Username: Suresh Ramasamy | |
UserEmail: sureshdr@tm.net.my | |
LinkedFrom: A very indepth site on Ramayanam | |
Date: 29 Mar 2000 | |
Time: 04:50:33 |
A praiseworthy effort!
Username: Raghunatha | |
UserEmail: rka@worldonline.nl | |
LinkedFrom: | |
Date: 10/15/99 | |
Time: 4:14:12 PM |
Please help me. I am looking for a Ramayana on computer text.
Thank you raghunatha
Username: | |
UserEmail: | |
LinkedFrom: | |
Date: 9/15/99 | |
Time: 11:38:54 AM |
Username: Jeffrey O. Garcia | |
UserEmail: cyberjam@marsattack.com | |
LinkedFrom: through Yahoo! | |
Date: 7/19/99 | |
Time: 6:55:03 AM |
Thank you very much for you very informative page. Good thing i found this because this is our requirement in our literature subject. Good luck and more power!!! = )
Username: Nadia | |
UserEmail: | |
LinkedFrom: Search Engine | |
Date: 7/10/99 | |
Time: 11:09:35 PM |
Jai Shri Ram! Hello, I am a young Hindu child. After reading many stories of the Ramayana on the internet, and after watching Ramanand Sagar's version of the Ramayana on video cassette, I have noticed that in the part where Shurpanaka attacks Mother Sita, Laxman cut's her nose off. (The movie version.) But after reading many other versions on the internet, it states that Laxman cut off her ears and chest, as well as her nose. If anyone can tell me what really went down, I'd appreciate it.
Username: Babaji | |
UserEmail: narain@bellatlantic.com.net | |
LinkedFrom: | |
Date: 6/11/99 | |
Time: 4:13:24 PM |
Is there any bookon Ramayan on the Internet thatyou know of. If you do, please let me know its website address.
Thanking you,
Yours truly
Username: Ravi Khurana | |
UserEmail: ravikhurana@hotmail.com | |
LinkedFrom: msn search engin | |
Date: 4/21/99 | |
Time: 8:12:03 AM |
HI, Conguratulations for puting the first poem ever written on the WEB This great epic should also come with translations in Hindi and English for people who do not understand Sanskrit.
Jai Jai Ram Ravi
Username: Zoran | |
UserEmail: silveryapple@email | |
LinkedFrom: while surfing the internet | |
Date: 4/1/99 | |
Time: 7:27:19 AM |
It is a very nice web page. I always recall my Sankrit language studies with much pleasure. Although I grew up in the western civilisation, I felt a boundless spiritual complexity of the hinduistic culture while studing this stupenduous text.
Username: Duvvuri Satyanarayana | |
UserEmail: duvvuri_satyam@hotmail.com | |
LinkedFrom: searchengine | |
Date: 3/11/99 | |
Time: 6:49:16 PM |
I always have been and continue to advocate the cuase of Hindu customs and religion. Ramayana apart from being a religious book has an ocean of knowledge which is relevant for all days an time to come.
Username: SRINIDHI N.S | |
UserEmail: srinidhi@mailcity.com | |
LinkedFrom: I Have found this site from linkage thru www.svtemple.org | |
Date: 2/27/99 | |
Time: 2:14:44 AM |
This site is very very informative and i liked it very much.
Me and my heart fully satisfied very informatively.
Username: Tom Archibald | |
UserEmail: tom.archibald@acadiau.ca | |
LinkedFrom: Looking for a Sanskrit font (altavista) | |
Date: 2/26/99 | |
Time: 2:01:45 PM |
Magnificent. The ttf version of xdvng seems to work very well.
I'm a beginner and it is wonderful to have access to these texts.
Username: Shivi P. N. Singh | |
UserEmail: spnsingh@worldnet.att.net | |
LinkedFrom: Through some individuals. | |
Date: 1/31/99 | |
Time: 8:43:03 PM |
I would like to be able to use the sanskrit fornts for writing. How do you use it? Thanks a lot. Shivi
Username: Cynthia Rummel | |
UserEmail: cwrummel@aol.com | |
LinkedFrom: links | |
Date: 1/26/99 | |
Time: 7:14:04 PM |
My daughter is an art teacher and is interested in knowing why Rama is BLUE. I have been searching the internet for her and in doing so have found many beautiful sites while looking for the "Blue Prince."
Why is he blue??
