirs (C.G.) (Ta.lex.)

4054.Taking possession; documentary evidence:{Echo word} ta_kkal < da_khil (U.) registration, entry (W.G.); giving of a notice; reference (C.G.); taking possession, occupancy; connection; takkala_ < da_khila (U.) entry in an account; ta_kki_tu < ta_ki_d (U.) injunction, command, order (W.G.)(Ta.); ta_kku order, command (Kur-r-a_. Tala. Manta. 98); ta_kku-tal to adjust or settle as accounts; to increase the profits of an article; to make up for losses (Ta.lex.) Taking possession (of land): dakhila a receipt for money paid; dakhilau to arrive, to deliver; dakal kar to introduce, e.g. a person (make known) a custom, enter in a register, enroll; da_kal ja to get registered (Kon.lex.) da_khal entering, penetrating; inserted, entered; deposited; registered, filed; enlisted, enrolled, an entry in a book of accounts; taking possession (of land); da_khal daftar placed on record; da_khal kha_raj (lit. inclusion or seclusion) a transfer of land under one name to another name in the government register of landed proprietors, mutation of names; da_khala_ entrance of a wedding party into a city or village; entrance fees; dakhal entrance, access; occupation, possession (P.lex.) ta_kkal < da_khil (U.) registration entry; giving of notice; taking possession (Ta.lex.) Village revenue account: ad.an:gal village revenue account (Tu.lex.) da_khala_tu proof, documentary evidence; da_khalu arrived at, reached (Ka.); da_khala (M.H.); da_khalu entered as into an account (Ka.); dakhala, da_khala (M.H.); da_khalu insertion, entry of an item in an account, deed or register (Ka.); da_khil (H.); da_khalu ma_d.u to present a petition; to enter as money in an account; da_khale examination or comparison of accounts, records etc.; proof, documentary evidence (Ka.); da_khala_ (M.); da_khale gra_ma a village that has branched out from a principal or original one, a subordinate village; da_khale du_khale redupl. (Ka.lex.) Possession: dakhal, dakal, dokol possession; to gain or acquire possession; dakhal-en to claim possession; dakhal-o to pass into someone's possession; da-n-akhal the amount of possessions required; dakhalda_r the actual possessor; dakhil the presentation of a document in court; the deposit of the rent due to the landlord into the court treasury (Mu.); cf. da_khil (Sadani.Arabic)(Mu.lex.)

4055.Image: three strings suspended from either end of a carrying pole: t.rangar.u, t.rangir.i_ network case or bag for carrying thing in (ng < nk); trangar. a large-meshed net for carrying straw, etc. on a camel (L.); ta~_gad. a beast's load of empty oil or ghee vessels (M.); tryankat.a, tryangat.a three strings suspended from either end of a carrying pole (?Mun.d.a origin); ta_nr.a_, ta_mr.a_ to store up (B.)(CDIAL 6085). Image: balance: ta_k, tak large balance (H.); c.akae pair of scales (Sh. < *tarkad.a-); t.rakir.i_, t.akir.i_ (S.); trakkar.i (L.); trakr.i_ (L.); takkar.i_ (P.); t.a~_k guess, estimate (B.); tarka inquiry (Skt.); takka reasoning, argumentation (Si.)(CDIAL 5714). takkat.i balance on the principle of a steelyard (Ta.); takkat.ai a pair of scales (Ta.); takkit.i scales (Ma.); cheating in weighing (Ma.); takkad.i balance (Ka.); large scales (Tu.); takkad.ida_ye one who cheats in weighing (Tu.); takked.a a balance (Te.); takhar.i_ id. (Go.); thakd.i scales (Kuwi); ta_kd.i_, ta_gd.i_ balance, scales (M.)(DEDR App.41). Deceit: takkat.i deceit (Ta.); takkari rogue (Te.); takkali theft, deceit, trick (Te.); takkalika~_d.u thief, deceiver (Te.); takkid.i deceit (Te.); takkula~_d.u a trickish person (Te.)(DEDR App.42). t.hak thief (M.); t.hakn.e_ to be deceived (M.); thakiba_ to deceive (Or.)(CDIAL 5489). t.hagiya cheated (Pkt.); t.hagun to cheat, rob (K.); t.hagan.u (S.); t.hagan. (L.); t.haggn.a_ (P.); t.hagn.o (Ku.); t.hagnu (N.); t.hagiba (A.); t.hagna_ (H.); t.hagvu~ (G.); t.haga thief (Pkt.); t.hag (Sh.K.L.Ku.A.B.H.G.M.); t.hagu (S.); t.hagg (P.); t.haga (OAw.); t.hak thief (Pas'.M.); t.haka_na to deceive (B.); t.hakiba_, t.haka (Or.); t.hakab, t.hak (Mth.); t.hakn.e~ to be deceived (M.); t.ha~_u~ knavery (G.)(CDIAL 5489). cf. thug (English) cf. d.a_ku_ robber (P.); d.a_ka_ robbery, band of robbers (P.)(CDIAL 5543).

4056.Rude; idle talker: dagad.i, dan.t.i a rude, dissolute or licentious female (Ka.); dha_n:gad.a a gallant (M.H.); dagal, dagalu, tagalu, tagulu trick, fraud (Ka.); dagala (M.H.); dagalba_ji roguery (Ka.M.H.); dagal a knave, a dishonest person, an idle talker (Ka.); dagalba_ja (M.H.); daga_ba_ji id. (Ka.); dage_ba_ja (M.H.); dage, d.age, daga_, takka_ deceit, fraud (Ka.M.H.); daga_kho_ratana bamboozling, deceiving (Ka.); daga_kho_ra a dishonest man, a knave (Ka.); dage_kho_ra (M.H.)(Ka.lex.) dan:ge, d.an:ge tumult and confusion, as of a mutiny or an insurrection (Ka.); dan:ga_ (M.H.); dan:ge outrageous anger (Ka.M.H.); bullying, dunning (Ka.Te.); dan:ge-ga_r-a a man who raises a tumult or uproar; a tumultuous or rebellious man; d.an:ge-ga_r-a (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) d.in:gu crook; d.in:go crooked (S.); d.i~g lie (G.); d.iger unpleasant, bad (Kt.); d.in:gar vile (B.); d.in:gara rogue (Or.); rogue, servant (Skt.); d.in:gara_ wicked (Or.); d.in:gar rogue (H.); dha~_gad. rude, loutish (M.)(CDIAL 5524). t.on:ku crookedness (Ta.); d.on:ku (Te.Ka.)(Ta.lex.) takilan- < tagara (Te.) cheat, deceiver (Ta.lex.) dakiti < dhagari (U.) exclamation of defiance, surprise; takit.ikkai < dhakdhaka_na (H.) id. (Ta.lex.) takkat.i < takkid.i (Te.) guile, deceit; treachery, insidiousness, villainy; rudeness; falsehood, lie (Ta.)(Ta.lex.) Balance: {Echo word} takkat.i < takkad.i (Ka.) balance on the principle of a steelyard (G.Sm.D. I,i,284)(Ta.); takke_d.a (Te.); takkat.ai a pair of scales (C.G. 91)(Ta.lex.) takkad.i a balance or pair of scales (Ka.); takkid.i (Ma.); takked.e (Te.); ta_gad.i_, ta_java_ (M.)(Ka.lex.) akkad.i-takkad.i fraud in weighing or measuring, deceit in words etc. (Ka.lex.) Image: furrow: akkad.i, akkad.e a furrow for growing especially different kinds of pulse between two furrows of the main crop (Ka.lex.) cf. t.hagiya cheated (Pkt.); t.ha~_gu~ knavery (G.)(CDIAL 5489). To moralize: ten:gna_ (tin:gyas) to tell, narrate, explain; ten:grna_ to confess, profess; tin:ga_ba'-ana_ to moralize, preach, impress upon, inculcate; refl. pass. tin:ga_rna_ (Kur.); ten-ge to tell, point out, relate (Malt.)(DEDR 3409). cf. dha_k pomp, boasting (N.)(CDIAL 6769). cf. d.a_kn.o to lecture, chide (Ku.)(CDIAL 5516). Confusion: dan:ge, d.an:ge tumult and confusion, as of a mutiny or an insurrection (Ka.); dan:ga_ (M.H.)(Ka.lex.) te_n:ku (te_n:ki-) to be puzzled, be in trepidation; tiyan:ku (tiyan:ki-) to be confounded, deluded; tiyakku (tiyakki-) to cause confusion, confound; tiyakkam bewilderment, delusion (Ta.); te~_gu to be afraid, shake, tremble (Te.); te_gali a_va to be confused, confounded (Kui)(DEDR 3454).

4057.Image: to resemble: takai-tal to resemble (Tol. Po. 287)(Ta.lex.)

4058.Float, raft: takkai float, raft (Ta.)(DEDR 3012). takkai trunk of a palm tree thrown across a channel to bridge it; dried stalk of great millet or castor plant used as tinder; takkam cavity in the palla_n:kur..i board made empty during a game; takkam attachment (Cir-upaca. 77); stability (Par..a. 362); takai binding, fastening (Man.i. 24,175)(Ta.lex.)

4059.Eagle-wood; aromatic; incense: cf. kakko_la bdellium (Pali); takko_la (Pali)(CDIAL 2586). kakkola a species of plant bearing a berry, the inner part of which is waxy and aromatic (Jain.Skt.) gavala-kaco_ra a kind of bad-smelling kaco_ra, kakko_laka, ko_laka; gavulu, gavalu, gavul.u a fetid smell as that of sweat or of oil on the body (Ka.lex.) takko_lam betel-leaf and areca-nut; ruddy black plum, cir-u na_val; takko_li a kind of eagle-wood, used as incense (Cilap. 14, 108, Urai.)(Ta.lex.) takko_laka the aromatic fruit of clerodendrum inerme; takko_la the tree pimenta acris; a particular fragrant drug, dvije, hare_n.u, re_n.uka; illicium anisatum (Ma.); clerodendrum inerme heyne (Te.); different kinds of perfume (Ta.)(Ka.lex.) Pimenta racemosa = pimenta acris: kattukkaruva (Ta.); gandamenasu (Ka.); kappalmulaku (Ma.); powdered fruit: used in flatulence, dyspepsia, diarrhoea; habitat: west Indies (GIMP, p. 193). Pimenta acris: Myrcia oil (oleum myrciae) or bay oil is a volatile oil distilled from the leaves of pimenta racemosa or pimenta acris (fam. myrtaceoe), a tree indigenous to the West Indies. It yields phenols. It is a yellow or brownish yellow liquid with an agreeable aromatic odour and a spicy, pungent taste... Bay oil contains eugenol, methylchavicol, cineol, aldehydes... It is used in the preparation of compound spirit of myrcia (bay rum), in toilet waters and perfumes, in the scenting of soaps etc... Pimenta officinalis yields allspice oil, used as an aromatic and condiment... (Heber W. Youngken, Textbook of Pharmacognosy, Philadelphia, The Blakiston Co., 1950, p. 600). kharbari clerodendron infortunatum (Santali.lex.) tarka_ri_ clerodendrum phlomidis (Car. Ci. 8.176, 26.38). cf. kakka_la (Skt.) ka_koli_, ks.i_raka_koli_ roscoea procera (Car. Su.4.1,2,19). Clerodendrum inerme: kundali (Skt.); lanjai (H.); bonjoi (B.); vanajai (M.); nirnochi (Ma.); pinarichanganguppi (Ta.); takkolakamu (Te.); juice of leaves: alterative, febrifuge; leaves: in form of poultice used to resolve buboes; juice of root: alterative; root: by boiling in oil a liniment is obtained which is useful in rheumatism; resin, gum; habitat: throughout India near the sea (GIMP, p.71). Clerodendron inerme, clerodendron neriifolium: kundali, kshudragnimantha (Skt.); garden quinine (Eng.); benjuen, bonjoi (B.); dariajai (G.); koivel, vanajai, lahankhari narval (M.); binjoam, sagan-kuppi, chhoti-arni (H.); nirnotijil (Ma.); pinasangam-koppi (Ta.); pishinika, utichettu, erup-pichha (Te.); naitakkilay (Ka.); volkmeria (Fr.); wael-buraenda (Si.); it is called 'garden quinine' on account of its intense bitte taste; habitat: common shrub on the eastern and western ghats of India near the sea-coast; Ceylon; parts used: leaves, and juice of the root and the leaves... action: tonic, febrifuge and alterative; leaves are musilaginous, bitter and fragrant... (Indian Materia Medica, p. 352).

4060.Dunning: taga_de urging for payment, dunning (Ka.); taga_da_ (M.H.); taga_de a claim, suit, or dispute (Ka.H.)(Ka.lex.)

4156.Image: hindquarters: t.iki hindquarters (Santali.lex.) Image: body below waist: trakh, trakas lower part of backbone (where three bones are said to meet)(K.); tikk waist, loins, body below waist (P.); trikkal back; trikkul neck (L.); trika loins, hips, part between the shoulders (Sus'r.); tiya buttock (Pkt.); trikat.ik ankle-joint (Ash.); tregard (Kt.); cigi_ (Pr.); chik shoulder (Pas'.)(CDIAL 6019). d.eke, d.uke the hip; d.ubhi the hip-joint (Santali.lex.) trika the lower part of the spine or regio sacra; the part about the hips (Skt.Ka.)(Ka.lex.) cf. jra_mbu (pl. jra_pka) udder (Kui)(DEDR 2364). Waist: t.ikir waist (Go.); t.ikur. buttock (Kui); t.ik'uri, t.ikun.i, t.ikun.(i), t.ik'ur.i id. (Kuwi); tika_ne_ waist (Kol.)(DEDR 2953). d.aka_ waist (Wg.); d.a~_k, d.an. back (Dm.); d.ag (Shum.); d.a_g (Wot..); d.aka (Gaw.); d.hak (Kal.); d.ha~_k back (Kal.); d.a_k waist (Bshk.); d(h)a_k back (Bshk.); d.a_k, d.a_g back (Tor.); d.a_g, d.a_ (Mai.); d.o_k waist, back (Phal.); d.a_ki back, small of back (Sh.); d.ha_ka hip (S.); d.ha_k (L.); side, hip (P.)(CDIAL 5582). d.e_t.i waist (Kui); t.ed.eli, tidelli, ted.eli id. (Kuwi)(DEDR 2972). t.on:ka the hip and loins, waist (Ka.); loins, hip (Tu.)(DEDR 2980). t.o~_ thigh (Pr.); s'ro_n.i usu. du. hip and loins, buttocks (RV.); so_n.i_ buttock (Pali); so_n.i hips (Pkt.); cu~_, cru~_ thigh, hip (Wg.); cu~_ inside of thigh (Kt.); ustru~, ustru~_runa hip (Kal.); s'ron buttocks, pudenda, hip (Kho.); hin.a waist (Si.); s.u_n navel (Ash.); s.un.ik (Wg.); s.un. (Kt.Gaw.)(DEDR 12729). Back: d.ogor (pl. d.ogod.l) back (Kol.); d.ogor per.eka back-bone (Go.); t.o_koli rear part of the cranium, base of the skull (Kui)(DEDR 2979). Image: loins, waist: t.onka the hip and loins, waist (Ka.); loins, hip (Tu.)(DEDR 2980). t.am.ka leg (Pkt.); t.an:ga (S.); t.an:g (L.P.); t.a~_g (Ku.); t.a_n. (N.); t.a_n:ka leg, thigh (Or.); t.a_n:ku thigh, buttock (Or.); t.a_n., t.en.ri leg, thigh (B.); t.a~_g, t.a~gri leg, foot (Mth.); t.a_n., t.an.ari leg (Bhoj.); t.a~_g (Aw.H.M.); leg from hip to foot (G.); t.a~_go id. (G.)(CDIAL 5428).

4089.Images: notch; cup-like depression: d.an:kad a small cup-like depression in the ground; a round and deep sore; to make a small cup-like depression in the ground; d.avkad-o of such a depression, to be made; with affixes ange or ge in the form of a cup (Mu.); d.eke a notch, an indent, a jag made into wood or metal or in a wall; d.eke-o to be indented, notched, jagged, knotted (Mu.)(Encyclopaedia Mundarica, p.1193; p. 1197).

4099.Artificial pond: t.am.ka ditch, reservoir, shore (Pkt.); t.a~_kh underground reservoir of water (H.); t.a~_ku~ reservoir (G.); t.a~_ki_ cistern, small well (G.); t.a~_ke~, t.a_ke~ hole dug in rock as a boundary mark, reservoir, cistern (M.)(CDIAL 5430). ?tank (English). Hollowed tree; hollow bamboo: t.hon:ga a piece of hollow bamboo; t.un:ki small bamboo basket; t.ukri bamboo basket; con:ga a bamboo pipe; cun t.honga lime bamboo box (Santali.lex.) cf. dun:gi a small boat; d.hon:ga a boat of hollowed tree (Santali.lex.) t.on:ku hole in a tree or wall (Ta.); to_kkuka to bore a hole into vessel or fruit containing a liquid (Ma.); do_kari instrument for grubbing up grass (Ka.); to_guni to grub up the grass (Tu.); do~_ku, d.o~_ku to dig slightly so as to loosen the soil for weeding, pare the ground cutting up the turf; d.on:gu hollow in a tree (Te.); t.o~_k inner part of an anthill (Ga.); doga hole in a tree (Kond.a); t.u_ki nest of a white anthill (Kui)(DEDR 2990). cf. d.okka shell (Te.)(DEDR 2989). cf. tokre shell (Kol.)(DEDR 2978). Images: gap in a wall; bend in baskets: cokkar-ai bend in baskets, walls, etc; breach or gap in a wall, hedge or mound (Ta.lex.); cokkutal to be pressed in, bent in, as the surface of a wall, the edge of a mat, a basket (Ta.lex.) d.oge, doge to make a hole, to excavate a hole (with the hand, a crow, the nails or claws etc. (Ka.); cf. d.ogar-u, d.o_r-u, dogar-u, do_r-u a hollow, a hole in a wall, in a tree, in the ground (Ka.); do_ku (Te.); t.on:ku (Ta.); d.on:gu id. (Te.); d.ogar-u bi_r..u a hole to be formed (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) tor-alu, tor-al.e hole; tor-e, d.or-e hollow, hole (Ka.); tor-a, tor-at.a, tor-r-a hole, cavity in a tree (Te.); dora hole in tree (Go.)(DEDR 3533).

4091.Shallow place: tha_ga shallow place; tha_ha bottom, depth, deep water (Pkt.); stha_gha base, bottom, ford, shallow; stha_gam. labhate_ is established (Skt.); tha_h plunging oneself into water (K.); tha_hu bottom (e.g. of sea)(S.); tha~_ bottom (L.); ha_th sounding (L.); tha_h bottom, depth (P.); tha_hu la_un.i_ to understand (P.); tha_ bottom (Ku.); tha_ha_ bottom, depth, understanding (N.); tha_iba to be within one's depth (A.); tha_, tha_i bottom, ford (B.); tha_h bottom, depth (Mth.Aw.H.); tha_ base; tha_v bottom (M.)(CDIAL 13748). thaggha, thaggha_ bottom, bottom of water (Pkt.); tha~_g trace of stolen property, track, clue (H.); tha_g bottom, depth, exact spot (G.); tha~_g bottom, depth, exact spot (of a thing lost and sought)(M.); tha~_ga_ place (M.)(CDIAL 13749). sthagan.a_ the earth (Skt.); thaha resting-place (Pkt.) thahu station, place, fixed abode, bottom (S.); tha_ boundary (Ku.); thai depth, bottom of a sheet of water (B.); tha_ro boundary (marked by stone hung in a sling)(N.); tha_k, tha_g boundary (G.); tha_k boundary pillar (H.)(CDIAL 13738).

4071.Image: trough: tagar.e a trough; tagar.re suri aur cunko sipia they mix surti (or surki ground bricks) and lime in a trough (Santali.lex.)

4275.Image: big pot:{Echo word} tat.avu-t-ta_r..i big jar (Ar..akar. Pil..); tat.a_ a kind of earthen grate, kan.appu-c-cat.t.i, i.e. earthen vessel with charcoal etc. used for warming oneself; a kind of grate used in Indian households(Ta.lex.) tat.t.aka bowl for holding food, flat bowl (Pali > tat.t.am eating plate, salver (S.I.I. ii,419)(Ta.lex.); a flat plate (Ma.); tat.t.u anything flat, plain surface (Ta.); a flat plate of metal or wood (Ma.); level ground (Tu.); tat.t.a tray, salver, plate (Ta.); a wide basket (Ga.); basket of medium size (Go.); flatness, levelness (Ka.); tat.t.e id. (Ka.); any flat plate except eating vessel (Kod..)(DEDR 3035). ta_t. rimmed metal dining plate (M.); tat.t.e~ small metal tumbler (Ko.); tat.uva metal vessel, dish (Si.)(CDIAL 5631). cf. tat.t.uga a flat kind of trough for serving boiled rice (Tu.)(DEDR 3035). tat.a_ pot, big pot (Tiva_.); big pot (nar-uney yorotat.a_ vun.n.a : Tiv. Periya_r... 1,2,4); largeness, greatness (Kalla_. 8,15); tat.avu id. (Pur-ana_. 199); tat.a large, big, full (Pur-ana_. 14,11)(Ta.lex.) tat. big clay pot into which milk is collected at milking (Ko.); churning vessel (To.)(DEDRE 3027). t.and.i small pot, cup (Pa.); t.andi earthen pot of medium size (Go.); t.a_nd.i pot (Pe.); ta_nd.i id. (Kuwi)(DEDR 2946). Image: burial urn; pot with a wide mouth: ta_r..i burial urn: (ta_r..iyir- kavippo_r : Man.i.6,67)(Ta.lex.) ta_r..i large pan, pot, or vessel with a wide mouth (Tiruva_ca. 24,6); jar, burial urn (Man.i. 6,67)(Ta.); an earthen washhand basin (Ma.); takar..i, takal.i bowl of a lamp, plate from which food is eaten (Ta.)(DEDR 3182). stha_li_ earthen dish (Skt.); tha_li_, tha_la plate, dish (Pali.Pkt.); ta_l iron tray (Sh.); tha_l metal platter (K.L.P.Ku.A.B.); thoji large metal platter (K.); tha_lu (Si.); tha_'l. (WPah.); tha_l.a id. (Or.); tha_ri_, thariya_ (Bi.); tha_r (Bhoj.); thariya_ (Aw.H.); tha_la_ (H.); tha_l. flat dish (G.); tha_l.u~ basin of a well (G.); tha_l.i_ dish (M.); tha_li_ cooking pot (H.); tali-ya cooking pot (Si.); teli (Md.); tha_l., tha_l.i_ hole in the ground to hold fire (H.)(CDIAL 13766).

4276.Image: censer: tat.avu censer, tu_pa-k-ka_l, censer-stand (Tiruvil.ai. Mu_rttivi. 28)(Ta.lex.)

4072.Images: lampstand; bowl of a lamp: takal.i = takar..i bowl of a lamp (Tiva_.); plate from which food is eaten, dish; takar..cci camphor; takal.i bowl of a lamp (Tiv. Iyar-. 1,1)(Ta.); tan.t.u tube, anything tubular; bamboo receptacle (Ka_cippu. Tirukkan.. 36); tan.t.u lampstand (tan.t.in-in- r-eriyun takal.i : Kalla_. 23,33) (Ta.lex.) tagad.u metal beaten into a plate, a flat piece or sheet of metal (Ka.Te.Ta.); tagad.u, tagid.u (Ma.); takat.a (M.)(Ka.lex.)  Image: burial urn; pot with a wide mouth: ta_r..i large pan, pot, or vessel with a wide mouth (Tiruva_ca. 24,6); jar, burial urn (Man.i. 6,67)(Ta.); an earthen washhand basin (Ma.)(DEDR 3182). ta_r..i burial urn (ta_r..iyir- kavippo_r : Man.i. 6,67)(Ta.lex.) stha_li_ earthen dish (Skt.); tha_li_, tha_la plate, dish (Pali.Pkt.); ta_l iron tray (Sh.); tha_l metal platter (K.L.P.Ku.A.B.); thoji large metal platter (K.); tha_lu (Si.); tha_'l. (WPah.); tha_l.a (Or.); tha_ri_, thariya_ (Bi.); tha_r (Bhoj.); thariya_ (Aw.H.); tha_la_ (H.); tha_l. flat dish (G.); tha_l.i_ dish (M.); tha_li_ cooking pot (H.); tha_l., tha_l.i_ hole in the ground to hold fire (H.); tali-ya cooking pot (Si.); teli (Md.)(CDIAL 13766). ? a_r..i circle, ring, discus weapon (Ta.); roundness (as of disk, ring, etc.)(Ma.); roundness, a circle, a discus (Ka.); a_re potter's wheel (?Go.)(DEDR 398).

4098.Image: stone-cutter's chisel: t.an:kam < t.an:ka stone-cutter's chisel (Ta.lex.) cf. t.an:ka-s'a_le a mint (Ka.); t.an:kasa_le (Te.Ka.)(Ka.lex.) Mace, cudgel; chisel: t.an:kam mace (Ma.); t.an:ke, d.an:ke, d.an:gi, d.an:ge staff, cudgel, etc. (Ka.)(DEDR 2940). t.an:ka stone mason's chisel (Pali); spade, hoe, chisel (R.); t.an:ga sword, spade (Skt.); t.am.ka stone-chisel, sword (Pkt.); t.ho~ axe (Wot..); t.hon. battle-axe (Bshk.); t.hen. small axe (Bshk.); tunger axe (Tor.); t.ho_n:gi (Phal.); t.on:guru a kind of hoe (K.); t.a~_gi adze (N.); t.a~_ki_ chisel (H.M.); t.a~_k pen nib (G.M.); t.a_n.i battle-axe (Or.); t.a_n:gi stone chisel (A.); t.a_n:g, t.a_n:gi spade, axe (B.); t.a~_ga_, t.a~_gi_ adze (Bi.); t.a_n.i_ axe (Bhoj.); t.a~_gi_ hatchet (H.)(CDIAL 5427). t.an:kita-maca a stone (i.e.chiselled) platform (Pali); t.a~_kvu~ to chisel (G.); t.a~_kn.e~ (M.)(CDIAL 5433). t.angi axe (Didey); t.angia id. (Bonda); t.anga big axe (Asur); t.angeja small axe (Asur); t.engoc small axe (Santali); t.anga axe (large) (Santali). (S.Bhattacharya, Some Munda Etymologies, 1966, p.29). Image: staff, cudgel: t.an:ke, d.an:ke, d.an:gi, d.an:ge a staff, a cudgel etc. (Ka.); t.an:ga (Ma.); tey, tay to strike, beat (Ta.Ma.)(Ka.lex.) Rod, spike: t.an:g projecting spike which acts as a bolt at one corner of a door (K.); t.a_n.o rod, fishing rod (N.); t.a_n.i measuring rod (N.); t.a~_k iron pin, rivet (H.); t.a~_ki thin iron bar (Ku.)(CDIAL 5428). dasi stake, pointed wooden peg, silver in the foot (Ka.); a painted (?pointed) palmyra stick, a stake (made of wood) (Tu.); dasiku a pointed wooden peg (Ka.)(DEDR 3017). d.a_ha_ piece of wood fastened to neck of cattle to prevent straying (L.); da_so rooftree (Ku.); beam (N.); da_sa_ broad and thin piece of stone or wood (H.); da_s'a_ lath used to reinforce a thin wall (M.)(CDIAL 6318).

4052.Anvil: d.a_gili an anvil (Ka.); d.a_kallu, da_gali (Te.)(Ka.lex.) nehae, ni~ha~i an anvil (Santali.lex.)

4061.Cudgel; stalk, stem: d.an. a pole; banak d.an. a pole with a hook at one end used to pull down dried branches or fruit from trees (Santali.lex.) t.hinga_ stick (P.); t.hi~ga_ stick, block socket for post (M.); t.hi~gd.a_ cudgel (M.); t.hi~_ga_ stick (P.); t.hya~_gro, t.hen.ro stocks, fetter (N.); t.hen:ga_ cudgel (B.Or.); t.he~ga_ bludgeon (H.); stick (M.); t.he~gd.a_ cudgel (M.)(CDIAL 5500). d.aku stick put up to keep a door shut (S.); d.akaru stick, straw (S.); d.akka_ straw (P.); d.akkra_ bit of anything (P.); d.a~_klo stalk, stem (N.); d.an:ga_ stick (Pkt.); d.a_n. thick stick (A.); pole for hanging things on (B.); d.a_n:ga stick (Or.); d.a~_g club (H.) > stick (P.G.); club, mace (K.); d.a~_go, d.a~goro, d.a~goru~ stick (G.); d.a~garn.e~ short thick stick (M.); d.a~_gl.i_ small branch (M.); d.a~_s'i_ (M.)(CDIAL 5520). [cf. dasiku a pointed wooden peg; dasi stake (Ka.); a stake (Tu.)(DEDR 3017).] ta_n.n.u support, a vault, staff of a spear (Ma.); t.a_ku a support, a vault (Ka.); ta_n:gu a support, prop (Tu.)(DEDR 3153). Punt, pole: ta_n:ku to row, pole, as boat; ta_n:ku staff of a pike; ta_n:ku-ko_l punt pole; support (Ta.lex.) Image: club: d.o_n.i club, cudgel (Ka.); don.n.e, d.on.n.e id. (Ka.Tu.); don. big club (Ko.); don.n.e club (Kond.a); don.elu club (Tu.)(DEDR 3502). d.angi, d.ange staff, cudgel, etc. (Ka.); d.anke, t.anke id. (Ka.); t.ankam mace (Ma.)(DEDR 2940). t.in:gri_ bough (L.); t.in:gar contemptuous term for a tall and thin man (N.); t.ikorn.e~ stick (M.)(CDIAL 5460). To endure; support: tagun to be possible, be known how to be done (K.); tagan.u to last, endure (S.); tagn.a_ to persevere, hold out (P.); tagnu to last, endure (N.); tagn.e~ (M.)(CDIAL 5625). taxma strong (Av.); tancis'ta superlative of strong (Av.); ta~_gr.o strong (Ku.); tan:grinu to get better in health (N.); ta_n.ariba to improve (A.)(CDIAL 5627). To uphold, support; attack: d.a_ku an attack (Ka.); d.a_n:ka_ an attack of robbers (M.H.); d.ha_ke inroad, invasion (Te.)(Ka.lex.) ta_n:ku (ta_n:ki-) to uphold, bear up, support (Tiruva_ca. 6,1); protect, guard (Perumpa_n.. 18); to give shelter, rest (Kalit. 20); to bear (Kur-al., 151); to oppose, attack (Tol. Po. 76);[cf. ta_kku attack, assault; army, forces (Ma_r-an-alan.. 440)(Ta.); ta_gu attack, assault (Ka.)(Ta.lex.)]; ta_n:kunan- saviour, protector (Perumpa_n.. 18); ta_n:kal supporting; enduring, bearing (Kantapu. Pa_n-uko_pa. 40); ta_n:ki support, prop, defence; one who supports (Perunto. 1153)(Ta.lex.) ta_n.n.u support (Ma.); ta_n.n.uka to support, keep, sustain; ta_n.n.al support (Ma.); ta_n.n.ikka to make to support (Ma.); ta.ng- (ta.ngy-) to support (burden), endure, make to escape from death or ill-treatment (Ko.); to.g- (to.gy-) to support (burden); be stuck in branch; delay (To.); ta_n:gu to support, keep, sustain, bear up; t.a_ku a support (Ka.); ta.ng- (ta.ngi-) to lean; ta.k- (ta.ki-) id.; ta_n., ta_k leaning (Kod..); ta_n:gu a support, prop; ta_n:guni to assist, help, prop, support; sustain; ta_n:gol.ipuni to support; ta_nkuni to take care of, nourish, foster (Tu.)(DEDR 3153). cf. ca.k- (ca.yk-) to make to grow, rear, support (Ko.); sa_n:kuni to foster, nourish, nurse, bring up, take care of, protect, shelter (Tu.)(DEDR 2427).

4062.To butt against: d.an:ga to fight, or strike each other; a free fight; to assault (Santali.lex.) cf. tunra of a buffalo or bullock with long protruding horns, to butt against, to poke another buffalo or bullock (Encyclopaedia Mundarica, p.4510). Blow; attack: ta_kku dash, blow, clash (Ta.); ta_n:ku to hit against, strike (Ta.); ta_kkuka to hit, touch, beat (Ma.); ta_ku, ta_gu, ta_n:gu to hit, strike or dash against, collide with, attack; ta_pu to hit, strike, attack (Ka.); ta~_ku to hit, attack, touch, encounter, oppose in battle; n. combat, attack (Te.); ta~_cu to kick; ta~_pu a kick (Te.)(DEDR 3150). Hammer, clatter: onom. t.ha_kun to hammer (K.); t.haka_u clatter (S.); t.hak-t.hak (P.); t.hakt.hakya_unu to knock against; t.ha_k-t.huk thumping and bumping (N.); t.hakkar collision (N.); t.hak-t.hak clatter (A.B.H.G.M.); t.haka-t.haka (Or.); t.aka-po_ruva piece of board (po_ruva) hung on a tree to frighten birds (Si.)(CDIAL 5487). Images: kick; butting; knock: ta_kku to attack, assault, pounce upon, charge (Ta.); ta_guni to come in collision or contact with (Tu.)(DEDR 3150). t.akaru knocking the head against anything,butting (S.); t.akara collision (K.); t.akkara id. (Pkt.); t.akkara_ blow on the head (Skt.); t.akkar pushing, knocking (P.); shock, jerk (Ku.); t.akar obstacle, collision (N.); t.akkar blow (B.H.G.M.); t.akkara, t.a_kara (Or.)(CDIAL 5424). Image: blow: t.akkar blow (B.H.G.M.); t.akkara, t.a_kara id. (Or.)(CDIAL 5424).

4063.Image: bullock; horned cattle: d.an:gur bullock (K.) horned cattle (L.); d.a~gar horned cattle (L.); d.an:gar cattle (P.); d.an:gara (Or.); d.a~_gar old worn-out beast, dead cattle (Bi.); dhu_r da~_gar cattle in general (Bi.); d.a_n:gar cattle (Bhoj.); d.a~_gar, d.a~_gra_ horned cattle (H.); da~_gar id. (H.); d.hagga_ small weak ox (L.)(CDIAL 5526). d.an:gra an ox, a bullock; mun.d.ra d.an:gra a polled ox; ran:gia d.an:gra a red ox; d.an:gri cattle in general, a cow (Santali.lex.) [cf. kot.u (Ta.) > d.o_ng (Kuwi) bent, crooked (DEDR 2054). cf. mat.an:kal bending, being bent, crook, angle (Ta.)(DEDR 4645)]. d.ege old, weak (Wg.); d.a_g, d.ye_g old (Wot..); d.aga (Gaw.); d.a~_go lean (eg. of oxen)(Ku.); d.ha~_go lean; skeleton (Ku.); d.a~_go male of animals (N.); d.a_n. wicked (A.); d.a_n:ga one who is reduced to a skeleton (Or.); dan:gor lazy (Bashg.); d.angur, d.angaras fool (K.); d.an:gar stupid man (P.); d.a_n.re large and lazy (N.); d.in:gar contemptuous term for an inhabitant of the Tarai (N.); d.in:gar vile (B.); di~glo lean, emaciated (Ku.); d.in:gu crook; d.in:go crooked (S.); d.in:ga_ (L.P.); d.i~go, d.in:go abusive word for a cow (N.); d.hagga_ small weak ox (L.); d.han:garu lean emaciated beast (S.); d.hin:garu id. (S.)(CDIAL 5524). t.u_n.d.a_ decrepit (L.); t.un.d.a one who has a naturally crooked or withered arm (K.)(CDIAL 5468). d.ha~_kal., d.ha~_ku_l. old and decaying, bare of leaves etc. (M.); d.han:garu lean emaciated beast (S.); d.in:gu crook; d.in:go crooked (S.); d.in:ga_ (L.P.)(CDIAL 5524). ton:ku-kir..avan- decrepit, old man (Ta.lex.) Strong: tumra big, strong (RV.); trum, trom to dare; trom to be able (Gypsy)(CDIAL 5873). Images: hanging down (of breasts); hunched up: t.on:ku < d.on:ku (Te.) crookedness (Ta.); d.on:ku id. (Ka.)(Ta.lex.) dhokar.a decrepit, hanging down (of breasts)(Or.); duk hunched up, hump of camel (Kho.); doku hump-backed (K.); d.okro, d.okhro old man (Ku.); d.okra_ old, decrepit (B.); decrepit (H.); old man (M.)(CDIAL 5567). d.osa, d.usa having a maimed or bent body (from disease etc.)(K.)(CDIAL 5563).

4064.Blacksmith: t.ha_kur blacksmith (Mth.)(CDIAL 5488). d.a_n.ro term of contempt for a blacksmith (N.); d.a_n.re large and lazy (N.); d.an.ura living alone without wife or children (A.); d.a~_gar, d.a~_gra_ starving (H.); d.an.or unwell (Ash.); dan:gor lazy (Bashg.); d.angur (dat. d.anguras) fool (K.); d.a~_go lean (of oxen)(Ku.); d.a~_go male (of animals); d.a_n. wicked (A.); d.a_n:ga one who is reduced to a skeleton (Or.); d.i~glo lean, emaciated (Ku.); d.i~go, d.in.o abusive word for a cow (N.); d.in:gar contemptuous term for an inhabitant of the Tarai (N.); d.in:gara rogue (Or.); d.hagga_ small weak ox (L.); d.han:garu, d.hin:garu lean emaciated beast (S.)(CDIAL 5524). A tribe: d.ha~_gar., dha~_gar a non-Aryan tribe in the Vindhyas, digger of wells and tanks (H.); dhan:gar herdsman (H.); d.ha_n:gar. herdsman, name of a Santal tribe, young servant (Or.); dha_n:gar.a_ unmarried youth (Or.); dha~_gad. rude, loutish (M.); f. hoyden (M.)(CDIAL 5524). t.an:kan.a, t.an:gan.a name of a people living northwest of Madhyades'a (R.); t.am.kan.a a non-Aryan tribe (Pkt.)(CDIAL 5454). [cf. association of blacksmith and goldsmithy terms: t.an:ka-ca_lai < t.an:ka-s'a_la_ mint; t.an:kan.am borax (Ta.lex.) t.an:ka stone-cutter's chisel (Ta.lex.); spade, hoe, chisel (R.); stone-mason's chisel(CDIAL 5427). t.an:kam mace (Ma.)(DEDR 2940)].

4065.Image: chief man, village headman: takka_r worthy, virtuous people, the noble, impartial upright persons (Ta.); takal fitness (Ta.); takai greatness, superiority, dignity, mercy (Ta.); takke chief man, headman of village, man who superintends property and ceremonies of a god (Kod..); takka (pl.) chief family (Kod..); tagavu justice, virtue, presents given by parents to their daughter at the time of her marriage (Te.); tagl preparation of half the village lands for sowing while the other half is under crops (Ko.); tev- (tevt-) (woman) has anticipatory menstruation ceremony before village festival (Ko.); taku to get ready (Ta.)(DEDR 3005). takko_r worthy persons (Ta.); tak-appan- father (Ta.Ma.)[ta.k father (Ko.); ta.k ammaner parents (Kol.); ta_k, ta_k-jaran (j=dz) father; amma ta_k parents (Nk.)(DEDR 3152)]; takku largeness, greatness, exalted position (Ka.); tagu, tavu to be proper, suitable, worthy, competent; tagan duly, properly (Te.)(DEDR 3005). Rajput, chief man of a village: t.hakkura idol, deity [cf. d.hakka_ri_-), title (prob. originally a tribal name; ?non-Aryan borrowing of s'akvara bull, mighty (AV.)(CDIAL 12256); sakka Indra (Pali.Pkt.); s'akra mighty (RV.); Indra (MBh.)(CDIAL 12255)]; t.hakkura Rajput, chief man of a village; takur barber (Kho.); t.akur (Sh.); t.hokur idol (K.); t.hakuru fakir, term of address between fathers of a husband and wife (S.); t.ha_kar landholder; t.haukar lord (P.); t.ha_kur master, title of a Rajput (Ku.); term of address from slave to master (N.); a Brahman (A.); barber (Bi.); blacksmith (Mth.); lord, master (Bhoj.Aw.); master, landlord, god, idol (H.); jungle tribe in North Konkan, family priest, god, idol (M.); t.hakuri a clan of Chetris (N.); t.ha_kura_ni_ goddess (A.); mistress, goddess (H.); t.ha_kura_in id. (H.); t.ha_kura_ni, t.ha_kra_n, t.ha_krun honoured lady, goddess (B.); t.ha_kura term of address to a Brahman, god, idol (Or.); t.ha_kura_n.i_ goddess (Or.); t.ha_kor, t.ha_kar member of a clan of Rajputs (G.); t.ha_kra_n.i_ wife of a member of a clan of Rajputs (G.); t.ha_kor god, idol (G.); tacourou title added to names of noblemen (Si.)(CDIAL 5488). Relations: takappan-ma_r title of Mutuvar, a hill tribe, used by outsiders (E.T.v,86)(Ta.lex.) takka_r (Ta.); tagunava_ru (Te.); takkava_ru (Ka.) worthy, virtuous persons, the noble (Kural. 446); impartial, upright person (Kural. 114); relations (Ta.lex.) t.ha_ku_ra an object of reverence or worship; a honorific title, Tagore (Ka.); t.hakkura (Skt.); t.ha_kuri_ state of credit and reputation in the world (M.)(Ka.lex.)

4066.Image: bald spot; head, esp. forepart: t.akure~, t.akori_, t.akule~, t.akuli_ slang term for head, esp. fore part (M.); t.akkal bald spot (M.); t.ha_kera_ bald (Or.); t.a_k bald patch (B.)(CDIAL 5422). Spot: d.a_ku, d.a_gu a spot, stain, blot; a mark put on cattle with a red-hot iron; inoculated cow-pox (Ka.); d.a_ga (M.H.); d.a_gu (Te.); t.a_ku (Ta.)(Ka.lex.)

4067.Love, embrace: takku love, affection (Ka.); tan:kai, takavu (Ta.); tan:ga (Ma.); takku desire (Ka.); takke, t.ikke, tarke, tar..ke, tar..pu, tekki, tekke embracing; an embrace; takke-gondisu to link (to one's self) for an embrace, to embrace; takkeysu, tarkayisu, tarkavisu, tar..isu to embrace; takke the amount of wood etc. that can be grasped with the arms at once; takke-kol. to embrace (Ka.lex.) tar..u embracing; tar..uval a handful of ears of grain; tar..uvu (tar..uvi-) to clasp, embrace, hug, entwine; adopt as an opinion or course of life, treat kindly, make friendship, surround, compress, contain, keep within oneself, mix with, join, copulate; n. embracing, clasping, armful; tar..u_u embracing, uniting, women's dance with clasped hands; tar..a_l embrace, union (Ta.); tar..ukuka to embrace, also of sexual embrace, hold fast (Ma.); dab- (daby-) to put arms around; takc- to carry in arms under the cloak; ka.l tek id.- (it.-) to sit with feet crossed, throw in wrestling by hooking opponent's leg with one's own (Ko.); tak lap, act of sitting on lap under cloak; tes'kwil.- (tes'kwid.-) to hug; tel.k, sel.k crook or circle of arms (To.); tar..ke, takke an embrace (Ka.); tar..keysu to embrace; tarbu, tabbu to embrace, clasp in the arms as a quantity of wood etc., that can be taken in the arms at once; tabbisu to cause to embrace; tekke embracing, an embrace (Ka.); tabb- (tabbi-) to embrace (Kod..); tarkon.uni to hold up in one's arms as a sick person; tarvelu holding up in the arms (Tu.)(DEDR 3116). takke, t.ikke, tal.aku, tekke joining, coupling; an associate, a mate (used of animals); an accumulation, a number of persons or beasts assembled together, a putting together (of clothes etc.); takke ha_ku to tie any restive animal to a tame one (Ka.lex.) tohop to grasp (Santali.lex.)

4068.To tremble, to unsettle:{Echo word} d.agamagai trembles (Pkt.); d.agd.aga_un.a_ to tremble (P.); d.agmag trembling (P.); d.agmaga_n.o to hesitate (Ku.); d.agnu to recoil; d.agd.aga_unu, d.agmaga_unu to tremble (N.); d.agmag trembling (B.); d.agad.aga briskly, hastily (of walking)(Or.); d.agri_ winnowing basket; d.agmag trembling (Mth.); d.agd.aga_na_, d.agmaga_na_ to tremble (H.); d.agai quivers (OMarw.); d.agvu~, d.agd.agvu~, d.agmagvu~ to tremble (G.); d.agn.e~, d.agd.agn.e~, d.agmagn.e~ to tremble (M.); d.aga_gn.e~ to totter (M.); d.akan.u to tremble; d.akad.akato just caught (of a fish)(S.); d.aknu to harass (N.); d.akd.akn.e~ to tremble (M.); d.ed.ek to tremble (Ash.); d.t.kyitum, dtkye (Kt.); d.ad.ek (Wg.); azuzu (Pr.); d.igna_ to unsettle (H.); d.igmig trembling (H.); d.igai fails (OMarw.); digmiga_unu to shudder at one's food (N.)(CDIAL 5522). d.ha_kar a kind of large basket; d.ha_ki basket (N.)(CDIAL 5574). d.age fear, danger of tottering or of failing (Ka.); d.aga (M.)(Ka.lex.) To confuse: cf. tiki, tikir fright, terror (Ta.)(DEDR 3202). cf. tikku (tikki-) to stammer (Ta.)(DEDR 3210). tikai (-pp-, -tt-) to be taken aback, confused, perplexed, bewildered, be astonished, amazed; n. amazement; tikaippu amazement (Ta.); tix- (tix0-) to take to heels, bolt away; tixi- (tixt-) to make (buffaloes) stand in swamp (i.e. confused and unable to run away) before they are caught and killed at funeral (To.); tikkalu state of being confused or deranged of mind (Ka.); tikamaka intricacy, confusion, perplexity; tikamaka-gonu, tikamakal-a_d.u to be puzzled, perplexed, confused; tikka madness, craziness; mad, crazy; tikka-gonu to become mad; tikkat.amakkat.a confusion, perplexity (Te.)(DEDR 3207). Terror: tikil, tikir fright, terror (Ta.); digi.l. in- (id-) to be thunderstruck or astounded because found out in wrong-doing (Ko.); digil, digilu, digalu, digulu, dhigil consternation, horror, alarm, fear (Ka.); digilu fear, alarm, cowardice (Tu.); digulu fear, alarm (Te.); tiyel fear (Kond.a); tiyeli ki- to frighten (Kond.a)(DEDR 3202). tikai amazement (Ta.)(DEDR 3207).

4069.Image: pile: thaho pile; thahi_ small pile (S.); thaha_ pile (P.); tha_k pile of things placed one on another (N.); tha_k shelf (A.); layer (B.); tha_ka recess in wall, layer (Or.)(CDIAL 13738). takat.u layer of earth (Ta.)(DEDR 2995). dha_ya layer, stratum (Kaus'.)(CDIAL 6786).

4070.Banner: t.akkiyam, t.akkayam, it.akkiyam flag, swallow-tail banner, standard hoisted on a car (Ta.); t.akke, t.ekke, t.ekkeya, t.hekke banner, standard (Ka.); t.ekkemu, t.ekkiyamu flag, banner (Te.)(DEDR 2938). Image: banner: tukil ensign, tukir-kot.i banner, flag ; tukirikai, tukilikai picture; sandal paste (Ta.lex.)

4073.Gold-embroidered silk: takat.i gold-embroidered silk (Ta.); tagat.i id. (Te.) (Ta.lex.) cf. takat.u foil set below a precious stone to enhance its luster; metal plate (Kampara_. Nakarni_. 28)(Ta.lex.) Thin metal plate: takat.u quality of being thin and flat, metal plate, leaf blade (Ta.); takat.u, takit.u thin metal plate, spangle (Ma.); takit.a copper leaf written over and worn as an amulet (Ma.); tagad.u metal beaten into a plate, flat piece or sheet of metal (Ka.); thin metal plate (Tu.); takat., takt.e_ metal beaten into a plate or leaf (M.)(DEDR 2995). Tin: takaram tin, white lead, metal sheet, coated with tin (Ta.); tin, tinned iron plate (Ma.); tagarm tin (Ko.); tagara, tamara, tavara id. (Ka.) tamaru, tamara, tavara id. (Ta.): tagaramu, tamaramu, tavaramu id. (Te.); t.agromi tin metal, alloy (Kuwi); tamara id. (Skt.)(DEDR 3001). trapu tin (AV.); tipu (Pali); tau, taua lead (Pkt.); tu~_ tin (P.); t.au zinc, pewter (Or.); taru_aum lead (OG.); tarvu~ (G.); tumba lead (Si.)(CDIAL 5992). cf. Alloy: tara_ alloy of 8 parts of copper to 5 of tin, used for making metal vessels (pukar.. tara_-p-po_kkillai)(Cine_n-. 169)(Ta.lex.)

4074.Nelumbium speciosum: pa_bor.o thorns of the water-lily nelumbium speciosum, pod of the giant swallow-wort calotropis gigantea (S.)(CDIAL 8080). phaji_ synonym of padmacara_t.i_ (Car. Su. 27.98). pus.kara inula racemosa (Car. Ci. 1-1.63, 3.213); pus.kara_khya id. (Car. Ci. 8.101); pus.kara_hva id. (Car. Ci. 12.60). pus.karapatra leaves of pus.kara (Car. Ci. 14.218). pus.karabi_ja seeds of pus.kara (Car. Su. 26.84, 27.119, Ci. 3.258). puskaramu_la root of pus.kara (Car. Su. 4.30,37).

4075.Redwood: padmaka [a Nepalese timber tree yielding a red wood; padmaka prunus cerasoides (Car. Su. 4.8,47) padma_ synonym of ca_rat.i_ (Car. Su. 4.31); ca_rat.i_ inula sp. (Car. Ci. 9.45,52); padmaca_rat.i_ id. (Car. Ci. 23.55). padmaka wood of cerasus puddum (MBh.); a kind of tree (R.); padmavr.ks.a cerasus puddum (Skt.); padmaka the tre costus speciosus or arabicus (Pali); pa_ya~_ the wild cherry prunus puddum (Ku.); paiyu~ (N.)(CDIAL 7771). padma_t.a a medicinal plant, cassia tora or alata (Ka.lex.) prapuna_t.a, prapuna_d.a the tree cassia tora (Sus'r.); prapum.nad.a, prapum.na_t.a, prapum.na_da, prapum.na_la (Skt.); pdma_t.a (Bhpr.); pum.na_t.a, pum.na_d.a (Skt.); pan.a_a, pama_d.a, pama_ra, pa_ma_d.a, po_ma_d.a cassia tora (Pkt.); pa~wa_r., pu~wa_r. (H.)(CDIAL 8689). bhed.a deren. cassia tora (Santali.lex.) [bhed.a deren. 'ram's horn', a common annual, cassia tora the leaves of which are eaten as a pot herb (Santali.lex.) 'Watt reports that in India the seeds (of cassia tora) are used in dyeing and along with indigo' (Medicinal Plants of the Philippines, p.387.)

