7898.Image: sun: bolpu, bolco light, morning (Tu.lex.) por..utu time (Kur-al., 481); sun (Ci_vaka. 1747); proddu time (Te.); por..tu (OKa.); por..udu (Ma.)(Ta.lex.) por..tad.e, pottar-, pottar-e, por..tar-, por..tar-e, hottar-e, hotta_r-e, hotthar-u the time of sunrise, day-break, dawn (Ka.lex.) po_r..tu time (Na_lat.i, 202); auspicious time (Kalit. 93)(Ta.lex.)
7899.Image: bald man: bo_r..a a man with a bald or shaven head; bald, shaven (Ta.); bo_r..ade_varu a bald or crownless deity or idol; bo_r..u, bo_d.u a bald, close-shaved state; a bare, roofless, treeless state (Ka.lex.)
7900.Image: to gush; inundation: poloc marte with a gush or spurt; poloc to issue, to gush as semi-liquid from a small aperture; poloc poloc od.okok kana it is guushing out; poloc marte od .ok gotena it came out with a gush (Santali.lex.) bol.l.o flood, inundation (Tu.lex.) bol.ak the sound produced when saliva is ejected out of the mouth; the sound produced when a full earthen-pot falls and breaks (Ka.lex.) poluku-tal to drip, flow as water (Can.. Aka.); por..i-tal to flow, overflow (Man.i. 14,49)(Ta.lex.)
7901.Land: por..i a small strip of land between sea and lagoon (Na_.); poli-vi_t.u village given as endowment for temple expenses (Ko_yilo. 125)(Ta.lex.)
7902.Image: joint: por..i joint, kan.u (por-kut.am poruntiya por..iyamai man.ittu_n. : Perun.. Ucaik. 48,87)(Ta.lex.)
7903.Ancient: bolma~t. ancient times, primeval (Santali.lex.)
7904.To abound; gain, profit: polusu luck, good fortune, money in reserve (Tu.lex.) poli interest in kind; increase, abundance; poli leppu to shout 'poli, poli heccila' while gathering corn in a barn; poli leppnni invoking the blessings of the goddess of wealth on auspicious occasion like deepavali (this is usually observed on the first day of the seventh solar month)(Tu.lex.) bol.iya name of a male person; bol.aye, bol.iye white man, an epithet use by Parias in addressing higher caste people (Tu.lex.) pholon increase; mi~hu~ meromkoren pholon increase of cattle (Santali.lex.) bolman strong, well developed, well grown, strong and vigorous, strong and healthy, fertile as soil; bolman hasa fertile soil; bolman gidra a strong healthy child; khub bolman dare kana it is a strong vigorous tree (Santali.lex.) polikai gain, profit (S.I.I. iii,55,8); poli-tal to flourish, thrive (Te_va_. 236,8); to abound, increase (Maturaik. 171); to be high, great or celebrated (Pur-ana_. 1); to live long and prosperously, used as a benediction (var..i var..i cir-antu polimin : Tol. Po. 422)(Ta.lex.) bolgaria, bolgor, bolgoria strong, well grown, well developed, strong and healthy, fertile as soil (Santali. lex.) cf. policai gain, profit (Ci_vaka. 2546); polisa (Ma.); policai interest, especially in kind (S.I.I. ii,82)(Ta.lex.) poli-ku_r-u-tal to shout poli-y-o_-poli in joy and as a blessing to a landlord when the year's harvest is over (W.); poli-pa_t.u-tal singing by farmers in the threshing-floor when cattle are being led to tread the sheaves (Cilap. 10,137, Urai.); singing of poli-p-pa_t.t.u (song sung by farmers in the threshing-floor in praise of the landlord at the end of a harvest); poli-vi_cu-tal to winnow the heap of grain on a threshing floor; polikkantu chaff containing some grain, left on the threshing-floor after winnowing; poli-kkat.t.ai stock to which the leading ox in threshing is tied (Ta.lex.)
7905.Image: joining: pollam stitching (Tiva_.); joining as in tailoring or in carpentry (Pin..); piece, division, strip, used in patch work; pollar tailors as sewers; leather-workers, shoe-makers (W.) (Ta.lex.)
7906.Image: stick used as a prop: pol prop, stick used as a prop (Ta.); pol id. (Ka.); pollu id. (Ta.lex..) cf. Eng. pole.
7907.Image: to cover as bull: poli-tal to cover as bull or ram; to copulate; poli-ka_l.ai (Ta.); porlu (Te.); policcal covering esp. among animals; policcar--ka_l.ai bull kept for covering; polippa_t.u ram or he-goat kept for covering (Vir-alivit.u. 785); polippu-kkat.a_ id. (Vir-alivit.u. 632); polippu act of covering esp. by a bull (Ta.lex.) Image: ox: bol.l.i a white animal, usually a cow or an ox (Tu.lex.) cf. poli-y-erutu bull kept for covering (Ar-ap. Cata. 42)(Ta.lex.)
7908.Image: menstrual flux: pole the menstrual flux, the lochia; impurity from childbirth (Ka.); hole (Ka.); pule (Ma.); poli to shine; pulari the dawn; pola beauty; gold; pur-ku, pullai a brown, yellowish colour (Ta.); pularu to dawn, light to appear; pular, pularce dawn, day-break (Ma.); ole, polacu, polucu to appear, come to light; poli bloom, freshness (Te.)(Ka.lex.)
7909.Image: kite: ve_kappul. sacred kite (Perun.. Ucaik. 44,44)(Ta.lex.) bha_sa a vulture (Skt.Ka.lex.) ve_gin a hawk (Skt.lex.)
7910.Image: tail: ve_cakam < pe_caka tip of an elephant's tail (Pin..); tail (Cu_t.a_.); horse's mane (Na_mati_pa. 211)(Ta.lex.) pe_caka the tip of an elephant's tail (Ka.Skt.lex.)
7911.Beauty: porlu beauty, comeliness (Tu.lex.) por-pu beauty, gracefulness, elegance (Kampara_. Cu_r-ppa. 68); decoration, embellishment (Pin..); por--pitir beauty spots on a woman's person (Ku_rmapu. Anuk. 6); por-pi-ttal to beautify, adorn (Piramo_. 9,19)(Ta.lex.)
7912.Image: look: pol.e, pol.ei to look (Kon.lex.)
7913.Image: dot, spot: pul.l.i mark, dot, speck, point, jot (Ain:kur-u. 21)(Ta.); dot placed over a letter (Tol. Er..ut. 15,16); mark on a piece of dice (Kalla_. 92,11); consonant (Nan-. 189); dot, spot, point (Ma.); pul.y dot (Ko.); bolli spotted white (Te.); kar-bule, kar-bol.l.e a fowl having white plumage with black spots (Tu.)(DEDR 4327). pul.l.i-po_t.utal to make a mark; to make a note; pul.l.i-y-it.utal to punctuate (Ta.lex.) cf. pol.l.u bubble (Ma.)(DEDR 4563). cf. po_r-ai hole (Ta.); po_l hollow objecte (Ta.); bo_lu hollow (Te.)(DEDR 4604). cf. pol. honeycomb (M.); polla hollow (Pkt.); po_t.a bubble (Pali)(CDIAL 8398). cf. pr.s.a speckled; spotted (AV.)(CDIAL 8363). cf. pir..ukkai dung of sheep (Ta.)(DEDR 4185). pori line made on the soil of the field by the tip of the ploughshare; a division of field made to facilitate ploughing (Tu.); por-i to impress, stamp, inscribe; be impressed or imprinted; n. mark, impression, sign, token, knowledge (Ta.); sign, knowledge (Ma.)(DEDR 4564). Image: to chisel, perforate: pol.i-tal to chisel, pick (Maturaik. 482); to be perforated, punctured (I_t.u, 4,1,1)(Ta.lex.) po_r-ai hole; hollow in a tree (Ta.); borre id. (Te.); por id. (Ka.)(Ta.lex.) po_r-ai cavern (Ta.); po_r hollow of a tree (Ta.); bo.r vagina (Ko.); pi.r hollow of tree (where bees nest); o.r- (obl. o.t--) hole, wound (To.); po_r hole (Ka.); bor-iya, bor-r-e hole, burrow, hollow, pit; bor-r-a hole, hollow, cavity in a tree (Te.); borra hole in tree (Ga.); bor-o hole of a crab etc. (Kond.a); borra hole in tree (Kuwi); po_l hollow object; hollowness in a tree (Ta.); bo_lu hollow (Te.)(DEDR 4604). pol.l.u (pol.l.i-) to bore, make a hole, hew, chisel; be rent or torn; pol.l.al boring a bole, chiselling; hole, rent, fissure (Te_va_. 262,5); hollow in a tree; pol. hole; pol.l.ai hole (Tiv. Periyati. 5,1,2); pol.i (-v-, -nt-) to chisel, pick (Maturaik. 482); to split (as a stone)(Vina_yakapu. 22,43); to dig, to beat so as to break (Maturaik. 730, Urai.); to make holes, open (as a blister); to be perforated, punctured (I_t.u. 4,1,1); to become dented; (-pp-, -tt-) to bore, perforate, puncture (Man.i. 4,52); to tear into strips (as fibre) (Tol. Po. 231, Urai.); n. holes made with a chisel, depression made by digging; pol.ivu chiselling, hewing, picking (as a millstone)(Ta.lex.) pol.i split, chip, what is torn (as a palm-leaf); pol.iyuka covering or roof to break, skin to be peeled off; pol.ikka to break open, unroof, undo; pol.l.a tube, pipe, perforated, empty, bamboo; pul.appu piece, split; pul.aruka to split (Ma.); pol.l.u hole in a tree, hollow in the soil (Ka.); pol.i- (pol.iv-, pol.ij-) to break (of a stick-like thing, tree; (pol.ip-, pol.ic-) id. (Kod..); poliyuni to be broken; polipuni to break; pori, pol.i id. (Tu.); pod.ucu to pierce, prick, stab, thrust, gore, bore, perforate; pod.upu piercing, thrusting; po_t.u a thrust, stab, pain, ache (Te.); polka hole in tree (Pe.); blongu inba to be pitted, holey (Kui); polnga hole in tree; porongo hollow; polon:ga~ hollow in a tree (Kuwi); po_lo_ hollow, empty (Br.)(DEDR 4560). cf. pollu empty glume or husk of grain (Ta.)(DEDR 4562). cf. pollam stitching, joining (as in tailoring or in carpentry)(Ta.); polige, polge sewing, needlework (Ka.); polluv, poll, pollig sewing, needlework (Tu.)(DEDR 4554). pollam-pottu-tal to sew together as two pieces of cloth (Poruna. 8)(Ta.lex.)
7914.Image: hollow horn: pur..ar--ko_t.u hollow horn (Kur-icip. 253)(Ta.lex.) Image: groove: por..i a groove (as in door frames)(Ma.)(DEDR 4557). pol.i-va_y groove; hollow cut by a tool; mortise; pol.ivu picking as a millstone, chiselling, hewing (W.)(Ta.lex.)
7915.Image: bundle of grass; deer: pu_li_ bundle of sheaves of corn given at harvest time to village officers (H.); pu_la bunch, bundle (Skt.); straw (Skt.); sheaf (Pkt.); pul straw (K.); pu_la_ sheaf (P.); small bundle of grass or straw (H.); pulo sheaf (Ku.); bundle of grass (N.); pola_ large bundle (of reeds, etc.)(A.); pula_ sheaf (B.); bundle of grass (M.); pul.a_ handful (Or.); pu_la_, pulla_ bundle of straw (Bi.); pu_ri_ third smallest sheaf (Bi.); pu_l.o bundle of grass (G.); pu_l.i_ small bundle of grass (G.)(CDIAL 8349). pul grass (Ta.); grass, hay, straw (Ma.); grass, thatching grass (Ko.); thatching grass (To.); grass, straw (Ka.); pillu grass; pul-va_y deer (Ta.); pulle deer (Ka.); pilli grass (Kod..); pullu a rush, a kind of grass (Tu.); grass (Te.); pulu, pillu grass (Te.); pilp thatch (Go.); pulla hay (Go.); pilka grass, bunch of grass (Kuwi)(DEDR 4300). pu_lya shrivelled grain (AV.); pula_ka shrivelled or bad grain (Mn.); pulaka a shrivelled grain (Pali); pula_ga, pula_ya poor tasteless food consisting of chick-peas and dry grain (Pkt.); puli rotten, addled (Kho.); pulik to become addled or rotten or crumbly or worn out (Kho.)(CDIAL 8350). pol.l.u empty glume or husk of grain (Ta.); empty, hollow (Ma.); hollowness, trash (Ka.); devoid of pulp or kernel (as a fruit), empty (Tu.); pol.l.u ka_yi abortive fruit or grain; pol.l.u a lie; pol.l.an liar; pol.i falsehood, lie (Ma.); wil. husk (To.); hol.l.u hollowness, emptiness, unsubstanialness, trash; pol.l.uma_tu an empty, vain word (Ka.); pol.l.enelli paddy ear with no grain inside; pol.l.i empty (of a seed-pod), light in weight (of bad money)(Kod..); pollu, pol.l.a devoid of pulp or kernel (as a fruit), empty, timid, spiritless (Tu.); pollu, polla empty ears of corn, chaff, trash, useless thing or word; useless, fruitless, good-for-nothing; bollu to lie, tell lies; n. lie; adj. false; bolli a lie; false (Te.); polle_ husk (Nk.); pol chaff (Pa.); pollu husk (Ga.); polka hollow, hollowness, unsubstantiality (Pa.); polle chaff (Go.); par.k husks; bol- to lie, speak falsehood (Go.); polu, por.u chaff (Kond.a); pol chaff, empty grain, husk (Pe.); polgu (pl. polka) husk, chaff, bran (Kui); poru_ husk, chaff; por.u chaff; po_r.u husks, chaff (Kuwi)(DEDR 4562). cf. pot.t.u chaff, husk of grain, dust (Ta.)(DEDR 4491). phol hollow grain (M.); pholur. chaff (Panj.); pholvu~ to husk (G.)(DBIA 280). poru cavity; poro hollow (S.); por hollow bamboo (P.); pola_ hollow, porous, loose (of soil)(L.); polla, pollad.a, pulla hollow (Pkt.); polla_ hollow; pol, pula_i_ hollowness (P.); pola hollow (Or.); pola_ empty (Or.); poli cavity (G.); polu~, polru~ hollow; pola_n. hollowness (G.); pol empty tube or grain; pola_ hollow (M.); po_l, pye_l light (in weight)(Wot..); po_l, po_li_ small (Gaw.); polu weak; poluru plump but unsubstantial (K.); polo hollow, weak (Ku.); polo hollow, weak (Ku.); pol, pwa_l hole (N.); pola-kat.a_ burglar (A.); polo basket open at both ends for catching fish (B.); pol hollowness; pola_ hollow, empty, flabby (H.); phora_ hollow (B.Or.); pholur. chaff (P.); pholvu~ to husk (G.); phol hollow grain (G.)(CDIAL 8398). phalgu small, pithless (VS.); phalgva weak (of voice)(RV.); phaggu worthless, sapless; pariphaggu worthless (Pkt.); phaugi lean (Kal.); pheggu, phaggu worthless soft wood (Pali); phegguka having worthless wood, weak, inferior (Pali)(CDIAL 9064). bhaggu_ fat stupid person, scarecrow, bugbear (P.)(CDIAL 9120).
7916.Image: honeycomb: pol., pol.e~ honeycomb (M.); polo beehive (Ku.); polo, pwa_lo beehive (N.)(CDIAL 8398).
7917.Image: gate: pur..ai last sluice of a tank (Ci_vaka. 1614); small gate (Ta.)(Ta.lex.) cf. pur..a river (Ma.); por..e (Ka.)(DEDR 4318). Lagoon: por..i outlet of a river into the sea (Ma.)(DEDR 4556). por..i strip of land between sea and lagoon (Ta.)(DEDR 4557). cf. pulina sandbank, sandy beach, islet (Skt.)(CDIAL 8296). cf. por..al town, city (Ka.); pro_lu, pr..o_l(u) city (Te.)(DEDR 4565). cf. por..il earth (Pu. Ve. 6,6); world (Tiv. Tiruva_y. 1,4,5); country, district; division of a country (Perumpa_n.. 465)(Ta.lex.) pu_r..il earth (Ta.); pur..il sandbank (Ka.)(DEDR 4558).
7918.To clean, wash: polampuni to clean, wash, rinse (Tu.); pulumu to rub and wash with the two hands, scour (Te.)(DEDR 4549). hud.ati sinks into; ho_lati covers (Dha_tup.); hulai rubs, cleans (Pkt.); hol.n.e~ to wash (Konkan.i.)(CDIAL 14178).
7919.Image: similarity: oran.ai pair (S.I.I. ii,226)(Ta.lex.) ol, olu, o_l, o_lu, po_l, ho_l, pol, polu likeness, correspondence, equality; like, as; as if; so that (Ka.); o_rage similarity (Ka.); ore id. (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) po_l (po_lv-, po_n-r--) to resemble, be like, similar, equal, match; a particle of comparison (also po_la); po_li person or thing that is equal, similarity, likeness, pretence, hypocrisy; po_limai similarity (Ta.); po_luka to resemble; po_la, po_l, po_le_ like (Ma.); po_lke, po_lve resemblance; po_lisu to cause to resemble, compare; pol to be fit or proper; excel; o_l(u), ol(u), vo_l, vol(u) likeness, equality (Ka.); po.le like (Kod..); po_lu to resemble; be, exist, be good, beautiful, agreeable or well, be fit, proper, be possible; n. beauty, agreeableness, fitness, propriety (Te.); po_lika, po_like, po_lki resemblance; po_l(u)cu to compare, liken, recognize, identify; po_ni resembling, similar, like; bo~_t.i id., equal; po~_d.i beauty, elegance (Te.); bo_l-e_r to resemble (Ga.); poli'nai to compare (Kuwi)(DEDR 4597). Image: resemblance: ho_like, po_lke, ho_luvike, ho_luve, ho_luvike resemblance, similitutde, likeness (Ka.); ho_l, po_l, ho_lu to be like, resemble (Ka.lex.) Image: similar: po_l to resemble; to be like; similar (Kur-al., 1071); to equal, match (Ta.); a particle of comparison (Kur-al., 118); po_lu (Te.); po_l (Ka.); po_luga (Ma.); ho_lu (Tu.); po_la a particle of comparison (Toll. Po. 291); po_li similarity (Tol. Po. 300, Urai.)(Ta.lex.)
7920.Image: strolling: po_li, po_lu (contraction of po_kali) going, strolling; stray (Ka.)(Ka.lex.)
7921.Subsistence; to measure corn-heaps: polikka to measure corn-heaps, paying the reapers in kind; pular subsistence (Ma.); poli gain (Te.)(DEDR 4550).
7922.Image: running away: pala_yana flight (MBh.); running away (Pali); para_yan.a departure (RV.); pala_n.a, pala_yan.a running away (Pkt.); pala_in. flight, retreat (P.); pala_yan (A.); pa_la_n (B.); pala_un.i (Or.); pal.an. general flight (M.); palayanaga fugitive (NiDoc.); pala_n.ai runs (OMarw.)(CDIAL 7956). pala_yita fled (TS.); run away (Pali); pala_ia, pala_ya, pad.a_ia (Pkt.); pal.ei a woman who is always running away from her husband (Or.)(CDIAL 7957). pala_yate_ flees (TS.); para_payati bids go away (Kaus'.); pala_yati, pale_ti runs away (Pali); palayiti having fled (NiDoc.); pala_yai, palai flees (Pkt.); pad.a_iavva (Pkt.); paleim I flee (dm.); pale_ (Tir.); pal (Wot..); 1st sg. pres. pala_am (Kal.); pala_un.a to run away (P.); pala_iba to escape, lie hidden (A.); pala_na to run away (B.); pal.a_iba_, para_iba_ (Or.); para_eb (Mth.); para_i (OAw.); pala_na_, para_na_ (H.); pal.vu~ to run (G.); pal.n.e~ to flee (M.); palayanava_ to escape; imper. pala go away (Si.); pala_pe_ti puts to flight (Pali); pala_ve_i (Pkt.); paluwa_iba (A.); pal.avin.e~ (M.); palavanava_ (Si.)(CDIAL 7955).
7923.Granary: palla large granary (Sus'r.); palu place attached to a house for storing grain (S.); pall, palla_ stack of straw or grain, two concentric walls of grass ropes on masonry cylinder of a well between which earth from the well is placed (L.); pall large bamboo bin (holding 200-300 maunds)(P.); pa_lai granary, rick of corn, stack of straw or hay (B.); pa_la_ stack of corn (H.)(CDIAL 7963).
7934.Image: wooden bowl: pa_l.i a wooden bowl (Ka.); pa_l.e_m. (M.)(Ka.lex.)
7924.Image: dish: palla_ earthen vessel (Acuvaca_. 55); palla_y id. (Ta.); < palla_ (U.)(Ta.lex.) cf. pa_likai < pa_lika_ earthen pot in which nava-ta_n-iyam is sown in marriage and other ceremonies (Man.i. 1,44)(Ta.lex.) pa_li_ small wooden dish (Ku.);pallo basket work interwoven with grass and leaves for thatching (Ku.); palar.o one of the baskets of a balance; palya_lo a wooden vessel (Ku.); pal a bamboo basket for catching fish (A.); palli_ measure of grain (Ka_tyS'r.); pala_ rattan basket for pressing mustard oil (A.); pa_li_ any measure of capacity, a measure of 4 seers (G.)(CDIAL 7963). pa_li food prescribed for a student (Skt.); bread (Tir.)(CDIAL 8131).
7925.Image: raised edge: pa_l.i the raised edge of the mouth of a hand-mill (Ka.); pa_l.a (M.)(Ka.lex.) cf. pa_like a collection of five earthen vessels containing offerings of pulse or grain for Brahma_, Indra, Yama, Varun.a and Soma, used at marriages (Ka.Ta.)(Ka.lex.)
7926.Storeroom in a ship: palukka_ hatch; hollow in ship used as a storeroom (Ta.lex.)
7927.Image: ladle: pal.i_ ladle, dipper (G.); pal.o large ladle (G.); paniu~, puniu~ ladle to stir rice (N.); pan.yu~ a spoon to stir rice-water with (Ku.); pa.n.ika_ a sort of spoon (Pali)(CDIAL 8046). pali_ iron ladle for taking oil, etc. from a vessel (H.); pala_ large ladle (H.)(CDIAL 7806).
7928.Image: mortar and pestle: sil-pa_ stone mortar and pestle (Or.)(CDIAL 8055).
7929.Sacrificial vessel: pran.i_ta sacrificial vessel (Skt.); pran.i_ta_h. pl. holy water (S'Br.); pran.i_tapran.ayana vessel in which holy water is fetched (S'Br.)(CDIAL 8533). pran.i_ta led forward, offered (RV.); excellent (esp. of food)(BHSk.); pan.i_ta brought out, excellent (Pali); pin.i sweet, pleasant (Si.); pan.i_ya, pan.ia famous, beautiful (Pkt.)(CDIAL 8532).
7930.Images: to turn round; overturn: partha_ to turn round (Wot..); paryasta overturned (Skt.); pallattha, palhattha overturned (Pkt.); pa_ltha_ overturned; pa_lathn.e~ to overturn (M.); parthan, parthani_, palethan dry flour scatterd on paste board to prevent sticking (Bi.)(CDIAL 7938). paryaya revolution, turn (MBh.); parya_ya revolution (Ka_tyS'r.); pa_le_ back, back again, in return (Gypsy); pa_lo, pa_li_ rotation (Ku.)(CDIAL 7937). pallat.t.ai, palat.t.ai turns over; allat.t.a-pallat.t.a turning from side to side (Pkt.); palat.i_ rolling about (Pas'.); palt.an.o to return (Ku.); palt.aun.o to send back, overturn (Ku.); pa_lt.iba to overturn (A.); pa_lt.a_na to turn, change (B.); pa_lat.iba_ to overturn (Or.); palt.ab reversed (Mth.); palat.ai returns (OAw.); palat.na_ to overturn (H.); pa_lat.vu~ to change (G.); pa_lt.o return, recompense (G.); palt.a_na_, palt.a_ turn (H.); pa_lat. turn; pala_t.an., palet.an. turn, wandering (M.)(CDIAL 7968). parivarta revolving (Skt.); parivartaka causing to turn round (Skt.); parivattaka circle (Pali); parivatta, pariat.t.a overturning (Pkt.); parvat business dealing (M.)(CDIAL 7871). parivartate_ revolves, turns round (RV.); parivartayati rolls near (RV.); parivattati turns round (Pali); parivattai, pariyattai, parivat.t.ai revolves, overturns (Pkt.); parat.i to turn round (Pas'.); partha_ (Wot..); parati to fall (Gaw.); pa_rto_n fallen (Gau.); partan. to return; parta_van. (L.); partan.a_ to change the side of anything by turning it; parta_un.a_ to examine, try (P.); paratn.e~ to turn, revolve, return (M.); paratn.e~ to turn over (M.)(CDIAL 7872). cf. phero circumambulation of the marriage fire (Marw.); pher turn (G.)(CDIAL 9078).
