
Near Death Experience Study

[Note: I have cross-posted this to a range of news groups to try and 
 get as much feedback as possible.]


During the past year I have read numerous books on the subject of Near
Death Experiences (NDEs). I have read authors like Moody, Morse, Ring,
Sutherland, Eadie, Rawlings, etc.

I am now interested in carrying out my own study of Near Death
Experiences. I would like to hear from anyone who has had a Near Death
Experience. I want only genuine accounts please. My basic interest in 
topic is just to confirm/deny/expand upon what I've read in these 
books. I have not had such an experience myself. The closest case I
have had access to is the account of a grandmother of a friend who
"died" and saw a beautiful green field but was stopped by a fence from
entering it.

If I receive sufficient replies I will attempt to summarise the results 
of this study, and make the summary available via email and through my 
home page. I will close the initial phase of this study on November 30,
1995, but I am happy to continue to receive responses beyond this date.

All names and email addresses will be held confidentially and will NOT
be included in the summary.

Please feel free to pass this study along to family members, friends,
and others.

                       NEAR DEATH EXPERIENCE STUDY

**  [Note: Please read all questions carefully before answering.] **

 1. What date did your NDE occur?

 2. How old were you at the time?

 3. What were the events leading up to your NDE?

 4. Please describe your NDE in as much detail as possible.

 5. Were there any significant (related) events following your NDE?

 6. What were your religious beliefs before your NDE?

    I would like to know your
       * religous affiliation if any
       * views on God
       * (if Christian) views on Jesus Christ
       * (if not Christian) views on the Deity(s)/Prophet(s) of your
         religious affiliation
       * views on heaven, hell, the soul, afterlife, angels,
       * your zeal or strength of committment for your religious
       * anything else you feel is significant

 7. What are your religious beliefs now?

    I would like to know your
       * religous affiliation if any
       * views on God
       * (if Christian) views on Jesus Christ
       * (if not Christian) views on the Deity(s)/Prophet(s) of your
         religious affiliation
       * views on heaven, hell, the soul, afterlife, angels,
       * your zeal or strength of committment for your religious
       * anything else you feel is significant

 8. Did your religious beliefs change in any way because of your
    NDE? If so, please explain how you believe your NDE contributed
    to this change.

 9. In summary, would you describe yourself as:
       * more religious
       * less religious
       * more interested in spiritual matters
       * less interested in spiritual matters
       * no change in either

10. Have you had any experiences since your NDE which you would
    describe as spiritual, psychic, or supernatural? If so, 
    please give details.

11. Normally NDEs occur when a person is facing death. Do you
    believe it is significant that you did not die? Please explain.

12. How do your view death?

13. Do you believe that there is a purpose for your life? Please

14. Do you believe that there is a purpose for human existence?
    Please explain.

15. Did having an NDE impact on your life in any other way that you
    would like to explain?

16. Please add any other comments or thoughts you wish.

17. Where do your live? (Country and state/province ONLY please.)

18. May I contact you (via email) for additional information?

19. Would you like to receive an email summary of the results of
    this study?

Thank you.

Please return to:

Please include:
   Near Death Experience Study 
or similar in the "Subject:" line so that can I sort out my email.

Moderator: Ajay Shah Submissions: srh@rbhatnagar.csm.uc.edu
Administrivia: srh-request@rbhatnagar.csm.uc.edu 
Archives: http://rbhatnagar.csm.uc.edu:8080/soc_hindu_home.html

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