4076.Tanner's senna: Cassia tora = cassia toroides = cassia foetida = cassia obtusifolia = cassia tagara: takarai fetid cassia, cassia tora (Ta.); takara id. (Ma.); tagaci, tagarce, cagace cassia occidentalis (Ka.); tange_d.i cassia auriculata (Ka.); tagara id. (Te.)(DEDR 3003). cakragaja, cakramarda cassia tora; used as a remedy for ringworm (Skt.); cakwa~d., cako~r. id. (H.)(CDIAL 4546). taravat.a cassia auriculata (Skt.); tarvad., tarod. cassia auriculata or tora (M.); tad.vad.a_ a small kind of myrobalan (Pkt.)(CDIAL 5705). a_va_rai, a_virai tanner's senna, cassia auriculata; Tinnevelly senna (Ta.); a_va_kai T.senna (Ta.); a_viram c. auriculata (Ma.); a.vrm (obl. a.vrt-) id. (Ko.); a_varike gid.a id. (Ka.)(DEDR 391). {Watt, G.A., A dictionary of economic products of India, Calcutta, Vols. 1-6, 1885-1893 reports the use of the seeds of cassia tora in India in dyeing and along with indigo. The ether extract soluble in water solution of potash yields a blood-red colour. (Elborn, W., A proximate analysis of the seeds of Cassia Tora, Pharm. Jour. Ser.3,19 (1888), pp.242-243.)}. The etymon a_virai is cognate with the morpheme for indigo : avuri, aviri indigo plant, indigofera tinctoria (Ta.); avari, amari (Ma.); aviri id. (Te.)(DEDR 269). cakaod.a cassia tora (Santali.lex.) cakramarda cassia tora (Skt.); chakundia (B.); chakaund (H.)(Sanskrit Materia Medica, Uday Chand Dutt, p.156). dadrughna cassia alata (Skt.); dadmardan (B.H.)(Sanskrit Materia Medica, Uday Chand Dutt, p.156). Senna: cf. kon-r-ai Indian laburnum, cassia fistula; red Indian laburnum, cassia marginata; Siamese tree senna, cassia siamea (Ta.)(DEDR 2175). Cassia acutifolia, cassia angustifolia: synonyms: senna leaves; alexandrinische senna (Ger.); sene d'Alexandrie (Fr.); Indian or Tinnevelly senna; indische senna, sennesblatter (Ger.); sene de tinnevelly; feuilles de sene (Fr.); introduced by Arabian physicians into Europe; part used: the dried leaflets; habitat: the middle and upper Nile districts of Africa; Arabia and Africa; Indian senna is grown in southern India (Tinnevelly senna); use: senna leaflets and pods are extensively used as a purgative. (Heber W. Youngken, Textbook of Pharmacognosy, Philadelphia, The Blakiston Co., 1950, pp. 459-465). Cassia angustifolia: hindisana (H.); sonamukhi (M.); sanna-makki (B.); nila virai (Ta.); nela-tangedu (Te.); nila vaka (Ma.); leaves and fruits: laxative, purgative; sennoside believed to be the laxative principle of senna has been isolated; cultivated in South India in Tinnevelly, Madura and Trichinopoly districts (GIMP, p. 54). Cassia angustifolia, Indian Senna, Tinnevelley Senna. 'Cultivated for the medicinal senna, sold and used as a laxative... sennosides rank among the more important pharmaceuticals of plant origin... A paste made from powdered leaves in vinegar is applied to skin ailments and to remove pimples. A mixture of powdered senna seed and gurmala (cassia fistula) made with curds is a useful ointment for the cure of ringworm.' (James A. Duke, Handbook of Medicinal Herbs, 1985, p.102). cf. iral.i, ir-ali cassia (Ta.); r-e_la purging cassia, cassia (cathartocarpus) fistula (Te.inscr.)(DEDR 477). Cassia fistula: a_ragu, a_ragvadha the tree cassia fistula (Ka.lex.) svarn.adru, svarn.apus.pa cassia fistula (Skt.); suvarn.aka cathartocarpus fistula (Bhpr.); xona_ru cassia fistula (A.)(CDIAL 13521). pragraha synonym of a_ragvadha, cassia fistula (Car. Ka. 8.3, Si. 10.30). suvarnaka (Skt.); amaltas (H.); sundali (B.); konnei (Ta.); rela (Te.); bhava (M.); root, bark, seeds and leaves: laxative; seeds: emetic; root: astringent, tonic, ferbifuge; juice of leaves: in skin diseases; habitat: throughout India (GIMP, p. 54). a_ragvadha cassia fistula (Car. Su. 1.84, 2.10, 3.3). nu~r.u~c cassia fistula (Santali.lex.) {An Egyptian ointment scented with lilies was much esteemed, particularly if the smell of lilies was strong... ingredients for the oil of lilies: sweet flag, myrrh, scented wine, cardamom, one thousand lilies, crushed cardamom, crocus, cinnamon... Both cinnamon and cassia are mentioned in the Bible... Egyptian perfume called megaleion was made of burnt resin and balanos oil to which is added cassia, cinnamon and myrrh. (Lise Manniche, An Ancient Egyptian Herbal, British Museum Publications Ltd., p.51; p.89)}. "Cassia fistula, cathartocarpus fistula... a good medicine for purging... the Arabs calls it hiarxamber (Persian, khiyar-i-chambar, i.e. 'cucumber of necklaces' from its long strings of golden flowers)... Avicenna has chiarsamdar... comdaca (konna, i.e. the king) is the form it takes with the Malabar people and Canarese, while the Gentios of our land of Goa have bava simgua. The Deccanis and Brahmasis have bava simgua, the Guzeratis and Deccani moors gramalla (girmala of Gujerat). They call it tree baho among the people of this Canarese country... The flowers are yellow, like those of broom, and the scent is like that of green cloves..." (G. De Orta, pp.112-117). Cassia fistula, cathatocarpus fistula: purging cassia, cassia pods, Indian laburnum; casse officinale (Fr.); purgiercassie (Ger.); part used: the dried fruit; habitat: India; use: as a laxative. (Heber W. Youngken, Textbook of Pharmacognosy, Philadelphia, The Blakiston Co., 1950, pp. 469-470). a_ragbadha, suvarn.aka cassia fistula (SKt.); amultas (H.); sondhali (B.): 'The tree is uncommonly beautiful when in flower, few surpassing it in the elegance of its numerous long pendulous racemes of large bright yellow flowers, intermixed with the young lively green foliage." Hence, perhaps, the Sanskrit name of ra_jataru or king of trees (Uday Chand Dutt, Sanskrit Materia Medica, p.156). 'Da Orta writes that the Arabs were the inventors of the use of the pulp of the fruit (of cassia fistula). He adds that Arabs have given such a good medicine for purging without trouble or injury to the patient.' (loc. cit. Medicinal Plants of the Philippines, p. 381). kakke, kakki cassia fistula (Ka.); kakke id. (Tu.); kat.ukkai Indian laburnum, cassia fistula (Ta.); ke.ki id. (Kod..)(DEDR 1081). Cassia tora = cassia obtusifolia: chakramarda (Skt.); dadamari (Skt.); chakunda (H.B.); tagarai (Ta.); tantemu (Te.); takla (M.); decoction of leaves: laxative; leaves and seeds: in skin diseases, for ringworm and itch; a pleasant smelling fixed oil (5%); habitat: throughout India as a weed (GIMP, p.55). Synonym: prapunna_d.a cakramarda (Car. Su. 3.13). ka_s'amarda cassia occidentalis (Car. Ci. 17.99, 18.117).

4077.Wax-flower: takaram wax-flower dog-bane, tabernaemontana; aromatic unguent for the hair, fragrance (Ta.); takaram tabernaemontana coronaria (Ma.); tagara id. (Ka.); t.agara (Pkt.)(DEDR 3002). Tabernaemontana coronaria, tabernaemontana heyncana: nandivraksha, tagara (Skt.); chandni, tagar (H.); siulicop, tagar (B.); East Indian rose-bay wax-flower plant, ceylon jasmine (Eng.); nandivardhanamu (Te.); nandiyavertam, gandhitagarappu (Ma.); maddarasagida (Ka.); vadli namdit (Konkan.i); is met with in Bengal and south India. Root contains resin, extractive matter and a bitter alkaloit... root or bark is chewed for the relief of toothache... root rubbed with lime-juice is applied to remove opacities of the cornea... milky juice of leaves is dropped into the eye to cure ophthalmia. (Indian materia Medica, p. 1189). cf. tagara a shrub with fragrant white flowers, cultivated in gardens, tabernaemontana coronaria (Ka.lex.) takara-ja_r..al an aromatic unguent for the hair, mayircca_ntu (Nan-. 368, Mayilai.); tagaram wax-flower dog-bane, tabernae montana (Ci_vaka. 349); aroamtic unguent for the hair (Kur-icip. 108); fragrance (Aka. Ni.)(Ta.lex.) tagara the shrub tabernaemontana coronaria and a fragrant powder obtained from it (Kaus'.); tagaraka (VarBr.S.); sthagara, sthakara a partic. fragrant powder (TBr.); tagara (Pali); takara (Dhp.); tagara, t.ayara a kind of tree, a kind of scented wood (Pkt.); tuvara, tra a species of cassia plant (Si.)(CDIAL 5622). tagaravalli_ cassia auriculata (Skt.); tuvarala_ an incense prepared from a species of tabernaemontana (Si.)(CDIAL 5624). tagara tabernaemontana coronarea, an ingredient of perfumes (Jain.Skt.); bignonia chelonoides (Skt.); delphinium brunonianum (Car. Su. 4.42, Ci. 3.268). nata synonym of tagara (Car. Su. 3.23,28). Delphinium ajacis: larkspur seed, field larkspur, feldritterspornsamen (Ger.); part used: the dried ripe seed; habitat: Europe; use: externally as tincture as a parasiticide in pediculosis; internally its action resembles aconite. (Heber W. Youngken, Textbook of Pharmacognosy, Philadelphia, The Blakiston Co., 1950, pp. 337-338). Aromatic unguent: kokke-gid.a tabernaemontana coronaria a shrub with fragrant flowers cultivated in gardens (Ka.lex.); kokke-ka_yi fruit of the tree tabernaemontana coronaria (Tu.)(DEDR 2035). nandi bat.lu gid.a a shrub with fragrant white flowers, cultivated in gardens, tabernaemontana coronaria (Ka.); nandya_varta, nandi-vat.t.a (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) The juice of the flowers is mixed with oil is used to relieve the burning sensation of sore eyes; is rubbed into the head to cure pain in the eyes. (Medicinal Plants of the Philippines, p.739). Ervatamia coronaria = ervatamia divaricata = tabernaemontana coronaria: tagar (B.M.H.Skt.); nandiyavattam (Ta.); gandhitagarapu (Te.); wood: refrigerant; milky juice: used for diseases of eye; root: acrid, bitter, used as local anodyne and chewed for relief of tooth-ache; habitat: upper gangetic plain, Garhwal, E. Bengal, Khasia Hills, Assam, N. Circars and hills 9f Vizagapatam (GIMP, p.110).

4078.Betel-nut: sthakaram, sthagaram a betel-nut; sthagika_ the office of betel-bearer; sthagi_ a betel-box (Skt.lex.) ?sthagala > ta_mbu_li_ betel (Skt.lex.)

4079.Butea frondosa; Bengal kino; Butea gum: takaru pun-amurukku, puracu, butea frondosa (Ta.lex.) Butea superba: lata palas (Skt.); palas lata (H.B.); kodimurukkan (Ta.); leaf juice: given with curds and yellow zedoary in heat-eruptions of children; gum-kino; habitat: forests of Oudh eastwards through Bihar and Bengal to Assam, and southwards to Burma; common central and south India. (GIMP, pp.42-43). cf. Butea frondosa: palasha (Skt.); gum: astringent; gum -- Bengal kino (GIMP, p.42). takarai fetid cassia, cassia tora (Ta.); takari pinnate-leaves honey sweet tree, meliosma arnottiana (Ta.); takaru palas tree, pun-amurukku (Ta.); punaminna (Ma.); pun-a-murukku = puracu battle of plassey tree, butea frondosa (Pata_rtta. 212)(Ta.lex.) parn.a the tree butea frondosa; muttula gid.a (Ka.lex.)[Pa_n.ini refers to both parn.i_ and tagara; perh. connoting them as distinct species; cf. tagara tabernaemontana coronaria with fragrant white flowers (Ka.lex.)]. tagara delphinium brunonianum (Car. Su. 4.42, Ci.3.268); Delphinium brunonianum: laskar (P.); juice of leaves: used to destroy ticks in animals; habitat: Western Himalayas and Tibet 13,000-17,000 ft. (GIMP, p.92). "Bark furnishes a very important exudation which hardens into a red brittle resin known as butea-gum or Bengal kino or magugo, largely used as a substitute for the kino in India and to a limited extent in Europe also." (Indian Materia Medica, p. 223).

4081.Name of a town: tagara name of a town (Skt.); Ter (M.)(CDIAL 5623).

4082.Borax: t.agara, borax (Si.Skt.) t.angan.a, t.anka, t.ankaks.a_ra borax (Skt.); t.a_kan:kha_r brute borax, tincal (M.); t.a_ngan.a_ id. (Or.); dana_ka_r borax, alum (Kho.) < Prob.Ir., cf. Persian tanga_r (CDIAL 5431. 5437). Borax, gold: ran:ga, ran:gada borax (Skt.); run. saline ground with white efflorescence, salt in earth (Kho.)(CDIAL 10563). run:got solution of saline earth (Kho.)(CDIAL 10573). cf. ka_ram pungency; caustic, alkali (Ta.); different salts (Ma.); ka_ra pungency; alkali; caustic (Ka.); ka_ru saltness; salt, brackish (Te.)(CDIAL 1466). Prob. influenced by ks.a_ra (Skt.)[for extension of meaning, to pungency?] Chrysocolla: "Crisocola, or 'gold solder' or 'terra virdis' or 'green earth' of our older pharmacists is a bi-borate of soda, found in its crude form in Cashmere, Ladakh, and Thibet. Its Sanskrit name is tankana, in Hindustani tangar, in Arabic tinkal, and in modern European commerce 'tincal'; taken, it is thought, from the people (the tagganoi of Ptolemy), who import it into India on their little pack-ponies called tangun... It is called borax and crisocola, and in Arabic tincar, as well as in Guzerat. It is very little used in Indian medicine, or for skin diseases or surgery. Nor do we use it much, except in unguents, or for the teeth. As merchandise, ther is a demand in all parts, for gold and other metals to be well conglutinated. As to whence it comes, there is a mine or a mountain distant from the city of Cambayete about a hundred of our leages, and it is brought for sale to amadabar, and to the borders of Chitor and Mandou in great quantity, for in all those lands a great deal is used." (G. De Orta, pp. 162-163). suha_go borax (S.)(CDIAL 13618). [A basic brazier's flux in metallurgy, smelting operations]. saubha_gya red lead used for marking forehead of a woman whose husband is alive (Skt.)(CDIAL 13618).

4083.Threshold; sill: d.r.a_pa to step over, overflow; n. step, sill, threshold (Kui)(DEDR 1109). de_hali_ sill, threshold (Skt.lex.) dewal, deuli heap of earth (N.)(CDIAL 6559). d.akhil on the threshold (Santali.lex.) it.ai-kar..i intermediate space between the entrance door and the second doorway in an Indian dwelling house, it.ai-k-kat.t.u (Tiv. Iyar-. 1,86)(Ta.lex.) tal.vot.i threshold (Kon.lex.)

4084.Image: attack: ta_kkal striking, attacking (Kur-al., 486)(Ta.lex.)

4085.Running; walking; image: to attack: ta_k to walk (Pa.Ga.Go.Kuwi); ta_n(g) id. (Pe.); ta_ka id. (Kui)(DEDR 3151). ta_vu (ta_vi-) to jump up, leap, skip over, leap over, cross, spring upon, attack, fly, spread, be luxuriant; n. jumping, leaping, moving, going, galloping; tavvu (tavvi-) to leap, jump, spring, tread gently, boast, be arrogant; n. hopping, jumping, leaping (Ta.); ta_ attacking, rushing, jumping (Ta.); ta_vuka to rush in upon, spread (Ma.); ta_gu to jump, skip, leap over (Ka.)(DEDR 3177). Running; attack: dha_va running (Pali); dhavva speed (Pkt.); dha_va_, dha_i_ running, assault, invasion (P.); dha~_i~_ attack (Ku.); dha_wa_ speed, attack (N.); dha_wa_, dhewa_ war (A.); dha_oya_ running (B.); dha_a~_, dha~_ haste; dha_i~ walking fast (Or.); dha_wa_ speed, attack (H.); dha_v running (M.); dhaur. race (WPah.); dha_ur.a race (Or.); dha_ur.i attack (Or.)(CDIAL 6800). dha_vaka one who runs in: purato_-dha_vaka forerunner (R.); dha_va_ messenger (P.)(CDIAL 6801). cf. ta_k- to walk; ta_kip- (ta_kit-) to make to walk (Pa.); ta_k- to walk (Ga.Go.Kuwi); caus. ta_ksta_na_, ta_ksahta_na_, ta_kmar. walking (Go.); ta_n(g)- (ta_nt-) to walk (Pe.); ta_n- id. (Mand..); ta_ka (ta_ki-) id.; n. act of walking; ta_ngu (pl. ta_kaka) hoof (Kui); ta_kali, ta_kinai to walk (Kuwi)(DEDR 3151). dha_vati runs, flows (RV.); dha_vayati makes run, drives (S'Br.); dha_vati runs (Pali); dha_vai, dha_ai, dha_i (Pkt.); thab to run, flow; thavd-, tavd-, daua_r hastens, runs, flows (Gypsy); daw to run (Pas'.); dha_w (Par.); dawun to run (K.); dhau~nu to walk (K.); dha_van. to enter with a rush, pervade (L.); dha_un.a_ to run, make an attack (P.); dha_unu to follow closely, go to and fro, frequent (N.); dha_iba to run, rush into battle (A.); dha_oya_ to run (B.); dha~_iba_ (Or.); dha_eb (Mth.); dha_vai (OAw.); dha_wna_, dha_na_ to run, hasten (H.); dha_vu~ (G.); dha_vn.e~, d.ha~_vn.e~ (M.); dha~_vta_, da_u (Konkan.i); dhaurab to run (Aw.); dha_vad.n.e~ to run, make run (M.); dhau~tulnu to run (K.); dhabr.nu (pret. dhavr.a_)(WPah.); dhupiba_ (Or.); da_w to make run (Pas'.); deik to make run; to run, gallop (Kho.); dei to run (D..)(CDIAL 6802). dha_vana running (Sus'r.); attack (Skt.); dha_vana running (Pali); dha_van.a (Pkt.); dha_un.i_ attack (P.); dha_uni frequenting, going to and fro (N.); dha_van., dha_vn.i_ running, pursuit (M.); dha_vayati makes run (Skt.)(CDIAL 6804). dhua~_ running (Or.); dhava man (Naigh.); husband (BhP.)(CDIAL 6765a). dhavate_ runs (RV.); dawun to run (K.); dhavvu~ to rush to (G.)(CDIAL 6766). dawun, dhau~u runs, flows (K.)(CDIAL 14648). Image: to leap: ta_vu to jump up, leap; to skip over (Maturaik. 332); cf. dha_v (Skt.); ta_vu to leap over, cross (Kampara_.); to pace out a distance (Kur-al., 610)(Ta.lex.) tavvu hopping, jumping, leaping; tavvutal to leap, jump, spring (Tiruva_lava_. 30,32); tavu id. (Ka.); tavut.u running, galloping (Ta.); daur (U.)(Ta.lex.) Jumps: tr.pra hasty (RV.); trap leap (Psht.); trap to run (Dm.) dap (Gaw.); t.rapan.u to frisk, leap, throb (S.); trappan. to jump (L.); trappun., trappan.a_ (L.); t.appn.a_ to skip, jump; trappana_ to jump over (P.); t.a_pn.o to leap, jump over, cross (Ku.); t.apnu to jump over, go in front (N.); t.apiba_ to jump over (Or.); t.a_pna_ to jump, be restless (H.); t.apvu~ to leap, jump over (G.); t.a_p fretting (M.); t.apkanu to jump, skip; t.apka_unu to filch; pas'u-trp stealing cattle (RV.); t.apka_na to leap over (B.); t.apakiba_ (Or.)(CDIAL 5727). sam.dha_vati runs together (AV.); arrives at (MBh.); runs through (births)(Skt.); sandha_vati runs through, transmigrates (Pali); sam.dha_vai runs (Pkt.); sana_-am I run (Wg.); sa~_dha_na to go into, penetrate (B.)(CDIAL 12912).

4086.Long: dra_ghman length (MaitrS.); dra_ghma_ in length, along (RV.); drag ridge, side or swell of a mountain where people rest on their way up (K.)(CDIAL 6629). d.ri_nja (d.ri_nji-) to be elongaged, lengthened; adj. elongated, lengthened; pl. action d.ri_ska (d.ri_ski-); d.ru_ inba, d.ru_su inba to be lengthened, stretched, drawn out, opened out; d.ru_nja long, lengthened, stretched out, drawn out; d.ru_na in a long-drawn-out manner (Kui); ni_lba (ni_t.-) to be standing (corn), stand, be set up (Kui); niluwu long (in measuring)(Kuwi); ni_l. (ni_l.v-, ni_n.t.-) to be long, be great; n. length, extension, elongation, long time, duration, height, tallness, loftiness, depth, order, series, row; ni_l.a to a great length or distance, all along, at a great distance; ni_l.am extension, length, distance, remoteness, delay, procrastination; ni_l.i (-pp-, -tt-) to be lengthened, extended, be long as time or life, last long, endure, be protracted, delayed; n. that which is long, lofty, tall person; nil.ippu prolongation; ni_l.iyatu that which is long, that which is omnipresent; ni_n.u (ni_n.i-) to go a long distance; ni_t.u ni_t.i-) to grow long, be lengthened, be extended through space or time, spread, extend, abound, be copious, thrive, grow well, rise high, last long, endure, be permanent, delay; n. long time, permanence; ni_t.i (-pp-, -tt-) to lengthen (time, distance etc.), endure, last, be permanent; ni_t.t.u (ni_t.t.i-) to lengthen, extend, strech out, straighten, offer as oblations, give, insert, drive into, speak at length or too much, prolong as a note, delay, procrastinate, retard, defer; ni_t.t.u length as of time or space, distance; ni_t.t.am length, elongation of sound, strengthening, lengthening, procrastination; ni_t.t.al lengthening, extending, stretching; ni_t.t.i (-pp-, -tt-) to length, delay; be prolonged, endure long; nikal.am length (Ta.); ni_l.uka to extend oneself, grow long, be delayed, protracted; ni_l.a, ni_l.e_, ni_l.ave_ far; ni_l.am length, distance; ni_l.al growing longer; ni_l., ni_r.. length (in cpds.); ni_t.uka to be long; ni_t.u length, long; ni_t.t.uka to lengthen, stretch out, allow to grow, delay, hold out, give; ni_t.t.am length, stretching out, delay; ni_t.t.al lengthening; ni_t.t.u a royal handwriting, stroke, a grant of the Travancore raja, a ladder; ni_t.t.ikka to get lengthened, stretched (Ma.); ni.r.- (ni.c-), ni.n.- (ni.d.-) (iron) becomes longer by expansion; ni.t.- (ni.t.y-) to lengthen (iron); ni.t.- (ni.c-) id., stretch out (limb)(Ko.)[nu_turna_ to stretch out one's legs in sitting or lying down; nu_tur okkna_ to stretch out one's legs while sitting (Kur.); ntre to stretch out the legs when lying down (Malt.)(DEDR 3725)]; ni.r.- (ni.r.y-) to be stretched out (hand); ni.t.- (ni.t.y-) to stretch out (hand); ni.l.- (ni.d.-) to be stretched out straight (rope), stretch oneself over or into, peep over (wall)(To.); ni_l to grow long or high, extend, extend onself, be stretched out, spread; ni_l.a extension, length, height, tallness; ni_l.itu that is long; ni_l.pu length; ni_d.u to extend, stretch out (as the fingers, arms, tongue etc.), hold out, offer, present,give, serve out; n. extension, length, delay; further, abundantly, much, presenting; ni_t.a length (Ka.); ni.l.a length; ni.d.- (ni.n.d.-) to stretch out straight; ni.t.- (ni.t.i-) id., offer; ni_t.a length (Kod..); ni_t.uni, ni_d.uni to stretch out or forth, hold out, lengthen; ni_t.a_vuni to cause to stretch, lengthen; ni_t.a, ni_t.u long, extended, high; ni_t.a_ni_t.i lengthwise; nicuni to extend; ne_lya great, large, extensive (Tu.); ni_lugu to stretch, stretch one's limbs, strut, be conceited, presumptuous or impudent; n. stretching one's limbs, strutting, impudence (Te.); nilba straight, erect (Kond.a)(DEDR 3692). adi_rgha not long (Skt.); adi_ha small, fine (H.)(CDIAL 236). diran:g long (Pers.); longus (Lat.); dru_n:g long, tail (Kho.); zugo (Gau.Sh.)(CDIAL 6616). dairgha, dairghya length (MBh.); drhe_g du_m I lie down (lit. I place my length)(Phal.); d.reghu height (S.)(CDIAL 6568). di_gha_yu, di_gha_yuka long-lived; di_gha_vu venerable (Pali); di_rgha_yus, voc. di_rgha_yo long-lived (RV.); di_gha_vuse nom. sg. long-lived; dat. sg. for a long life (As'.); di_ha_u, di_ha_uya long-lived (Pkt.); diga_ longevity (Si.)(CDIAL 6371). di_rgha long (RV.); di_gha long (Pali); diggha, di_ha (Pkt.); dirga (Gy.); dr.ge~r (Kt.); dri_ga (Dm.); ziga (Mai.); zin:go (Chil.); driggha_, dirigha_ (L.); di_gh, di_gha_ length (A.); digh, dig (B.); di_ha long (H.poet.); diga long, length (Si.); di_hara long (Pkt.); drigala long (Ash.); di_ghala long (MB.); di_ghal long, stretched out (A.)(CDIAL 6368). dru~_n:g long, tall (Kho.); zugo (Gau.)(CDIAL 6617). d.ugo stick, yoke-peg (Pr.)(CDIAL 6617). dragheran. to lengthen (L.); drighera_ rather long (L.)(CDIAL 6369). Straight: tinna straight, direct, shortest; straightforward, honest, candid; proper, right, correct; tinna~ga_ straight, straightly, directly, in a straight or direct line; straightforwardly, honestly, properly, well; tinna_danamu straightness, directness, etc.; tinnani straight, straightforward, honest (Te.); tinan. straight; teenta id.; tigne short, straight (Go.); tinan.a straight (Kond.a); tinan.a, tinana, tiamne, ti_ye id. (Kuwi)(DEDR 3264).

4087.Vault: ta_n.n.u a vault (Ma.); ta_n.n.al reservoir (Ma.); t.a_ku a vault (Ka.)(DEDR 3153).

4088.Rice field: ta_kku plot of land; rice field (Ta.lex.) da_ra a ploughed field; a rent, a cleft, a hole (Ka.lex.) Valley: d.ahar lowlying land (L.P.); d.ahar, d.ahra_ deep water, lake (B.); d.ahara, d.aa_ra deep pool made by eddy in river-bed (Or.); d.ahura_ water-hole (M.); daha pond, lake (Pali.Pkt.); da deep water (A.); da(h) tank, lake, deep pool, eddy (B.); daha lake, deep water, marsh, mud (Or.); dah deep pool (H.); daha very deep water (OMarw.); lake, pond (Si.); daha_ muddy (Or.); dahala mud (Or.); dahala_ muddy (Or.)(CDIAL 6627). Islet in a river: dr.daka hole in the ground for cooking (Skt.); dr.ka hole (Skt.); der.u valley (Sh.)[cf. dehra_du_n name of a place at the foot of a mountain](CDIAL 6510). Valley: taggu low ground, a depression, declivity, hole, a flat valley (Te.); low ground, dale, valley, descent, declivity; low, depressed (Tu.); ta_r..vu depth (as of a pit); ta_r..ppam depth (as of water)(Ta.); ta_r.. being low, sinking, sloping, inclining, the bottom (Ka.)(DEDR 3178). Image: incline: dan:gi, dan:gidi bent, inclined; dan:gelu id., bending, inclination; dan:ga_vuni to cause to bend, bow (Tu.); taggisu to bow as the face or head (Ka.); tagme man servant, male slave (Tu.)(DEDR 3178).

4090.Image: mark by notching: t.akkan. to cut, mark by notching (L.); t.akk cut (L.); t.aka broken (Ash.); t.ak thoiki to break, open (e.g., a pomegranate) (Sh.); t.akun to gnaw, crunch (K.); t.akkn.a_ to cut, strike (P.); t.akka bite (P.); t.akk gash (CDIAL 5421). Adze, carpenter, artisan: tarkha_n. (P.WPah.); tarkha_n (H.); d.rakhan.u (S.); drakha_n., dhrikkha_n. m., dhrikkhan.i_ f., dhirkha_n. (L.); darkha_n. (L.)[darkha_n. pakkhi_ woodpecker; ka_ri woodpecker (Ma.)(DEDR 1474), concordant with ka_rikan- weaver (of bark?)(Ta.)]; drikkha_n. (L.); taks.a_ (Si.); taks.an carpenter (RV.); taks.an.am (RV.); taks.a_n.am (Pa_n..); takkha_n.a (Pkt.); tas.a_n, tac.an-ko_r (Pas'.); kat.-tacon (Kal.); tacon (Kho.); thac.on (Sh.); cha_n (K.);f. chou (K.); takha_n. (P.); takha_n (H.); tracon carpenter (Kho.)(CDIAL 5621). taks.a cutting; carpenter (Skt.); vr.ks.-taks.aka tree-feller (R.); tacchaka carpenter (Pali); takkha, takkhaya carpenter, artisan (Pkt.); sam-tac.h hoe (Bshk.); tec.h adze (Bshk.); tac.i adze (Sh.); te_rc.hi adze (Phal.)(CDIAL 5618). taccan- carpenter (Man.i.28,37); taccan--kuruvi wood-pecker; taccu carpenter's work (Tiruva_ca.14,3); taccu-vin-ai-ma_kkal. carpenters (Tol.Po.393,urai)(Ta.lex.) tar-i a kind of axe; cutting off; weaver's loom (Ta.); sharp knife or sword (Ka.); targ to cut (Kol.Nk.); tari to chop into small bits; tarip cutting (Kod..)(DEDR 3140). To smooth off; scrape, level, cut with adze: tarca_na_, tar.c to scrape (Go.); tarsk to plane , scrape (Go.); task, tarsk-/tarisk- to level, scrape (Go.); tar-h- (i.e. taR-) to scrape (Kond.a); teeh- (trest-) to scrape, plane, cut with adze (Pe.); teh- (-t-) to shave (Mand..); tahpa (taht-) to smooth off, level down, chip, scrape; n. act of smoothing off (Kui); tah- (tast-) to scrape, plane (Kuwi) tah'nai to engrave (Kuwi)(DEDR 3146). tari- (tarip-, taric-) to chop into small bits (Kod..); tar-i, tar-e to strip off, cut off, cut (Ka.)(DEDR 3140). turuvu hole, scraping (Ta.); grating, scraping out, etc.(DEDR 3339). taccan carpenter (Ta.) tar.c to scrape (Go.); tah'nai to engrave (Kuwi)(DEDR 3146). tachyunu wood-shavings (K.); taccan.a act of cutting or scraping (Pkt.); taks.an.a cutting and paring (Ka_tyS'r.); tacchani_ hatchet (Pali); ta_sn.i_ act of chipping, etc., adze (M.)(CDIAL 5619). tetchkani knife (Gy.); tac to cut (Gaw.); ta_chnu to scrape (N.); tachun to shave, pare, scratch (K.); tachan.u (S.); tochik to cut with an axe (Kho.); tachan. to scrape, to rough hew (L.); tacchn.a_, tacchana_ to hew (P.); ta_chn.o to square out (Ku.); ta_chnu to scrape, peel, chip off (N.); tachuwa_ chopped square (N.); tacha_rnu to lop, chop (N.); ca~_cha_ to scrape (B.); ta~_chiba_, cha~_chiba_, cha~_ciba_ to scrape off, clip, peel (Or.); ca~_chal to smooth with an adze (Bhoj.); ca~_chna_ to scrape up (H.); ta_chvu~ to scrape, carve, peel (G.); ta_sn.e~ to cut with an adze (M.); sahinava_, hahinava_ to cut with an adze (Si.); trocik to hew (Kho.); taks.ati forms by cutting, chisels (MBh.RV.); tacchati builds (Pali); tacche_ti does woodwork, chips (Pali); takkhai, tacchai, cacchai, cam.cai cuts, scrapes, peels (Pkt.); tax- to paint (Gypsy); tac. to cut (Dm.Gaw.); ta~_c (Kal.); tac. to cut, chop, whittle (Phal.); tacoiki to fashion (wood)(Sh.)(CDIAL 5620).

4092.Stop, halt: sthagita-gir- with speech impeded (BhP.); sthagayati hides (Dha_tup.); thakka stopped, remaining, tired; thakkai comes to a stop, becomes tired (Pkt.); thakh, thakas fatigue, resting; thoku tired (K.); thakun to become tired (K.); thaku weariness; thakan.u to be weary (S.); thakkan., thakkn.a_ to be weary (P.); tha_kn.a_, t.ha_kn.a_ to stop, interrupt (P.); tha_kn.o, thakn.o to be weary (Ku.); tha_knu (N.); tha_kiba to stay (A.); tha_ka_, thaka_ to be at a standstill, exist, be (B.); tha_kiba_ to stay (Or.); t.ha_kiba_ to have a firm footing; thakiba_ to become tired (Or.); tha_kab to remain, continue, be weary (Mth.); tha_kal to become weary (Bhoj.); tha_kai (OAw.); thakna_ (H.); tha_kvu~ (G.); tha_kn.e~, thakn.e~ to become tired (M.); t.ha_kn.e~ to stop still, stand, remain (M.)(CDIAL 13737).

4093.Fruit of feronia elephantum: t.an:ka fruit of feronia elephantum (Sus'r.); the plant (Skt.); t.on. pear (Kt.Wg.); t.n:gu, t.n:gi (Dm.); t.an:guro (Gaw.); t.on. (Kal.); t.on:g (Kho.); t.a_n:gu_r.u (Phal.); t.a_n:gu_, t.a_n. (Sh.); t.an:g (K.); t.o~cu, to~ju a kind of small pear (K.); t.a~_ki a partic. tree the fruit of which is eaten in curry, bauhinea malabarica (N.); tan:go_r pear (Bshk.); ton:gu_ (Tor.); tan:gi_ the wild pear tree, pirus communis (P.)(CDIAL 5429). cf. e_lava_lu the fragrant bark of kapittha, feronia elephantum; a granular substance (used as a drug and perfume)(Skt.lex.)

4094.Pure gold: tankam pure gold, that which is precious, of great worth (Ta.); pure gold (Ma..); ?< t.anka a stamped (gold) coin (Skt.)(DEDR 3013). Coin; button: t.akka a coin (Skt. < tanka (Tatar); tanka = ka_rs.a_pan.a (Khotanese); t.anka a coin; weight of 4 ma_s.a, a stamped coin (Skt.); t.ankaka a silver coin (Skt.); t.anga weight of 4 ma_s.a (Skt.); t.anka rupee (Or.); t.a_k a particular weight (H.M.); t.aka_ a copper coin (P.)(CDIAL 5426) t.ako pl. money in general (S.); money (N.); t.aka_, t.akka_, t.akwa_ money (Mth.); t.a_ka_ money (Bhoj.)(CDIAL 5426). t.a_k a particular weight equivalent to 1/72 ser (G.); t.anka, t.anga weight of 4 ma_s.a (Skt.)(CDIAL 5426). [The remarkable fraction : 1/72 ser is consistent with: t.anga_ a coin worth 2 paisa_. (H.); t.aka_ id. (H.M.); t.a_ka_ id. (Ku.); t.ako id. (S.G.); t.rakaku worth two paisa_; coin of that value (S.) i.e., 1/6th of anna_ (which is equal to 12 paisa_. The division of the rupee into 16 anna_ may be a later-day development; the fractions of antiquity are likely to be: 1/12 and 1/6 which may explain the 1/72 ser for t.a_k weight.); t.aka_ rupee (A.)(CDIAL 5426).] tanka (Tatar); tanka = kars.a_pan.a (Khot.)[cf. the element: kars.a- = ks.a_ra- metath.?]; t.am. ka a stamped coin (Pkt.); t.a~_k button (N.); t.ak button (Sh.); t.aka_ a copper coin (P.); t.ako money (N.)(CDIAL 5426). t.an:kas'a_la_ mint (Skt.); t.aksa_l (N.H.M.); t.aksa_r (N.Bhoj.); t.a_ksa_l (B.M.); t.a~_ksa_l (B.M.); t.eksa_l (B.); t.a~ksa_l. (G.); t.a~ksa_l (M.); t.aksa_l.i_ mint-master (G.); t.a_ksa_l.ya_ (M.)(CDIAL 5434).

4095.Image: loft: jan:ga, den:go loft over a fireplace (Tu.lex.)

4096.Image: fireplace, oven: dunkeli oven (Kor.); digelu hearth, fireplace; dikk, dikkelu hearth, fireplace (Tu.)(DEDR 3212). damha a fireplace (Santali.lex.)

4097.Image: blazing:{Echo word} daga-daga, d.aga-d.aga, danga-danga, dangar-dangar, dingir-dingir, dongo-dongo, dongob-dongob, dongor-dongor a blazing fire; to cause a fire to blaze brightly; to blaze, to burn with a bright flame (Mu.); cf. dah to burn (Skt.); dagdaga_na_ to burn brightly (H.)(Mu.lex.) dagadaga adv. brightly (with reference to fire, heat)(Tu.lex.) dahana consuming by fire, burning, scorching; destroying; fire; Agni (Ka.lex.) Image: bubbling: tiku-tik-en-al expr. signifying bubbling of water (Ta.); tikakka to boil, bubble up; tikattuka to boil (Ma.)(DEDR 3203). tiku-tik-en-al expr. signifying smarting of a sore (Ta.); dig dig in- (id--) to feel slight burning pain (as of hunger after several days of fasting, or after a very severe pain has stopped)(Ko.)(DEDR 3204). takan-am burning, combustion, consumption by fire; cremation of a corpse; purification by burning (Va_yucan.. Paca_k. 46); taka_ thirst, hunger, appetite; taki-ttal to burn as fire; to cremate; to burn, to be hot; to be digested; takam heat; combustion, burning; ta_kakam burning (Can.. Aka.)(Ta.lex.) Blooming trees: dochu dark-coloured, black (esp. of bears and other wild animals), black-hearted (K.); d.hakk the tree butea frondosa which in bloom looks like fire on horizon; d.hakki_ forest of these trees (P.); d.ha_m.kha butea frondosa (OAw.); d.ha_kh, d.ha_k (H.); d.ha_k (P.); dha_kha_ the tree; d.ha_k(h)a_ thick wood of these trees (H.)(CDIAL 6702). Burning: da_ha burning (Ka_tyS'r.); place of cremation (Skt.); fever (Sus'r.); da_ha, d.a_ha burning (Pali.Pkt.); da_gha (Pkt.); da_h conflagration, envy (K.); d.a_hu affliction, grief (S.); d.a_h dysentery (L.); d.a_h flame; d.a_h malice; da_h drought (P.); da_h compassion; da_ noon (WPah.); da_h, daha_ abnormal heat, pain; d.a_ pain, inflammation, hatred; da_i enemy; d.a_ jealousy (Ku.); da_h, da_ha_ burning, cremation; d.a_h, d.a_hi envy, hate; d.a_hi, d.a_hilo spiteful (N.); da_h burning, heat, grief (A.); da_h, da_ burning, heat, misfortune (B.); da_ha_ burning, burning sensation; da_u heat, burning pain, torture, oppression (Or.); da_h deb to burn (a corpse)(Bi.); dha_h flame, blaze (Mth.); da_h, d.a_h fire, inflammation, jealousy, rage; d.a_hi_ jealous (H.); da_h burning, hunger (G.); da_h, daha_ burning; d.a_ha_ envy; d.a_h (poet. d.a_ho) sensation of burning; d.a_v mark made with a hot iron; d.a_i_ malice (M.); dha anger (OSi.); da_ya heat; d.aha, d.a_ sweat (Si.)(CDIAL 6321). da_hana reducing to ashes (MBh.); da_han.a burning up (Pkt.); da_n.o diarrhoea (Ku.); da_a_n.i, da_un.i branding iron (Or.); d.a_hn.i_ branding iron; d.a_han. adv. very (with adjectives expressing sourness, bitterness etc.); d.a_han.ya_ exceedingly sour (M.)(CDIAL 6322). dawa_ fireplace (Pas'.)(CDIAL 6323). da_hayati causes to be burnt (Mn.); da_hita (Skt.); dayoiki, dayo_nu to burn (Sh.); da_hiba_, da_iba_ to burn; to be burnt (Or.); d.a_hab to burn (Bi.); da_hai (OAw.); da_hna_ to set fire to, kindle, burn; d.a_hna_ to burn, be hot, be envious (H.); da_hn.e~ to burn (M.); d.a_hi_ weeds burnt as manure (Bi.)(CDIAL 6324). da_hya to be burnt (Skt.); da_jh, da_haj burning thirst in fever (P.)(CDIAL 6325). dahaka, d.ahaka heat of fire; dahakiba_, d.ahakiba_ to be full of live charcoal; dahar.a burning, steaming (Or.); daho, dao strong light of fire, sun etc. (S.); dou torch (Kho.)(CDIAL 6244). dahati burns, roasts (RV.); dahati, d.ahati (Pali); dahai, d.ahai (Pkt.); daeina (D..); d.ahan.u to torment, excite (S.); dahin.a_ to burn, be burnt (P.); d.ahanu to burn (of a wound)(N.); dahiba to burn, grieve, be grieved (A.); daha_, d.aha_ to burn, heat (B.); dahiba_ to burn, be burnt (Or.); dahab (Mth.); dahai (OAw.); dahna_ to burn, be burnt, blaze (H.); dahvu~ (G.); da_hn.e~ (M.); dahita (NiDoc.); dahia (Pkt.); d.e scorched, half-burnt (A.); d.ewa_iba to overcook (A.); daha_van.a burning (Pkt.); lavav to burn, heat (Gypsy); d.ahakn.a_ to be kindled (P.); dahakai blazes up (OAw.); dahakna_ (H.)(CDIAL 6245). dahana fire; burning by fire (Kaus'.); fire; burning (Pali); dahan.a, d.ahan.a (Pkt.); dahan burning (B.); d.aan.a_ branding iron (Or.); dahan fire, anguish (Mth.); dahani burning (OH.); dahan (H.Si.)(CDIAL 6246). de_z fire; adj. burning (Wg.)(CDIAL 6247). dahyate_ is burnt (AV.); is distressed (MBh.); d.ayhati is burnt (Pali); dajjham.ta, d.ajjhai (Pkt.); daza_ to burn (Wot..); daj to be burnt (Phal.); dazoiki to burn; to be frostbitten, rot; pp. dadu; dazonu to burn (Sh.); daja_na to burn; pret. dada (D..); dazun to be burnt (K.); d.ajhan.u to be afflicted, be envious (S.); d.a_jho, d.a_jhi burning desire (S.); d.ajjhan. to be burnt (L.); da_jhna_, da_jna_ to burn, be jealous (H.); da_jhn.u~ burning; da_jhi (G.); da_jhvu~ to be burnt, be scalded, feel pity for (G.); d.a_jn.e~ to be hot or sultry (M.)(CDIAL 6248). dagdha burnt (AV.); pp. of dahati (Skt.); daddha (Pkt.); dada has been burnt (D..); dadu_ (pret. of dazoiki)(Sh.); dodu (K.); d.adho (pp. of dajhan.u); d.adhir.i_ peas and lentils cooked in their pods; d.adhoru half-cooked (S.); d.adhr.i_, d.adhr.i_ green ears of wheat or pods of gram roasted (L.); d.addhan.a_ to be burnt, be vexed (P.); da_dha_ burnt (OAw.); da_dhna_ to burn; dadha_na_ to blaze furiously (H.); da_dhvu~ (G.); dhadhkanu to blaze (N.); dadhakna_ to blaze furiously; dhadka_r igniting (H.); -dad.d.ha- (in cmpd.) burnt (Pali); dad.d.ha-, d.ad.d.ha- (Pkt.); thar- to burn (Gypsy); d.a_rn.o to be scorched; d.a_r.i_ remainder of oil in which cakes have been fried; d.ad.io~ burnt (Ku.); d.a_r.nu to be burnt up; d.ar.nu (N.); da_d.hai burns; d.a_d.hi_ burnt rice (OB.); da_r.ha hot, sharp (Or.); d.a_r.hi_ refuse left in boiling down ghee; d.ha_r.ha_, d.ha_r.hi_ hot dry wind; dar.hua_ extracted by heat (of safflower seed oil)(Bi.); d.a_r.hi_ burnt grain or milk (Mth.); d.a_r.ha_ conflagration; d.ar.ha_el to burn; d.ar.hua_ burnt (Bhoj.); da_r.hna_ to burn; d.a_d.ha_ burnt; fire (H.); dad.a tame (i.e. branded)(Si.); fr. pp. daddha: d.am.bhan.a branding-iron; d.am.bhan.a_, d.am.bhan.aya_ act of branding (Pkt.); d.ambhan.u to burn, brand; d.ambhu a burn; d.ambhin.i_ branding-iron (S.); d.ambhan. to apply a cautery; damban. to brand (L.); dambhn.a_, d.ambhn.a_, d.ammhn.a_ to burn, brand, taunt; d.ambh, d.ammh a burn (P.); d.a_mn.o to scorch; d.a_m, d.a_mo a burn, blister; da_mr.o swelling (such as caused by burning with hot oil)(Ku.); d.a_mnu to brand; d.a_m brand scar; d.a_mro dried blister (N.); d.a~_bhvu~, d.a_mvu~ to brand; d.a~bha_vu~ to be burnt; d.a_m brand, cautery (G.); da~_bha_rn.e~ to prepare (a medicament) by throwing into it a red-hot tile (M.); thab to burn; tablo hot; tabar to ignite, burn (Gypsy); d.a_bh brand, cautery (G.)(CDIAL 6121). da_d.hel oil remaining in pan after frying (M.); da_d.el burnt oil (Konkan.i)(CDIAL 6122). d.a_r. ill-will, envy, sharp rebuke (N.); sharpness, bitterness (B.); d.a_ri menace (A.); da_r.ha sharp edge (Or.); da_dh burning (H.); da_d.hi vindictiveness (G.); da_d.h ground burnt in preparation for seed, loppings strewn to be burnt, corn growing on such land (M.)(CDIAL 6123). dagdhr. one who burns (RV.); d.a_d.hu burner of the dead (G.)(CDIAL 6124). cf. dhaks.u, daks.u, daks.us burning, flaming (RV.)(CDIAL 6702). dhakh thirst (G.); fut. part. vidhaks.yant burns; aor.part. dhaks.at (RV.)(CDIAL 6703). cf. didahs.ati is about to burn (MBh.); dhiks.ate_ kindles (Dha_tup.); dhi_kdhi_ktu~ burning (G.); dhikna_ to be hot, be red hot (H.)(CDIAL 6809). apa-dahati drives away by burning (RV.); burns up (MBh.); aur.a_ha_ feverishness, restlessness (N.); avad.a_he_i weeps in a loud voice (Pkt.); avadda_han.a_ cauterizing (Pkt.)(CDIAL 426). ud.d.ahati burns up (Pali); urahiba to become bad smelling by being burnt (as milk); uraha_iba to melt by boiling (sugar)(A.); udda_ha fire; ud.d.a_ha conflagration (Pkt.); ur.a_heb (a member of the family) to make first use of a new earthen vessel (Bi.); ur.ha_eb (Mth.)(CDIAL 1985). cf. ud.uku to boil, seethe, bubble with heat, simmer; n. heat, boiling (Te.)(DEDR 588). a_dhara_ fire-brand (A.); a_n:gul ha_r.a_ whitlow (B.); ar.ha_ a_n:gut.hi (Or.); a_r.o bonfire (Ku.)(CDIAL 1139). a_dahati sets fire (Pali); a_da_hye_ta burns up (ChUp.); a_d.ahai burns all round (Pkt.); ar.ya_ heaps of grass and thorns collected to be burnt (Ku.); ar.yu_n.o to burn grass and stubble on a field (Ku.)(CDIAL 1145). a_dahana a place where anything is burnt (AV.); a_l.ahana place of cremation, funeral pyre (Pali); aun.o burning of heaps of grass and weeds in a field (Ku.)(CDIAL 1146). a_r.o heap of grass and thorns gathered in a field to burn and use as fertilizer (Ku.); ala_h weeds burnt as manure (Bi.); a_r.-har.u hot season (Si.)(CDIAL 1150). ayon.o to collect dry stalks and grass in a heap for burning (Ku.); alav- to set on fire (Gypsy)(CDIAL 1151). niya_nu hot (esp. of weather)(N.); niyan hot dry season (Si.); nidahati burning (RV.)(CDIAL 7192). nida_gha heat, hot season (S'Br.); heat, summer, heat, drought (Pali); n.ida_ha, n.ia_ha hot season (Pkt.); nilay, niyal, linay, lilei summer (Gypsy); nira, nela summer (Kal.); nira~ early spring (Ash.); nilu_, nyile spring festival (Kt.); ni_lu-basand spring (Phal.); nia~_ fire, burnt or spoiled condition, anger (Or.)(CDIAL 7193). nida_ghaka_la heat of summer (MBh.); nia_lo summer; niya_le in summer (Gypsy)(CDIAL 7194). nigh heat (L.); niggh warmth; niggha_ moderately warm (P.); niggo warm (WPah.); niyaga, niyan:ga, niyan. dry hot season (Si.)(CDIAL 7195). nirdahati burns up (RV.); n.iddhai (Pkt.); nidahna_ to burn (H.); nidhn.e~ to become hot or glowing (of body, ground, food)(M.)(CDIAL 7343). nirda_ha adj. burning (AV.); nidha_ glow (of fire or anything heated)(M.)(CDIAL 7344). pradahati burns, consumes (AV.); pradahyate_ (Skt.); pad.ayhati (Pali); pad.ajjhama_n.a (Pkt.); palahanava_ to burn (Si.); padahan.a heat (Pkt.)(CDIAL 8658). Dazzling, glowing:{Echo word} tak-tak-enal, taka-takav-en-al onom. expr. of dazzling, glowing, glittering (Ta.); dag dag in-(flame) burns brightly; dagdagn with a good light (Ko.); daggane with a blaze (Ka.); dagadaga, dagabaga brightly; dagga, daggan (to blaze) suddenly (Tu.); dagadaga glitter; dagadagam-anu to glitter, shine (Te.); dagna_ to light, set fire to, burn; dagrna_ to catch fire, be burned (Kur.); dagdagre to glitter, shine (Malt.)(DEDR 2998). dhagdhagai flares (Pkt.); dagdagiya_ glowing (H.)(DEDR 2998). dhagadhaggama_n.a, dhaggi_kaya blazing (Pkt.); dhagdhagvu~ to burn fiercely (G.); dhakdhaka_na to throb, glitter (B.); to blaze (H.); dhakadhaka throbbing, blazing (Or.); dhagg throb, glitter (Skt.)(CDIAL 6704). To burn brightly; shine: d.agd.aga_na_, d.agmaga_na_ to burn brightly (H.); d.agd.agiya_ glowing (B.); d.agmag unsteadiness, sparkle; d.agmaga_iba to glitter (A.); dagdaga_una_ to shine (P.)(CDIAL 5522). vidhaks.yant burnt; aor. part. dhaks.at (RV.); dhakhvu~ to get into a passion (G.); dhakha_vvu~ to make hot; dhakh thirst (G.)(CDIAL 6703). cf. da_ha thirst (Skt.); ta_kam (Ta.lex.) dhaks.u, daks.u, daks.us flaming, burning (RV.)(CDIAL 6702). dhagiti at once (Skt.); dhagad-dhagiti crack! (HParis'.); dhagadhaggama_n.a, dhaggi_kaya blazing (Pkt.); dhagadhagai flares (Pkt.); dhagdhaga_na_ to throb, glitter; dhakdhaka_na_, dhadhakna_ to blaze (H.); dhagdhagvu~ to burn fiercely (G.); dhagdhagn.e~ id., to beat (of heart)(M.); dhakdhaki_ palpitation (S.); dhaka_unu to pant (N.); dhak sudden blaze; dhakdhaka_na to throb, glitter (B.); dhaka blaze (Or.); dhakdhakvu~ to blaze (G.); dhakadhaka throbbing, blazing (Or.); dhakdhakn.e~ to palpitate (M.)(CDIAL 6704). Boiling: taka-tak-en-al, taka-takav-en-al onom. expr. of boiling, bubbling (Ta.); taka taka beating time (Ma.); takatakane quickly (of dancing); taka pakane id., vehemently (used of boiling) (Ka.); takataka, takapaka agility in dancing; bubbling in boiling, nimbly, briskly (Tu.); takapikala_d.u to dance about, dangle (Te.)(DEDR 2997). tigma hot, fiery, heat; tigmate heat; tigma_m.s'u hot-rayed, the sun (Ka.lex.)

4100.A tribe: t.an:kan.a, t.an:gan.a name of a people living northwest of Madhyades'a (R.); t.am.kan.a a non-Aryan tribe (Pkt.)(CDIAL 5454). Image: stick: t.inkara stick (Skt.); t.ingri_ bough (L.); t.ingar contemptuous term for a tall and thin man (N.); t.ikora_ large-sized (M.); t.ikorn.e~ stick (M.)(CDIAL 5460).

4101.Pony: t.a~_gun a species of hill pony (K.); t.a~_gan, t.a~_n.an (N.); t.an:kan (B.); t.a~_kan.., t.a_kan. a species of small horse (M.); t.a_n.na_ a smart horse (A.); t.a_n:gan a species of pony (B.); t.a_n:gan.a (Or.); t.a~_gan hill pony (H.); t.a~_gan. a species of pony (G.)(CDIAL 5454). t.a_kan.a, t.a_n:kn.a_ a pony (Ka.); t.a_kana_, t.ha_kan.a_ (H.)(Ka.lex.) Tonga: ta_n:ka_ < ta_n:ga_ (U.) Tonga, wheeled conveyance drawn by two ponies (Ta.lex.)

4102.Image: saddle-girth: t.an:kuva_r braces of a horse-carriage; saddle-girth (Ta.); t.an:guva_ru (Te.); t.an:guba_r (Ka.); t.an:ka_-k-kutirai horse used to carry kettle-drums in a procession (Ta.); t.an:ka_ < d.an:ka_ (U.) < d.hakka_ a small drum; a pair of kettle-drums (Ta.lex.) Image: elephant's or horse's trappings: tan:gu tight (Ka.M.H.); tan:gud.a, tan:gul.a a horse'r or an elephant's trappings (Ka.lex.) Image: saddle: t.an:kuva_r braces of a horse-carriage; saddle-girth (Ta.); t.an:guva_ru id. (Te.); t.an:guba_r (Ka.); t.an:ku id. (Ta.); t.an:ku-va_rar-u-tal lit., breaking of the saddle girth; being overworked and exhausted; t.an:ka_-k-kir..i-tal exhaustion from overwork, as a drum spoiled by over-beating; [cf. t.an:ka_ < d.an:ka_ (U.) < d.hakka_ a pair of kettle-drums (Ta.)]; t.an:ka_-k-kutirai horse used to carry kettle-drums in a procession (Ta.lex.) t.an:gu, tan:gu a girth, especially of a horse-saddle (Ka.Te.); tan:ga (M.H.); t.an:gu-har-i the girth to be broken: to be reduced to poverty (Ka.lex.)

