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ekatA aura bhinnatA
@kta Aeaer i-Nnta
A Hindi Poem by Suresh ‘Vyas’
ITRANS Transliteration by Suresh ‘Vyas’

kyA eka hai kyA bhinna hai  vo satya hame samajhanA  hai
samasyA{e}.n hala karanI hai.n   duHkha vAda hame.n miTAne hai.n

Translation:  We need to understand the truth about what is one and what is different.  We need to solve our problems, and we need to get rid of our unhappiness and quarrels.

bhagavAna to eka hai   para nAma usake aneka hai.n
aura rUpa guNa usake to aneka hI aneka hai.n

Translation:  God is one but His names are many, and He has many many His forms and qualities.

ye bAta kahI gItAne   na kahI kurAnane
na kahI bA{I}balane  na kahI kisI aurane

Translation:  This is said in Gita.  Kuran has not said it.  Bible has not said it.  No other religions has said it.

hi.ndu hi kahate hai.n    ki Ishhvara allA terA nAma
muslima to kahate hai.n allA allA eka hi nAma
aura IsA{I} kahate hai.n Ishu Ishu eka hi nAma

Translation:  Only Hindus say that isvara and allah are one.  Muslims, on the other hand, say that God is one and He is Allah only.  Christians also say, like Muslims, that only Jesus is God.

para ye maine dekhA hai   ki hindu hinduko yaha kahate hai.n
nA muslimako kahate hai.n   aura nA muslima vo sunate hai.n
nA krishchanako kahate hai.n  aura nA krishchana vo sunate hai.n

Translation:  But I have seen that only Hindus tell to Hindus that isvara and allah are one.  Hindus do not tell it to Muslims, and Muslims do not listen it.  They do not tell it to Christians and Christians do not listen it.

kabhI bhagavAna Ake bole   kabhI phiraste Ake bole
o mere baccho.n mere pAsa A{o}   ye rAstese mere pAsa A{o}
ye jo rAste.n unhone dikhAye use kahate hai.n sampradAye.n

Translation:  Sometimes God Himself came, and sometimes His authorized representatives came, and they said, "O my children! Come to Me.  Come to me following this process, this way."  The ways they showed are called sects.

davA{e}.n alaga hai.n   kyu.n ki daradI alaga hai.n
ye raste.n alaga hai.n   kyu.n ki rAhI alaga hai.n
raahI alaga hai.n kyu.n ki ma.nzile.n alaga hai.m
alaga kyu.n hai.n ki khyaale.n alaga hai.n

Translation:  The medicines are different because the patients are different.  Similarly, these ways are different because the walkers are different.  The ways are different because the destinations are different.  They are different because the understandings of different people are different.

ye bAta hindu samajhate hai.n   nA muslima nA krishchana
muslima to kahate hai.n ki IslAma eka hi rAstA hai

Translation:  Hindus understand this, but not Muslims and not Christians.  Muslims say that Islam is the only way (to God or Heaven.)  

aura krishchana bhI kahate hai.n   Ishu-rAstA hi rAstA hai
isake sivA jo kuchha hai   vo saitAnakI mAyA hai

Translation:  And Christians also say that Christian way is the only way, and anything else is just the work of Devil.

hindu muslima sAtha mile   aura AjhAdI pA{I}
hindu bole sAtha raho   muslimane bAta na mAnI

Translation:  Hindu and Muslims (of Bharat) fought to gether and became free from the British rule.  Then Hindus said let us live together happily, and the Muslims did not agree.

gA.ndhI a.ngrejase jIte   para muslimase hAre
gA.ndhIne ye galata kiyA mA bhAratako kaTavA{I}

Translation:  M. K. Gandhi won against the British, but he lost against the Muslims.  Gandhi did a great wrong that he agreed to divide Bharat nation.

gItAne to spashhTa kahA hai kaba laDanA aura kaise
guruhIna gA.ndhI samajha na pAyA kyA karanA aura kaise

Translation:  Gita has clearly said when to fight and how, but Gandhi, who had no guru, to guide him, could not figure correctly what to do and how.

ajhAdI pAyI hamane aura   eka dushmana pragaTa hu{A}
ye do rAste eka nahI.n ye ThIka tarahase spashhTa hu{A}

Translation:  We became independent, and an enemy manifested himself.  Thus, it became clear that these two ways (Hinduism and Islam) are not one.

