Re: Where the SRH Reorg Discussion Isn't (was: Re: Administrivia: Where TheReorganization Discussion Should Be)
Namaskar !
On Tue, 19 Dec 1995, Vivek Sadananda Pai wrote:
> In the following note, which Ajay Shah posted to soc.religion.hindu
> today, he seems to indicate that he is willing to allow the discussion
> about the SRH reorganization proposal to take place on SRH. However,
> Ajay has rejected 5 of my postings to SRH concerning the
> reorganization, and he instead diverted them to news.groups, where
> they were already posted by me.
Please note that *NOT A SINGLE POSTING* by any proponent of the newsgroup
soc.religion.hindu has been rejected. They were all posted last night at
around 10:30 pm PST. from the SRH editor account. A copy of all the
posted messages is currently available on record at
Again, not a single posting that I received from Vivekji, Vijayji or
Shrisha Raoji yesterday has been rejected.
Currently, the newsserver that feeds to rbhatnagar.csm.uc.edu is down, so
I cannot add these posts to the regular archives, but that too will be
done as soon as I can access the news server.
Please also note that *every* rejected post receives a response with
reason for rejection,. Since Vivek ji did not receive this rejection
note, he should have assumed acceptance.
I hope that the re-org issue can be discussed in an environment of trust
and honesty and not emotional outbursts
ajay shah
moderator, soc.religion.hindu
PS: we posted 23 articles yesterday.
> I cannot assume that this act was a simple mistake, since other
> postings made it to SRH. I am, however, willing to assume that this
> was only a temporary lapse of judgement and if Ajay corrects his error
> promptly, I will let the matter drop. The posts in question are being