4103.Image: copulation: tanuku to touch, reach, occur, befall, (fear) arises in mind; danuku to touch, affect; daniyu to join, copulate (Te.); danivu copulation (Te.); tan-n-u (tan-n-i-) to approach (Ta.)(DEDR 3148). cf. ta_kku (ta_kki-) to come in contact, collide (Ta.)(DEDR 3150). Image: fastening: ta_n:ki fastening clasp of an ornament (Ta.lex.) ton:ge to join, to unite, to join end to end, to tie two ends together; tonol a fastening, what is used to tie or fasten with (Santali.lex.)

4104.Lungs, liver: tang liver (Nk.); tanka lungs, liver (Tu.); sanka liver (Tu.); tarngud. id. (Kol.); tarngur. id. (Nk.); tan.anil id. (Ga.); tar.in id. (Go.); tudakee the heart (Go. Perh. onamatopoeic); tan.a_ki liver (Kond.a); tla_d.a, tr.a_d.anga id. (Kui); tra'na id. (Kuwi)(DEDR 3120).

4105.To exude: dike exudes (Kon.lex.)

4106.Daily labour: diha_r.i_ a day; daily labour, wages, daily (P.lex.)

4107.Image: triad: tika triad (P.lex.)

4108.Summons: d.ak summons, call; d.alu bulau to fix a date and give invitation to join a hunting party, fishing meet etc. (Santali.lex.)

4109.Image: marriage ceremony: t.e_kai-y-a_t.t.am an amusing dance by uncles, with the bride and bridegroom on their shoulders, when the latter exchange garlands (Ta.); d.e_ga_t.a id. (Ta.lex.)

4110.Image: lifting; support; carrying: d.e_ka to carry on the shoulder (Kui); d.ehka act of carrying (Kui); et.ukkal lifting (Ta.); d.e_k to carry on the shoulder (Mand..); d.e_ to carry (Kuwi); dekali, de_ki'nai id. (Kuwi)(DEDR 851-a). t.ek support (G.); t.eknu to set up (N.); t.ekvu~ support (G.); t.ekn.a_ to prop (P.H.); t.ekan. prop (P.); t.ekan prop (N.); t.ekn.o to prop (Ku.); t.eko prop (Ku.); t.ekiba_ to lift up (Or.); t.eka prop (OAw.)(CDIAL 5420). d.higi_ a prop (M.)(CDIAL 5585).

4111.Marriage badge: dekka_yi the betrothal badge (Tu.lex.) [For semant. -a_yi (1) a woman whose husband is alive; and (2) wealth cf.: (1) ayire, ayar, ayra, ayduve, ayde a wife whose husband is alive (Tadbhava of acira_); (2) ayivaju property, wealth (Ka.M.); cash, money (Ka.Te.); aivaja (M.H.)(Ka.lex.)] tekkan.ai < daks.in.a_ offering or present, as to a guru (Upate_caka_. Civana_ma. 123)(Ta.lex.) daks.a welfare (RV. i.76.1); daks.a_yya to be propitiated (RV. i.129.2; RV. vii.92.8; RV. ii.4.3 daks.a_yyo da_svate_ dama a_ who is to be propitiated by the pious man in his house); daks.in.a_ personified goddess (RV. i.18.5); daks.in.i_ya worthy of the sacrificial gift (AV. viii.10.4); daks.in.ya capable of giving daks.in.a_ (TBr. i.3.3)(Vedic.lex.) di_ks.an.a initiation, consecration; di_ks.an.i_ya a particular ceremony connected with the initiation of the yajama_na for the soma-sacrifice; di_ks.ita consecrated (AV. xi.5.6)(Vedic.lex.) ti_t.cai allowing the hair to grow for a specified period, as after marriage, during wife's pregnancy etc. (Ta.lex.) viva_ha-di_ks.e the marriage rite, marriage ceremony (Ka.Skt.); the rite of not shaving the head for six months after marriage (Ka.lex.) taks.in.a-me_ru-vit.an:kan- stone-weight stamped with the royal seal, used in the time of Ra_jara_ja I for weighing gems (S.I.I. ii,203)(Ta.lex.) daks.in.i_ya meriting a fee or present; daks.in.e fees or gifts in general; a fee, a gift; property acquired by taking presents (money) or fees (Ka.lex.) daks.in.a_ fee to priest (RV.); gift (Mn.); dakkhin.a_ fee, gif t (Pali.Pkt.); aroga-daks.in.ae for the bestowal of health (KharI.); dachiu fee to priest (K.); dakun.a, dakuma gift, giving (Si.); da_hin present to brahmans (Bhoj.)(CDIAL 6120). das.man priest (Kho.)(CDIAL 6117). dakkhita [Vedic di_ks.ita pp. of di_ks. intens to das'ayati] consecrated, dedicated; dikkhita [Skt. di_ks.ita 'having commenced the preparatory rites for sacrifice'] initiated, consecrated; cira-dikkhita initiated long since; dakkhita id. (Pali.lex.) dakkha adj. [Vedic daks.a; daks.ati to be able; to please, satisfy; das'asyati to honour; Lat. decus honour, skill] dexterous, skilled, handy, able, clever (Pali.lex.) dakkhin.a_ [Vedic daks.in.a_ to daks. as in das'asyati to honour, to consecrate, but taken as f. of dakkhin.a and by grammarians expl. as gift by the 'giving' (i.e. the right) hand with popular analogy to da_ to give] a gift, a fee, a donation; a donation given to a holy person with ref. to unhappy beings in the Peta existence (manes), intended to induce the alleviation of their sufferings; dakkhin.a_raha a worthy recipient of a dedicatory gift; dakkhin.eyya one worthy of a dakkin.a_; dakkhin.eyya-aggi the (holy) fire of a good receiver of gifts; a metaphor taken from the brahmanic rite of sacrifice, as one of the 7 fires (= duties) to be kept up (or discarded) by a follower of the Buddha; dakkhin.eyya khetta the fruitful soil of a worthy recipient of a gift (Pali.lex.) cf. ta_li a sacred token of marriage usually made of gold, tied to the bride by the bridegroom at the auspicious time of marriage (Tu.lex.) ka_s'i-ta_li a marriage badge attached to an ornamental necklace (Ka.lex.) [For semant. parallel 'wife' x 'string' in da_ra wife and da_ram cord; cf.: tale rope for climbing palm trees (Tu.); talugu, talagu tether or halter for cattle (Te.); tal.ai fastening, cord, rope (Ta.); tal.a foot-rope for climbing palm tree4s (Ma.); tal.e a tie, tether (Ka.); tal(u)gu, tagulu, golugu, taluvu, tanugu tether or halter for cattle (Te. *tal.p- or *tal.v- with ellision of -l.-)(DEDR 3133)]. cf. deju dowry (S.); dej gift made by bridegroom or his party to the bride (G.); de_ya fit for a gift (AV.) (CDIAL 6522). cf. da_yajja dowry, inheritance (Pali)(CDIAL 9290). da_yo heritage, inherance (Tu.lex.) dya_ji, dya_jya_ heir; to yemakand.a_ntlo dya_ji he is condemned to hell; dya_jin. heiress; dya_j, dya_ja_ inheritance; dya_za_ntlo hereditary (Kon.lex.) dakku, darku acquirement, attainment; possession; property (Ka.lex.) da_ya share, inheritance, wealth (RV. x.114.10); da_ya_da receiving inheritance (Vedic); da_ra_ pl. wife (Vedic.lex.) da_ra-parigraha taking a wife, marrying; da_ra_gr.ha women's apartments; da_ra (Tadbhava of dha_ra) a string, a thread (Ka.lex.) da_yi giving, granting; da_ya a special gift, a nuptial present, that which a bride anbd bridegroom receive at their marriage; da_yaka, da_yiga an heir, a kinsman (Ka.lex.) cf. ta_n:ki one who supports (Porunto. 1153); ta_n:kunan- saviour, protector (Perumpa_n.. 18)(Ta.lex.) ta_yattu, ta_yittu < ta_'it small gold or silver case worn on the person as amulet; cylindrical talisman (Ta.lex.) ta_yattavar < ta_yam agnates (Na_lat.i, 278); cf. da_ya paternal relationship (Skt.)(Ta.lex.) te_vimai wifehood (Tiv. Tiruva_y. 6,2,6); de_vi_ wife (Ci_vaka. 1403)(Ta.lex.) dehra_, d.ehra_ a sacred sepulchral monument, a Guru's seat, a temple, a shrine (P.lex.) thei_ a ceremony in which curd or milk and rice are offered to devta_s and saints, or are eaten at home (P.lex.) teca_kam ceremony on the tenth day after death; cf. taca_kam < das'a_ha (Skt.)(Can.. Aka.)(Ta.lex.) agelu a kind of religious rite wherein rice, jaggery, cocoanuts etc. are served on plantain leaves and offered to deities (Tu.lex.) de_khi_lu of or belonging to, together with (Ka.Te.H.)(Ka.lex.) cf. ten:kam an annular continent (Te_va_. 846,3); ten:ku id. (Ta.lex.)

4112.Goddess: dikkal.u, dikke A_di Dravid.a woman (Tu.lex.) dhis.an.a_ name of a goddess (RV.); dhis.an.a name of an evil being (RV.); dhisan.a Br.haspati (Pkt.); dasani ogress (Ash.); disa~ri name of a goddess (Kt.); di_sni_, dissaune wife of Geesh (gi_s.)(Pr.)(CDIAL 6813).

4114.Bride: dhiatta belonging to a bride, bridal, on the side of a bride; dhi, dhia a daughter; dhi dhia_n.i daughter and sister of one's family; dhi putt, dhi puttar son and daughter; children; dhia putta, puttar sons and daughters; children; dhiahan., dhiahn.i a daughter, a sister; any female descendant of a daughter or sister (sometimes applied to the daugher etc. of a son, brother or friend); dhiana the sone or other male descendant of a daughter or sister (P.); dhian.i, dhiahan. a daughter or sister of one's family (the word is used by brahmins, mira_sis, or any other to a daughter or sister of a jajma_n.) (P.lex.) du, duv, duve daughter (Kon.lex.) dhi damad daughter and her husband; dhia puta the entire family; joto dhia putako calacena the entire family is gone (Santali.lex.) Sister: -di, -ti a suffix used to convert masculine noins into feminine nouns; podv relation; podveti a female relation; megdi younger sister; mautudi sister-in-law (Tu.lex.)

4115.Hindu: deko a Hindu; a courteous term applied to Hindus; deko pera janum jhan.t.i rorokgea a Hindu and a thorn fence prick; deko pusi a Hindu cat; a term of contempt applied to Hindus (Santali.lex.)

4116.Superintendent of an annual hunt: diguar rural police maintained by those zemindars who hold ghatwali or service tenures; dih a hamlet; dihali, dihat the small villages or country surrounding a populous village or city; the hamlet or hamlets within the village boundary; dih d.an.d.i the whole area within the village boundary; dihdar an official whose duty is to look after the interests of a landholder in the villages on his estate; dihe d.an.d.i hamlet and boundaries; dihri the superintendent of an annual hunt (lo bir sendra) and president of the supreme court of the santals of the district (lo bir baisi) for the settlement of social matters. (Santali.lex.)

4117.Tamils: tikal.ar the appellation by which the Karna_t.akas style the Tamilians (Ta.); tigul.ar id. (Ka.)(Ta.lex.) tigal.a, tigul.a a Tamir.. man, especially an emigrant; dravid.a, dra_vid.a (Ka.); tigul.a-ra_vuta a Tamir.. horseman (Ka.); tigal.iti, tigul.ati a Tamir.. woman (Ka.)(Ka.lex.)

4118.Abode: t.ika_n.i, t.hika_n.i a place; a spot, an abode; seat, home; ground, basis of a rumour et. (Ka.); t.hika_n.a_ (H.M.)(Ka.lex.) Station: t.hika_na_ station (H.); t.hi_ka trace, whereabouts (OMarw.); t.hi_kun to stand firm (K.); t.hika_n, t.hika_n.a_ abode (M.); station (P.); t.hi_k correct (P.Ku.); firm, correct (H.); t.hik (N.A.B.); t.hika accuracy, stability (Or.)(CDIAL 5503). t.eko, t.heka_n.u~ station (G.); t.hek anything fixed (N.); prop (B.H.)(CDIAL 5509). t.ika support (Kho.); t.ikan.u to remain, be firm (S.); t.ikkan. to stay (L.); t.ikn.a_ to stay (P.); t.iknu to remain, last (N.); t.ikiba to last, be of service (A.); t.ika_ to remain (B.); t.ikiba_ to last, be effective (Or.); t.ikna_ to stop, remain (H.); t.ekn.e~ to rest (M.); t.ikn.e~ to stay (M.)(CDIAL 5420). t.akkaran. to meet, agree (L.); t.akiran.u to encounter, be compared with (S.)(CDIAL 5424). t.akk settlement of price (P.)(CDIAL 5420). To remain: tan.n.uka to stop, come into possession, be there, be arrested in the midst of progress; tan.n.al rest, shelter; tan.n.ikka to delay, stop; takkuka to be obtained; tacuka to stop, remain; tacam being at rest, posture (Ma.); tang- (tangy-) to spend time in a place away from home (Ko.); tok- (toky-) to last long (money, situation), (child) lives long; to other, different (i.e. the remaining one, the other one)(To.); tan:gu to stop, stay, tarry, sojourn, lodge; n. stoppage, halt, a day's journey; dakku to accrue to, be obtained, fall to one's share, come into and remain in one's possession, remain, be preserved; n. acquirement, attainment, possession, property; dakkisu to cause to be obtained, etc. (Ka.); dakkati possession, control, apporpriation, digest; dakka_von.uni to retain or digest anything eaten, misappropriate successfully, take charge of; daksa_vuni to bring into another's possession; daksuni to be retained or digested as food, medicine etc., be misappropriated successfully (Tu.); takku to remain, be left, be excepted or omitted; n. remainder, other; takkina remaining, other; dakku, d.akku to remain, be left as a balance or residue, be saved or spared (Te.); tak- (takt-) to live (in a place), remain, stay (e.g. silent)(Kol.); tak- to stay, remain (Nk.); tagga_na_ to wear well (of clothes), remain in one's service (of servants); tagg- to stay, last (Go.)(DEDR 3014).

4119.Image: span: d.hin:gur a span between thumb and fore-finger (Santali.lex.)

4120.Image: lamp: diue a lamp; bati wick; mali earthenware vessel for holding the oil; diuhe jeredme light the lamp (Santali.lex.) cf. di_pa lamp (Skt.)

4121.True love: ikula_cu < ikhlas (Arab.) sincerity, true love, piety; ikuva_n- < ikhwan (Arab.) brethren; fellow members of a religious community (Ta.lex.)

4136.Image: to kneel: ikr.um to kneel (Santali.lex.)

4134.Pledge: ikrar. to promise, to pledge oneself, to agree to; ikrar.okan I will pledge myself; car ana sud ikrar.kate t.akan od.on:keda I got the money, pledging myself to pay 25 percent interest; ikrar. nama a written agreement, bond or contract; ekrar. to promise, to agree to, to confess; ekrar. nama a written agreement or promise; ekrar.enae he has promised; ekrar. ocokedinae he caused me to come to the agreement (Santali.lex.)

4113.Plural suffix for relations: -ad.ikl.u, ad.lu a plural suffix usually used in the case of nouns denoting relationship; ajjad.ikl.u grand fathers (Tu.lex.) cf. ikul.ai woman's confidante (Tol. Col. 400, Urai.); kindred, friendship (Pin.. Cu_t.a_)(Ta.lex.) iguya_ mother's younger sister; iguva_ father's younger brother (Kuwwi)(DEDR 417).

4122.Image: pincers: cf. ikl. tongs (Ko.); ikkur.., ikkur..a, ikkar..a, ikr..a pair of tongs, pair of pincers; ir..kur..i tongs, pincers (Ka.)(DEDR 444). dekkatti, ad.akkattari, ad.akkatteri, id.akkattari, ed.akkattari a kind of scissors used to crush arecanuts (Tu.lex.) cf. d.i_pa tongs, pincers (Kui); ikkulu pair of pincers (Tu.)(DEDR 444).

4123.Image: meditation: dhianni contemplative, given to meditation; a religious man given to divine contemplation; dhiaun. to remember, to meditate on, to think on, to repeat (P.lex.) To reflect: dhi_ reflect; thought (RV.); du_d.hi_ malevolent (RV.)(CDIAL 6487). dhyai reflect (Skt.); dhiya_yati notices (RV.); dhya_yayati thinks of (AitBr.); dhya~_in.u to ponder (S.); dhya_n.o to think about, wish well for (Ku.); dhiya_iba to reflect on (A.); dheya_na (B.); dhia_iba (Or.); dhya_wna_, dhia_na_ (H.); dhiya_nau (Brj.); dhya_vu~ (G.); dhya_n.e~ (M.)(CDIAL 6812). dhya_na meditation (ChUp.); jha_na contemplation (Pali); jhana (KharI.); ja_na (NiDoc.); jha_n.a (Pkt.OB.OG.); dan, dahan (Si.)(CDIAL 6889).

4124.Image: rod: dhia, dhiha a stick, a rod (P.lex.)

4125.Image: pupil of the eye: dhi, dhia the pupil of the eye; mai kun. akkhin. di dhi kanun. pidre it is dearer to me than the pupil of my eyes (P.lex.)

4126.Greatness: -dige, -tike, -tige a suffix used to make derivative abstract nouns; bad.a-tige poverty; malla-dige greatness (Tu.lex.)

4127.Bundle of wood: t.ekan. bundle of wood (P.)(CDIAL 5420).

4128.To settle: tekud to pay off (debts, rent, etc.); to decide a dispute, to settle an affair; to be finished, to be decided ; takkud, takko:d (tad + kud; ?caus. of tekud) to decide, to adjudge, to settle a dispute (Sora.); tako:li (Mundari); takko, takkod, takkud to deduct, to abate (Sora.)

4129.Image: falcon: d.e_ge a hawk, a falcon (Ka.Te.)(Ka.lex.) t.e_kai a wild bird (Ta.lex.)

4130.Image: ring: t.hikari a ring worn on the fingers or toes (Santali.lex.) t.ikke, t.i_ke the gem or boss in the middle of a finger-ring (Ka.); t.hi_ka (M.H.); t.ikke a mock gem (Ka.); d.a_n:ka, d.a_ka (M.H.); ma_n.ika-t.ikke a finger-ring gem consisting of a ruby (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) Image: mark, spot: t.ika stone in a ring (S.); t.ikk (L.); t.ikka_ mark (L.P.); t.ikku caste-mark (WPah.); t.i_ko (Ku.Marw.); t.ika_ (N.); mark (B.Or.M.); t.i_k (Bi.); t.i_ka_ (Mth.); caste-mark (H.); t.ikuli_ mark (Mth.); t.i_ke spot (D..); t.i_ku (Sh.); t.yoku caste-mark (K.); t.iko mark, stain, caste-mark (S.); t.ikkika_ white mark on forehead of a horse (VarBr.S.); t.ikka caste-mark (Pkt.); t.ikkida marked with one (Pkt.); t.iko mark (G.); t.ike~, t.hike~ mole, freckle (M.); t.ik mark (OSi.); tik spot, mark, freckle (Si.)(CDIAL 5458). ?cf. t.a_ku mark, spot, brand (Ta. < d.a_gh (Pers.); t.a_ku-po_t.u to brand cattle or horses with a red-hot iron (Ta.lex.) Image: vaccination scar: t.ika to vaccinate, vaccination scar; t.ika to put a mark on the forehead: it is customary when certain rajas succeed to their estates for the neighbouring rajas to meet together and mark the forehead with redlead as a sign that he has succeeded to the throne. This is equivalent to coronation; t.ikadar raj a king who has received the t.ika a crowned king; bin t.ika raj an uncrowned king, Santal chief or pargana who although uncrowned is like a king among his people; t.ikak to mark with the tip of the finger previously dipped in some colouring matter; t.ikla, t.ikli having a white blaze on the forehead; t.ikli a wafer ornament worn on the forehead by Hindu women, a spangle; tilak a mark which Hindus make on their foreheads with coloured earths or unguents, to mark the forehead (Santali.lex.) Mole: te_l- (spot, rash, etc.) to appear on skin (Pa.); tel- (ringworm etc.) to appear, break out on skin (Ga.)(DEDR 3465). tila mole on skin (Skt.); tilaka sectarial mark on the forehead (Ya_j.); freckle (VarBr.S.); tiru mole, freckle; til mole (P.); black spot, mole (H.); ti_l. mole, freckle (M.); tilka_ freckled (H.); tilaka stain, mole, freckle (Pali); tilaya caste-mark (Pkt.); tilo mole (Ku.); tili small mole (N.); tila_ freckled (B.); til.a_ bits of metal put on ornaments (Or.); tala_-t.ik caste-mark (Si.); tilaiha_ turtle-dove (H.); til.ia_, til.ua_ freckled, having moles (Or.); tillr.i_ partic. kind of ornament (P.); tilahari gold ornament on a woman's breast (N.); t.ilo piece of iron presented as a coin to the departed spirit (N.); t.i_lo, t.i_lu~ caste-mark (G.); t.ila_ (M.); t.ili_, t.eli_ forehead (Pas'.)(CDIAL 5828).

4131.Image: dwarf: t.hikri small, a short woman, a female dwarf; t.himki, t.hemka small, short in stature; t.emel, t.emel, t.emel little, dwarfish, trippingly; t.emret, t.emret t.emret small, little; t.emso, t.emsok short in stature; t.hipci, t.hepca small, short of stature (Santali.lex.)

4132.Contract: theka_ hire, fare, fixed price, a contract work done by contract, a job, a task (P.lex.) tegu (work) to be finished, ended; tegudala end, termination, completion (Te.)(DEDR 3405).

4133.Contract: t.hika lease, contract; t.hikaten. hatao akata I have taken it on contract; t.hikatele kami kana we are working by contract, or by piece work; noa aton. t.hika akata I have taken a lease of this village; t.hikadar a contractor, a lessee; t.hikan to find out, to trace, to detect, to place, to fix, to settle, to ascertain; t.hekan id.; t.hikedar a contractor, a lessee (Santali.lex.) t.hika a contract (Mu. H. Sadani)(Mu.lex.)

4135.Solar dynasty: ikkuva_ku < iks.va_ku first king of the solar dynasty who ruled in Ayo_dhya_ (Kalin.. Ira_ca. 11)(Ta.lex.)

4137.Image: shoot: iguru to bud, shoot up; ege, egulu tender shoot, branch; eulu bud.u to have a tender, side branch; tegulu a sprout, a bud (Tu.lex.) agge shoot of a branch (Tu.lex.) igaru a sprout, a young leaf (Ka.); iguru, ivuru (Te.)(Ka.lex.)

4138.Trust: dhija dependence, reliance, trust; dhijn. to have confidence, to place reliance (P.lex.) dhi_rya intelligence (RV.); dhi_riya (RV.); dhija_ trust, reliance (P.); dhi_j ordeal (G.)[cf. di_ks.a_ (Skt.)]; dhi_ria courage (Pkt.); di_ri_ firmmness of a mind (K.); diriya courage (Si.)(CDIAL 6818). dhi_ra wise, clever (RV.); steady, resolute (R.); dhi_ra wise, firm (Pali.Pkt.); courage (Pkt.); dhi_rai is courageous (Pkt.); di_r steady, constant (K.); dhi_ru firm, patient; dhi_re slowly (P.); dhiro thoughtful, slow (Ku.); dhir peaceful; dhiro sedate (N.); dhir steady; dhire slowly (A.B.); dhira_ adj. , dhire adv. (Or.); dhi_r patience; dhi_re slowly (Mth.); dhi_r, dhi_ra_ steadfast (H.); dhi_ru~ slow; dhi_re adv., dhi_r patience, trust; dhi_rvu~ to trust, led (G.); dhira_ slow; dhire adv., dhi_r patience (M.)(CDIAL 6817).

4139.Image: three times: tehr.a, tebor., tebr.a thrice, three times; tebr.age emok hoyoktama you will have to give three times that; t.eka tassar silk-worms at third moult (Santali.lex.) Image: three-fold: tika, tiga, trika triple, threefold; trine, forming a triad; the aggregate of three, a triad; tri-kakud three-peaked; name of a mountain in the Himalayas; tri-kat.u the aggregate of three spices, viz. black and long pepper and dry ginger (Ka.); tikad.i, tikkad.i, tigat.a a triangle, a mason's level (Ka.); tikat.e (M.); tikad.i a cross-stick instrument used in spinning thread and ropes (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) ti three (Pali)(Pali.lex.) Triple: truu the three in cards (K.); trakh, trakas group of three (K.); tika_ the three in cards (Or.); trika triple (RV.); tika triple (Pali); tiga, tiya triple (Pkt.); collection of three = tiaya (Pkt.); tika place where three roads meet (Pkt.); trila group of three (K.); t.ria_i_ tripleness; t.rir.o plus three (S.); ti_a_ the number three (P.); tiyo three in counting in a game (N.); tia_ a throw of cowries in which the number 3,7,11 or 15 comes out (Or.); ti_ya_ consisting of three, multiplied by three; aggregate of three, the three in dice (H.); tariyu~ of three kinds (G.)(CDIAL 6019). t.riha_ra, t.ri_hara thrice (S.); tehara_ triple (P.); teharo, tehero (N.); teha_ra_ (B.); tihori_ folded thrice (Or.); tihra_, tehra_ triple; tihra_na_ to triplicate (H.); tihera_, tiheri_, tihiri_ triple (M.)(CDIAL 6027). Three: trayah. three (RV.); 0ra_yo_ (Av.); tri_n.i (RV.); tri_n.am (Skt.); tayo_ (Pali); trayo (As'.); treya, tre (NiDoc.); tao_, ta (Pkt.); tre (Ash.Kt.); tre_ (Wg.); ci_ (Pr.); tr, tre_a, te_ (Pas'.); s.le_ (Nin:g.); tye_ (Shum.); te_ (Gaw.); tre_ (Kal.); troi (Kho.); ce, ce_, ce_i (Sh.); caei (D..); t.r.e_ (Sh.); trih, ce_i_, tre~, tre_i_ (K.); t.re (S.); tre_ (L.); tare (P.); te (OSi.); tr (Dm.); tra_ (Tir.); t.a_, ta_ (Wot..); ca_ (Tor.); xa_ (Sv.); ta_ (Bshk.); t.r.a_ (Kand.); ca_ (Mai.); tro_ (Phal.); ca_e_ (K.); tra_e (L.); trai, trae_ (L.); trai (P.); t.l.a_, t.l.ai, tla_i_, tla_e_, tra_i (WPah.); ti_n.i (Pali); tini, tim.ni (As'.); trini (NiDoc.); tin.n.i (Pkt.); trin, taran (Gypsy); tinn (P.); tin (Ku.N.); tini (A.); tin (B.); tini (Or.); ti_ni (Mth.); ti_ni (Aw.); ti_n (Bhoj.H.Marw.); trin.n.i (OG.); tran.i (G.); ti_n (M.); ti_ni (Konkan.i); tin., tun (OSi.); tuna (Si.); tin (Md.); tin.n.am. (Pali.Pkt.); trina (NiDoc.); tren (K.); t.rini (S.)(CDIAL 5994). Threefold: tekhar. third repetition (G.); tekhr.u~ threefold (G.); tikkhattum. thrice (Pali); tikkhutto_ < trayas kr.tvah. (Pkt.)(CDIAL 5999). Name of a district: ti_rabhukti name of a district (Skt.); tirhutia_ an inhabitant of Tirhut (Mth.); tirhut the district of Tirhut; tirhutiya_ adj. (H.)(CDIAL 5843). Third part: tribha_ga a third part (Skt.); tibha_ga consisting of three portions (Pali); tibha_ya, tiha_a a third (Pkt.); t.riha_i_ (S.); triha_i_ (L.); tiha_i_ (P.); teha_i (B.); tiha_i_ (Bhoj.); harvest (in which the cultivator takes one third of the produce of the first field)(H.); tiha_r.a_ division into three equal parts (H.); tiha_li_ cotton pods the fibre of which is one third of the whole (H.)(CDIAL 6037); tihai_ a third share (H.); t.l.iha_g arbitrator, judge (WPah.)(CDIAL 6038). ater day after tomorrow (Wg.)(CDIAL 5910). [For a_- cf. a_caturam to the fourth generation (MaitrS.); as'-ruc the day before yesterday (Par.)]; tri_ the day after tomorrow (Ash.); tri_ (Kt.); ter, atrim (Wg.); itri_ the day before yesterday (Dm.); ye_wr.ei (Wot..); atri_li (Kal.); ortiri (Kho.); a_di_, a_deug do_s (Bshk.); e_trili (Phal.); ici_ (Sh.); atreu~ two days off (past or future)(L.); atro~_ the day after tomorrow (L.); attru~ two days off (P.); et.l.u the day before yesterday (WPah.);[cf. ne_r-r-u yesterday (Ta.) (Ta.lex.)]; at.l.u, atru (WPah.)(CDIAL 1130). attarsu~ three days ago (L.); tarso~ the day before yesterday or after tomorrow (P.); atarso~ the day after tomorrow [-tar- for -t(r)i-; cf. parso~ < paras'vas](H.)(CDIAL 1138). tr.ti_ya a third part (VS.); adj. forming a third part (Pa_n..); tri_a_ a third part (L.)(CDIAL 5913). tri_in., tri_jin., tri_jin. (with a nasal from tri_n '3') cow having its its third calf; tari_jan (L.)(CDIAL 5917). tiyavaka third day after new or full moon (Si.)(CDIAL 5918). tihwa~_sa_ festival for a woman three months after conception (H.)(CDIAL 5919). t.l.ia_n. third day of the lunar month (WPah.)(CDIAL 5921). tr.ti_ya_ (cf. tithi) third day of the lunar fortnight (Skt.); taia_ (Pkt.); tray, trey (K.); t.ri_ja (S.); ti_j (P.Aw.H.Marw.); tri_j, ti_j (G.); ti_j (M.); tiy loc. sg. (OSi.)(CDIAL 5920). tr.ti_ya third (RV.); tatiya (Pali); triti (NiDoc.); tai~_a, te_a, tiiya, ti_a, taijja, tiijja (Pkt.); de_ (Bshk.); cu_i_ (Tor.); t_ri_jo (S.); tri_ja_, tari_ja_, tri_a_ (L.); ti_a_, ti_jja_, tri_yya_ (P.); tiaja (MBh.); tej-bariya_ bridegroom for the third time (B.); tijai third (Mth.); ti_ja_ (OAw.H.); tariyu~, tri_ju~, ti_ju~ (G.); tija_ (M.); ce_e-dos day after tomorrow (D..); truida (Dm.); di_d (Bshk.); cu_i_-di_ (Tor.); tru~_izdi_, tru_i~de (Phal.); ortiri, ohortiri day before yesterday (Kho.); asti (N.); triyumu, treyo, trayyo third (K.); trio~ (S.); t.l.eiyau~, tre_a~_ (WPah.); et.r.i_ze day after tomorrow; ici_zi, ic(h)i day before yesterday (Sh.); nutri_ day before yesterday (Ash.Kt.); nutrim (Wg.); nuter.i_ (Pas'.); nuta_r.i, nutar.i_, nteri_-de day before yesterday or after tomorrow (Pas'.); nu~di_ (Gaw.); nudia (Sv.)(CDIAL 5912). anura_tram in the night (AitBr.); nudia day before yesterday (Savi)(CDIAL 318). For nu- cf.: ne_r-r-u adv. yesterday (Kulo_t. Ko_. 298); lately, recently; ne_r-r-aikku id.; ne_r-r-u-munta_-na_l. lately, recently (Ta.Tinn.)(Ta.lex.) Image: triple: tehara_ treble, triple, three; tehar a third time, three times, a triplication; teha_n., tehin., tehun. all three, three, the three (P.lex.) tehr.a thrice, three times (Santali.lex.)

4140.Image: three-peaked: triku_t.a three-peaked; trikakud; name of a mountain (Ka.Skt.)(Ka.lex.) tiri-ku_t.am < tri-ku_t.a a sacred mountain (Iraku. Tik. 224); the mountain at Kur-r-a_lam in Tinnevelly district, as having three peaks (Kur-r-a_. Tala.)(Ta.lex.) tirikarttam < trigarta an arid country between the Sutlej and the Sarasvati rivers, containing Ludhiana and Patiala on the north and some portion of the deserts on the south, one of 56 te_cam (Pa_rata. Ira_ca. 51)(Ta.lex.) trigarta name of a people inhabiting the modern Lahore; the country of the Trigartas, and their kind (Ka.lex.) A mythical range of mountains: perun-tikiri a mythical range of mountains beyond the mountain cakkarava_l.am (Takkaya_kap. 403); tikiri hill, mountain; tikiri-k-kal a mythical range of mountains, cakkarava_l.am; tikiri man-n-avar the six famous emperors, viz., Ariccantiran-, Nal.an-, Mucukuntan-, Purukuccan-, Puru_rava_, Ka_rttavi_riyan- (Cu_t.a_.)(Ta.lex.) cikari < s'ikharin mountain as being peaked (Perun.. Narava_n.a. 1,182)(Ta.lex.)

4141.Lever; pounding machine; beam of a well: d.hem.ka beam of a well (Pkt.); d.hi~_go waterwheel (S.); d.he~ki rice-husking pedal (A.B.Or.); d.he~ka_ id. (Bi.); d.he~ki id., lever for raising water (Bi.); d.he~ki_ pounding or husking machine (Mth.Bhoj.); d.he~ka_, d.he~ki_ rice-husking pedal; d.he~kua_ lever for drawing water (H.); d.e~_kali_ machine for drawing water, dip well (K.); d.hi~_gulo waterwheel (S.); d.hi~_gali_ well-bucket on a lever (P.); d.he~kul., d.he~kula_ lever for raising water (Bi.); dhe~kul counterpoise for such a lever (Mth.); d.he~kli_ the lever (H.); d.heki_ pounding machine (Mth.); pedal for crushing lime; d.heke_ curved piece of wood which presses down roller of oil mill (M.); d.hin:ki rice-husking machine (Or.); d.hiki id. (N.Or.); d.hikuwa_ horizontal beam of oil press (N.)(CDIAL 5596).

4142.Image: cake of powdered charcoal: t.ikira_ cake of powdered charcoal (A.); t.ika_ (B.); t.ike (B.); t.ikia_ (Or.H.); t.iki_ cake (S.); t.ikki_ food (L.); small cake (P.); t.ikkar thick cake of bread (H.); t.i_ki_ cake (G.); t.ikkar. thick small cake (G.); t.ili_ cake (M.); t.ikiya_ cake of powdered charcoal (N.)(CDIAL 5459).

4143.Image: junction: tehar.a, tehr.a a pillar or mark placed at the junction of three boundaries (Santali.lex.)

4144.Image: obstruct: t.ekao to bar, to obstruct, to prevent, to obstruct, prevent or hinder by interposing an obstacle; t.ekao ruar.kedeako they turned him back, they barred his way and turned him back; gai t.ekaoe sen akana he has gone to prevent the cows (from straying); dak dokin t.ekaokeda they barred the way of the water, dammed it (Santali.lex.)

4145.Image: potter's wheel: tikiri wheel (Cilap. 4,2); potter's wheel (Ka_cippu. Tirunakarap. 76); discus weapon (Kampara_. cittira. 40); royal authority (Man.i. 22,16); chariot, car (Ja_n-a_. 7,17); sun (Akana_. 53); tikirikai wheel; potter's wheel (Ta.lex.) Image: wheel: tiguri, tigari, tiguru a wheel, especially a potter's wheel (Ka.); tigiri (Ta.); kumba_r-ada tiguri kula_la cakra (Ka.lex.) tekos, tekos tekos imitative of the sound produced by the charka or spinning wheel, to whir; tekos marte sad.e gotena it gave a whir, it sounded whir; tekhar times; bar pe tekharic nelkedea I saw him two or three times (Santali.lex.)

4146.Image: sexual union: den:gu sexual union (Ka.Te.)(Ka.lex.)

4147.To seize: t.ekur to seize with the teeth (Pas'.)(CDIAL 5466). Neighbourhood; image: corner: d.hig near, by, with (P.); d.hi_k edge, corner (Ku.); d.hig side, quarter, postp. with ke near (H.); rig side; rik (Gypsy)(CDIAL 5586). cf. cekkal near (Pa.); caxa_ around, near, in the vicinity of (Kur.); cen:gat.a(n) near, close by; cen:gali nearness, neighbourhood (Te.)(DEDR 2753). Metath. kit.t.u (kit.t.i-) to draw near (in time or place), be on friendly terms with, be attained, accomplished, be clenched (as the teeth in lockjaw); approach, attack, meet, tie, bind; kit.t.a near, close by; kit.t.am nearness, vicinity; kit.t.i clamps (used in torture, etc.); kit.t.in-ar relations, friends, associates; kit.ai (-pp-, -tt-) to be obtained, found, come into one's possession, join, come together; approach, encounter, oppose; n. comparison, likeness, equality (Ta.); kit.a approach, match, equality; kit.ayuka to knock against, quarrel, be found or obtained; kit.accal meeting, quarrelling; kit.ekka to be obtained, engage in; kit.t.uka to come to hand, be obtained, reach; kit.t.am vicinity, nearness; kit.t.i torture by pressing the hands between two sticks (Ma.); kit.- (kit.y-) to be caught (in crowd, by buffalo's horns, by promise that one must keep, etc.); kid.- vicinity (kid.k, kid.s.)(To.); kit.t.u to touch, reach, come to hand, be obtained; git.t.u, gi_t.u to be obtained, etc., be pressed closely one to the other; git.t.isu, gi_t.isu to cause oneself to be reached; kit.t.i torture in which hands, ears or noses are pressed between two sticks; kid.u touching, approach; gad.e touching, fitting, meeting; match, comparison, equality; ged.e touching; match; friendship, intimacy (Ka.); kit.t.- (kit.t.i-) to be got, come into possession of (Kod..); kit.t.a proximity; near; git.t.a proximate, near (Tu.); kit.t.i to touch (Kor.); kit.t.u to approach, draw near, agree, suit; git.t.u to be agreeable or favourable, friendly terms or feelings to exist; suit, agree, match or meet, be met, (teeth) are set, attack, meet with; git.t.ani inimical, hostile (Te.); git.- (-t-) to be fair (of price in bargain) (Kond.a); git.a_- (git.a a_-) to correspond (Pe.); kit.e near, nigh; kitre to approach (Malt.)(DEDR 1538).

4148.Image: fly: hi_gn.e mosquito; hen.n.e a fly (Mand..); tingli_ fly (Kur.); tiln-gru the common fly (Malt.)(DEDR 3214). cigl.a a fly (Ka.)(DEDR 2506).

4149.Image: honeycomb: tiga beehive (Tu.); ti_n-tot.ai beehive (Ta.); tin.isa honeycomb (Pkt.); te.n-eri (Kod..);(DEDR 3268-b). tot.t.e honeycomb (Tu.); a bee's empty shell (Ka.)(DEDR 3490). cf. tot.u to put on clothes (Ta.)(DEDR 3482).

4150.Images: string of a lute; betel-leaf; a creeper, vine, climbing plant: t.in:g the sound produced by any stringed instrument played upon with the fingers (Ka.); t.in:g t.in:g the sound of a guitar, cittern etc. (Ka.lex.) takat.u black betel-leaf (Ta.); kamma_r ver-r-ilai id. (Ta.lex.) ti_ge a creeping plant, vine, tendril on spray, the string of a lute, wire (Ka.); ti~_ga, ti~_ge, ti~_giya wire, string of a musical instrument, a creeping or climbing plant, creeper, vine, a necklace of gold wire (Te.); ti_g creeper (Kol.Ga.); tivavu bands of a catgut for a ya_r..; ti_n-tot.tai string of a lute, lute (Ta.); tiv thread (Pa.); tiya_ iron neck-ring; teeg wire (Go.); tiva creeper of a plant or shrub (Kond.a); tiga wire (Pe.); ti_ge_ guitar string; tri_ga wire (Kuwi)(DEDR 3269). Image: cord: tikir cord used in sacrificial ceremonies (W.); tikir-at.ittal to shake the tikir, as a signal to the sacrificer (W.)(Ta.lex.) taguru thread round a woman's waist (K.); tagga gold thread, thread bracelet (Pkt.); tara_gi_, tara_gar.i_, tar.a_gi_, tar.a_gar.i_ string round waist (P.); ta_ga_, tagga_ thread (P.); ta_go thread-ceremony (Ku.); ta_ga_ thread, sacred thread (N.); thread (B.Or.OAw.H.); tra_go, tra_gr., ta_gr.o (G.); ta_g plant from which a kind of hemp is made (M.); ta_gan.u to stitch (S.); ta_giba_ to sew with thick cotton (Or.); tagahi_ tethering rope for cattle (Bi.)(CDIAL 6010). To stitch, tack: t.a_kan. to stitch (S.); t.a~_ko a stitch (S.); t.a~_ko sewing, joining, patch (Ku.); t.a~_knu to join, tack, button up (N.); t.a~_ko stitch, seam (N.); t.a_kiba to tie loosely (A.); t.a~_ka_ to stitch (B.); t.a_n:kiba_, t.a_kiba_ hand-stitching (Or.); t.a~_kal to sew (Bhoj.); t.a~_kna_ to stitch, join, rivet, solder (H.); t.a~_ka_ to stitch (M.); stitch, join (H.); t.a~_kvu~ to stitch (G.); t.a~_ko (G.); t.a_ka_ (M.); t.a_cvu~ to stitch (G.); t.a~_cn.i_ small pin (G.); t.a~_cn.e~, t.a_cn.e~ to sew lightly (M.); t.a~_cn.i_, t.a_cn.i_ pin (M.); t.an:kati, t.akayati ties (Skt.)(CDIAL 5432). t.a_ka_, t.a_ki, t.a_ku a stitch (Ka.); t.a_ka_, t.a_ca_ (M.)(Ka.lex.) Patch: ta_g quilting cotton (Ku.); tagn.u to quilt with cotton (N.); ta_gna_ to quilt (H.)(CDIAL 6010). Image: a patch: te_pe, tya_pe a patch (Ka.); tai to sew, stitch, fasten (Ta.Ma.); taippu needle-work (Ma.)(Ka.lex.) Patch for mending: thiggala patch for mending (Pkt.); thigli_ (P.); thigir.i_ rag (S.); thigr.i_ (L.); thegli_ patch of cloth (H.); thi~gr.u~, thi~gr.i_ (G.); thigr.a_ cloth (L.); thigr.u~, thigr.i_ patch (G.)(CDIAL 6096). t.henga_ pantaloons (A.)(CDIAL 5500). Image: pannier: takkai patch on cloth (Ta.lex.) trongu worn rag (K.); taran:gar., taran:gar.i_, tara_n:gar.i_ large-meshed net for loading on pack animals (L.); tan:gar. (P.); t.a_n.-t.un. odds and ends (N.)(CDIAL 5987). tro_ngu bundle of rags (K.); t.un:geiba_ to cut into pieces (Or.)(CDIAL 6062). [The semantics 'skein, bark' may be linked to: taral(i) bark coat (Go.); taghali_ a raincoat made of strips of retted bark of the tree kydia calycina (Go.); tar-la big container made of ad.a leaves (bauhinia racemosa) and conical in shape (Kond.a); t.ad.uri a rain hat made of bamboo and leaves (Kui); tarla leaf coat covering the back; terla rain cap made of leaves (Kuwi)(DEDR 3139).[cf.-d.uri suffix in the Kui. form cognate with d.hero ball of thread (S.)(CDIAL 5474)].

4151.Image: monkey: ti_ga_ monkey (Kur.); tige monkey (Malt.)(DEDR 3270).

4152.Image: goose: tikiri-p-pul. ruddy goose, cakkarava_kam (tikar..un tikirip pul.l.uk kuyam : Tiruppo_. Can. Alan:ka_. 31); tikiri circle, circular form (Ta.); wheel (Cilap. 4,2)(Ta.lex.)

4153.Quick: tikkane swiftly (Ma.); dikkane, diggane suddenly, all at once, quickly (Ka.); dikka quickly, speedily (Tu.); diggana, digguna suddenly, abruptly (Te.)(DEDR 3209). tikhru quick (A.)(CDIAL 5841). tum.tuikkhud.ia quick, hasty (Pkt.)(CDIAL 5849).

4154.Image: sunshine: t.hikari sunshine (Santali.lex.) Image: sun; sun's rays: tikiri sun (vicumput.an- vil.an:kum viraicelar- r-ikiri : Akana_. 53); the discus weapon (Kampara_. Cittira. 40); circular form; wheel; royal authority (Man.i. 22,16); tikar..vu brightness, lustre, splendour (Ko_yir-pu. Pataca. 88)(Ta.lex.) ? dinakara sun (Skt.); din.ayara (Pkt.); diniyara, dinera (H.)(CDIAL 6329). tik powerful rays of the sun (Si.)(CDIAL 5808). tekir.. to be manifest, shine (Ta.); teqe to shine, glow (Malt.); tikar..uka to shine (Ma.); tikar.. to shine (as diamonds), glimmer (as stars), be brilliant (Ta.); tikar..cci, tikar..vu brightness, lustre, splendour (Ta.); tikar..ttu to beautify, adorn (Ta.); tege-tegre to be or become glossy (Malt.)(DEDR 3200).

4155.Image: buttocks: deke the hip, rump, buttocks (Santali.lex.) it.uppu the hip (Ma.)(DEDR 448). cf. t.ikir waist (Go.)(DEDR 2953).

4157.Image: to comb: hikku, pikku to separate: to comb (Ka.lex.)

4158.Image: branch channel: hikkalu a separation: a small branch-channel in gardens or rice-fields (Ka.lex.)

4159.Images: to straddle to open legs wide: higgalisu to separate or disjoin, as the legs, to straddle; to open wide, as an eye with the fingers; to open as the mouth of a bag, of a bullock, or of the yo_ni (Ka.lex.)

4160.Image: space between legs: dekki space, room; dekka_r, ed.ekka_r the space between the legs; ba_lenu ed.ekka_rut.u pa_d.uni to keep the baby between the legs [ed.e + ka_r](Tu.lex.) dekka_ji, ed.ekka_ji an intermediate bangle, usually worn between two bangles of the same variety [ed.e + ka_ji](Tu.lex.) dekkuli, ed.ekku_l.i an extra tooth in between two regular teeth [ed.e + ku_l.i](Tu.lex.)

4161.Image: space between the legs: dekka_ru space between the legs (Tu.)(DEDR 448). Image: to stand with legs separated: tra dik to stand with the legs separated, to straddle (Kho.)(CDIAL 5822). Image: middle part of a dam: t.ek middle part of a dam (A.)(CDIAL 5420). Image: gap, space; space between legs: dekki place, room (Tu.); ed.a place, spot (Te.); ed.amu place, space, room, opportunity, time, occasion (Te.); it.am place, room, spot (Ta.); it.ai place, space, suitable time (Ta.); it.aviya wide, extensive, spacious (Ta.); it.a, et.a, it.am, et.am, e_t.am place, spot, house, time (Ma.); er.m place (Ko.); ir.n. place (To.); id.e, ed.e, ed.a place, spot, ground (Ka.); ed.e the company or proximity of a person (Kod..); id.e place, room, space, abode (Tu.)(DEDR 434). it.ai middle in space or time, interval, gap, unfilled space, waist (Ta.); it., et.a interval, place between, interval of time, middle, waist (Ma.); er. place or time between, interval (Ko.); ir. kwa.y intrmediate kwa.y vessel (To.); ed.a, ed.e place or time between, interval, distance, middle, waist (Ka.); id.e interval, space between, interval of time (TU.); ed.avat.t.u middling, indifferent (Tu.); ed.a space, interval, distance, difference (Te.); ed.amu intervening space, distance (Te.)(DEDR 448).

4162.Image: body: de_ha body (TA_r.); body (Pali.Pkt.); de_haka pl. limbs (Pali); diz idol (Pr.); dih body (esp. human)(K.); deh, dih, dehi_ (P.); de_h (WPah.); deha_ (A.); de (MB.); diha (Or.); deh (Mth.); de~_h (Aw.); deh, deha_, dehi_ (H.); dehad.i_ (OG.); deh (G.M.)(CDIAL 6557). d.okke the body (Ka.); dokk id. (Tu.); d.okka skeleton, belly (Te.); bone (Nk.); belly (Go.); do_kku_ skeleton (Kuwi); ciparta d.okka rib (Nk.); nenja-d.aki chest (Pe.); hi_pa-d.aki, si_pa-d.aki chest (Kuwi)(DEDR 2976). kad.uku a headless trunk (Ka.); kat.t.ai body, corpse (Ta.); kat.a corpse (Skt.)(DEDR 1152). cf. d.oi_ head (H.M.); d.oku head (G.); d.oke (M.); d.eka forehead (K.)(CDIAL 5566). deh the body (Santali.lex.) deha [Skt. deha to *dheigh to form, knead, heap up; Goth. deigan (knead) = OHG. teig = E. dough] body; deha-nikkhepana laying down the body (Pali.lex.)

4163.Image: passage: te_kal.i < de_hali_ the passage from the outer door to the inner door-way, often provided with a pial (Ta.lex.) cf. de_hali_ raised terrace in front of threshold, threshold (Gr.S.)(CDIAL 6559).

4164.Temple: de_gala, de_gula (Tadbhava of de_vakula) a temple (Ka.); de_u_l.a (M.); de_guliga, de_vad.iga an attendant on an idol, de_vala, de_valaka (Ka.lex.) de_va_n:gadavaru a class of s'aiva weavers (Ta.); de_van:gi (Te.)(Ka.lex.) te_val.am temple (W.)(Ta.); de_val.amu (Te.); de_va_laya (Skt.)(Ta.lex.) te_vil temple (karuvut.ai-t- te_vilkal. ella_m : Tiv. Tiruva_y. 4,4,8)(Ta.)(Ta.lex.) te_vakulam temple (Man.i. 26,72); te_varkulam id. (Ir-ai. 1, Pa_yi. Pak. 88); de_gula (Ka.)(Ta.lex.) de_vaula, de_vala, de_ula temple (Pkt.); dyol (Ku.); dyoli small temple dedicated to a goddess (Ku.)[cf. jes.t.ak goddess of the hearth (Kal.); de_s.t.ri_ name of a female divinity (RV.)(CDIAL 6556); de_vi_ goddess (RV.)(CDIAL 6545)]; daul, dal temple (A.); deul (B.); deul.a, daul.a (Or.); dewal (H.); dewali_ small shrine (H.); deval. temple (G.M.); deu_l. (M.); devola, devela (Si.); deura_li place of worship (N.)(CDIA 6524). de.r god, possession of a diviner by a god (Ko.); te.r possession of a diviner by a god; te.rka.rn diviner; te.rka.rc wife of diviner (Ko.); to.r o.d.- (o.d.y-) (shaman) is dancing and divining (To.); te_r(u) chariot, idol car (Ka.); te_ru idol-car, the car festival (Tu.); car, chariot (Te.); te_r car, chariot, vehicle (Ta.); chariot, temple car (Ma.)(DEDR 3459). det.hu, dyot.he temple, god (WPah.)(CDIAL 6527). de_vagr.ha temple (TBr.); de_vagaha id. (Pali); de_vahara, de_vaharaya (Pkt.); diwuru lofty stone shrine (K.); d.e_hri_, d.e~hri_ domed tomb of a Hindu saint (L.); deuhra_, dehra_, d.ehra_, dihra_, d.ihra_ sacred sepulchral monument, temple (P.); deuri_ officer of a temple (A.); dehara_ temple (MB.); dehuri, deheri temple servant (Or.); devahara temple (OAw.); dehar, deuhra_, dihura_, dehra_, dihra_ Hindu or Jain temple (H.); deharam. (OG.); dehru~, deru~ small domed temple (G.); devha_ra_ shrine (M.); devha_re~ image in a shrine (M.)(CDIAL 6528). te_var dieties, objects of worship (Tol. Po. 450); te_var-ko_n- Indra, the lord of the celestials (Cilap. 17, Pak. 447); te_va_ram diety worshipped privately in a house; worship (Ta.lex.) dalai chief officer of a temple (A.)(CDIAL 6525). deuri_ temple servant (A.); dehuri, deheri id. (Or.)(CDIAL 6528). de_ulia temple attendant (Pkt.); dewali_ya_ (A.); deuliya_ (B.); deul.ia_ (Or.); de_vakulika temple attendant (Skt.)(CDIAL 6526).

4165.Image: scorpion: te_kat.ai scorpion (Can.. Aka.); tekut.t.i turnsole (Malai.); te_t.kot.ukki turnsole, heliotropim indicum (Pata_rtta. 263)(Ta.lex.)

4166.Head of a district: de_sa_yi, de_s'a_yi a hereditary officer; the head of a district (Ka.M.)(Ka.lex.) ta_cil < tahsi_l (U.) collection, especially of the public revenue derived from the land, the revenue collected (Ta.lex.)