muslimone vo kiyA jo kahA hai kurAname.n
hindu{o].nne vo na kiyA jo kahA hai shrIkR^ishhNane

Translation:  The Muslims did that what is said in Kuran, and the Hindus did not do that what is said in Gita by Sri Krishna Bhagavan.

aba hindu mata socho ki gItA kurAna eka hai
aura muslima ye socho ki tumhAre purvaja kauna the

Translation:  Therefore O Hindus, you do not think that Gita and Koran are same, and O Muslims, you think who were your ancestors.

vo hindu the A{o}   vApasa hindu banajA{o}
eka bhArata mAtAke phira pyAre bachche banajA{o}

Ttranslation:  They were Hindus, so you please become Hindu again, become the beloved children of Mother Bharat again.

eka dushmana chhipA hai ye himAlayake pichhe
bahuta hi vo khusha hai ki hama jhagaDa rahe hai.n

Translation:  An enemy is hidden  behind this Himalays.  When we fight, he becomes very happy.

calo sAtha milakara eka AvAjha karade.n
ye eka bhAlUke chhakke.n chhu.Daa de.n

Translation:  Let us unite and give a roar, scare away this bear.

chalo sAtha nAche.n chalo sAtha gAye.n
shrIkR^ishhNacharaNome.n shirako jhukAye.n

Translation:  Let us dance together, sing together, and bow down our heads before Bhagavan Sri Krishna.

       Note:  If you have Sanskrit98 Font installed then you will be able to see the above poem in Devanagari Font below.

@kta AaEr i-Úta

Kya @k hE Kya i-Ú hE  vae sTy hme smHna  hE
smSya@< hl krnI hE<   Ê>o vad hme< imqane hE<

-gvan tae @k hE   pr nam %ske Anek hE<
AaEr êp gu[ %ske tae Anek hI Anek hE<

ye bat khI gItane   n khI k…ranne
n khI ba$blne  n khI iksI AaErne

ih<Ê ih khte hE<    ik $:vr A‘a tera nam
muiSlm tae khte hE< A‘a A‘a @k ih nam
AaEr $sa$ khte hE< $zu $zu @k ih nam

pr ye mEne deoa hE   ik ihNÊ ihNÊkae yh khte hE<
na muiSlmkae khte hE<   AaEr na muiSlm vae sunte hE<
na i³ínkae khte hE<  AaEr na i³ín vae sunte hE<

k-I -gvan Aake baele   k-I i)rSte Aake baele
Aae mere b½ae< mere pas AaAae   ye raStese mere pas AaAae
ye jae raSte< %Nhaene idoaye %se khte hE< sMàdaye<

dva@< Alg hE<   Kyu< ik drdI Alg hE<
ye rSte< Alg hE<   Kyu< ik rahI Alg hE<

ye bat ihNÊ smHte hE<   na muiSlm na i³ín
muiSlm tae khte hE< ik $Slam @k ih raSta hE

AaEr i³ín -I khte hE<   $zu£raSta ih raSta hE
#ske isva jae k…D hE   vae sEtankI maya hE

ihNÊ muiSlm saw imle   AaEr AaHadI pa$
ihNÊ baele saw rhae   muiSlmne bat n manI

ga<xI A<¢ejse jIte   pr muiSlmse hare
ga<xIne ye glt ikya ma -artkae kqva$

gItane tae Spò kha hE kb lfna AaEr kEse
guéhIn ga<xI smH n paya Kya krna AaEr kEse

AHadI payI hmne AaEr   @k ÊZmn àgq ÷Aa
ye dae raSte @k nhI— ye QIk trhse Spò ÷Aa

muiSlmaene vae ikya jae kha hE k…ranme<
ihNÊAae<ne vae n ikya jae kha hE ïIk«:[ne

Ab ihNÊ mt saecae ik gIta k…ran @k hE
AaEr muiSlm ye saecae ik tuMhare puvRj kaEn we

vae ihNÊ we AaAae   vaps ihNÊ bnjaAae
@k -art matake i)r Pyare b½e bnjaAae

@k ÊZmn iDpa hE ye ihmalyke ipDe
b÷t ih vae ouz hE ik hm Hgf rhe hE<

clae saw imlkr @k AavaH krde<
ye @k -alUke DŠe< Dufa de<

clae saw nace< clae saw gaye<
ïIk«:[cr[aeme< izrkae Hukaye<

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