7931.Image: row, line: pa_r..i row, line, regularity, regular order or way, method, rule (Ka.); pa_d.i justice, propriety; nature, quality (Te.); pa_li row, line, range (Skt.)(CDIAL 8041)(DEDR 4113). Image: a row, a line: pa_r..i (Tadbhava of pa_li) a line, a row; regularity; regular or proper order or way; order, method, rule (Ka.); pa_r..iver- to be in rows or properly arranged (Ka.lex.) pa_li, pa_li_ row, line (Skt.); pa_l.i line, row (Pali); turn (Or.); pa_l.i_ encircling line, turn (G.) pa~_t line, turn, rotation (Ku.); pa_l arrangement in line (L.); pa_l, pa_li_ line, row, series (P.); pa_li lower edge of thatched roof (N.); pa_ri line of teeth, embroidered border (A.); pa_r.i, pa_ir. edge, border, one of side pieces of thatched roof; pa_li edge, border (B.); pa_ri_ time, turn (H.Ku.); pa_l.i turn, chance (Konkan.i); pel.a row, line, text (as opposed to commentary)(Si.); pella turn (Si.); pa_lo, pa_li_ turn, time, rotation (Ku.); pa_lo, pa_li id. (N.); pa_l (A.); pa_la_ (B.H.); pa_l.i edge, parapet (G.)(CDIAL 8041). Line; point of compass: pa_l line; row (A_ca_rak. 25); side (Ja_n-a_. 17,6); point of the compass, quarter (Ta.lex.) cf. pallava succession, order (Pkt.); paryaya revolution, turn (MBh.); parya_ya revolution (Ka_tyS'r.); regularly recurring series (Skt.); pa_le_ in return, back, back again (Gypsy)(CDIAL 7937).
7932.Right, title: pa_l right, title; place, region, location, situation; fitness; quality, property, condition; pa_l-cutantiram allowance in kind to village officers (W.G.)(Ta.lex.)
7933.Ingot: pa_l.a an ingot or a bar of gold or silver (Ka.Te>Ta.); pa_l.a, va_l.a (Ma.)(Ka.lex.)
7935.Image: spy: pa_l.ati-ga_r-a a man set to watch the conduct of another, a watcher, a spy; pa_l.ati a narrow and covert watching over the doings and goings of another, spying; a tracing or searching out, as of a theft (Ka.); pa_l.ata (M.); pa_l.ati no_d.u to lurk, to spy (Ka.lex.) cf. pa_like guarding, protecting; pa_lya to be watched, kept, protected, defended, guarded (Ka.lex.)
7936.Partner: pa_lda_rike partnership; pa_luga_r-a a partner in business; a man who gets a portion or share; one who acts, enjoys or suffers with another; pa_luga_r-ike sharing in; partnership; pa_luga_r-ike patra a deed of partnership; pa_lu-ga_rti a woman who gets a portion or share; a woman who acts, enjoys or suffers with another; pa_luvantige sharing in; partnership (Ka.lex.)
7937.Fraction; division; part: pa_l part (Ma.); division, part, portion, share (Ka.); part, portion, share, section, fraction (Tol. Er..ut. 165); dividing, apportioning (Patir-r-up. 16,19); moiety; middle (Kalit. 90); pa_n-mai portion, share (Ta.); pa.lm portion, division (Ko.); po.lm share; subdivision of patrilineal sib (To.); pa.li ma.d. to divide, distribute (Kod..); pa_lu share, portion, part, division (Tu.); id., lot, fraction (Te.); pe_la portion (Pa.)(DEDR 4097).
7938.Rice; offerings of food: pali < bali offering given to gods, manes, etc., in sacrifice (Pur-ana_. 52); boiled rice thrown as an offering to crows (Kur-un. 210);boiled rice given to mendicants, alms (pali-kon.t. un.pavar: Te_va_. 47,57); rice; offering of flowers, etc., in worship (Ain:kur-u. 259); tribute; inam granted for the service of making sacrifices to village deities; pali-kot.uttal to sacrifice a victim; to present offering to a deity (Akana_. 22); pali-k-kantam pali-pi_t.am, altar (Man.i. 6,60); pali- pi_t.ikai id. (Cilap. 12,43); pali-cakkaravartti Maha_bali, an asura sovereign humiliated by Vis.n.u in His Va_mana incarnation (Man.i.)(Ta.lex.) pali-kol.l.i Siva, as one who takes alms (Ta.lex.) bali tribute, offering (RV.); tax, religious offering (Pali); religious offering (Pkt.); offering, sacrifice (N.A.B.); offering (S.); bal offering to spirits (K.H.); bali_ offering (P.); bai food offered to the gods (Ku.); bal.i offering, sacrifice (Or.); bal.i_ id. (G.); bal. id. (M.); billa, bili tribute, tax, sacrifice (Si.)(CDIAL 9171). ba_le_ya fit for an offering (Skt.); ba_ri_ one who offers himself, an offering (OAw.)(CDIAL 9222).
7939.Ox: balilla ox (Skt.); bailla, bellaga ox (Pkt.); bail bull, ox (P.); ox (Bi.Mth.H.M.); belo ox, buffalo-bull (Ku.); bael, baila_, baala ox (Or.); bel ox (G.); baila ox (OAw.); baila_ ox (M.)(CDIAL 9175). balivarda ox, bull (TBr.); bali_varda id. (S'Br.) [Poss. compound of balin (ext. -lla-) and a non-Aryan word for 'ox' (cf. esp. Naha_li_ baddi_) and poss.IA forms like pa_d.o_ bull (Sik.)] balivadda ox (Pali); baleda_, baled herd of bullocks (L.); bald, baldh, balhd ox (P.); baled, baleda_ herd of oxen (P.); balad ox (Ku.B.H.); balad(h) ox (A.); bal.ad ox (G.); bal.ada ox (Or.); barad(h) ox (Bi.Bhoj.H.)(CDIAL 9176). cf. pad.d.a heifer; ped.d.a female calf (Nk.)(DEDR 3881). cf. pa_d.o buffalo calf (S.); per.a_ young buffalo (Or.)(CDIAL 8042). balivardin oxherd (Skt.); baledi_ id. (P.); baldiya_ cattle-dealer (Ku.); baredi_ herdsman (H.)(CDIAL 9177). balin strong (RV.Pali); bali, balia strong, stout (Pkt.); bali_ strong (P.); baliyo, bai (Ku.); baliyo, balliyo (N.); bali (A.B.); bal.i_ strong; bal.ia_ a wild ferocious dog (Or.); bal.i~, bal.iyu~ strong (G.); bal.i, bal.iya_ (M.)(CDIAL 9174). balis.t.ha very strong (S'Br.); balit.t.ha id. (Pkt.); balt.ha_ (M.)(CDIAL 9178).
7940.Image: common house lizard: pa_l common house lizard (N.); palli_ (Skt.)(CDIAL 7073). palli wall-lizard (Ta.); house lizard (Ma.Ka.Kod..Tu.Te.); pal lizard (Go.); balli id. (Te.); bali t.on.d.o house-lizard (Kond.a)[t.on.d.o chameleon]; bal d.ok(k)e house-lizard (Go.)(DEDR 3994).
7941.Image: spathe of palms: pa_l.ai spathe of palms (Ta.); pa_l.a id., bark or film of an branch (Ma.); pa_l.e, pa_lembu id. (Tu.); ha_l.e, ha_l.i broad spathe at the bottom of an -palm branch, used as a vessel, etc..; pa_l.e the outer covering of the nut flowers (Ka.); ha_l.e spathe of areca nut tree (Kor.); pa_l.a husk of a coconut (Te.)(DEDR 4116).
7942.Image: saddle: pallan.am saddle (Kampara_. Mu_lapala. 14); id. (Ka.)(Ta.lex.) Saddle; palanquin: palyayana, pallan.a, hallan.a a saddle (Ka.Skt.)(Ka.lex.) palyan:ka, pallakki, pa_lakki, pa_liki, pa_laki a palanquin (Ka.); pa_lakhi_ (H.M.Te.)(Ka.lex.) palyan:ka a cloth for wrapping round the loins while sitting; a couch, a bedstead; paryan:ka, palan:ga (Ka.lex.) palya_n.a, palyana, parya_n.a, paryayan.a saddle (Skt.); palya_n.ayati saddles; parya_n.ayati, palla_nati (Skt.); pa_la_n pack-saddle (Pers.)[borrowed before -p- > -v- and poss. assimilated in form to Skt. parya_n.a 'circuit']; palla_n.a, pad.a_yan.a (Pkt.); palo_n, palo_ (Sh.); pala_n, palana (K.); pa_lan.o pannier for camels (S.); pala_n., pala_n.a_ pack-saddle (L.P.); pa_la_n (B.); pala_n.a (Or.); pala_n pad for a bullock's back (Bi.); pala_n, pala_na_ packsaddle (H. < pa_la_n (Pers.); pala_n. (G.); pala_n., pa_l.a_n., pa_lha_n. (M.); palla_n.e_i saddles; palla_n.ia, pad.a_ya_n.iya (Pkt.); pala_nab to spread (as cloth or skin)(Mth.); pala_nai saddles (OAw.); pala_nna_ to saddle horse or bullock (H.)(CDIAL 7966). palyayate_ goes round (S'Br.); parye_ti goes round (RV.); polik, 1 sg. palim to roll up, wind or wrap round (Kho.); paloiki to wind on, apply to, rub on (Sh.); palijoiki to be smeared on, be contagious (Sh.)(CDIAL 7965). ala_n.i_ without a saddle (L.)(CDIAL 448). cf. pat.ha_r girth of a packsaddle (M.)(CDIAL 8373). Image: edge of a quilt: pallo inner covering or edge (e.g. of a quilt), turned back edge of garment used as purse (N.); palla_ edge of cloth, purse (H.M.); pala_ corners of a garment (OMarw.); pa_lav skirts or hem of a garment (G.); pallav edge of cloth, purse (G.)(CDIAL 7970). Canopy; rag; garment: pa_l, pa_li canopy (Kon.lex.) pa_l.i < pha_la embroidered garment; canopy (Ta.lex.) cf. pa_l.i rag, shred (Ma.Tu.)(DEDR 4115). Round sack for grain: palya sack for corn (Ka_tyS'r.); palia, palla, pallaga round sack for grain (Pkt.); pali_ a mat bag for grain (S.); palla_ cloth spread for holding grain (P.); grain sack, cloth spread for grain (H.); udder of cow or buffalo (as opposed to those of sheep and goats)(WPah.)(CDIAL 7963). pa_l.am long strip of cloth (Ta.lex.) A variety of cotton: pa_li a variety of cotton (Ta.lex.) Strip of cloth: pallava strip of cloth (Skt.); palau hem, border (Dm.); edge of cloth, purse (S.); pallo border of a shawl (L.); inner covering or edge (e.g., of a quiilt)(N.); turned back edge of garment used as purse (N.); palla_ scarf (L.); edge of cloth, purse (P.H.M.); pallu_ border of garment (P.); palav clothes, garment, coat (K.); pala_ corners of a garment (OMarw.); pa_lav skirts or hem of a garment (G.); pallav edge of cloth, purse (G.); pa_lav (M.)(CDIAL 7970). Sail: pa_l sail, large sheet of cloth, palanquin (A.); canopy (Ku.); tent (N.); sail (B.); cloth curtain for side of tent (G.); large cloth to form a tent (M.); pa_il sail, awning (B.); pa_la sail (Or.); palla_ sheet, border (H.); pala cotton cloth (Si.); palla cloth (Skt.); pa_lu tent (S.); palla_ cloth, scarf (L.)(CDIAL 7967). pa_lu tent (S.); palla_ cloth, scarf (L.); sheet, border (H.); cloth spread out for grain (P.H. <Possibly palya sack for corn (Skt.)(CDIAL 7963). pa_y mat, sail (Ta.Ma.); ha_y a sail (Ka.); pase layer, bed, beautiful seat (Ka.); pa_yi mat, sail (Tu.); pa_h- (pa_st-) to spread (Kuwi)(DEDR 4088). pa_y sail: (ku_mpot.u mi_ppa_y kal.aiya_tu : Pur-ana_. 30); pa_y-maram mast (Ta.Ma.); cf. (Maturaip. Patir-r-up. 16); pa_y-ma_r-u to shift sail, tack a ship; pa_y-vali to hoist sail; pa_y-viri to spread sail; to start or embark on a journey (Ta.lex.) Bed, litter: palyan:ka bed (Pa_n.); paryan:ka bed, litter (Skt.); pallan:ka bed (Pali); pallam.ka (Pkt.); palan:g (Phal.); prang (K.); palan:gu (S.); palaggh large bed with painted legs (L.); palugh bed (L.); palan:gh, pahla~g, pala~gi_ri_ (P.); pa_lan:ka (B.Or.); pa_lan:ki litter (Or.); palam.ka, palaka_ bed (OAw.); pa_lak, palka_ (H.); pa_lki_ litter (H.); pa_laki_ litter (OMarw.); pa_lakh cradle (G.); pa_lak(h) (M.); pa_lkhi_ litter (G.); pa_lk(h)i_ (M.); pa_lki (Konkan.i); palak (Si.). The NW form with n:g was borrowed widely as 'bed': palang (K.); pa_lon:g (A.); pa_lan. (B.); palan:g, pala~gri_ cot (Bi.); palam.ga a luxurious couch (OAw.); palan:g bed (H..); pilam.ga (OMarw.); pala~g (G.M.). The Central and SW form, [pa_lki_ (H.)] was borrowed widely as 'litter': polikh (K.); pa_lki_ (S.Bi.Bhoj.); cradle (P.); pa_lki (A.B.); pa_laki (Or.); paliam.ka bed (Pkt)(CDIAL 7964). an:kam cf. paryan:ka bed, couch (Tiruppu. 125)(Ta.lex.) paryan:ka, palyan:ka is a compound term: pa_l sail, large sheet of cloth, palanquin (A.)(CDIAL 7967) ~~ pa_y mat, sail (Ma.)(DEDR 4088) and an:kam bed, couch (Ta.) ~~ an:ga_ long garment reaching to the knees (P.)(CDIAL 132). pallakku palanquin (Ta.Ma.)(Ton.t.ai. Cata.87); pallakki id. (Ka.)(Ta.lex.) pal.l.i sleeping place or bed (kar..a_ akka_l pal.l.iyul. vaittar-r-a_l : Kural., 840)(Ta.lex.)
7943.Field: pala_n space of ground between two occupied lots left for future disposal (H.)(CDIAL 7940). pa_r.a_ space left in ploughing; pa_r. hole (L.); pa_r.a_ space, space between two lines of ploughed land (P.); kan-pa_ro temple, brow, gill (N.)(CDIAL 8030). palala mud (R.); palal earth, clay (Ash.); pala_l (Wg.); pela_l (Kt.)(CDIAL 7953). va_rat.am field; va_ram boundary, limit; bank, shore (Ta.lex.) cf. vira, vire, vira'a earth, soil (Kui); vir'a, i'ira, i'r-a, i_'ira, wirha_, wirga_, wirka_ id.; i'ira id., gravel (Kuwi)(DEDR 5410). pa_hyaru hedge, fence (S.); parisi_man boundary (Skt.)(CDIAL 7896). paryanta circuit (TBr.); -paryata as far as (KharI.); pajjam.ta, pe_ram.ta limit (Pkt.); pariyanta border, limit, end (Pali); pariam.ta, paliam.ta boundary (Pkt.); piriyata completion, end (Si.)(CDIAL 7936). pa_li_ boundary, edge (MBh.); pa_li edge, boundary, bank of tank (Pkt.); pa_er. small embankment, ridge of a field (Or.); pa_r.a_ boundary of field (H.)(CDIAL 8041). Rice field; valley: pal.l.am low land, valley, ditch (Ta.); low ground, low shore, pit (Ma.); pal.l.a river (Ir.); pit, hole (Ma.); low ground, stream, pit (Ka.); low spot, hole, shallow stream (Tu.); palla, palla_ id. (Tu.); pal. valley (To.); pal.ike valley, pond (Tu.); pal.l.i, bal.l.i, pali a long ricefield (Tu.); pallamu low ground, pit, wet land, wet crop (Te.); palla_m east (Kol.); palam downslope (Kol.); palla plain, maidan (Go.)(DEDR 4016). pallava_ya field (Pkt.) palvala pool, pond (MBh.); palvara (BHSkt.); palvalya marshy (TS.); pallala marsh, pond (Pali.Pkt.); palharu pond, pool (S.)(CDIAL 7976). palval.am fertile nature of a country (Ta.lex.); palvalam pool, small tank, pond (Ta.lex.) Agricultural tract: palliyam agricultural tract, maruta-nilam (Ta.lex.) Land register: pala-ko_cam a record of lands registered in the names of several persons (Ta.lex.) pala-ce_r-u ploughed land prepared for transplanting (Ta.lex.) pal.l.a-na_li (Ta.); hal.l.adana_le (Ka.) channel carrying water to lands in a low level (Ta.lex.); pal.l.a-mat.ai (Ta.); hal.l.a-mad.e (Ka.) channel carrying water to lands in a low level; an opening or a vent in a canal at a lower level as against one on a higher level; rapid flow of current in a channel; land irrigated with great ease (Ta.lex.)
7944.Field: pa_er., pa_er ridge of a field (Or.); pa_ri_ field (Bi.); pa_r.a_ boundary of field (H.); pa_la_ heap of earth to separate two sides in the game of kabad.d.i_ (H.); pa_r. border of cloth, high bank of a tank (Or.)(CDIAL 8041). pa_li an oblong pond (Skt.lex.) pa_r..i temple (I_t.u, 1,1,5); town of an agricultural tract; sleeping place for human beings; lair, litter of a beast; small tank, pond (Tol. Col. 400, Urai); pa_r..i-va_y bar of sand where a river joins the sea (Ta.lex.) Agricultural tract: pa_r..an-am paddy field, agricultural land, tank; pa_r..i town of an agricultural tract; hermitage (Ta.); ha.i field near village (Ka.)(DEDR 4112).
7945.Image: spleen: palle spleen (Tu.); balla enlargement of the spleen (Te.); bella spleen (Pa.); balla, bella, bela id. (Pa.)(DEDR 3995). pli_ha_ spleen (Skt.); pli_han spleen (AV.); plihan (Ya_j.); pihaka (Pali); piliha_ (Pkt.); t.l.ei (WPah.); piliha_, pila_, pile (B.); pilha_i, pil.ehi spleen, enlarged spleen (Or.); pilhi_ enlarged spleen, swelling of liver (in cattle)(Bi.); pilahi_ spleen (Bhoj.); pi_lha_, pilai spleen, enlarged spleen (H.); pi_, piya_ha_, piha_ spleen (M.); pila_va (Si.); ps'tige spleen (Pr.); plo_, pro_ (Ash.); plo_ (Pas'.); plo_ue (Shum.); pohu, powu (K.); prakat.i_ (Dm.); phiyo (Ku.N.); (with metath.) liph spleen (L.); lipph enlarged spleen (P.); s'pe~_ spleen (Wg.); pajer.a~_ spleen (Gmb.); pe_njur.ik (Gaw.Sv.); pizur.ik, pejor.ek (Pas'.)(CDIAL 9028).
7946.Bear: pallam bear (Upate_caka_. Civapun.. 90); pallakam id. (Ta.lex.) bhallu_ka bear (MBh.); bhalluka, bha_lu_ka (Skt.); bhalla (Skt.); bha_lu_ bear (Ku.); bha_lu (N.Or.); bha_ul (Bi.); bha_lu (Mth.Bhoj.); bha_lu_ (OAw.H.M.); bha_luk (A.B.); bha_lu_k (H.M.); bhalla bear (Pkt.); bha_l (H.)(CDIAL 9415). elu, ul.iyam, en:ku a bear; il.ai Indian black bear (Ta.); ul.iyam a bear (Ma.); elu~gu, eluvu id. (Te.); ili (pl. ilil) id. (Pa.); ilij, illij (pl. ilji_l; j = dz) id. (Ga.); er.j, er.j(i), er.ju, er.jal, ar.ja_l, ar.jal (pl. ar.jahk/ar.jalor), arja_l (pl. -or) id.; arje female bear (Go.); olzu (pl. olsku), or.zu bear (Kond.a); od.i, oli id. (Kui); oud.i, o'r.i id. (Kuwi); eju id. (Malt.)(DEDR 857). bro_, buru_ black bear (Wg.)(CDIAL 9680).
7947.Sorrel: vira_li Jamaica switch sorrel, dodonea viscosa (Ta.Ma.); vala.ry id. (Ko.); pas-o.r id. (To.)(DEDR 5410A). ve_l.a_ri Jamaica switch sorrel (Ta.lex.) cf. pun.d.i (ku_ra), pun.t.i (ku_ra) sorrel (a sour vegetable)(Te. Telangana dialect); pul.i acidity, tartness, tamarind, acid substance (Ta.); sour; vinegar (Kod..); acidity (Te.)(DEDR 4322). pul.icca-na_r fibre of Indian brown hemp; pul.iccai (Ta.); pilici (Ka.); id.; hibiscus cannabinus; pul.icci a kind of coarse cotton (Ta.lex.) [Dodonaea viscosa is a shrub or small tree which contains the acid resin. This is the switch sorrel. The red sorrel is hibiscus sabdariffa planted for ornamental purposes and for its edible calyces. This is an erect, branched, smooth annual herb 1 to 2 metres high with hairy red calyces. Fiber is prepared from the bast of the stem. Medicinal Plants of the Philippines, pp. 549, 579 and 580.)
7948.Sour toddy: bulekali sour toddy (Tu.); bule fermenting; pul.i, puli acidity; sour, acid (Tu.); pul.i to turn sour, ferment (Ta.); pul.ikka to be sour, ferment (Ma.); pu_l.a, pul.iyan sour (Ma.); puly sour (Ka.); pul.y to be sour (To.); pul.i, pulla acidity, sourness (Ka.); pul.i sour, vinegar (Kod..); puli sour, acid (Ter.); puliyu to become sour, ferment (Te.); pullani sour, acid (Te.); pulle sour (Kol.); pul, puldi, pulla sour (Pa.); pulla sour preparation of vegetables (Go.); pula sour soup (Kond.a); pulla sour (Kuwi)(DEDR 4322).
7949.Flute: pirur.i flute (Kond.a); piror.i id. (Kui); pi_ru_ri, pi_rud.i, pi_rur.i id. (Kuwi); pe~_o_e_ id., pipe, whistle (Kur.); pirilli_ a kind of musical instrument (Pkt.)(DEDR 4178). pil.l.a_n.-kur..al, pulla_n.-kur..al flute (Ta.); pil.l.a sound in imitation of that of a pipe or flute; pil.l.an.-go_vi pipe or flute (Ka.); pillan.-go_vi, pilla_-gro_vi, pilla_-gro_lu, pillana-gro_lu, pillana-gro_vi flute, flageolet (Te.)(DEDR 4197). pan.a_li_ pipe (Pali.lex.)
7950.Shell of tortoise: pir.a shell, e.g., of tortoise (Kond.a); pilot. shell of crab (Pa.)(DEDR 4196). kapa_lehi cha_deti to shell (Pali.lex.)