4167.Rampart: de_hi_ rampart, mound (RV. vi.47.2; TBr. ii.4.7 : de_hinih- praja_h-)(Vedic.lex.) cf. de_hali_ threshold (Gr.S.)(CDIAL 6559). deha_i_ fellow-villager (S.); de_s'in native(MBh.)(CDIAL 6549). cf. des' cultivated field (Pas'.)(CDIAL 6547). cf. deh village (L.P.); de_h, dih (Pers.); dihi mound (N.)(CDIAL 6562). d.egha a place outside the threshing floor where the grain carts stad when unloading It is smoothed so that the grain which falls can easily be mopped up (Santali.lex.)

4168.High, rising ground: t.ekra_, t.ekri_ a rock, a height, high or rising ground (P.lex.) t.ikkara, t.i_kara a mound; t.i abbreviation of t.i_kar, t.ikkara a mound (IE 8-1)(IEG, p. 340). Anthill: t.ikara_, t.i_kira_ anthill (Or.)(CDIAL 5423). t.u_ki nest of a white anthill (Kui); t.o~_k inner part of an anthill (Ga.)(DEDR 2990). de_hika_ a sort of ant which throws up earth (Ma_rkP.); di_via_ termite (Pkt.); di_u~_, di~_ termite; dea_r.a_ anthill (H.); dhyu_r.o termite; dhyu_r.-kot. anthill (Ku.); dhimilo, dhamilo termite (N.); d.ia~_, dia~_-poka (Or.); dimiya_ red ant (Si.)(CDIAL 6561). diya~_r termite (H.)(CDIAL 6564). dewal, deuli heap of earth (e.g. termite mound) (N.) (CDIAL 6559). de_hud.d.(h)i_ mound, threshold (Skt.)(CDIAL 6565). Image: mound; village: de_hi_ mound (RV.); dihu mound, sandhill (S.); d.i_u mound, heap (S.); d.ihi mound (N.); d.eh, pl. d.eha~ site of deserted village (L.); deh village (L.P.); de_h, dih (Pers.)(CDIAL 6562). dhurya_n, dhuren dunghill, midden (N.)(CDIAL 6836). cf. dulo hole (Ku.); du_ra hole (Ash.); duri, dori_g smoke-hole (Wg.)(CDIAL 6452). Mound: t.ikkara (EI 28), t.i_kara (EI 8-1). t.i (abbreviation in epigraphs; cf. Sircar, D.C., Indian Epigraphy, 1965, p.329) a mound. tigul.a-dan.d.a name of a tax (IE 8-5.IEG.) Highland: t.ikara high land, sandbank (Or.); t.a_ngi_ hill, stony country (Or.); t.angara rocky hilly land (Or.); d.a_g, d.a_k stony land (Ku.); d.a_n heap (B.); d.a_nga_ dry upland (B.); d.aki rising ground (K.); d.akuru hill on a road (K.); da_gi_ belonging to hill country (H.); da_g precipice (H.); t.inna_ elevated piece of land (A.); t.e_g mound (K.); t.u~g mound, lump (M.); t.u~gar bump, mound (M.); t.u~gal., t.u~gu_l. bump, mound (M.); d.a_g mountain-ridge (H.); hill-tract (M.); d.a_gan., d.a_ga_n., d.a~ga_n. id. (M.); d.u~ga_ eminence (M.); tunga high (Pali); tumga high (Pkt.); uttunga lofty (MBh.); tung importance (A.); tungu lofty (Si.)(CDIAL 5423). t.akk cutting in a field of grain (P.)(CDIAL 5421). d.hikuro heap, mound (N.); d.hikana_ lump, clod (N.); d.hikl.i_ small heap (M.); dhikal. clot, clod, lump (M.); d.higu lump (S.); d.hig heap (L.); d.higg high bank, hill (P.); d.hig bank (N.); d.hi~_g large mass (H.); d.hi_ga heap (OG.); d.hi_g large heap, mass (M.); d.heko pl. d.hya_ka_ clod, lump (Ku.); d.heko protuberance (G.); d.hekl.i_ clot, small heap (M.); d.hen:kal.a_ clods of earth for throwing, brickbats (Or.); d.he~kal., d.he~ku_l. clod (M.)(CDIAL 5585). d.higa_r heap, pile (H.); d.hi_ga_r id. (G.)(CDIAL 5587). t.ikara_, t.i_kira_ anthill (Or.); t.akuru mountain (S.); t.akiri_ hillock (S.); t.a_kara low hill (S.); t.a_kiru mountaineer (S.); t.a_kuro hill top (N.); t.in mountain peak (A.); t.ek, t.eka_d., t.ekd.i_, t.e~kd.i_ hillock (M.); t.ekra_ rock, hill (P.); t.ekar, t.ekra_ heap, hillock (H.); t.ekro, t.ekri_ mountain, hillock (G.); t.e_g hillock (K.); t.u~k peak (G.); t.u~g mound, lump (M.); t.unguri hillock (Or.); d.aki hill (K.); d.a_nga_ hill (B.); d.angur heap (N.); d.u~g hill, pile (M.)[cf. dru_g ravine (Phal.)(CDIAL 6429)]; d.u~gi_ heap (M.); d.umgara mountain (Pkt.); d.u~gar mountain (Ku.H.G.); d.ungar heap (N.); d.u~gri_ mountain (Ku.G.); d.unguri hillock (Or.); d.u_garu hill (S.); d.o~gar hill (H.M.); tumgi_ya mountain (Pkt.); tong peak (K.); tungu mountain (Si.); thong peak (K.); da_g hill (H.)(CDIAL 5423). High bank; prop: d.higg high bank, hill (P.); d.higu lump (S.); d.hig heap (L.); bank (N.); d.hi_g large mass (H.); large heap, mass (M.); d.hi_ga heap (OG.); d.higi_ a prop (M.); d.heko (pl. d.hya_ka) clod, lump (Ku.); d.hekl.i_ clot, small heap (M.)(CDIAL 5585). d.higa_r heap, pile (H.); d.hi_ga_r (G.)(CDIAL 5587). Strong and stout: d.hi_c strong and stout (G.); heap, abundance (Ku.)(CDIAL 5588). digar.o lump, clod of earth (Ku.)(CDIAL 6326). Elevated ground: takar elevated ground, me_t.t.u nilam; earth (Ta.lex.) Image: hill: tu_nk Jain; top of a mountain or hill on which there is a shrine or several shrines (HA.IEG.) t.unka, t.unga hill (CDIAL 5467). t.an:ka peak, crag (MBh.); tun:ga mountain (MBh.); lofty (MBh.) [Variety of form indicates non-Aryan, perh. Munda origin.](CDIAL 5423). Mound: de_hi_ mound, bank, surrounding wall (RV.); d.ihu mound, sandhill (S.)[cf. te_ri sandhill (Ta.); hillock, swelling on the ground (Ma.)(DEDR 3461)]; Mound: d.i~u mound heap (S.); d.eh, d.eha_ (pl.) site of deserted village (L.); deh village (L.P.)(CDIAL 6562). dewal, deuli heap of earth (N.); deul mound, old wall (B.); de_hali_ threshold (Pkt.); raised terrace in front of a threshold (Skt.); dehal threshold (P.); dehli (B.); dehal.i_ (Or.); dehari_ outer entrance room (Bi.); dehli_, dihli_, dahli_, dehri_ doorway, threshold (H.); dehari (Mth.); d.elu~ open space in front of house, gate of a street (G.)(CDIAL 65599). High bank: d.ok high ground, hillock, heap (Kho.); d.hok large piece of broken stone (H.); d.hu~go stone (Ku.); d.hun:go (N.)(CDIAL 5603). d.hu~yer carrier of stone (Ku.)(CDIAL 5604).

4169.Image: hill, peak: t.an:ka peak, crag (MBh.); tun:ga lofty; mountain (MBh.); t.akuru mountain; t.akiri_ hillock; t.a_kara low hill; t.a_kiru_ mountaineer (S.); t.a_kuro, t.a_kuri hill top (N.); t.a_n:gi_ hill, stony country (Or.); t.a_n:garo rocky hilly land (Or.); t.ikara high land, sandbank (Or.); t.in. mountain peak; t.in.na_ elevated piece of land; t.in.a_li very high (A.); t.ek, t.eka_d., t.ekd.i_, t.e_kd.i_ hillock (M.); t.ekra_, t.ekri_ rock, hill (P.); t.ekar, t.ekra_ heap, hillock (H.); t.ekro, t.ekri_ mountain, hillock (G.); t.e~_g hillock, mound (K.); t.u~k peak (G.); t.u~g mound, lump (M.); t.un:guri hillock (Or.); t.u~gar bump, mound (M.); t.u~gal., t.u~gu_l. (M.); d.aki hill, rising ground (K.); d.akuru hill on a road (K.); d.aggara upper terrace of a house (Pkt.); d.agar little hill, slope (M.); d.a~_g, d.a~_k stony land (Ku.); d.a_n. heap; d.a_n:ga_ hill, dry upland (B.); d.a~_g mountain-ridge (H.); hill-tract (M.); d.a~_gan., d.a~_ga_n., d.a~ga_n. hill-tract (M.); d.an:gur heap (N.); d.u~g hill, pile (M.); d.u~ga_ eminence (M.); d.un:gi_ heap (M.); d.um.gara mountain (Pkt.); d.u~gar, d.u~gri_ (Ku.); d.un:gar heap (N.); d.un:guri hillock (Or.); d.u~_gar (H.); d.u~gar, d.u~gri_ (G.); tun:ga high (Pali); tum.ga high (Pkt.); tum.gi_ya mountain (Pkt.); tong, tongu peak (K.); tun:g (P.); tun:g importance (A.); tungu lofty, mountain (Si.); uttun:ga lofty (MBh.); thongu peak (K.); da~_g hill, precipice (H.); da~_gi_ belonging to hill country (H.)(CDIAL 5423). cf. d.ok high ground, hillock, heap (Kho.); d.hok large piece of broken stone (H.); d.hu_go stone (Ku.); d.hun:go (N.)(CDIAL 5603). cf. d.hikuro heap, mound (N.); d.higu lump (S.); d.higg high bank, hill (P.); d.hig bank (N.)(CDIAL 5585). tun:kam height, elevation (Tiv. Periyati. 3,4,6); dignity, exaltedness, excellence; mountain; tun:kan- eminent man (Tiv. Tiruppal. 11)(Ta.lex.) cf. uttun:ga lofty, swollen as a river (MBh.)(CDIAL 1794). cf. ut.i~gal. mount (M.)(CDIAL 1688). uttun:kam height, eminence, grandeur, loftiness (Kantapu. Cin:ka. 475); that which is superior, excellent (Vikkirama. Ula_.)(Ta.lex.) tun:kam tip, edge; tun:kan- apogee of the moon (Cen. viii,217)(Ta.lex.) cf. tikar.. to shine (Ta.)(DEDR 3200). tigl. moon (Ko.); tigil. moon (To.); bel. dingal. moonlight (Ka.); tingal danju crescent moon (Kui); tinkal. moon, month (Ta.)(DEDR 3213).

4170.Grant of entire village: te_ke_va_r adv. < de_hva_ri_ (M.) village by village (Ta.lex.) deh a village < deh (Pers.) village; na_n. wad.d.a_ deh sun.j a great name and a ruined village (P.lex.) t.aika_t < d.e_ha_t entire village held as inam (Ta.lex.)

4171.To live: dehara_ livelihood (N.); de_hadha_ran.a living (MBh.)(CDIAL 6558). t.ek to live, survive, be living; hor.ote khuble t.ekkeda we lived a long time on the rice (Santali.lex.) Rich: d.heke, d.hekela rich, wealthy, fat, corpulent, very, applied to fatness (Santali.lex.) t.ek a prop, support, defence, rest, staying; t.ek a_un.i_ to stay; t.ek rakkhn.i_ to make stable, to make firm; t.ekn. to rest, to support, to place, to prop (P.lex.)

4172.Pomp: dha_ka, dha_ko fame, awe (S.); pomp (P.); eager wish (Ku.); pomp, boasting (N.); pomp, grandeur (H.); awe (G.M.)(CDIAL 6769).

4173.Showy, sightly: dekkha_ye showiness, pompousness (Ka.); de_kha_vu showy, gaudy (M.); dekkha_l.a, dekkha_n.a greatness, grandeur, pomp (Ka.); de_khan.a_ sightly, comely; de_khan.a_vu showy, gaudy (Ka.lex.) desi, de_si beauty, fitness, niceness, comeliness, finish; dese-ga_ra a fortunate man (Ka.lex.)

4174.Images: water; to become full; to overflow: daka (= udaka) water; daka_saya adj. (beings) living in water; daka-ja adj. sprung from water, aquatic; daka-rakkhasa a water-spirit (Pali.lex.) t.hehlan. to cause to pour more water in a degcha_ than is required (P.lex.) tekir..tal to be manifest, to shine (Vina_yakapu. 59,29); to be full (Ma_r-an-alan.. 261, Uta_. 651); tekul.-tal, tekut.al to be full (Pin..); to increase, overflow; tekul.am fullness, abundance (Catu.)(Ta.lex.) te_kkam being brimful; fullness, satiety; te_kkar abundance (Kampara_. Etirkol.. 13); te_n:ku-tal to fill, become full, rise to the brim (Tiruppu. 501); to be crowded, abundant, copious; te_kku to be full, copious, abundant, replete (Kalla_. 1)(Ta.lex.) te_n:ku (te_n:ki-) to fill, become full, rise to the brim, be crowded, abundant, copious; stagnate; te_kku (te_kki-) to drink to the fill, be full, copious, abundant, replete, be sated, glutted; n. fullness, repletion, satiety (Ta.); te_kkit.u to brim over (Tiruva_ca. 3,171); te_kku-tal to stop the flow of water; to dam up (Kampara_. Kumpakarun.a. 99); to drink to the full (Kampara_. Atika_ya. 215)(Ta.lex.) To swallow, to drink: tra_gu, tra_vu to drink, swallow, eat, smoke; tra_gud.u, tra_vud.u drinking (Te.); ta_r- to swallow (Pa.); ta_rg- id.; sark- to drink (as ox in tank)(Ga.)(DEDR 3174). te_n:ki mass, multitude (Ka.); te_k brimful, up to the brim only (Tu.); te_kla, te_kli fastidious person (Kuwi); te_kl te_khrna_ to have an overfilled stomach; te_kh te~_khrna_ to suffer from heavy dinner, feel puffed up; tekhtekhrna_, textexrna_ to grow short of breath (as child with overfilled stomach)(Kur.) (DEDR 3453). cf. te_kkam eructation (Ta.)(DEDR 3451). takc- to sprinkle (water) from palm of hand (Ko.); takkal.isu to sprinkle water (Ka.); akkal.isu to sprinkle (Ka.)(DEDR 3008). tevil.-(l.)u-tal to become full, filled; to overflow, increase (Net.unal. 25); tevul. id. (Ta.); tevit.t.utal to be sated, glutted, as the stomach (I_t.u. 2,6,5); te_gat.t.u id. (OK.); to chew the cud (Pur-ana_. 161); tevit.t.u-tal to become full (Tiruva_ca. 3,77); tevvu-tal to fill (Paripa_. 11,69)(Ta.lex.) tekul. (tekul.v-, tekun.t.-), tevil. (tevil.v-, tevin.t.-) to be full, increase, overflow; tekir.. (-v-, -nt-) to be full; tekul.am fullness, abundance; tekut.t.u (tekut.t.i-) to cloy, glut; tekit.t.u surfeit; tevit.t.u (tevit.t.i-) to become full, be sated, glutted, cloyed; n. loathing (as of food from satiety); tikai (-v-, -nt-) to complete, come to an end (Ta.); tikayuka to become full, complete, be fulfilled, finished; tika fullness; tikaccal, tikavu completion, satiety; tikekka to complete, fill up, fulfil; tivir-r-uka to force into a vessel, cram (Ma.); ti_vu to become full, abound, spread; fill (Ka.); tegu (work) to be finished, ended; tegudala end, termination, completion (Te.)(DEDR 3405). To abide, stay, remain: tevit.t.u to abide, stay, remain (Tiva_.)(Ta.lex.)

4175.Image: full to the brim: {Echo word} d.ak d.ak full to the brim (a vessel); d.ak d.ak hon.a_ to overflow; d.a_kar any fertile clayey ground where water collects (P.lex.)

4176.Image: brim: deg, dege brim e.g. of a pot; lip (Kon.lex.) das'a_ brim of a cloth (Skt.lex.) deg, dege stripe; skirt, border of a dress (Kon.lex.) t.heka an iron guard ring for a wristlet (Santali.lex.) cf. te_k brimful, up to the brim only (Tu.); te_n:ku to the brim (Ta.); te_kkam being brimful (Ta.)(DEDR 3453).

4177.Image: cover of grain pot: d.hakna_ cover of grain-pot (Bi.); d.ha_kni (Mth.); d.hakni_ lid (Bhoj.); d.hakkai shuts (Pkt.); d.hakan.u to cover (S.); d.hakkn.a_ to cover (P.); d.hakn.o (Ku.); d.ha_knu (N.); d.ha_kiba (A.); d.ha_ka_ (B.); d.ha_kal (Bhoj.); d.hakai (OMarw.); d.hakkin.i_ lid (Pkt.); d.hakkan.i_ (S.); d.hakn.a_ (P.); d.hakkan. (WPah.); d.ha_kan (Ku.); d.hakni (N.); d.ha_kni (A.); d.ha_kan (B.)(CDIAL 5574). To stop; armour: takai armour, coat of mail; garland, binding, fastening, obstruction (Ta.); to resist, check (Ta.); takaippu battle array of an army, fortress (Ta.); taga, tagave, tagahu, tage delay, obstacle, impediment (Ka.); tage to stop, arrest, impede, stun (Ka.); tagar to be stopped or impeded, impede, etc. (Ka.)(DEDR 3006).

4178.Image: to hide: ad.en:g, d.en., dan:g to hide (Tu.lex.) Image: to be concealed; theft: don:gu, d.on:gu to be hidden or concealed, abscond; don:gilu, don:gilincu to steal (Te.); ton:kan- robber, thief; fem. ton:ki (Ta.); ton.n.an impudent, a rogue, worthless (Ma.); d.on:ga, don:ga false, deceitful, secret, furtive; thief, knave, swindler (Te.); dongli secret, a secret act; d.onga thief; d.ongrip- (d.ongript-) to steal (Nk.); d.ongak (pl. -er) thief (Nk.); d.ong- to steal; d.ongal thief (Pa.); d.onga id. (Ga.); don:ga id.; don:ga_na_ to steal; d.onga, d.ongal (pl. d.ongalor) thief; d.ong- to steal (Go.); d.ona, d.onari thief (Kond.a); dona, donga, d.ona, d.onesi, d.on.a id. (Kuwi)(DEDR 2982). cf. ot.un:ku to be concealed, hidden (Kur-al., 828); ot.ukkam place of concealment (Maturaik. 642)(Ta.lex.); secrecy (Ta.)(DEDR 954). do_cu to plunder, rob (Ka.); do~_guru theft; do~_cu to plunder, pillage, sack, rob, loot; do~_pari thief, robber, plundered; do~_pid.i plunder, pillage, sack; do~_pu to plunder, pillage, sack, loot (Te.); d.o_s- (-t-) to pillage, plunder (Kond.a)(DEDR 3541). du_r.i~_ thief (Wg.); du_d.hi malevolent (RV.); durdhi_ (MBh.)(CDIAL 6487). ton.d.a thief; tud.uga id.; tud.ugu, tud.i theft (Ka.); tohk- to steal (Go.); tor.kenji thief; torka id. (Kui)(DEDR 3483). cf. on.d.al hiding-place (Ir.); on.t.u to take shelter, conceal oneself (as a person to shoot game), lurk (as an animal for prey)(Ta.)(DEDR 969). ot.ukku to rob (I_t.u. 5,3,9); ot.ukku-ma_t.u plundered property, booty (Ta.lex.)

4179.Image: to block: ad.epu to close, obstruct, block; ad.eppu obstruction, stop (Tu.lex.) tek to stop, stay, to hinder, to obstruct; t.hek hindrance, obstacle, impediment; d.he~k impediment, obstacle; to stick (Santali.lex.)

4180.Image: protuberance: de~he~ a lump or swelling; any protuberant deformity; jo id. (Santali.lex.)

4181.Image: a piece: d.akkara_ a piece of anything; dak a division, a piece (P.lex.) t.ukh piece (K.); t.uku cut, hole (S.); t.ukka_ cut in a canal (L.); t.ukk cut, piece (P.); t.uk a little (P.H.); piece (N.); particle denoting a small quantity (B.); t.u_k small piece (H.Bi.Mth.); piece of cloth (Bhoj.); t.u~k small, brief (G.); t.ukr.a_ piece (P.H.); t.ukur.o piece (Ku.); t.ukar.i scrap, bread (Ku.); t.ukro piece, splinter (N.); t.ukar. piece (H.); t.ukd.a_ piece (G.); t.ukr.o piece (G.); tukd.a_ piece (G.)(CDIAL 5466). t.u_ka-t.u_ka small pieces (OAw.)(CDIAL 5466). [With -r-:] t.ukara piece (K.); t.ukaru, t.ukiro piece (S.); t.ukkur (pl.t.ukkar) piece of bread (L.); t.ukura_ small piece (A.); t.ukra_ small piece (B.); t.ukura_ id. (Or.)(CDIAL 5466). t.ukri_ quarter of a cake (Bi.)(CDIAL 5466)[Poss. influenced by t.iki_ cake (S.)] Broken; cut: t.aka broken (Ash.); t.ak thoiki to break, open (e.g. a pomegranate) (Sh.); t.akun to gnaw, crunch (K.); t.akkan. to cut, mark by notching (L.); t.akk cut (L.); t.a_ka_ vaccinator (L.); t.akkn.a_ to cut, strike (P.); t.akk gash, cutting in a field of grain (P.); t.akka bite (P.)(CDIAL 5421). takar to be broken to pieces; dust, powder; shiver, fragment (Ta.lex.) takkin.i, tukkun.i a small quantity, a little (Ta.); takkan.a, takkana little (Te.)(DEDR 3011). t.hika_ piecework (A.B. Or.); t.hi_ka_ id. (H.)(CDIAL 5503).

4182.Presents: dihal sweetmeat and money given to brahmins at weddings and other joyful occasions (P.lex.)

4183.Image: small earthen pot: t.heko, t.heki_ round wooden vessel (Ku.N.); t.hyak, t.heki (Ku.); t.heki, t.he~ki small earthen pot (Or.)(CDIAL 5510). Image: potsherd: {Echo word} t.hikkaria_ potsherd (Pkt.); t.hikaru, t.hikiri_ (S.); t.hi_kri_ (L.); t.hi_kar (P.); t.hi_kra_ (P.H.); t.hi_kri_ (P.H.G.); t.hi_kro (Marw.); t.hi_kru~ earthen vessel (G.); t.hikri_ potsherd (M.)(CDIAL 5504). t.hi_kru~ earthen vessel (G.); t.hi_kro potsherd (Marw.)(CDIAL 5504). cf. tikiri potter's wheel (Ta.)(DEDR 3201). cf. d.rik- (-t-) to break (Pe.); d.rin:g- to be broken (Mand..)(DEDR 2955). tigga_ mugga_, tiruga_ mur-uga_ so that a turning and breaking takes place: in a very rough manner (Ka.lex.)

4184.Image: small earthen pot: dhihalu a small earthen pot, used to carry small presents of curd, ghi_ etc., which a man takes to a friend or a patron's house, when he goes to visit him (P.lex.) Image: cauldron: te_kca_ < te_ksa_ (U.) a cauldron (Ta.lex.) deg a cauldron, a large metallic pot; a place of the Sikhs where bhan:g is bruised and distributed for drinking to the Aka_lis; deg teg fatah lit. victory of kitchen (emblem of material wealth) and sword (emblem of political power) (a Sikh term, used also on the coins issued by the Sikhs in their independence); degcha_, degchi_ a large metallic pot for cooking; copper or stew pan; dechka_, dechki_, dejka_, dekcha_ a metallic pot for cooking; dejki_, dekchi_ a small copper pot for cooking (P.lex.) cf. dikk, dikkelu, digelu hearth, fireplace (Tu.); dunkeli oven (Kor.)(DEDR 3212). cf. tiguri, tigari, tiguru a potter's wheel (Ka.)(DEDR 3201). Image: small earthen pot: dhu~r.a~ resin; dhu~r.a~ dhup a small earthen vessel in which resin is burned as incence (Santali.lex.) Image: receptacle: dhi- in cmpds. 'receptacle' e.g. is.u-dhi- quiver (RV.); Ödha_ place; dha_ka receptacle (Skt.); dha_ka_ (Pa_n..); dhi_yate_ is placed, is made (RV.); dhi_yati is contained (Pali); dhi_yae_ is held (Pkt.); dijoiki to be loaded on, be build, be struck, strike against (Sh.)(CDIAL 6815). nidhi setting down (food), hoard (RV.); receptacle, treasure (Pali); n.ihi storehouse (Pkt.); ni_ subterranean treasure-chamber, mine (Si.)(CDIAL 7207). cf. a_dhi pledge, pawn (RV.)(CDIAL 1164). a_dha_ to put, place, deposit, implant, lodge; a_dhamanam a deposit, pledge; fraudulent puffing of goods at a sale (Skt.); a_dhi-bho_ga the use or enjoyment of a deposit (as of a horse, cow etc. when pledged); a_dhi-ste_nah. one who uses a deposit without the owner's consent (Skt.); upa_dhi the object or purpose for which a pledge is given; a_dhitvam, a_dhita_ the nature or circumstance of a pledge; a_dhi_kr. to pledge, mortgage, pawn, deposit; a_dhe_ya to be placed, pledged, appointed etc.; to be assigned, attributed, or given; a_dhi-karan.ika a judge; a_dhi-ka_rika supreme, superior; official, belonging to any office or duty; a_dhika_ran.yam possession, locatiion; a_dhi-ra_jyam royalty, sovereignty, supreme sway; a_dhyaks.am superintendence (Vedic); presence (Skt.)(Skt.lex.) dhita placed; dhita_-va_n rich in gifts, bountiful (RV. iii.27.2; RV. iii.40.3)(Vedic.lex.) dhis.an.a the container; the planks for pressing soma (TS. iii.1.10.1); dhis.an.a_ offering (of songs or soma or both)(RV. i.102.10); soma-bowl (RV. viii.61.2); heaven and earth as two cups (RV. i.160.1 'dhars.an.o_pe_ta svavya_pa_re_s.u pragalbhe_'); three bowls, i.e. the three worlds: earth, sky, heaven (RV. v.69.2); a goddess presiding over wealth (RV. i.96.1; RV. iii.56.6); goddess of learning (RV. iii.32.14; TS. i.3.13.2); dhis.an.ya to offer songs or oblations (RV. iv.21.6); dhis.a_ desire to bestow (RV. i.173.8); dhis.an.iya soma-protecting gods (TS. iii.1.3.1); dhis.an.ya liberal, devout, attentive, mindful, pious (RV. i.3.2; RV. i.89.4; RV. i.117.19); fire altar (RV. iv.3.6)(Vedic.lex.) Image: receptacle: dhi in cmpds. 'receptacle' [e.g. is.u-dhi quiver (RV.)]; dha_ka receptacle (Pa_n..); dha_ place (Skt.); dha_na (in cmpds.) receptacle (RV.); receptacle (e.g. of dust, ashes etc.)(Pali); da_n earthen fireplace (K.); ra_ja-dha_ni_ royal town (Pali)(CDIAL 6775). dhi what holds, contains etc.; any receptacle (Ka.); abdhi, abudi, jaladhi holding water; the ocean; a_dhi putting, placing; location; a deposit, a pledge; cf. bho_gya_dhi a pledge or deposit which may be used by the mortgagee until redeemed; sama_dhi putting together; a religious vow; requital; collecting and laying up grain in times of dearth (ni_va_ka); a grave, a tomb; upadhi imposition; nidhi, nidi putting down; a receptacle; a treasure; a store (Ka.lex.)

4185.Country wine: sekke country wine (Ka.); hekka sago (Kuwi); he_ka marnu toddy palm (Kuwi)(DEDR 2749).

4186.Image: large grain-sack: t.heki_ bamboo frame to hold grain (P.); t.heki_ large grain sack (H.)(CDIAL 5510).

4187.Storehouse for grain: t.hek a storehouse for grain; t.heka a large bamboo basket (Santali.lex.) thek a sheaf of wheat as made up for carriage from the field; t.heki_ a kind of bamboo granary, a kind of granary made of tappar.; a square frame of wood, with no cover of bottom used to measure kan:kar: a t.heki_ contains 50 to 200 square feet of the limestone (P.lex.)

4188.Image: to strike with fist: thegr.ao to strike with the heel of the fist, a wristlet etc., to strike with a stick (Santali.lex.)

4189.Image: one: t.ek about one; mahina t.ek hoyok kana it is about one month; t.ec used with the numeral one (unit) to form the indefinite article a or an; a single animal or thing; mitt.ec pit.hae koelere ban. do mitt.ec dhiriye calae? If he ask a loaf will he give him a stone? mitt.ec aguime bring one; t.en one; mitt.en one individual; mitt.en hor.e calak kana a man is going (Santali.lex.) yek one (cardinal number and indef. article); yeklo an individual; yek pa_ut.i at one time; yekameka one another (Kon.lex.)

4190.Southern: daks.in.a southern (AV.); dakkhin.a southern (Pali.Pkt.); dakkhin.a_ the south (Pkt.); d.akhin.u, d.akhan.u the south, south wind (S.); d.akkhan., dakkhin., d.akhan. (L.); dakkhan., dakhan the south (P.); dakkhan. (WPah.); dakkhin (N.); dakhin righthand direction (Bhoj.); dakkhin, dakhin southern; the south (H.); dakhn.i_ southern (G.); d.a_khi_n. south wind (M.); dakun.u right, southern, the south (Si.)(CDIAL 6119). ter-ku, tekku south (Ta.); tekku south (Ma.); tekkan southern (Ma.); ten:ka, ten:kal, ten:ku, tembu, t.en:kalu, t.en:ku the south (Ka.); tekki south; tekkie southern (Kod.); tenuka_yi, tenka_yi, ten:ka_yi the south, southern (Tu.); ten- south, southern region; right side (Ta.); ten-n-ar south; people of the south (Ta.); ten south (Ma.); ten.-ga_li south wind (Ka.); tenn.a_r. south (Go.)(DEDR 3449).

4191.Teak: te_kkanti_vu an annular continent named after the tree called te_kku; te_kku teak, tectona grandis (Akana_. 107); id. (Ma.); te_ku id. (Te.); te_gu id. (Ka.)(Ta.lex.) cf. te_gu teak (Ka.)(DEDR 3452). s'a_ka the teak tree tectona grandis (Gr.S'r.); s'a_ka_ terminalia chebula; s'an:ku a partic. tree (Skt.); sa_ka teak tree (Pali); sa_ga (Pkt.); sa_y, sa_ya_, sa_va_, sa~_va_, sa_yla_ (M.); sakhuwa_ (N.); sa_khu_, sa~_khu_, sakhua_ (H.); sa_gu_ (S.)(CDIAL 12369). sa_yva_n teak forest (M.); sa_gu_n teak (P.); sagwa_n, sa_gun (N.); sa_gua_na, sa_gua_n.i (Or.); sa_gu_n, sa_gaun, sa_gon, sa_gwa_n (H.); sa_gva_n (G.); teak forest, teak tree (M.)(CDIAL 12374). sarja the tree vatica robusta (MBh.); its resin (VarBr.S.); terminalia tomentosa (Skt.); sarjaka (Skt.); sarjya its resin (Skt.); cf. a_cca_ shorea robusta (Ta.); sjju-lasa resin (Pali); sajja a partic. tree (Pkt.); sa_j terminalia tomentosa; pa_ni-sa_j terminalia myriocarpa (N.); sa_j teak tree, plane tree (H.)(CDIAL 13267). sajjiun the tea tree tectona grandis (N.)(CDIAL 13269). Tectona grandis: saka (Skt.); teak tree (Eng.); segan (B.); sagwan (H.G.M.Deccan); takku-maram (Ta.); tekkoo (Te.); tekka, jati (Ma.); sal (Pers.); saj (Arab.); ky-won (Burmese); jaddi, tegu (Ka.); tekka (Si.); habitat: growing in higher situations is a native of central India, Konkan, W. Deccan peninsula, South India, and Burma. Wood contains in its cavities white crystalline deposits of aalcium phosphate, silica and ammon ium and magenesum phosphate, also a resin; seed contains a bland fatty oil. Paste is made fom the wood. It is a local refrigerant and sedative... (Indian Materia Medica, p. 1197). An ancient province: ten:ka-na_t.u an ancient province in the Tamil land, said to have been submerged by the sea (Cilap. 8,1, Urai.); ten:kan.am a country; prob. tan:kan.a; ten:ku an annular continent, te_kkanti_vu (Ta.lex.) Distant island: ti_vu-c-carakku foreign articles; ti_vu island (Perun.. Narava_n.a. 1,23); id. (Ma.); di_vi id. (Ka.); ti_vu distant country (Ta.lex.) cf. dvi_pa land, island (RV.); di_pa, di_paka island (Pali); di_va (Pkt.); -di_ya_, -de (B.); di_v island, name of a partic. island (G.); diva, du_va island (Si.); zuwu island (K.); juve~, ju~_ island in a river (M.)(CDIAL 6691). di_yar field on island in a river (Bi.Mth.); diya_ra_, diya_r.a_ alluvial land; island formed in the middle of a river (H.)(CDIAL 6693). s'aka name of a tribe inhabiting the countries on the north-western frontier of India, the sacae of the classical writers, and generally identified with the scythians (Skt.lex.) The s'akas are located in the western division (Br.hatsam.hita_. XIV.21); kanakas'aka (Br.Sam. XIV.21) = ?gold-scythians; s'akas are located in south-west India according to Agni-pura_n.a (LV.16). Many inscriptions of western Indian caves refer to s'akas (circa to 4th cent. A.D.)

4192.Image: seed of mango: t.ek(k)a seed of mango (Go.); t.en:ka the stone of the mango and other similar fruits (Te.); t.akka pip (Pa.); t.ahi stone of the mango fruit (Kui); t.a_ku id., kidney (Kuwi)(DEDR 2941). Image: split: cf. cakkai chips (Ta.); cakke chip (Ka.); cekk, cekki chip, split, splinter (Tu.)(DEDR 2748).

4193.Sight; appearance, manifestation: Ödr.s' see (Skt.); sam.dars'ana view (Ka_tyS'r.); seeing, showing (MBh.); sandassana showing (Pali); handahana horoscope (Si.)(CDIAL 12899). tsoi to see; dis, dis.t.i pod. to appear, fall in sight (usu. of visions); disa_p appearance (Kon.lex.) so_rik, to_rig, to_rik appearance, show, exhibition; to_ja_vuni to show, point out; to_juni, so_juni to appear, seem, be seen, think (Tu.); co_- to appear (Kor.); co_nj- (co_nc-)/to_nj- (to_nc-) to appear; co_c- (co_cc-)/to_c- (to_cc-) to show (Pe.); hu_nj- to appear; tu_c- to show (Mand..); to_nja (to_nji-), to_mba (to_mbi-) to appear, seem; n. appearance; to_spa (to_st-) to cause to appear, show, expose; n. demonstration, revelation (Kui); tonja-aiyali to appear; to_ssali to show; to_njinai to seem; tuh'nai to manifest; co_nj- (-it-) to appear; to_h- (to_st-) to show; to_nj- (-it-) to appear; to_h- (-t-) to show (Kuwi); to_r-- (-it-) to appear, to be seen; to show; to'- [only negative; negative base of sur.- to see (Kond.a); cu_r.. (-v-, -nt-) to deliberate, know (Ta.); su_k perception (Tu.); cu_d.iki vision (Te.)(DEDR 2735)] not to see (Kond.a); to_t- neg. vb.; to_di, to_yi not; to_ted it is not; pl. to_te (Nk.); to_nd- to appear, be got; t.o_t.p- (t.o_t.it-) to show (Pa.)[cf. cut.t.u (cut.t.i-) to point out, show (Ta); pointing (Ma.); cu_t.i aim (Te.); hu_tali to point out (Kuwi)(DEDR 2658)]; to_nd.- to appear, be got; to_t.p- (to_t.t-) to show; to_n.- to appear; to_d.p- (to_d.up-) to show (Ga.); toha_na_, to_h-, to_'- to show; to_p- to appear; to_ht- to make to appear; to_p- to be seen; tawwa_na_ to be seen; to see; to comprehend; tavva_na_ to be visible, be understood (Go.); to.t- (neg. paradigm only), tott- (past tense paradigm only, with past neg. meaning) to be not, not to be in a place; to.d, to. to. to. no! (Kol.); to_cu to occur to the mind, seem, appear; to~_pika that which strikes the mind, a thought; to~_pu id., manifestation, appearance (Te.); to.ndici it came in a flash, as a sudden idea (Kod..); to_r- (to_r-d-), to_r-u (to_r-i-) to appear, be visible, seem, be conspicuous, come into existence, occur, show, evince, caue oneself to appear, appear, occur; to_r-ike appearance, sight, seeming, conjecture, exhibiting, exhibition; to_r-isuvike showing etc.; to_r-u appearing, showing; to_r-uvike, to_rke, to_rpu, to_rpe appearing; to_cu to appear, seem, occur to the mind; do_vil, do_hil making publicly known, disclosure (Ka.); twi.l- (twi.d--), twi.t-- (twi.t-y-) to be foreseen; twi.r-- (twi.r-y-) id., be visible; ne.t-wi.r-- (ne.t-wi.r-y-) to be reflected (lit. to be visible as a reflection [cf. ne.s- shade, reflection (To.); nir..al shade, shadow, reflection (Ta.)(DEDR 3679)]; to.r- (to.ry-) to be visible; to.g- (to.yg-) intuition comes (to person)(Ko.); to_nnuka to spring up, occur, appear to the sight, come into the mind, please; to_nnal imagination, suggestion, instinct; to_nnikka to produce an appearance, reveal, inspire; to_r-r-uka to produce, restore to life; to_r-r-am appearance, rise (of the sun), show, spectacle, festivity; to_r-um all, each (Ma.)(DEDR 3566). to_n-r-u (to_n-r-i-) to be visible (Kampara_. Va_livatai. 74); to come to mind; to appear, seem, spring up, come into existence (Na_lat., 2); to be born (Kur-al., 236); to exist (Tol. Er..ut. 482); to_r-r-u (to_r-r-i-) id.; cause to appear, show, produce, create; n. appearance (Te_va_. 448,2); to_n-r-al appearance (Maturaik. 46); splendour, superiority (Ci_vaka. 316); great person, chief (Pur-ana_. 21); chief of a jungle tract; king; to_r-r-am appearance (Kampara_. Kumpakarun.a. 231); conspicuousness, prominence, distinctness in appearance (Kur-al., 124); origin, rise, beginning (Man.i. 27,181); birth, avatar (Kampara_. Cir-ap. 11); fame, reputation (Kur-al., 1059); form (Tiv. Tiruva_y. 3,6,6); member, limb, part (Tol. Po. 221); nature (Pur-ana_. 31); idea (Kampara_. Ira_van.an-vatai. 78); creation (Tirukko_. 1, Uariyakaval); to_r-r-al appearance; to_r-r-avu appearance, coming into existence, conspicuousness, incarnation; to_r-um each, every, whenever (i.e. as much as appears); a distributive suffix (Tiruva_ca. 10,3)(Ta.) (Ta.lex.). dakkhati sees (Pali); dakhati, dakhitaviye (As'.); dacchai, dakkhai sees; dakkhai, dakkha_vai shows (Pkt.); dr.ks., dra_ks. sees (RV.); dr.ks.ase_ may you appear; adra_ks.i_t he has seen; fut. draks.yati; dakkhati, dakkhiti (Pali); d.e_s'un to see (K.); da_khvu~, da_khavvu~ to show (G.); da_khavin.e~ (M.); dakinava_ to see (Si.); dakvanava_ to show (Si.); dach- to see (Dm.); dacha_, daha_, darca_ (Phal.)(CDIAL 6507). dekhati sees (As'.); decchiha 2 pl.fut. de_hai, dekkhai (Pkt.); dikh to see (Gypsy); lekh, diknauar shows (Gypsy); dek to see (D..); d.ekhan.u (S.); d.ekhan., pres. part. d.e_dha_, pp. d.it.t.ha_ (L.); dekhn.a_, dekhn.u (WPah.); dekhn.o (Ku.); dekhnu (absol. dekhi as postp. 'from')(N.); dekhiba (A.); dekha_ (B.); dekhiba_ (Or.); dekhab (Mth.); de_khal (Bhoj.); dekhai (OAw.); dekhna_ (H.); dekhn.o (Marw.); dekhvu~ (G.); dekhn.e~ (M.); caus.: dekkha_lia (Pkt.); d.ekha_ran.u (S.); dekha_l.i judge (Or.); di_khai is seen (OAw.); di_khna_, dikhna_ (H.)(CDIAL 6507). dr.s'i_ power of seeing (Skt.); dr.s'aye_ (RV.); drih, drihi frown, contraction of the brows (K.); das sight (Si.)(CDIAL 6513). dr.s'ika splendid (RV.); dr.s'ika_ appearance (RV.); -dasika in: duddasika fierce, ugly (Pali); jis'i, dis'ike early morning; tomorrow (WPah.); desi_ appearance (H.)(CDIAL 6514). dr.s'ya visible, conspicuous (RV.); beautiful (Skt.); -dassa in cmpd. to be seen (Pali); dessa fit to be seen (Pkt.); disi visible, bright (Si.)(CDIAL 6515). cf. tikar.. to shine, glimmer, be brilliant (Ta.)(DEDR 3200). dr.s'yate_ is seen, appears (RV.); dissati is seen (Pali); dissai, di_sai is seen (Pkt.); fut. di_sihisi (Pkt.); d.isan.u to see, look, expect; pres. part. d.isando expected (of month, year etc.; i.e. next, coming)(S.); dis'n.o~ to appear (WPah.); dissan., d.issan., dissun. to appear, be seen (L.); dissn.a_ (P.); disaun.a_ to tell (P.); disai i sseen, appears (OB.); dis'n.u, dhis'n.u to see (WPah.); disiba_, dusiba_, caus. disa_iba_ (Or.); di_sai (OAw.); disna_, dasna_ to be seen (H.); disna_ to see (H.); di_sai is seen (OMarw.); di_sai sees (OG.); di_svu~ to appear, seem (G.); disn.e~ (M.); dista_ (Konkan.i); disenava_ (3 sg. pres. disi)(Si.); d.e_s'un to see (K.)(CDIAL 6516). dr.s.t.a seen (AV.); dit.t.ha seen; dit.t.haka visible (Pali); dr.t.ham.ti they saw; drr.t.haga seen (NiDoc.); dat.t.ha, dit.t.ha, det.t.ha seen (Pkt.); dit. to see (pret. of pas'- to see)(Wot..); lit.h, li_ch saw (pret. of bi_ch)(Bshk.); d.it.h (Tor.); drhis.t.u (pret. of dacha_-)(Pahl.); d.it.ho seen (S.); d.it.t.ha_ (pret. of vekhan.)(L.); dit.ha was seen (OB.); di_t.ha_ (pret. of dekhai)(OAw.); dhi_t.h, dhi_t.ha_ seen (H.); d.i_t.hna_, di_t.hna_ to see, look at, take aim; d.it.hna_ to be seen; dit.hauna_ patch put on child's forehead to avert evil eye (H.); di_t.hu~ seen (G.); dut.u seen (Si.)(CDIAL 6518). dr.s.t.apu_rva seen before (MBh.); dut.uviri_ (Si.)(CDIAL 6519). {Echo word.} dr.s.t.i seeing, sight (S'Br.); dit.t.hi view (Pali.Pkt.); di_t.h, d.i_t.h sight, jealous glance, evil eye; d.i_t.h-bhet. meeting (Ku.); d.it.h sight (N.); dit.hak, d.it.hak waking state (A.); dit.hi sight (MB.); di_t.h, d.i_t.hi (Bhoj.); di_t.hi~_, d.i_t.hi~_ (OAw.); di_t.h, di_t.hi_, d.i_t.h (H.); di_t.h (M.); dit.a (Si.); d.et.hi~_ meeting (S.); dret.hi sight (OG.)(CDIAL 6520). dr.s.t.va_ having seen (AV.); dat.t.hu, dit.t.ha_ (Pali); dat.t.hu_n.a (Pkt.); dut.a, dat.aya, dt.a (Si.)(CDIAL 6521). tarican-am auspicious sight, perception, view; eye (Kuruparam.); appearance; sight as of a great person, a deity (Ja_n-ava_. Ma_vali. 48); mirror, looking glass; tarican-ai sight; understanding (Man.i. 30,258); mirror;[cf. a_dars'a mirror (S'Br.); a_dars'aka (R.); a_da_sa (Pali)(CDIAL 1143)]; tarici-ttal to see, behold; to obtain sight as of an idol, a great person, a sacred place (Ta.lex.) dars'a moon when just visible (AV.MBh.); da_sa seeing (Pkt.); d.asu sign (S.); das sight (Si.)(CDIAL 6207). dars'ana seeing (RV.); dassana (Pali); dras'ana, dasana, dasan.a (As'.); dars'ana (NiDoc.); dassan.a, dam.san.a, darisan.a (Pkt.); d.asin.i_ pointing out, forefinger (S.); dasuna sight, view (Si.)(CDIAL 6208). dars'ani_ya to be looked at, beautiful (TS.); dassani_ya beautiful (Pali); dassan.i_a, dam.san.i_a, dam.san.ijja, darisan.i_ya, darisan.ijja (Pkt.); las'ani_ (Pas'.)(CDIAL 6209). dars'ayati shows (AV.); dasse_ti (Pali); dras'ayitu, dras'eti, dasayitu, dasayitpa_ (As'.); dars'aveti (NiDoc.); dasse_i, dam.se_i, dam.sai, darise_i, darisai (Pkt.); d.asan.u to point out (S.); das'n.u to point out (WPah.); dassan., d.assan. to show, tell (P.); dam.sa_vai makes show (Pkt.); d.asa_van. (L.); dasa_un.a_ (P.); da~_jnu, da~_dnu to compare, compete (N.)(CDIAL 6210). dars'ita exposed to view (R.); dam.sia (Pkt.); dassi_ pattern (L.); dasi evidence, sign, trace (N.)(CDIAL 6211).

4194.Image: to look at: tha_r to observe (Par.); stare_n to star, keep eyes fixed on (OHG.); thar to look, see; tho_r, tar- (Pas'.); thar to look at (Shum); tha_r- to see, read (Wot..); tha-, ta- to see; 1 sg. tawum (Gaw.)(CDIAL 13743). tarucu to search, examine, investigate (Te.); da_h- (da_st-) to seek, search; motion base da_ska- (Pe.); da_h- id. (Mand..); dahpa (daht-) to seek, search for, desire, want; n. search, desire, longing (Kui); ta_h'nai to seek; da_h'nai to trace; dah'- to search (Kuwi); dajna_ to guess, grope for (Kur.)(DEDR 3100).

4195.Image: seeing: dakkhin adj, [fr. dakkhati] seeing, perceiving; ati_ra-dakkhin.i_ na_va_ a ship out of sight of land; dassa to see or to be seen, perceiving; dasika to be seen, to behold; dasa to be seen, seeing; dassana seeing, looking; dassita shown, exhibited, performed; dassa_vin seeing, being aware of; one who sees (Pali.lex.) das.t.oiki to know, recognize (Sh.); das.t.ini experience (Sh.)(CDIAL 14589). daks.ata_ dexterity (Skt.); das.t.an a charm (Kho.)(CDIAL 6118). draks.u intelligence (Dhp.); daks.a able, clever; ability, skill (of hostile or injurious being)(RV.); dakkha skiled; skill (Pali); dakkha, daccha clever (Pkt.); dakkh beautiful; taste, relish (P.); das clever; skill (Si.); Ödaks. be able (Skt.)(CDIAL 6116). da~_ho skilfully (H.); da_ks.ya skill (MBh.)(CDIAL 6252). cf. da_sa knowing man (Skt.)(CDIAL 6317). daks.a_ living energy (JBr. i.151); daks.a spiritual power, spirit (RV. viii.48.8)(Vedic.lex.)

4196.Images: seeing; vying with: dekkha_ seeing (Ka.); de_kha_va seeing; sight, view, prospect (M.); dekkha_ dekkhi emulation, vying with (Ka.); de_kho_ de_khi_ (M.)(Ka.lex.)

4197.Opportunity; stare; inquiry: tarka inquiry (Skt.); conjecture (MBh.); takka doubt (Pali); guess (Pkt.); reasoning, argumentation (Si. st. taku-); t.a~_k guess, estimate (B.); takk guess, sight (P.); t.akar stare (P.); ta_k stare (B.); fixed stare (Or.); ta_k time, opportunity (N.); opportunity (Aw.)(CDIAL 5489). takkan.a conjecturing (Skt.Pali); takkan.a_ wish (Pkt.); c.akini take care of (Sh.); takan. looking blank (Ku.); takan.a seeing (Ku.)(CDIAL 5715). tarkayati thinks, guesses (MBh.); takke_ti thinks of (Pali); takke_i guesses (Pkt.); c.akoiki to look at, inspect (Sh.); takkana_ to guess, see (P.); takkan. to watch (L.); takun. to think, see (L.); takan.u to guess, look at (S.); ta_kn.o to look at (Ku.); ta_knu to aim at (N.); ta_ka_ to behold, aim at (B.); t.a~_ka_ to guess at (B.); ta_kiba_, t.a_kiba_ to stare, wait for, expect (Or.); ta_kab to look at, seek (Mth.); ta_kal to gaze (Bhoj.); ta_kai (OAw.); ta_kna_ to look for (H.); t.ak stare (H.); ta_kvu~, taka_svu~ to look at (G.); t.akn.e~ to gaze at (M.); takanava_ to regard, heed (Si.)(CDIAL 5716).

4198.Instruct: de_s'in showing, instructing (Mn.); de_s'aka one who shows (Ma_rkP.); su-de_sika good teacher (Pali); de_saka showing (Pali); de_siya, de_saya teacher (Pkt.); yak-dessa_ exorcist (Si.)(CDIAL 6554). de_s'ayati shows, orders (MBh.); teaches (Skt.); de_se_ti points out (Pali); des'is.yam.ti will order (NiDoc.); de_se_i tells, orders (Pkt.); desanava_ to teach, preach (Si.)(CDIAL 6551). de_s'ana_ instruction (SaddhP.); de_sana_ instruction (Pali); de_san.a_ (Pkt.); desan.a (OG.); desun pl. discourses (OSi.); desnen by preaching (OSi.)(CDIAL 6550). Inspector: de_s.t.r. in cmpd. 'pointer' (BhP.); de_s.t.ra indication (RV.); d.it.t.ha_, d.it.ha_ inspector, watchman (Ku.); d.it.t.ho official next in rank above mukhiya_ (N.); d.i_t.h conjuror (H.)(CDIAL 6344). Direction: tikku < dik nom. sg. of dis' cardinal and intermediate points, eight quarters; protection, shelter, aid, asylum, refuge (Upate_caka_. Civara_ma. 42); season, opportunity (Kampara_. Nakarni_. 215)(Ta.lex.) dis' show (Skt.); direction, region (RV.); dis'a_ (MBh.); disa_ (Pali); disa_su loc. pl. in the provinces (As'.); disa_, disi (disi_ in cmpds.) direction, quarter (Pkt.); payim dis'e_ on the far side; dis'a_ towards (Tor.); di_s' place (Sh.); dih, diha_ means, direction; di by help of; diha_-dihi in different directions; dih-moh loss of direction, loss of one's way (A.); disi direction (OAw.); dis direction, side (H.); disi (OG.); dasaya (Si.)(CDIAL 6339). dis'ati points out (RV.); pres. part. (Mn.); disati points out (Pali); disai tells (Pkt.); disna_ to show, exhibit (H.)(CDIAL 6340). dis'a_ri_ pilot (MB.)(CDIAL 6341). dis'yate_ is shown (MBh.)(CDIAL 6342). cf. de_s'a point, region, part (VS.); province, country (R.)(CDIAL 6547). d.eha_n.o of one's country (S.)(CDIAL 6548). de_s'aja_ta native (MBh.); d.eha_i_ fellow-villager (S.)(CDIAL 6549). de_s'a_ntarin living in a foreign country; de_s'a_ntarita (Gaut.); de_s'a_ntara foreign country (Mn.); de_sam.taria (Pkt.); di_e_l foreign, strange (Bshk.)(CDIAL 6552). disa_war foreign country or market, foreign goods (H.); disa_ur, disaur (P.); disa_wari_, desa_wari_ foreign (H.)(CDIAL 6553). de_s'i_ya peculiar to or inhabiting a country (S'rS.); de_s'ya indigenous (R.); de_sia (Pkt.); d.ehi_ of one's own country (S.); desi native, of the plains of India (N.); desi country-made or -born (B.Or.); desi_ inhabitant (OAw.); desi_ native (Mth.H.Marw.); des'i_ (G.M.)(CDIAL 6555). Cultivated field: des' cultivated field (Pas'.); des plaints of India (Ku.N.); de_s'a point, region, part (VS.); province, country (R.); de_sa place, country (Pali); de_s', di_s' village (Phal.); desr.o a small country (Marw.); des'i_ village (Ash.); les earth, world, life (Gypsy)(CDIAL 6547). de_s'a place, country (As'.); desa portion (As'.); des'a region, country (NiDoc.KharI.); de_sa part, country (Pkt.); les earth, world, life; de_s place, camping-ground (Gypsy); de_s' village (Wg.); country (Kal.); de_s'a far, distant (Kaql.); dis' country (K.); d.ehu (S.); de_s' (WPah.); des country, the plains of India (Ku.N.); des country (B.); desa (Or.); des (Mth.); desa (OAw.); des (H.); desr.o a small country (Marw.); des country (G.M.); desa (Si.)(CDIAL 6547).

