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How did the Vedic Culture and Religion survive
almost 1000 years of repeated Hindu holocausts by Islam?
by S. Vyas

I request qualified authorities to answer this question or please send me answers already provided by authorities.  However, I think that some or all of the following must have played a part in the survival of Sanatana Dharma.

  • Varnaaashramis and Sanyaasis:  Retired householders and sanyaasis devoted their lives in following dharma and some in preaching dharma.
  • Sampradayas:  All the Vedic sampradayas continued their disciplic succession transferring vedic knowledge to new disciples and generations.
  • Kula dharma:  Many brahmin, kshatriya and vaishya families continued their family tradition of saadhanaa, austerity, charity, yagna, and penance.
  • Social Traditions:  Hindus did not give up their Vedic traditional rituals of marriage, birth, death, various samskaras, etc.
  • Dharma Utsavas:  Celebrations, in small or large groups, of Janmastami, Ramanavami, Ganesh Chaturthi, Shiva raatri, etc. continued.
  • Broken or unbroken temples and buried moortis:  There were so many temples that it was almost impossible to destroy them all.  These temples, and the moorties found occasionally from various places from ground, constantly reminded the glorious Vedic past.
  • Saints, saadhus, yogis, bhaktas, etc.:  These great personalities were born in Bharat again and again in various parts.  Their devotional songs preached dharma.  Hardly any Hindu can resist himself from getting darshan and blessing of a saint or dharma guru.
  • Ramayana and Mahabharat:  This two great epics of the human race show the principles or philosophy of dharma.  The unite the Hindus.
  • Puranas and yatra dhamas:  Fascinating pastimes of the various incarnations of God, and ancient history, stayed in Hindu minds.  Many places of pilgrimages reminded Puranic holy stories.  Grihasthas and all continued to go Vdic pilgrimages, even when they were taxed by Muslim rulers.  (In contrast to this, how stupid it is of India Government that Hindu tax money is given to Muslims of Bharat to go pilgrimage to Macca.  No such support for Hindus.)
  • Women and elderly ladies:  Hindu women kept on following dharma, vratas, etc., much more than Hindu men.  They all played part in transferring Vedic culture and dharma to their children.  They in turn learned from their mothers and mother-in-laws.
  • Daily Poojaa:  Almost every Hindu would have an altar at home.  Most in the family would do some poojaa, japa, pranayama, bhajan, kirtana, etc. regularly at home.
  • Knowing these helps, because by continuing these, we could help keep dharma alive.
  • Jai Sri Krishna!  -sv

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