7951.Child: pil. tender beauty of a child; pil.l.ai child, son, youth, daughter, young of many animals; title of Vel.l.a_l.a caste; pi_l. embryo, tender ears of corn, tenderness (Ta.); pil.l.a child, infant, young of animals, small fruit (Ma.); pil.0, in: mo.t fil.0 son's wife (not being one's sister's daughter)(To.); towfil.y the lower-ranking moiety of the Todas (who are priests of the sacred dairies, i.e. servants [*pil.l.i] of the gods [tow](To.); pil.l.e, pil.l.a, pilla child, young of any animal, that which is small or petty (Ka.); pal.l.e female of various wild animals (also dog, horse)(Kod..); pil.l.e child, baby; pul.l.i grandchild (Tu.); pilla child, baby, young of any animal, girl; small, little, young; pilaka, piluka a young one, young shoot; pilladi girl, lass, young woman (Te.); pilla baby, daughter, woman; pilla pedda females and males (Kol.); pilla girl, daughter (Nk.); young of animal (Go.); pila, pilal id. (Go.); pi_la girl, young one of animals; pi_la, pilla child; pila_ id., young of an animal (Go.); pila child, a small one (Kond.a); pilka young shoot of tree (Pe.); pello_ female child, female not arrived at puberty, bride or young woman (before she has had children), maidservant; pell maidservant (Kur.); peli woman; pelo female (of plants)(Malt.); pillo_ta poor child, small child, orphan, miserable (Br.); pillika chicken (Skt.); pillaka, pillika young of an animal, child (Pali); pilha small bird; pella, pellaga young one, child (Pkt.); pi_l young one (of dogs, cats, hares, etc., and of some birds); pil(l)u~_, pile_, pilva_ young of the smaller beasts, of birds, or of reptiles (M.); pilla_ puppy, cub (H.); pilava_ young of animal, etc. (Si.); pilha fledgeling (Pkt.); pi_lua child (Pkt.); pil young of animal; ca_liya_-pila_, cele-pile children (B.)[cf. cella-p-pil.l.ai child brought up delicately, petted child (Ta.lex.)]; pila small tubers coming from root of plantain (Or.); pila_ small, child (Or.); pilla_ puppy (Bhoj.); pilawa_ (Aw.); pilla_ (H.); pi_l, pile~, pilu~_, pillu~_, pilku~_, pila_ young of animal (M.); pi_lo sprout, shoot (G.); pilla_ young of animal, maggot (Si.)(DEDR 4198).
7952.Cataract: phul the white of the eye (Gaw.); film on eye (A.); cataract (B.); pu_l film on the eye (Psht.); phulu cataract of eyes (K.); phulo albugo (S.); pus.pa id. (Sus'r.); pras'u_na white in the eye, cataract (Skt.); phull white speck in eye (P.); cataract (WPah.); phulli leucoma of eye (WPah.); fula_ cataract (WPah.); phulo cataract, white streak in the nail (N.); cataract (Ku.); phula cataract (Or.); phula_ id. (Or.); phu_l opacity of eye; phu_lu~ cataract (G.); phu_l albugo (M.); pola cataract (Si.)(CDIAL 9092). pu_ cataract in eye (Ta.Tu.); albugo (Ta.); puvvu albugo (Ka.Te.); puyu cataract of eye (Kond.a); pu~_p, pu_mp film on the eye (Kur.)(DEDR 4345).
7953.Diverse, many: pala many, several, diverse; palar many or several persons, assembly, society; palla_r many persons; pan-mai plurality, multitude; pal many (OTa., only in cmpds., e.g. pal-ka_lum many times, often, pan--malai many hills)(Ta.); pala many, several, various (Ma.); pes- a large number, many (To.); pala, palavu much, many, several, various (Ka.); palar, palambar, palavar several persons; palarme several times (Ka.); palu many, several, various, different; paluvuru, paluvun.d.ru many persons (Te.); palware to be multiplied, be bred; palware to breed, rear (Malt.)(DEDR 3987).
7954.Image: arrow: ba_n.a_ reed-shaft, arrow (AV.); arrow (Pali.Pkt.Or.); va_n. arrow, pipe; va_n.i_ reed (RV.); bno_, bnug arrow (Par.); bure~ arrow-head (Kal.); ba_n arrow (K.); ba_n.u (S.); ba_n. (L.P.G.M.); ba~_r.~e (Ku.); ba_n (A.B.Bi.H.); ba_n.ua_ hunter (Or.); ba_na (OAw.); ban.a (Si.); va_n. (P.)(CDIAL 9203). ba_n.a_sana bow (Skt.); ban.asun (Si.)(CDIAL 9203a). va_n.i arrow (Ta.lex.)
7955.Billhook: pul.l.am billhook; a kind of sickle (Aric. Pu. Na_t..45); a cutting instrument for dressing vegetables (Ta.lex.)
7956.Pen and cowshed; agricultural land: o.y field nearest Badaga village, garden (To.); ha.i garden (Badaga); field near village (Ka.); e.r it. va.y fields near village which are ploughed in the sowing ceremony (va.y < pa.y; lit. field to which they put the team of plough bullocks); va.yv Toda ti.dairy; karpo.y pen and cowshed attached (i.e. milking place)(Ko.)[cf. kar-a to milk (Ta.); kar- to milk (To.); karv- id. (Ko.)(DEDR 1385)]; po.w one variety of dairy (viz., all those belonging to the ti. grade, the conical dairies, and a few others of high sanctity); pol. o.l. the priest of the ti. dairy (i.e. the man o.l. of the po.w); -al.f an element in many dairy names (e.g. mo.s-al.f, beside the pen mo.t-wi. < mo.s- + twi.); ? po.s', in: po.s' tun.y garment of priest of ti. dairy, when worn around waist, and po.s' tu.t. front lock of hair as tied up by priest of ti. dairy (To.); pa_r..i temple; town, city, town of an agricultural tract, hermitage (Ta.); pa_n.i town, village, district (Ta.); ?pa_r..an.am paddy field, agricultural land, tank (Ta.)(DEDR 4112).
7957.To tremble: pracala tremulous, shaking (MBh.); pracala_ka springing up (TS.); peacock's tail or crest (Skt.); pacala tremulous (Pali); payala (Pkt.); ps'lyu_ woman's long hair (Pr.)(CDIAL 8489). pracalati starts up from (R.); pacalati dangles (Pali); payalai goes, stumbles; payallai spreads out (Pkt.)(CDIAL 8490). pracalayati wags, jogs (Skt.); praca_layati causes to tremble (R.); paca_le_ti sways (Pali); paccalita shaken (Pali); payale_i makes go (Pkt.); pcil to shake (Kt.) (CDIAL 8491). pir-ar.. to tremble; pir-ar..cci, pir-ar..vu shivering, trembling; pir-akkam awe, fear (Ta.); pir-iki coward (Ka.); id., timid, cowardly (Te.)(DEDR 4200). pe_r..kan.i to be afraid (Ta.); pel.agu fear, alarm (Ka.); pel.ar- to tremble, fear; fear, alarm; pel.ar-isu to cause to fear, frighten; pel.pal.isu, bel.pal.isu to tremble, fear (Ka.); perci shying, strarting suddenly; percuni to shy, start aside suddenly (Tu.); pelakur-u to fear, be alarmed (Te.); bir.k- to be startled (Pa.)(DEDR 4419).
7958.Bird: pa_le the blue jay (Ka.); pa_la the Indian roller (Te.)(DEDR 4101). Image: bluejay: pa_lai-k-kuruvi a species of bird (Ta.); pa_le the blue jay (Ka.); pa_la a kind of small bird, the Indian roller, boracias indica (Te.)(DEDR 4101).
7959.Bad; evil: pul meanness, baseness (Ta.); pulai baseness, defilement, vice, outcaste (Ta.); pullan- vile, b ase person; polla_ bad, vicious, evil, severe, intense (Ta.); polla_n:ku, polla_ppu evil vice, defect, deficiency, ruin; polla_tu vice, evil; polla_mai evil, fault; polam badness, evil (Ta.); pula taint, pollution, defilement (esp. by birth or death)(Ma.); pulayan an outcaste (Ma.); polla_ to be bad, evil (Ma.); pole pollution caused by menstruation, birth or death (Kod..); polasu dirty, unclean; pile impurity from birth or menstruation, humility (Tu.); pulu blemish or flaw (as in precious stone)(Te.); polo taboo (Go.); pola'atasi a bad man; po_la'aki to do wrong (Kuwi); po_ling stain, stain on one's character (Br.)(DEDR 4547). buro noseless, bad (S.); bura_ wicked (P.); buro wicked (Ku.N.); ugly, bad; burr.i sheep with small ears (WPah.); bura_, bu_ra_ bad (WPah.); bura_ inferior, improper (Or.); bad, wicked (H.M.); bu_ru~ (G.); bora_ wicked (Or.)(CDIAL 9289). buria_r evildoer (P.)(CDIAL 9290). boru false (Si.); bhor deception (N.); boruva a lie (Si.)(CDIAL 9633).
7960.Join: holige, polige, holage connection; sewing; needle-work; holi, pol to sew;; holla, hol, pol joining, uniting (Ka.); pullal (Ta.)(Ka.lex.) pore joining; to be joined; to join (Ka.); pol, pore, holi, hole to join; to sew (Ka.); pollu (Ma.); purai to sew, to compare (Ta.); pulgu to embrace; pullu to unite, copulate; to join, couple (Te.); pune, pulgu, pullu to embrace; ulgu to mend or braid a net (Te.)(Ka.lex.) cf. pollam stitching, joining (Ta.)(DEDR 4554). po_n.isu, pvan.isu to couple, unite, string together, thread (as a needle); pavan.ige joining, being threaded (Ka.); po_han.incu to string together; po_han.a stringing together (Te.)(DEDR 4584). cf. poru to join (Ta.)(DEDR 4541).
7961.Image: to copulate (as a bull): poli-tal to cover, as bull or ram; to copulate (Ta.); porlu id. (Te.); poli covering as of animals (Ta.lex.) pa_r- (pa_rd-), pa_r-u (pa_r-i-) to copualte (as a bull)(Ka.)(DEDR 4020). ma_rn.u to copulate (WPah.)(CDIAL 9870). polippu act of covering, esp. by a bull; polivu covering among animals (Ta.lex.)
7962.Image: bull: poli-ka_l.ai bull kept for covering; polippu-k-kat.a_ id. (Vir-alivit.u. 632); poli-y-erutu id. (Ar-ap. Cata. 42); the leading ox in treading out grain on a threshing floor (W.); poli-nat.aiyan- id.; poli-kat.a_ bull kept for covering; ram or he-goat kept for covering (Ta.lex.) pa_r-al bull (Pin..); pack-bull; taurus of the zodiac (Tiva_.)(Ta.)(DEDR 4020). cf. per-ika a bullock which carries loads (Te.)(DEDR 4446).
7963.Endowment for temple: poli-vi_t.u village given as an endowment for temple expenses (Ko_yilo. 125)(Ta.); boli id. (Te.); poli-v-e_t.u id. (Ko_yilo. 125) (Ta.lex.)
7964.Image: cleft, split: po_r..-tal to be cleft, split; to gape (Tiv. Iyar-. Tiruvirut. 87); to be disunited; to split, cleave open (Patir-r-up. 19,2); po_r.. cleft (Kalla_. Murukak.); piece (Perumpa_n.. 307); leather strap (Pur-ana_. 82,4); po_r..vu cleft, fissure (Ta.lex.)
7965.Image: to open the mouth: pol.a- (pol.ap-, pol.and-) to open the mouth (Kod..); pul.akka to be split, open the mouth (Ma.)(DEDR 4560). cf. po_r..-va_y toothless mouth (Ta.)(DEDR 4582); open mouth (Tiv. Iyar-. Tiruvirut. 87)(Ta.lex.)
7966.To cross over, pass through: po_r..-tal to cross over, pass through (kat.ar--kut.t.am po_r..var : Na_n-man.i. 18)(Ta.lex.)
7967.Gold wire; gold nugget: por--kacai (pon- +) gold wire; por--kat.t.i nugget, ingot of gold (Ta_yu. Para_para. 354); por--kan.t.ai, por-ken.t.ai, por--carikai gold thread, gold fringe; por--carat.u necklace made by plaiting gold threads; por--kampi gold wire (Cir-upa_n.. 34, Urai.); por--kalam golden vessel (Na_lat.i, 206); golden ornament (W.); por--kalan- id. (Kampara_. Iran.iya. 112); por--kollan- goldsmith (Cilap. Pati. Uraiper-ukat.t.urai, 1); pon--cey-kollan- goldsmith (Nar-. 394); pon--cey-pulavan- goldsmith (Cilap. 5,31, Arum.); por-r-ot.i golden bracelet (Tiruva_ca. 9,12); woman as wearing golden bracelets (Na_lat.i, 376); por-r-o_rai thread-like waist ornament made of gold (Ci_vaka. 2132)(Ta.lex.) Gold: polan:kalam gold jewel (Ain:kur-u. 316); polam gold (Patir-r-up. 64); jewel; gold colour; polivu gold (Aka. Ni.)(Ta.lex.) Treasury: por--pa_l.am bar of gold bullion; por--pan.t.a_ram treasury of jewels and gold; por--pan.iti jewel of gold; por-r-a golden (Vina_yakapu. 75,126); good, excellent, fine (Ci_vaka. 885)(Ta.lex.)
7968.Manner: polabu way, manner, circumstance (Ka.); polamu, polupu manner, mode (Te.)(DEDR 4548).
7969.Flowering murdah: pulavai, pulavai-marutu, pu_latti flowering murdah, terminalia paniculata (Ta.); pulla-marutu a timber (Ma.); hulive the timber tree terminalia paniculata (Ka.); pula-maddi, puligi id. (Te.)(DEDR 4306).
7970.A Coarse cereal: pula_ka a coarse cereal (Car. Su. 14.42).
7971.Sprig: pul.l.e, purale, purle, hul.l.e a small bit of very dry wood (Ka.); pud.ake, pulle (Te.); cul.l.i, cuppi (Ta.); cul.l.al, cul.l.i dry spray, sprig, brushwood, chip, fuel stick, probably from cud.u = sud.u i.e. to burn; pol.ukke splinters as from stones cut, wood-shavings (Ma.); pol.l.ema_tu a dry, senseless, useless word (Ka.lex.)
7972.Firewood: mul.ari sacrificial fuel, firewood, fire, firebrand, fever (Ta.); mul.i to dry, burn, be scorched, perish (Ta.); scorched or dry (Ma.)(DEDR 4996). mu_l. to kindle, catch fire, be kindled, stirred up (as anger)(Ta.); mu_t.t.u to kindle (as a flame)(Ta.); mu_t.t.am fuel, bonfire (Ta.); mut.t.incu to kindle, light (Te.); mut.is id. (Kond.a)(DEDR 5048).
7973.A coin: pu_li a sort of pagoda worth 3 1/2 rupees; a star pagoda (Ka.Te.Ma.); pu_li varaha a certain old pagoda (Ka.Ma.)(Ka.lex.)
7974.Phyllanthus reticulatus: pu_l, pu_la_, pu_la_cam, pu_la_ci black-berried feather-foil, phyllanthus reticulatus (Ta.); hu_li a straggling shrub, phyllanthus reticulatus (Ka.); pu_li crinum pratense; phyllanthus reticulatus [crinum pratense and phyllanthus reticulatus are two different species](DEDR 4369).
7975.Collyrium: mala_ra, mal.a_ra, mara_l.a, mara_la lampblack used as collyrium (Ka.lex.) Soft: mla_ta softened by tanning (Skt.); mara_la soft, mild, tender (Skt.); lazy (Pkt.); mara_l soft, mild (H.)(CDIAL 9873). mara_lam unguent for eyes (Ta.lex.)
7976.Net: ma_l a kind of net (Ta.); a kind of net for carrying fruits, fishing, etc.; ma_li a coir net (Ma.)(DEDR 4823).
7977.Image: saddle strap: mal.a_ra, mara_l.a a strap or girth of horses, kudureya pat.t.e (Ka.lex.)
7978.Beans: ma_l beans (Kol.); ma_l (pl. ma_d.l.) pod or fruit of leguminous plants (Nk.)(DEDR 4828).
7979.Image: dewlap: malha dewlapped (TS.); malo swelling of neck glands (S.); ma_l loose skin on a bullock's neck (N.)(CDIAL 9916). ma_la dewlap (Ma.); ma.le dewlap (Kod..)(DEDR 4827).
7980.Image: to root out: mall- to root out (Kol.); to uproot (Nk.)(DEDR 4745).
7981.A pariah caste: ma_la of a barbarous tribe (Ka.); the pariah caste (Te.); son of a S'u_dra and a Su_ta; of a barbarous tribe (Skt.); ma_lar children born of a Brahman mother and a S'u_dra father; hunters, savages, outcastes (Ta.); ma_la~d.u pariah, outcaste; fem. ma_ladi (Te.)(DEDR 4824). ma_d.d.ule a Pariah woman (Kon.lex.)
7982.Image: to turn face upward: malakkam standing upright and bending the head backwards; malarttuka to place on the back; malaruka to lie on the back (Ma.); male- (malev-, maland-) to turn face upward; mala.ra outstretched with face upward (Kod..); malar to turn the face or mouth upward (as a pot); malarttu to throw on one's back as in wrestling; malla_r to fall or lie on the back (Ta.)(DEDR 4740). Image: to turn back: malar, maral the face to be turned or averted; maralcu, maral.isu, maral.cu to turn or avert the face; to turn; to cause to retreat; to return (Ka.lex.) cf. maral.u, maral to turn, turn back (Ka.lex.) malaku a turn, a twist, a fold, a bend (Ka.); malake, maluku, melike (Te.)(Ka.lex.) malaku, maluku, melaku, meluku, melku returning or bringing up again (Ka.lex.)
7983.Images: slip-knot, spiral; turn back: malukku slip-knot (Ta.); malaku a turn, twist, fold, bend, a sash (Ka.); mallan.i, mallar..i turning round, wandering about (Ka.); mala_gu to wander, roam about, turn back, become crooked (Te.); mala_pu to turn back (Te.); mala-gonu, malayu to be twisted (Te.); mala_ka a twist, curved line, crookedness, spiral (Te.); malugu, maluvu a turning (Te.); malay to return (Kol.); mell to return (Pa.); man. (mand.) to turn back (Ga.); malla_na_ to return (Go.)(DEDR 4734). cf. valayuka to wander about (Ma.); vali_ to go round (Go.)(DEDR 5286).
7984.Captain: ma_li_ma a ship's officer, master (Ka.M.H.)(Ka.lex.) ma_lumi captain of a vessel; pilot, navigator (Pin..)(Ta.); ma_limi (Te.)(Ta.lex.) cf. muallami the business and office of a teacher; muallam teacher (P.lex.)
7985.Greatness: ma_l greatness (Tiruva_ca. 34,3); Vis.n.u (Mullaip. 3); Indra (Kumara. Pira. Muttu. Ka_p. 6); ma_lo_n- Vis.n.u (Tacaiva_. 366)(Ta.lex.)
7986.Property; to possess: mha_l, mha_la_ property in jewels and the like; cf. a_sti possession (Kon.lex.) ma_li_ka an owner; a master (Ka.M.H.)(Ka.lex.) ma_lik < ma_lik (Arabic) proprietor, owner, master (C.G.); ma_lika_n-a_ < ma_lika_na_ (Arbic) subsistence allowance granted to landlords dispossessed of their zamins (C.G.)(Ta.lex.) ma_lu property, goods, wares (Ka.M.H.); ma_lu-da_ra a man of property; an owner (Ka.lex.) ma_l-kuja_ri < ma_l-guza_ri_ land liable to pay revenue to government, opp. to la_kiraj [< la_-khira_j (H.) tax-free land](C.G.); ma_l-ja_mi_n- property security (C.G.)(Ta.lex.) mal possess (Skt.); mallte_ hold, possesss; malate_, malayati (Dha_tup.); malan.u to lay hands on, take up (S.); mallun. to occupy, take possession of (L.); mallana_ to seize, occupy (a house, fort etc.)(P.)(CDIAL 9910). Property to be lodged: mat.an:ku-tal to be lodged with one, as property on the death of the owner (Ta.lex.)
7987.Image: mould: ma_l < ma_l (Arabic) wooden mould for forming the mouldings of a pillar or cornice of wall; mould for making bricks; brick-kiln; ma_l(lu)-tal to form mouldings on a pillar or wall (W.); ma_l-vet.t.u-tal to cut out a form or pattern, make a plan or diagram (W.)(Ta.lex.)
7988.Boswellia thurifera: molada kivi_ gad.d.e the resin of boswellia thurifera, pa_lan:ki, mukunda, kunda, kunduru (Ka.lex.)
7990.Bush: mil.ai wood, forest serving as a defence, thicket, copse, bush, fenced enclosure; guard, watch; mit.ai bush, small shrub (Ta.); mel.e bush, clump, thicket; mid.i bush, small shrub (Ka.)(DEDR 4873). ven.u, vel.u, van.sa bamboo; vel.uvana bamboo-grove; vili_vaka_ra worker in bamboo (Pali.lex.) cf. ve_la garden, grove (Skt.); vel-a field (Si.)(CDIAL 12114). ve_n.u reed, bamboo (RV.TS.); in cmpds. bamboo (Pali); bamboo (Pkt.); ben.ua_ a slender species of bamboo (Or.); ben reed, bamboo, pipe (H.); ven. flute (G.); ven.u_ (OM.)(CDIAL 12096). vain.ava consisting of bamboo (S'Br.); ben.a_ thatching grass (Or.); bena_ bamboo (H.)(CDIAL 12139). ba~_s bamboo (WPah.Ku.N.); ba~_h (A.); ba~_s (B.Mth.Bhoj.Sh.); bamboo pole of litter (Bi.); ba_u~sa (Or.); bae~s bamboo (Sh.); bai~s, bo~s (K.); ba~_s (P.); va~_s (G.); va_so (Konkan.i); vas-a bamboo, flute (Si.); vajha_ handle (L.); ba~_sa_ bamboo pipe in a drill plough (Bi.); bamboo tube (H.); vam.s'a bamboo (RV.); family, lineage (S'Br.); vam.s'aka short flute (Pa_n.. com.); vam.sa bamboo, pipe (Pali.Pkt.); vajhu punting pole (S.); vajjh, va~jh id. (usu. of bamboo)(L.); vajh, bajh pole (P.)(CDIAL 11175). base~r.a_ thin bamboo (H.)(CDIAL 11176). basaila_ young bamboo (Mth.): ba~_sai bamboo ladder used as a harrow (B.); ba~swar, ba~swari_, basa_r, baser bamboo grove (Bi.); ba~swa_r.i_, baswa_r.i_, basaur (H.)(CDIAL 11179). vam.s'i_ flute, pipe (Skt.); flute (Pkt.); vanc guitar (Ash.); wans (Wg.); bi_s' flute (Tor.); be_s' (WPah.); ba~_hi (A.); ba~_s'i_ (MB.); bau~si, bai~si (Or.); ba~si_ (H.); bes'ili pipe, flute (D..); va~jhli_, vajli_ (L.); vajhli_, bajhuli_, bajhli_, bijhli_ (P.); ba~_suli_ (Ku.); ba~_suli, ba~_suri (Ku.); ba~_suli_ (Mth.); va~_sl.i_ (G.)(CDIAL 11180). ba~_si_ pertaining to or made of bamboo (H.)(CDIAL 11181). cf. vam.s'ya crossbeam (BhP.)(CDIAL 11182). va_m.s'ika flute-player (Skt.); vam.sia pipe-player (Pkt.); ba_i~sia_, bai~sia_ adj. blowing a pipe (Or.)(CDIAL 11467). halavam.s'a pole of a plough (Skt.); ala~_s' plough beam (Pas'.); hala~_s (Gaw.); cmpd. hal-bas' (Gaw.)(CDIAL 14008). hala~_z plough beam (Phal.Gaw.); arala_nz (K.)(CDIAL 14007). ni_nce, ni_nze, ni~_ze main roof beam (Pr.)(CDIAL 7409).
7991.No, not: mal not; mala_ not; no; malna_ not to be (so); mal'a_ not (when the negation falls on one single word which is being opposed to another word); no; malka_ deprived of, lacking (Kur.); mala no, not; mal- (past mall-) to be not (Malt.); -mal in negative adverbial suffix -a_mal (Ta.); malayu to appear, happen, be (Te.)(DEDR 4743). ma_ khalu not at all (Skt.); makhu nay, but, moreover (P.) (CDIAL 9991). ma_ negative of prohibition (usused with conjunctive and imperative) (RV.); id. (Pali); ma, ma_ (As'.); ma_ (Ap.); ma (Gypsy.Wg.); mi (Wg.); ma (Dm.Pas'.Wot..); ma_ (K.); ma (S.); ma_ (G.); moh (Kal.); mo (Kho.); with various adverbial affixes: ma_ia, ma_i, maia (Pkt.); mam.ta (Pkt.); mata_ (with polite imper.)(K.); mata~_, matan.a, matun.i (S.); mattan., matta_, mata~, mat (L.); matu, mati (OAw.); mat (H.); mati (OMarw.); matu, mana (OG.)(CDIAL 9981). mo_ negative in prohibitions (RV.Pkt.); moh (Kal.); mo (Kho.)(CDIAL 10344).
