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A Truth About Christianity
by an educated responsible young Amrican

Whereas other nations may exemplify the political ideals which Americans find admirable
such as freedom, democracy, and equal treatment under the law, religions other than Christianity cannot possibly hope to exemplify the exclusivist Christian ideal which states that "no one comes to the Father [God] but through [Jesus]." (John 14:6
ge=John+14:6&matchno=0> ) 

Christianity is an inherently exclusionist religion at it very dogmatic roots, Christians cannot hope to be tolerant of other religions as they are bound by their creeds to affirm that all other
religions are but roads to eternal torment.  I find such a doctrine morally repugnant, but then I do not practice religious belief.  My point is that "bashing other religions" is an unfortunate but inescapable aspect of Christianity, the Unitarian view has been considered heresy by "orthodox"
Christians ever since Origen first propounded the idea.

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