
Re: Hidu diet: Cows milk or Mothers Milk ?

Ray R. Ward (wardrr@news01.aud.alcatel.com) wrote:
: s_nair@spdmail.spd.dsccc.com (Sureshbabu Nair) wrote:
: >Just because the cows milk is digestable we give it to children. 
: >This is morally not correct, 
: [snip]
: >we are cheating,depriving a calf the milk due to it from its mother. 
: >We have no right to do that.

: You have obviously never worked on a dairy farm or had much contact
: with dairy stock.  If you did, you would realize how silly this idea
: is:  cheating a calf out of milk.

: Talk to some people who know, or visit a dairy farm and ask questions
: before you reply to this posting.  This might get you started:

: How much milk does the average cow produce per milking?
: How frequently is the cow milked?
: How much milk does an average calf drink per day?
: How old is the calf when it is weaned?
: What happens to the cow if you don't milk her?

: Best wishes,


Unfortunately, Suresh's comments have a lot of basis. With the increasing
demand of milk, and also the falling resources, a lot of times, the milk,
which is there for calf, is taken away for human consumption. I do not
know about America, but in my country (India), this is happening. Despite
all the tradition of respect to cow and her calf.

There is a tradition in India, that only when the calf is full, that you
can actually milk the cow. In fact, in the olden times, it was considered
a sin to take the milk away from the cow as long as the calf is suckling.

But, lack of resources are driving humans to do just the opposite. It was
this practice, that left Gandhiji in disgust, and he gave up drinking milk.
In his view, any food procured out of violent means, had to be given up.
A very high moral standard indeed. I do not follow it, but I have all the
admiration for it. 

Nachiketa Tiwari

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