4199.Indian jalap: tigad.e, tigud.u, tigud.e, tegad.e Indian jalap, ipomoea turpethum (Ka.); tigad.i id. (Tu.); tegad.a id. (Te.); triput.a_, tripus.a_, tribhan.d.i_ (Skt.)(DEDR 3199). trivr.ta_ ipomoea turpethum (Sus'r.); trola_ (Khot.); tivuta_ convolvulus turpethum (Pali); tirvi_ ipomoea turpethum (used as a purgative)(P.); tiure a partic. plant (used for staining nails)(N.); tiur.i_, teur.i_ i. turpethum (B.); tiur.i the creepers i. turpethum and operculina turpethum (root used as a laxative)(Or.); tewr.i_ convolvulus or ipomoea turpethum (H.); ted. c. turpethum (M.); tevd.i_ i. turpethum (M.)(CDIAL 6055).

4200.Image: crab: deji, ed.eji, d.eji, jeji a crab (Tu.lex.) kad.ala-deji, kallu-deji, kudure-deji, bapponi-deji, mad.ake-deni, mukkuru-deji, mette-deji, varka_ra-deji are some of the species of crab (Tu.lex.) cf. tekku to seize, grasp, receive (Ta.)(DEDR 3407). cf. it.ukku claws of lobster (Ma.)(DEDR 444). cf. esad.i, en.d.raka_yi, e_d.i a crab (Ka.); nan.t.u (Ta.)(Ka.lex.)

4201.Sour: tissa_ sour; tissna_ to turn sour, acid (Kur.); tise sour (Malt.)(DEDR 3215). tiri (-v-, -nt-) to become sour as milk (Ta.)(DEDR 3246). trok bitter, rancid (Kho.); t.rako sour, fusty; t.rakijan.u to become sour or unpalatable from keeping (S.); trakkah., tarakkhan. to rot, go putrid, ferment, stink; trak stink; trakkun. to stink (L.); tarakn.a_, tarkkan.a_ to rot, go putrid, ferment (P.); tak sour, acid; t.aka_ to grow sour or acid; t.ak sourness; t.aka, t.akuya_ sour (B.); t.aka sour, acid, any sour or acid substance (Or.); dak, dek rotten (of food)(Bshk.); daka, dag rotten, old (Gaw.)(CDIAL 5617). tikta pungent, bitter (MBh.); tiktaka (R.); titta pungent, acrid, bitter (Pali.Pkt.); ti_to, tit (Ku.); titi_n.o to be offended (Ku.); tito bitter, acrid, pungent (N.); tita_ bitter; titika_ slightly bitter (A.); tita, tita_ bitter (B.); ti_t (Mth.); ti~_t (Bhoj.); ti~ta_ pungent; titta_l, titta_r sharp, astute, knavish (H.); tit pungent, bitter (Si.); t.i_t. bitter (P.); ti_d, tid bitter (Tor.); cit.u_ bitter (Sh.)(CDIAL 5806). savita_na_, sawi_ta_na_ to set the teeth on edge, be sour; hovi-, oy- to be sour; savta sour; sovit_ta_ bitter (Go.); soy- (-t-) to be sour, become sour (Kond.a); hoy- (-t-) id. (Pe.)(DEDR 2860). cikku rancid smell of oil or ghee on clothes etc. (Tiruva_lava_. 16,23); sikku id. (Ka.)(Ta.lex.) raita_ vegetable preparation with mustard and curds (Bhoj.); ra_yta_, ra_eta_ pumpkins or cucumbers sliced and pickled (H.); ra_itu~ a mustard pickle (G.); ra_yte~ seasoning made by mixing mustard, sour milk etc. with various fruits (M.); cf. ra_jika_ + tikta (CDIAL 10689).

4202.Belch: denk, denka_ belching (Kon.lex.) d.a_kur belch (K.); d.aka_ru (S.); d.aka_r, d.aka_rna_ (P.); d.aka_r belch; d.aka_rn.o to belch, digest (Ku.); d.aka_r belch; d.aka_rnu vb. (N.); d.aka_ra vomiting (Or.); d.aka_r belch; d.aka_rna_, d.a~ka_rna_ vb. (H.); d.aka_r (M.); d.haka_ra, d.han:ka_ra, d.he~ka_ra belch (Or.); d.he~ka_r (Mth.); d.haka_r, d.hika_r (H.); d.he~ka_r (M.); d.re~_k to belch (Dm.)(CDIAL 5521). te_kkam eructation (Tiv. Tirunet.un. 20, Vya_. Pak. 155); te_kku (te_kki-) to belch (Te_va_. 529,3); n. belching, eructation (Kur-al., 942, Urai.); te_kk-it.u to belch, eructate (Kampara_. Ilan:kaiyeri. 46); te_kk-er-i to belch (Kampara_. Pa_laka_. A_r-r-up. 10); tekit.t.u vomiting sensation; tevit.t.u (tevit.t.i-) to chew the cud (Pur-ana_. 161)(Ta.lex.) te_kkuka to belch; te_kkam nausea, unsubdued anger; te_n.n.uka to feel nausea, sob; tekit.t.u belching; tikat.t.uka to belch, feel nausea; te_t.t.uka to belch, ruminate (Ma.); te.kl a belch (Ko.); t.k- (t.ky-) to belch (To.); te_gu, te_ku id.; n. a belch; te_guvike belching; d.e_gu, d.e_ku to belch (Ka.); t.kili a belch (Kod..); te_gu id. (Tu.); te_guni to belch (Tu.); de_vu (nausea) to be caused in stomach (Te.); d.e_kur a belch (Nk.); de_k- (-t-) to belch; de_kun. a belch (Kond.a); te_pka (< te_k-p-; te_kt-) to vomit; n. vomiting (Kui); te_mpu (te_mpi-) to sob violently (Ven:kaikko_. 329)(Ta.lex.); deriki a belch (Ka.); t(r)e~_cu, tre_n(u)cu, te_ncu to belch, eructate; t(r)e~_pu, tre_n(u)pu, te_npu belching, a belch (Te.); d.e_rg, d.e_rk, d.erka_ id. (Kol.); de_r a belch due to indigestion; de_r (pl. d.e_rk-; sic), d.erka a belch (Go.); d.e_rk- to belch (Kond.a); d.reb in- id. (Pe.); drebali, d.reb- (-it-) id. (Kuwi)(DEDR 3451). To make noise: tevit.t.u to make noise (Ain:kur-u. 468)(Ta.lex.)

4203.Broken to pieces: tig- (-it-) to press down hard, lay pressure on (Kond.a); tig- (tikt-) to push (Pe.); tig- id. (Mand..)(DEDR 3205). takar (-v-, -nt-) to be broken to pieces (as skull bone, earthen vessels), be shattered, crushed, bruised, be scattered (as the ranks of an army), be breached (as a dam, bank), be uprooted; (-pp-, -tt-) to break to pieces, strike, dash to the ground, cuff, strike with the knuckled (as on the head), bruise, fracture (as a bone), break the ranks of an army, ruin, destroy, break open (a blister, boil); n. dust, powder, shiver, fragment (Ta.); takaruka to be crushed, smashed; takarkka to smash, crush, demolish, be noisy, play boisterously; takarcca breaking in pieces; takarppu loud noise, great profusion (Ma.)(DEDR 2999). deg- to break off, come to an end; deg- to burst; deha_na_ to break; deg- to break; degana_ id.; dekhana_ to tear, rend (Go.); tegis- (-t-) to abandon (as one's life) in recklessness, put an end to (Kond.a); tege, tegi, tegu to put or extinguish (Ka.); tekkuni to be extinguished; tekka_vu, tokka_vu, tokko_vu to extinguish as fire (Tu.); tekki to be extinguished; tekd.i to extinguish (Kor.); tegu to die; tegulu, tevulu disease, sickness; tegat.a_r-u to die, perish, come to an end (Te.); tik- (tikt-) to die (Kol.); tikk- id. (Nk.); tik- to die (Nk.)(DEDR 3406). Image: to press down hard: dhakkayati annihilates (Dha_tup.); daka a push, blow (K.); dhaku (S.); dhakka_ (L.P.); collision, push (N.Ku.); dha_kka_ push (B.); dha~_ka_ forcibly pushing (Ku.); dhaka_ (Or.); dhak shock, sudden terror (H.); dhakka_ push (H.); dhaka_-dhaki_ rush (OMarw.); dhakko push (G.); dhaka_, d.haka_ (M.); dhakkn.a_ to push, oust (P.); dhakir.an.u to half-clean rice by beating it in a mortar (S.); dhakeln.o to push (Ku.); dhakelnu (N.); dhakelna_, d.hakelna_ (H.); dhakelvu~ (G.)(CDIAL 6701). dak- (-t-) to remove, take off (Pe.); dak- to take off, peel (Mand..)(DEDR 3007).

4204.Image: lute: cen:ko_t.t.i-ya_r.. a kind of stringed musical instrument, one of four kinds of ya_r.. (Ta.lex.)

4205.Image: crane: d.hi_n:g ardea nivea (L.); d.hem.ka a kind of bird (Pkt.); d.hem.ki_ crane (Pkt.); bad.hi~_g (L.); d.hi~_g (P.); d.he~ka_, d.hek ardea sibirica, a long-legged person (H.); d.him.ka, d.him.ga a kind of bird (Pkt.); d.hikicya_u a kind of bird, longlegged spider (N.); dhi_n:g crane (L.); dhan:ka crow (Pali); dham.kha, d.ham.kha, d.ham.ka (Pkt.); dhva_n:ks.a crow, the white crane ardea nivea (Skt.); dhu_n:ks.n.a_ white crane (TS.); d.hun:ks.a_ (VS.); d.he_n:ka a kind of bird (Skt.)(CDIAL 6903). Image:heron: co_n:ku heron (Aka. Ni.); cf. kon:ga (Te.)(Ta.lex.)

4206.Pond: digi, dighi oblong pond (B.); dighi (Or.); di_ghi large tank, small lake (A.); digi_, di_ghi_, digg(h)i_ pond (H.); di_rghika_ oblong pond (MBh.); digghia_, di_hiya_ pond (Pkt.); digu-vil (Si.)(CDIAL 6372).

4207.Image: house lizard: kudur d.okka a kind of lizard (Pa.); kudur d.okke id. (Go.); kudur d.ekke garden lizard (Go.); kidri d.okke house lizard (Go.)(DEDR 1712). d.okke lizard (Kol.Go.); d.okka id. (Pa.); d.okod.e a kind of lizard (Ga.); pidri_-d.okke_ the house-lizard (Go.); d.ru'i sp. lizard (Kuwi); d.o_ki lizard (Kond.a); d.oi chameleon (Kui)(DEDR 2977). kudur a wall; ke_r, go_d.e (Ka.lex.) torhot, ghirr.i a lizard (Santali.lex.) sarat.u a lizard (Skt.lex.) tuska iguana (Kur.); tusge a kind of lizard (Malt.)(DEDR 3289).

4208.Shop: duka_nu a shop (Ka.M.H.); duka_nuda_ra, duka_nda_ra a shop-keeper (Ka.lex.)

4209.Naked: cf. t.hugga_ idiotic, stupid (P.); t.hun:ga_ lopped off, pollard, naked, solitary (Or.); t.hu~gna_ dwarfish (H.)(CDIAL 5505). t.hin:gn.a_ dwarfish (P.); t.hi~gna_ (H.); t.hi~gn.u~ (G.); t.hen:guya_ broken, weak, defective (B.); t.he~ga_, t.he~gya_, t.he~gn.a_ dwarfish (M.)(CDIAL 5501). Image: broken: t.hen:guya_ broken (B.)(CDIAL 5501). To nip: t.un:gau to snip off with the fingers, to break off (Santali.lex.) tonkhna_ to break any part of a plant with the fingers, cull or pluck a leaf or flower, prune a tree (Kur.); toqe to nip off (as herbs), cut off (as bamboos); end, finish (as a narrative); toqre to be at an end, be finished, be cut off, die; toqro broken, ending (Malt.)(DEDR 3479). t.un:gau to break off with fingers (Santali.lex.)

4210.Image: branch of a tree: t.on:ge, kon:ge the branch of a tree; d.on:ku to bend, to be crooked (Ka.); to shrink or retreat, hide (Te.) (Ka.lex.) Front end of cloth: cun:ku end of cloth left hanging out in dressing, pleat or fold of garment, silken tassel used in plaiting girl's hair (Ta. < Te.); cun:gu, jun:gu end of a turban sticking out, a small part torn and hanging to the thing, a dangling tatter (Ka.); cun:gulu the end(s) of a garment (Te.); cun:gu a skirt, the end of a cloth (Te.); june cloth (Kol.); junne dhoti (Kol.)(DEDR 2648). to_kai front end of cloth, plaited folds of a woman's cloth (Ta.); to_ka portion of men's cloth dangling behind (Go.)(DEDR 3538). ton:kal end of a garment hanging down, decorative hangings as of cloth, festoons, garland (Ta.); ton.n.al hangings, drapery, tassel (Ma.)(DEDR 3478). soga_ skirt of a garment (as trailing along or hanging loosely)(M.)(DEDR 2875). Image: upper garment: ton:kal cloth worn as upper garment by women; ton:kal-po_t.u-tal to wear a cloth as upper garment (Ta.lex.) Image: cloth spread over waterpots: ton:kal cloth spread over the water-pots while carrying water to wash a corpse (Ci. Ci. 2,95)(Ta.lex.) Images: to incline; bend; head or ear of corn; dangling: to~gal a head or ear of corn (M.); ton:kal peacock's tail; ton:gu to hang, be pendent, hang down, swing, stoop; (Ka.); to lie down, recline, bend, incline, sleep; ton:gun.d.u to sleep, lie down, recline; ton:gi cu_cu to peep; ton:god.lu (pl.) bundle, bunch (Te.); ton:gal, ton:ge a cluster, bundle, bunch, mass, tassel, tuft; ton:ku to stoop (Ka.); ton:g, ton:glu cluster of blossoms, bunch of fruit (Tu.); d.ongu suspended, dangling, hanging, dependent from; d.ongu inba to be suspended (Kui); t.angna_ to suspend, hang; refl. pass. t.angrna_ (Kur.); tonqe to bend, bend the knees slightly while dancing; tonqro bent (Malt.) ton:ku (ton:ki-) to hang, be suspended, hang down, dangle, be dependent, servile (Ta.); ton:kuka to hang, be pendent, depend on; ton.n.al hangings, drapery, tassel (Ma.); tong- (tongy-) to hang, hang oneself; tongc- to hang (Ko.)(DEDR 3478). t.u~gni_ cutting ears of corn without stalks (Bi.); t.ugna_ ear of wheat (Bi.)(CDIAL 5467). t.ukulo shoot, twig (Ku.); t.u_k id. (Ku.)(CDIAL 5466). ton:kor to hang down, to hang down loosely (Santali.lex.) Image: wheat-sheaf: t.hek wheat-sheaf (L.)(CDIAL 5509). cf. jeki, jiki the small stalk on which a grain of paddy hangs (Pe.); je_n:gu (pl. je_ka) head of rice (Kui)(DEDR 2750). cf. sa_kha_, sa_kha branch (Pali); s'a_kha_ branch (RV.)(CDIAL 12376). Image: awn: sun:ga a sting, an awn, as of grain, grass etc.; sun:gawanic kanae it has a sting; sun:ga hor. ho~ menaka there is also dhan that has awns (Santali.lex.) A grain: s'un:ga_ sheath or calyx of young bud (Gr.S.); awn of barley etc. (Skt.); honga root of certain wild creeper (used medicinally for relief of fistula, ulcers and similar diseases)(K.); su~_g, su~_gh beard of wheat (Bi.); xun. awn of corn, anything pointed (A.); sun:g awn, hair of caterpillar (B.); sun:ga, sun:ka awn of barley etc. (Or.); sun:ga_ hair of caterpillar (Or.); s'un:gulu ear of corn with grain in it (Kho.); su_ala (Pkt.); t.u~gna_ ear of wheat; t.u~gni_ cutting ears without stalks (Bi.)(CDIAL 12509). su~a_, sua~_ a kind of grass and its seed, panicum frumentaceum, sarsaparilla (Or.); s'u_kaka barley, a bearded kind of wheat (Skt.)(CDIAL 12561). sur.vu~ to cut off pluck up weeds in a field of millet (G.)(CDIAL 12562). Image: barley: s'u_kaka a kind of grain; s'u_ka-dha_nyam any awned grain, as barley (Skt.lex.) Image: awn of grain: s'u_ka awn of grain (R.); bristle, spike (esp. of insects)(Skt.); su_ka awn of barley, etc. (Pali); su_a awn of rice, etc. (Pkt.H.); bristle, hair (H.); s'u reed (Wg.); suo porcupine's quill (S.); su~a_ tendril (B.); sua~_ beard of some grains, tendril (Or.); suwa_ awn of grain, bristle, hair (H.); sua_-ba_l.ia_ hairy caterpillar (Or.); su_ala awn of rice, etc. (Pkt.)(CDIAL 12560). to_gal a head or ear of corn, pendent portion of an ear-ornament (M.)(DEDR 3478). tu_n:gu the beard of barley etc. (Tu.); tu_n:galu awny, full of beard as corn (Tu.)(DEDR 3376). tu_n:ku to hang, be suspended, droop as a plant; tu_n:kall pendant, anything suspended (Ta.); tu_kkam ornamental hanging (Ta.); tu_n.n.uka to hang, dangle (Ma.); tu.g to hang (Ko.); tu_n:ku, gu_gu to hang, dangle (Ka.); tu_ku hanging (Tu.); tu~_gu to hang (Te.); du_n to dangle (Kond.a); tu_ng to hang (Kuwi); tu_k to hang (Kuwi)(DEDR 3376). su~_r. beard of wheat (Bi.Mth.)(CDIAL 12516). t.u~_r., t.u~_r.a_ beard of wheat (Bi.); thor.i lower lip, beard (Or.)(CDIAL 5853). t.od.o beard (Pe.); t.od.i chin (Ga.)(DEDR App.40). t.hod.i_ chin (S.P.); t.hor.i_, t.hor.hi_ (H.)(CDIAL 5853). Image: oblique: co_n:kutal to incline, to be oblique; co_n:ku-vet.t.u rough dressing in timber; slanting cut, as of rafters (Ta.lex.) Image: to incline: co_n:ku to incline; to be oblique (Na_.); cen:kuttu perpendicularity, steepness; steep side of a mountain, precipice (Ta.); id. (Ma.); cen:ko_t.u steep precipice, precipitous cliff (Na_lat.i, 372)(Ta.lex.)

4211.Image: fig: to_ga fig, fig-tree (Kui); ficus glomerata (Kond.a); to_ya fig (Kuwi); to_y ficus glomerata (Pa.); to_y marin id. (Ga.); toia_, to_ya id. (Go.); to_ga mar id. (Pe.); gu_ge id. (Mand..)(DEDR 3537). loa ficus glomerata (Santali.lex.) Ficus glomerata, ficus racemosa: udumbara (Skt.); cluster-fig, gular fig (Eng.); gular, paroa, lelka, umar, tue, dimeri (H.); jajnadumar, jagya-domur (B.); umbar, audumbara (M.); umbaro (G.); kath-gular, krumbal, rumbal, batbor, palak, kakammal, dadhuri (P.); attimanu, moyui, bodda, paid, mari, medi (Te.); atti (Ta.Ma.Ka.); rumdi-rooku (Kon.); habitat: all parts of India; parts used: root, root-bark, leaves, fruit, milky-juice and galls... action: bark, leaves and unripe fruit are astringent... (Indian Materia Medica, p. 548).

4212.Boatman: don:gait a boatman, a man of the Jora caste; d.on:ga_ (H.)(Mundari.lex.) d.onga a canoe; d.ongako caloala, gar.a peregea: they have put the canoe in motion, the river is full (Mu.) (Encyclopaedia Mundarica, p.1251). Boat, vessel, junk: co_n:ku boat, vessel, junk (Tiruvil.ai. Valaivi_. 34); djong (Javanese); tjo_gu (Te.); jo_ga (Ka.); co_n:ku-vet.t.u rough dressing of timber; slanting cut as of rafters (Ta.lex.) d.on:ga a canoe; rancira talaore begar d.a_n.te, da gompar.aidijadte d.on:gako calaojada: on the Ranchi lake they row a boat, lit., they set a boat in motion without a pole, by continually moving the water aside; d.on:ga d.umbuitana, calaotam: the canoe sinks, make it go, i.e., I have nothing more to eat, give me a loan (Mundari.lex.) Boat: d.u~_d.o boat (S.); d.o~_gi_ boat (Aw.Bhoj.); d.o_n.d.a_ boat (L.); d.u_n.d.a_ boat (L.); d.ungi dug-out canoe (Or.); d.u~r., d.u~r.h trough, wooden or bamboo water-channel, gutter (N.)(CDIAL 5568). duna:n a small boat; duna:n patte:ji they are plying the boat (Sora.lex.) d.uno ferry boat (Ku.); small boat (usu. of one piece of wood)(N.); d.u_no small earthen vessel (Sh.); d.u~_ga a kind of covered boat (K.); d.o~ga_ trough, canoe, ladle (H.); a sort of boat or canoe (M.); d.onga_ canoe made of plantain-sheath (A.); d.ona canoe, boat (B.); d.uni canoe, boat (B.); d.u~go small boat (usu. of one piece of wood)(N.); d.e~_gi boat (Bhoj.); d.e~gi_ small boat, canoe (H.); d.omgi_ small box for betel (Pkt.); d.u~go tobacco pipe (G.); d.anga_ small country boat, dug-out canoe (Or.); d.angi canoe (Or.); d.ina_ boat, canoe (B.A.); d.inga_ id. (Or.)(CDIAL 5568). donwa_h man who works the hollow irrigation log (Bi.)(CDIAL 6643). d.o_ga_, d.o_gha_ a deep boat (P.); d.ungi dug-out canoe (Or.); d.o_gi_ boat (Bhoj.Aw.); d.o_ga_ trough, canoe, ladle (H.); a sort of boat or canoe (M.)(CDIAL 5568). pun-aikalam peyta to_n.i : Ci_vaka. 967)(Ta.lex.) to_n.i dhoney (Ta.Ma.); do_ni (Te.); do_n.i (Tu.) boat, dhoney; ship; float, raft, canoe; water-trough; projections, bastions in a fortress wall; mud, mire; water (Ta.); to_n.i-k-kuttakai contract for a whole to_n.i without reference to the number of trips or weight of cargo (Ta.); to_n.i-t-tur-ai port, harbour (Ta.lex.){2 padakku = 1 tu_n.i [cf. patakku a mesure of capacity = 2 kurun.i (patakkumun- ... tu_n.ikkil.avi : Tol. Er..ut. 239); 4 a_d.haka = one dro_n.a; tu_n.i a measure of capacity = 4 marakka_l (cen:kol.l.um karun:kol.l.um tu_n.i patakken-r-u : Na_lat.i. 387); id. (Ma.)]}

4213.Image: small bamboo basket with a contracted opening: t.un:ki a small bamboo basket with a contracted opening (Santali.lex.) cf. te_n:ku-tal to rise to the brim, fill, become full (Tiruppu. 501); te_n:ku- mukantal.a-ttal mesuring grain etc. with a standard measure (Tol. Er..ut. 7, Urai.); ten:ku coconut-palm, cocos nucifera (Pur-ana_. 29); ten:gu id. (Ka.); ten.n.u id. (Ma.); te_n:ka_y coconut (Nan-. 186, Mayilai.); t.en:ka_ya id. (Te.)(Ta.lex.) Water-vessel made of coconut shell: d.omgi_, d.omgali_ small box for betel (Pkt.); d.umgha water-vessel made of coconut shell (Pkt.); d.u_n.o small earthen vessel (Sh.)(CDIAL 5568). cf. d.oiyo coconut shell used as bowl (G.)(CDIAL 5573). Shell: d.o_ki tortoise shell (Pa.); d.okka hard covering of a nut, etc., shell (Te.); d.o_k shell (of tortoise, egg)(Go.); d.a_ki shell (of tortoise, coconut, egg)(Kui)(DEDR 2989). tokre shell (Kol.); t.okre shell of egg (Go.)(DEDR 2978).

4214.Distant: tu_ram remoteness, distance (Kampara_. Ira_van.an-vatai. 240); tu_ratai distance; tu_rantolai great distance, long way (Ta.){Echo word.}; tu_ra-ka_ri far sighted man of action (Pa_rata. Patin-a_n-. 32)(Ta.lex.) dunik far, distant (Pas'.)(CDIAL 6492). du_ra distant (RV.); distance (S'Br.); du_ram, du_re_ adv. far away (RV.); du_ra distant (Pali.Pkt.); dura (NiDoc.); dur, dura, du_r, du_ro, di_ra (Gypsy); du_r, du_ra (Dm.); du_r (Tir.Pas'.Bshk.Mai.Sh.); du_ (Tor.); duro (Sv.); dhu_ro (Phal.); du_ru adj., du_ri adv. (K.); d.u_ri adv.; d.u_ryo adj. (S.); dur, dhur be off! (L.); du_r adv. far off (L.); du_r adv. (P.); du_r adv., du_ro adj., du_ru~ (WPah.); pl. du_ria~ (Wpah.); duro adj., du_ri adv. (Mth.); dur (N.A.B.); du_ra (Or.); du_r adj., du_ri adv. (Mth.); du_r (Bhoj.); du_ri (OAw.); du_r adj. and adv., dur be off! (H.); dura_na_ to make disappear; durna_ to get out of the way (H.); duri_ adv. (OMarw.); du_ru~ adj., du_r adv. (G.); du_r (M.); dhu_ra (Konkan.i); dura adj., durin from afar (Si.); derea_r distant (Pas'.); duda_r (Wg.); duderi (Kho.); dura_r. (Pas'.); dura_r.i (Gaw.); dura_d.d.a_ (P.); bedyu_r (Kt.)(CDIAL 6495). du_rata_ distance (Skt.); dura distance (Si.)(CDIAL 6497). sudu_ra very far (Mun.d.Up.); sedu distant (Ash.); sudu_ (Wg.); sudu_r (Pas'.)(CDIAL 13469).

4215.Image: ear of wheat: d.un.d.ga cropped bare; d.un.d.ge, d.un.d.gi, d.un.d.i, d.un.d.la, d.un.d.li bald or shaven head (Santali.lex.) t.u_gar orphaned of one parent (Mth.); t.u~gni_ cutting ears of corn without stalks (Bi.); t.ugna_ ear of wheat (Bi.); t.u~ga_ docked tail (H.); t.o~g wilful; t.o~gal. thick and rude (M.)(CDIAL 5467).

4216.Image: scorpion: t.o~k beak, point (H.M.); t.o~kri_ (M.); t.o~_ka, tu_n:ga scorpion (Wg.); t.a~_uke (Shum.); t.o~g beak, point (H.); t.hon:go peck (S.); t.hu~_gn.a_ to peck (P.); t.hun.n.o (Ku.); t.hun.nu (N.); t.ho~gona_ blow on cheek (A.); t.ho~g beak (H.); t.ho~gna_, t.hu~_gna_ to peck (H.)(CDIAL 5478). d.akka, dakka bitten (Pkt.); d.akkijjai is bitten (Pkt.); d.a_kiba to bite, sting (A.); d.akori_ hornet (H.); d.am.ka bite, sting (Pkt.); d.an:gan.u bite (L.); d.a~gan. to bite (L.); d.an:gn.u_, d.an:g (P.); d.an:ka fangs of a snake, insect bite (Or.); d.an:k bite of insect or reptile (Mth.); d.a~_k insect sting (H.); large green wasp (G.); d.a~_kh a kind of wasp (G.); bite, sting (M.); d.a~_khn.e~ to bite (M.); dan.inu to be cheated (N.)(CDIAL 5517).

4217.Image: to kneel; to move on hands and knees: d.o~_gu, do~_gu, do~_ga_d.u to crawl or move on the hands and knees, go on all fours as an infant (Te.); do_guni to crawl on hands and knees, or in a sitting position; do_ga crawling; dogguni to kneel (Tu.); dor(a)lu to roll, turn over; dor(a)lincu, doral(u)cu id. (Te.); dorg-, dor.g- (buffalo) to wallow (Go.); tronga (trongi-) to roll, (child) crawls; n. crawling, rolling; tropka (< trok-p-; trokt-) to cause to roll, roll something over and over; torga (torgi-) to writhe; n. writhing (Kui); torg- to fall; torginai to fall down; torg-/trog- (-it-) to fall; trok- (-h-) to drop, demolish, fell (Kuwi)(DEDR 3514). Projecting part of the body; elbow; lower leg; knee: d.on:g, d.on., za~_-d.a~_ knee (Ash.); d.ua~_lik knee; d.un:gurik elbow (Shum.); d.un:go knee (Gaw.); d.o_n:ga lower leg (Wot..); d.un:gi_ elbow (Wot..); d.ho~ga_ hip (H.); d.uin:gya elbow, ankle-bone (Sv.); do_ni knee (Gypsy)(CDIAL 5605). tonge knee (Kol.); t.onge id. (Nk.); t.ongre elbow, knee (Nk.); t.ongra, t.on:gra_ knee; t.ongi elbow (Go.); kot.u curved, bent, crooked; kot.un.-kai folded arm (Ta.)(DEDR 2983). Image: hoof: d.ekka hoof (Te.Nk.Ga.); d.eka id. (Kond.a); dekka id. (Kuwi)(DEDR 2970). ta_ngu (pl. ta_kaka) hoof (Kui)(DEDR 5523). Image: finger-joint, knee: d.ho~pa_ knee (M.); d.ho~par, d.hopar knee, elbow, shoulder, middle joint of fingers, cheekbone, hip (Ma.)(CDIAL 5580).

4218.Whole amount, sum: tuka sum, whole amount; collection (Ma.); toku (tokuv-, tokk-) to be summed up, totalled; tokuti aggregate, total; tokuppu sum total; tokai sum, total, addition, summary (Ta.)(DEDR 3476).

4219.Shoal of fish: thok shoal of fish (A.); thuki remaining in a cluster (A.)(CDIAL 13675).

4220.Collection: toku (tokuv-, tokk-) to assemble, collect, accumulate, form as a whole or lump, aggregate, be summed up, totalled; (-pp-, -tt-) to cause to assemble, bring together, gather, sum up, total, add, summarize; tokuti assembly, collection, aggregation, society, company, association, class, flock, herd, aggregate, total; tokuppu sum total, multitude, crowd; tokai assembly, collection, association, flock, herd, swarm, school, bunch, sum, total, addition, summary; tuku (tukuv-, tukk-) to be gathered in a mass, as the hair; (-pp-, -tt-) to bring together, gather in a mass as hair (Ta.); tuka sum, whole amount, assembly, collection; tokuka to join (Ma.); tokkula_d.u a crowd together, throng; (inscr.); toga party (Te.); to_y-, toia_na_, toiya_na_ to swell (Go.)(DEDR 3476). to_y (-v, -nt-) to come in contact with, reach, unite, embrace, associate with, resemble (Ta.); to_ynta_r friends (Ta.); to_yuka to unite (Ma.)(DEDR 3556). thava_ crowd, troop (of living creatures)(M.); thavakka collection (Pkt.); thoku thing (S.); thok party, faction, thing (L.); thok amount, ready money (P.); thok a division of the people (Ku.); thok thing, affair (N.); thoka collection (Or.); t.hok mass, total (Or.); thok mass, body (H.); thok group, collection, bundle (G.); a quantity of silk (M.)(CDIAL 13675).

4221.Whole number; wholesale: t.o_ku whole or round, as a number; wholesale (Ka.); t.ho_ka, t.ho_kal.a (M.Te.); t.o_ku-ta_l.e a rough estimate (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) cf. toku to add, summarize (Ta.)(DEDR 3476).

4222.Image: round mark; drop: thipa, thipa_ round mark, a drop (Or.); thippai dissolves (Pkt.); stip ooze, drip (Skt.)(CDIAL 13694). the_va drop (Pali.Pkt.); ste_pate_ drips, drops, oozes (Dha_tup.); te_pati sprinkles (Dha_tup.); thivuya drop of water (Pkt.); thiv-thiv spitting (of rain)(M.)(CDIAL 13719). sto_ka drop (RV.); sto_kam adv. gradually, a little (MBh.); tho_ka trifle; adj. small, insignificant; tho_kaka (Pali); tho_ga, thoa, tho_va, tho_vaga little, a little (Pkt.); thova gradually (OG.); thor.o_u (Sv.); tho_r.o_ (K.); thor.a_, thor. scarcity (P.); tho_r.eg a little few (Wot..); tho_r.o_, thor.a_ a little, few; tho_r.o_ short (WPah.); thor.o a little, few (Ku.); thor (N.); thor.a_ (B.Or.); thor. (Mth.); tho_r (Bhoj.); tho_ra_ (Aw.); thor (Bi.); thor.a_ (H.); thur.na_ to fall short (H.); thor.o (Marw.); thor.u~ (G.); thox.a_ (M.); thoro small, few (S.); tho_la_ (L.)(CDIAL 13720). t.o_la lump, excrescence, egg (Kui); to_la egg (Kuwi); -to_l in: zarto_l tortoise egg (Br.)(zar- < z.ahr (Ar.)(DEDR 3560). sto_kya relating to drops (TBr.); sto_kiya (S'Br.); thokka little (Pkt.); thoko, pl. thwa_ka_ a little, few (Ku.); thoka a little (Or.); thokkad.aa (Skt.); thukr.ien obl. pl. (K.); thik, thuk drop (Sh.); t.ika little (Si.)(CDIAL 13721). s'trok a little (Wg.); s'tuk (Kt.)(CDIAL 13722).

4223.Image: to pierce: so.ng- (so.nkt) to enter (Kol.); so_n- id. (Nk.); co_ng (thorn) pierces (Pa.); so_ng- to be pierced into; so_n- to pierce, penetrate (Ga.); ho_n:ga- to enter (Pe.)(DEDR 2876).

4224.Image: cluster of trees: co_n:ku hilly tract thickly clustered with trees and waterd by streams or cataracts (Ta.lex.)

4225.Image: man's hair: ton:kal man's hair (Tiva_.); a mode of dressing woman's hair, one of aim-pa_l or dressed in five modes: kon.t.ai, kur..al, pan-iccai, mut.i, curul. (Tiva_.); the first three supra are substituted with: al.akam, tucai (Ci_vaka. 2437, Urai.)(Ta.lex.)

4226.Image: insignia of royalty: ton:kal insignia of royalty (A_tiyula_, 57); white umbrella as an emblem of royalty (Tiruppu. 871)(Ta.lex.)

4227.Image: projection: ton:kal projection, cape, headland (Ta.lex.)

4228.Image: clasp of an ornament: ton:kal clasp of an ornament (Ta.lex.)

4229.Image: slanting: toe off the square, not at a right angle, slanting (Santali. lex.)

4230.Image: to strike: t.o_kar < t.akkar (H.) blow, stroke, collision (Ta.lex.)

4231.A man who makes mud or plaster; mud, quagmire: tagori a man who makes mud or plaster (K.); ta_ga_r. mortar, pit in which it is prepared (B.); toq mud, quagmire (Kho.); taga_ mud (Sh.); ta_gar. mortar (Ku.)(CDIAL 5626). cf. tayrgan. potter's wheel (Ko.); tagori id. (Tu.)(DEDR 3200). t.ag mud (Par.); cf. s'a_ka (CDIAL 5489). tukal. dust (Ta.); tu_l. dust (Ma.); tu.j dust (Ko.); du_l.u dust (Tu.); du_gar-a dust, dirt, soot (Te.); tu.k dust, earth, clay (Kol.); tu_k earth, clay (Nk.); id., soil (Pa.); tu_kur. earth, clay (Ga.); to_r.i, tor.ei, to_r.i, tor.iy, tar.i earth, soil (Go.); to_r.i_ dry clay, cleansing mud (Go.)(DEDR 3283). Bog: cakati mud, mire, bog, puddle (Ta.); cavati, cavadi mud (Ta.); cakati clay, mire (Ma.)(DEDR 2266).

4232.Image: standing: d.in to stand on one's toes (Go.); d.inga_na_ to become erect (obscene)(Go.)(DEDR 851-a).

4233.Images: weaver-bird; cord with a loop to carry a pot: tu_kkan.an:kuri_i (tu_kkan.an:kuri_i...pen.n.ai-t-tot.utta ku_t.inum)(Kur-un.374); tu_kkan.a_n-, tu_kkan.an:kuruvi, tu_kkan.a_n:kuruvi, tu_n:kan.an:kuri_i weaver bird, ploceus baya, as building hanging nests (Ta.lex.)

4234.Head watchman: tu_kkiri head watchman of a village (C.G.)(Ta.); ta_riki (Te.); tu_kkiri-ma_n-iyam rent-free land given to village-watchmen in return for their services; tu_kkiri-me_rai the quantity of grain given from the threshing floor to the watchman (C.G.); tu_kkam weighing (S.I.I. ii,339)(Ta.); tu_kamu (Te.); tu_ka (Ka.)(Ta.lex.) cf. tu_kku a bazaar weight = 50 palams; standard weight = 1 tula_m = 100 palams; tu_kku a balance; yoke, piece of timber shaped to fit a person's shoulders and support pail etc. at each end (Tiva_.)(Ta.lex.)

4235.Image: rope and pot: tu_kku suspended net-work of rope supporting a pot, ur-i; tu_kkan.am id., pendant, anything suspended (Ta.lex.)

4236.Image: balance: tu_kula a hanging lamp (Tu.); tu~_cu to weigh (Te.); tu_n:kal pendant, anything suspended, balance, scales (Ta.); tu_kku id., weight, plumb-line, height (Ta.); tu_kkam weighing, weight, perpendicular (Ma.); tu_gu, tu_n:ku to weigh, hold or lift up and wave, swing (Ka.); tu.g- (tu.yg-) to weigh; tu.k- (tu.yk-) to weigh; tu.gm (obl. tu.gt-) weight (Ko.); tu_nika weighing, weight; tu~_cu to weigh, find the weight of (Te.); tu_ka weight, weighing; tu_ka_vuni to cause to weigh (Tu.); tu_ku weight; tu_kike, tu_gike act of weighing; tu_ka weighing, weight, the quantity determined by weighing, worth, dignity; tu_ka weight (Ka.); tu_khali to weigh (Kuwi); tu_k- (-h-) to weigh (Kuwi); tu_gisu to cause to weigh (Ka.); tu_k- to weigh, nod (OM.)(DEDR 3376). tu_kku-k-ko_l (Ta.); tu_kku-ko_l (Ma.); steelyard (Ta.lex.) Weigh: tukuni, t.ukuni small liquid measure (N.); tukn.e~ to weigh (M.); tu_k weighing (M)(CDIAL 5466). [Connexion with t.ukk 'cut,break' very doubtful, according to CDIAL.]

4237.Plot of land: tukam plot of land (Ta.); tukamu id. (Te.); tukam share as in a partition or lottery (Ta.lex.)

4238.Image: a bit: tukad.i, tukad.a, tukkad.a, tukkad.i a bit; a bit of bread etc.; bread in general; a detachment from a body; a party (Ka.); tukad.a_, tukad.i_ (M.H.); tukad.i a division, a district, a province (Ka.); tukad.i, tukkud.i (Te.); tukkud.i (Ma.)(Ka.lex.)


4239.Image: a drum: ta_se, ta_sa_ma_ru a flat drum that is fastened in front of the belly when beaten (Ka.); ta_s'a_ (M.); ta_se_dava a man who beats that drum (Ka.lex.)

4240.Fisherman; ferryman: ta_can- < da_s'a fisherman (Pa_rata. Kuru. 91)(Ta.lex.) da_sa a fisherman; fem. da_sal.u; da_sa a vais.n.ava religious mendicant (Ka.); da_sari, da_sara id. (Ka.Te.) (Ka.lex.) da_s'a fisherman, ferryman (VS. xxx.16); a mixed caste (Mn.); d.aha_ a tribe of Jats (L.)(CDIAL 6314). taciyu a non-Aryan tribe; cf. dasyu (RV.); tacanavam (perh. das'a_rn.a) a country (Kampara_. A_r-ucel. 16)(Ta.lex.) da_sa knowing man (Skt.); d.a_ho wise; d.a_hi, d.a_hapa wisdom (S.); d.a_h news, information; d.a_hi_ informer (L.); d.a_hyu~ wise (G.)(CDIAL 6317). dasa ancestor of the da_sas (RV. vi.21.11); da_sa da_sa-like, barbarian, non-aryan, slave (RV. x.38.3); fiend, a man of fiendish nature, demon (RV. i.158.5); barbarian, foreigner (RV. x.138.3); slave, servant (RV. x.62.10); da_sa-karmakara slave-servant (Sat. xxvii.1); da_sa-patni_ having a demon as lord (RV. i.32.11); da_sa-pravarga wealth connected with a multitude of servants (RV. i.92.8); da_sa-ve_s'a name of a person (RV. ii.13.8); da_sya servitude, slavery (S'Br.); dasyu enemy (of the gods), impious, barbarian (RV. iv.16.9; RV. ii.11.19); dasyu-ju_t instigated by dasyu (RV. vi.24.8); dasyu-tarhan.a crushing the dasyus (RV. ix.47.2); dasyu-hatya destruction of the dasyus (RV. i.51.6); dasya-han destroying the dasyus (RV. i.100.12); dasyu-hantama most destructive to the dasyus (RV. iv.16.15)(Vedic.lex.)

4241.Pious: da_s'anta worshipper; da_s'uri pious (RV. viii.4.12); da_s'va_m.s worshipping (RV. i.74.8)(Vedic.lex.) ta_cari vais.n.ava non-brahmin mendicant (E.T. ii,112)(Ta.); da_sari id. (Te.Ka.); ta_cari-pantam big torch used in S'rirangam temple; ta_ca-nampi < da_sa + title of the Ca_tta_n-i caste; cariyai < carya_ conduct, good behaviour; first of the four-fold means of attaining salvation, which consists in worshipping god-in-form in a temple (Ci. Po_. Pa_. 8,1, Pak. 359); alms (Ta.); cariyai-yir--kiriyai worship of S'iva's manifested forms in a temple (Ci. Po_. Pa_. 8,1, Pak. 357); cariyai-yir--cariyai personal service in temple such as cleaning; cariyayil-yo_kam meditation on S'iva; ta_caner-i = cariyai (Ci. Ci. 8,18, Cuppira.); ta_ca-ma_rkkam, ta_ta-ma_rkkam id. (Ci. Ci. 8,19); ta_ca-pa_lan-am protection of slaves and dependents one of 14 taya_-virutti (Ta.lex.) da_sara, da_sari (Tadbhava of da_se_ra) a male servant, a slave (Ka.lex.) da_s'e_raka, das'e_raka pl. name of the people of Maru (Marwar) (MBh.); da_s'e_raka name of a people (Pa_n.. Ka_s'.); d.a~hra_ a division of the Kera_r tribe (L.); da_se_ra slave girl's son (Skt.); d.a_hiri, d.ahari_ name of a Sindhi tribe (S.)(CDIAL 6315). da_sa a non-Aryan slave (RV.); dasa, da_sa slave (As'.); das-a, dajha, dajhi (NiDoc.); da_sa, da_si_ (Pkt.); das a Bulgarian; dasni, das man; des'no slave (Gypsy); da_si_ slave girl (AV.); da_sa slave (Pali); da_si_, da_sika_, da_siya_ f. (Pali); da_s slave (K.); slave, serf (Ku.); da_si_ f. (Ku.); da_s slave (N.); da_sa, da_si_ (Or.); da_s, da_si_ (H.G.M.); dasa (OSi.); dsi f. (OSi.); das, ds (Si.)(CDIAL 6316). da_satva slavery (MBh.); da_sut, da_satas slavery (K.)(CDIAL 6319). da_sya slavery (S'Br..); da_s slavery, serice (G.)(CDIAL 6320). ta_can- < da_sa servant (Vina_yakapu. 53,57); slave, devotee; title of the S'u_dra caste (Tiruva_n-aik. Ko_c. 69); a term used in salutation among vais.n.avas (Pirapo_ta. 11,11); ta_ci < da_si_ maid servant (Cilap. 6,125); dancing-girl devoted to temple service, commonly a prostitute; harlot, whore (Cu_t.a_.); female slave (Ta.lex.)

4242.Revenue: ta_cuvam (prob. da_s'va) gift; ta_tam < da_da gift; tacarippu < tashri_f (Arab.) reward, present; ta_cil < tah.si_l (U.); collection, especially of the public revenue derived from the land, the revenue collected; a revenue taluk; ta_ci_l id. (Ta.lex.) tasil, ta_sil the right of collecting rent (Mu. Sadani. Oraon); tahsil (H.)(Mu.lex.) da_s' to pay homage to (RV. i.127.4); kada_ nu_nam te_ da_s'e_ma when may we now serve thee? (RV. vii.29.3); da_s' worship (RV. i.127.7); das'asya to favour, serve, oblige (RV. viii.88.6); kada_ na indra ra_ya a_ das'asye_h- when wouldst thou, O Indra bestow riches upon us? (RV. viii.46.11); das'asya_ paying homage to (RV. vii.99.3); da_sya disposed to give, liberal (RV. iv.2.7) (Vedic.lex.) cf. das'ata grasping with two hands (A_pS'S.); das'ataya tenfold (RV. i.158.4); das'a-bhuji id. (RV. i.52.11)(Vedic.lex.) taca-pantam < das'a + bandha deduction of 1/10 of the land-tax to compensate for some public work as the construction of a tank; tacavantam id. (S.I.I. iii,161); cf. das'an ten (Skt.); taca ten (Nal.a. Kalini_. 9)(Ta.lex.)

4243.Image: boa constrictor: da_sara-ha_vu, da_sa-ha_vu, da_sari-ha_vu the boa, boa constrictor (Ka.Te.); so-called (it is said) because like a vais.n.ava mendicant it wears an upright white line on the forehead (Ka.Te.), because it is marked with white streaks, like the mark used by vais.n.avas (Ta.)(Ka.lex.)

4244.Wonderful: dasma worth-seeing, wonderful, performing heroic deeds (RV. vii.22.8); vasani_ dasmami_mahe_ we approach the wondrous one for riches (RV. i.42.10); dasma-tama most wondrous or wonderful (RV. ii.20.6); dasma-varcas of wonderful lustre (RV. i.173.4); dasmya wonderful, pleasing (RV. viii.24.20); dasra accomplishing wonderful deeds, giving marvellous help (RV. i.42.5; RV. x.26.1)(Vedic.lex.)

4245.Coagulate: tac coagulate (Skt.)(CDIAL 5617). a_tanakti coagulates (VS.)(CDIAL 5628). tonjeik to lose, ruin, spoil, waste (Kho.)(CDIAL 5628). to_ytal to be curdled, as milk; to be thickened, clotted, coagulated as blood (Kampara_. Na_t.t.up. 28); to come into contact with, reach, touch (Pur-ana_. 14); to mix, blend, mingle, associate with, keep company (Kampara_. Carapan.. 27); to temper by dipping in water, as heated metal; to_yccal curdling, as milk; to_ytal to thicken, curdle (Tiv. Peruma_l.. 2,4)(Ta.lex.) a_tanakti causes to coagulate by throwing one liquid into another (VS.); a_tacana rennet (TS.); admixture of medicine during decoction (Car.) = prati_va_pa (Skt.); a_yam.cai, a_im.cai sprinkles (Pkt.); isto_n:gem I sprinkle (Kal.)(CDIAL 13665). Buttermilk: cha_chi_ buttermilk (S.Marw.); whey (OAw.); cha~_c(h) whey (Ku.); cha~_cr.o rice and whey boiled together (Ku.); cha~_chi_ earthen pot in which milk is curdled (Mth.); cha_c(h) buttermilk (H.); cha_si_ buttermilk (Pkt.); cha_hi_ (S.); cha_ (L.); cha_h (P.WPah.H.); cha~_s, cha~_ whey (Ku.)(CDIAL 5012). tayir curds, tyre, brain matter (Ta.); curds (Ma.); takra buttermilk mixed with water (SKt.)(DEDR 3088). tacci curds (Ta.lex.) dadhi thick sour milk (Pkt.Pali); gen. dadhnah. (RV.); in cmpd. -dadhika (Skt.); dahi (Pkt.N.Or.); dai (K.); dahi_ (S.L.H.Bi.Mth.Bhoj.); dahi~_ (P.G.M.); da~i (WPah.); dai (Ku.N.A.B.Or.); dahiu (Aw.); dhai_ (H.); dha~i (Konkan.i); di (OSi.Bra_hmi_.); dihi, di_ (Si.)(CDIAL 6146). dye_d, dyed curds (Wot..); de_th (Tor.)(CDIAL 6148). takra buttermilk with a third part of water (Mn.); talx bitter (Pers.); tarku (Par.); takku bitter (Par.); takka buttermilk, whey (Pali.Pkt.); ta_k (G.M.Konkan.i); tk (Si.); ta_gar.a_ thickened milk (Or.)(CDIAL 5617).

4246.Shuttle: tasara shuttle (RV.Pali); cloth in loom (TBr.com.); tasarika_ weaving (Skt.); trasara shuttle (Skt.); thasuro piece of wood in cloth loom on which the threads are wound (Kho.); tassar rod in loom round which yarn is wrapped in order to be put in the shuttle (WPah..); tosro stick for twisting thread (N.); tasra_ reel on which yarn is wound (Or.); tasar shuttle (H.); taras-dan.d.a < tasar (prob. < Pali)--Connection uncertain with tasara-, t.asara- a kind of thread (Pkt.); tasar, t.asar coarse silk produced by the caterpillar bombyx paphia (H. > t.asar a coarse silk (P.); tasari silk of bombyx paphia (S.); tasar the moth bombyx paphia, coarse silk (M.)(CDIAL 5744). ta_san.a brushing the warp threads with gum before weaving, weaver's brush (Or.)(CDIAL 5613). tam.sayati draws to and fro (VS.); a_tam.saye_the_, tatasre_ (RV.); t.a~_snu to fasten up, fasten, stick, join; t.a~_sinu to lean on; t.a~_s posting (of notices, etc.); t.a~_so deposit (N.)(CDIAL 5614).

4247.Wild cotton: tuy cotton (Pur-ana_. 158); soft end of cotton thread (Kur-icip. 37, Urai.); fibre (Ci_vaka. 559)(Ta.lex.) tu_t.t.ikam white dead nettle (Malai.) (Ta.); tu_cam < du_s.ya_ elephant's neck-band (Ci_vaka. 1602); tu_cu id. (Ta.); tu_car washermen (Tiva_.); tu_cu cleanness (Tamir..na_. 69); tu_cu cloth, garment (Ci_vaka. 1302); cotton (Tiv. Tiruppa_. 6)(Ta.lex.) tuyya pure (Ta.Ma.)(Ta.lex.) turastu < durast (U.) cleanliness (Ta.lex.) t.u_sa_ bud of wild cotton (P.); t.uso, t.oso (pl. t.wa_sa_) blade of grass, sprout; t.usn.o to germinate (Ku.); t.uso (N.); t.usi, t.osa_ drop, particle (B.); t.u_sa_ shoot (H.)(CDIAL 5471). thusa husk of grain (Pali); thus chaff (Dm.)(CDIAL 5892). dusuku to slip, slide (as a tied knot, something held in hand, foot in clay etc.); dusikil(l)u to slip, slide (Te.); tusugna_ (tusgyas) to loosen threads that are knot, undo a piece of plaited straw, tamper with, unsettle, derange something tidily bound up; refl. pass. tusgurna_ (Kur.)(DEDR 3288). du_rs'a some kind of coarse cloth (AV.); du_s.ya fine cotton cloth (BHSkt. ii.268); du_s'ya tent (Skt.); dussa woven material, clothes (Pali); dusa_ni pl. clothes (As'.); du_sa cloth (Pkt.); dussa_ blanket (L.); coarse woollen stuff (H.); dusa a kind of stuff (OM.); juhun garments (Si.); dhuso woollen mantle (S.); dhussa coarse blanket; dhussa_ (L.); dhussa_ a fine woollen stuff; dhussar. coarse cotton cloth (P.); dhussa_ blanket or rug (of fur or soft and fine hari)(Ku.); dhusso blanket (N.); dhussa_ a grey woollen stuff (B.); dhusa_ coarse thick woollen wrapper (Or.); dhu_s a thick blanket (Bi.); dhussa_ coarse woollen stuff (H.); dhu~so (G.); dhusa_ (M.); dhosa_ coarse woollen cloth (B.H.); dho~so (G.)(CDIAL 6502). daus.ika, daus.yika cloth-seller (Jain.Skt.); do_sia id. (Pkt.); dosi_ id. (G.)(CDIAL 6502). dhou thread (wool or cotton)(WPah.)(CDIAL 6883). cf. tu_val sprout, shoot; tu_vi swan's down (Ta.)(DEDR 3393). tu_la cotton (Skt.)(CDIAL 5904). Goat's hair: das'a_ fringe of a garment (S'Br.); wick (Skt.); dasa_ unwoven thread of the web, fringe (Pali); dahi_ an untwisted thread, thrum (S.); dasi fibres of hemp etc. from which rope is twisted (N.)(CDIAL 6236). durs goat's hair (Wkh.); lurs (Mj.); do_s' goat's hair (Par.); da~_s' (Or.); drassam (Br.); d.a_sa (S.); d.a_si_ made of it (S.)(CDIAL 6307). Cloth merchant: du_s.ya, du_sa, du_su cloth or a kind of cloth; cotton, calico; du_siga a cloth merchant; du_siga-vasara the shop of a cloth merchant (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) Cloth shop: dosiyasa_la_ shop selling cloth; du_sa or du_s.ya was a high variety of cloth; cf. di_ba_ (Pers.)(Jain.Skt.)

