Subject: ATMAN is FOOLED?
From: jcrozier@uoguelph.ca (Joshua D Crozier)
Date: 29 Nov 1995 23:05:01 GMT
Approved: srh <srh@rbhatnagar>
Article: 595 of soc.religion.hindu
Newsgroups: soc.religion.hindu
Organization: University of Guelph
Hello again.
Nearing the end of my Indian Religion course, I have a further question of
you all... Since I have been taught that it is the Atman which is the
'mind' within us, and does all our thinking - how is it that we aer mistaken
as to the nature of the world? The Atman should not be able to be mistaken,
I have been told that it is the nature of the world to decieve as to its
nature, but the Atman should see through this. I thought this may be
explained by a brain/atman duality, but my prof says that is not the case.
So, then, I put the question forward... How is it that we are deceived as
to the nature of this world?
Thanks again.
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