
Let get togather on IRC

To ALL...
Why dont we get to gather on IRC and have live chat every weekend?

Thru EFnet on channel #hindu.

Hope to see you all there.From rbalasub@ecn.purdue.edu Sun Dec 17 16:01:31 1995
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From: Ramakrishnan Balasubramanian <rbalasub@ecn.purdue.edu>
Subject: Re: SRH reorganization
To: srh@rbhatnagar.csm.uc.edu (srh)
Date: Sun, 17 Dec 1995 16:15:02 -0500 (EST)
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editor@rbhatnagar.csm.uc.edu (Ajay Shah) wrote

>Recently, a request for reorganization of Soc.Religion.Hindu has been floated.
>This does not have my endorsement (for whatever my opinion is worth!).
>In any case, I would like to explain where I stand on this issue, and
>why I think that this RFD is unfair and should be voted down if this proposal
>comes up for vote.
>To which we were told, among many other things, that not all Vaishnavas
>are Hindus!
>Finally, this newsgroup was voted upon and it won the vote.  While I 
>congratulated the proponents of this newsgroup, I also expressed
>desire that with the voting over, the Hindus on the net should unite and
>work towards better understanding of Hindu dharma on the net.
>As a retribution towards my stand on this issue, the proponents of SRV
>have now sought to re-create the Soc.Religion.Hindu.
>It is interesting to see that those who very vocally suggested why
>the word Hindu should not be included in Soc.Religion.Vaishnava newsgroup
>are now seeking to control the "Hindu" newsgroup.
>The RFD in its present form definitely seems politically motivated, rahter
>than being motivated by good intentions.

Certainly, if Vaishnavism is some thing apart from Hinduism, why are these
people interested in controlling the news-group? Is it because sections of srh
(like me) are against the semi-truths and selective-interpretations offered by
the Vaishnavites (of this news-group)? If these people start controlling the
news-group, I strongly suspect that some of my posts accepted by the
present moderator (Ajay Shah) wouldn't be accepted for the sole reason that I
am against the interpretations of these folks. One begins to suspect that these
people are trying to dismantle the news-group so that no opinions contrary to
their own are heard on the net. Some people call this the Ostrich syndrome.

One also wonders how Vaishnavism is not a part of Hinduism. Since I am ignorant
of the reasons for this profound (!!) idea, maybe the readers of srh can
enlighten me. Now for a multiple choice question. Though, the Vaishnavites use 
only the Hindu scriptures (like the Vedas, Puranas etc) how is Vaishnavism not
a part of Hinduism? This is because

a) The Bible says Lord Narayana is supreme b) The Koran says so c) The Bahaists
support them d) The Buddha says so e) Barney the dinosaur says so f) They stea-
dfastly refuse to accept any verse contrary to their preconceived notions, in 
the Vedas or the puranas.

Shri Bhatnagar had it 100.1% correct when he called this proposal childish

>I hope that the readers of Soc.Religion.Hindu and those who are interested
>in the promotion of Hindu dharma through the net, will see through this.
>In the following post, I will give a point-by-point explanation for my
>opposition to RFD for Soc.Religion.Hindu reorganization

Hopefully this awfully silly, politically motivated proposal will not go

Moderator: Ajay Shah Submissions: srh@rbhatnagar.csm.uc.edu
Administrivia: srh-request@rbhatnagar.csm.uc.edu 
Archives: http://rbhatnagar.csm.uc.edu:8080/soc_hindu_home.html

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