7992.Immaculate: amalam that which is spotless, immaculate (Kantapu. Tirukkal. 83); purity, cleanliness; amalan- one who is immaculate, freed from impurities, has attained liberation (Ci. Ci. 2,1, Civa_k.); the supreme being, as immaculate (Tiv. Amalan-a_ti.1); amal fulness (Ja_n-a_. 34)(Ta.lex.) amalai abundance, denseness; amai to crowd together, be close (Ta.); amal fullness; amali Laks.mi_, abundance; amalikka to abound, remain in store (Ma.)(DEDR 164). amala clear (of sky), spotless (R.Pali.Pkt.); amal. pure, free from dirt (G.)(CDIAL 559). cf. mala dirt (AV.Pali.Pkt.); mel dust (Gypsy); mo_l, mul dirty (Ash.); mo_l (Wg.); mu_l (Kt.); ma_l urine (Pas'.); dirty (Bshk.); mal filth, mud, ordure (K.); maru dirt, wax in ear, base metal (S.); maru_ base, alloyed (S.); mal dirt, silt; dirty (L.); dirt, faeces (P.); mal. silt (P.); mal dirt (Ku.A.B.H.); mal. (G.M.)(CDIAL 9899). samala stained, dirty (Bhpr.); excrement (Skt.Si.); dirty (Si.); impure (Pali); samala_ dustbin (Pali)(CDIAL 13193). Gypsy: melelo Gypsy, black, overcast (Gypsy)(CDIAL 9899). malotu filty; dung (K.)(CDIAL 9903). mali dirty (Pkt.); mal.i, mal.ia_ (Or.); maila (Pkt.); mero (S.); mail.a dirt (Or.); mail.a_ dirty (Or.); mail dirt (P.H.M.Ku.Mth.); maila_ dirty (P.A.Or.H.); mel ear-wax (WPah.); mailo dirty (N.); mailu, maila dirt (S.); me_l dirty (Ku.); mailau dirty (OG.); melu_ dirty (G.); mel dirt (G.)(CDIAL 9904). malina dirty (Ya_j.); malin.a, malin.aka dirty (Pali); malin.a (Pkt.); malin, mali_l (Pas'.); malin (Shum.); malyunu, maliu (K.); malinu dim, indistinct (N.); mal.in.a, mal.ina dirty, black (Or.); malin black, sad (Mth.); mali~n. dirty (M.); milina dirty, black (Si.)(CDIAL 9905). cf. mallu bear (Skt.); mallu_ bear (H.)(CDIAL 9914). cf. semant. malilo fertile, well-manured (N.)(CDIAL 9899). mal fertility (Ta.)(DEDR 4729).
7993.Proposition stated; acceptance; agreement: me_-ko_lu, meyi-ko_lu consenting, agreeing; me_-konu to consent (Te.); mey truth (Ta.); me_mu to agree, concede (Te.); me_mud.u consent (Te.); mai-konu to consent, agree (Te.)(DEDR 5103). me_rko_l. acceptance (Ta.); me_ko_lu id. (Te.); me_r-ko_l. assumption of responsibility (Pur-ana_. 8, Urai); solemn asserveration (Cilap. Pati. 80, Urai); proposition stated (Tarukkacan.. Pak. 34)(Ta.lex.) cf. ko_l. taking, receiving, accepting, seizing, holding, enveloping (Paripa_. 4,57) (Ta.); id. (Ma.); ko_lu id. (Te.); opinion, tenet, creed, conclusion (Kur-al., 646); brilliance, light; halo; ploughshare (Ta.); ko_l.i receiver (Ta.lex.) Letter of advice in a hundi transaction: me_r-kat.uta_ci letter of advice in a hundi transaction; covering letter; me_r-c-ci_t.t.u note annexed to a writing to authenticate it (Ta.lex.)
7994.Land-owners: me_r--kut.i land-owners of a village (ki_r..-k-kut.iya_kiya varicaiya_l.arai-p-pur-antarum me_r-kut.ikal.a_kiya ka_n.iya_l.arai : Patir-r-up. 13,24, Urai)(Ta.lex.) me_lkai highland, elevation; me_lpa_ti the share of the produce assigned to the landlord or the government; me_lmat.ai field near the sluice; me_lvat.t.am outlying portion beyond the fixed limits of a city, temple or fort; superiority, leadership; me_lva_ci corn distributed for charitable and other purposes before the settlement of harvest accounts; the quantity of corn due to the landlord when the produce exceeds the estimate or pul.l.i; me_lva_ci-nilam land that produces pro rata more than other lands in the neighbourhood; me_lva_ci-y-al.avu a skilful method of measuring corn so as to show more than the real quantity (Ta.); me_l-va_ram the portion of the crop or produce claimed by the land-holder, dist. fr. kut.i-va_ram (Ta.Ma.); me_lva_ra id. (Ka.); me_r-pa_ti id. (T.A.S. iii,168); me_lva_rata_r the proprietor or owner of the land; me_li_t.u capital, projecting structure on the top of walls, especially round temples and forts; further charge or mortgage; me_r-pa_tinilam adjacent field on a higher level (Ta.lex.)
7995.Great man: me_t.t.i haughtiness, excellence, chief, head; me_t.t.imai haughtiness, leadership, excellence (Ta.); me_t.i loftiness, greatness, excellence, a big man, a chief, a head, head servant (Ka.); me_t.ari, me_t.i chief, head, leader, lord (Te.)[(prob. me_t.i < *me_l-ti: me_l what is above, surface (Ma.); that which is above or over; me_lta good; me_li fine, excellent (Te.); be_ up, over, on (only as a verbal prefix, e.g. be_-har.sing to turn over, upset)(Br.)(DEDR 5086)](DEDR 5091). Woman: mela_ta, mela_tuka woman (Te.); melli woman (Ta.); melliyar women (as of delicate build)(Ta.)(DEDR 5078).
7996.Image: one seated high: me_lavan- great or superior person (Kampara_. Vipi_t.an.a. 78); me_lmavanu id. (Ka.); me_lavan- celestial being; one who is seated high, as on a horse (Kampara_. Atika_ya. 201); me_la_r, me_la_yin-a_r elders (Ir-ai. 43, Pak. 175); me_la_davaru id. (Ka.); me_la_r warriors (Pu. Ve. 9,8); me_la_r..iya_r Vittiya_tara chiefs (Takkaya_kap. 545); me_lo_r those who are seated high, as on horses (Man.i. 4,35); the great, those of superior rank or caste (Tol. Po. 144); ancestors, ancients; celestials; me_lo_n:ki a sub-caste of Karaiya_r; me_r-r-icaippa_lan- Varun.a, as the regent of the west (Ta.lex.)
7997.Excellence; eminence; greatness; title of S'u_dra writers: me_ excellence; me_kku height, high place, superiority; west; me_-taku to be eminent; me_-takai, me_-takavu to be eminent; me_-takai, me_-takavu excellence, eminence, greatness; me_ntalai eminence, excellence; me_m-pat.u to rise high, be great; me_limai excellence; me_lukku on the outer side, extremity; me_lai upper, western, etc.; me_lo_r those who are seated high, as on horse; the great, those of superior rank or caste; me_r-ku west; me_n-mai greatness, eminence, excellence, dignity, superiority (Ta.); me_ over; me_n what is above, superiority, excellence; me_navan a superior (title of S'u_dra writers); me_n:kai authority; me_nma excellence, superiority; me_lan, me_lavan a superior; me_le_ upwards; me_rkku westward (Ma.); me. mu.l higher place, up, western side; me. ci.m western part of Nilgiris; me. kay, me. ki. upper arm; me.n gan. eyes turned up in death; me.ki.- (me.kar.t-) to get up; me.kar.c- to make to get up (Ko.); me.l up, high; me.tin. sleeping platform on right side of house; me.lpa.w upper stream; -mil upon, on, over; concerning, about; (one) after/upon (another)(To.); me_ that which is above, etc.; me_gu (obl. me_gan.-), me_ge the upper side, surface, etc.; me_gana upwardly; me_m.- upper; me_n. what is above; upwards, further, and, besides; me_l(u), me_la, me_le that which is above, the top, upper part, surface, that which is high, high, superior, lofty, that which is good or excellent, that which is to come, future, afterwards (Ka.); me. ma.d.i top storey; me.n gay back of hand; me.n ga.li top part of foot; meppun.i higher level in a field (Kod..)[cf. kippun.i lower level in a field (DEDR 1619); hun.i borders of a rice-field (Ka.); pun.i the border of a field (Tu.)(DEDR 4269)]; me_lu upper portion of anything, superiority, excellence; futurity; upper, higher, superior, future; afterwards; me_la_ra superior, upper (Tu.); me_limi fineness, excellence, pure gold; me_lu prosperity, happiness, good fortune, good, advantage; excellent, superior, better, higher, upper, lying above; me_lu-konu to wake up, get up (Te.); me_lta good; me_lo bad; melo taboo (of places, actions, relatives)(Go.)(DEDR 5086). me_mpa_t.u greatness, grandeur, dignity, pre-eminence (Ilak. Vi. 659, Uta_.); me_mpat.unan- one who stands pre-eminently (Poruna. 60); me_mpa_rvai superintendence; superficial or cursory look; me_mpul.l.i, me_mpul.l.i-matippu estimate of the produce of fields just before harvest; me_mpat.u to rise high, as in status; to be pre-eminent; to be great, as in learning (Tirikat.u. 8)(Ta.lex.) me_yam that which is capable of being estimated; that which is cognizable or capable of being known; that which is compared (Ta.lex.); me_ya to be measured (AV.); discernible (Skt.); me_a-, mejja- to be measured (Pkt.); mejja- measure (Pkt.); mej measure; mejn.e~ to measure (M.); moj, mojn.e~ (M.)(CDIAL 10329).
7998.Image: to chew: mel, melku to chew, masticate (Ta.); melluka to chew (Ma.); mel.k cud, mouthful (To.); mekku to eat (Te.); mre_d.a chewing (Kui)(DEDR 5077).
7999.Tenderness, thinness: mel soft, tender (Ta.Ma.Ka.); melku to become soft, be light (Ta.); mellicu, mellitu that which is soft or fine; thinness, slenderness (Ta.); melpu id. (Ka.); melivu, meliccal id. (Ma.)(DEDR 5078).
8000.Image: sterile woman: malat.i sterile woman (Kampara_. Urukka_t.. 65); malat.t.a_ (malat.u + a_) sterile cow; malat.u sterile person or animal (Te_va_. 697,6); malat.an- sterile man (Tiv. Periya_r... 1,4,4); mallai richness, fertility (Ta.)(Ta.lex.) mr.tavatsa_ woman whose offspring or new-born child dies (AV.); mr.tavatsika_ (Skt.); ma_cch whose offspring never lives long (of women and animals)(WPah.); mar.achi_ woman who bears still-born children or whose children die young (Or.); kar.a_ce, mar.uce woman whose children always die (B.)(CDIAL 10281). mr.tapraja_ whose offspring are dead (Mn.)(CDIAL 10282).
8001.Image: wrestling: malla_t.t.am wrestling; quarrelling; fighting (Arut.pa_. vi, Na_ma_val.i, 164); malla_t.al a dance of Kr.s.n.a after wrestling with and vanquishing Ba_n.a_sura, one of 11 ku_ttu (Cilap. 6,49, Urai.); mal id. (Ta.)(Ta.lex.) cf. malla wrestler by profession (MBh.)(CDIAL 9907). mallate_ holds, possesses; malate_, malayati (Dha_tup.); malan.u to lay hands on, take up (S.); mallun. to occupy, take possession of (L.); mallana_ to seize, occupy (a house, fort etc.)(P.)(CDIAL 9910).
8002.Aegle marmelos: sijo aegle marmelos (Santali.lex.) Aegle marmelos: ma_re_d.u Bengal quince, aegle marmelos, be_l, bilva (Te.); ma_hka, ma_hka_ id. (Nk.); ma_ror. id. (Kol.Nk.)(DEDR 4821). ma_lu_ra aegle marmelos (Skt.lex.) maha_phala aegle marmelos; maha_phala_ a kind of colocynth, the big jujube, a citron tree (Skt.); bar.'hal, bar.'har the trees artocarpus lakoocha and cordia latifolia with their fruit (H.)(CDIAL 11228).
8003.A flower: maral, malar a flower (Ka.lex.)
8004.Wood, forest: cf. mil.ai wood, forest serving as a defence (Ta.)(DEDR 4873). Hill-land; mountain: malang forest (Pa.); mare (pl. marel) hillock; ma_re (pl. ma_rel) hill (Ga.); mash hill, mountain (Br.); malai hill, mountain (Ta.); mala mountain, raised land, hill-land (Ma.); mountain (Te.); mal im buffaloes of the Nilgiri tribes (i.e. mountain buffaloes)(Ko.); mal a.r. high downs on western half of Nilgiri plateau (Ko.); mas- o.r. id. (To.); mal the mountains (Nilgiris as opposed to the plains)(To.); male mountain, forest; malepar chieftains of mountainous regions (Ka.); male thick jungle land, cardamom plantation in jungle on mountain-side (Kod..); male forest, hill overgrown with forest (Tu.); ma.le, ma_le_ hill (Kol.); malaya mountain range on the east coast of Malabar, the western Gha_ts; garden, celestial grove; ma_la forest or wood near a village; ma_laka wood near a village (Skt.)(DEDR 4742). ma_la forest near a village (Skt.); garden (Pkt.); ma_l.a jungle; ma_l.ua_ jungly (Or.)(CDIAL 10088).
8005.A mountain: malayam mount Potiyam near Cape Comorin (Man.i. 1,3); malaiyam id. (Kampara_. Pat.aikka_t.. 15); malaya-k-ko_ Pa_n.d.ya king (Tiruva_lava_. 44,2); malayamun-i sage Agastya, as living Mt. Malaya (Ta.); malaya-ma_rutam the south wind, as blowing from the Malaya hills (Pa_rata. Kurukula. 81); malaya_n-ilam id. (As.t.ap. Ar..akaran. 41)(Ta.lex.) mala, male a mountain; mala-na_t.u the hilly country: the country to the west of the true Kannad.a country; malaya name of a mountainous range in Malabar; the Malabar country (Ka.lex.) malai-ya_l.ar inhabitants of mountainous tracts, as Travancore, Cochin etc. (Te_va_. 325,11)(Ta.lex.)
8006.Sandalwood: malaiya_ram sandalwood (Cilap. 17, Ul.variva_r..ttu, 1); malayam, malayacam, malaya-t-turumam sandalwood tree (Ta.lex.) malaya-ruha sandal-wood; a sandal tree (Ka.lex.)
8007.A country: ma_lava name of a country (AVParis'.Pkt.); ma_lavi_ya relating to that country (Skt.); ma_lwa_ the country of Malwa (H.); ma_l.vo (G.); ma_l.vi_ realting to Malwa (G.)(CDIAL 10090).
8008.Black-oil tree: mallakam black-oil tree, va_lul.uvai (Malai.)(Ta.lex.)
8009.Image: a shoot: cf. mor.o_ka_ plant (Go.); mr.ogla shoot of bamboo; eye, shoot of potato etc. (Kuwi); mul.a germ, shoot, young plant (Ma.)(DEDR 4997).
8010.Spikenard: mu_le_ra the Indian spikenard (Skt.lex.)
8011.Vendor of roots: mu_liga a vendor of (medicinal) roots; kadali (Ka.); mu_liga a man of ancient times (Ka.lex.)
8012.Image: cock's ruff: ma.le jungle cock's ruff of neck-feathers (Kod..)(DEDR 4827).
8013.Second: mala other, next, second (in compounds., e.g. mala-tande step-father, malacu_lu second pregnancy, second child) (Ka.); malu next, second (Te.)(DEDR 4732). mar.u another, other, next (Ta.Ma.Ka.); mar id. (Ko.)(DEDR 4766).
8014.Round sack for grain: palu place attached to a house for storing grain (S.); pa_lai granary (B.); palla large granary (Skt.); round sack for grain (Pkt.); palar.o one of the baskets of a balance (Ku.)(CDIAL 7963).
8015.Image: ladder: ma_l, ma_lpu bamboo ladder (Ta.)(DEDR 4825).
8016.Black pepper: mil.aku black pepper, piper nigrum (Ta.Ma.); mul.aku pepper (Ma.); mel.g chilli (Ko.); mol.x pepper (To.); men.asu, mer..asu, mor..asu id. (Ka.); mal.u chillies (Kod..); mun.uci, mun.ci pepper, chilli (Tu.)(DEDR 4867). mari_ca peppercorn (A_past.); marica (Sus'r.); pepper shrub (R.) < Austro-as.; marica black-pepper (Pali); maria, miria (Pkt.); miri_ a grain of pepper; miru pepper (S.); miri seed of ipomoea caerulea (B.); red pepper (Or.); miri_ black pepper (WPah.); maric (N.B.Bi.H.); maris (A.); marica (Or.); marica_ (Bi.Mth.); chillies (Bhoj.); miric, mirca_ black pepper (Bi.); mirca_ (Aw.); miric, mirc (H.); marci_, marcu~ red pepper (G.); miris (Si.); mirus (Md.); muvuc pepper (Wg.); murc (Pas'.); marc (Kho.); ma_ruc, maruv (Sh.); maruc (L.)(CDIAL 9875).
8017.Image: ugly woman; deformity: mu_l.i defect of limb, deformity; one who is deformed or has defective limbs, that which has lost a part or piece, esp. at the top, that which is defective, person or thing devoid of the usual ornaments, ugly woman (Ta.); maimed, having lost an ear (Ma.); mu_r..a state of being deprived of or without, that of being maimed, man who has lost any member; mu_r..i state of being deprived of, etc.; an earless woman, woman without ornaments in the ears (Ka.)(DEDR 5049).
8018.Image: woman's breast: mula woman's breast, teat; udder (Ma.); mulai woman's breast, teat (Ta.); mel breast; mol id. (Ko.); mis. nipple, teat, breast, udder; mil breast (Ko.); mole female breast, dug of an animal (Ka.); mole breast (Kod..); mire breast, nipple or teat of any animal (Tu.)(DEDR 4985).
8019.Bone: mu_l.e, mul.l.E bone (Ka.); mu.l.e, mu_l.e id. (Kod..); mud.d.a_ id. (Kur.)(DEDR 5050). bu_la bone (Pa.); bu_la_ id. (Go.); bomika, bomike, bo~_ke bone (Te.); bokka id. (Kol.Nk.Go.); boka_ id. (Go.)(DEDR 4528). had. a bone; ha~s the collar-bone (Santali.lex.) ha_d., ha_d.ya_ bone (Kon.lex.) Fish-bone; sharp-pointed instrument; needle; peg; digging-fork: mul. thorn, sharp-pointed instrument, goad, spur, sharpness, anything sharp or pointed as a fishbone (Ta.); an iron pin, spur (Ma.); thorn (Ta.Ma.Ko.To.Ka.); digging-fork (To.); mul.u, mul.l.u thorn, pointed thing as a prickle, a sting, spur, hand of a clock, tongue of a balance, etc.; mul.uhu pricking, stinging, goading, goad; mul.l.u fork (Ka.); thorn, iron prickle, spur, bone of a fish, spine, fork (Tu.); muliki arrow, arrowhead, iron point of a goad, peg of a spinning top (Te.); mullu needle (Kuwi.Te.); thorn, spur (Te.); mulu id. (Te.)(DEDR 4995). mul.ai peg, stake, pivot, pin of a door, etc. (Ta.); mul.a peg, stake (Ma.); mol. peg (Ko.); mol.e peg, nail, spike, wedge, peg, stake, pointed object (Ka.); mul.e, mole nail, peg, wedge (Tu.); mola pin, nail, spike (Te.); mol.a_ nail (M.); mo_la_ id. (Go.)(DEDR 4998). Pointed end of anvil: mol pointed end of anvil (Ko.)(DEDR 4985).
8020.Reed: muli thatching grass (Tu.); mliu a reed-like grass (Kui); mali a kind of reed of which arrow shafts are made (Malt.)(DEDR 4984).
8021.Images: hair-knot; braid: mu_la a braid or tress of female's hair (Te.); hair knot of women (Kond.a); -mul in: temul, tremul hair (Pe.); mulna_ to tie the hair into a chignon; refl. mulrna_ (Kur.); mulure to gather up one's hair into a cue; mulutre to gather up another's hair into a cue (Malt.)(DEDR 5045). cf. ti.r (pl. ti.d.l) hair (Kol.); tir (pl. tid.l.) id. (Nk.); trey id. (Mand..)(DEDR 3279).
8022.Image: cluster of bracelets: mala_ra a cluster or string of glass bracelets as carried about for sale (Ka.Te.); malla_ra (Te.); mala_ra-pu_je a ceremony at the gauri_habba, when the seller of glass bracelets is called, his string of them adored, and new bracelets are put round the wrist of the adoring females (Ka. lex.) malaku (Tadbhava of ma_laka?) a round ornament of glass-beads and coral or pearls strung upon a thread so that each bead etc. is separated from the other by a knot; it is worn by females on the head (Ka.Ta.)(Ka.lex.) Necklace: malaku a kind of necklace (Tu.)(DEDR 4733). String of bracelets: mala_ram string or bunch of bracelets (Ta.); mala_ramu id. (Te.); mala_ra id. (Ka.)(Ta.lex.) Image; line, row, series; garland: ma_lai garland, wreath, necklace, anything strung together, line, row; malai (-v-, -nt-), milai (-v-, -nt-) to wear, put on (as a garland); ma_la garland, wreath, necklace, dewlap (Ma.); ma_le wreath, garland, necklace, row, line, series (one of the tatsamas)(Ka.); ma.le necklace, dewlap, jungle cock's ruff of neck-feathers (Kod..); ma_l garland, wreath, necklace (Tu.); ma_la id. (Te.)(DEDR 4827). ma_la_ wreath, garland (Gr.S.); garland (Pali.Pkt.); ma_lika_ (Skt.); kar-malik ear-ring (Ash.); ma_lia_ garland (Pkt.); ma_lik flower (Wg.); mol garland (Kt.); vaci_-mol monal pheasant's feather used as ornament for returning warriors (Kt.); kho-ma_li river-bank (Dm.); nande-ma_la_ (Pas'.); mal monal pheasant's feather (Kal.); ma_l wreath, garland (K.); ma_w, pl. ma_wa garland (Ku.); ma_l (B.); ma_l.a garland, necklace; ma_l.i rosary (Or.); ma_l garland (Mth.H.); ma_ra (OAw.); ma_la (OMarw.); ma_l. (G.M.); leather or cotton belt connecting two wheels (G.); ma_l.a garland (Konkan.i); mal-a flower (Si.); mau, male (Md.)(CDIAL 10092). ma_la_ka_ra garland-maker, gardener (MBh.); ma_la_ka_ri_ f. (VarBr.S.); ma_la_ka_ra garland-maker (Pali); ma_la_ga_ra (Pkt.); malea_r, malea_ri_ one of the gardening caste; milia_r (L.); malvaru garland-maker (Si.)(CDIAL 10093). ma_lin garlanded (A_past.); gardener (Skt.); ma_lika (Skt.Pali); ma_li, ma_lia m., ma_lin.i_ f. (Pkt.); ma_lini_ his wife (Skt.); ma_li, ma_lini (N.); ma_li (A.B.); ma_lini_ (B.); ma_l.i, ma_l.in.i, ma_l.un.i (Or.); ma_li_, ma_lini (Aw.); ma_li_, ma_lin, ma_lan ma_lini_ (H.); ma_li_, ma_lan.i_ (OMarw.); ma_lun. (L.); ma_l.i_, ma_l.an., ma_l.en., ma_lan., ma_len. (G.); ma_li_ (M.); ma_l.i_n. (M.); ma_li_ (L.); ma_li_ (S.); ma_li_, ma_lli_, ma_lan., ma_llan. (P.)(CDIAL 10094). ma_lya garland (Gr.S'r.); malya garland (Pali); malla (Pali.Pkt.); ma_lha, ma_la cord (S.); ma_hl, pl. ma_hla_, ma_lh rope over Persian wheel or over spinning wheel (L.); ma_l rope (L.); malha_ Hindu rosary (L.); ma_lh cord, belt of a wheel (P.); ma_l, pl. ma_la~_ driving belt of spinning wheel (WPah.); ma_l-da_mlo long rope for tying oxen together (N.); ma_l driving belt of spinning-wheel (A.); ma_la (Or.); ma_lh, ma_l (Bi.); ma_lh (Bhoj.Aw.)(CDIAL 10095). Image: twisted rope: mil.i, mini rope made of twisted leather straps (Ka.); mil.y rope made of two leather thongs (runs from yoke to head of plough-share)(Ko.)(DEDR 4868).
