

In the article <4b211d$7g7@babbage.ece.uc.edu>,
of 17 Dec 1995 21:11:09 UTC,
stork@rio.com wrote:
> I am interested in learning Sanskrit.  Can anyone offer any
> resources?  Much appreciated...
> stork@rio.com 

Perhaps you will find the American Sanskrit Institute suitable:

American Sanskrit Institute

"For right understanding of word and meaning, I honor the parents
of the universe, Parvati and Shiva, like word and meaning united."
                                                - Kaalidaas

Approached through the beauty and energy of spoken sound, Sanskrit
is accessible to all.  Knowledge of Sanskrit opens the doors to
universal wisdom, encoded in the original words of rishis -- Vedas,
Upanishads, Ramayana, Mahabharata, the Gita, Sutras, and the direct
teachings of Yoga and Ayurveda.  The study of Sanskrit is a yoga, a
spiritual practice, inspiring devotion while requiring total

The American Sanskrit Institute is directed by Vyaas Houston, M.A.
After teaching Sanskrit and Yoga for more than fifteen years, he
discovered in 1987 a powerful method for teaching Sanskrit based on
the yoga model of PATANJALI'S YOGA SUTRAS.  Through his work,
Sanskrit has become widely accessible in the West.  He studied
Sanskrit for twelve years with Shri Brahmananda Sarasvati and also
got his M.A. in Sanskrit at Columbia University.

ASI Staff Instructors

Dharma Widmann - an engineer, former Silicon Valley executive, and
yoga teacher for 20 years, has personally trained and studied with
Vyaas Houston for the last six years.

Kent Lew - has studies and co-taught Sanskrit with Vyaas Houston at
Kripalu Center since 1990.  He is a graphic designer and former
production manager of Kripalu.

Nicolai Bacman - formerly a computer programmer, has studied
Sanskrit with Vyaas Houston and Dr. Vagish Shastri, in Benares,
India, as well as Ayurvedic medicine with Dr. Vasant Lad.

Janaki Pierson - the co-founder and director of the Woodbury Yoga
Center in Connecticut has studied Sanskrit with Vyaas Houston since
1989.  She has led Yoga and meditation seminars for fifteen years.

For more information, please contact:

American Sanskrit Institute
73 Four Corners Road
Warwick, NY 10990
Telephone: (914) 986-8652; Fax: (914) 987-7097

Replies to this message will be forwarded to Shri Vyaas Houston.

 Jai Maharaj <jai@mantra.com>           Jyotishi, Vedic Astrologer
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