
Re: *SIVA*

On 12 Oct 1995, Andrew Purdam wrote:

> On 3 Oct 1995 06:18:48 GMT, swett@interramp.com (Charles Swett) wrote
> (and very neatly, too):
> >>One basic philosophical text is the "Shiva Sutras".
> >Another beautiful text is the Shiva Mahimna Stotram.  Also see more
> >contemporary works by Baba Muktananda.
> This is often called the Siva mahimnah stavah, as well.
> The Siva Purana is also a good text, though huge.
> If you want Siva in the form of Rudra, then try the Krishna Yajur
> Veda.
> Devotional poems to Siva (the Shiva Mahimnah Stotra is one of course)
> are by Shankaracarya, Akkhamahadevi, "Speaking of Shiva" translated by
> A.K.Ramanujan.

May I suggest: 
The BhAvopahAra of CakrapANinAtha: A Sanskrit Hymn to Siva 
(11th-12th century A.D.), transl. by Enrica Garzilli
Supplemento n. 74 agli Annali-vol.53 (1993), fasc.1
Naples, Istituto Universitario Orientale, 1993

It is a wonderful text, and I tried to translate and explain the hymns and 
the cult of 
Siva in the light of the Kashmir Shivaims schools (the author was a poet 
belonging to that system originated from Vasugupta's 
Sivasutra and Kallata's Spandakarika)
I think it is available in all the main Libraries in the world, 
just like my previous "Lo SpandasaMdoha di Ksemaraja" is (same Series, 
Naples 1989).

Dott. Enrica Garzilli
Editor, International Journal of Tantric Studies 
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