8023.Image: amorous woman: mala_ka_ amorous woman (Skt.); mara_l. staying obstinately, lying down and pretending exhaustion ( = markal., margal.); maral. falling exhausted on the ground (M.); mara_la lazy (Pkt.)(CDIAL 9873). malla_ (-tt-, -kk-) to fall on the back, lie on the back (Tiruman. 199)(Ta.lex.) mag to lie, sleep (Pe.); meg to fall down, fall off (Kuwi)(DEDR 4735). Image: to lie on the back: malagisu to cause to lie down or to recline; malagu to recline, to lie down, to repose, to rest (Ka.lex.) velikilu to fall or lie on the back; velikila on the back, supine (Te.); vela_ka_ lying on one's back (Kol.); ver.in:gi, in: pal ver.in:gi with face upwards; phat war.e_nga_na_ to sleep on one's back (Go.); r.e_n.(g-) (r.e_n.t-) to lie on the back; r.e_k- (-t-) to lay on the back (Pe.); r.e_n.(g)- to fall backward (Mand..); la_ngar.i flat on the back (Kui)(DEDR 5499).
8024.Image: pestle: maln.a_ pestle (L.)(CDIAL 9900).
8025.Image: to look obliquely: ma_lisu to look obliquely, turn the eye and cast a look from the corner, bend to one side (as a post, etc.)(Ka.); ma_luni to lean, incline, reel, stagger (Tu.); ma_lu to bend (Ka.); ma_la, ma_lu sloping, slanting, slope, descent (Ka.)(DEDR 4825). va_lu, o_lu to slope, slant (Ka.); v(r)a_lu to incline, bend, weigh down; n. slope, incline, slant (Te.)(DEDR 5369). Image: to look obliquely: mel.l.e rolling, looking obliquely, squinting (Ka.); mel.l.a id., a squinting man (Ka.); malave man with squint eyes (Tu.); mella squinting, squint; adj. squinting, squint (Te.)(DEDR 4871). Image: sash, incline: malagu, malangu to recline, incline, bend (intr., as full ears of paddy, etc.)(Ka.)(DEDR 4735). [cf. va_lu (Ka.)(DEDR 4369)]. mallu rafters, side-posts, sloping beams (Ma.); mal.l.u rafter (Ta.)(DEDR 4759). mala_cu to bend, cause to slant (Te.); mala_ka curved line, crookedness (Te.)(DEDR 4734). mal.kan.i upside down (Kor.); pat.a mr.ag to fall on the face (Pe.); pat.a malga id. (Kui): malga to be prone, fall flat on the face (Ku.)(DEDR 4754). cf. mit.ka blinking of the eyes (Kond.a); mit.akisu to stare (Ka.)(DEDR 4845). cf. mi_t.n.a_ to close the eyes (P.); mit.ik twinkling, moment (N.); mit.iya_ twinkling (B.); mit.i-mit.i (Or.); mit.i blinking (G.); mit.n.e~ to close the eyes (M.)(CDIAL 10119). cf. na-majs- to blink (Khot.); mica_c eyelids (Bal.); migati_ to blink (Russ.); mi_nxna_ to close the eyes (Kur.); mit.akisa to blink (Ka.); mis.ant with open eyes (RV.); mi_lya with closed eyes (RV.); mica_re to sparkle (Latin); mi~cu to flash (Ta.); mim.can.a closing the eyes (Pkt.); mi_cn.a_ to close the eyes, shut the hand or mouth; mica_un.a_ to make close the eyes (P.); mi_cna_, mi_chna_ to close the eyes (H.); micvu~ to close the eyes; mica_mn.a~_ pl. winking (G.); misika_iba to sneer (A.); micka_na to smile (B.); micka_na_, macka_na_ to wink (H.); micakn.e~ to close eyes or lips (M.); vi~_cvu~ to close the eyes (G.); micnu ot press (N.)(CDIAL 10118). cf. misugu to shine (Ka.)(DEDR 4840).
8026.Image: to return: mi_l. (mi_l.v-, mi_n.t.-) to return, disappear, vanish, be cured as of a disease, be rescued, redeemed, liberated, pass beyond; (mi_t.p-, mi_t.t.-) to liberate, extricate, release, bring back, recover, remove, cause to disappear, redeem, restore, rescue, chew the cud; mi_l.a again; mi_l.i returning; mi_t.ci id., turning; bringing back, causing to return, releasing, redeeming; mi_t.pu releasing, redemption, salvation; mi_t.t.u (mi_t.t.i-) to cause to return, save (Ta.); mi_l.uka to return; bring back; mi_l.cca returning, bringing back; vi_l.uka to return, get back; avenge; vi_n.t.u again; vi_l.ca return, ransom (Ma.); mi.n.- (mi.n.d.-), mi.n.d.- (mi.n.d.y-) to escape; mi.n.t.- (mi.n.t.y-) to make to escape; mi.t.- (mi.t.y-) to be successful in dispute or quarrel; eat (Ko.)(DEDR 4883). cf. vi_t.u-kol. to recover, get back (Ta.)(DEDR 5453).
8027.Image: to move round; roll, jump: mil.ir (-v-, -nt-) to roll (as the eyes), jump, leap (Ta.); mil.ir to move to and fro, move about, swing, wave, jump or fly about, roll; n. moving to and fro etc. (Ka.); mil.ircu to move about; mil.l.ir-i to move to and fro, move about; mil.l.isu to move about, fly, float, wave, jump, frisk; mel.l.isu to move round, cause to revolve, roll (as the eyeball); mela~gu to wander, rove about; behave, conduct oneself; caus. mela~cu, melapu to conduct, lead, manage; n. mannerly behaviour, skill; meliyu to be twisted; meli, melike turn, twist; melayu, meliyu to wander, behave (Te.); melli_ to move; mellu_s- to caue to move (Go.)(DEDR 4871). cf. mid.uku to move (Ka.)(DEDR 4852). cf. mid.i to leap, bounce, hop (Ka.)(DEDR 4850). mick- (micky-) to yield to importunity (Ko.); misx- (misxy-) to move slightly upward from position, budge; misk- (misky-) to lift slightly from ground (To.); misuku to move, stir, quiver, throb, swing etc.; n. moving, shaking, swinging (Ka.); miskuni to move, venture; interfere with, meddle (Tu.); misuku to move (Te.)(DEDR 4839). To turn over: mil.ir (-v-, -nt-) to be upset, turned topsy-turvy; (-pp-, -tt-) to roll, turn over, upset (Ta.); mid.iyeng to fall over (Kol.); milng- to be overturned; milkip- (milkit-) to overturn; bilj- to fall on the back; bilja lying on the back; biljip- (biljit-) to make to fall on the back (Pa.); mir.nd- to turn round, turn back, to be turned over, inverted (of the eyes); caus. mir.'- to turn over, invert; mi_d.i_na_, mid.iya_na_ to overturn (Go.); mer.-, mel- to fall over (Kond.a); mlinga (mlingi-) to be turned over, turn on the side; mlipka (< mlik-p-; mlikt-) to turn over, overturn, turn upside down; n. overturning; milpa (milt-/mit.-) to be changed, transformed; n. transformation (Kui); mli- to change; milh'nai, milph'nai to invert; mriphnai id., turn over; mn.i-/mr.i- (-t-) to change into (horse etc.); mr.ip- (-h-) id. (Kuwi); mulukhna_ to turn upside down, overturn, capsize; mulukhrna_ to get upturned, capsize (Kur.)(DEDR 4870). Image: upside down: cf. mal.kan.i upside down (Kor.)(CDIAL 4754).
8028.To rub, anoint: mal rub (Skt.); malai, male_i rubs (Pkt.); mer- (Ash.); malun (K.); malan., mal.an., malun. to rub, knead, stroke (L.); malan.u to rub (S.); mal.na_ to rub (P.); malnu to rub, anoint (N.); maliba to crush, squeeze, dissolve by crushing, scour (A.); mala_ to rub (B.); mal.iba_ to thresh, crush, rub (Or.); malab to rub, shampoo (Mth.); pel.a-mal.a crushing the testicles (for gelding a horse) (Or.); malal to rub, shampoo (Bhoj.); malna_ (H.); mal.n.e~ (M.); malavanava_ to stir in cooking, cook herbs for curry or medicin e(Si.); malav- to strike (Gypsy) (CDIAL 9870). malana rubbing, grinding, crushing (Skt.); malan.a rubbing (Pkt.); mal.ana anointing, rubbing (Or.); malan rubbing, grinding, threshing (H.); malan. site of a sugarmill (M.); mal.n.i_ kneading (Konkan.i)(CDIAL 9900). cf. parimala fragrance arising from the tituration of substances; fragrance (Skt.); fragrance (Pkt.); pimal. fragrance; pimal.vu~ to give out a sweet odour (G.)(CDIAL 7854).
8029.Gloss, varnish, polish: mer..uku gloss over, varnish (Ta.); to cleanse floor with cowdung solution, smear as the body with sandal paste (Ta.); mer..ukku smearing with cowdung water as the floor, substance or solution used to smear any surface; mer..ukkam ground or floor prepared by being smeared with cowdung water (Ta.); mer..ukuka to anoint, wax, varnish, daub a place with cowdung (Ma.); mek- to cleanse floor with cowdung water (Ko.); mukk- to smear (mud, manure on ground)(Kod..); me.g- (me.kt-) to purify with cowdung solution (Kol.); me_gh to apply (Nk.); mar.hutta_na_ to paint cattle for the Pola or the Diwali festival; ma_ca_na_ to plaster mud on a wall or dam, to smear; mit.a_na_ to apply; mitus- to apply (sacred mark); mit.t.u_s- to apply saffron powder on the forehead (Go.); mir.is- (-t) to rub and clean utensils with ashes, etc. (Kond.a); mra_nd.a to plaster, smear; plastering (Kui); mrispi ki_nai to polish; mn.ek- (-h-) to make clean filling holes, etc. (Kuwi); miring to plaster (Br.); mer..ukku substance or solution used to smear any surface (Ta.); polishing, daubing, anointing, varnish (Ma.); mrispi ki_nai to polish (Kuwi); mra_nd.a (mra_nd.i-) plastering (Kui); miring to plaster (Br.)(DEDR 5082). m(r)e~_gu, mre_vu to smear (Te.)(DEDR 5082). Polished, flashy: melk to lighten (Pa.); malk (light) to flash (Pa.); mel (lightning) to flash (Ga.); malka_ to lighten (Pe.)(DEDR 5079). mer-s to glitter, flash (as lightning)(Kond.a); merc(i) e_r to glitter (Ga.); mers lightning (Ga.); meruku smoothness, glitter, lustre, polish (Ta.); merugu shine, lustre (Ka.); merpu, merhi manne lightning (Kuwi); mer-acu to glitter (Te.); mer-apu shining, glitter, lightning flash (Te.); mer-ayu to shine, glitter, gleam (Te.); mer-u~gu to shine, glitter, gleam, appear to advantage; n. brilliance, glitter, polish; bright, shining (Te.); mer-umu to glitter; n. flash of lightning (Te.)(DEDR 5074). Beeswax: madana beeswax (Skt.); madanaka id. (Bhpr.); mayan.a (Pkt.); men.u (S.); men. (L.); main. (WPah.); main.o (Ku.); mayan, main (N.); maan.a, mahan.a (Or.); main (H.); mi_n. (G.); mi_n.iyu~ oily; wax-cloth (G.); men. beeswax (M.); men.a (Konkan.i)(CDIAL 9778). mayan.a, me_n.a bee's-wax, gum, resin (Ka.); ma~_yan.a wax (Tu.); mainamu id. (Te.); me.nam id. (Kol.); me_nam id. (Nk.); me_n.am id. (Kond.a); me_n.a id. (Kuwi)(DEDR App.52). mer..uku wax, gum (Ta.); wax (Ma.); mer..u (Ma.); mekku id. (Ir.); mek bee's wax (Ko.); mos.k wax (To.); mer..ukku anointing, varnish, daubing, polishing (Ma.); mosk to smear with dung of buffaloes as a ritual purification (To.)(DEDR 5082).
8030.Radish; root: mul.l.an:ki radish (Ta.Ma.); mul.a_ radish, raphanus sativus (Ta.); mullan:gi, mu_lage, mu_lan:gi id. (Ka.); mullen:gi, mu_len:gi id. (Tu.); mullan:gi (Te.)(DEDR 5004). mu_la root (RV.Pali.Pkt.As'.); radish (Mn.); mulade (NiDoc.); mu_laya radish (Pkt.); mu_luk radish (Pas'.); mu_le_t.i_ (Gaw.); mulai id. (Phal.); mu_lo radish (Sh.); muli_ root (Sh.); mu_l, mo_l root; mu_ji, muju radish (K.); mu_l., mu_l root, radish; mu_l.i_ radish (L.); mulo, muli radish (Ku.); mue radish (Ku.); mui root (Ku.); mula_ pl. radishes (N.); mu_l root, any edible root (A.); mula_ radish (A.B.); mul.a, mul.a_, mura_ radish (Or.); mu_l radish (Bi.); mu_li_, mulli_, murai_ radish (Bi.); mu_r root, radish (Mth.); mu_ro radish (Mth.); mu_ra, mu_ri root (OAw.); mu_l root; mu_li_ radish (H.); root (OMarw.); mu_l. root of tree (G.); root, cause (M.); mu_l.o radish; mu_l.i tender root (G.); mul.a_ radish; mul.i_ rootlet (M.); mula root (Si.)(CDIAL 10250). mu_lakapan.a bunch of radishes (Pa_n..com.); mulive collection of turnip tops and radish leaves stored for winter use (K.)(CDIAL 10251).
8031.Edible lotus root: mr.n.a_la edible lotus root (MBh.); mul.a_la, mul.a_li_, mul.a_lika_ lotus stalk (Pali); man.a_la, man.a_liya_, min.a_la, mun.a_la, mun.a_lia_ edible lotus fibre (Pkt.); mola_n (A.); mun.a_l.a (Or.)(CDIAL 10277).
8032.Corner: mul.a, mulla corner, angle (Si.)(CDIAL 10186). mu_lai corner (Ta.); mu_la id. (Ma.Te.Kond.a. Pa.Go.Kuwi); mu.l corner, point of compass (Ko.); mu.le corner (Kod..); mu_le corner, point of compass (Ka.Tu.); mullu corner (Kor.); mu_la_ corner (Kol.)(DEDR 5044). mu_le a corner, an angle (Ka.Te.Ma.); mu_lai (Ta.)(Ka.lex.)
8033.Full circle; perfect circle: mur..u-valayam full circle; valayam circle, ring; discuss; bracelet, armlet (Periyapu. Tiruna_vuk.); surrounding region (Ta.lex.)
8034.Massed: samu_d.ha collected together (RV.); samu_l.ha id. (RV.); sam.vu_l.ha collected, massed (Pali); sam.yu_l.ha (Pali); hamul.u collection (Si.); mul.u, mulu all, entire (Si.); mul.a multitude (Si.); mur..u all, whole, entire (Ta.); mur..appu completion, crowd (Ma.)(CDIAL 13238). Image: entire, all: mul all persons (Go.); mulu people (Go.); mur..uva_l.a a complete man (Ma.); mur..u whole, entire (Ma.); all, entire, whole; large (Ta.); murka full, brimful (Tu.)(DEDR 4992). Numera-tion/Mensuration: mot. gross total, load (A.B.); mot.a gross total (Or.)(CDIAL 10187). muno less by a quarter (S.); munna_ less by a quarter (L.)(CDIAL 10191). mut.ha collection, total (A.); mot.a total (A.); entire amount (B.); mu_ri completely (S.); mu_l.o~ id. (L.P.); mulu complete (Si.)(CDIAL 10233-10250). motm Kurumba village (Ko.); mut id. (To.)(DEDR 5120). samuccaya aggregation (Skt.); collection (Pali.Pkt.); samucca_ whole, entire (P.); samucce on the whole, entirely (P.); samu_ca_ all, entire, whole (H.)(CDIAL 13277). mottam sum, total, aggregate, whole, universality, generality, bulkiness (Ta.); whole, total (Ma.); motta heap, mass, multitude, flock, collection, code (Ka.); mottamu total, sum, whole, collection, multitude, number, crowd, flock (Te.); mottomi total (Kuwi)(DEDR 5119).
8035.Victory: mur..uvalayam victory; mur..uvali great strength (Pu. Ve. 7,17); powerful person of great strength (Ta.lex.) Army, retinue: mooloo army, retinue (Go.); mul all persons; mulnahk all day; mulu people (Go.)(DEDR 4992). mu_lappat.ai soldiers who have been maintained from the very early times or from time immemorial; reserved force, one of ar-u-vakai-p-pat.ai (Kur-al.. 762, Urai)(Cukkirani_ti, 303); mu_lapalam id. (mu_lapala vataip pat.alam : Kampara_.)(Ta.lex.) muwal to die (Bhoj.); mal.a dead (Si.); muala, mu_illaya, mailla, mailliya dead (Pkt.); maila (OB.); mail (Mth.); mela_ (M.); mello died (Konkan.i); mr.ta dead (RV.); mr.taka death (Ka_tyS'r.com.)[pp. of mriyate_ and marate_]; mata dead (Pali); mut.a, mat.a dead (As'.); mada, maya, mua, mayaga (Pkt.); mulo, mul to die (Gypsy); moya (D..); mu_-motu dead (K.); muo, mo (S.); mo_ea_, mo_a_ (L.); moa_, moea_ (P.); mu~i (Sh.); muo (Ku.); muwa_, mu~, pl. mu_a~_ (WPah.); mua_ (OAw.H.); mui_ (OAw.); mu_na_ to die (H.); muwa_na_ to kill (H.); mu_u dead (OG.); muvu~ to die; moi term of abuse for a woman (G.); mar.ak plague (H.); mar.aka (Or.)(CDIAL 10278). Corpse: mr.taka corpse (MBh.); mataka dead man (Pali); mr.taga, mr.daga (NiDoc.); mayala, mad.ya corpse (Pkt.); mreste (Kt.); mosta (Wg.); moru, mor.u body (of a man whether dead or alive)(K.); mar., mar.o corpse (Ku.); moro corpse, term of abuse (N.); mara_ corpse (A.); mar.a_ (B.Or.); mar.u~, mar.du~ (G.); mad.e~ (M.Konkan.i); mar.hu corpse (S.); mar.ha (Or.)(CDIAL 10279). To kill: mat.i to kill; to perish, be destroyed, die (Ta.); mat.ivi to kill (Ta.); mat.ivu ruin, loss, destruction, death (Ta.); mad.i to die (Ka.); mat.akku to destroy, kill (Ta.); mad.ipu, mad.ihu, mad.uhu to kill; mad.uhisu to have killed (Ka.); mad.iyu to die, expire, perish; mad.iyincu to kill, put to death; mad.a~gu to be destroyed (Te.); mad.a~cu to destroy, kill (Te.)(DEDR 4653). mr.tama_tr.ka one whose mother is dead (Skt.); mue_ orphan girl (Ku.)(CDIAL 10280). mr.tyu death (RV.); maccu (Pali.Pkt.); micca (Pkt.); micu (OAw.); mi_c death, disease, exhaustion (H.); death (P.)(CDIAL 10288). mr.ti death (BhP.); mai (Pkt.); mi_ (Si.)(CDIAL 10283). ma_r-, ma_r.a_na_ to be finished; ma_rh-/ma_rih to finish; ma_rha_na_ to complete; ma_ra_na_ to exhaust; ma_h-, ma_hta_na_ to finish; ma_r- to stop (doing something)(Go.); ra_- (-t-) to come to an end, be finished; ra_p- (-h-) to finish (Kuwi)(DEDR 4817). ma_y to perish, be annihilated, die; to kill, destroy, put an end to; ma_yccal, ma_yppu, ma_yvu death, vanishing; ma_ccal dying; great suffering (Ta.); ma_yuka to vanish (Ma.); ma_ykka to destroy (Ma.); ma_y to pass away; ma_ya vanishing, disappearance (Ka.); ma_yu to be destroyed, perish; ma_yincu to destroy, annihilate; ma_pu to destroy, erace, ruin (Te.); ma_y- to get lost (Pa.); to be lost (Go.); ma_p- (-t-) to exterminate; ma_ya vanishing or disappearing suddenly (Kond.a)(DEDR 4814). mriyate_ dies (RV.); mriyati (MBh.); mi_yati, miyyati pres. part. miyyama_na (Pali); mr.yati (NiDoc.); mijjai (Pkt.); mrem 1 sg. pres. (Ash.); mriyam (Wg.); mre~tom (Kt.); bri-num 1 sg. pres. (Dm.); li_am I shall die (Shum.); le-, lee_m, bli (Pas'.); mi- (mima_n 3 sg. pres. < mriyama_n.a)(Gaw.); brik, brium 1 sg. fut., obristai 3 sg. pret. (Kho.); miroiki, miri_am 1 sg., miryo_nu (Sh.); miyanava_ (Si.)(CDIAL 10383). mr.da, mata, mutam.ti dead (NiDoc.); muda (Dhp.); mra he died (Gypsy); mere, mer.i died (Ash.); me_r died; mr.o_sta, mo~_st dead (Wg.); mra died (Kt.); moksum I am dead (Pr.)[cf. mo_ks.a release (esp. from worldly existence)(S'vetUp.)(CDIAL 10345)]; mur.a died (Tir.); mur.i_ dead; lik, lic died; bli_k (Pas'.); mur., pl. mir. (Wot..); miro_ (Gaw.); birdu dead (Kho.); mu_, mui_ died (Tor.); mur.o (Phal.); mu~_u, mu~yi dead; mu_o he died (Sh.); mu_-motu dead; mu_mut (K.); mara_ (A.); mar.a_ (B.)(CDIAL 10278).
8036.Piles: mul.ai piles (Ta.); mul.a external piles, polypus (Ma.); mol.e piles (Ka.)(DEDR 5000). mu_lam piles, prolapsus ani (Ta.); haemorrhoids; posteriors (Ma.); mu.lm (obl. mu.lt-) eversion of bowel during evacuation (Ko.); mul.a-vya_di piles (Skt. vya_dhi- sickness)(Ka.); mu_lamu piles, haemorrhoids (Te.)(DEDR 5043).
8037.Vitex negundo: va_vili vitex negundo (Ka.Te.)(DEDR 5371). sindwari dare vitex negundo; bhadu vitex peduncularis (Santali.lex.) Vitex negundo: nirgun.d.i_ vitex negundo (Car. Su. 4.15, Vi. 7.21). nirgundi (Skt.M.B.); nirgandi (H.); vennochi (Ta.Ma.); nallavavili (Te.); nirgundi (Ka.); leaves: aromatic, tonic, vermifuge; dried ones smoked for relief of headache and catarrh; useful in acute rheumatism; root: expectorant, febrifuge, tonic; juice of leaves used for removing foetid discharges and worms from ulcers; an oil prepared with it applied to sinuses and scrofulous sores; habitat: throughout India in the warmer zone (GIMP, pp. 256-257). Aromatic; insecticide: ni_like the five-leaved chaste tree, vitex negundo, kare_lakki; [Treasure: ni_la one of the nine treasures of Kube_ra (Ka.lex.)]; s'e_pha_like the shrub or small tree vitex negundo or trifolia; lakki, lokki id.; Synonyms: sindhuva_ra, nirgun.d.i, indra_n.i, sinduka, indrasurasa; ad.aviya-lakki, kare_lakki, karlakki, bil.ihu_vinalakki, lakkide_vayya; nekki, lakkili, lekki (Ka.lex.) cf. nocci vitex negundo (Ta.)(DEDR 3781). That with blue flowers is called nirgundi; that with pale blue flowers is called sindhuva_ra... nirgundi is generally used in medicine... the aroamtic juice of the leaves is much used for soaking various metallic powders, before making the latter into pills. (Sanskrit Materia Medica, pp. 218-219). Vitex negundo: It occurs in tropical East Africa, Madagascar, India to Japan, and southward through Malaya to western Polynesia... Nadkarni records that the leaves contain a colourless essential oil of the odour of the drug, and a resin; the fruit contains an acid resin, an astringent organic acid, mallic acid, and colouring matter... a decoction of the bark, tops and leaves is said to antigastralgic. The leaves are used in aromatic baths; also as an insectifuge. The seeds are boiled in water and eaten, or the water is drunk, to prevent the spreading of toxin from the bites of poisonous animals. An infusion is also used for disinfecting wounds... According to Nadkarni in Mysore, febrile, catarrhal, and rheumatic affections are treated by means of a vapour bath prepared with this plant... The powdered root is prescribed for piles as a demulcent, and also for dysentery... the leaves are considered insecticide. They are placed between the leaves of books and folds of silk and woollen clothes to preserve them from insects... efficacious in reducing inflammatory, rheumatic swellings... a pillow stuffed with the leaves is placed under the head for relief of catarrh and headache... The dried leaves, when smoked, are also said to relieve catarrh and headache... Nadkarni quotes Roxburgh, who mentions the use of a decoction of the leaves as a warm bath in the puerperal state of women who suffer much from after-pains. Da Orta says that the leaves, heated over fire, are applied with oil externally on wounds... An oil prepared with the juice is applied to the sinuses and to scrofulous sores. The oil may also be used as a bath for rubbing on the head in glandular (tubercular) swellings of the neck. The oil is found to effect marvelous cures of soloughing wounds and ulcers. (Medicinal Plants of the Philippines, pp. 806-808). va_variyuri a medicinal bark; kil.iyu_r-ar-pat.t.ai (Can.. Aka.); va_lariyuri id. (Tailava.)(Ta.lex.) kil.iyu_r-ar-pat.t.ai a medicinal bark used for fever (Pata_rtta. 508)(Ta.lex.) ?Holoptelea integrifolia: vavala (M.); papri (H.P.); chirabilva (Skt.); aya (Ta.); nemali (Te.); juice of boiled bark: applied to rheumatic swellings; habitat: sub-Himalayas, Ajmere, Bundelkhand, Bihar, Assam and W. Peninsula (GIMP, p.135).
