Name - amit patel Email - amitp_1000@yahoo.com Date -- Sunday, 2 December 2001, at 4:05 a.m. From - jijamata nagar,mumbai |
Name - Chetan Kothari Email - saintkothari@yahoo.com Date -- Sunday, 2 December 2001, at 4:02 a.m. From - Pune,India |
Respected Sir, I like this side i dont have words express my love toward god,i will all my friends,relatives where they are lord fullfill all there dreams,Once i thanks the person who create this site..... Chetan |
Name - Kamal Singh Email - skamal@yahoo.com Date -- Tuesday, 27 November 2001, at 3:23 p.m. From - Cambridge |
There were never any idols in the Golden templeeven before the 1900's. The Guru's never wanted the Sikhs to praise any other deity but only the one God. If you didn't realise that's why its called "Harmandar", were only the praises of the Lord are sung and no other form of worship is conducted. |
Name - Jazz Singh Email - jazzsingh@hotmail.com Date -- Tuesday, 27 November 2001, at 3:16 p.m. From - Toronto |
This site shows alot of inaccuracies coming from a historical standpoint and not a fundamentalist view. The 2nd and 3rd Guru were from the house of Trehans and Bhalla respectively."Bhallay Amardass Gun tera" (SGGS). Further, There are no rituals in Sikhi, only 3 ceremonies, Amrit, Anand and Mritik, of which are described upon baptism. Idols of gods and goddess were never accepted by the Gurus, "Man But Shikan"(10th Guru) I am the destroyer of idols. "mein na Ganesha pritham manao kishan bishan kub hoo na diayoo" I do not praise Ganesh before conducting preliminaries nor do I remember Krishna or Vishnu. This site is clearly a work of RSS |
Name - baba Email - hindutatva@yahoo.com Date -- Wednesday, 21 November 2001, at 9:16 p.m. From - http://pub32.ezboard.com/bhindutatva |
Sikhs are not Sanatanis (Hindus) and Hndus are not Sikhs. Fine. But the Gurus belong to the Sanatanis as much as they do to Sikhs. The bond between Hindus and Sikhs cannot be denied. This site is doing a great job. |
Name - kindarajkumar Email - kindarajkumar@yahoo.com.au Date -- Monday, 29 October 2001, at 11:21 p.m. From - Australia |
i am a hindu, i use to respect sikhs quite a lot, until i saw a website which showed how sikhs hated hindus, i use to think that sikhs and hindus were brothers, that website(www.sikh-info.com) was making fun of hindusim i want to know the truth are sikhs basically hindus or are they not i think we may have our differences but we both follow the same truth, and hindus cannot live without sikhs, nor can sikhs live without hindus... thanks and god bless |
Name - sathari Singh Email - nyzouave@prodigy.net Date -- Saturday, 6 October 2001, at 6:58 p.m. From - NYC |
In Hinduism each sampradaya strongly defends its darshan and condemns other sects. sikhism does just that. If one fails to follow the Gurus advice one is fallen. the universal vision of Bharat faith means that we see each others as jivan atmas not as bodies, sectarians etc.That which holds Indian religions together is that they believe in certain things , accept criticism without holy wars and agre to disagree. Hindu means Indian, anything from India can be hindu. we all beleive in self realization. Relize who you are and you will say like Guru Nanak ''there are no Hindus nor muslims and may I add chritians, muskims, jains buddhists and of course sikhs. It is the depth of your realisation that counts. |
Name - Bhathyraj vanniar Email - Vaishna@maxis.net Date -- Thursday, 27 September 2001, at 11:53 p.m. From - Ipoh, Malaysia. |
Name - HARBANS SINGH RAI Email - harbans1@aol.com Date -- Thursday, 27 September 2001, at 1:59 p.m. From - UK |
A very good web site and unifying factor, and I don't think there is any different between a Sikh and a Hindu. A true Sikh is not allowed to eat meat and drink toxicating drinks thus he is called a vasnu.not allowed to eat beef. |
Name - Kulwant Kaur Email - kulwantkaur@nstp.com.my Date -- Wednesday, 8 August 2001, at 7:29 p.m. From - Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia |
An interesting site! Need to put in more information on the different customs and practices of the Sikhs and Hindus. |
Name - Simi Kaur Email - Simik_24@hotmail.com Date -- Tuesday, 22 May 2001, at 5:34 p.m. From - New York |
To say Sikhs are Hindus is like saying Christians are Jews because |
Name - RajeshDate -- Thursday, 17 May 2001, at 11:06 a.m. From - USA |
Hinduism IS a monotheistic religion. Those who have read the Sri Bhagavad Gita know this. "Ekam sat" = "Truth is ONE" is found in the Rig Veda, the oldest Hindu scripture (and the oldest scripture in the world). |
Name - dhan singh Email - dsingh@worldnet.att.net Date -- Tuesday, 15 May 2001, at 6:24 a.m. From - usa |
your homepage should inform visitors the one major difference between the two religions. . .Sikhism is a mono- theistic religion, Hinduism is not. |
Name - KUMAR ALOK ABHISHEK Email - alok@hinduweb.org Date -- From - New Delhi, India |
I am regularly surfing the site. My suggestion is that the layout should be changed by using new graphics software like flash Thanx |
Name - Kogee Email - Guy_KL@hotmail.com Date -- From - Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia |
Very interesting and informative stuff about sikhism.I enjoyed my stay here.Keep Up The Good Work. Jai Hindi :) |
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