Hindu Malpractice
by S. Vyas
Hindus believe that one suffers and enjoys according to his karma
of current and previous lives. Unless one surrenders to Krishna,
one has to suffer due to his bad karma. Now, why did Hindus
suffer for 1000 years from the invaders? What are the sins of Hindus
that caused them to suffer this? Readers may e-mail VS authoritative
articles answering this question. In my opinion the sins are:
Practice of caste system by birth and not by qualities as described by
Practice of untouchability.
This may have been supported by Manu Smriti, but Manu Smriti is not The
Book of Hinduism. We need to follow Bhagavad Gita.
Current malpractice is corruption. We need to stop it.
Last modified on 11/28/98