
Re: exact meaning of Maya?

Berelowitz, J, Jonathan, Mr (jbolo@ich.uct.ac.za) wrote:
: Hello All!
: My name is Maya, and I know it means more than just illusion, so what is the 
: exact meaning?
: Blessed Be
: Maya
: -- 
The term maayaa has 'maya' at it s root. The root implies a sense of is-ness.
For wahtetver is there for our senses, it is maayaa. It is said that all that
we percieve is impermanent and hence an illusion. So, maayaa (whatever is out
there, which we see, hear, feel, etc.) is all maayaa. And whatever is permanent
transcends maayaa. You can call the transcendent by different names.  

Nachiketa Tiwari

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