Username: Ananda | |
UserEmail: anandaK@bigfoot.com | |
LinkedFrom: Prasad's Sanatana Dharma Web Pages | |
Date: 11/23/98 | |
Time: 7:02:55 PM |
You have a most wonderful site of a collection on all around Sri Rama and the Ramayana. I am missing still in the WEB the text or part of the Ramayana written by Sri Satya Sai Baba. This is the best Ramayana I ever got to read. Go on with your great work and thanks for setting up this site. Jay Sri Ram Ananda
Username: Han Solo | |
UserEmail: garrtail@hotmail.com | |
LinkedFrom: Hotbot Search Engine | |
Date: 11/7/98 | |
Time: 9:41:57 PM |
This is indeed a great site for all people interested in the Ramayana. I only recently read a translation of it, but I can tell that I shall return often to this site.
Username: Christopher Fynn | |
UserEmail: cfynn@dircon.co.uk | |
LinkedFrom: | |
Date: 10/16/98 | |
Time: 4:41:23 PM |
I like your site.
Something that may interest you: I have just put up a web page about using Sanskrit diacritics in HTML 4.0
If you are interested please visit http://www.users.dircon.co.uk/~cfynn/sanskrit.html
Best Regards
- Chris
Username: Nish Kohli | |
UserEmail: nishk1@netscape.net | |
LinkedFrom: Through B G Mahesh's "Discovery of India" page | |
Date: 10/12/98 | |
Time: 3:48:02 PM |
I would like some more instructions on insalling the xdvng fonts for the windows.
Username: Vigneswar Sahasranaman | |
UserEmail: ashlesha@selway,.umt.edu | |
LinkedFrom: Through Sri Venkateswara Temple's links page. | |
Date: 8/14/98 | |
Time: 1:12:10 PM |
Excellent. I've never known anyone who had taken the pains to transliterate the whole Ramayana of Shri Valmiki. However, a job well done. Hope there will be also the transliterations of the Ramacharitmanas of Shri Tulasidas as well as others, i.e. Nama Ramayana by Shri Lakshmanachar.
Username: Adolf Vishnu von Wurttemberg | |
UserEmail: avonbad@emory.edu | |
LinkedFrom: newsgroup | |
Date: 7/31/98 | |
Time: 5:01:56 PM |
A great service to many readers and admirers would be to take the Ramayana kanda-by-kanda and shloka-by-shloka, explaining each Sanskrit word and offering an English translation. W. Sargeant has done this with the Gita and it is indeed a gift to the West!
Username: Neeti | |
UserEmail: sreddy1111@AOL.com | |
LinkedFrom: surfing the net | |
Date: 7/23/98 | |
Time: 12:04:22 PM |
I've always loved Indian epics.My parents say even though I'm only eleven I can narrate the Ramayan or Mahabharat to anyone. I've read those books so many times that I've memorised the stories. Well see you later.
Username: Neeti | |
UserEmail: sreddy1111@AOL.com | |
LinkedFrom: surfing the net | |
Date: 7/23/98 | |
Time: 12:03:02 PM |
I've always loved Indian epics.My parents say even though I'm only eleven I can narrate the Ramayan or Mahabharat to anyone. In the Uttarakand when Sita is banished it moved me to tears. I feel like saying how hard hearted can Rama get. First he made Sita go through fire even though she was pure. Now he actually banishes her.
Username: Aikya Param | |
UserEmail: aikya@ix.netcom.com | |
LinkedFrom: An E-Mail Message from Nandu Abhyankar | |
Date: 6/28/98 | |
Time: 1:44:24 PM |
Visitting this site was a very nice Sunday morning blessing. Swami Chinmayananda's chanting of verses from Rig Veda thrilled me and I found myself happily chanting along! I visited the Sowmya's Bhagavad Gita page, listened to the daily verse, was amazed and grateful for the many resources about this beloved text that she has posted there.
The collection of resources about Ramayana is very satisfying. So much has been written, sung, danced, sculpted, painted, etc. from the inspiration of Valmiki Ramayana that I was surprised to find the various khandas of very manageable length. I had never had the opportunity to see the original in its entirety and plan to visit again to read it using my handy Itranslator. The pictures gave me a virtual pilgrimage to the Shiva Vishnu temple outside Washington, DC so now I know something else to go see besides the more usual tourist sites next time I am near our capital.
Thank you Shree! A very beautiful site!
Aikys Param Berkeley, CA, USA
Username: Sai Sambaraju | |
UserEmail: sai-sambaraju@rocketmail.com | |
LinkedFrom: | |
Date: 6/24/98 | |
Time: 4:19:12 PM |
Excellent, Excellent..
Username: Kannan Sundararajan | |
UserEmail: pyq@hotmail | |
LinkedFrom: from www.svtemple.org | |
Date: 5/23/98 | |
Time: 12:18:53 PM |
Hi guys, Excellent. I am proud of you guys.
Regards, Kannan.