8038.Mimosa: va_kai sirissa, albizzia, fragrant sirissa; karu-va_kai fragrant sirissa, albizzia odoratissima (Ta.); va_ka acacia odoratissima (Ma.); ba_ge acacia or mimosa seeressa = albizzia lebbeck (Ma.); ba_ge-mara the sirissa tree, acacia speciosa (Tu.)[albizzia odoratissima = acacia odoratissima = acacia speciosa = acacia sirissa = mimosa sirissa](DEDR 5333). cf. s'iri_s.a the tree acacia sirissa; its flower (S.ad.vBr.)(CDIAL 12453). ba_ge, ba_gi the tree acacia (or mimosa) seeressa, albizzia lebbeck, s'iri_s.a, kapi_tana, bhan.d.i_la (Ka.); va_kai (mimosa flexuosa)(Ta.); va_ge acacia odoratissima (Ma.)(Ka.lex.) mimosa sirissa = acacia speciosa (Indian Medicinal Plants, p. 800). Aloe wood; sirissa: ci_kkiri, ci_kkiriyan-, ci_kkiriya_n- black sirissa, albizzia amara (Ta.lex.) Albizzia amara: krishna sirisha (Skt.); lallei (M.); turinjil (Ta.); sigara(Te.); seeds: astringent, given in piles, diarrhea and gonorrhea; leaves: useful in ophthalmia; habitat: throughout S. India in dry forests (GIMP, p.10). Albizzia odoratissima: kala siris (H.); kakur siris (B.); chikunda (M.); karuvagei (Ta.); chinduga (Te.); svetashirisha (Skt.); bark: applied externally is considered efficacious in leprosy and inveterate ulcers; leaves: boiled in ghee used as remedy for cough; gum (Wealth of India, I,44); habitat: throughout India (GIMP, p.11). sirisa, s'iri_s.a, sirasala, sirsala a large tree, albizzia lebbeck; the tree acacia sirissa (Ka.lex.) s'i_rs.a the black variety of aloe-wood (Skt.lex.) Albizzia Lebbeck. In Java the bark is sometimes used for soap. (Medicinal Plants of the Philippines, p.365). siris albizia lebbeck; jan. siris albizia odoratissima (Santali); kan.t.a siris albizzia myriophilla (Santali.lex.) kat.abhi_, kat.ambhara_ albizzia lucida (Car. Ci. 9.70, 23.2.4; 9.47). Albizia or mimosa lebbeck... In Java, according to Heyne, the bark is sometimes used for soap. According to Wehmer the bark contains saponin and tannin 7 to 11 percent... The powder of the bark of the roots is used to strengthen spongy and ulcerative gums (Medicinal Plants of the Philippines, p.365). s'iri_s.a the tree acacia sirissa; its flower (S.ad.vBr.); s'iri_s.aka (R.); siri_sa acacia sirissa (Pali); siri_sa (Pkt.); sirihu the tree albizzia lebbec (S.); s'iri_h, s'ri~_ albizzia lebbec; sari~_h acacia speciosa (L.); siri~_h, sari~_h, si_ri_ acacia speciosa or sirissa or stipulata (P.); siris (H.); siris any kind of leguminous tree with pinnate leaves (N.); sirisa acacia sirissa (Or.); siris (Mth.); sirisa (OAw.); siris, siras acacia sirissa, mimosa sirissa (H.); s'iras mimosa sirissa (M.)(CDIAL 12453). bhan.d.i_ albizzia lebbeck synonym of s'iri_s.a (Car. Su. 27.107). Acacia sirissa: bhan.d.ila acacia or mimosa sirissa (Skt.); bhan.d.i_ra ficus indica (R.); acacia sirissa (Skt.); bhan.d.ira acacia sirissa (Skt.); bhan.d.ila mimosa sirissa (Pali); bham.d.i_ra (Pkt.); bham.d.i_, bham.d.ia_ (Pkt.); bad.ila tamarindus indica (Si.)(CDIAL 9375). amlika_ tamarindus indica (Car. Su. 23.38, 27.152). cf. bhan.d.ila acacia or mimosa sirissa (Skt.) seri_sakaa made of siri_sa wood, name of a hall; seri_samaha festival in honour of the seri_saka vima_na (Pali.lex.) s'iri_s.a mimosa sirissa = albizzia lebbek (Skt.) Albizzia lebbeck: shirisha (Skt.); siris (H.B.M.); vagai (Ta.); dirasana (Te.); bark and seeds: astringent, given in piles and diarrhea, tonic, restorative; root bark: in powder form used to strengthen gums; leaves: in night-blindness; gum, saponin, tannin; throughout India, ascends to 4,000 ft. in the Himalayas, usually planted (GIMP, p.11). karu-va_kai fragrant sirissa, albizzia odoratissima (Ta.); va_ka acacia odoratissima (Ma.)(DEDR 5333). {Mimusops Laurifolius or schimperi (Ancient Egyptian s'3w3b; Coptic wrbe; wroye; Modern Egyptian Arabic = Classical Arabic labah, although this now designates albizzia lebbekh, a tree imported from India in the 18th century) 'Persea is a tall tree with a dense foliage of tough leaves. The fruits are about 4 cm long, round with a pointed tip and four or six sepals. When ripe it is yellow and contains a sweet, green edible pulp enclosing two or three stones. The tree grows wild in Ethiopia, and in ancient times it grew all over Egypt. Fruits have been found in burials of the Old Kingdom and later, leaves have been identified in mummy garlands from the New Kingdom, where they formed the basis for the setting of other floral elements... Two large bouquets were found in the tomb of Tutankhamun. In the medical texts it ocfurs just once in a remedy for 'white spots', an ointment consisting of red ochre, kohl, boiled persea pulp, and another plant ingredient, pounded in sycamore juice... The word is'd is generally taken to designate the persea tree and its fruit...' (Lise Manniche, An Ancient Egyptian Herbal, British Museum Publications Ltd., pp. 121-122)}.
8039.Image: swan: va_vippul. swan (Ta.lex.)
8040.Royal revenue; impost; gift: pa_hura gift (H.); pa_ud.a (Pkt.) < pra_bhr.ta gift (Skt.); prbhr.ta brought forward; prabhr.tha offering (RV.); pa_bhata present, bribe (Pali); pahud.'a gift (NiDoc.); pa_hud.a, pa_hud.ia_ (Pkt.)(CDIAL 8948). paggaha favour, kindness (Pali); paga_ bribe (Si.(CDIAL 8478). cf. vaku to distribute (Ta.)(DEDR 5202). pa_kut.am gift, present (Tiv. Periya_r... 4,5,8); royal revenue, impost, tribute (Ta.)(Ta.lex.) pa_vud.a gift, present; tribute (Ka.)(Ta.lex.) Exchange: pakaram in exchange (Ta.); pakaruka exchange, barter; pakarcca exchange; pakaram exchange, equivalent; in exchange (Ma.); pagapuni to exchange, substitute; pagarc, pagat exchange; pagara exchange (Tu.)(DEDR 3803).
8041.Image: cloak; vow; present before a deity: pa_va_t.am vow to cut off one's tongue before a deity (Ta.); pa_vad.amu id. (Te.); pa_va_t.ai cloth or carpet spread on the ground for persons of distinction to walk on (Periyapu. E_yarko_n-. 57); pa_vad.a id. (Ka.Te.); pa_va_t.a id. (Ma.); pa_va_t.ai boiled rice heaped on a cloth before a deity or eminent person (Kalin.. 548); cloth used for waving before a deity or a person of distinction; pa_va_t.ai-vi_ran-, pa_va_t.ai-ra_yan- a village deity (Ta.lex.) pa_vad.a, pa_vad.e, pa_vud.a, pa_vud.e (Tadbhava of pra_vr.ta) cloth; a girl's petticoat (Ka.); pa_vad.e (Te.); pa_vad.a a woman's garment (Ka.); pa_va_t.ai (Ta.); cloths spread in the streets at a great solemnity (Ta.); pa_va_d.e (Ma.); awning (Ma.); pa_vad.a a present (in cloth)(Ka.)(Ka.lex.) pra_vr.ta covered enclosed, encompassed, screened; a warpper, a cloak, a mantle, a veil (Ka.Skt.)(Ka.lex.) pra_vr.ta pp. covers (RV.); pra_varan.a cloak (S'Br.); pra_vr.n.o_ti covers (S'Br.); pa_un.ai (Pkt.); pa_purati covers, veils (Pali); metath. pa_rupati, pa_puran.a, pa_rupan.a clothing (Pali); porovanava_, poravanava_, peravanava_ to put on clothes; poravanaya, poronaya rohbe, vesture (Si.); foruva_n to clothe, bedeck (Md.); pa_vaya, pa_vua covered (Pkt.); metath. pa_ruta (Pali); pa_varan.a cloak (Pkt.); pa_vuran.a (Pali)(CDIAL 8962). cf. pa_vuru surrounding on all sides (K.); pra_vr.ti enclosure (Skt.)(CDIAL 8963). Marvellous acts: pava_d.a a vow or determination to effect an object; fanatical, obstinate, pompous, or marvellous words or acts (Ka.Te.); pa_va_t.am (Ta.); pava_d.a_ a panegyric or encomiastic piece in a kind of recounting the achievements of a warrior, the talents of a scholar, the virtues of a person (Ka.); pava_d.apurus.a a man of marvellous words or acts; pava_d.i a panegyrist (Ka.) cf. praud.ha full of (MBh.); strong, full grown, skilful (Skt.)(CDIAL 9021). por.a_ stout, robust (Mth.)(CDIAL 8774). cf. pravr.ddha grown up, great (RV.)(CDIAL 8807).
8042.Image: flag: pa_vat.t.a_ flag (W.)(Ta.); ba_ota_ (U.)(Ta.lex.)
8043.To sell: cf. por- (-t-) to sell (Kond.a); pro- (-t-) id. (Pe.); pre- id. (Mand..); pra_pa (pra_t-) id.; n. act of selling (Kui); pr.a_cali, prahnai, pra'- (prat-), pra_- (-t-), pa_r- (-h-) to sell (Kuwi)(DEDR 4536). To give: pradada_ti gives away (RV.); prada_t aor. (RV.); pp. pratta (TS.); pradatta (R.); padada_ti gives (Pali); 1 sg. prem, plem (Ash.); pre- (Kt.); pra_m 1st sg., pre_ imper. (Wg.); -pli-, -bli- (Pr.); 1st sg. prim, imper. pre (Dm.); di- (Shum.); de_-, di- (Gaw.); pada_ti (Pali); prau, pra he gave (Kal.); prai (Kho.); pro_ta, plate gave (Ash.); pta_ (Kt.); pratoi (Wg.); prati_ (Dm.); payatta given (Pkt.); da_itam he gave to me (Shum.); pretam I gave (Kho.); dit (Gaw.)(CDIAL 8655). aprati_tta not given back (AV.); paim.ta stake, throw in dice (OAw.)(CDIAL 8625). Vow: paij vow (P.); vow, promise, solemn declaration (H.); bet, promise (M.); pain. bet, agreement (M.); pratija promise (MBh.); pat.ia promise, vow (Pali)(CDIAL 8563). pai_ concord, agreement (S.); pai_i trust (Pkt.); prati_ti going toward (RV.); understanding (Skt.); trust (Skt.)(CDIAL 8624). pait.han. agreement, contract (G.)(CDIAL 8610). pad.ivatti knowledge, promise (Pkt.); pratipatti gaining (Gaut.)(CDIAL 8560). Receipt: prai, pray receipt (K.); pradi gift (Pa_n..com.) (CDIAL 8663). pyo_ru gift (Pr.); prada_na (TS.)(CDIAL 8661). pad.ga_han. pawn ticket (M.); pat.iggahan.a acceptance (Pali); pratigrahan.a receipt (S'a_n:khGr..)(CDIAL 8555). pratigraha receiving (of gifts)(S'Br.); pat.iggaha reception, receptacle (Pali); pratigrahe acceptance (KharI.)(CDIAL 8554). To send: prahin.o_ti despatches, sends (RV.); prahita send (RV.); sent away (MBh.); pahin.ati despatches (Pali); ce~_ to send (Mai.); ceho~ (Chil.); ciyo~_ (Gau.); chin.o_nu (Sh.); cin.yo_nu, chan.oiki (Sh.); pahita sent (Pali); prahita (NiDoc.); pahia (Pkt.); chhai-gil, ce_- (Mai.); pe-, inf. pyu_sa to send (Tor.)(CDIAL 8908). Signature on a document; market: pe~t.h signature on a document (G.); pet.hi market (Mth.); pe~t.h, pai~t.h market, market day (H.); pet.h, pe~t.h town, market, quarter of a town (M.); pe~t.a marketplace (Konkan.i)(CDIAL 8608). Handed over; money due: pait.ha paid, handed over (Or.); pait.ha_ri import (N.); paisa_l.u_ imported (of goods)(M.)(CDIAL 8803). pet.hi money due (S.); pait.ha depositing money, payment, delivery (Or.)(CDIAL 8804). pait.ha paid, handed over (Or.)(CDIAL 8664). Kept in reserve: pait.i the beginning to consume corn kept long in reserve (N.)(CDIAL 8806).
8044.Chief of trade: pra_ma_n.ika chief of trade (Skt.); founded on authority (Da_yabh.); pa_ni, pa~_in, pa_in a surname (B.)(CDIAL 8949). Ceremony of bringing the bride to her father's house; dues: cf. pra_pan.a attainment; pra_pan.i_ya to be obtained (MBh.); pa_un.a_ money due (Or.); pa_van.a act of getting (Pkt.); pa_on (A.B.); pa_ona_ dues (B.); pa_n getting; pa_na_ outstanding dues (H.); pa_van. ceremony of bringing the bride to her father's house (M.); paun.i reward for the recovery of a lost thing (Ku.); pa_uni adj. due, payable; dues (A.)(CDIAL 8942). pra_payati causes to be obtained (TBr.); obtains (R.); pa_pe_ti makes obtain, brings to (Pali); pa_vai obtains (Pkt.); para_vai (Ap.); pav- to arrive (Gypsy); pau 2 sg. imper. come (Gypsy); pro_- to reach (Kt.); --po_u- to arrive (Pr.); pow- to obtain (Tor.); caiyo~_ (Gau.); pra_wun (K.); pira_in.u, pa_in.u (S.); pa_van. (L.); pa_un.a_ (P.); t.l.a_n.u_ to take, catch (WPah.); paun.o to obtain (Ku.); pa_unu (N.); pa_iba to obtain (A.); pa_oya_ (B.); pa_iba_ (Or.); pa_eb (Mth.); pa_vai (OAw.); pa_na_ (H.); pa_va~_ 1 sg. (OMarw.); pa_vu~ (G.); pa_vn.e~ (M.); pa_vta_ reaches (Konkan.i); pava_ upto, till (Si.)(CDIAL 8943). pra_pti advent (AV.); acquisition (Mn.); patti obtaining, profit (Pali.Pkt.); peta profit, acquisition (Si.)(CDIAL 8946). pra_pno_ti attains to, obtains (AV.); pa_pun.a_ti, pappo_ti obtains (Pali); prapun.ati,pra_pun.ati, pa_puna_ti, pa_potave, 3 sg. opt. pa_pova (Skt.); pramun.i = prav~uni (Dhp.); pa_un.ai, pappo_i, pa_mai (Pkt.); pra_mai (OG.); pa_mvu~ (G.); paminenava_ to get, arrive; caus. pamunuvanava_ (Si.)(CDIAL 8947).
8045.Master; wealth: pa_pu < ba_b (U.) lord, master (Ta.)(Ta.lex.) pa_n.ba (pa_t.-; future pa_-), pa_n.pa (pa_n.t-) to obtain, get, receive, find; n. obtaining, getting, finding, wealth (Kui); pa'-(pat.-; ppl. pan.bi) to find, get; pa'- (pa_t.-; infinitive pa_d.eli, neg. pr.a_-, imper. 2 sg. pr.a_mu) to obtain; patali (future par-, imper. pamu_) to find; parinai id.; pa_'nai to get, have; pa_npu the receipt; pa_n.-/pn.a'- (-h-/-t-) to receive, get (Kuwi)(DEDR 4072). pra_pno_ti attains to, obtains (AV.); pa_pun.a_ti, pappo_ti obtains (Pali); prapun.ati, pra_pun.ati, pa_puna_ti, pa_potave, pa_pova 3 sg. opt., Dhp. pramun.i; pa_un.ai, pappo_i, pa_mai (Pkt.); pra_mai (OG.); pa_mvu~ (G.); pminenava_ to get, arrive, caus. pamunuvanava_ (Si.)(CDIAL 8947). pra_payati causes to be obtained (TBr.); obtains (R.); pa_pe_ti makes obtain, brings to (Pali); pa_vai obtains (Pkt.); para_vai (Skt.); pav- to arrive; pau 2 sg. imper. come (Gypsy); pro_ to reach (Kt.); -po_u- to arrive (Pr.); pow to obtain (Tor.); caiyo~_ (Gau.); pra_wun (K.); pira_in.u, pa_in.u (S.); pa_van. (L.); pa_un.a_ (P.); t.l.a_n.u_ (N.); pa_iba (A.); pa_oya_ (B.); pa_iba_ (Or.); pa_eb (Mth.); pa_vai (OAw.); pa_na_ (H.); pa_va~_ 1 sg. (OMarw.); pa_vu~ (G.); pa_vn.e~ (M.); pa_vta_ reaches (Konkan.i); pava_ upto, till (Si.)(CDIAL 8943). pra_pta obtained (Mn.); patta (Pali.Pkt.); pata- in: patavadha condemned to death (As'.); prut-chun to reach (Wg.); prtu that which has come of itself (e.g. riches without working)(K.); pa_to pp. of pa_in.u to obtain (S.); pa_tiba to place in proper position, appoint (A.); pa_tan.em. to reach (OM.); pa_tla_ arrived (M.); pat arrived at, attained to, proper (M.)(CDIAL 8945). pra_pti advent (AV.); acquisition (Mn.); patti obtaining, profit (Pali.Pkt.); peta profit, acquisition; daka-patiya relating to the revenue derived from water (Si.inscr.) (CDIAL 8946). pa_vattu < ba_bat (U.) article, affair, item of account; pa_vati < pa_oti receipt for money paid, acknowledgment (C.G.)(Ta.lex.) Money due; dues,payable: pa_pattu < ba_bat (U.) item, article, matter, business, affair (W.)(Ta.); account, head in accounts (Ta.); pa_patu id. (C.G.); pa_pu title, head of accounts; pa_puva_r < ba_bwa_r (U.) head or items of account, arranged or classified (C.G.); pappattu (pattu + pattu) groups of tens (Tol. Er..ut. 482, Urai.) (Ta.lex.) Rent paid in kind; market rate; price: bha_uli_ rent paid in kind (H.); bha_u price (H.); price, rate (S.); bha_ (L.); bha_va being, thing (S'vetUp.); matter, thing, meaning (Pkt.); bao pl. bawi thing, article (Sh.); ba_v market rate (K.); bha_u id. (P.A.B.Or.Aw.); value, rate (N.); bhau market rate (Ku.); bha_o (Mth.); bha_um. intention (OH.); bha_em. according to one's knowledge (OH.); bha_v market rate (G.M.); bava, bva existence, fact (Si.); bvin on account of (Si.)(CDIAL 9475). To receive, take, buy, take away: va_n:ku (va_n:ki-) to receive, take, buy, get, obtain, carry away as a flood, draw, drag, pull, take in (as breath), get back, take back, remove, take away; va_n:kal receiving, admitting, borrowing, buying (Ta.); va_n.n.uka to take, receive, choose; va_n.n.al purchasing; va_n.n.ikka to demand back; va_n.n.ippikka to make one take (Ma.)(DEDR 5336).
8046.To cause: bha_vana in medicine: saturating any dry powder with fluid, steeping; decorating with flowers and perfumes, scenting; at the end of a compound: nature, essence; causing to be; treating with respect (Ka.lex.) Infusion: pa_van-am mixing of medicinal drugs, infusion (Ta.lex.) bha_ve_ti produces, begets, cultivates (Pali); bha_vayati causes to be (AV.)(CDIAL 9477).
8047.Sandalwood: ba_vanna sandalwood, malayaja_ta, sirikan.d.a, s'ri_khan.d.a; ba_vannagampu the fragrance of sandalwood; ba_vannadampu the refreshing quality of sandalwood; ba_vannadiguru sandal unguent; ba_vanna-bet.t.u the Malaya mountain, the Malabar hills, malaya_cala (Ka.lex.)
8048.Image: flying fox: ba_val, ba_vali, ba_vul, ba_vuli a bat; the flying fox (Ka.); a_va_la, va_val, vauva_l (Ta.); va_dil (Ma.); gabbila (Te.); pa_ko_l.i, va_gu_l.a, va_ghu_l.a (M.); a_val, va_val, vavva_l a large bat (Ma.); valgula (Skt.); va_gol.a the flying fox (M.)(Ka.lex.)
8049.Flea-bane: ba_vujige, ba_vuje, ba_hujige (Tadbhava of va_kus.i) the plant called purple flea-bane, vernonia anthelmintica, serrata anthelmintica; avalguja, so_mara_ji, suvalli, so_mavallike, ka_lame_s.i, kr.s.n.aphale, va_kuci, putiphali (Ka.lex.) ?soma (Vedic.lex.) Veronia anthelmintica, ascaradia indica, conyza ascaradia, serratula anthelmintica: somaraja, atavi jeeraka, avalguja, vakuchi (Skt.); purple fleabane (Eng.); bakchi, somraj (H.); kalouji, somraj (B.); kadvo-jiri (G.); kali-jiri (M.); adavi-jilkara, vishakantakalu (Te.); kattu-shiragam (Ta.); kattukjiragam (Ma.); kadu-jirigay (Ka.); kale-jiray (Kon.); sanni-naegam (Si.); justan-hutan (Malay); habitat: this plant is common in waste places near villages throughout India... Action: seeds are anthelmintic, stomachic, tonic, diuretic, antiperiodic and alterative. Viscid green oil obtained from seeds is diuretic and powerfully anthelmintic... (Indian Materia Medica, pp. 1267-1268).
8050.Image: woman: pa_vai woman, lady, damsel (Te_va_. 538,1)(Ta.lex.) Image: lamp with a damsel-shaped stand: pa_vai-vil.akku lamp with a damsel-shaped stand; (polampa_likaikal.um pa_vaivil.akkum palavut.an- parappumin- : Man.i. 1,45)(Ta.lex.)
8051.Image: frog: tappal.ai frog (Ta.); tappal.e id. (Ka.)(Ta.lex.) Image: frog: taval.ai < tavvu- animals of the frog and toad variety, batrachia ecandata (Perun.. Makata. 3,21); taval.a id. (Ka.Ma.); tavvu-tal to leap, jump, spring (Tiruva_lava_. 30,32)(Ta.lex.) plava frog (Skt.); plavaga frog (R.); plavaka frog (Skt.); plavam.gama frog (R.)(CDIAL 8772). plavaga, plavan:ga going by leaps; a frog; plavaka id., a tumbler; plavana jumping, leaping; flying; capering (Ka.lex.)
8052.Image: to incline: plavana declivity, inclination (Ka.lex.) pravan.a a declivity, a steep descent; declining, sloping down (Ka.lex.)
8053.A man of low tribe: plava, plavaka a ca_n.d.a_la; plavaka a tumbler (Ka.lex.) plava, plavaka a man of a low tribe; a cha_n.d.a_la (Skt.lex.)
