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Secrets in the Mahabharat

(The words in italics and parenthesis are added by Panchajanya 
for showing correct intent of the author)

      People (even some Hindus) believe (incorrectly) that the Ramayana and Mahabharata are just  stories and nothing more.  They think that the stories are merely  intended to make people follow the right path and nothing more.........   They couldn't have been more wrong. 

 The Chinese "I Ching"(a method of prediction) is based on verses from the  Ramayana.  The Ramayana has 27 verses which can be used as a predictive  tool.    The Mahabharatha too has many secrets.    One of them is stated below. 

 This incident happened during one of the tours of His Holiness Sri  Chandrasekhra Bharati Mahaswamigal. 

 The Sarvadhikari requested  Acharyal (His Holiness Sri  Chandrasekhra Bharati Mahaswamigal)  to shift the camp to Madurai since there was acute water shortage  and the elephants were suffering for want of water.  He also mentioned that about one thousand people were gathering for meals each day and that it was difficult to  manage the huge rush due to the acute scarcity of water.     Sri Acharyal asked him why he had not informed Him earlier about this position.    He then asked Sri Krishna Sastrigal to come to see Him with Virata Parva of  Mahabaratha.  He was asked to recite the Virata Parva.     Then Sri Acharyal was seen walking from south to north.  The distance  was about fifty  feet and the time about 1 PM.   The Sarvadhikari went inside.  That afternoon  the sun was scorching and  suffocating. 
 Sri Acharyal was reciting some slokas.  He  was not aware of what was going on in His surroundings.  Around 2 P.  M.   suddenly  clouds started gathering and the sun was hidden by dark clouds.  By about 2.  30 P.  M.    the entire area
 became pitch dark and a cold wind started blowing.  Then rain started  pouring down.     It was as if some divine power had started pouring buckets full of  rain water from the skies.  Not even a crow was flying and the sound of rain alone was  heard at that time. 

 At about 4-30 P.  M.   the Sarvadhikari came out, with a broad smile, in  spite of heavy rains.  Then only Sri Acharyal lifted His head and saw him.  He asked the  sarvadhikari whether the rains were sufficient ('Poruma'?).   He  answered, excitedly 'Edhestam, Edhestam'  (enough, enough)! At 5 P.  M.   the lamp was lit.  The rain then  stopped, suddenly, as if
 it had been asked to stop. 

 Acharyal then explained that the sage Veda Vyas had hidden the  Bijaaksharas of Varuna mantra in the virata Parva section of the  Mahabharata It was the  power of the Varuna Japa which had caused the downpour the previous day.  Saying  this He went into  dhyana and closed His eyes. 

 Veda Vyaas when he finished writing the Mahabharata said, “What is found in the Mahabharata may be found elsewhere, but what is not in it will not be  found elsewhere.  "

 I shake all over in excitement whenever I recollect this statement.  Shouldn't  we all be proficient in Sanskrit? How else can we discover the hidden  treasures in the various Sanskrit texts ?????

 We should all take a vow to not rest until Sanskrit is established as our  national language.  We should all vow to at least have basic knowledge of  Sanskrit(reading) within one year. 

 Hinduism has to be protected at all costs. 

 Jai Hind. 

by adidasan, 6/14/2001, (found at)
http://pub6.  ezboard.  com/fhinduunityhinduismhottopics.  showMessage?topicID=2895.  topic

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