4248.Image: tangled herbage; hair: dacol, dacola the tuft of long hair hanging on the forehead of a horse (Mu.); cf. daca, dacla_ (Sadani); daghal long and tangled herbage (Persian)(Mu.lex.)

4249.Image: blow with clenched fist: t.u_su blow with clenched fist (K.); t.o_sa_-t.o_s mutual cudgelling (K.); t.oso fit of anger (Ku.)(CDIAL 5485). To cram: t.hosn.o to strike into, strike, shake (Ku.); t.hosn.o to poke, chide (N.); t.hosna_ to press down (H.); t.husa_ to cram (B.); t.hoso blow (G.); t.hosra_ (M.); t.hau~so blow (S.); t.ho~svu~ to cram; t.ho~so blow (G.)(CDIAL 5511). cf. d.hos thrust (H.); d.hoso blow (G.); d.hosa_, d.ho~sa_ (M.)(CDIAL 5595). tur-umu-tal to be close, be crowded (Perun.. Ila_va_n.a. 15,6)(Ta.); turugu (Ka.); turumpu-tal id. (Te_va_. 370,5)(Ta.)(Ta.lex.)

4250.Spoil: tu_t.an.am defect, fault (Ilak. vi. 897, Urai.)(Ta.); tu_t.an.an- a ra_ks.asa (Kampara_. karan-. 51); tu_t.itam that which is spoiled or made dirty (Civataru. Parika_ra. 6)(Ta.); tun-mati folly (Te_va_. 414,6); tun-i-ttal to loathe, abhor (Ci_vaka. 745); tun-i disgust, dissatisfaction, loathing (Kalit. 14); protracted sulk in a love-quarrel (Kur-al., 1306); affliction, sorrow, distress (Tol. Po. 303); sin (Ja_n-a_. 43,32); flaw (Kampara_. Mantarai. 32); poverty (Kur-al. 1010)(Ta.lex.) dus. spoil (Skt.); dus.t.a defiled, bad (S'rS.); villain (Skt.); dut.t.ha corrupt, spoilt (Pali.Pkt.); d.hut.t.a_ morally bad (L.); du_t.h goblin, ghost; ba_g-du_t.h expression used to frighten children from going outside at night (Ku.); [cf. vya_ghra tiger (Skt.)]; dut.u evil; dut.a enemy (Si.)(CDIAL 6472). du_s.an.a corrupting (AV.); fault (Mn.); du_sana spoiling (Pali); dasen fault, flaw (K.)(CDIAL 6503). du_s.ayati corrupts (AV.); violates (a woman)(Mn.); blames (MBh.); du_se_ti spoils (Pali); du_se_i, du_sai (Pkt.); das'erun to blame, malign (K.); dusa_ to blame, impute (B.); du_siba_ (Or.); du_sab to jeer at (Mth.); du_sna_ to censure (H.); dis'eik to speak ill of, harm (Kho.); dis'oiki (Sh.)(CDIAL 6504). du_s.ika_ secretion in the eyes (AV.Mn.); du_s.i poison (AV.); du_s.ya (Sus'r.); pus (Skt.); du_sia_ secretion in the eyes (Pkt.); dusi (B.); du_si (Or.)(CDIAL 6505). du_s.ya corruptible, wicked (MBh.); dis' evil, bad, distasteful (ho.); dis'i wickedness (Kho.)(CDIAL 6506). dus.- perjorative prefix (Skt.)[duh-kha, duh-s'a_sana, duh-s'i_la, duh-s.ama, duh-saha, dura_s'a, durga, durgata, durgandha, durghat.a, durjana, durdama, durdr.s.t.a, durdhara, durbala, durbhaga, durbhara, durbha_va, durbhiks.a, durmanas, durlabha, durvacas, durvarn.a, durha_rd, dus'cara, dus'carita, dus'citta, dus.ka_la, dus.kr.ta, dus.t.hu, dustara, du_d.abha, du_d.hi_, du_raks.ya, daurhr.da]; dus.ka_la evil time (R.); dukka_la famine (Pkt.); duka_ru (S.); duka_l (B.); duka_la (OAw.OMarw.); duka_l (H.); duka_l., duka_l.i_ (G.); duka_ri_ one who stores grain and so raises prices (S.)(CDIAL 6470). dus'cara difficult to pass (MBh.); duccara difficult to enter (Pkt.); duduru, dudul.u (Si.)(CDIAL 6466). dus'carita misbehaviour (AV.); duccarita ill-conducted; misconduct (Pali); duccaria adj. and n. (Pkt.); dusiri of bad habits, sin (Si.)(CDIAL 6467). dus'citta sad (Skt.); dus'cit evil-minded (AV.); dusit evil-minded; dusita evil mind (Si.)(CDIAL 6469). dus.kr.ta wrongly done (S'Br.); evil action (RV.); dukkata, dukkat.a sin (Pali); dukat.a, dukata (As'.); dukkiya, dukkaya, dukkad.a, dukkhad.a (Pkt.); dukul.a_va (Si.)(CDIAL 6471). dus.t.hu adv. badly; adj. ill, bad (skt.); dut.t.hu bad (Pkt.); dut.t.hulla wicked, lewd (Pali); dut.ul wicked; tul.ul wicked, lewd (Si.)(CDIAL 6473). dupria_ra not loved (L.); dupia_r hatred; dupia_ra_, dupirya_ra_, dup(p)ira_ra_ unloved (P.)(CDIAL 6474). dustara difficult to overcome (MBh.); dus.t.ara (RV.); duttara hard to cross (Pali); dutta_ra (Pkt.); dutar severe calamity (A.); du_tar difficult (H.); du_tara hard to cross (OG.)(CDIAL 6475). durdha_ imperfectly ripened (M.)(CDIAL 6499). du_raks.ya hard to be guarded (Skt.); du_rakkha hard to guard (Pali); durkha_, dulkhi_ a kind of butterfly which damages various crops (H.)(CDIAL 6496). durasa ill-tasting (Pkt.); drosu unpalatable, not cleaned (of vegetables), unpalatably prepared vegetables; dros'u one who eats such (K.); dorsa_ half-rotten, putrid (B.); dorasa_ (Or.)(CDIAL 6498). dura_s'a despairing (Skt.); dura_sa (Pkt.); dura_s (H.)(CDIAL 6427). duriha silent curse, complaint to god of another's tyranny (S.); duri_ha ill-meaning (Skt.)(CDIAL 6428). durgata unfortunate (MBh.); duggata unfortunate (Pali); duggaya (Pkt.); dugi_ poor (Si.)(CDIAL 6430). durgandha ill-smelling (Sus'r.); bad smell (Skt.); durgandhi adj. (AV.); duggandha stinking (Pali); duggam.dha, duggam.dhi adj. (Pkt.); duganda stink (Si.)(CDIAL 6431). durjana villain (Mn.Pali); dujjan.a (Pkt.); dujan.u one who breeds quarrels (S.); du_jan.a villain (OG.); dudana_ (Si.); durzan naughty (of a child)(Kho.)(CDIAL 6434). durdama hard to be subdued (MBh.); duddama hard to tame or conquer (Pali.Pkt.); du~diya_ unruly, intractable (B.)(CDIAL 6435). durdr.s.t.a ill-seen, unjustly decided (Ya_j.); duddit.t.ha badly seen (Pkt.) dudut. (Si.)(CDIAL 6436). durdhara irresistible (RV.); duddhara (Pkt.); dudara stout and strong (of animate and inanimate)(K.)(CDIAL 6437). durbala weak, impotent (Mn.); slender (R.); emaciated (Ka_tyS'r.); dubbala weak (Pali); durbala, durbhale (NiDoc.); dubbala, dubbaliya weak, thin (Pkt.); dabala boy; dabili_ woman (Wg.) ju_bal thin (Tor.); druba_lu (Phal.); dubiro (S.) dubla_, dubbla_, dubla_, dublera_ thin (of an animal)(S.); dubal wak; dubla_ emaciated (P.); dubalo thin; dubaw weak (Ku.); dublo thin, weak (N.); dubal, dubala_ thin (B.); dubula_ weak, emaciated (Or.); du_bar (Bhoj.Aw.H.); du_bla_, du_bra_ (H.); du_bara weak, bad (OMarw.); du_balau lean (OMarw.); dubl.u~ (G.); dubl.a_ poor (M.); dubl.o weak (Konkan.i); dubala weak (Si.); dumbula_ old infirm person (Si.); dubla_n.o to become weak (Ku.); dubla_na_ (H.); duba_lu unable (Sh.); duboiki to be unable (Sh.); dabalu weak, emaciated (S.); dublo da_blo emaciated (N.)(CDIAL 6438). durbha_ga ugly (esp. of women)(AV.); unfortunate (Sus'r.); dubbhaga unfor-tunate (Pali. Pkt.); du_bhaga (Pkt.); duhaga (Pkt.); duha_, duo, do disliked, neglected; do ma_gi a neglected wife (B.)(CDIAL 6439). durbhara hard to bear (R.); dubbhara (Pali); dubbhar, dubbar difficult (P.); du_bhara (OAw.); du_bhar hard to bear; incubus (H.)(CDIAL 6440). dubbha_va bad state (Pkt.); dubha_vo pain, wasting away (G.)(CDIAL 6441). durbhiks.a famine (TA_r.); dubbhikkha famine (Pali.Pkt.); trubhicha, tum.bhicha (NiDoc.); dubhuk (H.); dubik (Si.)(CDIAL 6442). durmanas bad disposition (R.); sad (MBh.); dummana sad (Pali); dumman.a, du_man.a sad, hatred (Pkt.); duman unsatisfied, ill at ease, tired (H.); du_man.i_ sad (OG.); a_man.-dumn.u~ dejected, deeply in debt (G.); duman a bad or sorrowful mind (Si.)(CDIAL 6443). duman., dumaga bad road (Si.)(CDIAL 6444). dulada heresy (Si.)(CDIAL 6445). durlabha hard to obtain, scarce (Mn.); eminent; beloved (Skt.); dullabha hard to get, rare (Pali.Pkt.); dullaha, du_laha (Pkt.); dulho bridegroom (Ku.); duloho (N.); dulha_ (Bi.); dulaha_ (Aw.); du_lah (H.); du_lo (P.); du_lahu (S.); du_lha_ (H.); du_lo generous, simple, frank (G.); dulahi bride (N.); dulahini (Mth.OAw.); du_lhin, dulhan (H.); du_lahu a fine person (S.); du_la_ brave man (P.); dulaba hard to obtain, failure (Si.)(CDIAL 6446). dullam.bha hard to obtain (Pkt.); du_lam (H.)(CDIAL 6447). durvacas harsh language (MBh.); abusive (R.); durva_c (AV.); dubbaca abusive (Pali); duvada abuse (Si.)(CDIAL 6448). tu_can-am abusive language (Tiv. Periya_r... 2,9,8)(Ta.)(Ta.lex.) durvarn.a of bad colour, inferior (TBr.); dubban.n.a ugly (Pali); duvvan.n.a, duvan.n.a of bad colour (Pkt.); duwan wicked; enemy (H.); duvan.a bad colour (Si.)(CDIAL 6449). durha_rd malignant (AV.); duhudu enemy (Si.); suhuda friend (Si.)(CDIAL 6451). daurhr.da wickedness (MBh.); durhr.d wicked (MBh.); daurha_rda (Pa_n.. gan.a); d.ol. evil surmising, suspicion (M.)(CDIAL 6603). daurbalya weakness (MBh.); dobballa weakness (Pkt.); dobal leanness (L.)(CDIAL 6599). daurbha_gya unhappiness of a woman disliked by her husband (AV.); mis-fortune (Ya_j.); dobbhagga misfortune (Pali); dobha_gapan.aum (OG.); du_bhagga misfortune (Pkt.); duha_gu, daha_gu want or lessening of a husband's affection; duha_gi_ losing the affection of others; duha_gin.i_ wife who has lost husband's love, widow (S.); duha_g misfortune (H.) duha_gi_ unfortunate; duha_gan. woman who has lost husband's love (G.)(CDIAL 6600). daurmanasya dejection (Skt.); do_manassa dejec-tion (Pali); domnasa (Si.)(CDIAL 6601).

4251.Image: to turn round: cf. tija to turn back, return (Kui); tiruppam turning, twist etc. (Ta.)(DEDR 3246).

4252.Chiretta: de_s'a_vara chiretta, cir-a_yita (Ka.lex.) Gentiana chirayta = ophelia chirata : kira_ta-tikta (Skt.)(Sanskrit Materia Medica, pp. 201-202).

4253.Imports: de_s'a_vara foreign countries; imports (Ka.M.); wandering from country to country (Ka.lex.)

4254.Record-keeper: de_s'a-pa_n.d.ye an hereditary officer of a maha_l (Ka.M.); a record-keeper, a registrar, a clerk (Ka.Te.); the head revenue-officer of a district (Ka.Te.)(Ka.lex.) pa_n.d.i, pa_n.d.ye a village-officer (Ka.); pa_n.d.ya_ (M.)(Ka.lex.)

4255.Husk: tus.a chaff of grain (AV.)[variation t ~~ th ~~ dh suggests non-Aryan origin]; thusa husk of grain (Pali); thus chaff (Dm.); dhu~i_ jowar chaff (L.); dhuso husk, powder (Ku.); dhusi heap of burnt millet husks, burning millet husks (for lye)(Ku.); dhusnu dry grass or straw used as fuel (N.); dhusa refuse of corn (Or.); tusa chaff (As'.Pkt.); tyus straw (Kt.); tus (Wg.); tu_s. (Pas'.); tus wheat straw (Wot..); tus. hay (Gaw.); straw (Kal.Kho.); toh, to_h, tuh chaff (K.); tuhu (S.); tuh, tuha_, toh, toha_ (P.); tuso husk of pulse (Ku.); tu~h husk (A.); tus, tu~s husk of rice (B.); tusa chaff (Or.); tu_s, tusa_ husk of rice, straw (H.); tu_s chaff (M. whence tus'i_ yellowish red); toho, to_ (Si.); tu~r.i_ straw, chaff (L.)(CDIAL 5892). tusa_t.i, tusut.i chaff and earth mixed (B.)(CDIAL 5893). tu_ci, tu_cu dust (Ta.); tu_l.i husk (Ma.); tu.j dust (Ko.); du_su fine powder (Tu.); dhu_li dust, powder (Skt.)(DEDR 3283). Empty: tucchya empty, vain (RV.); emptiness (RV.); tuccha empty; trifle (BhP.); tucchaka (Skt.); tus'ya (prob. < Ir.); tus's'a (Khot.); tas' (Psht.); tuccha, tucchaka empty (Pali); tuccha, cuccha, chuccha empty, small, light (Pkt.); cuco empty (Gypsy); tach trifle; chocu empty, worthless (K.); tucch contemptible (P.); chu_co light, contemptible (Ku.); chuco mean, vile (N.); chu~_c, chu~_ca_, chu~cho mean vile rogue (B.); tucha_, cucha_, chucha_ empty, alone (Or.); chu~_ch empty (Bhoj.); chu_cha_, chu~_ch (OAw.); chu_ch, chu_cha_ empty, contemptible (H.); chu_cha_ empty, vile (P.); sis, his empty, useless (Si.); tu_c floor (Ash.); t.ucca_ mean, worthless (H.); tu_s'i a little (Bshk.); tu_s' empty (Tor.); tis' (Phal.Sh.)(CDIAL 5850). tuccam lowness, meanness, vileness (Ira_mana_. Uyut. 81); emptiness; non-existence (Ve_ta_. Cu_. 59); chaff; tuccan- mean, worthless fellow; tucca_ri < dus'-ca_rin licentious person, profligate (Na_lat.i, 84); tuccu meanness, base deeds (Tiruvicai. Ve_n.a_t.. 1); tu_ci dust; trifle < dhu_li (Ta.lex.) cf. tukal. dust, particle of dust, pollen (Ta.); tu.j dust (Kol.); dhu_l.uka to fly about as dust (Ma.)(DEDR 3283).

4256.Tejpat: tvac, tvak laurus cassia, the plant and its bark (Ka.Skt.lex.) tejpat laurus cassia (Santali.lex.) tvak a fragrant substance used in perfumes (Br.hatsam.hita_. LXXVI. 23-26). tikesa_l cinnamon (Kon.lex.) Laurus nobilis: bay laurel leaves, grecian laurel leaves, bay leaves; lorbeerblatter (Ger.); feuilles de laurier (Fr.); part used: the dried leaf; habitat: Mediterranean region; uses: as spice and flavouring agent for meats, poultry, meat sauces and pickles. (Heber W. Youngken, Textbook of Pharmacognosy, Philadelphia, The Blakiston Co., 1950, pp. 378-379). Cinnamomum cassia, cinnamomum zeylanicum, cinnamomum saigonicum, cinnamomum aromaticum, cinnamomum laurus: gudatvak, thwak, varangam, thracham (Skt.); chinese cassia, cinnamon (Eng.); saila-myah (Pers.); qualami (Deccan); darsini, darchini (Arab.); yuh, juh, kevei (Chinese); dalchini, daruchini (H.P.K.G.B.M.Ka.); lowangapatta (Te.Ta.Ma.); kirfa (P.); kulit-manis (Malay); kurundo (Si.); timbotikyobo (Burmese); zimmt (Ger.); kinnamomon (Greek); habitat: indigenous to Ceylon (Galle district in the southern province and in the region of Negumbo in the western province), southern India and growing in a wild state in the western ghats from the Konkan southwards, and in the forests of Tennasserim (Burma); part used: dried inner bark of the shoots from truncated stalks and essential oil ... preparations: oils are obtained by distillation of the leaves and roots also, besides the bark. Uses: This spice is the bark of young shoots. The bark in infusion, decoction or powder or oil is prescribed in bowel complaints such as dyspepsia, flatulency, diarrhoea and voming... cinnamon is sold in the form of long slender sticks containing numerous small quills which are extremely thin and brittle... (Indian Materia Medica, pp. 328-330). Cinnamomum iners, cinnamomum lignea, cinnamomum tamala, cinnamomum nitidum, cinnamomum eucalyptoides: tejpatra, tamalapatra (Skt.); cassia cinnamon (Eng.); tejpat (leaves); dalchini (bark)(H.B.); tikhi (Bombay); tarnelly (Arab.); sazaj-i-hindi (Pers.); jangli darchini (leaves)(H.Deccan); ranachadal, tejpat (M.); kattu-kurrnap, kattu-karuvappattai (Ta.); karuntoli (Ma.); adavi-lavangpatte (Ka.); sikeyabo (Burmese); habitat: tropical and sub-tropical Himalayas, U.P., eastern Bengal, the Khasia and Jaintia hills and Burma; parts used: leaves, bark and oil... action: carminative, stimulant, diuretic, diaphoretic, deobstruent and lactagogue. The oil distilled from the leaves is a powerful stimulant... Cinnamomum malabathrum: tilaka (Skt.); country cinnamon (Eng.); jangli-dalchin (H.); ilavangam (Ta.Ma.); kadu dalchini (Ka.); tikke (Kon:kan.i); habitat: the konkans and malabar coast; parts used: seeds, bark, and dried buds; constituents: similar to cinnamomum iners (Indian Materia Medica, pp. 331-332).

4257.Image: leaf: pat.a a leaf; patatet seterakome send them a small bit of meat in a leaf; pat, patta, patti a leaf; patkar a cess levied on the rearing of tusser silk worms; tejpat an aromatic leaf used in curries, the leaf of cinnamomum obtusifolium (Santali.lex.) patram a leaf (of a tree); a leaf written upon (Skt.lex.)

4258.Sleep: soth, socu deep sleep (K.); su_t, su_ti sleeping (K.); sot (P.); supti sleep (BhP.); numbness (Sus'r.)(CDIAL 13480). sotis 1 sg. pret. (D..); sot slow (Tor.); suttu (Phal.); sutu slept, lay down (Sh.); sotu calmed, extinguished; sutto_ro_ asleep (K.); suto asleep, numb (of a limb), dead (S.); sutta_ (L.); su_tn.o~_ to sleep; sutn.u (WPah.); sutn.o to lie down; sitn.o to sleep [X swin.n.o to dream; cf. svapna (Skt.)]; sutnu to sleep (N.); suta_ (B.); sutiba_ to sleep, lie flat on the ground (Or.); su_tab to sleep (Bi.Mth.); su_tal (Bhoj.); su_tna_, sutna_ to sleep, lie down (H.); su_to asleep (OMarw.); su_tau (OG.); hot, ot reclining (Si.)(CDIAL 13479). sauptika connected with sleep (Skt.); attack on sleeping men (MBh.); sotta asleep (Pali); sota_ sleepy (P.); sotar. sleeper (P.); sot sleep (P.); soti_ bedding (OMarw.)(CDIAL 13615). sutta asleep, sleep (Pali); sutu asleep (Dhp.); sutta asleep, lying down (Pkt.); sutu asleep; sutav sleep; sita pret. slept (Gypsy); supta asleep (VS.); lain down to sleep (R.)(CDIAL 13749). sundu to lie down, repose, sleep, le with; n. coiton; susil sexual embrace (Ka.); tu-, cu- to sleep; tuip- (tuit-) to put to sleep (Pa.); tun. sleep (Ga.); tu-, tuyn.- to go to sleep; sunj- to sleep, lie down; caus. hunjih-; unj- to sleep; huskar. sleep; huska_r, uskar., uskand. id.; hunchkaree id. (Go.); sus- (-t-) to sleep; sunz- (-it-) id.; su_skan:ku sleepiness, sleepy eyes (Kond.a); hunj- (hunc-) to sleep; ju_c- (ju_cc-) to close the eyes (Pe.); hunj- to sleep; hu_skanke sleepiness, sleepy eyes (Mand..); sunja (sunji-) to sleep; n. sleep; su_sa (su_si-) to close the eyes; pl. action su_ska (su_ski-); su_sa kanga sleepy eyes, drowsiness; su_seri half-closed eyes; su_saka 9.30 to 12.0 p.m. (Kui); hu_njali to lie down; hunjinai, hunj- (-it-) to sleep; d.u_c- (written r.u_c-) id. (Kuwi); tucu (tuci-) to sleep, doze, slumber, rest without work, be drowzy, sluggish, indolent, droop, die, perish, diminish, decrease, abide, stay, settle, hang; [cf. tu_n:ku to sleep (Ta.)(DEDR 3376a)]; tucin-a_r the dead (euphemistically); tuyil (tuyilv-, tuyin-r-) to sleep, abide, stay, set as the sun, die; n. sleep, dream, death, abiding, staying, cohabitation; tuyilvu, tuyir-ci sleep; tuyir-r-u (tuyir-r-i-) to put to sleep, cause to stay (Ta.); tucuka to be entangled, sleep, die, remain as money in the pocket; tuyil sleep; tuyiluka to sleep (Ma.); tugu.r.- (tugu.c-) to fall asleep while talking (Ko.); tu.s- sleep; tu.s- (tu.sy-) to become useless or damaged, (woman) is not married (To.); tu_ling (imper. tu_lh, past tu_s-) to sit, seat oneself, remain sitting, wait, dwell, calmly to do something, be made to sit, remain a maiden (unmarried); tu_sing to sit (Br.)(DEDR 3291). tu_n:ku (tu_n:ki-) to sleep, slumber, hang, be suspended, sway from side to side (Ta.); tu_kkam sleep, drowsiness, fatigue, drooping (Ta.); tu_n.n.uka to be drowsy, sleep; tu_kkuka to hang up, be drowsy, nod; tu_kkal drooping, drowsiness, grief (Ma.); ju_galisu to nod, doze, move or proceed slowly as vehicles or work; tu_ku nodding; tu_gu, tu_n:ku to swing, nod as in sleep or be drowsy, hang (Ka.); ju.n:g- (ju.n:gi-) to sway (snake, tree, person, baby in cradle); ju.k- (ju.ki-) to sway (Kod..); tu_n:kuni, tu_n:guni to dozxe, be drowsy, swing; tu_n:kaliyuni, tu_kal(i)yuni to doze, be drowsy; tu_n:ku swinging, drowsiness (Tu.); tu_gad.i drowsiness, sleepiness; tu_gad.ipuni to be drowsy, sleepy; su_n:kan.a, su_n:kuni, su_n:gu, su_ka = to etc. (Tu.); tu~_gu to hang, swing, doze, slumber; tu~_ga_d.u to swing, move (Te.); du_n.- to be shaken, dangle, swing (Kond.a); tu_n:g- (tu_n.t-) to hang; tu_k- (-t-) id.; d.u_g- to hang down, (head) to nod (Pe.); tru_n.- to swing; tru_k- id. (Mand..); dru_nga (dru_ngi-) to swing, sway, shake, oscillate; n. a swinging motion (Kui); tu_ngali to sway; tu_n:g- (-it-) to hang (Kuwi); tungul a dream (Kur.); tumgle id. (Malt.); tugh sleep, dream; tughi sleepy; tunga_n asleep, sound asleep (Br.)(DEDR 3376a). tuyal (tuyalv-, tuyan-r--) to sway, wave, swing (Ta.); tu_luni to totter, reel, nod, be drowsy; succa_lu to swing (Tu.); tu_lu to move, shake, reel, faint, stagger, swing, dangle, hang down; caus. tu_lucu; tu_l-a_d.u to shake, tremble, reel in intoxication (Te.); tuy- to swing (Ga.)(DEDR 3376b). cf. ton:ku (ton:ki-) to hand, dangle (Ta.); ton:gu to lie down, recline, bend, incline, sleep; ton:gun.d.u to sleep, lie down, recline; ton:gi cu_cu to peep (Te.); d.ongu suspended, dangling, hanging (Kui); t.an:gna_ to suspend, hang; refl. pass. t.an:grna_ (Kur.); tonqe to bend, bend the knees slightly while dancing; tonqro bent (Malt.); to_gal a head or ear of corn, pendent portion of an ear-ornament (M.)(DEDR 3478). ur-an:ku (ur-an:ki-) to sleep, feel drowsy, be weary; ur-aku (ur-aki-) to sleep; ur-akku (ur-akki-) to put to sleep (as a child). weigh down the eyelids as in sleep; ur-akkam, ur-akku sleep, drowsiness, weariness (Ta.); ur-an.n.uka to sleep; ur-akkuka to put to sleep; ur-akkam, ur-akku sleep (Ma.); ron:gu to sleep (Ir.); org- (orgy-) to sleep; ork sleep (Ko.); war-x- (war-xy-), war-- (war-y-) to sleep; war-k- (war-ky-) to make to sleep (by lullaby etc.); war-k sleep (To.); ur-ugu to be crooked, bent, distorted; or-agu, or-an:gu id., incline, recline, lean upon, lie down, rest, sleep; ur-ugu state of being crooked; or-agu id., cushion to lean the back against (Ka.); or- (ori-) to fall asleep; oraki sleep (Kod..); oraguni to recline, lean the back against; orduni to bend, bow, lean on one side; orda bent; orva crookedness (Tu.); or-agu, oragu to bend, bow down, lean, incline, recline; n. slant, inclination; large pillow for reclining on; adj. slanting; or-ava crooked, bent; oragud.u slant, incline; oragincu to place in a slanting position; oggu to offer, present, give, lend, yield (Te.); org- to lean (Pa.); urn:g- to be bent; urh-/uhr-; variya_na_, varah- to bend; vari_- to bend; varu_s- id. (Go.)(DEDR 707). To suspend: r.o- (-t-) to fasten, attach, suspend; r.oser bamboo frame for drying things in winter (Kond.a); r.o- (-t-) to hang up (Pe.)(DEDR 5184). Image: having a bent body: d.osa, d.usa having a maimed or bent body (from disease etc.)(K.)(CDIAL 5563). t.hossa_ gesture of denial with thumb (P.) t.hoso stalk after a plant is cut, stubble (N.); t.hosa_ gesture with thumb (H.); t.hosa_ penis (WPah.)(CDIAL 5515). cf. o_r.- to roll (Pa.); to lie down, sleep (Ga.)(DEDR 1072). d.o_pa (d.o_t-) to lie down, recline, sleep; n. act of lying down, sleep (Kui); du_linai to sleep; d.ul- (-it-) (hair, leaves) to fall; dulh- to shake off; d.o_- (-t-) to sleep (Kuwi); d.ollu to fall (Te.)(DEDR 2988). Dream: supina dream (Pali); suvin.a, sumin.a, sivin.a, simin.a, siun.a, savin.a; vb. savai (Pkt.); sumim.na (NiDoc.); suno (Gypsy); su_n(a) (Bshk.); sen (Tor.); se_n (Phal.); suina in a dream; swi_n.o dream (WPah.); swi_n.o (Ku.); swin.n.o to dream, talk in one's sleep (Ku.); swi~_r.~ (Ku.); suina (OB.); sumin.um., saman.ad.aum (OG.); samn.u~ (G.); sihina, si_naya, hi_naya (Si.); suhan.o (S.); suhan.aum. (OG.); so(h)n.u~ something auspicious (G.); cf. s'o_bhana (Skt.)(CDIAL 13481). supyate_ impers. pass. (R.); suppati sleeps (Pali); suppai (Pkt.); supn.u_ dream; supna_ (WPah.); supu-va sleep (Si.); soppati (Pali); soppana sleep, dream (Pali)(CDIAL 13483). svap sleep (Skt.); svapati sleeps (RV.); 3 sg. svapiti (Pa_n..); supati (Pali); su(v)ai (Pkt.); savai, sayai, so_i < svapati (Pkt.)[cf. s'ayana bed (Skt.)]; sov- (pret. suto), sev-, su-, 3 sg. swar (pret. sita)(Gypsy); so- (pret. sotis)(D..); su_- (pret. suttu)(Phal.); soiki (pret. sutu), so_nu (D..); se~an., pres. part. snda (pp. sutta_), 2 sg. imper. sau~ (L.); saun.a_, pres. part. saunda_ (P.); 3 sg. soe, son.a_ (WPah.); xoiba to lie down; xowan state of sleeping (A.); soya_ to sleep, lie down (B.); soiba_, suiba_ (Or.); sowab to sleep (Mth.); sowal (Bhoj.); sovai (OAw.); so_wab (OAw.); sona_ (H.); saunau (Brj.); soai (pp. su_tau)(OMarw.); su_i (OG.); su_vu~ (G.); hovinava_, ho_nava_ (G.)(CDIAL 13902). japit, janapit sleep (Santali.lex.) Numbness: svapana sleepy (VS.); sleeping, numbness (Sus'r.); saun., saun.i_ sleeping (P.)(CDIAL 13903). sapon dream (Santali.lex.) svapna sleep, dream (RV.); sam sleep (L.); soppa sleep, dream (Pali); soppati sleeps (Pali); sa_pan dream (Pas'.); sapana_ (N.)(CDIAL 13904). cf. jumjum numbness; jiva jiva numbness of limb (Te.); jum, jumy, juma, jumu, jummu numbness (Ka.)(DEDR 2578). tukun numb (Santali.lex.) cf. somma swoon, torpidity; jo_mu torpidity (Te.); so_ma_ri indolent (Tu.); jompu, jo_mpu stupor (Ka.); co_mpal drowsiness, stupor (Ta.)(DEDR 2882). timir numbness (Ta.); timuru, timiri, timmiri (Te.); tame to tingle (as a limb when asleep)(Malt.)(DEDR 3235). svapna_yate_ is sleepy (MBh.); sumhan.u to go to sleep (S.); samm(h)an., summ(h)an. to sleep (pp. sutta_)(L.)(CDIAL 13905). sva_pa sleep (Sus'r.); sa_va sleep (Pkt.); suu (Pr.); sau (L.)(CDIAL 13927). sva_payati lulls to sleep (RV.); sa_wun to put to sleep (K.); sava_un.a_ (P.); sua_iba_ to cause to lie down or sleep (P.); suwa_na_ to put to sleep (H.); slauar (Gypsy); sua_ln.a_ (P.); sula_na_ (H.); saroiki (Sh.); sora_na (D..);[cf. curan.ai consciousness (Ta.lex.)]; soya_na to lay down (B.); hovanava_ to put to sleep (Si.)(CDIAL 13928). sopor sleep (Lat.); plo_wo, pla_bo~, lau dream (Pas'.); lau sleep (Shum.); lap (Gaw.Sv.); sa~cu dream (Sh.); sa_cu, sa_s.u (Sh.)(CDIAL 13929). nis.vapati falls asleep (RV.); nih-s.upta (Pa_n..); nisut sound asleep (B.); nisuti sound asleep (B.)(CDIAL 7468). nik-kala a true dream (Te.)(DEDR 3663). prasupti sleepiness (S'a_rn.S.); pasutti a sort of leprosy ending in unconsciousness (Pkt.); pasutta asleep (Pkt.); prust, plus bed (Ash.); pruis't (Kt.); pu_st, pus't (Pr.); pro_s't, pro_s', pru_s't sleep, dream, bed (Wg.)(CDIAL 8846). passupati sleeps, rests (Pali); prasu_im I fall asleep (Kal.); prasvapiti falls asleep (S'Br.)(CDIAL 8845). maramara sleepy, drowsy (Tu.); mra_lu to droop, eyes to close; mra~_gu to droop; mra~_-gannu half-closed eyes; mra~_-gannid.u, mra~_-gannu-vad.u, mra~_-gannu-ve_yu to have the eyes half-closed; mra_ncu to close (the eyes)(Te.)(DEDR 4710). prasva_pa soporific (MBh.); sleep, dream (BhP.); pra_s'a dream (Dm.)(CDIAL 8893). svapana, vis.upta asleep (Skt.); bisuna_b, bisana_b to dream (Mth.)(CDIAL 11994). o_so_van.i_ hypnotic powder (Pkt.); ostom to fall asleep (Pr.)(CDIAL 863). cf. jon:gur..i, jon:gul.i fainting, faitness (Ka.); sokku, cokku ecstacy, trance (Te.); so_su intoxication (Kond.a)(DEDR 2853). samek representation seen in a dream (Santali.lex.) a_supta goes to sleep (BHSkt.); hu_b to sleep (Tor.); hut he slept (Tor.)(CDIAL 1495). utsvapna_yate_ talks in one's sleep (Skt.); osan.a_vn.e~, osan.avn.e~ to talk in one's sleep, rave; osan.n.e~, osa~d.n.e~ < utsvapna? (M.)(CDIAL 1918). uca_wa_ talking in sleep, nightmare (H.)(CDIAL 1919). besi dream (Pr.)(CDIAL 2278).

4259.Friendship: do_sti friendship (Ka.M.H.)(Ka.lex.) dusti friendship, intimacy (Santali.lex.) tottu-tal to cling, adhere (Kampara_. Pirama_t. 117); tottu connection (Tiruman. 2653); attachment (Ja_n-ava_. Curaku. 23); dependence (Pin..); slave, dependant, menial (Pin..); tottu (Ka.); long-established intimacy (Tiva_.); concubine; tottan- slave (W.); tontakka_rar < dvandva persons connected by ties of relationship, relations; tottukka_ran- lover, paramour; tontam < dvandva connection (Te_va_. 4,4); familiarity, close intimacy (Ta.lex.) dost a friend; a lover, sweetheart, paramour; dosti_ friendship, affection, amity, love (P.lex.) dost favourite, e.g. of a king; dosti, doste favor, e.g. of a king; dostini rig gain favor (Kon.lex.) ?tor..ukai worshipping, adoration (Tiruva_ca. 20,4)(Ta.lex.) do_sil.i < do_sili (Te.) double handful of grain given as a perquisite to village servants (R.F.)(Ta.lex.) dotli_ a term used in Kullu to describe the grazing grounds round villages (P.lex.)

4260.Village weighman: dhar.va_i_ village weighman (S.L.P.); dhar.awa_i_ market officer who weighs grain (H.); dhad.vai id. (M.)(CDIAL 6710). Great person: ta_t.a_l.an- (ta_t.u + a_l.an-) great person (Tiv. Periyati. 3,4,1); person of great energy and application (W.); ta_t.u strength (Te_va_. 17,9); leadership (Aka. Ni.)(Ta.)(Ta.lex.) dha_tu strength, courage (Ka.); dha_tu-ged.u strength to be impaired or be gone; to become deprived of strength or courage (Ka.); dha_tunas.t.a loss of strength (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) Image: beam of scales: d.an.t.i_ beam of scales (Mth.)(CDIAL 5527). d.anni_ beam of balance (WPah.); d.a~_r.i id. (B.); dan.d.i id. (Or.); d.an.d.i_ id. (H.); d.a~_d.i_ id. (H.)(CDIAL 6128). Image: scale of a balance; a balance; village weighman: dhat.a a large fixed balance, a pair of scales; ordeal by the balance (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) dibya (Tadbhava of divya) an ordeal; dibyada tole the balance used at ordeals (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) dhat.a scale of a balance, a balance (Skt.); dhat.ika_ measured, weighed (MBh.)[dhr.ta held, supported (RV.); worn (MBh.); weighed (MBh.); dhata firm, resolved (Pali); thil to hold, grasp (Gypsy); dhar.a_ cloak (B.); dhail held (Mth.)(CDIAL 6872)]; dar large fixed scales for heavy loads, calculation of the weight of a load (K.); dhar.u weighing (S.); dhar. weighing of one's body against grain to be given in alms (Ku.); dhar.o a weight (for weighing)(S.); weight, weighing (Ku.); counterweight (G.); dhar.i_ a particular weight = 5 ser (S.L.P.) (P. = 10 ser); a weight, guess (H.G.); dhar.i weight of 5 ser (Ku.); dha_r.a_ balance, weight of 5 ser (B.); dhar.a_ scale-beam, counterpoise (Or.); counterbalancing weight (H.); dhad.a_ weight of 10 ser (M.); dhad.i_ counterweight (M.); dhar.ath charge on weighing (L.); dhar.at(h) id. (P.)(CDIAL 6706). Token weight given by a goldsmith to show the amount of gold delivered: tat.ai allowance weight to balance the vessel containing the articles to be weighed; tat.aiyam id. (Pan.avit.u. 181); token weight given by a goldsmith, as showing the amount of gold delivered to him; tat.ai a measure of weight = 80 palam; tat.ai-kat.t.u office of inspector of weights, measures etc. (Vir-alivit.u. 453)(Ta.lex.) dad.e, dad.eya, dad.iya a weight of ten se_rs and equivalent to the fourth of a maund (Ka.Te.); dhad.a_ (M.H.); dad.e a weight put into the opposite side to counterbalance the receiving vessel (Ka.Te.); dhad.a_, dhad.i_ (M.); tat.ai, tat.aiyam (Ta.); tad.aya (Ma.); dad.e kat.t.u to produce equipoise (Ka.)(Ka.lex.)

4261.Deceit: tat.avat.a = at.amat.a fraud, trickery, untruth (Ka.); tat.amat.e, tat.avat.e (Te.); tat.avat.aga_r-a a deceitful man, a liar (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) ta_t.t.o_t.t.am, ta_t.t.o_t.t.u fraud, deception; perplexity, confusion (Ta.); ta_t.o_t.u deceit, knavery; deceitful, knavish; tat.avat.a, tat.amat.a deceit; tat.amat.incu to deceive (Te.)(DEDR 3157). chadmana deceptive dress (Mn.); chamma, chauma deceit (Pkt.)(CDIAL 4981). cha_dmika fraudulent (Mn.); chadmin in cmpds. having the appearance of (MBh.); chabilo foppish (P.)(CDIAL 5022). daza ostentatious pride (K.); dhaju dressed up (S.); dhaj style (P.); immense riches (Ku.); pomp (N.); style (H.G.M.)(CDIAL 6705). Tight-fitting; well-knit; pompous: that.t.a pomp, ceremony (Pkt.); t.ha_t. pomp, glory, property (Ku.); pomp, dignity (A.); affectation (B.); t.ha~_t. fashion (N.); t.ha_t.h pomp, posture, fashion, goods (H.); that.n.e~ to act pompously (M.)(CDIAL 6090). tas.t.a fashioned, formed in mind (RV.); t.a~_t.ha_, t.a~_t.a_ well-knit (H.); ta_t.h, tha_t. tight-fitting, firm (M.)(CDIAL 5743).

4262.Police officer: dan.d.a one of the three attendants of the sun; name of a man (Ka.); dan.d.a-dhara a staff-bearer; a king; a magistrate; Yama; a porter; dan.d.ana, dan.d.an.e beating, punishing, chastising; dan.d.ana_tha the leader of an army, a general; a judge, a magistrate; a head police-officer; dan.d.a-ni_ti application of the rod, administration of justice; the system of civil and military administration taught by Ca_n.akya and others; dan.d.a-pa_n.i staff-handed; Yama; a mace-bearer, a peon or o_leka_r-a or va_le-ka_r-a (a servant in the employ of government who carries letters etc.; cf. o_laka, va_laga service, homage)(Ka.)(Ka.lex.) Mischief: tan.t.a_ difficulty, mischief, vexation; dispute, squabble; tan.t.a_-k-ko_r < + kho_r (H.) troublesome person; quarrelsome fellow (C.G.); tan.t.a-t-takara_r dispute, contest (C.G.); tappu-t-tan.t.a_ < tan.t.a_ (U.) misdemeanour; trouble (Ta.lex.) t.an.t.a_ dispute, bother (N.); wrangling (H.); t.an.t.o (G.)(CDIAL 5442). tan.t.ai trouble, vexation; tan.t.ai-k-ka_ran- troublesome fellow; crafty person; tan.t.u to trouble; to insist (Poruna. 104)(Ta.lex.) dan.d.akamma punishment (Pali); dan.d.akarman punishment (Ya_j.); dand.uvama (Si.)(CDIAL 6131). dan.d.am hard labour (Ma.); tan.t.i (-pp-, -tt-) to take pains, try hard (Ta.); dan.d.ikka to work hard; dan.d.ippu hard work and its result, expertness (Ma.)(DEDR 3051).

4263.Image: attack by a band: dad.avad.a quick; attack (Pkt.); daror.o attack by a band of robbers (G.); darod.a_ (M.)(CDIAL 6127). dha_t.i_ assault (Skt.); dha_d.i_ assault, robber band (Pkt.); dha_r. sudden assault, attack by robbers (G.); robber band (P.); attack by robbers (H.)(CDIAL 6772). tan.t.ai-ma_n-am raising, coiling, and waving of the tail, as of beasts when mettlesome or angry (Ta.lex.) tat.t.i-k-kol.(l.)utal to steal; to grasp anything within reach; tat.t.i-p-par-i-ttal to rob by force; tat.t.u-tal to steal, pilfer, swindle; get by stratagem (Ira_mana_. A_ran.i. 24); tat.aiyam stolen property; material object concerned in crime (Ta.lex.) To attack: tar.an.u to drive off, expel (S.); tar.iba_ to drive away, attack (Or.); tar.vu~ to run to strike, attack, rise in revolt (G.); tar.ka forcibly; tar.as to knock (Pas'.)(CDIAL 5632). tat.t.i-k-kar..i-ttal to repel, get rid of; tat.t.i-t-tirital to knock about, go about in distress (Tiv. Tiruma_lai, 5, Vya_.); tat.t.i-p-po_t.u-tal to overcome as in a game; tat.t.i-ma_r-u-tal to strike a heavy blow; tat.t.i-y-ar..ai-ttal to challenge to combat (Ci_vaka. 1109, Urai.); tat.t.i-y-o_t.t.u-tal to drive bullocks by beating; tat.t.u-tal to strike against, dash against, run aground as a vessel; tat.t.u striking against, collision; opposition (I_t.u, 1,2,3) (Ta.lex.) Image: to quarrel: ta_t.u to strike against (Ka.); ta_n.d.uni quarrel, fight (Tu.)(DEDR 3156). dandannao quickly, furiously, rushing angrily (Santali.lex.) Fear,palpitation: dhar.nu to press (for payment)(N.); dhar.a_dhar. boldly (N.); dhar.dhar. palpitation (Or.); dhar.a_dhar. dashingly (H.G.); dhad.a_dhad. id. (M.); dhad.-dhad. palpitatingly (M.); dhar.kan.u to palpitate, winnow (S.); dhar.kn.a_ to palpitate with fear (P.); dhar.ka_ fear (P.); dharkanu to be torn, be grieved; dhar.kanu to beat loudly (of heart), walk smartly (N.); dharkab to throb (Aw.); dhar.akna_ to throb, blaze up (H.); dhar.akvu~ to throb; dhar.ak, dhar.a_ko quick push (G.); dhar.kan. timid (G.); dhad.akn.e~ to throb (M.); dhad.a_ka throbbing (M.)(CDIAL 6711). cf. je_n:ku to hesitate (Ka.); je_n:kuni id. (Tu.)(DEDR 2805). cf. jan:ku to hesitate (Te.); januku to fear (Te.); can:ku (can:ki-) to be dispirited (Ta.)(DEDR 2281). dad.a an imitating sound imitating trembling, quivering, palpitation; dad.adad.isu to tremble, etc. (Ka.); dad.iyu to tremble; dad.a shaking, trembling; dad.adad.am-anu to palpitate (Te.)(DEDR 3021). cal.ikka, cal.un.n.uka to be frightened, to shake (Ma.); cal.i to fear, succumb, be deprived of one's power or high spirit (Ka.); calipuni to shake (Tu.); jal.uka trembling, tremor, fear (Te.)(DEDR 2407). Tottering: tat.avu (tat.avi-) to be halting, hesitating, sway as a drunken man; tat.atat.a (-pp-, -tt-) to totter, be confused in speech; tat.uma_r-u (tat.uma_r-i-) to be deranged, thrown into a jumble, totter, stagger, be unsteady, be troubled, tossed about, be confused, troubled, perplexed, doubt, hesitate, be mistaken; tat.uma_r-r-u, tat.uma_r-r-am disorder, derangement, tottering, unsteadiness, staggering, perplexity, confusion, bewilderment, doubt, hesitation, mistake; tat.uma_r-utti a figure of speech in which cause and effect are inverted (Ta.); tad.a perplexity, confusion, embarrassment, fear; tad.am-a_gu to get perplexed or confused; tad.am.-ma_d.u, tad.ama_d.u to perplex (Ka.); tad.ama_t.amu faltering, confusion, bewildermenet; tat.apat.a_yincu to hesitate; tad.a~bad.u to be confused, bewildered; tad.a~ba_t.u bewilderment (Te.); tad.ama_t.a fumbling (Tu.); tad.amad.a disturbed (Pkt.)(CDIAL 3033). tattaram tremulousness, quivering, overhastiness, flurry; tattal.i (-pp-, -tt-) to be greatly agitated (Ta.); tattaram precipitation, agitation (Ma.); tattar-a, tattar-i, tattal.a, tar-atar-a perplexity, confusion, embarrassment (Ka.); tattar-a, tattar-amu, tar-atar-a id.; tattar-incu, tattar-illu, tattar-a-pad.u to be perplexed, confused, embarrassed; daddar-u, daddar-illu to be alarmed, perplexed (Te.); tataring, tatare_nging to struggle convulsively (Br.)(DEDR 3061).

4264.Image: trunk of body or tree; headless body: dhad. headless body (M.); dhar (Mth.); dhad.a trunk of body (Pkt.); dhar.u (S.); dhar. (P.B.H.Mth.N.G.); heap, party?(L.); trunk of body or tree, middle part of anything (Ku.); dhar.a trunk of body or tree (Or.); trunk of body (OMarw.); dhara body, heart (OAw.)(CDIAL 6712). dhar.an:ga_ partly consumed body (L.)(CDIAL 6713). at.t.a a headless trunk (Te.); at.t.ai-y-a_t.al hero's body continuing to manifest heroic deeds even after dismemberment (Ta.); at.t.e a headless trunk, esp. one retaining vitality (Ka.) (DEDR 100). tan.t.am body (Te_va_. 1107,3)(Ta.lex.) t.o_t. side (Kur.); totto, t.ot.t.o (Kuwi); t.ut.e side of body (Mand..); tat.t.u side (Ta.Ka.Te.)(DEDR 3040).

4265.Image: split bamboo; spiny bamboo: tat.t.ai spiny bamboo (Ain:kur-u. 340); a mechanism made of split bamboo for scaring away parrots from grain fields (Pur-ana_. 49,4)(Ta.lex.) Image: split bamboo: tat.t.a a large rattle (Ma.); tat.t.e a thick bamboo or an areca-palm stem, split in two (Ka.); wooden bell on cattle (Kod..) (DEDR 3042). Image: split in two; bamboo rattle: ta_r.a_ piece of bamboo on a string beaten against a tree to scare birds (P.); cotton-scutcher's mallet (L.P.); door bar (B.)(CDIAL 5749). ta_r.ana act of striking (OA.); ta_d.an. beating (M.)(CDIAL 5751). tar.i stroke, beating (Or.); tar.i_ beating (H.G.)(CDIAL 5636). tat.t.a a large rattle (Ma.); tat.t.e a thick bamboo or an areca-palm stem, split in two (Ka.); wooden bell on cattle (Kod..)(DEDR 3042). Bamboo frame-work: tad.aku, tad.ike frame of bamboos, straw, leaves, etc. used as a door, blind, screen, etc., tatty (Ka.); tat.ukku little mat for sitting on, as of school children (Ma.); screen, mat, seat (Ta.); tad.ka_ plaited bamboos, thatch (Kol.); tar.ka mat (Kol.); tan.d.aka bamboo curtain (Ga.); t.a_t.i_ mat door (Go.); mat (Pe.); tat.i a leaf screen, coarse bamboo screen (Kui); dad.d.i tatty, screen, curtain, what screens or encloses, cage; flat roof of a house (Ka.); dad.e screen, blind (Tu.); tad.ame a kind of stile or narrow entrance to a garden (Tu.); tad.ambe a gate (Kor.); dat.am door (Kol.); tad.aka hurdle or tatty, screen made of bamboos, etc. (Te.); dad.i screen of mats, leaves, or the like, fence (Te.); tat.t.i screen as of cuscuss grass, rattan,etc., tatty (Ta.); screen, tatty, mat used as a door (Ma.); frame of bamboos, etc., a tatti, matting, bamboo mat (Ka.); screen or blind made of split bamboos, cadjan, palm-leaves, etc. (Tu.); mat (Go.); tat.t.u screen folded or plain (Ta.)(DEDR 3036). t.at.t.eh pa_ka mat-wall bathroom (Go.)(DEDR 3036). t.ha_t. framework (B.); bamboo frame of a thatch or of a mat house (Mth.); frame of a roof (M.); tha_t.a framework, skeleton (Or.); t.ha_t.a bamboo framework for decoration, build of one's body, body (Or.); frame of a roof on which thatch is laid (OAw.); t.hot.hu bridge-pier of logs piled horizontally (K.); t.hat.hur part of a house-wall made of logs laid horizontally (K.); t.hat.h bridge-pier (P.); frame of a roof (H.); t.ha_t.ar bamboo frame (H.); t.ha~_t.i inn (lit. shed made of or covered with bamboo matting?)(N.); t.ha_t.hu~ framework, body (G.); t.ha~_t.hu~ skeleton (G.); t.ha_t.hr.i_ bamboo bier (G.); tha_t. frame of a roof (M.)(CDIAL 6089). t.at.i_ Hindu bier (S.); tat.t.ika_ mat (Pali); t.at.t.i_, t.at.t.ia_, t.at.t.aia_ screen, curtain (Pkt.); trat.t.i_ screen (L.); tarat.t.i_ bamboo matting, screen (P.); tat.t.i_ bamboo matting, screen (P.); t.a_t.i_ bamboo mat (B.Or.); bamboo thatch (Bhoj.); bamboo fence (A.); t.a_t. temporary roofing, shed (B.); mat, screen (Mth.); mat (H.); bamboo thatch (Bhoj.); t.a_t.a big wicker tray (Or.); t.a_t.i bamboo mat (Or.); t.a_t.i_ bamboo matting (H.); ta_t.u~ bamboo seat (G.); tra_t.i_ bamboo matting (G.); ta_t.i_ bamboo matting (G.); light bamboo frame (M.); t.a_t.i_ bamboo matting (G.); ta_t. quickset hedge (M.); tat.ke~ matted or wattled frame (M.); tra_r., t.l.a_t. common grass (WPah.); trad.d.a_ torn mat (L.)(CDIAL 5990). Framework: cat.t.am wooden frame (Ta.)(DEDR 2304). sat.t.e mat (Kol.)(DEDR 2311). sat.t.a two pieces of timber at the side of a door (Skt.)(CDIAL 13102). *cat.t.a bamboo matting (CDIAL 4574).