8054.Inside of a boat: d.emb inside of a boat, hold (K.)(CDIAL 5551). Catamaran; raft; float: teppam raft, float (Tiva_.); teppai id. (Me_ruman. 1201, Urai.); te_ppai id. (Me_ruman. 1201)(Ta.lex.) teppal raft, float (Ta.); te_ppai raft (Ta.); teppa raft, float (Ka.); teppa id. (Tu.); teppa, te_pa id., catamaran (Te.); tepe float (of rod and line)(Go.); tarpa, talpa raft, float (Skt.)(DEDR 3414). teppa-k-kat.t.ai raft, logs of a raft; wooden shaft over the axle of a cart; protecting wooden frame at the bottom of a well; wooden piece for attaching a bucket to a piccotah (Tj.); teppa-k-kul.am tank attached to a temple in which the deity is floated on rafts during festival (Kur-r-a_. Kur-a. 91,4); teppa-t-tiruvir..a_ floating festival in which a deity of a temple is taken on rafts in a tank (Ta.lex.) To float: te_lu to float (Te.lex.) te_lu-tal to get rid of; to escape danger, as a ship; te_likkai lightness, superficiality, slightness; cf. te_lika lightness (Te.)(Ta.lex.) Raft; float: talpa raft (Skt.); tappa small boat (Pkt.); tra_po, tara_po raft of crossed timbers (G.); ta_pa_, ta_pha_ float or raft of timbers tied together (M.); tara_pha_ large float or raft of timbers tied together (M. <G.); tr_ppaga pl. rafts (Periplus)(CDIAL 5726). [cf. talpa bed (i.e. framework with woven string)(AV.); t.a_pra_ thatch, thatched house (H.)(CDIAL 5725)]. Boat: tappaka a medium-sized float; identified with trappaga mentioned in the Periplus of the Erythrean Sea (Jain.Skt.) cf. ti_vu island (Ta.lex.) ti_pu island (Pa_rata. Ira_ca. 115)(Ta.lex.) cf. trappaga float, boat (Periplus); t.a_ppu_ island (P.)(Bloch, p. 345). For other trade-related concordances with Greek, cf. the Indian elements in materia medica of Dioskorides and earlier Greek authors; loc. cit. Julius Jolly, Indian Medicine, Tr. from the German by C.G. Kashikar, Delhi, Munshiram Manoharlal, 1977, p. 22). peperi pippali_; peperewVrIza pippali_mu_la; ziggIberIV s'r.n:gavera; costus kus.t.ha; kardamwmoV kardama (ela_); kInnamwmoV tvaca_; bdellIon guggulu; knpeIroV musta_ka; sakcaroI s'arkara_; shscmon tila.
8055.Float, raft: plava a float, a raft; ud.upa, teppa; plavana swimming, floating; plava_ke a float, a raft (Ka.lex.) plu to float, swim; plava a raft, float, canoe, small boat; plava_ka_ a float, raft; plavika taking over in a boat, a ferry-man (Skt.lex.) Float; boat; canoe: plavate_ floats (RV.); vanishes by degrees (S'Br.); plavati, palavati, pilavati floats; pavati hurries on (Pali); pavai swims (Pkt.); pihinanava_, pi_nanava_ to swim, float (Si.); pamiba to melt, dissolve (A.)(CDIAL 9024). cf. pla_vayati casues to float, inundates (Ka_tyS'r.); pla_vita flooded (MBh.); plavita swimming (Skt.); pa_ve_i floods; pavva_lai floods, wets (Pkt.)(CDIAL 9027). pilayam flood (Te_va_. 910,7); pral.ayam flood, inundation (Pin..)(Ta.lex.) pralaya, pal.aya, pral.aya, pral.eya dissolution, destruction; destruction of the world at the end of a kalpa; heat of the sun, sunshine (Ka.lex.) cf. plava flooding, flood (MBh.); pava flood (Pkt.); pawi_ dike or channel for letting water in or out (H.)(CDIAL 9023). abhiplava a partic. religious ceremony (S'Br.); abhiprava (MBh.); abhipluta overflowed (MBh.); yupu, yu_pu (dat. yi~_pis) overflowing (of banks by river), flood, torrent, storm (K.)(CDIAL 521). Image: to spring up: utplavate_ swims up (Sus'r.); spring up (Mn.); 2 sg. aor. utpro_s.t.ha_h. leapt (A_s'vS'r.); uplavati, uppilavati emerges, jumps up (Pali); uppavai (pp. uppua-) swims, rises, flies (Pkt.); upaliba_ to float (Or.); upulvanava_ to raise, lift up; ipilenava_, ipillenava_, ilippenava_, ilpenava_ to float, rise to the surface, rise, bubble up (Si.); upa_ to evaporate, vanish (B.); upla_pe_ti immerses (Pali); uppila_ve_i, uppa_ve_i makes swim or jump or fly (Pkt.); upla_- to lift up (Ash.); upla_na_ to rise suddenly from water, float, spring up (H.)(CDIAL 1834). utplava_ boat (Skt.); ipilla float, outrigger of canoe (Si.)(CDIAL 1835). Sailor: cf. pla_vana bathing (MBh.); pa_van.a stream (Pkt.); pa_vn.a_ sailor (M.)(CDIAL 9026).
8056.Image: duck: plava a kind of duck (Skt.Ka.)(Ka.lex.) cf. plu float (Skt.)(CDIAL 9025). Image: waterfowl: plava a kind of aquatic bird (VS.); pind, pindi the waterfowl tachybaptes albipennis (K.)(CDIAL 9025).
8057.Abode: bha~_, bha_ house (Mai.); bhavana place of abode (Mn.); dwelling (Pali); bhavan.a id. (Pkt.)(CDIAL 9417). pavan-am house, dwelling, abode (Tiruva_lava_. Nakara. 8); palace, castle (Iraku. Irakuvu. 30)(Ta.lex.)
8058.Procession: pavan-i procession, riding into state, parade, as of a prince or deity (Tan-ippa_. ii,159,397); bavani (Te.); pavan-i-k-kut.ai umbrella held over a king in state procession (Ci_vaka. 2369, Urai.); pavan-i-va_tal, pavan-i-po_tal to parade, go in procession; to ride in state (Ta.lex.) vahatu bridal procession (RV.); ox (Skt.)(CDIAL 11455).
8059.An ear ornament: ba_vali, ba_voli an ornament worn by women at the tip of the ear (Tu.); ba_vili_ an ornament or jewel hanging from the ear, an ear-pendant; bavira a kind of ear ornament (Te.); ba_veli ear ornament (Kond.a): pa_vili a kind of ear ornament (Ta.); ba_vali, ba_vuli a kind of ornament of gold, pearls, precious stones, etc., worn on the tip of the ear; ba_li a kind of earring (Ka.)(DEDR 4105).
8060.Image: creeper: pahur camel's foot creeper, bauhinia vahlii; pa_hur a creeper having large leaves used for plates; pa_ur, paur, paurjap bauhinia vahlii, siya_ri (Go.); pa'eri mra_nu sp. of wild tree, bauhinia racemosa (Kond.a); peyar mar siya_r tree (Pe.); paeri a climbing plant of which the leaves are used for making cups and runners and tendrils for ropes (Kui); pa'eri do_ri rope (creeper fibre); pa'eri d.o_ri rope made from bush vine; pa'eri, pa_e_r ma_r.a_ siyari_ tree (Kuwi)(DEDR 3801). cf. pa_viri creeping purslane, portulaca quadrifida (Ta.); pa_vila-ku_ra, pa_vili-ku_ra portulaca meridiana (Te.)(DEDR 4104).
8061.A perfume: pa_vat.t.ai pavetta, pavetta indica (Ta.); pa_vat.t.a id. (Ma.); po.wfet. pavetta sp. (To.); pa_vat.e, pa_pat.e-gid.a pavetta indica, ixora pavetta, ixora tomentosa (Ka.); pa_vat. id. (Tu.); pa_pat.a id. (Te.)(DEDR 4103). bud.hi gasic, bud.hi tilai pavetta indica or tomentosa (Santali.lex.) bud.hi gasic callicarpa macrophylla (Santali.lex.) parpat.a a kind of medicinal plant; parpat.i_ a kind of fragrant earth; a kind of perfume (Skt.lex.) ilin cin oldenlandia senegalensis (Santali.lex.) parpat.i, pa_pad.i a sort of fragrant substance or perfume, jatuka; parpat.aka a species of medicinal plant with bitter leaves, probably oldenlandia biflora (Ka.lex.)
8062.Adhatoda vasica: (Malabar nut, adotodai, pavettia) 'Plant grown for reclaiming waste lands. Because of its fetid scent, it is not eaten by cattle and goats... Leaves, on boiling in water, give a durable yellow dye used for coarse clotha nd skins; in combination with indigo, gives cloth a greenish-blue to dark green color. Also used to impart black color to pottery... wood... used as fuel for brick kiln. Ashes used in place of crude carbonate of soda for washing clothes. In Bengal, heads are carved from wood... as fungicide, prevents growth of fungi on fruits which are covered with vasica leaves... plants used in fold remedies for glandular tumors in India. Leaf used for asthma.. Used in Indian medicine for more than 2000 years... active alkaloid... vasicine produces a slight fall of blood pressure.' (James A. Duke, Handbook of Medicinal Herbs, 1985, pp.18-19). cf. a_t.a_to_t.ai Malabar-nut, justicia adhatoda (Ta.)(DEDR 346). a_t.aru_s.a justicia adhatoda (Skt.)(CDIAL 176).
8063.Image: to overflow; to smear: pla_va flowing over; filling to over flowing; straining a liquid (to remove impurities etc.); pla_vanam overflowing, flooding, inundating; pla_vita overflowed; covered with, smeared (Skt.lex.) cf. tul.umpu (tul.umpi-) to brim over, overflow as tears in the eyes, melt (Ta.)(Ta.lex.) cf. tal.epun.a to rub (Tu.)(DEDR 3114).
8064.Image: dike: pa_van.a stream (MBh.Pkt.)(CDIAL 9026). pawi_ dike or channel for letting water in or out (H.)(CDIAL 9023). cf. vahin., vaihan. flowing of a stream; vahn., bahn. flowing (P.)(CDIAL 11456). cf. va_hur.u backwater (S.)(CDIAL 11607).
8065.Sailor: pa_vn.a_ sailor (M.)(CDIAL 9026). ba_ha_n.ia~_ boatman, man who spreads a net (Or.)(CDIAL 11611). va_ha_n. ship (G.); vahana-ya, vahala-ya raft (Si.)(CDIAL 11610). Sail: pa_vu (pa_vi-) to extend, lay in order (Ta.); pa_y sail (Ta.Ma.); ha_y a sail (Ka.)(DEDR 4088). badom sail (Santali.lex.) Float: pla_vayati causes to float (Ka_tyS'r.S.); plu float (Skt.)(CDIAL 9027). po_ta_ra boat (BHSkt.)(CDIAL 9032). payar to float; uphlau, uphla uphli id. (Santali.lex.) Journey; departure: praya_n.a setting out, journey (RV.); praya_n.aka journey (Skt.); paya_n.a journey (Pkt.); paya_n expedition, attack (A.); paya_n march, departure (B.); paya_n.a departure (Or.); paya_na departure (OMth.OAw.); paya_n, paya_na_ departure (H.); pi_a_n.am. march (OG.); piya_n.u~ pilgrim party (G.); pen.e~ stage of a journey, halting place (M.); cf. ya_ go (Skt.)(CDIAL 8732). ya_tra_ journey (MBh.Oaku); festival (Skt.); jatta_ (Pkt.); ja_t.ra body of pilgrims (S.)(CDIAL 10456). jatra to go a long way; jatri one who goes a long way (Santali.lex.)
8066.Image: monkey: pravam.ga, pravaga monkey (Skt.); plavam.ga, plavaga (MBh.); plava (Skt.); plavam.gama, pravam.gama (Mn.); pavam.ga (Pkt.); pavan:ga_, pavaga the black monke, presbytes cephalopterus (Si.)(CDIAL 8772). ha~r.u~ monkey, the langur, presbytis entellus (Santali.lex.) plavaga a monkey; plavan:ga id. (Ka.lex.) plavan:gama induh- an epithet of Hanumat (Skt.lex.) cf. pavanasuta Hanumat; pavama_nasu_nu id. (Skt.lex.) pa_vani a son of Pavana or the wind-god: Hanumat, Bhi_ma (Ka.lex.)
8067.Wind: pavana wind (MBh.); pavan.a, payan.a (Pkt.); pavan., paun. (P.); paun.-cakki_ windmill (P.); paun. wind, storm (WPah.); pavan wind (Si.)(CDIAL 7978). pavama_na wind, air (Skt.Ka.)(Ka.lex.) pavan-am Va_yu the god of wind (Tiv. Periyati. 6,6,3); pavama_n-an- (Ta.); pavan-an- (Kampara_. Ta_t.akai. 41)(Ta.lex.) hoe, hoyon, bao wind (Santali.lex.) Purification: pava winnowing (Pa_n.. com.); pava_ purification (RV.)(CDIAL 7981). cf. puna_ti purrifies (RV.); cleans, sifts (Pali); pu_ purify (Skt.)(CDIAL 8277).
8068.Wrist ornament: pavuci, pohaci, po_ci, po_ci an ornament for the wrist of females (Ka.); po_ci_ an ornament for the wrist of males (M.H.) (Ka.lex.) pavuji a bracelet of gold beads (Tu.lex.)
8069.Brick kiln:{Echo word} bhambha aperture of stove (Car.); smoke (Skt.); bhabhar.u, bhabhat.u flare (S.); bhaba_unu to burn (esp. with pain)(N.); bhabhaka flare (S.); bhabak glare (P.); bhabakna_ to burst into flame (H.); bhabhko threat (G.); bhabakn.e~ to rise (of fire)(M.)(CDIAL 9388). pa_ka-put.i, pa_ka-p-put.i potter's kiln; pa_ka-pa_n.t.am mud-pot used for cooking (Ta.lex.) put.a-pa_kam a particular method of preparing drugs in which various substances are placed in clay cups covered over with clay and heated over the fire (Tirukka_l.at. Pu. Ja_n-yo_. 18)(Ta.lex.) pa_kam < pa_ka cooking, dressing food; heating (Ve_ta_. Cu_. 77)(Ta.lex.) paa_pa_ka kiln for a heap (Skt.); paja_va brick kiln (P.); pa~ja_va_ brick kiln (P.); pa~_ja_ kiln (B.); paja_vo kiln (G.)(CDIAL 7686). a_vi, a_vige, a_vuge, a_ma potter's kiln (Ka.); a_ve id., oven (Tu.); a_vamu potter;s kiln (Te.)(DEDR App.12)[Perh.the initial p- is dropped from pa_vaka etc.] a_pa_ka baking oven, potter's kiln (Skt.); a_pa_ke_stha standing in an oven (AV.); a_va_ga, a_yaga potter's kiln (Pkt.); a_va_ brick kiln (L.P.); a_vi_ potter's kiln (L.P.); uha_ potter's kiln (Or.); a_wa_, a~_wa~_ (Bi.); ava~_ (OAw.); a_wa_, a_wa~_, amba~_ (H.); a_va_, ava_ (M.); pa_kala bringing to maturity (Skt.: pa_ka); awa_l brick kiln (N.)(CDIAL 1202). a_va_pa potter's kiln (Pali); a_va_va id. (Pali)(CDIAL 1428). pavana potter's kiln (Skt.); pu_r-, or pavara fire; pa_vana fire (Skt.); pa_vaka (metrically, pava_ka) bright, Agni (RV. > Greekp_r )(CDIAL 8329). cf. suffix -put.i in pa_ka-put.i: put. to set fire to, kindle (Pe.)(DEDR 4260). cf. pa_en brazier's flux or borax (Bi.); panawa_la_ id. (Mth.); pa_cana bringing to the boil (Pali); borax (Skt.); cooking, dissolvent (Car.)(CDIAL 8027). cf. pa_ka baking (of bricks)(Mn.); cooking (S'rS.Pali); pa_y id. (Pkt.)(CDIAL 8022). pa_ce_ti makes boil (Pali); pa_cayati causes to be cooked (S'Br.); peje to cook, boil (Pr.); paz (Tir.)(CDIAL 8028). Kiln: pa~_ja_ brick-kiln (B.)(CDIAL 8251). pa_kadha_na kiln (Skt.); poya_n potter's kiln (B.)(CDIAL 8023). Kiln: pavana potter's kiln (Skt.) pa_vana fire (Skt.); pa_vaka bright, Agni (RV.)(CDIAL 8329). Distillation vessel: paini earthen vessel in which rice-spirit is distilled (RV.); pen.o large frying pan (G.)(CDIAL 7651). Image: strainer: pvana sieve, strainer (AV.); winnowing (Pa.); pon.a_ straining cloth (L.); pon. what remains after straining whey from churned curd (P.); pon.a_ strainer, sieve (P.); pona_ perforated iron ladle for skimming or straining (H.).--Forms with au prob. < prapavan.a-: pauna_ iron ladle for removing scum from boiling sugar juice (Bi.); pauniya_ confectioner's skimmer (Bi.); pauniya_ iron cullender (Mth.); pauna_ id. (H.)(CDIAL 7977). pu_ purify (Skt.); pava_ purification (RV.); pava- winnowing (Pa_n..com.)(CDIAL 7981). nis.puna_ti purifies, winnows (S'Br.); nippa_va winnowing (Pa.); niphannu to winnow, sift, choose (N.)(CDIAL 7520). puna_ti purifies (RV.); cleans, sifts (Pali); purifies (As'.); pun.ai (pass. pun.ijjai) cleans, winnows (Pkt.); pun.an. to strain, abuse; pun.un. to sift (L.); pun.na_ to strain, darn, abuse (P.); pu_n.nu_ to strain through cloth; pu_n.no~_ to winnow (WPah.); phunik to winnow, throw up (Kho.)(CDIAL 8277). pavan-am winnowing, as grain (Ta.lex.) Gold: -pon/ -ka_s'u : ad.imai-k-ka_s'u fee collected from temple servants (Ta.)(SITI.IEG.) ad.i-k-ka_s'u tax collected from stall-keepers in markets (Ta.)(SITI.IEG.) a_s'uvikal.-ka_su, a_s'uva-k-ka_s'u, -kad.amai tax payable by the A'ji_vikas or for maintaining A'ji_vika monks (Ta.)(SITI.IEG.) erumai-p-pon- tax payable on buffaloes (Ta.)(SITI.IEG.) i_r..am-pujai, i_r..am-pu_t.ci tax for toddy drawing (Ta.)(SITI.IEG.) karuvi-p-pan.am, karivi-p-pan.am tax on the implements in cash, prob. paid by the barbers (Ta.) (SITI.IEG.) mandai-p-pan.am tax on cattle grazing in the village common (Ta.) (SITI.IEG.) ma_-p-pan.am tax payable at the rate of one pan.am for every ma_ (Ta.) (SITI.IEG.); ma_ a land measure = 1/20 of a ve_li; also the name of a weight (Ta.) (IE 8-6.SII 12.SITI.IEG.) ka_t.t.a_l.-ka_s'u tax of uncertain import (Ta.) (SITI.IEG.) men.i-p-pon poll-tax; tax on individuals (Ta.)(SITI.IEG.) ni_r-nilai-k-ka_s'u tank-cess (Ta.)(SITI.IEG.) pan.-kur.un.i cess payable at the rate of one kur.un.i of the produce for each field (Ta.)(SITI.IEG.) vagainda-ka_s'u tax payable in cash for marking the details, as of land; fees for subdivision of land; also the fee for settlement, as of a dispute (Ta.)(SITI.IEG.) pa_cana cooking, dissolvent (Car.); bringing to the boil (Pali); pa_canaka dissolvent (Car.); borax (Skt.); pa_en brazier's flux or borax (Bi.); panawa_la_ (Mth.)(CDIAL 8027). poya_n potter's kiln (B.)(CDIAL 8023). Gold: pon- gold, metal, iron, wealth, ornament, beauty (Ta.); pon-n-an- one who has gold, one precious like gold (Ta.); pon-n-avan- one precious like gold (Ta.); por-r-a golden, excellent (Ta.); pon gold, metal (Ka.); por-pa beautifully (Ta.); pon-mai colour of gold (Ta.); por-pi to beautify, adorn (Ta.); pin gold; gold bangle in dairy; privates of small girls (To.); win four-anna piece; gold coin (in song = pi.r bon.m small, old coins in bag, used at funeral (To.DEDR 5457); ponni (pom-, pon-) gold (Kod..); ponnu gold (Tu.Te.); panna_ iron (Kur.); pon- wealth (Ta.); pon gold (Ma.Ko.); pin gold (To.)(DEDR 4570). pavitra strainer (RV.); kus'a grass for straining (S'Br.); sacred cord (MBh.); paitta-, pavitta- darbha grass; pavittaya ring (Pkt.); pavitra_ ring made of darbha grass (P.); pavitru~ sacred thread, gold ring worn on finger during rites (G.)(CDIAL 7983). pauniya_ confectioner's skimmer (Bi.)(CDIAL 7977). pu_a purified (Pkt.); pu_ta cleaned (RV.); pu_ karan.ava_ to winnow (Si.)(CDIAL 8320). Goldwasher's crucible; potter's kiln: punhar goldwasher's crucible in which baser metals are destroyed leaving gold and silver untouched (Bi.)(CDIAL 7979). Pot for refining: *pavanaghat.a pot for refining (Skt.)(CDIAL 7979). pavala cleaning (Skt. ext. of pava_- purification (RV.)(CDIA 7981). Filter; sieve made of skin strips: paripavana cleaning, winnowing (Kull.); winnowing basket (Nir.); paren sieve (Wg.); paere_n, pari_n, paru_n (Pas'.); pairu_n (Gaw.); sieve for flour (made of skin strips)(Kho.); paren. (Bshk.); po_en (Tor.); paru_n. (Phal.L.); paryunu sieve, strainer (K.); par.u_n (L.); pru_n. (L.); priu~n.i (WPah.); perahana straining, filtering (Si.); pene_raya sieve (Si.)(CDIAL 7843). pripuna_ti strains (RV.); paripu_ta strained, winnowed (RV.); purunik to sift (Kho.); peran.ava_ to strain, filter (Si.); paripu_ya strained (Pkt.); peruva_ pret.(Si.)(CDIAL 7845). prapavan.a purifying, straining (Pa_n..com.); pro~_r.a_ comb (Ash.); pro~_wa~_, prun.a_ (Wg.)(CDIAL 8680). pare~_ci sieve (Dm.); parec (Kal.); pari_c (Par.); parwi_z to sift (Shgh.); pe_ic.e, pe_c.a sieve (Ash.); po_ca (Wg.); psa~ (Kt.)(CDIAL 7882). per..zna sieve (Psht.)(CDIAL 7730). parisra_van.a straining vessel, filter (Skt.); parisravati trickles (RV.); parissa_vana water-strainer (Pali); perahana (Si.)(CDIAL 7898). parisrava flow, stream (MBh.); parisra_va efflux (Sus'r.); parisrave, parisave, palisave stream (As'.); parissuta overflowing (Pali)(CDIAL 7897). pu_ta cleaned (RV.); pu_a purified (Pkt.); pu_ karan.ava_ to winnow (Si.)(CDIAL 8320). prapavan.a purifying, straining (Pa_n..com.)(CDIAL 8680). puna_ti to purify; pu_ta pp.; pa_vana purification (Pali)(Pali.lex.) Image: strainer; kiln: cf. pavana sieve, strainer (AV.); pavana potter's kiln (Skt.)(CDIAL 7977). a_va_pa kiln, furnace (Pali) (Pali.lex.) cf. pavvam foam; water bubble (Ta.)(DEDR 4463). awa potter's kiln; rapak to burn in a kiln (Santali.lex.) pon.a_ strainer, sieve (P.)(CDIAL 7977). poya_n potter's kiln (B.); ?cf. pa_kastha_na (Skt.)(CDIAL 8023). Image: pot: payan.a, payan.aga cooking pot (Pkt.); paen.i_ a partic. measure (L.); paini earthen vessel in which rice-spirit is distilled (N.); pen.o large frying pan (S.); pen.i_ small frying pan (G.)(CDIAL 7651). payun to bake (earth or bricks), heat red hot, scorch (K.); pewun to start preparations for cooking (K.); pacati bakes (bricks)(S'Br.)(CDIAL 7650). pa_ka baking of bricks (S'Br.)(CDIAL 8022). Image: smoke: cf. pog smoke (Kol.); poge smoke (Ka.)(DEDR 4240). Image: hearth; strainer, sieve: pokkali stone fireplace (kal stone); p(r)oyyi, p(r)oyi oven, stove, hearth (Te.); poy hearth (Kol.); id., fireplace (Nk.)(DEDR 4537).
8070.Image: burning embers: po_tra the Potr.'s soma vessel (RV.); * cleaning instrument; pot jeweller's polishing stone (Bi.)(CDIAL 8404). po_r burning embers (Shum.); big fire, bonfire (Pas'.); pu_r, puer id. (Pas'.); pur, purui embers (Wg.); pavi fire; pavana potter's kiln; pa_vana fire (Skt.); pa_vaka, pava_ka bright; Agni (RV.)(CDIAL 8329). phoro, phor sound of flame (Santali.lex.)
