
Re: soc.religion.hindu -- a compromise plan


In the article <MANI.95Dec22084756@srirangam.esd.sgi.com>,
of 22 Dec 1995 16:47:56 UTC,
mani@srirangam.esd.sgi.com (Mani Varadarajan) wrote:
> [... Ancient third-party-selling strategy deleted ...]
> I propose the following compromise plan:
> 1. Create talk.religion.hinduism, an unrestricted forum in which
> to discuss Hinduism.

I do not feel restricted by the existing newsgroup
soc.religion.hindu -- so I reject this point as a compromise.

> 2. Have the four proposed moderators join Ajay in moderating the
> new soc.religion.hindu*. This would alleviate all problems in
> delay or machines being down.

The light traffic on SRH does not warrant multiple moderators. I am
very grateful for, and happy with, the job Ajay Shah ji has done
and look forward to more of it.  Machines are up and down
everywhere all across the Net, so this is not unique to SRH.  Sorry,
no compromise seen.

> 3. Amend SRH's charter to disallow purely political articles,
> hortatory calls, and inflammatory posts. The final arbiters, of
> course, shall be the five moderators.

I have not seen any political or inflammatory articles in SRH
*until* this RFD showed up.  Withdraw the RFD and they too will
disappear.  That is the compromise I highly recommend.

I have seen ample evidence of the present RFD being nothing but an
act of revenge against the SRH moderator because he did not sing
Shrisha Rao's tune during the RFD for soc.religion.vaishnava There
is a lesson to learn for all of us here -- terrorism will not be
rewarded.  Today, Shrisha Rao is sending E-Mail bombs, what will he
do tomorrow!  (Rao's mail-bomb headers have been posted to many
 Jai Maharaj <jai@mantra.com>                  *-=Om Shanti=-*

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