
Re: A question for hindus

In article <49ip0o$6fg@babbage.ece.uc.edu>, ROY HOUSE <royhouse@aol.com> wrote:
>Who is a hindu?

Anyone who is on a journey to seek the truth, both within him,  as well  as
outside him is a Hindu. 

Hinduism is a principle of life, which allows an individual to seek answers
from whichever path he or she is  comfortable with. It does not require any
belief is any particula r system alone,  and any system that a person feels
comfortable with, he or she is free to follow.

A Hindu is someone who follws the above path.


vivek@abyss.ecst.csuchico.edu (Vivek R. Prabhu)-Graduate Research Assistant, 
Systems Engineering Laboratory-School Of Engg., Computer Science & Technology,
Dept. Of Computer Science-California State University, Chico, California.
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