LinkedFrom: Sanskrit Digest (newsgroup) | |
Username: Vishnu von Wurttemberg | |
UserEmail: gott_los@msn.com | |
WebSite: | |
Date: 5/8/98 | |
Time: 2:18:14 PM |
Very useful and a great service!
LinkedFrom: from the Sanskrit digest | |
Username: Charles Poncet | |
UserEmail: cponcet@iprolink.ch | |
WebSite: | |
Date: 5/8/98 | |
Time: 1:25:30 PM |
Wonderful !!! For beginners in Sanskrit like me, AT LAST a site where downloading and copying is easy. Congratulations for a superb job. Do you take donations ? Charles Poncet Geneva Switzerland
LinkedFrom: through ramayana | |
Username: shelly | |
UserEmail: lys40@hotmail.com | |
WebSite: | |
Date: 5/7/98 | |
Time: 5:59:01 PM |
LinkedFrom: While surfing on the Sanskrit Documents Site. | |
Username: A Satsanghi | |
UserEmail: | |
WebSite: | |
Date: 5/7/98 | |
Time: 9:40:58 AM |
Sri Rama's Grace has now blessed the Cyber-Satsangh! Everyone involved in this project deserves the Satsnghis' gratitude and kudos. Two individuals who are too shy and modest to admit their Bhagiratha (='Herculean') efforts to make this possible, are Shree Devi Kumar and Nandu Abhyankar. Our sincerest best wishes for their continued success.
Username: SUMATI | |
UserEmail: element@VIPBLR.XEEBLR.xeemail.ems.vsnl.net.in | |
WebSite: | |
Date: 5/1/98 | |
Time: 12:33:34 PM |
Username: M. PremAnand Rao | |
UserEmail: mparao@mtu.edu | |
Date: 4/14/98 | |
Time: 11:49:16 AM |
I am impressed by this web site. I esp. like your collection of stotras, I was wondering if you could also include the significance/interpretations of the stotras?
Username: Gopaul & Geetha Lakshmanan | |
UserEmail: vishnusri@worldnet.att.net | |
Date: 4/11/98 | |
Time: 5:53:22 PM |
By Lord Rama's Grace, I happened to visit this site and I am thrilled to view Sri Ramayana in cyberspace proving to everybody HE IS EVERYWHERE AND HIS STORY PERVADES ALL SPACES. The web pages have been designed well. Thanks to those who worked hard to make this possible.
Username: Shree Prakashchandra Jashbhai Patel | |
UserEmail: jckrsn@dhc.net | |
Date: 4/11/98 | |
Time: 9:10:56 AM |
What a brilliant page! God gave us life, intellect & efficiency - but most of that goes down the drain in "Eat, Drink & Be Merry". Hardly do we come accross some noble work like Ramayan. And hardly do we come accross a web site to bring it to the webfolks. Thanks a lot for such a mammoth effort. God's blessings are always with those who try to serve the mankind. Shree Raam!
Username: Narayan Dravid | |
UserEmail: ndravid@lerc.nasa.gov | |
Date: 4/10/98 | |
Time: 3:58:47 PM |
Enjoyed sampling thru this page. Will do as often as I can. One observation regarding the map of modern Indian States:I don't know where you got that map but you show part of J&K under Pakistani occupation as part of that country.
Username: A. Natarajan | |
UserEmail: anatarajan@lucent.com | |
Date: 4/9/98 | |
Time: 8:31:12 PM |
As one who was introduced to Srimad Valmiki Ramayanam at an young age of 11 by my late father, I am thrilled to see it shining in the WWW! Of all the cantos, Srimad Ayodhya Kandam is the most poetically beautiful! It is difficult to read this canto without shedding tears! The sage poet uses his power of narration and fluency of poetry so deftly that one is tempted to read the canto again and again and again!
This website is so tastefully created that it is like visiting pampa saras! A. Natarajan, 22 Kenneth Drive, Ocean, NJ 07712
MessageType: Suggestion | |
Subject: Web Site Content | |
Username: Muneo Tokunaga | |
UserEmail: g53772@sakura.kudpc.kyoto-u.ac.jp | |
Date: 4/3/98 | |
Time: 9:20:19 PM | |
Comments: |
Dear Shree@usa.net
I heard about this home-page of the RAmAyaNa from Prof. Michio Yano of Kyoto Sangyo
University. The pages are beautifully styled.and my contribution to the files is stated in
THANKS. So far there is no problem.
But I ask you to make it clear with the following statement in the beginning of your
THANKS: These pages were not possible without Prof. Tokunaga's monumental effort in
encoding the whole RAmAyaNa of the Baroda Critical Edition. (thus, don't forget to mention
the acknowlegement to contribution of the Baroda Oriental Institute, too)
Sincerely YOurs,
Muneo Tokunaga
Kyoto University
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