8071.Image: to pierce: so.ng- (so.nkt) to enter (Kol.); so_n- id. (Nk.); co_ng- (thorn) pierces; co_kip- (co_kit-) to stick into (Pa.); so_ng- to be pierced into; so_n- to pierce, penetrate (Ga.); ho_n.- (ho_t.-) to enter (Pe.); ho_n:ga- id. (Pe.); caus. ho_t.pa- (Pe.); so_lba (so_t..-) to enter, penetrate; so_r.pa (so_r.t-) to cause to enter, put in (Go.); ho_nai, ho_d.ga, hannai to enter (hannai to go); horginai to interfere; ho_r.- (ho_t.-) to enter; ho_rbu_, in: ko_d.inga ho_rbu at dusk (time of the cows coming in)(Kuwi)(DEDR 2876). jo_- (-t-) to put in, insert (Pe.); ju_- (-t-) id. (Mand..); ro_- (-t-) to insert hand in (? r-o_-)(DEDR 2868). corukutal to put in, insert, tuck in (Kalin.. 46); serku (Ka.); corukuka (Ma.)(Ta.lex.)
8072.Pus: pu_ya pus (S'Br.Pali); pu_a (Pkt.); pu~_ (L.); pu_ (M.); pu~_z (A.); pu_j (B.); pu_ja (Or.); pu_jia_ full of purulent wounds; pu_ja_iba_ to suppurate (Or.); pubba pus (Pali); puvvai (Pkt.); pu_vu I rot (Lith.)(CDIAL 8328). par..u to suppurate, decay (Ma.); pa~_nna_ (panja_) (boil) festers, to ripen (Kur.); par.v- (boil, sore) opens (Ko.); pal ripe fruit, pus (Pa.)(DEDR 4004). cf. pun (pl.pund.l) pussy sore (Kol.)(DEDR 4268). pu_n pus (L.); pu_yana (Skt.)(CDIAL 8327). pur-r-u anything scurvy, scrofulous or cancerous (Ta.); scab, dry pus (Ma.); pirr wound (Go.); por.r.o scab (Kuwi)(DEDR 4336).
8073.Red colour: pu_val red colour, red earth smeared on cottages (Ta.); red colour (Ma.); puvra_li_ yellow (?Go.)(DEDR 4371). pu_van- red banana (Ta.Ma.)(DEDR 4372).
8074.Coral: pavar..am, paval.am, pal.akam red coral (Ta.); pavar..am, pavir..am coral (Ma.); paval.a id. (Ka.); pal.uva, pavva id. (Kod..); pakal.a, pakala, paval.a, pavala id. (Tu.); pagad.amu, pavad.amu id. (Te.); pagnelu id. (Kuwi)(DEDR 3998). prava_d.a coral (BHSk.); prava_la, praba_la (MBh.); pava_l.a, pava_la (Pali); pava_la (Pkt.); puwa~_lo coral (N.); pawa_l, powa_l red coral (A.); po~a_ra (MB.); pala_ coral (B.); pohal.a_, pohol. (Or.); pava_lau (OG.); parva_l.u~ (G.); pavl.e~, pa~vl.e~, povl.e~, povl.i~_ (M.); paval.a, paval.u red coral (Si.)(CDIAL 8794).
8075.Apple: phab, phabai apple (Gypsy); baba_i (D..); baber pear (Wg.); bb apple (Dm.); baba_i (Dm.); bo_bai (Gaw.); bo_bai (Bshk.); babai (Tor.); babon (Gau.); bo_bai (Sv.); babai (Phal.)(CDIAL 9387). bor, bora_ apple (Kon.lex.)
8076.Lac tree: pu_vam, mala-pu_vam, cem-pu_vam, pu_vatti, pu_, pu_vu lac tree (Ta.Ma.) schleichera trijuga; nephelium longana; puy s. trijuga (Pa.); puy marin id. (Ga.); pu_zi maran (Kond.a); pu_hi mra_nu (Kui); pusra_ (Kur.); pusre (Malt.); ?pu_vattam a tree that yields a red dye, rubia munjista (Ta.)(DEDR 4348).kumpa_tiri lac tree, schleichera trijuga (Ta.lex.) pu_, pu_vam, pu_vatti lac tree, kumpa_tiri (Ta.); pu_vam id. (Ma.)(Ta.lex.) Gum lac: cf. pu_vam lac tree (Ta.Ma.); kumpa_tiri (Ta.)(Ta.lex.) pulacci gum lac tree; kumpa_tiri, schleichera trijuga (Ta.lex.) Schleichera trijuga: kosum, kosumba (P.H.); kusuma (Gwalior); kosam (Bombay); karadayi (M.); pusku, roatanga (Te.); pumaram (Ta.); puva (Ma.); sagdi, chakota (Ka.); kong (Si); habitat: growing in the lower Himalayas towards the North-west and also in central and southern India, Burma and Ceylon. Bark contains tannin, ash, and a synagogenetic glucoside. The pulpy arilla is subacid. Bark is astringent and mixed with oil it is applied to cure itch and other skin eruptions. Oil expressed from the seeds is also used for the cure of itch and acne. It is a stimulating and cleansing application to the scalp and promotes the growth of hair. A fine quality of lac is produced on the young branches. (Indian Materia Medica, Vo.I, p. 1114).
8077.Gold: pu_n-atam < ja_mbu_nada gold (Tiruppo_. Can. Pil.l.ait. Cappa_. 5)(Ta.lex.) cf. puna_ti purifies (RV.As'.); cleans, sifts (Pali); pun.ai (pass. pun.ijjai cleans (Pkt.); pun.an. to strain (L.); pun.na_ to strain (P.); pa_n.nu~ to strain through cloth (WPah.)(CDIAL 8227).
8078.Junction of roads: pu_van.i junction of the roads; garland (Ta.lex.) pravan.a a place where four roads meet (Ka.Skt.)(Ka.lex.)
8079.Male plants; land of Punt: pu_van male of plants (Ma.)(DEDR 4373). cf. pwenet, punt Land of Punt in early Egyptian inscriptions and the expeditions for bringing back plants from the Land of Punt. pum., pum.s, pun, pum, pul male, masculine; the masculine gender (Ka.lex.) pum.na_man having a masculine name (S'Br.); rottleria tinctoria (Skt.); punav sterculia foetida (M.); pu_nna_ the tree ehretia serrata (P.); pum.s male (RV.)(CDIAL 8244). prapun.a_t.a, prapuna_d.a the tree cassia tora (Sus'r.); prapum.nad.a, prapum.na_t.a, prapum.na_da, prapum.na_la (Skt.); padma_t.a (Bhpr.); pum.na_t.a, pum.na_d.a (Skt.); paun.a_d.a, pauma_d.a, pauma_ra, pa_ma_d.a, po_ma_d.a cassia tora (Pkt.); pa_wa_r., pu_wa_r. (H.)(CDIAL 8689). cf. takarai cassia tora; habitat: throughout India as a weed (Ta.lex.; GMIP, p.55).
8080.Child: pu_pa pupil of the eye; an infant (Te.); pupup small baby (To.); hu_he child; puppet (Ka.)(DEDR 4365). pu_vai lady, woman (Kampara_. Cu_l.a_. 26)(Ta.lex.)
8081.Sapindus trifoliatus: pu_vam trijugate-leaves soap-nut, sapindus trifoliatus; pu_vanti id.; four-leaved soap-nut, hemigyrosa canescens (Ta.); sapindus laurifolius = sapindus trifoliatus; hemigyrosa canescens = sapindus tetraphylla](DEDR 4370). pu_vanti trijugate-leaved soapnut, sapindus trifoliatus (Malai.)(Ta.); id. (Ma.)(Ta.lex.)
8082.Indian beech: pu_vanti Indian beech (Malai.)(Ta.); pun-ku id. (Ta.lex.)
8083.A sweetmeat: pu_vanti < bu_ndi_ (U.) a kind of sweetmeat consisting of balls of confectionery which are gathered together in making lat.t.u; a medicine (Can.. Aka.)(Ta.lex.) pu_va [(cf. pu_pa (Skt.)] a cake, baked in a pan; pu_vika a cake-seller, confectioner (Pali); pu_va sweetmeats, sent as presents; pu_va-sura_ one of the five kinds of intoxication liquors (Pali.lex.) cf. apu_pa, pu_pa cake of flour (RV.)(CDIAL 491). cf. appam cake (Ta.lex.) puro_d.as, puro_l.as' (nom. sg. of puro_l.a_h-)(RV.); puro_d.a_s'a mass of ground rice rounded into a kind of cake and offered as an oblation in fire (AV.); puror.a_ roll of bread made of barley flour (Or.)(CDIAL 8291).
8084.An amber; fragrance: pu_vampar (pu_ + ampar) a kind of amber; a fragrant substance (Tirukka_l.at. Pu. 7,55)(Ta.lex.)
8085.Money: mobalagu sum (of an account or an addition)(Ka.); mubalaka (M.H.0; mobalagu money (Ka.lex.)
8086.Image: beard: mo_va_y chin, beard (Ta.); mo.y beard (To.); mo_vi lip (Te.)(DEDR 5142).
8087.Black plum: mo_vi black plum (Ta.Te.); a kind of wild fruit tree, eugenis alternifolia (Te.)(DEDR 5143).
8088.Thread, twine: me~_r, me_r thread, twine, thin cord (Kur.); me_ru thread (Malt.)(DEDR 5095).
8089.Unity; friends, allies: me_vu (me_vi-) to join, be attached, be united, be fitted or joined; me_vi to cause to stay; me_vin-ar friends, allies; me_val desire; joining, uniting; me_valar, me_va_r foes, enemies (Ta.); me_vuka to be familiar, occupied with, be accustomed to a place and prefer it; adjust, level; me_val dwelling; me_valar enemies (Ma.); me_nz- (-it-) to be straight or suitable, be harmonious or go with, unite (individual threads into a rope); me_nzu unity, straightness (Kond.a)(DEDR 5096).
8090.A country: me_dapa_t.a name of a country (Skt.); me_va_d.(h)a-, me_ava_d.aya- id. (Pkt.); mewa_r. (Marw.)(CDIAL 10321).
8091.Sanskrit: vat.a-mor..i Sanskrit language (Nan-. 459, Mayilai.); (Gram.) Sanskrit word; vat.acol (centamir..kkan. vanta vat.amor..iyu ma_r-r-a_te_ : Ya_p. Vi. Pak. 461); vat.a-col Sanskrit word (Tol. Col. 401)(Ta.lex.)
8092.Image: dome: mogaro a dome, cupola (G.lex.) cf. mogal.u, magil, mogad.u the ridge of a roof (Ka.); mugad.u, mogad.u, mogalu, mogut.u, mo_d.u (Te.); mugad.u, mugal. (Ma.); mukat.u (Ta.)(Ka.lex.) Image: three: mug three (Ka.lex.) Image: design: muggu a design drawn on floor etc. using flour (Te.lex.) Image: pestle: mogari_ a small pestle (G.lex.)
8093.Fertile; property: bhog to enjoy, to feel pleasure; bhogdar one who enjoys the fruits, revenues etc. of anything; bhogdo fat, rich (Santali.lex.) [For semant. 'fat' cf. bho~kr.a_ very large and fat H.); bho~kas wizard (H.); bhu~khar unproductive, barren (G.)(CDIAL 9519).] cf. kaivarta-bhoga the fishermen's preserve (IE 8-4; EI 2; CII 1); bhoga the periodical supplies of fruits, firewood, flowers and the like which the villagers had to supply to the king; sometimes explained as 'tax in kind' (CII 4); bhoga (an object of) enjoyment (EI 1); tax-free land set apart for the enjoyment of a person for the performance of specified services; same as ma_nya (SITI); bhoge 'for the right of enjoyment' (LP); sa-bhoga privilege of the donee of rent-free land; prob. refers to as.t.abhoga-tejah-sva_mya (IA 9; IA 8) = unbridled ownership endowed with all rights associated with the enjoyment of property; translated as 'with the eight rights of full possession' though as.t.a prob. means 'all' [cf. as.t.u that much, that measure; as.t.aru all persons, every body; as.t.o = anitum all, the whole (Ka.lex.)] Image: seed corn: as.t.hi seed; seed-corn; a kernel, a stone; as.t.hi_le a globular body; a kernel (Ka.lex.)] as.t.habhoga-tejah-sva_mya_m ca krayen.-a_da_ya having secured the as.t.a-bhoga-tejah-sva_mya rights by purchase (IA 19); as.t.a-bhoga explained as 'the deposits of buried treasure (nidhi-niks.epa), water, stones, the aks.i_n.i_, that which may accrue, that which has been made property, that which may be made property, and augmentation; cf. as.t.a-bhoga-tejah- sva_mya-dan.d.as'ulka-yukta mentioned along with nidhi-niks.epa- pa_s.a_n.- a_ra_m- a_di-catus.- praka_ra-bi_ravan.a- pa_ikh-a_ya- sahita : the separate mention of these two groups shows that as.t.a-bhoga vaguely indicated all kinds of proprietary rights (Ind. Ant., Vol. XIX, p. 247, text line 102); bhoga-bha_ga = bha_ga bhoga (CII 3) a fiscal expression in which bha_ga means the king's share of the produce and bhoga the periodical supplies made by tenants to the king; cf. bha_ga-bhoga-kara-hiran.ya_dika (EI 23) 'royal dues' : bha_ga grain share; bhoga periodical offerings [Image: eleven: bharga eleven (IE 7-1.2)]; bhoga-janapada prob. a free-holding in the country-side, or a rent-free area (EI 12); bhoga-la_bha usufruct in lieu of interest (EI 33); bhogottara (IE 8-5; EI 33) corrupt form of bhogatra_ (IE 8-5) land granted to the family priest for his services; grant for the enjoyment of a bra_hman.a or deity; bhog-a_yaka land held as the result of a mortgage (ASLV, SITI); bhogi-jana a village headman, bhogika (EI 33); bhogika = bhojaka ja_gi_rda_r or ina_mda_r or an officer in charge of ina_m lands or ja_gi_rs, or the officer in charge of a territorial unit called bhoga (cf. Mita_ks.ara_ on Ya_javalkyasmr.ti, I. 320; Ep. Ind., Vol. IX, p. 298); bhoga-patra a deed recording conveyance of land; a lease deed; the deed of reconveyance of land (ASLV, SITI); bhogi-ru_pa oe who enjoys a free-holding as a representative of the real free-holder, or a title-holder who is not in actual possession of the land (EI 12,28); bhuktipati a ja_gi_rda_r; or, the officer in charge of a territorial unit called bhukti (IE 8-3)(D.C. Sircar, Indian Epigraphical Glossary, 1966, pp. 31; 55-58). bhukti enjoyment, eating (A_s'vGr..); food (Skt.); bhutti enjoyment, eating, food (Pali.Pkt.); a village given to provide maintenance for someone (Pkt.); but eating, food (Si.); bhuj enjoy (Skt.)(CDIAL 9521). bhoga property (RV. iii.34.9 : hiran.ayamuta bhogam sasa_na, 'suvarn.amayam dhanam); use (RV.x.34.3, na_ham vinda_mi kitavasya bhogam); enjoyment (RV. x.59.6; RV. x.7.2; TS. iv.6.7.3 yado_ te marto anu bhogama_nat. = as soon as the mortal has obtained thy reward); bhogya deserving enjoyment or use (AV. x.8.21); bhoja bestowing food and the like, liberal (RV. x.107.11); bhojan articles of food, means of subsistence (RV. ii.13.2, vis'vapsnya_ya pra bharanta bhojanam 'bhujyata iti bhhojanam payah-); provision (RV. v.4.5, s'atru_yata_ma_ bhara_ bhojana_ni 'anna_ni dhana_ni'); what is enjoyed (RV. x.23.6; RV. i.104.8); bhojya enjoyment (RV. i.126.6); bhojase to enjoy (RV. viii.65.3)(Vedic.lex.) boge good, well; to heal, to do good, to do well; bogete a word possessing intensifying force; bogeteye dar.keda he rain like the wind (Santali.lex.) bhog-da_ri_ proprietorship; bhog-da_r being the proprietor of; having property in; bhog pad.avum. to be the property of; bhog enjoyment; use; using; allotment; lot (G.lex.) bho_g to possess; to enjoy (Kon.lex.) Image: to perforate; center: bhog the centre, the middle; bhogtetre ubpe empty in the center (Santali.lex.) bogoc to make a hole in, to open, to slit; pin.d.hako bogockeda they cut the dam; bhugak, bhuk a hole, an opening, a cave; bha~ora bhugak a window opening, an opening to admit light (Santali.lex.) bhokvum. to pierce; to perforate; to bore; to puncture; to drive in or through; to stab; bhok a perforation, a hole; a bore; bhoka_vu hollowness; emptiness (G.lex.) bon:ku adj. hollow, empty; bon:g hollow inside; boga_ri copper-smith (Tu.lex.) bokko, bokkea_ blister, pustule (Kon.lex.) Fertile: moge fertile; mogeya bhu_mi a fertile, yellowish soil; pa_n.d.u-bhu_ma, udagbhu_ma; moge (Tadbhava of mage), magi the state of (water) being sufficient to be taken (out of a pond etc.); ni_ru ha_kuva mage (karaka); ni_ru tumbuva mage (karaga) (Ka.lex.) Grain heap: bhoga (fr. bhuj to eat, enjoy) enjoyment; possession, wealth; bhoga-khandha a mass of wealth, great possessions; bhoga-ga_ma 'village of revenue', i.e. a tributary village, i.e. a vllage which has to pay tribute or contributions (in food etc.) to the owner of its ground. The latter is called ga_mabhojaka or ga_mapati 'landlord'; bhoga-ca_gin giving riches, liberal; bhoga-pa_rijua loss of property or possessions; bhoga-mada pride or conceit of wealth; bhogava_sin, f. bhogava_sini_ 'living in property', i.e. to be enjoyed or made use of occasionally, one of the 10 kinds of wives : a kept woman; bhogata_ condition of prosperity, having wealth or riches; ul.a_ra-bhogata_ being very rich; bhogavant one who has possessions or supplies, wealthy; bhogin enjoying, owning, abounding in, partaking in or devoted to (e.g. to pleasure, ka_mabhogin); antara-bhogika an intermediate aristocrat; bhogika having wealth or power; bhogga to be enjoyed or possessed; n. property, possession; ra_ja-bhogga (of an elephant) to be possessed by a king, serviceable to a king, royal; nagga-bhogga one who possesses nothing but nakedness, i.e. an ascetic; bhogga royal, of royal power, entitled to the throne, as a designation of 'class'; ra_ja-bhogga_ bra_hman.a_ etc. is a sequence in Vin. III.221 replacing the usual khattiya 'royal noble' (Pali.lex.) bohal the grain heap after threshing and winnowing; small amounts of grain given in alms at harvest time to faqirs; bohul a heap of grain especially wheat) on a threshing floor, winnowed and ready for storing; bohuli_ a small heap; a collection of worms; bohli_, bauhli_ a small heap of grain or anything else; the first day's milk of cows and buffalos newly calved; it is boiled and eaten with sugar; buhal the grain heap after threshing and winnowing; a yearly gift to a spiritual teacher (murshid). The murshids go around to their disciples' houses and demand their buhal in the most shameless manner, and even carry off articles by force if refused. If the disciples are slow in givng, the murshids curse them and heap most filthy abuse on them.Refusals are very rare. The murshids known as phulsagewalas, i.. who give amulets to their disciples, are notorious for this kind of extortion; buhal d.e na_ ta_n. jhuge kun. bha_lenda_in. give the buhul, if you do not I will set fire to your house [phull an amulet, a charm; those who give or rather, sell amulets are, firstly, sayads and kureshis who are considered more pleasng to God than to others; secondly, the incumbents of shrines and their sons; thirdly, impostors who persuade people of the efficacy of their amulets... The price paid (for an amulet) is called mokh...]; mursad, murshad < murshid (Arabic) a religious teacher among Muhammadans, a spiritual guide; met. a knave, a cunning fellow; mursadi_ instruction in matters of religion; musaddi_ < mutsaddi (Arabic) a learned man, a head man in a ra_ja_'s or sardar's household, a chief writer, a munshi_; an epithet of some priests of the Golden Temple, Amritsar; mutsaddi_ an accountant; sa_dh a religious person, a faqi_r, a saint (Hindu term); virtuous, righteous, righteous; sa_dhak a practicer, a disciple of a faqi_r; sa_dak < sa_diq (Arabic) true, sincere, faithful (P.lex.) cf. s'raddha_ righteous (Skt.lex.) Image: cat: bokul, bokla_ cat (male)(Kon.lex.) Image: attic room: boha_r the garret or attic room under the roof of a house; buha_ a door, a window; a house; ghar da_ buha_ du_je da hona_ (lit. to turn the door of the house) to waste money, to spend all a man possesses on any one case or thing (P.lex.) Image: broom: boha_ri_, bohkar, baha_ri_, baha_ru_, bauhkar a broom; bha_ri_ dena_ or phern.a_ to sweep; baha_ri_ phirn.i_ to be entirely cleared and cleansed; buha_ri_ a broom; buha_rn to sweep (P.lex.) cf. bhuj to purify, cleanse, sift (Skt.); bhujati to clean, purify, cleanse (Pali); buxti purification (Av.); fungor to get through or rid of (Lat.); us-baugjan to sweep (Goth.) (Pali.lex.) Image: ficus indica: bohir., bohur., bohar., bor.h a banyan tree, ficus indica (P.lex.) cf. vat.a banyan (Skt.lex.) Trade: buha_ri_ skilled in trade; upright and honest in business transactions : not very pure; buha_r conduct, behaviour; business, calling; trade, traffic, commerce, bargain (P.lex.) Gift: bhog a gift; a delicary, dainties; offerings made to an idol-pleasure, enjoyment; animal gratification, sexual intercourse; a ceremony performed by the Sikhs after reading of the whole of the granth sahib (Sikh scripture); bhog laga_una_ to eat, to take food; to offer food or dainties to an idol; bhog pa_un.a_ to read the whole Granth (Sikh scripture) and perform a ceremony at the close which consists in the distribution of a swee-meat called kar.a_h; bhogan., bhogi one who has abundance of everything, one fond of good things, a good liver; a rake, a debauchee; bhogn. to enjoy, to feel pleasure (P.lex.) bho_jya, bojja a feast; a store of provisions (Ka.lex.) bojja the last s'ra_ddha ceremony performed to deceased relatives to relive them from the state of being pre_tas, when a dinner is served up to the surviving relatives (Tu.Ka.)(Ka.lex.)
8093a.Image: a horn: sadda_ the horn of a ram or he-goat; a standard erected in the days of dahia_s (ten days of the muharram, in which effigies of the tombs of Hassan and Hussain are carried about and finally buried; the effigies and ta_zia_s themselves); sadda_ baja_un.a_ to blow a horn; sadda_ ghalln.a_ to call or invite; sadda_ a call, calling; sadd a call, calling; invitation; a hymn in the A_di Granth of the Sikhs; a kind of song, such as shepherds sing; sadd bhar the distance at which a call may be heard; sadd puchchh calling and asking; sada_ a voice, a mendicant's cry at the time of begging; < sarbada_ (Skt.) always, ever; sada_ bart alms or food distributed daily to the poor (P.lex.) Image: wooden paddle: musadd, musaddu a thick wooden paddle used for stirring confectionery or other cookery (P.lex.)
8094.Image: small pot; rope handle for a vessel: bogna_ a rope, or cloth, attached to a pot, or any similar vessel, as a temporary handle; ban:ggn.a_ a string fastened round the neck of a vessel to serve as a handle; an ornament worn by women on the forehead (P.lex.) bugud.i a female's ornament worn in the tip of the ear (Tu.lex.) bo_gun.i a small sauce-pan (Tu.lex.) bogasum, borasun a small metallic pot, generally of brass or copper, serving many culinary purposes; boga a leathern waterpot (G.lex.) cf. moge, mage a small earthen vessel for lading out; mogepa_l a moge-full of milk (Ka.lex.) cf. po_kin.i a kind of drinking cup or water-vessel (Ta.); bogin.i (Te.); bo_gun.i (Ka.)(Ta.lex.) cf. bagun.e_m. a certain metal vessel for culinary purposes (M.); bo_gun.i, bo_gan.i a metal basin for washing; a metal vessel for culinary purposes; a vessel of stone for culinary purposes (Ka.); bo_ga_n.i, bo_gin.i, bhagon.i (Te.)(Ka.lex.)