4266.Palm: ta_l.i palmyra-palm; talipot-palm, corypha umbraculifera; a medicinal plant; ta_l.i-p-pan-ai south Indian talipot-palm, corypha umbraculifera (Ta.lex.) kara-ta_l.am palmyra palm (Ta.); kara-ta_l.a fan-palm, corypha umbraculfera (Ka.); cadjan (Tu.); kara-ta_l.amu the small-leaved palm-tree (Te.)(DEDR 1270). ta_lavr.nta palm-leaf fan (MBh.); ta_lavan.t.a fan (Pali); ta_lavem.t.a (Pkt.); talvat.a palmyra fan (Si.)(CDIAL 5802). ta_d.a fan-palm; ta_d.i_-put.a palm-leaf (Skt.); ta_la borassus flabelliformis (Mn.); ta_li_ palm-wine (W.); ta_la fan-palm (Pali); ta_d.a, ta_la, tala, ta_d.i_, ta_li_ (Pkt.); ta_l (K.); ta_r. (P.H.B.Bi.H.G.); ta_r (N.); ta_l (A.); ta_r.a (Or.); ta_r.i (Or.); ta_l.a (Or.); ta_ra (OAw.); ta_d. (M.); tala (Si.); taro, tari rum (Gypsy); tari brandy (Gypsy); tar date-spirit (Gypsy); Juice of the palmyra ta_r.i_ juice of the palmyra (S.); the fermented juice (P.); id., yeast (N.H.); ta_ri the fermented juice (A.); ta_r.i (B.Or.); ta_ri_ (Bi.); ta_r.i_ (Bi.Bhoj.); the juice, the fermented juice (H.); the juice (G.); ta_d.i_ (M.)(CDIAL 5750). cf. ma_r.i_ the fermented juice of the palmyra (H.)(CDIAL 9774). Image: palm: ta_r.. palmyra or toddy palm (Ka.); ta_ri, ta_l.i id. (Tu.); ta_d.u id. (Te.); ta_r..u id. (Inscr.Te.); ta_t.i cet.t.u palmyra tree (Te.); ta_t.-a_ku palmyra leaf (Te.); ta_r. toddy palm (Nk.Pa.Go.Pe.Kur.); ta_d.i toddy palm (Ga.)(DEDR 3180). ta_lapattra palm-leaf, ear-ornament; gold cylinder (Skt.); tarki_ a kind of earring (made orig. from palm-leaf)(H.)((CDIAL 5747). Branch: d.a_la branch (Skt.); d.a_la branch (Pkt.); d.a_ru large branch (S.); d.a_ri_ branch (S.); d.a_l branch; d.a_la_ large branch; d.a_li_ twig (P.); d.a_ branch (WPah.); d.a_lo tree(Ku.); branch (N.); d.a_l (A.B.); d.a_l.a (Or.); d.a_r branch (Mth.); d.a_ri twig (Mth.); d.a_r branch (Aw.); d.a_l, d.a_la_ (H.); d.a_l.i, d.a_l.i_, d.a_l.u~ (G.); t.ha_l branch; t.ha_li twig (A.); t.ha_l, t.ha_la_ leafy branch (esp. one lopped off)(H.); d.a_r.hi_ branch (Bhoj.); d.a_hal. loppings of trees; d.a_hl.a_ leafy branch; d.a_hl.i_ twig; d.ha_l.a_ sprig; d.ha_l.i_ branch (M.)(CDIAL 5546). Palm: jhin:gat.u palmyra tree (Te.);[cf. kijur palm tree (Santali.lex.)]; ta_t.-a_ku palmleaf (Te.); ta_r. ma_ks'et.t. toddy palm (Nk.); ta_r. id. (Nk.Pa.Go.); ta_t.i ma_k palmyra tree (Kol.); ta_t.i palmyra palm (Ga.); ta_r.i, ta_d.i toddy palm (Go.); ta_di_ kal palm liquor (Go.); t.a_r. maran, t.a_t.i maran palmyra tree (Kond.a); ta_r. mar toddy palm (Pe.); ta_t.i ma_rnu, ta_ti id. (Kuwi); ta_r. palm tree (Kur.); talmi borassus flabelliformis (Malt.)(DEDR 3180).

4267.Image: bent down, drooped: tat.ai-i bent down, drooped (Akana_. 26)(Ta.lex.) Image: curve, bend: tat.a_m curve, bend (Ci_vaka. 806); tat.avu curve, bend (Pin..); tat.a bent, curved (Ain:kur-u. 98); tat.avaral bending, curving (Pur-ana_. 135,3)(Ta.lex.) tat.a bent, curved (Ain:kur-u. 98); tat.a_vu-tal to bend, curve (Tiv. Iyar-. Tiruvirut. 6)(Ta.lex.)

4268.Image: mark of lash: d.anu mark of lash (S.)(CDIAL 6128). t.ad.a scar, spot (Malt.); tal.m swelling raised by a blow, weal (Ko.); tar..umpu scar, weal, injury (Ta..); scar, wart (Ma.)(DEDR 3118). ca_buk, ca_bka_ a whip (Kon.lex.)

4269.Signature-mark: tat.i signature-mark of an illiterate person; tat.i-ca_ttutal to affix signature-mark (Ta.lex.) To convey by signs: t.ha_riba_ to convey by signs (Or.); t.ha_ra_ to signal, beckon (B.); t.ha_rn.o to determine, design (Ku.)(CDIAL 13742).

4270.Rabbet plane: tat.t.i-y-ir..aippul.i rabbet plane (C.E.M.); tat.t.ir..ai-p-pul.i id. (Kat.t.at.a. Na_ma_. 39)(Ta.lex.) Image: to make a notch: tat.t.at.ittal to cut out or make a notch or mortise in the edge of a board (Ta.lex.)

4271.Skin eruptions: tat.i (-pp-, -tt-) to swell in patches (as the skin by slight poison); tat.ippu disease causing eruptions in the body, urticaria (Ta.); tar.v- (tar.d-) to become marked with itching spots by irritant plant (Ko.); tor.y- (tor.c-) mark comes on skin (from blow, bite)(To.); dad.ik, dad.al a kind of rash, blotch (Tu.); tat.t.-amma, tat.t.-ammava_ru, tad.upu, tad.apara measles (cf. amma mother-goddess)(Te.)(DEDR 3028). daddarisu the skin to get pustules from inward heat, swellings from bites, blows etc. (Ka.); taddu, daddu (Tadbhava of dadru) cutaneous and herpetic eruptions, rash, herpes; a kind of leprosy; a ring worm; dad.a_ra, tardru id. (Ka.); dadrun.a herpetic, afflicted with cutaneous diseases or ringworm (Ka.Skt.)(Ka.lex.) cf. ta_d.a blow (AV.)(CDIAL 5748). dadru cutaneous eruption (Sur.); dadru_ (Pa_n..va_rtt.); dardu_, dardru_ (Skt.); daddu a skin disease (Pali); daddu ringworm (Pkt.); ja~_zi (Sh.); daduru the itch (K.); daddar ringworm (L.); daddari_ (P.); dadd (EP.); d.l.ad.l. ringworm, eczema (WPah.); da_d ringworm (Ku.N.); da_ud, da_id, da_d (H.); da_dar ringworm; dara_j (G.); da_d (M.); dadaya (Si.); dad.hu ringworm (S.); d.adhr, d.adhar, dhaddur (L.); da_dhar (G.); drazauuk eruption, itch (Kho.)(CDIAL 6142). [cf. -r..- in: tar..utan.al ringworm (Ta.)(DEDR 3117)] dadrula suffering from ringworm; dardula, dardura, dradula (BHSkt.); d.ad.aru name of a cutaneous disease (S.); da_dura_ any eruption on skin, erysipelas, measles (Ku.N.); da_dar herpes (M.)(CDIAL 6143). dad.a_ra measles (Ka.); da_dara herpetic eruptions (M.); go_n.i-dad.a_ra a confluent kind of small-pox (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) Ringworm: soha ringworm (Kui); corng an itch (Ko.); torikke itch (Ka.); tojji itching (Tu.); coji, cojji, cogi to itch (Kor.); durada itching (Te.); soh-, coh-, hoh-, oh- to itch (Go.)(DEDR 2865). tar..utan.al ringworm (Ta.); tar..utan.am, taritan.am id., herpetic eruptions (Ma.)(DEDR 3117). cf. te_l- (spot, rash etc.) to appear on skin (Pa.); (ringworm etc.) to appear, break out on skin (Ga.)(DEDR 3465). For -dula in dradula (BHSkt.): cf. dali an inflamed patch of skin, blotch (Kui); dali inba to be blotchy, spread in patches (Kui); tal.m (obl. tal.t-) swelling raised by a blowl, weal (Ko.); tar..ampu scar (Ma.); tar..umpu scar, mark (Ta.)(DEDR 3118). ta_mare ringworm (Ka.); ta_mara id. (Te.); ta_mra- a kind of leprosy with large red spots (Skt.)(DEDR 3164).

4272.Image: to pierce, to bore: tat.a_rittal to bore, pierce through (Tan-ippa_. i,380,26); tat.a_yisu id. (Ka.); tat.a_rittal to give a good scolding (Ta.); dat.a_yicu id. (Te.)(Ta.lex.)

4273.Image: age-worn monkey: tat.t.a_n-, ta_t.t.a_n-ai age-worn monkey (Vir-ali-vit.u. 890); ta_t.t.an-, ta_t.t.ayan- leading male monkey < dha_rs.t.a a disrespectful term meaning a certain person, a fellow; self-important person (Ta.lex.) Bold; impudent; false: dha_rs.t.ya boldness, violence (R.); dro~t.hu audacious, rough, hard, hardened (as a fruit or sprout previously soft)(K.); d.ha_r.as courage (Ku.); dha_r.(h)as (H.)(CDIAL 6799). dhr.s.at bold; dhr.s.ata_ boldly; dhr.s.aj hero (RV.); dhasa_la rash, thoughtless (OM.)(CDIAL 6874). dhr.s.t.a impudent, bold (RV.); perjorative at end of cmpds. (Pa_n..); dhit.t.ha, dhat.t.ha bold (Pkt.); dri_st false (Tir.); dit. brave (Bshk.); dre~_t.hun to become hard (K.); drot.hu audacious, hard (K.); di_t.hu, dit.ho obstinate (S.); dari_t.h impudent (L.)(CDIAL 6875). d.hi_t.h(a_) bold; d.het.h, d.het.ha_ frowardness (P.); d.hit.o bold (Ku.); d.hi_t. (Ku.) d.hit.o impudent (N.); d.hit.(h), dhit. snubbed (B.); dhit.a shameless (Or.); d.hi_t.h firm (Mth.); d.hi~_t.h insolent (Bhoj.); d.hi_t.h obstinate (Aw.); d.hi_t.(h) bold, impudent (H.); dhi_t.hi_ adj. deceitful (OG.); dhi_t. bold (G.); dhat.(t.), dhi_t., dhit.t. bold (M.)(CDIAL 6875). [For semant. 'deceit' cf. ta_t.t.o_t.t.am, ta_t.t.o_t.t.u fraud, deception; perplexity, confusion (Ta.); tat.avat.a fraud, untruth (Ka.); ta_t.o_t.u deceit, knavery; deceitful, knavish; tat.avat.a, tat.amat.a deceit; tar.phar.vu~, tarphar.vu~ to toss about, flounce, be agitated (G.); tad.phad.n.e~ to toss about (M.); tal.apn.e~ to be brandished (M.)(CDIAL 5634)]. tallan.a, tallar..a agitation, amazement, alarm, fear, grief; tallan.isu to be or become agitated from fear or amazement, be troubled, alarmed, anxious; tal.l.an:ka embarrassment, fear, etc. (Ka.); tallad.amu agitation, commotion, anxiety, turmoil (Te.); tallan.a wavering, vexed (Tu.); tallad.incu, tallad.illu, tallad.akud.ucu, tallad.a-pad.u to be agitated or in a state of turmoil, commotion or anxiety; tallad.apa_t.u agitation, turmoil, commotion; tallad.a-pet.t.u to throw into a state of turmoil, agitation or anxiety (Te.)(DEDR 3104).

4278.To shampoo; massage; press; rub; fragrant unguent made by trituration; to rub out; wash off: dat.t.isu, dad.isu to rub out, obliterate (Ka.); dat.t.iyuni id., wash off (Tu.)(DEDR 3037). dad.akn.e~, dad.apn.e~ to press down (M.); sam.dat.t.a, sam.dat.t.aya touching, rubbed (Pkt.); dad.n.e~ to press down (M.); da_t. thick; da_t.n.e~ to be pressed in, become thick (M.)(CDIAL 6618). dhr.ta worn (MBh.)(CDIAL 6872). tat.avu (tat.avi-) to stroke, anoint as with liniment, smear, spread on (plaster), grope, feel one's way with hands and feet as in the dark; tat.a-var- to stroke, blow gently over, rub, besmear, seek, play (e.g. lute) (Ta.); tat.avuka to stroke, pat, smear, rub into the body; tat.aval rubbing gently; tat.avaruka to stroke (Ma.); tar.mbar.- (tar.mbat.-) to make one's way in the dark by groping; tar.va.t- (tar.va.ty-) to explore with hand something out of sight or in dark; tar.k- (tar.ky-) to search for (Ko.); to.d.bo.r.- (to.d.bot.-) to feel way in dark (To.); tad.avu to touch or rub gently with the hand, stroke, feel one's way with the hands, grope; tad.a-varisu to feel one's way as with the hands or feet, grope, seek, stroke; tad.ahu to stroke; tad.aku to grope for, seek; tal.uku to stroke (Ka.); tavd.- (tavd.i-) to feel way in dark, search for in dark (Kod..); tat.t.i to stroke (Kor.); tad.avu, tad.amu, tavud.u to grope, feel about with the hands, feel for something in the dark, touch, handle, stroke; tad.avud.u searching (Te.); tarv- to stroke; tarh- to anoint (Go.)(DEDR 3025).

4279.Image: lute: dan.d.ige the neck or long rounded board of a lute (Ka.); the lute itself (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) tan.t.u lute (Pa_rata. In. 42)(Ta.lex.) dan.d.am the cross bar of a lute or of a stringed instrument; the stick with which an instrument is played (Skt.lex.) tat.avu (tat.avi-) to play (e.g. lute)(Ta.); tat.avaruka to stroke (Ma.); tarv- to stroke (Go.); tad.a-varisu to stroke (Ka.)(DEDR 3025).

4280.To enchase, set in: tat.avi-k-kat.t.u to enchase, set in (S.I.I. ii,15); tat.ava_-tal, tat.avarutal to stroke; to blow gently over (Tiv. Periyati. 8,5,1); tat.avi-k-kot.u to stroke (Ta.lex.)

4281.Chief, master: ta_t.t.a_n- chief, master; husband; ta_t.u strength (Te_va_. 17,9)(Ta.lex.) Greatness; pride: dan.d.i greatness, eminence, power, might, vigour (Ka.); tan.i to proeper, thrive, grow, increase (Ta.); dan.d.a pride (Skt.); ta_t.a pride, haughtiness; stiffness, tightness; robustness, strength, stoutness (Ka.); ta_t.ha pride (M.); ta_t.agitti a (haughty), quarrelsome, wicked woman (Ka.); ta_t.u pompous array; pomp, show (Ka.); dha_t.a (M.H.); ta_t.uga_r-a a pompous, or proud, man (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) tat.a_ largeness, greatness (Kalla_. 8,15)(Ta.lex.) cf. din.d.u stoutness, strength, pride (Ka.)(DEDR 3222). Boldness; firmness; courage: dhr.s.t.i boldness (S'a_n:khS'r.); dhr.s.t.i bold (VS.); d.hit.h firmness of mind (P.); d.hi_t. courage (Ku.); d.hit. impudence (N.); d.a_t.hi kaiba to speak firmly or emphatically (A.)(CDIAL 6876). da_rd.hya hardness, firmness, strength (Pa_n..Sus'r.); drad. strength (K.); d.a_d.hu severity (S.); d.a_d.h strength (L.); firmness of mind (P.); da_r.ha might, stubbornness, pride (Or.); as adj.: taro strong, firm (Gyppsy); d.a_d.a tightly fastened, bold (K.); d.a_d.ho hard (S.); d.a_d.ha_ strong (L.); d.a_d.d.ha_ strong, impertinent (P.); d.a_d.i strong and well-built (of a goat)(WPah.); da_d.ha_ bold (M.); drd. strength (K.); d.a_ri gravely (A.); dd.i bulk, growth; hardness (Si.); as adj.: d.ha_r.i massive, large (N.); da_d.i hard, firm, strong (Si.); d.ha_r.as courage (Ku.); d.ha_r.(h)as (H.)(CDIAL 6302). Firmness: dhr.ti firmness (RV.); dhiti steadfastness (Pali); dhr. hold (Skt.)(CDIAL 6873). decali (det-) to become hardened; de'ni hard; te_'- to be strong; de'ne hard; dee is not strong; deppi ki_nai to stiffen; depi ki_nai to harden (Kuwi); d.ehpa (d.eht-) to be firm, stiff, hard, tough; n. stiffness, hardness, toughness (Kui)(DEDR 3443). Dense, fat, strong: tat.a large, broad, full; tat.am greatness, largeness, width, expanse, richness; tat.avu, tat.a_ largeness, greatness; tat.i (-pp-, -tt-) to grow large, ful, become stout, swell, become enhanced, increase, grow, thicken, congeal, grow stiff, hard; tat.ippu thickness, swelling, inspissation, plumpness, pride; tat.iyan- stout, fat man, rude, senseless fellow; tat.aiiya plump; tat.impal bulk, thickness; tan.t.i bulkiness (Ta.); tat.a large, great (e.g. tat.a-vala large fishing net); tat.i stout, robust; tat.ikkuka to swell, become round and full, stout and heavy; tat.iccavan fat, robust; tat.ippikka to fatten; tat.ippu corpulency, stoutness; tat.iyan a fat, lusty person; fem. tat.icci (Ma.); dat. thick thread woven into cloth to produce raised effect (Ko.); dat.t.a state of being thick, stout, robust, crowded or close together, thickset, dense; dat.t.age in a thickset manner, densely, in large numbers; dat.t.anisu to be crowded together; dat.t.ane state of being thick, crowded together, close; dat.t.anna thick, dense; dat.t.ayisu, dat.t.aysu to grow thick, assemble in large numbers; dat.t.itu that is thick, etc.; dat.t.u mass, crowd, host, army; dad.a_n.i, dad.a_li a very stout woman; dad.umu thickness, stoutness; dad.d.u closeness, union; dan.d.i greatness, eminence, power (Ka.); dat.a thickness, coarseness, closeness; thick, stout, coarse, close; dat.t.iyuni, dat.t.yuni to be dense, crowded; dad.avante a strong, poweful or influential man; did.umbu corpulent (Tu.); dad.d.a big (Kor.); dat.t.amu thick, close, dense, compact, thickset; dan.d.i large, great, abundant, plentiful, ample, abundance, plenty; dandad.i excessiveness; much, great, excessive (Te.); dad.pa_ good (Kol.); dhar.apa id. (Nk.); dandad.incu to grow, increase (Te.); d.ar.ga_l pot-bellied man; d.arga_l glutton (Go.); d.at.am too much, many; thickly (Kond.a); d.a_t.a strength, power, hardness, stiffness, touchness, difficulty; strong, powerful, etc.; d.a_d.a (d.a_d.i-) to increase in numbers, multiply; n. increase; d.a_d.a giva to cause to increase in number, multiply; d.ad.aki protruding, corpulent, obese (Kui); dar.ya_ stout, thick (Kur.); d.at.e difficult, hard (Malt.); da_t. thick, tight, close (M.)(DEDR 3020). d.hat.t.h thick (P.); d.hat.t.a_ over-bearing, strong, heavy, fat; bull (P.); d.a_t.h strong, firm; d.a_t.huwa_ courageous (A.); d.a~_t. strong, hard, unripe (B.); dr.m.h be firm; dr.d.ha, dr.l.ha firm, hard, strong (RV.); d.al.ha (Pali); dridh(r)a, did.ha, dad.ha (As'.); did.ha, dad.ha, did.d.ha (Pkt.); dol. strong, forceful, heavy (of snowfall)(Kho.); doru firm, strong (K.); d.l.er.a_ obstinate (WPah.); dar.o firm, strong and fat; constipation (Ku.); daro firm (N.); d.ar (A.); did.ha (OB.); dar.a firm, stiff, capable (B.); dar.(h)a firm (Or.); dir.ha_i_ firmness (Mth.); adj. did.ha (OAw.); dir.h, dahar., dhar. (H.); dal.a thick, coarse (Si.); darun to become steady (K.); darnu to confirm, put in writing (N.); d.ara_iba to strengthen (A.); dir.ha_na_ (H.)(CDIAL 6508). dr.d.dhi_ka_ra adj. strengthening (MBh.); darir.h firmness of mind (P.); d.ir.hi firm (S.); darilo (N.)(CDIAL 6509). Large, broad, full: tat.am greatness, largeness; width, expanse; richness; curve, bend (Tiva_.); tat.a large, broad, full (ta_t.o_y tat.akkai : Pur-ana_. 14,11)(Ta.lex.) tata extended, spread; spreading or raching over, extending to; covered over, concealed; protected, continued; bent as a bow; spreading wide etc.; tan (tano_ti, tanute_, tata_na, te_ne_, tanitam tata; pass. tanyate_ or ta_yate_; desid. titasati, tita_m.sati, titanis.ati) to stretch, extend, lengthen, lengthen out; to spread, shed, diffuse; to cover, fill; to cause, produce, form, give, grant, bestow; to emboss; to direct one's way towards; to prepare (a way for)(Skt.lex.) tit.am < dr.d.ha strength, vigour, power; certainty, positiveness (Te_va_. 171,4); truth (Te_va_. 617,2); dit.a (Ka.)(Ta.lex.)

4274.Image: potter's wheel: tat.t.u potter's wheel; handmill; curve or bend; circle; scales of a balance; perforated tin stencil for drawing ornamental figures tat.t.u-k-ko_l potter's turning stick (Ta.lex.) tan.t.a_ram < dan.d.a_ra potter's wheel (Ta.)(Ta.lex.) dan.d.a_rah. a carriage; a potter's wheel (Skt.lex.) tan.t.ataran- potter; tan.t.a-c-cakkaram potter's stick and wheel (Nan-. 297, Urai); tan.t.ataran- potter (Ta.lex.) dan.d.a-bhr.t a potter (Skt.lex.) Image: rounded: tat.ai-i-ya rounded (Net.unal. 149)(Ta.lex.) ? a_r..i circle, ring, discus weapon (Ta.); roundness (as of disk, ring, etc.)(Ma.); roundness, a circle, a discus (Ka.); a_re potter's wheel (?Go.)(DEDR 398).

4277.Image: six: tat.aval six, a slang term (Can.. Aka.)(Ta.lex.)[Perh. derived from the practice of counting upto 'six' on the knots of two fingers, after which the two fingers are folded down to connote one 'count of six', as a landing point in numeration.] cf. s.as. nom. s.at. six (RV.); s.as.u loc. pl. (As'.); s.o (NiDoc.)(CDIAL 12803). cf. tat.avaral bending, curving (Pur-ana_. 135,3); tat.avu curve, bend; portion (Ta.lex.) cf. viral finger (Ta.)(DEDR 5409)]. cf. tat.avu (tat.avi-) to stroke, feel one's way with hands and feet as in the dark (Ta.)(DEDR 3025).

4282.Brassworker; strike with hammer: t.hat.t.ar an alloy of copper and bell metal (N.)(CDIAL 5491). t.hat.t.ha_ra brass worker (Pkt.); t.ho~_t.hur (K.); t.ha~_t.ha_ro (S.); t.hat.hia_r (P.); t.hat.ia_ra_ (P.); t.hat.hera_ (P.Bi.H.); t.hat.hero (Ku.N.); t.hat.eri (Mth.)(CDIAL 5493). t.hat.a_unu to strike, beat (N.); t.hat.a_i striking (N.); t.hat.ha_na_ to beat (H.); t.hat.ha_i_ noise of beating (H.)(CDIAL 5490 onom.?) t.hapan.u to beat out (metals) (S.); t.hapo seal (S.); t.happa_ stroke, stamp (L.); t.ha_p seal (Ku.); t.happa_ stamp, mould (H.)(CDIAL 5495). Hammering: tat.t.utal to drive in by hammering (Na_lat.i, 355); to hammer out, flatten, as malleable metal; to batter, demolish (Ta.lex.) Goldsmith: tat.t.u (tat.t.i-) to knock, tap, pat, strike against, dash against, strike, beat, hammer, thresh; n. knocking, striking, clapping, tapping, beating time (Ta.); tat.t.u to strike, beat, knock, pat, clap, slap; n. stripe, welt (Te.); tat.t.u a blow, knock (Ma.); to tap, touch, come close, pat, strike, beat, clap, slap, knock, clap on a thing (as cowdung on a wall), drive, beat off or back, remove; n. slap or pat, blow, blow or knock of disease, danger, death, fatigue, exhaustion (Ka.);[cf. da~t ran:gao to tire out, exhaust (Santali.lex.)]; tat.t.ikka to cause to hit; tat.t.uka to tap, dash, hit, strike against, knock; tat.t.ippu beating (Ma.); tat.- (tac-) to pat, strike, kill, (curse) affects, sharpen, disregard (words); tat. a.r.- (a.c) to stagger from fatigue (Ko.); tat.t.a_n- gold or silver smith (Ta.); goldsmith (Ma.): f. tat.t.a_tti (Ta.Ma.); tot. a slap; tot.- (tot.y-) to strike (with hammer), pat, sin (strikes); tor.- (tot.-) to bump foot; tot.k in- (id--) to be tired, exhausted (To.); tot.xn, tot.xin goldsmith (To.); f. tot.ty, tot.xity (To.); tat.t.- (tat.t.i-) to touch, pat, ward off, to strike off, (curse) effects (Kod..); tat.t.a_vuni to cause to hit, strike (Tu.); tar.na_ (tar.cas) to flog, lash, whip (Kur.); tar.ce to slap (Malt.) tat.t.e goldsmith (Kod..); f. tat.t.ati (Kod..); tat.rava~_d.u goldsmith or silversmith (Te.)(DEDR 3039). A weapon: tat.t.i a weapon (Kantapu. Cu_rapa. Iran.t.a_na_l.. 6); shield (Pin..); defence, safeguard (Cu_t.a_.); jail, prison (I_t.u., 5,7,1); cf. tat.t.u to knock at, rap at; to tap, pat (Ta.); id. (Te.Ka.); tat.t.uka id. (Ma.); tat.t.u-tal to strike against, dash against, run aground, as a vessel (Ta.); (Ta.lex.) Rich: dad.o_ti wealth, respectability (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) cf. ta_t.u to strike against; strike (Ka.); ta_n.t.i to hit (Kor.); ta_t.incu to pat, slap (Te.)(DEDR 3156). Noise of a thud: tat.a-tat.-en-al onom. expr. of falling sound (Kon.t.alvit.u. 186)(Ta.lex.); tat.utat.a (to beat) soundly (Ma.); tat.a sound in imitation of beating; tat.atat.ane with repeated blows; dad.d.u dad.d.u sound of pounding by means of an e_ta, that of knocking at a door with the fist (Ka.); dad., dad.a noise of a thud; dad.d.d.a, dad.d.u-bud.d.u noise of a heavy fall (as of a coconut from a tree)(Kod..); dad.abad.a, dad.abad.i, dad.ubad.u noise of falling suddenly (Tu.)(DEDR 3023). dar.vu~ to make hard and smooth (G.); dad.n.e~ to beat down (M.)(CDIAL 6508). tadaku, taduku, tade to strike, beat (Ka.); sadi striking, beating (Tu.); jajjuni to bruise, squash, pound (Tu.); cadiyu to be crushed or broken (Te.); cadupu to crush, kill ((Te.); catip, cacip to trample, kick (Pa.); cati to destroy, kill (Ta.); catai to be bruised, crushed (Ta.); tatar to be crushed (Ta.); catekka to squash, crush, pound, bray (Ma.); cac to hammer with heavy blows, pat, stroke, kill (animal)(Ko.); sadaku to beat (Ka.); sade, sadi to pound to some extent, bruise, crush (Ka.)(DEDR 2322). cat.ai to flatten, as the head or point of a nail by repeated blows, rivet (Ta.); ca_t.t.u to beat, strike (Ta.); jad.i to beat, pound, crush, ram as a cartridge, drive in as a nail (Ka.); cad.i a whip, stripe (Tu.); sad.incu to pound, beat (Te.); jad.iyu to beat, hit (Te.); cad.p- (cad.t-) to hammer, strike, beat (Pa.); jar.sa a whip, scourge (Kui); jar.e to shake down, beat down as fruits (Malt.)(DEDR 2300). cf. tuta_ti_ thong of a ploughman's whip (M.)(CDIAL 5966). to_da striking, guiding, driving etc.; sharp, shooting or pricking pain (Ka.); to_dana striking etc.; a goad for driving cattle; pain (Ka.); prato_da id. (Skt.Ka.); to_dya to be struck, fit to be beaten (Ka.); a_to_dhya to be struck; a musical instrument (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) Image: blow: ta_d.a blow (AV.); ta_r. a beating (B.); palm of hand (Skt.); ta_la blow, clapping (Pkt.); clap, rhythm (MBh.); palm of hand (Skt.); ta_l.a blow (Pali)(CDIAL 5748). [cf. mala palm of the hand, sole of the foot (Kuwi); mad.a id. (Kui)(DEDR 4732).] ta_d.ana beating (Ya_j.); beating, slap (Pkt.); tad.anae (NiDoc.); ta_r.ana act of striking (OA.); ta_r.ni whip, goad (B.); ta_r.an.a whipping, crowbar (Or.); ta_d.an. beating (Ma.)(CDIAL 5751). ta_d.ayati beats, strikes, punishes (Mn.); ta_l.e_ti beats (Pali); ta_d.ai, ta_le_i (Pkt.); ta_d.un to slap, reprove (K.); ta_r.iba_ to strike, push to one side, uproot (Or.); ta_r.vu~ to beat (G.); ta_d.n.e~ to beat, punish (Ma.); tal.anava_ to flog (Si.)(CDIAL 5752). Image: attack, to propel with the finger: at.- to strike, (rain) comes in torrents, (finger) to snap (Ga.); at.t.- to strike, beat (Ga.); at.- (-t-) to hit, as an arrow (Kond.a); ad.e to strike or throw with finger (Ka.); an.e to strike, push, drive; to strike or propel with the fingers (Ka.); an.epuni to push, strike against (Tu.); at.u to pound (as rice), kill, destroy, conquer (Ta.); a_t.u killing, ruining, victory (Ta.); at.i blow, stroke (Ta.Ma.); at.alai battle (Ta.); at.arppu attack (Ta.); at.al a fight (Ma.); at.ala_r enemies (Ma.); at.ar war (Ma.); ar.dar.y act of quarrelling with blows (Ko.); ad.aru an attack (Ka.); to fight, do battle, kill (Te.); a_t.u a blow (Te.); ad.i beating, a blow (Ka.); darpuni to thrash, beat, strike, break (Tu.); dartele, darpele a striker, breaker (Tu.); ad.ucu to beat, strike, break, destroy (Te.)(DEDR 77). Hammer: astera hammer (Dm.); aster.o_ (Pas.); hathor.a_ (L.); hathaur.a_ (P.); hathor.a_ (P.); hathaur.a (Ku.); hothro (N.); ha_thuri (A.); ha_tur.i, ha_tar.i (B.); ha_tur.a_ (Or.); ha~_thal. (Or.); hathaur.a_ (Bi.H.); hathaur (Bhoj.); hathor.o, athor.o (G.); hatod.a_ (M.); *hastaku_t.a hand hammer (Skt.)(CDIAL 14028). hatowa_h hatchet (A.)(CDIAL 14033. *hastava_s'i_). [For -r.a_, od.a_, etc. cf. ku_t.am blacksmith's sledge hammer, hammer (Ta.)(DEDR App.29); ku_t.a iron mallet (MBh.); sledge hammer (Pkt.)(CDIAL 3391). To kill: hantr. killer, robber (RV.); hantar killer (Pali); ham.tu (Pkt.)(CDIAL 13969). hata struck, killed (RV.); killed (Pali.As'.); haya struck, killed (Pkt.); hayo pp. of han.an.u to throw, shoot (S.); hayo pret. killed (OAw.); haya_ smitten, murdered (H.); hayal wounded (H.)(CDIAL 13955). hati killing (MBh.); destruction (Pali); hai killing (Pkt.Sh.)(CDIAL 13957). hatya_ killing [only in compound: mus.t.ihatya_ (RV.)]; hucu murder (K.); haca_ (S.)(CDIAL 13958). hanti strikes, kills (RV.); hanai kills (OAw.); hanati strikes, kills (Pkt.); annava_ to strike, stab, pierce (Si.)(CDIAL 13963). han.a_ killing with a sharp weapon, cutting (Or.); han.a killing (RV.Pkt.); hana_ act of piercing with a pointed weapon (A.)(CDIAL 13962). hanana, hanani_ killing; act of killing or striking (Nir.); hanana killing (Skt.); han.an.a (Pkt.); hanan act of killing (A.)(CDIAL 13964). hantavya to be killed (Mn.); hantabba to be struck or killed (Pali); ham.taviya (As'.); ham.tavva (Pkt.)(CDIAL 13968). ad.upu a stroke, blow (Te.)(DEDR 77). Tax on goldsmiths: tat.t.a_r-pa_t.t.am profession tax on goldsmiths (S.I.I. ii,117); tat.t.a_ara-p-pa_t.t.am id. (S.I.I. iii,115); tat.t.a_n- gold or silver smith (Tiva_.); tat.t.a_-k-kut.i goldsmith's quarters (Ta.)(Ta.lex.)

4283.Axe, adze, sword: cf. da_tra knife, sickle (RV.)(CDIAL 6260). da_tra knife, sickle (RV.); da_tta sickle (Pali); datta (Pkt.); drotu (K.); d.a~_t.ro (S.); d.a_tr (L.); da_ttar large toothless sickle (P.); d.l.a_t sickle; curved knife for cutting wood (WPah.); dra't. sickle (WPah.); da_ large knife (A.B.); bill, chopper (B.); da_o sickle, bill, chopper (B.Or.H.); da_a_ id. (Or.); dara~_t (H.); dra~_t (Brajbha_s.a_); da_tarr.u~ sickle (G.); da_-kati sickle (Si.); dattiya_ little sickle (Pkt.); dra_et, la_it sickle (Pas.); drocu (K.); d.a_tri_, d.a_tri_ (L.P.); da_t(t)i_ (P.); dra_t.i_, d.l.a_ti, la_t.i_, dace (WPah.); da_thi, dathar.i_ (Garh.); da_ti_ (Ku.); dara~_ti_ (P.H.); dara_t.i_ (P.); da_tarr.i_ (G.);--Extension -ll-: da_tulo sickle (Ku.); dataliya_ large scythe (Ku.); datul, dachul sickle (Ku.); da_il, da_ili small weeding sickle (Or.); let.ege sickle (Prasun.Kafiri) (CDIAL 6260). For -katti in Si. form: cf. katti sickle (Ta.); katy billhook knife (Ko.)(DEDR 1204). da_ta mowed (Pa_n.. com. Pali); dua_ harvested or cut (of rice); substantive. harvesting of rice (Or.); dua_-dui id. (Or. whence dua_l.i reaper)(CDIAL 6256). da_ti cuts, mows (RV.); da_yati mows (Pali); da_iba (pres.part. da_u~ta_, f. da~_ti)(A.); da_oya_ (B.); da_iba_ to cut rice with a sickle, mow grass (B.)(CDIAL 6257). One-edged sword: tarava_ri one-edged sword (Skt.); tirwali sword (Gypsy); tirwarir your sword (Gypsy); tarali_ sword (Ash.); tarwili_, toro_li_ (Wg.); tarbe_l (Bshk.); terbel (Tor.); tarwa_r (K.Ku.N.H.); tara_ri (S.); tarva_r, talva_r (P.); taruwa_r (WPah.); talwa_r (N.H.); tarowa_l (A.); taroya_l (B.); tarua_ri, tarua_ra, tarua_l.i, tarua_l.a (Or.); tarua_ri (Mth.); tarwa_ri (Aw.); tarva_r (G.M.); terwo_c (Kt.); tra_z (Pr.); tara_r.i (Or.); tarwar.e (Sant.)(CDIAL 5706). cf. va_l. sword, saw, ploughshare, scissors, sharpness (Ta.); sword, saw (Ma.); va.l. id. (Ko.); va_lu sword; sharp (Te.)(DEDR 5376). va_cci, va_ycci, va_t.ci adze (Ta.); va_cci adze, scraper (Ma.); pod.c adze (To.); ba_ci id. (Ka.Tu.); ba_ji (Tu.)(DEDR 5339). va_s'i adze (Skt.)(CDIAL 11588). tayr (tarc-) to cut, using implement with one hand, cut path through jungle (Ko.); tar-i cutting off, sharp knife or sword (Ka.); a kind of axe (Ta.); taripuni to lop off, clear (jungle)(Tu.); da_cali to cut with knife (Kuwi); da_' (da_t-), da_'nai, dre- (-t-) to cut (Kuwi); de_ to cut (e.g. string)(Mand..); tar-ikai a kind of axe, chisel (Ta.); tar-i cutting, slaughter; stake, post, sharp knife or sword (Ka.)(DEDR 3140). tar-i to cut off, chop off, lop, cut down (Ta.Ka.); tar-ikka (Ma.); to untie, unfasten; cutting down, chopping off (Ta.lex.) tari to chop into small bits (Kod..); tarip cutting (Kod..); targ to cut (Nk.); taruh si_a_na_ to sacrifice (Go.); targ- to cut (Nk.); tar-ikka to cut down (Ma.); tar-i cutting (Ma.)(DEDR 3140). cf. kati.r (katrc- < katy-tayr, katy-tarc-) to cut (Ko.)(DEDR 1204). hat.ar. pl. hat.ahk, set.er, sat.a_r, het.t.ar., et.ar., set.t.e_r. sickle (Go.); hetaree a sickle for cutting grass (Go.); cetal sickle (Pa.); set. id. (Ga.); set.um kiyb knife used for cutting fire-wood (Ga.)(DEDR 2756).

4284.Mango: t.at.xa_ mango (Kur.); t.at.ge (Malt.)(DEDR 2943). tu.d.e hill mango, meliosma pungens and wightii (A_lKu.); tu.r. marm id. (Ko.); ti.r. id. (To.); tod.e, tu.d.e id. (Ka.); tukd.e id. (Ir.)(DEDR 3377).

4285.Image: drop: tat.aku a drop, as of water, honey etc.; a small quantity, a little; tot.t.u (Ka.); tat.akkane, tot.akkane in drops (Ka.); tat.a, tot.a an imitative sound; tat.atat.ane in many drops (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) cf. cot.t.u (cot.t.i-) to fall in drops, drizzle; n. a drop (Ta.)(DEDR 2835).

4286.Irrigated land; pool: tad.a_ga pool (S'a_n:khGr..); pond, tank (Pkt.); tat.a_ka pool (R.); tat.a_kini_ (MBh.); tal.a_ka pond, pool, reservoir (Pali); tala_ga, tala_ya tala_va pond, tank (Pkt.); tala_i_ small pond (Pkt.); tala_u pool, tank (S.P.N.B.Or.H.); tala_ (L.P.); talayya_ small pond (P.); talau pool, irrigated land (Ku.); ta_la_u pool, tank (B.); tala_w (Bi.); tala_i (Bi.H.); tala_vo (M.); tal.a_ (OSi.); tala_va (Si.); talau, talai tank, pond (Or.); tal.e~ (M.)(CDIAL 5635). talla pond (Yas'. Pkt.); ta_l (WPah.); pool, lake (Ku.N.H.M.); canal (Bi.); ta_la pond (OAw.)(CDIAL 5742). d.ham.d.ha, d.ham.d.haria mud (Pkt.); d.han.d.ha pond (S.); d.hann deep pool (L.); d.hannh, d.hann, d.han.d. pond, lake (P.)(CDIAL 5578).

4287.Agitated: tad.pphad.ai crackles, is perturbed (Pkt.); tar.phan.u to writhe, wriggle, be agitated (S.); tar.phar.a_un.a_ to cause to flutter, to flutter (P.); tar.pha_un.a_ to agitate (P.); tar.pa_na_ to frisk, flounce, wriggle (like a fish)(B.); tar.phar.na_, tar.apna_ to toss, roll about, be anxious (H.); tar.phar.vu~, tarphar.vu~ to toss about, flounce, be agitated (G.); tad.phad.n.e~ to toss about (M.); tal.apn.e~ to be brandished (M.)(CDIAL 5634). tallan.a, tallar..a agitation, amazement, alarm, fear, grief; tallan.isu to be or become agitated from fear or amazement, be troubled, alarmed, anxious; tal.l.an:ka embarrassment, fear, etc. (Ka.); tallad.amu agitation, commotion, anxiety, turmoil (Te.); tallan.a wavering, vexed (Tu.); tallad.incu, tallad.illu, tallad.akud.ucu, tallad.a-pad.u to be agitated or in a state of turmoil, commotion or anxiety; tallad.apa_t.u agitation, turmoil, commotion; tallad.a-pet.t.u to throw into a state of turmoil, agitation or anxiety (Te.)(DEDR 3104).

4288.Image: dishevelled hair: dadane-purae, danda-pura, danda-pur.a, danda-punda adj. with u_b, bo_, hor.o, tousled, dishevelled; comb decently; to dishevel, to tousle someone's hair; of hair, to ruffle (Mu.); dandapura, dandurpura (Sadani); dandaibindai (Oraon); dandarca, dandan, daudau of hair, rough, wiry; with rough, wiry hair; of wiry hair, to stand on end (Mu.lex.) dandle hair hanging loose, hair unfastened and unkempt; up dandlegetaea her hair is flying loose (Santali. lex.)

4289.Feronia elephantum: dadhittha the wood-apple tree, feronia elephantum; dadhi-phala the wood-apple tree (Skt.Ka.)(Ka.lex.) danta-phala the wood-apple tree (Skt.lex.) danta-s'at.ha the wood-apple tree, feronia elephantum (Skt.Ka.lex.)

4290.Kunda: dantana the Bakula tree; the Khadira tree; danta-patrakam a Kunda flower; danta-patrika_ kunda; danta-pus.pam the kunda flower; fruit of the clearing nut plant (Skt.lex.)

4291.Boswellia thurifera: tadiku, taduku the gum olibanum tree, boswellia thurifera (Ka.lex.)

4292.Season: tati, tatuvu (Tadbhava of tat) a proper time or season (Ka.Te.); tati (Ta.); tadhi_ on that day, at that time (M.); taddina that day, during the day; the day of mourning for deceased relations (Ka.lex.) tati < tati (Te.) season, opportunity, suitable time (Pa_rata. Aruccun-n-r-i_r. 76)(Ta.lex.) tatha_stu amen! so be it! (Skt.lex.) tattu in tattu-gottu 'the master of that' (Ka.lex.)

4293.That: a part. base of the demonst. pron. expressing the remoter person or thing (Ci. Po_. 1); pref. to nouns, expressing remoteness (Ta.lex.) Also: tatha_pi even so, nevertheless (R.); thai also (Gypsy); the, te then, again; ti also (Kho.); ti also (K.); ta~_hvi_ moreover, still, yet (L.); te and; tai_ again (WPah.P.); tai nevertheless (N.); teo yet, still (A.); taio nevertheless (Mth.); tahai even then, yet (OG.); tava moreover, yet (Si.)(CDIAL 5647). Beside: tatastha being in or beside that (Pa_n..); tatthaya one there (Pkt.)(CDIAL 5645). ata_n-r-u < atu + an-r-u conj. besides, moreover (Nan-. 180); ata_-an-r-u conj. id. (Tol. Er..ut. 258, Urai.); a(h.)ta_n-r-u besides (Tiruva_ca. 3,28)(Ta.lex.) Thus: ta_dr.s'a suchlike (S'Br.); ta_dr.s' (RV.); ta_disa, ta_disaka (Pali); tadis'e, ta_dise (As'.); ta_disa (Pkt.); taisa, te_ha (Skt.); teho, tiho (S.); teha_, tiha_ (P.); taso (Ku.); tesa_ (Or.); taisai thus (OMth.); taise, tehi~ thus (Mth.); tehan such (Mth.); taisa, tasa, tais, tas (OAw.); taisa_ (after which aisa_, waisa_)(H.); tasu~ (G.); taisa_, tasa_ (M.); aiyo such (Sh.); ta_rise (As'.); ta_risa (Pkt.); te_rhu_, tou_rh, tero (WPah.); eles (Si.)(CDIAL 5760). ta_t thus (RV.); tat then (RV.); thus (AV.); ta, tam. so, therefore (As'.); ta_ then, therefore (Pkt.); ta (K.); ta~_ then (S.); ta_, ta~_ (L.); ta although (WPah.); ta_, ta then, so (N.); ta surely, then (B.Or.); ta_ then, but, still (Or.); ta then (Mth.); a slightly adversative particle (OAw.)(CDIAL 5753). tatha_ so, in that way (RV.); so also (Mn.); thus (Pali.As'.); tatha, taha, daha (NiDoc.); tadha_, taha_, tahi (Pkt.); uti_ (Lat.); tha_, ta and (Gypsy); ta (D..); te and, or (Ash.); tha_ then (Pas'.); ta and (K.); ta~_h, ta~_ so, indeed, then (L.) (CDIAL 5646). attu part. a euphonic increment, usu. inserted between a noun which ends in am and its case-ending (am being dropped), as in marattai from maram (Ta.lex.) So much: tattaka so much (Pali); tatta_ (WPah.); tat (A.); tata (B.); tatro, tatn.o (Ku.); tatek (Mth.); titta_, titna_ (H.); tet.lu~ (G.); tetalam. (OG.); titla_, titka_ (M.); tattiya (Pkt.); tati (NiDoc.); tati so much, so many (N.); tati so many (B.); tettia, tittia, tettila, tittila (Skt.); tete (Or.)(CDIAL 5641). atatk only so much as that; atk that much (To.); attan-ai so many, of such size or measure (Ta.); atatu each, several (Ma.); attaram thus (Ma.); antal so many as that (Ko.); at.a, at.u, at.t.u, as.t.u, asa, anitu, anittu, ay(i)su, a_t.u, a_su that much, that many (Ka.); anta so much, all, whole; antaga_ much, very; ante_ only so much (Te.)(DEDR 1). ta_vat adv. so much, so long, in that time (RV.); ta_vant so great, so long (RV.); ta_va, ta_vata_ so long, just (Pali); tava (NiDoc.); ta_we up to that time (A.); ta_va, ta_vam., da_va (Pkt.); ta_va_, ta_um., ta_va_him., ta_ma, ta_mahi, ta_mahim. (Skt.); ta_ma, ta_m. up till (OG.); ta~v (M.); tava more, yet, still (Si.)(CDIAL 5804). cf. tava much, intensely (Ta.); tave abundantly, wholly (Ka.)(DEDR 3106). ta_vatka bought for so much (Pa_n..); tak up to, so long as (N.B.Or.); tak till, as much as (H.); tuvak, ta_k, tuva_k so many, so much (OSi.); ta_k, tek till, as far as (Si.)(CDIAL 5805). True; reality: tattva real state (S'vetUp.); tatta reality, truth (Pali.Pkt.); tatu fact, state, disposition (SI.)(CDIAL 5642). tathya true (MBh.); trth (Mn.); taccha true, real; tathiya (Pali); tahia truth; tacca (Pkt.); tic true (Kt.); caco true, right (of hand); taco (Gypsy)(CDIAL 5648). tattuvam truth, reality, substance (Na_n-man.i. 29); tattuvan- god as the ultimate reality (Te_va_. 12,1)(Ta.lex.) cf. tattin-am annual ceremony for the manes (Ta.); taddinamu id. (Te.); tatti gift (Ta.); cf. dadhi given; dattam gift (Skt.)(Ta.lex.) [lit. that day, tat+ dinam.]

4294.Image: parrot: tattai parrot, parakeet, paloeornis (Tol. Po. 623)(Ta.); tatta id. (Ma.)(DEDR 3063). cf. to_ta_ id. (H.)(Ta.lex.)

4295.Settlement of accounts: ja_d.e settlement of accounts (Tu.lex.)

4296.Image: jar: ja_d.i a large jar made usually of porcelain (Tu.lex.)

4297.Send: daha_d. to send (Kon.lex.)

4298.Vicinity; bank; shore; raised ground: dan.d.i, dan.d.e, tat.a a bank, a shore (Ka.); da_n.d.i_ (M.); dan.d.e the state of being adjoining or close by, vicinity (Ka.Te.); side (Te.); dan.d.egun.t.a along the shore (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) tad.ivid.i to be along shore (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) tat.t.u side, direction (Ka.Te.); tot.t.u (Te.); dhad.a a side or face (M.); tat.t.uparayisu to make go to one side or aside (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) tat.a, tad.a, tad.i, tad.e, dad.a the declivity or side of a hill; a bank or shore; a bound; a field (Ka.); tat.aja born or near the shore (Ka.); tat.astha situated on a bank or shore; standing near; awaiting intently (Ka.M.)(Ka.lex.) tat.al high land (Ta.) [tat.al-pucai highland unsuitable for cultivation (Ta.lex.) cf. tit.al high land; tat.am < tat.a bank, shore; tank, bathing-ghat; tat.t.u plot of a field, of a garden-bed; area, plain surface; anything flat (Ta.lex.) tit.ar (tit.ar vil.an:ku karai-p-pon-n-i (Tiv. Peruma_l..1,11); (tit.alit.ai-c-ceyta ko_yil : Te_va_.893,3); open space; tit.al-ka_l, tit.ar--pun-cey dry land on a high level in the midst of a wet-land area (Ta.lex.)]; tin.t.u earthen wall, bank, shoal (Ma.); di_n.t.u rising ground, hillock (Ka.); tit. hill (Ko.); mountain (To.); tit.t.a mass, quantity, number; tit.t.u, tit.t.e rising ground, hillock (Ka.); did.d.u, did.d.a eminence, elevation, hillock (Ka.); Image: earthen seat: s'rita situated in (RV.); sita stuck to, depending on (Pali); sia (Pkt.); hiya situated (OSi.); s. for, to (Wg.); s'ri be in, enter (Skt.)(CDIAL 12702). cit.t.e earthen seat (Ka.); the foundation platform of a house (Tu.); tit.t.e id. (Tu.); tit.t.u wall separating elephant stables (Ta.); mound, shoal (Ma.); tit.t.i raised ground; tit.t.ai rising ground, bank, elevation, raised floor; tit.ar, tit.al rising ground, bank, elevation, island, rubbish heap, prominence, protuberance; tit.ar-u mound (Ta.); tit.t.a raised ground, hillock, shoal, raised seat as in a veranda (Ka.); heap, mound (Ta.)(DEDR 3221). Image: narrow walk all around house: ter-r-i raised veranda (Ta.); tetti narrow walk built on all round house (Kod..)(DEDR 3444). Ford: ti_rtha ford, steps to a river, place of pilgrimage (RV.); tittha ford, descent to a river, landing place (Pali.Pkt.); tithu place of residence, end (S.); ti_tha_ catch-basin into which the bucket at the well is emptied (Bi.)(CDIAL 5846). Image: platform: tit.t.a_n.i turfing around a shady tree (Ira_mana_. Cun. 4); tit.t.i raised ground (Ta.); cf. tit.t.u rising ground, bank, elevation (Ta.Ka.Ma.); sand bank, ait in a river (Kampara_. Va_n-ara. 8); tit.t.ai raised floor (Ta.); tit.t.a id. (Ma.)(Ta.lex.) Island; bank, shore, land: ta_t.u the sloping frame of a roof (Ka.); ta_t.ha deviation from rectitude, as of a balance (M.)(Ka.lex.) d.ani_ bank of stream (S.); d.a~_ra_ channel (A.)(CDIAL 6128). Image: small gap: tattu a small opening in a dam thrown across a canal, through which a small quantity of water is allowed to flow during the drought season (Na_.) (Ta.lex.) d.a~n.d. part of a tank at each of the embankments where it is prolonged into a narrow channel, often leading to the overflow channel (Santali.lex.) tat.a bank, side of hill (Pali); slope, shore (MBh.); tat.i_ bank (Pali); tar.a_ island (H.); tad.a, tad.i_ shore (Pkt.); tar.u landing place, bathing place, bathing (S.); tar.i_ mooring peg on shore (S.); tar. bank, shore, land (B.); bank, land (as opposed to water)(Ku.); adj. shallow (Ku.); side, party, faction (H.); party, sect (G.); ter. bank, edge, end (G.); tad. party, faction, feud (M.); bank, side, end (M.); tala sea-shore, bank (Si.); tar.a_ bank, shore, land (B.); bank of pond or river (Or.); tar.i id. (Or.); tar.a bank, shore (Or.); (CDIAL 5629). tri_i border (Kal.); tir. sloping bank cut out of steep sides of a river etc., for landing or for watering cattle, landing place, ford (L.); ford, crossing place of river or canal (L.)(CDIAL 5629). Uplands: tha_l mud (M.); thalli_ uplands from which water runs off (P.); thalli rice plant from the seed bed (WPah.)(CDIAL 13745). dhara_t.i earth heaped up for an embankment (B.)(CDIAL 6794). ?cf. te_ri sandhill (Ta.); hillock, swelling on the ground (Ma.)(DEDR 3461). Level ground: t.a_r., t.a~_r. stretch of raised infertile soil (Bi.); t.a_l.i_ open terrace (M.); t.a_r level piece of ground above a stream (N.); t.a_ri unirrigated rice-field (N.)(CDIAL 5455). thall name of a village built in terraces on a plateau above the right bank of Panjkora river (Bshk.); thalo terrace, raised foundation for a house (S.)(CDIAL 13745). thar.i_ quadrangular heap of cotton or cloth (G.); thad. valley or strath near a river, bank, shore, limit, end (M.); thai_ mass, heap (H.)(CDIAL 13715). Surface; level, ground: tala surface, flat roof (MBh.); level, ground surface, bottom (Pali. Pkt.); taru surface, floor, bottom (of pond, etc.)(S.); tal ground, floor of a house (WPah.); tal.a flat surface (Or.); tal. central board in a potter's wheel (M.); tal.iyu~ flat surface, bottom (G.); tall ground, floor (WPah.)(CDIAL 5731). talam place, site; sacred place, shrine; earth, land; worlds; chief or principal place, as the metropolis, head-quarters, the court; that part of a town where the authorities reside; tala-va_ri enumeration of cultivated lands; talatta_r officers of a temple (T.A.S.iv,114); tala-k-ka_val system of guarding a tract of country against open marauders; office of watching produce and performing general duties, as collecting revenue; talai-k-karai land adjoining a field (T.A.S. i,199); talaikkai most eminent person (Perun.. Narava_n.a. 7,83)(Ta.lex.) Dry land; field of crops: sthala dry land (TS.); ground, place (Mn.); flat surface, roof (Skt.); sthala_ heap of earth (TS.); sthali_ eminence, tableland (MBh.); thala dry ground (Pali); dry place, place (Pkt.); high dry land (OAw.); land (OMarw.); thali_ dry place (Pkt.); doorstep (OMarw.); thal place (K.); sandy upland (L.); sandy soil (L.); sandy region, desert (P.); dry or firm ground, place, shrine (Ku.); place (N.); dry ground, flat ground, plain, place (A.); flat surface, bottom, place (B.); firm dry ground, ground, mound, den (H.); thuju dry ground suitable for seed beds (K.); tharu desert, esp. that east of Sindh (whence thari_ pertaining to the desert)(S.)[cf. sthu_r thick saline crust on the surface of the soil that renders it unproductive; the phenomenon afflicts extensive tracts of land in Sindh province of Pakistan; sthu_ri unproductive (RV. x.131.3)(Vedic.lex.)]; tharjan.u to be filled with sand (S.); thali flat raised land (Ku.); place where something is planted (N.); dry place, field of crops (A.); thalo place where bullocks tread out rice (N.); earth (OMarw.); thal.a ground, ford, plain, place (Or.); thal.i level field (Or.); gor.tharia_ foot board of a bed (Mth.); thal. place, haunted spot (G.); plantation, place, haunted spot (M.); thal.i_ plantation (M.); tala-ya, tala_ dry land, high ground, hill (Si.)(CDIAL 13744). thalu firm land (S.)(CDIAL 13745). Hillock, mound: t.illa_ hillock (L.); hillock, mound (P.); t.i_la_ hillock, mound (H.)(CDIAL 5451). Mound: sthala raised ground (TS. iii.48.8); sthala-tar a very high place, i.e. hillock, etc. (La_t.ya_yana-S'rautasu_tra. i.1.17); sthali_ place (Jaimini_yo_panis.ad-bra_hman.a. ii.3.1.1)(Vedic.lex.) ter-r-i elevated ground, mound (S.I.I. iii,410); ter-r-i-yampalam raised hall in a palace or temple; ter-r-i raised verandah (Pur-ana_. 53)(Ta.lex.)

