Re: Response to conversion to hinduism
Subject: Re: Response to conversion to hinduism
From: pateld@cs.man.ac.uk (delash)
Date: 9 Oct 1995 18:32:14 GMT
Approved: srh <srh@rbhatnagar>
Article: 377 of soc.religion.hindu
Newsgroups: soc.religion.hindu
Organization: Dept of Computer Science, University of Manchester, U.K.
References: <435999$mch@babbage.ece.uc.edu> <43eqeb$iin@babbage.ece.uc.edu> <43o0qt$hd5@babbage.ece.uc.edu> <44cd9h$sba@babbage.ece.uc.edu> <44qkkf$fel@babbage.ece.uc.edu>
In article <44qkkf$fel@babbage.ece.uc.edu>, Suyog.Mahadeo.Bhobe@att.com writes:
|> In article <44cd9h$sba@babbage.ece.uc.edu>,
|> mohammed azharuddin <MA4003A@american.edu> wrote:
|> >
|> >Mr. Suyog I agree with all of your opinions, but one.
|>|>U said that most of the conversions were done at the tip of the sword is not
|>|> Many Hindus, who eventually became Muslims or Christians, believed that
|>|>is not the religion they want to p|> ractice. Moreover, they were impressed
|>|> the monotheisitc belief rather than polytheistic. Hence were compelled to
||>by thier own will. I do agree that a few were forced to convert, but the
majority chose to convert.
|> Sorry Mohammed, but I must disagree with you. First of all, Hinduism
|> *is* a monotheistic religion. If that comes as a surprise to you,
|> then I would invite you to study Hinduism.
|> The atrocities committed by the Muslim invaders and Moguls are very
|> well documented - often by the historians who accompanied the
|> invaders. During the Mogul rule, Hindus had a very strong
|> incentive to convert. They were subject to extra taxation, they
|> were discriminated against, they were excluded from running
|> their own country, their temples, art, libraries and Universities were
|> destroyed, it was difficult to practice Hinduism outside ones home,
|> and in general life was made very miserable
|> for Hindus. These things are very well documented in history
|> books.
The most important thing that has failed to me noted is that the Mugals
went on a rampage. Pilaging and Raping were bad enough, but when it seemed
that no one could stop them as they destroyed temples from the inside and
the exterior to mosques by defacing the beauty, then the people seemed to give
If they could not prevent such atrocities now, surely there seemed no hope, and
to prevent the demise of their families, they accepted the demands of
It still enrages me today, that most Hindu Rajas claim to be great and Mighty,
their families failed to abbate the destruction of the Mugals...
Only the South Indians and their glorious leader Shankarcharya(??) can claim
they held their own...and of course the Sikhs, who still today, defend Bharat
and its
history with more determinism that most Hindus
|> At one time, the Hindu/Buddhist culture had spread all the way
|> from Iran, Afghanistan and Central Asia to Indonesia and Cambodia.
|> Today, no trace of that culture is left in Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan
|> and Central Asia.
|> The Khyber Pass, through which invaders came to India, goes through
|> the "Hindu Kush" mountains - "Hindu Kush" means the place where
|> Hindus were butchered.
|> I am a Goan Hindu, and I am very much aware of the atrocities
|> and forced conversions committed by barbaric Portuguese missionaries
|> during 16th - 19th centuries.
|> None of the above statements imply that Indian Muslims are to be
|> blamed. Indian Mulims are descendents of Hindu converts, and not
|> descendents of Moguls or Muslims invaders. And one certainly cannot
|> blame people for any wrongs that their ancestors may have committed.
|> However, we must have the courage and integrity to tell things as they
|> happened.
Well said. It's time that the Pakistanis and Bangladeshis understood where they
really came from and who they really were. And especially how they became what
They have no real Honest Foundation to their Hatred of Indians except for the
fact that
it is unfounded plain hatred. Maybe Islam doesnt beleive in love thy neighbour
or even love
thy ancient brother/sister?
Anyways, I hope that the worldwide situation improves, and that the Kali Yuga
passes without
much more abrasion, as the world and its people are suffering enough...
delash "http://www.cs.man.ac.uk/~pateld/index.html"
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