
Ministry Discussion List [interfaith]


    NEW SUBSCRIBERS: Please save this message for future reference.

        MINISTRY is a discussion group for ministers and those
        interested in ministry.

        This can include ordained ministers of any faith (Christian,
        Unitarian Universalist, Rabbis in the Jewish faith, Hindu
        priests), lay ministers, deacons, those attending seminary, 
        and especially those interested in pursuing a life in the 
        ministry, but who need ministerial help in following their 

        It focuses on the daily concerns of parish ministers,
        although concerns of community ministers (Youth Ministry,
        Prison Ministry, for example) and those in Religious
        Education are also welcome to participate.

        Important topics for discussion include:

        * Working with people on a one-to-one basis
        * How to work with groups, either during service or out
        * Community involvement
        * Other forms of outreach including
                * creating and maintaining youth groups
                * attracting new members through advertising word of mouth
                * working with other denominations and religions
                * helping members recognize their calling in life
                * helping those with a call to ministry in the right path
        * Working effectively with committees
        * How to keep the faith and maintain professional integrity

        Topics to be avoided on MINISTRY are:

        * Heated theological debates
        * Negative comparisons between different denominations or religions
        * Other topics that can effectively be discussed elsewhere online

        The preferred style of communication on MINISTRY is
        conversational rather than academic.


        To subscribe, send e-mail to: LISTSERV@LS.CSBSJU.EDU with the

        SUBSCRIBE MINISTRY title(optional) firstname lastname

        You will receive an introductory message.

      | The listowner requests that all new subscribers send an       |
      | small autobiography to the list members, introducing yourself,|
      | your background, your current position (if any), and your     |
      | hopes, plans and dreams for the future.                       |


        Address all messages to the list to:  MINISTRY@LS.CSBSJU.EDU
        Address all subscription requests to: LISTSERV@LS.CSBSJU.EDU

        There are two ways to receive the list: regular and
        daily digest.  The regular format is that you receive
        each message as it comes in.  This promotes conversation
        and interaction, but it can be rough during busy periods.
        This is the default, automatic upon subscription.

        The daily digest format means that you receive one message
        per day containing the entire day's worth of postings to
        MINISTRY.  Benefits: one message per day instead of many
        which is helpful during times where you are busy.  It is
        also good for casual participants.  Drawbacks: it is more
        difficult to enter into the conversations.

        To receive the daily digest format, send e-mail to:
        LISTSERV@LS.CSBSJU.EDU with the message:
                SET MINISTRY DIGEST

        To return to the regular format, send e-mail to:
        LISTSERV@LS.CSBSJU.EDU with the message:
                SET MINISTRY MAIL

        During extended vacations, you may wish to suspend the
        receipt of e-mail.  You can do this without unsubscribing
        completely from the list.  To do this, send e-mail to:
        LISTSERV@LS.CSBSJU.EDU with the message:
                SET MINISTRY NOMAIL

        If you decide that MINISTRY isn't right for you, and wish
        to leave the list, send e-mail to:
        LISTSERV@LS.CSBSJU.EDU with the message:
                UNSUB MINISTRY

        The listowner would also appreciate parting thoughts
        about MINISTRY, what needs it served, what needs it
        didn't sufficiently serve, and suggestions for

        Any questions, comments, or problems with MINISTRY should 
        be sent to: kudut@ritz.mordor.com (Kenneth Udut)

              LISTOWNER: kudut@ritz.mordor.com (Kenneth Udut)
LISTSERV ADMINISTRATION: jmuggli@tiny.computing.csbsju.edu (John Muggli)
  HOME OF LS.CSBSJU.EDU: College of St. Benedict/
                         St. John's University in Minnesota

Moderator: Ajay Shah Submissions: srh@rbhatnagar.csm.uc.edu
Administrivia: srh-request@rbhatnagar.csm.uc.edu 
Archives: http://rbhatnagar.csm.uc.edu:8080/soc_hindu_home.html

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