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the word "religion"

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Posted by Harjoat Singh Bhamra on May 29, 2001 at 10:47:58:

The very word religion is problematic. I don't think it means the same thing as Dharma.
I shall try and avoid using either word in what follows.

First, remember we are all reading and writing in English, a language which is not sufficiently developed to explain many of the concepts of Indian thought, just as some Indian languages lack indigenous words to describe many modern objects, such as 'spaceship' and mathematical ideas such as convexity etc.

I think all this talk over who is and is not a Hindu is misleading. A person should not be defined by labels such as Hindu, Muslim, Sikh, Jew, Punjabi, Indian, Israeli, English etc.
What is important is what a person does and what is in their heart and mind. Whether that person be from here or there is far less important.
This, I think is the essence of the message of the Sikh Gurus. It may also be the message of earlier faiths in India and other parts of the world. It is also a message that is
beginning to gain acceptance amongst young people in Germany, France, England and other nations. It does not really matter whether we label people who believe in this message as X, Y or Z.
What is important , is that this message is spread far and wide amongst all humans.

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