4299.Rent-roll showing the tax due from ryots: tan.t.a-p-pe_r < tan.t.al + rent-roll showing the tax due from the ryots (Na_.); cf. tan.t.al collecting as tax; collection, amount collected (Ta.lex.) cf. pe_r-u a kind of land tenure (G.Tn.D. I,189)(Ta.lex.)

4300.Sedge: tan.t.a_n- a species of sedge, cyperus rotundus-tuberosus (Perumpa_n.. 217, Urai.); a kind of snake-gourd (Can.. Aka.)(Ta.lex.) cf. tun:ge, tun:ga a grass (Ka.); tun:ga cyperus rotundus (Tu.)(DEDR 3287). t.an.d.i sur.a cyperus rotundus (Santali.lex.)

4301.Image: creeper: ta_t.i-macam a kind of creeper, catti-k-kot.i; cf. catti a small water-melon; wild snake-gourd (Ta.lex.)

4302.Pomegranate: ta_tu pomegranate (Mu_. A.); ta_tu-ma_tal.ai id. (Mu_. A.); ta_tu-ma_tul.ai pomegranate, punica granatum; ta_t.imam pomegranate (Ta.lex.) ma_tal.ai, ma_tul.ai, ma_tul.am pomegranate (Ta.); ma_tal.am id. (Ma.)(DEDR 4809). da_d.ima pomegranate tree (MBh.); its fruit (Sus'r.); da_lima, d.a_lima, da_d.imba (Skt.); da_lima (Pali); dad.ima (NiDoc.); da_d.ima, da_lima, da_d.imi_ the tree (Pkt.); da~_rim (Dm.); da_r.im (Sh.Gaw.); da_rem (Kal.); ta_l.um (Kho.); dhe_r.um (Phal.); d.a_r.hu~_ (S.); da_r.u~_, da_r.u_, da_r.am, dariu_n. (P.); de_r.u~ sour pomegranate; da_r.u_ (WPah.); da_rivam. (OAw.); da_riu~ (H.); da_d.imi the tree (OG.); da_r.am, da_r.em the tree (G.); del.um (Si.); da_r.im (WPah.); da_r.im, da_lim, da_limo (Ku.); da_rim (N.); d.a_lim (A.); da_r.im, da_lim (B.); d.a_limba, d.arami, da_r.ima, da_limba, da_lima tree and fruit (Or.); da_rim pomegranate (Mth.); dar.imi dried mango (Mth.); da_r.imb, da_r.im, da_lim, d.a_r.im, d.a_rim, d.a_lim (H.); da_l.i~b, da_l.i~b the fruit; the tree (M.)(CDIAL 6254). d.al.im, anar punica granatum (Santali.lex.) Punica granatum: dalima (Tagalog): is a native of southwestern Asia... Tanret isolated from the bark four alkaloids: pelletierine, isopelletierine, methyl-pelletierine, pseudopelletierine... the fruit is a rich source of vitamin C... the bark of the roots, the flowers, the peel of the fruit and the seeds, are official in many pharmacopoeias... the root bark is a perfect specific in cases of tapeworm... the bark and flowers are prescribed against haemorrhages... the leaves are used as an eyewash... the flower buds... useful in bronchitis... Nadkarni and Dymock state that the rind of the fruit, and the flowers, combined with aromatics such as cloves, cinnamon, coriander, pepper etc., are employed as an astringent in such bowel affections as are not accompanied with tenesmus... In the Konkan the juice of the green fruit rubbed with galls, cloves, and ginger is given in honey as a remedy for piles... The juice of the fruit is much esteemed in dyspepsia... rind of the fruit and root bark... as a vermifuge. (Medicinal Plants of the Philippines, pp.645-646). Pomegranate: da_d.ima punica granatum (Car. Su. 4.10, 28.40). Punica granatum: pomegranate bark, carthaginian apple, grenadier; granatrinde (Ger.); ecorce de balaustier (Fr.); part used: dried bark of the stem or root; habitat: India; uses: pomegranate bark is used as a taeniafuge usually in the form of a decoction and for the preparation of pelletierine tannate... with an astringent taste. (Heber W. Youngken, Textbook of Pharmacognosy, Philadelphia, The Blakiston Co., 1950, pp. 588-592). Punica granatum (Ancient Egyptian inhmn; Coptic zpman; Modern Egyptian Arabic rumma_n) "The pomegranate grows wild in south-west Asia an dis cultivated in Mediterranean countries. It is a shrub with scarlet, scented flowers and later a hard yellowish fruit full of bright-red seeds. The tree was introduced into Egypt in the New Kingdom (1567-1085 BC). It was one of the trees planted in the garden of Ineni at Thebes and Tuthmosis III (1567-1320 BC) brought it back from exploits into Asia and depicted it in his 'botanical garden'... In the Graeco-Roman world the pomegranate was synonymous with fertility... the bark of the trunk and the root... efficient for expelling tapeworm... for plague fever... wine made from sour pomegranates... rind was used to dye leather yellow (Pliny)... If nurmu_ in the Assyrian Herbal is pomegranate, its juice was here prescribed to treat eyes and ears; as an enema; in massage with fish oil; and in poultices for burns and swelling." (Lise Manniche, An Ancient Egyptian Herbal, pp.139-140). Punica granatum: dadima (Skt.); anar-ke-per (H.); anar (P.); dalimgachh (B.); dalimba (M.); madalai (Ta.); dalimma (Te.); dadiman (Ma.); dalim (Ma.); root bark and stem bark: astringent, anthelmintic, specific in tapeworm; rind of fruit: combined with aromatics like cloves, etc., useful in diarrhea and dysentery; seeds: stomachic; pulp: cardiac, stomachic; fresh juice: cooling, refrigerant; habitat: wild in the Salt Range and in the Himalayas from 3,000-6,000 ft. and cultivated in many parts of India. (GIMP, p.207). cf. muttu succulent seed of pomegranate (Ta.)(DEDR 4959). pin.d.a_ra punica granatum, pomegranate (Skt.) da_limba (da_d.ima) the pomegranate tree was transplanted according to Sino Iranica by Laufer, 1919, pp. 285-86, into India from Iranian regions in the first centuries of the Christian era. This tree is not mentioned in Vedic, Pali or early Sanskrit literature. The word da_lima, da_d.ima is traceable to Iranian duli_m reconstructed on the basis of Chinese inscriptions. (P.K. Gode, op cit., p.119; p.129).

4303.Image: ladle, spoon: t.a_d.ge gourd spoon (Mand..); t.ad.u a wooden spoon (Malt.); t(r)ed.d.u wooden ladle or spoon, oar or paddle (Te.); ted.d. ladle (Kol.); t.ed.d. id. (Nk.)(DEDR 3411). tardu_ wooden ladle (Skt.); tad.d.u_ ladle (Pkt.); t.a_ru stick used for stirring in cooking (A.); ta_r.u wooden ladle (B.); d.a_r.u_ wooden ladle (Ku.); d.a_r.u, da_bilo (N.)(CDIAL 5723).

4304.Victory: ta_n.t.u victory, success (Ta.lex.)

4305.Tribe: thar.o tribe, sect (Ku.); thad.a collection (Pkt.); thar family, clan, sub-caste; thari head of a clan (N.); thari sort, kind (N.)(CDIAL 13714). Caravan: tan.t.u army, troops (Ta.); detachment, troop (Ma.); tod. army (To.); tan.d.u, tan.d.a multitude, crowd, host, army (Tu.); tan.d.a mass, multitude, crowd, troop, company, party (Ka.); ten.d.i herd (Kor.); tan.d.a_ caravan, herd, troop, encampment (Te.); dan.d.u army, multitude (Te.); tan.d.amu group, troop, flock (Te.); cf. Apabhram.s'a tan.d.aa a group, party, assemblage (DEDR 3055). tan.d.amber.. to meet or come together, to convene (Ka.); ta_n.d.a_ a mass; a crows; a troop; a company, a party (M.)(Ka.lex.) tan.t.am array of troops in column (Kural., 767, Urai); tan.t.a-na_yakam commandership of an army (S.I.I. ii,306); tan.t.at.i to encamp, as an invading army (Ta.lex.)

4306.Image: pony: tat.t.u a small breed of horses, a pony or tattoo (Ka.Te.Ta.Ma.); tat.o, tat.t.o id. (M.H.); tat.ava_n.i a female of the tat.t.u breed (Ka.); tat.a_n.i_ (M.H.); tat.t.uva_n.i (Ta.); tat.ava_n.i a trickish, deceitful woman (Ka.)(Ka.lex.)

4307.Deck of a ship: tat.t.u deck as of a ship, kappar-r-at.t.u; upper storey of a building; platform, balcony; mat to sit on (Te_va_. 439,10)(Ta.lex.) tal.am deck of a ship; loft, storey; terrace roof; upper open roof or balcony (Ta.lex.) Image: platform; seat: tal.ikai book-stand (Tiruvil.ai. Tirumukam. 24); cf. sthali_ (Ta.lex.) thallha_, thalla_ platform, piece of wood for a seat (L.); thalla_ bottom of anything (P.); thalle~_ down (P.); tha_le_ underneath (WPah.); tha_la_ bottom (WPah.)(CDIAL 13745). Pad under saddle; platform: thar.o platform, terrace, pad under saddle (S.); tar. ceiling (Sv.); thar.a_ platform, terrace (H.); thad.e~ erection over spot where a corpse has been buried or burnt (M.); t.hya_ raised platform on which an idol is placed (Ku.); t.hiya_ heap, mound, lump (H.)(CDIAL 13714). Layer; platform: stara layer (Skt.); istro_ ceiling (Wg.); s'tro_-kat.e roof board (Kt.); isteru sticks laid over rafters of roof (Kho.); ther thorki to unroll, open out (thuryoiki to open)(Sh.); thara sitting place of brick or stone round a house or tree (K.); thara_ platform (L.); thari wooden handle of sickle, etc. (WPah.); tharpa terrace, hill-top (Ku.); thar 5 or 6 or 8 bundles of paddy laid out (A.); layer, row (B.); layer (H.G.M.)(CDIAL 13685).

4309.Images: noose; loop: tat.am noose, gin, snare, trap, toil; knot, loop; tat.am-po_t.u-tal to set a trap for catching small animals; tat.ayam fetters (Ta.lex.)

4310.Saddle: tad.i, dad.i a saddle made of woollen or cotton cloth; a mattress (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) tat.ai coat of mail; hindrance, obstacle, impediment, interruption (Kampara_. Mi_t.ci. 163)(Ta.lex.) dhat.i old cloth or raiment; a piece of cloth worn over the privities (Ka.); dhat.ini a cotton cloth or string fastened round the loins (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) Sackcloth: tat.t.u, tat.t.i, ta_t.u sackcloth; ta_t.a pat.t.e id. (Ka.); tarat.a, ta_t.a (M.); tat.t.u the cloth or cloak of a Bauddha or Jaina mendicant (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) dad.u_ti of close texture, thick and heavy as cloth (Ka.); dhad.avati_, dhad.o_ti (M.)(Ka.lex.) t.a_t.h, dat. t.a_t.as sackcloth (K.); t.a_t. sackcloth (Ku.N.H.G.); ta_t. id. (N.M.G.); tarat. (G.M.)(CDIAL 5990). cat.t.ai jacket, coat, gown, cloak, slough of a snake (ta.); cat.t.a mailcoat, armour, jacket, bodice (Ma.)(DEDR 2310). Waist-band: d.an.d.a the loins, waist; d.an.d.a dor a cord worn by males round the loins and by girls before being invested with a garment; d.an.d.oli a string worn round the waist (d.ora) with a large tassel attached to it (Santali.lex.) dat.t.i waist-band, sash, zone (Ka.); waist-band (Tu.); waist-band or girdle of cloth, sash (Te.); d.at.a a long cloth (Kui); tat.t.i drawers (Ta.)(DEDR 3038). tat.uppu foreign cloth as worn by Ma_ppil.l.accis (Ma.); tor.p waist cloth (To.); tad.pu small cloth that occasionally is tied to the lower part of the body, also over one's clothes to do the service of an apron (Ka.); dan.iba, dan.imba a woman's cloth (Ka.); tad.pu a foreign cloth (Tu.); ted.ep, tar.ep cloth, waistcloth (Kol.); tipur. cloth (metathesis)(Nk.); dr.a'li (pl. dr.apka) rag (Kuwi); tra'li handkerchief (Kuwi)(DEDR 3032). dhat.i_ old cloth, loincloth (Skt.); piece of cloth worn over the privities (Skt.)(DEDR 3038); dhat.ini_ string round the loins (Skt.)(DEDR 3038); dhad.i_ dhotee (M.)(DEDR 3038); dhar.o piece of cloth (Ku.); dharo (N.); dhar.a_ (B.); rag, loincloth (Or.); dhar.i rag (Or.); dharia_ child's narrow loincloth (Mth.)(CDIAL 6707). dhad.ot any piece of strong and common clothing (M.)(CDIAL 6709). dhar.i_ coloured edge to cloth (S.); dhad.i_ border of cloth (M.); dharcho, dharso shred of cloth, long narrow piece of land (N.)(CDIAL 6708). d.ho~gd.a_ coarse cloth, d.ho~gt.i_ wallet (Ma.)(CDIAL 6880). dhotli_ small loin-cloth (G.); duti (with definite article do_tya_h) loin-cloth (K.); dho_tra cloth (Skt.)[dhauta washed, cloth, thread (Skt.); dhautaka made of bleached silk (Skt.); dhautakat.a bag of coarse cloth (Skt.); dhou thread (wool or cotton?) (WPah.)(CDIAL 6883); if dho_tra- is old, then it could be source of all MIA. forms (Eastern forms with meaning 'loin-cloth' with -t(t)- having spread to Kashmiri, Sindhi, Landa, Punjabi.) But if it is sanskritization of MIA. *dhotta-, then the dhotar of Landa, Punjabi, Kumaoni, Hindi, Gujarati, Marathi may derive from an extended *dhotta-ra-]; dhoti_ f. loin-cloth (S.); dhotyo m. (S.); dhotti_ (P.); dhoti_, dhota_ m.pl. dhweti (Ku.); dhoti (N.B.Or.); dhuti (A.B.Or.); dhoti_ (Bi.Mth.H.G.); dhotiyu~ (G.); dhotar.a worn out and torn (Or.)(CDIAL 6881). dho_ta washed, bleached (Pali); dho_a (Pkt.); dhoa_ (WPah.); dhua_ bleached (Or.); dhowa_ (Bhoj.)--anal. -tt- in dhota_ (WPah.)(CDIAL 6886). dho_tar thin country cloth (L.); dhotar very thin coarse cotton-cloth (P.> Ku.H.); loin-cloth (G.>M.)--connexion (unexplained) with adho_tar thin country cloth (L.); adhotara a coarse country cloth (OH.)(CDIAL 6881). ba_l.otiyu~ cloth for a baby (G.)(CDIAL 9219 explains as: ba_la-, dho_tta-.). tal.uvam small piece of cloth, towel (Kuruparam. 572); tal.ai-tal to fasten, bind, chain (Kur-r-a_. Tala. Tarumaca_mi. 74); tal.ai-ttal to tie, bind, fasten; entangle (Arut.pa_. i, Tiruvarul.. 215); tal.ai tie, fastening, bandage (Na_lat.i, 12); tal.a id. (Ma.); tal.e id. (Ka.); tal.ai cord, rope (Tiruvil.ai. Ma_pa_ta. 6); fetters, shackles (Tiruva_ca. 3,143); tal.aiyam bond, fetters (Tiruppu. 303); tal.aiyal binding, tying; tal.ai-na_r foot-brace for a tree-climber (J.); tal.ai-y-it.u-tal to enchain, fetter (Ta_yu. Pa_yappuli. 55); tal.ai-va_r leather thong binding the feet of an animal; foot-brace for a tree climber (Ta.lex.) cf. dar.a_ rope (B.)(CDIAL 6511). Rope: tat.ku (tat.ki-) to bind, enchain (Ta.); tal.a fetters, foot-rope for climbing palm-trees (Ma.); tale id. (Tu.); tal.ekka to fetter, shackle; tal.eppu fettering (Ma.); tal.a fetters (Ma.); tol.c sp. plant from whose bark string is made (To.); tal. to be joined, intertwined, yoked; tal.l.i connexion, association, company; tal.e a tie, tether; dal.e to join by sewing together, seam (Ka.); tal.e, dal.e loop of rope, noose (Kod..); tal rope for climbing palm trees (Tu.); tal.l.i intercourse, association; sal. a sling, snare (Tu.); talugu, talagu tether or halter for cattle (Te.); tal(u)gu, tagulu, tolugu, taluvu, tanugu id. (Te.); ta_l(u)cu to twist, twine (Te.); tafing to tie up, bind, bewitch, build, construct (embankment); become congealed, gather (of clouds)(Br.)(DEDR 3133). tot.u-kayir-u rope used in ploughing (Ta.); tot.u-kayar-u id. (Ma.); tot.ai string (Ta.); tot.ai braiding, weaving (Kampara_. Mutar-po_. 109)(Ta.lex.) Rope, cord: d.ora a string round the waist with which every Santal child is provided immediately after birth (Santali.lex.) t(r)a_d.u rope (Te.lex.) ta_r, ta_ram cord, rope (Ta.); to.rm one string of bead necklace with several strands, one thread of skein hanging from woman's armlet (To.); da_ra string, thread (Ka.Tu.); da_ramu id., cord, twine (Te.)(DEDR 3167). davara (ka)- string (Skt.Pkt.); do_raka leather strap (Ka_tyS'r.com.); davariya_, do_ra, d.o_ra thread, string, mat fibre (Pkt.); dori string, rope, girdle (Gy.); d.ora cord (K.); string, thread (Or.); d.u_ru string (K.); d.oro kite string (S.); black woollen girdle (WPah.); thread, line, path (N.); string (Ku.); d.ori twine (S.); fillet in a woman's hair (WPah.); rope, tether (N.); string, thread (Or.); d.ori_ string (Ku.); thread, string (H.); string for drawing water (S.); string, lace (Mth.); rope (Bi.); d.or rope (Bi.); cotton rope (L.); string (P.Ku.A.); string, thread (B.H.); string, lace (Mth.); d.ora_ string (L.P.); thread (Bhoj.); thread, string (H.); rope (WPah.); strip of cloth (A.); threads (Aw.); d.ol string (A.); d.uri cord on a seam (A.); string, thread (B.); d.ori rope (Bhoj.); dor, daur strings for slinging irrigation-basket (H.); dori_, dauri_ rope to which a string of cattle are fastened (as bullocks when threshing)(H.); d.uriya_na_ to lead with a rope (H.); d.orya_unu to lead (N.); dor, doro, dori_ string, rope (G.); dor, dora_, dori_ (M.); dori_, d.ori_ (Konkan.i)(CDIAL 6225). Cloth: dho_tar thin country cloth (L.); dhautavastra (Skt.) cloth worn around the waist by men (Ta.lex.) cf. dhautaka made of bleached silk (Skt.); dhou thread (wool or cotton)? (WPah.); du_ti loin-cloth (K.)(CDIAL 6881, 6883). cf. cem-potti a kind of cloth (Cilap. 14,108, Urai); potti cloth, ci_lai (Ta.Te.Ka.); pottu-p-pa_y rough or coarse mat; potti-k-ko_rai a kind of sedge; potti-t-to_vatti garment of fibres, na_rmat.i; to_vatti (Ta.); do_vati (Te.)(Ta.lex.)

4308.Image: petioles of leaf: d.at.hi, d.at.i the petioles and mid-ribs of a compound leaf after the leaflets have been plucked off, stalks of certain plants, as Indian corn, after the grain has been taken off; munga ar.ak d.at.hi petioles and mid-ribs of the leaves of moringa pterygosperma, after the leaves have been plucked off for cooking (Santali.lex.) d.ant.ala, d.ant.ila, d.ant.ula the petiole or stalk of a stemless plant, in contrast to karmar.a, kamarkom the petiole of a stem or branch leaf (Mu.); cf. d.a_nt.hal pedicle, stalk (H.); d.anti (Sadani); d.ant.i the petiole and ribs of a tobacco leaf only (Mu.Sadani)(Mu.lex.)

4311.Image: crab: d.r. a leg of a crab; the two small hind legs of crabs are called hond.r. which name is also applied to the little finger and the little toe of men, just as d.ar.o claw of a crab is also used for the thumb and the big toe (Mu.lex.)

4312.Image: pincers: d.at.o the claws or pincers (chelae) of crabs etc.; d.at.om to seize with the claws or pincers, as crabs, scorpions etc.; kat.kom d.at.omkedinae the crab seized me with its pincers; da~t a pick, a mattock; datrom a toothed sickle (Santali.lex.) dit.om claws or pincers (chelae) of crabs, to grip by pressing together (Santali.lex.) Image: claws: d.r. a leg of a crab; the two small hind legs of crabs are called hond.r. which name is also applied to the little finger and the little toe of men, just as d.ar.o claw of a crab is also used for the thumb and the big toe (Mu.lex.) tan.d.asa, ta_n.d.asa pincers, tweezers, tongs (Ka.); tan.t.isa, tan.d.asa (Te.); tana_ssu portuguese tenaz (Ma.)(Ka.lex.) cf. sam.dam.s'a tongs, pincers (AV.)(CDIAL 12897). sa~r.si, san.d.asi, cimt.a pincers; d.it.om pincers of a crab (Santali.lex.) To bite; pincers: das.t.a bitten, stung (Mn.); a bite (Sus'r.); d.at.t.ha (Pali.Pkt.); dat.t.ha (Pkt.)(CDIAL 6243). dam.s' bite (Skt.); sam.dam.s'a tongs, pincers (AV.); sam.dam.s'aka (Skt.); sam.dam.s'ika_ small tongs (Skt.); sam.dam.sa right hand (Pkt.); s'ranz, sranz blacksmith's tongs, pincers (K.); san.ju (S.); san.d.a_sa pincers (Pali); sam.da_sa (Pkt.); sandus (Ash.); sunuc, cunuc (Kt.); sanac, saran.na_c (Wg.); sundec (Pr.); sanha~_ brazier's tongs; sanhi_ small tongs (L.); sannhi_, san.d.asi_ pincers (P.); sanasi (K.); sa~r.a_so, sana~so (N.); xa~ra_ (A.); sa~_r.a_si (B.); san.d.ua_sa pair of split bamboos keeping sloping rafters of a thatched roof in position; san.d.ua_si pincers (Or.); sa~r.si_ (Bi.Mth.Bhoj.); san.d.a_si_, san.d.si_, sa~r.si_, sa~si_ pincers (H.); sa~_d.as, sa~_d.so, sa_n.so large pincers; sa~_d.s'i_, sa_n.s'i_ small pincers (G.); sa~_d.as, sa~_d.s'i_ (M.); and.uva pincers; an.d.a crabs' claw (Si.); s'ni_s' pincers (Bshk.); hand.is' goldsmith's pincers (K.); san.d.is forceps (B.)(CDIAL 12897). cf. kat.i (-pp-, -tt-) to bite, bite off, bite and eat (Ta.); kat.t.na_ to cut with the teeth, gnaw holes (Kur.)(DEDR 1124). cf. kaccu, karcu to bite, sting (Ka.); qaswe to eat greedily, nip off with the teeth (Malt.)(DEDR 1097). dam.s'a stinging insect (ChUp.); d.am.sa biting insect (Pali.Pkt.); dam.sa id., bite of snake or insect (Pkt.)(CDIAL 6110). dam.s'ati bites (Ca_n..); d.am.sati bites (esp. of insects and snakes)(Pali); dam.sai, d.am.sai (Pkt.); d.a~_sn.o to bite, scold (Ku.)(CDIAL 6111). d.assana_ to bite, sting (P.); das'yate_ is bitten (MBh.)(CDIAL 6242). ?cf. dasi stake, pointed wooden peg (Ka.)(DEDR 3017).

4313.Image: harrow: tantam tusk as of elephant (Kantapu. Teyvaya_. 105)(Ta.); tanta-p-pu_n. ferrule or metal cap on the tip of an elephant's tusk (Cu_t.a_. 11,146); tanta-c-ci_ppu comb made of horn or ivory (Ta.lex.) dam.ta_la, dam.ta_li_ grass-cutting instrument (Pkt.) d.anda_ri_ rake (S.); d.a~da_l, d.a~da_li_ (L.); danya_lo harrow; danya_w (Ku.); da~ta_r tusked (N.); da~ta_l adj. tusked (A.); spade (A.); da~_ta_l toothed (B.); da~ta_l., da~ta_l.i_ harrow (G.); da~_ta_l. having projecting teeth; da~_ta_l., da~_ta_l.e~, da~ta_l. harrow, rake (M.)(CDIAL 6160). da~ta_wli_ rake, harrow (H.); danta_vala tusked (Skt.)(CDIAL 6162). danta_li row of teeth (Skt.); da~_ta_l.i_ the teeth (collectively)(M.)(CDIAL 6161). da~diau harrow < da~di hau < hala (WPah.); dani_r.o harrow (Ku.); da~_de toothed; harrow (N.); da~tiya_ having new teeth in place of the first; da~_tini_ woman with projecting teeth (A.); da_ntia_ toothed (Or.); da~_ti_ harrow (H.); da~_tiyo semicircular comb; da~tiyo harrow (G.)(CDIAL 6163). Images: harrow; teeth of comb: da~_de harrow, a kind of grass (N.)(CDIAL 6152). da~_to a kind of rake or harrow (G.); d.anda_ tooth (of rake etc.)(L.); da~_ta_ tooth (of comb etc.)(H.)(CDIAL 6153). d.andiru having large teeth, toothed (S.)(CDIAL 6165). dam.s.t.ra tusk, fang (RV.); dam.s.t.ra_ (Pa_n..); dam.s.t.rika_ tusk, beard (Skt.); da_d.ha_ tusk (Skt.); da_d.hika_ beard (Mn.); da_d.aka tooth (Skt.); dat.t.ha_ large tooth, fang, tusk (Pali); dam.t.ha_ fang (Pkt.); d.a_t.ha molar (S.); da_t.ha_ (P.); d.a_t.ho jaw (WPah.); dam.t.hi having big fangs (Pkt.); d.a_t.hiru tusked (S.); da_t.ha, da_t.ha_ large tooth, tusk (Pali); da_d.ha_ (Pkt.); thar, pl. thara back tooth; tar gums; tar jaw, gums (Gypsy); -do_ryak in: dhando_ryak tooth (Kal.); d.a_r.ha molar (S.); da_har. molar; d.a_r.h tusk, root of tooth, bite (of an animal); da~_r. long tooth (L.); da_r.h, da_hr. molar (P.); da_r. jaws; projecting tooth (Ku.); da_ro tusk, fang (N.); da_r row of teeth of fish or reptile; teeth of saw or sickle (A.); da_r., da_r.(h)a_, d.a_r. tooth, fang (B.); da_r.ha~_ tusk, fang, sting (Or.); da_r.h, d.a_r.h molar; da_r.ha_, d.a_r.ha_ large tooth, tusk (H.); da_d.h, d.a_d.h molar (G.); da_d.h fang, jaw (M.); dal.a tusk, fang (Si.); da_t.hin tusked (Pali); da_d.hi tusked; boar (Pkt.); da_re tusked, male (of stag)(N.); d.a_r.han.u to bite (S.); da_r.an.o to bite, injure (Ku.); ja_r.ha, ja_r.i_ jaw (S.); ja_r.h molar (P.); da_bha_d. jaw (M.)(CDIAL 6250). Image: snake: tanti < dantin snake as having fangs (Kantapu. Cayantan-kan-vu. 21)(Ta.lex.) Image: tusk, fang: da_d.e, davad.e (Tadbhava of dam.s.t.ra) a tusk, a fang; a jawbone (Ka.lex.) davad.e, d.avad.e, d.avud.e, david.i, davad.u, davud.u the jawbone, the mandible (Ka.); ta_d.i (Te.Ma.); tavat.ai, ta_t.ai, ta_l. (Ta.); da_d.ha a molar tooth; a jaw; ja_bha_d.a, da_bha_d.a a jaw (M.); da_d.ha_ a large tusk, tooth (Skt.)(Ka.lex.) da_d.i the beard (Ka.Te.); da_d.hi_ the beard (M.); ta_t.i (Ta.)(Ka.lex.) Image: tusk: da_d.o tusk; da_d.i jaw (Kon.lex.) Image: tooth, tusk: cf. te_r-r-a tusk of a boar (Ma.)(DEDR 3448). te_r-r-a tusk of a boar or young elephant (Ma.)(DEDR 3448). ter-r-u-p-pal supernumerary tooth; snagged tooth; ter-r-u mistake, wrong (Ta.Ma.); ter-r-uka to commit a fault (Periyapu. Tiruni_lakan.t.a. 3); id. (Ma.)(Ta.lex.)

4313a.Image: beard; chin: ta_t.i chin (Cilap. 27,181); da_d.i id. (Ka.); ta_t.i beard (Kalit. 15); hanging excrescence under a cock's neck (W.)(Ta.lex.) da_t.hika_ beard (Pali); da_d.hia_ (Pkt.); dari (Gypsy); dr.i_ (Ash.); dri_, dyi_ (Kt.); dr, da_ (Wg.); dri, da_i_ (Dm.); da_r.i_ (Tir.Pas'.); dhr.i_ (Par.); da_r.i (Shum.); dea_r. (Wot..); da_r.i_ (Gaw.) de_'r (Bshk.); dai_ (Tor.); di (Kand.); dha_i (Mai.); de_r.i_ (Phal.); pan.ar-dho_r. greybeard (Phal.); da~_i, dai, dri_ beard (Sh.); dai_ chin (Sh.); dru beard (K.); da_r.hi (K.); d.a_r.hi_ (S.); da_rhi_, d.a_rhi_ (L.); da_r.hi_, da_r.ha_ (P.); da_r.i (WPah.); da_r.i_ (Ku.); da_ri (N.); da~_ri, d.a_ri beard, whiskers (A.); da_r.(h)i beard, chin (B.Or.); da_r.h long beard (Mth.); da_r.hi_ beard (Mth.Bhoj.); da_r.hi_, d.a_r.hi_ beard; d.a_r.ha_ hanging root of banyan tree (H.); da_d.hi_ beard, chin; da_d.hu~ (contemptuous) unshaven chin; d.ha_d.hi_ beard (G.); da_d.hi_ (M.); dliya beard, moustache (rvul beard)(Si.)(CDIAL 6250). Cheek: cottai cheek (J.)(Ta.lex.) thu~tari chin (A.); thu~ti chin (Or.B.); thutari chin (A.); thuti, thutani chin (B.); thotri_, thodri_ side of cheek (M.); tho~ta_ chin (B.); t.hun.d.i chin (Or.); t.hu~d.i_ chin (H.); t.hod.i_ chin (S.P.); t.hor.i_, t.hor.hi_ (H.); t.hun.t.hi chin (Or.)(CDIAL 5853). cf. s'ro_tra ear (RV.)(CDIAL 12730). Image: snout of animal; chin; beard: t.od.i chin (Ga.); t.ud.d.i, t.od., t.od.d.u id.; tot.or id. (Go.); t.od.i id. (Kond.a); t.od.o beard (Pe.); t.od.i, t.o_r.i chin (Kuwi)(DEDR App. 40). t.ut.li fleshy protuberance under chin (A.); thu~tari chin (A.); thu~ti, thu~tani (B.); thu~ti chin, snout (Or.); thutari chin (A.); thuti, thutani chin, mouth of animal (B.); thuthi, thuti snout, chin, beard (Or.); thu_thun mouth of animal (Mth.); thor.i lower lip, chin, beard (Or.); thothi_ mouth (Mth.); toth snout; thoti_ forepart of animal's face (H.); thotri_, thodri_ side of cheek (M.); tho~ta_ chin (B.); t.hun.d.i lip, chin (Or.); t.hu~d.i_ chin (G.); t.hud.d.i_, t.hud.d.hi_ chin (H.); t.hod.i_ (S.); t.ho~r.i_ chin (H.); t.hod.i_ chin (P.); t.hor.i_, t.hor.hi_ (H.); t.hun.t.hi lip, chin, beak (Or.); d.ond.u front of face (K.); dut lip (Dm.Bshk.); du_t (Tor.Sh.); dut mouth (Phal.)(CDIAL 5853). ta_t.ai cheeks, chaps (Ira_mana_. Uyu. 58); da_d.e id. (Ka.); ta_t.ai jaw-bone; chin (Ta.lex.)

4314.Image: male elephant: tanti male elephant (Kampara_. Cittiraku_t.a. 43); tanti-y-uriyo_n- S'iva as wearing elephant's skin (Cu_t.a_.); tanti-k-kat.avul. Gan.e_s'a as elephant-faced (Pin..); tantitti_ morbid appetite, as elephantine (Man.i. 17,44) (Ta.lex.) danti having teeth, tusks or fangs (Ka.); an elephant (Skt.Ka.); danti-kapo_la the tem-les of an elephant; danti-mukha Gan.apati; danti-vr.nda a troop or herd of elephants, ghat.i (Skt.Ka.)(Ka.lex.) tanta_val.am < danta_vala elephant (Pa_rata. Na_n-ka_m. 9); tanti < dantin male elephant (Kampara_. Cittiraku_t.a. 43)(Ta.lex.) dantin tusked (MaitrS.); elephant (MBh.); dam.ti elephant (Pkt.)(CDIAL 6163). dantin, danta_vala an elephant (Skt.lex.)

4315.Image: trunk of an elephant: dan.d.am the trunk of an elephant (Skt.lex.)

4316.Image: tusk: da~t a tooth; d.at.a a tooth, the teeth; togoc d.at.a to gnash the teeth; datani, dataoni a twig used as a tooth brugh; to clean the teeth; da~tela a large wild boar with huge tusks (Santali.lex.) danta the tusks of elephants and wild boars (Mu.); tooth (H.Sadani); dantu adj. with protruding front teeth (Mu.H.Sadani); datula id. (Mu.)(Mu.lex.) dam.t, da_m.t tooth, elephant-tooth (M.); da_m.t (G.H.); d.am.du (S.); d.am.d dam.d (P.); dand (K.Romany); data (Si.); danta (Pkt.Skt.)(Bloch, p. 348). danta, janta a tooth; a tusk; a fang; an elephant's tusk, ivory; a thorn; dantado_le an o_le (strip) of ivory (Ka.lex.) Image: tusk; tooth: dandem my tooth (Shum.); do_nda_ tooth (Gypsy); do_nt (Ash.); do~_t (Wg.); dodi (Kand.); do_n (Pas'.); don (Kho.); don, pl. do_nye (Sh.); don (D..); du~_t (Wg.); dut (Kt.); dand tooth (Gypsy); danta tooth (RV.); dant (RV.); danta tooth, tusk (Pali); dam.ta tooth, part of a mountain (Pkt.); letum, ltem, tem my tooth (Pr.); dan (Dm.); dando (Tir.); dan(d) (Pas'.); dan. (Nin:g.); dan (Wot..); dant (Gaw.); dan (Kal.); dhando_ryak (lit. front and back teeth)(Kal.); dande (Bshk.); dan (Tor.); da_n (Mai.); da_nd (Sv.); da_n, pl. da_nda (Phal.); dan (Sh.); dand, dant (K.); d.andu (S.); dand, d.and, d.a~d, dant tooth (L.); dand tooth (P.); dant, dand, dann (WPah.); da~_t (Ku.N.A.B.); da_nta (Or.); da~_t (Mth.Bhoj.Aw.); id.(H.Marw.G.M.); da_ntu (Konkan.i); data (Si.); danderi, danduri horse's bit (Dm.); dandar.i (Phal.)(CDIAL 6152). dantya dental, on the teeth (Pa_n..); de_ndi_ horse's bit (Bshk.); da~_ti_ lockjaw (Mth.)(CDIAL 6164). danta, dante ivory (Skt.Ka.)(Ka.lex.) dondu tusked (K.); dantaka having teeth; in cmpd. tooth (TS.); da_nta_ having teeth (Or.); dantaka ivory pin (Pali); d.ando tooth of an instrument (S.); d.anda_ tooth (of rake etc.)(L.); dandi_ milk-tooth (L.); da~_ta_ large tooth (H.); da_nti_ toothlike projection (Or.); da~_ti_ tooth, cog (H.); da~_to cog; da~_ti_ wedge between the teeth of a comb (G.); da~_ta_ tooth (of rake etc.), cog (M.); dtta, dti tooth (of a saw)(Si.)(CDIAL 6153). dantaki_la tooth-like joinery (Skt.); d.anderi_, d.andi_ri_ toothpick (S.)(CDIAL 6154). dantakru_ram adv. fiercely with the teeth (MBh.); datku_ru-kanava_ to gnash the teeth (Si.)(CDIAL 6155). dantadha_vana cleaning the teeth (Kaus'.); tooth twig (R.); dam.tadha_van.a cleaning the teeth (Pkt.); da_ntua_n.i (Or.)(CDIAL 6156). dantapavana small piece of wood to clean the teeth with (Car.); dantapo_n.a tooth stick (Pali); dam.tavan.a (Pkt.); d.andan.u (S.); d.a~dvan. (L.); da~_tan (B.); datuan (Bi.); da~_twan, da_twan, dataun, da~_tan, da_tun (H.); do~_tun (K.); da_tan. (P.); datu_n. (Ku.); datiun (N.); da_tan., da_tarr.u~_ (G.); da~_tvan. (M.)(CDIAL 6157). dantama_m.sa the gums (Sus'r.); do~_tmo~_s, du~_tmo~_s the gums (Wg.); donmos (Kal.)(CDIAL 6158). d.a~dvan. tetanus [convulsive clenching of teeth](L.)(CDIAL 6159). Image: tusk: tantam < danta tooth (Ta.lex.) dantura having projecting teeth (Pa_n..); danturaka (VarBr.S.); dam.tura, dam.turiya having projecting teeth (Pkt.); dandur a sort of harrow (Sh.); da_ntura_ having prominent teeth (Or.); da~_tra_ (M.)(CDIAL 6167). dantu_la having teeth (Pa_n..gan.a.); dandla_ large-toothed (L.); da~tulo having prominent teeth (N.); da~tula_ (H.)(CDIAL 6168).

4317.Image: tooth: danta the tusks of elephants and wild boars (Mu.); tooth (H.Sadani); dantu adj. with protruding front teeth (Mu.H.Sadani); datula id. (Mu.)(Mu.lex.) d.at.a a tooth, the teeth (Santali.lex.)

4318.Image: dewlap: ta_t.i dewlap (Tiruva_lava_. 36,24); cf. da_d.hika_ (Ta.lex.) cf. ta_t.i chin (Cilap. 27,181); da_d.i id. (Ka.); ta_t.ai cheeks, chaps (Ira_mana_. Uyu. 58); jaw-bone (Ta.lex.) cf. je_n:g shin-bone (Bshk.)(CDIAL 5084).

4319.Image: fish: tat.i dried fish (Akana_. 60, Urai)(Ta.lex.) d.andyo a species of fish (S.)(CDIAL 6163).

4320.Rice-field: tat.i rice-field (Iraku. Na_t.. 21); plot of a field; tat.avu portion (Pin..)(Ta.lex.) tat.a a field (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) cf. tan.t.ulam < tan.d.ula rice (Kampara_. Kat.iman.a. 85)(Ta.lex.) Houses and lands: kut.iyun-tat.iyum houses and lands (Tiv. Iyar-. Tiruvirut. 6, Sva_. Vya_. Pak. 56)(Ta.lex.) cf. tat.ital to hew down, cut down, cut off (Pu. Ve. 5,8)(Ta.lex.) tat.am open site (Ta.lex.) Pond: tat.t.am tank, pond (Tiruman. 2904)(Ta.lex.) Ridge of earth: d.a~_r.a_ ridge of earth in a field, water-channel (B.); boundary-line, ridge of earth (H.); d.a~_d.a_ id. (H.); d.a~_r. field boundary (Bi.); da~_d. ridge (M.); da~_d.a_ ridge (M.); d.a~ra_r boundary line of a field (Mth.= dan.d.a + a_li/a_d.i row); danda_li boundary ridge (Skt.)(CDIAL 6137)(CDIAL 6128). Island; bank, shore, land: tat.am bank, shore (Cu_t.a_); mountain slope (Tirukko_. 70, Urai.)(Ka.lex.) tar.a_ island (H.); tat.a bank, side of hill (Pali); slope, shore (MBh.); tat.i_ bank (Pali); tad.a, tad.i_ shore (Pkt.)(CDIAL 5629). d.ad.d.ha_d.i_ line of forest-fire (< dagdha_d.i Pkt.)(CDIAL 1102). Image: peak of a mountain: buru d.an.d.om end of a hill; buru d.an.d.omrepe or.ak akata you have built your house at the end of the hill (Santali.lex.) tantam peak of a mountain (Ta.lex.) danta the side or ridge of a mountain; a class of mountains; the peak of a mountain (Ka.lex.) dam.ta part of a mountain (Pkt.)(CDIAL 6152). da~d cliff, precipice (L.)(CDIAL 6152). dantaka projection on a rock (Skt.); dandi_ cliff (L.); da~_ti edge of a hole used in a game (N.); da~_ti edge (A.); dandri_ edge (L.); da~_tri edge of platform (A.); d.andi selvage of a web (S.); dand precipice (L.)(CDIAL 6153). Image: mountain: tat.am mountain, hill; mountain slope (Tirukko_. 70, Urai.); elevated place, prominence (Tirukko_. 4); place (Pirapulin.. Ma_yaiko_. 35); taram hill, mountain (As.t.ap. Ar..akar. 24); dhara (Skt.); tara_taram mountain (Iraku. Kulamu. 1); tara_y mound, elevated place (Malaipat.u. 460); tat.al-pucai high land unsuitable for cultivation (R.T.); tat.avu-va_y mountain pool (Pur-ana_. 105)(Ta.lex.)

4321.Proximity; image: compound or double consonant: dad.d.akara a compound or double consonant (Ka.); jad.d.akkara one consonant written below another (Ka.); dan.d.a nearness, proximity, side (Te.); jad.d.a a compound consonant (Te.)(DEDR 2313).

4322.Careya arborea: dadda_la careya arborea (Ka.); dad.d.alu id.; dad.d.a_lu a kind of tree (Tu.)(DEDR 3043).

4323.Rice: tan.d.ula grain, esp. rice, after threshing and winnowing (AV.); husked rice (Pali.Or.); tam.d.ula (NiDoc.Pkt.); tam.dula (Pkt.); tanulo, taul (Wg.); talun (Dm.); thar.un (Tir.); to~_ (Nin:g.); tan.ul, tanul (Wot..); to_n.d.ul rice in the fields (Gaw.); talun (Bshk.); ta~_r.ul (Shum.); tuno_l (Tor.); t.alan (Mai.); taru_n boiled rice (Sh..); ta~_r.ula husked rice (MB.); tan.d.ula (Or.); ta~_dul. rice; pl. ta~_dl.a_ grains of rice, grains of certain kinds of corn (G.); ta_m.dula (OM.); ta~_d.ul. rice (M.); tomul husked rice (K.); ta_ula (OB.); sand.ela (Si.); can.t.ikka_r a kind of rice (Ta.)[cf. a kind of ka_r paddy; ka_r paddy harvested in the rainy season (Ta.lex.)](CDIAL 5637). tan.t.ulam rice (Kampara_. Kat.iman.a. 85)(Ta.lex.) can.t.u chaff, broken chips of split straw (Ta.); straw (Ma.); can.t.i sediment, husks, dry leaves (Ma.); carat.a, cat.t.a extraneous matter separated by straining, sifting, or filtering (?Ka.)(DEDR 2317).

4324.Image: tail; waving the tail: tan.t.ai tail (ve_n:kaivarittan.t.ai : Tiruva_lava_. 46,19); tan.t.ava_l waving the tail (W.); tan.t.a-ma_n-am waving the tail; tan.t.ai-ma_n-am raising, coiling, and waving of the tail, as of beasts when mettlesome or angry (Ta.lex.)

4325.Image: way, road: dam.d.aya road (Pkt.); d.a~_r.a, da_n.d.a main road of a village (Or.); da~_d. path (M.); da_n.d.i bypath (Or.); dan.d.a_ path (Or.); d.a~_d.a_ (H.); d.a~_r.a_ path (H.)(CDIAL 6128). tat.am road, way, path, route, gate, footstep (Ta.); dad.d.a road (Ir.); dar.v path, way (Ko.)(DEDR 3024). ta_ri way, road, path, right mode (Ta.); ta_rai way, path (< Te.)(Ta.); a.da.ry road, path ((Ko.); da_ri way, road, path (Ka.Tu.Te.); manner, mode (Te.); atar way, path, public road, rule (?Ta.)(DEDR 3170). vi_rar po_ka-t-ta_rai per-r-ilar (Uttarara_. varaiye.17)(Ta.lex.) a_li road (A.); a_l. lane (M.); a_l.i_ id. (M.)(CDIAL 1102). Images: footstep: tat.am foostep, track (Ka_cippu. Pan-n-iru. 374)(Ta.lex.) Image: way, road: dan.d.a-ma_tha a principal road, highway (Skt.lex.) a_li road (A.); a_l. lane (M.); a_l.i_ id. (M.)(CDIAL 1102). ta_ri way, road, path, right mode; ta_rai way, path (Ta.); a.da.ry road, path (Ko.); da_ri way, road, path (Ka.Tu.Te.); manner, mode (Te.); atar way, path, public road, rule (Ta.)(DEDR 3170). vi_rar po_ka-t-ta_rai per-r-ilar (Uttarara_. Varaiye. 17)(Ta.lex.)

4326.Attendant: tan.d.u one of S'iva's door-keepers or attendants, and an original teacher of the arts of dancing and mimicry (Ka.Skt.); ta_n.t.u, da_n.t.u to jump, to dance, to leap; to skip over; to cross (Ka.); ta_n.t.u (Ta.Ma.); ta_n.t.ava dancing withh violent gesticulation, as that of S'iva and his votaries (Ka.Skt.)(Ka.lex.) tattu (tatti-) to jump over, measure as in pacing; n. anxiety, peril, misfortune, mistake, error (Ta.); tattuka to trip, hop (as a frog), skip along, walk lightly; caus. tattikka (Ma.); tat inauspicious time; tatpotn with a sudden starting up from sleep (Ko.); tattu tripping, stumbling, peril, misfortune (Ka.)(DEDR 3062). Image: to jump across; leap, cross over: ta_ra carrying across (VS.); ta_r crossing a river (K.); tara crossing over, road (Si.)(CDIAL 5793). da_t.u, da_n.t.u passing over; stepping over, stepping; a jump across; da_t.uga_lu a foot that steps far (Ka.); da_t.isu to make cross, to cause to pass over, to transport over, etc. (Ka.); da_t.i, dha_t.i quickness, expediency in writing; haste (Ka.); ta_t.t.i (Ta.); dha_t.i (Te.); da_d.a_yana one who goes behind and praises (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) Image: to leap: tattu to leap, jump, skip, hop (Kampara_. Nirumpalai. 121); tattuka id. (Ma.); tattu to go by leaps and jumps; to move by jerks and starts (Ta.); tattuka id. (Ma.); tattu to jump over (Kalit. 103,34); tattuka id. (Ma.)(Ta.lex.) tattu springing forward, hopping, moving by jerks (Ta.); tattu id. (Ka.); tattu-k-kal stone obstructing waterfall and making it leap anew (W.); tattu-k-kil.i grasshopper, locust (W.); game of leap-frog; tattur-u to spring or leap forward as a waterfall (Tirumuru. 305)(Ta.lex.) ta_n.t.u to leap across, jump, jump over, cross, dance, skip; n. a leap, jump (Ta.Ka.); ta_n.t.avam leaping, jumping (Ta.); ta_n.t.uka to jump across (Ma.); da.t. to cross (Ko.Kol.Kod..); to.t. to cross (To.); da_n.t.uni to cross (Tu.); da~_t.u to leap, jump, cross over, pass over; n. a leap, jump, crossing or passing over (Te.); d.a_t. to hop, jump, hop in dance, jump over (Kond.a); ta_n.d.ava S'iva's dance (Skt.)(DEDR 3158). Image: dance: a_t.al dancing (Ta.Ma.); a_t.a dance (Ka.Go.); amusement (Tu.); a.d.i a dance (Kod..); a_d.u to dance (Te.); a_rcu to shake, move (Te.); a.t. dance (Ko.); a.r.- (a.c-) to dance (Ko.); a_t.u to dance (Ta.)(DEDR 347). ta_vu to jump, leap, skip over, leap over, cross, spring upon, attack (Ta.); ta_ attacking, rushing, jumping (Ta.); ta_vuka to rush in upon, spread (Ma.); ta_gu to jump, skip, leap over (Ka.)(DEDR 3177). ta_kku attack, asssault, dash, blow, clash (Ta.); ta_n:ku to hit against, strike (Ta.); ta_kkuka to hit, touch, beat (Ma.); ta_ku, ta_gu, ta_n:gu to hit, strike or dash against, collide with, attack; ta_pu to hit, strike, attack (Ka.); ta~_ku to hit, attack, touch, encounter, oppose in battle; n. combat, attack (Te.); ta~_cu to kick; ta~_pu a kick (Te.)(DEDR 3150). Image: dance: tat.u-kut.t.am a kind of dance, kun.a_lai-k-ku_ttu (Tiv. Tiruva_y. 3,5,3)(Ta.lex.)

4327.Image: to kick: tand. to kick (Kol.Nk.); tand to kick (Go.); dand to kick, beat (Kond.a); tand.eng to kick (Kol.); tan(d) to beat, play on drum (Go.); tana_na to beat (Go.); tannu to kick; n. a kick (Te.)(DEDR 3053).

4328.Wreath, garland: tan.t.ai a kind of small wreath (Ta.); dan.d.e, dan.d.i garland, wreath (Ta.); dan.d.a, don.d.a (inscr.)(Te.)(DEDR 3060). dan.d.ika_ a string of pearls, a necklace (Skt.lex.) Image: to join, attach: tan.t.u-tal to join, attach (Te_va_. 387,10)(Ta.lex.)