Re: Hare Krishna
aq974@lafn.org (Bon Giovanni) wrote:
>Too, while there are many fine and wonderful persons within ISKCON, there
>are some who are meanhearted bigots.
Fascinating. An unsubstantiated personal attack. That in itself is
interesting, since such personal attacks are supposed to be filtered out by
our diligent moderator, who has rejected articles of mine for less. But I
I note that the esteemed Bon Giovanni frequently utilizes a strawman for
his tirades. I wonder then, who are these "meanhearted bigots" within
ISKCON of whom Bon speaks? In the interests of improving Iskcon, an
organization I believe in and hope to join full time some day, I would like
Bon to point out these "meanhearted bigots" so that I may correct them.
Furthermore, I want Bon to prove to me that they are indeed "meanhearted
bigots" by showing me the statments which they have made which are
allegedly bigoted remarks.
I know that the humble and pious Bon Giovanni would never call someone a
bigot without proof that can be readily displayed in the forum of the
internet. I have often wondered at how the envious class of men, who have
no logical or reasonable recourse, utilize the bigotry accusation as a
means of silencing their opponents. The fact that such an accusation must
be used whenever a difference of opinion manifests simply shows the
inherent instability of the accuser's views.
Furthermore, I remember a very wise remark posted on soc.culture.indian
which went as follows (paraphrase) "Everything is within God And so any
insult ultimately goes back to Him." I'm sure the self-righteous campaigner
for religious all-acceptance Bon Giovanni will recognize the purport of
this statement, which he himself made. If everything is God, then any
insult to a person is an insult to God. Therefore, Bon Giovanni has
delineated that God is a bigot by alluding to some persons within Iskcon
who supposedly deserve to be labeled as such. This is a very serious charge
indeed, and one should not take it lightly. Since the accusation of bigotry
has been posted on soc.religion.hindu, I deem it most appropriate for the
accuser to utilize the same forum to substantiate this charge in a timely
and sensible manner.
And if Bon is (God forbid) unable to substantiate this charge to the
satisfaction of the Iskcon members reading this group, I humbly suggest the
1) that the moderator of this group, Ajay Shah, has specified in his
charter that no personal attacks will be allowed on this newsgroup. It
seems to me that an attack is simply an unsubstantiated criticism. So, to
give Sri Bon Giovanni the benefit of the doubt, I am giving him the chance
to provide the proof for his scathing words.
2) That Bon Giovanni refrain from making unsubstantiated accusations of
bigotry, especially as he purports to be a representative of Sri Sathya Sai
Baba, knowing full well that the innocent readers of soc.religion.hindu
will see his foul behavior as representative of the person of Sai Baba and
his devotees. Bon should learn to handle disagreements in a manner that
does not involve comparing the other party to known racist groups of the
world. In the heat of anger, such a tactic may seem very pleasing to the
accuser's ego, but in the end it is ultimately self-defeating, as it will
turn away the more intelligent and sensible class of devotees, both from
his postings and from the spiritual leader he claims to represent.
humbly submitted,
-- a fellow soul in a body, struggling to become God's devotee
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